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Workbook Deuter 2011

May 13, 2015



Versão 2011 do Workbook Deuter!

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  • 1.DEUTER Get the facts WORKBOOKGet the FACtsWORKBOOKwww.deuter.comDeuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstrae 1 86368 Gersthofen Germany Tel. +49(0)8 21/49 87 327 Fax: +49(0)8 21/49 87 339Photos: Chris Mller;

2. PatitucciPhoto Copyright Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG / 2011 Deuter reserves the right to change technical details and takes no responsibility for printing errors. Colours may vary due to printing techniques. 3. DEUTER Get the facts WeLCoMe to deuterevery single deuter product tells a story easier to simply exchange it for a new prod-packed with ideas, unique experiences, and uct. However, to repair a pack is also a ques-a lot of passion. We would like to share these tion of responsibility. We save resources forstories with you and we want to do it in future generations. and for many dedicatedan entertaining, yet detailled way. But to start deuter customers it is important to have theirwith, lets focus on the major question beloved old companion back on their backs. also, since January 2009, deuter is a BluesignWhat does member. With this step, we have committed ourselves to manage all environment, healtha deuter and safety (eHS) issues in our supply chain from the first steps at the computer to the final delivery according to the strict bluesignContent stand for? standards. Thus, we further reduce our envi- ronmental footprint and improve the conser- vation of resources in production. This is a con-inTro 3FiT, venTilaTion & FuncTiontinuous process with step-by-step progress.those are the key factors that we focus on The fact that we exclusively work with onedeuTer HiSTory4 when building a backpack. The human anato- production site for the backpacks makes it aBackPack Finder 8 my shapes the carrying system: in the end, the lot easier for us to install improvements, com-backpack should offer maximum, customisedpared to brands that have many produc tionBackPack FiT 10 comfort for the individual wearer. Further, oursites in asia, which they also often change.BACKPACK FIT, SL / EL10 backpacks minimise sweating.FITTIng ThE BACKPACK 12 a well-ventilated back system efficiently helpsmore THan JuST a ProducThow To PACK15 reduce heat build-up. depending on the is every single sleeping bag and backpack forrange of use, deuter has developed solutions us. They are our reliable companions on tripsthat have set new standards. The features areand we are very passionate about them.Hiking 16 trimmed to the purpose, always bearing theTrekking 26 ideal weight-to-function ratio in mind.200 dayS oF TougH FieldBike 32TeSTing a year that is what our prod-alPine 38innovaTion and qualiTy ucts undergo on the backs of alpine pros. af-essentially define our brand. deuter has never ter a year, we get a feedback that we wouldSHield 42 been a marketing driven company. our budg- get from common users after maybe eight orliTe 48 ets are pretty low when it comes to market-ten years. Three of the worlds biggest moun-Family 50 ing. on the other hand, the list of milestones tain guide associations germany, France,is long from the first fully ventilated back-and the uSa share their expertise and expe-Travel 52pack with a mesh backsystem (the legendary rience with us, and thus support us in optimis-STreamer 54 aircomfort-System) to the invention of the ing our products.functional bike backpack, from the first TvSleePingBag Finder 57 approved child carrier to the Tv approved devoTed and loyal reTail-Down 60 back protector for bike packs those are allerS are crucial for deuter. our dedicationSYnThETIC FILL 62 true world premieres. and we will continue pays off for example, weve been votedto invest a lot more in research and product number one manufacturer by german retaildevelopment than in marketing. magazine markt intern. and we will focusmaTerial 66 on this also in the future. in the end, complexBACKPACKS66SLEEPIng BAgS69SuSTainaBiliTy is not a new conceptproducts depend on experienced sales staff.for deuter: for decades, our products have People who know which product is the rightbeen known for their exceptional durabilityone for which wearer. They also give us essen-deuTer 70 and the extremely low number of returns. tial feedback regarding the end consumersQuALITY AnD SuSTAInABILITY 70 and, of course, we are also famous for our requests. We would like to thank you for yourPRoDuCTIon 72 in-house repair service even long after theimportant support! and we look forward toAwARDS 74 warranty has expired, for shipping costs only. working with you in the future!We fix what we can fix sometimes evenancient Tauern models puchased in the1950s. most of the time it would be a lotyours deuTer Team 3 4. DEUTER Get the factsHiSTorydeutersInCe 1898 1898 augsBurg, germaNY. The company is found- ed by Hans Deuter. At the turn of the century Deuter is commissioned to supply the Royal Bavarian Post Office with postage bags and mail sacks. 1905 expaNsioN The mechanised sailcloth and linen weaving, sackcloth, freight, car and horse blanket manufacturing firm expands and now also includes a rental service for tents. 1910 first major clieNt Satchels, backpacks, knapsacks, belts, mess and store tents are increas-company logo ingly in demand, especially by the military. about 1910 1919 the fouNder haNs deuter operates the company under his name and produces suitcases, backpacks, tents and truck canopies. The bag pro- duction division becomes a joint-stock company. The tent rental reaches its space limit of 10.000 sq metres. Its the first year for Deuter tents at the coorporation. The company is now called "Deuter2001 deuter goes iNterNatioNal and establishes famous Oktoberfest in Munich. Industriewerke AG-Augsburg". a new subsidiary in the United States: Deuter USA Inc. 1939 the dark Years The entire equipment and1962 the teNt diVisioN Becomes aN iNdepeNd-2006 schwaN staBilo, a family owned German tent production is being taken over by the armedeNt compaNY "Deuter Hallenbau GmbH, Augs-Company, purchases Deuter. The company is now forces. burg". One of many expeditions equipped by called "Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG". Deuter reaches the summit of the Nanga Parbat via 1945 the coNseQueNces of the war are seVere.the extremely difficult Diamir face. Deuter tries to operate at full capacity by develop- ing new products. 1989 separate waYs - on 01.01.1989, two prod- uct segments, travel and backpacks, split from the 1955 staff iNcreases from 1.500 in July to 2.000main company "Deuter AG" and become "Deuter people. The turnover amounts to 24.1 Mio. DM. Sport & Leder GmbH". Yet, the orders do not come in as anticipated, which leads to a critical financial situation.1994 the New partNership with the compaNYcompany logo 2009 duke in Vietnam further pushes and optimises1957 the familY BusiNess Becomes a joint-stock the production process.19711972 1973 1984 199119951996 1998deuter Becomes the Big- deuter-aircomfort:mountain biking getsThe new Vari-Quick sYstem The futura range withgest producer of back-the original is born andmore and more popular.premiers: it allows a quick and its aircomfort futurapacks and luggage in ger- patented. it revolutioni- deuter is the first compa-easy back length adjustment.back system enters themany. ses the backpack mar- ny developing bike speci- market. it has been extre-ket and becomes the fic packs in cooperationmely popular ever since.most famous back sys- with mountain biketem worldwide.legend andi Heckmair.The godfather is theBike i mit airstripes-sYstem.Production and storagespace of the luggage sec- deuter introduces the aircoNtacttion is almost doubled to aNd the sleepiNg Bag range. Fur-40.600 sqm. For the forth ther, for the family segment, deutertime, deuter equips the engineers the first tV approVedolympic Team with sports child c arrier. a market sur veybags and luggage. declares deuter as market leader in germany for backpacks.deuter increases the amountof nylon used in backpacks.deuter provides more than80% of all tents at the okto-berfest.4 5. HiSTory DEUTER Get the factsdeuter introduces thefirst nylon backpack quickly becomes the num-ber one backpack material.a saddlery is set up for For the first time, deuter Introduction of the legendaryFive of the 15 tauerN Backpacksthe processing of leather. tents can be seen at the Deuter tauerN Backpackfor Hermann Buhls Nanga Parbat oktoberfest in munich. a bestseller for the next 30 (8.125 m) expedition were made ofyears. Perlon, a nylon alternative.1899190519141920 1930 19391951195319651968 The company starts Hans deuter alrea-as in the great War, deutera weaving and dyeing With the alpine model its rental tent service. dy employs 80 wor-produces mainly equip- mill is established; pro-Sierra deuter premierskers and 12 clerks. ment for the military, but duction of clothing anda backpack with inte-also industrial tents. camping tents. grated supporting frame.2000 2004 2005 2006 20092011Sleeping bags becomeThe design of the sl-wo- Tall people can enjoy a Neosphere dowN sleepiNg Bagmore and more impor-meNs fit models is per- per fec t fit with theraNge: the counterpart to the exo-tant. The range includesfectly trimmed and opti- ex tra long el-models:sphere synthetic mo dels, whichkids models and 4-sea- mised for the womensFavourite deuter backpack mod-were introduced to the market inson down sleeping bags. anatomy by a team of pas-els are available to suit taller peo- 2009. The ex tremely elastic sleep-The alpiNe pack guide sionate female athletes. ple with extended back lengths. ing bags feature the thermois fully revised convinc-deuter presents a new lightweight stretch comfort sYstem. Theing mountaineers and range, spectro, equipped with a bags state-of-the-art technologyalpine pros. new aircomfort back system: the and the unique comfort literally aircomfort flex lite sYstem.move the sleeping bag market.deuter introduces the shieldExospheresYstem a totally new back-pack concept. The integratedtV approVed aNd ce certi-fied Back protector guar-antees more safety for bikersand winter sports lovers. Theinnovation wins the eurobikeaward gold 2005 with theattack pack. The wiNdshield is revised and turns into a proper inte- grated wind vest. deuter continues to grow and in- troduces new innovations, such as the Vario futuras. The carrying system combines the air com fort Neosphere with vari-quick. 5 6. DEUTER Get the factsHiSToryProfessIonaL exPerIenCehermaNN Buhl carried a Deuterbackpack on his famous first ascentof the Nanga Parbat (8.125 m). Pamir expedition led byWhile his companions turned back, Willi rickmerBuhl continued by himself and lefthis Deuter pack at a secondary peak.aNderl heckmair But the climb was harder and moreis the first to conquer time consuming than he expectedthe Eiger North faceand he didnt make it back before(on July 22.-24.) acco- the night. He was caught by dar-mpanied by Ludwig kness and had to survive the nightcordilleras expe- Vrg, Fritz Kasparek, without his pack. He was forced todition, Himalayansand Heinrich Harrer.stand upright on a narrow ledge,expeditionOn his back: a Deuter without any protection, withoutrucksack. bivouac equipment. Buhl was fortu-nate that it was a relatively calm,warm night otherwise he wouldnthave survived. The expedition wasalso supplied with Deuter tents.1928 19341937 19381953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1961 german-austrian german karakoramThe Tauern proves its worth at the himalaYaNskarakoram expeditionexpeditionexpeditioN to the NaNga parBat. Expeditionmember Fritz Bechtold writes to Deuter: We were Broad Peak expeditiongerman-Swiss Himalayansexposed to the most extreme conditions and so wasexpeditionour equipment. We are happy to say that the Tauernsack is a piece of high quality alpine gear that wetoNi hieBelers first winter ascent of the Eiger with Toni Kinshofer andcould always fully depend on. Anderl Mannhardt. Hiebeler writes about his childhood: My father was a ski and mountain guide. He owned two Tauern backpacks. Owning a Deuter Tauern in the 1930 to the 1950s meant feeling a little like a king. When my dad was out in the mountains with clients, I wanted to go climb my moun- tains, too. I was 10 and simply stole my dads second Tauern. One day I ended up in a heavy storm and the backpack was still wet when dad found it. He didnt like it and I got good thrashing. In the end, though, he had to admit there was no holding me back. He gave me his second Tauern. For me that was a gift from heaven. Tauern backback from 1930 1991 1996 1997 2001 ralf dujmoVits becomessteVe BuffiNtoN, Start of the close cooperationiN cooperatioN with leki, hellY haNseN technical consultant, fine- product designer, joins thewith the germaN ski aNd aNd meiNdl, deuter sets up a test ceNter tuning the products.deuter development teammouN taiN guide asso cia- oN the jamtalhtte. Here, costumers have the and creates the signaturetioN. Supplied with deuteropportunity to test the latest deuter products. deuter product design. ruck sacks and sleeping bagsThe input from the center is integrated in thethey deliver important feedback product development.for the product department.FakT:ation e close cooperFor Deuter, thes has al -onal athlet with professiremain d will always ways been anent of all developm crucial for the over view produc ts. Here you find an expeditions that deeply of athletes andoduc ts.influenced an d formed our pr6 7. HiSToryDEUTER Get the factsExcerpt from the expeditionpeter haBeler, together pepi stckl aNd peter Vogler,report of the German Hima- with Reinhold Messner, firstmountain guides, become members oflayans expedition honouringclimbed the Mt Everest wit- the development team and thoroughlythe 100th anniversary of the hout oxygen in 1978. He test the products on their tours. BerNdGerman Alpine Asso ciation:becomes technical consul- kullmaNN, a great allround mountaine-All nine members made ittant at Deuter taking the er, becomes product & sales manager atup the 7.149m Glacier Dome.products on all of his toursDeuter. the BegiNNiNg of a New era:We also managed the first as-and expeditions to test themalpiNists, mouNtaiN guides, aNd aNdi heckmair, mountaincent of the Roc Noir (7.516m)... under the most severe con-Bikers stroNglY iNflueNce the guide and passionate bikerWe are happy to inform you ditions. He worked forcollectioN. has inherited his fathersthat the Deuter backpacksDeuter until for the Alps. He alsohave performed superbly.shares his dads passion for working on products: tog- ether with Deuter he deve- The German Nuptse (7.879 m) ex- lops the first bike rucksack pedition with ralf dujmoVits firstworldwide. climbs the peak via the NW face.1962 1964 196919721982 1985 19881989 1990On the 4th of May, Vladimir german Wakhan expediti-BalYBerdiN aNd eduard on, german Himalayans skimYsloVskY reached the Mt expedition Everest peak via a new route,the almost 2.000 m high SWface. It is to be considered themost difficult and most dange-german diamir expedition, rous route. Further seven expe-nanga Parbat (8.125 m) viadition members, also equippedthe diamir Face with Deuter backpacks, reachthe summit. anden expedition led by a team from augsburg, deuters hometown 20 Years of traNs alp an anniversary that was, of course, celebrated on the saddle on the jubileedeuters product develop- transalp leading from Oberstdorf (Germany) to Lagoment team gets further (Italy). Guided, of course, by Andi Heckmair himselfpro fessional support by the man who invented the crossing of the Alps onthe americaN mouNtaiN a bike, and the bike backpack along with associatioN.200620102002 2005 2006 2009 The Sl backpack program is further extended and becomes aa secoNd test ceNter for deuter coherent womens collection. deuter sees the New sl-womeNs fitbackpack s is established at the range as an important step that needs to be managed by a profes- Taschachhaus in the Pitztal, austria. sional, independent team. The new team solely focuses on the optimisation of the womens products. and who knows better about female demands than women themselves? The entire team is set up of female outdoor enthusiasts, headed by gerliNde kalteNBruNNer, a true mountain pro, who brings her experience from the 8.000 m peaks to the the season 2002, theathletes spoNsoredBY deuter usa eagerlycollect medals and re -cords. and the deuterback packs are con-stantly in use whetherin training or in compe-tition.The schwaN staBilo group puchases deuter. after 20 years with the brand, Bernd kullmann becomes ceo. 7 8. DEUTER Get the facts BACKPACK Finder Backpack Finder Why do we develop different backpacks? A winter jacket at +30C, sneakers on Via Ferratas - the right equipment not only provides more comfort, but also safety. This is why we have the right backpack for the respective use: you need different packs for climbing , hiking, biking, or trekking. We design our equipment specifically for the intended use. This is how we can guarantee fantastic carrying comfort, maximum ventilation and exact, smartWHICH details. Yet,BACKPACKIS THERIGHT ONE? 9. DEUTER Get the facts BACKPACK FINDER BACKPACK FINDERDEUTER Get the factsBACKPACKFINDER1. HOW, WHERE AND WHAT TO BRING ALONG?HIKINGTREKKINGBIKEALPINEFURTHER USESDAY HIKES DAY / MULTI-DAY HIKE LONG DISTANCE TREKSTREKKING SHORT RIDESDAY / MULTI-DAY RIDESMOUNTAINEERING SKI, SNOWBOARD, AND BACKPACK TRAVELLING MARATHON CLIMBING SNOWSHOE TRIPS PROTECTION LIGHTWEIGHT FAMILYTRAVELDAYPACKhiking for several hours, backpack hiking weekend; backpack withhikes from accomodation to accomo-multi-day, long distance trekking several hours ride; backpack withAlps crossing in 5 days without gear week of alpine tours; backpack withday-tour with approx. 5 h ascent for fast activities with for activities wherechild carriers and kids for multi-week tripsDaypacks for everydaywith food and weather protection hiking gear; overnight equipment dation over a longer period of time & backpack with tent and food; oftenwater/energy bar, tool and weather transportation; board & lodging in full equipment; board & lodging in and descent; usual backcountry high injury risks, such as every ounce counts: trail backpacks for outdoor use at school, college, with longer hiking tours; provided at accomodation longer distances; backpack with off the beaten track / no infrastructureprotection cabins / hotelscabins safety equipment single trail rides, down-running, alpine clim- activitiesWork & Travel;office, or the beachhiking equipmenthill, freeride, fast ski tours etc. & as light summit pack TV-GS APPROVED LOAD TRANSFER CHILD CARRIERS(stowable) back system continuously tested, snug fit with internal strict safety standards frame for heavy loads for the kids sake ADJUSTABLE BACK AIRCOMFORT SYSTEMS AIRCONTACT SYSTEMSAIRSTRIPES SYSTEMALPINE BACK SYSTEMBACKPACKS ENGINEE- RED FOR KIDS LENGTH for a perfect individual, comfortable fitAIRSTRIPESVENTILATIONVENTILATIONLOAD TRANSFER LOAD TRANSFER LIGHTWEIGHTTIGHT FITCOMPACT FITCOMPACT FITSHIELD SYSTEM LITE SYSTEMjunior carrying system for maximum wearing SYSTEM STABILITYAircomfort Mesh Back: 25%Aircomfort Mesh Back: 25%Aircontact: snug fit with internalAircontact: snug fit with internallight and compact for a small load Airstripes: close and secure fit inAlpine Back System: secure, closeAlpine Back System: secure, close comfort superior material andless sweating helps saving energyless sweating helps saving energyframe for medium load frame for heavy loadsany cycling situationfit for difficult terrains fit for difficult terrains PSA-BACK PROTECTOR DETAILED WEIGHT construction that lasts VENTILATIONFREEDOM OF MOVEMENT FOR PACK OPTIMIZATIONAirstripes channels: freeOPTIMISED COMFORTPADDED HIP FIN ADJUSTABLE BACK LENGTHADJUSTABLE BACK LENGTHTHE SPINEFREEDOM OF MOVEMENTSLENDER PACK FUNCTIONa lifetimecombines carrying com- of the carrying system, air circulation for 80% ofregarding carrying propertiesfor comfortable carrying offor a perfect individual, comfortable fit for a perfect individual, comfortable fit sport-specific cut avoids chafingFOR THE SPINEfor maximum freedom of movementattachment system for skis/snow- fort with maximum safe-materials and featuresPACK ORGANISATION the backand features medium load sport-specific cut avoids chafing board/snowshoes, compartment ty; TV/GS approved; front opening;VENTILATION STABILITY VENTILATION FUNCTION FUNCTION for shovel & probe, SOS label, iceremovable daypack;FUNCTION OPTIMISED COMFORTfunctional Aircontact pads: 15% superior material and constructionAirstripes channels: free air circu- VENTILATIONattachment system for ice axe andSchool main compart- axe holderseparate compartments;attachment system for poles, regarding carrying propertiesless sweating that lasts a lifetime lation for 80% of the back Airstripes channels: free air circu- skis, SOS labelment holds folders; uni/external pockets and featureslation for 80% of the backLIGHTWEIGHT office padded laptopPACK ORGANISATION VENTILATION COMPACT SHAPE LIGHTWEIGHTfocus on the essentials to save energycompartment; FUNCTION separate compartments also evenly Aircontact-Funktionsschaum: garantuees full freedom of move- COMPACT SHAPEfocus on the essentials to save energy attachment system for poles, sepa- distribute the load 15% weniger schwitzen ment also for the helmet garantuees full freedom ofSAFETYbike helmet holder, rate bottom compartment, external movement also for the helmet SAFETY fully reliable material and functionhip and strenum strapsPACK ORGANISATION FUNCTION pockets, compression strapsfully reliable material and functionseparate compartments also evenly reflectors, H20 compatible FUNCTIONdistribute the loadhelmet holder, reflectors, H20 compatible14-35 l22-50 l35-50 l40-75 l3-15 l 14-30 l24-45 l 24-32 l 18-22 l 10-30 l 50-80 l15-32 l3-8 kg 5-15 kg5-17 kg 12-25 kg 2-4 kg3-7 kg5-15 kg 5-10 kg 2-10 kg2-10 kg12-20 kg 3-10 kg8 9 10. 2.the CustoMersPhoto: klaus Fengler PhYsIQue you cannot choose a backpack exclusively on its capacity. The more volume a backpack has , THe more imPorTanT iS a carrying SySTem THaT can Be individually adJuSTed and gu- arantees freedom of movement plus fan- tastic wearing comfort. Take a look at the customers build and youll find the ideal fit for him/her. Broad Back? Yes Narrow shoulders? NoYes No shortloNg legs / legs /short Back? loNgYes Back?No Yes NoeXTra long FiTFor taller people, our Extra Long (EL)models offer superior carrying com-fort! Tall people (185 - 200 cm) oftenhave trouble finding the right gearfor their adventures. Weve therefo-re elongated the back length, adding6-9 cm to our most popular models. Narrow hips? rouNd waist? YesWeve also increased the capaci- Yes NoNo ty for our el range to swallow thebigger gear of taller people. Wevekept, however, the respective stan- 2 X yeS?2 X yeS? dard models back systems and fea-tures for our el versions. Try THe STandard-model Try THe Sl model10 11. BackPack FiTDEUTER Get the factssL WoMens fIt sYsteMBackpack FIT el / SlWHy doeS THe deuTer SlSySTem FiT Women So Well?Weve established a female team (includingprofessional athletes and designers) for the shoulder straps set s-shaped strapsdevelopment of our Sl packs. SL stands for closer together with soft edgesSlimline and those products are far fromjust mens models in feminine colours. The 3entire pack, including the carrying system, is shorter aNdperfectly adapted to a womans physique. 4 3 Narrower 3 strapscompared to men the female anatomy has1 a slightlY shorter Back (because of longer 1legs and shorter height)1 The Sl back system with its lower shoulder strapshorteranchor point is a bit shorter than the standardBackversion. a key comfort factor since only the right leNgthback length can guarantee the optimum fit of theshoulder straps and waist belt.2 22 a more coNical shape of the hip, which isfurther enhanced by womens tendency towards ahollow back.coNical hip BeltcurVed, aNgled The Sl waist belt anchor points are set closerwaist Belttogether and are slightly curved angling diagonallyupward. The fins are also preshaped so that thefastened hip belt has a conical shape delivering acustomised fit. Hugging the waist, it leaves nospace between wearer and backpack. 23 a Narrower shoulder width in order to give a perfect anatomic fit around theSelling Sl is fun! Just let the the fe-upper body, the Sl shoulder straps are both narro-male customer try on a standardwer and shorter in length, have narrow taperedmens backpack and then the Slends and smaller buckles. They avoid chafing in thearmpits and eliminate pressure points in the chestversion both packed. you feel thearea. difference straight away and this is Further, the Sl shoulder straps are set closer tog- what convinces without many words.ether. Thus, they stay in place and do not slip offthe shoulders.myself, im wearing deuter Sl exclu-sively on my trips.4 a more seNsitiVe chest That is why the Sl shoulder straps have anGerlinde Kaltenbrunner, professional mountaineer, hasS-shape and feature softly lined edges on bothsuccessfully climbed twelve 8.000 peaks; member ofsides. The Sl construction curves around sensitivethe Deuter SL development teamareas and stays in place. 19 kgWHo elSe can Wear Sl?15 k gour Sl rucksacks are designed to fit the ave-rage athletic female build. However, since not1)76 kg 1)kgeveryone fits the norm it is likely that standard60models also fit female users perfectly well and vice versa: Sl models fit men...... with a very slim build, who do not fit theFacT:ther, a woman hascommon unisex sizing check physique carry less than a man. FurIn average a woman canSl development team n a man. no wonder the... with long legs, because they often have less muscular strength tha are (just like theon the contrar y, all Sl modelsshorter backs check pants sizenever asked for cute extras.ures ratio. a challengeto the ideal weight-to-feat standard versions) trimmed... with a clothing size of S/m check clothing to create clever solutions.size1) results of the german microcensus statistics 2005: average female population: height: 165 cm & weight: 60 kg; average male population: height: 178 cm& weight: 60 kg (> you can carry about 25% of the your bodys weight); 2) Waist-to-Hip-ratio 11 12. 3.the rIght baCk Photo: Heidi Stettner DEUTER Get the factsPaCk PosItIon Backpack FITel / Sl once youve decided on a few models, it is time to test the individual fit. you best start by loading THem uP and Trying THem on: 1 23 4 1 Fill the backpack with a realistic weight. Here, length adjustable shoulder straps willtrol and transfer more weight to the shoul- loosen all straps. Shoulder the pack.not help. only the right back length can solveder straps on rugged terrain. on longerthis problem. it provides full freedom of move- trips, make sure you loosen and tighten all 2 Position the middle of the hip belt over ment for your arms and relief for your upperstraps regularly to vary the load transfer. the hip bones and tighten. if the belt sits tooback muscles with its anatomic, S-shaped high, it might constrict the stomach. if the pads. choose the right back length (Standard, To perfectly fulfil their function the stabiliser position is too low, the fins might chafe. SL or EL) for small capacity deuter backpacks.straps should be horizontally angled betweenFor larger models adapt the length adjustable 30 and 45. E For deuter trekking back- 3 now tighten the shoulder straps, but not back system (Vari-Quick and VariFlexpacks you can adjust the angle by choosing a too tight. The main weight should be onSystem) to the ideal position.higher or lower positioned buckle on the pack. the hip belt.5 once you have found the perfect backFor smaller capacity packs, the straps fulfil a 4 The anchor points of the shoulder- length, fix and close the height adjustable different role. They allow the fine-tuning of straps are ideally positioned between thesternum strap. not too tight, since it couldthe back length. F loosen or tighten stabili- shoulder blades. Thus, the pads comfortablyhinder breathing. The strap stabilises theser and shoulder straps to perfectly fit the close around the shoulders.shoulder straps and is a standard feature ofpacks back position. Here, the angle can bealmost all deuter packs.significantly smaller or even negative.A If the position is too low, the back length is too short. B The shoulder pads,6 Tighten the hip belt stabiliser straps therefore, do not sit on the blades and candepending on the terrain. Tighten for more easily slip off the shoulders. load control. loosen for more freedom ofC If the position is too high, the back movement. Tension the shoulder stabiliser length is too long. D it sits too close to the straps on the shoulder straps of larger capaci- neck, the shoulder pads run down to the armty packs. Loose for improved ventilation pits this will lead to chafing on neck and and more weight on the waist belt for easy arms. Further, the pack tends to tilt back.passages. Tighter they deliver more load con-12 13. FiTTing THe BackPackDEUTER Get the factsTo judge the carrying properties of a pack,you need to load it up. Fill half of the packwith an air bladder or foil. you can preparethe foil in convenient small packs. Thenplace weight in the pack at about shoul-der height and fill the rest of the space withfoil so that the weight wont shift.Miguel Tiblas, worked as Sales Rep Outdoor & Sport for nineyears. Five years ago, he joined the Development and Designteam at DEUTER.5 6A C EFacT: -Lighten the load by brinB D F ging it close to the body!The per fect pack is slenderof and sits close to the back course, it also hasto be pa-! cked and fitted the right way13 14. 4.the rIght WaY toPhoto: Josef Weber DEUTER Get the facts use the baCkPaCk So you found the perfect pack now use it the right way! make sure you adjust the mo- dels that feature an adJuSTaBle Back lengTH and an inTernal Frame To THe individual Back. and finally pack it the right way! Pack iT THe rigHT Way! Those are crucial factors when it comes to carrying comfort.deuTer vari-quick SySTem inTernal Framean unprecise adjustment restrains the poten- The duraluminium stays inside the packs aretial of a good back system. The followingcrucial for the optimum comfort and the1 steps will help you to perfectly adjust the back ideal load transfer on the waist belt. Thelength of the vari-qick system:lightweight stays have an S-shape and1 Find the right back length (see page 10).therefore already fit most wearers: it has a2 Loosen and pull out the velcro closure.snug fit and distributes the main weight on3 Put the harness strap into the right position, the hips. However, in case the wearers backthen lace the straps through 4 attachmenthas a very different shape the stays can beloops. Tighten the strap and secure the velcro further adapted. Shape the pack by careful-closure. ly bending or straightening the back, e.g. on the edge of a table.For heavy loads (from about 10 kg) and longerwalking distances in particular, the ideal adju-stment to the users back length is crucial. Thismeans, it makes absolute sense to equippacks from a volume of 35 l with a vari-quicksystem. yet, keep in mind that every systemwith back length adjustment means additio-nal weight. For smaller capacities keep thepacks own weight as low as possible.3deuter therefore offers for those models an optionof three different sized back lengths: Standard, Sland el. our rucksacks are designed to fit the ave-rage athletic build. yet, since not everyone fits thenorm, we also offer a very special service: we can2 easily adapt the carrying systems. in a few steps theshoulder straps of packs and child carriers with vari-quick can be swapped for Sl-shoulder straps. viceversa Sl straps can be exchanged for standard vari-quick shoulder straps that are suitable for thewearer with a more stronger build.14 15. HoW To Pack DEUTER Get the facts Bernd Kullmann, for 22 years heart and soul of the rucksack development team; since 2006 DEUTER CEO and still as passionate about mountains The most important step when packing your rucksack is to leave the superfluous at home! as a general rule, a fit person should not carry more than 20 - 25% of his/her body weight over a longer period of time. The german military calculates with 33% - but then, we all know that their trips are more than strenuous!LoadIng the PaCkThe packs center of gravity should sit close tothe body and ideally at shoulder height. Thisway it is positioned over the bodys center ofgravity and the pack wont pull backwards.How to properly load your bigger capacityrucksacks (from about 30 l):Put the sleeping bag, down equipment andother light objects in the bottom compart-ment. Place midweight gear such as clothingon the top towards the outside. Heavy equip-ment tent, food, big jackets above shoul-der height, close to the back. Put small, often-used items in the lid pocket where they can beeasily grabbed. To avoid swinging, big windsurface or wetness, minimise the number ofitems you strap to the outside of the pack and high center of gravity > flat terrain low center of gravity > alpine terrainkeep them as compact and small as general keep an even weight distribution, A Bin particular for side pockets, in mind. usestuff sacks to get organised. Waterproof sacksare also a safe alternative to a raincover.Wrong! The pack stronglyIn easy terrain (hiking routes, flat trails) thepulls backwards thisindicates that the packsloads center of gravity should sit higher [a] incenter of gravity sits fardifficult passages (alpine routes, via Ferrata) from the bodys centera bit lower and thus closer to the bodys centerof gravity. When youcarry a heavy load like thisof gravity. (B) This packing system leads to atrekking easily turns intomore forward leaning position, yet it providestorture.The body constant-more balance compared to a higher center of ly works against the packsweight.The shoulders aregravity.heavily burdened. If yourpack is not loaded properlyit could become even riskyin difficult terrain.15 16. Photo: Bernd ritschel hIkIng fuLLY ventILated on a hIkIng tour. We fully focus on ventilation for small to medium backpacks that are engineered for easy terrains. deuter puts an end to sweaty backs. The hard-wearing heart of the aircomfort System proven for de-deuter cades is a powdercoated spring steel frame. it provides the tension for our superior aircomfort mesh panel, which creates space betweenaIrCoMfort sYsteMs the backpack and the wearers back. This ensures effective air aircomForT FleXliTe SySTem SPecTro ac circulation since warm air can advanced aircomForT SySTem ac liTe, grden/ZugSPiTZe escape to three sides avoiding aircomForT FuTura SySTem FuTura heat build-up. aircomForT Pro SySTem FuTura ProaircomForT vario Pro SySTem FuTura vario Soft ventilation pads between the shoul-airconTacT Trail SySTem acT Trail ders and at the hip guarantee fantastic comfort. We offer various versions of the aircomfort System that are specifi- 12 24 32 l SPecTro ac cally designed for allround, lightweight days 3 8 kghikes; weekend excursions; or Heavy load use. yet, they all have one thing in common: they reduce swea- ting and therefore enhance the athletes13 16-35 l ac LITE/ endurance. Perspiration is reduced by up to 25% - this has been tested and verifieddays 3 8 kg GRDEn/ZUGspITZE by the renowned german Hohenstein hikes; weekend excursions; research institute. 13days 22 32 l FuTura hikes; family hikes; 3 8 kg2+days FuTura Pro cabin-to-cabin trips; pilgrimage; 34 42 l 5 12 kg winter walks;2+days FuTura VarIo multi-day cabin hikes; pilgrimage; 45 50 l 5 15 kg 13 20 32 l 5 10 kg acT TRaILdays hikes; via Ferrata;16 17. FeaTureS Hiking DEUTER Get the facts basIC featureshIkIng aircomForTHIkInG driNkiNg sYstem s-shaped shoulder strapscompatiBle:relieve the neck and shoulderattachment loops, openingmuscles and avoid chafing;for the tube, and a hose hol-adjustable strenum straps forder, enable the use of a more stabilitywater bladdersos-laBel attachmeNt sYtem forwith emergency numbershikiNg poles:and international instruc-easy access to the poles tions for emergency cases raiN coVer:exterNal pockets aNdbackpacks for longer excur- compartmeNts:sions are equipped with a easy access to map, drinking rain cover. it can be foundbottle or sun screen. keeps in a zipped bottom com-you organised and evenly partment and can bespreads the loadremoved for drying extra features hIkIngpadded Vari flex compressioN straps:hip Belt for tightening the pack crucial for the perfect loadand improved load stabilitytransfer on the hip, particu-larly for heavy loaded packs(Futura Pro, Futura Vario)adjustaBle Backseparate Bottom leNgth: compartmeNt: shoulder straps allow indi- zip opening; holds thevidual back length adjust- load in place ment (Futura Vario)height adjustaBle lid: staBiliser straps: volume of the backpackloose > more air circulation; can be increased by tight > more load controlapproximately 10 litres(Futuras)(Futura Vario)Foto: rainer Wenninger sPeCIaL features hIkInglightweight: froNt allrouNd zip:exterNal mesh pocket:ideal volume and functions for quick gear accessfor helmet or wet clothingfor short day trips(ACT Trail, Spectro, (ACT Trail)(Spectro)Futura Vario) 17 18. DEUTER Get the facts aircomForT aIrCoMfort fLexLIte sYsteM aircomForTHIkInG Its lighter its Deuter With its exceptional two-frame construc- tion, the aircomfort Flexlite System pro- vides superior lightness and great per- formance. The combination of round and flat profile frames made of durable spring steel is flexible and durable at the same time: it follows the wearers movement and stabilises the mesh back with its pat- ented ventilation to three sides. staBiliser straps2 aNatomicallY shaped shoulder straps 1 aNatomicallY shaped, two frame coNstructioNstaBle hip fiNs combines minimum weight with 3 durability and flexible carrying comfort 4 1 shoulder straps: with the perforated foam3 two-frame coNstructioN makes this aircom-4 aNatomicallY shaped, staBle hip fiNs for and the 3d airmesh cover, the aNatomicallY fort System particularlY lightweight and at thegreat load transfer. The perforated foam and air shaped shoulder straps offer fantastic breathability.same time guarantees great flexibility and durabili- Wide mesh cover with its exceptionally big poresty. With its combination of a duraBle spriNg steel guarantee additional ventilation. 2 staBiliser straps for precise positioning of the aNd a flat profile frame it follows every move- pack.ment and transfers the load to the hip fins. Further, itgives the mesh Back stability for the pateNtedthree side VeNtilatioN.18 19. Hiking SySTeme DEUTER Get the facts PaCkIng LIst daY hIke SPecTro 24Sl rain pants rain jacket T-shirt Sun / fleece hat Pocket knife Headlamp mobile phone / emergency numbers map compass First aid kit FoodSteve Buffinton, product manager at Deuter and 1l water (streamer)outdoor enthusiast. Trash bagcomfort strongly depends on rain coverweight. if you carry the whole loadyourself, you want to shave off 4kggrams. less weight also meansmore energy but it is crucial thatthe pack does not compromise oncomfort and function.Dolomites, Tre Cime di Lavaredo: day tour, Spectro AC 24SL and Spectro 32, 4 kg @PatitucciPhoto19 20. DEUTER Get the facts aircomForT advanCed aIrCoMfort sYsteM ac liTe /ZugSPiTZe / grden 1 mesh Back provides comfort and top class ven- tilation: the hot air dissipates freely from three sides. This reduces perspiration by 25% enhanc- ing the athletes endurance. 2 duraBle spriNg steel frame: aluminium de- forms, plastic easily breaks. our spring steel frame, mesh Back paNel however, is indestructible and always springs back into its original shape. The tensioned mesh and thedeuters aircomfort back pads stay in place and provide stability. carrying system set 3a completely new 3 aNatomicallY shaped, padded shoulder straps with 3d-airmesh cover. standard in 1984. aNatomicallY1 shaped shoulder 4 VeNtilatioN pads made of BilamiNate foamstraps (ac lite Serie, Zugspitze models) or padded hip fins with ventilation pads (grden models) guarantee a great fit and carrying comfort.2 4VeNtilatioNpads made ofBilamiNate foamduraBle spriNg steel frameAC Lite / ZugspitzeGrden with padded hip belt and ventilation pads FacT: "...hiking backpack with mesh back." our evergreens grden and Zugspitze have been there from day one: in 1984 deuter introduced the first fully ventilated back system the often copied aircomfort System and with this step revolutionised the backpack industry. a mesh back panel creates a space between backpack and the wearers back and provides maximum ven- tilation: warm air can escape to three sides. in the past decades, weve fine-tuned the original and have continuously worked on specified aircomfort Systems. E FR A ME ... "ONEWITH THCE..."". ..THE DISTAN KEEPS THEWHICH "...BA CKPACK ." , A NET.. CKPACK"...A BA ."D ONE.. "..TH E NE T TER AME..." PAC K IN A F"...BACK@PatitucciPhotoaIrCoMfort`84 1984: the first Aircomfort backpack enters the market.20 21. Hiking SySTeme DEUTER Get the factsaIrCoMfort futura sYsteM1 aNatomicallY shaped, softlY paddedshoulder straps covered with 3d-airmesh.2 The more load, the more important the ideal fit.Therefore, the aircomfort Futura System posi- low set aNchor poiNtstions the shoulder straps lower on the backpack. in of shoulder strapscombination with the staBiliser straps the po-sition of the pack and the back length can be easi- combined with shoulderly regulated. 2 stabiliser straps provideoptimum carrying com-3 mesh Back guarantees fantastic ventilation: warmair can dissipate freely to three sides.fort for medium loadsmesh Back4 duraBle spriNg steel frame provides a flexi-paNelble and light structure, tensions the mesh and isextremely durable. 25 VeNtilatioN pads Futura 22 & 28: and the an-chor points of the ergoNomicallY shaped hip 1fiNs (Futura 24 Sl 32) are set closely together. 3The ends of the pads and fins are detached fromthe frame. Thus they guarantee a snug fit avoi-ding space between wearer and pack. Further, itspreads the load effectively to the hips. coNtouredshoulder straps45duraBle spriNg steel frame close set aNchor poiNts of pads aNd hip fiNs for effective load transfer and snug fit Futura 22 & 28 with Futura 24SL 32 with ergono- ventilation padsmically shaped hip fins21 22. DEUTER Get the facts aircomForTaIrCoMfort Pro sYsteM1 aNatomicallY shaped aNd softlY paddedshoul der straps covered with 3d airmesh.2 staBiliser straps on the shoulder straps forexact positioning of the pack.3 ultraflat aNchor poiNt of the shoulderstaBiliser strapsstrap provides improved ventilation.4 the New rouNd profile spriNg steel frame2is extremely lightweight and flexible. it gives our aNchor poiNt withpatented ventilation mesh panel its stable ten-VeNtilatioN opeNiNgsion, provides fantastic freedom of movementand a perfect fit. and it is very durable since it1springs back into its original form when twist- 3coNtoureded or turned.the New rouNd profile4shoulder straps spriNg steel frame5 the Back mesh guarantees excellent ventila-tion since air can pass through without restriction. is super elastic,yet extraordinarily6 The special aircomfort Pro frame constructionstable and guaran-integrates our Variflex hip Belt. The floating, tees a unique flexible 5ergonomically formed hip belt follows each andevery movement. This helps saving energy and carrying comfort.provides superior wearing comfort. The close fitto the torso, the pivoting hip belt and the ad-ditional lumbar pad make even heavily loadedpacks comfortable.7 side compressioNs straps oN the hip Belt Back meshstabilise the pack and guarantee an effective load67transfer.floatiNg Variflexhip fiNsside compressioNs guarantee superi-straps oN hip Beltor carrying comforteven of heavy loadFutura ProFacT:! r more energyaircomfort fo able Photo:Bernd ritschel g is uncomfort Heavy sweatin ces yourback also redu and a soaked performance. 22 23. Hiking SySTeme DEUTER Get the factsaIrCoMfort varIo Pro sYsteM1 The bigger the pack, the more important the rightback length which ensures optimum load transferto the hips and a perfect fit of the shoulder straps.The stepless Vari fit sYstem allows a exact, quickand easy adjustment to the individual back length.2 the New, rouNd profile spriNg steel frame iNdiVidual adjust-is very lightweight and flexible. it is extremely du-staBiliser strapsmeNt with Vari fitrable, provides stable tension for the back meshThe combinationand transfers the load to the hip belt. its flexibili-of the vari Fit6ty guarantees great freedom of movement and aperfect fit.back lengthadjustment and3 flexiBle Vari flex hip fiNs help saving energythe aircomfort-by following the wearers movement. The ergonom-ic, contoured hip fins made of bilaminate foam5System creates a1with Pe reinforcement also transfer the weight to fully ventilatedthe hips. Soft, breathable Wide air-mesh liningaNatomicallYtrekking backpackfor extra comfort.shaped4 the Back mesh guarantees excellent ventilationshouldersince air can pass through without restriction. straps45 coNtoured shoulder straps with durableBack mesh3d-airmesh cover for even load transfer.6 staBiliser straps for the exact positioning ofthe pack.2 3floatiNg Variflexhip fiNsguarantee superi-or carrying comfort the New, rouNd profile even of heavy load spriNg steel frame Futura VarioPhoto:Bernd ritschelPhoto:Bernd ritschel 23 24. DEUTER Get the factsairconTacT aIrContaCt sYsteM 1 ideal for those who love a snug fitting pack: uni- versal carrying system, from the classic day hike to staBiliser straps via Ferratas. 2 air chaNNel between the aircoNtact cushi- oNs increases ventilation. 3 flexiBle, teNsioNed delriN uframe is extre- mely lightweight, yet provides great stability. it fol-4 lows every movement and provides great carrying aNatomicallY comfort and load transfer in combination with the shaped shoulder close-to-the-back fit.straps5 4 staBiliser straps for the exact positioning of the VeNtilatioN pack.chaNNel 5 aNatomicallY shaped shoulder straps co- aircoNtact pads vered with 3d-airmesh. 2 made of breath-1 6 aNatomicallY cut hip Belt offers freedom of flexiBle, able hollow movement and holds the pack close to the body.3teNsioNedchamber foamdelriN uframe bring the load close to the cen- ter of gravity on difficult terrainaNatomicallYcut hip Belt 6ACT Trail2009 Gear of the Year SaleS argumenTS For Hiking1. PLATZ Functional clothing can do its job thanks BackPackSTagesruckscketo the breathable aircomfort mesh panel. Deuter aircomfort saves energy! it redu-deuTer* acT Trail 28 Sl ces perspiration by 25%1, which in turn cools the skin temperature by up to 3c and thus Deuter hik- reduces the load on the cardiovascular systemingpacks are the by a significant amount, not to mention themost popular: the readers of germanys increase in user comfort.ouTdoor magazine have repeatedly 1 tested and verfied by the German Research Instituteawarded deuter daypacks with the gear no pressure points since the hip pads come Hohenstein.of the year top a three-dimensional, ergonomic shape.* Deuter aircomfort is the original. it is Straight cut shoulder pads chafe on the Deuter fits. you can only actually use the the authentic mesh back system and has influ-neck and in the arm pits. deuters anatomic potential of a good carrying system when enced generations of backpacks with backs-shape follows the shoulder line, re-it provides the right back length. The two ventilation.lieves neck and upper shoulder muscles, deuter sizes, Womens Fit and stan- Tension and stability: the durable springand guarantees great freedom of move- dard, fit most of the customers and thus gu- steel frame holds the tension even after manyment. Soft edges on both sides furtherarantee fantastic comfort. years. increase the wearingcomfort. Futura Pro 40 EL & Act Trail 38 EL (Ext- Plastic breaks, aluminium deforms. The pow-raLong) fit taller people between 185 and der-coated spring steel frame in Deuters200 cm. Longer back and straps for maxi- aircomfort systems, however, will last a mum individual comfort. lifetime!24 25. Hiking SySTemeDEUTER Get the factsPhoto: Bernd ritschelDolomites, Via ferrata degli Alleghesi Civetta, 3 h, ACT Trail 32 , 6 kg PaCkIng LIstSigi Zang, Deuter Sales Staff, Northern Germany vIa ferrata acT Trail 32my top sales strategy: test it! 1 daY Via ferratamany ask for a small backpack. But Fooddoes it all fit in there? go and pack 1 l water (Streamer)the usual equipment with your cli- mapent: rain jacket, rain pants, food, guide bookFirst aid kit, drinking bottle and a First aid kitfew other essentials. This gives you Hatthe opportunity to explain perfect glovesload transfer and to test the car- Windstopper softshellrying comfort with realistic weight. light spare shirt Paclite rain jacket Paclite rain pants led headlamp leki Titanium poles via Ferrata set Helmet Handyac liTe+ light and compact 6 kgFuTuraiN short+ fully equipped+ zipped bottom compartment+ adjustable back length(Futura vario)acT Trail+ front opening+ close to the back 25 26. Photo: Hansi Heckmair trekkIng ventILated CarrYIng CoMfort for heavY Loads. When you form an entity with your rucksack, even the heaviest load becomes a comfortable carry. it is important to bring the packs center of gravity close to the bodys center of gravity. This gives you full control and evenly spreads deuter the weight. our aircontact system for trek- king packs takes care of just that: THe Back Padding made oF BreaTHaBle HolloW cHamBer aIrContaCt sYsteMs Foam alloWS a Snug FiT WHile Providing greaT venTilaTion. WiTH every movemenT a PumP eFFecT circulaTeS air THrougH THe cuSHionS. in addition, the pad construction creates ef- airconTacT SySTem acT liTe / airconTacT ficient ventilation channels. adjustable alumi- airconTacT Pro SySTem airconTacT Pro nium stays transfer the load to the reinforced, anatomically shaped hip belt, which also co- mes in a flexible version for the aircontact and aircontact Pro models. The pivoting variFlex waist belt saves a lot of energy in particular for heavy loads. 17 acT liTe 35 50 l days5 17 kgmulti-day cabin hikes, pilgrimage result: 15% less sweating compared to a com- mon standard trekking backpack* plus fantastic load transfer.5 14 days 40 75 laIRconTacTmulti-day trek 12 20 kgPhoto: Hansi HeckmairaIrconTacT * Confirmed in a field test conducted by Gabriel L.&T. in cooperation with the University of Erlangen14 days 50 70 l 12 25 kgProtrekking tour with tent and equipment;expeditions; work & travel26 27. FeaTureS Trekking DEUTER Get the facts basIC features trekkIngpadded aNd pull forward: reiNforced hip Belt:makes the hip belt easy tocrucial for the perfect load fasten, even with heavy loadstransfer on the hip, particu- airconTacTlarly for heavy loaded packsTREkkInG s-shaped shoulder strapsadjustaBle Back leNgth: relieve the muscles at theshoulder straps allow indivi- neck and avoid chafing; dual back length adjustment adjustable strenum strapsfor more stabilitystaBiliser strapsseparate Bottomloose > more air circulation;compartmeNt: tight > more load control zip opening; holds the load in placecompressioN straps:height adjustaBle lid:for tightening the pack andvolume of the backpack canimproved load stabilitybe increased by approximately 10 litres attachmeNts for driNkiNg sYstem compatiBle: ice axe / hikiNg poles: attachment loops, opening for easily accessible, yetthe tube, and a hose holder, safely stored equipment enable the use of a hydration bladdersos laBelattachmeNt sYstem: with emergency numbersloops and straps for attaching and international instruc-sleeping mat etc.tions for emergency cases extra features trekkIng raiN coVer: compressioNs straps oN top:backpacks for longer excursionssecure the load and keep the are equipped with a rain cover. lid in placeit is stored in a zipped bottom compartment and can be removed for drying(Aircontact, Aircontact Pro) froNt compartmeNt / exterNal Bellow side pockets: helmet holder:4-8 l of additional volume. you Photo: Heidi Stettner easy access storage and can store your drinking systemhelmet holder (ACT Lite) in bigger volumes (Aircontact, Aircontact Pro) sPeCIaL features trekkIng froNt allrouNd opeNiNg:detachaBle lid: for quick gear accessconvert it into a daypack quickly (Aircontact Pro) (Aircontact Pro)27 28. DEUTER Get the factsairconTacT AIRConTACT sYsteM head mouldiNg (aIrContaCt ModeLs) airconTacTTREkkInGACT Light45Aircontact2 staBiliser straps3Vari-Quick BackleNgth adjustmeNtaNatomicallY shaped x-frame 6creates a comfortable,flexible construction for medium to heavy loadsaNatomicallY shapedshoulder strapscoVered with 3d airmesh1aNatomicallY shaped,multi-laYered hip Belt ACT Lite models engineered forsNug fit with Back paddiNg made medium load; ideal for cabin-to- of BreathaBle hollow chamBercabin tours and alpine tripsfoam pull-forward With the reinforcements and the variflex System, the aircontact models are built for long tourswith tent and gear(1) 78pull forward 1 BreathaBle hollow chamBer foam blends3 Vari-Quick sYstem for easy back length adjust- anatomic shape and superior ventilation with perfect load transfer. ment. loosen and thread through the four adjust- transfers the load on The complex multi-layer construction of the back ment loops.the hips. Side com- padding uses an upper layer of extremely breat- pression straps on the hable foam: when compressed air is pushed out4 head mouldiNg guarantees freedom of move-fins improve the sta- and vice versa: fresh air is soaked in when relie- ment. (aircontact from 50+10 Sl).bility. The compact ved. Thus, with every movement the pump effectacT lite fins utilise circulates air through the cushions. This saves a5 staBiliser straps ensure a precise positioning a bilaminat construc- lot of energy, in particular when carrying heavy of the pack. The special Triglide buckle allows an tion to pair weight reduction with great load trans- loads. Further, channels between the padding im- easy adjustment of the straps. additionally, for fer. The aircoNtact models engineered for hea- prove ventilation. The result is a snug fitting, stab- the aircontact models from 50+10 Sl two anchor vier loads maximise staBilitY aNd load traNsfer le pack for great carry comfort of heavy loads. it points are set at different heights. The stabilisers with their additional reiNforcemeNt between the also provides 15% less perspiration than a con-can therefore be adapted to the indivdual back foam layers and the torsioN stiff coNstructioN ventional trekking backpack*.length.(1). Further, the pivoting Variflex hip fiNs follow every movement. They help you keep the balance * confirmed in a field test conducted by gabriel l.&T. in coope- 6 aNatomicallY shaped shoulder straps coVe- ration with the universitity of erlangen. and save a lot of energy on difficult with 3d airmesh. 2 aNatomicallY shaped x-frame utilises two cros-8 pull-forward makes the hip belt easy to fasten sed aluminium stays. This flexible, yet stable car-7 aNatomicallY shaped waist Belt with multi- even with heavy loads. rying system follows your every movement and layer construction: soft foam oN the iNside co- transfers the weight from the shoulders to the vered with 3d airmesh guarantees superior com- waist. fort. stiffer foam oN the outside models the FacT: 15% less perspiration than a conventional trekking backpack*, which in turns reduces the heat build-up between pack and wearers back by up to 5c. result: better performance and an increase in user comfort.28 29. Trekking SySTeme DEUTER Get the factsPaCkIng LIst forPaCkIng LIstPILgrIM routestrekkIngacT liTe 35+10 Sl airconTacT 75+10trekkiNg accomodatioN/caBiNs (1 week) self supplY trekkiNg (1 week)3 pair of trekking socks3 pair of trekking socks3 sets of underwear 3 sets of underwear3 functional shirts 3 functional shirtsPhoto: Heidi Stettner2 longsleeved shirts2 longsleeved shirtsFleeceFleeceWindstopper jacketWindstopper jacketTrekking pantsTrekking pantsZip-off trekking pantscap / sun screenleg and arm warmers (Bike)Fleece hatcap / sun screenrain pantsFleece hatrain jacketrain pantsrain coverrain jacket light Sack dry, waterproof sack / plastic bagrain covergaitorslight Sack dry, waterproof sack / plastic bag Trekking bootsgaitors SandalsSandals Sheet sleeping bagSheet sleeping bagSunglassesSunglassesHeadlampHeadlampPocket knifePocket knifemapmap compasscompass First aid kit mFirst aid kit m Sanitary products in small packagesSanitary products in small packages Travel sewing kitTravel sewing kit Bio-degradable detergentBio-degradable detergent14 energy bars2 energy bars TowelTowel 2 packs of tissue2 packs of tissue Water bottle / bladderWater bottle / bladderlong cord / 4 clothes pegsTrash bag Trash bagalarm clock altimetermobile phone / emergency numbersmobile phone / emergency numbersPassportPenmoney PassportPen moneyTent with pegscooking system / stoveFuel for cooking systemWater filterSleeping bag (models depends on temperature range)Sleeping matTea / coffeecupcutleryToilet paper6 packs of instant foodcerealmilk powderlighter / igniterglovespilgrimage route waY of st. james, additoNallY:12 18 kgPilgrims pass!accomodation listSong texts Wizard, light city packSleeping bag (model depends on temperature)Sleeping matPepper spray for dogs1 role of toilet paperBathing short/suitneck pouch7 8 kg Kanada, Bugaboos;food, tent, equipmentAircontact Pro 70+1523 kg 29 30. DEUTER Get the factsairconTacT aircoNtact pro sYsteM head mouldiNgheight adjustaBle staBiliser straps 8 4 duraBleshoulder straps5 keep their shape evenAircontact Pro under heavy load31 Back paddiNg made of BreathaBle stepless, easY BackaircoNtact hollow chamBers foam leNgth adjustmeNt6 extra stroNg hip fiNs with7ergoNomicallY shaped V-framepe reiNforcemeNt2 1 Back paddiNg made of aircoNtact hollow3 Back leNgth adjustmeNt with a centralised6 Two alumiNium staYs in v-shape effectively chamBers foam for superior ventilation. system allows an easy, stepless adjustment of thetransfer the load from the back to the hips. straps. This guarantees an individual, perfect fit. 2 Variflex hip fiNs define the flexibility of the7 coNcaVe hip Belt features ergonomic, supercom- entire construction. They follow every movement 4 staBiliser straps Two anchor points in different fortable padding with a close fit. multi-layered and hold the load firmly in place. The weight ispositions allow the optimum adjustment to thefoam with Pe reinforcement for improved load evenly transfered on the hips and the fanasticback length. For a precise positioning and load sta- transfer. The pull-forward function makes it easy freedom of movement helps saving energy. Twobilisation, choose an horizontal angle between 30 to fasten even when heavily loaded. stable aluminium stays on the sides and the sideand 45. adjustment straps on the hip pads ensure a pre-8 head mouldiNg for freedom of movement. cise load control.5 anatomically shaped shoulder straps covered with breathable 3d airmesh keep their shape even under heavy load. SPecial FeaTureS cleVer detail solutioNs for easY haNdliNg The aircontact Pro Serie blends superior function with stability, efficient load transfer, and fantastic flexibility. Thus, you can save energy even when carrying very heavy load.froNt allrouNd zip: detachaBle lid: for quick gear accessconvert it into a daypack quickly30 31. Photo: armin demlerTrekking SySTeme DEUTER Get the facts Andy Herrlinger, Sales Manager since 2002i easily carry 30 kg. well,thats maybe what a 90 kg armyman can load up. my sales argu-ment: let the customer wear a 15kg backpack. She/he will quicklysee (and feel) that more is less in comfort as well as energy. itdoesnt matter that much whe-ther you go on a two week ortwo month excursion. Sooner orlater you have to do the laundry.So rather bring 3 than 10 shirts.SaleS argumenTS For AC Lite 60+10 EL: perfect carrying com-Trekking BackPackS fort for taller people! Back length fits peo- ple between 185 and 200 cm. No plastic that could break. No screw thatcould come loose. Deuter trekking back- soft and breathable 3D airMesh coverpacks are no-frills packs and extremelyon back pads and shoulder straps preventsiN shortdurable. and in case incorrect use leads tochafing and protects clothing.damage you can easily repair the packs, nomatter where you are, without any special Deuter trekking packs are the most po-spare parts. pular: the readers of germanys ouTdoor magazine have repeatedly awarded deuter Hip fins adjust individually to thetrekking packs with the gear of the yearairconTacT liTewearers waist without pressure points ortop spot. + lightweightchafing, because they are shaped by true se- + clean & reducedwing craftsmanship and not by plastic pieces. Straight cut shoulder pads chafe+ medium volume on the neck and in the arm pits. Variflex hip belts follow your every move- deuters anatomic s-shape airconTacTment, provide balance, save energy and offer 2009+ flexible X-frame follows the shoulder line Gear of the Yearperfect comfort. takes the load from the upper + for heavy loads The more volume, the more important shoulder area and guarantees1. PLATZ+ top equipment freedom of movement.Trekkingrucksckethe individual fit of the back system deu-deuTer airconTacT Pro soft edges on both sides fur-ter trekking packs are available in two sizes:airconTacT Pro 60+15 + stable v-frame ther increase the wearing comfort.sL-Womens Fit and standard. in combina- + for very heavytion with the individual back length adjust- loadsment, the carrying system can be perfectly + extremely durablefitted to the wearers body. 31 32. Photo: PatitucciPhotobIketIght fIt andgreat ventILatIon.a bike pack has to sit safely on the riders back in any cycling situation. our unique airstripesSystem provides superior control and greatventilation. This special carrying system forbikers is made of two contoured foam stripeswith air channels and is covered with a highlybreathable mesh.deuterTHe airSTriPeS SySTem FeaTureSa reduced SurFace deSign, SoTHaT aBouT 80% oF THe Wea-aIrstrIPes sYsteMrerS Back iS eXPoSed To Freeair circulaTion.The airy airmesh cover is extremely soft, yet airSTriPeS Hydro/comPacT/race/croSS Bike/Bike i/durable. Further, the spacing between theSuPerBike/TranS alPinefoam stripes generates a "chimney effect"aircomForT advanced race eXP air/croSS air eXPthat enhances the ventilation while riding.The bilaminate construction of the pads utili-ses a stable and a soft foam layer providingexceptional wearing comfort. 1The result: an excellent, compact fit withfantastic ventilation even on hot rides.day3 14 l2 4 kgHydro/ comPacTday ride mountainbike 1racePhoto:Stefan lechelmaier10 15 lday 2 4 kgday ride; daypack 12croSS air eXP/days18 22 l Bike/ SuPerBike3 5 kgday ride and 2-day ride; daypack 17days25 30 lTranS alPine3 7 kgmulti-day bike ride; Trans alp routes; daypack 32 33. FeaTureS Bike DEUTER Get the facts basIC features bIke3m reflectors soft edges oN straps: for more visibility in low-light seams on the ergonomic strapsconditions. The Trans Alpineare placed on the outer creating and Superbike models further a soft edge trim which prevents feature big reflectors on thechafing side mesh wiNgs:driNkiNg sYstem compatiBle:hip belt made of airy meshattachment loops and opening material guarantees stabilityfor the tube enable the use of aairSTriPeS even when you get out of hydration bladder BIkE your saddle sos-laBelsterNum strap: with emergency numbers holds the shoulder straps and international instruc- in placetions for emergency cases raiN coVer:exterNal mesh pockets: Backpacks for longer excursi-quick access to drinking bottle,ons are equipped with a rainenergy bar etc.cover. it can be stored in a zip-ped bottom compartment andcan be removed for dryingcompact shape: the specific shape of thedeuter bike packs guarantees freedom of head movementwith the helmet onextra features bIkeseparate Bottom the remoVaBle foam mat expaNdaBle Volume exp: compartmeNt: supports the back system expandable main compart-zip opening; holds theand can be used as seatment; if not needed, zip it load in place(Trans Alpine, Superbike, Bike I)up to keep a slender, aero- (Trans Alpine)dynamic design. (Superbike, Cross Air, Race EXP Air, Compact) raiN coVer with safetY helmet holder: BliNk loop: bike packs for quickly stores the helmet longer rides are equipped can be easily folded awaywith a rain cover in signal for a clean look colour (Superbike, Trans Alpine)sPeCIaL features bIkewiNdshield:map pocketlightweight:patented, integrated wind vest on the back, zipped and easilyvolume and function speci- protects from the elementsaccessible (Trans Alpine) fically engineered for fast (Superbike) activities (Race, Hydro Lite) 33 34. DEUTER Get the facts airSTriPeS aIrstrIPes sYsteMaNatomicallYshaped shoulderstraps coVeredwith 3d-airmesh BilamiNate coNstructioN1 mesh waist BeltairSTriPeS BIkE3 25 4 flexiBle alumiNium staYstwo coNtoured, airchaNNelled foam profilesThe airstripes system with its foam profiles reduce the surface contact withthe wearers back about 80%. This results in fantastic back ventilation.1 shoulder straps with 3d-airmesh coVer;Ble aNd a soft foam laYer guarantees superiorthe anatomic S-shape guarantees full freedom of wearing comfort and fantastic weight distribution.movement in any cycling position.4 flexiBle alumiNium staYs integrated in the2 two coNtoured, air chaNNelled foam stripesfoam allow precise adjustment to the wearers backwith a minimal contact surface ensure maximum (Bike i, Superbike & Trans alpine).air circulation and stability.5 mesh hip wiNgs offer great ventilation and sta-3 BilamiNate coNstructioN comBiNiNg a sta-bility in any cycling situation. Trans Alpine Improved safety with DEuTErs bike backpacks Features: 3m reflectors add safety at night.newest Bike specific cut guarantees freedom of head movementtechnology"with the helmet on. compact shape and fit for secure balance on any terrain. Helmet holder quickly stores the head protection. Special bike packs with integrated back protector for riskyrides. (siehe Shild System S. 42) integrated wind protection vest insignal colour for high visibility inFacT: low-light conditions. histor y. it has beenour "Trans alpine" writespack for years inour best selling bike specific Wind-shield,ons awards it with the2009, the magazine 4-SeasSuperbike title "State of the art".34 35. Bike SySTeme DEUTER Get the factsadvanCed aIrCoMfort sYsteM aNatomicallY shaped shoulder straps with 3d-airmesh 3 mesh Back paNel 12 VeNtilatioN pads madeof BilamiNate foamduraBle spriNg steel frame 41 aircomfort mesh Back paNel creates a space 3 shoulder straps with 3d-airmesh coVer:between backpack and the wearers back and pro-the anatomic s-shape guarantees full freedom ofvides maximum ventilation: warm air can escape tomovement.three sides and sweating is reduced by up to 25%. 4 VeNtilatioN pads made of BilamiNate foamCross Air 20 EXP2 duraBle spriNg steel frame: aluminium de-and the hip strap guarantee a great fit and car-forms, plastic easily breaks. our lightweight spring rying comfort.steel frame, however, always springs back into itsoriginal frame and tensions the mesh.FacT:Biken with airstripes or aircomfort? imagine a chairoplane with its seatsanchored right at the axis no centrifugal forces will drive you to the outside.a boring chairoplane ride! yet for bike rides it is crucial! Steep descents, quickchanges of direction the load on your back better stays in place. The closer itsits to the body, the better the balance. The airstripes system is an extremelysafe and effective back construction, particularly for bigger capacities. at thesame time, the space between the body and the pack which is created by theaircomfort systems guarantees superior ventilation on fast endurance rides, daytrips with a light load and popularity gaining bike & hike trips. However, thecentrifugal forces here are a bit stronger. 35 36. DEUTER Get the facts airSTriPeSPhoto: udo kewitschDownhill from the Freiburger Hut (1.931 m), Transalp, 5 days, 6.000 metres of altitude, Trans Alpine 30, 6 kg Andi Heckmaier, father of the legendary Transalp Tour. In 1989, he crossed the Alps, from North to South (Oberstdorf in Sou- thern Germany to Lake Garda, Italy) on his mountainbike for the first time. Today, this route only goes by the name Heckmair Route. He planned the trip with only a few carrying passages. The result was a 450 km long route including 11 passes and 14.000 m total ascent. Together with Deuter CEO Bernd Kullmann, he developed the prototype of a bike pack, the Bike I in 1990. Biking is my profession and my passion. im on the saddle every day and i always carry a bike pack. i love the great ventilation that the airstripes system provides. When it gets from hot to hotter, it still controls the heat bulid-up and sits safe and tight.36 37. Bike SySTemeDEUTER Get the factsPaCkIng LIsttransaLP TranS alPine 30SaleS argumenTS mouNtaiN Bike traNs alp (1 week):Bike BackPackS To enjoy difficult passages and steep ascents, the pack should not weigh more than 7 kg (without luggage transportation). and a fully loaded pack should leave enough room Deuter is the bike backpack pioneer. The for the head with the helmet on! Deuter Bike I from 1991 is the god-father of all bike packs: airstripesback, Helmet 3 tire levershelmet holder, reflectors, tool pocket, com- gloves short/longmulti-tool / pocket knifepact bike specific shape. 2 short-sleeved jerseys2 pairs of disposable gloves 1 long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers) Shock pump The Deuter Airstripes System blends 2 pairs of bike shorts Tapefantastic ventilation with safety: the 1 pair of long bike pants (or leg warmers) cable strappack sits close to the body and thus always SocksToiletriesprovides great balance even in challenging Bike shoes or sports shoes with stiff sole Towelpassages. lightweight windstopper jacket Tissues Headband / buffSun screen The spine has much space between the Possibly Windstopper or goreTex socksearplugsairstripes foams. The construction avoids rain jacketBio-degradable detergentchafing and pressure points in any cycling rain pants Pen situation. Sun glassesmobile phone / emergency numbers 2 T-Shirts gPS For bike & hike trips the cross air 20 1 pair of comfy pantsPassportEXP the perfect companion with its pole at- Sleeping bag sheet map(s)tachments and the aircomfort back system underwearmoney ventilation. 2 drinking bottles or bladder energy bars / magnesium powder Deuter airstripes backpacks are true Bike Bag First aid kit & individual medi-allrounders and also perform fantastic in cation (allergies etc.)other activities, such as cross-country skiing, 2 spare tubes6 kgtrail running, hiking, or as daypacks. Spare brake pads chain links The helmet always stays in place. The extra screws compact shape of the bike specific packs en- BEST BRAND DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN BEST BRAND BEST BRANDBEST BRAND DIEDIE ZUBEHR-MARKENDIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRES 2007 mini pumpDES JAHRES 2007DES JAHRES 2007 DES JAHRES 2007sures enough headspace for the helmet. LESERWAHL 2007 DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRES Tube repair kit leserwahl DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRESBEST BRAND2001 LESERWAHL 2007 LESERWAHL 2007LESERWAHL 2007 DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRES DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRES1. Platz Deuter DIE ZUBEHR-MARKENBEST BRAND2002DIE ZUBEHR-MARKENDES JAHRES 2007 grease / oil DES JAHRES 2007 Deuter fits. you can only benefit from a LESERWAHL 2007 1. Platz Deuter DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRES 1. Platz Deuter 2003 good carrying system when it provides theLESERWAHL 2007 DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRESright back length. The two deuter sizes, 1. Platz Deuter 2004Standard and SL Womens Fit, fit most of 1. Platz Deuter 2005the customers and thus guarantee fantastic 1. Platz Deuter 2006 11BEST BRAND1comfort. 1. Platz Deuter 2007. .. DES 2008 1. Platz Deuter JAHRES 2007 DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN1.FacT: Trans alpine 32 EL (ExtraLong) fits taller 1. Platz Deuter 2009&1. ksnumber 1: deuTer bike pac LESERWAHL 2007 DIE ZUBEHR-MARKEN DES JAHRESPlatz Deuter Platz DeuterPlatz Deuterpeople between 185 and 200 cm. longer backhav e bee n rep eat edl y vot ed Platz KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKE Deuter KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKE2010 and straps for maximum individual comfort. ber one by the readers in anKATEGORIE: RUCKSCKEnum KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKE Herzlichen ual survey by german maga- Platz Deuter DankRucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 1 30.10.2007 10:09:39 UhrRucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 1Rucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 130.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhr 30.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhr annPlatz Deuter fr Euer Deuter Bike packs are the most popu-Rucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 130.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhr Vertrauen!KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKE zine mountainBike. KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKElar: the readers of germanys mountainBikeRucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 130.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhr Rucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 1 30.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhrmagazine have awarded deuter with the 1.Best Brand award ten times in a row in thebackpack category! Parallel aluminium stays provide stabil- Platz Deuter ity for bigger capacity packs (Bike i, Super-KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKERucksacke_Platz01_Deuter.indd 1 Platz Deuter 30.10.2007 10:09:39 Uhrbike eXP and Trans alpine). They are mold- KATEGORIE: RUCKSCKE able and thus allow for form fitting to the 1. Platz fr deuter seit 10 Jahren in Folge das gesamte deuter-Team bedankt sich herzlich fr das entgegengebrachte vertrauen! deuter ranked top for the 10th year in a row sincere thanks from the deuter team for the condence you have shown us!individual curvature of the wearers back.37 38. Photo: Armin Demler ALPINe FuLL CoNtroL oN DIFFICuLt terrAIN. A BACKPACK SYSTEM FOr ALPINE USE HAS TO BE TAILOrED FOr THE MOST DEMANDING CONDITIONS: IT HAS TO PrOVIDE SUPErIOr WEA- rING COMFOrT, DUrABILITY, FUNC- TION ALL THIS PACKED IN A NO- FrILLS, MINIMUM WEIGHT PACK. ESPECIALLY ON DIFFICULT TErrAIN, Deuter A HEAVY PACK OVErLOADED WITH FEATUrES (AND THErEFOrE ALSO VULNErABLE), CAN QUICKLY BECO- ALPINe BACK SYSteM ME A BIG rISK ITSELF. The Deuter Alpine Back System meets all those high-tech demands. The two foam stri- SYSTEME ALPINE BACK GUIDE LITE / GUIDE pes sit close to the body and ensure an anato-CrUISE / rISE mical and flexible fit contoured to the back in FrEErIDEr / FrEErIDEr PrO any position. Thus, the slender pack always sits close to the bodys center of gravity giving you full control crucial in difficult passages. We have integrated a removable foam mat, which also stabilises the carrying system and protects from punctures. The space between the softstripe cushions, which are covered with highly breathable 3DAirMesh, creates a1724 45 l GUIDE LITE/GUIDE chimney effect which further promotes backdays5 15 kg alpine routes; climbing; backcountry ski tours ventilation. Result: A pack guaranteeing excellent and safe load carrying ability paired with com-15CrUISE/rISE fortable ventilation. 26 32 l snowshoe trips; backcountry ski tours; days5 10 kg ski traverse124 30 l FrEErIDEr days5 10 kg FrEErIDEr PrO freeriding; backcountry ski tours; snowboarding Photo: CopyCassonneto38 39. SYSTEME ALPINEDEUTER Get the facts Photo: Heidi Stettner BASIC FeAtureS ALPINeslender pAck: Adjustment strApskeeps the load close to the and compression straps on the center of gravity and gua- side of the hip belt regulate the rantees fantastic freedom of distribution of the weight andmovementstabilise the packcompression strApsAttAchments for ice Axe:for tightening the pack and easily accessible, yet safelyimproved load stability. Some stored equipment models feature further straps for extra strong compression over the front sos lAbels-shAped shoulder strAps: with emergency numbers and relieve the muscles at theALPINE BACKinternational instructions forneck and avoid chafing at theALPINE emergency casesneck and arms; adjustablechest straps for more stabilityAttAchment loopsski AttAchment system: for helmet holder: attach skis with the reinforcedall alpine packs feature attach-side loops and the compressionsment loops for the helmet holder, straps on top or for some modelswhich is available as accessory on the frontremovAble foAm mAt: drinking system compAtible:supports the back systemattachment loops and openingand can be used as a seat for the tube enable the use ofa hydration bladdereXtrA FeAtureS ALPINeheight AdjustAble lid:sepArAte bottom compArtment:volume of the backpackzip opening; holds the load in placecan be increased by (Guide 40+ und 45+) approximately 10 litres. (Guide, Rise) SPeCIAL FeAtureS ALPINe side Access: compArtment for shovelAdditionAl bAck opening : covered side zip opening for guarantees quick access toeasy access to the entire pack quick access on the entire shovel and probewith the additional U-shapedcontent (Rise, Freerider, Freerider Pro)rear opening (Guide)(Cruise, Freerider Pro) removAble hip belt: snowboArd And snowshoeskey factor for climbing tripsAttAchment system: durable or for shedding weightflaps on the front hold the equip- (Guide, Rise, Freerider Pro)ment firmly on ascents and descents (Freerider, Freerider Pro, Rise, Cruise)39 40. DEUTER Get the factsSYSTEME ALPINE ALPINe BACK SYSteMrise, freerider pro, cruise,guide lite: delrin u-rAhmencombines low weightwith great load transferAdjustment strAps8 guide crossed3 Aluminium stAys7 4 shoulder strAps with breAthAble 3d Airmesh 2ALPINE BACK removAble foAm mAtALPINE compAct, AnAtomicAlly shAped hip fins15 two Air chAnnelledfoAm stripesguide / freerider pro / rise:6 1 two Air chAnnelled foAm stripes ensure 4 AnAtomicAlly shAped shoulder strAps with7 guide: Crossed, removable aluminium stays trans- maximum air circulation and stability. The space durable 3D-AirMesh cover. fer the load to the hip fins. between the foams creates a chimney effect which promotes additional ventilation. Great fit 5 wAist belt trAnsfers the weight And provi-8 rise, freerider pro, cruise, guide lite: Flexible, and even load transfer.des A tight, secure fit the larger models cometensioned Delrin U-frame is extremely lightweight,with PE reinforcements. yet offers great load transfer. It follows every move- 2 removAble foAm mAt supports the back systemment. and can be used as seat. 6 freerider pro / guide / rise:Pivoting Vari Flex hip fins follow your every move- 3 Adjustment strAps on the shoulder straps and ment providing superior freedom of movement, the hip fins allow a fine-tuning for different ter-which helps saving energy. If you want to shed rains. loose > more air circulation; tight > moreweight: you can remove the hip fins/belt. load control, tight fitPeter Vogler, professional mountain and ski guide, member of theDeuter product development team, Sales Rep for Western GermanyFACT:The product development team has beene mo-Weight optimisation : Somworking closely with the German Mountaindels feature remova ble hip belts.and Ski Guides Association since 1997. Deuter For further weight reduction youprovides all guides with sleeping bags and can remove the alum inium stays inbackpacks and they put them to test aboutthe back system.180 days a year. Compare this to an average(Guide, Freerider Pro, Rise)user who spends maybe 20 days in the moun-tains. The guides professional, detailed feed-back continuously pushes our product deve-lopment team to set new standards. anOfcial Supplier of the Germciation.Mountain and Ski Guides Asso40 41. Photo: Birgit Gelder SALES ArGUMETNS ALPINE BACKPACKS The Alpine Back System guarantees a tight, secure fit of the pack crucial for activities in difficult terrain. PACKING LISt Deuters Alpine models are extremely light- weight, yet provide great comfort, durabili- CrUISE 30 ty and function. dAy ski tour Alpine tour, 1200 metres of alti- All Deuter Alpine packs feature ski attach- Crampon Food tude, 7-8 h, Guide 30+ SL, 9 kgments, a SOS Label, a removable foam Skins Thermos flask mat, attachments for helmet holder and Avalanche beaconWater (Streamer)are all drinking system compatible. Spare batteries for the T-shirt avalanche beacon Deuter GUIDE packs are the most popular: Shovel the readers of Germanys OUTDOOr ma- Probe 7 8 kg gazine have repeatedly ranked it number First Aid Kit M one alpine pack in the Gear of the Year Bivouac bagsurvey. Compass Altimeter The Rise and Freerider packs gua-rantee an extremely quick and easyaccess on emergency gear. They fea ture front pockets and compartmentsfor shovel and probe. Continuous product optimisation with the help of pros: Deuter closely co- operates with three of the biggest mountai- neering associations: Verband der Deutschen Berg- und Skifhrer (Germany), Syndicat Na-in short tional Des Guides De Montagne (France) and the American Mountain Guides Association. With their X-frame, engineered for heavyALPINE BACK SYSTEM loads, and their clever functions the Guide+ load close to the back models are true multi-use packs (climbing,+ alpine specific features alpine routes, backcountry ski touring etc.).+ slender shape 41 42. Photo: Stefan Neuhauser ProteCtor CertIFIeD ProteCtIoN. On icy slopes, steep descents, single trail rides or even just as urban commuter, the risk of injuries always rides with us. A physically fit athlete might be better prepared than a be- ginner still, the risk is always there. The mainDeuter SHIeLD SYSteM purpose of our Shield System is to minimise, or even to a large extent, prevent sports injuries. Protection is worth it head and back injuries often have terrible, long-term consequences. Our complex Multi-Layer Construction delivers excellent shock absorption and provides the basis for the protective function. Soft foam in the outer layers ensures superior carry comfort and ventilation for strenuous activities. The V- shape of the construction covers the sensitive BACKPACKS areas of the back, whilst retaining the packs WITH INTEGrATED, outstanding freedom of movement. Its intelli-TV/GS APPrOVED gent protector foam remains soft and flexible in normal use, a slow increase in load leads toPPE BACK PrOTECTOr a gradual shock absorption, whereas a rapid(EN 1621-2) impact results in increased stiffness. THE DEUTEr SHIELD SYSTEM IS STATE-OF-THE-ArT: WITH AN AVE- rAGE TrANSMITTED FOrCE MA- XIMUM OF 10.5 KN THE RESULTS ArE WELL BELOW THE rEQUIrED CE-MAXIMUM OF 18 KN. 1 18-20 l AttACK BIKe The result: The Shield back protector systemday 3 5 kgMountainbike Downhill, Inline Skating unites a comfortable carry, exceptional venti- lation and maximum TVSd/GS certified pro- tection. 1 18 22 l DeSCeNtor WINterday3 6 kgFreeriding, Ski ToursSTANDArDS THE MEMOrY EFFECT SETS *SC-1 foam made by42 43. PrOTECTION SYSTEM DEUTER Get the factsSHIeLD SYSteM 1multi-lAyer constructionextended protection zoneof the shield systemAnAtomic s-shAped5 shoulder strAps reQuired tv protection zone2 deuter shield pro- tector protection zone protector PROTECTOR SHIELD3ventilAtion chAnnelsbetween the breAthA- ble cushions 4 6 AnAtomicAlly shAped hip pAddingextrA pAddingfirmly holds the pack in place in the lumbar region1 the multi-lAyer construction E xakt a pre- shape there is now long-term, permanent de- 3 spAce between the cushions guarantees ad-cise, complex layering system of different materi- formation. This memory effect allows the useditional ventilation even on strenuous rides.als combines a comfortable carry with maximumof the protector even after a crash. An addition-protection. The shock-absorbing core component al PE plate protects the body from puncture. Soft 4 AnAtomicAlly shAped wAist pAd offers fantas-is a viscoelastic SC-1* foam. This intelligent back pads guarantee great wearing comfort. Thetic freedom of movement and a secure, snug fit.protector foAm remains soft and flexible in nor- Multi-Layer Construction of Deuters Shield sys-mal use, a slow increase in load leads to a grad-tem helps minimising or even preventing injuries. 5 the AnAtomic s-shAped shoulder strApsual shock absorption, whereas a rapid impact re- guarantees full freedom of movement.sults in increased stiffness. If you hit the foam with 2 the protection zone of the deuter shieldyour fist, you will not see a mark. It absorbs the bAck protector significantly exceeds the min- 6 descentor: offers protection in the coccyx ar-impact and evenly transfers it. This proportion- imum zone required by the norm. It covers sen-ea through extra absorption works similar than a security belt,sitive back areas such as the shoulder blades andwhich only tightens when pulled fast. After eve- the spine. At the same time, its anatomical shapery deformation the SC-1 foam resumes its originalprovides fantastic freedom of movement.The SC-1 foam is soft, flexible and follows everyExposed to low energy impacts the foamExposed to strong energy impacts the foammovement.remains soft and comfortable. hardens with increasing speed. 43 44. DEUTER Get the facts SHIELD FeAtureS WINter DeSCeNtorAttAchment system for skis,AttAchments for ice Axe:snowboArd, And snowshoes:easily accessible, yet safelyeasy and safe attachment stored equipmentinternAl compArtment for sos-lAbelprobe And shovel hAndle &with emergency numbers zipped shovel compArtment and international instructions guarantees quick access to thefor emergency casesorganised safety equipmentexpAndAble volume exp:erweiterbAres volumen: drinking system compAtible:expandable main compartment;bei Bedarf kann mit einemcompartment for the hydration if not needed, zip it up to keep rV-Balg das Hauptfach erwei- bladder, opening for the tube, a slender, aerodynamic designtert werden, ungenutzt bleibta hose holder, and integrated(Descentor)die kompakte Form des neoprene tube insulation in therucksacks erhalten shoulder strapsemergency whistlezipped goggle compArtment: produces a loud,softly lined, easily accessible alerting soundPROTECTORSHIELDAllround com-compression strAps pression strAps:on wAist belt:for compact com- for additional stability andpressibility of the pack weight transfer on the hip fins FeAtureS BIKe AttACK pAdded wAist belt:sepArAte hydrAtionextra wide hip beltsystem pocket guarantees a compactcan be accessed from the and secure fitoutside and both shoulder straps feature a tube channeltool front pocket3m reflectorswith great organisation forfor more visibility insparetube, pumps etc.low-light conditions removAble helmet holder:side compression strApsquickly and safely storesfor reducing pack volume full-face helmetand improved load stability also can be used to attach protection gearPhoto: Stefan NeuhauseruniversAl hyperlon stretch externAl pocketAttAchment flAps:provides easy access for extremely durable and water bottle, bar, multi-use attachments for jacket, helmet, etc. 44 45. Photo: Marcus KlausmannThe backpacks with integrated back protectorare exclusively designed and certified for theactivities listed on the label inside the pack.Using the Shield System for other activitiesnot listed can be dangerous. The protectorbackpack was engineered to minimise the riskof injury in crashes, yet it cannot offer a fullprotection guarantee for all injuries such asruptures or hyperflexion of the spine.LABELS4 131 use descentorski touring, alpine skiing, snowboarding NOT motor biking2 use AttAckbiking, inline skating, downhill NOT motor biking3 sizingDescentor EXP 18 SL / Attack 18 SL:38-48 cm back length,160-175cm height = s-l 2Descentor EXP 22 / Attack 20:44-54 cm back length,170-185 cm height = m-x4 bAckpAck nAmeFACT: TORTECPRO KPACK B AC ATTA C K 20 LThe protector can only perfectly fulfil itsSoft items such as functional shirts or a fleece18 SPro tec tio n Pu reATTA C K ]hauser.comStefanNeu [ Photo:Anwen dungsb ereichefunction if: jacket should be placed towards the back. ranges of applica Utilisat iontion Activid ades donde se recomi enda el it sits in the optimum, intended positionWhile hard, pointed or sharp items, which Campi di applicazione uso(centrally on the back) covering the protec- could affect the protective function, such astion zone, and has not shifted.poles, snowboard, crampons, etc., should not all straps are packed loosely, but stored safely, never sharp, pointed items do not affect the pro-pointing towards the body.tective function.For more information see the hangtags on the respec- the backpack is loaded the right way.tive product.GEPRFTTESTED 45 46. DEUTER Get the facts SHIELDBefore we can officially call it a protector, aanvil) have a peak force of about 108 product has to pass several strict testsThis means the Shield back protector ab-in accordance with the European norm ENsorbs 90% of the impact. This might be an1621-2 at the TV Product Service. An im-impressive number, but you should always BIGpact test determines the protectors ability toabsorb mechanical energy.A rectangular 5kg projectile is dropped from keep in mind that the best protection is to act responsibly. The back protectors ergono- mics and wearing comfort are tested in field IMPACt a height of one meter on the protector,which is itself mounted on an anvil with an tests. All attachment and anchor points have to undergo a drop test to check the tear MAXIMuMintegrated measurement device. It measures strength. The requirements further includethe force transmitted through the protector. the minimum protection area, as well as aThe Shield back protector has an average clear and explicit labeling of the protector. ProteCtIoNpeak force of 10.3 kN and is therefore wellTo ensure a continuous top quality standard,below the required CE maximum force of 18the production sites and the products are re-kN. Drops without protector (directly on the gularly controlled by TV Sd Garant.Drop test for the carrying system: the ruck-sack is loaded with 0