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Wilder The Guardian Series Ch1

Dec 16, 2015




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  • Copyright 2015 G.K. DeRosa LLC All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, G.K. DeRosa. Cover Designer: Masa Licinia Published in 2015 by G.K. DeRosa LLC Palm Beach, Florida ISBN: 978-0692443408

  • r o l o gu e A violent clap of thunder burst through the night sky, and Celeste shot up in her bed and screamed. The shrill cry echoed through the quiet house. Her heart raced as she looked out the bay window as a brilliant flash of lightning lit up the black sky. Movement at the foot of her bed turned her attention away from the window, and she froze panicked. She heard a muffled whimper and a sniffling cold nose tickle her feet. She giggled. Relieved, she scooped up her new puppy and held him close to her thundering chest. Slowly, her breathing returned to a more normal rate. Suddenly, Celestes bedroom door swung open and her mother raced in, her long brunette curls a tangled mess. Celeste, sweetie, are you alright? I heard you scream and came as fast as I could. Her warm caramel colored eyes were fraught with concern for her young daughter. Celeste nodded silently, not taking her eyes off the storm that surged outside of her window. And thats when the deafening sound of an approaching police siren pierced the rainy night. There was a loud banging at the door and Celestes eyes shot to her mothers nervous ones. Stay here, she told her and sped down the stairs, grabbing her pink fleece bathrobe on the way down. Celeste slipped out of bed and cradling her puppy tiptoed to the top of the staircase. Are you Olivia Wilder? asked the police officer, his face grim and his tone professional. Yes I am, she answered, a slight tremble in her voice. Im sorry to disturb you at this time of night Maam, but Im afraid theres been an accident. Its your husband


  • hap t e r 1 Celeste sighed. Why arent boys in real life like the ones in the movies, Rocky? she asked her sleepy German Shepherd. In response, the dog cocked his head quizzically to the side before flopping down and letting out a prolonged sigh. All Celeste Wilder wanted was to find a guy who would sweep her off her feet like she had so often seen in the movies. Surely that would fill the empty void inside of her. She had just finished watching one of her all-time favorite movies, Titanic, for probably the millionth time and it left her completely wrapped up in the fantasy world of endless love, romance, and adventure until, that is, she was snapped harshly back to reality by a squeal from her cell phone. She saw it was a text message from her best friend Brian.

    On my way. She glanced at her watch. She had completely forgotten that they had agreed to go to the library to study for their American history final. She grabbed her books and quickly stuffed them into her backpack. As she headed down the hallway, Celeste paused outside the closed door of her moms room, carefully turning the handle to peek inside. Her mom was still sleeping, her short brown hair swept across her face no doubt recovering from another overnight shift. Celestes mom, Olivia, was the head nurse at Oak Bluffs Hospital and often worked shifts that ran late into the night. She took her job very seriously, which meant lots of lonely evenings for Celeste. Beep, beep! Celeste ran back to her room and peered out the window at the black, sporty Mustang sitting in the driveway. Ugh. Back to reality, Rocky. Pulling her curly, golden-blonde hair into a hasty ponytail, she grabbed her bag and headed outside to meet Brian. It was a beautiful day, one she would have preferred not to have to waste cooped up inside a library. At least with Brian there, it would be somewhat bearable.


  • Brian hopped out of his Mustang with a beaming smile, his sandy brown hair ruffled by the wind. Brian Kennedy embodied the typical boy next-door good looks. Proudly sporting his letterman jacket with the St. Alice Crusaders emblem in royal blue and gold, he looked like he could have just stepped out of a J. Crew magazine. Ready for a mind-numbing day of studying American history, Cel? The Oak Bluffs Library was built at the turn of the century, and stood as a historic landmark building. They walked through the atrium and Celeste couldnt help but stare at the imposing columns and vaulted ceilings lined in mahogany. As beautiful as it was, to Celeste it had always seemed a bit creepy. The never-ending rows of massive book shelves and dark recesses seemed like the perfect setting for a horror movie. She and Brian found a quiet corner and settled in. So what do you think living in New York City will be like, Cel? Brian whispered. Celeste grinned. I have no idea, but I know itll be amazing! I got my NYU welcome package in the mail last week, and everything seems so unreal. I cant believe my dream of moving to New York City is actually happening. I got into the dorms on campus, and Im going to be in a double with a random roommate. Im kind of freaking out about that part though. What if shes weird or doesnt like me? Brian chuckled. Calm down, Im sure shell be totally cool and everything will be great. I mean, she wont be as cool as me, but then again not many people are. Celeste giggled, but then her expression grew serious. I really dont know what Im going to do without you, Brian. Ive had you right next door for fifteen years. Youve been there for me through it all. How am I going to get through college without you? Dont worry. You wont be that far away. Ill come visit on weekends. Its not like theres going to be much going on here in Oak Bluffs once you leave. Im sure Ill be bored out of my mind. Celeste threw him a grateful look. I think the more important question is, what am I going to do without you, Cel? School has never been my thing. Whose homework am I going to copy when Im at community college? Maybe its about time you start doing your own homework, Brian. You need to figure out what you want to do with your life.

  • Brian grunted. Youre starting to sound like my dad. Her eyes dropped to the book in his hands and she made a face. Well, I guess wed better actually start studying, because if we dont pass Mr. Wilsons final, neither of us is going anywhere. They spent the rest of the afternoon delving into American history, quizzing each other until they couldnt memorize another date if their lives depended on it. Brian got to his feet and stretched. We should get going, he reminded her, with a look at the clock behind the main desk. Celestes mom was scheduled to work another night shift, so Brian had invited her over for dinner. As they drove home, the soft rumble of the engine lulled Celeste into a semi-conscious state. Her mind began to drift and vivid memories came flooding in. Olivia, Celeste, Im home! Daddy! said Celeste as she came bounding down the stairs in her pajamas. Its so late Kristof, I was getting worried, said her mom rushing out of the kitchen. Just some issues at work, nothing to be concerned about. Ive got some unruly clients in town thats all. Daddy, when I grow up I want to be a private investigator just like you. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her mother cast a nervous glance at her father. He laughed and threw her over his shoulder. Its way past your bedtime young lady. Celeste giggled as she hung upside down and her dad carried her up the stairs back to bed. Hey Celeste, are you going to get out of the car? asked Brian, impatiently holding the door open. Oh sorry, I didnt realize we were here already. Yeah, I got that. What were you thinking about? Celeste paused just outside the Kennedys front steps. Nothing really, she said, avoiding his scrutinizing eyes. As Brian turned to walk inside, she interjected, Hey, thanks for always including me in your family dinners by the way. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time with your family than I do with my own mom.

  • Yeah, of course, thats what best friends are for right? he said. And you should give your mom a break. Its not her fault she has to work all those long night shifts. I know. I just wish we had spent more time together over the past few years, you know, like we used to. In a couple of months, Ill be gone. I thought I heard you two out here, said Mrs. Kennedy opening the door. Celeste put on a bright smile as she walked in and gave her a hug. Mrs. Kennedy was an elementary school teacher, and the perfect mom in Celestes eyes. She was always home when Brian and his sister came home from school and dinner was always on the table promptly at 6:30pm. Little Maxi came running up, her unruly black curls tumbling in abandon as she jumped into Celestes arms. MaxiMaxinewas Brians seven-year-old sister. She positively worshipped her older brother and, by extension, Celeste as well. Im sooo glad youre here, Celeste! You have to sit by me! Maxi chimed in her singsong voice, grabbing her hand and leading her to the table. Celeste, Im glad youre joining us for dinner, said Mrs. Kennedy, giving her an affectionate smile. You havent been here in weeks. Celeste grinned. Yeah, its been crazy, what with school almost over and finals and everything. Moms been complaining she hardly sees me either, what with her schedule and mine. And in a couple of months Ill be off to New York. Arent you nervous to move to such a big city after living in little old Oak Bluffs? she asked. Kind of, but Im definitely ready to graduate from little St. Alice Catholic High School. I feel like we grew up in a protective bubble, and I cant wait to see the real world out there. Well were certainly going to miss you, finished Mrs. Kennedy. I suppose well see even less of you while youre in college, as Im sure youll be studying hard, Mr. Kennedy said. But I hope youll stop in to see us whenever youre home. Brian could use some more encouragement in figuring out what it is he wants to do with his future. Theres more to life than sports, you know, he added, looking pointedly at Brian. Its not like Im going to spend the rest of my life at a community college, Dad. Ill figure it out. I just dont know what I want do yet. Celestes just lucky, Brian said, grinning at her. Tell them about the campus tour, he said, hoping to change the conversation before his dad, a lawyer, grilled him any further.

  • As she said goodnight, Celeste thought about how much she was going to miss these family dinners with the Kennedys. Brian walked her home even though it was just next-door he always did, and as they stepped up on the porch, he pulled a crumpled brown bag from his jacket pocket. I was going through some of my old stuff last night, he explained, and I found these stashed away between my collection of Legos and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Remember our walkie-talkies? Celeste opened the brown bag and her eyes lit up. Oh my gosh, yes! We had so much fun with these. She giggled. Remember how we used to drive our parents crazy talking to each other all night? Over and out. Brian quipped. Thats an affirmative. Listen, I know were going to be too far to use these things soon, but I just wanted you to know that Ill always be here for you, no matter what, okay? Celeste swallowed hard and felt a lump in her throat. And in the meantime, Brian said, we can play with these all summer. And he pulled her into a bear hug. Celeste squeezed him tightly and wiped her eyes when the tears threatened to spill over. That night, Celeste couldnt sleep. Alone in the house, it was just too quiet. She sat up and looked across the room to where shed left her walkie-talkie. She was tempted to turn it on and see whether Brian was still up. She peeked out through the curtain of the big bay window facing his house but saw only darkness. She opened the window hoping that the cool night air would help her sleep. She scolded herself, whispering, Celeste, you are fine! Youre practically eighteen and youll be living on your own in New York City in a few months. Grow up and stop being so childish! She slipped back down under the covers and felt Rockys cold, wet nose nudge her cheek. She closed her eyes determined to sleep but heard a rustling outside her window. Rocky whined. She sat up and swept the curtain aside. Outside, perched in the oak tree just a couple feet from her window, she could just make out the outline of a large black bird. It reminded her of pictures her grandfather had shown her after theyd watched the old Humphrey Bogart film The Maltese Falcon. Shed been curious as to what a falcon was and he had found pictures of the predatory creature and shown

  • them to her. The peregrine falcon, he told her, was the fastest-moving creature on Earth. She stared at the bird in fascination. Could it be a falcon? She was about to lean further out the window to get a closer look when Rocky, catching sight of the strange visitor, let out a menacing bark. The bird immediately took flight and disappeared into the night. Well that was weird, huh? She crawled back into bed and closed her eyes, willing herself not to think about the curious creature. Celeste drifted off to sleep and into a dark dream. She found herself surrounded by birds. They filled the air, thousands of them, not unlike the old Hitchcock horror movie The Birds. They filled the towering oak tree outside her window, chattering and squawking with urgency, as if they were trying to tell her something. Frightened, she tried to shoo them away, but they wouldnt budge. The largest stared at her intently, as if looking into her mind, its eyes a vivid, hypnotic blue. She felt strangely exposed as she stared back into its oddly human eyes. She awoke, startled, her breath coming rapidly. She tried to shake off the memory of the dream, but she found herself thinking of the strange birds stare all night long. Want to find out what happens to Celeste next? Buy it now on Amazon - The next book in my series will be released later this year. Sign up to my mailing list to be the first to know when it is out! Contact me: Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: vampgirl923 Goodreads: G.K. DeRosa