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TYPOGRAPHY 1 what is typography? what is… ? TYPOGRAPHY

what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

Aug 19, 2020



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Page 1: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

TYPOGRAPHY 1what is typography?

what is… ?TYPOGRAPHY

Page 2: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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is the vi sual com po nent of the writ ten word.TYPOGRAPHY

Page 3: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

TYPOGRAPHY 1what is typography?

Text is a se quence of words — text stays the same no mat ter how it’s ren dered.

All vi su ally dis played text in volves ty pog ra phy — whether it’s on pa per, a com puter screen, or a billboard.

For ex am ple…

Page 4: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

TYPOGRAPHY 1what is typography?

What’s the dif er ence be tween these two signs: the text or the typography?

At it’s core, typography serves a utilitarian function. The combination of size, san-serif letterforms & loose tracking maximizes legibility while travelling at high speeds.

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Good typographywill help your reader de vote less at ten tion to the me chan ics of read ing and more at ten tion to your mes sage. Con versely, bad ty pog ra phy will dis tract or confuse your reader and un der mine your message.

What is good typography?

Page 6: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

TYPOGRAPHY 1what is typography?

Good typography re-inforces the meaning of the text.

Al most all text com mu ni cates a set of points. Some times it needs to in struct or inform the reader. Other texts of-fer warn ings or ad mo ni tions. In every case, good ty pog ra-phy sup ports and re in forces the mes sage. Good ty pog ra phy makes the text more efective.

Your abil ity to pro duce good ty pog ra phy de pends on how well you un der stand the goals of your text, not just on taste or vi sual train ing – although this is a factor.

Page 7: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Let’s consider the road signs again.

The script font is “pret tier” than the stan dard high way sig nage font. But a high way sign’s pur pose is to be read quickly, from long dis tances, at odd an gles, and un der vari able light ing and weather con di tions. Leg i bility is paramount. It con sti tutes good ty pog ra phy be cause it sup ports the sign’s purpose.

Page 8: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Ty pog ra phy is NOT an other word for font. Fonts are part of ty pog ra phy, but ty pog ra phy goes be yond fonts.

A font is a complete set of letterforms, numerals, punctuation, ligatures etc. in a particular typeface.

A typeface is a group of characters that share a common design or style.

A type-family is the diferent options available within a particular font.

Page 9: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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For example, this font is Adobe Garamond Pro Regular and is a component of the Adobe Garamond Pro typeface whichfeatures Regular, Regular Italic, Bold and Bold Italic within it’s typefamily.

Page 10: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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The ty po graphic qual ity of your doc u ment is de ter mined largely by how the body text looks. Why? Be cause there’s more body text than any thing else. The ap pear ance of the body text is established pri mar ily by these four basic ty po graphic choices:

Page 11: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Point Sizeis the size of the let ters. In print, the most com fort able range for body text is 10–12 point. On the web, the range is 15–25 pix els. Not every font ap pears equally large at a given point size, so be pre pared to ad just as necessary.

a Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa A

Page 12: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Leading (Line Spacing)is the ver ti cal dis tance be tween lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor in the readability of a block of text. In web typography this is referred to as line height.

The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.

The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.

The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.

The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.

The distance between the baselines of successive lines of type.

Page 13: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Line Lengthis the hor i zon tal width of the text block. This is largely dependent on the type being used and the point size. Generally, about 50 – 80 characters (including spaces) or approximatley 8 – 12 words per line is desirable.

*The above block of text falls within this threshhold.

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Typeface SelectionWhenever possible, preference should be given to using professionally designed type families — especially for long form documents and collateral. This provides the widest range of options for the typographer. Most layouts require no more than 1–2 typefaces. Certain situations may allow for more but caution should be considered.

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KEY RULESadditional

to consider (or break)

Page 16: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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• Avoid goofy fonts such as Comic Sans, Papyrus or Curlz• Reserve the use of underlines for hyperlinks• Use center aligned text sparingly• Never use faux italics — Always use real italics• Only use small caps if your font includes them • Use bold or italics for emphasising certain words/ phrases• Use proper Trademark ™ & Copyright © symbols — not

alphabetic approximations• Use the proper ellipses character… Not three periods...• Use "prime marks" & “quotation marks” correctly• Don’t confuse hyphens and dashes — use them as intended• Default spacing after punctuation is not adequate, explore

“Insert White Space” features or manual kerning

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Ji Lee, Designerselections from “Word as Image” containing over 100 typograms

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Page 20: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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tension congestion

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Felix Pfäffli – Swiss Graphic Designer, Creative Director at “Feixen”

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Barbara Kruger – “Belief + Doubt” typographic installation Hirshhorn Museum

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Page 26: what is… TYPOGRAPHY … · what is typography? Leading (Line Spacing) is the vertical distance between lines. It should be 120–145% of the point size. Leading plays a key factor

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Cut Paper & Lighting (left) Arranged Bike Chain Type (Right)