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West/Northwest Creative Living May

Mar 26, 2016



Jordan Kellogg

West/Northwest Creative Living May
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Page 1: West/Northwest Creative Living May
Page 2: West/Northwest Creative Living May

Feel the warmthupon your skin.Hear the birdschirping and thekids at play. Ah, it’sfinally here – sum-mer!

It feels likewe’ve been wait-ing, well, forever!But at last thoselazy days are uponus. I love summer. It’s so bright and cheery. It’slike getting to spend some quality time with anold friend you haven’t seen in a while.

While your catching up with the season, don’tforget to read through this issue of CreativeLiving. There’s lot’s of good information aboutlocal businesses that need your support, as wellas can meet all your needs.

Editor’s noteCreativeLiving

Specialty Publications Editor

Creative Living is a monthly advertising-sponsoredmagazine published by the Specialty Publications

Department of The Community Press/TheCommunity Recorder.

Questions and comments can be sent to EditorMelissa Hayden c/o The Community Press/394Wards Corner/Loveland, OH 45140 or e-mail

[email protected].

For advertising call 687-4614.


TopicsSenior LivingApartments • Care

Looking GoodHair • Skin

Kid’s PartiesDecorations • Themes

3 8 Local BusinessGoods • Services

Health & FitnessMind • Body • Spirit




Page 3: West/Northwest Creative Living May


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May is OlderAmericans Month. This isa tradition dating back to1963 when we honor thelegacies and ongoing con-tributions of olderAmericans and supportthem as they enter thenext stage in life. Themonthly theme - “AgeStrong! Live Long” - rec-ognizes the diversity andvitality of today’s olderAmericans who spanthree generations andhighlightsthe impor-tance ofstayinghealthythroughoutour lives.OlderAmericanshave pio-neered newtechnologiesin medicine,communica-tions, andindustrywhile spear-heading a cultural revolu-tion that won equal rightsfor minorities, women,and disabled Americans.Cedar Village is joiningcommunities nationwidein celebrating the monthwith special activities andevents.

On May 6, FranSavard, director ofRegulatory Relations,Association ofPhilanthropic Homes forthe Aged (AOPHA) spokeat a Cedar VillageCommunity Education

Program on “Health CareReform: Impact onMedicare.” Savardtouched on the status ofMedicare benefits, on theeffect of health carereform on individuals liv-ing on fixed incomes, andon potential cuts in cover-age for seniors.

To further commemo-rate Older AmericansMonth, seven residentswere honored by CedarVillage residents, staff,

and their families in thefirst “Resident of theMonth” ceremony on May5. These seven are repre-sentative of their peerswho have lived throughwars and hard times, aswell as in a period ofunprecedented prosperity.

On May 4, RobertRosen, board member,spoke to residents at theCedar Village tenantsmeeting on May 4, offer-ing tips on importantfinancial issues for sen-iors. Rosen encouraged

seniors to be observant oftheir financial managersand to be watchful ofscams and telephone callsoffering deals that are toogood to be true.

Eight members of theGreater Cincinnati Jewishcommunity over the ageof 80 who have made, andcontinue to make, a differ-ence by dedicating theirtime and talents to boththe Cincinnati communityand the Jewish communi-

ty, were honored at an“Eight Over Eighty” eventon May 2. In celebrationof Older AmericansMonth, Cedar Village rec-ognized Wilbur Cohen,Dave Jacobson, BobKanter, FlorenceLieberman, Lou Nidich,Sue Ransohoff, DickWeiland, and FlorenceZaret. They were nomi-nated to receive thishonor by members of thegreater Cincinnati com-munity and selected by aCedar Village committee.

Cedar Village celebratesOlder Americans Month

‘Eight Over Eighty’ event onMay 2. In celebration of

Older Americans Month …

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Did you know thathearing loss is the thirdmost common healthproblem in the UnitedStates? Hearing lossaffects more than 36 mil-lion Americans today, andwith the rise in use ofheadsets and earbuds, thenumber of Americanswho experience hearingloss at a younger age isgrowing.

Untreated hearing losscan negatively impactyour social and emotionalwell-being, thus decreas-ing your quality of life.Signs of hearing lossinclude having troublehearing conversations in anoisy environment or onthe telephone, beingunable to hear people talkto you without looking atthem, or experiencing

ringing in your ears.Hearing problems are

commonly associatedwith the normal agingprocess, but can also becaused by exposure toloud noises (work, recre-ation, or military), earinfections or trauma, ill-ness or certain medica-tions, and ear drum/innerear damage caused by for-eign objects like cottonswabs.

In celebration of BetterHearing Month this May,Christopherson & ClarkHearing Center is offeringcomplimentary hearingconsultations to assessyour hearing health.Owner and audiologistSharon Christophersonhas more than 30 years ofexperience in evaluating,diagnosing, and treating

hearing problems. She hasearned the confidence ofher patients by helpingthem select the best treat-ments for their hearingloss, lifestyle, and budgetand by fully and honestlydiscussing with themtheir options. Sharon andher associate, Amy Smith,would like to extend toyou the same profession-al, courteous, and person-alized care their patientshave come to know andtrust.

If you are missing thesounds of your life, call ustoday at 598-9444 toschedule your free hear-ing evaluation or torequest your free copy ofthe Consumer's Guide toHearing Aids.

Celebrate the sounds of your life

Owner and audiologist Sharon Christopherson

Page 5: West/Northwest Creative Living May

Clovernook providesquality nursing care andrehabilitation, as well asone of the most progres-sive, effective wound carecenters in the Tristate.Clovernook is nestled intosix park-like acres in theresidential neighborhoodof North College Hill andits caring professionalstaff is dedicated to serv-ing the needs of the resi-dents and their families.

The ProgressiveWound Centre wasopened in 2004, due toClovernook’s successes inhealing vascular, venous,diabetic, surgical, pressureand complex wounds. TheProgressive WoundCentre team uses state ofthe art products and inno-

vative treatments. Withquality care, careful moni-toring, and a unified teamapproach, the profession-als at The ProgressiveWound Centre advancehealing in dramatic ways.The Progressive WoundCentre is like no other inthe region!

All rehabilitation thera-pies: Physical,Occupational, Speech,Respiratory, andRecreational are availableto their residents.Clovernook is Medicaidand Medicare certifiedand provides private pay,as well as some privateinsurances. They providelong-term and short-termcare, and skilled andintermediate care.

Memorial Day is soon approaching;this is a day to honor the men andwomen who chose to give of their timeand even their lives in service to ourcountry. Growing up Memorial Day wasjust a day to be off from school or forothers to be off fromwork. Looking back whenlife seemed to be simpler,we didn’t understand theenormous sacrifice thatwas made so we couldlive free. Today weunderstand that wewould not even beallowed to write this kindof story in other coun-tries, let alone talk about freedom. Thefreedoms we take for granted like free-dom of speech, choice, religion, etc. weremade possible because our country’sservice men and women made a choiceto stand and fight.

Oak Hills Nursing and RehabilitationCenter wants to say “thank you” tothose who have served this great coun-try as well as those who are presently inthe military. “Thank you” for your dedi-cation when no one else wanted to

serve. “Thank you” for thesacrifice of the precious timeaway from your families, soother people (strangers)could be with their families.

On May 31 from 11 2 p.m. Oak Hills will havea day full of food, fun, enter-tainment and a special col-ored guard ceremony at 1p.m. all with the intention of

showing their appreciation to veterans.Join Oak Hills Nursing and RehabCenter located at 4307 Bridgetown Roadfor a day of celebration and remem-brance. Have a blessed and safeMemorial Day.


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Quality nursingcare, rehabilitation

Oak Hills Nursing andRehabilitation Center extendsa ‘thank you’ to veterans

Join Oak Hills Nursingand Rehab Center for aday of cleelbration andrememberance 11 a.m.

to 2 p.m. on May 31.

CCrreeaattiivveeLiving • Call 687-4614

Page 6: West/Northwest Creative Living May

A Total Tan Cincinnatiis running a new monthlyspecial this month calledthe Double Dip. This spe-cial is the sale of two sin-gle tanning sessions to beused on the same day! Acustomer can come in andtan in a bed then jumpstraight into the MysticTan spray booth... back-to-back! This will take yourtan to an entirely newlevel and make you feellike you just stepped outof the tropics the verynext day!

“Our customers areloving this special!” saidOwner Jason Roeder. “TheMystic spray tan will lastup to five days so cus-tomers can continue towork on their true basetan while the spray tans

holds their color.” This is a $25 value that

will be running the entiremonth of May for only$15. Get in and try out theDouble Dip!

A Total Tan is offeringspecials on their monthlyunlimited and 20 sessionspackages this month. Takeadvantage of these greatdeals and get a steal ontanning this month! Youcan feel safe purchasingthese packages because

A Total Tan offers nocontracts and no hiddenfees. Only buy the tanningwhen you want it andwhen you need it, don’tget roped into contractsthat are impossible to getout of with some of thecompetitors offers. Be sureto check out their new

2010 line of indoor tan-ning lotions. If your newto the indoor tanningexperience, come in andrely on A Total Tans certi-fied employees and letthem lead you step bystep to a deep dark sexytan

Make that spring vaca-tion or summer sun moreenjoyable by buildingyour base tan early. ATotal Tan prides itself inclean and friendly tanningwith no appointmentsever taken. Even duringthe busy season, withalmost 100 tanning unitson the west side offereveryone the chance tocome right in and get aquick and relaxing tan.


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A Total Tan Cincinnati offersDouble Dip special in May

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Page 7: West/Northwest Creative Living May

Can a life be changedsimply by a smile?

The Gentle Dental Careteam and their patientssay yes. One case in par-ticular comes to mind forKim Fisk, new patientcoordinator and dentalassistant.

“The case was recom-mended to us by anorganization,” sheexplains. “We donated thetime, materials and serv-ice.”

The gentleman whoneeded the work hadmissing and decayedteeth.

“He was very self-con-scious about his appear-ance and it was effectinghis entire life,” Kim says.

His teeth were pulledand a “beautiful” denturewas put in the same day.

“He was very emotion-al,” Kim says. “He was sograteful that he couldfinally smile. He reallylooked amazing!”

Not too long after, theGentle Dental Care teamreceived a note from theman thanking them againfor their service.

“I thank God everynight for you and yourstaff for not just changingmy appearance but alsomy attitude,” he wrote.“My confidence level hasrisen tremendously.”

Gentle Dental com-pletely turned his lifearound. He told themhow their work helpedhim improve his perform-ance at his job and howthat helped him get anapartment.

“I thank you and thestaff for your services,” hewrote. “I know withGod’s help and my newsmile, I will go a longway!”

His words brought the

Gentle Dental team totears.

“This is why we dowhat we do – to changelives,” says Dr. TaraDallmann.

Gentle Dental Care is apatient-focused generaldentistry practice locatedin Independence. Theteam is committed to pro-viding every person whocomes to their office withthe most up-to-date dentalservices and treatments ina comfortable, relaxingsetting. They treat theirpatients like family.

Dr. Dallmann and herteam provide a full rangeof services, from preven-tive care such as cleaningand oral examinations torestorative measures suchas fillings and crowns. Forpeople who want toimprove the look of theirteeth, they offer cosmetictreatments such as bond-ing, veneers and recon-touring.

They treat each patientwith warmth and respect,and make sure that every

person understands anyproposed treatments.They work with you todevelop an overall dentalplan that suits your needs,one that is affordable andtimely.

Are you in desperateneed of dental care, buttoo afraid to go to the

dentist? Are you facingextensive treatment whichyou cannot fathom with-

out being “out”? You arenot alone. For patientswho need that extra helpto relax, Gentle DentalCare offers both IV andoral conscious sedation.

“For some people ittakes a lot of courage justto pick up the phone andmake an appointment,”

explains Fisk. “We under-stand this and do all thatwe can to make your visitcomfortable for you.”

Sedation is a way forpeople that would notnormally go to the dentistto get the treatment andattention they so desper-ately need.

However, what reallysets Gentle Dental Careapart from all other prac-tices is the caring staff.

“We encourage ourpatients, as well as com-fort,” Fisk says. “For thosewho are fearful we letthem know that we aregenuinely proud of themfor coming in. This care, iswhat makes us different,it’s the reason why wehave patients drive all theway from West Chester tosee us for treatment.”

Call Gentle Dental Caretoday at 859-363-1616 to“Experience theDifference.”


7W e s t | N o r t h w e s t C R E A T I V E L I V I N GC o m m u n i t y p r e s s . c o mM a y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Changing people’s lives with a smile

The Gentle Dental team.

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You already know theycan keep the kids Hoppin'but now Party Hopperscan help plan any specialevent. In addition to theirlarge selection of inflat-able bouncers, obstaclecourses and slides, theynow offer a completeselection of wedding andparty rentals includingdécor, centerpieces, con-cessions, tables, chairsand catering equipment.The Balloon Desk is alsonow open inside PartyHoppers for all your bal-loon decorating needs.Stop in or call and they'llhave your order ready forpick up.

Party Hoppers is locat-ed at 5170 Delhi Pike andhas over 23,000-square-

feet of fun for the kids.And with spring andsummer weather here,you can rent any of theirinflatables for delivery toyour location.

Contact Party Hoppersto plan events at theselocations: Party HoppersDelhi, Sports of All SortsTri-County and AspenGrove in Harrison. Fromfirst birthday parties toretirement parties, theycan make any event HOP!

For more informationplease call 451-4FUN(4386) or Check theirWeb site for summercamp info and monthlyspecial events!

The West side has oneof the finest tennis facili-ties not only in GreaterCincinnati but in thecountry. Western Tennis &Fitness Club (WTFC),located at 5490 MuddyCreek Road, has nineindoor tennis courts andoffers programs for allages and abilities to learnthe great game of tennis.

WTFC has a staff offive certified tennis pro-fessionals! If you want tolearn tennis the right way,you owe it to yourself tocome to Western. Private,semi-private and grouplessons are available formembers and nonmem-bers. “I think there is amisconception in the com-munity that since we are amembership club, tennisis only offered to ourmembers. Not true… allof our lesson and clinicprograms are available tononmembers. We wantthe entire community to

learn to play the sport fora lifetime…tennis!” saysAngela (Farley) Wilson,director of operations atWTFC.

Did you play sports inhigh school? Many of ouradult players played othersports when they wereyounger, and tennis is agame that uses most ofthe skills used in othersports. Tennis is not ashard on your body, it's agreat workout and it'sFUN! “We have a wholegroup of ladies who areformer high school ath-letes who never playedtennis and are now play-ing all the time with theirfriends,” said ScottMoreland, Head TennisProfessional at WTFC.

Are you looking for anindividual sport for yourchildren that they canplay now and enjoy whenthey are older? Tennis is agreat gift to give to themand summer is a fantastic

time to start! Children asyoung as 4 begin withQuickStart using foamballs, little racquets andshorter courts and are hit-ting right away! Westernhas a complete offering ofjunior tennis camps for allages and abilities. Checkout WTFC’s Web site for afull listing of camps orcall the Club at 451-4233and request the FrontDesk staff to mail abrochure to you.

WTFC’s Pro Shop isopen to the public, andthe knowledgeable staffcan help you pick out thetennis racquet that's justright for you!

Tennis, everyone? Youbet…Western Tennis &Fitness Club is the placeyour whole family canlearn the sport for a life-time! Call 451-4233 todayor stop by the Club tocheck out the many tennisopportunities!

K I D ’ S P A R T I E S / L O C A L B U S I N E S S

8 C o m m u n i t y p r e s s . c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G W e s t | N o r t h w e s tM a y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Tennis, everyone? Plan special eventswith Party Hoppers

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Page 9: West/Northwest Creative Living May

Bushwackers Salon justgave away it’s “Week atthe Beach.” Guests whosend in referrals are

entered to win a one weekstay in a condo in Florida.Congratulations to thewinner.

Bushwackers is alwaysrunning special promo-tions and contests for

What can I do about thedeer eating my plants?How can I get rid of thedeer without harming theenvironment? These are themost asked questions atNature’s CornerGreenhouses, in DelhiTownship, growers of qual-ity annuals, perennials andwater plants. If they had adime for every person thathas asked these questions,they would be rich, accord-ing Beth and Tom, ownersof Nature’s Corner. Buttake heart there are safe,easy solutions to help withdeer problems.

Many people feel thatevery year they have towage a battle with the deerthat frequent their flowerbeds and vegetable gar-dens and often times theyfeel defeated. There aresome simple organic, non-toxic methods to use, but itis important to understandthe deer first before youcan finesse them and winthe battle. Deer are alwaysvigilant about being alert todanger and their maindefense for this is theirsense of smell. Any odorthat is heavy enough tomask ordinary odors andin essence jam the deer’spredator-alert sensors willsend them away.

Nature’s Corner has a“Secret Plant” to deter deerand it works! They havebeen testing this plant withcustomers who have deerissues over the past fouryears. Nature’s Corner hasconsistently gotten positivefeedback about the effec-

tiveness of this plant. Tomsaid that they have toldcustomers about this plantcalled Iboza and have hadmany people tell them theywere skeptical. Theirresponse was just try it - itis one of the cheapestplants we sell for only$2.79 per pot. The nexttime they saw the samecustomer they wouldremark on their amaze-ment that the deer walkedup to the plant and thenturned and walked away!Beth adds that Nature’sCorner uses Iboza as a dec-orative foliage because it isa nice accent plant thatspreads quickly. It is greatto add to a mixed pot or toplant around plants moredesirable to deer to keepthem away!

Nature’s Corner hasmany customers comingback year after year sincethey have tried Iboza to getmore and tell us of theirsuccess stories, Tom said.This plant has really helpeda lot of our customers withtheir deer problems. Thereare other plants that aredeer resistant meaning thatdeer stay away from thembecause of their texture orodor. All of Nature’sCorner’s employees arehappy to share a list ofplants they grow that aredeer resistant and deerrepellent. They have a nicehandout to help with moreinformation on keepingdeer away. Nature’s Corneralso sells organic deer, rab-bit, mole, squirrel, car anddog repellents that are

applied directly to problemareas or plants. To helptheir customers out moreNature’s Corner is having asale of all animal rep-pelants! The sale is for alimited time and is for 10percent off any liquid orpowder container of ani-mal repellent. The sale alsoincludes Deer Scram andLiquid Fence.

Nature’s Corner is yourlocal place to shop for deerrepellent plants or deerrepellent products.Nature’s Corner is ready tohelp you make the deer“go away!”

Got deer? Nature’s Corner can help

Bushwackers welcomes summerL O C A L B U I S N E S S

9W e s t | N o r t h w e s t C o m m u n i t y p r e s s . c o mM a y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Bushwackers see page 11


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There are some deci-sions in life that we neverexpect to make.

When we go throughdifficult experiences thatrequire us to make adjust-ments along the way, thepeople we surround our-selves with can make sucha difference in our atti-tude and determination.

Many women needingwigs and scarves as aresult of receivingchemotherapy or for othermedical reasons havecome to BurlingtonPharmacy Health Carebecause of the outstand-ing support and care ofthe professional fitting

specialists there. Karen Sue Murphy has

been a certified fittingspecialist for many yearsand is honored to sup-

port, encourage, andadvise women who arelooking for head cover-

ings at BurlingtonPharmacy Health Care.

“It is an emotional timeand it is important forthem to have a support

team that cares. Our per-sonal care and qualitycustomer service set us

apart,” said Murphy. “At the end of the day,

we are making a differ-ence in a life,” addedMellissaa Morris, another

certified fitting specialistat Burlington PharmacyHealth Care.

“We want to help ourcustomers feel comfort-able and meet all of theirneeds,” she said.

Burlington PharmacyHealth Care carries a wideassortment of qualitywigs, scarves, sleep capsand other headpieces.

“We have a great selec-tion of products andmany color swatches,”said Morris.

The company offerspersonalized and privatefitting appointments withtheir professional fittingspecialists.

“It is a very privateatmosphere and we liketaking time with each cus-tomer to get to know themas a person before webegin the fitting,” saidMorris.

“It is very important tous that it be a pleasant andcomfortable experience forour customer,” she said.

Burlington PharmacyHealth Care also encour-ages their customer’sfriends and family tocome and support womenas they choose wigs,scarves, and other head-pieces while they receivetreatment.

“We invite them tocome with our cus-tomers,” said Murphy.

“Getting opinions fromfriends and family thatthey know and love isvery reassuring and help-ful,” she said.

For more informationon Burlington PharmacyHealth Care and the prod-ucts they carry, please call859-586-6700 and one oftheir professional fittingspecialist would be happyto answer your questions.


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Wig, scarf fitting specialists at Burlington PharmacyHealth Care offer women outstanding service

‘It is an emotional time and it is important forthem to have a support team that cares. Our

personal care and quality service set us a part.’

Page 11: West/Northwest Creative Living May

Jim Barrie wants toshare his love for SCUBAdiving, so he’s lettingeveryone try it for free.

His dive shop, TheScuba Shack,( located in Florence, isoffering a free “TrySCUBA Experience” toanyone interested in div-ing.

“SCUBA diving is not asport. It’s not a hobby. It’sa lifestyle! We want toexpose as many people aswe can to this exciting wayof life.” Barrie said.

The Scuba Shack con-ducts free one-hour divesevery Saturday.

Barrie has owned TheScuba Shack for 11 years,and in that time has beentold by countless peoplethat they would love to trydiving. He knows that ifthey do, they’ll love it! Sohe wants to give them theopportunity.

All those who wouldlike to try SCUBA divingwill be geared-up and gofor a dip in The ScubaShack’s indoor, heated, 10foot-deep, diver training

pool.The dives are led by

The Shack’s certifiedinstructors.

Reservations arerequired, and can be madeby calling 859-283-1550.

The Scuba Shack alsooffers SCUBA certificationtraining. Through compre-hensive classroom andpool training, divers learnproper technique, safetymeasures, and how to usethe equipment.

Divers certified at TheScuba Shack are givenunlimited training classesat no extra charge.

The Shack also provides

unlimited access to theirpool and use of SCUBAequipment for certificationstudents. Once certified, adiver is ready to go on oneof the shop’s many trips todive locations in theUnited States and abroad.

In the next 14 months,The Shack will lead tripsto locations such as: St.Lucia, Hawaii, Bonaire,Cozumel, Florida, Fiji, andthe Bahamas. Pricingvaries by destination.

Many trips are enjoy-able for both divers andnon-divers, so the divercan easily bring a spouseor friend. However, trips

specifically for divers arenoted.

“There’s nothing quitelike a group trip” saidBarrie. “Both divers and

non-divers come back witha group of new friends,having seen some of theworld’s most beautifullocations” he said.

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

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Try SCUBA diving, you’ll like LOVE it

The Scuba Sahck is offering a free “Try SCUBA Expereince.”

Bushwackers from page 9


their guests. “Because of our long timerelationship with our manufacturer,Redken, and our distributor, we areoften given little perks, which we turninto something to give back to ourguests while trying to make it fun,” saidOwner Lisa Busch-Tomes.

They have just introduced a newproduct line, Pureology, a vegan-friend-ly, zero sulfate and salt free product thatguarantees longer lasting color! The newline is a compliment to their eco-friendlyproducts by Redken.

With the purchase of any shampoo

and conditioner guests are entered towin a year supply! In addition, with anyPureology purchase one receives achance to win a 42” flat screen TV!Summer specials include chances to“Win a Weber,” pedicure and facial.

Bushwackers service providers arealways current on the latest trends.There are several upcoming in-salontraining events that keep them up-to-date so they may serve you with theutmost knowledge and skill.

Visit Bushwackers Salon, 6404Cheviot Road, or call 245-0555.

CCrreeaattiivveeLiving • Call 687-4614

Page 12: West/Northwest Creative Living May

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

W e s t | N o r t h w e s t

Do you snore and suf-fer from sleep apnea?Have you tried CPAP butjust can't tolerate it? AtCincinnati Dental SleepMedicine, Dr. Kitzmillersees patients every daywith snoring and sleepapnea. Utilizing state ofthe art Oral ApplianceTherapy, Dr. Kitzmillerand his uniquely trainedteam are able to offer theirpatients who suffer fromthis life-threatening condi-tion a comfortable andeffective treatment. Anoral appliance is an FDAapproved CPAP alterna-tive that fits over yourteeth and holds the lowerjaw forward, keepingyour airway open whileyou sleep.

A sleep apnea suffererand oral appliance patienthimself, Dr. Kitzmillerknows first hand theeffects of sleep apnea andthe benefits of his oralappliance. His patients are

thrilled with their experi-ence too!

“I can't thank youenough for making meaware ofthe oralappli-ance(my wifethanksyouevenmore!).For thefirsttime in years I am sleep-ing soundly and feelinghealthier when I wake upand in turn have moreenergy. You literally couldhave saved my lifebecause the CPAPmachine was not workingfor me. Thanks again!”Mike R.

“Outstanding andimmediate results! Ihaven't snored once sincegetting my oral applianceand my apnea hasimproved dramatically. I

haven't slept without itsince the day I got it. It'ssimple and it works. Don'teven bother with the

otheralterna-tives!”Jim E.

“Afteryears ofstrugglingwith aCPAPmachine,I was

overjoyed to find an oralappliance that worked totreat my sleep apnea. Mymouth appliance is easyto use, does not restrictmy motions, and veryportable when traveling.My husband is gratefultoo!” Anne S.

Call Dr. Kitzmiller at248-8848 to schedule yourcomplimentary consulta-tion to see how OralAppliance Therapy couldbe an option for you too!

Sleep apnea patients raveabout CPAP alternative

Dr. Kitzmiller treats his sleep apnea patents with Oral Appliance Therapy.. Kitzmiller treats his sleep apnea patents with Oral ApplianceTherapy.

Want More Info?Visit to learn more!

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