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Wee k3 2010

Oct 30, 2014



Kathy Deaner

organizational behavior WEEK 3
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INDIVIDUAL LEVELThe behavior of the individual in the organization

Personality, values, attitudes, perceptions, motivation, moods & emotions

GROUP LEVELThe behavior of people in groups

Group behavior, teams, communication, leadership, trust, power, politics,

conflict & negotiation

ORGANIZATION SYSTEM LEVELThe organization’s structures affects behavior

Structure, culture, policies, practices, change and development

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INDIVIDUAL LEVELValues, attitudes, perceptions &


VALUESbasic convictions that a specific more of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable. Involves judgment.

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COHORT AGE VALUES-Veterans 65+ hardworking,

conservative, conformingloyal to organization

-Boomers 40-60 success, ambitious, dislike authority,

loyal to career

-Xers (GenX) 20-40 work/life balance, team oriented, dislike rules, loyal to relationships

-Nexters* Under 30 confident, financial success, self-

reliant but team oriented, loyal to self and organization

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MillennialsThe generation born from 1982-2000. Also referred to as the iGeneration and the Net Generation due to their hardwiring for technology. They have also been called Generation Y because they are born after Gen-X (1961-1981); however, the characteristics of Millennials are significantly different.

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MillennialsBorn 1977 – 1998

75 million


* optimistic* tech-savvy, digital natives* collaborative and they enjoy cooperative activities* used to clear structure from adults; and in fact, they expect it* having strong parent advocates* multicultural* confident* civic-minded* goal-oriented* multitasking

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Characteristics cont• Largest generation: (more than 80

million)• Most diverse college generation• Aiming for graduate school• Family oriented• Heavily stressed• Living in a no boundaries world• Technology is a way of life (IM)• Concerned with community yet spend 20%

of their waking time alone

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Core Personality Traits

Special Sheltered Confident

Team-Oriented Conventional

Pressured Achieving

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Office of Admissions and Scholarships Michigan State University


Millennials and Technology

Ages 16-18 – 17.3 hours per week on net; 12 hours with TV; 11.3 hours with radio; 7.6 hours on telephone/cell

Internet used for

– School research; being sure of accurate info (!)

– Meet someone new or different from me

– Purchasing & comparison shopping

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Office of Admissions and Scholarships Michigan State University


View of Technology

Learning resembles gaming more than logic – trial & error rather than linear approach

Multitasking is a way of life Typing is preferred to hand-writing Staying connected is essential Zero tolerance for delays Consumer and creator are blurring (file-

sharing and cut-and-paste world)

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ATTITUDESEvaluative statements concerning objects, people,

or events. They reflect how we feel about something.

Major Job Attitudes-job satisfaction: positive feeling about a job-job involvement: job performance important to

self worth-organizational commitment: individual identifies

with goals of organization and wants to be a part of it

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COGNITIVE DISSONANCEOccurs when there are inconsistencies between

two or more of a person’s attitudes or between a person’s behavior and attitudes.

-Suggests that people seek to minimize dissonance and the discomfort it causes. In other words, individuals SEEK CONSISTENCY.

Example: If individuals are required by job to things that contradict their personal attitude, they will modify that attitude in order to make it combatable with the cognition of what they must do.

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Attitudes vs. BehaviorAttitudes considered to be important have more

impact on behavior-the more specific the attitude and the more

specific the behavior, the stronger the link-attitudes that are easily remembered are more

likely to predict behavior-the relationship between attitudes and behavior

if the attitude is the result of a personal experience

-discrepancies between attitudes and behavior are more likely to occur when social pressures hold exceptional power

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PerceptionProcess by which individuals organize and

interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

We do not see reality, we interpret what we see and call it reality

People have inherent biases in how they see others nd in how they make decisions.

Perception is a mental and cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings

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Why are perceptions importantThey can be the source of communication

distortionThey can be the source of conflict between

people from different culturesThink about meeting someone for the first

time – you form perceptions based on: appearance, mannerisms, actions, reactions

You form an opinion based on this person based on YOUR PERCEPTIONS

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ATTRIBUTION THEORYExplains how we judge people differently

depending on what we attribute to a given behavior.

-3 determining factorsDistinctiveness: does a person display

different behaviors in different situationsConsensus: If everyone faces a similar

situation, they will respond the same wayConsistency: Does the person responds the

same way over timeWhat can we learn from this? Errors and biases

distort judgment

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Shortcuts to Judging OthersSelective Perception: you notice it because it

stands out (noticing cars like you drive)Halo Effect: draw an overall conclusion

based on one characteristic Contrast Effects: our reactions are based on

others reaactionsStereotyping: judge someone on the basis of

our perception of the group that they belong to.

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Look for Information that Disconfirms your beliefs

Don’t try to create meaning out of random events

Increase your options

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ImplicationsValues: people of common ages have similar experiences

thus similar work values. People of like generations may find it easier to work together.

Attitudes: influence behavior. Satisfied employees have lower turnover and absenteeism

Perception: employees react to perceptions not reality. Mgrs. Need to be aware of how employees perceive their job and mgmt practices.