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 · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

Mar 25, 2020



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1.课程简介课程名称:生理学 课程时间:第 2 学期课程安排: 总课时数 116

科目 授课学时数理论课 80

实验 36

总课时 116




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Name of Course: Physiology

Time of Course: The 2nd semester

Curriculum arrangement: Total teaching hours 116

Subject Teaching hours

Lecture 80

Experiment 36

Total 116


As the Municipal Brand Course of Tianjin for International Students in English

and the Excellent Bilingual Model Course, the aim of our Physiology Course is to

cultivate high quality medical students with abilities of mastering the basic medical

knowledges and theories, the basic experiment skills, the competence in analyzing

and solving problems and the creative spirit. Physiology is a science of studying

various kinds of life phenomena and their law of activities, and is a subject about

body function that students first contact after they complete the nomal Human


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Morphology courses. The contents include the important physiological functions of

every human body system, organs, as well as the principle of regulation on their

activities.Through the learning and comprehending of important physiological

concepts and the main physiological functions of different organs in each chapter,

students are enabled to fully understand the relationship between the structure and

function of human body. Physiological experiments are used to train students' basic

skills, cultivate the students' ability of medical logic thinking, analyze the

comprehensive competence and innovation consciousness. The Human Physiology as

the main basic course of medical science is an important foundation of Pharmacology,

Pathophysiology and related Clinical Sciences. It plays a crucial role in the study of

the following subjects in the medical education for overseas students.

2. 教学大纲

Syllabus of Physiology


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Department of Physiology


Syllabus of Pathophysiology

(For International Students)


This syllabus is based on the outline of Physiology teaching for international medical students. The overall objective of this curriculum is to provide the basic principles of Physiology.


Chapter 1 Introduction

Purpose and Requirement: 1. To master the concepts of physiology. 2. To understand the fundamental characteristics of life phenomena


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3. To study the regulation of body function. 4. To master feedback control system Teaching Contents: 1. Physiology is a science that studies the vital regularity in living organisms. 2. Basic characteristics of life phenomena: metabolism, excitability and reproduction. 3. The concept of internal environment and homeostasis. 4. Regulation of body function and homeostasis: nervous regulation, hormonal regulation and autoregulation. 5. The concept of feedback regulation: negative feedback and positive feedback. 6. Two ways and 3 levels for study of physiology.

Part 1. Research contents and methods of Physiology

1. The development of modern physiologyKnowing the important events in the history of Physiology and understanding the

research object and task of physiology.2. Different levels of physiological research

Able to know the significance of studying body function from the overall level, the organ and system levels as well as cell and molecular levels.3. Research methods of Physiology

Part 2. Basic characteristics of life

1. Metabolism: Can explain the related physiological phenomena with the theory of metabolism.2. Excitability: The concept and significance of excitability. 3. Reproduction: Can explain the important meaning of reproduction. 

4. Adaptability:Be able to explain the phenomenon of adaptation。 Part 3. Regulation of physiological function

1. Internal environment and homeostasis of the bodyDescribe the physiological significance of concept of internal environment and

homeostasis, and give examples.2. Regulation of physiological function

Knowing the way to regulate the function of the human body. Compare the characteristics and significance of neural-regulation, homoral- regulation and auto-regulation.3. Regulative machinearies of body physiological functions

Grasp regulative machinearies of body physiological functions. Give examples to describe the negative feedback, positive feedback on physiological function. 

Chapter 2 Cell Physiology


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Purpose and Requirement 1. To understand the basic structure of cell membrane. 2.To master the transport through cell membrane, bioelectrical activities and neuromuscular transmission. 3.To master the excitation -contraction coupling, and to understand the mechanism and mechanics of the skeletal muscle contraction. Teaching Contents

Part 1. Transport through cell membrane

1. Structure of the cell membrane: the fluid mosaic model. 2.The transporting function of cell membrane: simple diffusion, channel mediated facilitated diffusion and carrier mediated facilitated diffusion, primary active transport, secondary active transport, endocytosis and exocytosis 3. Signal transmission across the membrane: receptor -channel, receptor -G protein - second messenger.

Part 2. Membrane potentials of the cell

1. Bio-electrical phenomenon of the cell : membrane potential. 2. Resting potential: definition, property, and the ionic basis. 3.Action potential: definition, stages, properties, initiation or genesis, threshold, threshold potential, excitability 4. Local potential: definition, properties, role of the local potential 5. Signal transmission along nerve fiber: “Local current flow” theory

Part 3. Contraction of Skeletal Muscle

1. Molecular Characteristics of Contractile Filaments 2. Molecular Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: “Sliding theory”, steps of each cross bridge cycle. 3. Mechanics of skeletal muscle contraction: the effects of preload, afterload and contractility on muscle contraction. 4.Transmission of action potential across the neuromuscular junction: `steps, properties, and 5. Excitation contraction coupling

Chapter 3 Blood

Purpose and Requirement 1. To master the distribution pattern of body fluid and the role of blood in internal environment. 2. To master the mechanisms of physiological hemostasis


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3. To understand physical and chemical properties of blood 4. To understand blood groups and principles of blood transfusion Teaching contents

Part 1. General statement

1. Distribution of body fluid. The composition of body fluids, the concept and physiological significance of

the internal environment and homeostasis.2. Function of blood.

The composition of blood, the main physical and chemical characteristics of the blood,

Part 2. Plasma

The concept of plasma and its physical and chemical properties, and the influence of different osmotic pressure solution on the blood cell .

Part 3. Blood cell1. Generation of blood cells:

Three important stages in the process of hemorrhagic cell formation.2. Red cell physiology: The morphology, quantity and function of red blood cells,

and the formation and destruction of red blood cells and the mechanism of regulation. Hematocrit value, suspension stability, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

3. Leukocyte physiology: The morphology, quantity, variety and function of the white blood cells were identified, and the formation and destruction of the white blood cells were identified.

4. Platelet physiology: The morphology and number of platelets, the physiological characteristics and function of platelets, the effects of platelet function abnormality on the body of the body are explained.

Part 4. Physiological hemostasis

1. The concept and basic process of physiological hemostasis. 2. Blood coagulation: coagulation factors 3. Process of coagulation: activation of factor X, activation of factor II, activation of factor I 4. Intrinsic pathway, extrinsic pathway. 5. Anti-coagulation and fibrinolysis. 6. Function of platelet in physiological hemostasis.

Chapter 4 Function of Circulatory System


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Purpose and requirement 1. To understand the function of heart and concepts of basic mechanics of cardiac muscle. 2. To understand the functional characteristics of various vessels, mechanics of blood flow, venous return, local circulation. 3. To master the function of heart as a blood peripheral pump, regulation of cardiac output, factors affecting cardiac output, electrical phenomena of cardiac muscle cell, physiological of cardiac muscle. 4. To master principle of formation of blood pressure, factors affecting blood pressure, microcirculation, and formation of interstitial fluid. 5. To master the neuronal innervation of heart and blood vessels; baroreceptor reflex; the effect of epinephrine, norepinephrine, nitric oxide, angiotensin on cardiovascular system. Teaching contents

Part 1. Function of the heart

1. The cardiac cycle: atrium systole, ventricular systole, ventriular diastole 2. Cardiac output, ejection fraction, cardiac work, cardiac index. 3. Regulation of cardiac output: heterometric regulation. homometric regulation, effect of afterload, heart rate on output

Part 2. Cardiac electrical phenomena and physiological property of cardiac muscle

1. Cardiac electrical phenomena of working cell: resting potential, action potential 2. Membrane potential of autorhythmic cell 3. Electrophysiological properties of cardiac muscle: excitability. refractory period and its relation with mechanical contraction; automaticity, conductivity and spreading of excitation in heart

Part 3. Physiology of blood vessels

1. Function of different vessels 2. Blood flow in blood vessels: blood flow resistance, blood flow resistance, blood pressure 3. Arterial blood pressure: concept of blood pressure, formation of arterial blood pressure, normal value of arterial blood pressure. 4. Factors affecting the arterial blood pressure: stroke volume. heart rate. Peripheral resistance, ration between the circulatory blood flow and the total vessel volume, windkessel effect of large arterial vessels. 5. Factors affecting venous return, concept of central venous pressure and its clinical significance 6. Microcirculation: concept of microcirculation, formation of interstitial fluid – effective filtration pressure


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Part 4. Regulation of cardiovascular activity

1. Nervous regulation: innervation of heart and vessles, cardiovascular center 2. Cardiovascular reflex: baroreceptor reflex, chemoreceptor reflex 3. Hormoral regulation: renin -angiotensin system, epinephrine and norepinephrine, endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) and endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor factor (EDSF), vasopressin, atrial natriuretic peptide.

Chapter 5 Function of Respiratory System

Purpose and requirement 1. To understand the respiratory significance and basic processes of respiration 2. To master the principles of pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange in lung and tissue 3. The master the transport of O2 and carbon dioxide in the blood 4. To master the regulation of respiration Teaching contents

Part 1. Pulmonary ventilation

1. Respiration: external respiration - pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange; Transport of gas in the blood; internal respiration. 2. Alveoli and respiratory membrane 3. Surface tension of the alveoli and the surfactant 4. Recoil force of the lung and the intrapleual pressure. Pneumothorax 5. Mechanics of ventilation: respiratory muscle phrenic muscle and intercostals; intrapulmonay pressure 6. Pulmonary compliance, airway resistance 7. Pulmonary volume: tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory volume, residual volume and pulmonary capacity, inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, vital capacity, forced vital capacity, total lung capacity 8. Minute ventilation volume, maximal respiratory volume, alveolar ventilation and anatomicaldead space, alveolar dead space, physiological dead space; alveolar ventilaion.

Part 2. Gas exchange

1. Mechanism of diffusion: partial pressure of mixed gas 2. Factors affecting diffusion across respiratory membrane: area and thickness of the respiratory membrane, ventilation/ perfusion ratio 3. Pulmonary diffusing capacity

Part 3. Gas transport in blood


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1. Oxygen transport: physical solution and combination with hemoglobin; oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, factors that shift the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve: pH and PCO2 (Bohr effect), temperature, DPG, CO, fetal hemoglobin. 2. Carbon dioxide transport: physical solution, bicarbonate and carbominohemoglobin; carbon dioxide dissociation curve and Haldane effect.

Part 4. Regulation of respiratory movement 1. Respiratory center and generation of respiratory rhythm 2.. Respiratory reflex (1) Pulmonary stretch reflex (2) Respiratory chemoreflex: peripheral chemoreceptor, central chemoreceptor (3) Effect of PCO2, PO2 and pH on ventilation

Chapter 6 Function of Digestive System

Purpose and Requirement 1. To understand the basic process of food digestion and absorption in digestive tract 2. To master the neural and hormonal regulation of secretory functions and motility of digestive tract. Teaching contents

Part 1. Overview

1. Introduction: master concept of digestion and absorption, digestive ways , secretion mechanism of digestive gland

2. electrical activity of gastreintestinal smooth muscle,3. innervations of the gut and its actions, physiological actions of gut hormones,

brain gut peptides. understand the general characteristics of smooth muscle4. secretory functions of digestive glands, endocrine cells in gastrointestinal tract,

chemistry and transportation of these hormones.

Part 2. Digestion in Oral Cavity

1. Digestion in Oral Cavity: understand secretion of saliva ,and regulation salivary

secretion. mastication and swallowing . 2. The function of saliva and the regulation of secretion.

Part 3. Digestion in Stomach

1. Mastric secretion: composition and actions of gastric juice, such as HCL, pepsin, mucus and intrinsic factor; endogenous substances stimulating gastric secretion:


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acetlcholine, gastrin and histamine; 2. Regulation of gastric secretion including cephalic, gastric and intestinal phases. inhibitory regulation of gastric secretion. 3. Understand gastric motility, gastric receptive relaxation, gastric peristalsis, gastric emptying, regulation of gastric emptying

Part 4. Digestion in Small Intestine

1. Master pancreatic and bile secretion: composition and actions of pancreatic juice and bile, regulation of pancreatic and bile secretion. 2. Understand composition, functions and regulation of small intestinal secretion; 3. Motility of small intestine: tonic contraction, segmentation contraction, peristalsis and regulation; composition and function of the bile, gallbladder emptying and the regulation

Part 5. Digestion in Large Intestine

1. Digestion in Large Intestine: master the types of colon movement and the defecation, haustrations-mixing movement, peristalsis and mass movement, defecation.

Chapter 7 Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature

Purpose and requirement 1. To understand the processes of energy metabolism, the principles of measurement of energy metabolism. 2. To master the concept of basic metabolic rate and factors affecting metabolic rate 3. To master normal changes in body temperature and measurement of body temperature, and the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Teaching contents

Part 1. Energy metabolism

1. The source of energy and its transfer 2. Principle of measurement of energy metabolism: direct calorimetry, indirect calorimetry. 3. Factors affecting energy metabolism: muscle contraction, environment temperature, food specific dynamic effect 4. Basal metabolism rate: concept and clinical significance

Part 2. Body temperature

1. Concept of body temperature: shell temperature and core temperature; normal value of body temperature, normal variation of body temperature


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2. Heat generation and dissipation of the body. (1 ) Generation: organs.muscles, shivering. (2 ) disspiation: irradiation, conduction and convection; evaporation and its significance; sweating. 3. Regulation of body temperature: voluntary and autonomic thermoregulation. 4. Autonomic thermoregulation: peripheral and central temperature receptor, thermotaxic center: its position and the set -point hypothesis.

Chapter 8 Function of Endocrine System

Purpose and Requirement 1. To understand importance of endocrine system in regulation of physiological functions. 2. To master the actions of several important hormones and regulation of their secretion. Teaching contents

Part 1. Overview

1. Master concepts of hormone and endocrine system.2. Understand chemical classification and actions of hormones.3. General characteristics of hormonal actions. -understand formation, storage, release and transport of hormones, 4. Mechanisms of hormone action: hypothesis of the second messenger and hypothesis of the genes.

Part 2. Endocrine function of hypothalamus and pituitary gland

1. Endocrine function of hypothalamus: understand classification and functional Characteristics of the neuro-endocrine neurons in hypothalamus. master

functional relationship between hypothalamus and pituitary gland: hypothalamic hypophysial portal system and hypothalamo-hypophysial nerve tract, actions of several important hypothalamic regulating peptides: THR, GnRH, GHRIH, CRH, GHRH. 2. Pituitary: master biolgoical effects of adenohypophysial hormone (GH, PRL) and regulation of their secretion, actions of neurohypophysial hormones (vasopressin and oxytocin) andregulation of their secretion. understand morphological characteristics of adenohypophysialcells, structure and biosynthesis of neurohypophysial hormones.

Part 3. Endocrine function of thyroid gland

1. Understand biosynthesis of thyroid hormone and iodine metabolism. Chemical composition and metabolism of thyroid hormone

2. Master biological effects of thyroid hormone,.


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3. Regulation of thyroid function. Clinical Abnomality of thyroid hormone secretion.

Part 4. Endocrine function of Adrenal gland

1. Master actions of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoid.2. Understand the synthesis, transport and metabolism of adrenal cortex hormone.3. Biological function of adrenal cortex hormone.4. Regulation of cortex hormones secretion. To explain the clinical manifestations

caused by abnormal secretion of adrenal cortex hormone. To explain the principle of stopping the long term application of glucocorticoid.

5. Adrenal medullary hormones (norepinehrine and epinephrine) produced by adrenal medulla and their actions as well as regulation of section. -understand synthesis and metabolism of glucocoricoids, mineralocorticoida , norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Part 5. Islet of pancreas1. Insulin Biological function, regulation of the secretion of insulin.2. Glucagon and growth hormone release inhibiting hormone.3. Concept of hormone prosoma. Physiological function of pancreatic islets

hormone .Regulation of pancreatic islets hormone excretion : nerve , hormone and paracrine.

Chapter 9 Function of Urinary System

Purpose and requirement 1. To understand the important of the kidney in maintaining homeostasis of the body and excretion function of the kidney. 2. To master the processes of urine formation and factors influencing urine formation, regulation of urine formation. Teaching contents

Part 1. Renal function and renal blood circulation1. Functional anatomy of kidney:

(1) Master the concept and way of excretion, importance of renal excretion(2) Structural characteristics of kidney: nephron and collection ducts, cortical

nephron and juxtamedullary nephron, characteristics of renal blood circulation.

2. Understand general functions of kidney including urine formation and production of some biological active substance, juxtaglomerular apparatus.

Part 2. Urine production and influence factors

1. Function of Glomerular Filtration: master glomerular membrane and its permeability, the effective filtration pressure, factors effecting glomerular filtration, glomerular filtration rate and filtration fraction.


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2 . Functions of Renal Tubules and Collecting Duct: master reabsorption of renal tubules and collecting ducts: active reabsorption of various substances (Na+, Cl- , H2O- ,HCO3

-, NH4+, K+, glucose), secretory and excretory function of renal tubules

and collecting ducts (H+, Na+, K+).

Part 3. Urinary Concentration and Dilution

1. Understand mechanisms for creating osmotic gradient in the medullary interstitial fluid, formation of concentrated and diluted urine, role of the vasa recta for maintaining the high solute concentration in the medullary intersitial fluid.

2. Concentration and dilution of urine and its mechanism. The role of ADH in the regulation of urine concentration and dilution

Part 4. Regulation of Urine Formation in the Kidney

1. Regulation of Urine Formation in the Kidney: master renal autoregulation: osmotic diuresis and glomerulotubular blance; actions of ADH; regulation of ADH secretion: osmolality of extracellular fluid and blood volume of circulation. Concept of Water diuresis.2. Other factors;the effects of aldosterone and regulation of aldosterone secretion: the rennin-angiotensin aldosterone system, Na + , K + concentration of plasma. hormone and cardionatrin. The effect of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Part 5. Plasma Clearance and Urination

1. Plasma Clearance: understand concept of plasma clearance. physiological significance of plasma clearance test. 2. Micturition: understand innervation of uninary bladder and ureters. master reflex of micturition

Chapter 10 Sense Organs

Purpose and requirement 1. To understand the functions of various sense organs. 2. To master the general characteristics of sensory receptors, vision and hearing. Teaching contents

Part 1. Renal function and renal blood circulation

1. Basic concepts : understand concept and classification of sensory receptors and sense organs.

2. Master general characteristics of sensory receptors: sensory threshold and adequate stimulus, transducer function of sensory receptors, coding of sensory information, adaptation.


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Part 2. Visual sense organs:

1. Eye refraction system and its regulation : Understand anatomical basis of eye, optical principle relative to formation of an image in eye, reduced eye.

2. Structure of retina and two kinds of photosensitive system : Structure of retina,chemistry of rhodopsin, space vision and binocular vision. master visual acuity, accommodation reflex, near point of vision, papillary light reflex,cone system and rod system, transduction of light energy by rod, cones and color vision. trichromatic theory of vision, dark and light adaptation, visual field.

Part 3. Auditory sense organs:

1. Understand structure of ear, physiological function of external and middle. Earcollecting sound of auricle, resonance of auditory canal.

2. Function of Eustachian tube pharyntotympanic tube, basic structure of cochlea, action potential in auditory nerve, auditory thresholds and audible area.

3. Master pathways transmitting sound wave from external environment to inner ear, increasing sound pressure by auditory ossicles and tympanic membrane, vibrations of basilar membrane and traveling wave theory, bioelectrical phenomenon of the cochlea.

Chapter 11 Function of Nervous System

Purpose and Requirement 1. To understand the basic function of nerve cells and central nervous system. Sensory functions and higher function of nervous system 2. To master synaptic transmission, motor functions, central control of visceral functions. Teaching contents

Part 1. Neurons and glial cells

1. General Action Rules of Neuron: Neuron and nerve fibers: -master characteristics of nerve conduction: physiologically intact, nature, insulated propagation,double propagation and indefatigability;

2. Glial cells: Structure and functional features of glial cells3. Conduction velocity of verve fibers: Understand mechanisms of nerve conduction

and classification of nerve fibers.4. Axoplasmic transport. Type and substances it transport.

Part 2. Basic rule of activity of central nervous system

1. Elementary interactions between neurons. master concept of synapse, gap junction. Understand non–synaptic chemical transmission, local circuit neurons,local neuronal circuit.


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2. Neurotransmitters: master peripheral neurotransmitters: ACh, NE, peptides, cholinergic receptors, adrenergic receptors understand central neurotransmitters, concept of transmitter and modulator; synthesis, release and inactivity of transmitter; presynaptic receptors of transmitter in central nervous system; nutritive function of nerves. 3. Coordination of Reflex Activity:

(1) Master concept of reflex and reflex arc; (2) Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP); characteristics of synaptic chemical

transmission: unidirectional transmission, central delay. Summation,after discharge, susceptibility to change in internal and external environment,fatigue;

(3) Central inhibition: inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), postsynaptic inhibition: reciprocal inhibition and recurrent inhibition; presynaptic inhibition; central facilitation: postsynaptic facilitation and presynaptic facilitation.

(4) Understand neuronal circuits: convergence, divergence, recurrent circuit and chain circuit.

Part 3. Sensory analysis function of nervous system

1. Sensory information transduction: understand sensory function of spinal cord and ascending pathways; sensory function of thalamus: nuclei of thalamus, specific sensory projection system, ascending reticular activating system; somatic pain and its pathways. master nonspecific sensory projection system,.

2. Sensory representative area of cerebral cortex and its function: Principle of projection.

3. The control of the central nervous system of the specific activity of the sense.4. Pain physiology: Characteristics of visceral pain and referred pain. Clinical

significance of referred pain.

Part 4. Motor function of nervous system

1. Somatic motor reflex in spinal cord : Master motor neurons and motor unit; flexor reflex, crossed extension reflex; action of muscle spindle and Goligi tendon organ. Understand significance of stretch reflex, postural control. 2. Senior central nervous system for the regulation of muscle tension : moter pathway. Transmission of signals from the motor cortex to the muscles: pyramidal system and extra pyramidal system,3. Motor cortex: primary motor cortex, premotor area and supplementary motor area; decerebrate rigidity4. Clinical syndromes resulting from damage to the basal ganglia.5. Motor function of cerebellum: function of vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and corticocrerebellum.

Part 5. Central regulation of visceral function


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1. Master structural and functional characteristics of parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves, function of parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve system.2. Function of hypothalamus: regulation of body temperature, food intake, water balance. Control of anterior pituitary secretion, control of emotion, biological clock. understand visceral activitycontrolled by spinal cord and brain stem. concept and function of limbic system, neuronal regulation of instinctual behavior and emotion, emotional reaction.

Part 6. Higher brain function and other activities (briefly)

1. Wakefulness, sleep and electric activity of the brain. master concept of spontaneous electric activity of the brain and evoked cortical potential, normal waves of EEG, properties and importance of slow wave sleep and fast wave sleep. understand maintenance of wakefulness: ascending reticular activating system; initiation of the sleep: ascending inhibitory system. 2. Higher Function of Nervous System: master learning: concept of nonassociative learning and associative learning, concept of unconditioned and conditioned reflex, formation and significance of conditioned reflexes. Memory. Classification: declarative memory and nondeclarative memory, short-term, intermediate and long-term memory; procedure and mechanism of the memory. understand human's conditional reflex,loss of memory, language function and dominant hemisphere.

Chapter 12 Reproduction

Purpose and Requirement 1. To master the major endocrine functions of sexual glands, actions of sex hormones. 2. To understand the processes of spermatogenesis and progenesis. menstrual cycle, main steps of pregnancy. Teaching contents 1.Male reproduction: master testicular function: spermatogenesis by testes, actions of testosterone, regulation of testicular function: hypothalamic pituitary-Leydig cell axis and hypthalamic-pituitary seminiferous tubule axis. understand endocrine functions of testes: synthesis and metabolism of testosterone.(1) 2. Female reproduction: master physiological effects and mechanism of estrogens

and progesterone; regulation of ovarian function: hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis. understand ovulation, menstrual cycle, processes of pregnancy: fertilization, implantation, maintenance of pregnancy. parturition and lactation.



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Experiment 1 Introduction Physiology Experiments and Preparation for Sciatic Nerve-gastrocnemius Specimen

I. Objectives1. Grasp the usage of some instruments and apparatus for physiology experiments.2. To grasp the method of making a sciatic-gastrocnemius preparation that can

excite and contract when stimulated.II. Contents

1. Learn how to use the basic and necessary instruments and apparatus in doing physiology experiments.

2. Destroy the brain and spinal cord to get a pithed toad with a probe.3. Free the sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius muscle of one side.

III. Hours4 hours

Experiment 2 Single Twitch and Tetanus of Toad Skeletal Muscles

I. ObjectivesTo learn the relationship between the frequency of stimuli and the contractions of

toad skeletal muscles.II. Contents

1. Make a toad sciatic-gastrocnumius preparation.2. Fix the gastrocnemius preparation on the tension transducer.3. Observation: single twich, incomplete tetanus, complete tetanus.

III. Hours4 hours

Experiment 3 The Fragility Test of Red Blood Cells and

Identification of Blood Group

I. ObjectivesTo learn the method of the RBC fragility test. To understand the relationship

between fragility and resistance to hypotonic solution of RBC membrane. To learn how to determine the blood group.II. Contents 1.The Fragility Test of Red Blood Cells

(1) Label and prepare a series of hypotonic NaCl solution with different concentrations accurately( in 10 test tubes).

(2) Observe the complete hemolysis and incomplete hemolysis.2. Identification of Blood Group

Observe the agglutination and identify the blood group of the test people.


Page 19:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

III. Hours4 hours

Experiment 4 Extrasystole and Compensatory Pause

I. ObjectivesTo learn the periodic change of myocardial excitability caused by electric stimulus.

II. Contents1. Record normal curve of the heart.2. Stimulate the ventricle of the heart in systole and early diastole.3. Stimulate the ventricle of the heart in late diastole.

III. Hours4 hours.

Experiment 5 The Operation Skill in Experiments of Rabbits

I. ObjectivesTo know and master any operation skill in some experiments of rabbits, include

the method of recording the blood pressure.II. Contents

1. Separate the nerve and blood vessel on neck.2. Practise tracheal cannula. 3. Practise neck arterial cannula.4. Pracise bladdery cannula. 5. Recording the blood pressure.

III. Hours4 hours.

Experiment 6 Regulation of Respiratory Activity

I. ObjectivesTo observe the influence on respiratory movement by some neural and humoral

factors.II. Contents

1. Record the normal respiratory trace.2. Observe the change of the respiratory movement when increase the CO2

concentration of inhaling air, and.3. Observe the change of the respiratory movement since increase the dead space.


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4. Increase the H+ concentration in the blood, and observe the change of the respiratory movement.

5. Cut the vagus, and observe the change of the respiratory movement.6. Stimulate the cranial end of the vagus, and observe the change of the respiratory

movement.III. Hours

4 hours.

Experiment 7 Observation of Gastrointestinal Function

I. ObjectivesTo observe the gastrointestinal movement and some of influence on

gastrointestinal movement by some neural and humoral factors.II. Contents

1. Observe the swallowing reflex.2. Observe the gastrointestinal movement.3. Stimulate the vagus, and observe the movement of the small intestine.4. Drip the epinephrine on the small intestine and observe what happens.5. Drip the atropine on the small intestine and observe what happens.

III. Hours4 hours.

Experiment 8 Determination of Visual Acuity and Visual Field

I.Objectives: To learn the methods of determining the visual acuity and visual field of human.II. Contents:

1. Determine your visual acuity by looking at the Visual Acuity Chart.2. Determine your visual field by using a perimeter.

III Hours: 4 hours

Experiment 9 The Analysis of Reflex Arc and Determination of Reflex Time

I.Objectives: To learn how many basic components in an reflex arc and the importance of the reflex arc integrity and how to determine the reflex time.II Contents:

1. Keep the spinal cord intact but damage the brain of the toad.2. Observe what happens when stimulating the toad toes by using 0.5% sulfuric


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acid.III Hours: 4 hours

3. 教学方法

3.1 根据课程内容和听课学生的背景和特点,灵活运用多种恰当的教学方法,有效调动学生学习积极性,促进学生学习能力发展。




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生的动手能力和解决问题能力的培养。3.2 恰当充分地使用现代教育技术手段开展教学活动,并在激发学生学习兴趣和提高教学效果方面取得实效。随着科学进步与发展,知识信息量庞大,而教师的授课时间有


生生理学英文课件,课堂中使用 ppt 及多媒体授课学时数达到总学时数的 100%,将文字、图像、动画、声音结合在一起,利用图文并茂的多媒体素材,提高了留学生的学习兴趣,加深对学习的内容的理解,取得了良好的教学效果。教研室还专门购置了多媒体制作的参考书和光盘,帮助教师提高课件制作水平。



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由于来华留学生受到宗教、文化背景等因素影响,对于动物实验普遍存在反感或畏惧。在确保基本技能基本操作能够完成的基础上,我们和相关研发公司合作,将虚拟机能实验平台进行了改版和补充,增加了英文版的虚拟实验平台,方便了外国留学生的实验教学。机能学实验建立了无线局域网平台,学生可通过这个平台实现提交实验报告、完成实验考试等实验内容。该实验室还自主开发了计算机辅助机能实验考试系统,不仅节约了实验资源、还提高了考试效率。机能实验室建立的基于网络的虚拟机能实验平台,涵盖了机能学实验 53



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reduce,替代动物 尽量选择非动物实验 replacement 和优化动物实验 refinement.上述方法激发了学生学习兴趣,提高了留学生教学的教学效果,为适应培养具有创新精神的高水平医学留学生创造了良好条件。3.3 重视学习过程管理,采用多种方式检查学生学习情况,注意巩固学生学习成果,适时安排平时测验和考试。




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According to the course content and the background of international students, a variety of teaching methods were used to effectively mobilize students’ learning enthusiasm, and elevate their learning abilities in Physiology

Physiology is a subject about body function that students first contact after they

complete the nomal Human Morphology courses. Due to the initial contact and the

content is very abstract, students are often difficult to comprehend. They usually

memorize mechanically with poor logic and low efficiency. Students lack the

initiative of autonomous learning. In order to improve the teaching quality, teachers

in the Department of Physiology have explored several methods for their teaching,

including introducing to students related clinical cases, evaluations related to the

encouragement on students’ performances in the class, interactive teaching and

discussion.It is found that these explorations are not only welcomed by international

students,but also improved our teaching quality at the same time.

--Heuristic teaching method and problem-based learning (PBL) were used in our teaching in order to stimulate students’ interests.

--We pay attention to cultivating the practical ability, problem-solving ability, and the teamwork spirit of students.

--In contrast to traditional teaching methods, we combined clinical case and


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experimental disease model with theoretical teaching and independent learning. With clinical cases and experimental results analysis, medica1 students became more and

more interested in understanding and learning the basic theories of Physiology.This

teaching method effectively stimulates students’ learning interest, and improves their analysis ability as well as problem solving ability. It is efficient for their studying theories in Physio1ogy and elevating the clinical and basic research ability of medical students.

--Self-composed textbook, guide book on experiment, and exercise books were used for international students to help them better understand the main points of Physiology. In addition to the basic knowledge of Physiology, we also introduced the knowledge of the most recent advances.

--Evaluations related to the encouragement on students’ performances were used. Evaluations including attendance, performance of students during the experiment, experiment report and instruments and lab cleaning. We focused on cultivating practice ability and problem-solving ability of international students, so that every international student would try their best and take part in the practice class of the course.

Make full use of modern educational technology in teaching and learning activities, which is effective to stimulate students’ learning interest.

With the development of science, the knowledge information is huge, but the teacher's teaching time is limited, which is not conducive to the improvement of the level of education. In the teaching activities of physiology curriculum, we adequately use of modern educational technology, such as the construction of the network curriculum, the establishment of teachers' teaching mailbox, to make student change passive learning to autonomous learning and become a lifelong beneficiary of modern teaching.

Full usage of modern educational technology in teaching process, so far, we have developed a full set of physiological English courseware for foreign students, the teaching hours by usage of multimedia teaching and ppt have reached 100%. Text, images, animations and sounds are taken together, the usage of illustrated multimedia material has improved the students' interest in learning, deepened understanding of the content of learning, by using the above methods, good teaching effect has been achieved. Physiological department also purchased a multimedia production of specialized reference books and CDs to help teachers improve courseware production


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Construction of network curriculum of high quality courses. Teachers will put all the correlative English materials on the course website, such as teaching syllabus, course schedule, courseware, curriculum-related video, related images collected from the network, videos and other information. We encourage students to preview and review of network resources, and aware of the scientific progress.

Because of the influence of the factors such as religion, cultural background et al, some of the international students are afraid of doing experiments on animals. Disgust or fear often occurs. We are developing an English version of internet based functional experimental virtual platform by cooperating with companies. The internet based functional laboratory covers 53 experiments so that students can complete self-directed learning, hand in their experimental reports, and complete the experimental examination on this platform. This work is still in progress. Its advantage lies in the “3R”, that is, reducing the usage of experimental animals; selecting non-animal experiment for replacement; and optimizing animal experiment refinement.

Emphasizing on the process learning management. We use various methods in checking students’learning efficiency, and timely arranging quiz or test to evaluate students’ performance.

We combine encouragement with scoring methods to mobilize students to learn with enthusiasm. Attendance, operation, performance in the experiment, as well as the presence of duty will be scored, and that will help to enhance the enthusiasm of students to learn, improve their problem-solving skills. Physiology record is composed of both theoretical examination and practical examination. In practical class, we highlight the evaluation of students’ performance during the whole process of the experiment, including attendance, taking part in operation, experiment report evaluation, and instruments cleaning et al. We encourage students to discuss and analyze the experimental results using their basic theories and creative ideas; we also aimed to focus on cultivating students’ practical ability as well as problem-solving ability.

4. 参考书目


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1. 《Human Physiology》 (4th Edition) 2003(Rodney Rhoades et al)2. 《Ganong′s Review of Medical Physiology》(24th Edition) 2012 (Kim E. Barrett et


3. 《Physiology》(5th Edition)2004(Robert M.Berne et al)4. 《 Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology》(4th Edition),2005(Levy et al)5. 《Principles of Human Physiology》 (2nd Edition),2003 (Germann et al)

5. 考试形式和成绩分配包括理论考试和实验考试两部分,总评成绩100分。1)理论考试:



EXAMANATION & MARKS DISTRIBUTION Include theory assessment and practical assessment. Total mark is 100.

1) Theory assessment:

The final-term examination is arranged as a cosed-book exam in the end of the

semester. Account for 70% of the total mark.

2) Practical assessment:

The evaluation of all the 5 experimental classes (6 marks each). Including the


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attendance, operation performances, experimental reports, answer questions, cleaning

the instruments and the lab, et al. Account for 30% of the total mark.

6. 学时分配

全部内容设置为 17-18周课,总学时 116 学时,其中理论课 80 学时,实验

课 36 学时(共设置 9个实验,平均 4 学时/实验)

生理学课程:80 学时理论,36 学时实验1. 生理学绪论: 3 学时理论, 4 学时实验2. 细胞生理学: 9 学时理论, 4 学时实验3. 血液生理学: 5 学时理论, 4 学时实验4. 循环系统机能: 15 学时理论, 8 学时实验5. 呼吸系统机能: 8 学时理论, 4 学时实验6. 消化系统机能: 6 学时理论, 4 学时实验7. 能量代谢与体温调节: 3 学时理论8. 内分泌生理学: 6 学时理论9. 泌尿系统机能: 7 学时理论


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10. 感觉器官: 6 学时理论, 4 学时实验11. 神经系统机能: 12 学时理论, 4 学时实验12. 生殖系统机能: (自学)


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The Physiology Course is usually arranged in the second semester for 17- 18


Total class hours:  116 hours

Theoretical course assigned time:   80 hours

Practical course assigned time:  11 hours

The knowledge module sequence and the corresponding hours:

1. The introduction of Physiology: 3 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

2. Cell Physiology: 9 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

3. Blood Physiology: 5 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

4. Function of Circulatory System: 15 hours of Theory; 8 hours of Practice

5. Function of Respiratory System: 8 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

6. Function of Digestive System: 6 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

7. Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature Regulation: 3 hours of Theory

8. Function of Endocrine System: 6 hours of Theory

9. Function of Urinary System: 7 hours of Theory

10. Sense Organ: 6 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

11. Function of Nervous System: 12 hours of Theory; 4 hours of Practice

12. Function of Reproductive System: (Self-learning)


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7. 教学进度天津医科大学基础医学院 教学进度表

学年 第 学期专业: 年级: 班级:课程名称:    周次 Week

日期 Date

讲课内容 Contents

学时 Teaching



主讲教师 Teachers

实验内容 Experiment Contents

学时 Teaching hours

实验教师 Experiment teacher

1                23456              7                8


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17                18                19              

总学时 理论 实验          上课时间 上课地点 主任签字:


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天津医科大学基础医学院 留学生 教学进度表2015-2016 学年第二学期

专业:临床医学 年级:2015级 班级:1班 (2组)课程名称:生理学周次 Wee

k日期 Date 讲课内容 Contents

学时 Teaching

hours节次 主讲教师 Teachers


2016-2-29(一) Introduction of physiology 2 5-6 Zhu Yi

2016-3-2(三) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 1-2 Zhang Yuan

2016-3-4(五) Cellular basis of medical physiology 4 5-8 Zhang Yuan


2016-3-7(一) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 5-6 Zhang Yuan

2016-3-9(三) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 1-2 Zhang Yuan


实验 1. Introduction and sciatic-gastrocnemius

preparation 4 5-8  


2016-3-14(一) Blood & Circulation 2 5-6 Zhao Jingxia

2016-3-16(三) Blood & Circulation 2 1-2 Zhao Jingxia

2015-3-18(五) 实验 2. Single twitch and tetanus 4 5-8  


2016-3-21(一) Blood & Circulation 2 5-6 Zhao Jingxia

2016-3-23(三) Blood & Circulation 2 1-2 Zhao Jingxia

2016-3-25(五) Blood & Circulation 2 5-6 Zhao Jingxia


2016-3-28(一) Circulation 2 5-6 Jin Xuelong

2016-3-30(三) Circulation 2 1-2 Jin Xuelong

2016-4-1(五) 实验 3. RBC fragility and blood type 4 5-8  


         2016-4-6(三) Circulation 2 1-2 Jin Xuelong

2016-4-8(五) Circulation 2 5-6 Jin Xuelong


Page 37:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


2016-4-11(一) Circulation 2 5-6 Jin Xuelong


实验 4. Premature systole and compensatory pause

4 5-8  


2016-4-18(一) Gastrointestinal function 2 5-6 Dong Deyong

2016-4-20(三) Gastrointestinal function 2 1-2 Dong Deyong

2016-4-22(五) 实验 5. Experimental skill at rabbit 4 5-8  


2016-4-25(一) Gastrointestinal function 2 5-6 Dong Deyong

         2016-4-29(五) Respiration 2 5-6 He Jinyan


         2016-5-4(三) Respiration 2 1-2 He Jinyan

2016-5-6(五) Respiration 2 5-6 He Jinyan


2016-5-9(一) Respiration 2 5-6 He Jinyan2016-5-11(三) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 1-2 Fu Li

2016-5-13(五) 实验 6. Regulation of respiration 4 5-8  


2016-5-16(一) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 5-6 Fu Li

2016-5-18(三) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 1-2 Fu Li

2016-5-20(五) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 5-6 Fu Li


2016-5-23(一) Formation and excretion of urine 2 5-6 Liu Ben

2016-5-25(三) Formation and excretion of urine 2 1-2 Liu Ben


实验 7.Observation of gastrointestinal function

4 5-8  14 2016-5-30

(一) Formation and excretion of urine 2 5-6 Liu Ben

2016-6-1(三) The sensory organs 2 1-2 Chai Huijuan


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2016-6-3(五) The sensory organs 4 5-8 Chai Huijuan

152016-6-6(一) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

2016-6-8(三) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling



2016-6-13(一) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

2016-6-15(三) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling

2016-6-17(五) 实验 8. Visual acuity and visual field 4 5-8  


2016-6-20(一) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

2016-6-22(三) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling

2016-6-24(五) 实验 9. Reflex arc and reflex time 4 5-8  

182016-6-27(一) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

           19 期末

总学时 理论 80 实验 36 班主任:苏玮莲上课时间 上课地点 西楼 704 主任签字:

天津医科大学基础医学院 留学生 教学进度表2015-2016 学年第二学期

专业:临床医学 年级:2015级 班级:2班 (3组)课程名称:生理学周次 Wee

k日期 Date 讲课内容 Contents

学时 Teaching

hours节次 主讲教师 Teachers

12016-3-1(二) Introduction of physiology 2 1-2 Zhu Yi

2016-3-2(三) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 5-6 Zhang Yuan

2016-3-4(五) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 1-2 Zhang Yuan2 2016-3-8(二) Cellular basis of medical physiology 4 1-4 Zhang Yuan


Page 39:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

2016-3-9(三) Cellular basis of medical physiology 2 5-6 Zhang Yuan2016-3-11(五) Blood & Circulation 2 1-2 Zhao Jingxia



实验 1. Introduction and sciatic-gastrocnemius

preparation 4 1-4  

2016-3-16(三) Blood & Circulation 2 5-6 Zhao Jingxia

2015-3-18(五) Blood & Circulation 2 1-2 Zhao Jingxia


2016-3-22(二) 实验 2. Single twitch and tetanus 4 1-4  

2016-3-23(三) Blood & Circulation 2 5-6 Zhao Jingxia

2016-3-25(五) Blood & Circulation 2 1-2 Zhao Jingxia


2016-3-29(二) Circulation 2 1-2 Jin Xuelong

2016-3-30(三) Circulation 2 5-6 Jin Xuelong

2016-4-1(五) Circulation 2 1-2 Jin Xuelong

62016-4-5(二) 实验 3. RBC fragility and blood type 4 1-4  2016-4-6(三) Circulation 2 5-6 Jin Xuelong

2016-4-8(五) Circulation 2 1-2 Jin Xuelong



实验 4. Premature systole and compensatory pause

4 1-4                  


2016-4-19(二) Gastrointestinal function 2 1-2 Dong Deyong

2016-4-20(三) Gastrointestinal function 2 5-6 Dong Deyong

2016-4-22(五) Gastrointestinal function 2 1-2 Dong Deyong


2016-4-26(二) 实验 5. Experimental skill at rabbit 4 1-4           

2016-4-29 Respiration 2 1-2 He Jinyan


Page 40:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


2016-5-3(二) Respiration 2 1-2 He Jinyan

2016-5-4(三) Respiration 2 5-6 He Jinyan

2016-5-6(五) Respiration 2 1-2 He Jinyan


2016-5-10(二) 实验 6. Regulation of respiration 4 1-4  

2016-5-11(三) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 5-6 Fu Li

2016-5-13(五) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 1-2 Fu Li


2016-5-17(二) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 1-2 Fu Li

2016-5-18(三) Body temp. & Endocrine 2 5-6 Fu Li

2016-5-20(五) Formation and excretion of urine 2 1-2 Liu Ben



实验 7.Observation of gastrointestinal function

4 1-4  2016-5-25(三) Formation and excretion of urine 2 5-6 Liu Ben

2016-5-27(五) Formation and excretion of urine 2 1-2  


2016-5-31(二) The sensory organs 4 1-4 Chai Huijuan

2016-6-1(三) The sensory organs 2 5-6 Chai Huijuan

2016-6-3(五) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling

152016-6-7(二) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling

2016-6-8(三) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling



2016-6-14(二) 实验 8. Visual acuity and visual field 4 1-4  

2016-6-15(三) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

2016-6-17(五) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling


2016-6-21(二) 实验 9. Reflex arc and reflex time 4 1-4  

2016-6-22(三) The nervous system 2 5-6 Zhang Ling

2016-6-24(五) The nervous system 2 1-2 Zhang Ling


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19 期末总学时 理论 80 实验 36 班主任:李金秀上课时间 上课地点 西楼 606 主任签字:

8. 教案书写要求










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二 00八年十二月十九日

9. 授课教案


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Page 44:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Introduction of Physiology

Teacher’s Name: Zhu Yi Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Comprehending physiologic categories, methods and some concept about functions and activities of humans.

2. Mastering some basic concepts involving metabolism, excitability, negative feedback and so forth.

Teaching Content

Human body physiology is a science about researching functional activity laws of humans. Basic functional activities include metabolism (substance exchanging between body and environment, metabolism); excitability (stimulation and reaction ,threshold value ), general picture of the body reproducing functional activity ; every functional system of the body , external environment and internal environment; functional regulation systems of the body; neuroregulation; humoral regulation (humors and local humoral factors ); autoregulation (organs and cells ).Autocontrol concept (closed-loops, information and feedback ), negative feedback and homeostasis . Physiologic researching methods.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

external environment and internal environment;

functional regulation systems of the body;

homeostasis .

autocontrol concept and negative feedback

Time Allotment

1. Definition and description of physiology. (30 min)2. Basic functional activities. (20min)3. internal environment and homeostasis. (20 min) 4. functional regulation systems of the body. (30 min)5. positive and negative feedback. (30 min)6. Summary (20 min)

Assignment What is homeostasis?

How to regulate the body functions?


Memo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 45:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Cell Physiology-1

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Yuan Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Comprehending rudiments of substances passing cell membranes and mechanical analysis of muscle contraction.

2. Mastering rudiments of electricity development and excitablity conduction and principles of muscle contraction and its regulation .

Teaching Content

Structure of the unit membrane and molecular conformation; fluid mosaic model; substance transport function through the cell membrane: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, cytocrine and exocytosis; concept of carrier , channel and ion pump. Cell electrical activity phenomenon and principles of cell excitability developing and conducting. Recording methods of cell bielectrical activity. Numeric value, character and developing principles of transmembranaceous resting potential and action potential;; membrane permeability and equilibrium potential, characters of sodium and potassium channel and their reaction in electricity development. Localized excitation and threshold potential.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

fluid mosaic modelsimple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transportcarrier, channel and ion pump.Definition of resting potential and action potential.Mechanism of resting potential and action potential. spike potential and after potential; membrane permeability and equilibrium potential;

Time Allotment

Structure of the unit membrane and molecular conformation,fluid mosaic model (35min)substance transport function through the cell membrane: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, cytocrine and exocytosis; concept of carrier, channel and ion pump. (50 min)Cell electrical activity phenomenon; (50 min)Principles of cell excitability developing and conducting. (15min)Recording methods of cell bielectrical activity. (20min)Numeric value, character and developing principles of transmembranaceous resting potential and action potential; (30min)spike potential and after potential; (15min)membrane permeability and equilibrium potential, (35min)

Assignment What is the difference between passive transportation and active transport?

PostscriptMemo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition

2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 46:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Page 47:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Cell Physiology-2

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Yuan Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Comprehending rudiments of substances passing cell membranes and mechanical analysis of muscle contraction.

2. Mastering rudiments of electricity development and excitablity conduction and principles of muscle contraction and its regulation .

Teaching Content

Excitability and stimulation. Refractory period and excitability recovery cycle. Active potential conducting principle on the same cell. Correlation between cells: nerve-muscle exciting conduction, electrical transmission between cells, gap junction. Muscle contracting function: sliding theory excitation-contraction coupling, sometric contraction and isotonic contraction ,preload and after loading.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Characters of sodium and potassium channel

Localized excitation and threshold potential ;Refractory period

Conduction of action potential

nerve-muscle exciting conduction;sliding theory

excitation-contraction coupling;single twitch and tetanus

Time Allotment

Characters of sodium and potassium channel and their reaction in electricity development. (25min)Localized excitation and threshold potential. (25min)Refractory period and excitability recovery cycle. (20min)Active potential conducting principle on the same cell. (20min)Correlation between cells: nerve-muscle exciting conduction (10min)Muscle contracting function: sliding theory excitation-contraction coupling, sometric contraction and isotonic contraction ,preload and after loading. (50min)

Assignment Decribe in detail of the refractory period and excitability recovery cycle


Memo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 48:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Blood Physiology -1

Teacher’s Name: Zhaojingxia Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Grasp:(1) physiological significance of blood in the maintenance of internal environment; (2) physiological characteristics of red blood cells; 2. Understand:(1) The physicochemical properties of blood and its important physiological significance; (2) Classification of blood cells and their physiological functions;3. Know: (1) Genesis of blood cells;(2) Erythropoiesis and regulations of erythrocytes;

Teaching Content

1. Blood Components and Its Properties2. Physiology of Blood Cells (the physiology of erythrocyte, leukocyte and platelets)

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Teaching Focus:1. Osmotic pressure 2. Functions and properties of RBCDifficult Problems:1. The composition of plasma osmolality and its physiological significance.2. Erythropoiesis and regulations of erythrocytes.

Time Allotment

1. Blood Components and Its Properties (40’):Blood components (10’) blood volume (5’); Physiochemical properties of blood (20’) Functions of blood (5’)

2. Physiology of Blood Cells(110’):Genesis of blood cells (10’) Physiology of Erythrocyte (50’)Physiology of Leukocyte (20’)Physiology of Platelets (30’)

Assignment1. Describe the composition of plasma osmolality and its physiological significance.2. Erythropoiesis and regulations of erythrocytes and its characteristics.

PostscriptMemo Reference

1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 49:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Blood Physiology -2

Teacher’s Name: Zhaojingxia Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Grasp:(1) The mechanism of blood coagulation; (2) Blood group and ABO blood group system. 2. Understand:(1) Physiological process of hemostasis; (2) The basic principles of blood transfusion.3. Know: (1) Lysis of blood clots; (2) Rh Blood Group System.

Teaching Content

1. Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation2. Blood Groups and Transfusion

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Teaching Focus:1. The mechanism of blood coagulation 2. ABO blood group system

Difficult Problems:1. Physiological process of hemostasis.2. Rh blood group system

Time Allotment

1. Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation (60’):Hemostasis(10’) Mechanism of Blood Coagulation (30’)Anticlotting Mechanisms (10’)Lysis of Blood Clots(10’)

2. Blood Groups and Transfusion(40’):Agglutinogens and agglutinins ( 5’)ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system (30’)Blood Transfusion(5’)

Assignment 1. How to maintain the balance between blood coagulation and fibrinolysis?2. Describe the process of hemostasis after small vascular injury.3. What is blood type? And how to determine your blood group?

PostscriptMemo Reference

1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 50:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-1

Teacher’s Name: Zhaojingxia Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Grasp:(1) Electrical activity of the heart and its ionic mechanism; (2) Physiological properties of myocardium (excitability, automaticity and conductivity) and its influencing factors. 2. Understand:(1) The waveform of electrocardiogram and its and physiological significance; (2) The heart sounds.3. Know: Transmembrane potential of pacemaker cells (Purkinje cell & Pacemaker cell).

Teaching Content

1. The concept of circulation and its functions2. Bioelectrical Physiology of the Heart

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Teaching Focus:1. Tranmembrane potential of working and pacemaker cells2. Excitability, automaticity of myocardium

Difficult Problems:1. Tranmembrane potential of pacemaker cells.

Time Allotment

1 the concept of circulation and its functions(10’)2 Bioelectrical Physiology of the Heart(140’):

Classification of myocardial cells(5’)Transmembrane potential of working cell and its ionic mechanism( 30’) transmembrane potential of pacemaker cells and its ionic mechanism(25’) Autorhythmicity and its influencing factors(15’)Excitability and its influencing factors( 10’) Periodic changes of excitability( 10’) Relation of mechanical contraction to change in excitibility (10’)Conductivity and its influencing factors( 15’) Contractility( 5’) the waveform of electrocardiogram and its and physiological significance(15’)

Assignment1. Explain transmembrane potential of working cell and its ionic mechanism.2. Explain transmembrane potential of pacemaker cells and ionic mechanism.

PostscriptMemo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition

2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 51:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-2

Teacher’s Name: Zhaojingxia Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Grasp:(1) Pumping process of the heart; (2) Evaluation of cardiac pumping function;(3) Regulation of cardiac output.2. Understand:(1) Cardiac reserve. (2) The heart sounds.

Teaching Content 1. The heart as a pump

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Teaching Focus:1. Mechanical event of the cardiac cycle2. Regulation of cardiac output

Difficult Problems:1. Regulation of cardiac output.

Time Allotment

1. The heart as a pump (100’):cardiac cycle and heart rate ( 5’ ) Pumping process of the heart ( 25’ ) heart sound ( 5’ ) Evaluation of cardiac pumping function ( 25’ ) Cardiac reserve (10’)regulation of cardiac output(30’)

Assignment1. Under normal conditions, which control the heartbeat? Explain why?2. What mechanical event happened in the cardiac cycle?3. what factors influence the cardiac output?



Reference1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


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Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-3

Teacher’s Name: Jin Xuelong Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Master the functional features of all kinds of vessels, with particular emphasis on the flexibility of Windkessel vessel.2. Master the concept of arterial blood pressure and its basic conditions.3. Master the factors that determine the arterial blood pressure.

Teaching Content

1. The functional features of all kinds of vessels, with particular emphasis on the flexibility of Windkessel vessel.

2. The concept of arterial blood pressure and its basic conditions.3. The factors that determine the arterial blood pressure.4. The concept of venous pressure and central venous pressure.5. The impact factors of venous pressure.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. The function of Windkessel vessel.2. The basic conditions and impact factors of arterial blood pressure.3. The concept and calculation of mean arterial pressure.4. The four factors that affect the lymph generation.5. The impact factors of central venous pressure.

Time Allotment

1. The functional features of all kinds of vessels, with particular emphasis on the flexibility of Windkessel vessel. 30’

2. The concept of arterial blood pressure and its basic conditions.40’3. The factors that determine the arterial blood pressure.30’

Assignment 1. What’s arterial blood pressure and its impact factors?2 What is humoral regulation of cardiovascular system? Explain it how to maintain homeostasis of the blood volume?3. How do epinephrine and nor epinephrine affect cardiovascular function? Compare the function of them?

PostscriptMemo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition

2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 53:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-4

Teacher’s Name: Jin Xuelong Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Master the concept of microcirculation and the composition and funtion of it.2. Master the main factors that affect the interstitial fluid. 3. Understand the physiological significance of lymph generation.4. The concept of venous pressure and central venous pressure. 5. The impact factors of venous pressure.

Teaching Content

1. The concept of microcirculation and the composition and funtion of it.2. The main factors that affect the interstitial fluid. 3. The physiological significance of lymph generation.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. The main factors that affect the interstitial fluid. 2. the machinary of lymph system affect the balances of water of body.

Time Allotment

1. The concept of microcirculation and the composition and funtion of it.40’2. The main factors that affect the interstitial fluid. 30’3. The physiological significance of lymph generation.30’4. The concept of venous pressure and central venous pressure.20’5. The impact factors of venous pressure.30’

Assignment 1. What’s the main factors that affect the interstitial fluid?2. The rute of the microcirculation and the autoregulation of microcirculation


Memo 1. William F. Ganong. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology.20th Edition2. Koeppen & Stanton. Berne and Levy Physiology. 6th Edition 3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical physiology. 11th Edition


Page 54:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-5

Teacher’s Name: Jin Xuelong Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Master the nervous regulation of cardiovascular activity.2. Master the cardiovascular reflex.3.

Teaching Content

1. The nerve that dominate the heart: the Sympathetic nerve and the Vagus nerve.2. The nerve that dominate the vessel: the Vasoconstrictor fiber and the Vasodilator fiber.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. The nervous regulation of cardiovascular activity.2. Baroreceptor and its featues3. Bareoreflex, closed loop, negtive feedback regulation, no adaptation

Time Allotment

1. The nerve that dominate the heart: the Sympathetic nerve and the Vagus nerve.50’2. The nerve that dominate the vessel: the Vasoconstrictor fiber and the Vasodilator fiber.50’

Assignment 1. What’s the nervous regulation of cardiovascular activity?2. Describe the baroreflex.


Memo 1. Ganong, W F. Review of Medical Physiology, 23th Ed. 2011.2. Berne, R M . Principles of physiology, 2nd ed. 1996.3. Sherwood, L. Human Physiology: from cell to systems, 4th ed. 20084. Guyton, AC. Textbook of medical physiology, 10th ed. 2000


Page 55:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Circulatory Physiology-6

Teacher’s Name: Jin Xuelong Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Understand the autoregulation mechanism of local blood flow.2. Master the long-term regulation of blood pressure.3. Master the humoral Regulation of cardiovascular activity.

Teaching Content

1. The Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System, epinephrine and norepinephrinen and Vasopressin.

2. The long-term regulation of blood pressure.3. Baroreceptor Reflex, chemoreceptor reflex, and Cardiopulmonary Receptor reflex.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. The Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System..2. Focal point: R-A-A system; Regulation of NA & Ad receptor3. Difficult point: Regulation of blood volume

Time Allotment

1. The Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System, epinephrine and norepinephrinen and Vasopressin.60’

2. The long-term regulation of blood pressure.40’3. Baroreceptor Reflex, chemoreceptor reflex, and Cardiopulmonary Receptor reflex.50’

Assignment 1. What’s depressor reflex?2. What’s the regulation mechanism of Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System?

PostscriptMemo 1. Ganong, W F. Review of Medical Physiology, 23th Ed. 2011.

2. Berne, R M . Principles of physiology, 2nd ed. 1996.3. Sherwood, L. Human Physiology: from cell to systems, 4th ed. 20084. Guyton, AC. Textbook of medical physiology, 10th ed. 2000


Page 56:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Respiratory Physiology-1

Teacher’s Name: He Jinyan Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Grasp: 1)Driving force of pulmonary ventilation: respiratory muscles; 2) Respiratory resistance: Elastic resistance and compliance of the lung3) Primary lung volumes and lung capacities

Comprehend: Changes of intrapulmonary pressure during respiration; elastic resistance and compliance of the thorax; non-elastic resistance.

Familiar with: the features of different parts of the respiratory tract;

Teaching Content

1. Introduction: definition of respiratioin, process of respiration2.Driving force of pulmonary ventilation: respiratory movement(respiratory muscles, patterns); intrapulmonary pressure; intrapleural pressure and it significance. 3. Respiratory resistance: elastic resistance (compliance, elastic properties of lung, pulmonary surfactant, law of Laplace, elastic properties of lung-chest wall system); non-elastic resistance(airway resistance, factors affecting airway resistance)4. Definition: tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, residual volume; functional residual capacity, vital capacity, forced vital capacity, total lung capacity, forced expiratory volume; minute ventilation volume ,alveolar ventilation , dead space.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. Formation and significance of intrapleural pressue(emphasis and difficult)2. Elastic resistance(emphasis and difficult)

Time Allotment

1. Introduction 20’2. Driving force of pulmonary ventilation 30’3. Respiratory resistance 60’4. Definition of lung volumes and capacities 40’

Assignment 1. Please tell the function of pleural cavity in pulmonary ventilation.2. Please describe the physiological function of pulmonary surfactant.3.Please tell the definition and physiological significance of ventilation/perfusion ratio. If

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 57:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Respiratory Physiology -2

Teacher’s Name: He Jinyan Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Grasp: 1) ventilation/perfusion ratio; 2) Factors affecting gas exchange; pulmonary diffusion capacity. 3) Gas transport in the blood: Oxygen capacity, oxygen content and saturation, oxygen

hemoglobin dissociation curve and factors affecting it. Comprehend: Gas exchange: Principles of gas exchange

Gas exchang process in the lung and in the tissue. Gas transport in the blood: Oxygen combination with hemoglobin and transport.

Familiar with: physically dissolved gas. Effect of hemoglobin transport CO2 .

Teaching Content

1. Principle of gas exchange; process of gas exchange (in the lung and in the tissue). Factors affecting gas exchange; definition of capacity of lung2. Gas transport: forms of O2 in the blood; O2 transport in the blood(features of O2

combination with Hb, capacity of O2 bound to Hb,O2-Hb dissociation curve, factors affecting O2-Hb dissociation curve-----pH and PCO2, temperature and 2,3-DPG.). CO2 transport in the blood( forms of CO2 in the blood,CO2 dissociation curve)

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. Factors affecting gas exchange 2. O2-Hb dissociation curve and affecting factors

Time Allotment

1. Principle of gas exchange; process of gas exchange 15’2. Factors affecting gas exchange; ventilation/perfusion ratio 35’3. Forms of O2 and CO2 in the blood 10’4. O2 transport in the blood(features of O2 combination with Hb, capacity of O2 bound to Hb,O2-Hb dissociation curve, factors affecting O2-Hb dissociation curve-----pH andPCO2,temperature and 2,3-DPG) 30’5. CO2 transport in the blood 20’

Assignment 1. Please describe the meaning of oxygen dissociation curve and the factors shifting it.2. Please tell the gas (include CO2 & O2) transport process in our bodies.

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 58:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Respiratory Physiology -3

Teacher’s Name: He Jinyan Prof. Title: Associate Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Grasp: 1) Humoral and neural regulation of respiration: Definition, process and physiological function of pulmonary stretch reflex; the influences and pathways of arterial CO2/ O2/ [ H+ ] on respiration.Comprehend: Medullary centers and pneumotaxic centers of respiratory regulation. Hypothesis about the genesis of respiratory thythmicity. Reflex regulation of respiration.Familiar with: overview of respiratory centers.

Teaching Content

1. Neural regulation of respiration: respiratory center (medullary respiratory center, pneumotaxic center, cerebral cortex) ; Genesis of rhythmical respiration;2. Chemical control of respiration-----chemoreceptors, ventilatory response to CO2, H+ and hypoxia. Pulmonary stretch reflex; pulmonary deflation reflex3. Summary

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. Center of respiration(difficulty)2. Chemical control of respiration(emphasis)3. Pulmonary stretch reflex(difficulty)

Time Allotment

1. Neural regulation of respiration: respiratory center, rhythmical respiration. 20’2. Humoral and neural regulation of Respiration 80’3. Pulmonary stretch reflex; pulmonary deflation reflex 35’4. Summary 15’

Assignment 1. What chemical factors could affect the respiratory motility? And could you describe the relative pathways?2. Please describe the neural regulation of respiration.


Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 59:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Gastrointestinal Function-1

Teacher’s Name: Dong Deyong Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Comprehending: Concept of digestion and absorption; regulation of digestive secretion and gastric movement under the influence of nervous and humoral factors ; Characterstics of digestive smooth muscles.

Comprehending :function of gastric acid . Pepsin ; mucus ; intrinsic factor; Regulation of gastric fluid secretion;compition and function of pancreatic fluid

Teaching Content

General introduction: Concept of digestion and absorption , digestive process , secretion mechanism of digestive glands. Characterstics of digestive smooth muscles . Digestive hormones; innervation of.gesteointestinal gut Digestion in mouth: Salivary character, composition and function . Regulation of salivary secretion .Digestion in stomach: Character and composition and function of gastric fluid . Secretory mechanism of hydrochloric acid, function of gastric acid . Pepsin ; mucus ; intrinsic factor ;Gastric mucosal barrier . Regulation of gastric fluid secretion : baseline acid output . Gastric fluid output in cephalic phase, gastric phase and intestinal phase ; inhibition of gastric fluid output .

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. electric haracterstics of digestive smooth muscles 2.innervation of gut 3.local reflex in the gut4. function of gastric fluid 5. Regulation of gastric fluid secretion

Time Allotment

General introduction 60minsDigestion in mouth 30 minsDigestion in stomach 60mins

Assignment 1.What is the origination of SW in the gut, and effect of SW to muscle constriction?2.What is the functional difference between sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve?3.Under normal conditions,why does pepsine not digest mucus of stomach? 4. after a meal, why dose the blood turn alkaline?

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 60:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Gastrointestinal Function-2

Teacher’s Name: Dong Deyong Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Character, compition and function of pancreatic fluid .Comprehending :Cholecystic function ; Regulation of bile secretion and excretion ; Absorption of three nutritive materials

Teaching Content

Digestion in small intestine: Compition and function of pancreatic fluid;Cholecystic function . Regulation of bile secretion and excretion ; nervous and humoral influence . Character, composition and function of small intestinal juice . Secretory regulation of small intestinal juice . Absorption: Concept of the absorption process. Absorptive mechanism . Water absorption .Inorganic salt absorption (natrium , calcium , iron ) . Absorption of three nutritive materials .

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

1. Character, compition and function of pancreatic fluid 2. Cholecystic function .3. Regulation of bile secretion and excretion 4. Absorption of three nutritive materials

Time Allotment

digestion in small intestine 70minsAbsorption 30mins

Assignment1. What is the function of pancreatic fluid?2. What is the function of intero-hepatic circulation of bile salt?3. Why is small intestine the most important portion for digestion and absorption?


Memo1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 61:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Energy Metabolism & Body Temperature

Teacher’s Name: Fu Li Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

Understand the energy metabolism in the body, the transformation of the energy. Know the normal rage of the body temperature and the measurement of body temperature.Grasp the principles of measurement for basal metabolic rate and the mechanism of stable body temperature.

Teaching Content

1. Explain how to determinate the metabolic rate such as using indirect calorimeter and direct calorimeter. Describe thermal equivalent of food, thermal equivalent of oxygen, respiratory Quotient. Describe the energy transforming. Describe basal metabolic rate (BMR). List the factors that effect the BMR..2. Describe the ways of body heat gain and loss. Describe the way of the heat loss such as conduction, radiation, convection, evaporation. Explain the insensible perspiration. Describe sensible perspiration and sweating. Explain how the body controls the body temperature. Explain how to adapt in the hot or cold environment. Describe the fever.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: the method of indirect measure metabolic rate, basal metabolic rat. four ways to control the body heat loss. Heat loss and heat gain. Thyroid hormones and body memtabolism its function. For growth, development and metabolism, regulation control by TSH and TRHGenerally understand: fever, HypothyroidismHyperthyroidismDifficulties: Body temperature regulation and the machanism of fever in physiology.

Time Allotment

Onception of energy metabolism(10min), hermal equivalent of food, thermal equivalent of oxygen, respiratory Quotient(15min)Basal metabolic rate and its measurement(15min), The factors of affective of BMR(10min),Ways of body heat gain and loss(20min),The regulation of body temperature(20min),Machineris of fever in Physiology(10min)

Assignment1.If the body temperature lower than the set point, how does the body regulate it return to normal? 2.How does it affect body function in the different ages, if the food no iodine?


Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 62:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Endocrine Physiology -1

Teacher’s Name: Fu Li Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1.Understand the concept of Hormone, the classify in struture and the cellular transduction mechanism of hormone action.2.Familiar with the general characteristics of hormones.3.Grasp the hormone of pituitaty gland its function.

Teaching Content

1. Hormone actions in three forms: endocrine action, Paracrine action, autocrine action .2. Target Cells, hormone receptors, structures of hormones, signal trasduction in target cell, Antagonists, agonists. 3. Pituitary anatomy, and its hormones. Hypothalamus function with endocrine,Hormone stimulating releasing hormones.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: the basis action of hormone, Antagonists, agonists Generally understand: structures of Peptides and proteins, Steroids, Amino acid derivatives, Fatty acid derivativesDifficulties: negative feedback control in the endocrine system。

Time Allotment

Concept of endocrine and the significance of it in the regulation of homostasis (20 min)Hormones (classify in structure), Receptors, Antagonists, Agonists and, Target Cells (30 min)General characteristics of hormones. (20 min)Cellular transduction mechanism of hormone action. (30 min)Endocrine function of hypothalamus and pituitary gland. 9 kinds of hypothalamus regulatory peptides, 7 kinds of hormone from pitutary gland. (20 min)Physiological role of Growth Hormone, the regulation of its secretion and clinical menifestations of abnomality of GH. (30 min)

Assignment 1.Analysis the differences of the signal transductions in the cell between the steroid hormone and amino acid hormone derivative.2.Decribe the function of Growth Hormone.


Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 63:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Endocrine Physiology -2

Teacher’s Name: Fu Li Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1.Grasp the physiological role of thyroid hormone, especially the role of T3 on body metabolism. The synthesis process of thyroid hormone.2.Hormones from Adrenal gland, familiar with the effect of Glucocorticoids, Mineralocorticoids and others.

Teaching Content

1. General knowledge of thyroid gland. The raw materials and the synthesis process, storage, secretion to blood, transmision and degradation of thyroid hormone2. Physiological roles of T3, T4. the mechanism of its function and regulation on its secretion.3. Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism (20min)4. General knowledge of adrenal gland, Effects of Glucocorticoids, and its Metabolism.5.Regulation of secretion of Glucocorticoids, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), stress

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Important: Thyroid hormones and body memtabolism its function. For growth, development and metabolism,. adrenalin and noradrenalin, secretion and function during stress, compare with sympathetive system. Glucocorticoids horlmones effect, secretion and regulation under the control of pituitary and hypothalamus. The application of Glucocorticoids hormone, importance of aldosterone in water and salt balance Generally understand:Rennin agiotensin systemHypothyroidismHyperthyroidismDifficulties: Regulation control by TSH and TRH

Time Allotment

Anatomy and histology of thyroid thyroid hormone of the raw materials , the synthesis process of thyroid hormone (30min), Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism (20min)Anatomy of adrenal gland, cortex and medulla (10min) Effects of Glucocorticoids, Metabolism. Inflammation and Immune function (15min), Glucocorticoids are secreted in response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).•ACTH is secreted under control of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH). (15min). Mineralocorticoids (10min)

Assignment 1.How does it effect body function in the different ages, if the food no iodine?2.During hypoxia what will be happened for the secretion of adrenal gland?3.The physiological role of T3 and T4?

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 64:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Endocrine Physiology -3

Teacher’s Name: Fu Li Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Understand the Endocrine of Pancreas. Grasp several hormones related to the regulation of blood glucose.2. Familiar with the mechanism of Calcium Homeostasis. The effects of related hormone.

Teaching Content

1. Anatomy and cell classify of pancreas, three hormones of pancreas islets ant their ations. 5. Effect of PTH and Vit D3 and Calcitonin6. Homeostasis of blood calcium. The abnomalities of calcium regulation.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Important: Insulinfunction and diabetes, the factors which affect the secretion of insulin. Three major pools of calcium kidney, bone. The key to maintain the balance of calcium. Effect of Parathyroid hormone and vitamin D.Generally understand: calcitonin.Difficulties: Process of transformation of VitD3 to its active form.

Time Allotment

Three hormones from pancreas and their actions: Insulin, glucagon and somatostatin (40min) ; The mechanism of blood glucose homeostasis (10 min)The source of calcium, reabsorption and excretion of calcium (10min), Parathyroid gland and its hormone,. Its target cells in bone and kidney (20min). Parathyroid hormone actions (20min). Vitamin D and its function (10min)Physiologic effects of Calcitonin (10min). Pineal gland and melatonin conception of circadian (15min).Summary of the whole chapter of Endocrine (15 min)

Assignment 1. How does the body keep homeostasis of blood glucose level?2. Why does ricketscan be prevented by the sunlight exploring?Decribe the physiological role of Insulin.

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 65:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Kidney-1

Teacher’s Name: Liu Ben Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1.nephron and it function.2. GFR3.the factors of affective GFR

Teaching Content

Introduction of renal function. And Review homeostasis , kidney and it basic unit nephron structure , formation of urine: three steps, glomerular membrane,glomerular filtration , the affective filtration pressure the factors of affective of filtration.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and

their Solutions

review the structure of glomerular membrane, compare the component of blood plasma, initial urine and end urine, juxtaglolmerular apparatus analysis the reason of the difference above, the membrane is mechanical barrier and electrical barrier.important: effective filtration pressure generally understand:endocrine function of kidney

Time Allotment

Introduction of renal function. And Review homeostasis (10min), kidney and it basic unit nephron structure (15min), formation of urine: three steps(15min), glomerular membrane(10),glomerular filtration (10min), the affective filtration pressure (20) the factors of affective of filtration (20 min)

Assignment Could we find red blood cell in the initial urine at normal condition, Why? How does the kidney stone effect the GFR?

Postscript Renal function: eliminating waste products, excess and foreign substances; sustaining internal environment constant; making and secreting organic activity substance

Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 66:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Kidney-2

Teacher’s Name: Liu Ben Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1.Selective reabsorption and Excretion.2. Na+ reabsorption3. Water reabsorption 4. HCO3

- reabsorption and H+ secretion5. Glucose and amino acids reabsorption

Teaching Content

Selective reabsorption of Na+, K+, glucose and amino acid, HCO3 -.Excretion of H+ , aldosteron affects on salt reabsorption.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and

their Solutions

review the following :active transportation, passive transportation, facilitated trasportation, important: reabsorption Na K Glucose amino acid water and HCO3, the regulation of water balance and acid/base balance.

Time Allotment

reabsorption of Na+,Cl- and water(60’); reabsorption of HCO3- and secretion of H+(20’);

reabsorptionof glucose(20’); secretion of K+ and NH3 (30’). Concentration and dilution of urine: dilution of urine; hypothesis of countercurrent multiplication; formation of renal medullary osmotic gradient (external medullary layer and internal medullary layer ); function of vasa recta in sustaining renal medullary osmotic gradient(40’)

Assignment What will be happened as using furosemide? How does the body regulate the water balance if less(more) drinking?

Postscript Comprehending reabsorption of Na+,Cl- and water; reabsorption of HCO3- and secretion of H+;

reabsorptionof glucose.

Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 67:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Kidney-3

Teacher’s Name: Liu Ben Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Urine concentration and dilution2.Plasma Clearance 3 Micturation

Teaching Content

Urine concentration and dilution water reabsorption, counter current multiplication.Conception of Plasma Clearance , Measure GFR, RPF and RBF.Reflection arc of Micturation (5min), Sense of full of bledder.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and

their Solutions

review the following :active transportation, passive transportation, facilitated trasportation, important: reabsorption Na K Glucose amino acid water and HCO3

-, the regulation of water balance and acid/base balance. generally understand:micturation, counter current multiplication

Time Allotment

Urine concentration and dilution water reabsorption, counter current multiplication.Conception of Plasma Clearance , Measure GFR, RPF and RBF. (60min)Reflection arc of Micturation , Sense of full of bledder. (40min)

Assignment What is the “dilution” or “concentration” of urine ?Relationship between urine output and urine osmolality.Action and secretion of ADH.How does the osmotic pressure gradient form?

Postscript Comprehending the “dilution” or “concentration” of urine, relationship between urine output and urine osmolality, action of ADH

Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,20104. Zhu Danian, Physiology, 7th Ed, People’s Health Publishing House, 2008


Page 68:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Sensory Organ-1

Teacher’s Name: Chai Huijuan Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: Internation Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

3. the function of eye 4. the regulation of lens,etc. the abnomality of visual acuity.

Teaching Content

Optic system of eye, Lens system to focus the image: cornea, anterior humor, lens and posterior humor. Focus adjustment: ciliary muscle and lens ligament.Aperture: iris.Eye Accommodation for close vision tightening the cilliary muscles, allowing the pliable lens to become more rounded. Pupillary light reflex Optical defects Photoreceptors rod and cone Rhodopsin : Retinene (retinal) + Scotopsin Dark adaptation Light Adaptation Color VisionThe three types of cones for color vision. red . green blue absorption.Visual acuity Binocular Vision Visual acuity

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

general about anatomy Outer layer: the sclera and cornea. Middle layer: the choroid, ciliary body and iris. Inner layer of nerve tissue: retina.Important: Optic system of eye, Lens system to focus the image: cornea, anterior humor, lens and posterior humor. Focus adjustment: ciliary muscle and lens ligament.Aperture: iris.Eye Accommodation for close vision tightening the cilliary muscles, allowing the pliable lens to become more rounded. Pupillary light reflex Optical defects Photoreceptors rod and cone Rhodopsin : Retinene (retinal) + Scotopsin Dark adaptation Light Adaptation Color VisionThe three types of cones for color vision. red . green blue absorption.Visual acuity Binocular Vision Visual acuitySelf study: correction of vision defect

Time Allotment

anatomy and functions of Optic system of eye (25min), Lens system to focus the image: cornea, anterior humor, lens and posterior humor. Focus adjustment(15 min), Eye Accommodation for close vision (20 min). Pupillary light reflex (10 min) Optical defects(15 min) Photoreceptors: rod and cone (10 min) Rhodopsin : Retinene (retinal) + Scotopsin (15 min) Dark adaptation Light Adaptation (10 min) Color Vision:The three types of cones for color vision. red . green blue (10 min).Visual acuity(10 min) Binocular Vision Visual acuity (10min)

Assignment How does the eye accommodation for close vision?

PostscriptMemo William F. Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology, Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical

Physiology, Charles Seidel: Basic Concept in Physiology


Page 69:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Sensory Organ-2

Teacher’s Name: Chai Huijuan Prof. Title: Instructor

Class: Grade: Department: Internation Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

the audio sense and balance

Teaching Content

structure of the ear The sound conducts : Ossicular Chain. The ossicular chain (malleus, incus and stapes) links the eardrum to the oval window. The surface ratio of eardrum to oval window (20/1) allows an adequate energy transfer of the sound pressure between the air and the fluids of the inner ear. Ossicular Reflex This reflex protects the cochlea against loud cell, Frequency coding, microphone potential: Depolarization or hyper polarization in hair cell depends on the direction of cilia bending. Generator Potential and Action Potential.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Sound is the audible band of the mechanical wave spectrum. Hearing is mainly concerned with two parameters of sound : its frequency (wave/sec = Hertz), and its pressure level (decibel, dB). Sounds at human level. The human ear recognizes frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hz as sounds. Auditory Field of HumanMiddle Ear:. Ossicular Chain. The ossicular chain (malleus, incus and stapes) links the eardrum to the oval window. The surface ratio of eardrum to oval window (20/1) allows an adequate energy transfer of the sound pressure between the air and the fluids of the inner ear. Ossicular Reflex This reflex protects the cochlea against loud sounds. Hair Cell: Basilar membrane up and down by vibration. Bending cilia of the hair cell., Depolarization or hyper polarization in hair cell depends on the direction of cilia bending. Generator Potential and Action Potential. If the generator potential is large enough, it causes transmitter release from the hair cells which excites the afferent nerve. Frequency Coding: The basilar membrane is narrow and stiff at the window end and wide and flexible at the apical end. This natural topographical difference in structure results in different regions vibrating at different resonant frequencies.

Time Allotment

structure of the ear (20 min) The sound conducts (50 min) hair cell, Frequency coding, microphone potential 30 min),

Assignment1.How does the ear code for frequency change? 2.How does a hair cell work?

PostscriptMemo William F. Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology, Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical

Physiology, Charles Seidel: Basic Concept in Physiology


Page 70:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Function of Nerves System -1

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Ling Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. To understand the physiological significance of nervous system’s regulation.2. To understand the general laws of neuron’s activity. The classification of nerve fiber.3. To understand the physiological function of neuroglial cell.4. Grasp the definition, struture, different type of synapse. The process and transmission principle of synapse transmision of signal.

Teaching Content

1. Basic structure, classification and function of neuron, nerve fiber.2. Neural glial cells and their functions.3. Axoplasmic Transportation and neutrophic effect of nerve4. About synapse. The definition, struture, types5. Postsynaptic potential.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: the basis structure and action of neuron, Characteristics of action potential conduct on a nerve fiber. Types of nerve fiber. Axoplasmic Transportation. Process of transmission of signals through synapse.Generally understand: Neural glial cells and their functions. Difficulties: Formation of Postsynaptic potential (EPSP &IPSP)

Time Allotment

Introduction of physiological significance and general functions of nervous system(15 min)Basic structure of neuron. Role of different part of neuron (15min)Excitement conduction characteristics of nervous fiber. (20min)Classification of nervous fiber and factors that affect the conduction velocity of action potential on nerve fiber (20 min)Axoplasm transport.(15 min)Stuction, Classification,Physiological function of synapse. (15 min)Signal transmission process through chemical synapse and the characteristics or transmission principle of synaptic transmission of action potential. (25 min)Excitatory postsynaptic potential and Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (25 min)

Assignment 1.Decribe the factors that affect the conduction velocity of an action potential on a nerve fiber.2.Compare the differences of characteristics of signal conduction on nerve fiber and transmission through synapse

Postscript .Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 71:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Function of Nerves System -2

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Ling Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Know the classification of central inhibition (postsynaptic inhibition and presynaptic inhibition), understand their mechanism and physiological implication.2. Grasp several characteristics of central excitement spread.3. Know principle central and peripheral neurotransmitters. The related nerve fibers, receptors, releasing, degradation and their functions.4. Know about the gap junction and non-synaptic chemical transmission.

Teaching Content

Central inhibition (Postsynaptic inhibition ; Presynaptic inhibition); Characteristics of synaptic transmission; Neurotransmitters (Acetylcholine, Amino acids:, Catecholamines, Peptides), turning off synapses; Cholinergic nerve fiber, Adrenergic nerve fiber; Two types of ACh receptors, Two types of NE receptors; gap junction and non-synaptic chemical transmission.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: the differences between Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulator. principle central and peripheral neurotransmitters. Cholinergic nerve fiber, Adrenergic nerve fiber and their function; receptors, releasing, degradation and their functions.Generally understand: Conditions of verifying a neurotransmitters. Difficulties: Central inhibition (Postsynaptic inhibition;Presynaptic inhibition), the related mechanism and physiological implication

Time Allotment

Classification of Central inhibition (Postsynaptic inhibition ; Presynaptic inhibition) Mechanism and physiological implication of them.(25min)The concept of neuromodulator (10 min)Conditions of verifying a neurotransmitters (15 min)Introduce the principle central and peripheral neurotransmitters (10 min)Differentiation of nerve fiber by different neurotransmitters they release. Cholinergic nerve fiber, Adrenergic nerve fiber and their function (15 min)Receptors of peripheral neurotransmitters, their types and effects when activated (15 min)Structure and feature of gap junction and non-synaptic chemical transmission. (10 min)

Assignment 1.Tell the differences between postsynaptic inhibition and presynaptic inhibition2.Dscribe the differentiation of nerve fiber according to different neurotransmitters they release and their functions.

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,2005


Page 72:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

3. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


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Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Function of Nerves System -3

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Ling Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. To master the concept and classification of reflex. The structure of reflex arc. 2.To Grasp the main the Circuit system between neurons in nervous system.3. Grasp the inhibition & facilitation at synapses in central nervous system.4. Understand the general sensations and their sensory receptors, characteristics of skin pain, concept of visceral pain, referred pain.

Teaching Content

1. General Principles for Activities of Reflex, Types of reflex arcs2. The Circuit in Nervous System, the Convergence, Reverberatory circuit or oscillatory circuit, and the Divergence.3. Mechanism of Inhibition & Facilitation at synapses, types of Postsynaptic and Presynaptic lnhibition in Spinal Cord4. Sensory function of nervous system, charasteristics of general sensory receptors. 5. Pain, the differentiation of pain.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: Reflex and Reflex arc. The types, basic process of reflex regulation. Kinds of circuit in CNS. Pain reflex, visceral pain, referred pain. Generally understand: Sensations, charasteristics of general sensory receptors Difficulties: Afferent collateral inhibition, Recurrent inhibition, and Facilitation in CNS.

Time Allotment

Introduce the history of raising the concept of Reflex. (10 min)Definition and types of reflex, structure and classification of reflex arcs. (10 min)The Circuit in Nervous System, the Convergence, Reverberatory circuit or oscillatory circuit, and the Divergence, and their physiological significance in neural regulation. (30 min)Types of Postsynaptic and Presynaptic lnhibition in Spinal Cord, Afferent collateral inhibition, Recurrent inhibition, and Facilitation in CNS. (25 min)Mechanism of general sensory receptors generate sensation, Generator potential, receptor potential, Mechanically-gated sodium channels. (25 min)Cutaneous, Deep & Visceral Sensation. (15 min)Charasteristics of sensory receptors, Sensory Encoding, Adaptation of receptor (15 min)Pain, receptor, afferent fiber, visceral pain, referred pain. (20 min)

Assignment 1. Describe the Central Nervous Circuit.2. What is referred pain? Explain the clinical implication of referred pain of the body.

PostscriptMemo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006

2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 74:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Function of Nerves System -4

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Ling Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. Understand principles of sensory physiology2. Know Sensory Pathways in spinal cord and brain stem3. Know Thalamus nucleus, their function, and sensory projection system4. Grasp the main activity characteristics of cerebral cortex’s sensory analysis function.

Teaching Content

1. Principles of sensory physiology2. Sensory pathways for transmitting the sensation of Pain 、 Warmth 、 Cold, Touch, Proprioception, Press in spinal cord and brain stem.3. Three kinds of sensory nucleus in thalamus.4. Two kinds of Sensory projection system and Ascending reticular activating system5. Sensory area of cerebral cortex. Somatic and visceral sensation.6. the plasticity of sensory cortex

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: Sensory pathways, progection system, functions of sensory area of cerebral cortex. Principle of sensory projection in Somatosensory Area I.Generally understand: Principle of sensory projection in Somatosensory Area II. The plasticity of sensory cortexDifficulties: sensory nucleus in thalamus and sensory projection system.

Time Allotment

Introduce the basic principles of sensory physiology. (10 min)Sensory pathways for transmitting the sensation of Pain 、 Warmth 、 Cold, Touch, Proprioception, Press and fine touch in spinal cord and brain stem. (20 min)Pathway in thalamus. Three orders of sensory nucleus. specific sensory relay nucleus, associated nucleus, intralaminar nucleus, and their function. (20 min) Sensory projection system. Specific and nonspecific projection system. The Ascending reticular activating system. (20 min)Principle of sensory projection in Somatosensory Area I and II. (20 min) Phenomenon and significance of the plasticity of sensory cortex (10 min)

Assignment 1. Tell the differences between the Specific and Nonspecific projection system.2. Analysis the damage place of spinal cord if a person lose pain sensation on his left limbs

Postscript .

Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


Page 75:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


Teaching Plan for International Students, TMUTitle of the Course: Physiology Chapter: Function of Nerves System -5

Teacher’s Name: Zhang Ling Prof. Title: Professor

Class: Grade: Department: International Medical School

Time: Date(D/M/Y):

Teaching Objectives ;

Teaching Requirements

1. To learn the function of motor regulation system. 2. Grasp the function of Spinal reflexes posture regulation system. 3. Understand the Motor control by brain stem, cerebellum, basal ganglia and Cerebral Cortex4. To know the Descending pathways involved in motor control5. The Autonomic Nervous System and Its Control to Viscera

Teaching Content

1. Spinal reflexes of motor activity. Spinal motor neurons α&γmotor neurons, motor unit.2. Processes of Muscle Stretch Reflex and Inverse Myotatic Reflex, their sensory receptors3. Regulation on muscle tension by brain stem,α rigidity and γ rigidity, Decerebrate Rigidity4. Motor control by cerebellum, Cerebellar ataxia. 5.Basal ganglia composition, function. Mechanism Parkinson & Huntington disease.6. Motor regulation by Primary somatomotor cortex, the characteristics.7. Descending pathways. Pyramidal tract &Extrapyramidal tract 8. Autonomic nervous system, their main function, the characteristics of control.

Teaching Focus;

Difficult Problems and their Solutions

Importance: spinal motor neuron and motor unit. Function of Primary somatomotor cortex. Spinal reflexes on the regulatioon of posture. Muscle tension control by lower brain stem. Structural and functional features of autonomic system. Regulation of visceral acclivity. Generally understand: Descending pathways. Pyramidal tract &Extrapyramidal tract. Difficulties: Gamma loop, Bulboreticular facilitatory area andαrigidity andγrigidity. Self study: higher function of brain : Learning and memory, Cortical evoked potential, Spontaneous cerebral electroactivities.Wakefulness and sleep.

Time Allotment

Spinal motor neurons α & γ motor neurons, motor unit (10 min)Important spinal reflexes & responsible sensory receptors such as strech reflex and muscle spindle, etc. Spinal Shock. (20 min)Regulation on muscle tension by brain stem, Decerebrate Rigidity. (20min)Motor control by cerebellum, Basal ganglia and Primary somatomotor cortex. Cerebellar ataxia & Basal ganglia lesion. (35min)Descending pathways. Pyramidal tract &Extrapyramidal tract (15 min)Autonomic nervous system, Sympathetic & Parasympathetic nerve. their main function, the characteristics of control. (15 min)Central regulation of visceral acclivity. (20 min). Summerize the whole chapter. (15 min)

Assignment 1. Decerebrate Rigidity? Explain the mechanism and the differences from Dicorticate rigidity2.Decribe the process and mechanism of strech reflex.



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Memo 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Ed, Philadelphia: 2006 2. Gannong WF, Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,20053. Yao Tai, Physiology, 2nd Ed, People’s Health Publishing House,2010


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10. 教学计划变更执行审批表天津医科大学国际医学院教学计划变更执行审批表

班级 课程名称 教师



审 批意 见


年 月 日



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11. 调课申请表天津医科大学国际医学院教师调整课程申请表

班级 课程名称 教师

排定上课时间 排定上课地点 调整后上课时间 调整后上课地点




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12. 课堂和实验室纪律规范



布如下规定,希望学生严格遵守。1、 学生应勤奋学习,自觉遵守课堂和实验室规定和学习纪律。按时上课,认真听

讲。2、 因病、因特殊原因请假者,应到留学生办公室请假。病假必须有医院证明,并

及时报告老师。凡未请假而缺课者,均按旷课论。3、 学生应按照课程安排准时来教室上课,不得旷课和无故迟到;迟到十分钟按

旷课论。4、 上课期间不得随便出入教室,不准接打手机、吸烟、吃东西、喝饮料。上课时不

准出教室接打手机。5、 上课期间不得与他人交谈、睡觉、听音乐,不得影响别人听课。6、 上课期间不得请假;中途离开者,按照旷课论处。7、 严格遵守实验室的规定和纪律。实验课、临床见习、实习必须穿白大衣;遵照老


Page 80:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


拾好实验用具、打扫卫生。8、 损坏实验设备者要照价赔偿。




Discipline Standard in Classroom and Laboratory

Classroom is a sacred place where the teachers spread knowledge and skills; it is also where the students study and absorb all the professional knowledge for their future career. In order to give students a tidy, harmonious, quiet and orderly environment so that they can sufficiently get the knowledge, we hereby issue the following rules, and we hope every student will observe them strictly.

1. You should study hard, and willingly observe the rules and disciplines for classrooms and laboratories. You should attend the class on time, and listen to the teachers carefully.

2. If you have to take a day off and be absent from class, you need to come to the foreign student office and ask for it. If you are sick, you need to present the medical certificate from the doctor, and report to your teacher in time. If you don’t do so, it will be regarded as truancy.

3. You should come to your classroom on time according to your timetable, you can’t play truant or be late for class. If you are more than 10 minutes late for class, it is regarded as truancy.


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4. During class time, you can’t go in and out of the classroom. You can’t make or receive phone calls from your mobile phone. Smoking is strictly forbidden, and no food or drinks are allowed inside the classroom. Besides, you can’t go outside the classroom to make or receive phone calls.

5. You can’t talk to other students during class. No sleeping or listening to music. You can’t interfere others listening to the lecture.

6. You can’t ask for a leave during class time; if you leave the classroom half way through the class, this will be regarded as truancy.

7. You should observe the rules and disciplines in the laboratory. You have to wear lab-coat during experiment, clinical observation and internship. You should actively do and finish what you are required by your teacher in a hand-on approach. Upon finishing the experiment, you should voluntarily help the teacher clean the lab and put the things back neatly.

8. If you break anything in the lab, you have to pay for it.

These rules and disciplines take effect from the date when it is issued.

International Medical School, TMU


13. 学生实验报告

Experiment: Class: Name: Roll No.:



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14. 监考记录及考场规则

天津医科大学国际医学院监考记录20 ___---20___学年第____学期期____考试

考试科目:______________ 年级:______________


Page 84:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

考试时间:______________ 专业:______________

考试地点:______________ 班级:______________

1.监考老师及考生是否于考前 15 分钟进入考场? 是 否2.考前是否宣读考试规定? 是 否3.是否核查了考生的有关证件? 是 否4.是否准确统计了考生人数? 是 否

考场人数:__________名,实考__________名,缺考__________名。缺考学生记录:序号 姓名 学号


6.是否按时收回试卷? 是 否7.监考教师签字:备注

Examination Rules for International Students

1. You must enter the examination room 15 MINUTES before the time scheduled for the

commencement of the examination.

2. You must leave all of your study materials and bags in the front of the examination room and

put your Student Card on the upper left corner of your desk for check.

3. You must write your roll number and your name on the examination paper first.

4. During the examination, you are not allowed to bring your mobile phones into the


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examination room.

5. You must observe absolute silence in the examination room. You must not communicate by

word of mouth or otherwise with other students. You must not borrow any stationery (e.g.

pens, rulers, erasers, calculators, etc.) from others during the examination. You must not peep

at other students’ papers or exchange papers with others.

6. You must use black or dark blue ball-point pens / pens for writing answers. Examination

papers completed by pencils or red pens will be null (examination questions which require

drawing pictures excluded).

7. You must observe the prevailing non-smoking rule in the examination room. Food and drink

are also not allowed.

8. You must remain seated at the end of the examination. You must not communicate with other

students while all completed examination papers are being collected by the invigilators

9. You must not talk or discuss outside the examination room after submitting your paper in

advance, as this may disturb other students who may still be sitting for the examination.

International Medical College

15. 巡考记录

200 —— 200 学年第 学期(期中、末)考试领导巡视考场记录


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时间: 地点:记录:


16. 试卷套头Mid/Final term Examination Paper (A/B)

for International Students, Grade 2009

(1st /2nd Semester, 20 ——20 )


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Course:(教师填写) Class: Name: Roll No.:


Serial No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X TotalScore

Marking Person








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Course: Class: Name: Roll No.:

装 订 线


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17. 试卷样卷及答案89

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Final Examination Paper (A)

for International Students, Grade 2012

(1st Semester, 2013——2014)Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:


Serial No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X TotalScore

Marking Person

□I. Single choice ( 1’×40 )1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through cell membrane by A. simple diffusion. B. active transportation.C. facilitated diffusion. D. specific channels.

2. Which is NOT correct for action potential?A. It is all or none.B. The amplitude of action potential is related with intensity of stimulus.C. It will travel faster on myelinated axon than that it travels on unmyelinated axon.D. The frequency of action potential is related with intensity of stimulus.

3. If the extracellular K+ concentration is increased, the membrane potential will A. increase. B. decrease.C. hyperpolarize. D. not change.

4. For neurotransmitter releasing, A. K+ influx is necessary. B. Ca2+ influx is necessary.C. Cl- influx is necessary. D. H+ influx is necessary.

装 订 线


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Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:5. The resting membrane potential of a cell

A. is usually equal to the equilibrium potential for Cl-

B. is usually equal to the equilibrium potential for K+

C. is usually equal to the equilibrium potential for Na+

D. is markedly altered if the extracellular Na+ concentration is increased.6. The main materials for erythropoiesis are

A. Calcium and protein B. iron and proteinC. Vitamin B12 and folic acid D. iron and Vitamin B12

7. Which factor can be activated by rections in either intrinsic system or extrinsic system?A. Factor V B. Factor VIIC. Factor VIII D. Factor X

8. In the ABO blood group system, type O blood containsA. type A agglutinogens

B. type B agglutinogens

C. both A and B agglutinogens but no agglutinins.

D. no agglutinogens, does contain both anti-A and anti-B agglutinins.

9. In which period of cardiac cycle, the intraventricular pressure rises to a maximum? A. Period of isovolumic contraction B. Period of isovolumic relaxation

C. Period of rapid ejection D. Period of rapid filling

10. Which will affect the stroke volume through the Frank-Starling mechanism?

A. preload B. afterload

C. myocardial contractility D. heart rate

11. The Mean Arterial pressure is…

A. mean arterial pressure = diastolic pressure + pulse pressure/3

B. mean arterial pressure = diastolic pressure - pulse pressure/3

C. mean arterial pressure = pulse pressure/3

D. mean arterial pressure = (diastolic pressure + pulse pressure)/2

12. Which is the most important factors affecting the periferal resistance?A. blood viscosity B. length of blood vessel C. radius of blood vessel D. blood velocity

13. is displayed as a P wave.A. Depolarization of the atria B. Repolarization of the atriaC. Depolarization of the ventricles D. Repolarization of the ventricles


装 订 线


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Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:14. Working cardiac cell’s action potential has a plateau at phase 2, because of

A. Ca2+ inward current followed K+ inward current..B. Ca2+ outward current followed K+ outward current..C. Ca2+ inward current followed K+ outward current...D. Ca2+ outward current followed K+ inward current..

15 .Which of the following conditions is most likely to shift the oxyhemoglobin curve to left? A. increased temperature B. excrcise C. metabolic acidosis D. decrease in 2,3-DPG

16. Role of surfactant is (A)A. to reduce the surface tension.B. to keep the alveoli of different size stable in lungs. C. to keep the alveoli dry.D. all are correct.

17 .The forced expiratory volume in the first second A. is likely to be increased in obstructive lung disease B. is likely to be reduced in obstructive lung disease C. is likely to be normal in restrictive and obstructive lung disease D. is the maximum of air volume which can be expeled following a maximal inspiration

18. Gastrin is secreted…A. from G cell and digests protein.B. from chief cell and digests protein C. from G cell and regulates motility of stomach.D. from chief cell and regulates motility of stomach.

19. The smooth muscle of the alimentary tract cannot be depolarized by….A. stretching. B. acetylcholine.

C. parasympathetic excited. D. norepinephrine.

20. Parietal cells in stomach secret…. A. mucus and HCl. B. pepsin. C. gastrin. D. intrinsic factor and HCl.

21. The peristalsis of the intestine can be depressed by…. A. pepsinogen. B. acetylcholine.C. intrinsic factor. D. norepinephrine.

22. Which is the main way to increase body heat production in a cold environment?A. Food specific dynamic action B. Shivering of skeletal muscleC. Increasing metabolism in liver D. Augmentation of all metabolism viscera


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Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.: 装 订 线


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23. If the body temperature is higher than the set point, what responses will be happened?A. increase heat production B. decrease heat loss C. increase heat loss and decrease heat productionD. decrease heat loss and increase heat production

24. Aldosterone enhances the reabsorption of, A. Na+ B. K+ C. Ca2+ D. water

25. Which one does NOT affect glomerular filtration:A. blood pressure B. filtration membrane permeability and areaC. Renal blood flow D. crystal osmotic pressure

26. About glucose reabsorption in kidney, which one is NOT true:A. coupled to reabsorption of Na+

B. Carriers are located in the luminal membrane of the epithelial cells at DTC. the movement is against the concentration gradientD. the energy for movement is provided by the movement of Na+

27. We can detect the colour of the object in bright light because….A. the cones in fovea excitedB. the cones in optic disc excitedC. the rods in fovea excitedD. the rods in optic disc excited

28. Rod cell’s function is A. color vision. B. vision in dim light. C. vision in bright light. D. all of above.

29. Decerebrate rigidity causes thatA. the facilitatory area in the reticular formation is inhibited.B. the inhibitory area in the reticular formation is inhibited.C. the facilitatory area in the reticular formation is excited.D. the inhibitory area in the reticular formation is excited.

30. Which one is NOT belong to cholinergic fiber? A. postganglionic fiber in parasympathetic nerve B. preganglionic fiber in parasympathetic nerveC. postganglionic fiber in sympathetic nerve which innervate cardiac smooth musclesD. motor nerve which control skeletal muscles

31. Nicotinic cholinergic receptors distribute in the following sites EXCEPT A. central nervous system B. autonomic ganglia C. skeletal muscles D. effectors innervated by vagus



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Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:32.When the window end of the basilar membrane damaged, the patient can hear

A. sound with low frequency B. sound with high frequencyC. both A and B D. neither A nor B

33. Which neurotransmitter can relax the bronchi?A. norepinephrine. B. AChC. GABA D. glutamine

34. Which one is NOT stretch reflex in skeletal muscles? A. knee jerk reflex B. sweating reflex C. muscle tonus D. ankle jerk refle

35. The Parkinson’s disease is due to the destruction of A. the Putamen which is releasing ACh.B. the Putamen which is releasing dopamine..C. the substantia nigra which is releasing ACh.D. the substantia nigra which is releasing dopamine..

36. Which kind of connection could facilitate the synchronization among cells? A. synapse B. non-synaptic chemical transmission C. electrical transmission D. non-synaptic electrical transmission

37. Which is NOT include in the effects of Grow Hormone?A. improving the synthesis of protein. B.enhances the utilization of fat. C. increasing the synthesis of fat. D. decreasing the utilization and consumption of Glu.

38. Target organs of PTH are…A. bone and small intestine B. bone and kidneyC. kidney and small intestine D. bone, kidney and small intestine

39. Effects of Glucocorticoids on metabolism, which is INCORRECT below?A . Mobilization of amino acids from extrahepatic tissues.B. Stimulation of gluconeogenesisC. Inhibition of glucose uptake in muscle.D. Stimulation of fat breakdown in adipose tissue of all body.

40. According to the Theory of Second Messenger of hormones function, the first messenger is…

A. nitrogenous hormone B. Steroids hormoneC. Fatty acid derivatives D. cAMP


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□II. True or False ( 1’×15 )

( ) 1. Facilitated diffusion transports materials against an energy gradient.

( ) 2. Nearsighted defect can be corrected by wearing concave glass.

( ) 3. Dark adaptation is related to the increased threshold of the photosensitive cells.

( ) 4. The photoreceptor Rods distributed uneven on retina and it’s most confined on fovea.

( ) 5. Regulation of cardiac output as a result of changes in cardiac muscle fiber length is sometimes

called homometric regulation.

( ) 6. Osmotic pressure is determined by their chemical composition and size, not by the number

of particle.

( ) 7. The fundamental reaction in the clotting of blood is conversion of the soluble plasma protein

fibringen to insoluble fibrin.

( ) 8. The long refractory period means that cardiac muscle cannot be restimulated until contraction

is almost over.

( ) 9. Cationic molecules are filtered more readily than anionic molecules in glomerulus.

( ) 10. Curare could block muscarinic(M) receptor for acetylcholine.

( ) 11. Acetylcholine is released by all preganglionic neurons and all parasympathetic

postganglionic neurons and be reabsorbed and reused again by presynaptic neuron.

( ) 12. motor neurons supply extrafusal muscle fibers while motor neurons supply intrafusal

muscle fibers.

( ) 13. Complete transaction of the spinal cord will cause all spinal reflexes permanently disappear.

( ) 14. Bicarbonate-rich mucus that coats and lubricates the gastric surface, and serves an

important role in protecting the epithelium from acid.

( ) 15. A very high level of iodide will suppresses the TPO and the biosynthesis of the Thyroid


□III. Fill in blank ( 1’×15 )

1. Parameters of stimulus are , duration and slope.

2. Active transportation directly uses the energy from the hydrolysis of .

3. Two major structures form : the thin filaments and the thick filaments.

4. The rate of filtration at any point along a capillary depends upon a balance of forces. Fluid

movement=k[(pc+πi)-(pi+πc)]. Where, K=capillary filtration coefficient; πc= . 



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Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:5. The serves as a protective mechenisum to the ear from louder sound.6. The cilia of hair cells in the cochlea bend to the kinocilium direction will result in of

the membrane.7. The normal range of blood pH is .

8. During the plateau of action potential of working cell, the influx of is balanced by the

efflux of K+.9. is the ratio of stroke volume (SV) to the ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV).

10. Hormones affect cell function in either of 2 general ways: By activating genes and byactivating .

11. A renal corpuscle is composed of and Bowman’s capsule.12. Pain sensation appears in a region that is not the source of the pain stimulus, this is called 13. ______________________ will catalyze the decomposition of ACh to acetate and choline

to terminate the action of ACh in neuromuscular junction14. The muscle spindle consists 2-10 specialized muscle fibers enclosed in a connective tissue capsule. These muscle fibers are called intrafusal muscle fibers

which are controlled by neuron.15. Given hormone usually affects only a limited number of cells, which are called_


□IV. Definition ( 2’×10 )1. Single twitch

2. Reflex

3. Threshold

4. Cardiac index


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5. Oxygen saturation 6. Hematocrit

7. Visual acuity

8. Renal threshold for glucose


10. Permissive action

□V. Briefly Answer Question ( 5’×2 )1. How does the body keep homeostasis of blood glucose level?2. A young man has a blood pressure of 130/73 mm Hg. What is his pulse pressure? What is his mean

arterial pressure? Describe in detail the factors that affect the arterial pressure.



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Final Examination Paper (A)--Answer

for International Students, Grade 2012

Specialty: Class: Name: Roll No.:□I. Single choice ( 1’×40 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A B B B B B D D A A11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A C A C D D B C D D21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30D B C A D B A B B / C C31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40D A A B D D C B D A

□II. True or False ( 1’×15 ) □III. Fill in blank ( 1’×15 )

( F ) 1. 1. intensity ( F ) 2. 2. ATP ( F ) 3. 3. sarcomere :( F ) 4. 4. capillary colloid osmotic pressure . ( F ) 5. 5. ossicular reflex ( F ) 6. 6. depolarization ( T ) 7. 7. 7.35-7.45 .( T ) 8. 8. Ca 2+ ( T ) 9. 9. Ejection Fraction ( F ) 10. 10. the c AMP pathway . ( F ) 11. 11. glomerulus ( F ) 12. 12. referred pain .( F ) 13. 13. _ Acetylcholinesterase ____

( T ) 14. 14. γ / gamma (motor) ( T ) 15. 15. _ target cells .


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□IV. Definition ( 2’×10 )1. Single twitch : A single action potential (1’)causes a brief contraction. (1’)2. Reflex: A particular stimulus(1’) elicits a particular response. (1’)

或者 Reflex means the regular responses of organism to the environmental changes of both inside and outside(1’) in the participation of CNS. (1’)

3. Threshold: It means the intensity of a stimulus that is needed for eliciting an minimal reaction.4. Cardiac index: The ratio of Cardiac output (1’)with surface area of the body. (1’)

或者 The Cardiac output of per square meter (1’)of body surface area. (1’)5. Oxygen saturation: The percentage of Oxygen Content(1’) in Oxygen Capacity (1’)

或者 The oxygen saturation is expressed as 02 bound to hemoglobin(1’) divided by the maximal capacity of Hb to bind 02. (1’)

6. Hematocrit : the percentage of blood volume that is occupied by erythrocytes. (1’)Male :40~50%; Female:37~48%(1’)

7. Visual acuity:is the ability of the eye to to form a sharply focused image on the retina(1’),which is commonly measured by teterming the minimum distance which can be separated(1’).

8. Renal threshold for glucose:is the plasma level (1’)at which the glucose first appears in the urine. (1’)

9. IPSP: Inhibitory postsynaptic potential, is the local hyperpolarization (1’)of postsynaptic cell membrane by Cl- influx or K+ eflux in response to an inhibitory stimulation. (1’)

10. Permissive action: one hormone cannot direct affect cells function(1’), but can reinforce the effect of another hormone(1’), this phenomenon is called …… eg. Cortisol and epinephrine

□V. Briefly Answer Question ( 5’×2 )1. How does the body keep homeostasis of blood glucose level?5 kinds of hormones that increase blood glucose (2’): Growth Hormone; Thyroid Hormone (T3/T4);

Catecholamines (Adr/NE); Glucocorticoids (cortisol); glucogen. 1 hormone that decrease blood glucose (1’): insulin.

Relationship(2’): there is indirect antagonistic action between hormone that increase blood glucose and hormone that decrease blood glucose.

2. A young man has a blood pressure of 130/73 mm Hg. What is his pulse pressure? What is his mean arterial pressure? Describe in detail the factors that affect the arterial pressure.

Pulse pressure: 57 mmHg(1’); Mean arterial pressure: 92 mmHg(1’)以下 (3’) systolic pressure diastolic pressure pulse pressure1.     stroke volume: if it increases, increase more increase increase2.     the heart rate: if it increases, increase increase more decrease3.     peripherial resistence: if it increase, increase increase more decrease 4.    elasticity of the vessel: if it decreases, increase more decrease increase more5. quantity of blood in the circulation system:

if it decreases, decrease decrease decrease


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-2 -

18. 试卷批阅要求



二、批阅过程中统一用给分的方法标记每项结果,给分用“+X 分”表示,每题批阅







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19. 成绩分析记录 天津医科大学国际医学院 生理学课程成绩分析表

2013 -2014 学年第 一 学期一、基本情况课程名称: 生理学 课程代码: 考试时间: 2014 年 1 月 19日考试对象: 留学生 年级:2012 级 1班试卷来源: ■1.试题库□2.试卷库□3.校内统一命题□4.校外教师命题□5.任课教师命题阅卷方式: □1.微机阅卷 ■2.流水阅卷 □3.任课教师阅卷 考试方式: ■1.闭卷 □2.开卷 □3.上机 □4.综述 □5.论文 □6.设计 □7.其它考试方法: ■1.笔试 □2.口试 □3.实际操作

二、成绩分析统计班级 人数 最高分 最低分 平均分 标准差 备 注

1 133 95 22      2                                      


分数段 59 以下 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-


人数 61 17 14 17 11 6 4 2 1

百分比 45.865










Page 107:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

四、综合分析难度评价: 容易□; 较容易□; 适中□; 偏难■; 难□;试题量: 偏多■; 适中□; 偏少□;

存在问题: 1.试题较难■; 2.学生对基本知识、基本理论掌握不扎实■;

3.学生分析应用能力较差■; 4.教学过程中有疏漏□;五、评价及改进意见情况说明1. 命题主要考核点及大纲要求 :



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2. 命题难易程度、覆盖面: 题目覆盖面较广,涉及知识点较多,符合大纲要求。命题由于加入了综合分析题,难度略高于往年。3. 学生掌握情况及存在问题分析:

1)本次考试题量较大,部分学生知识掌握不够牢固,综合分析能力较差,未能按时完成试题。学生对选择题及问答题回答得不好,但卷面 60 分以上学生成绩呈正态分布。

2)影响考试成绩的因素及应注意的问题:①个别学生学习的目的性和自主性较差,受周围环境影响,学习比较浮躁。② 一些学生学习该课程的方法还需改进,在学习或复习时缺乏对相关知识的融会贯通。

4. 任课教师为提高教学质量今后应采取的措施:1)本门课程授课内容多,因此授课教师在课堂上加强学生专业英文词汇的学习,帮助学生尽快进入学习状态。2)课程中重要知识点布置课下练习,督促学生及时完成。3)在教学活动中,采取多种教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,注意对学生学习方法的正



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天津医科大学国际医学院 生理学课程成绩分析表2013 -2014 学年第 一 学期

一、基本情况课程名称: 生理学 课程代码: 考试时间: 2014 年 1 月 19日考试对象: 留学生 年级:2013 级 2班试卷来源: ■1.试题库□2.试卷库□3.校内统一命题□4.校外教师命题□5.任课教师命题阅卷方式: □1.微机阅卷 ■2.流水阅卷 □3.任课教师阅卷 考试方式: ■1.闭卷 □2.开卷 □3.上机 □4.综述 □5.论文 □6.设计 □7.其它考试方法: ■□1.笔试 □2.口试 □3.实际操作


班级 人数 最高分 最低分 平均分 标准差 备 注

1            2 121 92 21                                


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分数段 59 以下 60-64 65-69 70-

74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100

人数 55 13 13 14 16 5 4 1  百分比 45.45









四、综合分析难度评价: 容易□; 较容易□; 适中□; 偏难■; 难□;试题量: 偏多■; 适中□; 偏少□;

存在问题: 1.试题较难■; 2.学生对基本知识、基本理论掌握不扎实■;

3.学生分析应用能力较差■; 4.教学过程中有疏漏□;五、评价及改进意见


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本次考试题量较大,部分学生知识掌握不够牢固,未能按时完成试题。本次试题难度偏高,情况说明1. 命题主要考核点及大纲要求 :

本课程要求学生掌握生理学基本概念,机制及对机体的影响。本次考试题型多样,有单选题、判断题、填空题、名词解释和论述题,主观题和客观题结合,比例得当,用于考察学生对基础知识掌握情况及综合分析问题能力情况。2. 命题难易程度、覆盖面: 题目覆盖面较广,涉及知识点较多,符合大纲要求。命题由于加入了综合分析题,难度略高于往年。3. 学生掌握情况及存在问题分析:

1)本次考试题量较大,部分学生知识掌握不够牢固,综合分析能力较差,未能按时完成试题。学生对选择题及问答题回答得不好,但卷面 60 分以上学生成绩呈正态分布。

2)影响考试成绩的因素及应注意的问题:①个别学生学习的目的性和自主性较差,受周围环境影响,学习比较浮躁。② 一些学生学习该课程的方法还需改进,在学习或复习时缺乏对相关知识的融会贯通。

4. 任课教师为提高教学质量今后应采取的措施:1)本门课程授课内容多,因此授课教师在课堂上加强学生专业英文词汇的学习,帮助学生尽快进入学习状态。2)课程中重要知识点布置课下练习,督促学生及时完成。3)在教学活动中,采取多种教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,注意对学生学习方法的



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20. 试卷保存登记表天津医科大学国际医学院试卷保存登记表

课程名称 学时 学分 考试时间 适用专业 出题教师 审定人 试卷号

注:该表中的试卷号要同时在电子文档试卷中注明21. 专家听课评价表


Page 114:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

天津医科大学国际医学院专家听课评价表开课单位: 课程名称: □ 公共基础课 □ 学科基础课 □ 专业课授课教师: 年龄层次:□老 □中 □青授课班级: 应到人数: 实到人数 教材版本: 课堂讲授内容: 听课后总体印象:□优 □良 □中 □差 听课后的分项评价:请在下列各评价项目之后的相应评价等级位置填入您的选项,只限单选。 选项标准:A 完全同意,B 同意,C 一般,D不同意,E 完全不同意

评 价 项 目 A B C D E

1 讲课有热情,精神饱满2 讲课有感染力,能吸引学生的注意力3 对问题的阐述深入浅出,有启发性4 对问题的阐述简练准确,重点突出,思路清晰5 对课程内容娴熟,运用自如6 讲述内容充实,信息量大


8 能给予学生思考、联想、创新的启迪9 能调动学生情绪,课堂气氛活跃10 能有效地利用各种教学媒体11 学生上课迟到、早退、缺勤等情况12 学生遵守课堂纪律情况13 学生听课学习状态对课堂内容或其它方面的具体意见或建议:


Page 115:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

天津医科大学国际学院 2008.9 制表听课人签字: 听课时间: 地点:

22. 同行听课评价表天津医科大学国际医学院同行听课记录表

授课教师所在院系: 年 月 日 星期 第 节至第 节课程名称 授课教师 职称教材版本 教室 教学班号




Page 116:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作


23. 学生听课反馈表Teaching Evaluation

Pathophysiology DepartmentSemester: Date:


Topic of Course

Teacher’s Name


Page 117:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作




Page 118:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

24. 学生反馈评价表Physiology Teaching Feedback

This form is a serious attempt to get feedback from you regarding the quality of instruction you have received. Your honest and constructive opinion will be helpful to improve our teaching level. Please take your time and answer carefully all the questions below, where appropriate, according to the following scale.

1. What was the most impressive thing when you were learning

Pathophysiology (about teacher, chapter or others)?

2. What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?

3. What do you suggest for this course?


Page 119:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作

25. 教研室备课记录

____________学年 第______学期基础医学院教学备课记录

年 月 日教研室 主讲人参加人员



Page 120:  · Web view课程名称:生理学 . 课程时间:第2学期. 课程安排: 总课时数 116. 科目 授课学时数. 理论课 80. 实验 36 总课时 116. 课程简介: 生理学作
