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Ways To Get Relief From Frustration

Ways To Get Relief From Frustration

Nov 24, 2021



Frustration can be hard to put into words – it’s a complicated mix of anger, disappointment, and annoyance. For most health care workers, frustration levels are particularly high right now as many face PPE shortages, minimal workplace support, and a seemingly careless general public. Anger and frustration aren’t always productive emotions, and while we can’t necessarily control that we feel them, we can control how we react to them. If you need to release some of your pent-up negative energy, here are some healthy ways to do so: 

Welcome message from author
Frustration is a temporary emotion. Using some of the strategies above you can take actions to deal with frustration. Keep in mind that you will experience this feeling again in a new context down the road. Using meditation, you can become more aware of the feelings before they fully surface. It can help you manage your frustration on a long-term basis so that frustrations impact on your mood or even your day becomes minimal. Releasing your frustration through exercise can also be beneficial to help you cope with it. Whether you decide to write your frustrations out, focus on solutions, distract yourself, or try any of the other ideas on this list, you’ll be well on your way to managing your frustrations in a safe and healthy manner. May you be at peace.
PowerPoint PresentationOverview
Frustration can be hard to put into words – it’s a complicated mix of anger, disappointment, and
annoyance. For most health care workers, frustration levels are particularly high right now as many face
PPE shortages, minimal workplace support, and a seemingly careless general public. Anger and frustration
aren’t always productive emotions, and while we can’t necessarily control that we feel them, we can
control how we react to them. If you need to release some of your pent-up negative energy, here are
some healthy ways to do so:
Do some breathing exercises
shallower. By regulating your breathing, you can get
more oxygen to your brain and help yourself calm
down. A good technique is 4-7-8 breathing: breathe
in for four seconds, hold for seven, breathe out for
emotion is with muscle tension. Relieving that
physical tension will help your mind relax too. Lay
down and work your way through each muscle
group: tense as you slowly inhale, and release as
you slowly exhale. If you prefer some instruction,
try a guided audio.
your feelings, but it can also help you create space
between your thoughts and emotions as you settle
into self-awareness. Download an app like
Headspace or Calm and look for a guided
meditation that fits how you’re feeling.
regulate stress and adrenaline, and is a healthy way
to release pent-up energy. If you can, try going for
a run and really focus on your feet hitting the
ground. If you prefer instruction, see if your local
gym has online classes or search for your favorite
type of workout on YouTube.
way to get your body moving in a meaningful way.
Yoga Pose has an online directory of poses
searchable by symptom (like anxiety or back pain)
and has categories including poses for calmness.
Ruminating on your anger only perpetuates it, so
give yourself some time to let it all out with a
trusted friend. As long as you don’t focus on it for
too long, venting can be a healthy emotional outlet
– just try to keep it to 15 minutes, and then move
on to more positive conversation.
If you’re dealing with the the kind of frustration
where you can’t even think straight, try writing (or
typing) it all out. This can help you process a
situation and calm your brain down so you can
approach the issue with a more level head.
Get outside
Spend some time in your backyard, go for a walk
around the block, or head to your favorite park. If
you’re crunched for time, even just stepping out
for 60 seconds of fresh air can help you
recalibrate. To really help ground yourself, slip off
your shoes and let your bare feet touch the dirt
or grass.
Often, negative feelings come from misaligned
expectations. Recognize that you can’t fully
anticipate anyone else’s behavior; change your own
mental framework so that you aren’t holding them
to standards they won’t meet – it’s only hurting you.
Treat yourself
Sometimes you just want to lay on the couch with
a bag of chips and your favorite movie, and that’s
OK! As long as it doesn’t become an unhealthy
habit, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself
to some guilty pleasures.
Many people find animals to be a source of comfort
and support. Interacting with animals has been
shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress
hormone) and lower blood pressure, as well as
elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which
calm and relax.
need to detach from your anger, try doing
something that requires focus (like a puzzle or
Take a nap
We all need a brief reset at times. If you hit a
wall where you are completely overwhelmed
with everything going on, set a timer for 20
minutes and climb into bed. The rest will do your
brain well and checking out for a little bit often
helps you go about the rest of your day with a
fresh start.
gardening can be beneficial for numerous health
outcomes, including anxiety and stress reduction.
Don’t have the outdoor space? Taking care of an
indoor plant has similar effects on your mental
Crafting, drawing, painting, writing poetry, and
other art forms are all healthy ways to channel
your anger into something fun.
Turn on some music
for a playlist of relaxing or happy music to turn
your frustration into a more enjoyable emotion.
Bonus points if you dance it out!
Watch A Movie
Like music, movies can also be a nice way to
escape your frustrations. Find a new film or one
that you enjoy watching. It should distract you
enough to make a great escape from the
frustration you’re feeling. To make it more
interesting you can enjoy films with company, just
be sure to choose company that won’t add to your
streamline something in your life. Turning your
extra energy into something productive will not
only help you get rid of some of that frustration,
but you’ll also have accomplished something.
Wash your face
It seems so simple but putting cold water on your
face doesn’t just feel refreshing – it triggers your
mammalian diving reflex which slows your heart
rate and breathing. By reducing the physical
symptoms of frustration, you can interrupt your
brain’s feedback loop and reduce your emotional
frustration as well.
Let the Family In
We all try to be a hero and keep whatever is
bothering us inside but it leaves to frustration
we don’t need. What if you can’t talk to a friend?
Well then you turn to family. Like friends, family
can also be a source of frustration but they can
also be a place you can go to for help and
guidance in dark frustrating times.
Get A Hobby
When you’re frustrated it’s best to keep yourself
busy with activities you enjoy doing. If you enjoy
working on cars, open up the garage and start
looking for things to fix/install on your car. If you
like to draw then pick up your pencil and
sketchpad and create something because who
knows what work of art can come from built up
Video games can be a nice little escape from your
frustration, especially if they are fighting games.
Video games provide an alternate world/reality
where you can your immerse yourself in and forget
about the real issues in your life. Just be sure to
leave all of the moves in the game and snap back
into reality at some point.
Cry Yours Eyes Out
of frustration will help you get out some of the
build up emotion you were bottling up.
Get A Punching Bag
you don’t have a punching bag try attacking your
pillow. Remember the point isn’t to hurt yourself
or someone else. It’s to relieve your frustration
with every strike. Also, don’t forget to breathe.
Frustration is a temporary emotion. Using some of the strategies above you can take actions to deal with
frustration. Keep in mind that you will experience this feeling again in a new context down the road. Using
meditation, you can become more aware of the feelings before they fully surface. It can help you manage
your frustration on a long-term basis so that frustrations impact on your mood or even your day becomes
minimal. Releasing your frustration through exercise can also be beneficial to help you cope with it.
Whether you decide to write your frustrations out, focus on solutions, distract yourself, or try any of the
other ideas on this list, you’ll be well on your way to managing your frustrations in a safe and healthy
manner. May you be at peace.