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THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY 8 1908 10 5 WANT ADVERTISEMENTS- ONE CENT A WORD tot and Keaad Itt Estate Wanted PersewaK Situations Wanted UiwlwaM OpportanltiesH- OOEM for Rent Her Sale Apartments AntoraoWI accepted at the main mea or t any of the following Herald Branch Offices lud forwarded promptly to toe main once WOODWARD LOTlIROPInfenaaUon Bureau GOLPENBERGSInformatton Bureau HECHT COCashters Office PALAIS ROYAL Bureau of Information 8 KANN SONS CO Information Bureau SIMPSONS PHARMACY conw 7th at R 1 m and R t nw IJNN SANFORDS PHARMACY earner N X- s re sad North Capitol it aw JOHNSTONS PHARMACY 131 N J are aw CHAS J FUHRMANS PHARMACY 8th and East Capital Etc F P PHA1UIACY 33M M at nw ATKINSONS PHARMACY llts awl G sts nw ASTORIA PHARMACY 3d and G its HW KENESAW PHARMACY Mt Pleasant and Into Us nw McNULTYS CIGAR STORE UK 14th st TAYLORS PHARMACY tth and P its aw- KENERS PHARMACY till and S eta aw- McCHBSNEY JOACHIM Jd and B eta ne MeCHESNEY 30ACHIM 8th and V sis ne U D COURTNEY CIGAR AND NEWSSTAND T15 Nerth Capitol at LOST AND FOUND LO8TWHITH MALTESE TBRRIBR ON SUN- day Reward will be giro on return to IX CM aye LOSTLADYS OPENPACK GOLD WATCH engraved E A II and Mamie fob Itaward if returned to APARTMENT I UM Landmore lID 2ith st LOSTJAN 3 NEAR LIBRARY TURQUOIS ring Reward it returned to MIBS LEONARD Library or 18 B Capitol it 78t LOST A PERSIAN LAMB COLLAR WITH Mote wtdi in Gewne Washington or between ttth and H Ma and ttth and I ate erea her 4 Return to HARRIETT S ELLIS IMS I t Regard ja72t GREAT DANE PUPPY DROOP tag Tight ear scar OB kft aide Reward if to mt K nw j T BEST AND CHEAPEST ICE CREAM AT LA CBYS 60 Xew York jeMf HELP WANTEDMAIEJEMALEPR- BPARB FOR CIVIL SERVICE BXAMINA TION aix private for M WOODS COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL 311 E Capitol at jaMH SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING CAN BK learned at our school in 31 to W days Positions guaranteed Pittman Grahan Gregg Barnes and SjlteWe Indiridual tastractioa STENO GRAPHIC ACADEMY MW Colondo Rnihting I PAY C BACH FOR TIlE NAMES OF SICK Venous in the Dlatrict Send in N names receh 1 Address BOX 61 Herald office w l f AND WIFE MAN MUST BE a worktec gardener and wife to coot make bat- ter and for laky man wt b thorough Tegetable power also moat underused cold frame and hat orehanig and lawns and berry crow- ing ansi flower growing most understand the ewe of bees alsa Milking and care of cows and chick- ens amst references from four last places also time between engaged age nationality refer- ence strictly investigated must be strictly sober ami one who country We need apply Ad- dress P F Herald office jaS4t HELP Al WHITE COOKS M AND WHITE WAIT reases 5 week waitresses hotel SIB room board chambermaid 15 and month Apply with refer- ences PHILLIPS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 7th nw Al COLORED COOKS JE JS JSI COLORED wateettea tf SIS chambermaids 11 Apply with references PHILLIPS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 29 7th st nw 3IRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK APARTMBNT SS Off 0 st Ja2k- UHITB GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL hootewerk w small family Apply SOt 13th sc nw jaW HELP RANDY YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST AT RH- freshmeat stand erenings from Tdl to MSa LACYS Wf N Y are 29 MEN AT STAGE DOOR BSLASCO THE- ATER N otote Wednesday morning January 1 BOY WANTED ABOUT 15 YEARS OLD TO learn drvs brine BOX M Herald cater Ja73t SITUATIONS PHILLIPS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SUPPLIES help to all business places free of charge 89 Tth at aw Main 23- NCHAUPFBURIXPERT OX GASOLINE CARS foreign and American thoroughly experienced te city driving and touring BOX Herald otfce MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THE END OF TIlE SKASOX- CLBANUP RANGES LATROBBS AND HEATERS 15 Sextons Greed Latmbe fuR nichtl attfhUy damaged Met a great heater reduced t 183 Swfterfe Latrobe sells rexoMrb for MtsfcUr damaeed and we win all the kit one for jaMK- LSfher Ugat Latrobe one of the hudsomest NUB Latnibes made full nickel ttnish nd go d- lirater for small aUgaty damaged sell for Mei 900 COAI RANGE FOR 30- Xe J39 Novelty Kitchen Cwl none has extra hrg oven ezcevtkxwny water bide warming shelf lower warming om and sifter greta This k the best make of range WBTS ever soW This iMrtioabir range is sUghtry dam aged thmefow w hare reduced the price to 3a OF NESCO COAl HEATERS Made of SteeL Cant Break em 2 N S Nesco Coal Heaters reduced to X- IN H Nesco Goal Heater redound to i 3 N 11 Nesoo Coal Heaters reduced to The are offered at a price fees than cost of IirodiMtleH We need the room Oil HEATERS A few of oil heaters Na 3 Star Oil Heater reduced to ILM- Na 9 Ilem4 Oil Heater reduced to UN No 1 TheM on Heater reduced to SAairiISS OF HAS RADIATORS 4 mba eatw high roll nickel ftnisti S full Jeweltd llaBner Gas lUdnUor rednced to KiUa km Bsaner with I tubes extra high alumman 4nish with tweife full Jewefc reduced AU the above goods are guaranteed prefect work- ing Mares and we will cheerfully refund Ute purchase price if these Roods are not u represented ThM k ywr auanal Opportunity A EB13RTYS SONS 718 7th st nw Who Sell St9vc- EadibliMhed over half ccnturvj- aWt FOR MCB COATS AND VESTS WIt men at 1 and 151 overcoats S3M These gpotfs are strictly all wool and slichUr worn AU other goods reduced Call see them JUSTHS OLD STAND lit D nw JaT7t FOR SALEHUNTER 17 HANDS WEIGHT 1150 pound takes any Jump in Rock Creek Park wund and penile splendid dmer Aimly A U BROOKS MM 17th st nw ia74t WHITE ASK PURNACB COAL 648 PER TON Prhkys Setnrdays and Mondays only K37 Q- tt nw Phene mam 71 t LAW AND COLLECTIONS- WB COLLECT NOTES ACCOUNTS RENTS sufernment rotate and damage daims no charge unless anceesefnl FULLSH AGENCY 71 12t aw- ecftf WALL PAPER STAR OP TUB BAST ABSOLUTELY RE Hahte Punting and l periMnxM reaseaableI- bBBC or postal J H BBCKWITH JK st drllHt WISH TO SELL OUR OVBRSTOCK OF wH paper at my low sacrifice Call and see our stock F G XOLTE 9sT 11th at wr- jaSeodlf PAINTING DECORATING PAPERHANGING belie samples u home NATIONAL DECORATING CO Ith sad P sts Phone 6fH Main ROOMS PAPERED UP brow rt ktesi fall designs painting LE PRBUX KM R st Phoue N MSlm aB DENTISTRY DENTAL et Jceth and Gold Crow s 9 up Geld Fill ififi 1 up SlIm Filltegs Ste Work guaranteed Ne Dr CEO EDMONDS HI F H- WTBITH PLATES NO BXTRAOTINGX- VUH IoJr and bet fcngw than nat tral teeth shraifken faces made normal isinless- tiilicg Dr J U WILSON 12W F sL iiw m3U r d1trtie eDt WELLE ItS jlitt leo l Ul ten liD Deft LOST IoACK all Iaoons WA TJCD JAN cart Ilk WANTEDFEMALE IG lit WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALE I 16 a tunisia to fane bid I PIts ton SALE lit and 7th a VAl t U sis L lit jall1l1 WITHOUT reel Sr n re- turned a Maw apt bad bars SIS w47t UlIS SAM o 5S TO- t F ne- E WORK- s er act ¬ ¬ ¬ > FOR RENT FURNISHED THE VAN DYKE Car 3d cad D Its nw Well furnished rooms awl aparUeeata prirate baths reasonable traa siants taken We vp fcfrtf- 3K ST NWTWO NIOHLY FURNISHED rooms far two centlemen J E W WOOD delMraoi CAPITAL HOTEL 3D ST AND PA AVE NW Bttr peaB SQc ISe Amerleap LSB per WITH HOARD TUB IROQUOIS H M STHIGliOLA Putt Bfehad mutes also t moms asset private hath m 39tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RBN05 TBNROOM HOUSE ADJOINING OoBgressioHBl S5 per month and painted Apply 266 Pa are se ja8it A DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE S ROOMS bath 60 month Call 2 to 8 p a 11 Mth at OFFICES FOR RENT DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS In Bram Dick Hlfi to N Y arc reHUl very low incNiding heat tight awl janitor Estate of DANIEL S EVANS lei N Y are nw no 11tf LAUGH MODERN OFFICES IN THE MBT- aerott mom F st nw JliSO per month iadmtiae heat light elevator and janitor service neextmef oeaMf FLEMING BUILDING lUll U ST NW ItBNO rated throughout lit Soot snitable for stack broker or real estate also excellent office rooms with best of janitor service DO extras jrtf PERSONAL volt IN YOUR TROUBLED SOULS WB FRIlL that we can please you with ajuiiefoui oath for neas distended wearing apiNirel bate ahirts shoes Hare a fast stctvwr to call at once JUSTHS HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID POll DIS canted weaving apparel ladies or asata MIld postal will tall L TARSHBH BK Ilk B- W1hoM North 8 Mian aiclvllleB- deatiSe MaMag Face and SeIp- m 7th M BW FLAT t MISS M J BOYD EXPERT MARCKL WAVER unit hairdresser shampoohie BMBkarhM chtoon- oiy fiend and scalp treatment Work done at hotob and re deuc s Phow Make 3W M4 G at aw ftMlf- SuiicrfliioiiK HrIr Wiirts 3IoIcN- Birthaiarks blackheads and ill facial hkmiahea- penaaoentl removed by electrolyste Lady operator Room S3 MeUerott Bldg 11 W F at aw STORAGE- WHY PAY MORE WE STORE FOR Tie A toad UNITED STATES STORAGE CO IS 11th st nw Phone Main 123 JaMtt COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OFFICE OF TIlE COMMISSIONERS D a Washiueton D C January C 19W Sealed pro- posals will be received at this office until tt oclock MOB OB the 13TH DAY OF JANUARY ttOS and taen opened for the collection and dtsposal of ube mesa iiriTate resioenoea apartBMat homes with not to eseeed four faaiilies and boarding houses and todgteK homes with not to exceed tt roon in the Dittrict of Coteaibia lit the period from February L lilt to June M Blank of proposal specifications sod all necessary information may be obtained at UM Ice of the SupertotendeDt of Street deaninc HENRY B P MACFAKLAXD lIEN ItY L WEST J J MORROW Ooauaisatonm- D a PAWNBROKERS READY AT 3 PER CENT OB watches diamonds and jswoliy LOUIS ABRAHAMS Bonded broker 435 Math sC nw- ncftVeodtf LEGAL NOTICES SUPREME COURT Of TUB DISTRICT OF CO hHBMa hokUnc a Probate Court Xo 1MB ad Bilai tra4fou This U to give notice that the sub ecriber tt the District of Colimbix has obtained frees the Probate Court of the DiMrkt of Cohaabia buns eBtary OB the estate of Robert B DottOdKm late of th IMrtriet ot CohtaUfta ceased AU persons barker aestaat the de an hereby warned to exhibit the aatne with the Tonehers thereof legally to the ubMtfter on or before the STH DAY OF DECEM lIRE A D Mai otherwise they Buy by taw be excluded from an baetu ef said estate Gtm under mr hand this 6th day of January Mflt UNION TRUST COMPANY OF TIlE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EOR 1E E FLEMING were lacy Attest SeaL JAMES TANNER RcRWcr of- IVffla for the Dhtrict of Cotwabta Clerk of tb Probate Court GEORGE E FLEMING Attorney J A BUTLER and C W STETSON Attorneys IN TilE SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTOICT of Cohmbta Frederick a Gkhner TS The Un knowB Heirs or Alienees of John Wll- BMre Jr Equity Xa The object of this suit is to perfect the title of compUtoMit to tots M 17 anti the west M feet Hi toches front by the depth of tot M hi the recorded sabdivWou- of Squat RaM of 88 in the city of Wash inaton D C as saki mbdiTteion appears of reeord in the antes of the Sorreyor of the District of Cohnabhi in Hook R L IL page 3M On mottoes of the eanpbiiaaBt it is this fth day of Deeaabtr UtT ordered that the defendants the unknown heirs derfeees or alienees of John WH more jr eau their appearance to be entered herein os or before the first rule sky occanins two months after the rt publication of thh order otherwise the cause will be proceeded with case of default Provided this order be published twice a month for two sitccemite months prior to said return day in the WasMflfttoB Law Reporter and Tha Washington Herald SBJadeet cause ban been shown to the satisfaction of the court for iTinrrnilnc with a longer period of pubHeatton HARRY M CTUBAUGH CWef Jnattee A tme- ooWT 4t SeaL J R YOUNG Clerk By T4IS P LEMON Assistant Clerk dH26J SS ROOMS rat 1 su51tf papered aWt JIlt Bid orD STAND lit Iii del lIlt crisis jH tie cIa ceased authentIcated JAiIU for CoMIJWnMtA flta Square M- In big 4 lIT sky Library aetna 40 411110 MONEY tea Devise 45 = > MOORE HILL Inc CAPITOL HILL6reom house lot 25 Jeefc wide XORTHWBfTfisBem hettsc near 4th and M large let 00 NILR WH AND L XW7 rooms side and rent good tot 90- 0SOUTjiVB3T4 r n H2f I1600 JUST OFF BAST CAPITOLGood little house jywx J CORNER SOUTHB VST6 mania 21 feet wid HOUSB AND STABLBW rooms Tetj large let JiM NBAR STH AND S 5om j Sm NEAR LINCOLN PARK 6 n msj JSrfOO NEAR UNION STATION XBv10 ream Tory Oecp tot tfjm NEAR STANTOK PARKS rodna ge d block flue swnttaaliqi a due little home and ehoap- PLACB FOR LITTLB MONBYPriee 1000 rent m a lot lcttQ MOORE HILL inc 1333 G Street N W Headquarters for Emytbtog in Real Estate FOR SALE SUBURBAN 1 JOO IlIC RARGAIX Nice room with acre of ground inns fence c Snull cash iwymeot balance like rent CHARLES T JOHNSON Jr Reriew office Mount Rainier Md ocSwdtfI- V you want to buy a Maryland Iron or suburban home see us or tend for latest bulletin 3Inriou Duckctt t Son OSS I NW selltf FOR SAIyE AT KISXILWORTII D J Now is yojw time to secure OH easy monthly pay- ments one of abortive cottages or choice tots in Kenilwortb D C Washingtons growing suburb AILKX AV 3IAILIfiRY1 1117 G nt nw- PftBTTY HOMKrt UARUB LOTS J TO C PBll foot at Mt Rainier Md on Sth and 20th eta nest It I ave District Lioe Sta 1 fare and healthy snail monthly payments J C ROGERS BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT- IESI PAY 0 MONTH ON LOAN OP SH IX a kcHfcnate and old established hotiitess open to mspettton Address BOX 11 Herald LUNCH ROOM DOING GOOD BUSINESS owner leaving dty no reaeonabk offer vetoed for hnmedfato sale C st nw Jaf3t REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE JOAXS ANn INVESTMENTS TERRELL LITTLE 14th Mt uir PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR ELECTRIC WIRINGOFFICE- of Bunding for National Mtveum library of Uan- BKM WanWofton D Dewmber KirSealedp- rotxiaals for turniahing and InatoBing ia place complete the electric wiring required f r the new buihtim for the National Museum ia this city will be received at this other until 2 oclock j m OR TUESDAY the twentyfirst day of January KOI and WhItely opened anmcdiately thereafter Sfodfica lOoses and other information furnniMd on appHcatton BERNARD R URKEN teperintendent of ttruetton X273SjaC78U141S MOVING PAOKING SHIPPING AUCTION SALES TKU8TEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL CONSISTING OF TWO S MODERN THRSESTOttY BRICK DWELLING HOUSES BBINU PRBMISriS NOd AND 198 IN 1LEKIDK TERRACE Wherea default bafinc beset made in the payneat of Interest n the debt by a certain of bearing date on the h day of April A D IfiOfi and recorded amoac the land recent of the District of Columbia on April 12 A D 166 in Liber 8I folio et sea and at the written di recUoa of till holder and owner of the notes br saul deed of trust the undentened Ute troMacs named ia said deed of trust wilt ofter for sate vendor the thereof at public auction ia front of the premtees at 3 octoek p m en TUESDAY the Tth day of January A D 1993 the following d ocrtbed land and premiaes with the tei- prorements oMeaMota righto ways and appurte- nances thereunto belonging situate and lying the District of Columbia Lots numbered eighty awl eightyone SI ia Harry T Jones eubdintto f lots in block numbt d three S m Chapin Brawns sub diriakm of land now known as Incleside as per plat recorded m LAbor County No folio W of the records of the omee of the eurreyor of the Dis- trict of Columbia This property will be sold as entirety or as separate tots as may be directed by the trustees at the time of the sale Terms of sale Onethird of the purchase prim In each which a deposit of 100 must be made to the trustees at the time of the SAle and UK bal- ance w equal notes f the purchaser payable IB one and two years mesa the date of sale with interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum payable seed annually said notes to be secured by lint deed trust on the property sold or all cash at the option of the purchaser The terms of sale to be complied with within twenty days from the date of Ju default of which the property will be retold at the risk and coat of tile dofauttiae purchaser after tire days r adTertfcoment IB some newspaper publbbed in Wash iagton D C Alt conTeyancing title examination and reoofdtue at the expense of the purchaser EDWARD J STELLWAGKN Trustee Cor Fifteenth and H sts N W GEORGE B FLEMING Trustee Cot Fifteenth and 11 N W C G SLOAN CO Auctioneers WW G sLY W TIlE AHOVK SALK IS POSTPONED ON AC eanat of mciemrnt weather to FRIDAY Janoarj- W K06 at the wme hour EDWARD J STBLLWAGBX Trustee GBORGB B FLEMING Penile JaSAM Cot Fifteenth and II Mil X W fOR SAL IIOUSES rent lit NW6 very UIt r house out build I high other IllS 713 C II deUmiDI UAiGAOIC C MOVED silk care peetiuc and Ibipping a KXIXKSS JtM II It ow Phone laia- au5tf 1I1t fruit M- ewed pro ill flit II u of ale sin 1510 aie JI the a ion FURNITURE PIANOS agecialt- yKItRIGS 10 ES- TATE secured dead 111 tot < > do hundreds of people every week place one of those little liners In the puses of this paper And again why to 50000 people every week read theje little liners r Its easy Simply because these fiftyodd thousand have learned the we are now endeavor c trig to teach they learned It well The Herald Want Page If profitable reading for onenot merely job hunters mind but everyone who buys things or sells things or needs thingsand thats everybody If you dont believe it just take one look Read and Find Out 0 T 5 2u4nL- 0414w6 ij irercreeesuu1usni want Vhy lesson youand every you S I M tI- V RAILROADS BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD LEAVE NEW UNION STATION ROYAL BLUE LINE EVERY OTHER HODB ON THE ODD HOUR TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK NEW TERMINAL OD STREET NEW YORK 7300am Diner Pullman Parlor 1900 a m Buffet Parlor Filehour Train Diner end Pullman Parlor Car 180 p ra Diner and Pullman Parlor Oar JcM t m Limited All Pullman 5hour H00pm Coaches to Philadelphia p m Diner and S Pm Coaches to ll pm Sleepers MB a re 3j m ANNAPOLIS week days 6W m 125 noon p m 8 0 a m p m BVKUY HOUR ON TIlE HOUU Week dayg 70 a m to 80 p BALTIMORE J10 TJW I3 WS 330 MV a m 12aW noon WESTWARD UO p m 819 p m- 9W a IH J38 n m HAOKHSTOWX J a m Mir O st Mate are Main STS Union Station llcket Office T3B Infomatton Bureau Mate T3W SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE Mil PliSNA AVE Notice Following schedule sot guaranteed UM A M Dailyb aboard Mail Through coaches Through ili i an WashIngton to Uaatet and let to AUaaia Partor car to Piaebunt Dining P M Dafly Seaboard Florida Lhattsd tUM- IulhMa trout through to JackanBTilte stud tit Au Bustiae Also through deeper to 1iaehunt At kate AinalBBfaaai and Meaa his Dinto cars P M Esproa oacfae and IHillmaiu to baTaanah Laid JaduonTilk DInIng cars NORFOLK AND WESTERN RWY SOHEDLLK IN XFFEUT JANUARY K06 Lee Waahmttoa New Union a m and 9 a mDaiyAiI poInts on Norfolk and also KnoiTilk Cbattanooga and Mempbi- iJtas p mDagyR4NHioke RebOot im fl Sakes ilnoxrilfe Chattaaoims Nashville Mtmpou New Orleans Through dkxrer Dming Cars For NorfolkLcaT WashIngton 3 a m dally 11 a m daily 344 p m daily ATTIre Norfolk 11 a m ld p m Mp m- t3B p mDaUy BerryrUte Luray Sheaaadaah TraM hoist ta Southwest 6s a m and U3I p m AU mformatioB Pourtoeath street stud New York SOUTHERN RAILWAY- N RFoUowiDK schedule flames pubibhed only u mformattan and are not gnaraatoni For Atlanta BtominBham Mobile New Orfeaas- AaaniUc Cbattamwfa Memvbii jEO a aa sad 11 iKm daily For Itoanok Knocrilfe Ohattenioa Msapfcfa Now Orleans M4S p m daily Fur naranaah JackaooriUe ami Florida potaU 11 a m dairy For ComediEs Charfeatoa Anpaim Alice U0 a m and 9St p m dafly Tourist can kit fonda four times a week 90 p m Monday Wedncway Thunday Frhky Local for UarriaonbBrz 6 a B daily 4 p week for Danfilk S m dally aad for Cbartottonrilfe a m and 1 p m daily rmiutnt traias to sat from Btucmoat C U ACKKKT W II TAYLOB V P G if G P A CHESAPEAKE OHIO RAILWAY KUTEPuMUBed only as mtonuuttoo and set itf JCC O LIMITED Ubufe lenin Pullman sleeper to Lexington Louis TiUc Cincinnati and dC Lows Conuecuun Ice Virginia Rot Pall m n can LouMnlle to N Mvillc Jktempait and New Orleans Lnnins can a la carte ternec- UJ P if K V IMlTKU DailySomlt- Mtibufe train ulUBaa Sleeper to Lexington and Louuwiife ileiiaag car to ireinia Hut week oa s hi cart Cincinnati to- Oucacu and JH Louis Louwnlle to Mempbtf- Naaftnlfe and New Orleans HeearraUoo and ticket at Chesapeake and Ohio Omces SU avenue W street near r and New Union Station Telephones Mates T for Tttmmal Cab Service and Hats MM or aw lot C O Ticket omee TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Hawaii Japan Korea Chine and Philippine Iii am r up to January for dtaptek by steamer Nippon Mares Hawaii ria Baa Fmacfeoo dow hero daily at SK p m up to January 0 for dispatch by steamer Ala- meda Australia except amfla for West AaMnHa NeW Zealand Semoaa Islands sad Now Cafedoaia yin ban Fandaco here daily at 11 p m up to January D for dm ten by steamer Ftoreric Jan Korea China and lliiMnitoe Isteos rta- Vancouter slut Victoria B C thee here at 60S p m up to January 1 for dispatch by Meaaer Empress of thins BUSINESS DIRECTORY WASHINGTON GROCER Private Stock Whisky 750 a Away eTerythine JAIl D llih and 1 eta aw Wines MM LaaeboM 8MCtaltla MAChINE SHOPS G W FORSBERG MACHINIST AND BOILXR MAKBH Works awl wheat 8th and Water a sw Branch efifee nth and F its aw Phones Mats and 7 ALEXANDRIA LUMBER AND MILL WORK HENRY K co SASH DOORS Fit AMES LUMBER OF ALL KINDS MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON D C RKAL ESTATE lowest of intcr t pajraunta m principal in amounts of 08 or mon retired at any interest period THE F H SMITH CO Bond BMg Y are jyWmTff90t MONEY XO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNTS FROM 5 per cent to E per cent en D C real estate Every consideration snqwn borrowers The Harrison Realty CompanyP- hone Main 386 SOT street W tuhiMf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL at lowest current rates of interest sputa pmilegis with respect to prior najnaente TYLER RUTHERFORD Inc J39 ttth at nw cStf MONEY TO US MAKE YOUR NEW loans or replace old ones at lowest rates of In- terest AU transactions ooaducted with economical consideration for borrowers W1I H SAUNDERS CO 1WT F at nw oo3 tf FLOOR OIL FOR PRIVATE AND BUSINESS HO OSES FOR seat glossy Score HUNTERS dostkilline lIlac oil Xc a gallon Phone Main 5138 or drop postal to 113 Pennsylvania ate aw Look for lbs label C T Hunter del7tf DEATH RECORD Gertrude Kasig 3819 Brightwood aw 22 years Bttcatoth Gallagher lIE Xf H aTe 66 years MRterd F Martin 478 0 St BW 51 years Margaret H Choilar Hoop Insane 63 years Frances Jf MoKaae SB 17th fit nw W years Edward P loea 13 9th st se W years Taaaai P Stephenson 15th st BW S3 years David K HadnnaB M K st nw 69 years Harriet E 583 IStti it nw 61 years Virginia W Alexander 727 12th st nw 64 years Julia S Marks 1187 Mh sU nw 66 years Aaaa J Seymour ISM 19th st nw 56 years William McCullmn 1S H st 7 days Addle Drown 345 Broad alley aw 41 years Retry MS M st nw 50 years James Paragc Wash Asylum Hospital 70 years Clarence L Bobbing lIlt 7th st nw 42 years Andrew Marlow 3 Fenton plate 39 years James W Marshall 1127 W st nw 50 years Philip C T 3 3 aTe BW 36 years John Wilson Freedmcns hospItal 26 years Caltin R Seott idOl 7th at se 3 mOnths William Foster 278 Poplar st nw 8 months SereUe Hamilton Deanwood D C 22 months Ocean SteamshipsN- ew York Jan 7 ArriTed Bluechcr tram Hamburg December 28 Pumessla from Glasgow December SS Algeria from MarMilles December 5 Arrived out Zectowl t Antwerp President Grant at Hamburg Caledonia at Glasgow Sailed from foreign ports Kronprinzeasm CecIlia thin Bremen GraC WaWersee from Plymouth lie public from Gibraltar Im bitter and Parlor Cu a lD 081 tfOO 900 tU00 m 71311 < a In- TO ILl 30 100 00 ttiJO wi 6 630 lID t1lll W UI p m 1 518 In ti1 and LOUISVILLE ilA lOrh 1230 utrbtLKELND 10 UEKUNU CI a m H 15313 m tliD1RtUE IS1 13l a m tOO 11 tUG In lKx eo- lt at aU IJl tlM ioIlowtng Ticket or- eM NeW an ep sleepers to JaCkIHHnUle Rain can- T 38 lJai1I4 board i Wens I It lYe llsus4 Building cia ok i lDC1 blJl1lt Springs an- a sorrier and J Seat lrauciIco doss bore at I Quart 751 FIELD I lOi- N I i I I LO LET Ute ate hint ali Marcee n F tt n Gt GROt Hick liJ CITY e 53 zle 3ll tRIll Ii lID f 30 3e9 13 14 5 31 4ib iW CIIICAGOWazn LAJUIh 9 ni 1 p en iau in 511 as 5bl 415 I111 cud Savannah stud 5 StatIon- S arrive en I a roe daily 511 p- en aloe deli shoes rates tate Germ Juocs ii years > > > > ¬ = DAILY COURT RECORD Tuesday January 7 100S Supreme Conrt of the United States Ireawt The thief Jwtloa Mr Jnstke honest Mr Jostle Brewer Mr Justice While Mr Justice Pflchbara Mr Justice McKema Mr JustIce HoJraes Mr Juetiee Day awl Mr Justice Moody John L Sanford of Baltimore Md Fraada M Brooks f HooolalH Hawaii James V Resfer Jr of Orleans La were admitted to praHiee No IS original Exparte IB the matter of Hphratei Simon petitioner arEWMnt chided br Mr Henry L for the petitkmrr No 4tt Jneat Northern Raflway pe- titioner TS The United States argnoeMt eatm- nenced by Mr William R Itrgg for the petttkmer continued Uf Mr AilMent to the Attorney General Pardy and Mr Attorney Qeaenl Bonaparte for- UM respondent awl concluded by Mr TlBam R Bets for the petitioner No 3M The United States HnMift in error TS Adrian H Larkfot totenenoc and eteta e t c argument commenced by Mr Asektant Attorney General Sanford for the ptotetiff in error AdioorMd witS today at 12 eetoek The day caW for WedHesday Jaamtr 8 will be as follows Nes 9K O6 2 orfghwD JT 9fc 9- 9m and m 6 and 161 DISTRICT COURTS Court of Appeals AH prows Ma Ml nail w Clapp etfcL awUoi to dtonriw- aobaiiUcd by Mr C L on behalf of ennnsei for aoMtto hi rapport of motion and Mr H 8- Daris to opposition thereto Attorneys H B- D riA 8 WorthhMitcw No SSJ Original docket In ra application of Henry B P Macfarlaad et at argwaent eonttnnfti by Mr R R Perry for ie ponda U and caselaaad by Mr B H Thomas for peUtionen Attorneys RH ThoBMsR Ross Perry Sos No m DavIs n United States peed weld Kehrnary Attorney A S WnrtMastOBD W Bake No IMC Bryan et Ta Cartk adeainliUatrts- tt aL Jndgnieat afllmtd with rosin Opinion by Mr J attic Vats OnosL Attorney G B HeatS tonD W Baker No ION United States ex ret Xeweowb Motor Compaay TS Moor on Mothw of Mr Matfflte- Chweh lena p tofl the Genus Khctrk C nnany to brief as aanan oartae leatgunmnt ean- Menced by Mr R N Kenyan for appellant Alter stays R N Kanyon sail W F ItogwsMeirille Church and F A Teonant Special calendar No 7 SWill ex tnt Xewooa Meter OnnpaBy Ta CoaimiarioBer of Paleato on InartBg Attorneys It N Kwjw and W P Uogeisllel rifle CBUCB sad F A TewBHit No 4 Joarpa Ream ta Called State Allot am U W Moore Cnadal Markay D L MaekaDD W lInker sad Stuart XeXaaaia No Edward ThoBUjeoB n Danad State Attorney Leo Jatmmom D W linker No tt Francis C Halt TS Anne da at aL Attorney H K Dan No tt IMwte W W QriflB et aL TS UnIted State ex wL L Coyer AUonMjw JJ B TIBBBM and H P Blair No H DIstrict of CotonMa T Owlei roe Attorneys E H ThomM aaM H 1 Bfalr- B S Derail Jt No IT ThoBHK B Df e d eriBtnBrBt of MraaM WL State as raL JaeMa A liMes et No 11 JohBMM w Dietttet of CSafcjuiMa Atlflr- My RH TljmiiT lInguine caU No ffii UKnan DahUBa IBIBIBJ Umter TIV- TfeMBaa eMortrix Attorneys Leo ffBBBinai It O Equity Court No 1 JUSTICE CLABAUG- HN 2MB Fikfc TS toi to Attomtyc W W BrfcteI H MarahaB- Ka MM CahIll TI Cahill order to pay all away out of fends in ragfetry of emrt Attaraayt J A Adriaaw and C W StttaooW RuBknvdv XoeaIm I etr Ounetea No 3L IhiM w Attorney Adriaaa Taylor No K a Uto Attorney HB BM- GrayWeDa No itX SBUOB It aL n WaeiriB OB I Tai BiiB- tAjsodadoa Attorney Risks fc OiayPsrter- Xo m United States TS Gnmfatd et aL At teensy D W BakerA A Hodtoc- No UL Von Hinat n m RefQy et aL Attar ltoWMOBI aal rt McUaa Court JVo 2- JOSTICM GOULD No U Ia ra adoption of P GeedHfa KleIn adoption tegaUaH No nil HaaWM w HauBw melee apiMBaea- dtroetM to frdl bond JS CKJI Attorney W C BaUenon No t VflHasM w all Aatowc Ne IMSL MeriHai TS Hfrtwr pncaadiBW at kw stayed Attorneys M RkbaidiOB and d- II M riWa4rW B No em Sym w Poole iajBBetkm dea4ed aatd bill dJeatisud Attorneys C II 8 a D W BWw- IB re lunacy JObs Miner imeieamin bond UJKII No MM H e4er m BlaJwy bill of Biigrpteadtr- dteueeed Wad IB ragtatry of eoBrt ordered pent to defcBdaat Attorneys F H Otijiasar John Kjdovt G C Oerta H A lletaraetter and XeQejwH- AeaiansMNts for to4ay No 31 UnfcM Treat COBUMBT TS Rinks ct aL Attorneys G II Lunar W B SattttP- I mr and J J Darnagtoa No ft OBtppel TS ItaMteore MIll Ohio Rafl road OoaeB y Attorneys Chanf Ifa Bfll CM Yerkea HasalhoB No 1 Batteacn m DaUeo er et aL AUk nrys J II AdriaawH A Hesacyr No 91 Gtajr va Gray et aL Aitera t Dwgk- aDwsiasBinyr Voodard N Bryant TC I KMMT Attorneys John RMwBtW C Baldenon Circuit Court Xo 1 JUSTICE WRIGHT No 4MM Brass TS WaeWBgton Railway awl Ktoettie Cewpanj sealed lerdfet ordwed Attameyiv- U F and G A Berrya A Uwgtes east G P HowerA- satoMBMnte for No St Patch TS AVMiiBjtOB Railway sad KIM trio Coareay Attorneys McNefll MeNeflMG A Douglas and G P Hoover No SJl ClaImer TS Hilt Attorneys L j MatherW A JohnstoB No an MeDornM TS Johnson Jr L J MatberMeKena Fteaneir No 9W Ross TS Seine saHM No 2iT nard TS JohmoB Jr Attoraeye L J MatberMcKeaMr PkBaery No SB iniaBH vs Jehaeao jr Attorneys seats No SI Brewer n District of CetwaWa Attor nays Edwin Forrest K H Taemat No SS JohBMB et aL TS Waters et aL Alter nays C CtephaaeM J CoOked No m WaHaeh TS District of OaknaWa Attor able HF DawBtegK H Taossfts Circuit Court No 2 JUSTICE ANDBRSON- No InteraatkHHa Tenet Cbapny TS nor on trial Attorneys W G Ba brS itk Assignment for today No 1 Grady is WasMngton Gattteht C n ffiBy Attorneys Douglas MeKeaney Plea nary No 90S International Taut Caapaay TS Howard Attorneys W C Clepha eB JI Warner Jr No JS Jaquette executrix TS Capital TraeUeo- CorajmBj Attorneys R P Evens F H Benson W W PeBltaey R R Perry Son and G T No 26 Lnkios TS Washington AlexandrIa and Mount Vernon Railway Company Attorneys B S Bailey and R T StruckkadA A No 1 Willard TS BalliBger Attorneys W GL Sullivan sad A L Newmjer E L No 230 Witter receiver TS Rietardaoa Bur gras J H Harden A A Healing Xe 1 L Dcitey TS Washington Gaslight Com- pany Attorneys L T Mather R R Perry Son No 6S Coker TS Pratt Attoraeys H F Larch and E F CoHodsyJohn Ridont and F B Pratt Xo 218 Walker Co TS Elite Laundry Com- pany Attorneys George Kearney and Edmund BurkeRaMen Skldons- Xo 322 Dawson administrator TS BaltiMore and Ohio Railroad Company Attorneys Glteour and Gittings CbamberkiaHamiltoB Galbeft Yerkos Hamilton Criminal Court No 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD United States TS Timothy Bawroa bwsebreak ing wille pros United States r Martha moines grand lammy plea of not guilty withdrawn and plea of enfity entered rco gHbiince for sentence taken United States TS James Galtea growl larceny nolle pros United States TS Thomas Broeks grand larceny plea not guilty withdrawn and plea guilty entered remanded United States TS Joseph Albany housebreaking verdict with rccenaBeadatkm to mercy United States TS Edwin M Van Dyek and Victor G Bloeda VIolating section HO Reeked Statutes United States plea not guilty each with leave to demur by February IS K3S bail taken in sum of 10000 tn b- United States TS George I Geodacra wairaat returned cepi bail for James L Holmes taken in sum of 300 Assignments for today United States TS Annabelle Thompson United States TS Harry H Wken United States TS William N Vjan i United States TS John Swan Criminal Court No 2 JUSTICE BARNARD Xo ttill Everett P Rider cKCirt r et L rs Rlana Terdlct for plaintiff for 138 AUeraays Les- ter Price W G Gardner Jo taFt K7 B Street Company TS MahoRey- conUaucd Attorneys Bradley Bradley and laD ColA I lie UnIted 8 Loose I RobIn tit United al K H F II Flick 11 8 jJ lot Idle Equity retnald Jrr W B k Serves So bert f If Attorneys W MI eyes eJ s Dunlop Hooting Attorneys Alex 100 guilty New 10 In Aed fur today sad Attorneys Thoere and Stephens Donsitho GElS entered boat Dubs J today Irk Deli Ss aces > 1115 Attorney 7 tuMor appointed slid Dow today Attorneys Glee a < ¬ < < Ne 4KOL Barnard Jaegtr et aL MtUed At tomoya 3L H BtoarmanE L Glee Assfgastents fee today No 66 Stuart Tt Trundle BH trill Attorney W 3L Wllltan sHayden Jobwson- No M Prinee vs Palmer Attorneys D W No Xewtaad rs Harre AUaru js H W- SahiB0 A White No 5L Jones et al TS Rupert Att rMfS Hay d nJo son and T II PattersoaA A Hochling JrNo K GreeiMtofMe TS Carries Milton StraavtuerC aUas Bedwtt K Daly rs DabasT AUoweys George F- Xo IS Fletcher TS Sirapeon Attorneys Edmund Burke and Lawienee HitftyR B Behtmds Probate Court JUSTICE GOULD IB re TAOBMS Daly order ai t 4nti K guardian hosed ftfiCft Attorneys Baker Sbeehy lieges IB M Pad D Baritone aBthorisiag breast of mousy Attorneys Baker Sheeky HW B Estate f David I Fullerton order a tharizingT- Hireaaae f bonds Attorneys Crosthwaite Cello day v- Ketatc of Margaret B ckelevr order adaKttes will to and record and letters tta mtary bond J2W8 Estate of Carotiiw W Morgan petitkm for kt ten of adaiiniatrariefl order guardian ad MtenL Attorneys QiUhws Chamberlain and Hrary F Mimes Estate of Henry IL Claps order admitting will to probat and recwd aad loiters teetoiweatary hood M 0 Attoraeys Brandeabwrg Braoden burg Eatato ef David R AVhitewib will dated July as no aw Estate of Fredtttek Webber wilt dated Mardi 7- MM AM Relate of John Craig petition for probate arid record of will and tetters tersta rtry Attoraey J P B ady- Betato of Wnm Glbsoa peStles for and second of will MIl letters tottaateatary Alter set C C Jaiaes Hoist of Mary V DoBpal petition fer probate Md reused of will and Mten tastaaKBtaqr At toraey C II U gia Estate of Wattor T Rieaey will dated Xjircabtr 1817 Mad District Court JUSTICE Xo m IB re cteaiion f Harried sliest C- hiaiBln Hstebte D C order acaeatfeg ud diced lag Jar- yKomlmn apeahtg ef alley sjjaare SIt Dis- trict of CflJmnbta order of iisMieitaw Equity Suits MU Royal Wflliaias TS Waiter Pres Attorney W E Am No VSR G Jadm TS Fraads D ffy Jades si aL dtranr Attorney B S MeCftteoaU K tUH Antonio OrrteHo m Mary A Btros et aL iataactlOB Attorneys Taelw Kaayes- Ln No MIlL Owaba Nations nut TS PM Client tea note tarm Attorney F Bdsat No M1K Frank B Gibson TS Mass J Slat JadesMnt of R H Tencil Jaatice of the peae Attorney Nelson When XOL 5MI7 Hyauta Dadflc TS Seated H BeraaB- daaMsea Attorney Leoa Tobrioer No SOUL Millard Harry TS Jaaaea L USe darn aeaa Wt Attoraey A A Upsostab- No Mlt DeaM t Rice TS J H Johasoa ac OOMC U Attorneys W G Ga aar and B- X HopewdL Hot mm Rachel KiawJrtae to TS Jaases L daaaisn XJM Attorneys Tacbtc you and E 8 Bailey IIBAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BrigMweod PwtMyra Print to WHUaa P tech lot 7 block I m L slIest northwest between Twelfth and Thirteenth MKetsCarolya R L GoMsBriUi to Judith X- Ileney lot 8 sqnan SB M- LSejoare wet of 4 H7 23 OS MS 913 9061 CarrIe B Evans to John 0 And W Mar guano C Evans noel Eleanor Katabnolc dower Interest la lots I to 6 Kjaare WIlt ef 4 lota 8 to K assart O7 lot H S3 past lot 5 square 515 lots 1 to 4 square MC tot 1 s aare- MT lot 7 square SK lot 3 square 3064 H a- MasMchBtcUs afcaae aorthwe between Twelfth and Thirteenth stmtaCaroiyB R L Gold arfth and Judith X Harvey to Mazy F Bd- amastoa tot 94 and lot 3S are SSI J BekiactoaLoohw A Frteell M Tir Wffliam J to Geonss E lot M sqaare 17 aX Corner South Carolina and Kentucky south sftstWosej Morgan et BX to Frank B Hop bias oaehaK tatenat ta original tot 4 IiI a Frank B hopkins et ox to BaMaa U- MoriAB oRe att interest ta original lot i- sgosre JW- BighUi street north l etweea L and M streets Hearietta Cohen to Myer sad Jacob G Cohen put tot K npure JS- Xo Mt WeftarfMtor suet aorthw stUriah D Seltzer to Not Sillier lot m sqmi 5E jH- WaahtaBtoB HeightA Seyawttr W TnOoch ct BX- ct aL to Joseph H lot Mode i JaX- BtoiMaiasdairJcaeie F BrooU et elf C to Charles B Stewart tot TS block M JM No mi X street northweatXataonal Savings and Trust OeMpaay to T Kent Roberts part lot 27 No JIll R street anrthweat and eaoatyManrlee J Adler Unatce H sL to Whiten M I ovga- ltivtee land in Basely Hawkins AAHtfea and Slip ta Georgetown sat ta coaaty SW- Twsffth street Borthwest between M awl N streets Robert A hates to Edmund K Fox and Charles Early Iota H IS and H sqaare 311- BBMSM aicane northeast betwtea D sad E- stiMtaKalhlecn M Mnrr et BoVte L to Robert E McConaick tot K aqaere MS M DEEDS OF TRUST BtMkteadC Khaball to Jaaies F Hood ad Pleats R Honarr to tan MoLeskins Raakiwg Conpioratioa 1 year per cent lot 8 block H- Brfo t A Rudy et rir John T to Lather L Apple and Join A Maafe to secant BraeJrtiBd- Bafldlag Asaociatkia m 9 and block T- 5Le Dfoit ParfeCarrif L Brown to Thomas Walker ansi James F Bandy to secure ElIjah H Alien W9 1 to 25 swaths i per MIlt tot 31 bloat M lakeside Sadie I Breaateffer K Tr Lewis EtoW- iUhm P Ftatber and IlteUa C Hawn to MCBT John H Jones 11600 3 years S per cent scsaiaattnaliy part tot 56 block ML B Stewart et ax to Harry K Boas sad H Glenn Pbelps to secure Jessie F Brooks 1258 1 to months 5 per cent aeaaMaaBaHy lot 73 block M Pad worth Harry Wfiidman to Andrew B Duvall and Charles W Fairfax to secure Clara A of Lutz Mtot 53600 3 yean 5 per- cent teauaaaoallt lot 11 square 83J5 Some to seat to secure 25 3 yean 5 liar mat MBiaBBnally lot 12 square 2836 TIlE AVASIIIXGTON HERALD leas the largest niornlngr circulation in the Dis- trict of Colinnbln Remember The Herald placing Icsal advertisements BIRTH RECORD Daniel M and Ellen T StaMen girl Andrew and Annie StdHran hey Joint and Xsaaa Swith few Joseph E cad Mary Meredith hey Peter M and Mary A McCalhua bv twins GrafiM arid Geaerkre HiNeary boy Charles A and Goldie B H b ni N and Alice Hubbard girl A H and Eliza Fowler bay Burton L and Winifred French girL SlKBwad and Lena C DiadeM girL Hilbert and Helen dark hey Howard G and Main Crandall gid Edward F and Vs Laden M Cmniahaslcr boy Harry G and Nellie R cleveland boy Alfred C and Katie E Blades giri John C and Gertrude Beast girl Edger and Nsnnie G Barns hey Sigsuind asset Hedwig Askaaas sid Dennis autO Chlodie Smith boy Cbarks and Mabel Stewart Robert E and Hattie OdeSsa gist John and Nettie Madison pbS Janes and Addle Jones girt George and hassle Jackass boy Calvin and Minnie Johnsaa girl Alecander and Opbrlia Hwrd hoc John and BUrn Porter boy James and Daisy Smith boy Henry and Bertha IJoder girt Saantei and BHabcUi Dockett girl John Josephitie Jones boy Janes L and Ellen C Christina girl Arthur and Jowes gW William and Hattie ChaUaan girL Calvin and Meliada Crawford girl Christopher and Sarah Carter boy Wither and Sarah Ircese gIrl Arthur I and Lillian B Brest boy Charles and Emote Brown boy MARRIAGE LICENSES James C Lewis 33 of Valley Fftrgc W Vs and Ethel A ClArk 2T neT William M John S Purcell M and Bessie B Walton 23 of Louise Va Rev Bruiser Frank W Hackett 27 and Margaret V Millet 22L Rev J J Mair Percy OwenJones 55 of Norwood Mass and Charlotte 0 Massie 41 Ray Thomas J Packard LewIs W Cottman K of Baltimore Md and Mary 0 C Howard Rev Alfrwl HardiBg- Walkcu M Acton 23 awl Ella M Hummer S of Steraag Va Rev Ricbard L SliipJey- Uiehard U Httmnw 31 sf Siotlut Va and Ruth M Deatewi IS ef Vienna Va Richard U- Shipley Clarence E Fisher 27 nUll Ethel Lockhut 23- Ber James F Macfeia ell order k probate n AnD No ace iL tL Put S and square part Parker avenues 11 K a III 11 sir Bra loIs 1t moo IeCbarIes hen gir- Ly girl and Nettle tbtlcenan boUt Weston nero vs ODoeaogbweNcieees Wilson 10 Attorneys Nit ComescIoss sats S 11 cell Wills bile JaIl its at 510 san Kern Ken 51 IlL ill Lee Leo is 3SRI L 33 S 51 Lutz agent seine ¬ TENANTS GIVE E Threats of Settle Rent Strike WITH AGENTS Others Who Continue the Fight Afinlnxt New York Landlords Will He DiftpoiHeaaeil Are Prepared for Trouble In Serving Vrlt Toduy Expect Settlement New York Jan Sanders of nearly m more dtaposexea ras s- In the Soooml MuaieipAl Court in Madi- son street today and WB action In sftt- lfngr the enact en moose except wher the proceeding have nothing to do with tho strike ha upset the ealcalations of Jacob Pankan and the other lawyers who expected that such a batch of eases would tie up the work of the for weeks Judge Sanders delayed the serving ff the dispossess notices Sunned on Monday until tomorrow in the belief that with eviction threatening the strikers would come to their senae and come to terms with their landlords It is probable that the heavy rainstorm of today helped to settle things too in many cues Some Will Piglet On It was hinted that the strikers will not give up easily but will make all trouble that they can and the marshal may have a hard tfm of it tomorrow carrying out hot stoves There were crowds of tenant at the courts alt gay and many appeared before Judges Sanders Young and Roosch to try and Iliad some way of settling th trouble Some hoped to Seta the agents of the buildings there and were willing to pay them in full and have their eases dropped and others wanted to settle by paying the rent into court At the Madison street police station it was said that threatening letters pur- porting to have been sent by striking tenants had been received by some land- lords These letters had been sent t police headquarters and the deter tjv bureau is now investigating According to the police the letters contain sua language as Yes we will move out an when we have left your tenement tte lire department will visit you Expect a Settlement Some landlords have made satisfactory arrangements with their tenants accord- ing to the committee at the strikers headquarters but the landlords ass elation say that they are all standing and they expect that otter a few evictions the strikers will be only too glad to settle The strikers at their headquarters say that in many of the houses the water supply has been cut off by the landlords Those who made these complaints were told to go to the board of health with them if they were true COL LEWIS SCORES WOMEN Says Oiith Means Nothing to Mem- ber of Fair Sex Chic go Jan 7 R n rab r gent men of an oath means nothing to a woman and as Horace has so truth- fully expressed it When a woman starts out to perjure all hell cannot keep her record With wrd aad a few more like them Ce James Hamilton Lewis took the breath away from 900 students of tbe Northwestern University Law School last nightA woman always comas to testify as a witness one of two reasons Ji- s ad Either she comes through a sens of affection or duty to these whom sho loves or she comes to satisfy what s regards as a perfectly legitimate feelng of resentment If it i dint of these h will corns through Are and water to testify KnIt she will see things a her friend views them Sincerely and earnestly she will testify that thins thinks to be and you may crossexamiri i until you have exhausted the vocabulary and you will get nothing from her but her ideas of what they ought to be A woman has no idea of the sanctity of an oaths and a woman will repeat when i oath anything which she will say whe not on oath If she comes as your witness im- pelled by a feeling of resentment be care- ful not to let her tell why she came Get your main point out of her as expeditious- ly as poseiWe and let her go Do not branch off into collateral matters or site will take the first opportunity to vinda cate herself for appearing by telling the grudge she has against the defendant On the other hand if you are cross examining her be careful not to Itt li r state the grievance that has brought her in as a witness against your un you are sure of what it is for no matter what a woman does If It be an act impelled by natural legitimate af- fection the world will ever forgive her WANTS OIL BOND INCREASED Chicago District Attorney Thinks Amount Too Small Chicago Jests 7 With assertions that the Standard Oil Company of Indiana has assets amounting to more than 27000MK and earns approximately SttOOOOQ a year District Attorney B W Sinus today ap- plied to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for an increase of the super eedeas bond of that corporation whirli has appealed from the J28S GOt fine im- posed by District Judge K Landis Judges Grosscup Baker and Seaman sitting in the Court of Appeals received the governments petition and gave John- S Miller attorney for the Standard oil Company two weeks time in which t answer the petition At tho same time Mr Miller suggest to the judges that they would be asked to certify the vital question of the appeal to the consideration of the United States Supreme Court This question is whether the Elkins law under which the oil com- pany was indicted was or was not repeal ed by the later passage of the Hepburn act of 1506 The oil company was indicted after the Hepburn act was passed and there Is now pending before the Supreme Court the same question in the ease of the United States against the Great Northern Company ACCUSES STATE TREASURER Governor of Michigan Charges fensnncc in Office Lansing Mich Jan 7 Gov Warner filed today formal charges of malfeas- ance in office and gross neglect of duty against State Treasurer Glazier In depos- iting State funds amounting to 6S55S7 in the Chelsea Savings Bank which was closed by Bank Commissioner Zimmei man early in December as a result of Mr Glaziers financial difficulties The filing of the charges follows the refusal of Treasurer Glazier to obey Gey Warners demand for his resignation and the governor cites Mr Glazier to appear before him at Lansing and answer use charges on January 17 Mr Glazier has been critically ill at his homo since the failure of the bank and It Is not known today whether or will be Able to appear on the date set for the hearing Evieti n I Marshals 7Judge dis- posed court th to- gether the Mix herself these 1 for the are IU site th- ought L t RailwaY not no MAN SThB I 1 client- less Mal > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-01-08 [p 10] · 10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY 8 1908 5 ... ring

Apr 03, 2018



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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-01-08 [p 10] · 10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY 8 1908 5 ... ring




tot and Keaad Itt EstateWanted PersewaK

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m and R t nwIJNN SANFORDS PHARMACY earner N X-

s re sad North Capitol it awJOHNSTONS PHARMACY 131 N J are awCHAS J FUHRMANS PHARMACY 8th and

East Capital EtcF P PHA1UIACY 33M M at nwATKINSONS PHARMACY llts awl G sts nwASTORIA PHARMACY 3d and G its HW

KENESAW PHARMACY Mt Pleasant and IntoUs nw


KENERS PHARMACY till and S eta aw-

McCHBSNEY JOACHIM Jd and B eta neMeCHESNEY 30ACHIM 8th and V sis ne




day Reward will be giro on return to IX CMaye

LOSTLADYS OPENPACK GOLD WATCHengraved E A II and Mamie fob Itaward

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Library or 18 B Capitol it 78t

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TION aix private for M WOODS COM-

MERCIAL SCHOOL 311 E Capitol at jaMH

SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING CAN BKlearned at our school in 31 to W days Positions

guaranteed Pittman Grahan Gregg Barnes andSjlteWe Indiridual tastractioa STENOGRAPHIC ACADEMY MW Colondo Rnihting

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receh 1 Address BOX 61 Herald office w l fAND WIFE MAN MUST BE

a worktec gardener and wife to coot make bat-ter and for laky man wt b thoroughTegetable power also moat underused cold frameand hat orehanig and lawns and berry crow-

ing ansi flower growing most understand the eweof bees alsa Milking and care of cows and chick-

ens amst references from four last placesalso time between engaged age nationality refer-

ence strictly investigated must be strictly soberami one who country We need apply Ad-

dress P F Herald office jaS4t


reases 5 week waitresses hotel SIB room boardchambermaid 15 and month Apply with refer-


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references PHILLIPS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY29 7th st nw


UHITB GIRL WANTED FOR GENERALhootewerk w small family Apply SOt 13th sc nwjaW


freshmeat stand erenings from Tdl to MSaLACYS Wf N Y are29 MEN AT STAGE DOOR BSLASCO THE-

ATER N otote Wednesday morning January 1BOY WANTED ABOUT 15 YEARS OLD TO

learn drvs brine BOX M Herald cater Ja73t


help to all business places free of charge 89 Tthat aw Main 23-

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city driving and touring BOX Herald otfce



RANGES LATROBBS AND HEATERS15 Sextons Greed Latmbe fuR nichtl attfhUy

damaged Met a great heater reduced t183 Swfterfe Latrobe sells rexoMrb for

MtsfcUr damaeed and we win all the kit onefor jaMK-

LSfher Ugat Latrobe one of the hudsomestNUB Latnibes made full nickel ttnish nd go d-

lirater for small aUgaty damaged sellfor Mei


Xe J39 Novelty Kitchen Cwl none has extrahrg oven ezcevtkxwny water bidewarming shelf lower warming om and siftergreta This k the best make of range WBTSever soW This iMrtioabir range is sUghtry damaged thmefow w hare reduced the price to 3a

OF NESCO COAl HEATERSMade of SteeL Cant Break em

2 N S Nesco Coal Heaters reduced to X-

IN H Nesco Goal Heater redound to i3 N 11 Nesoo Coal Heaters reduced to

The are offered at a price fees than cost ofIirodiMtleH We need the room

Oil HEATERSA few of oil heaters

Na 3 Star Oil Heater reduced to ILM-

Na 9 Ilem4 Oil Heater reduced to UNNo 1 TheM on Heater reduced toSAairiISS OF HAS RADIATORS

4 mba eatw high roll nickel ftnisti S fullJeweltd llaBner Gas lUdnUor rednced to

KiUa km Bsaner with I tubes extra highalumman 4nish with tweife full Jewefc reduced

AU the above goods are guaranteed prefect work-ing Mares and we will cheerfully refund Ute purchaseprice if these Roods are not u represented

ThM k ywr auanal OpportunityA EB13RTYS SONS 718 7th st nw

Who Sell St9vc-EadibliMhed over half ccnturvj-


WIt men at 1 and 151 overcoats S3MThese gpotfs are strictly all wool andslichUr worn AU other goods reduced Callsee them JUSTHS OLD STAND lit D nw JaT7t

FOR SALEHUNTER 17 HANDS WEIGHT 1150pound takes any Jump in Rock Creek Park

wund and penile splendid dmer Aimly A UBROOKS MM 17th st nw ia74tWHITE ASK PURNACB COAL 648 PER TON

Prhkys Setnrdays and Mondays only K37 Q-

tt nw Phene mam 71 t


WB COLLECT NOTES ACCOUNTS RENTSsufernment rotate and damage daims no charge

unless anceesefnl FULLSH AGENCY 71 12t aw-ecftf

WALL PAPERSTAR OP TUB BAST ABSOLUTELY REHahte Punting and l periMnxM reaseaableI-

bBBC or postal J H BBCKWITH JK stdrllHt

WISH TO SELL OUR OVBRSTOCK OFwH paper at my low sacrifice Call and see

our stock F G XOLTE 9sT 11th at wr-jaSeodlf


NATIONAL DECORATING COIth sad P sts Phone 6fH Main

ROOMS PAPERED UPbrow rt ktesi fall designs painting LE PRBUX

KM R st Phoue N MSlm aB


DENTALet Jceth and Gold Crow s 9 up Geld Fill

ififi 1 up SlIm Filltegs Ste Work guaranteedNe Dr CEO EDMONDS HI F H-


VUH IoJr and bet fcngw than nattral teeth shraifken faces made normal isinless-tiilicg Dr J U WILSON 12W F sL iiw m3U


d1trtie eDt



leo l

UltenliD Deft













atunisia to

fane bid










sis L litjall1l1






















er act







THE VAN DYKECar 3d cad D Its nw Well furnished rooms awlaparUeeata prirate baths reasonable traasiants taken We vp fcfrtf-

3K ST NWTWO NIOHLY FURNISHEDrooms far two centlemen J E W WOODdelMraoi



TUB IROQUOIS H M STHIGliOLA PuttBfehad mutes also t moms asset private hathm 39tf



and painted Apply 266 Pa are se ja8itA DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE S ROOMS

bath 60 month Call 2 to 8 p a 11 Mth at


DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMSIn Bram Dick Hlfi to N Y arc reHUl verylow incNiding heat tight awl janitorEstate of DANIEL S EVANS lei N Y are nw

no 11tf


aerott mom F st nw JliSO per monthiadmtiae heat light elevator and janitor serviceneextmef oeaMf

FLEMING BUILDING lUll U ST NW ItBNOrated throughout lit Soot snitable for stack broker

or real estate also excellent office rooms with bestof janitor service DO extras jrtf


volt IN YOUR TROUBLED SOULS WB FRIlLthat we can please you with ajuiiefoui oath for

neas distended wearing apiNirel bate ahirts shoesHare a fast stctvwr to call at once JUSTHS

HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID POll DIScanted weaving apparel ladies or asata MIld

postal will tall L TARSHBH BK Ilk B-W1hoM North 8

Mian aiclvllleB-deatiSe MaMag Face and SeIp-


unit hairdresser shampoohie BMBkarhM chtoon-oiy fiend and scalp treatment Work done athotob and re deuc s Phow Make 3W M4 Gat aw ftMlf-

SuiicrfliioiiK HrIr Wiirts 3IoIcN-Birthaiarks blackheads and ill facial hkmiahea-penaaoentl removed by electrolyste Lady operatorRoom S3 MeUerott Bldg 11 W F at aw



IS 11th st nw Phone Main 123 JaMtt


Washiueton D C January C 19W Sealed pro-posals will be received at this office until tt oclockMOB OB the 13TH DAY OF JANUARY ttOS andtaen opened for the collection and dtsposal of ubemesa iiriTate resioenoea apartBMat homes with notto eseeed four faaiilies and boarding houses andtodgteK homes with not to exceed tt roon in theDittrict of Coteaibia lit the period from February Llilt to June M Blank of proposalspecifications sod all necessary information may beobtained at UM Ice of the SupertotendeDt of Streetdeaninc HENRY B P MACFAKLAXD lIENItY L WEST J J MORROW Ooauaisatonm-D a


READY AT 3 PER CENTOB watches diamonds and jswoliy

LOUIS ABRAHAMSBonded broker 435 Math sC nw-




Bilai tra4fou This U to give notice that the subecriber tt the District of Colimbix has obtainedfrees the Probate Court of the DiMrkt of Cohaabiabuns eBtary OB the estate of Robert BDottOdKm late of th IMrtriet ot CohtaUftaceased AU persons barker aestaat the de

an hereby warned to exhibit the aatne withthe Tonehers thereof legally to theubMtfter on or before the STH DAY OF DECEMlIRE A D Mai otherwise they Buy by taw beexcluded from an baetu ef said estate Gtmunder mr hand this 6th day of January MfltUNION TRUST COMPANY OF TIlE DISTRICTOF COLUMBIA EOR 1E E FLEMING werelacy Attest SeaL JAMES TANNER RcRWcr of-

IVffla for the Dhtrict of Cotwabta Clerk of tbProbate Court GEORGE E FLEMING Attorney

J A BUTLER and C W STETSON Attorneys

IN TilE SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTOICTof Cohmbta Frederick a Gkhner TS The Un

knowB Heirs or Alienees of John Wll-

BMre Jr Equity Xa The object of thissuit is to perfect the title of compUtoMit to totsM 17 anti the west M feet Hi toches frontby the depth of tot M hi the recorded sabdivWou-of Squat RaM of 88 in the city of Washinaton D C as saki mbdiTteion appears ofreeord in the antes of the Sorreyor of the Districtof Cohnabhi in Hook R L IL page 3M Onmottoes of the eanpbiiaaBt it is this fth day ofDeeaabtr UtT ordered that the defendants theunknown heirs derfeees or alienees of John WHmore jr eau their appearance to be enteredherein os or before the first rule sky occaninstwo months after the r t publication of thhorder otherwise the cause will be proceeded with

case of default Provided this order be publishedtwice a month for two sitccemite months prior tosaid return day in the WasMflfttoB Law Reporterand Tha Washington Herald SBJadeet cause ban

been shown to the satisfaction of the courtfor iTinrrnilnc with a longer period of pubHeattonHARRY M CTUBAUGH CWef Jnattee A tme-ooWT 4t SeaL J R YOUNG Clerk ByT4IS P LEMON Assistant Clerk dH26J SS









orD STAND lit Iii


lIlt crisis





for CoMIJWnMtA




















CAPITOL HILL6reom house lot 25 Jeefc wide

XORTHWBfTfisBem hettsc near 4th and Mlarge let 00

NILR WH AND L XW7 rooms side and rentgood tot 90-

0SOUTjiVB3T4 r n H2f I1600

JUST OFF BAST CAPITOLGood little housejywx J

CORNER SOUTHB VST6 mania 21 feetwid

HOUSB AND STABLBW rooms Tetj large letJiM



Oecp tot tfjm

NEAR STANTOK PARKS rodna ge d blockflue swnttaaliqi a due little home and ehoap-


rent m a lot lcttQ

MOORE HILL inc1333 G Street N W

Headquarters for Emytbtog in Real Estate


1 JOO IlIC RARGAIXNice room with acre of ground

inns fence c Snull cash iwymeot balance likerent CHARLES T JOHNSON Jr Reriew officeMount Rainier Md ocSwdtfI-

V you want to buy a Maryland Iron or suburbanhome see us or tend for latest bulletin3Inriou Duckctt t Son OSS I NW


Now is yojw time to secure OH easy monthly pay-

ments one of abortive cottages or choice totsin Kenilwortb D C Washingtons growing suburbAILKX AV 3IAILIfiRY1 1117 G nt nw-

PftBTTY HOMKrt UARUB LOTS J TO C PBllfoot at Mt Rainier Md on Sth and 20th eta

nest It I ave District Lioe Sta 1 fare andhealthy snail monthly payments J C ROGERS


a kcHfcnate and old established hotiitess open tomspettton Address BOX 11 Herald

LUNCH ROOM DOING GOOD BUSINESSowner leaving dty no reaeonabk offer vetoed for

hnmedfato sale C st nw Jaf3t



14th Mt uir


of Bunding for National Mtveum library of Uan-

BKM WanWofton D Dewmber KirSealedp-rotxiaals for turniahing and InatoBing iaplace complete the electric wiring required f r thenew buihtim for the National Museum ia this citywill be received at this other until 2 oclock j m OR

TUESDAY the twentyfirst day of January KOI andWhItely opened anmcdiately thereafter SfodficalOoses and other information furnniMd on appHcattonBERNARD R URKEN teperintendent ofttruetton X273SjaC78U141S





Wherea default bafinc beset made in the payneatof Interest n the debt by a certain of

bearing date on the h day of April AD IfiOfi and recorded amoac the land recent of theDistrict of Columbia on April 12 A D 166 inLiber 8I folio et sea and at the written direcUoa of till holder and owner of the notes

br saul deed of trust the undentened Ute

troMacs named ia said deed of trust wilt ofter forsate vendor the thereof at public auctionia front of the premtees at 3 octoek p m enTUESDAY the Tth day of January A D 1993 thefollowing d ocrtbed land and premiaes with the tei-

prorements oMeaMota righto ways and appurte-nances thereunto belonging situate and lying theDistrict of Columbia Lots numbered eighty awleightyone SI ia Harry T Jones eubdintto f lotsin block numbt d three S m Chapin Brawns subdiriakm of land now known as Incleside as perplat recorded m LAbor County No folio W ofthe records of the omee of the eurreyor of the Dis-

trict of Columbia This property will be sold asentirety or as separate tots as may be directed by

the trustees at the time of the saleTerms of sale Onethird of the purchase prim In

each which a deposit of 100 must be made tothe trustees at the time of the SAle and UK bal-

ance w equal notes f the purchaser payable IB oneand two years mesa the date of sale with interestat the rate of 5 per centum per annum payable seedannually said notes to be secured by lint deedtrust on the property sold or all cash at the optionof the purchaser The terms of sale to be complied withwithin twenty days from the date of Ju defaultof which the property will be retold at the risk andcoat of tile dofauttiae purchaser after tire days radTertfcoment IB some newspaper publbbed in Washiagton D C Alt conTeyancing title examinationand reoofdtue at the expense of the purchaser

EDWARD J STELLWAGKN TrusteeCor Fifteenth and H sts N W

GEORGE B FLEMING TrusteeCot Fifteenth and 11 N W

C G SLOAN CO Auctioneers WW G sLY W

TIlE AHOVK SALK IS POSTPONED ON ACeanat of mciemrnt weather to FRIDAY Janoarj-W K06 at the wme hour


JaSAM Cot Fifteenth and II Mil X W








house out build







UAiGAOIC C MOVEDsilk care peetiuc and Ibipping a

KXIXKSS JtM II It ow Phone laia-au5tf






















secured dead





do hundreds of people every week place one ofthose little liners In the puses of this paper

And again why to 50000 people every weekread theje little liners r

Its easy Simply because these fiftyoddthousand have learned the we are now endeavor

c trig to teach they learned It well

The Herald Want PageIf profitable reading for onenot merely jobhunters mind but everyone who buys things orsells things or needs thingsand thats everybody

If you dont believe itjust take one look

Read and Find Out



5 2u4nL-0414w6















7300am Diner Pullman Parlor1900 a m Buffet Parlor Filehour Train

Diner end Pullman Parlor Car180 p ra Diner and Pullman Parlor OarJcM t m Limited All Pullman 5hourH00pm Coaches to Philadelphia

p m Diner andS P m Coaches to

ll pm SleepersMB a re

3j mANNAPOLIS week days 6W m 125 noon

p m 8 0 a m p mBVKUY HOUR ON TIlE HOUU

Week dayg 70 a m to 80 pBALTIMORE

J10 TJW I3 WS 330MV a m 12aW noon


UO p m

819 p m-

9W a IH J38 n m


Mir O st Mateare Main STS Union Station llcket Office

T3B Infomatton Bureau Mate T3W


Notice Following schedule sot guaranteedUM A M Dailyb aboard Mail Through coaches

Through ili i an WashIngton to Uaatet andlet to AUaaia Partor car to Piaebunt Dining

P M Dafly Seaboard Florida Lhattsd tUM-IulhMa trout through to JackanBTilte stud tit AuBustiae Also through deeper to 1iaehunt Atkate AinalBBfaaai and Meaa his Dinto cars

P M Esproa oacfae andIHillmaiu to baTaanah Laid JaduonTilk DInIngcars


Lee Waahmttoa New Uniona m and 9 a mDaiyAiI poInts on

Norfolk and also KnoiTilk Cbattanoogaand Mempbi-

iJtas p mDagyR4NHioke RebOot im flSakes ilnoxrilfe Chattaaoims Nashville MtmpouNew Orleans Through dkxrer Dming Cars

For NorfolkLcaT WashIngton 3 a m dally11 a m daily 344 p m daily ATTIre Norfolk11 a m ld p m M p m-

t3B p mDaUy BerryrUte Luray SheaaadaahTraM hoist ta Southwest 6s a m andU3I p m

AU mformatioB Pourtoeath street stud New York

SOUTHERN RAILWAY-N RFoUowiDK schedule flames pubibhed only

u mformattan and are not gnaraatoniFor Atlanta BtominBham Mobile New Orfeaas-

AaaniUc Cbattamwfa Memvbii jEO a aa sad11 iKm daily

For Itoanok Knocrilfe Ohattenioa MsapfcfaNow Orleans M4S p m daily

Fur naranaah JackaooriUe ami Florida potaU11 a m dairy

For ComediEs Charfeatoa Anpaim Alice U0a m and 9St p m dafly

Tourist can kit fonda four times a week 90p m Monday Wedncway Thunday Frhky

Local for UarriaonbBrz 6 a B daily 4 pweek for Danfilk S m dally aad forCbartottonrilfe a m and 1 p m dailyrmiutnt traias to sat from Btucmoat


CHESAPEAKE OHIO RAILWAYKUTEPuMUBed only as mtonuuttoo and set

itf JCC O LIMITEDUbufe lenin Pullman sleeper to Lexington LouisTiUc Cincinnati and dCLows Conuecuun Ice Virginia Rot Pallm n can LouMnlle to N Mvillc Jktempait and NewOrleans Lnnins can a la carte ternec-

UJ P if K V IMlTKU DailySomlt-Mtibufe train ulUBaa Sleeper toLexington and Louuwiife ileiiaagcar to ireinia Hut week oa s

hi cart Cincinnati to-Oucacu and JH Louis Louwnlle to Mempbtf-Naaftnlfe and New Orleans

HeearraUoo and ticket at Chesapeake and OhioOmces SU avenue W streetnear r and New Union Station Telephones MatesT for Tttmmal Cab Service and HatsMM or aw lot C O Ticket omee

TRANSPACIFIC MAILSHawaii Japan Korea Chine and Philippine Iii

am rup to January for dtaptek by steamer Nippon

MaresHawaii ria Baa Fmacfeoo dow hero daily at SK

p m up to January 0 for dispatch by steamer Ala-

medaAustralia except amfla for West AaMnHa NeW

Zealand Semoaa Islands sad Now Cafedoaia yinban Fandaco here daily at 11 p m up toJanuary D for dm ten by steamer FtorericJan Korea China and lliiMnitoe Isteos rta-

Vancouter slut Victoria B C thee here at60S p m up to January 1 for dispatch by MeaaerEmpress of thins




Private Stock Whisky 750 aAway eTerythine JAIl D

llih and 1 eta aw Wines MM LaaeboM 8MCtaltla



Works awl wheat 8th and Water a sw Branchefifee nth and F its aw Phones Mats and 7






MONEY TO LOAN ON D C RKAL ESTATElowest of intcr t pajraunta m principal in

amounts of 08 or mon retired at any interestperiod THE F H SMITH CO Bond BMg

Y are jyWmTff90t

MONEY XO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNTS FROM5 per cent to E per cent en D C real estate

Every consideration snqwn borrowers

The Harrison Realty CompanyP-hone Main 386 SOT street WtuhiMf

MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REALat lowest current rates of interest sputa

pmilegis with respect to prior najnaente TYLERRUTHERFORD Inc J39 ttth at nw cStf

MONEY TO US MAKE YOUR NEWloans or replace old ones at lowest rates of In-

terest AU transactions ooaducted with economicalconsideration for borrowers W1I H SAUNDERS

CO 1WT F at nw oo3 tf



lIlac oil Xc a gallon Phone Main 5138 or drop

postal to 113 Pennsylvania ate aw Look for lbslabel C T Hunter del7tf


Gertrude Kasig 3819 Brightwood aw 22 years

Bttcatoth Gallagher lIE Xf H aTe 66 yearsMRterd F Martin 478 0 St BW 51 yearsMargaret H Choilar Hoop Insane 63 years

Frances Jf MoKaae SB 17th fit nw W years

Edward P loea 13 9th st se W years

Taaaai P Stephenson 15th st BW S3 yearsDavid K HadnnaB M K st nw 69 years

Harriet E 583 IStti it nw 61 yearsVirginia W Alexander 727 12th st nw 64 years

Julia S Marks 1187 Mh sU nw 66 years

Aaaa J Seymour ISM 19th st nw 56 yearsWilliam McCullmn 1S H st 7 daysAddle Drown 345 Broad alley aw 41 yearsRetry MS M st nw 50 yearsJames Paragc Wash Asylum Hospital 70 yearsClarence L Bobbing lIlt 7th st nw 42 yearsAndrew Marlow 3 Fenton plate 39 years

James W Marshall 1127 W st nw 50 yearsPhilip C T 3 3 aTe BW 36 yearsJohn Wilson Freedmcns hospItal 26 yearsCaltin R Seott idOl 7th at se 3 mOnthsWilliam Foster 278 Poplar st nw 8 monthsSereUe Hamilton Deanwood D C 22 months

Ocean SteamshipsN-ew York Jan 7 ArriTed Bluechcr tram

Hamburg December 28 Pumessla from GlasgowDecember SS Algeria from MarMilles December 5

Arrived out Zectowl t Antwerp PresidentGrant at Hamburg Caledonia at Glasgow

Sailed from foreign ports Kronprinzeasm CecIliathin Bremen GraC WaWersee from Plymouth liepublic from Gibraltar

I m bitter and Parlor Cua lD


tfOO 900 tU00 m 71311



TOILl 30

10000 ttiJO

wi 6 630 lID t1lll W

UI p m

1 518 Inti1 and LOUISVILLE

ilA lOrh 1230


UEKUNUCI a m H 15313 m

tliD1RtUE IS1 13l a m tOO

11 tUG InlKx eo-

ltat aU IJl tlM ioIlowtng Ticket or-


a n

ep sleepers to JaCkIHHnUleRain


38 lJai1I4 board





lYe llsus4 Building





Springs an-a sorrier



Seat lrauciIco doss bore atI














Marcee n F tt n Gt






zle 3lltRIll

Ii lID f 30 3e9 13 14 5 31

4ib iW


9 ni 1 p eniau in

511 as

5bl415 I111

cud Savannah stud





I a


daily 511 p-








Juocs ii years



> >



DAILY COURT RECORDTuesday January 7 100S

Supreme Conrt of the United StatesIreawt The thief Jwtloa Mr Jnstke honest

Mr Jostle Brewer Mr Justice While Mr JusticePflchbara Mr Justice McKema Mr JustIceHoJraes Mr Juetiee Day awl Mr Justice Moody

John L Sanford of Baltimore Md Fraada MBrooks f HooolalH Hawaii James V ResferJr of Orleans La were admitted to praHiee

No IS original Exparte IB the matter ofHphratei Simon petitioner arEWMnt chided brMr Henry L for the petitkmrr

No 4tt Jneat Northern Raflway pe-

titioner TS The United States argnoeMt eatm-

nenced by Mr William R Itrgg for the petttkmercontinued Uf Mr AilMent to the Attorney GeneralPardy and Mr Attorney Qeaenl Bonaparte for-

UM respondent awl concluded by Mr TlBam RBets for the petitioner

No 3M The United States HnMift in error TS

Adrian H Larkfot totenenoc and eteta e t cargument commenced by Mr Asektant AttorneyGeneral Sanford for the ptotetiff in error

AdioorMd witS today at 12 eetoekThe day caW for WedHesday Jaamtr 8 will be

as follows Nes 9K O6 2 orfghwD JT 9fc 9-9m and m 6 and 161


Court of AppealsAH prows

Ma Ml nail w Clapp etfcL awUoi to dtonriw-

aobaiiUcd by Mr C L on behalf of ennnseifor aoMtto hi rapport of motion and Mr H 8-

Daris to opposition thereto Attorneys H B-

D riA 8 WorthhMitcwNo SSJ Original docket In ra application of

Henry B P Macfarlaad et at argwaent eonttnnftiby Mr R R Perry for ie ponda U and caselaaadby Mr B H Thomas for peUtionen AttorneysR H ThoBMsR Ross Perry Sos

No m DavIs n United States peed weldKehrnary Attorney A S WnrtMastOBD WBake

No IMC Bryan et Ta Cartk adeainliUatrts-tt aL Jndgnieat afllmtd with rosin Opinion byMr J attic Vats OnosL Attorney G B HeatStonD W Baker

No ION United States ex ret Xeweowb MotorCompaay TS Moor on Mothw of Mr Matfflte-Chweh lena p tofl the Genus Khctrk C nnanyto brief as aanan oartae leatgunmnt ean-

Menced by Mr R N Kenyan for appellant Alterstays R N Kanyon sail W F ItogwsMeirilleChurch and F A Teonant

Special calendarNo 7 SWill ex tnt Xewooa Meter

OnnpaBy Ta CoaimiarioBer of Paleato on InartBgAttorneys It N Kwjw and W P Uogeisllelrifle CBUCB sad F A TewBHit

No 4 Joarpa Ream ta Called State Allotam U W Moore Cnadal Markay D LMaekaDD W lInker sad Stuart XeXaaaia

No Edward ThoBUjeoB n Danad StateAttorney Leo Jatmmom D W linker

No tt Francis C Halt TS Anne da at aLAttorney H K Dan

No tt IMwte W W QriflB et aL TS UnItedState ex wL L Coyer AUonMjw JJ B TIBBBM

and H P BlairNo H DIstrict of CotonMa T Owlei

roe Attorneys E H ThomM aaM H 1 Bfalr-B S Derail Jt

No IT ThoBHK B Df e d eriBtnBrBt ofMraaM WL State as raL JaeMa A liMes et

No 11 JohBMM w Dietttet of CSafcjuiMa Atlflr-My R H TljmiiT

lInguine caUNo ffii UKnan DahUBa IBIBIBJ Umter TIV-

TfeMBaa eMortrix Attorneys Leo ffBBBinai It O


HN 2MB Fikfc TS toi toAttomtyc W W BrfcteI H MarahaB-

Ka MM CahIll TI Cahill order to pay allaway out of fends in ragfetry of emrt AttaraaytJ A Adriaaw and C W StttaooW

RuBknvdv XoeaIm I etr OuneteaNo 3L IhiM w Attorney Adriaaa

TaylorNo K a Uto Attorney HB BM-

GrayWeDaNo itX SBUOB It aL n WaeiriB OB I Tai BiiB-

tAjsodadoa Attorney Risks fc OiayPsrter-Xo m United States TS Gnmfatd et aL At

teensy D W BakerA A Hodtoc-No UL Von Hinat n m RefQy et aL Attar

ltoWMOBI aal rt McUaaCourt JVo 2-

JOSTICM GOULDNo U Ia ra adoption of P GeedHfa KleIn

adoption tegaUaHNo nil HaaWM w HauBw melee apiMBaea-

dtroetM to frdl bond JS CKJI Attorney W CBaUenon

No t VflHasM w all

AatowcNe IMSL MeriHai TS Hfrtwr pncaadiBW at

kw stayed Attorneys M RkbaidiOB and d-II M riWa4rW B

No em Sym w Poole iajBBetkm dea4ed aatdbill dJeatisud Attorneys C II 8 a D WBWw-

IB re lunacy JObs Miner imeieaminbond UJKII

No MM H e4er m BlaJwy bill of Biigrpteadtr-dteueeed Wad IB ragtatry of eoBrt ordered pent todefcBdaat Attorneys F H Otijiasar John KjdovtG C Oerta H A lletaraetter and XeQejwH-

AeaiansMNts for to4ayNo 31 UnfcM Treat COBUMBT TS Rinks ct aL

Attorneys G II Lunar W B SattttP-I mr and J J Darnagtoa

No ft OBtppel TS ItaMteore MIll Ohio Raflroad OoaeB y Attorneys Chanf Ifa Bfll CM

Yerkea HasalhoBNo 1 Batteacn m DaUeo er et aL AUk

nrys J II AdriaawH A HesacyrNo 91 Gtajr va Gray et aL Aitera t Dwgk-aDwsiasBinyr Voodard

N Bryant TC I KMMT Attorneys JohnRMwBtW C Baldenon

Circuit Court Xo 1JUSTICE WRIGHT

No 4MM Brass TS WaeWBgton Railway awlKtoettie Cewpanj sealed lerdfet ordwed Attameyiv-U F and G A Berrya A Uwgteseast G P HowerA-

satoMBMnte forNo St Patch TS AVMiiBjtOB Railway sad KIM

trio Coareay Attorneys McNefll MeNeflMGA Douglas and G P Hoover

No SJl ClaImer TS Hilt Attorneys L jMatherW A JohnstoB

No an MeDornM TS Johnson Jr LJ MatberMeKena Fteaneir

No 9W Ross TS Seine saHMNo 2iT nard TS JohmoB Jr Attoraeye L J

MatberMcKeaMr PkBaeryNo SB iniaBH vs Jehaeao jr Attorneys

seatsNo SI Brewer n District of CetwaWa Attor

nays Edwin Forrest K H TaematNo SS JohBMB et aL TS Waters et aL Alter

nays C CtephaaeM J CoOkedNo m WaHaeh TS District of OaknaWa Attor

able HF DawBtegK H Taossfts


No InteraatkHHa Tenet Cbapny TS

nor on trial Attorneys W GBa brS itk

Assignment for todayNo 1 Grady is WasMngton Gattteht C n ffiBy

Attorneys Douglas MeKeaney Pleanary

No 90S International Taut Caapaay TS HowardAttorneys W C Clepha eB JI Warner Jr

No JS Jaquette executrix TS Capital TraeUeo-CorajmBj Attorneys R P Evens F H BensonW W PeBltaey R R Perry Son and G T

No 26 Lnkios TS Washington AlexandrIa andMount Vernon Railway Company Attorneys B SBailey and R T StruckkadA A

No 1 Willard TS BalliBger Attorneys W GL

Sullivan sad A L Newmjer E LNo 230 Witter receiver TS Rietardaoa Bur

gras J H Harden A A HealingXe 1 L Dcitey TS Washington Gaslight Com-

pany Attorneys L T Mather R R Perry SonNo 6S Coker TS Pratt Attoraeys H F Larch

and E F CoHodsyJohn Ridont and F B PrattXo 218 Walker Co TS Elite Laundry Com-

pany Attorneys George Kearney and EdmundBurkeRaMen Skldons-

Xo 322 Dawson administrator TS BaltiMore andOhio Railroad Company Attorneys Glteourand Gittings CbamberkiaHamiltoB GalbeftYerkos Hamilton


United States TS Timothy Bawroa bwsebreaking wille pros

United States r Martha moines grand lammyplea of not guilty withdrawn and plea of enfityentered rco gHbiince for sentence taken

United States TS James Galtea growl larcenynolle pros

United States TS Thomas Broeks grand larcenyplea not guilty withdrawn and plea guilty enteredremanded

United States TS Joseph Albany housebreakingverdict with rccenaBeadatkm to mercy

United States TS Edwin M Van Dyek and VictorG Bloeda VIolating section HO Reeked StatutesUnited States plea not guilty each with leave todemur by February IS K3S bail taken in sum of

10000 tn b-

United States TS George I Geodacra wairaatreturned cepi bail for James L Holmes taken insum of 300

Assignments for todayUnited States TS Annabelle ThompsonUnited States TS Harry H WkenUnited States TS William N Vjan iUnited States TS John Swan

Criminal Court No 2JUSTICE BARNARD

Xo ttill Everett P Rider cKCirt r et L rsRlana Terdlct for plaintiff for 138 AUeraays Les-

ter Price W G GardnerJo taFt K7 B Street Company TS MahoRey-

conUaucd Attorneys Bradley Bradley






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Ne 4KOL Barnard Jaegtr et aL MtUed Attomoya 3L H BtoarmanE L Glee

Assfgastents fee todayNo 66 Stuart Tt Trundle BH trill Attorney

W 3L Wllltan sHayden Jobwson-No M Prinee vs Palmer Attorneys D W

No Xewtaad rs Harre AUaru js H W-

SahiB0 A WhiteNo 5L Jones et al TS Rupert Att rMfS Hay

d nJo son and T II PattersoaA A Hochling

JrNo K GreeiMtofMe TS Carries Milton

StraavtuerC aUas BedwttK Daly rs DabasT AUoweys George F-

Xo IS Fletcher TS Sirapeon Attorneys EdmundBurke and Lawienee HitftyR B Behtmds


IB re TAOBMS Daly order ai t 4nti K guardianhosed ftfiCft Attorneys Baker Sbeehy lieges

IB M Pad D Baritone aBthorisiag breastof mousy Attorneys Baker Sheeky HW B

Estate f David I Fullerton order a tharizingT-

Hireaaae f bonds Attorneys Crosthwaite Celloday v-

Ketatc of Margaret B ckelevr order adaKttes willto and record and letters tta mtarybond J2W8

Estate of Carotiiw W Morgan petitkm for ktten of adaiiniatrariefl order guardian adMtenL Attorneys QiUhws Chamberlain andHrary F Mimes

Estate of Henry IL Claps order admitting willto probat and recwd aad loiters teetoiweataryhood M 0 Attoraeys Brandeabwrg Braodenburg

Eatato ef David R AVhitewib will dated Julyas no aw

Estate of Fredtttek Webber wilt dated Mardi 7-

MM AMRelate of John Craig petition for probate arid

record of will and tetters tersta rtry Attoraey JP B ady-

Betato of Wnm Glbsoa peStles forand second of will MIl letters tottaateatary Alterset C C Jaiaes

Hoist of Mary V DoBpal petition fer probateMd reused of will and Mten tastaaKBtaqr Attoraey C II U gia

Estate of Wattor T Rieaey will dated Xjircabtr1817 Mad

District CourtJUSTICE

Xo m IB re cteaiion f Harried sliest C-

hiaiBln Hstebte D C order acaeatfeg ud dicedlag Jar-

yKomlmn apeahtg ef alley sjjaare SIt Dis-

trict of CflJmnbta order of iisMieitaw

Equity SuitsMU Royal Wflliaias TS Waiter Pres

Attorney W E Am

No VSR G Jadm TS Fraads D ffy

Jades si aL dtranr Attorney B S MeCftteoaUK tUH Antonio OrrteHo m Mary A Btros

et aL iataactlOB Attorneys Taelw Kaayes-

LnNo MIlL Owaba Nations nut TS PM Client

tea note tarm Attorney F BdsatNo M1K Frank B Gibson TS Mass J Slat

JadesMnt of R H Tencil Jaatice of thepeae Attorney Nelson When

XOL 5MI7 Hyauta Dadflc TS Seated H BeraaB-daaMsea Attorney Leoa Tobrioer

No SOUL Millard Harry TS Jaaaea L USe darnaeaa Wt Attoraey A A Upsostab-

No Mlt DeaM t Rice TS J H Johasoa acOOMC U Attorneys W G Ga aar and B-

X HopewdLHot mm Rachel KiawJrtae to TS Jaases L

daaaisn XJM Attorneys Tacbtcyou and E 8 Bailey


BrigMweod PwtMyra Print to WHUaa Ptech lot 7 block I m

L slIest northwest between Twelfth and ThirteenthMKetsCarolya R L GoMsBriUi to Judith X-

Ileney lot 8 sqnan SB M-LSejoare wet of 4 H7 23 OS MS 913 9061

CarrIe B Evans to John 0 And W Marguano C Evans noel Eleanor Katabnolc dowerInterest la lots I to 6 Kjaare WIlt ef 4 lota 8 toK assart O7 lot H S3 past lot 5square 515 lots 1 to 4 square MC tot 1 s aare-MT lot 7 square SK lot 3 square 3064 H a-

MasMchBtcUs afcaae aorthwe between Twelfthand Thirteenth stmtaCaroiyB R L Goldarfth and Judith X Harvey to Mazy F Bd-amastoa tot 94 and lot 3S are SSI J

BekiactoaLoohw A Frteell M Tir Wffliam J toGeonss E lot M sqaare 17 aX

Corner South Carolina and Kentucky southsftstWosej Morgan et BX to Frank B Hopbias oaehaK tatenat ta original tot 4 IiIa Frank B hopkins et ox to BaMaa U-MoriAB oRe att interest ta original lot i-

sgosre JW-

BighUi street north l etweea L and M streetsHearietta Cohen to Myer sad Jacob G Cohenput tot K npure JS-

Xo Mt WeftarfMtor suet aorthw stUriah DSeltzer to Not Sillier lot m sqmi 5EjH-

WaahtaBtoB HeightA Seyawttr W TnOoch ct BX-

ct aL to Joseph H lot Mode i JaX-

BtoiMaiasdairJcaeie F BrooU et elf C toCharles B Stewart tot TS block M JM

No mi X street northweatXataonal Savings andTrust OeMpaay to T Kent Roberts part lot 27

No JIll R street anrthweat and eaoatyManrlee JAdler Unatce H sL to Whiten M I ovga-ltivtee land in Basely Hawkins AAHtfeaand Slip ta Georgetown sat ta coaaty SW-

Twsffth street Borthwest between M awl N streetsRobert A hates to Edmund K Fox andCharles Early Iota H IS and H sqaare 311-

BBMSM aicane northeast betwtea D sad E-

stiMtaKalhlecn M Mnrr et BoVte L toRobert E McConaick tot K aqaere MS M


BtMkteadC Khaball to Jaaies F Hoodad Pleats R Honarr to tan MoLeskinsRaakiwg Conpioratioa 1 year per cent lot8 block H-

Brfo t A Rudy et rir John T to Lather LApple and Join A Maafe to secant BraeJrtiBd-Bafldlag Asaociatkia m 9 and block T-

5Le Dfoit ParfeCarrif L Brown to Thomas Walkeransi James F Bandy to secure ElIjah H Alien

W9 1 to 25 swaths i per MIlt tot 31 bloat Mlakeside Sadie I Breaateffer K Tr Lewis EtoW-

iUhm P Ftatber and IlteUa C Hawn toMCBT John H Jones 11600 3 years S per centscsaiaattnaliy part tot 56 block ML

B Stewart et ax to HarryK Boas sad H Glenn Pbelps to secure JessieF Brooks 1258 1 to months 5 per centaeaaMaaBaHy lot 73 block M

Pad worth Harry Wfiidman to Andrew B Duvalland Charles W Fairfax to secure Clara A

of Lutz Mtot 53600 3 yean 5 per-cent teauaaaoallt lot 11 square 83J5 Some toseat to secure 25 3 yean 5 liar matMBiaBBnally lot 12 square 2836

TIlE AVASIIIXGTON HERALD leas thelargest niornlngr circulation in the Dis-trict of Colinnbln Remember The Herald

placing Icsal advertisements


Daniel M and Ellen T StaMen girlAndrew and Annie StdHran heyJoint and Xsaaa Swith fewJoseph E cad Mary Meredith heyPeter M and Mary A McCalhua bv twinsGrafiM arid Geaerkre HiNeary boyCharles A and Goldie B H b niN and Alice Hubbard girlA H and Eliza Fowler bayBurton L and Winifred French girLSlKBwad and Lena C DiadeM girLHilbert and Helen dark heyHoward G and Main Crandall gidEdward F and Vs Laden M Cmniahaslcr boyHarry G and Nellie R cleveland boyAlfred C and Katie E Blades giriJohn C and Gertrude Beast girlEdger and Nsnnie G Barns heySigsuind asset Hedwig Askaaas sidDennis autO Chlodie Smith boyCbarks and Mabel StewartRobert E and Hattie OdeSsa gistJohn and Nettie Madison pbSJanes and Addle Jones girtGeorge and hassle Jackass boyCalvin and Minnie Johnsaa girlAlecander and Opbrlia Hwrd hocJohn and BUrn Porter boyJames and Daisy Smith boyHenry and Bertha IJoder girtSaantei and BHabcUi Dockett girlJohn Josephitie Jones boyJanes L and Ellen C Christina girlArthur and Jowes gWWilliam and Hattie ChaUaan girLCalvin and Meliada Crawford girlChristopher and Sarah Carter boyWither and Sarah Ircese gIrlArthur I and Lillian B Brest boyCharles and Emote Brown boy


James C Lewis 33 of Valley Fftrgc W Vs andEthel A ClArk 2T neT William M

John S Purcell M and Bessie B Walton 23of Louise Va Rev Bruiser

Frank W Hackett 27 and Margaret V Millet 22L

Rev J J MairPercy OwenJones 55 of Norwood Mass and

Charlotte 0 Massie 41 Ray Thomas J PackardLewIs W Cottman K of Baltimore Md and

Mary 0 C Howard Rev Alfrwl HardiBg-Walkcu M Acton 23 awl Ella M Hummer S of

Steraag Va Rev Ricbard L SliipJey-

Uiehard U Httmnw 31 sf Siotlut Va and RuthM Deatewi IS ef Vienna Va Richard U-

ShipleyClarence E Fisher 27 nUll Ethel Lockhut 23-

Ber James F Macfeia




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TENANTS GIVE EThreats of Settle

Rent Strike


Others Who Continue the FightAfinlnxt New York Landlords WillHe DiftpoiHeaaeil ArePrepared for Trouble In ServingVrlt Toduy Expect Settlement

New York Jan Sandersof nearly m more dtaposexea ras s-

In the Soooml MuaieipAl Court in Madi-son street today and WB action In sftt-

lfngr the enact en moose except wherthe proceeding have nothing to do withtho strike ha upset the ealcalations ofJacob Pankan and the other lawyers whoexpected that such a batch of eases wouldtie up the work of the for weeks

Judge Sanders delayed the serving ffthe dispossess notices Sunned on Mondayuntil tomorrow in the belief that witheviction threatening the strikers wouldcome to their senae and come to termswith their landlords It is probable thatthe heavy rainstorm of today helped tosettle things too in many cues

Some Will Piglet OnIt was hinted that the strikers will not

give up easily but will make alltrouble that they can and the marshalmay have a hard tfm of it tomorrowcarrying out hot stoves

There were crowds of tenant at thecourts alt gay and many appeared beforeJudges Sanders Young and Roosch totry and Iliad some way of settling thtrouble Some hoped to Seta the agents ofthe buildings there and were willing topay them in full and have their easesdropped and others wanted to settle bypaying the rent into court

At the Madison street police station itwas said that threatening letters pur-porting to have been sent by strikingtenants had been received by some land-lords These letters had been sent tpolice headquarters and the deter tjvbureau is now investigating Accordingto the police the letters contain sualanguage as Yes we will move out anwhen we have left your tenement ttelire department will visit you

Expect a SettlementSome landlords have made satisfactory

arrangements with their tenants accord-ing to the committee at the strikersheadquarters but the landlords asselation say that they are all standing

and they expect that otter a fewevictions the strikers will be only too gladto settle

The strikers at their headquarters saythat in many of the houses the watersupply has been cut off by the landlordsThose who made these complaints weretold to go to the board of health withthem if they were true


Says Oiith Means Nothing to Mem-

ber of Fair SexChic go Jan 7 R n rab r gent

men of an oath means nothingto a woman and as Horace has so truth-fully expressed it When a woman startsout to perjure all hell cannotkeep her record

With wrd aad a few more likethem Ce James Hamilton Lewis tookthe breath away from 900 students of tbeNorthwestern University Law School lastnightA

woman always comas to testify asa witness one of two reasons Ji-s ad Either she comes through a sensof affection or duty to these whom sholoves or she comes to satisfy what sregards as a perfectly legitimate feelngof resentment

If it i dint of these h will cornsthrough Are and water to testify KnItshe will see things a her friend viewsthem Sincerely and earnestly she willtestify that thins thinks

to be and you may crossexamiri iuntil you have exhausted the vocabularyand you will get nothing from her buther ideas of what they ought to be Awoman has no idea of the sanctity of anoaths and a woman will repeat when ioath anything which she will say whenot on oath

If she comes as your witness im-

pelled by a feeling of resentment be care-ful not to let her tell why she came Getyour main point out of her as expeditious-ly as poseiWe and let her go Do notbranch off into collateral matters or sitewill take the first opportunity to vindacate herself for appearing by telling thegrudge she has against the defendant

On the other hand if you are crossexamining her be careful not to Itt li rstate the grievance that has brought herin as a witness against your un

you are sure of what it is for nomatter what a woman does If It be anact impelled by natural legitimate af-

fection the world will ever forgive her


Chicago District Attorney ThinksAmount Too Small

Chicago Jests 7 With assertions thatthe Standard Oil Company of Indiana hasassets amounting to more than 27000MK

and earns approximately SttOOOOQ a yearDistrict Attorney B W Sinus today ap-

plied to the United States Circuit Courtof Appeals for an increase of the supereedeas bond of that corporation whirlihas appealed from the J28S GOt fine im-

posed by District Judge K LandisJudges Grosscup Baker and Seaman

sitting in the Court of Appeals receivedthe governments petition and gave John-S Miller attorney for the Standard oilCompany two weeks time in which tanswer the petition

At tho same time Mr Miller suggestto the judges that they would be askedto certify the vital question of the appealto the consideration of the United StatesSupreme Court This question is whetherthe Elkins law under which the oil com-

pany was indicted was or was not repealed by the later passage of the Hepburnact of 1506 The oil company was indictedafter the Hepburn act was passed andthere Is now pending before the SupremeCourt the same question in the ease of theUnited States against the Great Northern



Governor of Michigan Chargesfensnncc in Office

Lansing Mich Jan 7 Gov Warnerfiled today formal charges of malfeas-

ance in office and gross neglect of dutyagainst State Treasurer Glazier In depos-

iting State funds amounting to 6S55S7 inthe Chelsea Savings Bank which wasclosed by Bank Commissioner Zimmeiman early in December as a result ofMr Glaziers financial difficulties

The filing of the charges follows therefusal of Treasurer Glazier to obey GeyWarners demand for his resignation andthe governor cites Mr Glazier to appearbefore him at Lansing and answer usecharges on January 17

Mr Glazier has been critically ill athis homo since the failure of the bankand It Is not known today whether or

will be Able to appear on thedate set for the hearing

Evieti n



7Judge dis-posed





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