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THE WASHINGTON TIM S SUNDAY MAY 17 1908 7 jT i RATHBONE TEMPLE Uniform Rank Drilling for Competitions at Boston En campment in August RathlHme Tempi NO 1 Pythian Sis- ters held a very enjoyable euchre May- S which wa largely attended The pro- ceeds go to the Boston Club of the temple Syracuatans Lodge No M Knights of Pythlaa conferred the rank of knight on a class of four at Its convention May There was a large attendance of member a welt as visitors CoidweU Ce No 7 Uniform Rank Knights af Pythlaa as well as Washing- ton Co No i is drilling weekly pre- paratory to entering competition at the national encampment of the uniform rank at Boston the first week In Au gust A large attendance of the Pyth ian membership of this dty will be present at the Boaton meeting includ- ing Grand Chancellor C H Woodward and a number of his associate grand lodge oflloare- Maj Gen A J Stobbart of St Paul Minn commanding the uniform rank Knighta of Pythias has ordered an election for Friday May 23 of a major of the First Battalion First Regiment- of this city to fit the vacancy caused by the de th of Maj Harry Cogging Major Stobbart has sent notifi cation that he will be present at the assembly when it convenes for election Grand ChfUieelter C H Woodward and his associate grand lodge officers will pay then spring visit to Calanthe Lodge No 11 at Pythian Temple to morrow Representative Balph D Cole of Ohio will deliver the address of the evening The grand chancellor arranged with Rev Weston Bruner pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church E street southwest between Sixth sad Seventh streets to preach a Pythian sermon this evening and the membership have been notified to assemble at Seventh and B streets to attend these services in a body The grand chancellor end aeso- sociate grand lodge officers paid their spring visit to Capitol Lodge No M last Tuesday evening TIM address of the evening was delivered by Burton- T Doyle a member of Mt Vernon Lodge No GARRISONS MEET MAY 28 Will Arrange for Memorial and Independent Days Cele brations- A mass meeting under the aMptoas of tIM weal Army and Navy Union garrisons wilt be held May 28 Details will be announced later The meeting was arranged during the put week Two meetings of the Away and Navy Union garrisons were held Thursday and Friday nights in Grand Army HalL Resolutions were adopted commending- the Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce for their action in favoring a Fourth of July celebration A reso- lution also was passed thanking the State of Rhode Island through Higgina tor the passage of tile bill designed to protect the uniforms of the men of the army navy and Marine Corps An effort will be made to Induce other States to similar action and to get a bill through Congress at the next session for a national regulation- A resolution of thanks to the Mil- itary Affairs Committee was for its action in reporting favorably the bill preventing the desecration of the flag It was decided that the Army and Navy Union will take part in tbe clses attending the removal of former Vice Prudent Clintons body from this city May 27 Arrangements for the celebration of Memorial Day were dis russed and It was Suggested by Col John S Walker that the day be more reverently observed Captain Brian acting Public Printer Was thanked for the interest shown in the reinstatement of old soldiers wid f ws in the Government service Among the speakers were Col B F Chase Oin A S Capt J W Mitchell Col A B Capt R C Grant Capt G L Snider William A Hickey Dr T B Lee Charles Clagett Van A Zahn John Watson Tod Thomas Jo oh Sullivan Thomas Taylor Dr C K Petty Vernon Pettys Charles W Blush Capt Thomas F Green and H A Martin Mattings Laid Free Let For want of a rclkble Refrigcrr ator Come and select one from our magnificent stock You will find a size and style to suit you and can arrange the terms of payment to suit your in come All prices are marked in plain figures and we guarantee the reliability of everything we sell you Peter Grogan 8I7819821S23 Seventh St i ICORB3 VITAL Increases Kens Price 91 At all druggists Always oa hand at OTOONHEXtXiS Drug Store 904 F St aw Mat orders solicited ENJOYS EUCHRE I 8 baa t his I j panned Burt Frt Strgt T J Strain A H B Burch r Dont Good Food Sp9il I you I I RESTORATIVE P t e General PLAN- T 0 Gover- nor ex- t h a IL ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ READS RITUAL BEFORE WOODMEN CONSUL J L PALMER Who Exemplifies Short Form of Initiation Washington Camp Adopts Two Candidates and Excursion Is Announced Washington Camp No ILM4 Modern Woodmen of America held quit an interesting meeting Thursday evening There were mhiatton4 as usual The short form of adoption exemplified by Consul J L Palmer on Albert W Smith and August A Bergh who were the candidates of the evening Ice cream was voted for next Thursday evening Important resolutions were read and adopted which have a bearing on the interest the membership baa taken dur- ing the past year The team of Forest- ers beaded by Harry Walsh announced an excursion to Chesapeake Beach June 36 Neighbor Davidson a visitor from a staler camp was present and made a speech PRESS ASSOCIATION MRS SPERRYS GUEST Mrs H B Sperry was hoetest last Friday evening to members of the Woman National Prow Association when the regular meeting of the asso- ciation was held May nicke treasurer and Miss Ellen B Fos- ter librarian Mrs Florence Adele Chase outlined the forestry program of the general federation meeting In Bos- ton next month One of the interesting features of the meeting was the reading of a letter from the Persian poet AJtKutt Kahn Among those who contributed to the entertainment program were Mrs Chase and Mrs Sttllman CHAPLAIN WRITES KAISERS SERMONS German Ruler Gains Unique Repu- tation by Delivering Order- ed Addresses BERLIN May H Th Kocnigsfeetser- Zeitung destroys the pious fiction that Emperor William writes those sermons for whose delivery he has gained such a unique reputation Before his majesty roes traveling or enticing on the Hobensollern expecting to May away a certain number of weeks the court chaplain on duty la ordered by the court marshal to prepare a ser- mon for each Sunday coinciding with religious significance of the day and tbe environment In which the Emperor and the crew rind themselves When the Kaiser goes to the North Cape for in- stance ho always orders six sermons each appropriate to the neighborhood he expects to visit on the date set Even the prayer with which be closes services is written by the court chaplain and read by him from manuscript Die Keitung nays it is not true that the Emperor blares his audience lie merely reads from the manuscript a prayer asking for Gods blessing MUMMIES MADE OVER- A process which the immmles of the ancient Peruvians and Egyptians can be restored to a natural and plump appearance has been found by Prof H H Wilder of Northampton Mass This Is dot by soaking the mummies for from twelve to fortyeight hours in solution of 1 per cent of caustic potash and then immersing them for an equal time in pure water Care is necessary aa too long soaking in either liquid tends to disintegration In a Peruvian mummy the natural consistency of the tissues and even ta- aritne extent the color of the skin were brought out strikingly and heads of ell dwellers that had been dried m the sun without embalming substance were so changed unrecognlmaM- jrt of the face became a distinct life SOLITUDE To sit on rocks to muse Hood and tell To slowly trace the forests shady scene Where things that own not mans do main dwell And mortal foot hUh neer or rarely been To climb the trackless mountain all unseen With the wild flock that never needs a fold Alone oer steeps rills to lean Thin ta not solitude tie but to bold Converse with natures charms and her stores unrolled But midst the erov d the Muss shock of men To hear to see to feel and to pos sess And roam along Ute worlds tired dent With who Mess us none whom we can bless Minions of splendor shrinking from distress None that with kindred consciousness endued If we were not would seem to smile the less Of all that flattered followed sought and sued This Is to be alone this Is solitude Byron Wood- men being the Reports were read by E remark- able the the b fa tIt one Lord 0 s Mir r is a in- tent as era amid foaming this ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ODD FELLOWS CONFER DEGREE Federal City Lodge Holds Care monies in the Northeast Temple Federal City Lodge No M I O O F conferred second epee at the Northeast Temple and H streets northeast on Wednesday even- ing before a large assemblage of the fraternity Many concerning the ex ctllence of the work were by visitors and the tes m to said to haw sustained its usual reputation for sue oeesful work was under the supervision or Past Grand Matter John da gree director On next Wednesday the third the last degree work until after work of the new ritual is taken up by this lodge at the beginning eC the new official term WHITE SHUTS OUT WASHINGTON TEAM ContlntMd from Second fed took second on McBrides safe whack to center and both advanced on Ship kes Infield out Gates batted for Burns and fanned and Milan was ea y for Davis and Donohue That was the user eat Washington came to producing re- sults Th Score Washington A JL HL O A B Milan cf 4 I t 1 1 Ganley If 4 Delehanty tb 4 rf 4 Street e 4 t f M r 0 Freeman cs S t IS 1 McBride ss 4 0 S 4 4 0 lib 4 Bums p S p d- Cates 1 Totals W Chicago A3B JL H A 31 Hahn cf I 0 Dougherty If Davis i I 1 0 Anderson rf t r Parent as 4 Donohue Ib 4- Tannehin 4 Sullivan c S White p S 1 Totals Washington t s s ft Chicago A e ei i First base by error Washington 1 Left on bases Washington 8 Chicago S First base on tevleoa Burns S off White 1 Innings pitched By Burns 7 by FaUcenberg I made Off Burns 8 Falkenberg Struck out Burrs 1 Falkenberg 1 White 7 Sacrifice hits White 2 Davis Anderson Stolen bases Anderson Double plays McBride to Freeman and minutes Attendance316 NOTES OF THE GAME Fielder Jones was kept oft the Chicago beach because of suspension for tbe mixup he had with Umpire Connolly lie Philadelphia He occupied the box t the end of the visitors beach He remained throughout the game and dis- cussed the contest with the Chicago manager who also contributed a slight- ly used American League ban Another distinguished visitor was Ban Johnson president of the American League who saw the game from a box Ban was in town for hi first real sociable visit since the row at Cin- cinnati in the spring of IMT h cut Into the Btaol cue He wished with President Tom NOM Secretary Ben Minor and other Washington yesterday and the dove of is hovering the local base ban situation even if it does not aught White gave one base on and fanned seven men McBride added another leaf to his laurel wreath by making two of Wash ingtons five hits ENGLAND LOSES HER HOME ARMY Men in Disbanded Volunteers Will Not Reenlist Under New Law LONDON May M XngUnd is unex- pectedly confronted with the prospect of having no army for home defense The w w reforms pasted by Secretary of War Ualdanc which were to insure the country against conscription by provid- ing a welltrained territorial army are proving a failure A month ago England apart tress her small regular army had MMtt pledged to fight at home and partly available for foreign service as was shown during the Boer war The Haldane scheme abolished the volun- teers altogether and substituted a terri- torial Army also voluntary in nature but organised more on real army lines The war office expected the old volunteers to a man would reenlist in new That hope has been dis- appointed Instead of being SUkOtt strong as was expected the territorial army does not exceed 100000 The men will not enlist Instead of 70 tier cent of reenlistments from the disbanded volunteers and yeomanry there has been only 80 per cent and practically ne fresh men have enlisted A SONG OF BEAUTY Oh me a song of beauty tired of the stressful song Im weary of all the preaching the arguing right and wrong rm fain to forget the adder that under the lest lice curled And proem of th light and beauty that gladdens the gray old world Oh sing of the emerald meadows that smile all day in the sun The and of the rivers that on through the meadows run Oh sing of t sighing brunches of trees In the leafy woods And the balm for the heart thats bid- den afar in the solitudes The birds let them stag in your and flash through the lines you write The lark with his lilt In morning the nightingale charming the night The butterfly over the flowers that hov- ers on painted wing AU these let them brighten and lighten the beautiful song you stag And let there be laces of lovers sad let there be eyes that glow And let there be tears of fluidness In- stead of the tears of woe And let there b clinging kisses of lips tor a time that part But never a tristgul shadow to darkest a trustful heart Ay me a song of songs of strife Away with the specter of sorrow that saddens the most of life the eaf the adder of Oh sng for a space of the beauty that gladdens the gray old world A McCarthy in the New York Sun the ev degree will be conferred will be Pap I 1 1 I 1 I If II S 0 4 1 1 t 1 b t 1 0 f I I 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 s iT S I I S If 11 I t I 0 TIme ot B had u a guest Quentin Roosevelt who big w ever volun- teers that the iota rill leam the beautyaway and ot doom lies curled Den Twe one The This the a 0 S 1 0 e 0 I e 1 1 1 4 8 1 I a 1 0 1 1 e I I 1 4 0 1 1 I 0 I > e e 1 1 5N I 0 0 t game hour bid ion dig- nitaries pea bail sing with death ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GRANITE STATE SONS ENTERTAIN Society Elects Officers for the ensuing year were j the ansjsjal meeting of New Hampshire ftxdety held Jut week OdeU Whlpple a newspaper correspond- ent entertained the oeftty by relating his adventures at BUrrHx n the Bay of Biscay seer the holler of France and ain The officer elected sire JL president IX Usher Urn vie prudent George I Salient second vice president B B Fyer treasurer and H K Fulton secretary evening otoaed with tbe singing of old songs by the members of the se elety and the aei ylng of refreshments LINCOLN POST GUESTS OF WOMEN Members of Ltocota Poet O A JL were entertained at the corps h ad ar tern Friday night by the Re- lief Corps of the poet legume A Wheeler president of Ltocoln Corps delivered the address of welcome The guests of honor wen John 8 Walker department command- er L Newton department pres- ident M R Bpreagu put department president and Mrs M A Walker inspector Hllnplhils fi a Year elected L The Mrs New OMeers the John- son B shams Emma de- partment ¬ < ¬ EPWORTH LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS Atetropolian Chapter Will Give Reception in Metropolitan Chapfrr of UM JBp worth League Mid its mental business meeting last Monday menhir in the parlors of the church The reports showed the various departments In flourishing condition After the routine business was trans- acted the annual eJeetfon of omeers took place Th newly elected cabinet con- sists of Gilbert I Jackson president first vice president a I Bchultz department second vice president Mrs P C Hyam missionary depart ment third vice president Miss Sadie JMcCann mercy and Help department fourth sin president 3 ia LoJ Rob- erta octal department secretary Mrs 7 M BHnley treasurer William Teat Whoa the Installation occurs in June it I planned to tender a reception to the new and those members who have been received during the year jest closed BUSINESS ETIQUETTE- It to S oclock in the morning and the- reat mans valet suddenly appears in is masters room pardon sir be says but there a burglar below The eminent man of sighs looks up Jet his card and ask his business Jw drowsily remarks Yes sir sags the obedient valet Exchange June The man 1 spir- itual ¬ ¬ Washington Business Directory 1 Classified Alphabetically ppeRls to an exclushe clientele Your card placed in this Directory will ce an invitation into the the city I The 8a mcla Timos best homoa of AUTOMOBILES Or- t Model N Price 650 trailed an ideal maabent r ladle and doctor owe CBAS B MILLER 4k BRO JleV7 14th N W UNION AUTO CO Ml with Atevater Kent lvalue AUTOS AND MOTORCYCLKS TUB NATIONAL GARAGE will epee about April lt at U Mtb Bop Motor eycles Repairing oa ai makes of Aatoc mad Motorcycles REAR 13 Uth at- AJtTWTIC PRnfTIHG Always buy There a i Paula M UP KiCV BRKAT The aeweat met aeattwal amt bread oaly mate JOBBPH- BCRKHARO 3N O at a Phase T InsnUi tat BILLIAJtD AND POOL TABLES We nmnuCecture billiard and pool taste boar 4 tare flxturM ihow csara etc r x AMrrBJt- M3 Pa A N w BUILDERS MATERIAL niMMr Kor AL lM nuutle ewn by salloa LlaM c t aaC etc BUTLERS RHEUMATIC REMEDY- A rwthr for H ttmadem and gout tttnenVUI is patalyvU ad blood potaoataK Puce SO e ntc ladlaaa ave and BICYCLES AHD MOTOR CYCLES PX Corr Set motor CONFECTIONER Stun Made Pi Cakes Dally Cake Mad to Plata Ice Cream 200 P r OIfcm CTMUO Oalloa- UM FoarUnth at nw CAFE AND RESTAURANT Xartyxtf property ooeked and served ular Open from CO a at till Ma at aw nt lunch tram 11 u I p m PboM- X KU- S e O f Hugh W Prod Prop 1 i2tb nw Sped noon luack a to 1 a la carte at hours TaU ss cents 4 to Sunday H to I COMMERCIAL PRINTING IM letterheads and lOM mv lop s printed n inen paper for L- Utt New York ave aw Phone Jt Met The Lotus Press S hwarts P e 414 Third St H Printlnc All kinds of actor work Pboa Main SU- OCLEAKIKG AND DYEING Kxpert dy and dry cleaner K A Reeves MO Mb aw Pious Mt DRUGGISTS Try AjtMtome fox Indigestion Drugs and Drug Sundrt s Prescriptions a Specialty W Asktoa Brans i h G Prop Cor and t nw Pbonea Jut received A SIne at hair bru h while they will be sold at re duced price JA2CES A JBWKX 9d Pharmacist 800 12th 7 I F D other oar the ww so NEW Au for Klaaon q W to B DRY b k your grocer It In rooeax matsrid Asplwlnmm mesas CIIu SIal Na lit Noah A kWSST sad bsart tonic aDd IIdaUaL D4 nth t tor tile Bu1er IJaYSHa Motor a CarTs special bicycle Parts reM and Vnrrcnnrrs and Order enua Oaf e foods us 13 Po m III DIT2S OAFE- IboL Prop New J ave SW thane t1JJD Union BtUoa 11 mea at Meek sinner 1 best OarptBWr I The MOat ftluia bandied lit ASTORIA PXAXXACY eel G assortment last lit Die 4s aa1b- ssn fiat ava twooye- sar always clad dmeaertte en or ULLS Prices Phone Dasidmgn printing 437 4th t nourishing f for Ispu tie awad the S MWng r Pia a n DIR it Skates G COPBCTIONEEY line las N mats Proper mars 233 pminotsV lioet Wilson ail 5 tote Chase w- Art delicate > > ¬ DENTIST ENGRAVING X Duabracco Prop sM Peaaa se a taU line eC raraltur H7weoda cocarta etc atep la and Inspect oar steels tnmM to mss FEED AND HAY Peed f aU kinds Boekwfeeat Ke ana Graham PleM P C MTTBR 80KB m 0 st aw Phone North 71 FANCY GROCERIES AlfD LIQUORS JJ OKeefe ef Liquors aad Groceries Amertoma Club a specialty HIT Fourteratk St X W Teleoboae North HO Only the Best is cheap FAMILY LIQUOR STC Ftoe W e aad tor faatifer wee Bole dtetributer of PoH ima Waielcy wx GAMMON iaa ia7 vtu st Telepbeae Ncrtn i GROCERIES AND MEATS Airtight bin keeping die quality aroma of all Mats and Pronto ions Phone Ua coin S- and Mill ProdwcM core Fancy family meal our BeeaUty Bear Us In CHJUS RAMXLB rS Market M- SFvaaa ave Ptoe family groeeriee meats sad ateat sad lard Phone M OK- Tfcacv groceries caotoe ateate and fresh veg- etable to be at all times fr- M 4fe St 8 Why dowa Iowa when you can save v trading at ta Augusta M J B Dlffgrle Preprletfcr THE PSIKOETC XAKKBT W W BKNTOV Proprietor Choice Meats Orocerk Povlaioas Freak Vegetables Daily Sot in net t cor Mta u nw GAS LIGHTS SELFIGNITING MAXIMUS att factory light errs ed public Com amt MM terweor Sato roema Til nth at aw PROM OSS M HOTELS j k aear XaMloa e tile United Stoats Treasury w Jr Watson Proprietor Hotel Dri o ll PKeiBir Ute U S Capitol K W AU modem eva uaerioaa lid JEuropeaa plea W Wheeler Manaf er- Oriea Prop I4tb aad H to l per day Cafe Prices XeasoaaWe HAULING AND STORING w ANYTHING sad have enough tauaa to complete wrk promptly Aleo do storing at a rate 6th and K Mm uw Phone Mara SB HARDWARE AND PAINTS In Paint sad Hardware ready mixed paints Porcelain iam la Var h atainz Telepboaa HEATING AND TINNING- W B ENGLAND 716 B ST HE Tinning Heating and Stove work Work guaranteed Phone Lincoln UM 0IfIttDI JeMaI aw Jb lit sad AP work u PrieN x Y George jr and Jte TIM TUU3- IALtDIOSZ STOU ave alto LOUR PenUry J JIl W Ie resit te food products tIM tIOIR bacteria H I M arhet fIIIiIJ 8tIi at se a CO New Jr ave RW Cora reset eraeke Mini Union A J May T Del L ata 1B 1 ad- V i UIe only mantel before MI JepIttCor and st th Slid B Sts B HOTEL MONTEOSSE Conrad Bwo plan Rates 1 SMITH WX R WALLS III 3th St S Dealer mUll Pure f i L laX PaltesS- wn Work PhtesO- Ds satuss Thos Bu Haas Bampaver rtater uyp- raatlal engraver o Pennsylvania an- Ml PsneylnnI are TXB Wa head lane Pd sat d Wholes Old Cisaaitan Iaess tan sodas Dawrabiegroealea- ad mioed 1 i dt STEWART 411451 liar bad tsa viot eel touches moan Market PhOH y5dt Oflenlhsala Av First F clan rev io DON l < ¬ > > > + = UNITY COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING Additional Relief for Distressed Member of Lodge Is Authorized- A large number of the members of Unity Council No 3 Independent Order of the Sons of Jonadab attended the meeting of the organization last Wednesday evening Routine business was closed shortly after the of the meeting and the report of a dis- tressed member of the organization ws read by the relief committee Addi tional authorized- A petition for membership was re- ceived from W W Morgan and upon favorable report he was elected and Initiated into the order In a short addreee Grnd Chief JB Rhodes urged the members to attend the entertainment and dance to be given in the town hall at Capitol Heights Md under the auspice of Coun- cil No i W H Watts presided at the meeting No PainNo High Prices Absolutely Only Painless Methods Beautiful Set of Teeth that fit 500 Gold Crowns Bridge Work 3300 611 7th St sOc Washingtons Painless Dentist relief was Used e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HAT AND BONNET MFG AT THB BONKBT FRAME STOICS Tw la- the to have straw bats eyed eyed and MHS H CAFTBRTY HIGH GRADE VEHICLES 8 D WATERS i SON Sit Feaaa Are X W HIP grade Vehicles and HaraeH Role for tINt Watrt wn Carriage O Large aeaortmcntof slightly used HOUSE PAINTERS liEKCa JiITTIiETO1- S86 JUt sc aw Floats oiled and peooiled a HYGIENIC FACIAL PREPARATIONS How to pemaaaaUy preserve the complexion Mary Scott ereaate muscle sad food aad tooloa are now conceded to be ttveiy hygienic The Mary Scott Rowland Lemons Treatments are gtvea at the of patrons and at the parlors AnU etie Manicuring F A HOWARD CO 12 ta St N W Opposite the Sberekam IRON WORKS W BEJLSCOE tc Btepheaaon Brtoeoe Machine WaefeMlUdng sad boll Tanks Boners etc Phone M Ute Uth and Ohio JEWELER AND OPTICIAN DEPIBATJGK TILe Optician and Jeweler Zl H sc BW o Philadelphia Option College 9M Ittk at aw Watch Jewelry and OpUea- lrepalrtag Clock repairing a specialty Photo supplies Developing etc Pbeae N 4142 dock repairing Preach old BngUsa a e alty Called for sad delivered Phone IMiT or drop postal L P WEBER M and Pennsylvania ave se LAUNDRY Bterllag Laundry Modern and Sanitary and cuffs 3 cents each aW Seventh Street Southwest Telephone Main 294 LAUNDRY AND PRESSING- A O avenleaea to Mankind Smart Set Pressing Club aad Laundry 1312 9th at aw One suit e deUt cleaned and for one mouth membership fee H salts pressed 4Vc 00 wagon wJl call phone North 9U1 LUMBER AND MILL WORK BISINGBR BROS Ski 7th St N W Lumber Millwork Glass Stair Material Xantes Brow era Medicine Cabiaeta with Mirrors Lath and Builders Hardware MANUFACTURING FURRIER COLD STORAGE FOR FURS L QESCHICKTEE FURRIER BOG Thirteenth St northwest MERCHANT TAILOR LBO DAYIS Maker of Mens Qarmeata SuIts to Order tX up 1013 B St XT W Phone M 1558 MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS Machinists and Engineers lath and Ohio ave aw Office phone Main 48SB Night phone E 1006 PAINTS OILS AND GLASS A paint for every purpose OUr Paints stand the test E J MURPHY S CO A Paint 7W Uth st nw PHYSICAL TRAINING The Edw F Miller last of Physical Training Fencing Wrestling Dancing Tumbling etc Physical training in all Its branches physical culture for men women sad children Instruction only 1M3 H t nw Phone M 6SSSY PLUMBING AND HEATING Frederick C Stelzer Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating Get our prices on bathroom fix- tures and remolding We will be pressed to furnish estimates upon application AU done promptly and under my own supervision Telephone Mara 2543 210 Seventh Street time your 11a1 0 lit SW vehicles aw freshest and Row u telJet articles for u taco that are pest D 4 nw Gra ate M BL 1nmliPELD sat L each ALLEN mrrOnELL i CO House pressed agent Low leads thane hems home lames r av week r < < MACCABEE TENTS INVITED TO REVIEW The members of Fraternal Pro- gressive and Friendship Tents Knights of the Modern Maccabees have been invited to visit Modern Tent on the oc- casion of Its next regular review evening at Centennial Hail Eighth and I streets northeast Commander Frank T of Fraternal Tent will deliver the principal address of the evening Mr will discuss OHIO WASHINGTON TO KANSAS CITY AND RETURN Account General Assembly Presbyterian Church Tickets on sale May IS to 3 good to return leaving Kflnaaa City to and June 8 1908 Two Trains Dally to Chicago Leave Union Station 122 P M and fi3 P M Three Trains Daily to St Louis Leave Union Station 936 A M 4M P M lt4 Night Tickets and full information at Ticket OmeN 1417 G Street N W 619 Pennsylvania Ave and Union Station tomor- row American m 44M00 BALTIMORE in- cluding my108t ¬ ¬ PLUMBING AND TINNING J E ALBIXSON UM 14th St Plumber Yon G Water Heater Phone North 8K PHOTOGRAPHERS The Towle Studio A geed we do work The beet qt1pf d studio In the city F St N W We HM aa entirely a w pr 3 a A hun dred novel Affects Pictures gabbed you S for K and night rata er a aw PLUMBING TINNING Bnlus C Brooks 618 D St 3f w Bathtubs bones water closets Special attenU a per to dralaing and stove PRINTING AND Printing and 421 11th N W PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents Trade Masks Copyrights pateat books giving full ln trucUons not asked patent U aUowed JOHN S DCyjlK CO 1S F St N W PAPER BOX MANUFACTURING THE CAPITOL PAPER BOX co Manufaoturora all kinds of plain and fancy paper boxes Sample cases candy oyster and 6456 Hanover pi REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Real Broker 2 t Beat Capitol at se- Ptooos Lincoln STAIR BUILDING rSEDEaiCK DEGQES Stair building and Jobbing a specialty Ea- tlmatea eheerfuuy given on alt kind of work MIS 9th BW Stoop 9M Grant ave head ot SCHOOLING SHORTHAND LANGUAGES The opinion of Horace Maaa that aduoatlon amongst na at preeeat- ooasists too mum la TBLLJNG not la TRAINING Is in at the SCHOOL 731 B Capitol at German gralnroar and German stenography taught by private teacher UU 14th at nw SHOE MFG AND REPAIRING 2EBSSX27BO SHOE EEPAiarEJO CO Whole and LM 11 1Mb at aw Phone M 1W- TRUIiK MANUFACTURERS G G IiANGLOTZ SOS K at aw manu Lecturers of line trunks salt eases scope oases and grips Trunks made to order repaired Forty years experience UPHOLSTERER O A WieBer- aw 14ta at UphrtrterlBS mattress soak ing furniture repaired sad furniture packed Sir shipping Phone Berth 3tM UMBRELLA MFG AND REPAIRING Umbrellas and Parasols made to order and repaired Satisfaction guaraa- Special all umbrellas Jigft JOHN HESS Mgr 901 B st nw VETERINARY SURGEON- Dr O Bamwell Robinson Office and Hospital at aw M Page Smith and Dr H F Hospital Surgeons Phone 27U WATCHMAKER C B CTTTTnS 703 12th St 37 W Watofa manufacturing and repairing work guaranteed Our motto Oeod work and fair prices WINES AND LIQUORS SPECIAi FOR EASTBR But Port Merry and Catawbo Wines at 90 gallon P MURPHY PJiiae North 712 nth and 0X W need a red whet your photograph lilt while watt Day shine 131 HEATING house repairing ENGRAVING- M PILL Eagrav1ng Phone 5866M sent tree Pee until of millinery boxes J O WEBDEN a CO Betel 41 lit at SW J shared EKTYP Sole Heel ant re- Lied Dr AU bents t Register- ed EOTWAT likeness ants Telephone RAgwIS0N 10th unfor- tunately silk

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-05-17 [p 7].

Nov 12, 2021



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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-05-17 [p 7].


jT i


Uniform Rank Drilling forCompetitions at Boston En

campment in August

RathlHme Tempi NO 1 Pythian Sis-ters held a very enjoyable euchre May-S which wa largely attended The pro-ceeds go to the Boston Club of thetemple

Syracuatans Lodge No M Knights ofPythlaa conferred the rank of knighton a class of four at Its conventionMay There was a large attendanceof member a welt as visitors

CoidweU Ce No 7 Uniform RankKnights af Pythlaa as well as Washing-ton Co No i is drilling weekly pre-paratory to entering competition at thenational encampment of the uniformrank at Boston the first week In August A large attendance of the Pythian membership of this dty will bepresent at the Boaton meeting includ-ing Grand Chancellor C H Woodwardand a number of his associate grandlodge oflloare-

Maj Gen A J Stobbart of St PaulMinn commanding the uniform rankKnighta of Pythias has ordered anelection for Friday May 23 of a majorof the First Battalion First Regiment-of this city to fit the vacancy causedby the de th of Maj Harry CoggingMajor Stobbart has sent notification that he will be present at theassembly when it convenes for election

Grand ChfUieelter C H Woodwardand his associate grand lodge officerswill pay then spring visit to CalantheLodge No 11 at Pythian Temple tomorrow

Representative Balph D Cole of Ohiowill deliver the address of the evening

The grand chancellor arrangedwith Rev Weston Bruner pastor ofthe Fifth Baptist Church E streetsouthwest between Sixth sad Seventhstreets to preach a Pythian sermonthis evening and the membership havebeen notified to assemble at Seventhand B streets to attend these servicesin a body

The grand chancellor end aeso-sociate grand lodge officers paid theirspring visit to Capitol Lodge No Mlast Tuesday evening TIM address ofthe evening was delivered by Burton-T Doyle a member of Mt VernonLodge No


Will Arrange for Memorial andIndependent Days Cele

brations-A mass meeting under the aMptoas

of tIM weal Army and Navy Uniongarrisons wilt be held May 28 Detailswill be announced later The meetingwas arranged during the put week

Two meetings of the Away and NavyUnion garrisons were held Thursdayand Friday nights in Grand Army HalLResolutions were adopted commending-the Board of Trade and Chamber ofCommerce for their action in favoringa Fourth of July celebration A reso-lution also was passed thanking theState of Rhode Island through

Higgina tor the passage of tile billdesigned to protect the uniforms of themen of the army navy and MarineCorps An effort will be made to Induceother States to similar action and toget a bill through Congress at the nextsession for a national regulation-

A resolution of thanks to the Mil-itary Affairs Committee was forits action in reporting favorably thebill preventing the desecration of theflag

It was decided that the Army andNavy Union will take part in tbeclses attending the removal of former

Vice Prudent Clintons body from thiscity May 27 Arrangements for thecelebration of Memorial Day were disrussed and It was Suggested by Col

John S Walker that the day be morereverently observed

Captain Brian acting Public PrinterWas thanked for the interest shown inthe reinstatement of old soldiers widf ws in the Government service Amongthe speakers were Col B F ChaseOin A S Capt J W MitchellCol A B Capt R C GrantCapt G L Snider William A Hickey

Dr T B Lee Charles Clagett Van AZahn John Watson Tod ThomasJo oh Sullivan Thomas Taylor DrC K Petty Vernon Pettys CharlesW Blush Capt Thomas F Green andH A Martin

Mattings Laid Free


For want of a rclkble Refrigcrr

ator Come and select one fromour magnificent stock You will

find a size and style to suit youand can arrange the termsof payment to suit your in

come All prices are marked in

plain figures and we guarantee

the reliability of everything we

sell you

Peter Grogan8I7819821S23 Seventh St


ICORB3 VITALIncreases Kens

Price 91 At all druggists Always oahand at OTOONHEXtXiS Drug Store904 F St aw Mat orders solicited











Strgt T J Strain A H B Burch


DontGood FoodSp9il I






























CONSUL J L PALMERWho Exemplifies Short Form of


Washington Camp Adopts Two

Candidates and Excursion Is

AnnouncedWashington Camp No ILM4 Modern

Woodmen of America held quit aninteresting meeting Thursday eveningThere were mhiatton4 as usual Theshort form of adoption exemplifiedby Consul J L Palmer on Albert WSmith and August A Bergh who werethe candidates of the evening Icecream was voted for next Thursdayevening

Important resolutions were read andadopted which have a bearing on theinterest the membership baa taken dur-ing the past year The team of Forest-ers beaded by Harry Walsh announcedan excursion to Chesapeake Beach June36

Neighbor Davidson a visitor from astaler camp was present and made aspeech


Mrs H B Sperry was hoetest lastFriday evening to members of theWoman National Prow Associationwhen the regular meeting of the asso-ciation was held

Maynicke treasurer and Miss Ellen B Fos-ter librarian Mrs Florence AdeleChase outlined the forestry program ofthe general federation meeting In Bos-ton next month

One of the interesting features of themeeting was the reading of a letterfrom the Persian poet AJtKuttKahn Among those who contributed tothe entertainment program were MrsChase and Mrs Sttllman


German Ruler Gains Unique Repu-

tation by Delivering Order-

ed AddressesBERLIN May H Th Kocnigsfeetser-

Zeitung destroys the pious fiction thatEmperor William writes those

sermons for whose delivery he hasgained such a unique reputation

Before his majesty roes traveling orenticing on the Hobensollern expectingto May away a certain number of weeksthe court chaplain on duty la orderedby the court marshal to prepare a ser-mon for each Sunday coinciding with

religious significance of the day andtbe environment In which the Emperorand the crew rind themselves When theKaiser goes to the North Cape for in-

stance ho always orders six sermonseach appropriate to the neighborhood heexpects to visit on the date set

Even the prayer with which be closesservices is written by the court chaplainand read by him from manuscriptDie Keitung nays it is not true that theEmperor blares his audience liemerely reads from the manuscript aprayer asking for Gods blessing

MUMMIES MADE OVER-A process which the immmles of

the ancient Peruvians and Egyptianscan be restored to a natural and plumpappearance has been found by Prof HH Wilder of Northampton Mass

This Is dot by soaking the mummiesfor from twelve to fortyeight hours in

solution of 1 per cent of caustic potashand then immersing them for an equaltime in pure water Care is necessaryaa too long soaking in either liquidtends to disintegration

In a Peruvian mummy the naturalconsistency of the tissues and even ta-aritne extent the color of the skin werebrought out strikingly and heads of

ell dwellers that had been driedm the sun without embalming substancewere so changed unrecognlmaM-

jrt of the face became a distinctlife

SOLITUDETo sit on rocks to muse Hood and

tellTo slowly trace the forests shady

sceneWhere things that own not mans do

main dwellAnd mortal foot hUh neer or rarely

beenTo climb the trackless mountain all

unseenWith the wild flock that never needs a

foldAlone oer steeps rills to

leanThin ta not solitude tie but to boldConverse with natures charms and

her stores unrolled

But midst the erov d the Mussshock of men

To hear to see to feel and to possess

And roam along Ute worlds tired dent

With who Mess us none whomwe can bless

Minions of splendor shrinking fromdistress

None that with kindred consciousnessendued

If we were not would seem to smilethe less

Of all that flattered followed soughtand sued

This Is to be alone this Is solitudeByron





Reports were read by E












r is






amid foaming









Federal City Lodge Holds Care

monies in the NortheastTemple

Federal City Lodge No M I O O Fconferred second epee at theNortheast Temple and Hstreets northeast on Wednesday even-ing before a large assemblage of thefraternity

Many concerning the exctllence of the work were byvisitors and the tesm to said to hawsustained its usual reputation for sueoeesfulwork was under the supervision orPast Grand Matter John dagree director

On next Wednesday the third

the last degree work until afterwork of the new ritual is taken up bythis lodge at the beginning eC the newofficial term


fed took second on McBrides safe whackto center and both advanced on Shipkes Infield out Gates batted for Burnsand fanned and Milan was ea y forDavis and Donohue That was the usereat Washington came to producing re-sultsTh Score

Washington A JL HL O A BMilan cf 4 I t 1 1Ganley If 4Delehanty tb 4

rf 4Street e 4 t f M r 0Freeman cs S t IS 1McBride ss 4 0 S 4 4 0

lib 4Bums p S

p d-

Cates 1

Totals W

Chicago A3B JL H A 31Hahn cf I 0Dougherty IfDavis i I 1 0Anderson rf t rParent as 4Donohue Ib 4-

Tannehin 4Sullivan c S

White p S 1

TotalsWashington t s s ftChicago A e ei i

First base by error Washington 1

Left on bases Washington8 Chicago S First base on tevleoaBurns S off White 1 Innings pitchedBy Burns 7 by FaUcenberg Imade Off Burns 8 FalkenbergStruck out Burrs 1 Falkenberg 1

White 7 Sacrifice hits White 2 DavisAnderson Stolen bases AndersonDouble plays McBride to Freeman

and minutes Attendance316

NOTES OF THE GAMEFielder Jones was kept oft the Chicago

beach because of suspension fortbe mixup he had with Umpire Connolly

lie Philadelphia He occupied the boxt the end of the visitors beach He

remained throughout the game and dis-cussed the contest with the Chicagomanager who also contributed a slight-ly used American League ban

Another distinguished visitor was BanJohnson president of the AmericanLeague who saw the game from a boxBan was in town for hi first realsociable visit since the row at Cin-cinnati in the spring of IMT hcut Into the Btaol cue He wishedwith President Tom NOM SecretaryBen Minor and other Washington

yesterday and the dove ofis hovering the local base

ban situation even if it does not aughtWhite gave one base on and

fanned seven men

McBride added another leaf to hislaurel wreath by making two of Washingtons five hits


Men in Disbanded Volunteers Will

Not Reenlist UnderNew Law

LONDON May M XngUnd is unex-pectedly confronted with the prospect ofhaving no army for home defense Theww reforms pasted by Secretary ofWar Ualdanc which were to insure thecountry against conscription by provid-ing a welltrained territorial army areproving a failure

A month ago England apart tress hersmall regular army had MMtt

pledged to fight at home andpartly available for foreign service aswas shown during the Boer war TheHaldane scheme abolished the volun-teers altogether and substituted a terri-torial Army also voluntary in naturebut organised more on real army lines

The war office expected the oldvolunteers to a man would reenlist in

new That hope has been dis-appointed Instead of being SUkOttstrong as was expected the territorialarmy does not exceed 100000 The menwill not enlist Instead of 70 tier centof reenlistments from the disbandedvolunteers and yeomanry there hasbeen only 80 per cent and practically nefresh men have enlisted

A SONG OF BEAUTYOh me a song of beauty

tired of the stressful songIm weary of all the preaching the

arguing right and wrongrm fain to forget the adder that under

the lest lice curledAnd proem of th light and beauty that

gladdens the gray old world

Oh sing of the emerald meadows thatsmile all day in the sun

The and of the rivers thaton through the meadows run

Oh sing of t sighing brunches of treesIn the leafy woods

And the balm for the heart thats bid-den afar in the solitudes

The birds let them stag in yourand flash through the lines youwrite

The lark with his lilt In morningthe nightingale charming thenight

The butterfly over the flowers that hov-ers on painted wing

AU these let them brighten and lightenthe beautiful song you stag

And let there be laces of lovers sadlet there be eyes that glow

And let there be tears of fluidness In-

stead of the tears of woeAnd let there b clinging kisses of lips

tor a time that partBut never a tristgul shadow to darkest

a trustful heartAy me a song of

songs of strifeAway with the specter of sorrow that

saddens the most of lifethe eaf the adder of

Oh sng for a space of the beauty thatgladdens the gray old world

A McCarthy in the New YorkSun


evdegree will be conferred will be


I1 1

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TIme otB

had u a guest Quentin Roosevelt who





the iota





and ot doom lies curled






a 0S 1



0 I e1 1 1 4 81 I a 1

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I 0 0

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Society Elects

Officers for the ensuing year werej the ansjsjal meeting of

New Hampshire ftxdety held Jut weekOdeU Whlpple a newspaper correspond-ent entertained the oeftty by relatinghis adventures at BUrrHx n the Bayof Biscay seer the holler of Franceand ain

The officer elected sire JLpresident IX Usher Urn vie

prudent George I Salient secondvice president B B Fyer treasurerand H K Fulton secretary

evening otoaed with tbe singing ofold songs by the members of the seelety and the aei ylng of refreshments


Members of Ltocota Poet O A JLwere entertained at the corps h ad artern Friday night by the Re-

lief Corps of the poetlegume A Wheeler president of

Ltocoln Corps delivered the address ofwelcome The guests of honor wenJohn 8 Walker department command-er L Newton department pres-ident M R Bpreagu put departmentpresident and Mrs M A Walker



fi aYear








John-son B








Atetropolian Chapter Will GiveReception in

Metropolitan Chapfrr of UM JBp

worth League Mid its mental businessmeeting last Monday menhir in theparlors of the church The reportsshowed the various departments Inflourishing condition

After the routine business was trans-acted the annual eJeetfon of omeers tookplace Th newly elected cabinet con-

sists of Gilbert I Jackson presidentfirst vice president a I Bchultz

department second vice presidentMrs P C Hyam missionary department third vice president Miss Sadie

JMcCann mercy and Help departmentfourth sin president 3 ia LoJ Rob-erta octal department secretary Mrs7 M BHnley treasurer William Teat

Whoa the Installation occurs in Juneit I planned to tender a reception tothe new and those memberswho have been received during theyear jest closed

BUSINESS ETIQUETTE-It to S oclock in the morning and the-reat mans valet suddenly appears inis masters room

pardon sir be saysbut there a burglar belowThe eminent man of sighs looks up

Jet his card and ask his businessJw drowsily remarks

Yes sir sags the obedient valetExchange







Washington Business Directory1

Classified AlphabeticallyppeRls to an exclushe clientele Your card placed in this Directory will ce an invitation

into the the city I

The 8a mcla Timosbest homoa of


Or-t Model NPrice 650

trailed an ideal maabent rladle and doctor owe



with Atevater Kent lvalue


TUB NATIONAL GARAGE will epeeabout April lt at U Mtb Bop Motoreycles Repairing oa ai makes of Aatoc madMotorcycles REAR 13 Uth at-


Always buy There a i

Paula M UP

KiCV BRKAT The aeweat met aeattwalamt bread oaly mate JOBBPH-BCRKHARO 3N O at a Phase T InsnUitat


We nmnuCecture billiard and pool tasteboar 4 tare flxturM ihow csara etcr x AMrrBJt-

M3 Pa A N w


niMMr Kor AL lM nuutle ewnby salloa LlaM c t aaC etc


A rwthr forH ttmadem and gouttttnenVUI is patalyvU ad blood potaoataKPuce SO e ntc ladlaaa ave and


P X Corr

Set motor


Stun Made Pi Cakes DallyCake Mad to

Plata Ice Cream 200 P r OIfcmCTMUO Oalloa-

UM FoarUnth at nw


Xartyxtfproperty ooeked and served

ular Open from CO a at tillMa at aw

nt lunch tram 11 u I p m PboM-X KU-

S e O f Hugh W Prod Prop1 i2tb nw Sped noon luack a to 1

a la carte at hours TaUss cents 4 to Sunday H to I


IM letterheads and lOM mv lop s printedn inen paper for L-

Utt New York ave aw Phone Jt Met

The Lotus PressS hwarts P e 414 Third St H

Printlnc All kinds of actor workPboa Main SU-


Kxpert dy and dry cleanerK A Reeves

MO Mb aw Pious Mt


Try AjtMtome fox IndigestionDrugs and Drug Sundrt sPrescriptions a Specialty

W Asktoa Brans i h G PropCor and t nw Pbonea

Jut received A SIne at hairbru h while they will be sold at reduced priceJA2CES A JBWKX 9d Pharmacist

800 12th 7



other oar the ww so

NEWAu for Klaaon

q W to



k your grocer It

In rooeax matsrid Asplwlnmmmesas

CIIu SIal Na lit Noah

A kWSST sad bsart tonicaDd IIdaUaL

D4 nth t tor tile Bu1er IJaYSHaMotor a CarTs special bicycle Parts

reM and



Oaf efoods

us13 Po m III

DIT2S OAFE-IboL Prop New J aveSW thane t1JJD Union BtUoa

11 mea


1best OarptBWr I

The MOatftluia bandied



eel G



Die 4s aa1b-ssn

fiatava twooye-sar

always clad dmeaertte

en or


Prices PhoneDasidmgn printing

437 4th t

nourishing ffor

Ispu tie

awad theS MWng r Piaa




las N mats


233pminotsV lioet







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X Duabracco Prop sM Peaaa se ataU line eC raraltur H7weoda cocarta etcatep la and Inspect oar steels tnmM to



Peedf aU kinds Boekwfeeat Ke ana Graham

PleM P C MTTBR 80KB m 0st aw Phone North 71


J J OKeefeef Liquors aad Groceries

Amertoma Club a specialtyHIT Fourteratk St X W

Teleoboae North HO

Only the Best is cheap


Ftoe W e aad tor faatifer weeBole dtetributer of PoH ima Waielcywx GAMMON iaa ia7 vtu st

Telepbeae Ncrtn i


Airtightbin keeping die quality aroma of all

Mats and Prontoions Phone Uacoin S-

and Mill ProdwcMcore Fancy family meal our BeeaUty

Bear Us InCHJUS RAMXLB rS Market M-SFvaaa ave Ptoe family groeerieemeats sad ateatsad lard Phone M OK-

Tfcacv groceries caotoe ateate and fresh veg-etable to be at all times fr-

M 4fe St 8

Why dowa Iowa when you can savev trading at ta Augusta M

J B Dlffgrle Preprletfcr


Choice Meats Orocerk Povlaioas FreakVegetables Daily Sot in net t cor Mta

u nw


SELFIGNITING MAXIMUSatt factory light errs ed

public Com amt MM terweorSato roema Til nth at aw PROMOSS M


j k aear XaMloa etile United Stoats Treasury

w Jr Watson Proprietor

Hotel Dri o ll PKeiBir Ute U S CapitolK W AU modem eva

uaerioaa lid JEuropeaa pleaW Wheeler Manaf er-

Oriea Prop I4tb aad Hto l per day

Cafe Prices XeasoaaWe


w ANYTHING sad have enoughtauaa to complete wrk promptly Aleo dostoring at a rate

6th and K Mm uw Phone Mara SB


InPaint sad Hardware readymixed paints Porcelain iam la Var

h atainz Telepboaa


W B ENGLAND 716 B ST H ETinning Heating and Stove work Workguaranteed Phone Lincoln UM

0IfIttDI JeMaI aw Jblit sad AP worku PrieNx Y

George jrand Jte TIM








Ie resit te

food products tIM tIOIR bacteria

H I MarhetfIIIiIJ 8tIi at se

a CONew Jr ave RW

Cora reset eraekeMini


A J MayT

Del L ata 1B




UIe only mantelbefore

MI JepIttCor andst th

Slid B Sts


HOTEL MONTEOSSEConradBwo plan Rates 1


WX R WALLS III 3th St S DealermUll Pure

fi L laX

PaltesS-wn Work

PhtesO-Ds satuss Thos Bu

HaasBampaver rtater uyp-

raatlal engraver o Pennsylvania an-Ml PsneylnnI are


Wa head lane Pd satd



Cisaaitan Iaesstan

sodas Dawrabiegroealea-ad mioed

1 i dt

STEWART411451 liar


tsaviot eel touches

moan MarketPhOH


Oflenlhsala Av


F clan rev

io DON










Additional Relief for DistressedMember of Lodge Is

Authorized-A large number of the members of

Unity Council No 3 Independent Orderof the Sons of Jonadab attended themeeting of the organization lastWednesday evening Routine businesswas closed shortly after the ofthe meeting and the report of a dis-

tressed member of the organization wsread by the relief committee Additional authorized-

A petition for membership was re-

ceived from W W Morgan and uponfavorable report he was elected andInitiated into the order

In a short addreee Grnd Chief J BRhodes urged the members to attendthe entertainment and dance to be givenin the town hall at Capitol HeightsMd under the auspice of Coun-cil No i W H Watts presided atthe meeting

No PainNo High PricesAbsolutely Only Painless MethodsBeautiful Set of Teeth that fit 500


611 7th St sOc

Washingtons Painless Dentist

relief was









the to have straw bats eyedeyed and MHS H CAFTBRTY


8 D WATERS i SON Sit Feaaa AreX W HIP grade Vehicles and HaraeHRole for tINt Watrt wn CarriageO Large aeaortmcntof slightly used


liEKCa JiITTIiETO1-S86 JUt sc aw Floats oiled and peooiled a


How to pemaaaaUy preservethe complexion

Mary Scott ereaate muscle sadfood aad tooloa are now conceded to be

ttveiy hygienic The Mary Scott RowlandLemons Treatments are gtvea at the

of patrons and at the parlors AnUetie ManicuringF A HOWARD CO 12 ta St N W

Opposite the Sberekam


W BEJLSCOEtc Btepheaaon Brtoeoe Machine

WaefeMlUdng sad boll TanksBoners etc Phone M Ute Uth and Ohio


DEPIBATJGKTILe Optician and Jeweler

Zl H sc BWo Philadelphia Option College

9M Ittk at aw Watch Jewelry and OpUea-lrepalrtag Clock repairing a specialty Photosupplies Developing etc Pbeae N 4142

dock repairing Preach old BngUsa ae alty Called for sad delivered Phone

IMiT or drop postal L P WEBERM and Pennsylvania ave se


Bterllag Laundry Modern and Sanitaryand cuffs 3 cents each

aW Seventh Street SouthwestTelephone Main 294


A O avenleaea to Mankind Smart SetPressing Club aad Laundry 1312 9th ataw One suit e deUt cleaned and

for one mouth membership feeH salts pressed 4Vc 00 wagon wJl callphone North 9U1


BISINGBR BROS Ski 7th St N WLumber Millwork Glass Stair MaterialXantes Brow era Medicine Cabiaeta withMirrors Lath and Builders Hardware



FURRIERBOG Thirteenth St northwest


LBO DAYISMaker of Mens Qarmeata

SuIts to Order tX up1013 B St XT W Phone M 1558


Machinists and Engineerslath and Ohio ave aw Office phone Main48SB Night phone E 1006


A paint for every purposeOUr Paints stand the test

E J MURPHY S COA Paint 7W Uth st nw


The Edw F Miller last of PhysicalTraining Fencing Wrestling DancingTumbling etc Physical training in all Itsbranches physical culture for men womensad children Instruction only1M3 H t nw Phone M 6SSSY


Frederick C StelzerSanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot WaterHeating Get our prices on bathroom fix-

tures and remolding We will bepressed to furnish estimates upon applicationAU done promptly and under my ownsupervision Telephone Mara 2543 210 SeventhStreet

time your

11a1 0 lit SW



freshest and


u telJet articles for u taco that are pest




M BL 1nmliPELD










lames r







The members of Fraternal Pro-

gressive and Friendship Tents Knightsof the Modern Maccabees have beeninvited to visit Modern Tent on the oc-

casion of Its next regular reviewevening at Centennial Hail Eighth

and I streets northeast CommanderFrank T of Fraternal Tentwill deliver the principal address of theevening Mr will discuss




Account General AssemblyPresbyterian Church

Tickets on sale May IS to 3 good toreturn leaving Kflnaaa City to and

June 8 1908

Two Trains Dally to ChicagoLeave Union Station 122 P M and

fi3 P MThree Trains Daily to St Louis

Leave Union Station 936 A M4M P M lt4 Night

Tickets and full information atTicket OmeN 1417 G Street N W 619Pennsylvania Ave and Union Station


American m







J E ALBIXSON UM 14th StPlumber Yon

G Water Heater Phone North 8K


The Towle StudioA geed we do

work The beet qt1pf d studioIn the city F St N W

We HM aa entirely a w pr 3 a A hundred novel Affects Pictures gabbedyou S for K and nightrata er a aw


Bnlus C Brooks 618 D St 3f wBathtubs bones water closets Special

attenU a per to dralaing and stove


Printing and421 11th N W


Patents Trade Masks Copyrightspateat books giving full ln trucUons

not asked patent U aUowedJOHN S DCyjlK CO 1S F St N W


THE CAPITOL PAPER BOX coManufaoturora all kinds of plain and

fancy paper boxes Sample cases candyoyster and 6456 Hanover pi


Real Broker2 t Beat Capitol at se-

Ptooos Lincoln


rSEDEaiCK DEGQESStair building and Jobbing a specialty Ea-tlmatea eheerfuuy given on alt kind of workMIS 9th BW Stoop 9M Grant ave head ot


The opinion of Horace Maaa thataduoatlon amongst na at preeeat-

ooasists too mum la TBLLJNG not laTRAINING Is in at theSCHOOL 731 B Capitol at

German gralnroar and German stenographytaught by private teacher UU 14th at nw



11 1Mb at awPhone M 1W-


G G IiANGLOTZ SOS K at aw manuLecturers of line trunks salt eases scopeoases and grips Trunks made to orderrepaired Forty years experience


O A WieBer-aw 14ta at UphrtrterlBS mattress soaking furniture repaired sad furniture packedSir shipping Phone Berth 3tM


Umbrellas and Parasols made to orderand repaired Satisfaction guaraa-Special all umbrellas Jigft

JOHN HESS Mgr 901 B st nw


Dr O Bamwell RobinsonOffice and Hospital at aw

M Page Smith and Dr H FHospital Surgeons Phone 27U


C B CTTTTnS 703 12th St 37 WWatofa manufacturing and repairingwork guaranteed

Our motto Oeod work and fair prices


SPECIAi FOR EASTBRBut Port Merry and Catawbo Wines at

90 gallonP MURPHY

PJiiae North 712 nth and 0 X W

need a

red whet yourphotograph


whilewatt Day

shine 131




M PILLEagrav1ng

Phone 5866M

senttree Pee until


millinery boxes



litat SW


shared EKTYP

Sole Heel














