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TO ITS VOL. XXI. DOVER, MORRIS OOTJJNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1891. NO. 46 EBk. •anounmnimn PUBUBDBBB Ann FBflPRIICrOBa OflN on SlMtanll StNtt-nixt door A1UV m ADVASfn. 0raYui.,„ •nxKowra,., In. Imlm 1 MO , ••"•is' 1 "* 1 " • CO tie UOO >D0 aso MOD tag oo M M m a ton nma. MCAI. no- |~IHA8. i IT A.edlie walttnAIi FBAOTlTlOnBn, uhiiaua or >oa mm" ton ATun £>. J. D. SWa, 1 DOVIB, f. I. 11-om I . OOOPEB, ATTOBMBr-AT LAW, •1STIB «. HOUClVoB IH C H U C B I ds^U tat ltwBatting, Otar J.A.iyort «"•. DOTU, ». J MMHT AND «J1U>IB, l>ovu, N. I. > *t u. ODMaUWs, • ».. aurauiiFiAonnoau, >>i> rKiuun in TBB nunni » HaLAJUAl, D1SUBB&. DOTU.P I. WT11.II.Jo ,''C-fce^ia ber , DOV««,«,I., ma tenant I h n l i i l In n u l l sk*all sMelueBrsviMaawilW )«>, Ha Iw * ' ul-*he leaaatsawkst irkae. U will receive p r e s s . aiteM QUICK -COD OR. BDPK|11»TE»UKT. ;• IOOII In. t, »A»K BELLDWO. Dana,» J. , , " tttaunt AT LAW, Hum AIS Boum» mCit>ca>r. 'NCI I* BAKIB BUILDMO, ' ' "\DOVIHI '*. t. I nf nun noi MIS mo oo. DBUXMUJe VaUaUlfs AJLDTDi UT LMNB, VW * / JilOiTOB AHD K u m . I H OBAXOUI, WILCOX & BERR7 ;Ctrfantar«,Md Builders, J«HMB> praatptlf anm<e« ••>. tUIK loofli-ffelarnlebursHiUaB,! aunt pat oUbteroenVby good autbnles. - ' •Biaethlng Paper alweye on box on BIackw.ll St., nut to r N, B. WlLOOX. OLIVER S. Plans udhajlleulon. made ud contracts _ w ri w m _ _jr a 11 ,I_J ^ takM. JobfctnaalmjHAftiiBlarJjtUe&dad . la CWmfcilAtliiiricl Dwi Btonof Mr Wn.H,Oc«dA,«rA«!*eportoinoe1rtll ' v. A. ». BUCK, * *k rmmcu.' . Painter, Decorator, Gnlner tnd Paper Banger. A line of HALL PAtgBS, In til atjeeendalallpniee. BWHf/tlUK a epe- BEBROOM SUITS, GIVEN AWAY! Sized Hattrees and Bed Spring with every Bedroom Suit sold. Jnst recolred two cn'rload» of Bedroom Suite, wliicli I will cloao out ot tlio {OUOWLDR prices, inohding MaUrots uad EBII Bpiisg CO Antique Oak Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, regular pries (30 Oth, will close them out at (2000 GO Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, curred lop, rpimlar prioa H00O,wiU close them out at (3000 £0 Antique OakBedroom Suits, 8 pieces, carved top, bevel plate; regular price $50.00, mil olose Uiem out at 14000 Tlio attractions of tlio store aro the Porlor Suits covered in Afosaio Tapestry and Silk TopeBtry, and the Mahogany Bedroom Suit and Haple ltodroora Suit, all took first prnuuimH ami silver medals at the Wavorly Fair. CARPETS. Ho house i s tno oily bos a larger, cloaucr and better slock to seleet from. 23 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carprf, rccular price per yard TBcenU; radioed lu .'..: .... ..... .......... CO ite. 20 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carpel, regular prise per jard 90 ooiils ; rcduoed (o 7Bcts 25 piecos of Body Brussels Carpet, rcgulur price per jord tl 25 j - redoceJ to $110 2C pieces of All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, rrgulnr price per yard 76 cents, leilaccd io COots. PARLOR SUITS. Good Parlor Suits, in Silk Miuh Parlor finite, eitraorduwrjr goodi", txtra fimali Parlor Suits, in rug coloring .... 135 00 , . 145.00 . . . (55.00 THE STOVE STOBE OF THE CITYI Why? Becauso 1 lin\e the lmge&t assortraont, ktest Btylos »nd lowest prices LtliigU l'ailor Slovun nud Poitfuud ItaugcQ exolndo all otliors, Folding Beds Extension Tables. Sideboards, Hall Stands, Chiffoniere*, Coufhes and Lounges. Bedding and Bed Springs, all marked down 20 per cent, below other stores. (CBEDIT GIVEN IF DESIRED.) KLKVATOR TO S7EET FLOOR. -:• TELEPHONE 680, en ran OF I-IUXIIE ru AXI PAHI uy rut HIATI AMOS H. VAN BORN, ; -Ho.-T3> MARKET STRjKT, 1UM •""''- Z.' '- »-eWAHK, hi. J . ; (\EAR STBEET.) WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers, the u«ri IN <!•• BLOOBL, SUSSEX STREET, DOVH2U, S. .1 MERCHANT TAILORING AND CLOTHING EHTADLISUMBNT, *ftl. a «>mplpt*a ud eutlwlj , • flROTAERR h*T* ltd an «tpori»iii» nf tn.nj join as njurshtot Ullon ud is prftCteni, et,tt*n ktid mtken t>r ciitftoin trotfe, tnd «re Able JQsturulw *MD *etlnt> Inttii |r lint nf trmrta to 'tin "COiUdf DtirtT »in)'tf Did hertr of the firm of McGnEaon i Co of 810 and 852 Brunei street, Vownrlr, N J,? II joa did not and tend this ndverhsciufmt ' - von cortainlj will kno» tliora in the futoro tiioy want to know jon as i\oll as liave jon know them and tbo best way to bring about tins mrUnnl acquaintance is to treat you faitly, THE CLOTHING , ' : - FIRM , OF ( .- ,, MCGREGOR V COMPANY ,o thoroforo ctotonniuod to ndlicro (o nil their formor business prac- tices vhicfi liavo gamut! {or tlom "the Ion prioo and Rood . quality hooao of tlio fitato." A suit ot olothes, n -. angle pair of pants, or a coat and Tost, will olirajB bo found juat as tuny aro * \ represented to be. M. O. HICKS b mdlag blf Jewelnr, MaiMlng al IanPlrtt, Sauf no*, Slean UuUon, KarIUDK»Midii KU C IAII I Sp rU [FORSIA TBXA8•MEXICO'- IIFORBI TBXA8HEXI00 Special Hiol womMjr l\mrirt FBrtlat, n »autei Cluttp ntatT Apiilr to A U T It SSSK r ana Osiln »autei Cluttp ntatT Apiilr tt lUwirr, A. U T. It, »U SS«dSK r WE have Kiwnt 50 pair of Hl^ High Grade Button Mutes UL&t cust us from «1.60 to 92-00 per pair. Tunning sizes from 11 to 2. Host,of them hate heels, a style that lias become very nupopnlar, but Inasmuch as apy shoemaker will make them spring beel for a quar- ter, It occurs to'us ilista dol- lar ought to clear ihem ont pretty rapidly. A reduction of one-half is rather uniuu<il,' but we are bound to more them. 1IKAGAN & Co,, Dover, M, J. UAP UOTI fson TB> •m punf. OAeTawA OF GeUlU]* OHKBTAlKewa. » wife of the Ciamitj editor we. qul .. tewing the other evening, aod CeJamltJ. who bad been reading, dropped hi. paper and re- marked "I euppoa If It wcant for thla Intsmal tarlir Ui you would boythat linen thread you are using much cheaper tlan you do nov, instead of enriching the* Clark,, down at Newark, and other.threat) naapufao. turera by inoreasinK the expena. to the peo- ple." "But, Calamity, dear," eeM Us good rile, "th.pricenaaa'tbeen increuedto tie people. I reed Is the He* York Pna the other day au aooount alnwuic that tba aame llran thread which was enld at whoUJse'le for 00 eente per dosen III 1878, now. brings only SI aenta par uosen whohetU, aid I know O*\ Uierotall price la much cheaper than it waa then " Calamity nt once got hot In. the col' larand lndlinanlly exclaimed that be would aoetollbnretfter that the Maw York Praa did not enter hla bouse. V Somo tune age I noticed in oomo of. the pepara a etoryatmt aWarren county ferjner but thinking it a if by I now learn tbatihesborywas true. Daniel Vliet, a. prosperous farmer of Prallagfauyaen township and a Director ot tha MenhaaVs BasA'siKeWon, mat by appolntmentla'pArer a'efaarpsr who wanted to all hloi.twojoU briok. foe t^X sharper said tha bricks wire ouWdaof th, they were After they bored the brieke, and brought eomeof the borings to Dover, whore a confederate, who pretended to bee, govern mentInspector of mlaarele, voqoM forth" borings as genuine goU. yilal, ' ' of tba shrewdest can in fcJs,5 wanted to trep tbarogues, afd he jroold h,v, to«otoNowtaiBeiiktodrawlha|»^t«lwita which to buj the brioke, huthe^not enough money with him topay Us. to that place, Thoeharpor»atnnnaajpOTrainp- PONT FORGET THAT L. LHBXAN 4 CO., THE GROCERS, WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, OCT. 12th UNTIL 5:30 P. M. and Y'ict toUlandlord D. 0, Hoyt, at wooes hotel be waa itopplpg, to slip, ouipnd >*.» oncer htr. Uovt did «,, bat wblla.kaww hunllfg/or Karehal Hagen lha raeoalsevi dantly got wind of what was going onand hurriedly left town. Vliet Inlands to ban the Is he worked outotthem pat In a frame aud bung In liwbank'atrTewt«aaa.BiHivenbr of his adventure. He reads the paper, end always know, wUtbeUabout.aslsevldeooed by tbe way be beat tbaiwinowrapatof nrawj Instead of being swindled by them. . " «.•,' Tbeetalanunteot thelaorriacounty banks, published In the w e r e last weak, show that there le Iota ol good moosy on cell In our bsnk- Ing lniUtuUone, the Individual oepoelte being reoorded ee follows I HaUotal Iron, Karris* town gA-o,Ul:i»! KeUonal Union. Dover, •-»,!» 4), rinrtNUJooal, HorrUtown.gllS,. OS, FlrstNaUonsl, Boonton, IU»,lM.tI: First national, Jtadison,' •IM.UO.IM, making a total ol t l 835,0ll.M. Quite a song' Utt-U "•" V '• • .' ' •", . 1 wnil. MS it hr Nulnlnbi [ ' OUR CATALOGUE«lw test and finest J ever issued, sent to any address FREE. I Aone-cent postal card will get it for [you WRITE FOR IT NOW. "... CORNISH «A N o! direct from factory at wholesale "•prices for cash or upon an easy I installment plan to suit all pocket. | M Well p e W m THE Win. COST. W b v.,%. 3 Or 4 BIR PROFITS and Commit ' ITOM SA t AVED—THEV ARE YOURS. (Oil lataVaMalleWaaw.) SBECIA.L BEPItESENTAlTVE FOR DOVER: JOHN B. DALRTMPLE. P. O. Box 127. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Wo rodtioe stoali and for want of alorago room, I will sell at spacially our and BEDUOIJD PBJOES my coraprete stock of Refrigerators, Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, One Wheel Rake, One NewDeering Mower, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Window and Door Screens. Also tlio most complete line of KANOES ami lowest prises. TUBS, PAUaS, QKANITB WABG, ENAMELED KETTLE, .TINWABK, Ao. HOOPING, D. S. ALLEN, Dover. JOHN A. LYONS, nan be"found ft complete stock in oyery doportment, such as Dry Goods >dtton». Hosiery, Carpets. Oil Cloths, ' Cl0a)lu and Jenoy Jackets. I/arge assortmeat of Ladios', Husoa' and Mon'a SHOES. GPOOJEEIES, PEOVIBIONB, Ac. We Loop tlio best goods the market can afford, and prices defy all OQmpotiUon. 'J. A. DION. OPP. POST-OFFICE. DOVEH, N. J, AMntSOAHITOOONTUOL THE OOLUKM OV T^B Bl TSAT DID ROT WORK, AKD ONLT BHOWBO THZ MTIXZIIX88 Or 80HK TKBT BHllXFCOPLa. WJien tba UorrlsCountj Journal waa first established In tola plaeetiwprojeotors iound when about read; to print that tbe; had Deflected lo proride paoklm for thvL- proas ami In their ollawna appllad to the £iu, U± . ufTIW »li.t li«, Uckcd a«J anahlad tbain to get out On another occasion, whan their paper for Una reaaon failed to ejrire, the E«i famished them with Ita own pspsr and ont It down to lull Jhelr else. At divan* otbor times, when 1&» Journal ran abort ol material for job pnrpoaia, the Bni olieerf nil J supRlledUKlrnosdi. Weneraroharaedthem b ^ t I t l t ^ U t h d d d ^ p ^ i r , netar ettpnlataa wbas they abould print. Wa dldnft Ue ear etrlngs to tbe favors extended at tqetr reqwet, and the public would never bara known of tbera except for an Incident tbst wnirrri Isst woel. Wjten an aoddeat ooournd to the S u ' a MwjireeA ei^ar Ita old one bsd been shipped awar, oompeUlGC ue to find another press on whlo> to print our edition till tbaaccident Mulf bo repaired, we nstursllj felt that wa mljljt eolidt <nr test favor of Journal. W. .were met with tba assuru«a> ibat the/ woo^l be glad the pirlnlt the aee.of their pnse' ta^ l t^ l bdlta Wlira theChester Bnnch train latt tke DovereUUonuut Satunle> aftiM^oontaerr wae a perfect fiullada of torraxloes,alona UM track ItlaawajrallraadnwnlBva' Ing alirothar railroader who hai entered Iks nalniof uatiluojilelbllee, andtkaaloa on Uil. occasion was la honor of Charlk feuuoet oftbeCh«t«rroumlbooee,endblibrUa,wao. „„,, ware ranrnlng home Iron IMr wadding . Jourraj last it wonderful what an amount of enlbualssm, orcorlosltyj the {seseiicaota brlileoinawaien) ' ' ' •. '• V , Salt .lout antonelsanil lA>vcroe.w,a eahibiUon ot Use -..-.; us.tber tied aetrlng to their favor with wUch tier night pull it back .wievitnltedtialroouveiiieiioe. OriHondav' of last week, whan ttekoowl- adga|taine to ni of HcCoonell's lnauitlng talk to Rev, 0. leirue In hla cburolt at Port prara', the nreviottf .Tenlng, we determined' to notion It, togeOw withtnebad taateshovra In bring- lng,lj«tmsjlUikb«r.a(l«rthe«Jiibllloiibe bad mada of himself, and soon lacU of Ua oareer at Elmlra and Sennton. Tha in- quklai naoaarr for Information doubtleee MtoeonetaUtiiattta Eu would publUh an ariicia ou HcCotmall tbat week. At anj r a U l b article wae written and tbe editor left town,qnTotsde7 morning for AUantto Oitf, tobe,ab>nitUllattartnellnufor nublloation. During thaforenoon of Wedncjaj Mr. Brenbrook, tne editor, and Ur. ttrterwsf, toe businea tnueger ot tba Journal, visited the Kai offtca and Informed the foremanin charge that tier bad learned Inat tbe EsA to- tendejl to publish an article attacking Ilc- GoDBfU. They eaid such en srttale would be a reOectiosl upon them, ee tb«r were eupport- lag s^cConnell, and If tbe Eu determined to publish it we oould not taa Uie Journal praa to print oiir edition. Forgetful of the unoon* dlUonalfavonnndend tnem, thejbad the obeekito remind tne foreman tbat they were ajootnmodating us. end did not suppoee, under avebotrcunutnocee theeditor would pubiiib sob an article. Tbis ultimatum being gravelr nd poelUvdr dellveredrthe7took Uelr leave. na'fareaanrtaobed tbe editor br teleiraph «sf In return reoelved InstruotloDs, As . neultUe aidof tie (dlton oltbe Horrlatown Banter was aollcited, ud was klndlv nod freel]r.glreo-nfarortbnttbe£u wlilalware apprepiata, and ever be ready to return, should cnoatlpuroqutre. The Jounul, poariblv rett- ing eapura 1» the bfllif Oat thef oould con- tdaw tiwfl OOlslallDI Of tsrft dlA bCQAUaVO UlOT thougbtua at their nwt«7, knew. notbloKof onr IntaoUone till Friday Mornliig, when our naperwu taken from Ibeir office, tblppelwllh our lornu to Hometown, prlileu on the Ban. ner prea, and return^ toSorer in time to eatco.oor afternoon malls, a, uruaL It in- volved eonM expenditure and contiderabla labor, but the Joamal'a attempt to mussie U e cofuinns.of tbe Eu In the Interat of Vo- In thaBuu Vira>>ee'eOoairaatfoeat«ta>ulo CltrUetwaak. Attaaopanlag oftkaeces- Ttntion tha._ata;cr ol forleawtrla. Va., wko bad aooneapHaaaa coiaDaj>yof f^cnj&irfroDt his or/, we. l^ n l4'kik aguert macsJWp,> o^ks came lo the front of tea Ma(eH WHWIM that be «alksd with dlHaolly, l>a jaoajiac inoUou deoolinaj Ue asa oi. sa artieMal Kf. Tspplnc tha ivoodess ajsenbsr with Ma aaa» henqiaitadi " It k noaalbaa that I ma; be IndebleJ to eome of ro» ganllafasr. lor.taas, aj baart Is all right, a>d jnld Virginia•.(• all right. 11 ration e ^ r ^ K T gliiaaud H . , « 1 ! , r f fllhtltK.Dotefelnet.eeaaotaw.buteldebj aUe, lor the old Haj." Inaeaoawn! the en- tln oonnotlon waa, | l e i a | tkrta lustjcbaereforoUVlniliila. p j n H , and a touruswBt.lkw* b o W M koae.'aook and ladder, steamer aad basal'engine <n- teita, taroinaUni miitt a, grand parade of s W , tavan dlHereel orta^lealtone, eaoh'U- U b b J t . j e r s e J p . j . p NewTcaw.Couacllont, fltlvanla, Harjlud a ^ - I W * . , Tka.lre- rnen owned tba eltw fos.fpfrlSs (all. anra ruvallveulerialiwl, CHelWai.H. rasitart. of Dover, waa BerjaustatJlrsas oCttaoav Uw,' but Iha bbje; s j t t a ^ Isbriosa,' wera K ordarii that hi. deda were l Un tbe morales of elnuj daf Hr. Jas. HMgaa, fonratirol flovar. latiow.ofn.fc eon, wae telling Aalelant KarJbal Brram it how he once spied joe. n ,wjecavl pollo.iaatt:iii, Dover en n dra»dar,indflk«^s^>)nV. 1 all bv ure^Jog feU; Jeniue In tke rlr., becaua be Uraght he WW.4MKUH tte porfcrmsnce. Boon eMertau Btorj waa toM the'atraet,and a taan on horeebsck, who was afnarfEttiy a drunken matlo, daturbed tk. |'eiiiasdiiii.i,eij much bjr getting Intbe war <* tbe/wff of* ODcer Bjr»»oiUUooeahl«,tatMtbef?UoF p M ^ ^ p p him andpulhd him of He boras. Hot till th.ndUhodlaoorer that the soppojeddraaken inanweaanatlaoha ot lha ahsw, and tait It weeaUlntbeparfoimania: aMplakaoiiin another raU/eokins. UershalTo«in,oUlU Arllngloo, who was .wattklral.tbs inoloent, tbthU ir^urllfr theluaofhliliadga. Apptoareaosboadantthat tbe dletilleria are uut equal to grind tbe wboM ol the' crop,' and for th le reason farnere lit eone placee are net alb lo nod .market for. all tbelr trae have produced^. CoofaquenUr Ihouetml. of busheuof elder tpplei In Morris ootmtv:nra rottiug upon tbe ground. Qrepea are auo w> aVnndant tbst they ne eold very ehespl;. II Is an upparallelfd raer for fruit. The lat negro eneeted for Ih. Fraea rnurder ID warren proved a oom- pkta allU bv ahcvrlng tbat ha wuln tbaWat atthetlmetheinurderwaa committed, aod it low inonler for Prosecutor Strrker to flnd Cbestnettliig- end foliage pertla now bare thn cell, and tbera le nothlag more deltg&tfut " «nu»bki»mt«gj»rw,v Hills et Tbe invigorating aJr^ud tbe changing fdlftfre are dtligbta with .^bbib than la'notA: ing in tbe hot Bummer season tooocopare.'. ' A Littla Oirlla Bxnerlence ltiaUghthouM, Ur BjiuUrs.IorenTrefooUare.keenBrBof Uie Ouv rjgbthounat Band Bacb,, .Miob. and arebleead with a dangbtar', four rears old Uat April sbawsi taken down, with Heasla, followed with a dreadful Cough ud tumlrg Into a Fever. Doctor! ot boma and at Detroit unaled.her, but In vtia, aba grew worse rarldlr, until she was amara "handful of bones."—Then aha tried Dr.' E m ' s New Placoverr and altar.tbe o a of two and .ball. Doulcs, waaoompiotelronred. -TbexaajDr. King*, NewDbcovery la worth. Ita vttigbt In gold, ynt you may.gat. trial bottle tree at ltobert Klllgora'a Oorner Drug Store, Sorer, Orein, lTsnoe & Co. Drag Btora, Fort Orero, aul P W Jeukins' Drug'filora, darter. Health Is mora than" wealth^and aT«M«M Avoid inloilouite. Drink Hire.' Iloot Bc«r If you would enjoy bosittt and loD^Ufe.* ladles 1 Xnararad ViaitlnaT Cwjdn, UtatrtfiaatttalaonXaannVt: ' PODBtB D1SIH.LSD ntlAJTHBSS. BAKU SAJX A.f VBTTM IOUX. noocAwAT ain> ntaTiLU ojrr TOUBTUH AflATjr AMD VBl aOltf. O» TM •OCIA»<fX TSIBX, toomniB wvm OOOPLT VJAJtmBti or wtMrvu. Wheo tbe previooa game between tbe Una. dub, of DoviUe, and t b . Boekawty ethMet ended In n wrangla and . Os, oalaf to tk« rerj qneetionable decialone of Daplre QaraV oar, there we, blood oo Iba face of tne nsow Ibatsnonaon tba Bukaway Blvar nadSeal Brook rsaarnaont, end tb. border Us. grew uotovwtUn^laofttieresvwoain Aw^tanotgvnMwiirrangad !or, to bepteyed at Deullle ket S«t«rdaT afternoon, under tha arbitration of an Injpsr- Ual umpire from adistant towa, aod tulle » nvunterof beta ware plaoad upon the remit by the pertlaus ef the contaathal alaca. Tbe gama wae played, at the time and plena appointed and waa fairly wonby aba Unoaj club, bjr tha oloae acore of «to 4, after a most eml|lng contert. Tbe umpirlnj of' ttr^ Mr arM. of Burnout, was impartial and >efc and u near ae ooold be observed'aacb aide raoetvad about equal banaflt. .(ron doM daot alons. Tie defeat 0( Its EooaawaToUl, was duetotwozacta. In tha Orel nkua tbaDatt- yllla boye bad loaded too baivj tov Usaa, and u d snJnUeld that would ban Msd the oat |ls of most clubs In the tjuta. Dv.'m of tb* crack pttobart ot Da atorrfiown' aal Bnmmltclube,wealntbabox. Onrtepr»- ^1lViIbl^fttBlt a»att.ktaru*>w»etol. eixi three eoaualwitlUoeT ale deyrary. OoV troll, of lAfaretU College asaa, aaf late the Horrlstown olan, nllsd tea poeetloa, of shortstop. Uorai,,oflbe8oa>-(toiobpHye« .t.tlu'rd.and tbe noM protasiual, "Vaaw* farill, nveredtbeeKOod UftsJIaongkkis name was Inacrlbed u n a r r a ^ w a i o g n nook, Tbe Bockawfre had hot Ow) caaaat. In waabt nine. Rller, of .Bibemle, whopaayed at aee. ond, and pitnaad Ua latter put of tke game.' Tt. oth»cca«» lor thsdalaatot " - • " - ' - their, opponents, having got. 'legL taaa W bl^to four for tbaU-. oppoaenkv Tbat. this loom loiafcung wa, a- oiunient wae qu|te arperant lo lae.neoa) onarvar. A. oateide crowd *ed cuna froa Bockpway flat kept up.ratable pud4 monlum. Tbef hooted eod railed conUnoallj, derldBd umpire for nearly evMy/ijr 7 ^' and unloubtailly dldmor. a i m b> al their ,own pU, n then aujthifi alaa, of the Unaa plaiars were, v ^ n e J* , w) a bal) bid aodoould stand tkataart of thing, butnjtny of tbaEUxskaway boyawnraoom. P«aUTaljlMrr«rteoo«la»doonMat. Hoi. leranjloriawftioe, who le taaally areliable plijnr, droppKl two Jlea, lonkelaa ttnVaga excitement osuad by the neaorsl uproar, run,mads ty tin Vnoas club were aond. Bailey and Hiler both pitched very enTectlnly and wera nag- nlHoenUy supported byWaar: Humjaary,' First lnilng-Tba Unoaa oiub ware qukaly disposed of In one, two, l i r a order. Itockeway little Waar opasaLwlth a amfe esa gle, ,(ol»aoond end readad tbM ona ball, bat waa thrown out at none atteoipted to run from third o n ' a l . Becpod-Dlckarfin. g « to gnt on.lbrt'1 drop of an easy ly.and Daj aoveoori him ae acond with a elngla. Uakanon rano.oa Hollarm', drop ot Koran's By, but Iaij and Honn wire left Daver opened lor Bora. aw.jwlUi n baabit alar two'were'ont' got to aoond on Day> BOliu. eogatU-1 tart ^:Ut.;Birw,:iir|.;tiS«5! »;«i ooaaUwutnutraUdl .. . . When tha naweo« tha Journal's dlacourter/ and v)okUon of afraemant spread about the 1 n p l e x b lidl Mnt nad eondenuatory oooament fromell -jAawe ot pwph, Inotadicg avWprcUUUtav lees. Juny felt free to ssy they bad raver baud-1/'a won tswtisDipt'fblc I^ing..'.7iiii aayormajootuveaettbeni to tUaklng, lal at eavy rate editor Bradbrook called at the 1IU qOcs on Saturday morning, af tar all waa 0T«r, totar-to nataalnalllar he nor cosines, aajagw DMerway werareenonnble for what jead been done-tlat it they bad been per. •allied tohave tbelr way the; Would bave allowed the Kai to^^be printed on tbe Journal nrea. We informed him that Mr. las. A. OoodeV PnauVtnt of tbe Board of Dlnotors of,taa Journal Cobinanf, baditatod Uat' tbe Directors bed: no knowledge of. tha action taken, endasked him whothen could be re- apuMable I Bis only reply waa tbat snub ot UattochboMtre bed written and spoken'to tbare. ^bout It, ajxl eauad tbem to take the 1«,.«It !™.uiy intelli- gent V"i-T—* IMopl. to a y what aort of a eonarn that unit be in which tba editor, bnaJnea manager and directors have nothing to pryi tat whows ^Tsin must be dlroated by aisdltbeelo^fcacMsrs. : Bntdatbia,waar.told:on nllablo eothnr- Hy tbat editor Brsdbrook Slid m Port Orsm Utat tie EwIntendal to pnblnb anertiole on- UaCouMll that week, btat It wouldnot eppar, adding that the EJU bad to prlnton ^'Jonmel m e i , Bad Ibey would not be permitted to do ao if. tho papsr oonteinei tta hit 7 •Tttola] In quaUoo, Be. bad eeuly miUaken M r « o n r o a o f newspaper nan trained to a knowledge ol their budness, .rwi ki. plen. UinmnM. All hit erawlsblag now le in juat s.[bad Usta ai tbe bringing of HoConntU back to thla oommunlty after thepubllo ei- UWUop he l»sd msda of blmaelf. No etpla- naUjo'wIU ooadoae thedlsoonrteay of that wbo opotro] too Journal, place tbabUna Wawre ,tlwy msr.. It waa a oaotemptlble ra- tam for ktndlj tnrors noWrwl tbem, a dia- honest,violation of a contract made In g faith, and a diagraotful attempt to gag an aonaat/es^wdoBraapKunll» Ban who baa i t h u o n e e brought reproacb nponlha I Jwfakb both be end tiaj profea to eapooa*. After socb an' eshlblnon of pro- fessional discourtesy and dishonorable treat- retime, to ooJDa|dar tbem 'worthy of notice In anyway. " ' ' '•' . .' /Andwholethleman HcConneU, for whom * e j have violated tba roles of journaUstio oonrteay and profeeslonal conduct I Is he 'hx ot the aacrlOoe they nave meda1 y eUtemente bave coine to ue uneolioltad. A'pepsr received from Port Jervls, IT. T., ttVndea,to Ua opabultiee in gulllug tools. A conductor on Iba railroad Wls of hla dial- paled habit, in otber placee. Awall known gentleman of Sorer, ot tbe strocgest temper- ance Drocllvititt, wbo was recently at Bus- queuufa, N. Y.,. learned that MoConntl], after speaking many nights in that place, inada anesblbltlnn of blmalf in tbe stneta tiers. Frao lultonvllleand Oahen.ln Hew York^ oome tlnuiar storla of temperance lactnrujg, followed by dlsatpatlon, all volun- tare ajyl entirely unaought. . In on. town la we, locatednot long before coming to Dover be made It hla practice ot visiting adrug slore from atx to Wtlrnpaday, to obtain the atlmuluiof tb. most pqwerfol drugs. would frequently take aball laarpoontul ot Uccture'ot oafel- oum, oreayenne pepper, at a dOM, tbe nature of which is tbu described in the U. B. Phar- maoopquai ."Tbia preparation Is a tueful stlniuUntlnvery lbvr states of the ayetem, wltb gsatrio insensiblUty, a. iu malignant Market and tyjfcold fevers, aod In tbe ease, of dninksjds." -He would also absorb tincture ot giogsr in quancLua, far beyond tba capa- bility ot people wbo were nut addicted to It. tta to; stand, snd would aomstlme. take broeao-okffalfi and bromide' ot poiaan, snow- Ing himto he habituated to theuse ol drugs, and not, the victim of an accidental overdose, ae 4aluwd by eome ot bb friends. A man aHdfafed to such nac of powerful stimulant, must btv* been in fearful sbtba of debult*. Von.'.'. ' . - • • W. night follow tbeee things up and make an iater^sting butory, but the matter ie aito- getber distasteful, kod we only mention what we Lev, to •how that we were jnstlftai In what we have said, 'Co bring him back and throat himon this cbmmnnlty was. display of vlndkUveoea or had taete only equaled by that VtljUi upheld raacal Baron In tbi. town aame years ago. Tbe Km; doesn't pn>- pba to be mnssled in the latereata of peoplo ottulseort. " " .. . ' ; a Blapbene & Co 1 ! "Embior" Fnparw] sTowmakteflnebljcult. Try It. ^ y , 4 U e a r IUd(sonlluadayla«>,s«s<nyean. He waa an2 loa| reeUena oftke rUatt/.a.. had lor more then ball ae-tury baat iaantiaM with Ita nnlilkal, aonM ,»d boMneas aptsn, Bysrpiidonbe w«. surveyor. b»l a>aJK owjaid aidnlUvaM the Urge tar. npws walet.helived. In hi. proteealoaalnir rftr kia eervtoee wen always ia.ireat d h d U t a k h t sndLuao(property la a.vtatere.of cwsh *7 iahnaed In aba ocaatla of Manie,'Inv. tile end Sneai.tba* anj. Uvtac teraa,, aaav _ opinUiofgraatwtwrkta tkaooar* andfataaarttlementpfeeuea. Jgtwsftew conneaM wltb fcelro. laoiwlry toaulyltk. in the dej. ofobarooal ionaa, arena tt wktt haoperatad at .nrlone tiam His knoiMgaot Its history c< forwe cfeawakae 1 upper Bockawsy end IVivaaaocrlr- of.iians ooaattnsd.ln theHktory <* klarra, Couily era laifely naaadapan Iba Ian, a. UoT-hKhhsfumUad. . • --—' greet aetareiahUitaa, ooaUao* degree of eeU-Qanure, eat 1 llsg 1 .pen by tboae abort baa ate tjiaSaasaala- Ba 11., .a.iy.lill Hwws, waeJMja i. it» .aga. satlntlaJewJerar.lellilslai -fltiiti henjat.all.aallolMe. Hr yaMans_s«s,asa be ^T'-**.—*•-'—iiil'ililMT illf« U»>riUi,iaagnty of kk.osaneaar, tk. bj.alleloarrvlv.kte Tl»»aBra4 atrrina ware aaUat. hie bta ' "sees on Wedaaeday, at l*.r. at, eat. var.ssoslr .Minn byska peona el. as. i j iiesi nafcr wawe a. leaat ellkepuUa aacera.1. 1ken bae« waH- ingtor.tbaa togwl tbensaea. hat 1 vkaat'I. witls,.eto wait .kag tinee, loci leaakwar .-' TjawM-toMr Tblrd-Oorjtiallraadeatwobaaealltorthe UnoMside, and scored en earned ram'on W Wbrt t b h ^ l two bagger, waue the Bocaaw^j an. felled, to ooooertWra, the itret nig r ''"~ rtbO M Bil'i wboaninadi . _ , paead ball aaMeorae o. llolleraa'a alt. Dsvej foUowad with aMIs*' ate eh, eat op>oedwJthasinaieaa4weateoeeooBdo.a paaa4 bnU. Balky reached Moi DQV T'1- TI 11 His lisas T niMsi mull IMH on the! error, and aeorad on F, HifhWe wild t h U l h I l l l d U l d yal»d. tUl(y thlMcoHm'sascrlnce.baldiedllara. Blhm Bella, kad not been bit hard, aaa the Uaoae balameo failed so aake u. 'aMW, tor BUkaway, egaln asded irst in 'a'.cliet degantbtutud eoorad on I. Blgbtara M throwjto e s n a d -----•' - • * -••>—•-• ,«ifbnr>fnllar.toboUtaebaiUaa>talrs -i>»»ftJ^'^ : a#i;«;.;jviidiirt muff k nail Inrown k, tt. pkoe.,,r. fkaaer "|saf.aodweottose«ado.aptead l>"ytt-l'eerwuglree|tvao>hw»s, stole •saa snl tklrdand eocndo. V. aUgUeA hit Ihe bUer wae tSWV '-•"•-—"- balls, tat wa, throw, cot uTlrylw to M KlghUi-&. .H. Stghler taaaaaL bat on Wsar'i fallura lo hold his third aartta, brt was farad ont at .eeoonu. TheRookawaye MU4ioite«.minio nrii -••" ^ ^ ^ i ;W.RI| star F.R3 ter. t»kTO J.teer.»ib.:i Oontrell.B.K.1 4 RI| star.latb. 0. a R3 ter 0 « ,U 1 1 p ..... II sr,o.f. 0 < b l i S S 0 0 1 0 . | » - J.B. Belter, r-f. 1 » 0 0 « 0 0 0 ~~ 687. 5 1 .SejitB I i. 5, S? S 1 0, 0 8 '6 0 i 0 1» » i I 0 0 1 0)0 II l 010 t 0 o 0 l 0 5 a o ,« I;II 0 0 « 0 0 0 KOCKAWAT.- n.0; "— ... ,04 v,a.e... 0 4 .i. l'S b ...... 1 U. 1SLIw, SO,. A. M. 0 1 1 11 0.1 0 0 « o. 3 % -• - -• i o o A.aon40Utina. Walter L ICaln's drens, wUck vkited Dorar last Bttordar, was oaa>pt Ih.beNaese here la'yetrm, and had uu^jandapoa'at r P"*"^*"™- T(»»o™aini.,a«Weais/ One, the- leattotthe meat daring «ddlOonlt charmcter, aod every 'ect efrnptlnnallr g o t l But bettir than all wa, the sajelleot daport-. rnentrfaU oonraBtsl. with show, and tke eat- t i n abasnoe of fakers end tongba. * "'-il— *miiris*1 Mtip— famr udec eny, ohtNra^ Bannfactorera,' ud,.raMian an nowaotoian«,T7trade. TVllalaacawcaj. iVlI t t r r t d t l have lanerr Incraaaal, and a is the aenand for'immediate ;^l goods. : AMeOl.u^ tu^'tbe'.iSEoi urltf U,w, whicU.the. i M ' .PrSSW year ego wojoid ruin tba country. Booklet/a AraJailalTa. The bat lain in tba work! for'Com, Dons, rulsa! DIowa, Belt Bkeum,' ,lFW Bora, u d slliBslo KropUorj, and pcaitlrilynnne rtcforMiayroiinred Ijiajmanntasdto Sfiooc <Tbemberlain, ts.:aeoa>I Isilllijt el^olJ.tb v >ntk«lM ^ v , a « » g n yean eos of tha most saafulcneeaaeat d l d U k k ) k poaUoa m Melaraaoa V/ ^reeavarUg eertka to tkoaa ahoal him. He waa frwientand aaenaeafal ha bewl- *>v»j ganwa , wereUratoUae,ksi>Mlksae M d - • -• .».jsss'i»a'»l1a»a«. • " POK qnea, s.i,,ant. gik, V»l. To raaXnnon ov.iwn lei t— Two'weeka ago last Busday I viaHain friend of mine at Ironlnk who was sick and . n u i sitting In his room I a wsU.maapaa. brwkow««i«Ued. Boaa Mast afler, »h-l ".my. w«y home, aaosa awa pan.aM*.. lag. ' four ol.. them ware .MopeaMe the waist, blood waa ttowlag vary, freely, aad «kklUUdtl ino»lr(alli were fromDorer. Tkaasitdsy I.weaaw- i««frM<>>^>on«Uih.lUsg seid^aawouJd report k/to. tbe Hiarrei rrr-j),"*? •**,***•*. «* BaMay. KbuatraBlotheofaaenoflWJnsad. .* oBcer. who was awwag. hs a* I, rw^liedtWuay had. a, hist einot paUU, It tata, Ikm» * • » . ,;ola> Wars totheeadof tale. awi-I -,. * J i a . o l taa'oiearl..ot.«si Msnsl It . - ' ' over etfasaea,ar .«•> w a a n k M - « - " , ft.lisw|>.gB.-'ts)'.gB«:':^;'.'^ l»ffcta»«1 stteekaadaoa.^ ~ ' ' H«« TarfkCirai •»»#.< r U Ua late Tansaslwrria, wwaaskeaT iagauOeo.amos,ntraaa)en.^n> iroands end dactsids. etaarrWaboaqeatoforobala. TJeicateaonraws asrfarail by her Bfi O ' iiiU l A»oidi«<i,irno»uu«ua» ,Iara,Xasaaak>etwks,at atcsrlasiwn, Imown « the Aaar& jeaaxr'' IM ^li^h^;t' m«ti-«T«yiai,ia,UlherT pisre end freeh, end aba saga hi aitwlmtss.. Una ahdUme. Sbe ia lee anagiaW ol «k Kn«lia, vlollakt: laaad '"' bisjaniaraarear on the c only, iajelr. year, of ai' _. tyca.aTBU.'-ll waskbj this inclh-forrjS^ nureergln »ew.york,'taBjfjlil^., ^^^toralltttacoWtSSiVoa. isgralfylnnadoljnonry., Hoar. Try It

WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers,

May 17, 2022



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Page 1: WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers,





OflN on SlMtanll StNtt-nixt door

A1UV m ADVASfn.0raYui . , „•nxKowra,.,

In. I m l m 1 MO,

••"•is'1"*1"• CO



>D0 aso

MOD tag oo

M M m a ton nma. MCAI. no-

|~IHA8. i

IT A.edlie

walttnAIi FBAOTlTlOnBn,

u h i i a u a or >oa m m "ton AT un £>. J. D. SWa,

1 DOVIB, f. I. 11-om




ds^U tat l tw Batting,

Otar J.A.iyort «"•. DOTU, ». J


l>ovu, N. I.

> *t u. ODMaUWs, • » . .

aurauiiFiAonnoau,>>i> rKiuun in TBB n u n n i




,''C-fce^ia ber

, DOV««,«,I.,

• ma tenant I h n l i i l I n n u l l sk*allsMelueBrsviMaawilW )«> , Ha I w* ' ul-*he leaaatsawkst irkae.

U will receive press . aiteM



;• IOOII In. t, »A»K BELLDWO.D a n a , » J. ,

, " tttaunt AT LAW,Hum AIS Boum» m Cit>ca>r.


' " \ D O V I H I ' * . t.

I n f nun noi MIS mo oo.DBUXMUJe VaUaUlfs AJLD TDi




;Ctrfantar«,Md Builders,

J«HMB> praatptlf anm<e« ••>.tUIK loofli-ffelarnlebursHiUaB,!

aunt pat oUbteroenVby good autbnles.- ' •Biaethlng Paper alweye on box

on BIackw.ll St., nut tor



Plans u d hajlleulon. made u d contracts_ w • ri w m _ _jr a • 11 ,I_J^ takM. JobfctnaalmjHAftiiBlarJjtUe&dad

. la CWmfcilAtliiiricl Dwi Btonof• Mr Wn.H,Oc«dA,«rA«!*eportoinoe1rtll

' v. A. ». BUCK,* *k rmmcu.'

. Painter, Decorator, Gnlnertnd Paper Banger.

A line of HALL PAtgBS, In tilatjeeendalallpniee. BWH f/tlUK a epe-


Sized Hattrees and Bed Spring withevery Bedroom Suit sold.

Jnst recolred two cn'rload» of Bedroom Suite, wliicli I will cloao outot tlio {OUOWLDR prices, inohding MaUrots uad EBII BpiisgCO Antique Oak Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, regular pries (30 Oth,

will close them out at (2000

GO Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, curred lop, rpimlarprioa H00O,wiU close them out at (3000

£0 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, carved top, bevel plate;regular price $50.00, mil olose Uiem out at 14000

Tlio attractions of tlio store aro the Porlor Suits covered in AfosaioTapestry and Silk TopeBtry, and the Mahogany Bedroom Suit andHaple ltodroora Suit, all took first prnuuimH ami silver medals atthe Wavorly Fair.

CARPETS.Ho house i s tno oily bos a larger, cloaucr and better slock to seleet

from.23 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carprf, rccular price per yard

TBcenU; radioed lu . ' . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO ite.20 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carpel, regular prise per jard

90 ooiils ; rcduoed (o 7Bcts25 piecos of Body Brussels Carpet, rcgulur price per jord t l 25 j- redoceJ to $1102C pieces of All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, rrgulnr price per yard 76

cents, leilaccd io COots.

PARLOR SUITS.Good Parlor Suits, in Silk MiuhParlor finite, eitraorduwrjr goodi", txtra fimaliParlor Suits, in rug coloring

. . . . 135 00, . 145.00. . . (55.00

THE STOVE STOBE OF THE CITY IWhy? Becauso 1 lin\e the lmge&t assortraont, ktest Btylos»nd lowest prices LtliigU l'ailor Slovun nud PoitfuudItaugcQ exolndo all otliors,

Folding Beds Extension Tables. Sideboards,Hall Stands, Chiffoniere*, Coufhes and

Lounges. Bedding and Bed Springs, allmarked down 20 per cent, below

other stores.



en ran OF I-IUXIIE ru AXI PAHI uy rut HIATI

AMOS H. VAN BORN,; -Ho.-T3> MARKET STRjKT,1UM •""''- Z.' '- »-eWAHK, hi. J

. ; (\EAR STBEET.)

WALTON BROS.,Merchant Tailors

Clothiers,the u«ri IN <!••




• flROTAERR h*T* ltd an «tpori»iii» nf tn.nj j o i n as njurshtot Ul lon u d

i s prftCteni, et,tt*n ktid mtken t>r ciitftoin trotfe, tnd «re Able JQ s t u r u l w *MD

*etlnt> In ttii |r lint nf trmrta to 'tin "COiUdf DtirtT »in)'tf


hertr of thefirm of McGnEaon

i Co of 810 and 852Brunei street, Vownrlr, N J,? II

joa did not and tend this ndverhsciufmt' - von cortainlj will kno» tliora in the futoro tiioywant to know jon as i\oll as liave jon know them and tbo

best way to bring about tins mrUnnl acquaintance is to treat you faitly,


, ' : - FIRM, OF

( .- ,, MCGREGOR

• V COMPANY,o thoroforo ctotonniuod to ndlicro (o nil their formor business prac-

tices vhicfi liavo gamut! {or tlom "the Ion prioo and Rood. quality hooao of tlio fitato." A suit ot olothes, n -.

angle pair of pants, or a coat and Tost, willolirajB bo found juat as tuny aro

* \ represented to be.

M. O. HICKSb mdlag blf Jewelnr, MaiMlng al Ian Plrtt,Sauf no*, Slean UuUon, KarIUDK»Midii



[FORSIA TBXA8•MEXICO'-IIFORBI TBXA8HEXI00Special Hiol womMjr l\mrirt FBrtlat,

n »autei Cluttp ntatT Apiilr toA U T It SSSK rana Osiln »autei Cluttp ntatT Apiilrtt lUwirr, A. U T. It, »U SS«dSKr

WEhave Kiwnt 50 pair of H l ^High Grade Button Mutes UL&tcust us from «1.60 to 92-00per pair. Tunning sizes from11 to 2. Host,of them hateheels, a style that lias becomevery nupopnlar, but Inasmuchas apy shoemaker will makethem spring beel for a quar-ter, It occurs to'us ilista dol-lar ought to clear ihem ontpretty rapidly. A reductionof one-half is rather uniuu<il,'but we are bound to morethem. 1IKAGAN & Co,,

Dover, M, J.

UAP UOTI f s o n T B > • m p u n f . OAeTawAOF GeUlU]* OHKBTAlKewa.

» wife of the Ciamitj editor we. qul ..tewing the other evening, aod CeJamltJ. whobad been reading, dropped hi. paper and re-marked "I euppoa If It wcant for thlaIntsmal tarlir Ui you would boy that linenthread you are using much cheaper tlan youdo nov, instead of enriching the* Clark,,down at Newark, and other.threat) naapufao.turera by inoreasinK the expena. to the peo-ple." "But, Calamity, dear," eeM Us good

rile, "th.pricenaaa'tbeen increuedto tiepeople. I reed Is the He* York P n a theother day au aooount alnwuic that tba aamellran thread which was enld at whoUJse'le for00 eente per dosen III 1878, now. brings onlySI aenta par uosen whohetU, aid I know O*\Uierotall price la much cheaper than it waathen " Calamity nt once got hot In. the col'larand lndlinanlly exclaimed that be wouldaoetollbnretfter that the Maw York Praadid not enter hla bouse.


Somo tune age I noticed in oomo of. thepepara a etoryatmt a Warren county ferjner

but thinking it aif by I now learn tbatihesborywastrue. Daniel Vliet, a. prosperous

farmer of Prallagfauyaen township and aDirector ot tha MenhaaVs BasA'siKeWon,mat by appolntmentla'pArer a'efaarpsr whowanted to all hloi.twojoU briok. foe t^X

sharper said tha bricks wire ouWdaof th,

they were After they bored the brieke, andbrought eome of the borings to Dover, whorea confederate, who pretended to bee, governmentInspector of mlaarele, voqoM forth"borings as genuine goU. yilal, ' 'of tba shrewdest can in fcJs,5wanted to trep tba rogues, afd he jroold h,v,to«otoNowtaiBeiiktodrawlha|»^t«lwitawhich to buj the brioke, huthe^notenough money with him to pay that place, Thoeharpor»atnnnaajpOTrainp-




MONDAY, OCT. 12thUNTIL 5:30 P. M.

and Y'ict toU landlord D. 0, Hoyt, at wooeshotel be waa itopplpg, to slip, ouipnd >*.»oncer htr. Uovt did «,, bat wblla.kawwhunllfg/or Karehal Hagen lha raeoalsevidantly got wind of what was going onandhurriedly left town. Vliet Inlands to banthe Is he worked outotthem pat In a frameaud bung In liwbank'atrTewt«aaa.BiHivenbrof his adventure. He reads the paper, endalways know, wUtbeUabout.aslsevldeooedby tbe way be beat tbaiwinowrapatof nrawjInstead of being swindled by them.

. " « . • , ' •

Tbeetalanunteot thelaorriacounty banks,published In the w e r e last weak, show thatthere le Iota ol good moosy on cell In our bsnk-Ing lniUtuUone, the Individual oepoelte beingreoorded ee follows I HaUotal Iron, Karris*town gA-o,Ul:i»! KeUonal Union. Dover,• - » , ! » 4), rinrtNUJooal, HorrUtown.gllS,.

OS, FlrstNaUonsl, Boonton, IU»,lM.tI:First national, Jtadison,' •IM.UO.IM, makinga total ol t l 835,0ll.M. Quite a song' Utt-U" • " V '• • .' ' •", .

1 w nil. M S it hr Nulnlnbi[ ' OUR CATALOGUE «lw tes t and finestJ ever issued, sent to any address FREE.I A one-cent postal card will get it for[you WRITE FOR IT NOW.

"... CORNISH « A N o !direct from factory at wholesale

"•prices for cash or upon an easyI installment plan to suit all pocket.| M Well p e W m THE Win. COST. W b v.,%.

3 Or 4 BIR PROFITS and Commit' ITOM SA


(Oil lataVaMalleWaaw.)



BARGAINS! BARGAINS!Wo rodtioe stoali and for want of alorago room, I will sell at spacially

our and BEDUOIJD PBJOES my coraprete stock of

Refrigerators, Cream Freezers,Lawn Mowers, One Wheel Rake,

One New Deering Mower,Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves,Window and Door Screens.

Also tlio most complete line of KANOES ami lowest prises. TUBS,PAUaS, QKANITB WABG, ENAMELED KETTLE,



D. S. ALLEN, Dover.

JOHN A. LYONS,nan be"found ft complete stock in oyery doportment, such as

Dry Goods >dtton». Hosiery, Carpets. Oil Cloths,

' Cl0a)lu and Jenoy Jackets.

I/arge assortmeat of Ladios', Husoa' and Mon'a SHOES.


We Loop tlio best goods the market can afford, and prices defy allOQmpotiUon.



WJien tba UorrlsCountj Journal waa firstestablished In tola plaee tiw projeotors ioundwhen about read; to print that tbe; hadDeflected lo proride paoklm for thvL- proasami In their ollawna appllad to the £ iu ,

U ± .u f TIW »li.t l i« , Uckcd a«J anahladtbain to get out On another occasion, whantheir paper for Una reaaon failed to ejrire,the E«i famished them with Ita own pspsrand ont It down to lull Jhelr else. At divan*otbor times, when 1&» Journal ran abort olmaterial for job pnrpoaia, the Bni olieerf nil JsupRlledUKlrnosdi. Weneraroharaedthem

b ^ t I t l t ^ U t h d d d^ p ^ i r ,netar ettpnlataa wbas they abould print. Wadldnft Ue ear etrlngs to tbe favors extendedat tqetr reqwet, and the public would neverbara known of tbera except for an Incidenttbst wnirrri Isst woel.

Wjten an aoddeat ooournd to the S u ' aMwjireeA ei ar Ita old one bsd been shippedawar, oompeUlGC ue to find another press onwhlo> to print our edition till tba accidentMulf bo repaired, we nstursllj felt that wamljljt eolidt <nr test favor of U» Journal.W. .were met with tba assuru«a> ibat the/woo^l be glad the pirlnlt the aee.of their pnse'ta^ l t^ l b d l t a

Wlira the Chester Bnnch train latt tkeDovereUUonuut Satunle> aftiM^oontaerrwae a perfect fiullada of torraxloes,alona UMtrack ItlaawajrallraadnwnlBva'oCaaltt.tfIng a lirothar railroader who hai entered Iksnalniof uatiluojilelbllee, andtkaaloa onUil. occasion was la honor of Charlk feuuoetoftbeCh«t«rroumlbooee,endblibrUa,wao. „ „ , ,ware ranrnlng home Iron IMr wadding .Jourraj last it wonderful what an amountof enlbualssm, orcorlosltyj the {seseiicaotabrlileoinawaien) ' ' '

• •. '• V ,

Salt .lout antonelsanil lA>vcroe.w,aeahibiUon ot Use - . . - . ;

us.tber tied a etrlng to theirfavor with wUch tier night pull it back.wievitnltedtialroouveiiieiioe.• OriHondav' of last week, whan ttekoowl-adga|taine to ni of HcCoonell's lnauitlng talkto Rev, 0. leirue In hla cburolt at Port prara',the nreviottf .Tenlng, we determined' to notionIt, togeOw withtne bad taateshovra In bring-lng,lj«tmsjlUikb«r.a(l«rthe«Jiibllloiibebad mada of himself, and soon lacU of Uaoareer at Elmlra and Sennton. Tha in-quklai naoaarr for Information doubtleeeMtoeonetaUtiiattta E u would publUhan ariicia ou HcCotmall tbat week. At anjr a U l b article wae written and tbe editor lefttown,qnTotsde7 morning for AUantto Oitf,tobe,ab>nitUllattartnellnufor nublloation.

During tha forenoon of Wedncjaj Mr.Brenbrook, tne editor, and Ur. ttrterwsf,toe businea tnueger ot tba Journal, visitedthe Kai offtca and Informed the foreman incharge that tier bad learned Inat tbe EsA to-tendejl to publish an article attacking Ilc-GoDBfU. They eaid such en srttale would bea reOectiosl upon them, ee tb«r were eupport-lag s^cConnell, and If tbe E u determined topublish it we oould not taa Uie Journal praato print oiir edition. Forgetful of the unoon*dlUonalfavonnndend tnem, thejbad theobeekito remind tne foreman tbat they wereajootnmodating us. end did not suppoee, underavebotrcunutnocee the editor would pubiiib

sob an article. Tbis ultimatum being gravelrnd poelUvdr dellveredrthe7took Uelr'fareaanrtaobed tbe editor br teleiraph

«sf In return reoelved InstruotloDs, As .neultUe aid of tie (dlton oltbe HorrlatownBanter was aollcited, u d was klndlv nodfreel]r.glreo-nfarortbnttbe£u wlilalwareapprepiata, and ever be ready to return, shouldcnoatlpuroqutre. The Jounul, poariblv rett-ing eapura 1» the bfllif Oat thef oould con-tdaw tiwfl OOlslallDI Of tsrft d l A bCQAUaVO UlOTthougbtua at their nwt«7, knew. notbloK ofonr IntaoUone till Friday Mornliig, when ournaperwu taken from Ibeir office, tblppelwllhour lornu to Hometown, prlileu on the Ban.ner prea, and return^ to Sorer in time toeatco.oor afternoon malls, a, uruaL It in-volved eonM expenditure and contiderablalabor, but the Joamal'a attempt to mussieUe cofuinns.of tbe E u In the Interat of Vo-

In thaBuu Vira>>ee'eOoairaatfoeat«ta>uloCltrUetwaak. Attaaopanlag oftkaeces-Ttntion tha._ata;cr ol forleawtrla. Va., wkobad aooneapHaaaa coiaDaj>y of f cnj&irfroDthis or/, we. l ^ n l 4 ' k i kaguert macsJWp,> o^kscame lo the front of tea Ma(eH W H W I Mthat be «alksd with dlHaolly, l>a jaoajiacinoUou deoolinaj Ue asa oi. sa artieMal Kf.Tspplnc tha ivoodess ajsenbsr with Ma aaa»henqiaitadi " It k noaalbaa that I ma; beIndebleJ to eome of ro» ganllafasr. lor.taas,

aj baart Is all right, a>d jnld Virginia•.(•all right. 11 ration e ^ r ^ K Tgliiaaud H . , « 1 ! , r ffllhtltK.Dotefelnet.eeaaotaw.buteldebjaUe, lor the old Haj." In a eaoawn! the en-tln oonnotlon waa, | leia| tkrtalustjcbaereforoUVlniliila.

p j n H ,and a touruswBt.lkw* b o W M koae.'aookand ladder, steamer aad basal'engine < n -teita, taroinaUni miitt a, grand parade ofs W , tavan dlHereel orta^lealtone, eaoh 'U-

U b b J t . j e r s e Jp . j . pNewTcaw.Couacllont,fltlvanla, Harjlud a ^ - I W * . , Tka.lre-rnen owned tba eltw fos.fpfrlSs (all. anraruvallveulerialiwl, CHelWai.H. rasitart.of Dover, waa BerjaustatJlrsas oCttaoav

Uw,' but Iha bbje; s j t t a ^ Isbriosa,'wera K ordarii that hi. deda were l

Un tbe morales of elnuj daf Hr. Jas.HMgaa, fonratirol flovar. la t iow.ofn . fceon, wae telling Aalelant KarJbal Brram i thow he once spied joe. n ,wjecavl pollo.iaatt:iii,Dover en n dra»dar, indflk«^s^>)nV. 1al l bv ure^Jog feU ;Jeniue In tke rlr.,becaua be Uraght he W W . 4 M K U H tteporfcrmsnce. Boon eMertau Btorj waa the'atraet,and ataan on horeebsck, who was afnarfEttiy adrunken matlo, daturbed tk. |'eiiiasdiiii.i,eijmuch bjr getting In tbe war <* tbe/wff of*ODcer Bjr»»oiUUooeahl«,tatMtbef?UoF

p M ^ ^ p phim and pulhd him of He boras. Hot tillth.ndUhodlaoorer that the soppojeddraakeninanweaanatlaoha ot lha ahsw, and tait ItweeaUlntbeparfoimania: aMplakaoiiinanother raU/eokins. UershalTo«in,oUlUArllngloo, who was .wattklral.tbs inoloent,

t b t h U i r ^ u r l l f rtheluaofhliliadga.

Apptoareaosboadantthat tbe dletilleriaare uut equal to grind tbe wboM ol the' crop,'and for th le reason farnere lit eone placee arenet a lb lo nod .market for. all tbelr traehave produced . CoofaquenUr Ihouetml. ofbusheuof elder tpplei In Morris ootmtv:nrarottiug upon tbe ground. Qrepea are auo w>aVnndant tbst they n e eold very ehespl;. IIIs an upparallelfd raer for fruit.

The la t negro eneeted for Ih. Fraearnurder ID warren proved a oom-pkta allU bv ahcvrlng tbat ha wuln tba W a tatthetlmetheinurderwaa committed, aod it

low inonler for Prosecutor Strrker to flnd

Cbestnettliig- end foliage pertla now barethn cell, and tbera le nothlag more deltg&tfut" « nu»bki»mt«gj»rw,v Hills et

Tbe invigorating aJr^ud tbe changingfdlftfre are dtligbta with .^bbib than la'notA:ing in tbe hot Bummer season to oocopare.'. '

A Littla Oirlla Bxnerlence ltiaUghthouM,Ur BjiuUrs.IorenTrefooUare.keenBrBof

Uie Ouv rjgbthounat Band Bacb,, .Miob.and are bleead with a dangbtar', four rearsold Uat April sbawsi taken down, withHeasla, followed with a dreadful Cough u dtumlrg Into a Fever. Doctor! ot boma andat Detroit unaled.her, but In vtia, aba grewworse rarldlr, until she was a mara "handfulof bones."—Then aha tried Dr.' E m ' s NewPlacoverr and altar.tbe o a of two and .ball.Doulcs, waaoompiotelronred. -TbexaajDr.King*, New Dbcovery la worth. Ita vttigbt Ingold, ynt you may.gat. trial bottle tree atltobert Klllgora'a Oorner Drug Store, Sorer,Orein, lTsnoe & Co. Drag Btora, Fort Orero,aul P W Jeukins' Drug'filora, darter.

Health Is mora than" wealth^and a T«M«M

Avoid inloilouite. Drink Hire.' Iloot Bc«rIf you would enjoy bosittt and loD^Ufe.*

ladles1 Xnararad ViaitlnaT Cwjdn,UtatrtfiaatttalaonXaannVt: '


noocAwAT ain> ntaTiLU ojrr TOUBTUHAflATjr AMD VBl aOltf. O» TM •OCIA»<fX

TSIBX, toomniB wvm OOOPLT VJAJtmBtior wtMrvu.

Wheo tbe previooa game between tbe U n a .dub, of DoviUe, and tb. Boekawty ethMetended In n wrangla and . Os, oalaf to tk«rerj qneetionable decialone of Daplre QaraVoar, there we, blood oo Iba face of tne nsowIbatsnonaon tba Bukaway Blvar nadSealBrook rsaarnaont, end tb. border Us. grewuotovwtUn^laofttieresvwoain

Aw^tanotgvnMwiirrangad!or, to be pteyed at Deullle ket S«t«rdaTafternoon, under tha arbitration of an Injpsr-Ual umpire from a distant towa, aod tulle »nvunterof beta ware plaoad upon the remitby the pertlaus ef the contaathal alaca.

Tbe gama wae played, at the time and plenaappointed and waa fairly won by aba Unoajclub, bjr tha oloae acore of «to 4, after a mosteml|lng contert. Tbe umpirlnj of' ttr^ MrarM. of Burnout, was impartial and >efcand u near ae ooold be observed'aacb aideraoetvad about equal banaflt. .(ron doM daotalons. Tie defeat 0( Its EooaawaToUl, wasduetotwozacta. In tha Orel nkua tbaDatt-yllla boye bad loaded too baivj tov Usaa, andud snJnUeld that would ban Msd the oa t|ls of most clubs In the tjuta. Dv.'m oftb* crack pttobart ot Da atorrfiown' aalBnmmltclube,wealntbabox. On rte pr»-^ 1 l V i I b l ^ f t t B l t

a»att.ktaru*>w»etol.eixi three eoaualwitlUoeT ale deyrary. OoVtroll, of lAfaretU College asaa, aaf late o»the Horrlstown olan, nllsd tea poeetloa, ofshortstop. Uorai,,oflbe8oa>-(toiobpHye«.t.tlu'rd.and tbe noM protasiual, "Vaaw*fari l l , nveredtbeeKOod UftsJIaongkkisname was Inacrlbed unarra^waiogn nook,Tbe Bockawfre had hot Ow) caaaat. In waabtnine. Rller, of .Bibemle, who paayed at aee.ond, and pitnaad Ua latter put of tke game.'T t . oth»cca«» lor thsdalaatot " - • " - ' -

their, opponents, having got. 'legLtaaa W b l ^ to four for tbaU-. oppoaenkvTbat. this loom loiafcung wa, a -oiunient wae qu|te arperant lo lae.neoa)onarvar. A . oateide crowd *ed cuna froaBockpway flat kept up . r a t a b l e p u d 4monlum. Tbef hooted eod railed conUnoallj,derldBd U» umpire for nearly evMy/ijr7^'and unloubtailly dldmor. a i m b> altheir ,own p U , n then aujthifi alaa,of the Unaa plaiars were, v ^ n e J * , w )a bal) bid aod oould stand tkataart of thing,butnjtny of tba EUxskaway boyawnraoom.P«aUTaljlMrr«rteoo«la»doonMat. Hoi.leranjloriawftioe, who le taaally a reliableplijnr, droppKl two Jlea, lonkelaa ttnVagaexcitement osuad by the neaorsl uproar, run,mads ty tinVnoas club were aond. Bailey and Hilerboth pitched very enTectlnly and wera nag-nlHoenUy supported byWaar: Humjaary,'

First lnilng-Tba Unoaa oiub ware qukalydisposed of In one, two, l i r a order. R »Itockeway little Waar opasaLwlth a amfe esagle, ,(ol» aoond end readad tbM onaball, bat waa thrown out at noneatteoipted to run from third on'al .

Becpod-Dlckarfin. g « to gnt on.lbrt'1drop of an easy ly.and Daj aoveoori him aeacond with a elngla. Uakanon rano.oaHollarm', drop ot Koran's By, but Iaij andHonn wire left Daver opened lor n baa bit alar two 'were'ont'got to aoond on Day> BOliu. eogatU-1tart ^:Ut.;Birw,:iir|.;tiS«5 !»;«i

ooaaUwutnutraUdl .. . .When tha naweo« tha Journal's dlacourter/

and v)okUon of afraemant spread about the1 n p l e x b l id lMnt nad eondenuatory oooament from ell-jAawe ot pwph, Inotadicg avW prcUUUtavlees. Juny felt free to ssy they bad raverbaud-1/'a won tswtisDipt'fblc I^ing..'.7iiiiaayormajootuveaettbeni to tUaklng,la l at eavy rate editor Bradbrook called at the1IU qOcs on Saturday morning, af tar all waa0T«r, to tar-to nataalnalllar he nor cosines,aajagw DMerway werareenonnble for whatjead been done-tlat it they bad been per.•allied to have tbelr way the; Would baveallowed the Kai to be printed on tbe Journalnrea. We informed him that Mr. las. A.OoodeV PnauVtnt of tbe Board of Dlnotorsof,taa Journal Cobinanf, bad itatod Uat' tbeDirectors bed: no knowledge of. tha actiontaken, end asked him who then could be re-apuMable I Bis only reply waa tbat snub otUattochboMtre bed written and spoken'totbare. ^bout It, ajxl eauad tbem to take the

'» 1«,.« It !™.uiy intelli-

gent V"i-T—* IMopl. to a y what aort of aeonarn that unit be in which tba editor,bnaJnea manager and directors have nothingto pryi tat whows Tsin must be dlroated byaisdltbeelo^fcacMsrs. :Bntdatbia,waar.told:on nllablo eothnr-

Hy tbat editor Brsdbrook Slid m Port OrsmUtat tie E w Intendal to pnblnb an ertioleon- UaCouMll that week, btat It would noteppar, adding that the EJU bad to prlnton^'Jonmel mei , Bad Ibey would not bepermitted to do ao if. tho papsr oonteinei tta hit7

•Tttola] In quaUoo, Be. bad eeuly miUakenMr«onroaof newspaper nan trained to aknowledge ol their budness, .rwi ki. plen.UinmnM. All hit erawlsblag now le injuat s.[bad Usta ai tbe bringing of HoConntUback to thla oommunlty after the publlo ei-UWUop he l»sd msda of blmaelf. No etpla-naUjo'wIU ooadoae the dlsoonrteay of thatwbo opotro] too Journal, place tbabUnaWawre ,tlwy msr.. It waa a oaotemptlble ra-tam for ktndlj tnrors noWrwl tbem, a dia-honest,violation of a contract made In gfaith, and a diagraotful attempt to gag anaonaat/es^wdoBraapKunll» Ban who baa

ithuonee brought reproacb npon lhaI Jwfakb both be end tiaj profea to

eapooa*. After socb an' eshlblnon of pro-fessional discourtesy and dishonorable treat-

retime, to ooJDa|dar tbem 'worthy of notice Inanyway. " ' ' '•' . .'/Andwholethleman HcConneU, for whom* e j have violated tba roles of journaUstiooonrteay and profeeslonal conduct I Is he

'hx ot the aacrlOoe they nave meda 1y eUtemente bave coine to ue uneolioltad.

A'pepsr received from Port Jervls, IT. T.,ttVndea,to Ua opabultiee in gulllug tools. Aconductor on Iba railroad Wls of hla dial-paled habit, in otber placee. A wall knowngentleman of Sorer, ot tbe strocgest temper-ance Drocllvititt, wbo was recently at Bus-queuufa, N. Y.,. learned that MoConntl],after speaking many nights in that place,inada an esblbltlnn of blmalf in tbe stnetatiers. Frao lultonvllleand Oahen.ln HewYork^ oome tlnuiar storla of temperancelactnrujg, followed by dlsatpatlon, all volun-tare ajyl entirely unaought. .

In on. town la we, located notlong before coming to Dover be made It hlapractice ot visiting a drug slore from atx toWtlrnpaday, to obtain the atlmuluiof tb.most pqwerfol drugs. B» would frequentlytake a ball laarpoontul ot Uccture'ot oafel-oum, or eayenne pepper, at a dOM, tbe natureof which is tbu described in the U. B. Phar-maoopquai ."Tbia preparation Is a tuefulstlniuUntlnvery lbvr states of the ayetem,wltb gsatrio insensiblUty, a. iu malignantMarket and tyjfcold fevers, aod In tbe ease, ofdninksjds." -He would also absorb tinctureot giogsr in quancLua, far beyond tba capa-bility ot people wbo were nut addicted to It.tta to; stand, snd would aomstlme. takebroeao-okffalfi and bromide' ot poiaan, snow-Ing him to he habituated to the use ol drugs,and not, the victim of an accidental overdose,ae 4aluwd by eome ot bb friends. A manaHdfafed to such nac of powerful stimulant,must btv* been in • fearful sbtba of debult*.Von.'.' . ' . - • •

W. night follow tbeee things up and makean iater^sting butory, but the matter ie aito-getber distasteful, kod we only mention whatwe Lev, to •how that we were jnstlftai Inwhat we have said, 'Co bring him back andthroat him on this cbmmnnlty w a s . displayof vlndkUveoea or had taete only equaled bythat VtljUi upheld U» raacal Baron In aame years ago. Tbe Km; doesn't pn>-pba to be mnssled in the latereata of peoploottulseort. " " .. . ' ;

a Blapbene & Co1! "Embior" Fnparw]sTowmakteflnebljcult. Try It.

^ y , 4 U e a rIUd(sonlluadayla«>,s«s<nyean. He waaan2 loa| reeUena oftke rUatt/.a.. hadlor more then ball a e-tury baat iaantiaMwith Ita nnlilkal, aonM ,»d boMneas aptsn,Bysrpiidonbe w « . surveyor. b»l a>aJKowjaid aid nlUvaM the Urge tar . npwswalet.helived. In hi. proteealoaalnir rftrkia eervtoee wen always ia.ireat

d h d U t a k h tsndLuao(property la a.vtatere.of cwsh*7 iahnaed In aba ocaatla of Manie,'Inv.tile end Sneai.tba* anj. Uvtac teraa,, aaav

_ opinUiofgraatwtwrkta tkaooar*andfataaarttlementpfeeuea. JgtwsftewconneaM wltb fcelro. laoiwlry the dej. ofobarooal ionaa, arena ttwktt haoperatad at .nrlone tiam HisknoiMgaot Its history c< forwe cfeawakae

1 upper Bockawsy end IVivaaaocrlr-

of.iians ooaattnsd.ln the Hktory <* klarra,Couily era laifely naaadapan Iba Ian, a .UoT-hKhhsfumUad. . •

--—' greet aetareiahUitaa, ooaUao*degree of eeU-Qanure, eat 1 llsg

1 .pen by tboae abort baa ate

tjiaSaasaala- Ba 11., .a.iy.lill Hwws,waeJMja i . it» .aga.

satlntlaJewJerar.lellilslai -fltiitihenjat.all.aallolMe. Hr yaMans_s«s,asa be

^T'-**.—*•-'—iiil'ililMT i l l f«U»>riUi,iaagnty of kk.osaneaar, tk.

bj.alleloarrvlv.kteTl»»aBra4 atrrina ware aaU at. hie bta' "sees on Wedaaeday, at l * . r . at, eat.

var.ssoslr .Minn by ska peona i j iiesi nafcr wawe a. lea at

ellkepuUa aacera.1. 1 ken bae« waH-ingtor.tbaa togwl tbensaea. hat 1 vkaat'I.witls,.eto wait .kag tinee, loci leaakwar .-'


Tblrd-OorjtiallraadeatwobaaealltortheUnoM side, and scored en earned ram'on WW b r t t b h ^l two bagger, waue the Bocaaw j an.felled, to ooooertWra, the itret nig r''"~

r t b O M Bi l ' i

wboaninadi . _ ,paead ball aaMeorae o . llolleraa'a alt.Dsvej f oUowad with aMIs*' ate eh, eat

op>oedwJthasinaieaa4weateoeeooBdo.apaaa4 bnU. Balky reached M o i D Q VT'1- TI — 11 His lisas T niMsi mull IMHon the! error, and aeorad on F, HifhWe wildt h U l h I l l l d U l dy a l » d . tUl(ythlMcoHm'sascrlnce.baldiedllara.

B l h mBella, kad not been bit hard, aaa the Uaoaebalameo failed so aake u . 'aMW, torBUkaway, egaln asded irst in 'a'.clietdegantbtutud eoorad on I. Blgbtara Mthrowjto e s n a d - - - - - • ' - • * -••>—•-• •

,«ifbnr>fnllar.toboUtaebaiUaa>talrs- i>»»ftJ^'^ :a#i;«; .;jvi idi irtmuff k nail Inrown k, tt. pkoe.,,r. fkaaer


l>"ytt-l'eerwuglree|tvao>hw»s, stole•saa snl tklrdand eocndo. V. aUgUeA

hit Ihe bUer wae tSWV ' - • " • - — " -

balls, tat wa, throw, cot uTlrylw to M

KlghUi-&. .H. Stghler taaaaaL bat onWsar'i fallura lo hold his third aartta, brtwas farad ont at .eeoonu. The RookawayeMU4ioite«.minio nrii -••" ^ ^ ^


;W.RI| starF.R3 ter.t»kTO

J.teer.»ib.:iOontrell.B.K.1 4RI| star.latb. 0. aR3 ter 0 «

,U 1 1p..... IIsr,o.f. 0 <

b l i

S S0 01 0

. | » -J.B. Belter, r-f. 1 » 0 0 « 0 0 0

~ ~ 6 87. 5 1 .SejitB I

i .5, S?

S 1 0, 08 '6 0 i0 1» » i

I 0 0 1 0)0II l 010 t0 o 0 l 0 5a o ,« I ; I I0 0 « 0 0 0

KOCKAWAT.- n . 0 ;" — ... , 0 4

v,a.e... 0 4.i. l 'Sb . . . . . . 1

U . 1SL Iw, SO,. A. M.0 1 1 11 0.10 0 « o. 3 %-• - -• i o o

A.aon40Utina.Walter L ICaln's drens, wUck vkited

Dorar last Bttordar, was oaa>pt Ih.beNaesehere la'yetrm, and had uu^jandapoa'atr

P"*"^*"™- T(»»o™aini.,a«Weais/One, the- leattotthe meat daring « d dlOonltcharmcter, aod every 'ect efrnptlnnallr g o t lBut bettir than all wa, the sajelleot daport-.rnent rf aU oonraBtsl. with show, and tke eat-t in abasnoe of fakers end tongba.

* "'-il— *miiris*1 M tip— famr udec eny,ohtNra Bannfactorera,' ud,.raMian a n

nowaotoian«,T7trade. TVllalaacawcaj.i V l I t t r r t d t l

have lanerr Incraaaal, and ais the aenand for'immediate ;^lgoods. : AM eOl.u^ tu^'tbe' . iSEoiurltf U,w, whicU.the. i M ' .PrSSWyear ego wojoid ruin tba country.

Booklet/a AraJailalTa.The bat lain in tba work! for'Com, Dons,rulsa! DIowa, Belt Bkeum,' ,lFW Bora,

u d slliBslo KropUorj, and pcaitlrilynnnertcforMiayroiinred Ijiajmanntasdto

Sfiooc <Tbemberlain, ts.:aeoa>I Isilllijte l ^ o l J . t b v > n t k « l M^ v , a « » g n

yean eos of tha most saafulcneeaaeatd l d U k k ) k

poaUoa m MelaraaoaV / ^reeavarUg eertka to tkoaa ahoalhim. He waa frwientand aaenaeafal ha bewl-

*>v»j ganwa ,wereUratoUae,ksi>Mlksae

M d - • - •

.».jsss'i»a'»l1a»a«. • "POK qnea, s.i,,ant. gik, V»l.

To raaXnnon ov.iwn l e i t—Two'weeka ago last Busday I viaHain

friend of mine at Ironlnk who was sick and.nui sitting In his room I a w sU.maapaa.brwkow««i«Ued. Boaa Mast afler,»h-l ".my. w«y home, aaosa awa pan.aM*..lag. ' four ol.. them ware .MopeaMe thewaist, blood waa ttowlag vary, freely, aad« k k l U U d t l

ino»lr(alliwere from Dorer. Tkaasitdsy I.wea aw-i««frM<>>^>on«Uih.lUsg ud.beseid^aawouJd report k/to. tbe Hiarrei

rrr-j),"*? •**,***•*. « * BaMay.KbuatraBlotheofaaenoflWJnsad.* oBcer. who was awwag. hs a*

I, rw^liedtWuay had. a, histeinot paUU, It tata, Ikm » * • » .

,;ola> Wars to theeadof tale. awi-I -,. *J i a . o l taa'oiearl..ot.«si Msnsl It . - '

' over etfasaea,ar .«•> w a a n k M - « - " ,ft.lisw|>.gB.-'ts)'.gB«:':^;'.'^


~ ' ' H«« TarfkCirai •»»#.<r U Ua late Tansaslwrria, wwaaskeaTiagauOeo.amos,ntraaa)en.^n>

iroands end

dactsids. etaarrWaboaqeatoforobala.TJeicateaonraws asrfarail by herB f i O ' i i i U l

A»oidi«<i,irno»uu«ua»,Iara,Xasaaak>etwks,at atcsrlasiwn,

Imown « the Aaar& jeaaxr'' I M^ l i ^ h ^ ; t '

m«ti-«T«yiai , ia ,UlherTpisre end freeh, end aba saga hi aitwlmtss..Una ahdUme. Sbe ia lee anagiaW ol «kKn«lia, vlollakt: laaad ' " 'bisjaniaraarear on the conly, iajelr. year, of ai'

_. „ tyca.aTBU.'-llwaskbj this inclh-forrjS^nureergln »ew.york,'taBjfjlil^.,^ ^ ^ t o r a l l t t t a c o W t S S i V o a .isgralfylnnadoljnonry.,

Hoar. Try It

Page 2: WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers,


lover Printing Company

rlduj.Oct 9. 1891.




£[ow the New Tariff Works.Thi fcjh» passage of the McKiiiloy hill

havit j^jood effect la aeon en ovorj hanD ii

d i d

in evfef line In wliicb tho tariff Is well eatnbUEIIW ^American prints aro from a Lair cent

a yard lower since tlio tariffinto j fect . Bleached Oilrtllig* and tu

A quarter of a cent to a cunt and ahalf ^jfer, while the duty is Increased halfcent fjjsprd. ' American ginghams ami washfalrlti'liBva rteciwund In cVwt ficeu t^acen taya rd . TinuiaybavIn p r m but sugar lias fallen socannMfcoodi wilt be lower than over before.Suretj&fcugar is king, and the MeKinfcy bill.11.1 ti£=*Hvh.n it |H Jiuown tlint tho McKIiiley

a decrcuiK in American Import*icture of more than n qunrtfimore than a tlilnl, in milliner

a tdxtb, In cement of more tna

. jt'will bo realised tbat Americans ha.been fWg*d to manufacture so much greaterrmsntMti of tbesa tilings, ami tliut AIIIBHIindusjtt has t h r i l l hlneo tbe law went IntoelT«:tfgi*a a coiiK'iiueurc of the McKIuleyIftw lofty new plantations for tbe culture oftoba«sp«re to bo start**! lu Virginia, LnnaaM Kentucky. Who bliall say tliat tbobill i*K>t a Rood thing far American Indus-tries,•ipgainst foreign ItupnrtAtloi

" | Facts About Tin Flatiank, tbe BecreUry of tbo AmericanHUwl Association, Is not a pnrtl«aiaUuneiiti ran b* relied

tins the manufacture of tinintry, and bo give* iu tho Uul-

latlaoftlieAasoolationallHtof -"0 sucb rnctorleaWreadyoHharinaklng tin plateororect-Ing thViWwasary ulimt. Kut even Hies* flg-ure«aiW|>y no meani complete, as new mlare projected every week. Tbo free tradi(till ke*p up their tin plate HM in tho sniway they did twenty years ago, when 1manufacture of steel rallt was slowly maHheadway In tbls country under a very hightariff.: The free trade llm alwut steel railwwo long tlnoe laid on tbe shelf. Instwul oflendlug;" over tW 000,000 o year to Hurope topay fur rails thin country I* not now sendingoue duliar abroad fur that furiKMo aud steelralli are selling for one flftb the prices thencharged.- A timllar remit will bo brouglabout cnucU quicker with tin plates. - Theihas already been a tremendous reduction Inthe importation of tfn plat**, fond In n fiJoan, lanlvad of sending f30;00U,UX) outtbe country, every dollar of tbat sum will Liebent at home and tin plates wild cheaper thanevor before.


He Walled Disaster too Soon.Governor Iliwsdl, of Sfwwiriiujictts,

iiliort-Algbied enough to Join tho wihmltywoiltTH at a Democratic wet-ling in New Yorkcity lust winter, and now ho finds liimwlf com-inUcd to defend hlmwlf frum tbo sluli'im'iitnLe undo about tbe Industrial con (lit! on of hi.sHtntn. Hi> pictured agriculture nnd unuiu-fncturiug ua dec lining mid tlio IR-OJ.IO In-coming poorer every yenr. Hurh clmryi'oro unny to mnin, but when Minvitiplug Ktiitlstira by tho column ran IKS quoted to rcfutthem they becomo troublesome. Oovt-rnorlUiBwl], like a good ninny other men, thmiglitit wna tbo jwjmlnr " fad >\ lout yenr to ]>n-achittlHiuiCy. Ho Imagined Hint tho tidal WCITOtliat Ixirehiin into ofllco could Iw mmlo n iier-mnuont political condition if tho pwpiu wareinnduto Iwlieve tliat ovurjtbin^ wiw goiuj;to tlio dogii.' lie "sold sliort" on Ills countryon toa>ninl! A margin, ntnl tliu ivo:n)i<rfii1jirovcraont iti cruryilifng bns ininjik-l

d liim. Mr; Iiuwell will kiicnv betterpwxt time, but lio' won't ha GovernoJ I h t l

• - XT. FBEEDOM.Mra,-R. T. Bowman Is atJll vnry III.MimJennie Albertaon and friends,-frotil

Vienna, are visiting at Mrs, Black well hi thisweek, . . , . .

Prof. nanklnLot Mick, made, a call at tbimame.Miit week, while OD Ills vay to Balti-more, to'ktterid Johns Houklcs Institute

Mr. A:t/DIU MWUL ]ut ThUrsJuy ID tlalsuelgbbooal

Mn, EUnry Cbtrk, of St, Louis, who hLbcou ej«Ji)ing the past few weeXs in tblsTlciolty, wiL return to Ler home next week,accompanied by her nepliew, Jlarry Clark,Trho attend! school at tliat place. - '

Rev. l l r . Holllnalicd aud F. M. Merchant,, delegates,'attended tl)e Sunday BchotA Coa-

veation at Morrlstown, lost Wednesday.IjflBtMiKdsr was Mr. Job.'WoUev ulubty-

«cond- Mrtbday."It"wnr accordingly cele-brated by the preacnoe of nearly all tbe mem-bers of the family

Th.M.E.jnau80li completed aud dedicatoryexenbea wqre held last Tuesday afternoon andeTenlng, flve.of tbe former paaUira Ul

' It proved a very enjoyabls t

Prank Tlgert bor»e baa recovered fMl. - ,

Mn. Lancv, ot BboDKUm, died lait Satur-day. Intmnent In M. E. i;»uia«ry.

Mia Uendanop, o( CbeiUir. Is tbe guest, ofMrs. Jot, IBDSOD. . ,

Wiltor IlnlboH," «hllo working a t G u -Savailge'athia week, caught bis baud in tbeburr uir, cutUng it very ladly. VIOIJTITE.

XT. A B U K d l O N .iln, atill.of Oovor, Is vldtiug her slater,

Mm. Rdgar HenryMh« Nettie HichoU U attending ichool in

New York cjly..Ur. Denfy Altvubraiid and , faintly re-

turned to "tbdr h'orae in 'Brooklyn on Thurs-day. * ' ' ' ' ' • ' '

A fair will bo held by tfca member* of tboDrnkMtrllle-aaptUtUhurch on tbe afteruoonsand eroobioof Oct. 13th and Hih. A verypleasant Mfaa 4a ^xjitvtw), and all are Invitedto attend.. U tbe neAtber ibould be un-faForable tbe'.fafr, will bo held tba next clearevenings. ' ,

Itov. Jahin B. nrady' la's returned fromhi» trip to tho B"utb. -

Urs. Wat Niiruiaii spent last Sunday InNow York, as tbe guest of Mrs. llolwrt Udu-lap. , . . . - . - . . •

Ur. Van Dyke and aon, of atorristotm, IKIVBbeen Tlsltlng Councilman aad -JIni, A. Dgtspbeno,

Ur. Darid Trundy aud fa nil ly have vncatedtheir La>e Hopatcong cottage.

Ur. Cyrus B.'Uook bits the contract for tbenew town haH,"»htou is rrog»««lng rapidly,and whan'completed will be a credit to Uioborough. •

MIM Sue n..O9unen spent lost Sunday In' Dwer.

A number of people of ML ArliDaton areattendiug tie Nowt«n fair. RUSTICATE.

KEW.VEBNOW.The Rev. Mr. Noble, of Ucndbam preached

in tbe Presbyterian Cuurcb bora last Sunday.Tbo Mite Booiety -has bouebt and put up a

very neat street lamp In front of the church.Fred. Band's boura U nearly fhUihed; and

tha paluUrj are now at work on it.Township Commltteo mot last Saturday anil

rewlTed road returns, and reports of districtoverseers. ~I

Tbe Board of Registry la making its round*through tbe township.

Squirrel (hooting has begun, and tbe rabbitson growiDf lea* familiar.

MJss Clara Oliver is U>acldnE school in Par-alppany, and Uta Helen is attendldg Ecboo]In Dorer. :

Fred. Potli hai boi^tt tbe Theo. BUrensfarm of fifteen oerpd, for $J,OO0 and expectsto begin railing truck next Bpriug.

l ln . Albert Uudaley Is visiting tierdaugbter, Mrs. Sayre, In lienver, Col.

Farmen are about thron£u cutting corn andtbe crop li an average ono.

Many welts and ejiringB fiavo dried up, thisbeing the longest drought since 18t2.

No frost ter* as joL

•;T> MlLLBBOOK..Ourhacdsome' new bridge orer tbe II111-

brook stream, near tbe tctioul libute U aboutormpl«t«d. It Is a alone structure and hsiaanrch measurlDs eighteen feet In wldtb byabout nine fast Io>m ineltojBtone to tha waterbelow. UbAifourUmeaUie tapadty of tbeone ft repbvv«,jret aoma of tbe older inhabi-tant* believe It to be too small.

Tba height.of the new bridge calls for aboutone thousand cu\ilc^anla,of earth far gradingpurposes. This wilt prove of great benefit tothe Binnr teamiters canftasUynsliiK the road.

Lu t Friday eveniug Prof. Johnson, a trav-eling trickBter, kept bis audience in almost aittMm of laughter by hi* Itgaidemalo,' • -

The eighth of October and rtiU no f rort tarsan aoma ol Ibajow lands.

A more beautiful fall ope could icarce det re.

' ^ * loaded Sh«ll^05 ID a boz/at birry'&Co1* Dover Hard ware

* t o ro* "' ' " 'It fa claimed that tba dam of 'Pocaiiontu

' Lake, MoWtoorfn, ii In an waaft cobdJOon.


y g ndiscovered iu what I have Lad to say abouttlio dutkir lu 8t. liarj'a Hospital, Hoboktgranting two dollars for stating tbe causetbe late Charley Bmalloy'i death and alKuiugbid inline to it ».me reflection on the good Hia-tors of Cbnrity wbodorot* tbuir time, withoutmoney and wltbout prico to the allevlhuman sufTeriug there,

- They have npUt-j sharp, I ween,iVho see what Is not to be seen."

I hope nobody will tbluk it nueensary torush Into print about it though, for, lot me aajiu advance, I stall JMJ no atluntttm to it.

Tburu is ua uiau v> Lu appruclaUa more hlgliljtho noble character, Ibo kindly nature, thsulf-duuial of tbo bis Urn of Charity thau tberailroad man who has been treated In tbehospital where the/ Lave acted as uurseo.hnvg jot to hear the firet word of fault flndiifrum any inati here who ban been under tbeiienruaud iheraarowveniJ of tliein withA'ellber have tbuy found fault n Kb the medicalskill of the tloctora iu tho jwrUcjlar bofipitalunder conniJcration. What I found fault witlit what «wined to me the outrsgeous chargu( two dollars fur simply btatiug what thti rail-road mau died of aud signing bis uiuno to it, l y

tor. lam douo with thin subject for tho. If tbe attention of the piibflu hasttnict«l to it, I bavo aecompliahi

whut I ubirted out to do.Mason 1'eter Larisou baa tlie contract f<

buildiug tbe foundaUcn cif tho cow Netcongschool liuuw. Tbiii-e wore wvoral ufddoru butMr. Larlsoii was tbe lowest—eleven buuJredmd (Ifty dollars.

The Nulcong band eiijojed a rtdo In theirband wagon Saturday night and gave tbeBtauhope jieoplo a taste of their music.

Mi-. Coin's Hobolars succeeded In raising*'!17fura new inuiJcal luatrummt for theirschool bouse. Ueo. Valentine rais $Louimi Swlgbuian $16 ; Tot Knight $ltl; and'he ulUort mualler euins. I think a good i-e riot nine lit, buch as Mr. Coj« aud bin eohuliliuovrliow to get up, will add the balance andjiurdioso a good piaoo.

Our anniversary services will 1M held In thebaiwl on Sunday, Oct. ISth.Knther Brady has returned from hia Houthara

trip looking lirat-rftlo. Get him to toll youabuut ft. Xt would make iuturuatlug roadiug.

Kuv. 1. U. Condlt of the tltauhope l'resby-te rian Uhurch bog attended the moeUugof tbe1'rcsbytery of Newton at Hamilton Junctionthin week,

The Council of tho Baptist Churches mot Iithe ilnptiat Cbajiol, Notcoug, to bear tbo proUaUinW lu ttie matter of the ordination ofllov. U'ui. Htiawger, who baa ueen oillelatingiutheiiaptiHtCbuptil at tbat place for somutime Tbe Uev. guilt ID inn a was ordained iiIiito of tbo (iroUat,J told you to bo careful about mixing you

driuhn. BuiiiulHKiy'fi usual tlpiilo liiuat haveK<it mixed, I reckun.

1 l cot cbaDged my opinion of tbewho hold* up tbeesampleof St. Poterdenying

l Miutcr, ua CUB to be followed by younntiiut Lhuy uii^bt feol tbe remorse of con-

ucu tbat he lull and then the kcowied^q olrsiu rorgiven. Judos Incariut iwtrayixi

the Mustur, too ; but wo havo no record thatlie was proud of it Hf tor wards, His

diirorcut from tit. FuUr's you sI do not bcliuve tlie good sniut who In

aaid U> carry the keys or tbe Kingdom ol•a, evor bragged uiucb about tbat little

uifalr iu l'ilot'a court yard when ho deniedlib an oath that ho WAD UIIO of tba follow emt i) le Nazurouo.Tube mr advice, boys, ami dou't form tbe

riuklag bubli nu mat Lor wuo mny persuade,nil then you will never fnd couatrnlned to

stand before the public as an illuitriaua e i -uplo of what tbo Lord can moke of a.'formed drunkard.The Btanlioi» Citizen's Hand went to NBW-m fair ou Wednesday, It was not <iu(te as

bad a day forn baud as It might bave hemi,Iut it vas a prctly tough day all the same.

good jioopte of Sussex luimt bare, lovedbatui tousle Intensely If tburu was much of aturn out at the fair. Tbe band did their parthowever, ibo rest you can lay at tbo door oftbo new clerk of tbe weather.

Tiicro wan a good deal of talk at tbo timenf the tihaugo of Hilary of tho IWident fromfZi.uoo to #50,000 a y»ar, umuy very good|x.-ojile claiming tliat what was salary enoughjr Uetirge WaHliington ougut to be salaryHough for anybody. Here are tho salariesarh>n«eovErntnuutai«y theircbk-le: Unitedtatai $50,000 a year ; Persia tOO.WO.OOO (uo

wonder be wears barbario pearls and gold) ;Russia f 10,000,000 ; Blam f 10,000,000 j SpainrJ.WJO.UUO; Italy and Ureat Britain f3.000.0OOeach -, Morocco $3,600,000; Japan tli.iSOO.OOO;Egyj.ttl.iMI.WK)! Bernmny $1,000,000; Bax.ony JTlW.OUO; Portufial, Sweden end Brazilf (100,000 L-ech ; France #200,000; Uaytl #240,-Mfl. You HUU we do pretty well nmong tbe

itlom in proportion to our size, BO far as thesalary of our President Is concerned. Prettyeconomical, eli t

WbatiBthomatterfnlheBunofllcel Edl-ir Dana or tbo olUce cat, or both, must be

away. " The couilug trial (of Dr. IJriggi) willIw, therefore, a trial of tbe old vlotva of Scrip-ture, as contrasted with the new, It willafreet profoundly the faith of all Protestant-ism for It Will strongly Influence tbe popularattitude toward the Bcripturct. Instead oftwing accepted aa on infallible book which It«» H Biu ui lumtion, tliB Bible will be put Intbe OHM of tbe sharpest criUcIun." Tbat Is

hat tbe Sun Bays and it must be so I sup-aso ; but really 1 thought that for conturle*is Bible hod been In tho flro of tbe abarpest•Itiebm—long enough, In fact, to be burned

in. but it bus a way or popping up above theHaw unharmed, like tbe tieurew children in

fiery furnace. CCIUB on with your lirei. There are certain scientific gentleman

who Uiluk they know more than Uoeea andthe prophet*, and certain literary gentlemenwho thiuk It smart to sneer at the Uible andno dcut)t their eons will •• think their fathersfools, BO wiae they grow," and Improve, vastlyin their noiiBenae; bnt tho Slbie will still re-lain In spite of tbem. Why did not Huxleyr Darwl» or Hob Ingereoll iuiprovo on it I 1

lid not know before that It tnaile any differ-ence to the Scriptures what tbu popular atti-tude toward them w as ony wore tbun it made

diiTerencd to the ten commandments whatho chililrea of L^utl Utu^U ubuut tlitm.Jobn Beat's new house at bUnbope and Sara

McCon Hell's new bouae at Ketcong are un-closed and ready for tbe plasterer* and paint-era. If it does not raiu too much this weekour new school bouse will have the roof

The Youug People's Booiety of the Btanhoporcsbjterlon Church will bold their regular

moutbijr euclai at the bouse of Mrs. EtlcabethBtaekhrase on Tuawlay evening of next week

il ulbtrwlw ordered. li. J.

her cousiu, Mrs. Uicktiiwn, uf thi

Mrs. I'Uiiiir Kpt-inisr, of IJOWLT IlerkablrIbitttl bur iwivutii, Mr. uud -Mrs. Huliua, tl

first uf this HWII,Mr. mid Mm Wood nnd rfiiuuhtur, of I W -

villi?, oro jff>jipiti£ at Air. Mark Mcekur1*Urn. Ilurd uud daughter, of Hurdi

were iu town on Tuesday of this wiHik,Ur. TJUIIIIAB Kiiip and wife visited Mrs.

King's mother ut Andovur ou MVluftxlay.Mr. LSnafii, prindjuil of thu Stato .Vonnnl

Sir. A. M. Hunter rccdvcl u vuHiirt nf £*•(NNiduuuiKi'N ii^iiiii^t tliu Eluvutwl U. K, 1Sow York city recently.

Lust winter WIIL-H Dr. Couch wtu litre, tliEpmirth League, uf this pluco, promised bimthnt they wnuld rnUo fc-J.IO toward |iaying fttbuIttiprowitmntttf tliu M.K. Uhuidi. SOUKtime ngo thoy h<-ld a nu>:itil<lo in tliu cliujxnnil iiiisod *.*> of tho lumnral. i'liL>u tliutook another iilau to r ilhu tlm IMIIHIICU. I bohtikctLil thrcti young luilit'H, luvuiburtj of tliluAgiitf, Ui i-ulleft tmnihiy fur thnt pur|nioj!, tl:uuu who colk* tod tliu lurgdfct KUII< '. f luonuy tc

Imliui MilutUx! wwu MLss Kiuliy Uc't—•llcrtha TIIOI!1[J*JII utid AIIMJ l/ittlo Iliirris.Miw Harris witlnlruwfi-um thu wmte.4, butliu otliur two continued to tlio close.

Tlio HuccoBunua anil Mt. l'leataut ball clubn[ilaynl thewcond game of ball. Up U, tb«ulnth lulling tho Huqcasunnn boys i>lnycd agood gauip. l>ut in thu ninth Tnauiic tbcjchaiiK»d catchers—the Inys were " rattk-d,"-' tbe lit, rjeosant boys scored Trims, QUL

UUB won tho gome. At the end uf tba eigtbinnfiig tbe game stood 7 U> 11 In favor of Hue

Mr. aud lira. J . G. Duck of thin plate cellbratod tho IDtb aiinlverairy uf tbdr umrrU^In aa B]>propriato umDiier, ono day lout week.Wfxt year if all bo well tbtiy will otlobratotheir golden wedding.

,y uvi-uliig uf thin wivk wtw thu fi>r tbo cc7iiU. t to closo, uud to jij'CM-'ttt tinwatch Io tbo BULTesjful conttsUuiU TliuinciiiUorti ol tbu k'Jijjue at tbo tlmo had I"*e-uirud anil jiresuiiUil tiio folluwiiij^ ])royrmii:fronting Uleo, by the olioir; reiulini; by A.ikitll«tiij;ur, ".liLiiifu liutbr aud tlio Owl;'ull cliorua, "(Undljj Wo Hail Tli Li Fubtiil•)ny;" rejtdliii,' l>y JeiiniuLihliy," Charity i'alo, by Mies Cnrriu U'jcktiir, '• KUB HID US 1ill AHlenii;" rotullun by K. Fitzherlwrt,(Juw)r I'L'oitlo;" full churiw, "1'astt i to i i ; ''luliiif t,y Alrx. l.bMu Hrwi, '<Joxliuo'.liituur/ ;" iluiit by tho AlW't Alliinlu and

Muillu ltL-jjur, " .Miiuiiltjjlit, Jluhio, U" wvn j " rfcitiitlui) hy liattio Tfiiill, ' Tlio

ildor Uuihl;11 full chuius, " U ( t uj> tliujHtl linuiiur;" tliiL't by K. Kibliurburt nmli!ph HiuriK, " Hintxl Away;" rt'aiHiit' hy

Arthur Hk«lli-iij;ur, " Iti-uthor AIHIUI-HJU'H Kurion;" lull churUH, "Homo nil Uwmtiful |ilu, " Builhuj," Ity A. Hkwllmigor. At tillme the txjiuumtte came in mid said thuy

Muro ruuily to i>reheuL the wuiuh to tliu uuowikful oiiu. Ituv. Mr. I'rlirkittt uiiil thoy ImduiuiU'il tbo iiiuney and fuunJ tlii-y liitd LIJI-1:11*1 tlit'ru i-'Jil, uuil that ftliw

lUTit anil lit1, tlieix'loiL1, would iirobcnt Mihactior tliu wiitdi. At thin juuctuiu liev, burjirixi^l thu IIIUIUJMTS of t liu ka^uo

and thu uudluuui> by holding uj> iinotbor gulilitcli. Ilu KUM bu uoL only lult ghul tu i>i~e-ni a gold watch to tiiu Huuct'satul i«irty, butw aim} iik'SMd to give olio to tlit; Uisui>i>oiiit-

oue. Mr. i'rk-ktitt visittfl u fow of hU'Huudis, luiUulo uf tlio coinniuulty, anil r.iLuJJiu tuom-y which cuublud Urn tu b'et lhuiL-ontl natch, Tim wutclics wuru bouglit ofluirliouse, tlie juwelor, Dover. 1'UJIKHU.

Uy iuvfUtlon of thu Y. I1. H, CIS., Mr.Llt-o. li. JenkiiiB, of Dovor, will read on Frl-

y cvtiiint;, tho KIlli iuiit., in tlio I'rosby-iuu clmjH.-] til Hiiccubunim, a inuier on Houtbtifjrlen, lu which country he bus spent mnu:io. After tlio raiding or tliia [lajier d

Hum! uoviiil will bo lifkl. F.

TBOY HILLS.Dates jiurclmewl from tho auction

wlo of Jobu ^Valdrou a full-blooded IlnlsteiuBifar. TMB now completes Mr. Hntcs'ilnlry

uud ho lias a lino it one aa we have iu Uiia vi-inity.Tbo bridge opiKwiteUioJohu Morclond rtsl-.•ncc in HUM' coiujjlotol and haa umltrgone a

nutv cout uf luiuit.At tills Into hour we lenm of Uio marrlago

U l of Miss Annio Lnko to Air. Smith,l upirator nt Ki'nvil, on inn I Sabbath

g, at Hockawny. ltcbig actiualuttxtiththo brldowo do not) licaitato iu taring

jur null wiohiii go with you.Ahhor Dnremits lion on exhibition^ M. 6.imdit'H «ton>, nt Pnrsippaiiy, a cucunilwr-own by biinsclf In hln gnrdwi, at Duoutou

:bat inoiufiirtt) Kl Inches in length. Good forpou, Aslicr. You may yet become a tiller ofiu toil.lU'ury Hlielly Is busily cugngetl making

ddcr ami for thia puri>ose ho has tsngagNlOsenr QirniDr, fimncrly of Irvintjtou, N. J .!tTr. Ctti-intr's widely known fame- in thini]wit}' lut-ds no runinrltd,Tho hvibiuess mating of tho Christian En-favor wan held nt tho bouso of Wisa Wnrj-

MoCune, at Vhippany, on last Momhij* ovtn-iig. The follnwing olllcers veera elected :

iM Jcfelo 1'rltio, President; ilka Fertuscn,ico Proslilcut; Slalwl Uhlpman, Hwi^Ury,

Mb* Minnie "Wilson, Triasurtr.Patrick O'Nlell ban completed tho now faceone wall bolwet'ii Iiiinwjlf and Uio Cliarlta

U.-onan! ]>roi>crty, nnd greatly odds to thofluty of loth [ilncoa.Itqmiring tho IiighwajB socina to bo tlie

order of thu day. The bill opposite BIr. Pol-hird'e rosiduuoc Is undm^otug u thorough rc-alriug. Jinny thanks to tliu roadiiiasU'r, forUs UAH lone Iron an eyesore tii Uie travoliuj;nbllc.Kow t)mt Andrew Cobb, of Parslppnny, liasL* ue* horso bUibles cumpletol, it is well

wurtb while to visit them and Andrew willescort you through with an air of satisfaction.Well ho may, for their equal cannot bo foundnround old Pnrslp]inny.

Wo are |>1«iMd to state that MLscs LitiittMordnud, Mary Shelly and Iruna Blanch

d nt tho bead of tbulr class In the Mala-dis Echo6l. Let me say right liere, yio on over efficient toucher, Thcmfo

.liis ix your golden oiipnrtunlty. Tut yoinlionldon< to tbe wheel, and always rememberthat the I>cii is mightier than the award.

William YuuugH, ono of our thrifty fartn-uni, and abw a caqicnlcr by trade, came veryuoarmeftin(,'\vIUi a ecrious accident but JIou-dny uiglit, while driving bomo from Whlj>-

iy. Tbe fad* nre thesp : After Imbibingmuch in Whfppauy tanglo foot ho trtartcd.

ar homo at a break neck speed. Wlivn op-posite or near George Covoy'i bam ho coUldodwith a vagon driven and owned by EdwardWilson, and tlie result w Mr. Young'swagon and everythluff pertnbilng theretowas tlirpwn into tlio Wldpjmny river, oadnow IJ>. Youngs Is a sadder but wiser man.

Eugeco Qulnby picked last Monday 1»nnples fbat filled a luUf bunbel buket. Takethem to tbe tiransar's loir Ur, Quinby andyou will come out second to none.

Edwin Quinby pays if Eugene can beat liltni taa site of apples bo cannot on turnips,ivlag recently pulled a turnip tbat w e i h drer tbrro pounds. * QUAKX

For U]ortr*trf cUculan s n d 4o Frid. D.Ftvpbao*. emwuiViJky. H. f,


DENVILLE.We had a pleasant chat tbo otlior oveiilugIth Mr. W. T. Lelghton, tho genial private

jfcrelary of the Mt. Tabor Aiunclntlnu. Mr.Ulghton tbinkR the {irosiwcu of tbe associa-Jfln wcro Dover brighter than at present.During tlio pant fionsmi bn Bays thn nttondnnct.'ind rtoeipts were largo. For tho flruttfniQ iu

some yuan* every cottage was filled aud thutalent wan probably the best ID tbo history of

association. Secretary Leigh ton witliwEIIA to correct an error which was pub-

itJiedsoma time ago lu a certain iiaper ti-tho(Tect that thriw of tho truitees of tbe assooia-ion are members of ovanRolicnl cburchos-tlier thnn tbo Metbodlst Episcopal Church.* says the trutb of the matter 1B that during

i year tbo constitution mid bylaws of tbeorganization havo Ixtcii revised with great

•o, and the constitution has boon so alteredit three of tho twolvo trustees may l»

members of any evangelical churcn otherthan tbo Methodist Episcopal Church, but anyet no alterations have been made.

Miss Bu*lo Dlckerson's store at Tabor 1BItwed for tha eonaon.Mira Letbla Uiuctmon bos accepted a posi-

tion as tcachor of a school near BernardBV 11 le.IVe wish her success.

Ur. Walter K. Clark, we aro sorry to hearon Ibo sick Hat.Walter C. Freeman has A curiosity In a ona

looted rooster which bo ban mimamed' Mickey.11 When a email chick Mickey hadme foul mashed by being trod on by a horse,

but instead of cutting oil the bead Mr. Free-man cut oft tho foot Tlio stump soon healedend never ne«nied to trouble Sir Mickey ID thsleast. Ho Is as large and lively as any of thebrood,

Wnrk nt Cranberry Lalto hns teen sus-pended for tho present, tha dam being com-pleted, the proiueed lako cleared of brush,stc. They are now waiting patiently for the

ill rains, upon which thoy muut dcitcnd forlollll ,D. II. & J. B. Rfgbter havo tbe contract

'or tha tinwork en and (or tbe heating of theT school building at Port Morris. Also forLtitig the school tuiiiding nt Upper Hibernta.ilr. Chu . A. O'Dell, of Littleton, bas beeniblr a (Dieted by thn Jen tli cf hia irife and

child. Two weeks ago the little, one wasburied In the Tienville cemetery, and onWednesday of tbls week IU mother was laidit rest by Its side.

The Eiu. in greatly praised for its full, fairind impartial reports of tho ball games luils vicinity.lAst Saturday afternoon was not the firstme we have seen boys spanked for telling

Iba about their nnlgblmrs.Umpire McOrath said after Saturday's

ame on tbo Denvllls ground a that cither ninewas strong enough to go tu Morrfatown andplay ball.

The Itockaway anil Fort Oram clulia bareicaged the Denvilla ground B for a game on

Saturday, Oct. 10th.Rockawny'* jwny battery ore dardlea Iu

i-lr clans.Iklanager High tor bos received another chal-

lenge from llockaway aud thoy may be ac(»ramodated noit week, if a satisfactory gnmecan be arranged.

We don't mean tbe Roclcaway club nhene speak of tbat howl lug mob who did not

bavo tbe decency to listen to tbe entreaties oft<ome of tlielr uwat reapected townsmen andemployer!.

Win. Ufghter, who played such A floe gamea first base for tbo Uncas club, had notlayed ball before tills BSASOII.Dan Day leaniBd to pitch while with the

old Denvllle club and lias played .here cactisensou since.

We noticed that somo of the Denvllle boyirero quite flush with uoney afUr Iaat ~ *irday's game.The Donvillo people don't like flattery and

-Tie tho Rockaway folks ' '- '-* ' -UiigitlhoUonviflodub.

veutiihe Itev. Uukiir Hmitli prenchod bis liiltiinun m iuwt/ir of tho I'mnbytorlnn I'linrdi. Sunday inoriifUfJ. In tlio HUBUX Kuffixtcrluit ii-fuk, In tho Bjuirtn luttar, wuu tlilu

litllu Item, ivhldi mny iiiUirenttho iwnlers oEtiAiuKJanduriiBt least:A farewull fit>rtiian was preftchwl by Kov

Daker Nmith nu Suudny evening la tlie Tret*liyUtrinn Church, nwIntelt by Itcv. QoorgiMiller to a Inrge and atteiitivo congregationHia text won tho fourth chapter of l'iiflllpiananil eighth vorso, and It was a brilliant andull dvliveixHl Honuou, Mr. Hiultb hos boonaxU>r of Uio I'reshytorlnn Cliurcli fur overimr yi>nrn, wull likod In and out of tho jntl-

[>[t, and tlio IKMJIID in gonornl aro sorryill (ajiartwitU him. lio has Leon enl«ko ciiaigu of tbe l'reitltyU'rlau Cliurcli nt

h'iandent us their paHtor and acco]itixl tlio cull,thinking a chnngo would 1» Injutfldal to hisbuulth, wblch at present lu very inueh lui

ircJ. Wo wlnh him KUCCCIH in his futurthurge."Mr. W. II. Hliarp I* greatly impravlng hii

jiro|ieny hy ruinovlug his hnriiH to a butterocatlon on the jilace. '

Klauilore svems to be undergoing n generalpnititlug. We aro glad that its Lot boltig

inU-d iu muro glooing-colors.Urn. ChmulivrlitUi luu had Infrt Miilu au-eet, wlilcb is occupied by

itiiUou agent Ap-jnr, ]iufntcd very recently.Mr. T. J3. Tliaip 1J uuguged ]mluting JI

DOII'H store hulldlnt', Iho oua occupied by D.B. FrniulxMj; tbu 1'rei.bytoi-bii pai-soiid^ufuntu liiu< beeu moiitioiieil, und Air. 1). E.

iiibolus has greatly inijiroved Iilw residenco

Hev. Mr. mid Mrs. Htuut and ilim Mniwltout liRVLi bLHin funding so mo time a tuiiicBVlllc, a foniiur vhargo of Mr. Btout'n.ltulpb Ulngliuin, tbo iiolnl ItiniKnist, vio-ntMt mill raiitaUouiMl, In aiinoiuiceil Ui glvoio of his delightful eiiUiruiiiiinrnt* In tliu M.. Church, ou l'Vidny ovcnlng of tblx week,liiil^loii 10 nnd US ceiifaj. Ho certainly ixell woitli hearing.Tliu UirlM1 MIHNIUU Daiul bas selected a very

icat Knjtlcr matting fur tho locturo room ofhe PreabyUirinu Ulitiiclt, mid it won loJ t \nstti'k, gryutly iinproritii,' thu njij>oarain.'t) of

Me.ssrs, harry Cult'man, Marion Unticc, ofL'wnrk, bj)uiit Sunday in the vlllnge.L'urds are out nnnuunclng tbo wedding ofr. John Oroen, formerly of Hartley, to Missnttio U'liltiiuy, n sititer to Prof. Whitney, ofuckotUUin-n. Tho niurringu into take ]ilu™church at HuckeUhtumi ono thy nuxt wcok.

'o ivonld ndd our congratulations to those ufIr. ttrcL'u'b ninny rriwulu iu UIIH vlciuity.Another marriatja Is aiinauucul which Iina<n nutlcijuiU-il by A nuiultcr of tholr frlcuuH1 iic<]ualiitauc<ffi. It is that of AIIBS Knto

lulver, of Biu-lloy, to Mr, Warren Hopkr.ofsiniu phiiw, and Ihut to tnko jilucu next

ik. Thu ctircinany la to bo ]>orfnniiud utbo homo uf tho brldo, A largu number of

•Itatioua wo uudentonil aro nut nnil Ittmisfig to bo a pleas) nt social affair.


MILI-TOWN AND •Worren Langdon was dnly elected

Superintendent of the Hunday School tatSunday. May teachers, olBwrs and pupllagive her much aid.

Quite a number of our "sporta" aro of torio squirrels.Ur. Knox Taylor boa (tone to Princeton

Allege.Ur. Chss. Pitney bos purcbasod tha Bcrib-

BT houns. Charlie la one of our wlde-awakiDung men.Masters George E. and Benjamin Latin*

are attending school at Nnughright.Sir. Chna. Bcrlbuer will move Into Alonzo

Jlckereon's bouse, Chester, era long.Ur. Win, Kick, near Landsdown, wat

UMtcf Mr Ellas Waek and family, last week,Ur. Henry Doerlng boa hia stoam mill sot

ip on tho Sharp tract, near Nauifbright.Ur. I. D. Apgar Is putting up a number or

Ine carriages now. Isaac can do It, and at aoor man's price, too.Quito a number of our people attended

Main's show at HackBttitown.MIM LIHIO Apgar is making rapid progress

In the study of Latin and rbralcs. Successto her I

Bicycle* ore getting more plentiful thanhonest politician*.

Corn cutting ii nearly over.Ur. P. H. Chamberlain -bo* been appointed

Collector, vice Ellas Eimnona, resigned. Nobetter choice could have been male. Fiercewill ull it with honor.

Ur. Jacob Van Doren has much Improvedi health.Rev. FJ M. Kerr ulidea alonR nlc«]y on hit

DW safety. The roads are full of them.Ur. Nelson C> Vonnatta is building a new

barn.The Congregational Church will be finished

In about tiro weeks. George hag mode it oneof tbe finest churches In tbe country.

Ur. John Harris fell l u t Monday and frac-tured one of bl* ribs.

Hr, B. Prnden baa moved to Dovu*.Ur. and Mrs. John Fritts, of Califon, wen.

the KQMta or lir. Ellai Wack and family lastSundar.

Peaches W*ra expendve (I) thla yeei.leard a man »»ytbothog»Te achock recelve<or • largs load of pcachen for one bush«l of

Umothy aeed. Orfrproductlon." DmfTIMWKO.

PIANDEEH.Ki>v(Tal from tlib village and vicinity

Uni.hti tbu Htalu fuir ut 'i'mutuu liu<t n iAmong ibo niiliilxr were Jl-jtwn. J. W, Far-row, llwi. tviliiion, J. W. Larlwju, W. H.-tiharp. -hiini Udorlng aud V. J. lU-gvr.

Tim ljulli-x' Missioniiry Hociety of tlio Pros-byt«riun Church havo hud a now front fbuilt on tho ]Min>oiiag(i grounds and alsohiul it jiahiU'd, Mr. T. K. Thorp did thopiiluling.

Mm. Wlllianu and Hiss Floronco anil nias-ur H((y Williams vUilixl for a part nf loutnxilt ut Mrs. Williuu'd fathur's, ltsv. D. E.

IIr. Frut. Roto cipoels to lituve this «ur Jcnwy City UtilguV, where hit niUmtLiHiile. Mr. Kuse bas becii a ri^idcn

Flumk'rs for bevural years and will b» Krcwi'ii, luirtictiliirly in tbo Y. P. S. C. K.•aljytorimi Church and Huuday bi'lHZ tho Uwlier of tbo udult bililo flnss iui last iiKiiitiouod anil an net I TO membur:h of tbu utliure. On Kunduj afUinioont bU olaie prcrioiitml him wlLb a substantialen of thi-ir tvgnnl and npiniH.'iutlou of h,m in their t^bulf. Tho g<*xl wiubta <

many MUnv him.

<Jn Hunduy it wiu announced in tho 1'rtsbyUirtmi Church tliut tlio net resulUi of th

icliil by thu lllrhi1 MInslou Hand aro tSi.l 'This in, wu tbluk, n t""""} ' Kiim Ui bu realize' •MH BO Bhii] ilo nil eiitortaimnmt.

Mm. CiLstnur is visiting ut hur funnerliouint Culifuji.

MlwAthtljirisoiiaudJIossra (Hdi-HiiiWucljIi. A. lluncll awl licv. Mr. Ktinit wenttMorrislowu on U'odnualay aa ilulugntes to thSumhiy u.-buul convontiou from tho M. K.Mumluy schtxtl, Mr. 1). A. Niubolua win

" (iulcgiito by tho J'reHbjluriiui tlundayl tu

yn t thu

ynt tho

L0ST--$25 REWARD.The almve will Im paid for tbe rncovery of a

,ONG BLACK POCKET BOOK. Lout be-en Hiiccasunnn and Port Oram ballimdH on Saturday, Sept. 'Jlltb. betweenan<l seven o'clock ]•. St., contoirlnjt about) In money, s^tinol on]or payable to Geoiicll, nnd i-hcclc drawn by H. L. Dunbamrfnllnrw will lie imld to tbe informer and

in fur the return of pocket bonk and conu.nt«. A . K. D E C A M P .

v SucCABuiina, N.

B0ONT0N.Tlie nuw pipe orgnu for tba Methodistliurcli bt flhout coinj.lotol and will probably

irrlvo within a fuw days. Tho cnrjwutcrsnro*k in the church altering tliu platform

uud getting tilings In eliaiefor tlio now instni-mif. They pnrjwso givuig an organ concertan as thu organ to in, and have secured tlio

Borvlocs of Prof. Morgan, of Now York, forllint evuuing. MIBS Laura Haumioud, whobus boon studying under Prof. Morgan fo

iiiif ('mo ]KUit, will nlsup^rfonnoQlliuorgatilio night of tho concert, GO 1 am told. MIusI. in to bo 1.1 io church organist.Tho Missionary MOCIHUCH of Morrii

irango ProtbyUjry will bold tbolr mcoUug inno Prufcbytcrirn Church, some time near thoitkr iiart uf October,A reception was given tbo llov. A'nsttnu B.

tcnhoiM, rector ol til. John's Cliurch, at tba•ectory Infit Haturdny oveniug. Tlio congro-tntlon and friends turned out andgavo tbtow |waU)r a hearty welcome.Mr. U. V. a. HlckanLsandwlfetof Keoltuk>wa, aro visiting friendu huro.Church irtreot is undorgolng a thorough re-nlriny. Htrevb Commis«ionisr Urown Intends

muko a good job of It and ono thut n illHt, from np]>carnucc9. Tbo grade linos Ineu established, tbe roiul work til ncmrdlngly

nd well cludortHl; proiwrty owiicrunre, curb-lug, and n-hon iintilitfi I t mil IH> a laxtlng lic-

wument Hut Uioro's ouu tiling I don't llko< wo mid H'hicli evums a pity, aud that, is thoittlugdown uf several largo aud beautiful

trees that liava takcu a quarter of a centuryor tuoro lo grow, but I prcsuma thoy wcro inthoguttur ur outlie sidewalk, conseiiuuntlytliny had to come down.

Tho street sprinkler wont Into wiiiU-r cjuar-rs lost Saturday awl on Monday it seemedtw oiiu of the hottest and dryrat dnys tliat

a Imve had nil mnmnor, nnd to ndi] to thtwneoKtiut fuuturos ou a hot summer's day, tho

rind blew nnd tbo duct Haw In clouds BO thick:lmt nt times you coubl hardly two ucroea theitroct and ouo couli hardly venture out with-

it gottlug our eyes and mouths full of tlioisL. It striken me that our sprinkler is takou

oir too early every Hummer anil if wo everneeded our streota iqirlnklcil It has bum thUparf, week. I wondor if it wouldn't pny tho

iwu to keep tho Hjirinkler goiug a t tlicir owuipouse for a few wveka lunger, rather than

linve all Uio dirt on Uio Main street carried efftlio winds, and then set A gang of inon with

HUH and carts to re;uilr what damngo wasiano, by not having tlio street n]irlnkled IOube llritUia httuuds oponing a brand

bakery on Mala suvtit. In tbo building nextto tho post offlco.

Tbe nuuual election of ouicera ft'nwiiytcrinn Sunday school was held iu tlio'hnpal on Sunday morning loot. Ur. II. Cenkins was re-elected Superintendent and J .

L. Brown assistant." A n Irishman's Luck" will be given In

Uio Opera Houso, October 13.Tho Atsombly Convention for tliis district

met In nopkln's Hall this (Wednesday) aftcr-n und rcnomiiintud Hon. John F. I'ost, ofimtdii. Itwna thoughtOint the Slillcrfnc-i, of l'oinpUin, sotno half doicn Btronjf,

woukl tnnko a nglit for Sillier, but they diduot, nnd Mr. Pout's re-uoruination was unani-

Trownrtlvt will movo lib caudy store to tutnew biilldlng of J. S. Bnhuon, which is' almost completed, within a dny or two.

Jlr. VnndurLoof, who recently purcliascMlinie proiwrty on William etroet, has alroadyrokcu ground fora hauso.

OEBKAK VALLEY.Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pitney, of Hackle-

barnoy, spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Lewis DufTord.

UUe Allie Bush Is TlalUug friends at Mor-rlstottu.

U . H . Taylor Is plybff ths bmab on JrWise's bourn. When you want any artliticwork done, Hager in Ue man.

Btryker Bros., oE Backettatown, haveTrimmer's house well under way and will

wn complete it.Any one havlne a bard day's work to do

and wanting It dons quickly ihould call onPrank Fhelper and Os, Flaming.

Frienda from Illinois are vlrfUng Mm. Fraceod daughters.Mr. Sbepard and mother, of Fatenon, ppea

Monday a t Mlno Host Hyde's.Ulsa Miller was the guest of Mrs. Bcboen.

but over Sunday. .Miss Louisa Hartley la quite sick at thli

writing. TVe hope for hor Rpeedy recovery.IsaacSwarta DMginni up the miller's trade

and Ii now again with Fred. D. Btopbens, bUformer employer.

The installation of Rev. W. 8. Delp, of theLutheran Church, will take place on the 23d

ist.Wtlluig hearta and ready hands bod

trouble in folding and mailing nearly threethousand copies of tba " Quarterly" on Tues-day evening, In about four hours. The pub-lisher oeyer hick* for want of awlatance.

• Of Interest to Odd TeUows.At the session of theBowdgn Grand Lodge

if Odd Fellows, in St. Louii, tbe constitutionalamendment providing for admission Into thaorder of youths of 18 yean, was defeated by• vote of 107 toS3,thenecesaary thne-fourtnivote not having beea obtained, The lodgealia decided to postpone for a year considera-tion of tbe liquor question.

LlltUE PUKLIH S.4LKIThs siiliKcrlberi will wll on tbelr farmunmi na tlie Jobn Knhiilulu farm, about onetile from WOOUl'OUT, on

THURSDAY, OCT. 22(1,1601, the following property;



iged 1, U and 3 years, two-year old Btoer, 7gH, a farm waRons, ono with bay rigging

bat has lieenuwd but very little, buckBoardand throo-oprlnK wagon, 2 sots of double har-ness, sot or single harness, Buckeye mowingmachine, nearly new; horse rake, 8 plows,

ew ice plow tbnt bea not ret been used, doglower and chum, hand churn, Fairbanks

1 1 farming Imple

CAUPOK.A new bridge in being arecUd on tbo branchatween here and liigb Bridge, and aboi

sixteen of the workmen are looming in ourtown.

The earner atone nf tha new IT. E. Church'as laid OD Sunday b u tMr. J. X. Lewis and Mr. J . Rhodes,

White House, spent Bunday with Mr. O. M.Thorp,

Mr. Elmer Force has again tekan up blnbodfl among us.

Miss Kate Ulldabnnt and Miss Essie Forceipent a day a t Lake Hopatcoug last week._ Miss Annio Tborp baa re turned of terjibscnce of seven wceltST DuTrKkuur.





o Pardee & GlarVa.)

L.etlen reiuuiuinff unclaimedo tbe Post OO>CP at Dorer, N. J

DovKH,N.J..Oct. Uih, 1801.Julia A Allun, Franklin A. Do Win,liev. 1J. Haker, Henry Cnledimi,Wtn CJraiit, Mm. II. M. Horton,A. U. I-ourlc Mw-CeUiarineJohnso]Richard B. llorlnrty Mrs, Mngglo McNaunyMrs. J. A. Tnkorwon Albur Torjon,Mr. Vaulocbmaii, Utuny Wright.

l "attofthltliat.

DAVID S, A1XKN,AntlRE roKimsiti


IY..T UK*«. N. J., Oct. 8 b, lfifll.BIrgon Larsson, Rfcbard Power,JJre. If. A. Williams, Jos. Gowning,Mm. Carrie Jonei, Mrs. Anson ilcElroy,

ill May DIckerson.ol the above I"u dale of thisWM. H, TONKIMO, P. M

MABaiUlTH-LAKB-At the M. B. iiarwnago, inllockuH-av, October 4tb, by Ror. Wm. UfCal... Frank W. Bmlth, of Kenvil, and AnnM. LaLe, of Fandppouy,

GIBL WANTED.To do general housework. Apply to

MRS. D, J . MoDEDE,15 Iw Stanhope, N. J.

DIED.;RVEY— In Dover, Oct. -Ith, Elliabelli W.,wife of Jobn Ervey, aged IH) years.

tDRLL-At Littleton, Oct. Stb, Mrs. LauraOdell, nged IK years and 4 raontba.

GIHL WANTED.To do general housework. Ajiuly to

MRS. J. J . VREELAND,Bergen street,

iv Dover, N. J .

icales, and a largo variety of farming Implinenbi and utensils. Bale will begin a t on)'clock, when condltioni will bo made know

BARTON HUItH, Auctionaer. 45 2v




Preildoot—HBNBY W. MILLER.Vionl'roildont—ADUELlDa U. HULL.SacrotarjandTreuurflr—U.T. HULL.

, MANAGER8tHeurj (J Pitney, Henry W. Millar,AugustasO. Uanftgid. Aarelms I). Hnli,

EamprnnO Mar h. tbilip II- Hoffman,Chu. Y. Sw*n. M. D. John 0. fiettty.

J'«ol KtTOte, '

ASSETS,ipill 1st, 18B1 ; . .«l , I73103O

LIAU1LITJK9.Pue Depcs1'-ira....«l,u:fllliliul

fc'OouDlifmmJrm111 to April l r t t


7,150 01

<1D,,i Imnrth. htMlnr*«.DenoiiM nrnle nn or bo rare the 3d days olDuarr.ApiH.Juij urilftolohBrdr»wiu**ttilim theflrat dayiot aaid month• rupMtl

. HANKING noUUBiA. u. to 4 r. if. dally, eintpt Hatnrdiy, Bat-atdtyt Irom DA » . to t an . (noou) tnd


may bo found In my yard. I keep my stockwell protected from tho noathor and myprice* aro reasonable. When you are buyinggive me a coll before placing your order.


Blaokicdl Sired, Dover, N. J.

Baker Opera Honse!a OVER, K. <r.

SATURDAY, Oct. I7lh.

New York Symphony Club

ofitararU(rts,bead<d Clarinetist,


A D & o s s i ,RESERVES SEATS, - - , - - 60 wnte.- p y Tlrkela fen- reserred seats mar be ez-

chinK«d Honda;, OcL LJUt, at 4 P. M. In th*Y . 1L O. A. roomi.




PRICE $5.00 PRICE S6.00 PRICE $7.00



PRICE $7.00 PRICE $11,50 PRICE $8.50







«o., FOR

LaOies, Hisses ana Ginlflren.Qur styles,prices, us'sort

ment nnd workmanship

, cannot b'- beat.











NEW UPRIGHT PIANOSIron Frame, Orersfcrucg Base, Beaatiful Full Tone,' all modern im-

provements, •warranted lOyears, OSfLT $150. ' : V/ '

New 5 Octave Mirror Top Organs,;two so l s of B e e d s , t v o Motalio Couplers, ten Stot is; F a n Tremolo,

warranted 10 years , S t o o l and B o o l , ONLTT $3B. . . . ,p . .r i ! .


Wright Organ O a n o ManTg Co..j . 3.



•l •> UlUilUI/i - vJUUILUj


Watch movements of al l ' the lending American andiVireign makera from ordinary to lieat quality u tlmc-

keepera, all in gnod runnlnr order and warranted 1 wouldrenxlfid ray mintamen ana tha public that I ant constantlyreplmliihiiiE my stock In all IU derartmonta anil they willalvrajs flntTsomaUiIng new and In Ue latoat pattorna aud






STTSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J.Eublier EtampB and Writing Paper, any book in LOVELl'S

LIBRAES", SHEET HUBIC, CigarB, Tobacco. : . and Heeraohsnm Goods,

Page 3: WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers,

Friday, Oct. 9,-1891.Entered at tba Fort Offlt» at Sorer. H. J,

u second-cluf xnitter.

FroebolJorsmwt n u t Ws$t)alsy.- CMnmon Conitdl mttt i Ifpptoy ijlght.

Morrii County Courts oonraw nuii-Tuesday.Tba B»rUey Brs» B«dd hU-.boen Morgan-

" Daniel Boppa^1 |» bOOlW far BHouse, Oct. 19Ut. t


J. H. 8on Rldgedalearenue, Madison."

Themaw station pa Vffi J

Tlie changM of Unit table on theHIgjb'Brldjpbranch will be found on onr lart pfcjs. * . .

A g«htleman<s scarf pin einbe reoiTortdlth» loser by calling on Assessor HOBOS.* . . '

Tho regtatrrboardi are making taslr atinutlcanton, which will beoompletod today.

The Morrlstown Athletics won nlno-Jeni•at the ball games*r<xl tbtf swaon. '.

Th. product ot the »<w peach orchard . tMadtaontblsjoiirfwftaabo^tflO.OOObftBketoj" The rails tam bow laid to tbensw magaid.bulkingon tie n a n l rMBrratlon a t Ficcft-tlnny,


_ „ -J Nftughright,seriously hurt a few days ago by the kick ofa hone

Th. Whitney-; Liwura, tot HawlrttkloWr,,'enjoyed a f>Io nlo at Lake Hopatcong l&atSatarday. "

Ur. Frank B. StadtbouH, of Stanhope, bad

Joan J Kinsley, hotel keeper a t HighBridge, dropped dead on Monday night, justw he wai about to close fall house fur thepigtt;' Hli sudden death if attributed toapoplexy.

BwjSJllin Beam, of Pairmount, Indicted luWarron wriniy for obtaining goods undertalMnretanaeatrom a. druggist In Washing-ton, ims nuteaoMl to. two years Iu Stateprison, at hard labor.

The Hewark Times Is tlie title of a newpenny morning paper published in'that city.It (a Independent In politics, well edited, andlooks as If It had conio to stay, which we bopsmay tie iU good fortune.

Jesse Pbllbower, of tbe Phi] ho war schooldistrict, in Washington township, Is . thochjuppjon potato-grower of the county, bat-lag raised three tubers tbat weighed 2»f, 3and 4 pounds rapectlrdy.

Thomemberaof tbo Morristown Hetbodistfiplacopal Church are already mating f « iorations to recelveand entertain tbemembeiol Uu Newark. Conference, wbloh will convenelatbiitcfcuroD ptxt April.

The betas canvassed by a fakirwho ie)Ii poor soap in *2 lots and then agreesta send every purchaser a law book as a sortof cbxomo ioduoament to buy. Tba law bookhas' tut yat reached any purohsser,

,Ttie annual Inspection of the Morrlstownfire Department will take place on Oct. £Otb,at S:BU io the afternoon. There will bo aparade through tha principal atraeti, and asupper will be served ia tbe evening.

Hunters la Sussex report tbat tbey haveen a largo number of English pheasants th(§

*£+»,>nd predict that if the birds aro let•loja for a ttwm%um* ties* game birds willbs~numenui tbjrcttgbout tne county,

Orer 100,000 mea and women ia Hew Jerseybelong to teoreb order* t i l t absorb overlH,-000.600'annually, and payout (JWO.OOO duringths saune period la doath claimi and slot bene-fit*.

A pension swindler Is at work In portions ofthe State. IlaoiillsatapppllcantB'bou&eBatidannounces that he Is an agent from Washing-ton oltyy Altar getting eome Information bedetnudi ftfe* of $3.50, aad the applicanthears no more of him.

Tha True Amttrleau •*)•» tbure was oihibltfonut Trenton fair aquIItfiOOyoars oldtbat wss In Holland and used by Goorge

during tba Ilovolutlgu, a n i l sowned by a gentleman of Morrtatowa la whosefamily It liii been for COO years.

|t weak tho Stanhope ftirnivo showed*of'a "ciilll," but niter some remedies

administered In large dimes, it regained Itsnormal ter^poraturc.,' It U hoped to keep Ni" furnnte In blast until nest Spring, or until

for uso.

meeting ID their nmpeotlre election districtsnext Tuesday. _ _

tithejto"Uw£io4a 6rave

Tba enumerators found NH rotors In theNorthern nUrtrict.of aW.dofph"lUjd'.IO btfceCentral District.

I t la said Freeholder Wells lAwrence, ofHendbam, sold 1,100 bukeUof peaches taDovertbtaseason.'' '-"•'••'• ;<"* •*•*•'•* '

WaibbuiD & ArllofrtonVofrcu't,' recently InDover,,wafl Btraoded tho first of tMi wadPrenobtown, H. J. L • :\'"v".;",' •'

The Buttex Foir'li qolti evidently boodoedby tbti Weather Cleric Tbe Texan rain pro-ducers are nowhere. ^ . , • , . '

The Surnex bsmoonU on Hobday »iriliu»t«jJohn UoUioUa fAr Bmatorand Jacob Swart-woutforAssembly.1' ' ' : ' ' • f - ! - '

Two electric lights have been placed on theblgb bridge this side of Taterson by tba lack-awaona Railroad Co.

Tho newTarlsb Uouie of S t John> Ohorob.will bo formally opened by Stabop St*rkeyon Tuesday, Oot SOU).

i t cosu ths coooty of Wu-ren'netrly I000 annually for the care'6f IU patlente In tbeMorrisiPlalni Aiylam.^ , , irf. , , ..

Tbo'ore.-»hJpnjent« from U L ^ o p e nowamount to about 6,000 tout a month, am!

Court Calendar.Tlio following muses mo nutcd for Iriul

tbo OclulMir form of ltiirrin Ctnii^y LVturU.I VB. Win. M. Yah'ti. KjntUiwnt,Conflict A Black; W. W, Cu

Aima' Knott, Adm., v«. »., h, & W. It, It.Tort, \V. W,,Out>ri Bedle, Mulrhew!, U«-

.n.!ilaci)b Forua. Tort. Owi.T; Wertu; W. \V. Cutler. '

TompkiiM, ot <•]«., VB. Illicit, et IIIH. II. V.ittieyi'Ford. D. Rtnltl).Mima Fchr vs. Honry W:lmror. Umili-ocl.

Mahlan Titnuy ; Qua. T. Wcrta.jy City Uorue Klanuro TraitH]iarlatlou

Co. vs, Arthur 11. Rumlr. Contract. Onlld6c Lum j J. I). Vreclntid.

Ella II. WcPcakVH-JncobO. Koree, Tort.Qeo. T. A\'erla; W. IV. Cutler.

i. .Young VB. Jolm lUggatt.' P.H. ailliooly : Goo. T. WerU

Frnnltllu D, Young vs. .Toliu ftwayxe.^Jwtmont. I'.H. Gilluwly; Gco. T. Worts.

Caiupbull Printing & Slnnf. Co. vs. Rack-tray I'ublbiliiiig Co, Etujiluvlu. ]'on) I>.

Builth; E. A. COOJMJT,Jusoph II. IVnro VB, Trutrtota of Bvlinot DIH-

trictWo. 111. Jolm B. Vrealanri ; Win. L.MoCue.: John Capstlck VB. Jolm Conloy, ot als. G.

>V. JonVUia; Z, K. Word.BUiptien VnuDuyno vt. Lcinnn Young. J.

S. Salman;'(Newton S. Kiteholl...: James h. liavoH])ort vs. None* n. Tico. J.

8. Salmon j J; S.SUoklo. .

Upper HlboroU, was banwl by fc xht)l«s*d, Incendiary fire on

Wtanr% B M r o d i y nmorfld-tlnfr«»rpm.lefiab&p to tt»; MMB bnlMIrig, neitifcthe Dorer Lumber Company*! mill.

stood up before an oyste? counter and ateoyrtere from tho Iialf ifceil-^'Wrifa.8 -"'•"'-^

TbeKnlBht#o(i1ytlii»a,,aHbelrmMUtiglDFort OraU b i t Friday .venlrig; roted to makeK. of p. Hall a three-story building..

an otitiagB l c ,

HUDUDD EoglDO Co, of HarrlitowD, aooom*puled bj Mllchtll'i Baia,'»rtlclpat<d la te r -dvr In UnOremenV panda at ElluUth, • ' .

" T h e V. ILO.'A.gTO'iaaluiVnMorrirtowabaa opened for the Maeon -with O. T. 0. Wall,ot liSucU>il1,p*.,w'pJ**baiimlUf~:tlZ

Tb. Toung VKnV CqOuitiiAKioiiiE.ii, ofHorrlstom, will make-thelr aonutl target

l l f i t i i r d d O t J i l i b

Th- Morrlitown AtiloUc.CIub dowd tipbasebaU'tnawnlastSaiur^ay bj-'b^iUng theJersey AtUsUca of Holiokea by a SCOT* oC ,1,0,

A mistake: was DMde li^t 'mek t s a t t a t cment respecting the painting p f t ^vsw dUKAat Mt. Arlington. Tbe work was done byB.F - 1 - * . ' . . . : - ; , . • - . . - ' . . . . . ' • ' • . , . - „ .' Mr. Aaron Van fflcWaudlUT.Wm.Btout,

• of Flamlerp, b«v* • ratood1' 'pWpktns that

The members of the rtgiatry boards, in mak-Ing thalr anaxfl«rail(unrfyotof^anaflnalm «q.mutually large number ol new famlllei In

vldDltyotMlDiHaUwaibsmrdatthrwo'cIockonMooday morning, bat the cause of It baaiMtlManlMumi""" '* 1" 'J* • 1 1 " ! t J - " —

Abram Hyler, of Washington, dledbutweekbyUiliiflg'e. HaA> of "bhCbtg potsoti'bymistake for Warren oouatj, whiskey. Eitherwould have'killed him.' ' " '' ' " : "

The .NoTember. Conffreoc* .of UM MorrisCounty' Union of the j . F. B. 0. XL, wUI bebeld In the Succaacnoft Presbyterian Churchon Tuesday, Nor. Jftth. * •-'Th.TT. P. S. C. E, of Uio Stanbopb Proiby-

teriai.t ObureS wUI baVpin evenlngwlt^ Ji *" v " >il next Tuesday, a t tbe horaa of

One of the Decker boys, of Uks Lopatcong,told ID nawtonlonp da»:.Uit > * * rim-)»

pouiidi bats UiAt broogbt»3..DeVpe says October will be warm,

showery, Fostsr 'predlcto-wild stohnl, "andHicks la cautionary., Bo It Menu tfcere Is adlderenwwnoisg ttopropbel*. • ' . ' '

"Oasper, $he"Yodlw,!' wjjoneof'tbebesttheatrical attrftctlons Dover baa bad In a longtim», and be would bo greeted by a full houseshould be taka a notlop to return.

Wasbiogton Camp, No. 6, P. O. R. of A.,attended dMneserrlcii Jn a body at Grace U,E Clmroh last Sunday and llitei»ltotpaW-oUo sermon by Rer, Fred. Bloom. j.

The WariTOCConty aatfcoritJwB^ wmJUoptfora oolond'tbaaid'tliv ^raatse^psnltetf'tlary to grow a beard, to determine wtitborhe Is tlie Frees* murderer. • -Kert

Tbo last two weeks of Beptemuar and thefirst one of October,-lHOl," will go, down inhistory a t abottar streak for the season thantbe oldert Inhabitant can remember/; •• ••;'; ;^

Hr. Cneveland says bklltUa daogbUr la aDemocrat.' J» this tba proud papVs delicatewiy or.ojmouEclDg tbsit Hln aeraland tuanotretArri-edatyearsjofdlscreUoat ••-•"''

Mr; -W. I. Towers, Sopt .of .tte'llorrl*Caaal.'bJMporcbaaed the honse'ahd lo( whenbe roddoa, on Cac&I 8b , of tba SUckto Bros.,of R9pka'wayt"aiid is eolarglag the house.' 'I,'• Tba pertlea -wlw trled^o fwindle DanielVltet Ia Dover l o a t b s * 1 sold brick." tn John Appiaby.df Colnmblaconn^r,'Pa., from^wboni they obtained 13,500,

The fight fortbe nomination ot Senator InHunterdon oonaty O^UIB flamocrailc side Isnow . between, Anemblyman TVUlJain. H.

hundred suntalntag mcuibers at 110 each byJan. Ht, 1803, be would tako ten extra metu-

s, for five years, which mcaiia a gift of*lO0ayoar Cw tbat «mprovided tbey raise $1,000, la tills way by

1st, Tba letter closes wltli ardentCbrUtlau wiubes for tbelr sucwas. It in auoblo odor and one that Is likely to gunrauUethe p6raianeney of tbe orgaiiliatloD. Iteliould stlmulato every f rieiid of lie Auocia-

ii to active work, in nrder to n*cui-e tlmbeuelltcif this jjenoroiiB otTor.

The Benefit of tlio Oooil Orapa.Think for a moment what tbe enormous

crops nod big prices tbla yonr mean to tit isnation. Every farmer in tba ITulini is batteriff. Iu Kansas 2rt|wrcout ortheenUremorb-

gage ImlBbtednees ot tbe fnrinii bin been paidoil tlnco the wheat tras Larvotted, In manyc a m fanners realized t


A i p r o a f l « m ir.[ The prettltttt wndiiiif of, the teown. says

the Banner^ £ron(ifee;to.,be.tbat of Hits^lensraeffc^fon aa) ^ r * Uahloii Pituoy, offtofriaf>triV on Baturdny, Nov. 14Ui. Thnbrldobmalda who wlU'etcort tbe fair Lrlde totb*» altar, ane her Hater*, Wnea Louisa, Har-riet and Helen Bheltou, •JUai Anna Busbnell,

' T t p B y , MlH MAUISO Walker, offi ElflfBl;B(ovui8;.of Caello

i Hinllh, UiM Balllo Coloieri, "oC'Waw York, and

amonstbtiunen wUIbeUears.Faul Ravere,John a^arsh/DoogUi Cos, of UorrUto<rn, andCbauoo^-PluW o* Xewark. All frier J a

,b1,tlllo>edd]J.gand only tbe lui-

^ tte tiriilesnuldi and uslierstothe liouto, ntd tho home on

etr*t>itooinlairU) accommodate allUow' iTork 'nnd ' Bforiistotnt /tleuJ* wliuWould h*Trf to* be included In o general re-

! . OQe«iMB *lrmEr. Cheats rJTbe Treuton True Amorlcsn says: There

U a fruit gronerjn Huuterdon county who. ' - • < . * . _ » _ i • tit -i . _ . _ . :

J_ . i i ^ _ - ^r%

^ _ rn-T_-™UiepeadtgeaKmInisnI-cloped thw-tbe commission tnsn who .were re-cslvlng my product lu New VnrI: were notacQng sqtora with moW tbe1 other farmersoftie Ticiol^-^I»aat;t0jHe»r( York, tho finestpeaches that could be grown, and only ro-

that time Blmllar goods, wore bringing over adollar a basket IS Treii&ni Whtcb) is all know,If a cheaper' ihatke't than7'How York. 2IyW«flW«*<«er«>>iT«*.: ft Ihada confeder-ate In New York to buy a car load peaches atdtmblctUje^Hce my.eonnolBslan men reportedIt was sold for, I bellem hundreds of farmerstills year received.' only half -price for their

b , because of tbe dishonesty of tliscom-

j • b f l ^ l a l n e WronV Plaoo.;An amusing ii^cideat occurred ono day

Recently, when apartly intoiloiteil man whoba.led^rom.JHItop, was boinj pursued by a

' * ilaVlftOB-bojs, took refuge by scalingthe fence, and landing In a yard ouCllutanstreet. Tbe lady of tb» bouso being alone, hisunruly presence was certain./ object!unable.

~ " " " alfsbtmnlficsrco,- _ - - _ _ „ - ^ - v -_ . - ypung;gentlemanvuitingatft nclghbor'a, and made for down

• " • ' " •' " • " tbnboya.

Ic Tradei ImprovlnB1.'It It evldentllhat tbe silk trads Is every-bcre pickloffup and, tbat there la a Rood,

prospect abend. '.-During tha last thirty daysthis chance for the better-has.taken ]>laco,add large and small manufacturer! alike feelIt; and if thip sawn state of nfToin continues,the coming Wiattr will bo one of great activ-ity and success, Tbli will no doubt be wel-

to mguy who depcud an tUe elllctriule for. a lirelihood, •.? .

, Tho First Canned Tomatoes,It -li so.d IJint'HnrrlBOD N . Crosby, a mor

chant lu Jiunusljtirc;, N. J., now 77 years old,first,' taught «io world tbal tomatoes ceuU boppBtervcd in cans.- •Ur. Crosby was stownrdof Lnfnyetto CoToga st Bwton, Va., vrhen, in184T, Jio first discovered tlio process. In 18*1to neut a ciisa of cann«1 toniatocx to QueenVictoria, who nclmowlodged tlielr roceli.t In a

letter, and in 1SJ0 hi* nvwitiun attraeicd nt>tention and others went Into tlio bujJncBS. .

Th*i*piiliUcaii BUM C on van t Ion.•a Fbr UIVN. J.'llopiibVicai]iStnto Convention,t b be held at Trenton, October 15tb, Old Pecn-

Ballroad Conipowy announces tbat

Nev Jemey axcurslon lidiotB w(U bo BOIJ IOTrenton a t one fare pur capita for tlie roundtrip. Tue« Uckatn will bo sold October HUiVtU lSth, valid for return invamge until Octo-UaVtOlh.InclUBifeJ*"'^ '..I-

] ^"AProl i l io Turkey.Ur. Philip *WeUingt6n, who lirrs at the

AUta'mlne, la the possessor of a hen turkeywhich lajtog qualltiM. Bbo lalil one hundred

' " * " egf In aa many conwentive days,•.vacation of a faw days, after

wl.Ioh>'Bt.i &#i&4d buslnesa and laid nine*""•' ' - ^ i " • • atM'began-tosst;

•-, •- BUtfl SBBBtorai.teBonatorswIllbe elected tlIs year Ii

aoven'counties in.How; Jorsey—In Paott.c,Sussex, Hunterdon, Hudson and Middlesex,now'represented by Democrats, and In Bur-lington and Pope Uaj, sow represented byRepublicans, Tha Republicans ought to holdtheir own In too last turned counties, and re-

ipture P W

TJjs H«w«rK Be*of holding tb(dramu«a :btJlJAxm.1^aiiiing- .' ~ er.-Tnsy oduld •!!.dance In Ow will bo olosai >toid*ay »P»t, Ort. 12tb, owing

: .:• • ,-•. = - . . . ' • ; . -•' • . . ! • " ^ ' t o b o i i d k r : - " " ' •

A Ohoat at OhesUr,A most amuaiog inoidsnt occuned at Ches-

ter a few nlghU ago, although for a few min-utes tbe Bltuatlou wai Indeed startling to thosewho participated in it. A well known familyof that placa had In their employ a new col-ored servant, from tbe Bouth. who bad beenwith them only a few days. On the eight inquestion tus miatren of the Louse, after thebad robed for tbe night, noticed a light burn-ing in tbe girl's room. As tbe Lour was lateshe stepped to the door of tha room andknocked. Ileoeivlag no response, ubo ojttbe door anil found, the girl fait wtleey lu achsfr, with her bead resting on her bauds,8be called to her softly and fts the girl did notrouse Bha upoiLa iu a louder tone. The coloredgirl started up io affright and the first objectthat nut her eyes wan the white robed figureof ber mistress, standing In Ibe open doo;way. Witt) eye* fairly Blurting from theliBotkets, sbe suddenly eiclatmod, " Ob, myOod, It's a ghost!" Then, nilb an unearthlyyell, aba bounded toward tbe door la whichUiu lady ntflod. Ber idea was probably toescape, but tbe lady, hardly mludful of theBituaticu and the great terror colored peoplebare for aiwctros, aud thinking ouly that ibemlgbt have goue insane and would do berharm, turned with a Bcrcam and tied, cluselypursued by tbe terroriEed *prvaut girl. Tlihusband, bearing the screams, rained out ofthe door and Into tbe hallway jmt in timbe knocked down by tbe HJIHE flgures. Tbeshock to him was ae great us it had beau t<UlswUeond tbe servant, and for a few memonto terror reigned supremo. In a fewmiautei, however, tbu situation began to dawnupon tho participants and quietens in a de-gree restored. The nervous strain of alj,however, bad been so great tbat tlie servicesof a physician wore noeded to quiet theiiovertaxed nerves.

A Qenerous Offer.Recently Proufdent J. R. Qeorga and Gen.

Secretary P, E. Taylor.of tUaDuvarY. M.C.., sent out a circular to a n

ID otbor places, noting tbe tUoa bad thus for accomplished, Its gymnasiumand other needs for the future, and a particu-larly urgent need for one hundred sustainingmembers at HC eacn to pot tlio wprk on aBubfitantlal basis «ml carry It forward suc-cessfully. A gentleman to wlomcne of thesecinuilan was soot, a prominent citizen ofJersey City, promptly responded with aneucloiure of (10 to make him a sustaining

miber,tbe proposltJc

ubmltting tn the Assi tbat if they would obtain



Tha Republican Convention for tbe FirstAssembly Di.trict waa bold la York's Hall,ilorristown, uu WtxioeBdoy afternoon, a t St'clock, aud was organized by electing Dr.

Jubn L. Taylnr, of Buxbury, as Chairman,ind Cbas, H. Knight, of Morris, as Secretary.

The call for tbe convention was read andtbe roll of delegates was called, a'ter whichnominations, were in order. In calling tberoll Df the towmhips for nominations the

is of Johu E. Fennel! and Hecordar Them,ty, of Morri*town, and that of Mayor

tloreoe L. Dunham, of DoTu-,wera prsMuted,but the two flint Darned, through friends, de-clined to bo candidate*. The nomination of

Duntiam was tbeti madQ by acc]au^at4ou.DUII B. Oltwon, of Handolpb, Eugene A.

Carrell, or Usrris, and Merritt B. Lum, olChatham, were apiwltited a commlttoe to filla vacancy, should any occur.

Hearty assurances of support to the nomi-nee wero made and the convention adjournedwith three rousing obeers for Mayor Dunham

Mayor Dunlinni, on being notified ot liinoiiiiuatJoD, Oie bouur ujwu tho

gt-ouud Uiat 1,1a Vnieinewa coroa and tho dutiesifflcki IXMIUOUB held by bun BO fully

linio Unit ho could not eiiuirijtoiia cuiupnlgn. The commlttixi to OH tbo,-acancy which lint arisen will meet In Mor-ristowu on Kntuitlny afUrcoon for tbat pur-

Tbe Republican CouvenUou for t ie SecuudLweuibl} DUtrlotuf tlils county, metlu Boon-

ton Wednesday. In the absenco of 8. B. Lyon;Cualrman of the last Convention, Alesirs.John Capstick aud C. F. Hopkins, membersif tho County Committee, consulted, and the

Convention was called to order bj C. F. Hop-kins. Ou motion, 8. L, UarrUon, of Boonton,tras elected Chairman. Mr. Oarrhnn thankedthe Convention for tha honor.

B. W. KiDibaJi, of UatiOTor, was electedtecretary.Ths Umnsbipa noro called for the no moo of

dolegates. Tin Cbalrman ot enob dulegfttlonannouueed the followlpg;

Uoantou—Qeo. IV, BUer, ~\Yllllam Dortuan,Eoodi Q, Myers, E. II. Dawson.

Houuver— Oeo, W, Jenkins, 8. D. Harrison,». H. Mitchell, E. IV. Klmboll.

Moutvllle—Tbos, Qtorkoy, Johu Capatick.r«(]uaonoo—U. V. Day, I. D. Elofr, George

Vf. lfeBow, II. Cotu.y.Rockanay—M. B. Btrait, E U. Todd, Rob-

ert Ooodalo, John Norris.There being no delogatlou frwm JelTerson,

0. A. DoCamp, of lioontan, and J, U. Mil-ledge, of Mnntvllle, woro appointed to repre-sent that townsulp,

The townabljn wero then called for nomiu-ritlona Jolm P. Post was named by all.nhenhe was unanimously chosen as the camllitateol tho Convention.

Tbe chair nppintM V, It. nawsun, uf Homi-ton, and John II. Mlllodge, of Houtvllb, acommittee to notify Mr. Post of bis nomina-tion.

On motion ot Jubu Capstlck, of Moiitvllle,tbo following were appointed a committee onvneaiwy: Jobn HUTIIB, DI .lockawajj U. V.Day, of l'ttjuannoe, nnd Gcorgo W. llller,

yo thnu the entire

cotit of their farms. Rut tba fartha first out* to be benofltai. Wltbmoney they will wont moro clutlilng,

D linplenicof tbe c o forte of life and u

luxuries. Tho demand for dress goods willa more rapid whirl to every npludloJn tbo

laud, and will Botevery atiittLlemuring tauter.Tbe demand forniowsamlluuTowsanii reaperswill set tho factories auinaiiug for a year tocome. The deuiaud far manufactured artio!«8of all kinds will give an impetus to every In-dustry, aud wllh It all nil) come on enlargo-ment of every avenue of business under tbaBtars and Btrlpei. Tbe e&cts of tha big cropLtid iifg prices cannot be calculated. It will

last for years and ovorybody will be benefited.

In the Pollen Courts.Warren J. N owl and, for advertlifag witb-

ut license, was arrested lest Friday eveningby Marabnl Hagan, and Justice Cage fluedhim iS nnd coeU.

On Saturday Andrew Anderson again be-come ilnmk and dlEorderly. Olticsr fiyramgathered him la and Juitlce Wllllami pre-scribed t& and costs. .

Tie Game da; Andrew Hockontury cameup from Rocluiway to paint tba town vermll-llpn, fell into tbe hand* of ofHcer By ram, andwas fined II and costs b> Justice Wltimns.

On this lnamorablB day Jjugeno tiullokdropped in from Mt. Freedom, (tlmd himselfUp with liberal potatloos ot lug juice, andrlslted tbe merry-go-round. When arresUd

by oBlcor Dyram be tvantol to trbtp Urn nbolapolice force and tbe police court thrown In.His fun was expensive, for Justice Williamsfined him 110 and costs.

as mianlmuuslydopTho Republicans of tba Second Assembly

Dlittrlct of Morris County look with pride ur>-on tbe admlufhtratloti of President Harrison.Tbevseeia It everything tbat should, receivetlie unqualified endorsement of tbe country.Iln nets, " read and known by all man," showtbat tlio lutoresta of all our people-North,Boutb, Bu t and West—have twon upiwrraost.Tim »])lrlt of unanimity shown by the Presi-dent and bis entire Cabinet, and the Itepnbll-can members of Congress, is bearing fruit.Their constituency appreciate it and will sus-

Tba Convention thon adjourned.—ttultatln.

Brilliant Wedding at MadUon., Tho wedding of WIBS Virginia L. Venman,

eldest daughter 01*000, U. Ycaman, of Madi-sou, and llidiard Louli Kotnnits, aim of lifadl-son, took Rlnca &tMr\iHso«oTi MouJay evening,in the Webb Memorial Chapol: Tin IW. Dr.Alkman performed tliot^romany. Ilia* Anna

nan, ulster of tlio brfdo, waa maid othonor., Tbe bett mia ~r&* Ettplioo ilinor

man, brother of the bride, nnd tlie usherswere Edward Truslon, of Summit; James M.Seymour, Jr., I/iuis A. Zlegler, ot Newark,and Harry h. Cadmus, of East Orange. Prc-fesflor E. M. Bowmaif, of Newark, iras organ;1st. "ilany guests from New York, EnRle-wood, Uorristown, Jersor City, Brooklyn,

tiimit, tba Oraugfw ami Newark worowmt. Mr. nnd Mrs. «emnia w||| Urn In

Madison after tielr return from thslr weddingtour.

The Symphony Club.Tha famous Maw York Byuiphony Club,

oteel the country over a« vocalists and In-•trumontolbts, will appear In Babor OperaHouse, Cover, for tho benoQt of tha YoungMeo'a CbrlsUan AsaocinUan, on Saturday

veiling, Oct. 17lb. "\7o cou.d pres«ut nowe-paper notices and tlio opinions of etnlmentmusical critics by ths Bcoro, to* prove tbelrgreat artistic merit, but tho high reputationthey have established makes it unnecessary totlo so. The very fact tbat they areoominghero, and for tlie beneJlt of the Y. M, C. A.,should bo Bunident, ani doubtless will be, tofill orory Rent in tho ope™ boiixa. Engage

mix curly. . -

Eeal Bitate Tranatera.Following are tie latest real wtfttotrnrlsfers

of Iforrls couuty: Than. S, Beatty, Roxburytotrnxhiu, t.DD ; Jotnea J . iJrcnuan ta Patrickand Catliwlne If, O1 Connor, Hun over town-

.>, $0W; Ijoiiicn UJCrittcndon and husbandand othort to Jeatntta 0. 8a.tninU, Dover, f I,-COO; Alexander W. Kent and wiro to KdirardE, Jtall, reijuaunock townililp, (035; OeorgeStepliens to K. Howlaod Droim, Mt. Olivetownship, |60O; Ilenry .Congnr to HermanBeur, HauoYertownahlp1«13,00Q. :

A Brilliant Wedding.UIss Casslu J. William*, of CollInBvlllo, Pa.,

was married to Mr. Clarence Kellogg, of ML"Fieasant, at'ber uncle's resilience. No, (,9 EastBecmid St.. Plalnneld, * . J., on Octobar 1 it,by the groom'* grandfother, HDV. Mr. Jvel-lngtc, of Mt. Pltjoiaut. Tha n» me rout friendsof tho happy coujila eeut itiauy Iwautiful prt*a-cnt& A weJJIng tour, to includo tbe prfocl-

Eofltcrn cities, followed tba ceremony.Tbo tirtdo wai a. uatlve n.ud Cornier reaklent oftbe vicinity of Dover.

AMemblytaan Smith BencminatedUThe Democrat Io .AsKinbly Convention in

toe First District was beld at Allle's Hotel,nui," on Tuosdtiy. Ex-Assemblyman

W. S. Naogbrlght, of Washington, presided,••id Qeo. WcCracken, of Randolph, WM Secre-tary. There was no opposition to Assembly-man Ford D. Smith, and be was ronomlnatedhy.accLunatlon. Tha little- boom started forAssessor Miller, of Chatham, was froit-blttenand didn't materially. .

' . The Harris U ib - t Oavalry-The Bnrrl»ora of tbe Bd Now York, (Harris

Light Caralrf) are esmeiUy requested tomeet a t O. A. IU Hall, near Erie depot, Pas-•ale, N. J., on Tburadoy, Oct. Sid, tor tbepurpose of forming a permanent organisationto beep alive the memories and porpetmt« thedeediofUiiaberoicCarslrylteginieiit. Tbeonly dlstlactite badge nsfcedU Cor the TtsteratiBto wear tbo red scarf or tie worn in tbo grandraviewoflSft, ,

Illuminated Bicycle Fanulo.About wventy-fire wbcvlmen of Uorrlstown

and vicinity, in rononse to an invitation, par-ticipated in -a Japanese lantern panda lostTuesday evening at Morris town. Some wheelswere adorard with as many as forty lightedlanterns. Several thousand people witnessedthe display-.

It. Stephens & Co'a "Prepared Buckwheat

y jof Uoonton.

The follohlng resolutionbd

The Late Stephen Lyon,Tbo Sussex Herald says: In the death of

Ur. Stephen Lyon oue of tba oldest residentsof Bparta passed away. He waa born inItakanay, MoirU county, in the year 1S01.Be came to Buniei county In 1831 and engagedIn the iron business at tlie dlflerent forges intbe vicinity, Laving been thus engaged nboutforty JMn la tbe Mountain, Decker, Bher-man, Hops well, Columbia and Lock woodforges. At one.time bo was also engaged In

manufacture of woolen cloth. At tbeago of 113 be mar fled ElbtulwUi Fouutoin, ofHamburg, who la still Uvlug, and Is in berfiatbyear and eujoyiog good .health., Fled daugh-tenalsasurvlvshiaii four BOQIhaving prcvl-ouely died. Tbe deceased was an exceedinglyIndustrious nan , did pot know what It was topanid lsmoninnt .and watablo toporfnrcibis rejular daily dutlus until a Tory shorttime before his doatb. Ha was strictly tem-perate all n)s life, aad by word and deed set t

ortby example to bis fellow tnoo. Tbo firstvote bo cast was for Andrew Jackson,eyesight was such that be could read veryeasily without spectacle*.

A Bebate-IPr lgbt v«. Potter.. Dr, Edwin V. Wright, of Ifew York, was intown yesterday to make arrangrmenta for apublic debate with Era-tui E. Potter, ut 1'ui tOrnin. After a conformed they mutually»BTe*d tn mNit In debit* upim the lollc-wlngquestion: "Renolvcd, That tbe liquor traHl<Is a greater aurse to humanity than all thiotbor forms of monopoly combined." PrWright chau.pioiH^hofl>111rni'iti?a side of thequestion nnd Ur. -Potter takes tbe negative.Ur. Wright was formerly In the Greenbackmovement, but has changed bis vlewBon econo-mic questions. The debate Will be under tbenusplees and for the benefit of Company G,and will take place Ia tholr armory, probablyon Tuesday evening, Oct. 271b. ?b«n will nudoubt be a large attendance of people to listen

A Lady's Handiwork.A correspondent of the Washington Tidings

ears i I sea by the papers a wonderful' ac-count of a hair wreath made by UIsi HattleChips,ofBudd'eLake. TheBtorylioverdrawnsomewhat. I have seoa tbe.wreAth. It is

onderful aud beautiful. It contains 1.D0Ooweri and leaves, but lastesd ot 2,000 dilTer-

ont jwraoiu,1 hair bvl»g u»*d, there aro only201 persona' hair repreventod there. HissChips is now Mrs. Clarence Kfaupaugb, Sirs.KIsnpaugb has a crow mode of Bba.lngs ofcow's horns. Tbe cross IB perfectly white. It

i a marvelous piece of work. '• • - •

Dr. Bristor Soeklnsr Shtltsr.Tho Methodist Protestant Contorenco met

lost week in FAtorson. Jlev. Dr. Brtotor, pas-tor of an independent Uetliodlet church atSpring Valley, N, V., was \mmnb Frtdsy.

church msde arl>1icat(on for &dmits!on tothis conference, but It Ii understood that noaction will be taken with regard to It. Dr.Brietor is the brilliant moteor nbo »Uot out

r a fen years as pastor of one of tlio largestHettaodint Eplswijn] ehurclien In Nowark, andtben vas willed to trial before tbe NewarkConference for improper conduct.

Iwo Ex-Oovornc-rs,Pastel portraits of oi-Qovernor Randolph,

ot Morrlstown, and General McCfellon ore onview in tbe reading-room of tha fifth AvenueHotel, They are' to be jiresentod to tbe 8tatOf Ntitr Jersey, and hung la tbo EiecnUviCbamber of the tJtato Ucvaa at Trenton. TheIlo>ti»«Msglttot BcoreUry "f State Kelsoy,

J the nwond was purcbaiteU oraised by tbat gentteman for atbe General in Trenfo-

it of tbe fundiment to

Tho Mayor Dafeatod.»Thocarly-cI(aingordinanoo wblrh was re-

cently pawed by tbe Washington CommonCouncil, and which Mayor Johnston, of tbatborough, endeavored to enforce, bos como tonaught The jury In tlie cue of LandlordBtaats, of the 8L Cloud Hotel, who was ar-rested for niKntng hie bar after 10 o'clock atnight, t«t tba ordinance aside as void and ofno olfect. Mayor Johnston will appeal Ibe

Iron Ore to "bo Recovered.The Iran ore which w u lost In the rtvi

Gorgo Bridge, oa the Hlgb Brldgt Branch oftho Central Bailroad a t tbe Umo of tbe soaccident a few years ago, baa been bought byMessrs. J . 8. Van Byckal and David Tiger,ol Blab Bridge. They will baul It anay byteams. It is told Uiat fifty cents a ton wasthe price paid for the ore.

Just a l i t t l e too Late.Conductor AlbextBarnes, who died recently,

bad paid on tbe dap he was taken sick bis feeto become a member of tho Orderof RailwayConductor*, but wss unsbla to attend a meet

_ to b* formslly received' into tbe order.Had be been Initiated his family would harereceived 10,000 Insurance.

Flour. Tbe Quest mads. Try I t

Thieves* at N«wton Fair.Seven man ID Now ton had their pockets c

out last night, when waiting forn train. Onomm, Samuel Ajers, conductor on on Orangoborse car lino, lost f 119. Isaao Ayora, hituncle, of Hackittstown, also lost his pocko

MOBBIS COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOLS.Thn twenty-nlntli annual couvontion of tbe

Morris Cnunty Babbath Sclnml AKsocIationheld in AMOCIUUOH Hall, Young Men's

Christian Attfodation liullding, UorrUtown,on Wednesday. Tbe morning tendon com-menced at l> o'clock aud oontJated at noug ser-

and prayer. Tlie addreMuf wolcooje wasmade by 1WV. Dr. Erdtnan, of the BoutbBtreet l're»byt«rlan Church, and was re-sponded to by tbe I'retddentof tbe Association,Kcv. Dr. W. W. Halloway. The work of tbeassociation Iu ibe varyifig U>wa» was then

lased, after wLlch Itev. Pr. T. Y. Kinne,of Paterson, gave an ndtlrew* on "OiadodScbooli." tUla was followed by dltcuwlouaou tbe sung subject by several jxjreous, Tberoutlud business was then taken up, cornet-ing of ojipoiptoient of committee* ou resolu-tions, domination* uf "ofllcen, and thu tocro-tary'a report.

The following odlccrs wfro unanlmouilyilectod; President, Roc. Dr. W, W. Hallo-

way, at Dover ; Vice PreeideatB, Rev. I. &.B. Thompson, of MorrUtown, Uev. W. Holllii-Blisd, of Mt. Freedom, Rev. E. B. Kuglond.ofChester, Ilex-. E. Moachem, o( Iloonton ; Cor-responding Secretary and Treasuror, J. D.Doty, of Morristown ; Recording Secretary,Oeo. W. Uowell, of Morrlstown; TownibtpBecreUtrlos were selected from well towmhlpif tbe county, Executive Committee, Rev. Dr.

IV. W. Unlloway, of Dover -, J. D. Doty, Qw.W,' Howoll, Jobn IV. Cllft on* J. C. Van ail-dor, of HorrfBtowh; Qeo. D. Meeker, ofDover; Tboo. M. Peck, of Madison ; Geo. E.RIghUr, of Panlppany, and Goo, Vf. Yaten,of Mordstowu; member of State ExecutiveCommittee, F. D. Doty, of Morriatown.

The mcretary'a m])ort showed that (15 schoolswere rcprcsuntert hj report* recriTet.. Thereiro ]!>5 ecbools lu tbe county, divided as fol-OWB: Presbyterian, 113 J Metuodlat Episcopal,

40) UopUat,0; HefomiOd.fl | Congregational,i); l'rotcstaut BjiUcopal, G ; Lu tba ran, t ;Union school*, ill. Tbekchopla have In theaggregate 1,6» oflloon and teaubors, and 11,-

~ cholara, with a total average attendanceofr.lOJ. There were 458 conversions duringtbe post year OH ngalust K» tho year before.

Tlie afternoon, ewslpni DjMned with praiseBorvice, followed by a talX on " Tbe Trainingof Treaohera" by Hew-ft Vf, Clark, StateSecrotary. The " Impprtance of the HomeDopartniont In'Sunda/Bcbcols, How Con*ducted," waa thim orpbjlned by Rev. 8. D,Loomfs, of Kewnrk.'followed by diBcuadousnud ouggoatlons an the. eubjoct. Thoioulinobutinesi of tbo Beeoclatlon waa then continued,ftcr tvtilub tbuiiieeUugadjuurnedforiiupper.Tbe opening session was oiwncu by a pn\ms

nieotiug, fnllowed by an nddresa on "OurBOJBJ What Can We DO for Them 1" by Rev.V, Tlioinaa MacClymont, of Howurk. ThiswoT followed by novornl interesting addreasos,after which the conventiori ended.

Obitunrr.lira. Jauo RichawU," tha cceond wits

Hid widow of tho late Honry Richards, diedat Ler homo In Eaatoi,, PH., ou Wednesday•nuniing, ogtil (JO years.. Iter maiden nameitas l'rleo and olio was nwldlng at Durhmn,I'a., wlion umrrleil to Mr. Richards, filmwas In every mm a lady ol vstlmalile rimrae.

njo> ing allko the devotion of ber children,theaffection of lior ftlemll and the esteem ofall who catno to know lior. tier survivingchildren aro IToury, nf Dover, Alitortftnd Ircnus Utelianh, ofWoodport, Will

finlB, of Chicago, nnd JHSBM Mary nudBninm Rlcbarda, of Kawtoli, I'd. Tbo funoroltvill be held at Mra. Itklmrda'laUi roildenoo

ii Saturday aftortioou nt - o'clock,Tho sad nowa woe recpi'ed la town jester-

day morning tbftt bin. Vruilen, the wife utMaJ. O. Ii. l'rudeo, ABsisUut tSecrelary to the

iKldcnt, bad jiiuwod away on Wednesday af-ternoon, after a protracted illntm Mrs.pruileu was a IVathlugLuu lady anil WMweddfd to Mr. Prudan about twenty yearsngo, llor great noi-sona! attraclions werefully equalled by her cultlvotod mind anilkindly dia|K»Ition—a union of qualities thuttma alTtctfonntai regard from every eci|uaint-

ttilp, while ber dovotion to tbo coDocrnsof her family, makes her Ion Irreparable to

rbuukwdftiidchildruu. Their mei»y frlondaDover fcol deeply tho loss of this accom-

plished aud exccilont lady and tbeir sympathyfor MaJ. Pruden and his children Is deep and.biding.

David J. T.owe.1, who bas been prominentlyengaged In the marble buslaesii in Easton forthe but 80 years; died on .Saturday last liewas born In I'heiter ia 1821, and WM a son of.Klfas Howell. For a tlm* he was ongnged Intbe niarbla business In Morriatown with tholate Leonard Bchoremanj Be was ogootl man,diid prouilueut iu churcb au^bualneMa affaln,

Uon't Oat Worried.Tue IIuDtordofrn DeiiiQcrat—publialied at

loneljtowa— takes t.'cw> Irom a iiowtpaportbat la always Blundering* the placo where It

iU bread and butUr,"and imagines thatpjver Is Buffering from public dlttbouBStf,b?ctuse of its Republicanism. "With tb« oi-csptlou of one year Dover m a corporation

been undor Republican man a gem out foruighteonjMrB, hoa bad every dollar of itsQnluceaaccuratclynccounUdfur, ivasentirelyfree from debt at tbe begiimluK of tlie curreutyear nnd bad a liandwrnemrilus In ftatroaturj, anil baa the beat street*, stdaire(ire do]iartniout, buslneM buildings, etc,of any town In IU Bute, all paid for. Its en-terprise, nnd progrdfiUvencsB are spokenwe)! of by nil strangers who conio within tbeplaco, and tho contrast between Dover andLonolytuwn—where Democracy, sluggishn<anddecny rolgu supreme—Is as great as t iedlfferenco between Lake'Hopatcong and aUuotcrdon county mud puddlo. W e beileTethat Low Runklc, of tbe Lou el J town Demo-

.has never IKJOU to Dover. It he could•cu'lure tbe excttomtut of inch a radicaf

igo wo nliuuld bo plctujud to lutTo him calland enjiy ttio novel BeusaUon to him of astay In a live town." . .

Tbe Chapel P a u l Balsed.Sunday but was tha fifteenth anniversary

of Rev. Dr, Ealloiray'spftiturateof tbe DoverPreebytei-Ian Church, and at tbo morn logservice he preached ao anniversary scrmoc,giving the sbitlstical and general featurex ofthe work of the church during this period,which bas prospered greatly under his miiib-iry. Attheconclusionofthe«ermoQtbeiunt-ter uf the building of the new chapel on Cbrye-tal alreet wai brought forward for tbe cou-ilderaUonofthecxmgrfgatlon. Subbcrlptiotuto l ie amount of |2.«» bid previously beenpecuredfor Ul» object, aad «I,(J00 was sUllneeded ta complete the total of Kt.UOO re-quired for tbe building. A •ubscrlptlou »aithereupon taken end tbe pledge* amounted tofUS3. At the evening services additionalpledges from tho Sunday school nud variousoburvb sucietius were announced, and a col-lection of f ITS was taken, making a grandtotal or *I,W5, or nearly f 100 more than badtwen asked for. As this guarantees tbe successof the project tbe work ot con&trucUng tbechattel will be commenced as speedily as possi-ble. There could not be a higher complimentto Rev. Dr. HaJloway'n mlniitry .than the

Ii BO successfully completed on tbla aunl-ury day, nor a greater evlilaiice of tba

confidence of the congreflation In tbelr pastor.

A n Unpleasant Feeling;.Tbo oprratlotis of HcCumicIl and LIi faction

A Port Grain have Increased, If anything, tlieunpleasant feeling that his advent engenderedimoDg tbe people of tbat p^ce. L u t Fridayifgbt they could not obtain tho hall they bad

boon uslog, and tbo basement of the churchiros opened to them tbat evening. MoConoell,to we are informed by a reliable party,thowed bis appreciation of the favor by say-ing that It " wasn't fit for a nigger, much lees

'hits man." Yet tbe eminent BiihopFitzgerald once thought that the same placevras good enough for bis occupancy anddelivered a temperance lecture there.

We have BIW hoard some excellent Christianpeople express themselves very plainly con-cerning the ccuduot of those who follow H oCounell to Port Oram every night aud ap*ilaud the satirical things be says, and whichsomeof them fool aro retlectiotui upouwortUyChrlfltlau people of Ihatplaoe. Theysaytbeywere always able to conduct their own meet*

, and generally did it In a 'spirit of unitedChriiUau fellowship until McCounoll nud hUDover folio wen. introduced dlsoord In tbelr


A Fonrful Fall.Iward Rath, Jaa. taboy und Rluhard

Hudson, tbe ilret a tinunltb In tbe employ ofOapt. S. II. Benuett, anil tbo otben carpeu-tors oniployed by O. H, Freeman, were en-gaged lost Saturday morning in guttering theroof ou the Bouth eideol the new school house,and bad their work at thst point about oom-

xl.vfhentboscafruUlngeuddpnly collapeedand perclultated them to the ground, a dls-

« of about elahteeu feeL Rush, whothinks that In tbe fall be struck his backii!>or> a stone, was the worst hurt, and Bufferedconsiderable patu in the back from an Injuryto tbo nplue. Lahey and Hudwn both badtholr t.nk,«fl sprained, aud «.*> suDTercd painfrom the shocks they had received by tbe foil.Drs. Cook, htttdabery and Walton Boon cameto the irone tuid after their noeds wore at-tended to temporarily tbo Injured men woreconvoyed to tlielr homes. Kusb Is still con-flued to bis l>ed by his Injuries, although im-proving, and at last accounts Lahoy was stillunable walk on his Injured ankle.



8. Wbite In upending a mention iuHunterdon county.

>Mr. aud Mrs. Jobu ArtidtbavelxM-iivlsitlmzrlends in Washington.Mr. H«nry B. Corw.ii, of Monroe, exjwctu

soon U> remove to Urango.John Crutl, of DoonUtUi bos returned fromtrip to Stnuntou, W. VA.Jas. I'odrlck has bueu si»ndlng a briaf vura-

tion at Htroudsburg, I'a.Mrs. rTudcuaiid WIsfiBue l'rud«u bavo been

spending twine (layuatOraai-e.Mr. Fred. II. Luui, of L'liutlinin, is a nicra-

Mr of tbe United btotos Uraml Jury.Vf, h. lieers has leasal tun nuw rtpidtuce

irected In Boon too by Juhiab VanuuM.Mrs. Tboo. Vuu Niwt, uf Qurinen Valluy, Is)nllnMl tuber liouie wUbabrokeu leg.Dr. 8. K Osmun, of Jtorristomi, lino guue) Nova Scotia ou a buutlug cxi>alitluii.Miss Anna McPhursuu has lnxa visit iug thonllyjif Ilov. Dr. ilallowtiy this nctk.Itev. Wm. Stout, of Flau'fcrs, jiruucbtwl IDmdyston, Buiuos county, last Suisdny.Rev: T. P. Fiambss, of Uenuan Valley, h u

hfs local history nearly teniij tor the prats." Uncle Johu" Naughrigbt. tba fotindur nfauKbriglit, was H. yean old lost Friday.Mr. J, II. Fiorsonand family are spending

October iu MorrUtown, at tbo U. B. Hold.Mrs. Barah Myers and sou, ol lkwuton,

have retumetl from a visit to I'liiladelpliln.Cajit. D. 8. Allen bM received bis per-

manent appointment as pout master of I>ovur.Mr. D. \>. Kibble, of Dlalrstown, bos taken

a position as dark in Davfs's drugGtoro, Uoou-ton.

Rev, Baker HtuItL bi-fan his postorata oftlio Flanders Presbyterian Cliurcb last Bun-day.

The HOW noted Rev. Dr. Crlgga spent WatSunday ill Morrlstowu at tbe guest of Mr.Pyle.

Fred. Bllvoy, formerly of Plunders, sjiept a>vr daya lost woct witU his uncle, 1). A.

Nicholas.Mrs. John II. Btumpf Iu on hor way homo

Uerniauy aud Is o*pocU>d about nextd

8ad Blrthdar.Konouse, n. Uerlden, father ol

Ur. Alexander Kanouso, of Dover, aud grand-father ot Wm. Kanouse, or this plaoo, cele-brated his 83d birthday on Oct. 4th, Ills cull-dreg, grandchildren, and great-grand-chll-dren, numbering in all wvontT-nlno persons,with numerous friends, visited Mr. and Mrs..Kanouse, and offered tbelr congratulations totlie happy old couple. They wore the recipi-ents of numerous handsome and valuablepresents. GuwUnerepraeotfroniPatarson,Orango, Trenton, Dover, Morrlsvltla,Pa,,andother places. In tha afternoon, Mr. Cotter,photographer, of Dover, took pictures of tbegueat* ; also, a picture of Mr. and Mm. Ka-nouse, standing In front of the log cabin. In

htch they reside. A very pleasant day wasBpentby nil.—Bulletin,

' A Pleasant Beoeptlon.TheY. P.S.C.E, of theDoverPresbyterian

Cburch tendered Rev. Dr. and Mra. Hallotvayreception on Tuesday evening, In tlio lecture

room of the cburch, la honor ot the fifteenthanniversary of Dr.Halloway'a pastorate. Therooms w«re prettily decoroti-d wltb ~and Autumn leavw, and a large number ofpeople wero present to enjoy tbe occasion.Dr, aad Mra. Hallows,? received with Mr. andMrs. E.-J. Ross, Mr, and Mrs. Jaa. II, Neigh-bour and Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Allen. Therewere vocal renditions by Hiss Bertha Gage andMr, E. I), Neighbour, and piano selections byMIsaes Emma Simpson, Qrace fiurd andEllialwth Brotherton. IlefroihmflnUi weroserved and there was a pleasant flawof socialenjoyment from 8 till 11 o'clock.

Stabbing- nt Mt. Hopo,LastSuudijy there WMUtred at Ji t .

Hojw, unotltor of tliwi drunken Ilmigariaurows, or which Si^rrla county line lind n fullsbaro. Durluv tlio fliht, which {ironabout midnight, PlutroTjirluinkt drew n largo

1 ktiifo and stabbed Michael SiaCo dooply in'ttiq abiloiiioii, and Audrew Krintoj) in the

tliigb. At llrst itwas thought that Hobo'swound won mortal, but now both Injured

progresaluff favorably undor tba carDr. Flaggc. Dctcctivo Dobbluii went to Mt.Hope on Monday nud succooded lu crrtadingI'arkaukl and iodglng him hi jail at Morris-(uwu, wuure ha now JIGS. Ttio caiuo of tinquarrel is not positively known, but it Is supposvd thatsoina recant changes In tlio mon'sduties at tlie mino was tlio cause.

We are recolvlns almost dally postal cardsanil notices from places where tbe Now YorkSymphony Club nave been giving concerts jand all say tlio samo thing, tbat they giro tbo Iflneet concerts ever beard." Don't fall tosecure ticket* early. The plan for reserved•oats wlllbu placed on exhibition Monday nextat i r. M, In the Y, M. C. A. rooms.

Prof. Craig ia making good beadnay withtlie gymnasium class, The class numberedeighteen Monday night. ' ' I

Report for September Is u .'follows: 2young men's meetings held, average attendance48 ; 4 training clauses held, avarago attendanceC ; gymnasium oponod, attendance 1W ; visit*ta tho Eick, 1; on* recuptiou to coimntttocmenfaeM. Attomlance a t rooms—boys 3S5 ; dallyaveragoiy ; men 1,-UT; dally average 54 ; ficommitted meetlRgx held; S now memberswero secured and 5 old members renewed.

Next Handny will lw otaorved as a day fortha Bwalinh joiing men nf our city, and Rev.O. V. Bodennan, UieRwedlsii minister, will

k. All men ore cordlnly luvlted. *

A Joke oa tho Dominie.a-wjre Infnnnml tha other dty that a

known cleiftyman ,v£ I'tlilo. place was'asked by a male niomhcr of •fili congregationto solvo the following purifB; If all tbeublWreu tbat King Uorod killed wero burledIn such a manner that only tbelr arm* fromthe elbow to the tl|>3 of their lingers werevisible above tbo ground, bow could you dis-tinguish tbo nruis of tho boynfronithone oftlio filrlBf Tlio reverend Efntleman, having

rkedat It faithfully for Rome time, wasobliged to give It up. " Fur shame," cried tbe

lenilmr. " The Idea thit you should farge^that the children tbat Herod killed were allboyn." Tbo dlvina bnrdly knew whether tolaugh or to gnt mail at bb seeming stupidity,

illlipiburg Democrat.

The 7If teenth'a Be-umon.Thedtitetu of Washington, Warren county,

bold a pnbllo meating last Friday evening tomain arraDgements for tha re-union of the 15thT. J. Volunteers, to be held In that placo

Tliursdav, Oct. Sui, This regiment waa on*of (We furnished by tbe State under tbe callof tbe President for 800,000 men, July 1st,1803. Tbo regiment was enlisted as follows:Sussex county three companlM, Warren two,Uunterdou two, Morris two, Somerset one.There were but fow reglmenta In tbe Unionarmy that bad a greater record for serviceand losses, and tbelr loss of 372 men In actionv?as the greatut of any New Jcraey regiment,

:ho Ut N. J. Cavalry being second with a 1<ji i)17.

The •Wiaard'a Latest.Edison now claims to bare perfected an

electrical appliance for street railways thatsurpasses horses, cables, trolleys and every-thing else hitherto used for propelling streetcars. The invention Is not yet made public,hut the current report says that the wizardhat • i aoovored a way nf convoy Ing throughtho rails, to tbe motor on a car, tbe eleotrioenergy noeessary to drive It. And this Is In atlmpio manner, without danger, and what ismore roorvolou*, to elostrlu ouireut can bopicked up through two or tliroo Inches of mud.The cost Is only ono-tbird of that of ordinarymethods of traction.

A Vigorous Ola Alan.There appeared in Dover last Friday an old

man resiling at Lafayotto, Stusex county,whoso ago IB 03 yearn. He desired to visit hisson, who lives at MUlburn, and not llkinjr, totravel by rail, concluded to rnako part of hliJourney on foot. Ha walked that day fronLafayette to Dover, a distance of abouttwenty-two miles, and from hero took the canfor Mlllburn. T - r '

Ladiea1 TTnir Dresner.Hunt Esther Eelman b u opened a hair

drosslng parlor nazt door to* tlio Boa Hiraf.Btore, Dover.'

A Ranawar .As Messrs. J. C. Sohnder and It. B. P.

lan wore driving Into town Tuemlay ovenlng,ritb tbu former'* horse, they attempted toasa a vehicle on Went Blnckwcll street, but

as the other ]»rty did not give them enoughof the road tlie wheels collided.. Asa resultMessrs. Bchrader and Fennlman. were thrown

it, but fortunately eccaped aorere injury..Tbe bora nut some distance and the phaetonWOB badly broken.

We Support Our flaboola.There are thirty-four Bohool districts la Mor-

J9 county that vote Bpednl tuxes, aggregatingkl6,M)5, for teacberu1 nalttrlcs. Twenty-nlnodlBtriota vote special taiu«, aggregating #10,-MT>, for building or improving school houses.Tbe State appropriation amounts to |TD, .02.-Ki, and the nurplus rorenue Is f 3,(107.01. Thetotal appropriations for thesupport of schoolsla the county for tho year 181)1-3 amount totHKl.J7O.07.

A Pine Xmiaa l Event.A couocrt will bo given In tbo Chester Gon-

BrrKatlonal Church ou Friday ovoalng, Oct.•Ski, for which a flue prngramtiio of viwrnkitd InHtruiiiGnlal muslo ia being preparod.

An excellent quartette from Pbilllpsburg wiUusalstcil by local talent, and a porformanco

__ rnro muclcal excellence It expected. TboadiulsHlon b S3 rants, and a limited numberof nwrved seaU will bo Bold at 35 cents.

Burglary at HacketUtown.Thieves broke in Jos. UitchelTi store Hack-

etUtown lnflt night and got about |200 worthof goods and t30 In money. They took awhole box Df underclotlilng, together with squantity of boot*, shoes, etc. Detoctive Mo

lellan is looking for tbom.

Seduction In Oonats .All tbo Corsebj formerly sold at 75c. and tl

reduced toSOcat ths B « Blva Store, Dorer.

• D S o .

A Tubular Lantern for U5c. at Berry &over Hardwara atara.

Prof. DOVOISOB Wood, who, with hiswas suspended from tbs Boonton Presbyte-riiin Cburth nlna tnontbs ago, and who hassiiice then been malting it sturdy fight for ns-Infrtatcment, bsj tendered his resignation tothe session of tbe Prcsiiytarion Church andmade application for admission Io tha Metho-dist Episcopal Cbuich on probation.

Hint Bopbio Pike, of liwntoti, has te) Oak KIdg«.Conductor Geo. Bronu lit very 111

ii Bui inlt.t bis

Miaa Harriet Shelton, of Morrlitown,)«tiirned from a three month's vU\t in l.hoAdlrondacks,

Mrs. Benuer liaa leaned her Kntnifdit placocottage In Morrhtown to Mrs. Hlcuanitt, ofFranklin place.

MtasIMltUBcUoeithelt, at VMluy,temporarily in charge of the Clinton ichool,

> fill a vacancy.Capt, Van lJusklrk, late of tbe First lteg't,

has entered tbe regular army as Sergeant In acavalry regiment.

Tlio Misses Nettle Mulick and Fotmlu Uuout,of the Dover post olllce will spend Sumltty atVashiiigtoii, N. J .A merry party was glveu to Ueo. ltotualn,

>f Montville, oa «lamlar evening, in honoriMils Wth birthday.

i. II. Lamlmrt nan y«itcnlfty rv-i'IeutrilTroaaurer ot tho Veteran AeiucUtion uf tlioFirst N. J . Cavnlry.

J . K. Hansel man, formerly of Buccusiintin,i i removal to Yonltom, N. V,, wLeru bo

icepa "TheCapitol."J. P. I^ighton, t ie veteran |>»Iugogiio, Islachlng this year tlio I'M lira w or saliool, in

lv*OBh ing ton townfiliii).Dr, and Mrs, F. B. lirndfunl and DOIIHIU',

Miss Kurt, drove last week from Morriatownto Lake Mohouk, N. Y,

Mr. snd Mi-s. Conielltie Kellows win Hton InKlorristown this \Vlnt*r, and have raited acottage on Franklin street.

H. Vf. Cortrlgbt and family returned fromtheir SumDior reaidoueent I<ako HojiatcoDg

i Maucti Chunk yostardny. .Mrs. Howetl Kobcrts, of AlnrriBtown, gave

(in informal dunce Thursday evoning in honorot tier daughter, Miss Millie.

Mrs. IVm, II, Weldenfeller, of Newark, Lasbuen HHJ guest of Mrs. P. F. Apgar, of War-

>n utrcut, for the labt few day*.Hl&a Mauilo Hunt, of Tort Drum, wbo IIQBson treated for bor eyes In a New York hos-

pital, has rctumwl much Improved.Mrs, Dr. Tyng ban rented ber cottage on

Farragut placo, Uorristotfn, to Mr. ami Urn,Holler, of New York, for the Winter,

Tho Rev. C. C, Lathroi) and wife, formerlyof flloomlogdale, celebrated their golden wed-diug at DeefcortoB-ti ou Saturdny kst .

Mrs. Thomas Rymi, of Underhfll Contre,Vt., baa been visltlug her porenln, Mr. amiMrs, Jeraca Purcell, a t gilccasunua.

Dr. I. W. Condlct waa 74 years old on Tuts-ay, but still pursues Ufa profession with tholior of a man twenty years younger.Mr aad Mrs. Earl Grampian have returned

from a trip to Eiiro]», wlicire Mr. Greonmanset up c largo Cottrell preta lu Loiiduu.

Mn. Knecht, the moUisf of Mrs. Dslp, ofGerman Valley, will Bpond the Winter with a

slighter who resides at Al'entown, Pa.Mr. Alfred Qooaale, ot this placo. who is

60 years of age, was married Wednesday a tVinolaud, N. J., to a loily of that place;

Itev, A'ldbou Pmki ' , furiuvrly </f ttie Itnji-tfst Church, Morrlstowu, but late of Bomtr-

ille, has accepted a call to !•> Porto, Iud.t'riadpal J , II. Hulsart, at tho Dover

iboota, filled very acceptably last Bund Aymorning tbe pulpit of tbe f irat M. E. Church.

Michael Beaton hat sold out bis blacksmithburinesa in Morrlstown to Thoinaa Uawloyend intends to go ioto butluosa in New York


Killgore's Corner Drug Store!AND HE WILL


Drugs or Medicines!


Killgore's Corner Drug Store,




Fall Overcoats,Winter Overcoats,

Suits and Orerooats for everybody! AH (trades at the low-eat oash prices! It yau want to see an assortment that

is an assortment oall on us! One price to all,



city. •per rt])3rt says that Hon. W. Vf.

...... . . i hla return to tbte countr>, willmake Washington, D. O., Ills pennnnont resi-denco.

The night Rev'd Henry C Potter, D. D..filabop of New York, Is eniecUxl to preacb inBt, Petor^ Church, Marrlslonn, on Bunilaymdrulng.

Abraham Kersbaw, formerly of iTorrlstowu,nt purcha^M tho United Rtatcs Ho to], a t

iinston, for |fil,000, nnd intends to Improvethe property. I

as. Uragnn, ol PatcTson, bos been In town, •recovering from nu Injury to IIIH foot, re-ceived while be was assisting to repair abroken bridge.

Mrs. Charlotte Conkllu, who died at theresidence of Abram Leach, at Brook Valley,

i Tuesday, had atUiued to Uio reiujrit&Ukis of 07 years.Her. !<'. A. Johnson bas bcon vlaltlug blf

friends In Cheater and on Sunday eveningpreaobed to a large union congregation in thePresbyterian Church.

Wm. Bormingham, of Mine Hill, fuuud Outwork at Niagara Falls too wet to agree wltbhis health and left this week far tha unit mines

i the Geneeseo Valley.Harry Hlllard, of llorristown, will be mar-

rled to Miss Ellen Walsli UuniphroFs, ofPIttaburg, Pa., A t i e Polut Breeze Cburch,in Ibiit city, on Uctolwr 1 jtu.

Prof. Itobert D. Petty, formerly of Wash-ington a member of tho facultyoftbeKew York Law School, which is tlionew law school of Columbia College.

Cards are out for the wedding of Mr. Mar-tin Havens and Mies LUlie BUckto, wbUuoccurs at tbe home of tbe bride's mother, onProspect street, Thursday, Oct. 10th.

Our townsuiua, Mr, K. K. Jnckson, contin-ues, to Improve, He sajs that Wedncsdnyiieitwlllbethe 4fltb aimlvonary ot tbe In-troduction ot Croton water In Now York.

The illness of Mr. VA. M. Scaring davd-oped into typhoid fever, but we nra glad toknow that be is holding his own- and thatthere are ox eel lent bopea for bla recovery,

Mr. Edmund Allt i» driving from Charloft-town, W. Va.,a dlstouco of over four hundredmllas, toBoontnn. Mr. Allt has severed Ii I iootinectlon with the ltrtws foundry nt Cliarlw-

Mr." and Mrs. Win. II. Umlwrt, of Dover,Mr. and Mr,v Bnmue] II. Hi ler and daughteranil Mr. Amxl Waor nnd daughter, of Hlber-

t^Uadctt tUo reunion at Trenkin jDstw-day of the First N. J. Cavnlry.

Gen. B. iV. Flagler, Chief of Ordnance, U.8. A., visited nnd inspects cu Tnosday thoponder depot post near this place. Ho wanpleased with what lie HAW end boltem tbapoet Is capable of great development. *

Mr. K. P. Ogden and Mitts Bnillo MInton, ofCbAtbam, will be married In tlio ProBliylerletiChurch of that place, on Wednesday evoning,tbeHthinst, ArecepUon will rollownttbebride's home, from TSW to il o'clock.

Among tbe Jlorrintomi debutantes UilsWinter will be Miss Gertrude Hoy, Miss AliceBusline]], Ml«s Millie Hoberts, Mira NellieWilder; MiM Eflte Aboil, UIss Floy Clranntw,I n L. King and Miss May Granniaa.

Fred. Gray, of Teconm, Washington, ar*nved hero jesterday, to sjiend a vncatinnwith his friends at Dover, Flanders nnd else-where. Fml. Is asststiint cattbier of tbefreight department of tbo northern PacitloRftilrond. <

Conductor Abrnra Ball has been given tneD o v r accommodation train In place ot Con-ductor W. T. Rundfo, resigned, and Conduc-tor Wm. Spriitg, of Dover, lakea Mr. Ball'splace on one of tbe Bouth Orange accommo-dation trains.

Editor V . h. Force, of tbo Plolnfleld Piwho has been *)*ndlng a late ucasun at LakeBopetcoug, mode UB a^i1ca»aiit call Tllouday.He Is one of tbo plensaulont and moat efllcientnewRpapcr men of the State and our latchstring is always out to him,

Ur. N. M. LanRdon, formerly of Cheater,but now of Port Honry, K. Y., rood Uforetho October meeting at tbo American Insti-tute of Mining Engineers an able paper upon"The Use of Magnetic Concentrates in tnoPort Henry Blimt Furnaces.1"

His* Emily UroDfell flnd Mr. IlichanlThomas wero wedded on Monday, by Rev.Pearoe Rogers, at the homo at lha. bride laPort Ornm, and after partaking of a wwldioghreakftut UID happy couple went on a tow

York. Congratulations all around,a wedding In tho Central Presbyterian

Church of Auburn, N. Y., OU Wednesday, thocontracting parties were Mian. JowpKlnePomaroy, of Madison, N. J., and Frank RufusHerrlek, of Cleveland, O. Tlio party left fttonce for Madlaon where a reception wot held






A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED.Also a big stock of Loaded Shells,

Iluntibg Coiitv, Yosts nnd Lcggins,

Game Bags, Flasks, Poaches,







W. H. BAKER'S,D O V E R , 3NT. T.

Page 4: WALTON BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers,

y, Xadlcixu and XngaruiWhen tba Her. Dr. uiisun Hutching* re-

tired from bis thirty yean pubutU In th»Bedford Avenue Baptist Church In Brooklyn•bout * jeer ago, the Be*. J. II. Gunnltig,Itoetun, and tormurly af Uorristown, «placed ID temporary charge oT tbe church.Mr. QunoinB U » pliytidaja m* well aapreacher, and until a few month* ago he held6 rtepeaaiMit place is an insurance eoajpaujiu Boston. HU labors in the Brooklyn churchhave been confined to the dellrery ol tiro mwotu on Sunday, and for this he bu reoely(Mia week. It Is also sail that helm Insistedon having the money in advance. The ar-rangement luu not proved satisfactory to moinfluential p u t ol the ocngnv«tioa, whichinslatod that Uia paator abould bo ft man en-tirely dissociated from secular altsira, whoshould attend to the player meoting and otherpastoral work u « U u preaching. I t «msfinally resolved that if the Itev. Mr. Dunningwere to remain 1» muit do the full work ofpastor and Uiat he roust surrender hi* lucra-tive Horton unmecUoiu.

I*st Friday nfgfat the congiw.fl.tlan met toconsider tbe calling ot * permanent pastor.Tho iiameof Mr. Ouiuiliigalaiu was suggested«nd alter an animated discussion, In whichpointed reference KM made to Lli alb-gadworldly tendencies in the way ol money wak-ing, It was decided by • vote of 88 to i» togive him a forma] call and fix the salary af*3,UO0aye*r. It li thought that Mr. Van-ning will abandon his medical practice, giveup lita laaurauoa connections, end aattla bitn-efllf down to regular paitonl work.

A New Club.Tbe " RcaoluM Camping Club," of Uonls-

lona, which baa camped at Bbarji's Book,l*ke IIopaicoDB, for many seasons, ba* txenre-orgauized Into the •'KenJIworth Club,"and will build a pretty dun bouse, on • lotthey recently purcbaaed along tbe Hirer Stjx,near Pickerel Point, wtlch will be known u"Keniinrorth Lodge," Tbe plant thow a pic-tureaquB front elevation, with oral lower, alarge plaua 10x33 feat, with extension orpromenade beyond tba East tide of the build'(ng proper, affording a fine floor for dancingortheenUrtalntnentof guecta at a "quilting."Tba ptaua, root U an exteoaloa at tbe teoondstory roof, broltea Into In tho centre byInviting balcony opening from the secondfloor. A modern kitchen, dining rooai, re-ception and amoklng room wilb bugs cbinwa*/of rough stone belatr. and a series of oomtort-atf e tied rooms store. A substantial dock Unow being built In front of the property.

A REPUOB FOB QAME.Tba following, Iron, tha Hew York Ban,

while not entirely accurate, lias guttlcJenftruth to nmka It oC (ntareat -. Tbe Unltec8tat«a Uovernmeiit haa 1,000 acrespowder depot Uod *>t VtchitUnny, tour n.lleanorth of Dover, N. J., and tha big mneniim

< scattered over tba Wmct s o u to keep tlieiat Mfe distances from each olLer ID case <an axpiodOD, which la a rery remote contligeocy. All bub one of the five magazines areon the lave] plain between heavily woodedhills. Tbe eioaption. No. fi, U in aa openingIn the woods on tlie hillside. Thouutons of pander on the tract makit It MMto b* careful about are of all Id nils, an,!ing on the land la prohibited.

Thero la a lalea noarly a tnilo longproperty, awl much ot tho loud iu aad <Uia tract la wilder than It was ten jeaiTba protecttut. given by tba uoticta proUMViiig shooting teems to be thoroughly apprei.tad by all aorta ol wild creatures. UutT.

groaae ivtrarni ou Uie tiillsiilui, aud quail anabundant'ou the plains and in ttio tlilcVel*Rabbits ah> particularly aliuiiduit, and scoreof them may lw seen In the roifta an an/ evenlog. Wild ducks find a secure haven on tblake, oiid It is aald for wiles around that wtoia duck of partridge is shot at and missed, Itbeads directly for the powder depot.

Not alone gains blrdi seek Uia protection ofUncle Ham In bU little slice of Mw Jersey,but all aorta of creature* flourish tiara. Dur-ing the present season two large rattlesnakes

. « been killed oa the property and Innu-merable bUckmakis have beau seen. One

ior* than seven fort long was recently killedby Ur. Cook, who lives on the tract aa a caretaker. 'Coons, opossums, tteasola, and minksbavn been iilllod on the powclor work* grouuilsautl nobody would be much surprised to healot m bear belog seen at any time among tiiewild crags orerhanglDg the labs.

Tbe lake contains pickerel wid bats, but theus have not learned to take unit, it U said,

since the lake waa stocked with them somflyean ago. North of Uie lake tbe country isextremely wild to the head Qt Orwa Fond.This territory does not belong to tbe Govern-ment, and there are no algw prohibitingshooting. It Is good grouse country, but theJersey grouse are bsAcfced *• it\> & kti<of tho nuiga ot a shot gun. It requires aa

;pert to get ope out of three grouse In thebills of Morris county, where nearlybird bas bad a pound ofpowW uuni«l behindhim before be Is three yean old,

A Ohuxeh Centennial.Appropriate Outennlnl services wilt be

observed iu tbe Vint Presbyterian Church ofUorrfsUma on Sunday, Oct. lltn, and tbeday following. On the first date tbe pastorwill preach the sermou at the usual morning•ervlce, and on tba arming of tbe MUHB day IIlev. Wn, Durant will preach. On Monday,Oct 12th, Rev, Dr. Starrs, o( Oruge, will Ipreach at 7:90 P. M. This will be an addrasiof greeting on behalf, of ti» Prabjtwy of'Morris and Orange, which will meet in Mor-rlstown on that day. There will also be ad-dresses by Dr. Green, Rev. Wm. Durant andIlev. Mr, Thompson, former pastors of tbe!church, talks by the pastors of the town, and |a historical addrees by John WhiUlead, Esq.John K. Ruayon will conduct a chorus choiron tbe occasion.- Jeneynuui.

A Warm September.The month of September wai, with IU moan

temperature of 03.80°, the wannest Septem-ber of the tt»t farty-«igDt ; « n , with the «x-c«pUon of that of 1&91, which gtve us a meanteupentura ot 73.72" and a tnailmum of i00.-

T h S b f & O l S e j d i e a OW. TheScptcwberofl&IO.lSejftiidieaOwerebut a trine cooler than that through whichwebnve juit passfd. Tbe maximum otjmttmouth, 8»>, hns not been BurpasMd ilnoe ISSl.Beptemtwr Ii umiallr a cool month, with amean temperature of aboutfll.W, Thecooleat

' which we liive yet recorded was Uut of 1871,wblcb gave us a mean of m.W>. Septemberof I&IS and of im were also remarkable fortheir eooliitet

Presbytery of Morrla and Oran*re.Pursuant to IU adjournment, the Presby-

tery will meet In Marristoim, at the SouthStreet Cburcb, on Monday, Octolwr 19tb,at 0:30 o'clock A. U. Tie first order of busi-ness will be tho consideration of a report bya Committee of presbytery, (Rev. RobertAikwea, D.U., Itav. Henry M. Btorrs, D.D.,'Iler. Hoory F. Hlckok, D. D., Elder FrederickU. tlurnuant, Elder Wm. VT. Manh,) upon'tire Report of tie General Asaembly1! Com-,mlttee on Revision. Copies of the report batsbeen mailed, by order of the Presbytery, toall the mlnliters and elders.

TV*. 7. WIHTAKEH, HUted Clerk.

The Hew Poatal Card.Tbo printing of tbe new postal oanl, to be

knoirnis tbe '•ladies oorrMponddnoe card,"haa begun at the posUl card works at Bhd-ton, Conn. A correspondent, who bea exam-ined Uie cards freeb from the presn, says thatthey are made of fine board, of color knownas pearl gray, but which In reality" U • TerjrHIM blue-gray, Tbe prlating ttpoa V»transverse aids Is In rich blue Ink. Tbe cardswill not be in circulation for tome time jrt,as about 25,000,000 will hare to be printedand distributed to the sub-agendaa beforedistribution it begun. ,

Beaten the OuidaThere should be a g«aera) waking up sU

over this BUte In regard to the maintenanceot plain and truthful BDgerposta, Tae pm-eut law does not aeem to meet the require-ments, and something should be done Uta fallto remedy tbe existing pVila, The State canwell be proud of itamaps; itaroadi are beingbettered every year, and it should be an euymatter to evolve B<HUB Intelligent system ofpointing tbe wiiyan*?. giving the tni«dUUiio«to tbe traveler.

Two Mfirriatown VcddlngskUUs rioranoe Bhalton and Mahlan Fltney,

» n of Vlce-Cbanoellor Henry C. Pitney, bothof McrrUtowB, * m be taarrled latheBonthStreet Presbyterian Church on Wednesdayafternoon, Oct. 14th, at S o'clock. Xlef. Dr.Krdman will officiate. Hiss Kata Fitnty, theyoungect (laughter ol Vice-chancellor Tltney,and Oeo. Van Dusep, of Philadelphia, will bemarried b the HunechurchooOct.29ti. HIMPitney, when married, will make fa«r hone inPhiladelphia.

Aa Important ttneattos.The State Board of Assessonhavs had their

lun traveling about the State, Howtbeyarecalled down to business, and the Newark Newisays this ipedmen letter waa received onTuesday: " David Shelly works Ackenon'sfarm on half slock, Shelly lives In tipartaand milks tbe cows In Hparts, but the cowspasture in two townships; in which townshipshall tho cows be taxed 1"

Bow It Worka Aaraitt.Under the saw Bepubllcan tariff act Braxil

bouRht American food and nuuufoctura ottwice the valuo ID July thli year that she didIn July 1«W, American industries were1500,000 richer In a slugls month, withoutIncreased cost or competition to any Ameri-can worker or consumer. Thfi kind of tariffis not a tax.

Tha OrcuM S«aaoa.Huffed grouse sbtwtlng began on Thursday

ot last week but It U extremely doubtful Ifany gnat number of birds have since twenkilled in H«w Jersey, as the foliage la thickand tfao birds are wary. No Fall Bight ofwoodcock baa beeu heard of, and It Is notlikely tliat there will be much of a flight untiltbe moon grows and sharp frosbj are reportedfrom the Northward.

The r i n t Step.Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't

sleep, can't think, cant do anything to yoursatisfaction, and you wonder what alls you.Ton should heed Uw warning, you are taking:taflrtiteplatoHervousPnwtratioo. Y.need a Nerve Tonic and la Electric Bittenyou will find Uie exact remedy for rwtnringyow OOTOUB cyrtem lo its normal, healthycondition. Surprising reunite follow the useof. Utla great Stave Toolo »nd Alterative,Your appetite return^ good digestion Is re*ptored, and toe liver and Kidney* resumeHealthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c a tRobert KlUgoret Corner Drug Btore, Dover,Onm, Hasce & Co"a Drug Store, Port Oram,and V. N. Jenkins' Drug Store, Chaster.

Bo K a t t o r B o v BardODJ druggist tries to sell yon ha own ooognmedicine, renwmbor he does H because hemated more money on i t Insist on baringKemp's Balsam for ti» throat and Jongs, forthere Is no oongh remedy so pore and none §oquick to break ttp a cold. For Inflnena,rum of the throat and UckUng irribsllmi withconstant ocugh IGmip's Balsam U an imme-diate hvn. Large bottles Me. aad tU AtaJldrusgtsts.

Tl» l o i i u . •»••»•• Veatar. *For Ulutntvd efroolan sood lo Vrad. D.

a. O o i t t u y a l l t r . i l . *.

Brought tbe Pups to Life-A remarkable dog story comei from Bonnie-

brook farm, n u r Still water, Sussex county.Among tba valuable dogs kept on that largetook farm la a handsome collie bitch, the

private property of Mr. Joseph It. Dennis, towhoee family Bonniebrook bolonga. Tbrtoweeks ago abe bora a litter of eight 8no pups,but seemed to bave difficulty In taking care ofso many, and two were selected for death intin barnyard task, Mr. Dennis toiiruottdone of the farm bandi to accoompllsb Uie

\ and i t was done. Tbe dripping corpsesof the two puppies were tbeu buried ID tiemanure pit.

Tbe next afternoon bead farmer Brlggs, Inpajbg bis daily vieit to tbe youthful canines,was overwhelmed with amasement to findthat the collie badiu someway drug up tbebodies and brought them back to life. Blu

licking and fawningovertbemin a cornerot her box. Ur. Denuli <rru Burprtued wbtnInformed of thla reaurrectloa, and a day or BO

iter be personal! j attended a second attemptto raider life extinct In the two puppies. This

they were placed on a chopping blockand tbelr beads beaten with a club Theirmangled bodies were onoe more bur'td In tkebarnyard pit,

Ur. Dennis visited the WaveHy fair, and onis recent return to Bountebrugk was mot ly

Briggs witb tbe astounding Information thuttbe collie bad again found tbe melancbolygraves of tbe two puppies and bad dug themp j l Sbebad leftona on tha ground

with life extinct, but had succeeded Inresuscitating the ottar. Bha had, moreover,earned the collie puppy In her mouth to thehead, farmer'a house, aad bad stowed it ttwaynder tbe front stoop, where no one could

reach (t.Tbe puppy is alive to-day, and is visited

regularly by Its mother, who lights aavngelyany one attemps to dislodge It, As the

little thing's position la at present impreg-nable, it Is likely that it will grow up to ro-

iru thanks U> its devoted parent Ueefdeeis, Mr Dennis thinks he will lot it live us a


ll i iuatuthe ii.tUttvrynoltlu orhrlu, uiul humo l.-m-e only to begiven to iiit',iiln.'Vri wf imiHirliil, rojn\ »r

" iceiy futiillieii, The Legion of llnn-or wus opiin lo i.iiv «ia«i n•»• orijjinnllyit was conferred forwork iu civil Ufa quite us itlton-aalormilitary exploits. On a law occasionsit lius been (,'iven to women who linvcperformed tlibtiugulhlicil (services inI'mice, anil tlio order lias BIUTIVCII,with various nioJificalions, nil theclinnyeB o! (foveruroent tliat the coun-try has scea KIUUO tlio first doeoratloiiwas granted. Under Louis Philippe nmlilso under Nupnlwm JII. it wus con-

ferred upon grenl niunbors of mem forvery Insignificant reasons, whichbrought tlie cross into dUropufo, butE.neo the establishment nf tliu republic

tcr caru Iiixu been obsefvod. J'VenoJi-men wlio receive tlio dec oration nuifetpoyto tho Ireosurjf of the Legion ofIlonor certain fees for their ribbons auilcrosses, and, hi .ulilitloii to the honorconferred, ihuy receive Btimll pensions

cose of need; forel^nicnt rcci'lvliitftliodecoration pny no fee wlmtevor, but onthe other himil they lire cut off from nil

insloiis or further chilms. Tho orderla a wealthy one, anil in some years Dmpensions have amounted to inuro titanono million dollars, Altogether (hemare about titty thousand wearers of tliodecoration, oil except a few hundredsbeing Frenchmi'n or of Frond, origin.

To a Frenchman tho cross of thoLegloa of Honor is of much,*qnence, ns it carries social distinction,exempts him fi-ara arrest under ccrUiiaiiroufnstanccs, {fives him tho rlylit ta

,d upon vavlaui pulilla cercinontatfl,.ml opens many doors and pluoos thtit

po liira


ild l>o closed 1'* In his omi country i

>ly a mark of ilistincUon.millore, but should be go IQ Fnmc>r a visit or n proliHigct, b\ay ho wouli^

Ind It of benefit In tlio suiue general. j that tho lTrcncnman ilnils it «d-

'antng-eous. Tho theory prcvuils thatio wenrcr of tlio, nnQ pruci

dtiykt'r Jen tins, imCourt of CJ)ftii*,wj -- -,..- - — -- .-—- —lwUio vuwluo ta tlio blglioat bidder _.knlfilit'fl Hotel, at titauliope, iu tuo County ot

MONDAY, the day of OCTOBER,IMH, lmtwcwn Uia hwim oC 13 und 5 o'eloclt,that I* to nay at two o'clock in the ttftenioonof Kokl day, all that certain lot ortractof landAnd iironirM'fl IVli'fT fin l Ijiflug l i tbe Town1

ically the wearer of nny ileiioriilion, ia ' nhipii o£ Uymm aacT JeilcwHi, in tbo Countyi gentleman In Uie ln'llrht eonsc, und, " J ^ e ^ n ^ w h ^ a d of lake ITOIWICOIIB, be-

hls word is tulccu ns honorable nn^ giunlng ut nil elm tree marked on four aide!truthful wiicnj it inljfl.t oflienviao bo wltli n large bluzo nnd tliree notclius underopen to doubt. Tills Is noticeable nt ft i-uchblntKBUuidiuBOii tououtUwnt nfuooT aFronch custom IHHIKC. wiiuro the bug- J » ^ SmiT""fag;u fnr tli<3 deenrnted imin is almost tK.f<hrf, |tHni>tlihvays piiKHOd without .jiicsL.on on his elm Its iii-rtlinslmplo assort Ion tlitiL it ennt:i!nH notli' Uujniifi Luudi!np; dutiable, whllo thnt of thonndcco-, J)"" r^,"jf y,.

,ted one Is oaref ully mat- ^ n ^ , ! oallwir wluit lie ma V lmvo fund (.•oiiforuiiifr ' MVfiity (1-^^

It. Itailway qRleliiiH nnd vinplnycs n » -1'4 »ioro respectful to tho fonut-r tlutn iho ljll«".ttcr, and the untiiis in tbe case with "^J,"

lotel liH-'iHir*.; but the rnllwny employes yliaiuixpect Iiir(r*.T fees fnim tho "dfemee" vmnt

Uian from Uiu eoiiiinon murliii, undtlio '"tiotcl keeperH mute.1 up for thi'li* cstt'a po-

LUgineutin!7tlii*irbills. "Vonget 111(11*0 ulvillty with iv ilccavutlun

without It while tmveliiiff In nnypurt of Europe," wild tin Ami'rlavn vvhohad received Kovu-riil forcinti ihsJRiilaif distlnctbu, "but yon must pay lop itin tho end." Thulnwsnr l'mticc pnh-

vcry ucvcw.y uiiy Indiviilwil wholuini-H to woiir on French soil tlioifTOuf UM.A>g.uiit>{ I{mini* w.lhimb

egUimiilo imssL>M.liin of tlie cross nmllip.oii^u, tl.*>prtii.rii*HBCiitWti;Uidinu Jotu

ml imprUoiinvmL.

OSoials.Kmnloyert and ontnloyeea of tho Morris &.max Railroad appear to bo oa tie l«st ofimu, Harmony woms to aimli ovary litllcITalr gottop up by tbfl latter; In fact, tne

tormw are more or leaa identified with thovarious social and kindred events arranged by

is employees. A mark ot appreciation ofeatment reodred will shortly be presented

by t ie employees to their superiors. TlieHarris & Essex Employe**1 Mntiul BeneQtAasndatlon hai bad three certiflcate* ofhonorary' Dwrabgrafalp aogrocsed and framed.They are elaborate in doagin. and outaldo of

value, In tto S U M iu which they aw tobt gUtm, am strikingly ornamental. TbeeaoerUflcates tr« to b« prtscnted to Bupeiinten-drat Andre s Ztewoner, of U10 Morris ~

" i . ' JL .SW.lUiItKbanlo Vf. U, I^mit and SuperintendentBoka.DQ Griffith, ol the BuUdlngand BriageDapartment Witi^ tha esoepljon ofand one or two minor detail* the cortiilcatesan idenUcaJ.

Every branch of the various departmenUofthe oorop*ny la repreeentcij on tho corUQnt.l«by a chosen chairman (or Bach. They are:Conductors, Henry H. Hoffman; brakemun,August Ungeoun; engineers, Goo. H. BtJcber;

I'atrlck aah; huaUara, AugustOwrgecti j clerks, W, H. Castles; car shop,

shop, Cbu lu E.aaitland; iwitdnnen, 0. W. Christine, Sr.;buttdloga and bridge department, Andi

A.Carr. Below fbeae ore tho nameitha preddeut of the Employee*1 Association,B. E. Chapln, and tho Becretary andurer, X Uwlisoa Condlt. Tbe preeentaUonwiUbemade to (ho officials some day nestweek by Secretary Condit, nbobas themaltarIn charge. «

Aa Old Incident aecalled.John Vhltebead, Esq., ot Morrlstoirn. baa

bad In tho tat two numbers of the Green Bap.Boston publication for lawyers, an article

on"Tha8unremsCourtofNewJersey." ThlaeoKtalnl eicellent' portrait* of men who oo-eupledlhelwiohintbeolddays. A*

at th« dlvtitifled occupation of tHew Jersey's noted men of tbe old dsja, tbesupencrtption of a letter naorwsed to Her.Jacob Green, ol Morrtocounty.isglyen. Hev.Mr. Qrtea was chaJnnaji ol tbe State Pro-visional Cosgreai Committee that In June,1710, prepared the constitution that waa ac-cepted in July of the same year. This was themiperacripfdon on the letter:

. " To the Rev. Jacob Green, Froacbar,And the Rev. Jacob Green, Teacher ;To Uia Rev. Jacob Qre*u, Doctor,And Uie Rev. Jacob Green, I'roctor;To Uia ROT. Jacob Green, Miller,And the Rev. Jacob Green, DJitillcr."

There waa no Prohibition party, hut therewii lota of excellent apple-jack whfiltey InRAT, Jacob Green's day.

Wnat tba Odd PeUows are Doing-.An Item going tha rounds of the preta states

tha. &]<• Fellowship carries on its work untleithe Hags of thirteen dltTerent natioiw. Everyday ISO persons join the ranks and erwy dayIfl.OOO are spent for relief of distress^] mem-ban, widows and orphauc

Xsxloan National Bnrineera Speak,We, ths undersigned, engiuters of tbe Mr:

lean National Railway, and members of tbaBrotherhood of Locomotive Engineers ofMexico, certify Unt we have used the CactusBlood Con for blood diseases, and we cantrotlif nlly say thai, with ourselves, as wellwith oar acqulnUacts, the i*m«dy has ef-rected a perfaet cure when other medicinesha.«e failed. Ileaw use tbts certlntaU for Uiebeoeflt of our brother engineers and tbo genera! public W. M.DA7ia,

J. O. CU8KEY,JAB. TuoMPsoff,

ambers of the BroUwrhood of I.oconiotiveEngineers, Acatnbaro, Uexico.

For sals by BobTKiHgow, Dover, >. J.

Svspepaia.CATSKtLL, June lllh, less.

1 bar* found in Dr. Dcane's Fills a remark-able remedy for Dyspepsia, Speaking froman experience of (oar months in their use, ~

ire found them to meet in my own case allthat I dand to bops for in the way of relief.1 most heartily recommend them tosnysuf-rarerfroaiBdlouaDyapeptla. '

E. VAN BLYKE,Paator Reformed Church,

Maaon * fiamlln Ortraoa and PUnoa.t. ft, Jankfaw. Apnt,Cbettar, W.J.


HlBtory of tho Coleurotod Fruuc]Ordor and I t s Docorntion.

T h e Letrimi of Uottnr u a s f o i i ,rites Co). Thouias \Y. luiu.v in tin-

k j t u M i l i i K l Uiilfiii. Itv Xaihtlnpurtts In IHU, iimli'i- Hie I-VOHL-IliL', ulid tli>' liit-oi-y .if Us r<mui!;i

r t l ( l t kpcllilojjuml ivpubiii 'imhonor Wat OJH'U to agard U> his s tat ion in

ltltiiry. I ' r dl t ltho mid

lo Uiut tiii



itil.'ml wvfin instm! ] Hitler


• JiOOY HJtlfSSELh\Tliey iinvo iiinv nrrlvnl nnnnio iwrfoct ft

PV.TV iletiiii, tiiibruclng it)) tins lufcst novelHt-.-i tn tl.u iiwwt Jlsurert and tlnU Wo u

w uimiy t'tioifo jwttertut lu




TLIn Block oinlrawH all grndus oT cnr]»ljniniiTucturwl, Ironi UIH very lluest W thbL'njwrfjunlltli-s. A ricli lino uf



CARPETS.Oil Ul.»llm, Unnlenrax, MatlingB, Mats, etc.

II are fuiturcs at thin department.

Hoath k> Drake,77 & 779 Broad St.,


IN CIIANLIB.IV OVNEW JEIU*EY.Bitwt-mi Williiitu M. Force, cotuplainant, aod, ctnlb., defendant. Onbill Cor jwiitttiou und decree for sale.

WiUAttii VT. CUTLtii, Bal'r.

BY virtue of a .'pcroo m-ide by tlloCban-ctillnr oC tlicfltfttept New Jersey In,_Uia

^aiisPfihovoittaUl liean m d e r p r August A .k J t

l liearing date tho Uontyt A D J S I I - - " • •

aring dat. D.JSII.,

1, Goo. Wal-M t r a of tbs



'FR08PERITY.ifea vifaat tits; (aid of It last aeaioa •


&•> ftbat tbey say of It tbia season :


Paris and /rost thought* from ournn workroomaideby side.Kiqutgit* utyles In Trimmed Toques, Hats

end Botwota, from «3.07to »2S.Untrlmmad Hat*, Round UaU. Toques andonceta Jn shapes and colon not obtainable

elsewhere, from 65c. to 11.48.New uavolties In Velvet and Silk. .

browns, Batlars aud.vaaars, Fancy Feathers,

. _ . the new styles ID Imported Fancy'eatliera In Pon-Pon,Wlcga, Fancy Aigrette*.DEO complete asisrUnent of Ostrich Tips,lutnei and i*on-pom,

JET ^0VBLTJE^In CoronoU, Orowss, Bwds, AlgnUes, But-terllics, eta.

PUB GOODS..Tha latest novelties in Capes, Ret far Capes,[littery Capet, Also Wulfa and Trimming.

Porf«ctfltgaaranU«d.Wcrkmanshjp of tbe bast 1 No advance of

price notwithstanding the recent rlao andfifarcity of good furs.

OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT.An exposition of now designs from whichrerj l&dy can select aganneot UHvtembodk*i iU make-up eacb point that indirlduali&te can call for, Aa usual, our display of

Misses1 and Children'* garment* elicited greatpraise from all for It* high character in ntylMtind tnatuvt-J",

K?" Come fa and see them; they are freelook nt.

L. S. PIAAUT & Oo.7 0 7 to 721 BROAD B . .

und ttn linkN; tlmnce pt) mirth fortyiina twenty uliams und ulgbty lluk»;

{*) vth U U u !igrt*a west tblriouiurtti Utty-aevuu

h (D) tbgrtoaUrtyl 0 r U l

CAMELS IN AMERICA.low n llr.».Bl.l »•-« l»«wn

wit Ii III* TniHly Killn.C. W. Cftiunm Wll» n sU.rj- ti,Mml arovo of uiunulu Unit worn iiw-il hem In

surly riu.ya for pnu.i un\mti\M, unys thoilek-nu Jonriml. lie Bny» thoy wevo

ipurtcA fnitu A«iu \>y tho giivfi-nmcntr carrying «iip|iUfti to troops ov.-j- tlio

plainu ul •XVXUH, 1'iit nure -suhl to un vWterprlslnij uitlzi-n iiftur tlm Kuvi'i-niacnthad done with tln'in, und liils minibrought them to llolumi lourtud withprovisions, und t)m f,rnmtl old ships of)tlio ilcsurt sailed over mnny iv mountain'trail carrying1 goods' whero ivnEfonscould not go.

They were tultun out to grazo in tlmilllu nTljoinhij,' Ht'lcnu, mut ono dayJim McNeil, mvcll-lmown clmrautar of,lioso days, eiuiyht ni(rht of one of tlmmracls us ho way coming in from n,irospccling1 tour, mistook it for a

mooHC. and shot it down with lilx rifle.The lientor wus promptly la the rcr.ciic"nndinmlu Jim put up nil tho colltilernlio had with him m Kuutirlty fur thoinimai.

Each onmi'l win worth iibont seventy•clollare, und In spite of the fact Mint Mc-Neil did not know Montunu lind sud-denly hecoroe n cmnul country, h


illy ohnliiL , ,-,runt thirty uhnliM ; tbniicu (7)i-L-iK tveat ceii clutiis, tlmncM t»J northUH'esuiiil tbii'V iiilnutt'st»attwBn-

v Itwucu (H) nortU tmy-eigUt degreesWtrt tweuu-tuiir clwiiiw, ttiuu™ (10) W 1 -

ill ty lii-ant-s wcjit lllly-I«ur CIIIIIIIB S Utei11 wmtli Euvuu dt-grw-ri \\v»t titty tboliin audurt-y luiliK : thciiLti (I'JI iiurlb oifttity-jilim ue-rcM^fiihttblrty-iHiiBcU«ln!*anu ttlxty links;

,|}L-IHM (I'1) !»«•••• titgreonetxatUiti-.y ctmiitN anil MJWiity Jinks to tuu platt* o( be-

iluiiig llvu hi i nil red aud thlrteeu..^lity-buiiiinjilUiB uf un acre, but

iftur ilwluetitiK a tract, or Hlxty-tnx scran unit^••ty-bunurwltliB at «n ncre tnclunK, iberalnThicu »n*rvUnMi\ to Jflnml OantlKld OQ theuurtamt'i any «C August A. D, l«UT, ana r o;orcleii in the Burvejur Ouueral'a Oillc«, hiliMik H, 15, ]«ge LIJO, thi-ro reuiaina four bun\rm\ nnu luriy-MVtiii ii'tm mom or leiu andHint rrtim tlm aforesafd ilcMirilied tract tliorebtwuUl tm deducted tw«ay-lour n.i«i tUlrty-tivo otio-liumlrwlLhH acruri uf a mrwy or twotinndnMUnitolgtity-fouracrea-iinilninoty.tmilumlredlbs uf mi uuro returned to Koboit R.lavlugstoii, Aiiril 111, IH J, and recorded In uiaKnrveW UenBTOt'H Otilce In Book a, 15, page•10T; also one liuiHlrud nnd iitnety-ilve tmu eer-euty-hlx liundredtba Acres on a survey ofthree liuiKlml nnd llfty-iour unil forty-ibrwtiinclrcdtliKncreiin'ttirinxl tn Ilotvort It. IliijIHlon, Juno 13, 1811), In ..oak B, 17, pBRe B7,

i«r looatlonsuf )wrt of tills land, theretwu buwlrud ami tw«ity-sl* ocraa

und ninety-two ono buiidrodtba acres nipre or

'including the inchoateFuuuiu tfbipmau Uierclu.

wratwwlli.,Eb.'WAi,Ki!:Krjk'NiiiNtJ,112.00 -Hpecisl Master In Chancery

»ptiy lull prlco for his b.^ gcrd was aftcrwnnl tulccn toCiiliitr. Cuunou Riiyd, and has tlnlvicrca.scil there.


Dndly It ait oil Coronuti.Dlugraccd und btiielrjjuai-i3 peersuw quite ft strong bo<ly in Eng'la

nays the Chicago Herald. Ono cf thoIrish carls, ivho wua ivcurpoinl iu thadfo Qnnrdb buforo lie hiicCL'cdcil ti

title, did Bix monlba'ofbard lalior foreomo breach of military jllaulplino.Another peer, nn English one, u td thason of a lord high chancellor, can neverslioiv lib fnco in tho house of lurda

n. Uo commiltcd l i disj^istlngcrime. Ho bus dropped !iis tltlo anilla now cleric to a Ilrin of auctioneers InAustralia. Tho rnnnpiU of Aylcaburystill affects lils costcrmonscr BWW. onodd occasions, find to mnlco n to lthat ho will ise.ll tv barraw of greens nsquickly ns nny linwlcur in U'liitoelinpol.Ity the. way, U U Inlomsting t o i\o{rIn tliG pccrnfTO for 1001 tluit- tlio march

5a onuo ltnown »» tlolly Tester nowflgnres ns "Dorothy Julia, daughter ofT. Haacly. Kat,." Tcste*1!! pnpa wnaibout na unmhl™alcil tv riiOJitn of tin

tough tribe HB Englnnd lias over produccd. , ^ ^ _ ^ . ^ _

A IInr:I-Uc3dod KPJT.In WilliiunKton-n, Mass., Hvoa n negro

rhosc claim lo bo ono hunurcil aud ooayears old does not eonr-.timte tlio vvholoof h b right to fame, lies wns*born

QXtro luLTtl licad nnd ti. born over, attInch la length on tba front bo no, nod

imittinp; practlco iiooi. mado hitbrain bos a terrible weapon. OflrtilUo course of Ills long lift: he litva TiUlrums, broken doors, smash."! grlrstones nnd nmrdcxc.1 liulla \>ybutting- ibum with his awful head.

. NDtice ol Settlement.tlw Li horoby «l»au tbM tUe *ti«ou•nbt-o*iber«> TrnsU'Cti nncfr llio

il T l p i t (IMIMICII will bo amo •nbt-o*ibSnmnil Tlp

t t dSnmnil Tlppoit, (IMIMICII, will bo atna stited by Uie, mil reilor settlorafpt to tlio Orphan*' CourtOonaty at Hotrla. oa MGNDA.Y tbo tc



cstito vt dow

NOW, GENTLEMEN,we liuvc just received a

jic lino of Winter i'loth-

ing of Mali's, Youths', Boys'

ami (lilldrcn's Knits. gpe<

ciul i>rices in Children's

Jersey Suits. You can also

Und a lar^e nssortineat of

Gents' Furnishing Ooofls


S. LBYINGTON'8,(>l>p. UiKor 0|:cia House,


Nnt.eo of t > meetings of_the «veml Boardsotice or tho meetings of tha severalof Registry and Election, ot Mom* y

N0T1CB Is hereby Riven that each and. every Uoanl of ltegUtry and EICCUOD

~ Hid for each and every election district ofevery Uoanl

id for each andU County il!

' lnt rkt a t thoj ilia

h e l J 'T

t tho jilihinlil

ltegUtry and EICCUery election district ofeet in its election dis-

re tbe general electionovember noit, will bo

TUESDAY, 0CT0I1ER 13th, 1S01.nt 10 o'clock In tlio niornlng aud will eonUuUilu iceslou until tl o'clock In tbe eveningMill day for tlie purpose of reg liter lug itionona ivbo wll) bo entitled to vato la BUCIilccUou district o» ukld tbtrd day of He

i n d also thnt each and every Board olRegistry and .IStccLfon in mid for each arovary election dittrlct or Morris County wi

el iu IU election district nt tbe place wherelEenenaloleaUon on tbo tblrd day ofiiber n u t , will be hold, on

TUESDAY, OGTOtlER 2Tth, ISflt,a t 1 o'clock in tuenrteronoi, and will contlriueiu »sstou until I) o'clock in tho uveuuin; ofsaid day for tlie piin«o» of revWnz nml cor-reciltig the oriuinrtl it-glut-rs mmlo ou tliu

..a ofllra of t i e County ClerktheCouiity ot Uc.rr.ntuU tweuti'-twaiid diaf Seiiteoitujr. fl«!itwti huuilred nud nloetj-

jllBw ' County Clerk.

Notice of SBltlement.

ttis •u.Hcrd.ur, Adnm.i-trnor wltb tun Willniitix rt ol IiV*tiy l'oang, Oocesi«d. Kill basuilUcd aud »ntc(i byifca avrroKaia.andrepxned Tor soul, tipnl io tbe Onihtnn' Cur^-- . . . . *t . . _.• i f . k i . rtr» l r i i u m . 4



Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &cBRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER.

COAL, f 001ASD JUIUIK l O T I i l• l . . j < o« t« t id . DtTlxUtallaMoial • U n a a u l ' T m U a wrtk COVHKKU PIKJKKT

. . id »cp«iitjcjfo»obuD,ln-li.n,wi!c.a<»pi)IIoiircuiton;»nwlUi






Established Yesterday 18™



Painter and Paper HangerMURAL DECORATION,




Bran and Wood Curtiln Ffiturei,

ard Wax FUuih for Floom, Patnte, Oils,Ulurj. &o. Artlat'e colon and bniBbes,

t3T Compiitant men tent to any part of tbeBtat* or elsewhere.

WJL T. CO0HLAK,MoJuusrowN, n , J.

W^ABHinoTon Aim COURT Bra. ft-ly

A«b my Mtentf fur W. h, Datalat Bba«s."not for tntt In your »lace aik roarnl«r io «eutl Toy tivjtvl«Rti«i mccuve th«cuor, *uA act llicoi lor you.


BBAOAN «\ Co.,S8-5ai DOVER. N. J .

DR A, G FREEMAN, DENTIST,— .jrtaisH(lrloe*tedbl« offlo«ln itOVKB.X•.oppwUtthsfotlOfllo^lnwomiQtFUetiafc.

laroirs •ton, and Infltas a •tur* of ths pnblkpatrons*! Itlul]conllJ.ot.Mfc»r«tofor»,loo*«r

'sbMn "TIISUutHituhtopsstI Jfttfn>r tdsrtlflelr.1 stts of twta that I bars « —on.* of tti«Bi In DOvsr. tbst b»»« bs«n won

..-.MH|>Mn,ipd th* wMrarssar ••thif »r« ufood aa trsr.'f i l l wnrt wsmntoa u KMA aaroprwMteil. Abnali»H«sp«rlsno«or RsarlyMr«*nln HtokatUtown •cibles m* tor»T«,lf ••«.•aurr, to tbotuubda (op whom I fern don«*otk,vliowilltuUfj to IU marit. Tb« nstnnltMth- -"oliytuiadal sbont bslf tb* raUs ebargadli

Vrolltnw i **** ' • * " " " • • " • ' « • *Dr. VrMinsn iiu tesn mr own and fuallf, M B)*a for the focal.? and •chol«r« of Iht•tlluta for tha past Iwelva jMua. It la s traleaitirtt to reoomm-iil him u a Utorosgblr coi

BRT. O«Q. Q. 'WtttTKR, D. D..Pwilflent UsckdUtami OoUecUtt iEitlttKicqaalntsDM with Dr, prwnun hu exteadi _

•DI -period of raw)} i H n . Tor rajrell, ttuslly»nd p.tFon* I cbMrlally r»oDmnend him ucaxenti. thorousb snd relUbla dentist.

Joan S. Ooox,U. DH naciettitflwo, H. Jr.rTMiDan hi* tbo patrooasa iVrall oarnisUljtnlth* *l Waterloo, and «rs wlili him grnt •oq.i la his nBir field. , 3UIU«LT. 8 « i "

, . -I thm\\ l« hipp; ton»e jtm «•« mjr oimi wltb otter* «• TOO initgMt.

If jou losve Uscsalistawn wo are fiUd foa will baW near M D I T » , BlnfcettWjtmim,

Cn.r*nuiit!-I>B>-B!rt—tf'ibsuie>rmftiutbIt of my hentOt u a HIBWDCO, yon are wdoome toMO It. O.B.HKURM,H.D.

A fewnamM of Doror ptropis tot wlioa. I *' itll>lolUBXiMll«.es

" -\A0ut.m'tlv.



A. • i r ..• ii «.v


Teeth extraotod E5o.OasorAIr tOa.Gold Filling *Un<l«p:SUwr, 75aand up.

BOSTON DliSTAb ASSOCIATION,223 Market Bt, Newark, N. J.

W.E.HOLT P . P . S . .- - - -


Tinners and Plumbersare prepared to do all kinds of

ff. Rooflnp;, Gutteringand Bheet Iron Worit,

and RKPAIHINQ. Alonr and practical „perienoe as worlnnon a n l moderate pric««— the fnducempiils we olTnr for Mtnrnagr_. up m Harris Mt,, ons door from BUckweltoward Uia river. liVlr

' riftlMdstlrinf t


astl Ukan'a UftUilkla. Goal of >1\ slita eostanUr on band snd dolinnd pmaptij 1anj pan ol the town or wlolnlr/.

O B L A C E W I U - 8T. DOT B




BU8SXX S T H K R , OOVXB, H . 1.

II i todul "lib Ilia bu t ot nsrjlhlni la Ihoo

UoM,ud»oldAtllrIi«prJc«i. OMIwdcun-

Ina in/ Block >nd prlvja. ill RWKU d«Ii

/ p u t ot Ui. Iowa at short aotiM.


Hew Jersey Business College,mk.7UBU.0AV ST., NKWARK.


Day and Nfgbt Basttoos,Bbortluuid and Tjpa-writing Dept,

Bualnetsi Btudl«a>rulUon very low,

gO. T. WLLEK, I'rinclpal.


•ay class opeoB Beptetnber 1st.ight class opens September 7tb.

LEAVE NEW Y0BK P0B DOVEaAt 430, 7:10, 7;10». DiOO*. 8:00, 9 31*, 10;10,

A. K.; IHIW m., 1:00*, St.D, 11:80, *;10*. *:30,••a. fl;00,7^1*, UiOfl*, B:LO nod fliOf," v M.

'VIA. Bounton, Brtuion.

CHESTER BRANCH.Wulwri. Htolior*. EatiworA.

l.M. F.K, P. H- A. I . P.M.0:33 8:05 B:17 . CliesUr 7:25 U;00 «ilD10:33 3:6T 6i00 ' Uortoa 7.-J3 13:08 4:180:13 2:83 «:ui Ironta, 7t3T UtlS 4-.610:03 3;47 B:E9 Succosuona 7:12 13:lg 4:84S:63 'HiS 5:63 UoCuinsvllU 7:45 U:32 4:408:40 3:85 5:17 Fort Ur»m 7:03 13tM B:009^5 3:30 D;U Dover 8:00 13:35 6:08Tba Hacl.eUstoitn Eipresi ilojpa at Fort

tram going g u t at 7:29 i , u/, golpg W«»t at


r-1 Q







]?ot New York, Newark ani Eliz-abeth, at 0:44,11:42 A. it.; 3:31, B:62p. J I . SosDiYa, 5:48 p . jr. • . -

For Phitedolphin at 0:44, 11:42.. H ; 3:31, 5:5HP. St.

For Long Bnracli, Ocean Qrove,Asbury Park und points on Newfork and Long Branch Railroadat 3:31 r s.

For all atntioii3 io High Bridgent G:44, 11:42 A. H.; 3:31, 8:62 p. si.SDNDIVS, C:4S P. M. •

For Lake Hopatcong dt 0:44!1:42 A. M.; 3:31, 6:59 p. M. . ,

For all stations to Ogdoa, 0:44,.. M.J 3:81 p, M. - .

For Eockawuyat 9:14A.M.; 12:06,1:07,0:11, 7:22 P. M. SOSDAYS, 4:14'. M ' . • ' • . '

1'or Hibomia at 9 : 1 4 A. H ; 4:07,14 p. M. '. , ,For Enston, Allentown and Mnaoli

Chunk at 0:41 A K.; 3:81, 5:58 p.' SUHDAYB, 5:48 r. M.. ;.





NEWAUR, N.J.N)OB !. 'br HL-.


OOVKR, H . J ,

Wbaleaale aad »Uil daalara and bottlera

SoU agmt* for BaDaniint * CVt OttibrtUtdBqtorl and Lag* B«r, tuppiltd in any

otWfKKy/rom a D«E to < oar food.

Jast noalTDd a aanpls lot offiaUantdoe kst noalTDd a aanpls lot'» Iniia PalasAd XXXJi



> m\ W« f u m i t M Bll our (Midi totiatlf pnrw » d to tWaimtTr* ti



Masons and Builders.DOVBB, H . I . .

Contract, tor BU UodB cl » i r l tilca mdBU materials furnished. Practical experience- every branch of ouBoa work.


BHOF on BKBQIM Srnaxr, - ' ' :•_

H j SBXT TO ».. U & W. a R..'•.• /


Tbe snburiber h i t Drannd a Horsa-Bboeiiigrn oh m CIUO^ISOQ » M i bliutb«r bs*iat«sirjit-i ot Dluttwfil Bud & f « n 8ts. Dov>rn- hamntiKo is In cUrg*->r a urMi,ic«) aa<

eiu •I - -D~ ' liTr««boo. s e t I 'KtrfctttiK>UIFI«I i * -h-N. M Doblte patWtllK<-. • . : ' ' • -- '

Geo. MoCracken.

and ail wots, la lUthl* and Onntw. All *ct!

; ol the be»t ortlsr and piioes nuoubieV

to » a m . ac iweopd rowtit chail

nnttiml]* quJto nairiallrQad.. i 'ddre..

; - , •'.. ;•..".-. "ERAOr j IOE," .S7-tt : " ' > : ' Borer. N.

Hirdy Bulbs and Piintt.' Loan ortars fw Tulip*, BTHhtUu, iiSttdy .Soaw. HjdTaoKvaai: BnnajsnoUMUa »»d otkar skraha^Trith 8PAN0L

>«i(.r*fci»lu«iUMkls6JbiaRMUC 8Und., Vsaw, n u

W«ftatt' $10 REWARD.

w B i ' i i i i io u jboar roa»a miinj, nmnir .IKullrdoelrerloi our bonleB, or ieBUiapp«rs from the Bam«. ^ ^

IHOBBIS AND E8SEX BIWBION.)»epo> II Sen iork, IiM ol B»«'«I » • **'

UONDAV, JUNE 23d, 1891.


nzaT 03U1.0 *• » 'Milk Einruta* BJi'lMilk E.i>rei« 6.HIBiugh'.oi. Mall1 8:60ESBtonliail 9.-9UIBuEblo Exp.* 10:13

l u r r n o —Buffalo flipi-eiK* ™*

BrOBti..' HlH•rAcoorn. tlUO,l Adcom 13^7raBi.* i:S1

O.HORO Ezprcsi1 4:0UH'kBttstewn Sp),* 6:»Dovar Aoeoni. 0™Joffiiio Biproai*

U s t n i a mMillc Eipresi*

•Tla. Boonlon Eimoh.

Bnff»lo E L »QoToriowa.Unfoto Ex.*

1a 8 Wis*9:23





rlsuwn.^ 2 * . «•

Dover. MotriiB;60l V- 1.1'-7:38 " 8:00B.-.O " 9:01• - " 11:48 •'

p . x . 1:11 p. M ._ . . . " H:1B •'6;00 » 0.-W) «••

B;.B 9;16 '

», Dprer.

10:38 _UOS " 19:35 r.M.

IT-?- SS•47 " <1)C:OB

B:*0 '

7:18 S.B.BElOlip;(toauMoi TO A. mtmmmii


STOVES, '••-"


Tin, Oorn . tml l a m XBOM.

Zinc,. Sheet Lead,

Lead Pip*,Punnps. •<;,



asses promptly U j M t t t i ' / l M

. • paid .ia'jiasiv:'- •'• •'" •

llr.HL ESTATE |T«« i*I.BV

- •.. -VHOOSB-ioBt-i«ini';W:':';.:li:i.

Utaolea bvitdloi: lota H B farfM J

'-:'• B0DSB rOB BINT O I B U I ; .'-,-

wltb all moden inju

Hake. I lul l l lBf

Leave New York at 0:00,8:45 A.n; lffl, 4:30 P.M. SUNDAYS, 1 )0

Leave Kockawav at 0:30, 11:35K. u.; 3:23, 6:46, C-.S2 r . «. Bun"-UAYB, 0:40 J-.M.

Leavo Fort Oram at 0:00 A. Jr.:12:01,4:02,0.09,7:17 P. H. SOHBJTS,4:00 P.M. .

Leave Lake Hopntcong ot 8:42,.1:30 *. li.; 3:20, 5:40, p. M.

Leave HigU Bridge at 6:10,11004.H.; 3fl0,0:17P.M. SOMDAYS, 3:02[>. H . ' " ' • . • '


Otcn-TaBs. Agent.'. H . OutAUtEH, . .-:>' : Oer/lSuDt. - : ! ' v

•OK. E. Junrure.'ITDMYT. BMITH.


Insurance aiiiiEstate Agency;

CIVIL.UnnsJ Uninn H'U

WK HAVE iwa-eitta b«ra*in Unco cbolee knliding sUea ataa A TO., (l»oli ut »D4 larff*) lot on Wt. Hops

Am] al:o a Inreo lot on this aveiiiia' d*elliu|in tlio Tlolcily, of Bt. Map'*i Otmrab, and ••place of atouEtiio acres ot-and fltbdwelifox,

Pern, Tloie properti e ibo sold cbcap and on eaiT terms, .

' . O w i o i w WnionTpnaAi(;FAOTOiiy, •COR. VLA.CKWBJJU AND BKIWlEHHTa.


. • ; ,. UHEDMAWdM 'INLV..

:••" :'••-, - HoRiy»'ttjWh,N.J™ltljUvh.i890.H. B. Amajcnr, H. D.: , - : - . ; .

Afier s> jear*1 Rrrst Bnltaiing from SclstioHheomui.rn. dorluft hlcli timeWty it>p w ya. paitkinl cflort, I COmmrnoAd DO your mp*eiBt.and no* »-tor a few weeki, Uktnt, ji (alihriias aOtued, 1 feel better in cH'tj m * thbaya iur lite pait t*io j w , Yoars rerj i

GOLEMANCOLLEGE. N o v u k , W. J .

Open all tuo year! Nation«J pstroaaMt BMIoonra««r bD*iDt>( tralnlnfil l iu i t t i ^ns ln in

bj-ihonuiidi of BradtutM snrl t^u»M£aVoS.

ball Short-run,, amf tn*It,. Ru*- - f

HOUSE AHD LOT FOE BAI^J.•J^r'otMnt^MB.nacwiant.fthaUof law.,

Withi nrlvllasa of another acre, witb.baniwood house and cool house, and U well f l t d ;Tbe hoojB ass six rooms and two eellnndemaaUi. Aoow.twoandahairtoniofabout 600 tw«4s ot c*\)bag« and abont a

On the Trwnliet, htir tbo Ulna Hill





Bander*'. .Oontnctorf1,.piles, PiinU,



Uowcra, Boapcr* and &ier oan anil BolUnl'i

iofl Trasj Horse Fonr.i


a. L. D

luuMdia 0«fttc,

Monej to IM.« onbtMaiiuial

Dreu LirUnci, Xntlla.

Eld O1OT«*. TU1»»».- HudktraliltA B

BUUrlU ftr

, Tuioy and SUplt. ^;,Work and BeraavBsdwts.



J . J . yREEt/orpi


a B w d a l t y . . . . . _ • . . . . , _•' , .. . . •

call betdM foliic etaBwhan.

LURCH,w-u • "iraw roak oimr.


MILLINERY COOBSF l l d WbtforFall iind Wbtor-'



PWabwy'a Best Brand





-nHaaaajrUaaaii iJ i laBaan.) ^




K^EBLtSaSaaBaTWlai t t j iT .n i l f ' "

