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SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON. Chahlkstown, W. Vi., Jancart- 17. 1888. ..... Local Miscellany. County Court February 13. Miss Bertlia Ruhl U organist at tbe Episcopal Church. There is a movement on foot to start a canning factory in Berryville. Sec article headed "Then and Now," l>y V. SI. Firor, Esq., on first page. '4'jj Itabletown Sunday School will have an entertainment January 25th and 26th. Snow fell again Thursday night, affording a brief sleighing and coast¬ ing season. Cleon Moore, Trustee, sold the Reed property in Bolivar to Mrs. Annie E. Cox, for S335. Public Renting of a Valuable FArm on Friday, January 27th, by S. W. 'Washington, Special Receiver. Thomas C. l'rince has been ap¬ pointed superintendent of the Har¬ per's Furry and ValleyJBranch of the B. & O. Mr. Samuel J. Boyd recently slaughtered eight 9-monlhs old hogs, the height of which ranged from 170 to 2X0 lbs. The Friendship Fire Company lias inaugurated a movement for a big 4th of July celebration in Winches¬ ter this year. '.the drawing of the citizSns* Fire Co. cook stove will take place next Thursday, at the establishment of Capt. Jno. W. Russell. Betters are advertised at Charles¬ ton for Mrs. Bueimla Andefsoil, Mrs. M. A. Crow, P. C. Isaac, S. II. Moore and George Terrill. We acknowledge the receipt, from Mr. Louis E. Brown, of Berryville, of a calendar for 1888, accompanied by a handsome card that just takes the cake. Mr. C. R. Ilardesty bought a lot of cattle.twenty-four head.of Mr. L. it. Iluyett, which averaged 1,300.. They were delivered on Tuesday. f Free Press. The handsome doll at Henry Dunlin's was awarded to Miss Grace Hutchinson, of Richmond, governess at Mr. John H. Hall's, she being the holder of ticket SL>!). Mr. Raleigh Donnelly, baggage clerk at the B. & O. depot, severely mashed one of his lingers last VVednesday, while putting a trunk in the baggage car..Democrat C. I. Ifood & Co.'s calendar for 188S is beautiful in design, and Very Useful, being an alinanau as well as a calendar. Send 0 cents to C. I. Mood & Co., Lowell, Mass., for a copy. Hardie, the foilr-year old son of H. M. Littlepage, of Washington. D. C., died last Wednesday, of Scarlati¬ na. The body was brought here and Interred in the Episcopal graveyard. [Democrat. The annual stockholders' meeting tif the First National Rank of Jeffer¬ son was held on Tuesday. No change !n the Directory, which is as follows: Dr. G. F. Mason, Col. J. Garland Hurst, Daniel Getzendariner, II. Oi Talbott and Samuel Clagelt. Mr. Warren C. Smith, a vrell- knotVn, intelligent and esteemed t-iti- 2en of Clarke county, Va., and a former member of the Clarke CavaU ry, which did such gallant service in the late war. died at his residence llear Wiekliffc Chapel, on the 7lh instant. The Till Family, Rock Hand Con¬ cert Company, an English troupe Which has had two very successful reasons in America, and which comes highly recommended as giving a Unique and charming performance, will appear in Washington Ilall on Tuesday evening, February 7th.for benefit of the Citizen's Fire Compa¬ ny. At a regular meeting of I'lxenix Division. No. 13, S. of T., of J>uf- field's Depot, the following oflicers were elected to serve the ensuing quarter: J. W. Sinai I wood, W. 1'. : K. M. W. A.; W. Bell, R. S.; J. IT. Willingham, A. R. S. ; A. S. Link. F. S. , J. B. Osbourn. T. : T. O. Link, Chap. : J. M. Smallwood. C.; C. W. Link. A. C. ; J. T. Small- wood. I. G. ; II. M. 11iil, O. G. The entertainment to be given by the Kabletown Sunday School. Jan¬ uary 25th and 2f!th. promises to bean excellent one. The programme is one well calculated to both interest and amuse, and from a cursory glance at it we are assured that no one will be present who will not feel amply re¬ paid for his attendance, even should the evenings be a little cold or damp. -Admission 20 cts. ; children under 12 3*ears, 10 cts. At a regular meeting of Samaritan Lodge, No. 29. I. (J. O. F., of Lee- town,'held January 7th, the following oflicers were installed for the ensuing term: Strother Snyder, N. G. : Win. Ramsburg, V. G. ; Geo. II. Rams- burg, Sec'y: J. J. Ramsburg. Treas. ; B. F. Wage ley, Chap. ; Geo. D. John¬ son, W. ; John E. Johnson. C. ; T. B. Ilomar, O. G.; John Lindsey, I. G.; John Thomson, R. S. to N. G. ; Philip Henry, L. S. to N. G. ; Geo. Siford. R. S. to V. G. ; and John Blue. L. S. to V. G. Banquet 6f the 32d Degree Masons. The banquet of Gustav Brown Con¬ sistory; No. 28, S. P. It. S. of A. A. S. R. M-, held last Thursday night, at the Watson House, was a grand and most enjoyable affair. Promptly at 9 o'clock the Illustrious Brethren and invited guests were shown into the dining room by mine host Wat¬ son, and took places at tables figure- atively groaning under the weight of the appetizing burdens placed upon them. After an invocation for the Almighty blessing by Rev. Mr. Giv- eh, of Berryville, the feast began.. Landlord Watson and his chief clerk Mr. Geo. A. Mock had levied tribute upon sea and land, the temperate zone and the torrid, and with the skillful aid of Mrs. Watson and an ef¬ ficient corps of assistants, there had been prepared a menu such as has never been excelled in Charlestown, and which might well challenge the appetite of the daintiest epicure. It is unnecessary to say that full jiistice was done the temptirlg bill of fare.. At the conclusion of this portion of the programirle, a not less enjoyable feature of the evening's entertain¬ ment transpired when ComMandcr- in-Chief Gustav Brown, who presided on the occasion with ability and dig¬ nity, began calling upon brethren and guests for brief remarks. Messrs. P. W. Brown, F. P. Oehm, T. H. Mason, B. f). Gibson, M. Griffith, C. K. Iloover, J. Garland Ilurst, James Watson, C. M. Hough and others were called upon, and a number of short and interesting addresses were made, after which the Rev. Mr. Given returned thanks to the Giver of all good, and thus concluded a most de¬ lightful entertainment. Among the Illustrious Brethren present from other points we noticed Messrs. P. P. Oehm, N. B. Leslie and C. 15. Iloover. of Winchester; Rev. C. N. Given. M. Grilllth, Louis E. Brown and Louis Si-hcttr, of Berryville; J. Gar- hind Ilurst and E. Marlctt, of Har¬ per's Perry; John Ilill, of Shenan¬ doah Junction; and S. II. Iligin- botham and Wm. Wilt, of Wheatland. The excellent Committer1, Messrs. Stuart Ilirsehman, Gerard 1). Moore, B. I). Gibson, W. L. Dalgarn and R. A. Alexander, deserve nhic-h credit, for the success of this truly elegant affair. Cheaper Railroad Fat'sS. On tlie first of January, 1388, the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com¬ pany inaugurated the sale of local *. Round Trip" tickets at all its of¬ fices east of the Ohio river. These ticket* will t>e sold to any station on the liiie east cf the Ohio River, at a discount averaging about ten per cent, of the regular rate, and they will lie valid for passage for thirty days, including day of sale. They will he sold for all trains, every day in the year, and it is expected that their introduction will bring about an increase in the volume of local travel that will cvcntiially more than cora- pensatc the Company for the reduc¬ tion in rates. We have no doubt this voluntary action on the part of the Baltimore and Ohio Company will lie appreciated by the people de- pending upon it for the means of transportation, and believe that ulti- mate results will establish the wisdom of its liberal policy. Overcoats and Ovgkcoats. at prices that surprise every one. Never have we been uble to otTer each good value in Overcoats. S I> IIiusctiMAN A Co. Men's Overcoats frontal.(!."»up. That- toacHcs you ; they were never intended to sell at our present inures. Our prices l:uve tumbled wonderfully since New Year. We've also taken several Oilil Lots jtnil put a peculiar price on ttietn. so as to irive another spur to trade.. IVVtf want to make January an Overcoat month. H. 1). HlliSCIIMAN Co. I.'iT bargains in Men's and Hoys* Overcoats. Now'is your chancy. Our ofijuet is to sell. It, will pay you to hay now for next winter. S i). illUSCMMAN & Co. Those who contemplate buyinir Suits or Over¬ coats. for Man or Hoy. will certainly have no such opportunity atraiu : our prie< snever were so lpw. Odd I'ants almost a! your own price. S. It. 111Ksi'ltMAN ,\: t'o. Bigirest and best, line of Knhber i'.oots and Shoes in town, at Hihsciimax's. Pftti.K' following Pub¬ lic Sales arc advertised in t ills paper: II'edur.iday, l'i'buary 1st..Person¬ al Property, by S. W. Washington, Administrator. Thursday. Frbnary 2d..Personal Property, bv L. T. JMoreland and George Baylor. Trustees. Thursday. Febuary 2d..Dwelling property in Midillewav, by K. W. Brown and Joseph Trapnell, Special Commissioners. Friday, February 10th..Real Ins¬ tate. by 1). B. Lucas. George Baylor and F. W. Brown, Special Commis¬ sioners. Thursday. February 1 (1th..Person¬ al Property, by J. S. Powers. Mr. Joshua Rentier, of Ilagers- town. has devised an automatic rail¬ road switch, which does away entire¬ ly with the necessity of switchmen, signal lights and locks to keep switches closed. Trains can go through switches at full speed, and they are entirely within the control of the engineer. On Wednesday a two-horse team belonging to Mr. Thos. Miley, while standing unhitched near the Valley Fertilizer Factory, became frightened and ran away, fortunately causing very little damage. After running against several trees and Mr. Spel- man's photograph car on George street the horses became detached from the wagon and were caught shortly afterward.-.Democrat. Midwinter ExcliPsi6h td Wash ington City. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company announcesatopularExcur¬ sion to Washington for Thursday, January 19th. The round-tri^ fare will be S2.00 from Charlestown. Tickets will be valid for ten days, including day of sale.- They will be good going on train leaving Charles- town at 6 ;45 A. II., and 2.10 P. M. No better time.could be chosen for a visit t'o thfe capita!. Congress will he in session and the galleries of both Houses, as well as all other public buildings, will be open to vis¬ itors. The long limit on the excursion tickets allows ample time for visitittg Alexandria, Mt. Vernon, Richmond, Old Point Comfort and other points of interest within easy reach of Washington. For tickets and Par¬ lor or Sleeping Car accommodations, call upon or address Agents B. & O. R. R. Personal Mention. Capt. II. L. Heiskell is in Wash¬ ington. Charlie Brown spent Sunday in Ilerry ville. Miss Mary Ililbert visited Berry- ville last tveek; Miss Ella Benuer is visiting friends at Boyceville, Va: Howard McVeigh atld wife, of Bal¬ timore, are at the Carter House. Mrs. Nulty is visiting her daughters Mrs. Louis Loman, in Baltimore. Mr. Eugene Shugcrt visited Capt. Doll, at Harper's Ferry, last week. Miss Evo Eggleston and brother are visiting friends in Winchester. Mrs. Jane Small, of Washington City, is visiting Mrs. Rebecca Earn- sliaw. Mr. James Marlow. of Ohio, visit¬ ed his brother, Mr. Geo. W. Marlow, recently. Miss Bessie Sites is Visiting her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Winters, at Har¬ per's Ferry. Miss Maggie Trussell is visiting the family of Capt. Doll, at Camp Hill, Harper's Ferry. Mrs. A. W. Cramer has returned from a protracted visit to her daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Sherrard, in Virginia. Major A. W. McDonald, of Berry- ville, spent Sunday with his daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Judge Beckwith, of this place. Mrs. Amelia Patterson, of Balti¬ more, accompanied by four children, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. F. Thomas. Walter Avis has taken the position of messenger at the Western Union telegraph office, with Mr. Chas. G. Campbell. Mrs. Julia A. Johnson, who has been visiting her brother; Mr. Win. Worn wag, of Roanoke, Va., returned home last Tuesday. Col. Sam'I M. Kahn, of the Stan¬ dard Cab Company of Philadelphia, visited his relative Win. Kahn, of this place, last week. S. Ilowell Gardner, entered the Medical Department of the ijniversi- ty of Virginia several months ago.. We understand he has passed one of his severest examinations. Many good wishes for Ilowell's success. Church Items. Rev. C. I\. Campbell preached at Halltown last Sunday afternoon. The -Itli Quarterly Meeting for Charlcstown Station, M. K. Church South, on Sunday, January 20th.. Rev. John S. Martin will be present and preach. The Oakland pulpit was filled on Sunday week by Mr. Mosby Locke, son of Mr. Thomas Locke of this county. We understand he intends entering the ministry, and we hope to see him succeed in the path he has so wisely laid out. Rev. C. X. Campbell will pi'Cach in the Colored M. E. Church, in this place, on Sunday next, at 3 P. M., and Rev. Dr. A. C. Hopkins will preach in the same church on Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. All are re- speetfully invited to attend. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup¬ per was administered in the Presby¬ terian church-in this place on Sun¬ day last.preparatory scrviccs hav¬ ing been held on Friday and Satur¬ day previous. Rev. C. N. Campbell assisted in the "Sacramental service. The young people of the Presby¬ terian church inaugurated a Young People's Meeting on Sunday evening last, beginning at 6:15 o'clock, one- half hour before the regular church service, in the lecture room. Meet* inefs will be held regularly at the same time and place hereafter. Tub Firm of .T. II. BEACntBT & Co.. Hn- ^crstott'n, has been dirsolved by mutual con¬ sent. The books will be found at the old place. Please call and settle up. Bl.ANKF.TS ReDICBD..BEACIILET <fc SON. Ifairerstown. don't, like to say how much, but if you will conic and see you will buy right. BEAcni.EY it Son is the style of our new firm. J. II. Beachley. the senior partner, has always enjoyed the confidence of the public. His business*has grown large*and now he pro- poses *o irtre more atfentiou to Dry Goods. Carpets. Notions. Ac. His son will more es- pecially have charge of the grocery business. Of course, we thank ?vou kindly for past fa* vors and we tell you in plain words if selling good goods at low prices means'business, we wiH ge% your trade. In the future our assort¬ ment will be flr<t-elass and with additional help, very low prices and the very best attrac- tion wc hope we shall hav<* much of yort'r'pat- rona«re- Come and see us. Remember, we buy all kinds of country produce at fair mar- ket prices. A conscience stricken Boston tax- dodger has just sent S401 to the treasurer of that city. SALVATION OIL, ...The Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frosti bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. Oct. 4,1887.tAX. Chunks of Wisdom from C. B. Rouss' Pen. Wo call attention to the leader of Clias. 15. Rouss copied from his January Trade Journal, on our 4th page. It will be found interest¬ ing reading, and is as every article that conies from his pdn filled with the experience of forty yeafsSf mer¬ cantile life in all of its vicissitudes. Excelsor for all these yeafs lias been his talisman. Brim full of enter¬ prise (after several failures).start¬ ing again from a modest beginning he has now acquired by tact, push, vim. pluck and energy, Assisted by plenty of brains, a solid and sure foundation. His wealth has not been made by speculations. The well-known motto." Tis not in mor¬ tals to command success; But I'll do more, Semi-proriiils.i'll deserve it" has been verified in the success achieved in the mercantile world by our friend C. B. R. Tie deserved it from every stand-point.upright in all his dealings with his fellow men, dispising deceit and hypocrisy, kind and generous; an unflinching Southerner in his attachments.his example is worthy of emulation by the thousands of young men of our fair Southland who are just coming on the commercial stage. No ledgers for him. C. O. J), is his manner of doing business. Out of debt, out of danger, is practically illustrated in his every day life. Read iiis chunks of wisdom and quietly digest them, and when you enter into business for 3'ourself for¬ swear the Use of day hooks and ledgers. Cash down to all without respect of persons will, with strict at¬ tention to business,put money in your purse..Winchester Times. I. O. O. F. There will be an address delivered in Washington Ilnll on Thursday evening, the 10th of 'Tnriliary^ at 7 o'clock, by O. S. MeKinney, Esq., P. G. of the Grand Lodge of W. Va., and perhaps accompanied by G. See'y Hilliugslea. We under-, stand Wiidey Lodge, under whose auspices the addresses will be delivered, Intend charging a nom¬ inal door fee, for the comfort which it will insure to the audience. Should the evening lie fair a short street parade may l)« eSpccted in re¬ galia. Admission to lecture, 10 cents. Tickets for sale at the door and by members of the order. Read the Death F?oll Which the bills of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated. and vou will timl that renial anil visii'al maladies, thai, is to say. those that affect the kidneys or iiiaddcr. have a re¬ markable prominence.we had alrtio>t Paid. preponderance. Bright'* disease and diabetes in the chronic stanc are rarely cured, and «ravcl. catarrh of the bladder "and enuresis. slay many. Yet at the outset, when the tron- hie merely amounts to inactivity of the organs involved.*th<j dangefr may be niiliiUi'd by that pleasant renal tonic ami diuretic. Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters, which inipdfts the requisite amount of tone to the organs. without over-j exciting Ibein. and the use of which is convc- uicnt. and involves nf> elaborate preparation. l>>spepsia. a usual concomitant of renal cotn- plaints, and debility, which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. So "also are con¬ stipation. malarial, rheumatic and nervous ailments. From the Winchester Times: Mrs. I\ T. South, wife of Mr. W. South, ci»ed at her residence on South Main Street on Sunday Jast, aged OS years. Ice clear as a crystal, between 8 and 9 inches thick, and plenty of it, having (300 tons housed) is what Mr. K. C. Jordan will provide his guests next summer with in abun¬ dance. lie tells us that several of his neighbors gathered ice from his pond, and that there is at least 100 tons left. Examine our lame stock of Roots. Hats, Trunks. Satchels, etc. It will pay you to call early. Wm. Kakn iN: Co.. Leading Shoe Emporium. Sadler Building. A Timely SruonsTioN. and one that will prove profitable to every buyer, is that you should know whcfc your interests are served before making a purchase. Take the hint and come to Wm. Ka<i*» A Co 's. The Reliable Clothiers. Sadler Building. Men's Overcoats..Gentlemen, did the rcc- ent cold snap suggest the idea that Overcoat times afe comimr ? We think so. Takealook at our stock, and when it comes fo the question of buying an Overcoat, you will make no mis- take in coming to our store if you nre an eco¬ nomical buyef. Wm. Kaiin <te Co.. Sadler Building. Ciiix.dken's and Boy's Headqcakters.- Our Children's Department is tilled with the grandest stock of attractive and well-made Clothing for Bovs and Children that it has ever been the privile-re of parents to examine.. Trade is good. Prices will please you : depend upon it. Wm. Kahn Co., Sadler Building. Kaun's Leading Clothing Hocse..Great Business! Great Goods! Great Stir! Great Satisfaction all urounrt! We are beirinningflfce season with the most eleirant and richest stock ever collected : superior to anything ever seen or known hereabouts. We show a great stock, and what is best of all fave dollars~fo^ourcu8- turners. Wm. Kaiin ifc Co., Sudler Building. Mr. Lewis Baker, manager of the St. Paul (Minn..) Dufty Globe, sends us an interesting pamphlet giving the experience of reliable farmers living in the Northwest. Copies mailed free to applicants. S. D. HIRSCHMAN & CO.'S COLUMNS. Hirschman's! Contemplating alterations In oar I CLOTHING DEPARTMENT compel* us to inake these slaughtering reductions. The Stock JTIust BEREDUCED I Iu Many Iuitances the Prices are Cut Owe-Half Men's Heavy Weight Suits (sizes S4 to 42) reduced to f3.49 44 ** Pants down to 75 14 Corduroy Pants, worth $3.00; down to 1-50 " Overcoats dbtfri to 1-65 " Double Breasted Chinchilla Overcoats redubed to 3.30 Boy's Overcoats down to 1-49 Children's Suits, worth $2.00. down to 1.10 Mdu's Wool Ilats 15 Odd Vests The break is made and the Goods ilust be Sold. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Charlestown. Jefferson county; W. Va., Jan.£14, 1888: Mrs. Kebecca Potts. Mrs. Ann Morris, Mrs-. Kliza Twiman, Miss Kl- ler M. Wilson. Miss Annie Belle tijn, Miss Atiilil M. Brown, Simon C. Camp, .Sam'l H. GinUerson. John Lewis, Hugh Al. 1'altttiTj Clias. L. Thomas. The above letters, if not bailed for within thirty days, will bB sent to the dead letter oHlce. Persons Citlling for them will please say that they are advertised Geo. ll. Fi.agg, 1\ M. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Ciitsf Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FeverSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, of lit) pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis/action, or money refunded, i^ric'e 2a cents per box. Fof sale by Geo. T. Light. Mii.i.vii.i.r Booming..At a meet¬ ing of the directors of the Millville Milling company to-day, at the Sec¬ ond National Bank buildings Dr. E. C. Gaskill, manager of the mills, submitted bis report, and a dividend was declared on the stock of the company. After the meeting the di¬ rectors adjourned to the Queen City hotel, where their genial president entertained tlierti fit dinner. The flour from this mill continues td give satisfaction, and while the mill is not located in the city, it is distinct¬ ly a Cumberland enterprise and re¬ flects credit upon the city. [Cumb. Times, Jan. 12. 1 > i ¦. Toml i nson'n DENTAL OFFICE, and Liberty Streets, CHARLESTOWN. Brainard's Musical Wohi.d for Decem¬ ber is a capital number.contains excellent original miscellany, able editorials, choice mu¬ sic." ifcc. Subscription $1.50 a year. 5. Brain- ard's Son# publishers. Cleveland, Ohio. BALTIMORE MARKETS. Baltimore. Saturday. Jan. 18S8. Flour.Super $2.37 *2.75 Extra 3.oo <s> 3.60 Fainilr 4.00 <S> 4.35 Corn Meal, per 100 lbs 1.20 <© 1.35 Wheat 91 <& 97 Corn.White 56 & 5SW Yellow 58 (S 59 Oats *... 2»X 41 Rte 6S 70 Bacon.Shoulders 8 @ 8f£ Sides fS 8}* Hams. Sugar-cured 12)»i 13 Lard 7>* <s> 8% Estray Sheep. C1AME to the premises of the undersigned. J some time last fall, three Ewe Sheep.. Owner will come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away. A. L. WITHERS. Near Summit Point, W. Va. Jannary 10. 1885.It. Bicycle for Sale Cheap. NO. 1 48-inch Standard Colombia Bicycle, in good running order, lately been at the shops, repaired and nicely painted. Will sell cheap. Apply or write to" A. S. CRITTENDEN. iRipon, Jefferson Co., W. Va. August 9. 1887. IME Fruit, Hoarhound. Flax Seed and Tar _J Drop*, at JGSEis Pharmaey. New ahd Attractive Goods at tlie Store of GUSTAV BROWN. A GRAND display of TOYS, eucli as Dolls. Games. Books. Toilet Sets. Vases. Cups and Saucers. Mugs, Rubber Toys, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Tin and Iron Toys. Ten Sets. Bisque*, Baskets, Wagons, Sleds, Velocipedes, etc. CONFECTIONERY, Unadulterated as usual, will be found at my store. Whitmau's Superior Confections. Bon Bone snd Chocolates. Several different kinds of French aud Plain Mixtures. Sunday schools are invited to get prices before bnyiug else¬ where. Fruits and Nuts. .Just received a large supply, all fresh and fine, aud sold at prices to suit the times. CAKES. Plain and Ofii&raeutal Cakes always on band. Oystei*s, Oystei*s5 Received daily, larger than ever. Have always on hand two kinds'. Solid measure and cheap. Leave your orders. An early inspection is kindly requested. Thankful for past patrouage, aud hoping to merit a continuance, I am Respectfully. GUSTAV BROWN. January 10. 1SS8. Patapsco Guano Company I AM now offering to the farmers of Jeffer¬ son county, the Old Reliable and well estab¬ lished goods manufactured by this Company. The following Brands for sale : Grange Mixture. Baltimore Soluble Phosphate. Special Wheat Compound* 44 Half and Half," warranted to have not leflfi than 1,099 fbs. Dis¬ solved Animal Bone in each ton. This article contaius all the elements necessary for Wheat. Pure Dissolved Animal Bone. Pure Dissolved South Carolina Bone. Besides which I also offer Moro Phillips' Goods, used in the county for years with fine effect. Soluble Sea Island and other Brands, manufactured by RasinCo.. Baltimore, Md. 44TO R N A DO," by the Maryland Co. We guarantee these goods in fine condition to drilf. DAVID HOWELL. August 12. ^ Violin and Guitar Les¬ sons. HAVING been solicited by tiitLiif fnnslc- loving persons to give on the Vio¬ lin. Guitar. Flute and Vlotrrrf-CcfJo. I hffrecon- eluded to accept a limited ntxmbet Of pupils for the above named InstftttrtenU. For terms please call on me at my Jewelrv Store on Main street, or address me Lock Box No. 48. Charles- town. Special Rates for Clubs of Four. Re*j>ectfully, E. BROWNOLD. March 16. 1886." Miss Amelia Hicks HAS taken the store-room on Main street, io buildinc occuplcd by the Mis«es Ware, where she will do DRESS MAKING and FAM¬ ILY SEWING in good style and at reasonable charges. She will be pleased to have the pat¬ ronage of the ladies of the town and vicinity, and will strive to render satisfaction. She has also a stock of Dress Trimmines and Notions, to which she iuvites the attention of the ladies. June 15.1886. A Mistake* THE report that I propose !e*vhi|f Charles- town Is Unfounded. I expect to remain here and will purstrfe nry vocation of Waicb and Clock Repairer ai vtiy refolds opposite 4i Carter House'." Lee Hall tfp-sfjtfrs. and solicit the cctatimied patron ace of tKe peo- pie. E. BROWNCTLu. October II, 1887. PAVING and'Bnilding Brick kept constant¬ ly on hand and for sale bv 1*. 18397. T. F. LIFPITT. THE LEADING CLOTHIERS' COLUMN. fcggg jjgg ======= Where is the Mail WHO NEEDS AN OVERCOAT ? THE suliiect of OVKKCDAf3 is a tniibtT seasonable tubject just now. Make op your mind Hot winter weather in with up ibr the season. OVERCOATS are a mccwitj, and the man that needs an Over Garment will study his interest by maklne his selection at our store. There's nothing cheaper than " chin music" Sfnne concerns deal more extensively ia . big talk* and " blaster*' than they do in merchandise ; bat here at oar store LOW PRICES do all the talking necessary to *ati«fv oar patrons. There's no question about it, we sot onlj '* claim" to have, but positively show upoo our coautefs THREE T1ME§ AS MANY OVERCOATS as can be seen in any other store in Chaffestown. As sensible merchants, we wouldn't presume to make such a statement openly unless we could satisfactorily convince everybody of its literal truth.^Not only is our stock Larger,/Better and Greater in Variety, hut our Low Prices are the subject of envy among the " shops" that attorn ptjlo cortpttejwlth «. H*i«. AVi/iii 4* .o., THL LEADING CLOTHIERS, 8adier Building, Charlestown, W. Va. December 1S87. Coach Factory, LIVERY, &C. TIIE undersigned having purchased the old established Coach Factory of the late Welle J. Hawks. Id Charlestown, with the view of en¬ tering into the Carriage Business, In all ft* branches, offer* for sale a large num- ! «r of New and Second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, JAGQERS, <fcc.. at the lowest prices and upon the most ac¬ commodating terms. Old Carriage* taken in Exchange for New. ALL KINDS OF REPAIKS done with neat¬ ness and dispatch, and satisfaction guaranteed. Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. In connection with the above I will coutlnu* the LIVERY BUSINESS, and be prepared to furnish Carriages, Buggies and Jagirers at the shortest notice. <aj~ The al>ove business will be under the su¬ perintendence of Abram Stuinp. UNDERTAKING. I imi prepared to give my special attention to the business of Undertaking. Being a practical mechanic and determined to give satisfaction, I respectfully solicit a share of nubile patrouage. May 15. 1877. LEWIS STA RRY. Taos. C. Earjishaw.J [B. Frank Doolit. EARNSHAW & DOOLEY, (Hilbert's Building. Main Street.) CHARLESTOWN, W. VA., Dealers in cookiMq stoves, ranges, base BURNING AND HEATING STOVES of all kinds, and Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE. Special Attention given to Roofing and Spouting. All Kinds of Repairing promptly done. HA VINO purchased the stock of Machinery, Tools mid Stoves of Messrs. Duke A Gal- lulier. we will continue the Tin and Stoic bus¬ iness in all its various branches. We will keep on baud a full stock of .tinware of our own manufacture, aud will make to order promptly, any article in our line. Being both practical tinners, the senior having served lTyearsattbe business, is a guarantee that work entrusted to us will be properly executed. We guarautee all work at lowest prices, and ask a share of the p!lblic patronage. KAK.VSIIAW <t DOOLET. February 30. ISS'i. S. C. YOUNG, market-house building, Has had his store-room refitted and repaint¬ ed. and to the stock hitherto offered has added a large line of Staple & Fancy Groceries with which he will hereafter be prepared to (viil1 k*8 customers and the public generally. *> ill keep constantly on hand FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, LARD, AC.; a fine stock of Tobaccoes and Clears, Canned Goods, Candies, &c. My Fresh Meat Department will bo kept np to its n«nal standard of excel¬ lence.well supplied with the Best Meats that the markets afford, dressed in the most ap¬ proved manner, and sold at reasonable rates. Respectfully, May 17. 1887. S. C. TOONG. STEPHENSON FEMALE SEMINARY. CHARI.ESTOWN, jKPrEKSON CO., W. Va. DESIGNED to meet all the requirements of a thorough education. The next Session will begin September 12th, 1887. For Catalogues, containing terms, coarse of study, Ac., apply to Principal. i , ..o_ Kev" C" N- CAMPBELL. July 19. 1887. Flowing Spring Mills. HAVING leased the lone-established and well-known 7LOWINCTSPRIN6 MILLS, near Charlestown, W. Va., I propose carrying on a regular MILLING BUSINESS. Will Buy Wheat and Corn, and keep on hand at all times. Choice Family Flour, Bolted Meal, and All kinds of mill feed. Custom Sawing done to order. By strict attention to business and fair deal¬ ing. I hope to merit the patronage of the pub¬ lic. Respectfully, May 18. 18S6. W. P. SWAN. Lumber, Shingles & Wood HAVING recently purcfjAsed a Targe body of fine Timber, at Flowing, Springs, near Charlestown. and put in operation there our Steam Saw-Mill, we are prepared to furnish ALL KINDS Of OAK LtfM^ER, FEKCT3T0 PLANK. F&AME LUMBER. LAP SHINGLES, snd WOOD frr ihe CORD. Will sell eitfcrer to be deltrercd or on the ground. TKAZfZk A COLSTON. Feb. 51889. (F. F. ami Deis, copy.) Horses and Vehicles. Q^AFE Rirfing" and DrTrhrgf Horses, and stylish O Vehicles for the accom modation of the pub¬ lic. for hire on reasonable terms at the Livery Stables of 8TARRY A STUMP. May 15. 1S8S. THE VALLBV FERTILIZER COMPANY. ^ SCOL. R. PRESTON CHEW. President, D*. W. F. l.ii-PiTT. t-nparluteudcnt, B. C. Washington, Secretary, Robt. Chew, General Agent. fctarlcstown. Jefferson Connty, West Vlr^inl#. Offer far the Fall Trade tbelr old brand*, which always speak for themselves, and bars held tbelr own for so many years that no cer¬ tificates are necessary. They aro SHENANDOAH Or*om id Bone, Bail*. 2X per cent. Ammonia, 32 per cant. Bone Phosphate. VIRGIIVIA, 3* per cent. Ammonia. 35 per cent. Bona Phosphate. l^dTOMAC, per cent. Ammonia, 28 per cent. Bon# Phosphate, 3 per ccnt. Potash. VALLEY BONE, IV percent. Ammonia. 25* per 'cent: Bona Phosphate, and 3 per cent. Potash. ALKAIjINE, IS; pef cent. Bone Phosphate and 3 per csuk Potash. Those who demand a low priced goods will find the Valley .Bone and Alka¬ line Phosphates nnequalled for the money. We hare a large stock of absolutely PUREjjGROUND |BONE, onr own grinding. Also, PURE DISSOLVED ANIMAL BOKE.i PURE DISSOLVED SOUTH CAIIOI/INA, onr own make, both No. 1 articles. Call at tha mill and see their drilling condition, tfaait aud other Potash Salts, Nitrate of Soda an# other Chemicals.jf Pure Blue Windsor* Plaster, freshly ground, always on band. ^ (^Mixtures and private form a I as prepare# on short notice, and of the best materials. fcT BONES WANTED in large or small quanttUcf; July 12, 1887.od A pit. New carria c!3 FACTOHYi Chartestoicn, Jefferson CoW. Va: THE undersigned still continues to Kiad* facturu and Repair CARRIAGES, IiUUGIES. PIJ^M- TONS, DAYTON & OTHER PLEASURE WAGONS: Spring Wagon*. Dog Carts. Sulkies. 8Ieig))S. ^c.. in a* fine style a* calk be done Shttthera in the Union, at moderate prices. Bein^'a prac¬ tical mechanic. I will be enabled to do all work on correct, systematic principles, thereby producing work light, durable aud handsome. Repair Work a Specialty. Hoping to receive a fair share of your natron- age. I pledge myself to give you value ra-3 ceived. AUGUST 8CHULTE. C^T" Shops on Bloomery Turnpike, 2 Square* frotn Msin St. May 2A. 1*87.odMay26.'85. READ THIS! It Will Interest You ? F OR the poxt two -weeks we will offer IM Greatest Bargains la SCHOOL SUPPLIES ever offered before, to make room /or dor loi- mennc stock of Xmas Gr»ods. Look oat for them ; the prices will def y competition. The reason we are always busy Is beeuM we sell cheap. Pe*»ple ask why we ill Pro¬ scriptions so ch«»ap? do not offef yo«£ something you know the price of below cost and make np on Prescriptions: we belleva In square dealing. Our prices are being found out daily, and. with the neatness and prompt¬ ness we do business defies all competition;. Our Drug* are all jStew and and kin; the only Graduate of Pharmacy In town, people will know bow to diacrimlnala. Call and realize that joa. ran rare money by buying from 0. FRANK JOKES. _ . Dispensing Cbcmlat. October l3. 1*»7. PIANOS AND ORGANS. ttBZk, DECKER BROS.. FISHER AND E8TEY PIANOS, AND festey Organs. OLD low for Ca*b or on eujr Monthly or Quarterly Payments. Old Piano* and Or- ns taken as part payment for new onet^ ** on or address A. E. M A R9TELLER. Charleston* n. W. Va. October 12. 18»-tf. S Ditching, Excavating, Jfce THE nnderaigned (till offer* hli aervicea aa a competent workman in the above line.. Ditching and Excavating of all kind#.Digging CMerna. Pond*. Cdhn. Ac. .Undertaken at moderate ratea. and faitbfoSy executed. Or¬ der* left at residence, near Colored ScbooJ- Hnttm. win receive prompt attention. Bfa»thig aim done fn a satlsfactonr marfne/. And loweat ratea. WESLEY LCTWRY. March 9. 1880. ECLECTIC Herb Bitten and Aromatic Wtno at JONES' Pharmacy. Oatotor 15. !«'

CLOTHIERS' Where is the Mail Hirschman's!

May 17, 2022



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Page 1: CLOTHIERS' Where is the Mail Hirschman's!

SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON.Chahlkstown, W. Vi., Jancart- 17. 1888.


Local Miscellany.County Court February 13.Miss Bertlia Ruhl U organist at tbe

Episcopal Church.There is a movement on foot to

start a canning factory in Berryville.Sec article headed "Then and

Now," l>y V. SI. Firor, Esq., on firstpage.

'4'jj Itabletown Sunday School willhave an entertainment January 25thand 26th.

Snow fell again Thursday night,affording a brief sleighing and coast¬ing season.

Cleon Moore, Trustee, sold theReed property in Bolivar to Mrs.Annie E. Cox, for S335.

Public Renting of a ValuableFArm on Friday, January 27th, byS. W. 'Washington, Special Receiver.Thomas C. l'rince has been ap¬

pointed superintendent of the Har¬per's Furry and ValleyJBranch of theB. & O.Mr. Samuel J. Boyd recently

slaughtered eight 9-monlhs old hogs,the height of which ranged from 170to 2X0 lbs.

The Friendship Fire Company lias

inaugurated a movement for a big4th of July celebration in Winches¬ter this year.

'.the drawing of the citizSns* FireCo. cook stove will take place next

Thursday, at the establishment of

Capt. Jno. W. Russell.Betters are advertised at Charles¬

ton for Mrs. Bueimla Andefsoil, Mrs.M. A. Crow, P. C. Isaac, S. II.Moore and George Terrill.We acknowledge the receipt, from

Mr. Louis E. Brown, of Berryville,of a calendar for 1888, accompaniedby a handsome card that just takesthe cake.Mr. C. R. Ilardesty bought a lot of

cattle.twenty-four head.of Mr. Iluyett, which averaged 1,300..They were delivered on Tuesday.

fFree Press.The handsome doll at Henry

Dunlin's was awarded to Miss GraceHutchinson, of Richmond, governessat Mr. John H. Hall's, she being theholder of ticket SL>!).Mr. Raleigh Donnelly, baggage

clerk at the B. & O. depot, severelymashed one of his lingers lastVVednesday, while putting a trunkin the baggage car..Democrat

C. I. Ifood & Co.'s calendar for188S is beautiful in design, and VeryUseful, being an alinanau as well as a

calendar. Send 0 cents to C. I. Mood& Co., Lowell, Mass., for a copy.

Hardie, the foilr-year old son ofH. M. Littlepage, of Washington. D.C., died last Wednesday, of Scarlati¬na. The body was brought here andInterred in the Episcopal graveyard.

[Democrat.The annual stockholders' meeting

tif the First National Rank of Jeffer¬son was held on Tuesday. No change!n the Directory, which is as follows:Dr. G. F. Mason, Col. J. GarlandHurst, Daniel Getzendariner, II. OiTalbott and Samuel Clagelt.Mr. Warren C. Smith, a vrell-

knotVn, intelligent and esteemed t-iti-2en of Clarke county, Va., and a

former member of the Clarke CavaUry, which did such gallant service inthe late war. died at his residencellear Wiekliffc Chapel, on the 7lhinstant.The Till Family, Rock Hand Con¬

cert Company, an English troupeWhich has had two very successfulreasons in America, and which comes

highly recommended as giving a

Unique and charming performance,will appear in Washington Ilall on

Tuesday evening, February 7th.forbenefit of the Citizen's Fire Compa¬ny.At a regular meeting of I'lxenix

Division. No. 13, S. of T., of J>uf-field's Depot, the following oflicerswere elected to serve the ensuingquarter: J. W. Sinai I wood, W. 1'. :

K. M. W. A.; W. Bell, R.S.; J. IT. Willingham, A. R. S. ; A.S. Link. F. S. , J. B. Osbourn. T. :

T. O. Link, Chap. : J. M. Smallwood.C.; C. W. Link. A. C. ; J. T. Small-wood. I. G. ; II. M. 11iil, O. G.The entertainment to be given by

the Kabletown Sunday School. Jan¬uary 25th and 2f!th. promises to beanexcellent one. The programme is onewell calculated to both interest andamuse, and from a cursory glance atit we are assured that no one will be

present who will not feel amply re¬

paid for his attendance, even shouldthe evenings be a little cold or damp.-Admission 20 cts. ; children under 12

3*ears, 10 cts.

At a regular meeting of SamaritanLodge, No. 29. I. (J. O. F., of Lee-town,'held January 7th, the followingoflicers were installed for the ensuingterm: Strother Snyder, N. G. : Win.Ramsburg, V. G. ; Geo. II. Rams-burg, Sec'y: J. J. Ramsburg. Treas. ;B. F. Wageley, Chap. ; Geo. D. John¬son, W. ; John E. Johnson. C. ; T.B. Ilomar, O. G.; John Lindsey, I.G.; John Thomson, R. S. to N. G. ;Philip Henry, L. S. to N. G. ; Geo.Siford. R. S. to V. G. ; and John Blue.L. S. to V. G.

Banquet 6f the 32d DegreeMasons.

The banquet of Gustav Brown Con¬sistory; No. 28, S. P. It. S. of A. A.S. R. M-, held last Thursday night,at the Watson House, was a grandand most enjoyable affair. Promptlyat 9 o'clock the Illustrious Brethrenand invited guests were shown intothe dining room by mine host Wat¬son, and took places at tables figure-atively groaning under the weight ofthe appetizing burdens placed uponthem. After an invocation for the

Almighty blessing by Rev. Mr. Giv-eh, of Berryville, the feast began..Landlord Watson and his chief clerkMr. Geo. A. Mock had levied tribute

upon sea and land, the temperatezone and the torrid, and with theskillful aid of Mrs. Watson and an ef¬ficient corps of assistants, there hadbeen prepared a menu such as hasnever been excelled in Charlestown,and which might well challenge the

appetite of the daintiest epicure. Itis unnecessary to say that full jiisticewas done the temptirlg bill of fare..At the conclusion of this portion ofthe programirle, a not less enjoyablefeature of the evening's entertain¬ment transpired when ComMandcr-in-Chief Gustav Brown, who presidedon the occasion with ability and dig¬nity, began calling upon brethren and

guests for brief remarks. Messrs.P. W. Brown, F. P. Oehm, T. H.Mason, B. f). Gibson, M. Griffith, C.K. Iloover, J. Garland Ilurst, JamesWatson, C. M. Hough and otherswere called upon, and a number ofshort and interesting addresses were

made, after which the Rev. Mr. Givenreturned thanks to the Giver of allgood, and thus concluded a most de¬

lightful entertainment. Among theIllustrious Brethren present fromother points we noticed Messrs. P. P.Oehm, N. B. Leslie and C. 15. Iloover.of Winchester; Rev. C. N. Given.M. Grilllth, Louis E. Brown andLouis Si-hcttr, of Berryville; J. Gar-hind Ilurst and E. Marlctt, of Har¬per's Perry; John Ilill, of Shenan¬doah Junction; and S. II. Iligin-botham and Wm. Wilt, of Wheatland.The excellent Committer1, Messrs.Stuart Ilirsehman, Gerard 1). Moore,B. I). Gibson, W. L. Dalgarn and R.A. Alexander, deserve nhic-h credit,for the success of this truly elegantaffair.

Cheaper Railroad Fat'sS.

On tlie first of January, 1388, theBaltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com¬pany inaugurated the sale of local*. Round Trip" tickets at all its of¬fices east of the Ohio river. Theseticket* will t>e sold to any stationon the liiie east cf the Ohio River, ata discount averaging about ten percent, of the regular rate, and theywill lie valid for passage for thirtydays, including day of sale. Theywill he sold for all trains, every dayin the year, and it is expected thattheir introduction will bring about an

increase in the volume of local travelthat will cvcntiially more than cora-

pensatc the Company for the reduc¬

tion in rates. We have no doubtthis voluntary action on the part ofthe Baltimore and Ohio Companywill lie appreciated by the people de-pending upon it for the means oftransportation, and believe that ulti-mate results will establish the wisdomof its liberal policy.Overcoats and Ovgkcoats. at prices that

surprise every one. Never have we been ubleto otTer each good value in Overcoats.

S I> IIiusctiMAN A Co.Men's Overcoats frontal.(!."»up. That- toacHcs

you ; they were never intended to sell at ourpresent inures. Our prices l:uve tumbledwonderfully since New Year. We've alsotaken several Oilil Lots jtnil put a peculiar priceon ttietn. so as to irive another spur to trade..

IVVtf want to make January an Overcoat month.H. 1). HlliSCIIMAN Co.

I.'iT bargains in Men's and Hoys* Overcoats.Now'is your chancy. Our ofijuet is to sell. It,will pay you to hay now for next winter.

S i). illUSCMMAN & Co.

Those who contemplate buyinir Suits or Over¬coats. for Man or Hoy. will certainly have nosuch opportunity atraiu : our prie< snever wereso lpw. Odd I'ants almost a! your own price.

S. It. 111Ksi'ltMAN ,\: t'o.

Bigirest and best, line of Knhber i'.oots andShoes in town, at Hihsciimax's.

Pftti.K' following Pub¬lic Sales arc advertised in t ills paper:

II'edur.iday, l'i'buary 1st..Person¬al Property, by S. W. Washington,Administrator.

Thursday. Frbnary 2d..PersonalProperty, bv L. T. JMoreland andGeorge Baylor. Trustees.

Thursday. Febuary 2d..Dwellingproperty in Midillewav, by K. W.Brown and Joseph Trapnell, SpecialCommissioners.

Friday, February 10th..Real Ins¬tate. by 1). B. Lucas. George Baylorand F. W. Brown, Special Commis¬sioners.

Thursday. February 1 (1th..Person¬al Property, by J. S. Powers.

Mr. Joshua Rentier, of Ilagers-town. has devised an automatic rail¬road switch, which does away entire¬

ly with the necessity of switchmen,signal lights and locks to keepswitches closed. Trains can gothrough switches at full speed, and

they are entirely within the controlof the engineer.On Wednesday a two-horse team

belonging to Mr. Thos. Miley, while

standing unhitched near the ValleyFertilizer Factory, became frightenedand ran away, fortunately causingvery little damage. After runningagainst several trees and Mr. Spel-man's photograph car on Georgestreet the horses became detachedfrom the wagon and were caughtshortly afterward.-.Democrat.

Midwinter ExcliPsi6h td Washington City.

The Baltimore and Ohio RailroadCompany announcesatopularExcur¬sion to Washington for Thursday,January 19th. The round-tri^ farewill be S2.00 from Charlestown.Tickets will be valid for ten days,including day of sale.- They will be

good going on train leaving Charles-town at 6 ;45 A. II., and 2.10 P. M.No better time.could be chosen for

a visit t'o thfe capita!. Congress willhe in session and the galleries ofboth Houses, as well as all otherpublic buildings, will be open to vis¬

itors.The long limit on the excursion

tickets allows ample time for visitittgAlexandria, Mt. Vernon, Richmond,Old Point Comfort and other pointsof interest within easy reach of

Washington. For tickets and Par¬lor or Sleeping Car accommodations,call upon or address Agents B. & O.R. R.

Personal Mention.

Capt. II. L. Heiskell is in Wash¬ington.

Charlie Brown spent Sunday inIlerryville.Miss Mary Ililbert visited Berry-

ville last tveek;Miss Ella Benuer is visiting friends

at Boyceville, Va:Howard McVeigh atld wife, of Bal¬

timore, are at the Carter House.Mrs. Nulty is visiting her daughters

Mrs. Louis Loman, in Baltimore.Mr. Eugene Shugcrt visited Capt.

Doll, at Harper's Ferry, last week.Miss Evo Eggleston and brother

are visiting friends in Winchester.Mrs. Jane Small, of Washington

City, is visiting Mrs. Rebecca Earn-sliaw.

Mr. James Marlow. of Ohio, visit¬ed his brother, Mr. Geo. W. Marlow,recently.

Miss Bessie Sites is Visiting hersister, Mrs. Wilbur Winters, at Har¬

per's Ferry.Miss Maggie Trussell is visiting

the family of Capt. Doll, at CampHill, Harper's Ferry.Mrs. A. W. Cramer has returned

from a protracted visit to her daugh¬ter, Mrs. Sherrard, in Virginia.Major A. W. McDonald, of Berry-

ville, spent Sunday with his daugh¬ter, Mrs. Judge Beckwith, of thisplace.Mrs. Amelia Patterson, of Balti¬

more, accompanied by four children,is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. F.Thomas.Walter Avis has taken the position

of messenger at the Western Uniontelegraph office, with Mr. Chas. G.Campbell.

Mrs. Julia A. Johnson, who hasbeen visiting her brother; Mr. Win.Wornwag, of Roanoke, Va., returnedhome last Tuesday.

Col. Sam'I M. Kahn, of the Stan¬dard Cab Company of Philadelphia,visited his relative Win. Kahn, ofthis place, last week.

S. Ilowell Gardner, entered theMedical Department of the ijniversi-ty of Virginia several months ago..We understand he has passed one ofhis severest examinations. Manygood wishes for Ilowell's success.

Church Items.

Rev. C. I\. Campbell preached atHalltown last Sunday afternoon.The -Itli Quarterly Meeting for

Charlcstown Station, M. K. ChurchSouth, on Sunday, January 20th..Rev. John S. Martin will be presentand preach.The Oakland pulpit was filled on

Sunday week by Mr. Mosby Locke,son of Mr. Thomas Locke of thiscounty. We understand he intendsentering the ministry, and we hope tosee him succeed in the path he has so

wisely laid out.Rev. C. X. Campbell will pi'Cach

in the Colored M. E. Church, in thisplace, on Sunday next, at 3 P. M.,and Rev. Dr. A. C. Hopkins willpreach in the same church on Sundayevening at 7 :30 o'clock. All are re-

speetfully invited to attend.The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup¬

per was administered in the Presby¬terian church-in this place on Sun¬

day last.preparatory scrviccs hav¬ing been held on Friday and Satur¬

day previous. Rev. C. N. Campbellassisted in the "Sacramental service.The young people of the Presby¬

terian church inaugurated a YoungPeople's Meeting on Sunday eveninglast, beginning at 6:15 o'clock, one-

half hour before the regular churchservice, in the lecture room. Meet*inefs will be held regularly at thesame time and place hereafter.Tub Firm of .T. II. BEACntBT & Co.. Hn-

^crstott'n, has been dirsolved by mutual con¬sent. The books will be found at the old place.Please call and settle up.

Bl.ANKF.TS ReDICBD..BEACIILET <fc SON.Ifairerstown. don't, like to say how much, butif you will conic and see you will buy right.BEAcni.EY it Son is the style of our new

firm. J. II. Beachley. the senior partner, hasalways enjoyed the confidence of the public.His business*has grown large*and now he pro-poses *o irtre more atfentiou to Dry Goods.Carpets. Notions. Ac. His son will more es-

pecially have charge of the grocery business.Of course, we thank ?vou kindly for past fa*vors and we tell you in plain words if sellinggood goods at low prices means'business, wewiH ge% your trade. In the future our assort¬ment will be flr<t-elass and with additionalhelp, very low prices and the very best attrac-tion wc hope we shall hav<* much of yort'r'pat-rona«re- Come and see us. Remember, we

buy all kinds of country produce at fair mar-ket prices.A conscience stricken Boston tax-

dodger has just sent S401 to thetreasurer of that city.

SALVATION OIL,...The Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain,"

Will relieve more quickly than anyother known remedy. Rheumatism,Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns,Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frostibites. Backache, Wounds, Headache,Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by allDruggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle.Oct. 4,1887.tAX.

Chunks of Wisdom from C. B.Rouss' Pen.

Wo call attention to the leaderof Clias. 15. Rouss copied from hisJanuary Trade Journal, on our

4th page. It will be found interest¬

ing reading, and is as every articlethat conies from his pdn filled withthe experience of forty yeafsSf mer¬cantile life in all of its vicissitudes.Excelsor for all these yeafs lias beenhis talisman. Brim full of enter¬prise (after several failures).start¬ing again from a modest beginninghe has now acquired by tact, push,vim. pluck and energy, Assisted byplenty of brains, a solid and sure

foundation. His wealth has notbeen made by speculations. Thewell-known motto." Tis not in mor¬

tals to command success; But I'lldo more, Semi-proriiils.i'll deserveit" has been verified in the success

achieved in the mercantile world byour friend C. B. R. Tie deservedit from every stand-point.uprightin all his dealings with his fellowmen, dispising deceit and hypocrisy,kind and generous; an unflinchingSoutherner in his attachments.hisexample is worthy of emulation bythe thousands of young men of ourfair Southland who are just comingon the commercial stage. No ledgersfor him. C. O. J), is his manner ofdoing business. Out of debt, out ofdanger, is practically illustrated inhis every day life.Read iiis chunks of wisdom and

quietly digest them, and when youenter into business for 3'ourself for¬swear the Use of day hooks andledgers. Cash down to all withoutrespect of persons will, with strict at¬tention to business,put money in yourpurse..Winchester Times.

I. O. O. F.

There will be an address deliveredin Washington Ilnll on Thursdayevening, the 10th of 'Tnriliary^ at 7o'clock, by O. S. MeKinney, Esq., P.G. of the Grand Lodge of W.Va., and perhaps accompanied byG. See'y Hilliugslea. We under-,stand Wiidey Lodge, under whoseauspices the addresses will bedelivered, Intend charging a nom¬

inal door fee, for the comfortwhich it will insure to the audience.Should the evening lie fair a shortstreet parade may l)« eSpccted in re¬

galia. Admission to lecture, 10cents. Tickets for sale at the doorand by members of the order.

Read the Death F?ollWhich the bills of mortality of any large citymay be fitly designated. and vou will timl thatrenial anil visii'al maladies, thai, is to say. thosethat affect the kidneys or iiiaddcr. have a re¬markable prominence.we had alrtio>t Paid.preponderance. Bright'* disease and diabetesin the chronic stanc are rarely cured, and«ravcl. catarrh of the bladder "and enuresis.slay many. Yet at the outset, when the tron-hie merely amounts to inactivity of the organsinvolved.*th<j dangefr may be niiliiUi'd by thatpleasant renal tonic ami diuretic. Hostcttcr'sStomach Bitters, which inipdfts the requisiteamount of tone to the organs. without over-jexciting Ibein. and the use of which is convc-uicnt. and involves nf> elaborate preparation.l>>spepsia. a usual concomitant of renal cotn-plaints, and debility, which they invariablyproduce, are remedied by it. So "also are con¬

stipation. malarial, rheumatic and nervousailments.

From the Winchester Times:Mrs. I\ T. South, wife of Mr. W.

South, ci»ed at her residence on

South Main Street on Sunday Jast,aged OS years.

Ice clear as a crystal, between8 and 9 inches thick, and plenty of it,having (300 tons housed) is whatMr. K. C. Jordan will provide hisguests next summer with in abun¬dance. lie tells us that several ofhis neighbors gathered ice from hispond, and that there is at least 100tons left.

Examine our lame stock of Roots. Hats,Trunks. Satchels, etc. It will pay you to callearly. Wm. Kakn iN: Co..Leading Shoe Emporium. Sadler Building.A Timely SruonsTioN. and one that will

prove profitable to every buyer, is that youshould know whcfc your interests are servedbefore making a purchase. Take the hint andcome to Wm. Ka<i*» A Co 's.

The Reliable Clothiers. Sadler Building.Men's Overcoats..Gentlemen, did the rcc-

ent cold snap suggest the idea that Overcoattimes afe comimr ? We think so. Takealookat our stock, and when it comes fo the questionof buying an Overcoat, you will make no mis-take in coming to our store if you nre an eco¬nomical buyef. Wm. Kaiin <te Co..

Sadler Building.Ciiix.dken's and Boy's Headqcakters.-

Our Children's Department is tilled with thegrandest stock of attractive and well-madeClothing for Bovs and Children that it has everbeen the privile-re of parents to examine..Trade is good. Prices will please you : dependupon it. Wm. Kahn Co.,

Sadler Building.Kaun's Leading Clothing Hocse..Great

Business! Great Goods! Great Stir! GreatSatisfaction all urounrt! We are beirinningflfceseason with the most eleirant and richest stockever collected : superior to anything ever seenorknown hereabouts. We show a great stock,and what is best of all fave dollars~fo^ourcu8-turners. Wm. Kaiin ifc Co.,

Sudler Building.Mr. Lewis Baker, manager of the

St. Paul (Minn..) Dufty Globe, sendsus an interesting pamphlet givingthe experience of reliable farmersliving in the Northwest. Copiesmailed free to applicants.



Contemplating alterations In oar



compel* us to inake these slaughtering reductions.

The Stock JTIust


Iu Many Iuitances the Prices are

Cut Owe-HalfMen's Heavy Weight Suits (sizes S4 to 42) reduced to f3.49

44 ** Pants down to 75

14 Corduroy Pants, worth $3.00; down to 1-50

" Overcoats dbtfri to 1-65

" Double Breasted Chinchilla Overcoats redubed to 3.30

Boy's Overcoats down to 1-49

Children's Suits, worth $2.00. down to 1.10

Mdu's Wool Ilats 15

Odd Vests

The break is made and the Goods ilust be Sold.

Advertised Letters.

List of letters remaining in thePost Office at Charlestown. Jeffersoncounty; W. Va., Jan.£14, 1888:

Mrs. Kebecca Potts. Mrs. AnnMorris, Mrs-. Kliza Twiman, Miss Kl-ler M. Wilson. Miss Annie Belletijn, Miss Atiilil M. Brown, Simon C.Camp, .Sam'l H. GinUerson. JohnLewis, Hugh Al. 1'altttiTj Clias. L.Thomas.The above letters, if not bailed for

within thirty days, will bB sent to thedead letter oHlce. Persons Citllingfor them will please say that they are

advertisedGeo. ll. Fi.agg, 1\ M.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.

The Best Salve in the world forCiitsf Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, SaltRheum, FeverSores, Tetter, ChappedHands, Chilblains. Corns, and all SkinEruptions, and positively cures Piles,of lit) pay required. It is guaranteedto give perfect satis/action, or moneyrefunded, i^ric'e 2a cents per box.Fof sale by Geo. T. Light.

Mii.i.vii.i.r Booming..At a meet¬ing of the directors of the MillvilleMilling company to-day, at the Sec¬ond National Bank buildings Dr. E.C. Gaskill, manager of the mills,submitted bis report, and a dividendwas declared on the stock of thecompany. After the meeting the di¬rectors adjourned to the Queen Cityhotel, where their genial presidententertained tlierti fit dinner. Theflour from this mill continues td givesatisfaction, and while the mill isnot located in the city, it is distinct¬ly a Cumberland enterprise and re¬

flects credit upon the city.[Cumb. Times, Jan. 12.

1 > i ¦. Toml inson'nDENTAL OFFICE, and Liberty Streets,

CHARLESTOWN.Brainard's Musical Wohi.d for Decem¬

ber is a capital number.contains excellent

original miscellany, able editorials, choice mu¬sic." ifcc. Subscription $1.50 a year. 5. Brain-ard's Son# publishers. Cleveland, Ohio.

BALTIMORE MARKETS.Baltimore. Saturday. Jan. 18S8.

Flour.Super $2.37 *2.75Extra 3.oo <s> 3.60

Fainilr 4.00 <S> 4.35Corn Meal, per 100 lbs 1.20 <© 1.35Wheat 91 <& 97Corn.White 56 & 5SWYellow 58 (S 59Oats *... 2»X 41Rte 6S <© 70Bacon.Shoulders 8 @ 8f£Sides fS 8}*Hams. Sugar-cured 12)»i <© 13

Lard 7>* <s> 8%

Estray Sheep.C1AME to the premises of the undersigned.

J some time last fall, three Ewe Sheep..Owner will come forward, prove property, paycharges and take them away.

A. L. WITHERS.Near Summit Point, W. Va.

Jannary 10. 1885.It.

Bicycle for Sale Cheap.NO. 1 48-inch Standard Colombia Bicycle,in good running order, lately been at the

shops, repaired and nicely painted. Will sellcheap. Apply or write to"

A. S. CRITTENDEN.iRipon, Jefferson Co., W. Va.

August 9. 1887.

IME Fruit, Hoarhound. Flax Seed and Tar_J Drop*, at JGSEis Pharmaey.

New ahd Attractive Goodsat tlie Store of


A GRAND display of TOYS, eucli as Dolls.Games. Books. Toilet Sets. Vases. Cups

and Saucers. Mugs, RubberToys, Work Boxes,Writing Desks, Tin and Iron Toys. Ten Sets.Bisque*, Baskets, Wagons, Sleds, Velocipedes,etc.

CONFECTIONERY,Unadulterated as usual, will be found at mystore. Whitmau's Superior Confections. BonBone snd Chocolates. Several different kindsof French aud Plain Mixtures. Sunday schoolsare invited to get prices before bnyiug else¬where.

Fruits and Nuts..Just received a large supply, all fresh and

fine, aud sold at prices to suit the times.

CAKES.Plain and Ofii&raeutal Cakes always on

band.Oystei*s, Oystei*s5

Received daily, larger than ever. Have alwayson hand two kinds'. Solid measure and cheap.Leave your orders.An early inspection is kindly requested.Thankful for past patrouage, aud hoping to

merit a continuance,I am Respectfully.

GUSTAV BROWN.January 10. 1SS8.

Patapsco Guano CompanyI AM now offering to the farmers of Jeffer¬

son county, the Old Reliable and well estab¬lished goods manufactured by this Company.The following Brands for sale :

Grange Mixture.Baltimore Soluble Phosphate.

Special Wheat Compound*44 Half and Half,"

warranted to have not leflfi than 1,099 fbs. Dis¬solved Animal Bone in each ton. This articlecontaius all the elements necessary for Wheat.

Pure Dissolved Animal Bone.Pure Dissolved South Carolina Bone.

Besides which I also offer

Moro Phillips' Goods,used in the county for years with fine effect.

Soluble Sea Islandand other Brands, manufactured by RasinCo..

Baltimore, Md.44TO R N A DO,"

by the Maryland Co.We guarantee these goods in fine condition

to drilf. DAVID HOWELL.August 12. ^Violin and Guitar Les¬


HAVING been solicited by tiitLiif fnnslc-loving persons to give on the Vio¬

lin. Guitar. Flute and Vlotrrrf-CcfJo. I hffrecon-eluded to accept a limited ntxmbet Of pupils forthe above named InstftttrtenU. For termsplease call on me at my Jewelrv Store on Mainstreet, or address me Lock BoxNo. 48. Charles-town. Special Rates for Clubs of Four.

Re*j>ectfully, E. BROWNOLD.March 16. 1886."

Miss Amelia Hicks

HAS taken the store-room on Main street, iobuildinc occuplcd by the Mis«es Ware,

where she will do DRESS MAKING and FAM¬ILY SEWING in good style and at reasonablecharges. She will be pleased to have the pat¬ronage of the ladies of the town and vicinity,and will strive to render satisfaction.She has also a stock of Dress Trimmines and

Notions, to which she iuvites the attention ofthe ladies.June 15.1886.

A Mistake*THE report that I propose !e*vhi|f Charles-

town Is Unfounded. I expect to remainhere and will purstrfe nry vocation of Waicband Clock Repairer ai vtiy refolds opposite4i Carter House'." Lee Hall tfp-sfjtfrs.and solicit the cctatimied patronace of tKe peo-pie. E. BROWNCTLu.October II, 1887.

PAVING and'Bnilding Brick kept constant¬ly on hand and for sale bv

1*. 18397. T. F. LIFPITT.


Where is the MailWHO NEEDS AN OVERCOAT ?

THE suliiect of OVKKCDAf3 is a tniibtT seasonable tubject just now. Make op yourmind Hot winter weather in with up ibr the season. OVERCOATS are a mccwitj, and

the man that needs an Over Garment will study his interest by maklne his selection at ourstore. There's nothing cheaper than " chin music" Sfnne concerns deal more extensively ia. big talk* and " blaster*' than they do in merchandise ; bat here at oar store

LOW PRICESdo all the talking necessary to *ati«fv oar patrons. There's no question about it, we sotonlj '* claim" to have, but positively show upoo our coautefs

THREE T1ME§ AS MANY OVERCOATSas can be seen in any other store in Chaffestown. As sensible merchants, we wouldn't presumeto make such a statement openly unless we could satisfactorily convince everybody of its literaltruth.^Not only is our stock

Larger,/Better and Greater in Variety,hut our Low Prices are the subject of envy among the " shops" that attorn ptjlo cortpttejwlth «.

H*i«. AVi/iii 4* .o.,THL LEADING CLOTHIERS, 8adier Building, Charlestown, W. Va.

December 1S87.

Coach Factory,LIVERY, &C.TIIE undersigned having purchased the old

established Coach Factory of the late WelleJ. Hawks. Id Charlestown, with the view of en¬

tering into the

Carriage Business,In all ft* branches, offer* for sale a large num-! «r of New and Second-hand

CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, JAGQERS,<fcc.. at the lowest prices and upon themost ac¬

commodating terms.

Old Carriage* taken in Exchange forNew.

ALL KINDS OF REPAIKS done with neat¬ness and dispatch, and satisfaction guaranteed.

Horses and CarriagesFOR HIRE.

In connection with the above I will coutlnu*the LIVERY BUSINESS, and be prepared tofurnish Carriages, Buggies and Jagirers at theshortest notice.

<aj~ The al>ove business will be under the su¬

perintendence of Abram Stuinp.

UNDERTAKING.I imi prepared to give my special attention to

the business of Undertaking.Being a practical mechanic and determined

to give satisfaction, I respectfully solicit a shareof nubile patrouage.May 15. 1877. LEWIS STARRY.

Taos. C. Earjishaw.J [B. Frank Doolit.

EARNSHAW & DOOLEY,(Hilbert's Building. Main Street.)CHARLESTOWN, W. VA.,

Dealers in

cookiMq stoves, ranges, baseBURNING AND HEATING STOVES

of all kinds, and Manufacturers of


Special Attention given to

Roofing and Spouting.All Kinds of Repairing promptly done.

HAVINO purchased the stock of Machinery,Tools mid Stoves of Messrs. Duke A Gal-

lulier. we will continue the Tin and Stoic bus¬iness in all its various branches. We will keepon baud a full stock of .tinware of our ownmanufacture, aud will make to order promptly,any article in our line. Being both practicaltinners, the senior having served lTyearsattbebusiness, is a guarantee that work entrusted tous will be properly executed. We guarauteeall work at lowest prices, and ask a share ofthe p!lblic patronage.

KAK.VSIIAW <t DOOLET.February 30. ISS'i.

S. C. YOUNG,market-house building,

Has had his store-room refitted and repaint¬ed. and to the stock hitherto offered has

added a large line of

Staple & Fancy Grocerieswith which he will hereafter be prepared to

(viil1 k*8 customers and the public generally.*> ill keep constantly on hand


a fine stock of Tobaccoes and Clears, CannedGoods, Candies, &c. My

Fresh Meat Departmentwill bo kept np to its n«nal standard of excel¬lence.well supplied with the Best Meats thatthe markets afford, dressed in the most ap¬proved manner, and sold at reasonable rates.

Respectfully,May 17. 1887. S. C. TOONG.


DESIGNED to meet all the requirements ofa thorough education. The next Session

will beginSeptember 12th, 1887.

For Catalogues, containing terms, coarse ofstudy, Ac., apply to Principal.

i , ..o_Kev" C" N- CAMPBELL.

July 19. 1887.

Flowing Spring Mills.HAVING leased the lone-established and

well-known 7LOWINCTSPRIN6 MILLS,near Charlestown, W. Va., I propose carryingon a regular

MILLING BUSINESS.Will Buy Wheat and Corn, and keep on hand

at all times.

Choice Family Flour,Bolted Meal,

andAll kinds of mill feed.

Custom Sawing done to order.By strict attention to business and fair deal¬

ing. I hope to merit the patronage of the pub¬lic. Respectfully,May 18. 18S6. W. P. SWAN.

Lumber, Shingles & WoodHAVING recently purcfjAsed a Targe body

of fine Timber, at Flowing, Springs, nearCharlestown. and put in operation there ourSteam Saw-Mill, we are prepared to furnish

ALL KINDS Of OAK LtfM^ER,FEKCT3T0 PLANK. F&AME LUMBER. LAPSHINGLES, snd WOOD frr ihe CORD. Willsell eitfcrer to be deltrercd or on the ground.TKAZfZk A COLSTON.Feb. 51889. (F. F. ami Deis, copy.)

Horses and Vehicles.Q^AFE Rirfing" and DrTrhrgf Horses, and stylishO Vehicles forthe accommodation of the pub¬lic. for hire on reasonable terms at the LiveryStables of 8TARRY A STUMP.May 15. 1S8S.

THE VALLBVFERTILIZER COMPANY.^SCOL. R. PRESTON CHEW. President,D*. W. F. l.ii-PiTT. t-nparluteudcnt,B. C. Washington, Secretary,

Robt. Chew, General Agent.fctarlcstown. Jefferson Connty, West Vlr^inl#.

Offer far the Fall Trade tbelr old brand*,which always speak for themselves, and barsheld tbelr own for so many years that no cer¬tificates are necessary. They aro


Bail*. 2X per cent. Ammonia, 32 per cant.Bone Phosphate.

VIRGIIVIA,3* per cent. Ammonia. 35 per cent. Bona


per cent. Ammonia, 28 per cent. Bon#Phosphate, 3 per ccnt. Potash.

VALLEY BONE,IV percent. Ammonia. 25* per 'cent: Bona

Phosphate, and 3 per cent. Potash.

ALKAIjINE,IS; pef cent. Bone Phosphate and 3 per csuk


Those who demand a low priced goods willfind the

Valley .Bone and Alka¬line Phosphates

nnequalled for the money. We hare a largestock of absolutely

PUREjjGROUND |BONE,onr own grinding. Also,


onr own make, both No. 1 articles. Call at thamill and see their drilling condition, tfaaitaud other Potash Salts, Nitrate of Soda an#other Chemicals.jfPure Blue Windsor* Plaster,

freshly ground, always on band. ^

(^Mixtures and private forma Ias prepare#on short notice, and of the best materials.fcT BONES WANTED in large or small

quanttUcf;July 12, 1887.odA pit.

New carria c!3FACTOHYi

Chartestoicn, Jefferson CoW. Va:

THE undersigned still continues to Kiad*facturu and Repair


Spring Wagon*. Dog Carts. Sulkies. 8Ieig))S.^c.. in a* fine style a* calk be done Shtttherain the Union, at moderate prices. Bein^'a prac¬tical mechanic. I will be enabled to do allwork on correct, systematic principles, therebyproducing work light, durable aud handsome.

Repair Work a Specialty.Hoping to receive a fair share of your natron-

age. I pledge myself to give you value ra-3ceived.

AUGUST 8CHULTE.C^T" Shops on Bloomery Turnpike, 2 Square*

frotn Msin St.May 2A. 1*87.odMay26.'85.

READ THIS!It Will Interest You ?

FOR the poxt two -weeks we will offer IMGreatest Bargains la

SCHOOL SUPPLIESever offered before, to make room /or dor loi-mennc stock of Xmas Gr»ods. Look oat forthem ; the prices will defy competition.The reason we are always busy Is beeuMwe sell cheap. Pe*»ple ask why we ill Pro¬scriptions so ch«»ap? W© do not offef yo«£something you know the price of below costand make np on Prescriptions: we belleva Insquare dealing. Our prices are being foundout daily, and. with the neatness and prompt¬ness we do business defies all competition;.Our Drug* are all

jStew andand kin; the only Graduate of Pharmacy Intown, people will know bow to diacrimlnala.Call and realize that joa. ran rare money bybuying from 0. FRANK JOKES.

_ . Dispensing Cbcmlat.October l3. 1*»7.


E8TEY PIANOS, ANDfestey Organs.

OLD low for Ca*b or on eujr Monthly orQuarterly Payments. Old Piano* and Or-

ns taken as part payment for new onet^**

on or addressA. E. MAR9TELLER.

Charleston* n. W. Va.October 12. 18»-tf.


Ditching, Excavating, Jfce

THE nnderaigned (till offer* hli aervicea aa acompetent workman in the above line..

Ditchingand Excavating of all kind#.DiggingCMerna. Pond*. Cdhn. Ac. .Undertaken atmoderate ratea. and faitbfoSy executed. Or¬der* left at residence, near Colored ScbooJ-Hnttm. win receive prompt attention. Bfa»thigaim done fn a satlsfactonr marfne/. And a«loweat ratea. WESLEY LCTWRY.March 9. 1880.

ECLECTIC Herb Bitten and Aromatic Wtnoat JONES' Pharmacy.

Oatotor 15. !«'