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W4 Conclusion

Apr 03, 2018



Bobby Wsk
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  • 7/29/2019 W4 Conclusion


    Chapter 6

    Genesis and Geotectonic History

    6.1 Depositional Environment of the Lower and Upper Sedimentary UnitsThe greywacke succession of the lower and upper sedimentary units was most

    probably deposited by turbidites as indicated by normal graded beds with sharp

    erosional bases, the presence of Bouma cycles, sole marks, soft sediment

    deformation structures and rip-up clasts (Walker and Mutti, 1973; Prothero and

    Schwab, 1996).

    Turbidites in general are regarded as deep-water deposits associated with

    submarine fan complexes. However, Walker (1992) suggests that the turbidity

    currentprocess can take place at any depth, but for the deposit to be preserved as

    a turbidite, it must not be reworked by later current or wave action. This probably

    implies minimum water depths of 250-300m (i.e. below storm wave base)

    (Walker, 1992).

    Each turbidity flow represents a "catastrophic" event resulting from either tectonic

    movement and/or sediment slumping. Failure of large sediment accumulations in

    shallow water is one of the most important prerequisites for turbidity currents

    (Einsele,1991). It is important to note that the presence and degree of grading in a

    turbidite bed is strongly controlled by the availability of a range of grain sizes.

    Well-sorted material in the source area does not contribute to distinctly graded

    beds (Einsele, 1991).

    Turbidity currents are commonly referred to as density currents that move

    downslope on the ocean floor, driven by gravity that acts on the density difference

    between the current and the surrounding sea water (Walker, 1992). According to

    Edwards (1993) turbidity currents are density flows where grain suspension is

    mainly supported by the upward component of fluid turbulence. Bouma (1962)

    recognised that turbidite sequences consist of a deposition type of five

    intervals nowadays commonly referred to as the Bouma cycle (Fig. 6.1).


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    E Laminated tohomogenous mud

    D Upper mud/silt laminae

    C Ripples, climbing ripples,wavy or convolutelaminae

    B Plane laminae

    A Structureless or gradedsand to granule


    Deposition from low-density tailof turbidity current ~ settling ofpelagic or hemipelagic particles

    Shear sorting of grains & flocs

    Lower part of flow regime

    Upper flow regime plane bed

    Rapid deposition with notraction transport, possiblequick (liquefied) bed


    Massive siltstone, sometimesfinely laminated with veryfine sand.

    Fine to medium sand, poorlysorted, greywacke

    Very coarse to coarse-grainedgreywacke

    Figure 6.1. The Bouma cycle after Edwards (1993).

    The turbidite beds at Nsuta commonly display incomplete Bouma cycles(Fig 6.2)

    with only Bouma divisions "A", "B" and "E" present. Most of the thicker turbidite

    beds at Nsuta commence with a sharp basal contact that often contains rip-up

    clasts and flame structures originating from division E of the previous cycle.

    The basal division A of a cycle is medium to coarse-grained and massive, and

    grades up into a finer parallel-laminated division B (Fig. 6.2). Deposited on top

    of division "B" is a structureless/laminated siltstone that defines division E (Fig


    Figure 6.2.Typical Bouma cycle at Nsuta. Only divisions A, B, and E are developed. Note rip-up

    clasts at the base of "A". These clasts are derived from the "E" division of the immediately

    underlying turbidite flow.


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    The deposition of the siliciclastic succession hosting the manganese carbonate

    orebody at Nsuta is attributed to a mid- to lower submarine fan environment,

    based on the following observations:

    Interlayering of medium- to coarse-grained and fine-grained sediments inupward-fining cycles on various scales. This is a feature typical of turbidite

    sequences deposited in middle submarine fan environments (Walker and

    Mutti, 1973; Walker, 1978; Prothero and Schwab, 1996) (Fig. 6.3).

    Figure 6.3. Model for sedimentation of Nsuta turbidite succession in a submarine fan (modified

    after Walker, (1978)). Mid fan and lower fan environments predominate at Nsuta. An incised

    channel was observed at Hill D north (BH4756) and has associated levee and overbank deposits.

    The carbonate unit would have been deposited in the lower fan environment. The majority of

    turbidite flows at Nsuta occur on the interface of the mid- and lower fan, and are classified as

    "classical" turbidites.

    The turbidites consist mainly of medium- to coarse-grained greywackesgrading into siltstone or phyllite, with Bouma units A, B, and E present. The

    beds can thus be classified as being composed of "classic" Bouma cycles

    according to the classification of Walker (1992). Such Bouma cycles typically

    occur between mid and lower submarine fan environments (Fig. 6.3) (Walker,



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    Two distinct types of turbidity flows are present in the Nsuta succession. Thefirst type consists of coarse sand particles (greywacke) grading up into a silty

    unit (siltstone) and display erosive lower contacts, with rip-up clasts and flame

    structures. In contrast, the second type consists of thinner cycles composed of

    fine/very fine sand and silt and do not show an erosive lower contact. Einsele

    (1991) and Walker (1992) ascribe these two distinct styles of deposition to

    high- and low- density turbidity currents. High-density turbidity currents

    (represented by the first type) can reach high velocities and carry relatively

    coarse-grained sand, pebbles, and intraclasts. The turbulent nature of such

    turbidites causes erosion of sea floor sediments over extensive areas. Low-

    density turbidity currents represented by the second type of beds, can only

    keep silt and clay particles in suspension because of their low flow velocities,

    and as a result have a very poor erosional capacity.

    A thick, massive greywacke deposit identified in the upper turbidite unit indrill-core 4756 (Fig. 6.4) is interpreted as a turbidite fan channel deposit in the

    mid to lower fan environment. Walker (1992) suggests that such thick

    amalgamated turbidite beds (Bouma cycles) are commonly associated with

    turbidite channels that can be many meters deep. Successive deposits

    amalgamate to produce composite beds, different from the monotonousinterbedding of argillite and greywacke characteristic of classical turbidite

    successions. Prothero and Schwab (1996) suggest that turbidite fan channels

    are similar to those of alluvial fans, and have distinctive levee and overbank

    deposits, like those observed in fluvial systems (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).

    The thick phyllite beds (Hill B) in the upper turbidite unit are interpreted asargillaceous levee deposits that flank either side of the turbidite channel .

    According to Einsele (1998) turbidite channel deposits in the upper and

    middle fan regions are accompanied by levees which may rise above the

    surrounding sea floor by 10 to 100 m.


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    Incised channelTerraceLevee

    Overbank fines

    Figure 6.5. Incised channel fill, levee, and overbank deposits of the mid to lower part of a

    channelized fan (modified after Einsele, 1998). A thick, massive greywacke unit observed at Hill

    D north is thought to represent the infill of such a channel. Levee deposits are observed at Nsuta as

    thick argillaceous units.

    A rather similar depositional setting to that described above has also been reported

    by Leube et al. (1990) for the siliciclastic sedimentary units that are interbedded

    with volcanics of the Birimian succession in general. According to this model

    (Leube et al., 1990) the Birimian sedimentary rocks were deposited adjacent to

    sub-parallel chains of volcanic island-arcs in intervening elongated sedimentary

    basins. These basins could have been several hundred kilometers long and may

    have attained depths of a few hundred meters. In this scenario, volcaniclastic

    sediments occur as minor constituents within the volcanic belts but make up the

    bulk of the fill of the sedimentary basins (Leube et al. 1990).

    According to Leube et al. (1990), argillites represent the normal, i.e. constant

    background sediments in the depositories, whereas the coarser detrital sediments

    and volcanics were brought in sporadically by discrete and more localised events

    (in time and space) such as volcanic eruptions and turbidity currents. Based on

    lithological composition, Leube et al. (1990) propose an idealised sequence of

    facies from the volcanic belts towards the centres of the sedimentary basins(Table 6.1). Results of the present study found nothing that would argue against

    this general depositional model of Leube et al. (1990) (Table 6.1). The main point

    of this model is turbidity currents, which carried predominantly pyroclastic and

    epiclastic sediments down the slopes of the volcanic island arcs to form immature

    greywackes, siltstones and shales, but also true volcaniclastic rocks more


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    proximal to the volcanic source (Leube et al. 1990). True volcanic rocks,

    including lava flows, tephra and tuffs, may also have contributed significantly to

    the basin fill.

    Table 6.1. Different facies of the Birimian Supergroup and their characteristic lithologicalassociations (modified after Leube et al., 1990).

    Facies Lithology Depositional environment



    Presence of lava essential; volcaniclastic

    rocks (pyroclastics or epiclastics) may or

    may not be present. Rare argilitic


    Water/air interface of volcanic islands

    or volcanic ridges.




    Reworked, allochthonous, notably quartz-

    enriched volcaniclastic rocks displaying

    graded bedding

    Turbidites at lower end of slopes of

    volcanic ridges



    Interbedding of volcaniclastic rock

    (predominantly sand to silt sized, non- or

    little transported pyroclastics) and argilliticrock with the former dominant in thickness

    and proportional abundance. Rare

    interlayers of lava.

    Depository proximal to volcanic

    island or ridges.



    As above, but a preponderance in thickness

    and proportional abundance of argillites.

    More distal portions of the depository

    Argillite Argillites, often finely laminated and


    Low energy environments in the most

    distal portions of the depositories.



    Chert, carbonate, manganese, organic


    Structurally weak regimes in

    transitional zones between belts and


    6.2 Depositional Setting of the Manganese Carbonate Ore Bed

    The sedimentary succession at Nsuta can also be evaluated applying simple

    sequence stratigraphic principles (Fig. 6.6). Transgressive and regressive cycles

    are controlled by eustatic sea level changes that directly influence the clastic

    sedimentation rate into a basin. Transgressions are associated with increasing

    accommodation space in the basin (relative sea level rise) and thus result in

    upward-fining sequences. Regressions, on the other hand, are associated with

    decreasing accommodation space in the basin (relative lowering of sea level) and

    result in gradually upward-coarsening sequences as seen in the upper turbidite

    unit. The onset of a transgression and end of a regression are often marked by an

    unconformity resulting from negative accommodation space in the basin (Van

    Wagoner et al. 1998). As mentioned previously, the lower turbidite unit fines


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    Eustatic sea level change

    Fall Rise

    F-inflection point

    R-inflection pointMaximum flooding surface

    F-inflection point

    Sheared contact
















    upper greenstone unit

    upper turbidite unitcarbonate unit

    lower turbidite unit

    lower greenstone unit




    Figure 6.6. Stratigraphy of the Nsuta manganese deposit with an interpretation of sequences and a relative sea level curve..



    0 m

    20 m

    40 m

    60 m

    80 m

    100 m

    120 m

    140 m

    160 m

    180 m


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    gradually and may thus mark a major transgression (Fig. 6.6). During this

    transgression the depositional basin is apparently starved of clastic material, a

    precondition for the development of the manganese carbonate orebody which

    contains no siliciclastic detritus.

    The manganese carbonate orebody occupies the central position in the entire

    turbidite sequence, and is thought to mark maximum flooding surface at the peak

    rate of sea level rise. Evidently, the influx of siliciclastic detritus decreased

    gradually and became insignificant as the central part of the manganese carbonate

    bed was deposited.

    The lower and upper contacts of the carbonate bed into the surrounding turbidites

    are marked by the occurrence of carbonate microconcretions. Studies on modern

    (Huckriede and Meischner, 1996) and ancient (Gutzmer and Beukes, 1998)

    marine manganese carbonate sediments suggests that such microconcretions grow

    just below the sediment-water interface during very early diagenesis. The

    microconcretions display irregular concentric growth zones (Fig. 3.4d) and a

    fibrous radial internal texture. There is no evidence that these microconcretions

    have been reworked so that they almost certainly represent in-situ formed

    concretionary structures.

    The carbonate unit itself was most probably formed in a very quiet deep water

    environment. Negative 13

    C values of the manganese carbonate (Nyame, 1998)

    indicate that organic carbon was involved in the formation of the carbonates. This

    normally happens where manganese is originally deposited as Mn4+ oxihydroxide

    together with organic carbon. The organic carbon then acts as reducing agent to

    form Mn2+ carbonates which incorporate carbonate derived from oxidizing

    organic carbon (Gutzmer & Beukes, 1998). This process normally takes place in

    dysaerobic diagenetic conditions (Okita et al., 1988).


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    Manganese deposition continued well into the upper turbidite unit (Fig. 4.4). The

    latter marks renewed regression and influx of siliciclastic detritus. This regression

    may have been the result of an eustatic drop in sea level, or relative tectonic

    uplift. Initially, argillaceous and silty material is reintroduced, followed by fine

    sand and silt, and finally coarse sand, in an upward coarsening succession (Fig

    6.6). A coarse granulestone unit in the succession may mark another sequence

    boundary in the succession and the onset of another upward-fining transgressive

    cycle (Fig. 6.6). The record of this second transgressive cycle remains incomplete

    due to subsequent shear deformation along the contact of the upper sedimentary

    unit with the overlying upper greenstone unit (Fig. 6.6).

    6.3 Metamorphic AlterationThe greenstones appear to be the most suitable rocks with which the pressure and

    temperature conditions of metamorphism in the Nsuta area can be constrained.

    Two metamorphic assemblages were identified in the lower greenstones; namely:

    (1) quartz-albite-chlorite-carbonate epidote

    (2) quartz-albite-actinolite.

    These are typical low-grade mineral (greenschist facies) assemblages of mafic

    rocks. The presence of sericite and biotite in assemblage (1) and (2), respectively,

    is probably related to later potassium metasomatic alteration. The presence of

    epidote in some rocks in assemblage (1) is related to relatively high (Ca +

    Al)/(Mg + Fe) mole ratio and is thus related to the whole rock composition (Spear


    Assemblage (2), which shows the presence of actinolite, can be explained by a

    number of factors (Spear 1993), such as a high FeO/ (CaO + Al2O3) mole ratio, or

    a H2O dominated fluid. The fact that assemblage (1) is observed near carbonate-

    dominated lithologies (Mn carbonate), suggests that the composition of the

    metamorphic fluid controlled the stable mineral phases for the greenstones. These

    results indicate that it is impossible that the regional metamorphic grade at Nsuta


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    reached amphibolite facies as suggested byJohn et al. (1999). Amphibolite faciesmetamorphismdescribed by John et al. (1999) is more likely to be present in theform of contact metamorphic aureoles in areas away from Nsuta, but is not

    present at Nsuta. John et al. (1999) also suggest that the constant peak

    metamorphic pressures found in the southern Ashanti belt (Fig. 6.7), implies that

    the entire area represents the same crustal level and, therefore, must have

    experienced similar high-grade metamorphic conditions. However, constant

    pressures do not rule out local contact metamorphic effects and pressure estimates

    in general are highly inaccurate (Spear, 1993).






    Fig. 6.7. Geological map of Ghana showing the area in which John et al. (1999) conducted a

    metamorphic study of Birimian strata in the extreme southern limit of the Ashanti belt to the south

    of Nsuta.

    Perhaps more realistic for the Nsuta area are is the results of Kleinschrot et al.

    (1994), who suggest that at the peak of the prograde metamorphic evolution, P-T

    conditions corresponding to greenschist facies ( 500OC at 5kbar) were obtained

    in the area. This observation is supported by Nyame (1998) who provides


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    evidence for the preservation of primary sedimentary structures and textures in

    the manganiferous phyllites and manganese carbonate ore; features that would

    almost certainly have been destroyed if amphibolite facies metamorphism were


    The occurrence of metamorphic minerals, like spessartine garnets, cross-cutting

    distinct sedimentary laminations may be consistent with low temperature

    transformation of materials that were initially of sedimentary origin (Nyame,

    1998). Minerals such as muscovite, chlorite and spessartine garnet commonly

    found in the argillites, greywackes and carbonate ore possibly formed from

    mineral reactions involving clay minerals, silica and/or Mn carbonates.

    Spessartine-rich garnet, for instance, are known to form at low temperature (250-

    300O C) and pressure in chemically favourable rocks (Nyame et al., 1998).

    To summarise, it is possible that certain parts of the southern Ashanti belt have

    experienced amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions in contact metamorphic

    aureoles of intrusive granitoid bodies. However, whether these conditions can be

    extrapolated to the entire southern Ashanti belt and especially the Nsuta area,

    appears more than doubtful. At Nsuta, peak metamorphism almost certainly only

    reached greenschist facies and more detailed work is required to understand the

    metamorphic history of the Ashanti belt as a whole.

    6.4 Structural DeformationA total of 351 bedding orientations were acquired during field mapping. All

    measured bedding orientations indicate that the strata have a dominant strike in a

    NNE-SSW direction (Fig. 6.8). On a stereoplot the data clearly represent a

    dominant structure (related to F1) while the scattered data are attributed to a less

    dominant second structure (related toF2) (Fig 6.9). Interpretation of Figure 6.9

    allows for two possibilities, a) only one fold limb was measured or b) due to

    isoclinal folding, the interlimb angle is zero degrees which would result in data

    from both limbs plotting in the same position on the stereoplot. Neither of the two

    possibilities enable construction of an F1 fold axis.


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    Data points: 351Max. Dens. = 8.34 (at 291/48)Min. Dens. = 0.00Contours at: 0.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.005.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00.(Multiples of random distribution)

    Average fold axis measurements

    Class interval: 10Data type: bidirectionalMax. Percentage: 14.6%Mean percentage: 5.6%Standard deviation: 3.65%

    Vector mean: 19Confidence interval: 12%R-mag: 0.38n = 351



    Equal area projection, lower hemisphere.


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    The geological map (Fig. 5.1A) and structural analyses suggest the following

    deformational history for the strata in the Nsuta mining concession:

    F1 isoclinal folding with fold axis trending NNE-SW. Thrust faulting, most probably related to F1, bringing the lower greenstone

    unit in contact with the upper greenstone unit (Fig. 6.10).

    Oblique cross folding with F2 fold axis oriented E-W Normal faulting (E-W), affecting the orebody between mining areas in

    different hills (Fig 5.1A).

    NNE-SSW extensional faulting causing rotation of Hills D north and Dsouth (Fig 5.5).

    Erosion surface


    W E

    Figure 6.10. Illustration of a steep thrust crosscutting the limb between an anticline and syncline, bringing the lowergreenstone unit (LG) in contact with the upper greenstone unit (UG). Relative displacement of the sedimentary unit(SU) is also indicated.

    A simplified interpretative structural map (model) of the mine suggests that the

    eastern segment of the mine merely represents one limb of an anticlinal structure

    that has been thrusted in a westerly direction (Fig 6.10). Thrusting may have been

    syn- or post-F1 folding and apparently propagated along the limbs between

    anticlines and synclines.


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    E-W oblique-slip normal faults appear to become listric with depth and are

    responsible for segmenting the deposit into the series of hills (fault blocks) that

    are mined today (Fig. 6.11). These faults are systematically arranged from north

    to south and are assumed to propagate in a southerly direction since anticlinal and

    synclinal axes all plunge to the north. In effect, the concession could be seen as

    consisting of a series of half-graben structures (Fig. 6.12). This style of faulting

    can only be a small-scale representation of a larger system that must exist on a

    regional scale. Field evidence suggests that there is differential tilt between

    imbricate fault blocks on the mine, a feature typical of listric faulting at depth

    (Wernicke and Burchfiel, 1982; Wernicke, 1984).

    The direction of downthrow is towards the south, thus enabling the blocks to

    display successively steeper tilts towards the south. This phenomenon permits

    preservation of stratigraphy towards the south but exposure and erosion of

    stratigraphy in the north (Fig. 6.12). If the western side of the concession

    represents an anticline, then rotated anticlinal blocks should be preserved on the

    western side of Hills A and B at depth below surface. It may represent a

    prospective area for extension of the manganese orebody (Fig. 6.11 and 6.12).

    6.5 Plate-Tectonic Setting of the Nsuta Manganese Deposit

    The geotectonic evolution of the Birimian Supergroup is a controversial topic,

    with three major models being proposed at present, namely:

    Intracontinental rifting (Leube et al., 1990). Convergent ocean-plate margins (Attoh and Ekwueme, 1997). Continent - continent collision (Hirdes et al., 1996).

    It is beyond the scope of this dissertation to define an unambiguous geotectonic

    setting for the Birimian Supergroup in general, as field observations were

    restricted to the Nsuta deposit. Thus one can only select a model that appears

    more consistent with observations made on the mine and build the plate tectonic

    setting of Nsuta manganese deposit into that. At present, the most widely


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    Hill A

    Hill B

    Hill C south

    Hill E

    NorthernHill D north

    SouthernHill D north

    Hill D south

    Figure 6.11. Plan view sketch model of the structural geology of the Nsuta deposit.


    Hill A

    Hill B

    Hill C south

    Hill C north

    Hill E

    NorthernHill D north

    SouthernHill D north

    Hill D south

    Not to scale

    ? 53







    Outline of sedimentarysuccession














    Thrust fault

    Interpreted thrust fault

    Interpreted contact

    Normal fault

    Dip of normal fault

    Fold axis

    Observed contact

    German Line (normal fault)

    UG = Upper greenstone unitLG = Lower greenstone unit



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    supported model appears to be the one by Hirdes et al. (1996) that envisages

    continental collision and accretion of island arcs and oceanic plateaus onto the

    Archean Man Shield. This model was selected as basis for the following

    discussion. The model(Hirdes et al., 1996)

    suggest that the Birimian Supergroupconstitutes juvenile continental crust that formed as island arcs and intervening

    sedimentary basins which were accreted onto the Man Shield. This process

    constitutes one half of a Wilson cycle that culminated in continental collision and

    the Eburnean tectonothermal event or orogeny. The age and duration of this major

    orogenic event can be constrained between 2.18 Ga (early Birimian volcanism)

    and 1.97 Ga (post-tectonic mafic dykes) (Table 2.1). The early stages of this

    collision process is marked by subduction of oceanic crust beneath the Man

    Shield, and calc-alkaline magmatism to produce volcanic island arcs and early

    Dixcove granitoid intrusives at 2.18 Ga (Table 2.1 and Fig. 6.13 A-B).

    Associated with island arc volcanism is backarc spreading and the opening of

    elongated sedimentary troughs that were successively filled by volcanics,

    volcaniclastics and immature siliciclastics derived from penecontemporaneous

    volcanic rocks. Turbidite deposition in submarine fan environments was favoured

    by steep topographic relief due to rapid tectonic uplift associated with the build up

    of volcanic arcs (Fig 6.13B).

    Active tectonics and volcanism supplied abundant immature siliciclastic material

    that was shed into the adjoining backarc basins. Any tectonic disturbance to

    unconsolidated sediments would have produced turbidites. Chemical sediments,

    including the Nsuta Mn-carbonate orebody, constitute a minor but conspicuous

    component in the backarc basin fills. They were efficiently concentrated wherever

    siliciclastic influx was cut off. Such conditions may have been most prevalent

    during maximum rates of relative sealevel rise in the central part of backarc

    basins i.e. most distal to the source of siliciclastic detritus (Fig 6.13B).


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    Backarc basin spreading


    Continental sediment

    (2.18 Ga)

    (2.12 Ga)Cape Coast granites

    Relaxation produces intramontanebasins into which Tarkwaiansediments are deposited

    (~2.1 Ga)





    (>2.2 Ga)

    Deposition of Birimian turbiditeand greenstone successions.

    Deposition of Nsuta Mn-orebody


    D deformation and tight folding (F )

    affecting only Birimian Supergroup.Peak metamorphism.

    1 1


    (~2.1 Ga)


    D defined by open folding.2

    Basin closureEarly period of hydrothermalmineralization?

    Relaxation, uplift and extension

    Figure 6.13. Proposed model for the geotectonic evolution of the BirimianSupergroup in a backarc basin setting A. Earlystages of subduction and backarc basin development. B. Calc-alkalinevolcanism and deposition of Birimian sediments and lavas; intrusion ofDixcove granites into the volcanic belt. C. The onset of the Eburnean tectonothermal

    event by basin closure initiating D deformation that influences only the BirimianSupergroup. D. Crustal relaxation associated with uplift, formation of narrowintramontane basins, and deposition of eroded material into these basins to formthe Tarkwaian Group. E. Late stages of deformation (D ) jointly influence

    Birimian and Tarkwaian rocks. Termination of Eburnean tectonothermal event at ~2.05 Gais constrained by post-peak metamorphic vein-hosted gold mineralization in the Ashanti Belt.

    (modified after Windley, 1977).



    West African Craton

    West African Craton




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    Taking the above into account, a local geotectonic model emerges for the

    volcanosedimentary succession that hosts the Nsuta manganese deposit. The

    lower greenstone unit is composed essentially of reworked volcaniclastics that

    give evidence of active volcanism proximal to the site of deposition. This lower

    volcaniclastic unit is unconformably overlain by a thick upward-fining succession

    of turbidites that was deposited in response to a marked marine transgression.

    These turbidites almost certainly represent more thoroughly reworked and

    weathered volcanic material similar to that of the lower greenstone unit,

    intermixed with organic matter, derived from early marine microbes that may

    have thrived in the backarc basins.

    Deposition of the manganese carbonate orebody is interpreted to reflect maximumtransgression and starvation of the basin from detrital influx. Different opinions

    exist as to the source of the manganese. Most authors favour synvolcanic

    hydrothermal emanations as the most likely source of manganese (Kleinschrot et

    al., 1994; Nyame, 1995; Yeh et al., 1995; Nyame, 1998; Mcke et al., 1999).

    However, the manganese ores have no geochemical attributes of marine

    hydrothermal manganese deposits (Nyame, 1998). Thus it appears more likely that

    not only hydrothermal solutions, but also meteoric and groundwater contributed

    to transport of manganese into the backarc basins.

    Field observations suggest that the manganese carbonate orebody was deposited

    as one continuous bed that may interfinger with turbidites only towards its

    extremities. This implies that the main carbonate bed and orebody formed over

    extensive areas on the floor of a backarc basin. This conclusion differs from that

    of Nyame (1998) who proposed that the manganese carbonates occur in several

    small distinct lenticular bodies that interfinger along strike with turbidite units.

    These bodies conform to the different hills on the mine. However, Nyame (1998)

    did not take the complex structural history of the Nsuta area into account, a

    history that readily explains the locally lenticular appearance of the orebody.

    These "lenses" appear to be the result of early E-W striking normal faults that

    simply offset the strata at irregular intervals along strike between the various hills.


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    After deposition of the manganese orebody, renewed regression was responsible

    for the deposition of the upward-coarsening lower part of the upper turbidite unit.

    This regressive cycle is topped by a second transgression depositing the upper

    part of the upper sedimentary unit. The upper greenstone unit appears para-

    allochthonous, its actual relationship to the underlying sequence remains

    uncertain due to the sheared contact with the underlying sedimentary unit.

    Birimian volcanism and associated backarc basin infill may have ceased as early

    as 2.15 Ga in the Ashanti Belt.

    Backarc basin closure, uplift and erosion of the Birimian volcanics and sediments

    are a logical consequence of continuous compression and subduction during the

    Eburnean Wilson cycle (Fig. 6.13C). It is suggested that the Birimian rocks,

    including the Nsuta succession, were intensely deformed during this first phase of

    Eburnean deformation (Fig. 6.13C). F1 isoclinal folding observed at Nsuta is

    attributed to this phase of deformation. The age of basin closure and initial

    deformation may be reflected by the intrusion of Cape Coast granitoids at 2.12 Ga

    (Fig. 6.13C).

    Uplift associated with this initial phase of deformation may have caused the

    opening of small, elongated intramontane basins where extensional forces

    prevailed in the overall compressional regime (Leube et al. 1990; Bossire, 1996).

    These intramontane basins were filled by Tarkwain siliciclastics (Fig. 6.13D),

    derived from erosion and weathering of a Birimian-aged hinterland between 2.13

    3 and 2.09 2 Ga.(Hirdes and Davis, 1998). The presence of paleoplacer golddeposits in the Banket Series of the Tarkwaian Group confirms that at least some

    hydrothermal gold in the Birimian Supergroup pre-dates deposition of the

    Tarkwaian Group and acted as source for the Tarkwaian sediments.

    Further phases of deformation affected the Birimian as well as the unconformably

    overlying Tarkwaian. These phases of deformation must therefore post-date

    deposition and diagenetic lithification of the Tarkwaian siliciclastics i.e. must be


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    younger that 2.09 2 Ga. (Figure 6.13 E). Unfortunately the structural history of

    the Ashanti belt on a regional scale still remains unclear and no explicit

    comparison to the observations at Nsuta can be drawn. From results presented in

    this study and literature data (Leube et al. 1990; Eisenlohr and Hirdes, 1992) it

    appears likely that tight folding observed at Nsuta is restricted to the Birimian

    Supergroup but that less intense open folding affected both Birimian and

    Tarkwaian rocks. This conclusion is tentative and should be confirmed by detailed

    structural studies in the outcrops generated by gold mining of the Tarkwaian

    Group near Tarkwa.

    Recent geochronological studies suggest that a second phase of structurally

    controlled hydrothermal gold mineralization took place at ~2.06 6 Ga (Oberthr

    et al. 1998; Pigois,op. cit.). Gold bearing quartz-carbonate veins and stockwork of

    this age not only crosscut the Birimian Supergroup, but also the Tarkwaian Group

    (Pigois, op. cit.). Similar quartz-carbonate veins at the Nsuta deposit post-date

    peak metamorphism and the Eburnean-age deformation events.

    It appears likely that recrystallization of granular carbonate ores to high-grade

    granoblastic rhodochrosite along veins and pods is associated with this later event

    of hydrothermal fluid flow. The end of the Eburnean orogeny is only constrained

    by the intrusion of 1.97 Ga mafic dykes that crosscut the deformed and

    metamorphosed Birimian and Tarkwaian strata. These dykes show up very clearly

    on the aeromagnetic maps of the Nsuta area (Figs 2.10 and 2.11). In the vicinity

    of Nsuta, east-west oblique-slip listric faulting post-dates intrusion of these mafic

    dykes (Fig 2.11B) and are thus not associated with the Eburnean orogeny but

    reflect a later tectonic event. The deposit is also affected by NNE-SSW striking

    normal faulting that is even younger that the E-W faulting. The exact ages of

    these events remain uncertain. However, they appear to be related to extensional

    tectonic regimes which may in turn be of Pan African age or related to the

    breakup of Gondwana.


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    Deep lateritic weathering and formation of high-grade managnese oxide ores

    formerly mined at Nsuta are certainly associated with the old African land surface

    that formed after the breakup of Gondwanaland in the Late Jurassic to Early

    Cretaceous times. Tertiary uplift of the continent resulted in incision of the old

    African peneplane by rivers (McFarlane, 1976). The presently dissected

    appearance of the orebodies could thus be regarded as erosional remnants of the

    old African land surface.