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&st» VOLUME IV. THE MUSE. Our sweetest songs nrc those that tell of sad- dest thoiIL’llt. MAIDEN WORTH. BY C. SWAIN. llc r home was but a cottage home, A simple home and small ; Yet sweetness and affection made It seem a fairy hall. A little taste, a little care, Made humble things appear As though they were translated there From some superior sphere j Her home was but a cottage home, A simple home, and small, Yet sweetness and affection made It scent a fairy hall. As sweet the home, so sweet the maid, As graceful and as good • She seemed a lily in the shade, A violet In the bud ! She had no wealth, but maiden worth,— A wealth that’s little fame : Yet that’s the truest gold of earth,— The other’s but a name ! Her home was but a cottage home, A simple home, anil small, Yet sweetness and a flection made It seem a fairy hall. A cheerfulness of soul, that threw- A smile o’er every task, A willingness, that ever flew To serve, ere one could ask ! A something we could wish our own : A humble flowret, born To grace in its degree a throne, Or any rank adorn ! Her home was but a cottage home, A simple home, and small, Yet sweetness and affection made Il seem a fairy hall ! EAST THOMASTON, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1819. [rest and recruit yourself nt Moymnensing,'! abuse the gentleinnn, in presence of his in -1 my power to transfix the mouth with some (the county prison.) ' tended, If you would nvnid these perils of jshnr||instruincnl, it would prevent the reptile This retort was a poser, and M r. W ilmot j imagination, rely implicitly upon the better ; from submitted to the requirements of the 'vagrant i wisdom of your parents. They should be the My act,’ and retired from the hall of justice, it, J jdilges between you mid your heart. To them the{ company with a sheriff without uttering a svl- ’•hoMW entrusted, in fullest confidence, nil fief |n|,i0 I your hopes, fenrs, wishes and affections. They THE FAMILY CIRCLE, An intellectual repast, composed ofthe choicest ‘viands’ of the Literary market. Written for the Lime Rock Gazette. LOVE AND MARRIAGE. A Lecture for Girls. BY MBS. It. MARION STEPHENS. Somebody has snid, that first love, is usually first nonsense; and somebody was nenrer the truth in his estimate, than he generally is, on matters of importance. T o be in love nt least once a month, is the privilege of all girls be- tween the ages of twelve and twenty, each new sentiment swallowing all the rest in its inten- sity, nod of course, the only first love, During these years, love and romance tire so complete- ly blended that it would require a nice judg- ment to discriminate between the two ; there- fore, a marriage founded upon so slender a basis, mast needs he productive of after mise- ry. Until the age of twenty, no girl, however superior in intellect, can lie aware of the capa- bilities id' her own heart. T ill that period, dreams supply the place of reality, and their in- have made your hnppiness a study for years, therefore in this must important crisis of your fate, their councils should guide, their know- ledge judge, their wisdom direct. I do not mean to infer that your own heart should have no share in thu election of a companion lor life, hut before you allow your affections to he too much engrossed, their bosoms should be- come the repository of your secret. Could that degree of restraint existing between pa- rents and children he eradicated, how much misery might he spared to the world ; hut wc never know the value of parental council, till the hard lessons of life have stamped the knowledgo with tears upon our hearts ; we never fully appreciate their anxiety for our welfare, until its influence is lost to us for- ever. And r.ow girls, you who think of be- coming wives, (mid who of you do not) guard against sorrow, study w ell the character of the man you are about to marry. You will not love him the less for practicing n little philus- ophy.or find your after happiness lessened by a previous knowledge of the peculiarities of his disposition. Real love, whatever the poets may urge to the contrary, is not so intense, or exacting, ns imaginary. If there is nil affinity ARCTIC EXPEDITION of affection, an affinity of disposition will fol- o/ thf PractaUngs of lhe En W e gained the clear water at lour P. M. on the ,0th of August, in latitude 75 1-1 degrees N., ami longitude 58 degrees W and steered direct for Pond's Bay, where I felt assured of thing required, which with some dif- Jmeeting with the whale shifts, if any should |I succeeded in drawing out, having I have crossed to the west land, and might learn hand disengaged. My right arm was ' from them if the Erebus and Terror, or their milling from over exertion, my hold Jparly in boats, had passed along that shore, becoming less firm, when I happily succeeded I and also with a view to communicate with the io pi.~-.iijj i|... rod through the lower jaw up ‘ Esquimaux, who annually visit the coast, and to its Centre. It was not without considerable ■ from w hom we might have derived infornin- hesitation that I let go my hold of the throat, I tion of our absent friends. and seized the roil in both hnmls nt the same ] On the 9Sd, we made the land about ten time by bringing them over my head with a miles to the southward of Pond’s Bay, and sudden jerk, I disengaged the fold-from my could trnce the line o f the main pack close in Lsing his fangs, should it escape my hold, lay nt my feet, the ramrod appeared neck, which hnd latterly hreomo almost tight enough to produce strangulation. There was then little difficulty in freeing my right arm, and ultimately to throw the reptile from me to the earth, where it continued to twist and writhe itself into a thousand contor- tions of rage and agony. To ran to a neigh- boring stream, to lave iny necks, hands and face, in its eoolling waters was my first act af- ter despatching my formidable enemy. This concludes a true, though plainly told talc. As ‘ man being, a moral, may prove, that when u man is pos-1 From Pond against the land, nt a distance of three or four miles to the southward, so closely pressed home as to leave no room for ships or boats to pnss between it nud the shore. W e next stood NUMBER XLVII. We hnd now, nt any rate, accomplished one material point, ami were rejoiced lo find the anchorage, of which we hnd before been in much doubt, well adapted to our purpose, xml ns it was desirable to secure a good posi- tion fur one ship, I resolved that it should he the winter quarters for the Invcstigntor. I hnd much satisfaction the next morning to find how perfectly our steam launch fulfilled our expectations in an experimental cruise about the harbor, before proceeding in her to the westward in search o f n harbor for the Enterprise, ns it was now beyond probability, from the early setting in of winter ami front the unbroken state o f the ice, to ^ N ^ M e l- ville Island this season. The pnek nt the har- bor's mouth, however, still prevented our itn- meiliute departure, mid all our energies were devoted to landing a good supply of provis- iuto Pond’s Bay and hove to, within half g | ions upon \Y haler Point. In this service tho mile of those points upon which the Esqui- !■«■»' '«utich proved of infinite value,Convey- mnux are known to place their summer rest- 1'"g « large cargo herself and towing two deep- dences, firing guns every half hour, and with I laden cutters, nt the rate of four or five our glasses closely examining every part of the knots, through the sheets of ice which now shore, without being tilde to discern uny hu- covered the harbor, nnd though no bont uft- i aided by steam could have penetrated her Bay we commenced n rigid : length. scsscil of determination, coolness and energy, examination of the const northwurd, keeping ; 1 he place selected fur the depot was upon combined with reason, he will generally cotnc off triumphant, though he may have to circum- vent the subtlety of the snake, or combat tile ferocity of the tiger. terprise unit Investigator between the \3th ot JaZy 1848. nnd their arrival in England, on the 3d of ITuvember, 1819. The following communication will he perus- ed with profound interest, being a full report of the proceedings of her Majesty’s ships En-| terprise and Investigator, under the command of Captain Sir James Ross, between the date Far ewell. Wc do not know how much wc love Until we conic lo leave : An aged tree, a common (lower Are tilings o’er which wc grieve ; There is a pleasure in the pain That brings as buck the past again. We linger while we turn away, We cling while we depart; And memories unmarked till then, Come crowding round the heart. Let what will lure our onward way. Farewell’s a bitter word to say. Modern Definitions. D istant R elations . People who imag- ine they have a right to roll you if you are rich, uud insult you if you are poor. B elle . A beautiful hut useless insect, without wings, whose colors fade from being removed from the sunshine. H eart. A rare article sometimes found in human beings. Il is soon, however, destroy- ed by commerce with thn world, or else be- comes fatal to its possessor. H ousewifery. An ancient art said to have been fashionable among young girls anil wives but now entirely uut of use, or practiced only by the luwest orders. E ditor . A poor wretch, who every day empties his brain ill order that lie may fill his stomach. H onor. Shooting n friend you love through the head, in order to gain the praise of a few others whom you despise and hate. W ealth . The most respectable quality of man. A Second Ulysses. An old mnn, of very ncute phisiognomy, answering to the name of Jacob W ilmot, was brought before the police court in Philadel- phia. His clothes looked ns tho’ they might huve been bought second handed in his youth- ful prime, for they had suffered mure from the rubs of the world than the proprietor him- self. ‘What business do you follow, W ilmot?’ ‘Business? None! I’m a traveller.’ ‘A vagabond, perhaps?’ -‘ to il are not lur wrung— iiuvelluianiiil . „fi teibunds are much the same thing. 'Die dif- ference is that the hitter travel without money, uud the former without brains.’ 'Where have yout,ravelled?’ ‘All uver the continent.' 'For what purpose.” ‘Observation.’ ‘W hat have you observed?’ ‘A little to commend, much to censure, uud a great deul to laugh at? ‘L’liiph ! mid what do you comuimeiid ?’ ‘A handsome woman that will stay at home, an eloquent preacher that will preach u short sermon, u good writer that will not write too much, uud a foul who has senso enough to buhl his tongue.’ ‘What do you censure?’ ‘A man who marries a girl for her line dan- cing, a workman who believes iu the sympa- thies of professional gentlemen, a youth who studies law or medicine while he has the use of his hands, und people who elect u drunk- ard tu office.’ •What do you laugh at?’ *1 luugh at u mull who expects his position to commund that respect which his personal qualities and qualifications do uut merit.' •Oh, 1 perceive you me an utterer of pithy sentences. Now, I uni about to uiterooelhul will surprise you.* ‘A pithy sentence from your honor would indeed be u mutter of astonishment.’ •My sentence is, that you discontinue trav- elling for the term of thirty days, while you ' low its devclopcments ; but you must not fluence renders the heart more susceptible to ' always expect the same nice devotion after inar- p.tssiim. than in after years, when a more inn- , riage, that is extended to you during the days tore judgment has filled the place of iniagina-| of courtship ; and it would he equally unjust, tion, Every girl has her ideal lover. Now . to imagine for n moment, that tho seeming don’t look so demure girls, and pretend to deny carelessness arises from waning love. Fumi- it! I have crept down under the great red np- linr association of every day life, while it pie tree nt the foot of the orchard, lo indulge strengthens tho chords of love, banishes fur- in custle building, too often, not to know the tnnlity, and is apt to render the husband neg- precisc occupation in which you most delight, loctful lll° thousand nameless attentions You have each of you a hero stowed away in which were yeihled as a right, in days of less o|| (,ln o(. j,regent November; a corner of your heart, whose resemblance to ‘ freedom and more restraint. I have seen wo- ,n nccon|Iince xvith ,he intentions expressed sonic George or Charles or Harry of your ac-! men brood over this apparent neglect, until ,o ,||c Secretary ofthe Admiralty, in my letter quuiiitance is truly wonderful. Perhaps, if they have forced themselves to believe it un-1 ()p ]gt|, Ju|yt 1818, her Majesty’s ships you are much given to novel reading, your niistnkiible symptoms of indifference, und fol-' Entpr,„jse „ nj Investigator sailed on thntduy model for a busbiind is some wild, corsnir lowing it up by eriuiinatious, have brought ft-om the Danish settlemant nf llpernnvik. looking fellow, for whose sake innumerable about the very evil they should huve guarded the ships close in along land, so that neither ; the low southeast point, which forms the people nor boats could have pussed without chief protection to the harbor, two miles dis- our seeing them. Opposed by n strong cur- ,nnt from the anchorage. 1 his work w as not rent, although going before the wind between ; ol,|y tedious, hut sometimes hazardous, front two and three knots through the water, we the flows of thin ice folding over each other, found, by the result of all our observations, ns and thus funning an obstacle at times difficult well ns by unerring marks oti the land, that we j to overcome. Indeed our operations were were sometimes carried astern against the wind still incomplete, when they were interrupted On tlio 26th, we arrived off Possession Bay, by the ice in the harbor becoming So thick ns nnd a party was sent on shore to search for to require all our attention to the ships them- any traces of Sir John Franklin’s expedition , selves. A prevalence of strong easterly winds having touched at this general point of ren- . had caused the pack to press so heavily ngn’st dczvotis, Nothing was found hut the paper the outer margin of the harbor ice, that tho left there recording the visit id’ Sir Edward ships were carried nwny with their nuchors of liis last despatch to the Secretary of the | Admiralty, from Upernuvik, in July, 1948, and the arrival of the expedition off'Scarhoro,’ | Purry, in 1819. The paper was very much | damaged, but by careful washing nnd filing ' together, nearly every word was clearly deci- phered. (It is preserved.) From this point we continued the examina- tion of the coast with equal enre, for we fully expected every hour to see those of whom w e were in search, nud the most vigilant Inuit out was kept aloft and front the deck. On the 1st September, we arrived off Cnpe so fur up towards the head of thn Bny that they grounded nt luw water. All hands from both ships were spt to work to cut n canal and warp them of? thn shore. This hnif scarcely been ncciunpiished when another se- vere pressure drove them again into shallow water, mid hud we not fortunately hauled of? in time,it is probable that the ships must have laid aground all the winter. The work of sawing was re-comrnenced, and after two1of three days wo succeeded iu getting our ships into n position nf comparative safety although lly running through an intricate nrchipclngn , againt. Men have their own peculiar per- „ f islands, which lies off' the mala land, anil' Yor|{’ n"d “ I‘ar,Y w"s se"l "bore to seek plexities,and theprovince of awife should he Heeins to keep oft'the pressure of them ain' lor (,ur rriell,,!,i nnd to fix a conspicuous mark to makehimforget at homethe annoyances pack, we succeededin passing theposition in 1,1 lllls remarkable point, in which was plaeed !with only n foot nr two of water to sp'nre nt a paper for the guidance of any party that i low spring tides; but the winter bad now set might fall in with it. This service was per- in with so much severity it was impossible to Indies have pined away and died, if we may be- lieve their biographers,— some modern Blue- heard, w ho has no more mercy on poor wo- men’s hearts, than his illustrious namesake he meets with abroad. Good humor is the which the whale ships had been so long de had upon their heads. Now tiffs is all wrong, great talisman to make a happy home, ami he- taineil, and made every day some advance to girls; positively and decidedly wrong. If you ing within the reach o f all classes, she who the northward, until tho 20th, when we made think otherwise, look calmly into your own possesses it not can hnve no claim upon the fast to a berg aground off'Cape Shackleton, hearts, unalize the models there enshrined, sympathies of the world. Intellectual and Here we were joined by tho Lord Gambier, ami then say how many of you, in cool dispns-* physical supremacy are the attributes of man, (of Hull) Mr. R. llill, muster, who informed sionnte reason, would he willing to unite a hut the very dependance o f woman, with her me that, having run to the southward with all lifelong destiny with such a fanciful creation I self-sacrificing devotion, is a mighty charm to the rest of the whaling ships, nnd having care- of a dreamy bruin. Some of you will doubt- win from him a precious boon of affection, fully examined tho pack edge for any opening less urge that there is no harm in dreaming of forbearance nnd respect. But my paper is nt that might lead them tu the westward, he hud such lovers. But there is harm, dear girls, an end, us is also, I fear, our good Editor’s come lo the conclusion that there was not the There is harm in any pursuit which lends the patience: with his permission, however, I smallest chance, from the close, compact, nnd mind from the responsible duties of every day trust soon to resume n lecture, which, (if it hcnvy'nuture of the ice, for any ship crossing life. There is harm in shutting out the real- llns 1,0 other claim upon your attentiun) bus to t|,.. west coast of lliiffin’s Bay this season, ities of this world, by a too constant nssocin- been penned with a view to benefiting some |fe bail, therefore, returned to the north, and tion with romance. YVe are not creatures of one of God’s creatures, by pointing out n few 1 expected that all the other ships would soon fiction, but real and substantial flesh and blood, °*" tlle ensily avoided shoals on life’s ocean. 1 f,,||(nv him, and endeavor to round the north Portland, Dec. 3, 1849. 'end ofthe pack; he spoke very confidently of being able to accomplish this hy the first week Horrible Adventure. iu August, and promised, at any rate, to re- Exlruct of a letter from Kirkee near Poo- main in company with us until the 3d of Aug. nnd if we allow tho energies which God has nail. The writer having been out shunting YY’e cast off'from the berg early the next mor- given us, as n protection against danger, to lay down to rest under a tree, when suddenly 'ning, towing the ships through loose streams lie dormant, if we neglect these, to search af- ho was aroused hy the furious haying of his of ice towards some lanes of water, which ter romance, the waves of adversity will soon dogs. On turning round, I beheld a snake of had opened out during the calm which per- engulph our frail hark. Broken hearts, blight- the cobrn de capelin specie, directing its course vailed all night. ml affections, Stc., &.C., ure imaginary sorrows, to u point that would approximate very close Our progress was, however, slow, during with which, I for one, have no sympathy. In upon my position; iu an instant I was un my this ami the next few days, and our situation fuel, I regard them the peculiar and individual feet. Tho moment the reptile became aware often difficult and emhurrassing. property of romancers,and huving no oxistunce of my presence, in nautical phraseology, it On tho morning o f the 26th, when of? the except iu their imagination. Every woman boldly “ brought to,” with expanded hood, Three Islands o f Baffin, in latitude 74 degrees possesses, in a greater or less degree, the phy- eyes sparkling and nock beautifully arched, N., we were surprised, un the fug clearing off’, sicnl power to overcome nn unfortunate nt- the head raised nearly two feet from the t" see the Lord Gambier about eight miles dis- tachment ; and there ure but few instances on ground, and oscillating from side to side in a taut, standing under all snil to the sou'hward, record of unrequited love thut has lived any manner plainly indicative of u resentful foe. thus disappointing us of the only remaining Innsth of time in tho absence o f its object. But I seized the nearest weapon, a short bambuo, means of forwarding information of our pro- were it otlierw ise, the tusk of subduing nn un- left by one of the beaters, and burled it at my er eiliugs to their lordships ; and this was the fortunate attachment, is light to tho fearful opponent’s head ; I was fortunate enough to more annoying ns we had only the evening doom that too frequently follows impetuous hit it beneath the eye. The reptile iininedi- befurn passed within a quarter o f a mile o f her, and hasty marriages. I cannot imagine a more ately fell, and lay uppurenlly lifeless. ‘then, upon any signal of their intention of go with wholesome affections and sympathies to , lie provided for, and energies to be nurtured into life and vigor. Wo are sailing to eternity [ upon an ocean, full of rocks and quicksands, formed liy Lieut. McClintock, with much skill, under very difficult circumstances. Every day wo were iu the practice of throw- ing overboard a cask from each ship, contain- ing papers with information of till our pro- ceedings, guns were fired during fuggy weuth- cr, anil blue lights and rockets during ihe hours keep the people any longer employed af Such work, without serious injury to their health nnd their sufferings from severe frost lutes., On the evening of the 12th of October, the ships were hove into their winter position, within 200 ynrds of each other. The winter was passed as nrc all winters nf darkness, the ships being kept under such iu this climate, hut long experience nnd liber- sail that any boat seeing the signals might ; nl means gave us many comforts' that no other have reached them. i expedition hnd enjoyed; yet it is remarkable' The general tenor of the information thus , that the lieulth of the crew suffered mure dur- distributed along tho coast wns to acquaint ' ing this winter than on nny former occasion. Sir John Franklin or nny of his party, that ns . Our want of success might have tended in the whalcships had not been able lo cross to , some measure to depress their spirits, and, the west land of Baffin Bay, they could have ' unfortunately, the cold of winter wns pro- no hope o f assistance from them, nnd reconi- ! lunged unusually far into the spring before mending them to make for Port Leopold, ! we could give them moro active employment.' where 1 intended to form a depot of provis-j Durillg the wil|ter „ great w,ljle.. ...ns, and perhaps leave the Investigator to foxug were tl|k„ n 1||jv(! i(> (r got' for winter there ; they would, at any rate, with purpose; nl)1, it id weU k||ow.„ h()w , the provisions find a notice of (he position in which the nearer ship was pnssiug the w inter. It therefore became necessary to push for Port Leopold, to fulfil these promises, lor had any of his party met with one of these notices (hey would assuredly have gone to thut point. trnct of country these creatures traverse in search of food, I caused copper collars, upon' which a notice of the position of tho ships und depots of provisions was engruved, to be clenched round their necks, and then set then!' at liberty again, with the hope that sonio of towards N. E. Cape, until we came in with the edge of a pack, loo dense for us to |>cne- trate, lying between us und Leopold Islund, about fourteen miles broad; but ns we could perceive that it was still in motion, we hoped that a few days might produce n favorable change, and iu the meantime we stoud over to the north shore o f Barrow Strait, to seek a harbor further lo the westward uud tu exam- ine the numerous inlets of thut shore. Mux- well Bay uud several smuller indentations g to the southward, we would huve pluced ) were thoroughly explored, and although we hoard of her ull our letters and despatches. | g°l near the entrance of Wellington Channel enterprising ciuiiuiuuiler deserves the lhe firm barrier of ice which stretched across highest praise for persevering so far beyond i and w hich had not broken uway this sea- all his fellows, and, had it dtqieuded un him, I s,,ni convinced us, all wus impracticable in believe be would nut have left us until we bad ibat direction. the scene of perpetual strife. There is scarce- stulk, I felt the head sliding through my hand. P"1 through the great difficulty of Melville buy. We now stood to the southwest to seek fur ly one o f us, that cannot recall some such cou- nud to my astonishment become aware thut I " u pursued our course to the northward I « harbor near Cupe Renuell, but found a pie within the scope of our acquaintance, and ’ now bail In contend with the most deadly of “ n'ler vurying eircumstuiices of perplexity, heuvy body of ice extending from the west of if we trace theirhistory hack toits commence-! reptiles, in its full strength and vigor. Indeed n"*>ety, and success; for although I could lint j Cornwallis Island, iu a compact muss, to Leo- nieut, how fewof them hut areindebted for 1 wus iu a moment convinced of it, for as 1 1,1,1 assured that we should eveutuully get I pold Islund. Coasting ulong this puck during their misery to an early or busty marriage ;' tightened my bold of the throat, its body be- lllrOUgb the Mellvillc Bay barrier, yet calm,' stormy and foggy weather, we had difficulty the fruit of u first love, whose very intensity come wreathed round my neck and urm. If “ ,H* ‘'o1*1 winds so grcutly impeded uay move-1 keeping the ships free during the nights,for the reuder is aware of the universal dieud iu uient in the puck, that day a?ter day passed ! 1 believe so great u quantity ot ice was never w hich thu cobra capelin is held throughout In- away until the stuson had so fur udvuueed us [ before seen iu Burrow Strait ut (his period of diu, and the almost instant death which iuva- to preclude every hope of accomplishing much llle season. riuhly follows its lute, he w ill in some degree if anything, before the setting iu of winter. | W ith tlio thermometer ut 15 degrees every be able to imagiuo wluit my feelings were at No exertion, however, were spared to take ' •••ghl, young ieo formed rapidly and became (lie moment; u faint kind uf disgusting siek- advantage of every opportunity of pushing the ■ 80 'hick us to frustrate ull our exertions to ■less pervaded my whole Irume, as I felt the forward until on the 20 of August, dor- P«« through some of the smaller streams.— dummy Ibid of the reptile lightened round my ing a heavy breeze from the north-east, the Nevertheless, alter some days of anxious und neck. 1 still held the throat, but lo hold it ships, under all ihe sail they eould carry, bor- arduous work, we succeeded in getting thro’ will urrtst theaffections o f u mun ; but you much lunger would he impossible. eil through u puck uf ice of but moderute thick- the pack, which still lingered about Leopold kuown very well, dear girls, themoreyour' Immediately w ithm my grasp there wus an »es», but having uiuongst it heuvy musses island und N. E. Cape, und entered the hur- idol is abused and villified, no matter how just- inw ard working uud creeping of the skin, mingled with the lighter ice thut covered the hor ol Fort Leopold on the 11th September, ly, the moro interested you lire iu bis beliulf. which seemed lo lie assisted by the very linn- larger surface, through which it was necessary Hud we not got into port on thut day it would 1 verily think, did 1 belong to that unenviable ness with which 1 held it—my bund wus glut - tu drive the ships ut ull huzuids. The shucks have been impossible to have done so any day puriiou of community culled mulch-makers, ed. Finding, indefiance of my efforts, that they sustained during this severe trial were afterwards, the main pack, during the night, my first step iu promoting n union between I my hand wus each iustuul forced closed closer (great, hut furtuuulely without serious damage i having closed the lund, and completely sealed two desirable purties, would lie, soundly toi to my face, nn idea struck me that, were it in to them. [ the mouth of the harbor. Ireadliil picture, thun lliut of un increasing1 W ithout it moment’s reflection, I seized it a coldness between those whose fates aie linked , little below the head, hauled it beneath the together hy a tie which nothing hut death shelter of the tree, and very coolly set dow n should sever. And yet how many there are, to cxauiiuc the uiniilh for the poisoned fangs, whose marriage vows have forged chains of of which naturalists speak so much. While dreudlul bondage ; w hose domestic fireside is ;,| the act of forcing the mouth open w ith i was thu firo that consumed its idol. This is u subject which cannot command too much at- tention. The impetuosity of youth often hur- ries its victim into errors beyond recall. YY’o- iiieu are not so culm and calculating in their affections as men, (no heresy, 1 trust, iu the assertion) consequently are more likely tu fall into these errors. A breuth of suspicion, u light word, or a half concealed insinuation, YVe accordingly stood over Iron, Cape York lhflHU ,nes80llgers ,llight bu lhe „ ,enl|8. of con. llTel veying the intelligence to tho Erebus nnd Ter- ror, ns the crews uf these vessels would as- suredly be eager for their capture. After several short preliminary journeys, in April and thu early part of next month, to carry out small depots of provisions to the west of Cape Clarence nnd to the south o f Cape Seppings, I left thn ships on the 15th of May with n party consisting of Lieut. M ’- Clintock and 12 men, with forty days provis. ions, which together with tents, clothes, blankets anil other necessaries, were lashed upon two sledges. A detailed account of this journey mny be found iu my journal; it may be sufficient here to mention, that the exam- ination of all thu inlets und smuller indenta- tions of the const, in w hich uny ships' iM|^lt huve found shelter, occupied a large pttrlion of our time, mid cost us much labor; hut it wus necessary that every portion of the coast we passed along should he thoroughly ex- plored. The extreme point of our operations is iu lutitude 72 38 N., mid Ion. 95 50 YY'. It is the west point of a small, high peninsula, and the state n f the atmosphere being at the time peculiarly favorable for distineiiiess of vision, laud of uny very great elevation might huvt» been seen at the distance of 100 miles'. The extreme high cape of the const, how- ever, was not more than fifty miles distant, still hearing nearly south, (the bearings here- in given ure true,) the lund thus tending tor Cupe Nieoah, the northernmost point which I had reached during my journey from the Vic- rory in 1832, and which 1 hoped to have at- tained on this occasion, as well as lo have re- visited the Magnetic Foie, in its immediate vicinity, und had not so nioay of our party broken dowu it might have been accomplishK sd


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& st»V O L U M E IV .T H E M U S E .

Our sweetest songs nrc those that tell o f sad­dest thoiIL’ llt.


BY C. S W A IN .

l lc r home was but a cottage home,A simple home and small ;

Yet sweetness and affection made It seem a fairy hall.

A little taste, a little care,Made humble things appear

As though they were translated there From some superior sphere j

Her home was but a cottage home,A simple home, and small,

Yet sweetness and affection made It scent a fairy hall.

As sweet the home, so sweet the maid, As graceful and as good •

She seemed a lily in the shade,A violet In the bud !

She had no wealth, but maiden worth,— A wealth that’s little fame :

Yet that’s the truest gold of earth,— The other’s but a name !

Her home was but a cottage home,A simple home, anil small,

Yet sweetness and a flection made It seem a fairy hall.

A cheerfulness o f soul, that threw- A smile o’er every task,

A willingness, that ever flew To serve, ere one could ask !

A something we could wish our own :A humble flowret, born

To grace in its degree a throne,Or any rank adorn !

Her home was but a cottage home,A simple home, and small,

Yet sweetness and affection made Il seem a fairy hall !


[rest and recru it yourself nt M oym nensing,'! abuse the gentleinnn, in presence o f his in - 1 m y power to transfix the mouth w ith some (the county prison .) ' tended, I f you would nvnid these perils o f jsh n r||ins tru incn l, it would prevent the reptile

T h is retort was a poser, and M r. W ilm o t j im agination, re ly im p lic itly upon the better ; from submitted to the requirements o f the 'vagrant i wisdom o f your parents. They should be the My act,’ and retired from the hall o f justice, it, J jd ilges between you mid your heart. T o them the{ company w ith a sheriff w ithout uttering a svl- ’•hoMW entrusted, in fullest confidence, nil f ie f |n|,i0 I your hopes, fenrs, wishes and affections. They

THE FAMILY CIRCLE,An intellectual repast, composed o fthe choicest

‘viands’ o f the Literary market.

Written for the Lime Rock Gazette.

LOVE AND M A R R IA G E .A Lecture for Girls.


Somebody has snid, that first love, is usually first nonsense; and somebody was nenrer the tru th in his estimate, than he generally is, on matters o f importance. T o be in love nt least once a month, is the priv ilege o f all g irls be­tween the ages o f twelve and twenty, each new sentiment sw allow ing all the rest in its inten­sity, nod o f course, the only first love, D uring these years, love and romance tire so complete­ly blended that it would require a nice ju d g ­ment to discrim inate between the two ; there­fore, a marriage founded upon so slender a basis, mast needs he productive o f after mise­ry. U n til the age o f twenty, no g irl, however superior in in tellect, can lie aware o f the capa­bilities id' her own heart. T i l l that period, dreams supply the place o f reality, and their in-

have made your hnppiness a study for years, therefore in this must im portant crisis o f your fate, the ir councils should guide, the ir know­ledge judge, the ir wisdom direct. I do not mean to in fer that your own heart should have no share in thu election o f a companion lo r life , hut before you a llow your affections to he too much engrossed, the ir bosoms should be­come the repository o f your secret. Could that degree o f restraint existing between pa­rents and children he eradicated, how much misery m ight he spared to the w orld ; hut wc never know the value o f parental council, t ill the hard lessons o f life have stamped the knowledgo w ith tears upon our hearts ; we never fu lly appreciate the ir anxiety for our welfare, un til its influence is lost to us fo r­ever. And r.ow g irls, you who think o f be­coming wives, (mid who o f you do not) guard against sorrow, study w ell the character o f the man you are about to m arry. You w ill not love him the less for practicing n litt le philus- o ph y.o r find your after happiness lessened by a previous knowledge o f the peculiarities o f his disposition. Real love, whatever the poets may urge to the contrary, is not so intense, orexacting, ns imaginary. I f there is nil affinity A R C TIC E X P E D IT IO No f affection, an affin ity o f disposition w ill fo l- o/ thf PractaUngs o f lhe En

W e gained the clear water at lour P. M. on the ,0 th o f August, in latitude 75 1-1 degrees N ., ami longitude 58 degrees W and steered direct for Pond's Bay, where I felt assured o f

thing required, which with some d if- J meeting w ith the whale shifts, i f any should |I succeeded in drawing out, having I have crossed to the west land, and m ight learn

hand disengaged. M y right arm was ' from them i f the Erebus and T e rro r, or their m illing from over exertion, my hold J parly in boats, had passed along that shore,

becoming less firm , when I happily succeeded I and also w ith a view to communicate w ith the io pi.~-.iijj i|... rod through the lower ja w up ‘ Esquim aux, who annually v is it the coast, and to its Centre. It was not w ithout considerable ■ from w hom we m ight have derived in fornin- hesitation that I let go my hold o f the throat, I tion o f our absent friends.and seized the roil in both hnmls nt the same ] On the 9Sd, we made the land about ten time by bringing them over my head w ith a miles to the southward o f Pond’s Bay, and sudden je rk , I disengaged the fo ld-from my could trnce the line o f the main pack close in

Lsing his fangs, should it escape my hold, lay nt my feet, the ramrod appeared

neck, which hnd la tterly hreomo almost tigh t enough to produce strangulation.

There was then litt le difficu lty in freeing my righ t arm, and ultim ately to throw the reptile from me to the earth, where it continued to tw ist and writhe itse lf into a thousand contor­tions o f rage and agony. T o ran to a neigh­boring stream, to lave iny necks, hands and face, in its eoolling waters was my first act a f­ter despatching my formidable enemy. T h isconcludes a true, though p lainly told talc. As ‘ man being, a moral, may prove, that when u man is pos-1 From Pond

against the land, nt a distance o f three or four miles to the southward, so closely pressed home as to leave no room for ships or boats to pnss between it nud the shore. W e next stood


W e hnd now, nt any rate, accomplished one m aterial point, ami were rejoiced lo find the anchorage, o f which we hnd before been in much doubt, well adapted to our purpose, xml ns it was desirable to secure a good posi­tion fur one ship, I resolved that it should he the w in ter quarters fo r the Invcstigntor.

I hnd much satisfaction the next m orning to find how perfectly our steam launch fu lfilled our expectations in an experimental cruise about the harbor, before proceeding in her to the westward in search o f n harbor for the Enterprise, ns it was now beyond p robab ility , from the early setting in o f w inter ami front the unbroken state o f the ice, to ^ N ^ M e l -

v ille Island this season. The pnek nt the har­bor's m outh, however, s till prevented our itn- meiliute departure, mid a ll our energies were devoted to landing a good supply o f provis-

iuto Pond’s Bay and hove to, w ith in h a lf g | ions upon \Y haler Point. In this service tho m ile o f those points upon which the Esqui- !■«■ » ' '«utich proved o f infinite value,Convey- mnux are known to place the ir summer rest- 1 '" g « large cargo herself and tow ing two deep- dences, firing guns every h a lf hour, and w ith I laden cutters, nt the rate o f four or five our glasses closely exam ining every part o f the knots, through the sheets o f ice wh ich now shore, w ithou t being tilde to discern uny hu- covered the harbor, nnd though no bont uft-

i aided by steam could have penetrated her Bay we commenced n rig id : length.

scsscil o f determination, coolness and energy, examination o f the const northwurd, keeping ; 1 he place selected fur the depot was uponcombined w ith reason, he w ill generally cotnc o ff triumphant, though he may have to c ircum ­vent the subtlety o f the snake, or combat tile ferocity o f the tiger.

terprise unit Investigator between the \3th ot JaZy1848. nnd their arrival in England, on the 3d ofITuvember, 1819.The fo llow ing communication w ill he perus­

ed with profound interest, being a fu ll report o f the proceedings o f her M ajesty’s ships E n -| terprise and Investigator, under the command o f Captain S ir James Ross, between the date

F a r ew ell.

Wc do not know how much wc love Until we conic lo leave :

An aged tree, a common (lower Are tilings o’er which wc grieve ;

There is a pleasure in the pain That brings as buck the past again.We linger while we turn away,

We cling while we depart;And memories unmarked t ill then,

Come crowding round the heart.Let what w ill lure our onward way. Farewell’s a bitter word to say.

M odern D efinitions.D is ta n t R e la t io n s . People who imag­

ine they have a righ t to ro ll you i f you are rich , uud insu lt you i f you are poor.

B e l l e . A beautifu l hut useless insect, w ith ou t w ings, whose colors fade from being removed from the sunshine.

H e ar t . A rare a rtic le sometimes found in human beings. I l is soon, however, destroy­ed by commerce w ith thn w orld, or else be­comes fatal to its possessor.

H o u s ew ifer y . An ancient art said to have been fashionable among young girls anil wives but now entire ly uut o f use, or practiced only by the luwest orders.

E d ito r . A poor wretch, who every day empties his brain ill order that lie may f ill his stomach.

H onor. Shooting n friend you love through the head, in order to gain the praise o f a few others whom you despise and hate.

W e a l t h . T h e most respectable qua lity o f man.

A Second Ulysses.An old mnn, o f very ncute phisiognom y,

answering to the name o f Jacob W ilm o t, was brought before the police court in Philadel­phia. H is clothes looked ns tho’ they m ight huve been bought second handed in his youth­fu l prime, fo r they had suffered mure from the rubs o f the world than the p roprie tor h im ­self.

‘ W h a t business do you fo llo w , W ilm o t? ’‘ Business? None! I ’m a trave lle r.’‘ A vagabond, perhaps?’-‘ t o i l are not lu r wrung— iiuvellu ian iiil . „fi

teibunds are much the same thing. 'D ie d if ­ference is that the h itter trave l w ithout money, uud the form er w ith ou t brains.’

'W h e re have you t,rave lle d? ’‘ A ll uver the continent.''F o r what purpose.”‘ O bservation.’‘ W h a t have you observed?’‘A litt le to commend, much to censure, uud

a great deul to laugh at?‘ L’ liiph ! mid what do you com uim eiid ?’‘ A handsome woman that w ill stay at home,

an eloquent preacher that w ill preach u short sermon, u good w rite r that w ill not w rite too much, uud a foul who has senso enough to buhl his tongue.’

‘W hat do you censure?’‘ A man who marries a g ir l for her line dan­

cing, a workm an who believes iu the sympa­thies o f professional gentlemen, a youth who studies law or medicine w h ile he has the use o f his hands, und people who elect u d runk­ard tu office.’

•W h a t do you laugh at?’*1 luugh at u m ull who expects his position

to commund that respect wh ich his personal qua lities and qualifications do uut m erit. '

•Oh, 1 perceive you me an utterer o f pithy sentences. N ow , I uni about to u ite ro o e lh u l w ill surprise you.*

‘ A p ithy sentence from your honor would indeed be u m utter o f astonishment.’

•M y sentence is, that you discontinue tra v ­e lling for the te rm o f th ir ty days, wh ile you '

low its devclopcments ; but you must not fluence renders the heart more susceptible to ' always expect the same nice devotion after inar- p.tssiim. than in after years, when a more inn- , riage, that is extended to you during the days tore judgm ent has filled the place o f in iag ina-| o f courtship ; and it would he equally unjust, tion, E ve ry g irl has her ideal lover. N ow . to imagine fo r n moment, that tho seeming don’ t look so demure girls, and pretend to deny carelessness arises from waning love. Fum i- it ! I have crept down under the great red np- lin r association o f every day life , w hile it pie tree nt the foot o f the orchard, lo indulge strengthens tho chords o f love, banishes fur- in custle bu ild ing , too often, not to know the tnn lity , and is apt to render the husband neg- precisc occupation in which you most delight, loctfu l l l l ° thousand nameless attentionsYou have each o f you a hero stowed away in which were yeihled as a right, in days o f less o|| (,ln o(. j, regent November; a corner o f your heart, whose resemblance to ‘ freedom and more restraint. I have seen wo- ,n nccon|Iince xvith , he intentions expressed sonic George or Charles or H a rry o f your a c - ! men brood over this apparent neglect, un til ,o ,||c Secretary o fth e A dm ira lty, in my letter quuiiitance is tru ly wonderful. Perhaps, i f they have forced themselves to believe it un-1 ()p ]g t |, J u|y t 1818, her M ajesty’s shipsyou are much given to novel reading, your n iistnkiib le symptoms o f indifference, und fo l- ' E ntpr, „ j se „ nj Investigator sailed on thntduy model for a busbiind is some w ild , corsnir low ing it up by eriu iinatious, have brought ft-om the Danish settlemant n f llp e rn n v ik . looking fe llow , fo r whose sake innumerable about the very ev il they should huve guarded

the ships close in along land, so that neither ; the low southeast point, which forms the people nor boats could have pussed w ithout ch ie f protection to the harbor, two miles dis- our seeing them. Opposed by n strong cur- ,nnt from the anchorage. 1 his work w as not rent, although going before the wind between ; ol,|y tedious, hut sometimes hazardous, front tw o and three knots through the water, we the flows o f thin ice folding over each other, found, by the result o f all our observations, ns and thus funning an obstacle at times d ifficu lt well ns by unerring marks oti the land, that we j to overcome. Indeed our operations were were sometimes carried astern against the wind s till incomplete, when they were in terrupted

On tlio 26th, we arrived o ff Possession Bay, by the ice in the harbor becoming So th ick ns nnd a party was sent on shore to search for to require all our attention to the ships them- any traces o f S ir John F rank lin ’s expedition , selves. A prevalence o f strong easterly winds having touched at this general point o f ren- . had caused the pack to press so heavily ngn’st dczvotis, N o th ing was found hut the paper the outer margin o f the harbor ice, that tho le ft there recording the v is it id’ S ir Edward ships were carried nwny w ith the ir nuchors

o f liis last despatch to the Secretary o f the| A dm ira lty, from Upernuvik, in Ju ly , 1948, and the a rriva l o f the expedition off'Scarhoro,’

| Purry, in 1819. T h e paper was very much | damaged, but by careful washing nnd filing ' together, nearly every word was clearly deci­phered. ( I t is preserved.)

From this point we continued the examina­tion o f the coast w ith equal enre, fo r we fu lly expected every hour to see those o f whom w e were in search, nud the most v ig ilan t Inuit out was kept aloft and front the deck.

On the 1st September, we arrived o ff Cnpe

so fur up towards the head o f thn Bny that they grounded nt luw water. A ll hands from both ships were spt to work to cut n canal and warp them of? thn shore. T h is hnif scarcely been ncciunpiished when another se­vere pressure drove them again into shallow water, mid hud we not fortunately hauled of? in tim e,it is probable that the ships must have laid aground all the w in te r. The work o f sawing was re-comrnenced, and after two1 o f three days wo succeeded iu getting our ships into n position n f comparative safety although

lly running through an intricate nrchipclngn ,againt. Men have the ir own peculiar per- „ f islands, which lies off' the mala land, a n il' Y o r|{ ’ n" d “ I‘a r,Y w " s se" l "bore to seek plexities, and the province o f a w ife should he Heeins to keep oft' the pressure o f the m a in ' lo r (,ur rriell,,!,i nnd to fix a conspicuous markto make h im forget at home the annoyances pack, we succeeded in passing the position in 1,1 lllls remarkable point, in which was plaeed ! with only n foot nr two o f water to sp'nre nt

a paper fo r the guidance o f any party that i low spring tides; but the w inter bad now setmight fa ll in w ith it. T h is service was per- in w ith so much severity it was impossible to

Indies have pined away and died, i f we may be­lieve the ir biographers,— some modern Blue- heard, w ho has no more mercy on poor wo­men’s hearts, than his illus trious namesake he meets w ith abroad. Good humor is the which the whale ships had been so long dehad upon their heads. N ow tiffs is all wrong, great talisman to make a happy home, ami he- taineil, and made every day some advance tog ir ls ; positively and decidedly wrong. I f you ing w ith in the reach o f all classes, she who the northward, until tho 20th, when we madethink otherwise, look calm ly in to your own possesses it not can hnve no cla im upon the fast to a berg aground off'Cape Shackleton,hearts, unalize the models there enshrined, sympathies o f the w orld. Intellectual and Here we were jo ined by tho Lord Gambier, ami then say how many o f you, in cool dispns-* physical supremacy are the attributes o f man, (o f H u ll) M r. R . l l i l l , muster, who informed sionnte reason, would he w illing to unite a hut the very dependance o f woman, w ith her me that, having run to the southward w ith all life long destiny w ith such a fanciful creation I self-sacrificing devotion, is a m ighty charm to the rest o f the w haling ships, nnd having care- o f a dreamy bruin. Some o f you w ill doubt- w in from him a precious boon o f affection, fu lly examined tho pack edge for any opening less urge that there is no harm in dreaming o f forbearance nnd respect. But my paper is nt that m ight lead them tu the westward, he hud such lovers. B u t there is harm, dear g irls, an end, us is also, I fear, our good E d ito r ’s come lo the conclusion that there was not the There is harm in any pursuit which lends the patience: w ith his permission, however, I smallest chance, from the close, compact, nnd mind from the responsible duties o f every day trust soon to resume n lecture, which, ( if it hcnvy'nuture o f the ice, for any ship crossing life . T h e re is harm in shutting out the real- llns 1,0 other cla im upon your attentiun) bus to t |,.. west coast o f ll i i f f in ’s Bay this season, ities o f this w orld, by a too constant nssocin- been penned w ith a v iew to benefiting some | f e bail, therefore, returned to the north, and tion w ith romance. YVe are not creatures o f one o f God’s creatures, by pointing out n few 1 expected that all the other ships would soon fiction, but real and substantial flesh and blood, °*" tlle ensily avoided shoals on life ’s ocean. 1 f,,||(nv him, and endeavor to round the north

Portland, Dec. 3, 1849. 'end o fth e pack; he spoke very confidently o f

being able to accomplish this hy the first week H orrib le A dventure. iu August, and promised, at any rate, to re-

E x lru c t o f a le tte r from K irkee near Poo- main in company w ith us until the 3d of Aug. nnd i f we a llow tho energies which God has nail. The w rite r having been out shunting YY’ e cast off'from the berg early the next m or- given us, as n protection against danger, to lay down to rest under a tree, when suddenly 'n ing , towing the ships through loose streams lie dorm ant, i f we neglect these, to search af- ho was aroused hy the furious haying o f his o f ice towards some lanes o f water, which ter romance, the waves o f adversity w ill soon dogs. On turn ing round, I beheld a snake o f had opened out during the calm which per- engulph our fra il hark. Broken hearts, blight- the cobrn de capelin specie, d irecting its course vailed all affections, Stc., &.C., ure imaginary sorrows, to u point that would approxim ate very close Our progress was, however, slow, during w ith wh ich, I for one, have no sympathy. In upon my position; iu an instant I was un my this ami the next few days, and our situation fuel, I regard them the peculiar and individual feet. Tho moment the reptile became aware often d ifficu lt and o f romancers,and huving no oxistunce o f my presence, in nautical phraseology, it On tho morning o f the 26th, when of? the except iu their im agination. E very woman boldly “ brought to ,” w ith expanded hood, Three Islands o f Baffin, in latitude 74 degrees possesses, in a greater or less degree, the phy- eyes sparkling and nock beautifu lly arched, N ., we were surprised, un the fug clearing off’, sicnl power to overcome nn unfortunate nt- the head raised nearly two feet from the t " see the Lord Gambier about eight miles dis- tachment ; and there ure but few instances on ground, and oscilla ting from side to side in a taut, standing under all snil to the sou'hward, record o f unrequited love thut has lived any manner p la in ly indicative o f u resentful foe. thus disappointing us o f the only remaining Innsth o f tim e in tho absence of its object. But I seized the nearest weapon, a short bambuo, means o f forw arding in form ation o f our pro- were it o tlierw ise, the tusk o f subduing nn un- le ft by one o f the beaters, and burled it at my er eiliugs to their lordships ; and this was the fortunate attachment, is ligh t to tho fearful opponent’s head ; I was fortunate enough to more annoying ns we had only the evening doom that too frequently fo llows impetuous h it it beneath the eye. T h e reptile iin inedi- befurn passed w ith in a quarter o f a m ile o f her, and hasty marriages. I cannot imagine a more ately fe ll, and lay uppurenlly lifeless. ‘then, upon any signal o f the ir intention o f go

w ith wholesome affections and sympathies to , lie provided fo r, and energies to be nurtured into life and vigor. W o are sailing to e ternity [

upon an ocean, fu ll o f rocks and quicksands,

formed liy L ieu t. M cC lin tock, w ith much sk ill, under very d ifficu lt circumstances.

Every day wo were iu the practice o f th row ­ing overboard a cask from each ship, contain­ing papers w ith in form ation o f till our pro­ceedings, guns were fired during fuggy weuth- cr, anil blue lights and rockets during ihe hours

keep the people any longer employed af Such work, w ithou t serious in ju ry to their health nnd the ir sufferings from severe frost lutes.,

On the evening o f the 12th o f October, the ships were hove into their w inter position, w ith in 200 ynrds o f each other.

The w inter was passed as nrc all wintersn f darkness, the ships being kept under such iu this clim ate, hut long experience nnd liber- sail that any boat seeing the signals m ight ; nl means gave us many comforts' that no other have reached them. i expedition hnd enjoyed; yet it is remarkable'

The general tenor o f the in form ation thus , that the lieulth o f the crew suffered mure dur- distributed along tho coast wns to acquaint ' ing this w in te r than on nny former occasion. S ir John F rank lin or nny o f his party, that ns . O ur want o f success m ight have tended in the whalcships had not been able lo cross to , some measure to depress the ir sp irits, and, the west land o f Baffin Bay, they could have ' unfortunate ly, the cold o f w inter wns pro- no hope o f assistance from them, nnd reconi- ! lunged unusually far into the spring before mending them to make fo r Port Leopold, ! we could give them moro active employment.' where 1 intended to form a depot o f p rov is -j D u rillg the w il|te r „ great w ,lj le ..

...ns, and perhaps leave the Investigator to foxug were tl|k „ n 1||jv(! i(> (r go t' for w inter there ; they would, at any rate, w ith purpose; nl)1, it id weU k||ow.„ h()w ,the provisions find a notice o f (he position in which the nearer ship was pnssiug the w inter.

I t therefore became necessary to push for Port Leopold, to fu lfil these promises, lo r had any o f his party met w ith one o f these notices (hey would assuredly have gone to thut point.

trnct o f country these creatures traverse in search o f food, I caused copper collars, upon' which a notice o f the position o f tho ships und depots o f provisions was engruved, to be clenched round their necks, and then set then!' at liberty again, w ith the hope that sonio o f

towards N . E. Cape, un til we came in w ith the edge o f a pack, loo dense fo r us to |>cne- trate, ly ing between us und Leopold Islund, about fourteen miles broad; but ns we could perceive that it was s till in m otion, we hoped that a few days m ight produce n favorable change, and iu the meantime we stoud over to the north shore o f Barrow Stra it, to seek a harbor fu rther lo the westward uud tu exam­ine the numerous inlets o f thut shore. M ux- well Bay uud several sm uller indentations

g to the southward, we would huve pluced ) were thoroughly explored, and although we hoard o f her ull our letters and despatches. | g ° l near the entrance o f W e lling ton Channel

enterprising c iu iiu iuuiler deserves the lhe firm barrie r o f ice which stretched across highest praise fo r persevering so far beyond i and w hich had not broken uway this sea- all his fe llows, and, had it dtqieuded un him, I s,,ni convinced us, all wus im practicable in believe be would nut have le ft us until we bad iba t direction.

the scene o f perpetual strife. There is scarce- stu lk, I fe lt the head s lid ing through my hand. P"1 through the great difficu lty o f M e lv ille buy. W e now stood to the southwest to seek fur ly one o f us, that cannot recall some such cou- nud to my astonishment become aware thut I " u pursued our course to the northward I « harbor near Cupe Renuell, but found a pie w ith in the scope o f our acquaintance, and ’ now bail In contend w ith the most deadly o f “ n'le r vurying eircumstuiices o f pe rp lex ity , heuvy body o f ice extending from the west o f if we trace their h istory hack to its commence-! reptiles, in its fu ll strength and v igor. Indeed n"*>ety, and success; for although I could lin t j C ornw allis Island, iu a compact muss, to Leo-

nieut, how few o f them hut are indebted for 1 wus iu a moment convinced o f it, for as 1 1,1,1 assured that we should eveutuully get I pold Islund. Coasting ulong this puck duringthe ir m isery to an early or busty marriage ; ' tightened my bold o f the throat, its body be- l l l r OUgb the M e llv illc Bay barrier, yet c a lm ,' stormy and foggy weather, we had d ifficu lty the fru it o f u first love, whose very intensity come wreathed round my neck and urm. I f “ ,H* ‘ 'o 1*1 winds so grcutly impeded uay m ove-1 keeping the ships free during the nights,for

the reuder is aware o f the universal dieud iu uient in the puck, that day a?ter day passed ! 1 believe so great u quantity ot ice was neverw hich thu cobra capelin is held throughout In- away u n til the stuson had so fur udvuueed us [ before seen iu Burrow S tra it ut (his period o fdiu, and the almost instant death which iuva- to preclude every hope o f accomplishing much llle season.riuh ly fo llows its lute, he w ill in some degree i f anything, before the setting iu o f w inter. | W ith tlio therm om eter ut 15 degrees every be able to imagiuo w lu it my feelings were at No exertion, however, were spared to take ' •••ghl, young ieo formed rapid ly and became (lie m om ent; u fa in t kind u f disgusting siek- advantage o f every opportunity o f pushing the ■ 80 'h ick us to frustrate ull our exertions to ■less pervaded my whole Irum e, as I fe lt the forw ard un til on the 20 o f August, dor- P«« through some o f the sm aller streams.—dum m y Ibid o f the reptile lightened round my ing a heavy breeze from the north-east, the Nevertheless, a lte r some days o f anxious undneck. 1 s till held the throat, but lo hold it ships, under all ihe sail they eould carry, bor- arduous work, we succeeded in getting th ro ’

w ill u rrts t the affections o f u mun ; but you much lunger would he impossible. eil through u puck u f ice o f but moderute thick- the pack, which s till lingered about Leopoldkuown very w e ll, dear girls, the more y o u r ' Imm ediately w ithm my grasp there wus an »es», but having uiuongst it heuvy musses island und N . E . Cape, und entered the hur-idol is abused and villified , no matter how just- inw ard w orking uud creeping o f the skin, m ingled w ith the ligh ter ice thut covered the hor ol Fort Leopold on the 11th September,ly , the moro interested you lire iu bis beliulf. which seemed lo lie assisted by the very linn- larger surface, through which it was necessary Hud we not got in to port on thut day it would1 verily th ink, did 1 belong to that unenviable ness w ith which 1 held i t — my bund wus glut - tu drive the ships ut ull huzuids. The shucks have been impossible to have done so any daypuriiou o f com m unity culled mulch-makers, ed. F ind ing, in defiance o f my efforts, that they sustained during this severe tr ia l were afterwards, the main pack, during the night,my first step iu prom oting n union between I my hand wus each iustuul forced closed closer (great, hut furtuuule ly w ithout serious damage i having closed the lund, and completely sealed two desirable purties, would lie, soundly to i to my face, nn idea struck me that, were it in to them. [ the mouth o f the harbor.

Iread liil p icture, thun lliu t o f un increasing1 W ith o u t it moment’s reflection, I seized it a coldness between those whose fates aie linked , litt le below the head, hauled it beneath the together hy a tie which nothing hut death shelter o f the tree, and very coolly set dow n should sever. And yet how many there are, to cxauiiuc the u in iilh fo r the poisoned fangs, whose m arriage vows have forged chains o f of which naturalists speak so much. W h ile dreudlu l bondage ; w hose domestic fireside is ;,| the act o f forc ing the mouth open w ith i

was thu firo that consumed its idol. T h is is u subject wh ich cannot command too much at­tention. T he impetuosity o f youth often hur­ries its v ic tim into errors beyond recall. YY’ o- iiieu are not so culm and calculating in their affections as men, (no heresy, 1 trust, iu the assertion) consequently are more like ly tu fall into these errors. A breuth o f suspicion, u light word, or a h a lf concealed insinuation,

YVe accordingly stood over Iron, Cape York lhflHU ,nes80llgers ,lligh t bu lhe „ , enl|8. o f con.


veying the intelligence to tho Erebus nnd T e r ­ro r, ns the crews u f these vessels would as­suredly be eager for the ir capture.

A fte r several short p re lim inary journeys, in A p ril and thu early part o f next month, to carry out small depots o f provisions to the west o f Cape Clarence nnd to the south o f Cape Seppings, I left thn ships on the 15th o f May w ith n party consisting o f L ieu t. M ’- C lintock and 12 men, w ith forty days provis. ions, which together w ith tents, clothes, blankets anil other necessaries, were lashed upon tw o sledges. A detailed account o f th is journey mny be found iu my jo u rn a l; it may be sufficient here to mention, that the exam­ination o f a ll thu inlets und sm uller indenta­tions o f the const, in w hich uny ships' iM|^lt huve found shelter, occupied a large pttrlion o f our tim e, mid cost us much labor; hut i t wus necessary that every portion o f the coast we passed along should he thoroughly ex­plored.

The extreme point o f our operations is iu lutitude 72 38 N ., mid Ion. 95 50 YY'. I t is the west point o f a small, high peninsula, and the state n f the atmosphere being at the tim e peculiarly favorable fo r distineiiiess o f vision, laud o f uny very great elevation m ight huvt» been seen at the distance o f 100 miles'.

T he extreme high cape o f the const, how­ever, was not more than fifty miles distant, s t ill hearing nearly south, (the bearings here­in given ure true ,) the lund thus tending to r Cupe Nieoah, the northernmost point which I had reached during my journey from the V ic- rory in 1832, and which 1 hoped to have a t­tained on this occasion, as well as lo have re­visited the Magnetic Foie, in its immediate v ic in ity , und had not so nioay o f our party broken dowu it m ight have been accomplishK sd


O n n u r ip in rn In the found |tn X hail a ll hi ' ll w

encu m pm i'iit 1 jn lin n wc i x p c i ic i, ed w hen we found n u r- II occup ied d u - selves nnee m ore nt l ih e i tv , w h ils t n iitnv

o u r i i Iis p iii' i ’. L ie u t M ' ( ' l in tm k ha il a g r n t r lu i hea rt poured fo rth its prnises pin t S e iil in i I.n soon- m agnetic obse rva tio ns , w h ich mnl th a n ksg iv in g s to A lm ig h ty G u ll Inc th is ..u . ___u

un lim ited to r dc live rn n co .T h e ndvanee o f w in la r hail now dose d

w ill lie nl g reat value fro m n u r be ing so near to the M agne tic P o le . T w o o f the

tone nl e xu lta tio n , sa id— “ T h e re * you n int gut spunk enough to s tic k a c a l f . ” — E a s t- j

p a l ly hail cu t Ih ro iio h the iee, w h ich they a ll the h n ilm is n g n iiit lis , an il ns it was found io he 8 feet th ic k , nnd lived a pole im possib le to penetra te Io the w estw ard . , hv wloe.h the state " f the I ides was a seer- ■ t i l l < ugh the p a rk In on w h ich we had just I ,


d a il ll ie t e s t Hint cou ld ol n la rge r a i l ' l l o f stone:

lk b een lib era l) d. I m ade th e s ig n a l to the In v e -tig iitu r o f my in te n tio n to re tu rn to

M. P. W IL LIA M S.-ED ITO R .is not he that wields the heaviest spade who

delves the deepest. Iml lie who follows stroke unon stroke v i l l i ike inosi nnremiilpd siieees- sinn And inthulry in its hnlnbler niflreh nflen undermines ami levels the obstacles whichg/niiis attempts to surmount in vain._Dithnn.TH U Pi ' DAY-, E*f.CEW’ B E R Tg49*?

t i ' i i e i ’ ; at hull erecth igh kn o ll, jost above the ten ts , in w h ich E ng lan da eopp> r evh nder was p lueerl, co n ta in in g S tand ing to the S. E ., we came in w ith nn account o f nu r proceed ing? , m id e ll the tn id illo ice o f B a ff in 's B uy. w ith in a . neepsi rv in fo rm a tion fo r the gu idance o f lew’ ,m b s o f the land, and were ob liged , nnv o f S ir John F r a n k l in ’s p a r ly tha t in o rde r to m ake o u r re tre a t the m ere! m ight he jo u rn e v in g a long th is coast. .s u re , to run a long its w este rn edge to th e '

W e set fo rw ard on n n r hom ew ard jo u r - N . E . u n til w e reached the la t'tu d e 71 3-4 i nev on the even ing o f the 5th June , and, ’ N ., where we rounded its no rth end, on 1 been made in the c«se o f the m urder o f D r. a fte r enco un te ring a variety- o f d iff ic u ltie s the 4 ih O c tobe r, in s igh t o f the coast o f l ’n rk m s n ,- im p lic a tin g as the perpetrator oneto w h ich I not now fu r th e r a llude , G ree n lan d . -r ,t,» i ..... r • . >. . . . . .» rto i .1 . ' n t i n ; ot the most respected members o r society, andwe reached the ship on the 23d , the p a rty ru v o re d hv u n u sua lly fine w ea ther as rso com p le te ly worn out by fa tig u e that we proceeded to the sou thw ard , we passed i " ro essor m a series o years in sn eminent every rnnn wns from s o m e ’cause o r o th e r , w ith o u t any acc iden t th ro u g h tlio g rc a t i ‘>r«neh o f science, in one o f the most distin- in the d o c to r's hands fo r tw o o r - th re e c lu s te r o f bergs w h ich is a lw ays found in I 8u '**,ed lite ra ry Institu tions o f the country,— weeks, and la m so rry Io say tha t tw o o f la titu d e (59 N ., nnd on the 12th we recross-1 nre iudecil appalling, nnd seem te fu lly verify

cd the A rc t ic C irc le , a lte r w h ich lim o w e ........................saw no m ore ice.

S trong w e s te rly w inds ca rrie d us past

Crime in H igh Places.T he dcvclopcments wh ich hnvo recently

them nre not yet recovered .O u r c rew s, w eakened by incessant e x ­

e r t io n ,w e re in n ve ry u n fit s ta le to u n d e r- tnke the heavy labor w h ich th e y had ye t the m erid ia n o f Cape F a re w e ll on the 18th, to accom plish. T h e season nt th is p lace nnd nt one, A . M ., o f the 28 th , we s truck was so ex tre m e ly b a ckw a rd , tha t h a rd ly n soundings o il’ M oun t I le nd . A t dny lig h t pool o f w a te r was to be seen on the s t ir - we found ourse lves in the F a irw a y be- face o f ice w h ich covered the the h a rb o r, tween N o rth R o n a ld s lin nnd F a ir Is land , except on ly a long the lin e o f g ra ve l w h ich ' hut sou therly w inds so im peded o u r fu rth e r

the declaration o f a poet o f another ag' wrote—

‘■Trust not a man. we arc by nature fa| Dissembling, subtle, cruel.”

W hen crime o f so dark n tinge is bi ligh t in high places: among indiv lo fty standing, against whom the I? suspicion dare not fa ll w ithou t munis'

aga, who

1i^ H it to f l , o f i B h »r

lis tw ah lehad he rn sp read out tow ards the h a rb o r ’s progress, that it was Into on S a tu rday n ig h t i ev" e,,<'c8.°^ ’’ sjitstness, when the influencesm outh d u rin g tho w in te r, and the re np- before we could anchor oil" S ca rbo rough , j ° f education nnd refined society, am’, Ihe cs-

I a rr iv e d nt the A d m ira lty e n rly on , ” ‘prn !l” ’l confidence o f the people, fa ll to ele-M ondny, the 5 th N ovem ber. I v” ’ ° an in tellectual being above the brute

I cannot conc lude th is re p o rt w ith o u t creation, nnd render him p roo f agii'iist tem p­’s, extend ing the b reath o f the e a - , express ing m y deep ob lig a tio n s Io C a p t. i tntion o f so heartless a nuturc,— where arc we

peared but sm all prospect o f any release th is season.

M ^ ^ a n d s that w ere nh lo com m enced th ^ ^ w s ,

nnl so m uch ns to adm it the ships to puss B ird fo r his c o rd ia l co -ope ra tion nnd zea l- down it tow ards tlio po in t o f the lia rd o r , u ■ ous support th ro u g h o u t th is must arduous d istance o f ra th e r m ore than tw o m iles. se rv ice , nod my a d m ira tio n o f the conduct

These labors were co n tin ued u n t il the o f the o ffice rs and crew s o f both ships, I5 lh A u g u s t,w h e n .th n cana l be ing n e a rly whose m e rito rio u s p .\e rt:- 03 fu lly e n title fin ished , the ha rh o r ice d iv ided a long its them to thn most fn vo ru b lu cons ide ra tion lin e in to tw o n e a rly equa l parts , and thus < ("the L o rd s C om m iss ioners o f the A d tn i-saved us a few days w o rk ; hut the ice to ra lly seaw ard rem a ined to a ll appearance as i f irm ly fixed as d u rin g the w in te r, hut we i cou ld perce ive it was w a is tin g uw av close , a long the shores, anil it was not u n t il t lio ;

J am e s C . R oss, C ap t, R . N .

H onesty ,

to look for security, o r in whom may wc re­pose confidence ? W h o shall ho above dis­trust ?

T he transaction o f this revolting murder, adds only nnother link to that great chain o f crim e which has tiecn forged by the follies nnd

1 extrnvngnncics o f fashionable society. It j shows that to attem pt to keep up n false np- I pearance, and load n course o f life which the income o f the ind iv idua l cannot sustain, re-

A spice m e rch a n t,o f C o nsta n tinop le , ' suits only in infam y and disgrace. ’The his- 23 th o f A u gust that we succeeded in g e t - je a r r y ing n piece o f fine c lo th Io a ta ilo r , to ry o f this unfortunate man,' is hut the historytin g c le a r o f the harhor. desired to have a c lonk and tu n ic made o f iT, . , . t> , t i i r i 1 1 i • • i , .... ! o f hundreds before him . It appears that lie

Be fo re le av ing r o l l Leo p o ld , 1 bad it, and in q u ire d it the re was enough. 1 lie . , .caused n houso to ho b u ilt o f o u r spare a r tis t hav ing m easured the s tu ff dec lared G ' t r " " lllenn " I111 1 le 1 1 n tain -spars, and covered w ith such o f o u r hous- it s u ffic ie n t, and then requested to knowing clo ths ns we could dispense w ith , nnd the cost o f r w h ich wc could find a substitu te il ' “ F iv e se q u in s ,” re p lie d thn custom er, need fu l, leav ing also tw e lve m onths ’ p ro - “ was the p r ic e ; and, cons ide ring the q u n l- portant qua lity o f prudence nnd economy that

some fortune, n libera l education, nn honora­ble profession, nnd the most flattering pros­pects o f fame ; hut “ not having that in i

v is ions, fue l and o th e r necessaries, to - ity , that it is not nt a ll d e u r . ’ ga th e r w ith the In v e s tig a to r 's steam o il- T h e ta ilo r paused a m om ent. “ I am c in e and launch w h ich had been le n g th -; hu t a beg in n e r in the tra d e ,* ’ said he to ened seven feet fo r the purpose , nnd now the spice d e a le r at le n g th , “ nnd m oney is form ed a fine vessel capab le o f conve y ing an ob ject to inc. G ive tw o sequ ilis , nnd I the whole o f S ir John F r a n k l in ’s p a rty to i w ill show you how you m ay save three inthe whalesh ips, ourse lves shou ld anv th is a ffa ir . ’ca la m ity befa ll ou r ships in th e ir p rogress) to the w estw ard.

W e now proceeded tow ards t lie no rth

“ I a g re e ,” said the o ther, nnd the m o­ney was produced nnd puid.

“ I t is w e ll ! ” said the man o f the needle.shore o f B a rro w S tra it , fo r the purpose o f “ I am a person o f mv w o rd . T h is c lo th fo llo w in g up the exam in a tion o f W e ll in g - ; has cost five sequ ins, and I have prom isedton C h anne l, and, i f poss ib le , o f e x tend ing to save you l l in T a k e it to some o thero u r researches ns fa r as M e lv ille Is la n d ; hut w lii ' i i about tw e lve m iles from the

ta ilo r, and A lla h d ire c t you to one o f m ore ■xperiencp; fo r I have neve r made such a

shore, we came to the fixed land iee, dress as you want ; and i f I a ttem pt it , it w h ich had not b roken aw ay th is season, ! w ill be sp o ile d .”and no th in g hut a un ifo rm sheet o f heuvy ice was to he seen nt the w estw ard .

T h is rem inds ns o f nn nnecdoto re la ted o f S heridan, who went to a h u ir-d re sse r's

W e kept the ships nea r tha t w h ich a p - l lo o rd e r a w ig. O il be ing m easured, the peared to hp tiie most p robab le spo t, w a tch - ba rbe r, who was a lib e ra l soul, in v ited the ing fo r nnv opening that m igh t present i t - . o ra to r Io take some re freshm ents in an in - se lf, when a throng w ind sudden ly a r is in g j ne r room . H e re he rega led him w ith a on the 1st Septem ber, b ro u g h t the loose ho ttie o f p rim e p o it, nnd showed so tin ic li pack, th ro ugh w h ich we had been S trug- genu ino h o sp ita lity tha t S h e ridan ’s heart

I requires every man to live w ith in his menus, he was often found in embarrassed circum ­stances, and compelled to give mortgages on the remnant o f such real nnd personal estate as he had iiVlns command,” nnd ns a Inst re­sort, w ith the hope to smother his embarrass­ments, it is feared laid v io lent hands upon one o f fiis creditors. T h e Boston D a ily M a il fu r­nishes the fo llow ing sketch, wh ich may not be uninteresting in this connection:

“ PnoF. W ebster is a man 57 venrs o f age, a native o f Boston, andtlie son o f D r. Redfield W ebster, who fo r many years kept a i l r i i ” store at the N o rth end, and praciiced ns n phy­sician. In the war o f the Revolution, D r. Redfield W ebster ivas a prum'meut friend o f the most strenuous measures that could lie used to rid the country o f the swarm o f British rebels whose outrages were every day filling the country w ith the h itle r fru its o f devestn- tioa. He took the side o f patrio tism , anti con­tributed largely from his private funds toward d fstroying the power o f the enemy and mak­ing glad the hearts o f the humble citizens whose sufferings were great indeed. He died

, well-to-do iu this w o rld ’s goods ; his son was1 ~ , , , , , ,«r, .. ' , | well-to-do ill this w o rld ’s goods; Ins son wasF lin g , down upon and c lo se ly beset the was touched. W h e n they rose Irom the ! Ilt lin (!lir|y , „ . r l0 ,| „ f | , j„ life sent to Harvard ships. At Hines d u rin g tw o o r th re e days, tab le , and w ere about sep a ra tin g , the la t- ] College, and after pursuing his course o f stu- thpy sustained severe, p ressure , nnd ridge s te r lo c k in g the b a rb e r fe ll iu the face said, I dies graduated in 1811, w ith every prospect o f o f 1 u nmoeks were th ro w n up a ll a round “ O n re fle c tin g , I don ’ t in tend (lin t you rapid fame nnd fortune. H e subsequently us. tun a fte r tha t t im p , the te m p e ra tu re ] sha ll m ake m y w ig . ” A s ton ished, nnd I " ,n,' e ’ ',e ’ our o f Europe, and on M ay 17th, fa ll in g to near ze ro , fo rm ed the w h o le i w ith a b lank visage, the o th e r exc la im ed, i '814, returned to Boston, having married a body o f iee in to one so lid mass. W e w ere “ G ood H e a ve n ! M r Sheridan how can I | ' | " l1,"o f".'h e Island o f"E a v a |n'in 'th e 'W e s t'la - so c ireu ins tnnced , tha t to r some days we have displeased you r W h y , look y o u .”could not unsh ip ou r ru d d e r, nnd when by said Sheridan , “ you are nn honest fe llo w ; the la borious ope ra tion o f saw ing and re - and 1 repeat i l , yo u shan ’t m ake the w ig , m oving the hum m ocks from under the s te rn fo r I neve r in tended to pay fo r it. I ’ ll go trreat sensation among the mode in this city.—

dent o f the Island o f Fnya l, in the W est la dies. The youth and surpassing beauty, sweetness o f manner and in tellectual accoin- complishinents o f his young bride created o

wo were able to do so, we found it tw is ted to a n o tlic r less w o rth y son r ,f the c ru ft.nnd dam aged, nod thn sh ip was so m uch I s tra ined ns to incrensn the leakage from I th roe inches in a fo rtn ig h t to fourteen in - ;

[N . O. P ica y u n e .They were the. observed o f all observers, mid the b rillian t nnuiments o f every scene o f grace, beauty nnd fashion. The remnant o f his fath­er’s estate and the portion o f his lir iile furnish-

d a handsome income to D r. W ebster. ButCo.XGltf.SS F i 'H X IT I'K E AM) M a X.XF.P.S. d ie s d a ily , w h ich , though ol hut t r i l l in g , A co rresponden t o f the C o m m e rc ia l says: | his b rillian t in tellect was sought for by every im portance nt present, se rved to conv ince : “ T h e com fo rts o f n T u rk is h d ivan cou ld j I ’ lernry circle, arid sometime in 1820, i r we us tha t she was not, as we hnd h ith e rto he- not he g re a te r than those o f a repub lican nl'° in form ed, he was appointed aslieved , invulnerable. rep resen ta tive . Some a ppear to under- ' '-h'’ ^o fessor o f Chemistry at Cambridge, and

T h e iee wns s ta tio n a ry fu r a few d a ys ; stand th is. T h e y w ill u p lif t t l ic i r legs, andthe pressure had so fo lded the lig h te r p ie- rest them upon the top o f the desk, ns i f ces over each o ther, and they were so in - 't h e y were in the d ir ty o ffice o f a la w ye r, te rlaced ns to form ono in tiro sheet, e x - j o r the room o f a c o lle g ia n , instead o f be­tend ing from shore to shore i f B a rro w ing in sworn and solem n co u n c il o f the na-S tra it, and as fa r to the west as the eye ti«,ti. O ne man w ill s tre tch h im s e lf out on ,, . • , . . ,c „ „ i , i c o ,„n s , i.oo .i, ,, , „ e |, i„« , n i, h, x ” ± i ? o i i r e a , jii

lie extrem e seve rity o f the te m p e ra tu re , be fore , o r to in du lg e a co n s titu tio n a l ipdo-1 r OI„ r ortrt w ithou t the delicacies o f fasli had cem ented the whole so lirm lv to g e th e r lenee.

for years subsequent to that period his luiuie and fame are fam ilia r Io the w o rld .

W ith genius, money very rare ly keeps pnee. anil it is well know n to lie so in the ease o f Dr. Webster. H is menus were nt the tim e o f his appointment io the Professorship, lim ited, and having quite a large fam ily o f children anil re

A n o th e r w i ll even sm oke in the that it appeared h ig h ly im p robab le tha t it I an ti-space w ith o u t the co lum ns, to the nn- cou ld b reak up aga in th is season. In the aoyn iice o f the decent and decorous peo- space w h ich had been c le a re d aw ay fo r pie, whereas the p r ii lie ip le s in o k iiig -ro o in unsh ipp ing the rudde r, the n e w ly -fo rm e d • is tho post-office o f t lio H o u s e ! M enn - ice was fifteen inches th ic k , and in some w h ile , a ll these th ing s a re fu lly observed places along the sh ip 's side, the th ir te e n by spectators in tho g a lle r ie s , m any o f feet saws wero too short to w o rk . 'th e m ladies, and they go aw ay w ith no

VVe had now fu lly m ade up o u r m inds ve ry exa lted ideas o f hon ora b le courtesy , tha t the ships were fixed fo r the w in te r, M any there aro, how ever, o f a d iffe ren t

ioaablu in ter communication.

N a tio n a l Ste a m e r s . 'The M obile Tost remarks that our old national system is now- giv ing placo to a system o f w ork ing stenniers, which is destined, wc trust, soon to enliven tho uuvul armament o f the country into a source o f national wealth, and in to schools o f virtue and industry. 'There are ninv ou the stocks nnd afloat, says the Post, twenty-fourand, dism al as the prospect appeared, it stam p o f c h a ra c te r and m anners, who

was fa r p re lc rnb le to oe ing c a rr ie d a long w ould he an honor to any c irc le , pu b lic or j magnificent ocean m ail steamers, varying from the west const o f B a ff in ’s B ay, w here the p riva te . T h e m odern p rac tice o f se tting 1,000 to if,000 tons. 'They nre the W ashing-g ro iinded bergs aro in such num bers upon w ith huts o f f tends to p ro inuto o rde r in the the sha llow hanks o il’ tha t shore, as to re n - H ouse. Bu t tho tru th is, wo have men

to il, Herinim , F rank lin , A tlan tic , Pacific, Arc­tic, Antarctic, E m p ire C ity , F iilcm i, Georgia,, . i, . .. : tie, Antarctic, E m pire C n v, I ' i i Icoii, Georgia,

de r it next to im possible |n r ships in vo lved from a ll ( iiin r te rs , o l a ll sorts and sizes, a „ „ , ,, ' r . ,i , .............. . , , ,, ; Paiiiiiua, Kepulilic,C rescent C u y , a pack to esenpo d e s truc tion . inodes of th in k in g , and a ll ways ol a c t in g ; ,, ,, . . |

I t was t lie rn lb ie , w ith a m ix tu re o f hope men o f m ora l and im m o ra l, m agnanim ous ‘ ou ll,er,,er» Ja lilo rm a, I vnnessle,and anxie ty tha t, on the w ind s h itt in g to and m ean, m e rc ifu l uud m isch ievous, rude i CJidveston, Ohio, Oregon, IsatJTl,the w estw ard ,w e perce ived the w hole body and polished, pac ific nod be llicose , p r o d i - ' u,,' l New Orleans. Ao f ice begin to d rive to t lie eas tw a rd , at ga l und s t in g y , pround and meek ; we have i T h e Post adds that each o f these vcssils,the rate o f e igh t o r ten m iles d a ily . E v e ry la w ye rs , doctors nnd m in is te rs , nnd gene- w hile o f no expense to government, but an iin-cfTurt on o u r part was to ta l ly u n a va ilin g , ra lly these men are the types o f the con- j ,„ense source o f revenue to the nation, aetive-W no hum an pow er cou ld have moved s litu e n ts ' reg io n whence they are sent |v engage.l as they are in ...a il, passenger midC ither ol the ships a s ing le in c h ; they w ere | „ r th . T h e y g e n e ra lly re fle c t w ill, a con- l(.lin_sportatio..s, is in every respect ca-thus co u ip le tc ly token ou t nl o u r hands, s id e ra h lc degree of f id e l ity . the s e n tim e n ts ’ • . ,and, in the cen tre o f a fie ld ol ice m ore o f the people whom they represent. T hu s ' P1111111 Ul u " 1,1 ‘’•oam ei, uni , at a month » than fif ty m iles in c ircu m fe re n ce , w ere when the in fid e l sentim ents o f O w en, o f ) llo l,ue> llll! °> ’ hem can he mustered in-c a rr ie if a long the sou thern shore ol L a n In d ia n a , become know n Io his constituents to " 'Hr' st:rvleo’caster Sound. they dismissed him from tin ir confidence

A lte r passing its en tra n ce , the ice d r if t - and support at the next e le c tio n , and put iO " M ayor B ig e l o w , o f Boston, w ith hised in a m ore so iithe rn d ire c tio n , a long the m his place Judge E m b ie e , a pious M e tl i- accustomed libe ra lity , inform s his fellow west shore o f Baffin B a y , u n t il wo w e re odist abreast o f Pond 's B ay, to the sou thw ard o f w h ich we observed a g rea t i i iu i it ie r olicebergs , s tre tch in g across o u r path, and a young pedagogue fille d the honorablepresenting the fe a rfu l prospect o f o u r s ta tion in oneworst nu tie ipa lions . But when least e x ­pected hv us, ou r release was alm ost lo ir n co lo iis ly brough t about

gens, that, instead o f receiving a testimonial 77" I o f the ir kindness in thu form o f u spendid sil-

. Y ; . Y . I : . A Y ” ' ... ......................... ........................ ............................

morn iu arcordanre w ith his feelings to appro­priate the amount low arils founding a hospital

o f Sellllo'-llOUSl’S, o f .‘ te iie li iu g the youn g idea how to shoot.

O ne day, hav ing occasion to co rre c t one ' ol ' ‘ ln s*c^ l ' ” ” r. A b r illia n t example, iu- 'I 'h e g rea t fie ld o f Ins pup ils, who tiy the w ay, was u w ild ’ lend! I f one h a lf the sum which is yc in lyex-

n f ice was runt in to in n u m e ra b le frag m en ts yo u th , he so m ig h t ily o tien iled him (the ns i f by some unseen pow er. PUP’ O d ia l he drew his Unite w ith 'the

H ope re v ive d , and o u r people w o rked seem ing in ten tion nl m ak ing il acqua in ted w ith e n e rg y ; a ll sa il was m ade, nnd w arps " i t h the in 'u rd s o f the schoohm ister. run out from each q u a rte r to sp r in g t lie T h e pedagogue, seeing “ w hu h way t ’ ,«- ships past the heavy flue pieces. T h e In - w ind b le w ,” drew h im s e lf up in an e re c t ' v e s lig iilo r reached an open sp a ce o f w a te r, position , fo lded his arm s across his breast, I on the even ing o f the 2 4 lh , but it was not in a very hero ic in a iin e i , c r ie d out, “ s ta h . ’ u n t il noon o f "the 2 5 t 'i o f S eptem ber l l iu l The u rch in , appa lled by the b rave ry e x -] tho E n te rp rise cou ld c le a r the pack. I t is h ih ite d by the schoo lm aste r, hesita ted

pended for iriug iiifice iit bequests to distinguish­ed men, was invested fo r benevolent objects, it m ight lie tlie iiiea nso f a lleviating ;l vustdeul o f suffering, anil result in some actual good to the world.

D O T he Au m ir a l makes her last tr ip to Boston on F riduy next, w ill 'll she w ill hu ‘hauled up ’ for the w inter. She w ill resume

im possib le to convey an> idea o f the sen- Upon seeing w h ich , the pedagogue in g ! her place upon th is route surly in the Spring, i

E vening Schools.'T lie fo llow ing remarks from the H a llow e ll

Gazette, nre applicable In other sections ; nml we entreat our in fluentia l citizens to take the m atter seriously into consideration:

T h e Salem C ity Council have voted SSOO to assist M r. Ba ll, the m in ister at large, in paying the PXpetise o f his evening schools.—I lie c ity o f Portland has recently app rop ri­

ated #125 tn fit up a room fo r nil evening school. Providence nml New Bedford also support evening schools. W orcester has adopted the same beneficent system. 'The Spy says:— “ W e iim lerstm ul llin t the School Committee o f W orcester have decided to es­tablish, in addition to the usual Winter School for apprentices, three evening schnrds, tn enm- nience next Monday evening. One w ill lie taught in the Thom as Street School House, for men; one in the brick School House,for young nomen; nnd thn th ird in tlio H a ll nn T etnp ln Street, (where also the day school is located) which w ill probably accommodate both sexes."

In H a llo w e ll, says tho Gazette, we have day schools iu every nook nnd corner, proba­bly ns good ns nny town in the State. O ur high schools do very w e ll fo r gentlemen’s sons who have no p n rlie iih ir business nl,utted to them. But the mechanic hoys o f our shops who must prosecute the ir business during the •lav, nml who m ight spend tw o nr three hours profitably in the evening in a qn iring an ed­ucation, have no sehnols provided fo r ihein. w e move to appropriate ten per rent, o f the j v illage school money tn support an evening

! school for mechanic hoys during the w inter.

F u r th e r California F ew s.W e lenrn hv the Creseent C ity ihn t the

Convention fo r form ing a State Constitution for Ca lifo rn ia , completed its labors nml ad­journed on the 1 Sill o f October. T h e Consti­tu tion ns adopted by tlin t body was to t>’ sub­m itted to the people for ra tification on ihe 1 Sth o f November, and w ith the accompanying pro­clamation o f Gen. R iley wns received by the Creseent C ity , nml published at length in the New York Journal o f Coirintfcree. making nearly fou r columns in tlin t paper. O f course its length prevents us from publish ing it en­tire . W e give below a synopsis o f thn most im portant features.

A rtic le 1st contains thn "D e c la ra tion o f R ights ,” declares that all mpn nre by nnture horn free and independent, nnd have certain inalienable rights, nmnng which nre those en­

jo y in g and defending life nml lih e ity , acqu ir­ing, possessing and protecting property, nnd j

pursuing and obtaining snfely nnd happiness; nnd that n e it h e r s lav e r y , nor in v o lu n ta r y !

SERVITUDE, UNLESS TOR THE PUNISHMENT OF CRIMES, SHALL EVER nr. TOLERATED IN THIS St a t e . Freedom o f thought nnd speech nnd liberty o f conscience in re lig ious matters, nre also secured to all.

A rtic le 2d trains o f the r ig h t o f suffrage, which is accorded to every w hite mnle citizen o f the United States nnd o f M exico, who shnll have c irc led io become a citizen o f the United States under the treaty o f Q ucretnro, who shall have been a resident o f the State six moots hand ot the d is tric t th ir ty days.

Artic les S, 4, 5, nml G, treat o f the d is tr ibu ­tion o f thn powers o f the gnverment, in to three different departments, the Legislature, Execu­tive and Jud ic ia l, nnd define the powers and duties o f each department. T h e Legislature is tn assemble annually on thn first Monday o f January. Members o f the Assembly lire to he chosen nnn iiiilly , nnd Senators fo r a term o f tw o years, one h a lf to he chosen annually — no person to be eligible to either office who has not been a resident o f the State one year.

C a lif o r n ia H ardships . A M r. E . L . K it- t r id g e o fN e w Ham pshire, who took the route Io C a lifo rn ia through M exico , and emhnrked at M iiza tlim in a schooner which his company purchased, in n le tter to his friends, thus de­tails some o f liis hardships:

“ A fte r being out some 12 or 15 days we found our litt le vessel leaking badly and crack­ing every surge. VVe therefore put hack to Si. Joseph’s, where we were set on shore 2500 m iles from the gold mines, w ith lull GO cents o f money iu nur pockets. It may seem as you look upon the map, out to lie so far from St. Joseph’s to the gold mines; liut when you have travelled it as I have, you w ill he satis­fied as to ihe distance.

Imagine y o iirselves ahiuit tn start oil « 2500 miles expi d ilio n . w ith m u lling Inn an Indian tru ll and the north slur fo r your guide, nnl know ing nne inmeeiit what to expert the next. 'Th ink o f going 1000 miles over a dreary de­sert w ithout seeing any trees hut ihe cactus, and trave lling 700 miles over liu riiing sand— two days w itiio u l water and three w ilhnut fend —on fool, w ithou t shoes, nml laying down at ni; 1.1 w ith the Indians, w ilhnu t a guard. ’Think o f trave lling 14 days w iil iim t seeing a liv ing person except our own I’o iiipanv, Inn one pint o f maize and 8 Ills, o f je rked beef during ihe l im e !

Low er C n lifo rn in , through which we pass­ed, is certa inly llie most iiiou n liiiiim is ami liar- ren country I ever saw. I never dreamed or heard o f m miserable a tract o f land.

A lte r 52 days o f hard trave lling we arrived at Smi Diego. T h iriy - th re e miles brought us to San I.unis, w here is one o f the principal missions io Cn lifo rn in . F rom this place D. S m illi o f New Y o ik , ,1. Gavelet o f Boston, and myself, proceeded to Stockton. 'T lie gold mines are all crowded w ith fortune seekers. I (lave been here a few weeks nml can assure yon that ihe fla ltering aceounls which vim re ­ceive in llie Slates anil what I have seen, are tw o things. 'The idea o f getting a fortune here in a day, is all a liiin ih u g . I f any one w iiuts to lie ail Irishman and dig in llie mud up Io his knees— to cutup m il, w ith a stone fur liis p illo w , and cook his own grub, — let him come out here.”

S m a l l Potatoes . Some years ago n gen­tleman v is iting u funner in 'Tu ll,m il, Connect­icu t, took from his pocket a small potatnn,

, which somehow had got in there at home.— It was thrown nut w ith u sm ile, and the fa rm ­er taking it ill his hand to look ut it, a curious litt le hoy o f twelve ut his elbow asked what it was.

*‘ O, nothing hot a imtntoe, my hoy— take ami plant it ami you shall have ull you can raise from i l t i l l you are free .”

'The lad luuk it, ami the farm er thought no more ubout it al that lim e. 'The boy, how ev­er, not despising small polatues, carefu lly d i­vided it into us many pieces us lie could find eyes, ami put them into tlie ground. 'Tlie product was carefu lly pu l aside m the fa ll, and planted w ith spring, uud so on un lit the fourth year, the yie ld being good, anil the ac­tual product was four hundred bushels.! The farm er, seeing the prospect that tho potutoe

field would by another yenr cover his whole One M onth L a te r from California, farm , asked lo b e released from A rriv „ , of „ IP Cr„ , nl Ci,v NfW Vorkisc. wifh £ 1,000,000 in Gobi Duel.

W ith the same calculation, prudence, and industry, how many who arc disposed to re­gal'd the tr iflin g things on which fortunes arc bu ilt, as too small potatoes to receive the ir a t­tention, would have been independent in c ir ­cumstances i f they had hiishuniled small ad­vantages. Small potntnes should not tie de­spised, even though there lie nt first but few in n h ill.


'T he Penobscot l iver has become "sealed up,” by ice.

T h e brig Qnnddy Belle sailed from Lubec for San Francisco on 27th u lt.

L ieu t. Harrison was nm n lrrcd on tlie N th u lt. by n party o f Konhawn Indians.

Father M athew’s popu larity appears to ho on the wane. Sorry fo r it.

T o keep n child out o f m ischief— set him to work.

I’u ll A ccounts from the Gold R egion IT h e stcnmsliip Crescent C ity , Capt. Stod­

dard, arrived nt New York about 11 o'c lock yesterday forenoon, from Clingres, which port she le ft on the 28ih u lt., touching nt Kingston, Ja in ., on the ROlh. She brings one inon tli’s Inter uilvices from C a lifo rn ia , received by the Stenmcr C a lifo rn ia , whieh arrived nl PnnnitiA on tlie 23d November, having le ft San Fran­cisco on the 2d. 'T lie C a lifo rn ia brought 259 passengers, nml over one m illio n dollars in gold dust. A t M nzntlnn sho received #72,000, nnd nt Sail Bias #42,000, n il destined for Eng­land.

M atters at S an F rancisco .— T lio in te l-ligence liy th is a rriva l from Snn Francisco, is not p a rtii’ i i l i ir ly im portant. T l io town wns estimated to entitnin 30,000 inhabitants, and the henltli o f the place wns generally good. T h e number o f a rriva ls from Europa and thn U n ited Stales wns daily increasing, nml it is

T h e Verm ont Legislature has passed a law ngainst Circus performances.

Frederic B illings o f Boston tins been ap­pointed Attorney General o f C n lifo rn in .

"C a leb Leathers” is w ritin g sketches o fAmerican Newspapers and w rite rs .

'T lio Cars have commenced the ir regular trips between Portland and W a te rv ille .

A mail iu New-Bedford has recovered #2900, ngniimt nno llier fur seducing his w ife.

Prest. T a y lo r nml lady have been made life members o f the Am. S. 8. Union.

A wealthy Israelite in Ph iladelphia has re­ceived the Christian baptism.

Abraham W ells tins been arrested inCharlestown for w ritin g threatening letters, j

Fou r passengers were k illed on the F i tc h -1 liurg railroad last week.

M rs . M urp liv sloped from Harvard, Mass., w ith M ichael Rock. 'That wns hard.

D a ii’ l Newton has lieen arrested in W il- in inglun, N . C., for forgery.

A female has been arrested in N ew York for obtaining goods by false pretence.

A wealthy Californ ian wants a w ife "s ix feet h igh.” D on't nil speak nt once!

Miss Frederika Brem er has arrived in Bos­ton. mid taken rooms at the Adams House.

T h e journeymen prin ters at P ittsburg nre . on a strike.

S ix negrops were hung at Concordia, La ., ! on the 19th tilt.

!A Georgian editor has been nppninted Jus­tice o f the Supreme Court.

Henry Clav addressed the citizens o f B a lti­more oil the Sfttli ult,

I t is snid there w ill he n deficit in the N a­tional Treasury this year.

B y n new process wood is rendered ns hard ns marble.

Money is the fools wisdom, nnd the knaves reputation.

A po litica l paper snys “ there is rascality somewhere.” 'The people believe it.

A robber, in attem pting to enter a house in Providence, was shot dead.

The Cochituate wnter lias been admitted into the reservoir at East Boston.

Capt. H n rd ing, o f sch. H enrie tta , wns drowned in Boston harbor lust week.

Nathan Alden a peillnr, wns recently k illed near Auburn, N. J.

A rich vein o f coni has jus t been discover­ed ill Bristol IL I.

T h e “ suicide” nt N iagnra Fa lls, proves to he only nn elopement.

Ill-tem per creates more misery than real m isfortune.

A steamer is build ing in New Yo rk, calcu­lated Io heat u locomotive.

T h e friends o f the Pacific Railroad enter­prise have had a meeting in Ph iladelphia.

In Boston nn 'Thanksgiving day, turkeys sold for 20 cents, per pound.

T om 'Thumb lins become a teetotaler. 'Tom was one o f thu "buys .”

G in slings nre snid to bo a worse evil in so­ciety tiiun sluug-sliot.

'The steamer Anthony W ayne was sunk atSt. Louis ou the 1st inst.

A monument is to lie erected to the memo- j ry o f tlie late Henry Inman.

Le t your discourse w ith others on matters j o f business he short.

Condescension, adds a degree o f elevation to tlie highest ranks o f life .

Speak not in jurious words either iu jest o r , in earnest.

From the 1st o f this month, Baton Rouge, is the Capital a f Louisiana.

E igh t slaves ran away from Jefferson coun­ty, V ie , recently.

'The grape grows il l great luxuriance arnuiid Sun Francisco.

'The number o f forged land warrants aflout is estiiiin led al 30,000.

Mrs. Kemble realized over #6000 in Philn- , delphiu by bur readings.

Sewers are said to coniain large quantities o f prussic acid.

Be not too hnsty lo believe fly in g reports to the in jury o f another.

A new town culled Red Jacket, has been erected in E rie County, N . Y.

'There nre 25,000 Indians iu the te rrito ry o fM iiieauin.

Yankees do every thing in a h u rry , even to getting married.

A false friend nnd a shadow ultenil only while llie sun slim es.

'Tilt* liquor dealers in G ard iner, ure being prosecuted w ith llie utmost vigor.

Cu ltivate a sp irit o f diligence both in your temporal and sp iritua l em ploy.

Rev. Peter Rogers, aged ninety-nine years, died at W aterloo , III., on the -till.

Lou is Napoleon says he desires to saveFrance. Perhaps lie ’ ll put her in a pickle.

A gentlemnii o f New York is about to es­tablish u bank iu Suu Francisco.

'There lire eleven steamers oil the Pacific supporlcd mainly by tlie C a lifo rn ia travel.

A p ril I i l i lias been nppninted fo r a day o f fasting and player ill New H iiin lis liire .

1 'The granite quarries ut" Maine w i l l tie liand- somely represented iu the Wash, m onum ent.

I Mr. Juiiies W allace, 2d, has been appoint­ed K erper o f the L ig h t House at M uitliegun.

In 'T roupville , (ra ., Seaborn Jones, was accidentally stmt by liis son, aged nine years.

Gov. K n it arrived nt R io, on the 23d o f Sept., uud entered upon his duties as consul.

W heels are now lire ;! if ir gutts per'ha.

snid there were nt least one hundred British vessels in the harbor o f Snn Francisco oil the 1st u lt. T h e C a lifo rn ian gives the fo llow ing record o f n rrivn ls by sen during llie month o f O ctober :

Americans, . . . . 2.G55Foreigners, - - - - - 1,434

'Tota l, - - - - 4,069O f which are females— Amerienn 70

Foreign, 49T h e fo llow ing items o f news we gather from

various sources:“ Business has been vert brisk during the

past n innllt in th is eitv. T he Sacramento mer- ehnnts have been down buying gnoils for llie w in te r. T lie eonseqiienee has lieen lo raise the prices o f every thing in the shape o f p ro­visions nnd necessaries, whieh al the heginnilig o f the month, were lower I him they had lieen sinee the rotnmeiiceinent o f the lidp o f em igra­tion to this country. A ll kinds o f vegetables are scarce, occasionally a cargo o f potatoes arrived from the Islands, hut it is snapped up so qu ick ly , no one knows where it goes lo.

Bread stiift’ nnd provisions have risen w ith in one week fu ll 100 per rent., and ihe market is quite hare. It must depend w holly upon the speedy a rriva l o f vessels, to furnish even n moderate supply lo the mines before the rainy season closes the avenues against them. T h e overland im m igration has drawn very heavily upon the innrket resources.

On the 9ih October, a fug which had hung over the city fo r several days, determined it ­se lf in to quite a shower o f rain. On the 10:b a vio lent S. E. w ind set in nml torrents o f rain fe ll, which damaged a large nmonnl o f goods that were stored il l the open a ir, anil not laken care o f by the ow ners, w ho supposed the show­er o f the day previous a natural result o f the foggy weather. At a small eslimate #100.COO w ill not cover the damage. Some sickness was neensioned hv the shower lo persons lodg­ing in tents nt “ Happy V a lle y .”

Rents in securely sheltered build ing advanc­ed 100 per cent. Carpenters’ wages rose im - iiied in le lv from # I2 to #17 per day, anil about one hundred buildings have lieen put up sinee.

N o tw ithstand ing tho rain, we ran hear o f only 27 deaths in that c ity nml suburbs during the present month. A portion w ere llie deiilha o f passengers w ho arrived sick by vessels from Panama ami the southern const.”

Don N a ih im Spear, probably the oldest res­ident o f San Francisco, died at that place on llie 21st October.

“ O h the 23d li lt . , tw o seamen belonging to the U . S. schooner Ew ing , were hung in p u r­suance o f a Court M artia l, the ir names were John nml Peter Benell. 'They were engaged w iil i three others in the n llem pt tn drown Passed M idship irinn W in . Gibson, nn the l.Rili- Sept.; the three Olliers were reprieved on llie m orn ing o f the execution.

C iv iliza tio n lias advanced so far in C a lifo r- nin that a divorce has been granted. E letim n I la rm o ii complained o f her liiisham l, J ii i’n li H arm on, on (lie ground o f briitiililv nml d runk­enness, nml a divorce was grained.

'The prospectus for a re lig ious paper to lie enlleil “ ’The W atchm an,” is published in the San Francisco papers. It is first to be pub­lished m on th ly , nml the issue increased iu fre­quency ns circumstances w arrant; price 25'etr- per number o f 8 quarto pages, nr one sheet.

Passengers sufficient to f ill the next two stenmera besides several large sailing vessels, were w a iling passage at San Francisco, when the C a lifo r iiia le ft.”

'The 'Tribune correspondent w rites:••The growth o f the principa l towns in C a l­

ifo rn ia is unprecedented. Coloma (S u tle r’s M il ls ) is fillin g up rap id ly. It has superior' advantages, being fifty miles in the in terio r, north-east from Sacramento C ity , ami loeated on the south fork d irectly in the mines, funn­ing llie center lo any part o f the mines, ou ilio sm ith ami m iddle forks, ami the principal d ry diggings.

Sacramento C ity is also s triv ing w ith San Francisco for siipi'cniney. T h e form er covers nearly as much ground as the biller, lint l l i i r p o p u l'itin ii is much less dense. Sauninieulo has a large and commodious liu le l, coslii g' some #150,000, nnd restaurants lh .it would do' c red it to the best saloons ii: New York.

F rom t h e Placers . 'The intelligence from the mines is about o f (tie same eliarneler ns. that before received. Gold is found plentiful", and those who can endure ihe liihur necessary lo ohta iii il . get well rewarded. 'The A im C u lifiirn ian , o f Oet. 25, conluins llie fo llow ing

•‘ Sherlock’s D iggings, M ariposa, Sept. 27. 'This, M r. E d ito r, is iiiiqueslion iddy tlie place fo r *hig chunks,’ hut let me instruct you con­cerning these diggings. 'They were discover­ed tw o or three months since by a mnn'muned Sherlock, who, w ith a coinpany o f Mexicans, worked these deposits on shares. 'The work v iiricu w ith us, ns well as elsewhere. In eight days, three men took out 57 pounds o f pure gold. Ami last week two men took our in two days 29 pounds from n spot near my camp.— Sherlock lias gone into the inn iin in ins, no one knows where, and we have elected it new A l­calde, who, the day o f liis in s ta lla liiiii into office, issued an order for all Mexicans lo de­camp, which they did fo rthw ith . W e all in ­tend to w in te r here, as we call easily make com forlahle iiiiH ile rs . 'This place is distant eleven miles Irom Fre innnt’s discovery, ami is much llie richest o f the two deposits. Many large pieces have lieen recently found here, averaging from one to eight pounds pure gold. 'The finest pieces usually are w iir ll i idiom fifty cents, so you perceive lids is llie region o f ‘ b ig lum ps.’ "

A correspondent o f the N ew York Sunr w ritin g from San Francisco, Nov. 1, says:

“ F rom thu gold mines 1 hear vaiied ac­counts. Several friends o f mine who have re­turned from llie mines, says ll in t gold digging is very iia iih w o rk . Due says he averaged #16 a day for more (hall a iiiou lh , *hul,’ lie adds, ‘ 1 have dug cellars iu Suu Francisco a t #8 per day ; m i l l i n g is four limes harder work.*- and lie would rather remain here eurniiig #0 per iluv than return lo the mines.

'The ■ xpen-c ol’ liv ing at the mines is enor­mous; 1(1 rents a pound for hard bread, every th ing el.-e in proportion.

Several lum ber m ills have lieen erected in C a lifo rn ia , and are com m eiiriiig to semi lum ­ber in to iiuuk el. The Oregonians iiave mostly le ft the mines, ami are li irn iu g their allenliiiis to lumber. As u convincing p roo f that llie mines have been overrated, ihe Oregon men perle r re lum in g home and w orking iu lumber at from #75 to #100 per m oiilh , lu llie r llia ix remain in llie m ines, ami these, too, are ikon m e n , inured Hi (oil and privation. 'These aro facts for the gold dreamer w o ithy o f e.v«kid- e ra tio il.


L I M E R O C K G A Z E T T E .A F a m ily Jou rn al :

lOcvetid to Literature and General Intelligence.

PUBLISHED HVJ O 8 J P n j n ' E K .

BTz” A ll remittances and business communica­tions must f><» addressed in th«- Publisher.

TER MS.—One Dollar nnd fifty cents per Year Mi advance: or two Dollars when payment is de- Liyed until the close o f the Volume.

H ats OffT h e fo llow ing h in t, wo hnvo cnpicil by ro-

•quest, from n Now York paper, as it rnny prove useful to n few thoughtless hoys among us, who, i f not checked, inny form the habit com plained of, ami practice it hereafter when ihey m ight wish to Itc thought gentlemen.— Perhaps, too, these bills may now hs w e ll be . to ld to tako o ff the ir hats as soon ns they go in to church, which o f course they know ought j to ho done whonever they enter polite com­pany:

“ It is a mark o f rude manners nr culpable thoughtlessness when gentlemen wear their hats in the presence o f Indies, in any social circle. I t is decidedly vulgar. W hy is it not equally or more unbecoming to com mit such an net in n place o f public wm ship? Are tin re

For Ihc Lime Rock Gazette.The Georges Canal.

The franchise o f the Georges Canal was sold nt s h e riff ’s sale on Saturday last, to sat­isfy an cxocution ngninst the corporation, am eiiu tiiig to about $1,350, to a company for a period o f fo rty years. W e understand that several bids were made for it, the first bid be- ing for n period o f one hundred years. I f hut a tithe o f the anticipations o f the orig inal p ro­jectors o f th is im provement be realized, the purchasers o f the franchise have made n most excellent bargain. T ’hnt these anticipations w ill be realized, to n very grent degree, ( i f in ­deed not to the ir fu ll oxtent) can hardly be doubted. I t would be a serious reflection up­on the good judgm ent o f the projectors o f this enterprise, w hose reputations for business sk ill i stnnd deservedly high, to suppose they would invest the ir funds in a project In so large no amount as they have dune in this, i f it w ill not yield in fo rty years, a net income, thn paltry sum fo r which it has been sold. Hence, we in fer the purchasers hnve made a good bar- gain.

Much o f the wood and lumber to he trans­ported on the canal to W arren and Thomns-

not ladies there? And yet there are churches i ,nn> •’ " " ’I 1,0 hauled during the w in ter season (among them some attended by choice society) to its hnnks; hut smnll quantities, however,

D E A T H S .In Thomaston, hth inst., Rebecca Ann. only

daughter of W in. E and Sophia A. Whitney, aged 10 months and 22 di ys.

Weep alone henrt-broken mother,Heavy though thv burden be,

God has called for thv daughter While her fa ther’s far at sea.

Weep m» no’re, thv babe is taken 'l*o a far happier home.

Vy’ bete our NlYiur gladly look her With the joyful welcome, come.

j Ii a k T n e T T s T H

P o rt of E ast Tl'^irftstpn

A r r i v od.81I1, inst. sell. C.'ntcadnn. Pendletilmi. New-York.

Delnu-nre, Holbrook. New York.10th, ,Vandori. (new) Hatch. So Thom.11th, Martha Hall, Cobh. Wnldoboro’ .

Alfred. Pierre. P.irlou.Diamond. Siorcr, Portland.

S a i l e d -Rih inst ,sch. Hurd, Hawes. New York.9th, John, Sleeper, " 11

Sea Lion, Brown, "10th, Avenger. Sininntnn, "

bark Golden Age, (newt Arey, N. York. Passed hv die Martha Hall, I Hh lust , a sch.

from Frankfort, (cargo sugar hex shocks) ashore on (lite r Island l edge, bilged: her sails were f i r ­ing, and Ihc supposition is that she went on that morning.

I 'h f s t f c oil* l l r n r y C ltn [iE cN .1 To the Honor*)’ In Arnold B laivv. F. q . Judge of | Probate, within find for the County of Lincoln :

fcf J) KSPECTFULLY represents Afchihai.d M ’- K m \n. Jr Administrator of the Estate of

, H E N R Y CHA PLES, late o f St. George in said Countv. deceased, thi.. the Pcr^oant Estate of the sa.,1 tlcee.r - I i- not >uffi< • i.t by the sum of one . hundred and seventy dollars to nnsiier the jus, ! debts Which he* owed. — he therefore prays i Hm he j rnny be empowered .ml lieerred to sell so much

• of the Fell Estate of the said deceased m may | be sufficient to raise the said sum with incident I charge*; nml whereas, bv a partial sale o f any

| portion thereof the residue would be giCatlv jured, be prnvs that he may be * ••licensed to sell the whole thereof.

id I

A M ’K E L L ’ R .Ja. LINCOLN. SS. At a Probate Court held nt E.

Thotnnston. within find for the County of : coin, on the 15th day of November, A. D 1849. j ON the foregoing Petition, Ordered, that the said pe’ i,io,lets give notice to all persons inter-

; estrd in said Em ite. to appear a, a Com , of Pro­bate to be holdeu at Wiscasset on the second

j .Monday of January next, by causing a copy of aid Petition with this Order lobe published three

weeks sneeessivelv previous to said Court, in the Lime Rock Gazette, a newspaper printed in East Thomas,on, ARNOLD BLAN E Y, Jai/ge.

Attest. E dwin R. I I ovf.v, Register.A true eapv oT the Petition nnd Order thereon.

Attc.s J p ilw in S. Hovey, Register. 47


T R I U M P H A N T .

Si23 S, 8u B 5 S1' ?LINCOLN, SS -TV

rjfN tifb .N on aB Canal Company. and

C -elm'll i.l V - i . •■. - i - 4 xvi'1

rn.ln 'i i- i

where the benediction is no sooner pronounc­ed, than scores o f the huts in thv. house are ........ r „ r i .■ . , .th row n upon the ir owners’ l.eiols, who mnrch wn" 1 " f in the elite, prise, nnd toou t, in term ing ling w ith the feinule portion o f tipprehnnsions thnt trnnsportntin ii upon the the audience mill holding cm iversntim i w ith cnnitl m ight not prove soecessfol; w bile under

were hauled Inst w in ter, ow ing, it is said, to n

irreverence o f the practice the preacher should expose and rebuke. It is ctoingli for tile w r i­ter to suggest that gentlemen carry the ir po­liteness to church, nt least so tar as Io keep the ir heads uncovered while there.

the head o f the canal, and so from the ir local­ity , connection w ith the trade nnd acquain­tance w ith the wants of thnt section, It is be­lieved they w ill be able to give direction to a large business for the canal. Confidence in the concern w ill be secured and its business increnscd, nnd while the enterprise may not contribute d irectly to the immediate interests o f Enst Thom nston, it cannot fa il, we think, o f being o f vast service to neighbors, the mer­chants, lim e irin tiiifacturers and shipbuilders, o f Thomnston nnd W arren . §

P o rt of Thomnston.* it n t v k n .

Sih inst. Sch. Lticv Ano. .Tnmeson. Boston.Alabama, Copelntnl, Boston.

SAILED.8th inst. Ship Bell Rock. Pendleton, PL Or’cans

Ionian. Ranlett. do.10th. Arcadia. Counce, do.

Ca track, Snow, do.

South Thom aston.

K3” VVe w o uld direct the attention o f our lady rentiers to the “ Lecture” upon our fits! page to-day, from the pen o f M rs. Steph en s .It contains many useful hints to both married -and single ; nnd the young, in particu lar, may d ra w front it n valuahlo lesson.

K J ” T he Pr e s id e n ts ’ M essage had not __________________been received at the tim e o f going to press. ' Congress.T h e people must exercise the ir patience un til I W ash in gto n , D ec . 10.— The Senate met our wise Congressmen have settled their qntir- ( and l. T h e result t i f the balbitiugs fur Speaker i In the House the lin lla ting for Spanker I on M onday, w ill be found in another column. . was resumed. On the first ballot W in - |

thrnp had 102; Potter, 76; W ilm o t, 6; Green,

SAILED.Ultli tilt balk Emma Lincoln, (new, 300 tons,)

E. Bnrilctt. New Orleans.-lilt inst, brig Sarah \V Cushing, (new, 27-1 ions.)

Keating. New Orlenns.11th, bark Mary Adelin, (new, 338 tons-,) Spal­

ding. New Orleans.1 itn , bark Geo. Leslie, (new, 288 tuns,)Sleep­

er, New Orleans.

e o f Jc.«trpli Arnold Rlnnev, Esq.. Judge o f 'bin atul for the Countv of Lincoln.

rC TFU LLY represent E lijah Y oke. ininistrator of the Estate of JOSEPH

BRYANT, late of Union, in snid County, deceas­ed, That tip* Prrsonal Esta’ n o f the said deceased

’ - <i’ in o f thirteen hundred. hist debts which ho owed;

he then if iv prnv> thn* he innv be empowered and lirnticR,, »o Mq| sn njpcb nf the Real Estate o f the said deceased as niny be sufficient to raise the said '•nm with incidental charges. E L IJA H VOSE. LINCOLN. SS At a Probate Court held at

Warren, within and for the Countv of Lincoln, on the 14th dnv of November, A. D., 1849.ON the foregoing Petition. Ordered, Thnt the

said Petitioner give notice to all persons in ter­ested in said Estate, to appear at a Court of Pro­bate to be bolden a, Wiscasset on the 14,b day of Jnnunrv next, bv causing a copy o f said Petition with this order to be published three weeks suc­cessively previous to said Coutt. in the Lime Rock Gazette, a newspaper printed in E. Thom­aston. ARNOLD P,LANEY, Judge.

Attest. E dwin S. H ovf.y, Register, ship Wm. W irt. Samp. I A true copy of the Petition and Order thereon.

Attest. Edwin S. Hovey, Register. 47Ar. a, Mobile. 28,h nl,

son. Newcastle ; sch. Edwin Ross, Boston, viaPensacola. I ----------- —------- -------- — ............ ....................... -

Ar. nl lbis’on, 7lh inst. Brig llenrien. Paine, < E s la le o f C o i’tlv IillS Etdl>ill«OII

s in '* T i l ’ d '

n n tv

rj , <i,

n ml

nt ’ wo •t. Ii.1t,

I ’.e I, a-. I ail p,ot Gcinntubng, and re»:eivi,»u !• ?•». t l. ’s dnv fo ’d <»n Execution in fnvm id Jacob S lc jn 'd . d Wiliiam O Fuller of A t , le,on in the Cuuniy of

*’• ti ' i t.s s.u.i Gt’nrue.s Canal Company ns providcil in chapter 1 7 section 21: . of thii icv i'cd S atuies of Maine.


Ct'inteuiMsinnct's’ ai'olicc.'T ', ’ ('T'. i- herd v givi*n. t in t the sub-rritirrs

1x1 have been aptoiitic.l by the !!uu. Jtulge of lT.'bale i'.if the Coiiuiv of Lihcola, to iceeive ami examine the elaliim of the e r i- .lil.i- lu the L-tn ic Ot Genr:-e Hall, late of Soiuli ThomaMon. ill S ib l County ileeeaseil; wIiom* Estate is ichre* senteil insolvent. Ami six months from ih° I5ili .lav of Novel .he;. ate allowed by I Judge to the creililoi's. m la in " in ami prove their i liitns ,

F . I ’ I T from this PECU I.IA I! MODE of’ (km-e ” "ei,d to ihe re ivne assigned usa, the late rcMdence o, tin* D< cased in said South

| Ti.ninnston on the thin' Mondays o f December, Febuniy, and Apnl next, I'rotn one to four

I o’clock on ciicb of .said days.George E mery, )

T h e U n p a rAN

Rapidly Ireve;A T T I I E

C H EA P CASH STORE!2V<>. ID BSo’m r* ’ II lock.

Fully estfthlishes tlm FACT. Ihut this c»iab'i»t - went W IL L STAND UPON

IT S O W N M KBITS!and that it is DA’ LY

CSce jniint"; m ore P o p u la r

I P I S i i S I P I I i l S l s

K3“ E . M. 1’ k iih v , Esq., unit o f tlio Cn li- 1 'irn iii adventurers who le ft here in M arch last, returned by the Crescent C ity , making the passage from Sun Francisco to Thom nston in I th ir ty -e ig h t days. He was compelled to leave the country in consequence o f the fa ilu re o f his health ; those o f his companions w ith whom the clim ate agreed, were ‘doing w e ll. ’ : He w ill please accept our thanks for late Sun Francisco papers.

T he ‘ Man nt the Corner’ modestly su g -!

Rests the propriety o f benevolent ind ividuals’ shoveling the snow from the ir sidewalks.

K3” W e u nd erstand that a small boy, in

10; rest scattered among l-I candidates.Second b a llo t: W in th ro p , 103; Potter, 76:

W iln to t, 6; Green, 12. T o ta l, 224. Rest scattered.

T h ird ba llo t: W in th ro p , 101; Potter, 78; Gioen, 10; W ilm o t, 6. T o ta l, 224. Rest scattered.

The storm prevented farther communica­tion. A heavy snow-storm c irntncneed early last evening; lint now it is pleasant.

H o itatn t.E Su ffe r in g . T he last steamer from Liverpoo l brought a melancholy and a l­most unparalle led account o f shipwreck, suf­fering and dentil. Thn British brig South-

Gonnives. l l th tilt.,-sch Sarah M atilda ,of Clicks, port. Ilarding. N. York.

Ar. at New Oilcans. 27th t i l ’ ., barques Ellen Noyes, Lewis, Castine; I’nrio, Kinney, nnd A II Kimball, Sleeper. Thomaston. 30th ar. barquesE llio t,--------- , and Warren, McLellan,

Sch W illow. Dailey, from Thomnston bound to York River, with a cargo ol lime. '3 yoke oxen ami Id passengers, went ashore on Sunday last, about 4 I'M , 3 miles South ol the Sand Bridge.— i She cut away her masts and went up high and 1 dry, where she now lies, tl.e cargo, crew and passengers have been landed in safety

The Buoy on the north breaker of Ipswich B a r’ is reported to he missing. Also, that ih • Buoy on i the Great Fawn Bar in Broad Sound, beluw Bos-j ton harbor has gone adrift.

-sliding down h ill mt 1 ucsdity aftornooti, run Slocklon, o f Newcastle, from Quebec,sprinng o il ol a w harf, and was seriously in jured. ! n-leak in a heavy gain on the 11th o f October,

... , . , and not being able to work the pumps, she lie-1 he steam er Kennebec made her Iast t i •tr ip for the season, from the Penobscot to Bos- <COmO 'v»’ «r-><’ SR«-t- T h e crew put a eonsid-

ton on Monday last.

V3r Passengers, ;he present w in te r, w i

ruble quantity o f provisions, water, and otlie articles in a large bouse, wh ich the vessel had on decit, when, ju s t ns they had succeeded,

be ticketed from Bangor through to Boston, the vessel suddenly careened over on her beam by stage to W a te rv ille , and the rest o f the ends, nnd the master nnd a boy were washed

IllR . A W ES C A S f i - kA M achinest iu th e Boston Locomotive

W orks.Poston, January 12. 1S49.

Messrs, reddington a- c«».. s s*ai • >• .• Gentlemen — It is now about 14 months

since I commenced spitting blood anil raising bloody mnner, accompanied with a disagreeable cough nnd pain in my side. After employing doc­tors of good standing, without avail 1 was induc­ed to try Dr SCHENCK’S P U L M O N IC SYH- UP. of which 1 took as many as half a dozen bottles, which I bought nt your office in Siate-st., and found it henefitted me greatly. Two months since, howeves, I caught a severe cold, and the ymptoms above de;

i To the Honorable Arnold Rlaney, Esq., Judge of i Probate, within ami tor the County ot Lincoln,

*B_J ESPEUTFCLLY represent W illiam M al- i » "ti com Administrator ol' the Estate o f COR­NELIUS ROBINSON late o f Cushing in said

j county, deceased, that the Personal Estate of the , snid deceased is not sufficient by the sum of four ; hundred nnd twenty dollars to answer the just j debts which he owed: he therefore prays that he tuny lu* empowered and licensed to sell so much of the Real Estate of the said deceased ns may

i he sufficient to raise the said sum with incidental charges. WM- MALCOM.LINCOLN. SS. At a Probate Court held at

Thomaston, w ith in and for the County ol IJn- coln.on the llith day of November. A. D. 1849. ON the foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the

said Petitioners giyp notice to all pet-ons inter­ested in said Estate, to appear at a Court of Pro­bate l" be hid Jen at Wiscasset on the second Mon­day of January next by causing a copy of said Petition with this Order to be published three week* successively previous to said Court, in the Lime Roek Gaz um

ARNOLD BLANEY. Judge of Prolate. Attest, E dwin S H ovey, Register.

A true Copy of the Petition and Order thereon. Edwin S. Hovey, Reg. 47.

Ito cprininly derive tlia I I I ! A T F S T H I I F I T from this PECU I.IA I! ?

business! and we trust that OU1


Judging' For Thrmsclrcftrespecting the

S T Y L E , Q U A L IT Y A N D l ’R IC E S

Vlt/ krf kJ/ u.«w' kr' Vs/ ttner kcTSWe have just received

AIV JEAT1RF- N E W SIH ’P I aV ,ninkint’ nu f Sloek the L A R G E S T nml most D F .S IR A IH .F. ever bel’o rt' nfl’ereil in T H IS S P A T E , which we S H A L L C O N T IN U E T O S E L L nt our P R E S E N T

U N E X A M P L E D l a O W P R I C E S !

E very nrlie lu piife linseil nt this rstnblishtnrnt w ill Im

W A R R A N T E DP E R F E C T ,

and i f in any ease they slinnhl provn other­wise, they tuny he R E T U R N F .D , and

The Money will he Refunded!


Less than the Usual Prices!mid those who have visited the


that we F U L F I L L A L L W E 1’ R O .M lS E !


Hew can Goods lie, affoidcd so I ow?


is this: our Goods were purchasedSITT- r o s e r.S^SS^r-y^

\ AT AN AUCTION SACR IFICE; and our sys. tent o f trade is such, that we are enabled to sell

I nt prices which place at

Jnsttv,•. C. Adams. | Cotnuiissinnefs..Smith ’I humtuluti, NoV. 15th, 181'j.

W TO TlC te IS l l l '.B I ’.BY G IVEN. Tb. t t’ •LN? subscriber bus been duly appointed Admin- -s’ j ’ ioi of ilic l.-ta le n f (!eot” e \V. l ia r ’ , lata i, f St. George, in the C.utatv o f Lincoln, decra'. ed ; nnd has taken upon himself lhat trust, bv giv inc bonds the law directs. And nil per- sens having den amis upon ’he estate of the said George, are requited to exhibit the same, and all persons indebted to the said estate are called upon in make payment, JOHN WATTS, Jr.

Nov. 17, 1619.' nolO 3w

( 'a n te in fo m v I ' iscIomifc ,

ON or before the fifteenth o f Nov. last, a Heifer Calf: dark red with white face The

owner is requested to prove property, pay ebnrp- es nnd take her awny. J (HI N H. S M A LLE Y .

St. George, Dec. 4th, 1819. 40 3w.


g e o r g e s I n su r a n c e c o m p a n y . f |§ ^ H L Stockhulders of the Georges Insurance J j Company nre hereby notified tin t their fn -

tiuui meeting w iil be holdeu nt thetr < flice. in Tbomnstoh. on Monday, the 7ih day of January, 1850, nt 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of mak­ing choice of seven Directors, ami to ntteml to smdi other limitless as may legally come before said meeting.

GEORGE PRINCE, Secretary, Thomaston, Dec. 4. 1849. 4lj

S ING IiNG S C H O O L .G BLA1SDELL w ill commence a school

for instruction in the elementary prim* - , pies o f vocal music, nml proper eubivat*1 n o f t ’ e ' voice, on Saturday evening. Dee 8th. nt 7 «»*el( fk , iu the Hall recently fitted up for this purpose in Spofford’s Block.

T ehms of Tuition for twenty-four lesson*?—T.«i dies <5(1 cts., Gentlemen SI. 00. Tickets obt.n'tvd at the door, and nt Wakefield's and Alacoiril er’s.

JU V E N ILE SINGING SCHOOL.At the same pi ice. Saturday. 3 o’clock. P I\T.

Te'-ins for fifteen les«nns. book’ ami ticket 50 cts.East Thomnston, Dec. 5. 1849. 4t>

S (e:un E5o:tt iV olirc.AV I N T E II A It It A N <; E 21 E N T .

I , .

•way by ra ilroad, for <$4,50.

« / ” Persons who are inclined to m urm ur at

j overboard. T h e decks were swept o f every- i thing, including the house anti provisions, and the topmasts were carried awny when the ves-

their m u lt ip lic ity o f duties, w il l l,u b e tlrr cd.i - rig,)|R(, T hc „ ow t(|(,k , () tc n tc l w ith the ir lu t a fter rending the fo llo w - m„ , c „ cover ((f cnnv|ls ll|.ound l|)em

' to save them, ns much as possible, from the severity o f thn weather. In this state they remained eleven days w ithout any suhsistance,

ing description o f a southern ed ito r:“ He is not only his own compositor, p ress-! sf!VR|.i|v 1)f WPll,her. , his

man and devil, hut keeps tavern, is a village postmaster, town c le rk , captain o f the m ilit ia , mends his own hoots and shoes, is a pettifog- 1 excepting n very small quantity o f water, ger o f notorie ty, deals in red flannel, makes ; when one o f them died; they were under the patent Brnndeth pills , peddles essence ami tin „ enpssily o( „ f t|)pi|.Ware two days in a week, is parish sexton, and . . . .always preaches on Sunday when the m in ister | companion. 1 hey continued dropping one is absent, lu addition to this, he has a scold- by one, t i l l they were all dead hut Roberting w ile , sixteen uug ra le iu l and disobedient children, and a large circle o f needy aequain- timees, whom he eiiterta iiis.ou conditions tm- ikuow'ti by the pub lic .”

Seven D ays L ater fiio m E urope. The steamship Enropa, Captain I.o tt, from Liver-

Ilngg , ch ie f mate, nnd Henry Leslie, second mate, who sustained themselves by eating a small portion o f the ir companions, and d r in k ­ing their blond. T h e y were iu this deplora­ble situation tw enty-five ilnys, when, on the 5th o f November, they were fallen in w ith by

pool, arrived at Boston at about seven o'clock the barque Helen Thom pson, from St. John,on Tuesday m orning. T h e Eurupu le ft L iv erpool Nov. 24tli, and arrived at H a lifax at 5 .o’c lock, A. M ., 7th inst., and le ft 7.30 A. M. She brings seven days la ter intelligence.

The commercial news by ib is a rriva l, snys the Journal, is o f smite im portance. T h c cot­ton m arket lias been more quiet, ow ing to the conflic ting nature o f the advices by thc Europe and a decline o f one-fourth o f a penny per III. was established. T h e grain markets continue (InII and depressed. T h e accounts from tile m anufacturing districts were not encouraging.

N . IL , taken off, nnd carried to England.

Dll. COItllF.TS SAIlSAI'.AItlI.I..A, E F F E C T S W O N D E R S !

'Read ibis remarkable ease of John Davis, Sextan u f Itev. E ilirun l Tnylur'x Cliiirtli, llnsttiti.

I, the undersigned, Sexton of the Church ol that good uiaii. Father 7'(ry/or. sinie the tidlou iug facts which I think should he told a world. I was horn in I’orttignl, and am now loriy years of age My parents were healthy and I was not afllii ted by any disease until the year 1815. I was then re­siding in Boston. At that time my skin heeainc subject to a humor which nt last lieeaute sohiul as to alarm inyseif nnd friends. Severe sores nmlabscesses developed themselves; huge scars are

T h c high price o f cotton, coupled w ith a lin t- now deeply imprinted on my forehead nnd oilier iled demand fo r fuhrics, chucked the business l,alls 1,1 ' ” V body, and hv their excoriation indeti-

ted even lino the tame. About twelve mouthso f the inaiiufacturers.

Foreclosure.Gtf 5>CRL1C notice is hereby given of the M. o f ih<- undersigned. John C. Mink, ol Wal

dohoro’. by Mortgage, to three lots o f land, two ol which are situated in Waldoboro’ and one

ribed returned with more i Par(bV’n Waldoboro’ and partly in Warren, and I This entire Stock is FRESH severity, insomuch that I was forced to give up Liiicoln County, which said three lots of lor TH IS M A UK ET — ami ot' themy business altogether. This time the doctois | land were deeded to said John by Joseph Mink, [and CHOICEST STYLES !

>f said Wohloboro. by his deed of mortgagelated Dee. 23d, 1839. and recorded May 2d. IS 10

thought mine a very dangerous case; my friends considered me in extreme danger, and they re-


D E m W

A LL COM PETITION!!selected especially

commended a journey South. Happening in ro n -J ” (he Registry of Deeds at Wi-casse , in the versation with your book-keeper, to mention this ! Uounty o f Lincoln. Vol. 173. pa Refer- :circumstance, he suggested io me to go on to! ence to he hn.i to said mortgage deed ami to ihc Philadelphia, and see Dr. Schenck, which I did, i record ihereol at the said Registry, for a more and was fortunate enough to interest the Dr. in ! particular description of said three lots of land.— my case. He held out hopes ot a speedy curelie took me to his house, where he gave me

OUR STOCK o f Shawls, for Beauty, Rich­ness o f Styles and Quality, is



W IL L ler ve East Thomaston for Bangor on Tuesday, Nov. 27th. nt about 12 o’clock. M.. nnd w ill coniinne her winter trips, until further no­tice. us follows.— Leaving Easi Thomaston for Portland every Thursday and Monday, at about I 1 o’clock.

Ri ti n.NtNo— W ill ’.cave Portland for Thomns­ton. touching at all the landings on the river, io B a m i o r . (or ns far as the ice w ill perm it.) every Tuesday and Frida v, arriving nt East Thomaston at about twelve o’clock of the above days.

tC ^The 'I'. F. SECOR is the first boat thatU nrivalled by any in the S ta te !uv limit mr iu i i i ?» uuu-'T. wurie lie £UiYU me a i *•>»«• »n\ h i i i a i h h , i i m me oumu mwi ikja^u | .. . . i ........... - • -------- — .... . ....... .......number o f buttles of this Syrup, unt il a gather- has been broken by reason whereof he claims a *° Lnd,cs w,'° are about purchasing, we wmild ever attempted the enterpri e o f a Winter line on ing appeared an my side, which ripened and dis foreclosure of the same. sav.ihat by calling at our can obtain n this eoa<t; and to prove her safety and security,charged a great quantity of matter. From that Ins i R f i d l FjSfeSfiLOll«i!!)CC , the public are informed that she run the whole

And the said John C. M ink hereby gives public J i | notice that the condition in the same mortgage

moment I gained daily. I have returned to B ton. where I give you this statement, convinced o f the benefit of this great medicine, which under God's providence, has restored me to health again For Dr. Shenck’s hospitality and unremitting kindness to me. I can perhaps make no higher re­turn than this statement. I f von pn’»li>h this it may meet the eye of some others who, like me, have suffered all but death from eepsnmption, or diseases in the shape I have described, may be induced to avail themselves o f the virtue ami realize the full benefit, as I have J. R AMES.

We. the undersigned, are acquainted with Mr. Ames, and know this statement to he true, and the signa'urc genuine. Revel H ough,Buok-kceber o f the Boston Locomotive Works.

I saiah T i i .ston.Machinist at the Boston Locomotive Works.

G. J. Edwards.Machinist at the Boston Locomo'ive W

Attest;M anasseii H. Smith.

Waldoboro. Dee. 3. 1819

JOHN C. M IN K. mark

3\v 17

Police.W F having been appointed by the Judge of

Probate for thc County o f Lincoln, to re­ceive and examine the claims of tin* several

(•.editors lotl.e Estate of C A LVIN G. BUTLER, late of East Thomaston, ill the County o f Lincoln, deceased, whose estate is represented insolvent : hereby give notice that six months from the 15th dav o f November, 1849. lave been allowed to I conia strip ’ d, etc. ••aid creditors to bring in and prove their claims; | ——and that we will attend to the service assigned u •v Spoffiu-d’s brick building in the room opposite ( '’ ” i R a te ’s Ih c on the first Monday of March — ' ’• ' •• ‘ -■•' oufilav. the 4th day ol' May

( ’ (dock A. M., to five P 51. on

for about


WINTKR without tnxina u single trip!Fur Freight or Pns-aue apply to

JOSEPH FA R W E LL, Agent. Nov. 18 19 4 tiff

the price veil would pay lur AR TIC LE ELSEW H ER E .

f l ’e have eien/ variety u f Style; Cashmere long and square, from

$ 1 $ T OLong and Square BAY STA 1 E and P aid Simwis, printed Cashmere, Eng.

I m ported Nett, Li

N o t i c e .A 1.1. Persons haying Lots in the Burying

J I l . Ground at the “ Head (d’ lhe Buy.” (so call- ed. I in South Thomas,( n ate requested to call upou the subscriber tin th wit It and settle for the same : and those d»?s vine to in ’er in said ground hereafter, must consult me, at South Thomaston, or Joseph Farwell, Esq , at East Th una^ton. bc-

br< .1. ■ . n PETER IIA I.L .Fo. Thomaston.Dec. 1. 1549. 46*


artin-nt v Our Stoe

e invite SPECIAL AT- was bought nt

L e tte r from a Boston C le a g /m nBoston. Nov. I, I8|8

Messrs. Redding iV. Co. : Gentlemen — Having hail occasion to speak in public nearly every night fur several weeks past, (xomeiimes in the openair,) and having used your Shenck’s Puhymnie , ........................ . f __ t ____Syrup, I cannot deny myself the pleasure o f ten- } i ‘ ’ ‘<aie ter the County of Lincoln, to receive’ • • i- i I i i tut (‘xa m i n e ‘tiie claims o f the several creditorstiering to you this voluntary tribute to the worth .,,, (•s|3|e ()|- w i l . I . I A3I THOMAS, Em. late 'o f that article. I have proved it in various ways, ■ i-;,,,, TIunnaMon, in the County of Lincoln and

• JEREMI AH T i'I.M AN. ) „W ALTER E .T O f.M A N .j Co»’ n»!>Moners.

, Dated, this. 5th day of December, 1819. 47.

Commissioners' IVolicc.W E the subscribers, having been appointed

b; the lion , Arnold Blanev, Esq , Judge

One Ikilf the iisttnl Wholesale ra les!and w ill be sold at



------A T -------

O . IT. P E U R Y ’S

C L O T H IN G STO REyearly opposite Kimball Flock, F . Thomaston.

T i l l ' niiiuilinn of Purchasers u f R E AD Y­MADE CLOTHING is soliciied u> ifm

Establishment of O . II. P F I t l t Y , xvlm has list n- uriii-il finin Radon with a laige uuxl. fashionable assort ment of

tlem iif c.liatte f'fM lifiitfwhich he has had manufactured to order express­ly for his Store ; and he w ill keep cmiidauPy on

.band the L A RGE^T assnrttneitt ofChei’.p rn d rnehionnble Clothinnf

1 which for .style of Manufacture, Workmanship, Durability and C//E.11LYKSS cannot be found

i m aTiv oilier establishment in town.! STRANGERS visiting town w ill find it for their interest io look through ibis esmblishmefir'

1 before making I heir purchases, as I am prepared Io sell on favorable lerins ami n verv low>ria»s . As I purchase lor Cash I DEFY Cmnpe’^M ft •

The Stock consists, in part, of the fulldwmg arti , v iz—Brown. Pd’k, Drab. Pilot nnd Denver OvrR.SjtrRs

o « o u •< Vndet, *•Tweed. Cadrington and Satinet, “ <£Black Blue. Brown and Olive, F io-ck Coats.

• u “ pres.'s do.I Pi'ot Cloth Reefing Jackets.

Beaver •* “ *‘l Polka

Blue Short “B l’k Cassiiopie, (lined and unlined.) Pa»t«.

, Doeskin do “F'.ncv •< do “

• Blue. Blk. and Giav-nsix'd SatinetHenvv (lined) Pc ver Cloth u

Super. aeif SatinI asiing and Hob RoyY.•denei.i and Cloth. D ‘B.Silk, Colton and Worsted


o f every description.

n o 6 s i : - k sc!•:p b x « u c io n sin emlli'KS vurie ty.State o f Maine, deceased, represented insolvent,

hereby give notice that six months from tlie fifteenth day of November, 1819. are allowed said creditors, to bring in atul prove their claims:

mi- -rtipl that they will be iu se.s>i»)ii nt the Custom- House in East Thomaston, on the second Mon- lay of January. February and April; at the Of-

and feel entire confidence in commending it to public speakers, and a ll persons afflicted with coughs, colds, hoarseness, and diffcullies ol that desuripiiou. You are at liberty io use thi

. . solicited statement in any way that w ill relievany benefit from physicians who pre- i . A. ’• me, I resorted to the use of various ,htJ Miffer.ngs o f humanity.

since inv alUielinns secured increasing, Deep seal-T h u Canadian question is s till discussed iu ed sores o f the foulest character came

ilic 1) I i l iolt (

PiiovERUtf.— W e often hear people use the expression, ‘ ‘ S tu ff a cold and starve a feve r;” a id many th ink this pfati should he lite ra lly udopted, nnd proceed to act accordingly. I never properly understood the sense o f the proverb until one o f toy professional friends explained to me that there was an elipsis in the sentence, and that it should he understood my heath arm.- ami fat as a b r ie f way o f saying, “ Stuff' a cold anti you w ill have to starve a feve r;” that is, i f

arms, mv head, and even attacked my eyes. I became weak, emaciated, ami unable io perlorm thc duties o f life for mv daily bread. Failing o f

Sarsaparilla compounds, as advertised, bit', w iili no benefit. The able and dtslingnu.’upd surgeon and physician. James Aver, l i . D., Hnnover-sl . win, had vaulted my vase, at Inst advised my using Uorbeil’s Shakers' Sarsaparilla.

1 am now to state that my general health last iu ipioving, the seridulous developments on

quieliy passing away,nnd not until this moment have 1 had any hope of a rescue from the grave. ToCotbet’s Sarsu parilln dn I alone attribute this ntnendineot, as

you do not refra in fron t generous liv ing du- not until I bad adopted its use. (and this io mi­ring a cold, ten to one you w ill set up u fever " ll,e quantities.) have I for loin years fiiuud any

relict Irom suliering. JOHN DAVIS,Sexton of Rev. E. T. Taylor's Church.iu which you w ill have to abstain altogcthe

T ii is is certa in ly a more sensible reading o f it .— [C han d le r’s E d inbu rg Juuruul.

B uy C h e a f . W hen you are in Boston buy some urtieles o f c lo th ing at Oak (ta ll. The proof o f the ir selling chenf is that they furnishhundreds every day.

Several vessels which huve been advertised fo r C a lifo rn ia , at difierent ports huve been w ithdraw n.

T he Verm ont C e il. Bailroad is nnw com ­pleted to llichm oud , w ith in 13 miles o f liu r - SiugJoti.

The British Steamer Gore w ith 101) men o f tilt- B ritish r illo lirigade, bound to the scene o f tiro Into Indian disturbances, is supposed to have been lost on Lake Superior during a re­cent gale.

T im value o f the uuuianufaetured iron im ­parled into New l ot k, from the 1st o f M arch

Agents: I t . T . Si .oi i mii E . 'I homasioii; li. Weitierbee, AYarren; A. Sweellund, Goose River; A Young West Camden. Al-o, by agents thio’, out the Stale, 47 2w.

SOCIAL CLUB.The Teachers o f the several District Schools,

in this town, having formed a Social Club, for the purpose of improvement in r»a»ling. uikI the ie- view of simlies, hereby extend an invitation to the Ludie.N and Gentlemen o f this village, who wish io improve in Reading, to meet with them at the Cusiom House, Kimball Block’, on Satur­day evening next. Per. Order.

N O T IC E .Rev S. C Ft.sxr.NDKN wil deliver an Address

before the CADETS OF TEMPERANCE at ihe Congregational Meeting House, on Fitdav


Truly yours, CHARLES W. DENISON,Editor *• American Signal.”

The Proprietor respect fu lly offers his original Pulmonic Syrilp to the public as a cure for Coughs ! ( ’olds. Consumption, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, | Palpitation o f the Heart and Scrofula. Jl ha> been before the public upwards of twenty years, during winch time scarcely an individual has us- ‘ ed it without finding rebel. It ba- succeeded in 1 eases where all other lemedies had failed, and , the proprietor conscientiously believes, from its; if real success, that it is the best remedy for these ! diseases ever discovered. Having devoted his whole attention, for the last sixteen years, io the I treatment o f ConsumptKtn, Livei Goiuplaim. Dvs-I pepsin, nndall diseases of the Lungs and Respi-I ratorv Organs, he points to his great success, as | a sufficient guarantee to the public o f his skill and ahiluy. He denies that disease is incurable, ami adduces the foregoing le'timouv in proof of his pnxiiion. lbs unprecidehted cures ate based sofi’ly upon the merits o f nis Pulmonic Sy b it . and avoids the use o f Opium and other nareoli< s which are only administered to, but never to <///•«' the patient.

Price-- 81 per hottie, or ‘6 bottles for §5. Sold . wholesale tmd retail bv

REDDING A- CO , p.,ok sellers,No. H Slate Street, Boston. !

Agents; C. A. M \eoMV.i u a< I O B. F alks, E Thomaston; D. J S’arie it Thomasion; W. II Barnard and W. H. Wall

Dr. Shenck’s pamphlnext, at halt-past six o’clock. Parents, sumption and its cure, with

'uurdiuns und friends ate requested to attend.

MARRIAGESIo Fortlaud. 2‘Jtli t ill , bv Rev. Dr. Carruthtrs,

M rJo-iah L Thomas io Miss Elizabeth Parsons, . . , -c . i .a .. . • l •» Hope. 2d inst. Mr. Wm G. Wright, o f Dor-,to the l» to ( Septcndwr, 1849, s,x months, was che>leri , .0 M i, s c ,rufc G . Wbi1i. of t l n .

1?0 SB. I • ’InvtRe.

had gratis as above

W aldoboro.' i the tu.Pure o f < •eilifteales. can

47 5\be

HA L M A N A C S F O R 1 8 5 0 .OBINSON’S nnd Thomas* by d e hundred or

B Palmer’s Business Men’s Ahnanef. Ch/isdac A:frsr.?.c

Almanac, Bostonm» lb by

bee ol second day of four o’< pitrpos

in unv q u iii it iiy , nt uniip .ard of low prices . Heavy Brown Sheeting, 6 1-4 cents. F ine “ “ 6 3-4

“ Shirtings.|[in II Kennedy, in Waldoboro’ , on the

iday o f March and mi the first Mon- next, from nine o’clock A. M.. to > » > .• t • -rtP M , o f each of said days, for the OtllCP drticlen IU Proportion

5 to 6 1-4

receiving nml examining said claims H IN I I. KENN EDY, ) Commi'tsimi-

t A AC REED. J ers.Waldoboro,’ Dee. 6, 1819. 47 6w.

We w is h i t D is t in c t ly I lid e rs to o d ,thai \iT keep

G e o r g e . C a n a l C o m p a n y .rjl^N l̂ Annual Meelmg of the Stockholders of | ami ot’ these

DRY GOODS O N LYie Georges Canal Company will be holdeu

j l the office of George Abbott in Thoinasion. on Monday, die 1 hh day of January, A. D., Ic5(), at ti ll o'clock in die forenoon ;

1. 'I'o heur die report of Directors.2. To hear the report of ihe Treasurer3. To heur the report of anv Committees.4. To choose a Board of Directors. Treasurer,

atul Clerk, and such other officers us may he deemed important; nnd io tram-act anv other business that may come before snid meeting.

, Cider. ’ GEO. ABBOTT, Gleik.Thomnston. Dee. 5. 1K19. 3w47

A t o t i w ,


J A D M IR A L ,W IL L leave East ’l'homasion. Friday, Dec. 14th, at a bout 2 o'clock, P M . for Portland and Bos- tvn, d being her Iasi trip this season.

C. A MACOMBER, Agent.D< 11 -17 1;;.

<'upar<icc*c’»hip A ofit’e .r I 5l l l i ( ttiivviuni in bu-iaesv heretofore exist- j 1 iag helweea die uiuler'tqueil. is hv aiai i i' coii-cul dissolve.I. The ull'nirs o f the eouveri. IV. ill he settled by B. Wehh (’ounce.


C O M P L E T E A S S O R T ­M E N T . ' l l wlm arc u in p lii) i'i l in T H IS I’.s ta lili- liiiii iit, have been T H O R O U G H L Y E D U C A T E D

t i t tlie Sii'H ennnts T r in lr ,nml consequently are enabled to B L Y and S E L L such iiiereliaiidise according to their


T O < <H ATBS1 JII:B6CKA A T Sxx Im p iiiT lia^e lo r f 'as li

: li e c j/ iv U c lru u n t ii ia r y l i id u c e iu tn '. i! as xx e xx i l l sell in llm T riu lu


P R IC E S !D A N I E L S. F R A N C IS .

G e n tl

V est b .

A iarce lot of

i Ten’s Fiirnisliiiisi Goods*.

S^1 ’ 1‘ EKIOR W illi-Ion Hosiery (a heavy am lv i tor sale at llie Cheap M "ie 6 D. S FRANCIS.

I’. W invoices o f Shaxvis, Blankeis and Quilts o. xx- openinz c i the Cheep Store.


Boots Shd' . Hnijjan , ami a la rte iis-nrimeiii ofClo'.h in..'. Patent Lxather Dancing Pumps.

H '. a, and m brelD tFieneli Hals nml Caps; Silk-plush Cups. Blue

Clolh ai d Si'k do. Moleskin Hats, latest French Six' 'J'r.tiiks amt Yulices, Umbrellas. Ac.

G U N S, P I S T O L S, S.c.(Tz* The at 11-nt inn o f SPORTSMEN is directed

o his large assortment of G t'K S PIKTOI.MGon l.oi-ks. Tubes, Cvimd -rs. Capa, Powder.

; Flasks, Shot-Pouches. Ball-Mau ds, and everyc-.ker aruele {darted thereto.


Petition for Part it ion.TO Hon. Arnold Blaney, Judge of Probate,

within and for the Comity o f Lincoln :*■ ACOB S. U LM E R of E;i*t Thomaston in

O™ said County, respect fitly represents that he is seized as heir-at-law with others, to wit.-—G il­bert Ulnter, the heir of Enos S Ulmer, the hens of Asa Ulmer, the heirs of Hannah Bartlett, the heirs ol Eliza Spear. Polly Ulmer and Lticv Ri> hards, in the Real I'siate whereof Jacob Ul- tner. late of said East Thomaston, (the several co-tenants being the heirs-at-law to the said Ja­cob’s estate) died seized and possessed, an inven­tory whereof has been duly returned into the Pro­bate office, that the portion o f the said Jacob S. i Ulmer is one-eighth part of the whole o f said Estate, anil which he is desirous o f possessing in severalty. He therefore prays that your Hon would grant n warrant to suitable persons am, autho» iz«’ them to divide said Estate and to set oil’ to each lien Ins or their proportion o f the same.

Hated at East Thomaston this fourteenth day of November. A. D. 1849. J. S. ULM ER.

AT a Court o f Probate held a, East Thomaston in and for said County of Lincoln, on the loth dav of November A. H. 1819, upon the foregoing. p« t ’.ion it is Ordered,— That the said petitioner give notice to all persons interested, to appear at a Probate Court to be held at Wiscasset, within and for the said County of Lincoln, on the second Monday o f January. 1850: personal notice to be given to the several co-tenants, and heirs-at-law-, at least fourteen days before the setting o f said Court, and public notice to them ami all parties interested, by publishing this petition and the Order of Court thereon, in the Lime Koi k Gazette, a public Newspaper, printed in East Thomaston, in said County, three weeks successively, the last publication to be fourteen days before the setting o f said Court; such personal notice to he given to the Guardians o f the minor heirs, and of Mary or Polly Ulmer—a non compos person, one of said heirs—and I hereby appoint Charles Crock­ett of East Thomaston, Esquire, Guardian, add- item, of said non compos, and o f all the minor heirs who have not guardians, to show cause, if any’ they have, why the prayer of said Petitioner should not he granted.

ARNOLD B LA N E V . Judge of Probate.Attest, E dwin S. H ovf.y , Register.

A true Copy of the Petition and Order thereon.Edwin S. Hovey, Keg. 45.


No, I Holmes’ Block,Has just received a large assortment of

AV. I. Goods mid <4r©rorics,

Sole mid Vpper Leather.Also, an extensive nssoTtment of

IRON A N D S T E E L ,—— consisting o f------

English Round IronRefined Ain. and Eng. Hat, round and sq. Iron. Old Sable do.Swedes flat and square do.1-4, 3-8, 1-2. 5 -hi and 7-16 round refin’d do. Hoop and Band do.Norway Horse Nail RodsAmerican do do do.M itre Shoe Shapes American do.Sledge Moulds,Anchor Palmes3-4, 7-8 and 1 inc. Cast SteelIlalbaek SteelGerman doCorking do

A t W h o le sa le m ul I te tn i l .November 6. 1849. 3mn42


B. .1. S T A K It F T T ,

H AS now on hand the most extensive assort inent o f BOOKS, and articles belonging to I

the trade, to be found in town, and to be sold at a small advance on cost.

Subscriptions received for all tin’ principle 'Magazines ami papers in the country, at a great ' discount from regular prices. 41

One Moment, Ladies!




E. A. .JONES & C o .N o . 1, 'F r e m o n t R o w , B o st o n ,

H AVING made alterations in their Store . which have doubled their fotmer amount of room, w ill nowexhibit the LARGEST STOCK

OF GOODS in the City o f Coston, ntn K T A I I. K X C I. t l C I V E I. Y .

Never allowing our choice patterns to he selected by wholesale purchasers, we can oiler to Retail Customers the first selections o f our choicest goods, and at a smaller advance than i f we were obliged to •• make up” on buyers for cash the losses in bad debts.

Ever thankful to a discrim inating public for the patronage by which we have been enabled to reach our present position, the

The Summit of th e Boston R etai'we, this season, shall reciprocate the/J

oflering every variety o fN E W AND FASH ION A BLE


It Hill E ill BH It ! TH A TK E L L E Y & G O ’S.


IS put into the B o ttles the F ull S tren g th , w hile others are R ed u ­ced— so that it is six tim es as S trong as kinds that com e in Big

F O S T E R ’S MOUNTAIN C dirfPO FN fi [


T H E H A I R .


DAVIT, the public w ill learn the origin, or rather where the receipt lor making the stud' they enl Old P r Jacob Townsend's Stnsa pat ilia, earm from, and w ill be able In judge winch is the gen­uine and original, and o f the honesty of the met ' who are employed in selling it ns the original Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Dr. S. P. Town.-ent

the original proprietor and inventor of Dr

rade. I'nvor bv


Ic e s .1100 Cases New Silks and Salins,, the largest and best variety in the city, embracing all Colors, Qualities mid Prices, as BLACK,

Probate of* W illLINCOLN, SS: At a Court o f Probate lit hl at

Warren, w ith in ami lor the Conntv of Lincoln, on the 14th day o f November. A. D. 1849.

171DMUXD STARR ETT, named Executor in 24 a certain instrument purporting to be the Inst will and testament of

J O S E P H M IN K ,of Waldoborough, in said County,deceased, hav­ing presented the same for Probate, Ordered,— That the said Edmund Starrett give notice to all persons interested, by causing a copy of this or­der to be posted up in some public place in the town of Waldoborough. and by publishing the same in the Lime Rock Gazette, printed at East Thomaston, three weeks sueeessivelv. that they may appear at a Probate Court to be held a, W is­casset, in said County, on the 1 Ith dav o f Janu­ary next, and shew cause, i f any they have, why the said instrument should not lie proved, approv-


22 C O F N T IE S S L IP ,L aukin Snow, John T W hite , N E W YORK.

W i l l attend to purchasing and forw arding Produce. 15

C om m issioners' Notice.

W E having been aj,pointed by the Judge o f Probate for the County o f Lincoln, to

receive nnd examine the claims o f the several Creditors to the Estate o f CASSIMER LASH, late o f Thomaston, in the County o f Lincoln, de­ceased, whose Estate is represented insolvent: Hereby give notice that six months from the Kith dav o f November, 1819, have been allowed to said creditors to bring in and prove their claims; and that we w ill attend Io the service assigned usat the Thomaston Bank, on the third .Monday of .Innuary, March, nnd May next, from one to four

I and allowed nstlm Iasi w ill and testament of o'eloclc. P.M ., on each of said days.said deceased. ARNOLD B LA N E Y . fudge.

A 'rue copy. Attest.E dwin S. H ovey, Register. 45*

Dated, this. 19th day of Nov., 1849.JOHN D. BARNARD, ) Conimission- BEDER FALES, ers.

(fliistrilinn’K Sale.

Alexander m'callum or wafren. in the Gountv o f Lincoln Guardian of Levi

M ’Calltnn nnd W illiam James M ’Callum, minors Lincoln

C om m issioners’ Notice.A A ’ I'l having been appointed Commissioners V V by the Judge of Probate lo r the Gountv of

CHANGEABLE, STRIPED, PLAID , W A- TER ED, Arc., Arc.CRAPE SHAWLS, all colors and prices.

200 0 B llO C IIA A N D CASHMERE LO N G A N D S Q U A R E S H A W L S ,In all Colors and Qualities, nt Low Prices.


All Wool Cashmere Long Shawls $ 1 2 1000 P L A ID S H A W L S L ong & Sq r.,

From the Bay Stale, superior quality at 88, to the all wool Long Shawls at 82,51).

50 fu s e s French M eriuocs. T h ih ets, Ly. oliese C loth s, A lpacas nnd other

S tuff G oods,mostly of our own importation, at PRICES which


Cottons, L awns, Flannels, Cambrics, Arc. Arc., at the bottom of the market.

We still adhere strictly to nur old mottos. OURASSORTMENT IS UNSURPASSED, nnd we W IL L NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Examine our stock, Ladies, before purchasing.

FO Il C A SH O N L Y .asottr present prices w ill not allow ot our inking

any risk.

F . A . J O N E S &, C o..Tremont Row Silk and Shawl Store,

1, Trem ont Koiv, K omIo h .Nearly opposite /anil of llanovi r Street.

Goods sent to any part o f New England by the different Expresses, free o f expense to the

purchaser. 38 3tnoto receive and examine the claims of

and heirs-at-law o f W illiam M'Callum, late o f1 the several creditors o f JAM ES M ’ LE L L A N , said Warren, deceased, having a, a Probate Court , late o f Cushing, in said County, deceased, whose held at said Warren on the 11th day o f Nov. inst. estate is represented insolvent, give notice that been duly licensed by Hon. Arnold Blancy, six months, commencing on the 16th day o f No- Judge of Probate, in an 1 for said County, to sell vember. have been allowed to said creditors to at public or private sale, the Real Estate of said bring in and prove their claims; and that we w lil minor children; hereby gives netiue that he w ill | attend to the service assigned ns at the dwelling-sell at private sale at bis dwelling-house in said Warren, on the 15lh day of January next, and from time to time afterwards, w ithin one year from the date o f said license, the following real estate, situated in said Warren, the propelty of the said minors, viz.- One lot o f wood-land, con­taining fifteen acres, adjoining the Waldoboro’ line; one lot of about one-half acre, with a house and wood-house thereon, on the Union road; and one lot of wood-land containing fourteen and one ha lf acres, part of the lot formerly owned by John M ’Cnllum, deceased.

A LE X A N D E R M ’CALLU M . Warren, Nov. 23d. 1849. 45

house o f Capt. John M ’Intyre, in Ctishin. , the 16th day o f March, ami on the 16th day of May next, front one to five o’clock, P. I\T.

ROBERT GAY, ) Cointnission- ISAAC W IL E Y , j ers.

Cushing, Nov. 16, IS!!). 4.5.

H E N R Y K E L S E Y & CO .S H I P A G E N T S ,

ANDCo » i mi i s s »o n . I S c f c h a n I s

N O . 11 S F E A S ’S W H A R F ,33)

W o

S H IP BR O K ER ,(Oiniiiissioiici'ts’’E the subscribers, having been appointed ‘ C 0 M M I S 1 0 N M E R C 1IA N T

Y V b; the lio n . Arnold Blnney, Esq , Judge S / i V / O V J.1 O '

Sheriffs Sale.T 1NC0LV, SS. November 21th, 1819.

rS p AKE \ on Execution wherein John .Spofford .3 i< Creditor, and against John L. Mallett

and will he sold at. Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 29th dav ol December, A. D.. 1819. at two of the clock in the afternoon, at the Commercial House in East Thomaston — all the right in equity which the said John L Mallett has or had at the time o f the attachment on the original writ, o f redeeming a certain par­cel of Real Estate, with the buildings thereon, situated in Warren amt known as the •• Old Tav­ern Stand.” Also, the land with the buildings, thereon, situated in East Thomaston, opposite the Baptist Aleetinghouse, all in said County; and mortgaged to John Spofford and others, recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the Eastern District for said Countv of Lincoln, October 10th. 5 o’­clock, P. M.. IS 13. Also mortgaged to Philips A’ Mosley and recorded in the same Registry. November 10th. 1 o’clock, P. M . 1813, to which reference may be bad fo; a lu ll ilescription of the same. CHA’S A. SYLVESTER, Dep’ t Sb’fL

Nov, 45 3w

of Probate for the County of Lincoln, to receive and examine the claims o f the several creditors n. the Estate o f C A LV IN TOLM AN, Jr., la tenf East Thomaston, in said county, deceased, repre­sented insolvent, hereby give notice that six months from the fifteenth day o f November, 1819, are allowed to said creditors, to bring in and prove their claims: and that .ve w ill attend that service at the Selectmen’s Office, in said East Thomaston on the second Wednesday o f Februa. rv and May, next, from one t i l l four o’clock I’ .51. of said dnvs.

N A 'T II’L M ESE R V EY, ) Commission- JOI1N BIRD. j ers.

East Thomaston, Nov. 15, 1819 45.

■WTOTICE is hereby given, lhal the subscriber 1 has been dulv appointed Administrator o f the Estate o f ALFR E D A KE R M AN , late o f Thom- aston, ill the County o f Lincoln, deceased,—and has taken upon himsell that trust, by giving I bonds as the law directs. And all persons hav-, ing demands upon the Estate o f the said Aker- ’ man are required to exhibit the same, and all persons indebted Io the said Estate nrecallud up- ] on to make payment. J. D. BARNARD. !

Thomaston, Nov. If) 45.


S ta le o l YGainc.Thomaston, Nov. 16, P L

LINCOLN, SS.,rE lH U undersigned having bi H Commissioners, lo receive and examinethe claims of the several Creditors Io the Lslale of JOEL M IL L E R , late o f Thomaston, deceas­ed, represented insolvent: that notice r hereby given to said creditors to bring in their claims and prove their debts,—six months only from the dale hereof, being allowed for lhal purpose.

The Commissioners w ill be at the Thomaston Bank, to receive the said chums, oil the following days, v iz ;On the first Tuesday o f Dee., 1849, at 10, A 31.

.. April 1850,16ih day o f May. “ 4‘ “

By order of Ron A. Blankv. Judge ol Probate.JOHN D. BARNARD, j Commission- lU C U ’ D ROBINSON, j ers.

II K winter Term w ill commence on Monday December 10th, under the instruction of Mr.

II. Paine , the gentleman who has had charge o f ihe Institution for the last Term. Mr. P. is well known as an experienced nnd successful teacher,

land mulct his care we feel a confidence in rec- n appointed ,,in,n‘-9iding the school to the patronage of the

public. Per order o f the Committee.Thomaston, Nov. 29th. 1849.

M f l 'T IC i : is hereby ship heretofore

I> issliilion .jiven, that the Co-partner- xisting between the siib-

xy dissolved by mutual consent.

PtiiDbEroitri .V. Gav, W.m. C n a urn ee. Cohen,Norris,Jc co.

Sept. 27, 181'.).



Ciotli- Glazed Silk and Fancy CapsOF EVERY DESCRIPTION. — ALSO,

01 till kinds, constantly on hand,No. 15 W ash ing ton S treet.

ROSTO. 31[EZ- Orders solicited, and promptly attended to

A. W . 11 A K S II .U T C H E R ,B

M O B IL E M A R K E T , M OBILE, Ala.

| * ,.* SHIPS, Steamboats, Hotels and Families,supplied on as reasonable terms and at as shortnotice as possible.

Sept. 10Your patronage is solieiied.

fun. 31.

L A W N O T I C E . .L O W E L L & F O S T E R ,

A ttorneys and Couselors a t Law-E A S T 1 M M A S T O N , DVT.

W IL L priwi'eu iu all the Courts, and ntlenil exclusively J.i Jhe business ol' “heir profession. I’ is intend ed ba one or be other of the firm shall always lie at the office, with suitable assist­ants to attend lo the eolleeton of demands, amt

All persons indebted to us are requested to call the correspondence o f the ollice. while the scr­um! settle and all persons havingdemands against vices o f the other partner may at the >ame time the firm arc requested to present them immedi- tune be had at the courts t»r hi litigated business.

C oininiM M oiicr’g .’X’o lice .

W E having been appointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Lincoln, to re

ceive and examine the claims o f the • \t ‘ et editors to the Estate o f JOSEPH DREW, laic of South Thomaston, in the County of Lin- <-ln.

M lc eased, whose e .tate is rcpiesentol insolvent . I hereby give notice that six monihs from ihe itjth { day of November. IS 19. lave been allowed to said creditors to bring in and prove iheir cla im s’ I ami that we w ill attend to ihe seiviec a ligned Us at the house o f lb der Kales, in Thomaston, on I ,,,, jiand the thud Wednesdays ol January ami •>y I \\’ | ( ’ 1<S. Cv< next, from one to five o’clock, P. M., on each ol ; Thomastfsaid days. I _______ ...

Dated, this, 19th day ol November, 161 B E D LIl FA LLS . IO LIVER ROBBINS. )


E. Tboinaslon, Nov, 13lli, 1849. Liwti

I .K .’I I T ! L I G H t T T ”

I E you want a LIG H T which is far superior to Oil, and affords you a saving in limo and

old rags to secure neatness, call onG . I. R O B I N S O N ,

A .), 3 , Jordan's Block, Thomaston; and you can be furnished with the

B U R N I N G F L U I D .A safe and Superior article, and equully as cheap as oil.

lie linen,Is to keep the above article conslnnlly Also a supply o f LAMPS, TUBES,

Nov. 29 15

U o m n iis s A .M l

D u e ( f l i t IS en a i'ii■W W TiLL be given loony pel son. who - I , i l l

turn to the uL- rd . i .m In '• n:. 1 App itice mimed FRANCIS 31. I IH O ir d»N about nineteen. Ami this is to furbi 1 all p. i n harboring or trusting Inin on my account, as shall pay no debts o f hi;

HIo l id '1 lit short


Ifl.'tK.iHUc l la lt v i ’iCM ,.1 PDA I I .1 T I S OF E V E R E U E S C R IP - I

T io.N T i l ILLU S TR A TE\(I \ L T IS M . Galvanism.Elcctro-dynainies, i

Elccii(i-magnetism. Magneto-electricity, ;o-electricity, on hand or furnished at

nice by ’ R. T SLOCO.MB,5, E iinbal Block.

G Y R U S G O W I '. N .UUP a, Nov 23, I" I'.1

"W ruT IC E is liercoy ■: \ > i. that I l . i - id •Inis been dulv uppnihb I f si ,’Uloi .a Hie

la i w ill Ac. o f 51AR V DR Ah I Ime ot Uomn, in the County o f Eun ola, d ,. n.i r.l mol In tak- eii upon luui-c lt that trust, by giving bomb, us the law directs. And all prison- bavin.' de­mands upon the e late of the .-.aid Alary arc re­quired io exhibit the same, and all persons in ­debted to the said e.'lule a le eallcd upon to make

„ i EPHR AIM 11. HARKNESS6 1649 15*

Fianu Furlc\ L I ’ , a Boston made Piano of line tone

louble Bass\ i") of ex- client tone, and several Violins at dif- i- icnt , i i i . ( s Apply to J. COLLINS.biniU i!l P ." k, over the store o f .Mr. Slocomb.

Oct. 31. 41 3\v.

E X P R E S S !BRYANT S & CO Boston and B angor Ex-

pn - leaves East T homaston, per Steamer Ken- x uij for Boston every AU ndav and Tburs- lay at 4 1-2 o’clock i*. M. For Bangor every Wednesday and Saturday ai oo ’clock A. BL

(Tx*Business o f a ll kinds attended lo with

B t ’’ " 11fl and in pcrlect order; als

BLACKING ... , Promptness and desoatcb - uitien . 1 , , ,n .n 1 ,Jane 14 1849. U

■ ’-as

17IOR beauiifvinti, curling, s«rf(eri»Wg, darken- Townsend's Snjsnpatilia, nnd his medicine ha 2 ing, Ladies' Toilet use, Ace. For removing gained a repnlatiurr that ab other remedy eve-r ,» I | | r , ’ \ Dandruff, eradicating disease from the skin, gained. Ife m'antilaetuicd over one million bo

l l o t t l C S , <111(1 OCm'R 1 WO vtH R riS cleansing, rendering the most dry nnd turbulent ties last year, and is manufacturing nt presm o f W a t e r t o e a c h o t t l e , a n d i sS uperio r then to any S A R S A ­P A R I L L A in use.SIC K FO LK S W ANT TO R E C I I K E D !To trifle with their pains by oflering a thing of no use. and worse too, which is now so common, is very cruel, nnd no decent man w ill do it. Nature means that you shall be cured by the aid of Med­icine, and you don't care one straw whether Sar­saparilla comes irt a quart bottle or a smaller erne.The question is, “ w ill it cure ?— Is it what I need?W ill it stop tny nufl’ering nnd make me well again? The Sarsaparilla that is strong enough to do this all you can have, or sk for. Remember that

Two Quarts of Cold Water!put to a bottle o f ibis Snrenpnrilla makes Two and a H a lf Q uarts thatis stronger than any soln.Bui K E L L E Y A; CO. prefer to sell the article PURE, nnd leave it for those who use it Io add the Waler, themselves, i f the choose, so that they

Hair soli and silky, this article is infallible and 5,000 bottles per day. Wfc use more Sarsaparil unrivalled. Otic application w ill keep the l ln ir , la and Yellow Dock in our eslnnlikhtrlenl each day moitl a week or more, and no substance is left than all the other Sarsaparilla Manufacturers in to soil airy article of dress. To Ladies it is in- the world. Principal Office, 12(5 Pnltoh-sl. vnlunble, as it keeps the parting o f the headclean, and gives the lln ir a splendid lustre. It is the greatest au»ilinry of the toilet in curling and j giving beauty to the form of dressing the Hair | ever invented. Gentlemen nnd Ladies find it


indespetisnble lor cleansing and purifying the scalps, nnd prcrcntlngkhe hair from fa lling off. I l restores the hair in bald places, dissipates all debility or heal of the skin, or pain In the head. To hair which is stinted nr thin, this Compound rc-invigorntcs the original v ita lity of ’ he roots, causes it to grow thicker and to its nnttttal length

City and County of New York, ss. W illiam A unstrung, o f the said city, being duly

sworn; doth depose and say that he is a practical Druggist nnd Chemist. That some lime in the. latter pnrt o f May, or first o f June, 1848, a man by the name of Jacob Townsend, who nt that time was a book and pamnhlet pedlar, called upon de­ponent nt the house of Mr. Thompson, No. 42, Hudson street, where deponent resided, nnd re­quested deponent to make a recipe by which

changes its deadened texture to a luxuriant and ,nnge a Jtyrnp of Sarsaparilla. Deponent farther hue and provents .1 Irom drying or became acquainted with Townsend,lading I or children and young Misses it eon- n/ „ lc „ nicc T |lc()(lorc Kesler, Fsq., Book Pith firms the permanence and stability or the l ln ir in , ish(,r> w||h whom snj(, T(iwllscnd (|en|,. That ' alter file. said Townsend bad had Ircquent conversation.-,'

A ll persons, who can appreciate a good beau deponent respecting the lflnntilnettire of nn ’’ol lln ir .o rw is h tn preserve it or restore ,t where nrticie ,,l Sarsaparilla to be sold nutlet the linin'. ' it is lost, should avail tnemselvcs ol this sover oJ- p r rpownscnd<

That said Townsend stated that lie was an old. man and poor, and was not fit for hard labor—

have no use lor the big bottles, as they cntiT eign remedy. The press universally has spokenhave the face to sell nature's free beverage anil ; m its lavor in the highest terms. Many tlious- .......... „ it Sarsaparilla. Adam's Ale isn't Sar-apa- ' nnd persons, who can testily, have had their hair ant, washed to make some money, in order Io live -ilia . They arc not of those who think every "tie ! completely restored by using the Mountain Com- ; ensy jn j, js „ , (| ,,nvS| nn(, ,hnl i f Snrsnpnrilln, un­is fit to minister to the sick by making for them pound. ■ , , .. der the name of Townsend, sold so well, nnd soSnrsapai ilia, but go upon the principle that a man i I lie sales o f this article have inerensed from money was made by it, he could see nomust not only know hmv, hut have the honesty ; 20.01)0 to .lO.OOIl bottles in one year, and the in- ieas,,n why he might not make something out o fto do it. This is wliy this Sarsnparilla has done ''teasing demand denotes a s till grenler sale. .............. . . .so much inure to relieve sick and afflicted persons ■ _ A Physiokigihal I'^ssay, jtn d directions by thethan nil other kinds. An eminent member

it too, (his name being Townsend,) i f he could get a capable person io prepare a recipe, nnd man-

Of a Medical Collegesays that “ The Conccnlralcil Extract <»f Sarsa parilla, prepared by Messrs K E L L E Y N: CO. is a Medicine of G reat V alue mid Superior Ex cellence’ an(l 1 ani confirmed in this belief by comparing it with several other preparations of Sarsaparilla. P. C LEAY ELA N D ,

Professor of Chemistry anil Materia Merlira,fiowduiu CollegeP

TH E way this Sarsaparilla come to be discov­ered, was by an effort of skill and perseverance to produce a Medicine that would cure certain well known CHRONIC DISEASES S E V E R E P A IN A N D S U F F E R IN G !

Proprietor, 11. \\ . I* OS I LR, of Lowell, is en- u fjvCi nrc p for him. Deponent in one of thecon-I closed with every bottle. I versaiions asked said Townsend i f lie was re-

I his Gornpound is purely vegetable, and the |a|C(| t,, g t p. Townsend, to which he replied. Proprietor has studiously avoided all agents dry- t,ia l |,p |{ne\v Dr. S. P. Townsend would be down ing or deleterious in this composition, and es- on after he should commence. But that liepecially those heating ones which neressan/y com- (li(l nol care for binK as he had fnnn(.d a co.pnrl. bine any ol the clear perfect mixtures and mostly nershipwith men who could furnish the requisite alcoholic hair preparations. amount o f capital — and was well prepared to

The following short paragraph speaks wnat defend himself against any attack that might be the general sentiment ol the press has said uni- , ,nade on }lllnversa 1 ly : . • . ! Deponent further says, that pursuant to ihe rei

Foster s Mountain Compound has obtained an quest o f said Jacob ’Townsend, he wrote a reeipsenviable reputation, and we recommend a trial o f it to those who wish such an article as it pro fesses to he.” — [Bost. Mer. Jour

for the manufacture of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla and gave it to him. Ssid Townsend observed ba­be wanted to make a specimen to exhibit to he

Boston. . . . . . . , , . . ■ Agents,— R. T. SLOCOMB, E. Thorrnston; C

ami which t was sni.I never eon hi be cured, as PRINCE Thomaston. 25everything had been tried without doing any ______ ____________________________ _______good. But the desire so strong ever to relieve i -i t , i •the sufferings o f a fellow being, kept up the oxer- B il lk c ’S P n lC Ilt F irO pT O O f P ll i l l tiion until the Sarsaparilla was done. The Sarsa­parilla cured them first rate ; nnd this caused great opposition from those whose Sarsaparillns were thus shown to be good for nothing, for they had all been tried.

Cure of Jaundice and Liver complaint.“ Messrs K ei.i .v 4- Co. I have much pleasure

to the superior aunlifie.*

Sold \ \ fiolesale and Retail by S. W. F <wle, pa -mei*s for their approval, ns he wished to g ia t- ify them in everything, as they furnished all the capital—said Townsend also told deponent thm the hotties they were to use were to he of the same size and shape as Pr S. P. Townsend’s and de­ponent, at the request o f said Jacob Townsend, went to the office of Dr. S. P. Townsend, and pro­cured one o f his labels.

And deponent further says, that he has been informed, and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsa-HIS

F R O M O H IO .SING ULAR and V A LU A B LE sub-T stance is sold in fine powder, then mixed p\VrYlla\'7,dd im ^Bd'.laeo'i.'To« nseiid's is made

with linseed oil to the consistency o f thick paint H,,er j be recipe furnished by dep< nent, to Jacob- ami applied with a brush, and after an exposure ’pO\vnsend as aforesaid.o f a I? w mot,lbs to the atmosphere, this contins becomes a petTect SLATE, protecting whatever is covered from the action of tiif. W eather and

your Snrsaparilla in the cure o f A UNDICE and , from F IR E . Il is a mineral substance, ami has L IV E R CO.MPLAINT. Having made trial of been found upon analyzalion by Dr. Chilton, of

| several highly reputed preparations of Sarsaparil- ! ihe city o f New York, to consist o f latger propor- i la for these diseases with was with but lions of Silica Alumina, I’ rot. Oxide of Iron, nodliltle hope o f benefit that I commenced a course Magnesia, with lesser of Lime and Carbon. It

I o f yours. But I am happy to say that I have ex- is used extensively for covering fold's o f either end’s Sarsaparilla is the original. The followmperieneed the most satisfactory effects from its shingles, matched boards, tin, zilic, sheet-iron or is from some of the most lespeetalde pnper. Iuse, and that the recommendations ol Physicians 1 thick paper; if your shingles have been on for this Slate, and others which induced me to try it, have been years, you have only to sweep off' the moss and

in bearing witnes

And further deponent saiili not.W IL L IA M ARMSTRONG.

Sworn to before me, this 2 till day of May,IS I'.).S. C WOODHULL.

Mayor of the City of New York.r m x n i ,u o i)n

Here is proof conclusive lhal Dr. S. P. Tnwns-

more than justified. H E N R Y E .D A Y .“ Portland, Ale., an 15, 181G.’ ;

Canker. Important Cure.“ .Messrs K eeley, & Co. I was afflicted three

years with CANKER in my STOMACH and THRO AT. I tried the other kinds of Sr s p - rilla and the best medical attendants I could get. without effect. Ulcers bad formed outside my throat, and I could not speak so as to be under­stood. for my voice was entirely gone. I used your Sarsaparilla, and it effected a perfect cure, and it is about a year ago that this care was made, and I have bad no symptoms o f the dis­ease since. MOSES PIN K H A 5I.

Humors in the Blood cured,“ Messrs. K elley & Co. Your Sarsnparilla

lias cured me ot a most painful and corroding IIU5.I0R. My blood laid been long time ill a bad state, which so infected my system with the poison, that the H u m or broke out in tny Scalp, covering my bead with sores, which extended over my body. I l cured me in a short time, al­though I was much reduced iu health and strength when I commenced using it. 1 can recommend your Sarsaparilla ar ihe most valuable Medicine in use for P U R IF Y IN G T l lE BLOOD.

JACOB S. PARSONSKennebunk, Me., Oct. 9, 1818.”

G EN ERA L DEPOT.IOS, M iddle S treet, P O K T I.A N D .

For sale in East Thomaston by 1. K. Kimball R. T. Slocomb, Chas. A. Mncomber: Thomaston T. Fogg, P. Keegan; Rlackinton's Corner, John Bird; S. Thomaston, Geo. Peirce; Warren. S. Weiberbee; Camden, J. II. Estabrook; Waldobo- rougb, W. II. Barnard and E. Kaler.

RANKIN & WII1T0CK,Commission M erchants and Ship Brokers,


W OULD give notice to Shippers of Lime, owners o f vessels, and other friends in

Last, West and South Thomaston, that they still carry on a

G eneral Com m ission B u sin ess,j an I are prepared to transact all business entrusted ohiheir care, thanking them lor their liberal pat- itnage, they solicit its continuance.

m A ll communications directed to our care, w ill b immediately lorwarded lu the vessel to which

| etey belong. i f 38

tCr^O FFK'E: JJo %. K im ball Block ^fnin-st.Ilts-r.v I LOWELL. J .MLS o. L. I'OWrBIl.

E. Thomaston, Sept. I, 1619. 3 | i f


SHIPPING AG NTS, I f No. 6 7, Gravier Street, near B a ils place,

N E W O R L E A N S , L a. ,W.m. J. Dewey, Wm. A. Cj.a iik .

(Ez*Panicular attention paid to sales o f Hay Lime, Lumber, Salt, Ate. limo 38.

F lour ami Corn M E A L , P O R K , L A R D . H A M S ,

together with an assortment otW . 1. G O O D S Si. G R O C E R I E S ,

for sale at theL O W E S T P R I C E S ,

at Ihe elore recently occupied bv Dennis A: Ila. retl. S. L IT C H F IE LD .

(L/^Sronior., lor a ll kinds ol goods, (liquors pled). s . L

April 18,

A H G IJK T AlS lf

D Y E I I O I S E ,PH IN N E Y & CO. Silk and W oolen Dyers,

North Enil u f Water Street,Al'G U S ’l A, Me.,

DYE and Finish all kinds o f Silk nnd Woolen Goods, with nearness and dispatch.AII orders left with Miss E. A. A C. B.

Asiiiu.i.. w ill be promptly attended to. uue,3d, 1819 20 lf

S H I P S P I K E s------and------

» A 1C AAD U O I/F U K )r o ll SALE LY

P H IL L IP S A’ M O SU L E Y ,62 lo 66, Broad S tree t: : : B O S T O N .

Colton Duck'ired toFactories, at Boston

F J IH L Subscriber is prepared to furnish Duckfrom the followm

prices,—Old Colony,N op tooo ,A ine iicu ii P ilo t,


Shawm ut,C’ liil io n ,N. Etig lum l,


Marine, Fire. Life and Health In- surance.

rBNHi: subscriber w ill give his nltenli a lo ia- sal ine iigainsi Alarine nnd Fire risks tor

prompt paving Companies, find w ill also ntlend to Life and Health Insurance for the lie-t Com­panies. J. C. COCHRAN.

East Thomaston, Aug. 20, 1619. 31

M’A I.IS T K K ’Si l l l - l l c i i l in i i O in tu ie n t.

■ ESTORES perspiration iu the system.


lYew Yrk Daily Suu.Dr. T ownsend’s extraordinary ndveiiisemem,

which occupies an entire page of the .Si n. w ill not hscape notice. Dr. 8. P. 'Idwnsend. v ho is the' isrigininipropiie loi of Dr. Townsend's Saisnparil- la ,nna whose ollice is next door to ours, where he oas been for several years, is driving an immense (lusiness. He receives no less than four hundred eozen of Sarsaparilla per day. ami even this enor , oils quantity does not supply the demand. No' hedicine ever gained so great a popularity as

bds preparation of Sarsaparillv This medicine in exported to the Canadas, West Indies, South Auu.-ri oa and urope, in considerable quantities, and is coining into gene 1 use in those countries as well as here.

The Golden Rule,The Oild Fellow’s paper, publishes the follow ing;

Sarsaparilla. Among ihe numerous extrocts o f this highly medical root. Brother Townsend's bears the palm of superiority. It is indeed an excellent fam ily medicine, and having used it in our own family with decided advantage, we can recommend n with perfect success.

D ru ggists,In our opinion, any Druggist or shopkeeper u lio

would sell the spurious Sarsaparilla, because they can make a greater profit by it than they can by selling the genuine, and sell ii for ihe original and'

enuine Dr Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, ami deceive iheir customers, would commit any train! for

— [money. Such men have no honor and shouhf1 Duck, Duck. [no. betruHcd.

Cotton Duck from the R ockport Steam M ill1 „ r i l „ r ' " ‘’ .'CJu sarsnparilla for the

r i l H I ’. untlcr.-.igneff, having been appointed, by genuine and original Dr Townsend')., thiit is not the Company, Agents for the sale ot a por- ; .signed bv S. I1. Townsend, commits a fraud, amt

lion o f the Duck manufactured at the above es- [ swindles'lhe customers. Men that would be gnil- tablislitnent, are prepared to execute orders for : ty „p s,„.|, act would commit any oilier liaud;all numbers at the Lowest Phice atttliorized by I - - 1 - 1....... : .................... ■■:......... ..............the corporation. Persons desirous o f procuring

lint, with a stiff'broom, amt cover with two or three good coats and in a few months you have a perfect slate roof, impervious to the action o f the weather anti lire. There is nothing equal lo it lor steamboat and car decks, anil for nil kinds ol' iron, as it forms a coating nearly as hnrd as the iron itself, nnd never cleaves off'. It should lie used for everything that you wisli to protect from fire and weather.

In some places, a spurious article has been sold as the genuine, therefore purchasers should be careful to buy o f authorized Agents.

Ever. Bbl. is marked “ Itlnkc's F ire-P roof Pnint."

The above Paint is for sale by FRANCIS COBB, Agent lor East Thomaston and vicinity.

Aug. 29

D R . F R Y E ,

W O U L D respectfully in form his friend« that though he is necessarily uwny

from his ollice much o f his tim e, he is fre­quently there, uml nil orders le ft on thn slate at his ollice door w ill be prom ptly attended to.

H is slate w ill in form where lie is w hen ali- sccnt.

N, 11. He w ill endeavor to lie in his o f­fice a short time after breakfast and dinner, to wa it on ollice patients, and at a ll other hours w hen not necessarily nhscout.

September 19th, 1849. 85.

anil no druggist of common intelligence hut know that ours is the only genuine.

Old Jacob T ow nsen d .Some people who are not well informed, nnd

have not read the papers, nnd not seen our ad. vcrliseinents, have been led to suppose, that lie- eailse these men advertise their stuff as “ Old Ja­cob Townsend's,” that it must, of course tie the original. It is less than one year since they commenced lo make their medicine. Ours bus been in the market over ten years.

This Old Jacob Townsend They are endeavoring to palm off' on the puh-

lic as an old physician, Arc. lie is not a regular j educated Physician, and never attempted to umn- : itfacturc a medicine, until these tueu hired him fur the use of Ids name. They say they don't

TH IS extens ve establishment, having been wish the people to believe that their Sarsaparilla thoroughly renovated nnd refilled, and put in ex- is ours, or the same— tint the heller lo deceive, celleat order, in every department, is now open ihay at the same lime assert that their’s is the for the reception o f visiters. o ld Doctor Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, that lias

Air. \V. having had Ihe benefit o f several years' perlurmcd so munv wonderlul cures for the Inst experience as landlord of one o f the best public i,.n years, and which lias gained a renun.".— houses in tlie State (the Bangor House) lie trusts whicli no oilier medicine ever enjoyed—which is (lint he may be able to siistuin for l i th e rcpitta- a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood. We tion of a FIRST CLASS HO TEL.

Connected with the House is a first rate Stalde.—Carriages always in attendance.

a superior article o f Duck are invited to iuc specimens nt

IV©. 5,Eastern Rail Road Ifhurf, B o s to n .

COTTON T W IN E o f the best quality, made by the same Company, also lor sale.

BOYNTON & M IL L E R . Boston, Dec. 9th, 1648. 48tf

UNITED STATES HOTEL3Y1 O S £ 8 W © © © A 1R 0 ;


have commenced suns against these men lor dam ages. We wisli it lo be understood, that the old man is no relation of Dr Townsend whnlever.— In their advertisements ami circulars, they pub­lish a number o f gross ialsclmods respecting Dr. Townsend, which wc w ill not notice

False R eports.Our opponcts liave published in the papers

that Dr. S. F. Townsend wus dead. Tins they send lo their agents about tlic country, who report' that wc have given up business, Arc., Ate. The

W OULD respectfully acquaint he citizens ot public should he on their guard, and not be de- East Thomaston amt its environs that lie vetoed by these unprincipled men.

lias taken office No. 4, K im iiall Block, where lie Norn i: or: Removal. A lter tlic first id ! epi hr intends to make it Ins permanent location, lor the 161‘J, Dr S. 1 . 1 own-end- New l urk office w ii, purpose o f practising Dentistry, in ull its various be in the South Baptis. t l iu ic li , No. h., Nassau branches, fur the beauty and preservation of ihe Street, which is now undergoing a thorough teeth, such as Extracting Filling, Cleansing, In- |change, and w ill hr fitted tor the better accom-

November 22, 181b. ml 4l

D E N T IS T R Y .J . F . H U N T , M . 1>.

Surgeon mid Mechanical Denli-st

HE s ro ilE S perspiration in the system. By M ltIl lt, 1, Alrilcuus. , , ....................tills means n opens those avenues through sl,r l i , W|lh p ,vu[ on Gold Plate, winch w ill ■ liiudalm ii ol the proprietors and the public

winch nature carries off the impurities will,m , I ,lu (t()ne nlosl tl,0I0Ug|l ulld .satisfactory '» *>“ Pakto clak -^ot 'ci:. No Sarsaparilla .and thus relieves the tuidy ol disease. It is thus ' |n.111|lt.r |)OsSd,|e | the genuine uml original Dr 1 ownsend 8 bursupathat it cures Fevers, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Asthma, Salt Rheum, Sick Headache, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Scald-head, Pains in the chest, side, and back ; Dyspepsia, Poisons, Sore Breast, Deafness, Cutaneous Eruptions, Sore Eyes ; Inflamation of the Bowels, Kidneys, and Brain ; Burns. Chilblains, Piles, Worms, Agues, Cohl Feet, Liver Complaint, Ulcers, and all Fever , Sores. Inllamations o f every kind.

R. T. Slocomb, East Thomaston, Wholesale Agency for Lincoln County ; Thomaston, o liv i r Robbins; So. Thomaston, A. McKellar, Jr.; St George, I. hi. G ilm an; Warren. A. J. Fuller; Camden, . W. R Norwood; Hope, J. Athearu. Goose River, A. Sweetlatid.

July, 1649. n38 ly

F alen l H id e nek.

4 S I am Wholesale Agent for most o f the Falent Medicines of the day. those who

purchase to sell again can have the articles of me at Manufacturer's prices, thereby saving the ex­pense of freight from Boston, A-c.


Pit. II. Would simplv say to the public that he unless >y S. 1 .1 ownsend.IS not a young Dentist, just commencing |.raciicc, < ;• A; * * °but has had seveial years experience in dillcrc iilparts o f the United States, during which time, he lias been employed in some of the most popular Dental Establishments in America where he has had every opportunity to inform himself in the

line. A ll operations warranted to give atisfaetion. 3m.

S'!I’ UOMASTON. Sold by Druggists and M er­chant* generally throughout the United Stales West Indies and the Canadas. 26tf

L ite liiMiii'aiK'i*.i,lersigned is authorized to retr | M I K Ull. lersigned is auihonzed to receive ap

plication* for several of the best Life insur anee Companies in the Uriiied Slates, and wil lake ri*k* on terms more favorable than hereto

m H E unJeismncil continues to receive appli- T lic aiicniion of pcson-s m l.m iiu l circuin> rations., n the most lavorablc let ms, for the | rc.-pectlully invited to the great bene

Insurant !' of Vessels, Cargoes, Freiglits, A.

.liar lie liiniirunre.

The Companies fur which the undersigned nets have long been established, and having a huge surplus eapilul, are prepared to lurnish the most saiistaetory evidence of their abiluy and prompt uess lo adjust a il losses.

JOHN C. COCHRAN.E Thomastna, Oct. 1649. bw 41.

5 ( L KF AGS Superior Blasnng Powder, CHARLES H O LM E;

Ills accruing from an Insurance of this kind, lor Life Insurance has ielwnys been regarded its the unforiuuate antf improvident .Man’s W ealth, as by the law of t i l l . Slate, ns well as Must others, the aiiiounl is secured lo their families, beyond the reach of creditors.

California risks taken at the most favorable rates. Applieutious by mail, or otherwise, (posf paid,) w ill receive prompt attention.

JOHN C COCHRAN.E 3 hems.'.on. Oct Je 19 41 6w