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By Donna Powers RCSHom, CCH, RSHom (NA) VACCINE FREE: Now What? STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE Call #10 Transcript

VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101

Apr 12, 2016



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Vaccine Free Now What
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Page 1: VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101


By Donna Powers RCSHom, CCH, RSHom (NA)



Page 2: VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar course. This is class 10 where we will continue talking about infectious illnesses. These illnesses are the ones where conventional vaccines are used as prevention in childhood, school-age children, teens, and adults. Vaccinations and booster vaccines are commonly given now at all developmental ages. Today's illness being discussed is Streptococcus pneumoniae which is affiliated with bacterial pneumonia.!DP: I am going to be using quite a bit of scientific knowledge today. I will explain it as we go. It's important for me that you understand this particular bacteria, it's history post the DPT, polio, MMR vaccine that was given in the 80s and early 90s that has led to the meningococcinum, meningococcal vaccine, and the pneumococcal vaccine. There has been a history to that. So, I don't see any questions. So I'm going to go ahead and give you the information.!DP: Okay. So, what is it? S pneumoniae or Streptococcus pneumonia is a bacteria, and it can cause bacterial pneumonia or bacterial meningitis in adults and otitis media in children, sinusitis or chronic sinus infections, and bacteremia which is a blood infection or sepsis. This is septic is when there's a poison in the system. So, a couple of things just with that statement alone. Remember, last week, when we talked about the meningococcal vaccine and viral meningitis, and how even the meningococcal vaccine was introduced as "vaccine for ear infections in children." So, it is with this Streptococcus pneumoniae one.!DP: And where you see again... So, ear infections, sinus infections, blood infections. With the bacteria, what you're seeing is this whole upper respiratory ear, nose, throat, mouth, and your lungs. These are all respiratory kinds of things and remember very early on when we started the whole course, we talked about the immune system and how everything is working quite cooperatively within our bodies. So, strep pneumoniae is one of those bacteria that lives within the nose, the pharynx which is further behind the nose in the larynx, in the lungs, and even in other parts of the body, different types of strep pneumonia in parts where there's no oxygen. This is where they grow as well. So, we're going to lightly touch on all of this.!DP: So, strep and staph are kind of like brother-sister bacteria that populate inside of these juicy areas. So, when we have an imbalance, when our immune system... Generally, it just keeps up this passive immunity of keeping things cleaned up. So, we have cellular debris and there's all kinds of little participatory eating beings that clean up as they go, but sometimes we are under stress or emotions, even physical things like car accidents can upset our whole equilibrium and within the body, it's often called homoeostasis, and the body can't keep up with the toxins. So then, what are called and often what is doing the commensals, eating at the same table with, are things like

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

the strep and staph bacteria. And it's not really known what their function is in the body, but there has to be a function because they are there. So, more and more scientific thought is giving credence to the idea that Dr. Philip and Kale proposed when we talked about this early on in the series that they have been eating all along.!DP: Now, what happens is, we've got more cellular debris than our body can keep up with. There's more food for the strep or other bacteria. They start to proliferate and then, they have to dump toxins. That's their by-product as well and when that happens, then, our immune system kicks it up another notch by creating a fever and creating... Doing two things. One, creating a hot environment where it's very difficult for the bacteria and virus to grow and it also kicks in other parts of the immune system that wouldn't work otherwise. They need the heat in order to kickstart these other parts of the immune system. So, this is what's going on in a very complex kind of way.!DP: With the introduction of vaccines and especially the MMR, it's a live vaccine, polio is live and then killed. The DPT are bacterial. So, you've got this artificial introduction of virus and bacteria into the whole blood system because the vaccines are given through the arm and are entered directly into the muscles which have a whole blood system or right into, directly into the whole blood system. So they've bypassed the whole complete system of immune function. So again, the streptococcus along with staph reside in those parts of the respiratory organs that are at the very beginning of our immune system response. So there you have essentially what I perceive as vaccines being introduced artificially and creating a system where the strep and staph have started to proliferate and create problems all of their own.!DP: So, the types of pneumococcal disease very briefly in an overview, meningitis, and meningitis is the infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord where you... So itis always is an inflammation of the meninges which is the lining which creates swelling and inflammation. You can get this actually from vaccines themselves and from any illness, viral or bacterial. When it's bacterial, it's far more serious than the viral meningitis. Pneumonia which is simply the infection of the lungs, and again, you can get viral Pneumonia or you can get bacterial pneumonia. Otitis media, we talked about last week, is a middle ear infection and we talked about some homeopathic remedies that you can use for that. So again, in your home acute care, you may head off all kinds of complications that you just very, just won't know about, just by using homeopathy simply for things like the ear infections. Sinusitis, infections bacterial or viral of the sinuses. So if you have a viral sinus infection, antibiotics aren't going to be a help at all. But if it's bacterial, this is where you'll likely see the least but then again you're creating a whole biome of upset where the antibiotics have killed the good flora along with the infectious bacteria.!

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Page 4: VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Bacteremia, and this is where you get the bacteria dumping their toxins into the blood stream and where you get sepsis which means the toxins have now infected the blood stream, and this is an infection that can become fatal. So all of these kinds of illnesses similar to the meningococcal bacteria, the pneumococcal bacterial has very similar outcomes, when it is allowed to become just so much of it inside of our own biome.!DP: And one of the things, this is the same with the meningococcinum and the meningococcal vaccine and all of the meningeal bacteria, the pneumococcal are not antibiotic resistant. So, last week's talk, we won't go into it so much today, but they now have third and fourth generation cephalosporins which have tremendous side effects all on their own. You have your references to those, the links. In particular, Dr. Mercola has been on top of that research. So those are your cephalosporins and those should only be used in really serious kinds of life threatening situations when you're in the hospital.!DP: So, again, pneumococci commonly inhabit the upper respiratory tract of people, their natural host, and they reside there particularly during the winter and early spring. It's very interesting. I don't know if it's because we're more active in the summer and fall. But again, there used to be a time when you could predict illnesses. That's not so true anymore. Normally, influenza, flu would happen in the fall. Since the introduction of vaccines, you pretty much see influenza all year long.!DP: So the most common serious pneumococcal disease in pneumonia, and that's an infection of the tissues of the lungs. So we will be talking about the homeopathic remedies that you can use in pneumonia before it develops into secondary complications. So pneumococci can also cause ear infections, sinus infections, meningitis, and less often the heart valves, so that's myocarditis. So that just simply means inflammation of the heart muscle, in the joints, and in the abdominal cavity. So we're going to touch on that briefly because there are a number of children I think who have vaccine damage that have some of these symptoms as well, the joint pain in particular and abdominal kinds of pain. And sometimes these areas become infected because the pneumococci have spread though the blood stream from another site of infection. So again, once it hits the blood stream, you can see where the blood has to be oxygenated through the lungs, it's pumped through the heart, and you can see why the lungs and heart, and through the kidneys, we will see the kidneys have a huge affinity for blood. And you'll see how this particular bacteria can possibly affect the kidneys.!DP: So again, Penicillin has always been the preferred antibiotic for most pneumococcal infections but now there is some resistance with that. So on to third

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

generation cephalosporins and according to Dr. Mercola's article the pharmaceutical companies are not so interested in developing any more antibiotics, there just isn't enough money in it. They would prefer to be developing vaccines. There are, that have been identified now, about 90 different types of strep pneumoniae found normally in the nose and throat so you can see the terrific numbers that are already there. So to give you a bit of history with vaccination, when the Hib, Haemophilus influenza B vaccine was introduced, when my children were in the mid to late 80s, this was a Haemophilus influenza B started to occur very frequently and you have to ask yourself was this because of the introduction of the MMR vaccine that created this whole biome where the Haemophilus influenza B was allowed to proliferate.!DP: Then we studied the meningococcal vaccine and was the prevalence of meningococcal bacteria becoming more prevalent because of the Hib vaccine? And again, after that came the pneumococcal vaccine. When my children had, in the early years I did not get that Prevnar vaccine for them it was called Prevnar 7 and the vaccine that they developed... So these would have been children in the 90s. The Prevnar 7 had selected... The pharmaceutical company had selected seven of the most common Streptococcus pneumoniae strains and then developed a vaccine with that. In my brief research today, every time I prepare for this class it's always something new. The Prevnar 7 actually was... There's soy in it plus also the diphtheria toxoid, and bells just go off with the soy part of it. So that would be an old package insert for Prevnar 7 and I'll see if I can find that link. There is a link, there is a website that lists all the product monograph packages for the early years.!DP: Prevnar 7 has now been taken off the market. So, makes you ask the question how effective really was the vaccine to begin with? So a little bit more background. I'm taking this from the Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple text and again I just want to emphasize that I'm focusing a lot on the microbiology of strep in particular because there is so... There are so many more children who are being affected by PANS or PANDAS. You will see, as we go on, the connection between the tics and almost Tourette's-like movement with children who have been diagnosed with these syndromes and the actual illnesses or complications that can happen with the strep pneumonia infection. There is a connection.!DP: So strep and staph are what they call gram-positive sphere so they're round, that means that they're round and they're responsible for a wide variety of clinical diseases. And it's often what you will find when you take your child to the doctor if you've got an illness, you don't know if it's viral or bacterial especially with a sore throat. This is where they do the throat swab. And part of what they're determining is, is it a strep infection or a staph infection because they're looking to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. This is why sometimes you can be given one antibiotic and it doesn't do a

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

thing and then you have to take another antibiotic or if it's for your child. Then in the meantime, it's... What you're risking is that whole gut flora being upset as well with the introduction of two different antibiotics.!DP: So what they do is they may take a gram stain and when they look at it under a microscope the strep line up one after the other like a strip of button candy. I don't know if you've ever seen them. When I was a child you could buy this little penny candy and they have these little... They look like drops on a paper strip and they would line up one after the other. And this is what strep does, it lines up like a strip of candy and the staph appear as a cluster and this is how they determine in the lab whether they're dealing with a strep infection or a staph infection for you or your child. And then, what they're looking for is the type of strep. So we're going to briefly talk about strep A and strep B, there are two different ones. And one of the features of this particular bacteria and the species of strep is that they either completely or partially hemolyze which means destroy. Hemo means blood, lyze or lyse means kill red blood cells which are your RBCs when you go for blood tests.!DP: So the strep are divided into three groups based on what their blood killing ability is, so there's hemolytic ability, and the strep are incubated overnight, and they put it on one of those glass plates, and put it on blood. So, the beta hemolytic streptococci completely lyze or kill the red blood cells. So those are the strep B, they completely destroy red blood cells. And they can see it on the glass plate, because there's a clear zone around the colony on the plate.!DP: The alpha-hemolytic strep or your strep A only partially killed the red blood cells and on the glass plate, it leaves a greenish discolouration, and those are only partially killed red blood cells. So, in this book... So it's given one statistic of 90 species of strep. This one says 30, now it's an old clinical microbiology book I have. So it's possible that they've identified more since this book was written.!DP: But there are only five that are significant human pathogens, and a pathogen again is just simply something that enters into the body that doesn't belong there. So, it can be a bacteria, a virus, a fungus, a parasite, a poison, any kind of... Something that doesn't belong there can be called a pathogen. Three of these pathogens are identified by particular antigens. So, that's like... The antigen is like their anti-body. And they call them Lancefield group A, B and D. And the other two that are of concern to humans, they don't have these antigens. So, the antigen is not an anti-body. The antigen is like the infectious agent. So, the other two don't have these antigens. I know they're going to become important in a little bit, but one is the strep pneumoniae and the other is a big group of strep called the Viridans.!

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: And I want to tell you a little bit about that, because you have children who have chronic mouth and dental infection. It's possible that this is the strep infection from the Viridan group. The vaccine that's used now in Canada is the Pneumovax 23 and it has 23 strains of the strep pneumoniae in it. So the group A causes four types of disease and they're caused by entering into the body or by poison released within. So, they can come from without or they're already there and they are reproducing, proliferating inside and then they're releasing their poisons from that. So, with the group A, you can get strep pharyngitis which is your sore throat, that's your strep throat. You can get streptococcus skin infection, scarlet fever falls into this group A strep.!DP: Scarlet fever was the only bacterial infection that a vaccine was not created for, and I'm not sure why. Homeopathic Belladonna is almost specific to scarlet fever, and was used by Hahnemann in his day and the homeopathic doctors of his day to prevent and treat scarlet fever. And if you look on graph, you will see where vaccination... Scarlet fever was running the same kind of trajectory as measles and rubella. The vaccines were introduced after the down growth, like while it's disappearing and the vaccines were introduced at almost near the bottom of that graph. So, measles and rubella were almost already on the way out, as was scarlet fever, and scarlet fever completely disappeared and after the vaccine you saw rises the measles and rubella again. So, scarlet fever is one of those ones you can use as a comparison to before vaccination and after vaccination, what has been happening with infectious illnesses.!DP: The other type of disease you can get is streptococcus toxic shock syndrome. Now, there are two delayed anti-body mediated disease that are of concern. One is rheumatic fever. My sister had this as a child, and she had a very bad sore throat, and my parents had a pediatrician at that time who happened to recognize exactly what was happening, suspected that it was a group A strep infection that was causing her rheumatic fever and put her in a hospital right away, and we'll talk a little bit more about that in a little bit. The other one is glomerulonephritis, and this has to do with inflammation of the kidneys, and I am going to tell you little bit more about that as well.!DP: So the Streptococcus pneumoniae with the ones we have just mentioned right now in the group A, you can get the strep pharyngitis. The pharyngitis, the itis means information and pharyn is your pharynx or your back part of your throat, so it's an inflammation of the pharynx. Your larynx is a little further down, that's where your vocal cords are. This is your classic strep throat with red, swollen tonsils and pharynx, and the big fancy word is purulent exudate on the tonsils. And usually what will happen is if you take a little flash light or maybe you've invested from the medical university or college or hospital book store in one of those what the doctors use to look in ears. You can use that to look inside the mouth. My mom just used a popsicle stick and a flash light and you can see on the tonsils that there's usually pus and swelling. And my mom

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

got to be an expert at looking at throats and she could usually tell that if there was that kind of stuff on the throat and a stomach pain that it was likely a strep infection that she was dealing with and then we would go to the doctor at that time. It was mostly my younger sister who would get these recurrent throat infections and who was eventually diagnosed with rheumatic fever.!DP: So often with this sore throat there's a high temperature and swollen lymph nodes and it usually lasts for about five days. I know doctors, many doctors, not all of them but more and more are reluctant to treat even strep infections, strep throat infections with antibiotics because there's so much awareness now of antibiotic resistant infections. So with homeopathy you can work at finding the right remedy. So I know my son, when my older son got married, my youngest son was supposed to give a speech and he got a tremendous sore throat and I worked so hard to try and find a homeopathic remedy and I could not. So he went on antibiotics and I wonder sometimes now if what was needed actually was homeopathic Streptococcinum. So we'll talk about that a little bit today as well, that particular nosode as a homeopathic remedy.!DP: So I just add that in about my son with the strep throat infection, we really tried hard, we couldn't find it so we used antibiotics and then bumped him up with probiotics after. So sometimes you just need that. It would have been worse if he had had any other kind of... His throat was closing, he couldn't breathe, and he did clear up, he started to clear up within a day on the antibiotics but he's not had a lot of them in his life so you can feel okay about that. So skin infections, some examples are inflammation of the hair follicles, it's called folliculitis. Cellulitis, this is a very common inflammation for people who have diabetes, type two diabetes and where the circulation of the blood is very poor in the extremities, particularly in the feet and legs. And what happens with that is the feet and legs swell, become very red and hot to the touch and usually they are put on antibiotics as well.!DP: Impetigo, this a fairly common childhood illness and this is where they get little blisters and eruptions and it can become crusty and flaky and often found around the mouth and nose and these impetigo also can be caused by staph aureus. And again, because it's around the nose, the mouth, near the brain, the worry is the secondary bacterial infection causing meningitis. But homeopathy, again, has some terrific help for impetigo. I've treated some children with it, have seen and heard, read cases of homeopathic remedies being extremely helpful. The one little case that I had, the child had been on antibiotics for a month, nothing was helping, and one single remedy, arum triphyllum. So keep that one in mind, that's especially if there is any kind of sores or itching or the kids are just drilling away at the nose, the ears, that's a good remedy to know about.

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Page 9: VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: The other kind of skin infection which of course is very serious is the necrotising fasciitis, flesh eating streptococcus. And the strep enters trough a break in the skin, through an injury or trauma, and it follows along the path of the fascia which lies between the tissue just underneath the skin and the muscle. And within a day you can develop swelling, heat and redness so similar to that cellulitis that we talked about and then it moves very rapidly from that initial skin site. And the skin then changes colour from red to purple to a blue and large blisters form. Then the skin dies and then the muscle can also become infected. So just very quickly, with necrotising fasciitis of course you're on your way to the hospital if you suspect any of this.!DP: But on the way, your remedies that are most helpful with this, you're going to have to talk to your naturopath or your homeopath while you're on the way to the hospital, you can think of your hemotoxic. So, hemo is blood, snake or spider bites. And if you think of a snake bite... So, your snakes, your venomous spiders, and your venomous snakes, they can have one of two kinds of poisons. One is hemotoxic which destroys the blood and the other one neurotoxic which destroys the nervous system. So, remember the Strep pneumoniae, at its worst, destroys the red blood cells. So, homeopathically, you’re giving like curing like, so you would be giving a homeopathic remedy where given to healthy people, this is the... Oh and of course, you don't give a snakebite poison, although lachesis was proven by Constantine Hering who was bit by the bushmaster snake, which is your lachesis remedy.!DP: So, whenever there's necrotising tissue, or if you see any redness, purple-ness, blueness, and you happen to have lachesis in your kit, go ahead and give that, and you're on your way to the doctor or the emergency.!DP: So, venomous snakes and spiders that have hemotoxic venom, where they destroy the blood, you can think of those with that. So, necrotising fasciitis can also be caused by staphylococcus as well, though, and the clostridium. And we talked about the C difficile a little bit when we talked about poop transplants, fecal transplants. C difficile normally is in the bowel anyway, and again, it's one of those ones that's just there, but can start to proliferate if that whole biome, human biome, is disrupted or interrupted anyway.!DP: So, another illness is scarlet fever, and we talked about that. It's a sore throat, but it's the poison of the strep bacteria that causes the fever, and the big word for that is pyrogenic. Pyro, think of a pyromaniac, somebody who loves fire. And, this fever causes a scarlet red rash, and the rash begins on the trunk and neck. Then, it spreads to the extremities, sparing the face. So, all of these little differentials that you've been learning in each of the lectures, you can start to see where you could do some of this on your own.

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: And so, the face is not involved with the strep pneumoniae. Where you have chicken pox, the face gets involved, measles and rubella, the face can be involved as well and the skin may peel off in fine scales while it's healing.!DP: So again, toxic shock syndrome, and we talked about that. I'm not going to spend very much time with that one as well. Rheumatic fever, I am going to talk about a little bit because children who have had vaccine damage can also have some of these symptoms, especially little boys with the rubella vaccine. Little boys should really never, ever have a rubella vaccine and what I've found with little boys that have joint problems, arthritis, that kind of thing, sometimes it's the rubella nosode that's needed, not just the MMR to clear it out, but the rubella.!DP: So, the other one is your strep pneumoniae which can cause rheumatic fever and the symptoms of rheumatic fever... So, listen again because this is where PANS and PANDAS may come in. There's a fever, you can have heart inflammation. So again, because it's in the blood, it can travel through the lungs, through the heart, and you get this bacteria creating inflammations around the heart. Joint swelling, arthritis, chorea, and chorea, just a big word for jerky movements. These usually begin two to three weeks after the sore throat, so, the pharyngitis and there are rubbery nodules just under the skin and a rash.!DP: And rheumatic fever is antibody mediated. So, this is where you have the antigen of the strep group A creates an antibody, and the antibody that's created is very similar to the antigens in the heart. So, I'm going to read it to you just so that we get the information exactly right. So, rheumatic fever is antibody mediated. There are antigens in the heart that are similar to the antigens of the strep A group. Therefore, the antibody... So, that's what's formed when you introduce an antigen into the body. The antibodies that form to eradicate this particular strep also cross-react with antigens in the heart. This immunologic attack on the heart tissue causes heart inflammation called myocarditis, so inflammation of the heart muscle. These patients are susceptible to recurrent bouts of rheumatic fever and further heart damage.!DP: And that's because of this immune reaction, antigen, and antibody creation that's so similar to the strep A, and similar to what's in the heart. So, to prevent further damage to the heart, prophylactic penicillin therapy is required for much of the patient's life. Along with that, there's joint pain of rheumatic fever, and it's classified as an acute migratory polyarthritis which is to say that the joint pains arise at various sites throughout the day and night. And "fortunately there is no permanent injury to the joint" is the quote from clinical microbiology.!DP: Because my sister had rheumatic fever, it did start with the sore throat and she did

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

get the swelling, she was put in the hospital, she was immediately put on antibiotics. It was over the Christmas holidays and when she got home she was very ill. She was put on life-long antibiotics. And she did get chronic throat infections even with that and I believe she had her tonsils removed after that. She was a very athletic person and she has chronic joint pain. So when there's a statement like "fortunately no permanent injury to the joints", what she lives with and I suspect others and possibly some children who have had this whole strep pneumoniae stirred up within their bodies is chronic injury and pain to the joints are this inflammation.!DP: So my sister just lives with it and when it's really bad she takes Tylenol and she probably takes too much Tylenol, and I've given her one dose of strep and she aggravated on it homeopathically so she's a little reluctant to take it 'cause she has learnt how to live with her pain. The other remedy to think of is Rhus tox and she's just a classic Rhus tox personality, better for movement and the more she exercises the better the joint pain is. And interestingly, there is a relationship between Rhus tox and the strep pneumoniae state. So I went into the rheumatic fever quite a bit simply because I think it still exists or you may have adults in your life who were diagnosed with rheumatic fever and have been on antibiotics life long. My sister is not on antibiotics anymore, we've been using homeopathic remedies for a time. But when she's not well, the injury... The pain in the joints is... She doesn't have the sore throat so much anymore but it's the joint pain that really limits her life.!DP: So the other one I want to mention to you is the glomerulonephritis and, again, this is an antibody mediated inflammatory disease of the glomeruli of the kidney, so these are little organs inside the kidney that function with the filtering. So again, after strep infection, about one week after a throat infection or a strep skin infection, the child may develop kidney symptoms from the strep A strains. And I tell you about this today because just two days ago in my practise I had a mom come in whose child has been diagnosed. Oh okay, I see a hand up. So sorry. I hope I haven't missed you too much here, Prema. Just let me put you on mic. Go ahead, Prema.!Prema: Can you hear me? I'm sitting at home now and taking notes. I changed to another mic. Is this okay? !DP: I can hear you very well. Thank you for checking.!Prema: Okay, perfect. I have a question. And again, I'm sorry because I wasn't here for the past two weeks so I wasn't able to listen so bear with me. I just wanna understand because most of the... We're talking about strep now and rheumatic fever and all of that and I wanna know... Because usually it starts with strep and then it's after... Once the strep throat has been triggered or has been there then it goes into a secondary kind

! 11835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

of infection or issue. Sorry for the lack of correct words here but...!DP: Yeah, you're doing fine.!Prema: What makes it that one child will be fine after the strep infection and another child will be linked to what we're talking now which I would love... Because of my French if you could spell the one that is related to the kidney and rheumatic fever. What makes it that after the strep infection this child will be more likely to end up with rheumatic fever or the one you're talking now as opposed to not. And I know there could be a lot of... But what is your experience or what is being told... I hope I'm making sense.!DP: Yeah, you're making terrific sense and I'm learning this as well in light of the young person that came. He's just 8 on Tuesday. So there's a couple of reasons why in a family... So this is a family of a mom and a dad and two boys, an 8 year old and a 4 year old, both boys. And the mother has a history of strep B infections, and she was treated with antibiotics. So we haven't quite got there to the strep B with the mom. So right away, they're given antibiotics before the baby's born. Now, normally what happens is if there's no antibiotics and the baby is delivered vaginally, the baby's whole microbiome and duct flora is populated with whatever is in the mom. And I don't know what happens now that it's routine, moms are given antibiotics, especially if it shows up in the blood work. So again, I need to learn more about that myself.!DP: So these two little boys, I have to find out if he had had a sore throat just prior to his urinary symptoms because when he came he had the exact symptom of the cola or tea-coloured urine. And he had had a physical trauma, actually, as well. So whether the physical trauma triggered a strep infection, don't know, but the youngest boy is not as susceptible as the oldest boy is. So in homeopathy, we understand two things: A susceptibility, and also the miasms that's inherited from the mother. And it's possible in this family situation that I saw on Tuesday that the youngest does not have the same susceptibility nor does he have the miasmatic influence that the oldest one does. And whether or not that's because when the mom gave birth to the oldest one she was in an active strep B infection and given antibiotics and with the second one she may not have been in a strep B active situation so she didn't have to have antibiotics. And then when the baby was born vaginally, the second one, the youngest one, it's possible that he already had everything he needed to prevent any secondary kidney infections. That's my understanding. Does that make sense? !Prema: Yeah, it does. It does make sense, it does. I have a PANS boy. I'm discovering that he's not a PANDAS boy, my Daniel but he, I think, it's related to herpes or, we're not sure, or a parasite, and we've experienced huge setback inside this year where

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

we've had ticks and OCDs and it's been extremely difficult and no homeopathy remedy has been able to touch it so far. That's why I'm all ears. It's not a PANDAS case in my son's case, it is a PANS. It's still very fascinating to understand how this whole machine works, so yeah.!DP: Yes, exactly. Now has he ever been given any homeopathic Streptococcinum? !Prema: Nope... Yes, but not this time. No, not this time. We don't believe it's strep related. He doesn't get strep, almost never. And he's never really, his antibodies, the ASO fighters were never really that elevated so really, we don't know. We tried the strep nosodes about two and a half years ago and that didn't help either. So it really is a puzzle. We really don't know. This is the one area I concerned 'cause this is your class, I don't want to jack it up, but this is the one area where homeopathy has not yet been able to help my son, and it's just killing me 'cause I know it's out there. I know there's a way to fix it.!DP: Yeah, absolutely there is. I'm with you. Okay, well let's just keep going then, Prema. And you know maybe something will click for you and yeah, we'll see. Okay? !Prema: Okay. Alright. Thank you.!DP: Good question.!Prema: Thank you.!DP: Okay so we'll carry on here. And this has been very recent for me and this is exactly what happened with this young family and this eight year old child who showed up. And what they say in the book the child will show up in the office or you'll first see it as the mom, the mom will complain that the face is puffy so you may notice that first and that's because of water retention if it's affected the kidney. And you'll notice that urine is darker than normal. It's the colour of tea or of Coca Cola and that's due to blood in the urine. And they may possibly have high blood pressure and, again, that's simply because of the fluid retention, the puffy face. It's just too much water in the body and it's not going out through the kidneys and through the bladder.!DP: And often what you will find is that a week before they may have had a sore throat or a skin infection just prior to that. So the glomerular disease in the book has said it's usually a good prognosis, especially with children. That is all the group A strep that we're talking about. So that's Group A. So remember there's a whole family of them, and it depends on all kinds of physical characteristics of the bacteria but that's the group A strep. Now what we have are the group B strep and these are also hemolytic,

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

which means Hemo: Blood, Lytic: Killing, so they're also killing the blood. And what you do is with group B strep you think B for babies. About 25% of women carry these bugs vaginally, and a baby can acquire these bacteria during delivery.!DP: So, sometimes that's just a good thing because with vaginal deliveries, you get the whole microbiome of the mother. Nowadays, they are treating moms with an active strep B infection with antibiotics prior to the baby being born. So, what you get, as well, is this the whole influence of the antibiotic on delivery. So, these babies, I don't think they really understand, the medical doctors understand the whole gut flora and microbiome on delivery. But, this strep B, the cause and concern for it is that this particular group B strep can cause neo-natal, which means new born, meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis, which is the blood poisoning.!DP: And neo-nates or new-borns with meningitis, we talked about this last week, do not present with the stiff neck, which is a classic sign seen in adults instead there's non-specific signs, fever, vomiting, poor feeding, irritability. You're watching for dehydration and the only way to get a diagnosis of meningitis is a lumbar puncture. So, if you're child is extremely irritable and seems to be in a tremendous amount of pain and you don't know why, you're on your way to a merge. There are homeopathic remedies that you can give if you suspect meningitis and belladonna probably will be in your kit. It will not hurt anything and in fact it might help if you give homeopathic belladonna on the way to emergency if you suspect this is what's happening.!DP: Now, there is another... That's the strep B. This is the strep B that... Now, I don't know what the incidence of, I'm just thinking this out loud, the incidence of having strep A and strep B at the same and I don't think they would, medical doctors would even do that test. It would be too expensive.!DP: So, there's another group of strep pneumonia bacteria that I did want to know about and especially for the first one. It's the viridans group and virid simply means green. I can't remember why they're called green but there you go. One of the main infections are dental infections and if you have a child who has chronic tooth decay, and I have to go back to this sometimes life is just so synchronistic, you get exactly the information you need when you need it. And, this eight year old boy who came in this week who has the tea coloured or cola coloured urine, he actually... There was a bullying incident that happened at school and the bully had been punching him in the genital area and I'm wondering if in fact he was even punched in the kidney area and that would be an external trauma that would have possibly activated a strep infection for him.!DP: Anyway, he has a very long history. This is the same mom who had an on going

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

strep infection treated with antibiotics, the strep b infection, on his delivery. This child has had crumbling teeth, teeth breaking off, very fragile teeth. So, again this is the strep infection so if you have a child or you know somebody who has this kind of history in the background, it's likely a strep. Now, whether homeopathically we need to be giving a strep A, a strep B, or a strep Viridans, I don't know. I will be giving you a bit of information about a strep pyogenes proving that's been done and it does have a picture in it, a mental, emotional picture with it.!DP: So, the other Viridans complication is endocarditis. So, it's an inflammation of the lining around the heart or abscesses. Now, this is the other one that was of interest to me. These Viridans strep are what they called micro-aerophyllic. So, they hate oxygens and they are a normal part of the GI tract flora. So, again, where you have the strep that's normally in the nose, throat, all of those juicy areas, you also have strep that is normal in the gut and they hate oxygen and they're often found in abscesses in the brain or abdominal organs. So, if a Strep intermedius group bacteria is growing in the blood you should suspect that there is an abscess hiding in an organ and you should consider investigating with a CAT scan with contrast. And this is information given to doctors, this clinical microbiology book.!DP: So, I don't know what all of that will involve, but again, I've thought of the whole idea of when my sister would have sore throat, she would have the stomachache and then she ended up with the rheumatic fever and on live long antibiotics. So there's a connection between the the strep brain inflammation and gut inflammation. So I just offered that out there, I couldn't do anymore research. Like I said, every time I prepare for these classes, I always find out one more thing and one more thing.!DP: So, before we go into the signs and symptoms of strep pneumonia, I do want to talk about the pneumococcal vaccine a little bit. It's really important to go to the website, national vaccine information center dot org website and they have a criticism over the pneumococcal vaccine mandate, that they were flawed clinical trials and they did not prove the safety of the vaccine. And in fact, that is one of the concerns that I had even, I mean my voice was then too old, it was like they just missed that group. I think it's the children in the 90s that ended up with the Prevnar which had the 7. But you can go to the website, and I would encourage you to read... They very rarely criticize unless they have good information to back up.!DP: So in that one children in groups who got the pneumococcal vaccine suffered more seizures, irritability, high fevers and other reactions. 12 deaths in the Prevnar group including five Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS death. So since the vaccine was licensed in 2000, so there you go, it was in 2000, there have been 3,243 Prevnar-related adverse events reported to the federal government which is your

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

BAERS, so this is in the US, including 476 serious events and 79 deaths. And again it's understood that only about 10% of these adverse events are actually reported to BAERS.!DP: There were no long term studies done to evaluate whether Prevnar given alone or in combination with other vaccines is associated with chronic illness or disability such as the development of diabetes, asthma, seizure disorders, learning disabilities, ADHD or autism. So these are very powerful statements that NVIC is making and they don't often make them unless there's really serious concerns over a vaccine because they support vaccine choice and vaccine safety. So they're calling out this vaccine on safety. I'm just thinking as I am going along here and wondering if it's not the streptococcus nosode that's needed but perhaps the Prevnar vaccine that is needed for any vaccine damage done that is affecting children that may have PANS or PANDAS.!DP: So again when a vaccine can cause or create like whatever an illness, infectious illness can cause or create, so like the chorea or choreic movements, the ticks, the jerking, the vaccine can also cause. So this is just an out loud thought if perhaps there is an inter-current Prevnar vaccine needed for children who have tried the streptococcus nosode and it hasn't quite done the clearing out of the damage. So there's aluminum in the Prevnar vaccine which is a neuro-toxin again. And it was promoted as preventing ear infections. And it's never been licensed by the FDA to actually prevent ear infections. And the chance of getting it, an ear infection has decreased only minimally since this vaccine was introduced.!DP: It's really important, this is one of the vaccines that must be researched before a parent goes to get this one. Because if you go to the product monograph, it's the Pneumovax 23 that's used in Canada now with 23 strains. It cannot be given at the same time as some other vaccines because it lowers the efficacy of the other. So all of these things have to be looked into. So that's a brief amounts on the vaccine. So the 7-valent vaccine has been taken off the market because one of the things that did happen that I'm recalling now is with the 7-valent vaccine or the seven strains of a particular strep pneumoniae. What happened was strain number 19 became more prevalent. So then they needed to include the vaccine, or it needed a vaccine that included the type 19.!DP: So it just seems like the more that a vaccine is introduced, the more it creates other problems. So in the National Post in October 2007, there was a doctors fearing ear super bug ailing children. So the approval in 2000 of Prevnar, a vaccine that protects against seven strains of the bacteria has overall flashed ear infections by both 25%. So again, different statistics on one place and in another. But now other strains

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

have begun to flourish with over use of antibiotics. Okay, PANDA. Let me just get you off. Okay go ahead Prema.!Prema: I was just calling out to my son's vaccination thing, because I didn't think you could see my hand. In Canada, when do they get that Prevnar vaccine, the kids? What age do you know it's around? !DP: All the old readings I found was that they should not have at under 2 year olds, but I think they are given now, so they had... Again when I printed this out in 2013, so it was replaced with the 13 and then now it's the 23 and it says children 7 to 35 months of age should get the Pneu-C-13. They have a quite a list here and it would take me too long to go through it. So, routine with the Pneumo-13 is 12 to 23 months of age. And that's the other thing that...!Prema: So my question...!DP: Mm-mm, go ahead.!Prema: Sorry. My question because now... Because I see that it's really babies, and this was supposed to help with ear infection. I'm not just going to talk about my son, who after... If I look at the date... I'm just realizing this as I'm listening to you, his ear infections have tripled after that date, after the age of 3, 4 or 5 months when he got the first one and not just him. Every baby around me I know, or almost, has recurrent ear infection and if it's not an ear infection, it's going to be, it seems, the nose infection or a throat infection. So I'm thinking we're trying to reduce them, yet they are rising in numbers and in intensity.!DP: Yes exactly. So two things that, yeah. It is exactly what's happening and two things are happening with that, it's allowing the other strains of strep and staph and whatever else to proliferate, but there's also antibiotic resistance now. So what they do is then introduce another new vaccine. So the 23 is recommended for children 24 months of age and older and the Pneumo 13 is for the younger children. At one time they just said you cannot give the Pneumococcal vaccine to children younger than 2 and they've changed that. And they've even changed here in Canada with the measles outbreak. They were vaccinating children 6 months to a year old. And there's no studies done for it in this outbreak; these tiny babies, who likely just had their DPT, polio, Hib for their Pentavalente and they were being given their MMR. Yeah, it's creating a real problem, I don't think... Yeah so I don't know what the outcome will be 6 months down the road but it's likely homoeopaths and natural paths who will be seeing these children who have adverse reactions and the parents might not have...!

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Prema: So I'll ask you quickly. You mentioned something before and I just want to make sure I understand. You said that there has been trials with the nosode... I'm trying to look at my notes here. I can't find it. What you were saying is that perhaps because it might or some of the PANS children, this might be created or triggered by the Prevnar. We could think that the Prevnar nosode or some kind of a... Did I understand right, that you were mentioning that may help better than, what was the other one? I didn't write it down. I'm sorry.!DP: So the homeopathic nosode, Streptococcinum, I'm not sure what strain was used or which bacteria was used in proving and it's David Riley whose done the proving and I think you could even Google that David Riley, homeopathic proving Streptococcinum. But I know with some children, it's not just the nosode that needs clearing, the bacteria that needs clearing, sometimes it's the vaccine itself. And so if you knew which vaccine your child got with the strep pneumonia, so was the Prevnar 7 or the Prevnar 13 or whichever pharmaceutical company, whichever product it was, some of the the homeopathic pharmacies have actually made the remedies from the vaccine itself and sometimes that is needed and that is what clears, and I don't know what makes the difference.!Prema: Okay got it. Thank you.!DP: But if you go to, they are a homeopathic pharmacy in Britain, and they are open to the public and you can search their remedy catalogue and see if there's a Prevnar in there.!Prema: Okay I will. Thank you so much.!DP: Okay you're welcome. All right here we go.!DP: And we'll just finish up here and be able to talk about some homeopathic remedies. So again with this newspaper article the other strains have begun to flourish with overuse of the antibiotics. The new super germ, a strain called 19-A of the Streptococcus pneumoniae has adapted and learnt how to resist all 18 approved antibiotics for childhood ear infections. Prevnar didn't cause this bacteria, the doctor says, suggesting the problem stems from the overuse of antibiotics for coughs and colds that were not necessary. That is one simplistic explanation. What they are not considering or talking about is how this vaccine has created the opportunity for yet another strain of the strep pneumonia to grow and proliferate inside the microbiome. They don't think of that at all in terms of the immune system.!DP: The best article on the... Well, besides anything by Mercola but an article on the

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

strep pneumoniae is by Dr. F. Edward Yazbak, and you can find him at whale, like the big fish, and in their search box within the website just look up Yazbak and Strep pneumoniae and you will find this article. And he gives some history of it, and in the beginning in the 1960s, so this is around when my sister would have had rheumatic fever which in the early 60s, no late 60s, and at that time the pneumococcus was exquisitely sensitive to Penicillin so often antibiotic sensitivity testing wasn't always done. She was just given, gosh, I can't remember which antibiotic but it was one of the basic ones that she was given but now there's antibiotic resistance to this.!DP: So what he says is from the 60s to the 90s the most prevalent bacterial meningitis in infancy and certainly the most severe and alarming was due to Haemophilus influenzae B, so Hib, a bacterium that should not be confused with the flu virus. So conjugate Hib vaccines were licensed in the late 1980s so my oldest son got that vaccine but my youngest didn't. The elimination of invasive Hib disease, and particularly Hib meningitis and epiglottitis was a great achievement. It was unfortunate that for more than 10 years every dose of this vaccine contained 25 micro grams of mercury and each American infant needed four doses. Since 2002, all Hib vaccines available in the US have been Thimerosal free.!DP: "So with the success," and I would put that in quotation marks, "of the vaccine preventing Hib, S pneumoniae became the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the US and in the late 1990s infants had the highest incidence of pneumococcal meningitis." So this is a really important article to find the history of the connection between. So after the MMR it became the Hib that was such a concern with meningitis with infants and then they developed the meningococcal and then the pneumococcal vaccines. So these big questions are did we trade invasive Hib for pneumococcal invasive disease, would pneumococcal invasive disease have become such a problem in the 90s if Hib vaccination had not been introduced? Was there a causal relationship between the two or was it simply coincidence? So he actually quotes Hillary Butler so, again, anything by Hillary Butler is gold and you can always find her at the site.!DP: So I would just... I'm not going to read all the way through it, you will have the link in your follow-up email with that, and he simply concludes that there's an overuse of antibiotics and it's turned the strep pneumoniae or pneumococcus into a dreaded and serious pathogen. The 23 has been used since 1983 and there were problems with the Prevnar 7 and always a price to pay when one manipulates nature through vaccinations, and those are his conclusions. So you can read his article with that.!DP: So I just want to quickly go through some signs and symptoms of pneumococcal or pneumonia infections, and I found a really great website, it was just really good. It's

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner, and simply look up streptococcus pneumonia symptoms and I have that link in the follow-up email. As you might suspect, there's a cough, chest congestion, coughing up thick mucus, and there may be coughing up of blood. Chest pain when coughing or chest pain when taking a breath. They'll be a fever, sore throat, possibly nausea, vomiting, a lot of tiredness, headache, malaise, body aches and rapid breathing. Those are just some of the symptoms. What I like about the Free MD site, is it talks about the rapid breathing and actually gives you examples. And they also have little movies with some of the links, when they give you a sign and a symptom, and so that becomes really helpful.!DP: Six months to a year, it actually tells you what is a normal breaths per minute, and what is abnormal. So six months to a year you have about 40 breaths per minute. Abnormal is 60 breaths per minute. And the website goes through all the ages. So with severe strep pneumonia, you will have a very high fever, 103 degrees Fahrenheit, or 39.4 centigrade. There will be chills, sweating, and this is the body's whole immune system firing up and then cooling off, which will create the chills and the sweating. Severe cough, shortness of breath, cyanosis. That just means with that rapid breathing there may not be oxygen getting in and so the lips and the nail beds turn blue.!DP: So, again, my advice to parents, blood, breathing, brain, or bones and you're off to the hospital. So blueness around the lips, the finger tips, means that there is a breathing problem. Rapid heart rate and excessive sleepiness or confusion. These are actually some of the symptoms that some children can have post-vaccination. So, already you can see how it's affecting, it's almost like a meningitis response to a vaccine, with brain inflammation. So, that website also goes through when you take your child, or baby to the hospital, or adult even, the steps that they will go through to see what they are dealing with. The conventional treatment for meningitis will depend on the child's age, their overall health and medial history, and the organism that's causing the infection.!DP: So, if you suspect, this is your tiny baby, it's possible that you will be facing a lumbar puncture. Because they need to find out exactly, especially in this day and age, where there's so much antibiotic resistance, that they want to make sure that they're going to get the right antibiotic the first time. So, there'll be a lot of bed rest, possibly oxygen treatment. And then this particular... There's another website, They have some really good information, as well. And they will give you a list of the antibiotics that they might use for strep pneumonia. Erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, or amoxicillin, and cephalosporins. Remember those are the third generation drugs.!DP: Part of this antibiotic resistance, as well, whenever you opt to vaccinate your child,

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if that is what you have done or are considering doing, you have to remember that they are including antibiotics in a number of the vaccines. So, I don't know if anybody has asked the question, "Is this contributing some to the antibiotic resistance, as well?" That particular site also goes through what else will be given to create better breathing and airways. So, then, strep pneumonia warning signs to watch for, coughing up blood, coughing up brown mucus, which means there has been blood in there. So the blue the lips or nail beds, difficulty breathing, or vomiting, fever over 102. Any symptoms that last longer than a week. Worsening chest pain, worsening cough, or fatigue, or wheezing, or if there's any confusion with that.!DP: So, if the situation has actually progressed to bacterial meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, or bacteremia, which is the bacteria in the blood, or sepsis, which is blood poisoning, homeopathically, you just need to be at the emergency. You can look for homeopathic support, and natural support, once the infection is cleared. But this is life saving measures that you need to move into, if this is the stage that it is at. So, if it starts out and it's an ear infection, absolutely homeopathy is going to be able to help. If it's a sore throat, homeopathy is going to be able to help. You will never know what you headed off. So, if the meningitis is there, you just don't wait. You can also use your homeopathic remedies while your child or baby is the in hospital. Best if you have the cooperation of medial doctors and nurses who are treating your child. You may need to do some educating. Some parents choose not to say anything at all. I cannot advice one way or another, but your homoeopath will be able to help, while treatment is going on, if your doctors and emergency hospital physicians are okay with that.!DP: So, ear infections and homeopathy very briefly. We covered it last week. Mag Phos and Pulsatilla and Merc Sol is a very, very good one. So, again, you can think of these remedies if you've just had a vaccine so say with the pneumococcal, and you've had some adverse reactions. So Merc sol would be a great one, and your little handout will have that information on those remedies and the symptom picture. Your overall handout, Pneumonia and Homeopathy, when you get the handout for the whole pneumococcal call today there are remedies for pneumonia in homeopathy. One of your big ones is homeopathic Bryonia and this are simply worse for motion, worse for movement so every cough causes tremendous amount of pain, thirst for large quantities of water but otherwise thirstless. So they'll go a long time without drinking and then large quantities all at once. Very irritable. Doesn't wanna move, doesn't wanna talk. Dry, dry, dry, but the cough may be very, very hard. I just had a friend, and we used the Bryonia very successfully. So think of Bryonia if your child just is irritable. Grumpy bear remedy is what we call it.!DP: Aconite. Again, if things have come on suddenly this is a very, very good remedy when the symptom picture fits and it's also a pneumonia remedy. Another one to think

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DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

of is antimonium tart. With children you will see very specific kinds of cravings for apples or apple juice or juicy fruit and one of the main mental emotional symptoms is they will say things like, "Don't look at me", or, and if you're out shopping, "She's looking at me, he's looking at me, tell my brother not to look at me." They're very... They'll want something and then they won't want something so very contrary, very changeable with their moods. And the cough will be quite loose and rattly. So, antimonium tart.!DP: Kali Carb. When they'll have sharp, stitching and pains and a lot of shortness of breath and a lot of mucus in the chest, and it's very difficult to get up. It's an asthma kind of remedy, and think of thick mucus. A lot of people are familiar with over-the-counter Kali Bich or Kali Bi or Kali Bichromicum for infected sinuses, where there's a lot of congestion, it's going down the back of the throat, you can't get it up, you can't get it down. So you can see how Kali Bichromicum could be really nicely used, especially if you may not have it diagnosed as a strep. But that strep A that causes the sinus infections, Kali Bichromicum could be very, very helpful. So where you get the Strep pneumoniae, same thing, Kali Carb works really hard to get that gunk up from your lungs. There's an irritability with Kali Carb too. Kali Carb will treat the people they love the most, the worst, and then they will feel bad about it after but they're really rude to family members.!DP: So at any end of any infectious illness I would highly recommend sulphur as kind of a clean-up remedy. So say you've gone along, you've given Bryonia or maybe antimonium tart or a Kali Carb or Kali Bich and there's just a little bit of weakness, just some things just not clearing up totally, you can sometimes give sulphur, homeopathic sulphur without really any indication except that it's the end of an illness, and what you'll find is people will generally bounce back with that.!DP: Today, on the Vaccine Free: Now What? page, I posted an acute complaint, Phosphorus 2011. Phosphorus is another pneumonia remedy to think of, especially when there's blood being brought up with the coughing so have a look at that. I wrote that handout specifically for an outbreak in 2011, a terrible cough, and it was actually what we would consider in homeopathic circles, the Genus Epidemicus but there's quite a bit of information there on the symptoms of phosphorus. So craving ice-cold drinks, then wanting to be held or touched, there are a lot of fears. Phosphorus children are normally very affectionate, people are drawn to them, and a lot of coughs and colds can be phosphorus-like. So be sure to have a read through that hand-out as well.!DP: So that's the main information on this Streptococcus pneumoniae, and next week, we will be studying Hepatitis A, B, and C, and we will finish off the series with influenza.

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Page 23: VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson101

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA) Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

And usually the push for the influenza vaccine starts in October so you will be more than well-prepared for the flu season in the fall. If there are any other travel vaccines that you would like covered next week, please send me an email and let me know because I could certainly add that into it. But otherwise, Hep A, B, and C for next week, influenza in the following week.!DP: I'm going to wish everybody well. Have a great week, and I will see you next week. Take care, everybody. Bye for now.

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