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Veratrum Album Sinopse

Jan 06, 2016




Estudo sinótico da Matéria Médica Homeopática de Veratrum album.
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Veratrum album 15Veratrum album

SumrioVeratrum album1Caractersticas2Sinopse3Indicacoes agudas4Didier Grandgeorge5Estudo de Veratrum (Elias Carlos Zoby)6Veratrum viride indicaes agudas7Sankran The Soul of Remedies8Sankaran The Spirit of Homeopathy10Vithoulkas11Memory cards (Valerie Sadovsky)12Herbal information14


Sinopse A SUBSTNCIAPlanta da famlia das Melanthiaceae: de aproximadamente 1,5m de altura; cresce nas pastagens das altas montanhas. A planta inteira venenosa, irritando a pele e as mucosas e estimulando as terminaes dos nervos motores. Prepara-se a tintura-me da raiz fresca.FONTES[e.1] Hahnemann, M.M.P., [e.2]Dr. Becher, ibid. ; [e.3] Dr. Franz, ibid., [e.4] Dr. Friedrich Hahnemann, ibid., [e.5] Dr. Stapf, ibid., [e.6] Dr. Teuthorn, ibid. [Nmero de sintomas]: 267 em Fragmenta de Vir., na 1 edio 711, e na 2 edio 716; 1016 em Allen e 4115 no Repertrio do Gehsh.AO GERALDificilmente, um grupo de sintomas se apresenta sem ser acompanhado por esfriamento; esfriamento nas secrees e no corpo. Marcada prostrao, relaxamento e cansao completos. Transpirao abundante, vmitos e diarria. Secrees aquosas abundantes. As extremidades dos dedos das mos esto frias, os lbios esto frios e azuis; facies de aflio e contrao; grande sensao de frialdade, como se o sangue fosse gua gelada. Este estado aparece durante as menstruaes, clicas com nuseas, com mania e delrio violento, com dor de cabea, com inflamaes violentas. Dores reumticas e nevrlgicas nas extremidades, pioram com o calor da cama. Veratrum, Camphora e Cuprum so remdios do clera. Extrema secura de todas as membranas mucosas. Espasmos tnicos ou caimbras. um grande remdio de desmaio.Sintomas mentais Os sintomas mentais esto caracterizados pela violncia e destrutividade; deseja rasgar algo; arranca as roupas do corpo. Quer permanecer sempre ocupado, seguir com sua tarefa diria. Estado de exaltao religiosa, cr que Cristo ressuscitado; ele fala incoerentemente em assuntos religiosos e em votos a serem cumpridos, reza, se imagina no cu falando com Deus; grita at que sua face se torna azul; a cabea fria como gelo, transpirao fria, exorta ao arrependimento. Ele imagina ser um prncipe e se comporta de uma forma muito arrogante. Pensa ser uma pessoa distinta; esbanja seu dinheiro; est orgulhoso de sua posio. Canta canes obscenas, expe sua pessoa. Ninfomania, com violncia e destrutividade; foi frustrado no amor; melancolia;...grande desejo por relaes sexuais; sem vergonha; obscenidade Medo e teme os efeitos do medo; medo morte e de ser condenado; imagina que o mundo est em chamas. Mania com desejo de cortar e rasgar tudo, especialmente roupas, com palavras injuriosas e lascivas. Mania puerperal e convulses; gritos selvagens, com disposio a morder. Loquacidade, fala rpido. O paciente se sente incontrolvel frente a uma fantasia desafortunada. Cheio de desespero e falta de esperanas. Ansiedade devido a uma m conscincia, como se houvesse cometido um crime. Insanidade ou histeria por honra ou orgulho feridos. Averso ao marido e filhos; deseja sair de casa: alucinaes, o quarto parece estar repleto de pessoas. Persegue sua famlia para fora de casa; declara que o sol gira em torno da terra; medo da morte, inquietude, e desespero. SONHOS: de ser afogado; de ser mordido por um cachorro e no poder escapar; de ser perseguido; de ladres. Dores e Sensaes. Cefalias violentas, que levam ao desespero; com nuseas, diarria; com rigidez de pescoo; > frio. Presso na boca do estmago; caimbras no estmago. Dores abdominais em clica; cortantes; torcendo; apertando, especialmente em torno do umbigo, > aps eliminar gases e/ou fezes. Dismenorria. Como se uma pedra de gelo no vertix. Como se frio e quente ao mesmo tempo, na cabea. Como se uma corrente alternada de frio e calor saindo dos ouvidos. Como se centenas de finas agulhas nas sobrancelhas. Como se a lngua muito pesada. Como se os dentes cheios de chumbo. Como se carves quente no abdome. Como se uma pedra pesada atada aos joelhos e ps. Como se gua gelada correndo nos ossos. Sensaes de frio em vrias partes do corpo.Sintomas Funcionais. [Desejos alimentares]: fruta, coisas suculentas e frias, gelo e sal . [Averses]: comida quente. [Apetite]: voraz. [Sede]: para gua fria, mas vomita assim que engole. Colapso, depois de vomitar ou diarria; prostrao completa e diminuio da vitalidade, acompanhados de frio gelado e cianose. Clera asitico. Febre com frio externo, pele gelada e com calor interno, alterna com calafrios. Tifide. Peristalse reversa. Constipao por inatividade do reto. Menorragia com nuseas, vmitos e diarria. Um dos melhores estimulantes cardacos em doses homeopticas.Sintomas Lesionais. Peritonite. Hemorridas com doena dos pulmes ou pleura. Prolapso de vagina estrangulado. Pneumonia aps coqueluche. Angina pectoris com constrico sufocativa do peito; paciente sua de agonia.Local: Nervos. Abdomen. Corao. Sistema digestivo.Modalidades:[Causalidades]: Susto. Shock ou traumatismo. Amor desapontado. Honra ou orgulho ferido. lcool . [Agrava]: Esforo. Beber. Bebidas frias. Susto. Durante a dor. Toque. Presso. Mudana de tempo. Tempo frio. Antes e durante a menstruao. Durante a transpirao. [Melhora]: Calor. Cobrir. Bebidas quentes. Leite. Estimulantes. [Horrio]: noite. Concomitantes: Suores frios na testa acompanha quase todos os seus sintomas. Frio intenso, gelado. s vezes com sensao de calor interno. Frio objetivo e subjetivo. Sede intensa insacivel de grandes quantidades, de bebidas frias, que logo vomita. Comparaes: Hyosciamus, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Platinum e Stramonium.Indicacoes agudas Causalidade: Susto. Shock ou traumatismo. Amor desapontado. Honra ou orgulho ferido. Alcool. Sintomas caractersticos: Colapso, depois de vomitar ou diarria, no cholera; prostrao completa e diminuo da vitalidade, acompanhados de frio gelado e cianose. Clera asitico. Febre com frio externo, pele gelada e com calor interno, alterna com calafrios. Tifoide. Sensaes: Como se uma pedra de gelo no vertix. Como se frio e quente ao mesmo tempo, na cabea (on scalp). Como se uma corrente alternada de frio e calor saindo dos ouvidos. Como se centenas de finas agulhas nas sobrancelhas (thrust into eyelids). Como se a lngua muito pesada. Como se os dentes cheios de chumbo. Como se carves quente no abdome. Como se uma pedra pesada atada aos joelhos e ps. Como se gua gelada correndo nos ossos. Concomitantes: Suores frios na testa acompanha quase todos os seus sintomas. Frio intenso, gelado. s vezes com sensao de calor interno. Frio objetivo e subjetivo. Sede intensa insacivel de grandes quantidades, de bebidas frias, que logo vomita.Didier GrandgeorgeVeratrum album The lie This is a remedy known for its intense acute states which give the impression of cardiovascular shock: pale skin, cold sweat, pulse weak and fast. This may also be the case in acute gastroenteritis such as the type which sometimes afflicts world travelers, in which we find abundant diarrhea with profuse and sudden vomiting. The notable characteristic is that the stool does not smell bad (the opposite of Arsenicum album). The vomiting is followed by intense hiccoughing. This remedy is also useful during violent attacks of asthma in which the same state of shock is present. In addition, it is one of the best cardiac stimulants, as long as it is taken in homeopathic doses. In acute cases, this remedy can be helpful in psychiatry for delusional episodes with manic excitation and coprophagia (the ill person eats his feces). The individual is excitable, tears and cuts everything within reach, then relapses into total muteness and refuses to eat. Veratrum album individuals do not tell the truth. There is a kind of perversion of the word that takes place. In adults, the lie allows them to regain a position in society they feel they have lost: the end justifies the means (E. Candegabe). Veratrum album is ambitious and easily becomes an obsequious "bootlicker" with superiors, while being hard on those who are weaker. Children can feign illness (Aconitum, Belladonna, Moschus, Tarentula). They can become ill when a baby brother or sister is born, for example, because they imagine that their new sibling is going to take their place while they are away at school. Veratrum album mothers have a tendency toward depression before their monthly menstruation, and sometimes tend to have false pregnancies. Observation Marie, seven years old, comes to see me once again for bronchitis. She has been in my care since the age of 18 months, paying me numerous visits each year for eczema, bronchitis which is sometimes asthmatic, otitis, and conjunctivitis. In short, the psora identified by Hahnemann is revealing itself, like the mythical Hydra, with multiple heads that grow anew each time we cut one off with a remedy. Both mother and daughter are regulars at my office, and at each appointment they wait patiently, always absorbed in reading wonderful picture books that take them into a fabulous world of fairytales, where they are princesses, the chosen. . . . On this particular day, I try to deepen my analysis. The mother tells me that her daughter became ill after being scolded by the teacher for cheating on a quiz. This child, endowed with sharp intelligence and a brilliant memory, is always at the head of her class. On that day, however, her parents had taken her for a weekend vacation without her schoolbooks, and she had not been able to study. Afraid of getting a bad grade, she preferred to copy her classmates' answers. Looking up two rubrics in the repertory-"fear of his position in society" and "vomiting of mucus from coughing" (a constant in her case)-I see Veratrum album in both. Moreover, it seems that this child will readily lie in order to correct a given situation (Argentum nitricum, Conium, Ethylicum, Syphilinum, Veratrum album). Under Veratrum album 7 CH, her bronchitis disappears within 48 hours, and with a few doses in 15, 18, 24, then 30 CH, the clinical picture is radically transformed. The winter that follows is her first without a single acute illness.

Estudo de Veratrum (Elias Carlos Zoby)Agora veja um resumo de estudo q fiz sobre verat alguns anos atrs. Zoby.TRANSGRESSO- Ambicionou ser distinguido dos demais, ser o 2 na hierarquia, abaixo de Deus. Protegido pelo poder do superior q o distingue. Recusou-se a aceitar q houvesse intermedirio entre ele e Deus, algum que lhe fosse superior. Entre as criaturas, quis ser o 1. (No fundo acho q se Deus vacilasse ele tomaria o lugar:)PERDA- Seu lugar entre os outros: sente-se abandonado, em algum outro lugar q no sua casa, a sala est cheia e no h mais espao.TEMOR AO CASTIGO- Rpido decaimento de toda a fora, afunda. Medo de perder sua posio.NOSTALGIA- De seu lar, deseja ir p/ casa, sente-se c/o um estrangeiro, fora de seu lugar.JUSTIFICATIVA- Diz q um segredo e um infortnio, est em comunicao c/ Deus, portanto distinguido pela proximidade direta.PSORA SECUNDRIA- Teme e/ou adoece por todas as perdas: lugar, desprezo, humilhao, amor, vmito, diarria, dinheiro. - Ingnuo muito inteligente.EGOTROFIA FRANCA- Vai buscar seu lugar, quer ser rico e torna-se cpido, ambicioso, gourmand. Cime, entre homens. - Arrogante e pomposo. Desdenha dos outros, quer rebaix-los, insolente. Autoritrio. - Eglatra. Corajoso. - Fofoqueiro, curioso, espia tudo, indiscreto, intrigante. Enganador.EGOTROFIA CAMUFLADA- Afetuoso, amvel, mas principal/ c/ os q considera superiores, c/ estranhos mas no c/ a famlia. Duro c/ inferiores e amvl c/ superiores. - Beija todos q se aproximam, abraa tudo e todos. EGOLISE- Repele a aproximao c/ qq um, corre p/ trs da mesa e ralha. Quer deixar sua casa. Corre c/o louco (s vezes at cair), gritando. - reconhece ningum. - Averso aos seus. - Inclinao a pender a cabea, Hold; up head, unable to:. - Colapso, pele fria, face plida, olhos fundos, grande sede, vmito e diarria. Paralisia aps perdas debilitantes. - Auto-degradao por comer fezes, anda sujo e esfarrapado.ALTERLISE- Violentas exploses, ataca os q esto sua volta. - Rasga coisas, roupas e no fala. Destrutivo.- Vingativo, maldoso, cruel. Grosseiro. Briguento. - Expulsa sua famlia de casa.

Veratrum viride indicaes agudas

Identification: Genus Veratrum Species viride Variety Cultivar Common names American white hellebore Family MELANTHIACEAE Herbal medicine: Medicinal properties hypotensive Medicinal parts Rootstock Has medicinal uses yes Do not self-administer yes Do no use if pregnant no Legally restricted no Toxicity precautions It is highly toxic Medicinal notes Veratrum viride may have beneficial uses as a hypotensive. American white hellebore should only be used under professional guidance. Other species with the same medicinal qualities include Veratrum album. Only the rootstock is used in herbal preparations. It is highly toxic. Causalidade Sol. Supresso da menstruao.Sintomas caractersticos Congesto seu sintoma chave, principalmente quando coincide com nuseas e vmitos. Estados congestivos agudos de incio brusco e violento, sobretudo na cabea, base do crebro, pulmes, medula e estmago. Congesto intensa, quase apopltica. Crises agudas de hipertenso arterial com congesto cerebral violenta e brusca, com cefalia intensa, cabea quente e pesada, olhos hiperemiados e batimentos arteriais vsiveis no pescoo e no corpo. til para pessoas pletricas e sanguneas. Cefalias e enxaquecas com as caracterstica acima. Meningite basilar; encefalite. Afeces crebro espinhais Pneumonia com congesto violenta. Hipertermia ao anoitecer e hipotermia pela manh. Febres supurativas com grande variao de temperatura. Febre em zigzag.Sensaes Sensao de um peso no trax (heavy load on chest).Concomitantes Lngua branca; o centro branco e as bordas e ponta vermelhas. ou com um listra vermelha e seca no centro, com sensao de queimor. (principal key-note objetivo). Erisipelas com sintomas cerebrais..

Sankran The Soul of RemediesVeratrum album Veratrum album is a remedy of the acute miasm. Veratrum has the feeling that he has lost his social position which he must regain quickly by any means or he will be finished. He tries to find means for sudden gains, e.g. gambling, lying, fraudulent business, etc. Show of wealth and importance are prominent features seen in Veratrum and using these he tries to make up this "lost social position". Social position is a very important factor in human life, for it ensures security, marital prospects and protection from attacks. A threat to social position therefore is a threat to all these factors. We see in Belladonna the fear of being attacked, in Stramonium the threat of being alone in the wilderness, and in Hyoscyamus the threat of being deserted by his partner. That is why it is said that Veratrum has all these three remedies in it. In addition, it has a lot to do with ego. As a proving, when I took a dose of Veratrum, I dreamt: "I was an employee of an old man who was going to retire very soon. Fearing that the retirement would be a blow to his social position, he wanted to arrange a huge extravaganza to prove that his was still important. So he booked a huge football stadium for his birthday party and filled it up with his guests. We, the employees were to march in the stadium with the stilts on our shoes to exaggerate our heights and at the same time play music. Our boss, the old man, would follow us in the stadium." This dream typifies the Veratrum feeling. This man behaves as if he is reacting to a loss of social position. He is like a king who has suddenly become a pauper. If he is to "survive" he has to tell lies and make a show of wealth. He has to squander money and speak highly of himself. He needs to create about him an aura of grandeur. In cases that require the remedy, we see that if not the patient himself, somebody in his earlier generations has lost his social position, creating the Veratrum state. This state has been subsequently transmitted as a root into this patient. Often such a history can be traced. Veratrum can be religious but even there, there is usually a very large element of show in it: there is much ostentation in his religiousness. Similarly in his speech, extravagance and his ability to lie without any hesitation, you can see that a Veratrum person needs to re-establish his position in society. I believe it can be a remedy for certain showy evangelists. In my experience I have seen that Veratrum people can use any means in order to make quick buck or show their importance, e.g. lying, name dropping, issuing false cheques, doing fraudulent business, large-scale cheating, tremendous show of wealth, etc. Religious, political or business leaders who make a big show may be in the Veratrum state. If caught, they try to cheat their way out by lies and deceit which include feigning illness, even cancer. On the other hand Veratrum persons are a joy to be with: talking, singing, jesting, cheerful. They can have also pleasant fantasies, e.g. being in communication with God. Rubrics - Despair, position of, social. - Religious. - Delusion, God communication with, he is in. - Delusion, dumb, he is. - Busy. - Restless. - Industrious. - Cheerful. - Loquacity. - Liar. - Deceitful. - Courageous. - Squanders money. - Extravagance. - Praying. - Shameless. Kent - Desires ice.

Sankaran The Spirit of HomeopathyVeratrum album The most beautiful symptom of Veratrum album given in the Synthetic Repertory is: Despair, social position of. If we understand this symptom correctly, it will be very easy to understand the picture of Veratrum album. The state of a remedy can be understood as a set of components, as a characteristic combination of components. The important components of Veratrum album are as follows (rubrics from Synthetic Repertory): Liar; Deceitful; Courageous; Squanders money; Extravagance; Praying; Religious; Shameless; Smiling; Laughing High-spirited; Haughty. Now, we will try to understand how these components are connected to each other. We can make a connection between them if we understand that this man behaves as if he is reacting to a loss of social position. It is like a king who has suddenly become a pauper. If this man is to survive, he has to tell lies and make a show of wealth. He has to squander money and speak highly of himself. He needs to create an aura of grandeur. So, all these components of Veratrum album can be connected together if we imagine that this is state which has arisen as a survival mechanism in this particular situation.VithoulkasVeratrum album (verat.) The Veratrum influence is constant activity. This is not s much violence or aggressiveness, except in the most extreme state. It is rather a driven, ceaseless energy compelling the patient to be busy all the time. It is likely to be activity for its own sake, without purpose - constantly stacking books or chairs, endless cleaning. In the hyperactive child, it is unceasing drawing, painting, singing, playing, but unlike Stramonium, it is not breaking things or destructive. Such a person may be a pest, demanding attention by sheer energy, but not actually destructive. The Veratrum patient has a profound confusion about his identity. He thinks he is Christ or John the Baptist, or a chosen person to save the world. This is the street corner preacher who, day in and day out, exhorts people to repent, repeating over and over the same righteous message, often at the top of his lungs. Unlike Stramonium, the actual physical strength is not increased, but rather there is surprising stamina. The person seems never to run out of steam. In Stramonium, we see an eruption of the unconscious about what is happening to him. In Veratrum, the person does not SEE delusions so much a she has a mistaken idea of his own identity. He is convinced of who he is, and no-one can talk him out of it. It is as if the organism side-tracked the energy rising from the unconscious into a relatively more harmless confusion of identity. In the most early stages, the ceaseless activity, singing, doing repetitive tasks etc. may be difficult to distinguish from other remedies. The Veratrum quality becomes clear a little later, when the person exhibits righteousness. This may not yet have religious content to it, but the person will believe himself to be superior to those around him. He may become overly critical, censorious. In the Repertory, we see Veratrum is in bold type under the rubric HAUGHTY. As this tendency grows, the person becomes less in touch with the discrepancy between his reality and others; he may believe himself to be the only one who is sane, all the others being insane. Finally, this develops the full religious righteousness. The active state may alternate with a melancholy state - as in some manic depressive psychoses. The patient may brood or sulk, despairing over his own state of over the state of the world. In particular, there is despair over his own salvation. In young girls, just before the menses, there may be a deep despair, particularly if there is dysmenorrhoea with coldness, prostration, sweating, vomiting and/or diarrhoea. This despair, over the years, may progress into a full-fledged insanity of the Veratrum type. Some of the general characteristics of Veratrum are distinctive, and helpful in prescribing. Veratrum has great thirst for cold drinks, even for ice. It also desires fruit, particularly acid fruit. There is a great desire for salt. And throughout the Veratrum state there is severe coldness. The acute state of Veratrum shows the activity in exaggerated form once again, both mentally and physically. The excessive vomiting and diarrhoea is very active, sudden, explosive. The classic Veratrum state is one of severe illness, even shock. The best description is found in Kent's Materia Medica; "Profuse watery" discharges. These conditions occur without apparent provocation. In cholera or cholera morbus, it seems that the fluids are forced out of the body. Lies in bed, relaxed prostrated, cold to the fingertips, with corresponding blueness, fairly purple; lips cold and blue, countenance pinched and shrunken; great sensation of coldness as if the blood were ice-water; scalp cold; forehead covered with cold sweat; headache and exhaustion; coldness in spots over the body; extremities cold as death. Full of cramps; looks as if he would die. This state comes out during the menses, during colic with nausea, with mania and violent delirium, with headache, with violent inflammations. In the muscles, there is much twitching (like Hyoscyamus and Agaricus). Physically, other than the gastrointestinal and menstrual symptoms, there are severe neuralgic pains which drive the person to mania. There are severe neuralgic pains in the head, as well as congestive pains in the head. In the extremities and joints, there are severe neuralgic and rheumatic pains, again causing mania, coldness, and sweat. In comparison, Veratrum is highly active like Stramonium and Tarentula more so than Hyoscyamus. It is not so violent or so threatening as are Stramonium or Tarentula. Of course, in the most extreme states, it can be violent, but this is not characteristic of the full course of the illness. It is more religious, righteous, censorious, and haughty than the other remedies.

Memory cards (Valerie Sadovsky)

Valerie Sadovsky Hellebore is an extremely poisonous plant growing in Europe, where it was used as one the principal poisons for arrows, daggers, etc. When snuffed up it produces profuse running of the nose; when swallowed, severe vomiting and profuse diarrhea. Narcotic symptoms, such as stupor and convulsions, appear in addition to vomiting and diarrhea, when the dose is fatal. It was formerly used in cerebral affections, such as mania, epilepsy, etc., for gout, and, in the form of an ointment or decoction, in obstinate skin diseases such as scabies and vermin infestation.ESSENCE: Icy-cold, heartless, with no desire for connection with others. Thinks in terms of social hierarchy: everyone is either below or above him in the hierarchy. Veratrum has the feeling that he has lost his social position which he must regain quickly by any means or he will be finished. He tries to find means for sudden gains, e.g. gambling, lying, fraudulent business, etc. (Sankaran)MENTAL SYMPTOMS - HARD lacking connection HAUGHTY critical censorious rude (esp. to people below them) angry and violent ... cursing LYING and hardly seems to know himself that he does so- Fears: of LOSING POSITION or NOT BEING ABLE TO GET TO THE POSITION heights falling from heights- Religiosity excessive praying ... DELUSIONS OF RELIGION AND IDENTITY (believes he is a savior or prophet, or that he has a divine mission; that God is talking to him; preaches on the streets) despair of salvation- Mania; acute or chronic psychosis (violence, spending, etc.) meaningless, repetitive actions (cutting, tearing, picking, etc.)- Children: precocious (esp. in understanding relationships who is above and who is below) ask many serious questions restless, hyperactive and disobedient destructive behavior, parents cant control them cannot connect emotionally (this applies to adults too), there is no way to reach them (= cold) run away from home at early age- High sexuality, even in very little kids: touches, hugs and kisses inappropriately (Hyos. tends to expose himself or talk dirty, but rarely does it)GENERAL SYMPTOMS- Tremendous CHILLINESS (one of the chilliest remedies) ... LOCAL COLDNESS (lump of ice on top of the head)- COPIOUS EVACUATIONS (vomiting, purging, salivation, sweat, urine) with PROFOUND PROSTRATION, COLDNESS, BLUENESS AND COLLAPSE; effects are violent and sudden- COLD PERSPIRATION ON THE FOREHEAD with all complaints- FAINTING from emotions, least exertion, slight injury, etc.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSHead: vertigo with vomiting and cold sweat severe HA, often with vomiting, with icy coldness, esp. on the vertex cold face ... profuse cold sweat, esp. on the forehead ... cold breath and tongue in the acute or collapsed statesGI: diarrhea after fright (with coldness and prostration; also Aco., Gels., Arg-nit, Op.) gastroenteritis with SIMULTANEOUS VOMITING AND DIARRHEA (Ars) profuse, debilitating diarrhea, < cold, < menses colitis vomiting and diarrhea during menses with dysmenorrhea ... projectile vomiting ... abdominal cramping and distention intense thirst vomiting with cough (Ip.) cravings: sour salt ice fruit ... sardinesMale/Female: SEVERE DYSMENORRHEA, esp. with intense cramping, coldness, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness ... hyper-sexualExtremities: cold fingers and/or toesPRIME INDICATIONS1. Excessive restlessness, mental and physical.2. Ambition, every possible means employed.3. Tremendous chilliness.4. Local or general coldness.5. Excessive evacuations, watery. Cold sweat.6. Craving for sour fruit, salty things and cold drinks.ETIOLOGIES: Post-operative shock shock of injury fright disappointed love injured pride or honor opium, tobacco, alcoholAFFINITIES: NERVES (ABDOMINAL; heart; blood vessels) vertex blood respiratory system ... digestive systemMODALITIES: : hot drinks walking about covering lyingSENSATIONS: As if ice on the vertex as blood in veins is cold like ice PAINS: Purging is always associated with sharp cutting pains in the abdomen, and often with cramps in the limbs.DISCHARGES: Very COPIOUS rice-water or greenish (stool) ICY-COLD SWEAT NOTES by Morrinson- The "evacuant" use of Verat. gives one of the keynotes for its homeopathic use its discharges are copious (stools, vomiting, urine, salivation, sweat.) The discharges drain the tissues like cholera in which disease its pathogenetic effects render it one of the first remedies, ranking with Camph. and Cupr. in Hahnemann's trio (Murphy)DIFFERENTIALSViolence: Unlike Stram. and Tarent., Verat. is not emotionally connected, so he doesnt feel any remorse after, e.g. destroying things. Behind destructive behavior of Stram. is a plea for attention. Tarent. manipulates parents by destroying things to attract attention.Fears: Social position is a very important factor in human life, for it ensures security, marital prospects and protection from attacks. A threat to social position therefore is a threat to all these factors. We see in Belladonna the fear of being attacked, in Stramonium the threat of being alone in the wilderness, and in Hyoscyamus the threat of being deserted by his partner. That is why it is said that Veratrum has all these three remedies in it. In addition, it has a lot to do with ego.Diarrhea: Camph. also produces coldness and symptoms of collapse, but discharges are scanty and the nausea marked. Jatropha curcas causes vomiting of ropy albuminous matters with purging like water from a hydrant, coldness, nausea and gurgling in the abdomen. Podo. is esp. indicated when pain is absent. The stools are watery and come out with a gush and splutter like water from a hydrant. There is marked loathing of food. The bowels are more apt to move after midnight and toward morning. The stools are very liable to vary in color, now yellow, now green, etc. (see more diffs in Farringtons Clinical MM)SOURCES: Boger, Synoptic Farrington, Homeopathy (RW) Farrington, Therapeutic Pointers (RW)Cowperthwaite, Textbook (RW) Vermeulen, Prisma

Herbal information The rhizome and rootlets of Veratrum album, Linn.Nat. Ord.Liliaceae (Melanthaceae).COMMON NAME AND SYNONYMS: White veratrum; Rhizoma veratri, Radix hellebori albi.ILLUSTRATION: Bentley and Trimen, Med. Plants, 285.Botanical Source.Veratrum album is a perennial herb, with a fleshy, oblong, somewhat horizontal, premorse rhizome, about the thickness of a finger, blackish or brownish-white externally, whitish or pale yellowish-white internally, having numerous fleshy, brownish-white fibers or true roots. The stem is straight, round, striated, and from 1 to 4 feet high. The leaves are alternate, plaited, broad-ovate, and acutish. The flowers are yellowish-white, green at the back, 8 lines in diameter, and produced in a terminal panicle; segments spreading, serrulate, and somewhat wavy. In other respects it resembles the Veratrum viride. (L.).History and Description.White hellebore inhabits Europe, especially the Alpine and Pyreneean districts. Under the name Veratrum californicum, Durand, this plant is said to have been found in Colorado and other western states. The part used is the rhizome, though the whole plant is highly noxious. The dried root, as it occurs in pharmacy, consists of a single, double, or many-headed rhizome, cylindrical, or in the form of a truncated cone, from 2 to 4 inches by 1 inch, rough, corrugated, grayish or blackish-brown externally, having a faint, unpleasant odor, and a sweetish, bitter, and then intensely disagreeable, and permanently acrid taste. Diluted alcohol is its best solvent. Its powder is somewhat of an ash color.Chemical Composition.Much confusion as to the active principles of the root of white hellebore, existed prior to the researches of Wright and Luff (Jour. Chem. Soc., 1878, pp. 338-359, and 1879, pp. 405-426; also see Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1878, p. 489, and 1879, p. 367). Contrary to previous statements by Pelletier and Caventou (1819), Weigand (1842), Weppen (1873), and, in accordance with the views of Dragendorff (1872) and Tobien (1877), these authors established the absence of cevadine, the active principle of sabadilla seed (see Veratrina and Veratrum Viride). They believe the poisonous properties of white hellebore to be due to an amorphous alkaloid, veratralbine (C26H43NO5). In addition, the authors found three crystallizable alkaloids, jervine (C26H37NO3), discovered by E. Simon, in 1837, and called by him barytine, because, like barium salts, it formed an almost insoluble sulphate; pseudo-jervine (C29H43NO7); and rubijervive (C26H43NO3).The painstaking researches of G. Salzberger (Archiv der Pharm., 1890, pp. 462-483) have thrown further light on this subject. The author discovered a crystallizable base (protoveratrine, C32H51NO11) of enormous poisonous activity, and extremely sensitive to alkalies. It is permanent in the air., insoluble in water, benzol, petroleum ether, quite soluble in chloroform, and in boiling (96 per cent) alcohol, little soluble in cold ether, easily soluble in dilute acids, except acetic acid. Its alcoholic solution turns red litmus paper blue, and a trace of its powder excites violent sneezing. The crystals dissolve in concentrated sulphuric acid with greenish color, which turns blue, and, later, violet. Warming with concentrated sulphuric acid produces vapors of isobutyric acid, and the liquid turns dark cherry-red. About 0.03 per cent was obtained from the root. In addition, the author found the following crystallizable alkaloids, all being nearly insoluble in ether, and indications of other alkaloids existing in the root: Protoveratridine (C26H45NO8), 0.005 per cent, almost insoluble in alcohol and ether, physiologically inert, and probably a decomposition product of protoveratrine; jervine (0.1 per cent crude alkaloid), pseudo-jervine, and rubijervive (0.005 per cent), which he found of the composition and the general properties assigned to them by Wright and Luff. Jervine is feebly toxic, and is the most abundant of the veratrum alkaloids. Its salts, with sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids are very little soluble in water. The two other bases are physiologically inert. Wright and Luff's veratralbin is considered by Salzberger as not sufficiently characterized chemically. The root also contains a green, fatty oil and a volatile oil of a delicious and permanent anise flavor.Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.White hellebore is a violent irritant poison, occasioning, when snuffed up into the nostrils, severe coryza. When swallowed, it causes sore mouth, swelling of the tongue, gastric beat, and burning, severe vomiting, and often profuse diarrhoea. Vertigo, weakness, and tremors of the extremities, feeble pulse, loss of voice, dilatation of pupils, spasms of the ocular muscles, blindness, cold sweating, and mental disturbances are also produced. When it proves fatal, narcotic symptoms are superadded, such as prolonged stupor and convulsions. Gastro-intestinal inflammation has also been produced by it. When not fatal, distressing praecordial oppression persists for some time, and there are produced nervous and spasmodic symptoms and prolonged debility. It was formerly administered as an emetic and purgative in insanity, as a diaphoretic in some diseases of the skin, and as a sternutatory, in combination with some other powder to modify its action, in headache, amaurosis, and ophthalmia. Poisoning by white hellebore may be treated by coffee as a drink and in injection, with stimulants to overcome the depressed condition of the heart and arteries, and opiates and demulcents to relieve internal inflammation. At present it is rarely used, except in the form of decoction or ointment, as an external application to kill lice, and cure the itch, pruritis, and some other cutaneous affections; but, used thus, it is not always free from danger. It has been used for the cure of gout, as a substitute for the Eau Mdicinale of Husson; 3 parts of the wine of white hellebore added to 1 part of laudanum, was given in doses of from 1/2 to 2 fluid drachms. Minute doses of a tincture of Veratrum album are efficient in bowel disorders, with gushing, watery evacuations, there being more or less cramp-like or spasmodic action in the muscular 1/2 of the intestines and abdominal walls. It has thus been employed in cholera infantum, cholera morbus, in both of which it also cheeks the vomiting, and in Asiatic cholera. For these uses the 3 x dilution may be added to water in the proportion of 30 drops of the tincture to 4 fluid ounces of water, the dose of which, in severe cases, is a teaspoonful every 15 minutes. For its earlier uses, the dose of the powder is from 1 to 8 grains, gradually and cautiously increased, commencing with 1 grain; of the vinous tincture, from 20 to 60 minims. Its use always requires great care.Specific Indications and Uses.Gushing watery discharges from the bowels, with spasmodic or cramp-like action of the intestines and abdominal parieties; cold face; sunken eyes; body covered with cold sweat.Related Species.Veratrum album var. Lobelianum, Bernhardt (Veratrum album var. viridiflorum of Mertens and Koch), is a European plant closely related to white and American hellebore. Its chief difference consists in its having bracts of a greater length, and a simpler inflorescence, the blossoms of which are pale-green. Tobien (1877) found jervine and veratroidine in both the rhizome and young leaves of this species.