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USA Today on Direct Selling

Apr 07, 2018



Jeremy Kennedy
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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    Why Direct

    Selling Works

    The OriginalSocial BuSineSS Model

    A Sp c al S ppl m t t USA Today by Direct Selling News

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    Imagine Your Future

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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling







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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



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    6 7 Reasons Why You Should Be anEntrepreneurNo one ever said building a business iseasy. But the bene ts ar outweigh thee ort, say these authors and experts.

    10 The New Network MarketingTechnology and social mediahave made direct selling more accessible,and word-o -mouth marketing is hotterthan ever. Find out why this isnt yourparents network marketing business.

    14 Cover Story: The OriginalSocial Business ModelGroupon, BzzAgent and Procter & Gambleare just a ew examples o businessestaking a page rom network marketingsunique business model. Learn the rolethat consumers play.

    18 From Wall Street to MainStreetDirect selling: What Warren Bu ett, SuzeOrman and Jim Cramer all know that youshould, too.

    20 What People Are SayingHear what nancial experts,authors and analysts are saying about theviability o direct selling.

    22 Employee to EntrepreneurRich Dad Poor Dad authorRobert Kiyosaki helps you make the leap.

    26 The Faces of Network MarketingThese ambitious entrepreneurs areyoung, well-educated and looking tosupplement their incomes. | 2011 Direct Selling News. All rights reserved.

    Founder & CEOStuart P. Johnson

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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    Meet Shelley Hess. Wife. Mother.Direct Selling Representative.

    Direct Selling. 16 Million Strong.

    A ter staying home or 10 years to raise her two boys, Shelley decided to go back to work. But she wanted more fexibility than her old job could o er.

    She ell in love with the products sold by a direct selling company and decided to sign up as one o the companys independent representatives.Now she works when she wants and has made enough money to take her amily on two vacations. Millions o people like Shelley enjoy the fexibilityand extra income that direct selling can o er.

    For the 200+ member companies o the Direct Selling Association, membership means a commitment to the highest standards in business wheninteracting with independent sellers like Shelley and the millions o satisfed direct selling customers. Find out more about direct selling andthese exceptional companies at

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    Why YouShould Be anEntrepreneur

    E very new parent asks himsel or hersel why children dontcome with a manual. Te same holds true or entrepreneurship.

    I someone penned all the challenges youd ace in this bravenew worldthe sleepless nights, the messes cleaned up, the tears

    shed ew would think the bene ts outweigh the labor.Tats right; no one ever said entrepreneurship was easy.But with entrepreneurship comes e ort. E ort fourishes with passion.

    Passion makes work eel like pleasure. Pleasure is the grati cation thatyouve worked hard to create something real, important and lasting. And

    that cycle is one o t he many reasons why entrepreneurship remains anenduring ideal in this country.Te direct selli ng business model can level the playing eld and close

    the gap between the haves and have-nots, says Ray Chambers, world-renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist and one o Time magazines 100Most Infuential People. When the economy is uncertain, theres no better

    by K. Sh lby Skrh k

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    - :

    continued on page 7

    time to create a job for yourself by starting your own

    business. Not sure its or you? Consider this.You were born to be an entrepreneur, not an employee,

    says motivational speaker Stedman Graham , author o the New York Times best seller You Can Make It Happen. At no other time in history has t here been a betteropportunity or people to create or retain ownership o their lives, he says. Our nation and its communitiesneed more entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurialism is not only a pathway to autonomy and nancial independence, butalso has a macro-level impact on community development

    and economic growth, providing sources o employmentand higher living standards. Perhaps there is no easierway to embrace entrepreneurship than di rect selling.

    1. Job Securityo ly a ge erati r tw ag ,g i g i t si ess r y rselwas sidered risky, a d thesa est r te was t get a g d

    j i a large rm. Thats whatmy r dad ta ght me, saysRich Dad Poor Dad a th rR ert Kiy saki. n w, w rki g

    r a traditi al r rati hase me the risky ti .

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling


  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    The New Netw rkMarketingby K. Sh lby Skrh k

    odays network marketing mantra isOnline. In touch. On my way. With iPhones, iPads, apps and Android, people have neverbeen so technologically poised to do business anytime, anyplace.Send e-vites with detai ls o your next MonaVie party. Post toFacebook your latest, svelte-looking photos rom your Body by ViChallenge. Pull out your iPad to show a prospect what your ACNbusiness is all about. Network marketing by de inition is a social

    business, and the explosion o social networking has made it easierthan ever.

    Once you choose the company you want to work or, your networkmarketing business can be up and running in no time. For theaspiring entrepreneur, its a low-cost investmentessentially a business in a box. he best par t is that you dont have to be asalesperson. Sell what you like. Share the opportunity with others.

    continued on page 12

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



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  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling


  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    For starters, social media hasgreatly increased the scaleand geographic reach o ourrelationship networks. Whereasa decade ago, your social circlemay have been limited to thepeople you talked with every day, today social circles havewidened to encompass those withwhom we maintain some degree o contact via peer networks.

    Maybe you havent called your collegeroommate in months, but you know viaFacebook that he and his wi e just had a littlegirl, theyre moving to Denver and hes lookingor a new job. Youre not as out o touch as youthink; you know what your amily and riendsare doing and they want to hear about you, too.

    Social media is all about buildingrelationships, and thats real ly, at its core, whatthe network marketing industry is about.Trough these online communities, we can nowreconnect with people we would never have hadaccess to be ore and get to know them in a way thats honest and real.

    Re errals are everywhere on the Internet.In act, the Internet is nothing more thana web o re errals. Every Facebook like orlink to another website is a recommendation,every positive tweet on your product, a reetestimonial. Word-o -mouth is probably themost power ul orm o advertising and now isthe best time to take advantage.

    While in-the-moment companies likeGroupon and LivingSocial use social media andword-o -mouth as a power ul marketing tool,they see the results go to their bottom lines.Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

    says thats what is unique aboutnetwork marketing. Pro its are

    paid to the order o you. hepro its generated dont end upsupporting big ad agencies orlarge companies, but insteadend up in the pockets o youand your riends, he says.

    Its not as much about selling as it isbuilding a network o trusted people and anasset or you and your amily.

    And the best par t o network marketing?Sure, the moneys nice and the thrill o entrepreneurship is a great motivator. Butwhat network marketing companies will sharewith you can change your li e, and thats notan exaggeration.

    he training, personal development, goal-setting, con idence building and motivationyoull get are second to none. Networkmarketers eed their minds good stu . Goto direct selling conventions and hear best-selling authors such as John Maxwell tellyou what youre doing right with your li eand how to make it even better. Sit in a roomwith thousands o other goal-motivatedindividuals and eel the excitement thatcomes rom being part o a great team. Read apersonal-development book that inspires youso that you go out and buy 10 more copies orriends, so they can experience the same a-hamoment that you did.

    Ultimately, when youre making money,networking with others, improving yoursel and taking control o your li e, a networkmarketing business can make traditionalemployment pale by comparisonand look so 20th century.

    With iPhones, iPads, appsand Android, people have

    never been so technologicallypoised to do businessanytime, anyplace.

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling



    by K. Sh lby Skrh k WhyGroupon ,BzzAgent

    and Procter& Gamble are just a few examplesof businesses takinga page from network

    marketings uniquebusiness model.

  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling


  • 8/3/2019 USA Today on Direct Selling


    cli k h r to pur h s opi s of th origi l32-p g suppl m t.