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Unleash the Power of Visualization

Jul 18, 2016



Reza Fikri

Visualization works hand in hand with the Law of Attraction by creating very strong, powerful images of what you want and sending them out into the universe, acting like a magnet to draw those things into your life.
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Page 1: Unleash the Power of Visualization
Page 2: Unleash the Power of Visualization

Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Here’s the Proof ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Your Visualization Toolbox ............................................................................................................................ 3

Write a vision statement ........................................................................................................................... 3

Use the power of sound ............................................................................................................................ 4

Creating a vision board ............................................................................................................................. 5

Repeat, repeat, repeat .............................................................................................................................. 6

Additional Information.............................................................................................................................. 7

Page 3: Unleash the Power of Visualization

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Introduction It’s no secret that there is a powerful connection between our minds and our bodies. In addition to

irrefutable scientific evidence that meditation can lower blood pressure, and reducing stress can

decrease the risk of heart attacks, you’ve probably seen the evidence in your own life.

Remember the last time you watched a horror movie? When something frightening happened on the

screen, you probably felt a chill go up your spine, a tingling sensation in your arms, and your heart may

have started to race. You weren’t actually harmed or even threatened, but your mind can’t differentiate

between what is real and what is imaginary, so you felt the physical reaction in your body. That’s the

power of your mind!

What you might not know is that you can use the amazing power of your mind to do more than improve

your health. You can use it to enhance virtually every aspect of your life – your finances, your career,

your personal relationships – through a process called visualization.

Visualization means forming a mental picture of something physical. It can be as simple as closing your

eyes and picturing something very familiar to you, such as a red apple, your living room or the face of

your child.

But when you harness its full capabilities, visualization is one of the most effective strategies for fulfilling

your dreams and getting what you really want out of life.

How does it work? In a couple of ways.

First, visualization activates the Law of Attraction.

When we think of laws, what usually comes to mind are those that are legislated to govern our

behavior. They’re meant to ensure that our roadways are safe, our restaurants are free of cigarette

smoke and our wages are fair.

The Law of Attraction governs our destiny.

You’ve heard the expression that like attracts like. That’s the basis for the Law of Attraction – negative

thoughts bring negative results, while positive, affirming thoughts bring positive results.

Perhaps you know someone who seems to lead a charmed life, always getting the good job, the great

spouse, the success in everything he does. Maybe you think he’s incredibly lucky, but he’s actually

attracting all that abundance into his life through his own outlook and attitude. Whether he’s

consciously aware of it or not, he’s using the Law of Attraction.

Visualization works hand in hand with the Law of Attraction by creating very strong, powerful images of

what you want and sending them out into the universe, acting like a magnet to draw those things into

your life.

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It conditions your mind to clarify exactly what you want, put genuine passion behind it, and then work

strategically until you achieve your dream. Visualization channels your energy directly and powerfully,

setting you on a course for ultimate success.

Here’s the Proof Does visualization work? Ask actor and comedian Jim Carrey.

When he was new in Hollywood, trying to get his career off the ground, he used to drive up to

Mulholland Drive every night and look down on the lights of the city. As he sat in his old, beaten up car,

he envisioned becoming a major star with lucrative movie deals and all the trappings that come with


One day, he took his visualization a step further. He wrote himself a check for $10 million, dated it

Thanksgiving 1995 – about five years away – and in the notation line, he wrote, “For acting services

rendered.” He put the check into his wallet and went about the business of going on auditions, making

contacts and doing everything he could do to achieve his dream.

He didn’t become successful overnight but, as time passed, he got better jobs and gained more fame.

Five years passed and just weeks before Thanksgiving 1995, Carrey signed a contract to make the film

Dumb and Dumber. His fee? $10 million.

There are countless other examples. Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps has described

preparing for upcoming events by swimming each race over and over in his mind. He pictures each

stroke, each turn of his head – everything that might occur until he reaches the finish line and claims


Many others in all walks of life use visualization. Golfers mentally practice their swing, basketball players

shoot free throws and pianists practice concertos in their minds.

In fact, research has shown that our brain structure actually changes when we repeat mental images

over and over. In one study, brain scans of people imagining playing a piece on the piano showed the

same degree of change in the same areas of the brain as people actually playing the same piece. Isn’t

that amazing?

Now before you go off and write yourself a big check or blow off basketball practice, remember that

visualization isn’t a magic bullet. Jim Carrey worked hard to make his dream come true and Michael

Phelps practices in an actual pool as well as in his imagination.

But both of them – and millions of others – know that as they’re working toward achieving their dreams,

visualization is a powerful tool that puts their subconscious minds to work, moving them toward their

goals faster than ever.

Don’t confuse visualization with daydreaming. They’re very different.

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It’s easy to sit back and imagine that you’re rich and famous, or happily married to the love of your life.

Anyone can do that, but as you undoubtedly know by now, it doesn’t get you very far.

Visualization requires more.

You must know exactly what you want.

You must create a detailed picture of what your life will be like when you get it.

You must use the right techniques to create the passion, commitment and determination that

will make it happen.

Your Visualization Toolbox

Write a vision statement The first step in putting visualization to work for you is to create a clear idea of what you want.

Grab a pen and a pad of paper and start thinking. What do you want to bring into your life? A new

house? Your dream job? Wealth? Fame? A loving marriage? A smoking hot body?

Now imagine what your life will be like when you achieve that goal. If it helps, pretend you’re watching a

movie about yourself. Make notes on what you see.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

Are other people with you? Who are they?

How do you look?

How do you feel?

The key to this exercise is to be as specific as possible. You can visualize anything you want, but you

must be very clear when you’re creating your imaginary life.

Use all of your senses. If you’re envisioning your dream house, notice the fabric on the sofa. What color

is it? Is it fine leather or a rich fabric? Notice what it feels like.

Can you smell a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen? Is it pot roast or maybe a cherry cobbler?

Are you doing the cooking or is it your spouse, or perhaps your own personal chef?

Are there sounds? Maybe your home is on the beach and you can hear the rhythmic sound of the waves

and feel a cool ocean breeze coming through the doors that open onto your patio; or perhaps you’re in

a penthouse apartment high over Manhattan.

What about taste? Are you enjoying a glass of wine or sipping your favorite tea?

At first it might be difficult to set the scene as specifically as you’d like, but keep trying. With a little

practice, it will get easier.

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After you’re satisfied with the scenario you’ve created for yourself, it’s time to turn your notes into a

narrative. Start with a fresh sheet of paper – or better, type your narrative on your computer so you can

make changes more easily – and write your story.

It’s important to write in the present tense as if your dream has already become a reality. Rather than

saying, “I want a beautiful new house,” write as if you already have it. And always add gratitude to your


Here’s an example:

“I am so grateful that I live in a three-bedroom farmhouse in Vermont. The house is located on a private

road on the outskirts of a small town, and it is surrounded on three sides by the Green Mountains. The

exterior is painted dark red with a gray roof, and there is a large yard that looks out onto an empty field

with a mountain vista in the distance. It’s October and the leaves are bright red, yellow and orange.”

Get the idea? Go on to describe the interior of the house, the people who are there with you, what

you’re doing at the moment – every detail you can summon until it seems like you’re actually there.

It’s not enough to say that you want to be wealthy. Exactly how much money do you want to have?

Visualize your bank statement with that figure in the balance column.

Saying you want to get married won’t work. Describe the qualities you want in a spouse and what your

life together looks like.

This is an important exercise, so take your time. Come back to it over a couple of days, editing what

you’ve written as you think of new details to incorporate into your vision.

When you’re satisfied, print out a few copies. Put one on your refrigerator door, the bathroom mirror,

your closet door, the dashboard of your car – any place you’ll see it regularly as you go about your daily


Make a point of reading it several times a day. This will ensure that your vision is always at the forefront

of your mind, creating a strong passion for turning your dream into reality.

Use the power of sound Now it’s time to take the next step by making a voice recording. There are a number of online resources

that will let you make an audio recording and convert it to an MP3 you can play on your phone or iPod,

but if you still have an old-fashioned tape recorder around the house, by all means use that.

Read your vision document into the recording device. If necessary, do it a couple of times until you’re

satisfied with the enthusiasm and conviction in your voice. Remember, it’s important to imagine that

you’ve already reached your goal.

Now here comes the magic. At least twice each day – preferably shortly after you wake up in the

morning and just before you go to bed at night, go to a quiet room by yourself, get comfortable and

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listen to your recording. This is an incredibly powerful technique for really getting your dream, with all

the detail you’ve built into it, into your subconscious mind.

In addition to your morning and evening sessions, look for other opportunities to listen to your vision

recording. What about while you’re driving to and from work, during your lunch hour or while you’re

taking a walk? The key is to do it often enough that it’s imbedded so deeply in your mind that it

becomes part of your very being.

Creating a vision board Another important tool for achieving even your most ambitious goals is a vision board. Sometimes called

a dream board, this is a collection of images and words that will help you clarify exactly what you want

to bring into your life and maintain a sharp focus on making it happen.

A vision board is very personal. Each one is unique because it represents the innermost desires and

longings of the person who created it. Even if you and your best friend have completely identical goals,

the vision boards you create to express them and draw them into your life will be completely different

because they reflect the individual who made them.

Start with a background. An inexpensive piece of poster board from a discount store will work just fine,

but if you have access to an art or office supply store, you can find something sturdier such as a foam

core board. Whatever you choose, feel free to use scissors or a box-cutter type knife to cut it into a

different shape if you’d like.

Once you’ve obtained your board, you’ll need to gather your supplies:

Several magazines. These can be any genre you choose as long as they contain pictures that

relate or connect you to your goal.

Some type of adhesive. A glue stick works best because it’s less messy than other types of glue

and can be applied to all the edges of your images.

A sharp pair of scissors.

Optional: A color printer that will enable you to print images from the Internet.

Optional: Self-adhesive mailing labels. Printing images directly onto these will eliminate the

need for glue.

Now start looking through your magazines or online for pictures that are relevant to your goal. Don’t try

to edit them at this point and don’t start arranging them on your board. Just choose any photos,

drawings, even words or sentences that speak to you and put them into a pile.

If your goal is to build your dream house, look for images that express every element of the home you

want. Is there a pool? What kind of neighborhood is it in? Do you have a swing set in the back yard, or

perhaps a fire pit? Look for colors, fabrics, furniture and artwork that appeals to you.

Once you have a good selection of images from which to choose, go through them and pick out the ones

that speak to you most strongly. Use your scissors to cut out any distracting background or portions of

the image that are not important.

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Now begin arranging your images on the board, but don’t glue them down yet. Experiment with

arrangements that appeal to you emotionally. You might create a collage that has no rhyme or reason or

you might choose a more orderly fashion. It’s up to you.

When you’re happy with the way your board looks, glue on the photos and other images. Then, if you’d

like, add your own artwork or written affirmations – anything that makes your vision clear, personal and


If at all possible, put your completed vision board in a spot where you’ll see it regularly. That might be

above your desk, on your refrigerator door, or tacked to the wall next to your bed. The idea is to see it

as often as possible so that it becomes part of your conscious and subconscious mind, drawing

inspiration and attracting the unseen forces of the universe to bring you what you want.

If it isn’t practical to keep your board in an open area where others will see it, that’s OK. Just be sure to

set aside some time each day to get it out, look at it and meditate on it for a few minutes. Remind

yourself of what you want and why you want it. And when you get it, remember to give thanks.

Feel free to make changes to your board when you come across other things you’d like to add or your

goal itself gets tweaked a bit. Remember that your vision board belongs to you alone and it should be a

reflection of what you want to bring into your life.

Vision boards are an inexpensive but very creative and powerful way to express your boldest dreams

and deepest desires, and invoke the Law of Attraction to turn them into reality.

Repeat, repeat, repeat One of the keys to successfully using visualization to bring your dreams to life is repetition.

Just as you can’t become a star tennis player with just one lesson or lose 50 pounds by going to the gym

every couple of months, it’s essential to use your visualization techniques consistently over a period of

time to achieve results.

Whenever you see your vision document on the refrigerator or mirror, take a moment to read it. Listen

to your recording at least twice each day. Look at your vision board every chance you get.

Repetition keeps your goal – the one you’ve worked so hard to clarify and articulate – in the forefront of

your mind, heart and soul. It ensures that you’ll never lose sight of it and that you’ll keep doing

everything in your power to turn your vision into the fulfilling life you’re dreaming of.