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Um Adaptive Interference Suppression(GBSS15.0_01)

Jan 06, 2016



UM adaptive
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    Um Adaptive InterferenceSuppression Feature ParameterDescription

    Issue 01Date 2013-05-06


  • Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions

    and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and thecustomer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within thepurchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information,and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representationsof any kind, either express or implied.

    The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial Base

    Bantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of China

    Website: http://www.huawei.comEmail: [email protected]

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Contents

    1 About This Document..................................................................................................................11.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................11.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................11.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................12 Overview.........................................................................................................................................22.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................22.2 Benefits...........................................................................................................................................................................22.3 NEs Supporting the Feature............................................................................................................................................33 Technical Description...................................................................................................................44 Related Features.............................................................................................................................65 Network Impact.............................................................................................................................75.1 System Capacity.............................................................................................................................................................75.2 Network Performance.....................................................................................................................................................76 Engineering Guidelines...............................................................................................................86.1 When to Use Um Adaptive Interference Suppression....................................................................................................86.2 Required Information.....................................................................................................................................................86.3 Planning..........................................................................................................................................................................86.3.1 RF Planning.................................................................................................................................................................86.3.2 Network Planning........................................................................................................................................................86.3.3 Hardware Planning......................................................................................................................................................96.4 Deploying Um Adaptive Interference Suppression........................................................................................................96.4.1 Deployment Requirements..........................................................................................................................................96.4.2 Data Preparation..........................................................................................................................................................96.4.3 Activation..................................................................................................................................................................106.4.4 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................116.4.5 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................116.5 Performance Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................136.6 Parameter Optimization................................................................................................................................................136.7 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................147 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................15

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription Contents

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8 Counters........................................................................................................................................199 Glossary.........................................................................................................................................2110 Reference Documents...............................................................................................................22

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription Contents

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 1 About This Document1.1 Scope

    This document describes GBFD-119510 Um Adaptive Interference Suppression, including itstechnical principles, related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines.

    1.2 Intended AudienceThis document is intended for personnel who:l Need to understand the features described hereinl Work with Huawei products

    1.3 Change HistoryThis section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There aretwo types of changes, which are defined as follows:l Feature change

    Changes in features of a specific product versionl Editorial change

    Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version

    01 (2013-05-06)This issue does not include any changes.

    Draft A (2013-02-27)This document is created for GBSS15.0.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 1 About This Document

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 2 Overview2.1 Introduction

    The Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature enables the BTS to detect Um interfaceinterference characteristics on each timeslot used by MSs. Based on the detection result, the BTSselects an optimal interference suppression method to minimize the interference in variousscenarios. This protects wanted signals if possible and improves the anti-interference capabilityof the network.This feature also provides an enhanced interference suppression algorithm for CS services. Withthis algorithm, the BTS filters the synchronization position on a timeslot used by an MS. Thisimproves the network anti-interference capability and uplink receive quality.This feature applies to the tight frequency reuse pattern.

    2.2 BenefitsNetwork interference increases when refarming technology is used in a tight frequency reusepattern. Therefore, to further enhance the uplink anti-interference capability and improve theuplink receive quality, the Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature works with theinterference counteract combine (ICC) and enhanced interference counteract combine (EICC)features.The Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature provides the following benefits:l Improves the uplink anti-interference capability during refarming.l Improves the uplink receive quality for CS services.

    Further improves the uplink receive quality by working with the ICC and EICC features. Decreases the proportion of uplink receive quality level 6 and uplink receive quality

    level 7 by 5% to 13% when the following conditions are met:A tight frequency reuse pattern is used.The proportion of left and right adjacent-channel interfering frames is greater than 25%.The proportion of uplink receive quality level 6 and uplink receive quality level 7accounts for more than 2% of all the uplink receive quality levels.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 2 Overview

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • The EICC is enabled.l Increases uplink data upload rates for PS services.

    2.3 NEs Supporting the FeatureTable 2-1 NEs supporting the feature

    Feature BSC6900 BSC6910 GBTS eGBTSUm Adaptive InterferenceSuppression


    indicates that the NE supports this feature. indicates that the NE does not support this feature.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 2 Overview

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 3 Technical DescriptionFigure 3-1 shows the working principles of the Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature.

    Figure 3-1 Working principles of Um Adaptive Interference Suppression

    The Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature consists of the following:1. Interference characteristics detection

    The BTS detects interference characteristics in the received signals on each timeslot toidentify the interference type, such as adjacent-channel interference, co-channelinterference, multi-source interference, or noises.

    2. Adaptive interference suppressionBased on the interference type, the BTS selects an optimal interference suppressionalgorithm for each timeslot used by MSs.

    3. Enhanced interference suppressionInterference changes the detected synchronization position of a timeslot. For CS services,the BTS uses the enhanced interference suppression algorithm to filter the synchronizationposition of the neighboring timeslots used by the same MS. This increases the stability ofthe synchronization position and network anti-interference capability.

    Um Adaptive Interference Suppression is controlled by the following parameters:l UmAisSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910): This parameter is mandatory. This feature is enabled

    only when this parameter is set to ON(On). When this happens, the BTS can perform 1and 2.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 3 Technical Description

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l EnUmAisSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910): This parameter is optional. If this parameter is setto ON(On), the BTS uses the enhanced interference suppression algorithm to suppressinterference for CS services. When this happens, the BTS can perform 1, 2, and 3.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 3 Technical Description

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 4 Related FeaturesTable 4-1 Related features

    Feature PrerequisiteFeature


    Impacted Feature

    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    None None l This feature does not take effect onaccess burst (AB) if it is used withthe GBFD-118201 Soft-Synchronized Network feature or theGBFD-114001 Extended Cellfeature.

    l Enhanced interference suppressiondoes not take effect if used with theGBFD-115830 VAMOS feature.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 4 Related Features

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 5 Network Impact5.1 System Capacity

    The uplink throughput for PS services increases.

    5.2 Network PerformanceFor details, see 2.2 Benefits.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 5 Network Impact

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6 Engineering Guidelines6.1 When to Use Um Adaptive Interference Suppression

    This feature applies to the tight frequency reuse pattern where the proportion of left and rightadjacent-channel interfering frames is greater than 25%. Enabling this feature brings benefitsfor scenarios that have strong network interference.It is recommended that this feature be used in scenarios where the proportion of uplink receivequality levels 6 and 7 is 2% or higher. If the proportion of uplink receive quality levels 6 and 7is less than 2%, the voice quality on the existing network is good and enabling this feature cannotbring significant gains.

    6.2 Required InformationCalculate the proportion of left and right adjacent-channel interfering frames using the followingformula:Proportion of left and right adjacent-channel interfering frames =(TRX.LEFT.ADJINTERFMEAS.FRAME.CNT +TRX.RIGHT.ADJINTERFMEAS.FRAME.CNT)/(TRX.LEFT.ADJINTERFMEAS.FRAME.CNT +TRX.RIGHT.ADJINTERFMEAS.FRAME.CNT +TRX.NONSINGLE.ADJINTERFMEAS.FRAME.CNT) x 100%

    6.3 Planning6.3.1 RF Planning


    6.3.2 Network PlanningN/A

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6.3.3 Hardware Planningl BTS: 3900 series base stations (excluding BTS3900B and BTS3900E)l Radio frequency (RF) modules: This feature is supported by the RRU3928, RRU3929,

    RRU3926, RRU3942, RRU3936, RRU3938, MRFUd, and MRFUe.

    6.4 Deploying Um Adaptive Interference Suppression6.4.1 Deployment Requirements

    Table 6-1 Deployment requirementsAspect DescriptionRelated features See 4 Related Features.BSC NoneBTS See 6.3.3 Hardware Planning.GSM networking NoneMS NoneMSC NoneLicense The license controlling this feature has been activated. For details on

    how to activate the license, see License Management FeatureParameter Description. For details about license items, see LicenseControl Item Description.

    Others None

    6.4.2 Data PreparationTable 6-2 lists the data to be prepared before deploying Um Adaptive Interference Suppression.

    Table 6-2 Data preparationParameterName

    Parameter ID NE Setting Notes DataSource

    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch



    Set this parameter to ON(On) if required.


    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • ParameterName

    Parameter ID NE Setting Notes DataSource

    Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch



    Set this parameter to ON(On) if required.This parameter isconfigurable only whenUm AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression Switch is setto ON(On).


    6.4.3 ActivationUsing MML Commands

    On the BSC LMT, perform the following steps:Step 1 Run the SET GCELLBASICPARA command with Um Adaptive Interference Suppression

    Switch set to ON(On).Step 2 (Optional) To perform enhanced interference suppression, run the SET GCELLBASICPARA

    command with Um Adaptive Interference Suppression Switch set to ON(On) and EnhancedUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Switch set to ON(On).----End


    Using the CMENOTE

    When configuring the Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature on the CME, you must perform asingle configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required.You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. Youare advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface.

    Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration)Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequencedescribed in Table 6-3. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CMESingle Configuration Operation Guide.

    Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

    To modify objects, such as BSCs, BTSs, cells, and TRXs, in batches, click the icon on theCME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For the method of

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • performing batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on thewizard interface to obtain online help.----End

    Table 6-3 Configuring parameters on the CMESN Managed Object

    (MO)NE Parameter


    Configurable in CMEBatchModification Center


    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch




    Configure thisparameter only ifenhanced interferencesuppression is required.


    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch




    Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch


    6.4.4 Activation ObservationOn the M2000, obtain the measured values of counters related to the uplink receive quality beforeand after this feature is enabled.After this feature is enabled, the proportion of uplink receive quality levels 6 and 7 decreases;that is, the low quality indicator (LQI) decreases.

    6.4.5 DeactivationUsing MML Commands

    On the BSC LMT, perform the following steps:Step 1 Run the SET GCELLBASICPARA command to deactivate enhanced interference suppression.

    In this step, set Um Adaptive Interference Suppression Switch to ON(On) and EnhancedUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Switch to OFF(Off).

    Step 2 Run the SET GCELLBASICPARA command to deactivate adaptive interference suppression.In this step, set Um Adaptive Interference Suppression Switch to OFF(Off).----End

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



    Using the CMENOTE

    When configuring the Um Adaptive Interference Suppression feature on the CME, you must perform asingle configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required.You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. Youare advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface.

    Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration)Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequencedescribed in Table 6-4. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CMESingle Configuration Operation Guide.

    Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

    To modify objects, such as BSCs, BTSs, cells, and TRXs, in batches, click the icon on theCME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For the method ofperforming batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on thewizard interface to obtain online help.----End

    Table 6-4 Configuring parameters on the CMESN MO NE Parameter


    Configurable in CMEBatchModification Center


    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch




    Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch



    Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionSwitch



    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6.5 Performance MonitoringTo determine whether the network performance needs to be optimized after Um AdaptiveInterference Suppression is enabled, monitor the counters related to the following:

    Uplink Receive Qualityl Counters:

    TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.0.AVR (CS410A:Number of MRs on Uplink TCHF (MeanReceive Quality Rank 0)) - TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.7.AVR (CS417A:Number of MRson Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 7)) TRX.HR.UP.RX.QLTY.0.AVR (CS410C:Number of MRs on Uplink TCHH (Mean

    Rank of Receive Quality 0)) - TRX.HR.UP.RX.QLTY.7.AVR (CS417C:Number ofMRs on Uplink TCHH (Mean Receive Quality Rank 7))


    PS Service Uplink Rate and Uplink Throughputl Counters:

    TX.UP.GPRS.LLC.PDU.THRPUT.RATE.AVG (AL9425:Uplink Throughput ofGPRS Users LLC PDU) TX.UP.EGPRS.LLC.PDU.THRPUT.RATE.AVG (AL9426:Uplink Throughput of

    EGPRS Users LLC PDU) UP.GPRS.RLC.AVG.THRPUT.RATE (TL9014:Average Throughput of Uplink

    GPRS RLC) UP.EGPRS.RLC.AVG.THRPUT.RATE (TL9232:Average Throughput of Uplink

    EGPRS RLC) TX.UP.GPRS.LLC.PDU.THRPUT.RATE (L9422:Throughput of Uplink GPRS Users

    LLC PDU) TX.UP.EGPRS.LLC.PDU.THRPUT.RATE (L9424:Throughput of Uplink EGPRS

    Users LLC PDU) LLC.UP.THRPUT.RATE (TL9406:Uplink LLC Throughput Rate)

    l KPIs: Average Throughput of Uplink GPRS RLC per PDCH (kbit/s) Average Throughput of Uplink EGPRS RLC per PDCH (kbit/s) Average Throughput of Uplink GPRS RLC per Cell (kbit/s) Average Throughput of Uplink EGPRS RLC per Cell (kbit/s) Average Throughput of Uplink GPRS RLC per User (kbit/s) Average Throughput of Uplink EGPRS RLC per User (kbit/s)

    6.6 Parameter OptimizationN/A

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6.7 TroubleshootingN/A

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 6 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 7 ParametersTable 7-1 GSM: Parameter description

    Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description


    GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    Meaning:Whether to enable theUm AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionfunction. If thisparameter is setto ON, UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isenabled, and theBSCpreprocessesinterferenceover the Uminterface basedon theinterferencecharacteristics.If this parameteris set to OFF,Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isdisabled.GUI ValueRange:OFF(Off), ON(On)Unit:None

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 7 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description

    Actual ValueRange:OFF, ONDefaultValue:OFF(Off)


    GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    Meaning:Whether to enable theUm AdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionfunction. If thisparameter is setto ON, UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isenabled, and theBSCpreprocessesinterferenceover the Uminterface basedon theinterferencecharacteristics.If this parameteris set to OFF,Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isdisabled.GUI ValueRange:OFF(Off), ON(On)Unit:NoneActual ValueRange:OFF, ONDefaultValue:OFF(Off)

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 7 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description



    GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    Meaning:Whether to enable theEnhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionfunction. If thisparameter is setto ON,Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isenabled,improving thereliability ofpoints ofsynchronizationfor CS services.If this parameteris set to OFF,Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isdisabled. Thisparameter isvalid only if"UmAisSwitch"is set to ON.GUI ValueRange:OFF(Off), ON(On)Unit:NoneActual ValueRange:OFF, ONDefaultValue:OFF(Off)

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 7 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description



    GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    Meaning:Whether to enable theEnhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppressionfunction. If thisparameter is setto ON,Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isenabled,improving thereliability ofpoints ofsynchronizationfor CS services.If this parameteris set to OFF,Enhanced UmAdaptiveInterferenceSuppression isdisabled. Thisparameter isvalid only if"UmAisSwitch"is set to ON.GUI ValueRange:OFF(Off), ON(On)Unit:NoneActual ValueRange:OFF, ONDefaultValue:OFF(Off)

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 7 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8 CountersTable 8-1 Counter description: GSM

    Counter ID Counter Name CounterDescription

    NE Feature ID Feature Name


    S420L:Numberof LeftAdjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6900 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression


    S420R:Numberof RightAdjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6900 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression


    S420N:Numberof Non-Single-Side Adjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6900 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression


    S420L:Numberof LeftAdjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6910 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 8 Counters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Counter ID Counter Name CounterDescription

    NE Feature ID Feature Name


    S420R:Numberof RightAdjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6910 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression


    S420N:Numberof Non-Single-Side Adjacent-ChannelInterferingFrames

    BSC6910 GBFD-119510 Um AdaptiveInterferenceSuppression

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 8 Counters

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 9 GlossaryFor the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 9 Glossary

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 10 Reference DocumentsNone

    GSM BSSUm Adaptive Interference Suppression Feature ParameterDescription 10 Reference Documents

    Issue 01 (2013-05-06) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


    Contents1 About This Document1.1 Scope1.2 Intended Audience1.3 Change History

    2 Overview2.1 Introduction2.2 Benefits2.3 NEs Supporting the Feature

    3 Technical Description4 Related Features5 Network Impact5.1 System Capacity5.2 Network Performance

    6 Engineering Guidelines6.1 When to Use Um Adaptive Interference Suppression6.2 Required Information6.3 Planning6.3.1 RF Planning6.3.2 Network Planning6.3.3 Hardware Planning

    6.4 Deploying Um Adaptive Interference Suppression6.4.1 Deployment Requirements6.4.2 Data Preparation6.4.3 Activation6.4.4 Activation Observation6.4.5 Deactivation

    6.5 Performance Monitoring6.6 Parameter Optimization6.7 Troubleshooting

    7 Parameters8 Counters9 Glossary10 Reference Documents