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UFO Newspaper/Magazine Cuttings from NSW Australia - 1989 to 2005

Nov 22, 2015



UFO related cuttings predominately taken from the Sydney Telegraph, Australia between 1989 to 2005.
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  • UFOTERR ON TRAIN A KALGOORLIE rail"ay crew cringed terrified when a batdlilip-sized UFO s"ooped OD their speeding train. Thidl: wiUte smolle belcb- -__ _,........_ ~.-....J4 ...... _.. ........ ~._.~~,_.,..... .. ID& from the sa~~Ctr's u-bausts blacked out passenger windows on the Translloe espnss for se\-eral minutes.

    ADd that us Gilly tbe be--ginning or the IDtruders' chilling utics.

    AD offidal coatp11ter rt-port from Port Augusta Rail Control Centre coanrms that mysterious cran bazed t1u'ee other trains wlddn a 600 kJD radias oa tbe same night - September 9 this year.

    lotripingly, all the ... , . tadts" happened at die same time.' paa.

    "''t-e li'Orked - the raiJ. ways ror 25 yars-and I've

    FtC 1..--ntt< -~ SYSTD1 YJEW t0.9!D DE.c..t.MSER 1989,


    UFO specialist Bill Chalker in Padstow where an Undentilled Flying Qbiect was recently seen

    THEY are here! Reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have come in from Re,esby, Padstow and Enco ers Picnic Point.

    A reseatch group, based in West Pennant lhlls. dalm-mg to be dedicated to scien-tific investigations has been looking mto the s1gblings, wh1ch mdudc Oamtng nng~ of fire \\1th wtng-llke projec-uons of hght. low-fl}ing 11-tummatcd ob;cct and even a skm d1sorder asSOCJ.ated wtlh close encounters

    of second l! FO I"' csugatJOn centre

    ce>ordmator B11l Otalkcr. an mdustnal chcmtst v. tth a Unt\Crstt} SClt."tlOC: degree IS lcadmg the JO\esUpllons.

    kind, Challcer said. -It sudden!}

    mo~ed dm:ctl} a"'"a) from the pornt for another SOm stopped mom.:ntarih bOn March 25 last }ear at Sah Pan Creek an illumt-nated obJect travclhng at low altitude -wa, also

    reported!~ seen by l" o men m:ar the rallY. a)' bndge.

    The two incident~ bad directed the group"s ancn-

    "lt seemed lo have tYoO tion to another low level unusual Y.1Dg-hke pro;ec- encounter at the P1cmc tions about the light," Mr Pomt Power Statmn on

    The most recent s1ghting reported 10 htm v.-as on December I at Pscmc Pomt when two men satd tbe' sav. .. a large dtSC of O:i'ming ClCcular ltght'" about SOm to 60m av.-ay at an altitude of 200m. movmg m a northerly duect10n

    ose September I 5 m 1978

    On th s date a moton'>l and v.oman passenger re-ported secmg a huge rec-tangular aenal obJect pass

    o~crhead m a tra)cctorvcon-st tent v.1th the maJOr power hnes m the v CtDlt).

    The -w1tness also reported findmg a strange skm dis-orderon his knee v.htch had not been tltcrc before the sighung.

    Others Wlth further mfor-mauon about stghtmgs are asked to phone 484 4680

    TUE,S DAY J-.8 TH T

    JANVE\R'1 199Z.



    THE os1101 tf wlletiNr illtflliteet 1ft exists elsewllere wll ,... as ferev -becuse I -.y tae tHt .... to ~fMIISWIF.

    ht "' .,, ......... ................. llflf clenltl've .... tlptsel to Is lilt ltMe ~Y R .. slt..t - wilt .... Col. '""' Jaltt lord - 11ft lq.-1 l'lnet &rtlr. M'1 C.tfifS Wlf6 S,IKel-.!&

    Rathtt ilta11 take sides, tht lords ex-'" tlte pletltora tf ni4tiiCI tiMis far prtstlltid alld ,..,., It wit letkal , ..... ,, .,.._ Uke1ht ellivene Itself, tilt slflltd ls ceret.lly c ........... ctd.

    Tlte val. lin Ia ... ft tMI t .. -terfty tf deim af

    , .. tiiCt extraterrutrlelllfe .. ...... '""'"' ..... Tlltre's tH sttry tf lilt face 4 py,..Ws .a.n, ..,_as tr .. .,.., IIJderitas wrlthlp, ewWtaSing the landing spots of UPOs.

    'Ibis speculation was dampened in September last )'ear wben two Brit-ish pranksten known as Doug and Dave claimed they had made several circles in English crop fields for a bit of a laugh".

    s v N D AY, 4- T H ApR I L I q'll.

    Close encounters of an unwelcome kind

    EOPLE may equate aliens and extra-ter-restrtals \\1th Steven Spiel-berg's cute cel-lulOid h1t, E T, or the earlier fright. movie.

    War Of The Worlds The more dismisshe among us equate them 9.1tlt madness

    But tor an estimated 3 7 million American adults. a close encounter with a life-form from outer space Is an all too real occurrence - and these people are terrified of 1t happening again.

    Two American academics from prestigloua universities are presently knee deep ln studies about people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. And yea. they be-lieve it could be true

    "We are Just not very opti-mistic about the whole busi-ness," history professor and author David Jacobs said.

    "Jts extremely traumaUc and de\--astatfng to their lives Most of them pray it doesn't happen again - but it does We are very disturbed by this. There is nothing good m this and we don't. see any.-thing good coming from ft..

    Just what exactly is he tal-king about? In Its most sunple form. humans claim they have been abducted by aliens, taken to outer space and been subjected to some-times painful medical proc-edures and CYnaecologlcal experiment&.

    Within seconds of being re-turned to earth. most lose all memory of what happened to them - as 1f the aliens have zapped their memory.

    Professor Jacobs has inter-viewed about 60 people who claim they were abducted several times each.

    He says those "abducted" teU incredibly similar tales without knowing anyone else has undertone the same ex-penence..

    About 70 per cent remem-ber during hypnOSIS. the other 30 per cent without any help.

    "The people are taken out of their normal environ-ment. They cannot scream.

    ~~ pmnot Jtilta '-J -~neY are noa~ out oi

    theupu-. e home:r ofllce

    IMAGINE someone - or something -stanclng at the foot of your bed betDre you are carried off in a bluish light towards a spaceship. SANDRA LEE r.porb from New York on a study of some of the mtlltOnS of Amelicans who claim tbey have been abducted by aliens.

    and blto an object - possibly a Sl*eShip. 'Ibeir clothes are removed and they are wallted dowD a hallway to a. room and IMde to get up on a table.

    '"'l'ben there is a. series ol llleldal. phySical and repro-ductive procedures done to tbem." Professor Jacobs said.

    Be adds that some people baw Witnessed others being flaMed through windows lla& for the most pan, the lllleDs seem to have invented teclmology that renders .. victims Invisible.

    Mast of their procedures - DOt painful. but during llii'JDo6is, some of the ab-cllle&ees become very agi-tMell and end up physically .ad emotionally exhausted

    Aecording to those wbo have been inside the space-sblp and in contact With aliens. the extra-terrestrials are small grey beings with Jarae bulbous beads. black wrap-around eyes and a slit tor a mouth. They ha''e pobded chins.

    !j AVID E Pritchard, physics pro-fessor and an abduction expert at Massachu-setts Insti-tute of Tech-

    - -: .. said the self-declared abckadees all test mentally normal. Venerable orpnisa-tioaa Uke NASA and many &dentiSts laugh off the alien abduct.loD theory as pure madnela

    Ye' Professor Pritdlard says &be victims' experiences are "'Dcredlbly belieftble aDd UIM's the acary tbjq".

    "WWiD they ten these ..... rtea J'OU :Just see tbe fear. a..e of Ulese people we ONr" the edge beeauae it lllats Cbem off from the world tta lite being raped and then being raped again.

    L;!t's DO\ ;JA p!Jmtal- health "'I"Jblem ... ~ ruwe post traumatic disorder fdlich is

    ~ u would e~ In

    thiS type of paranormal ex-perience."

    A recent national US poll asked 6000 people whether they had had allen-type ex-periences like seeing ghosts, lights and spaceships.

    Pollsters found many had - and Professor Jacobs sa d a conservative eatimate puts the figure at about two per cent of the population.

    Both professors Jacobs and Pritchard beUeve the pbysJ-cal procedures range from aliens running their flnaera over a person's body lite a plano, and probing and prod-ding. After the first stage. a taller allen stares into the eyes of the human from no more than 7cm away and "mentally"' examines the person by exlra.cting infor-mationfrom his mind.

    The most extreme and. per-haps. the most. unbelievable are the reproductive proced-ures. Sperm and eggs are taken from men and women. and in some cases. a type of implanting procedure occurs in some women.

    Professor Jacobs said: "The next day. they (the women) feel the symptoms of early pregnancy and they test positive:

    By 11 weeks, ho'i!.-ever. the women will get their period and put It down to a false pregnancy "but they will aD report another abduction" about the same time wtUcb Professor Jacobs said could tie the "extraction of the foetus".

    Profeaor Jacobs, wbo wrote a book Secret We. liMed on his inteniews with eo Amen-can abductees. said nobody knows What happens to the "'alien babies".

    Now the prest.igioua Har-vanl University in Boston has approved its psyChology de]JUtment studying ali~n abduettons And other aca-demics are lookiog at similar stories - and their devastating efft'Cts on "tn the abductees'lhes l'lS

    ----:~-SAT UR DAY 2.3 BD 7

  • squad swoops I T WAS only a matter of time before an American mini-series about allen abduc-tions appeared on our screens and here it is -The Intruders.

    The story is drawn from actual accounta of more than 600 case hJatorles of alleged abduct.eea and UFO investigators.

    But 'Ibe Intruders is gi~en some credibility by the fact that Dr John Madt. Pulitzer Prize-wtnning author and former head of tbe De~ ment of Psychia&ry at Har-vard Medical School, and Budd Hopkina, respected UFO invesUga&or, served as consultants.

    The story belfns when air force officers at a high secu-rity sun. elliance centre ln Colorado see an unldentifled obJeCt on their screens.

    They v;atch as It moves in strange patterns at impossi-ble speeds, !ancis, takes off and then disappears.

    An air force myste-riously orders the radar tapes to be destroyed and

    PREVIEW By RACHEL BROWNE The Intruders. Nme, Sunday and Monday. 8.30pm.

    forces all those present to swear to secrecy.

    That same night In Ne-braska. Mary Wilkes (Mare Wmnmgham), a conserva-tive truck driver's \loife with an t>lght-year-old son. finds l:erself 'l51tm from her home. dressed only in her night-gov.n \loith no idea how she got there.

    At the same time m Cali-fornla, Lesley Hahn (Daphne Ashbrook). a young dhorcee. is 1o10oken in the rJght by bright lights and the sound of a telephone re-pair truck outside her home 'Ibe repairmen, clad ln

    JUmpsuits and (;Oggles, knock oontlnuously at her door. demanding to be let m

    After the strange events. both women suffer from

    flashbadts lAOhich tngger unbearable aruaety and begin to quesUon thetr sanity.

    Dr NeU Chase (Richard Crenna) an oven;orked psy-chiatrist In an overcrovo ded hospttal, agrees to take on their c:a&e5

    Both womt>n. when under hypnosis, describe slmUar experiences: small gr~y creatures with large heads and huge black e~es take thPm onto a craft ~here

    Lhe~ are paralysed and then operated on.

    TheD Neil's colleague Dr JennJ Baka1 (Rosaltnd Chao) puts him in contact \loith Addison Leach (Ste-phen BerltofO, a unhemty professor noted for his UFO studies who bel eves NeU is treating alien abductees.

    The e\ents ~hich follow, lnvolvmg alien love children among other things, might be too far-fetched for some viewers.

    But given the growing evidence of life on other pla-nets. The Intruders makes a fascinating story. whether it be fact. or fiction

    MON D A:f, 29TH lUNE 1992.

    The aliens amon PREVIEW .

    HOT from the loony bin comes this documentary, In Advance Of The Inct!ng, which looU at UF'Oa. aliens and t.he type of people drawn to t.hem. Definitely a iood one for

    those queationiDg their san-ity, In Advance Of The l.&Ddlng is cert.aln to make a viewer feel re!reshJnely normal.

    Made In America, tbls documentary ill a mixture of interviews with UPO afi-

    d~f~of~e scl-fi fUms and vox polls with people ln the street.

    Probably the most enter-taln.inC parts are the inter-views with UFO devotees who follow astral eventa wtth an e\-angelistic %eal.

    Ruth E Norman - also known as Princess Urlel- is the 90-year-old ~founder and director of the Un.arlus Acadmey of Sdence based in El C&jan, oalllomla.

    Founded In 1959, the organ on believes In reincarnation and even has

    Ita own )JI'OIIIOtional tum. The Arrtval, showing how tbe aliena made oontact with cavemen In 180.QOOBC.

    Then there Ia the Atherius Sodety also. surprisingly enough. based in California.

    nus society, aa:ordlng to oae of its priests Alan Mos-leJ, is a~ education-al, non-profit orpnlsatlon wbose le.der dlsaemlnates informat.ioD recel\'ed from CI06ID1c intelligences

    In Arizona "'e meet Patrl-ca. a medium wbo in the past 29 years has gt more Ulan 48.000 past-We read

    lap to cllents. 90 per cent of 1IIIJiom are of ext.ra-terre&-fltal origin. Maybe E T .

    ~'t so far-fetched after ...

    '!ben we go to The Dome, structure built under the IUidance of tbe space be-tap by one George W Van Tassal.

    Building commenced in the late '50s and when and U The Dome is completed. lt will be capable of creating a unique time field which will restore missing limbs, an experiment already proved on animals Well. cut off my

    lees and call me Shorty. alieDS. meaning he started Gabriel Green. president in li'll .

    of the Amalgamated Flying Let t.hla be a lesson to sub-Saucer Club or America. st.aDce abu.sers.. tens us the extra-ter- PooCace from B-grade restriaJs saw the Cuban claaaics such as The Earth Oria1s on the horizon and Versus The Flying Saucers. told him to vote for John 'Ibe Day The Earth Stood Kennedy instead of R1chard StDl. The Man Prom Planet Nbon, thus averting n war. X and Plan 9 FroJn Outer

    Pe-hn- Jt ~as the -"-ns Space make an Interesting .__ GUr diversion to this open dis-

    who really ldlled JPK. play of utter eocenmdty Long-haired throwback While the f'll'St hour of this

    from the '60s. Dan Shep- documentary Is entertain-herd tells us how he has lng, the last half-hour d.rags spent. the past 21 years tr)'- on a litUe once all the looni-lnlt- to make contact. with ness bc

  • 1 all tales and true, snowman Larry sp1ns a memora

    AUTHOR James Oram met Larry Oulhunty in a hotel bar in 1965. H. took up the outbodt showman', invitation to travel with him and his troupe to the remotest parts of Australia - a trip that yielded some fascinating yarns.

    In his latest book, entitled The last Showman, Cram taUs of a man v.-ho was one of the last of hi5 kind.

    OU KNOW," said l.arTy, lnterrupt.tng the silenoe of the night., "it's been twenty-three rears alnce I ftr5t saw a UPO." "What?" "A flying saucer, twenty-three years ago. Out "-est Queensland way. We were playing two-up at the Ume." One thing Larry could do better than most was attract your attention; it waa the showman ln

    him. We were camped beside a "aterholc at Gregory Down.c; Jn the Gulf Country at the Ume, five of us lying on our swags around the fire after dinner looking t Ute stars. hoping to see what only the gods could ex-plaln..

    In years of gazing at the heavens I bad seen nothing but taW.D,g stars and a few satell.ltes. Larry, ot course.

    bad seen so ID&Dl' UnldenWied F1ytng Objects they were no longer cause for awe or alarm. arousing inmad t.!le idle cu:riostty one might feel on lighting a

    S AI U R P B "t , __ _._\ ...:~:S~rL..JH......__ AUGVST 199Z.

    loln-dothed U1mng1 tribesman stroU1ng along George Street. Sydney.

    On the day of his finst UPO sighting he was playing t""'-UP In a dusty Jllace caJ..Ied P11ckly Bush Plat. not far from HugbeDden. Queensland. Everyone bad money because It was ..,,. day for the show people so a couple of hours of two-up would be a nice break before Lhey headed in the d.lrect1ons dictated by the next count.ry show or seulde camlval

    The centre was covered. side beta u,.. led. Up went the pennies up tbe eyea of the players. "What's thatr exlalmed .Jimmy Reed. pointing to the sky.

    Now they were aU looktng at the sky, the pennies and the bets forgotten 1n the dust. and what they aaw was a perfectly round, aptnnJn as It hovered and glinted 1n the sun. "Bugger me. there's another one, n someone &bout.ecl.

    Two silver discs were now In the out--back sky. They both moved at tremen-dous speed. stopped and hovered again.

    What surprised Larry M he ltOOd head Ulted back. eyes &t.raln1ng. was that. he felt neither fear nor amazement He felt. be abould have felt somehow perturbed because discs in the afternoon sky, like ghoats in the dark, are not. normal.

    After the ln!Ual shock, the others felt about 200 metres when IL second l.ICht much the aame. The two-up players did sprang up be&1de the first. Then It aU not feel as U they were watching a great happened qukkly. As though a switch

    had been thrown, the enUre hillside be-mystery. "OK. back to the game." said came a mass of glo\m1g lights. Larry, after a whDe. "Who's the splnnetr' No one 5poke. Sh.tvering in the cool air

    After the t1nH!p slghUDp Larry's wan- they looked at the lfghta, bewildered. each derlnp took him to Lhe old North a UWe scared "' reckon there's been a Queen.slaDd mirl1n town of Chillagoe. It was uno Lytng 1n the t.hinking of ll'US fire here t.hla afternoon and a sud-~ UWe except perhaps a nice cold beer, :!u= =:!= ~ embers of he was at peace with the 1IOI1d. when sud- Everyone knew it. was hnllshtt There denly 1n b.1s appeared an off-white d1sc. High in the Blcy, It loo ed about. the was no trace of charred wood or burned slze of a dinner plate. moving slowly. grass but they were aD willing to accept.

    "lley. Bet a look at this," l..any hollered =-:et~ to~~ rn:: ~~ to two of his travelllnr troupe, hta girl- .~ friend, country singer Paula Bmlth. and beD out 01 rough-rider Dan Kohlar. LTHOUGH J somr.tlmes

    "What do )'OU reckon It Ia, a flytna sauc- scoffed at Larry's stories. er?" asked Dan, digging out. a pair of bin I actuaUy had no reason ocularll from his swag. Aa he trlt'd to track to question them. He saw the dinner Plat.e. matters got worse. what he saw. Further-

    'l"W~Uch smaller dlres, cake plates more. he wu a bushman perh shot away nt great speed from who realised the outback the ncr plate. stopped. moved aaatn. held enouldt m.Yllteries

    As(:hey watched, a tourist bua pulled up, without adding to them. Ita passengers In Chillagoe to vlalt the And his &tortes were often supported by and marble eaves that. have other people.

    ,., lllll:l88 of human exlst.ence showtn Abo- We eventually got tot he Channel Coun-.-J hifiia 1*88idtlt1Sfi1 30.000 ars ago. trY tietwecn BOuUi ana Winton, a laniJ or

    "Whatchyalookine at?" asked a tourist. myths, mystery and ghosts - and the "Flying saucers," said Larry. domain of the Min Min light. The tourist smlled. It wasn't even dark. For around a hundred years the Min

    Then he wasn't amlling anymore Nor Min Light. has been seen by many, a mys-were the others from the bus. terious Ught described variously a.~ a

    As they watched, the two cake plates luminous oval. a fluorescent football. a merged with the dinner plate which t.hcn hurricane lamp with a dull appearance as moved av.1ftly into the northern sky Md if shrouded by fog, a weak car Ught., a hug out of view. No one spoke. No one could firefly. Whenever we t.ravelled in the aren think or anything approprinte to say untU we heard reports or the Min Min Light. one man mumbled: "WeU. rm a bcllcver." Perhaps the best documented

    On another occasion, Larry was on the was that of a policeman, a trained ob-way to Top Springs In the Northern Ter- server not liven to seeing things that rttory. n was 8pm and on his left was a wouldn't hold up in court. rolling hl1J topped by a rocky rim. "Look, In h1B report to the Queensland poUcc there's a llght up there." cruled a p&Men- commissioner Detective Sergeant. LyQU ger In Larry's truck. Booth, of Cloncurry, carefully noted

    Larry stopped the truck and wa.lkcd to- every detail of his slehtlng on May 2. 1981 . wards the Ught. followed by three young He sa.ld he had not hAd alcohol that men from the show trouf)e. night and went to sleep around 9pm at his

    Stumbling over boulders and stunted camp beside a shallow wat.trholo GOkll\ bushes in the darkneM, they hl\d covered from .Boulla.

    At llpm he woke up and saw a light which at first appeared to be a car head-Ught about. 1500 metres away - althouch t.he main road was too far away to see any veh1cles or their llght.a.

    It. was below tree-top height. wblte In colour and its tntensfty seemed to nuctu-ate a llWe. The seco..'"ld time the pol.k:e-man saw Lhe light., later Lhat night., It was not as brtght. but it illuminated Lhe ground around it for fi~;e minutes before diving Into the ground and going out.

    "l'U t.cll you what," said LarTy, during another night. of star gazing. "I thb1lt there's no such thing ns the M1n Min Uabt.. It's Just another one of those unex-plained things you see in t.he bush."

    CLart':Y's explanation for those unex-plained things centres on the food chain, whkh. he a&.Yll. does not.11top with man.)

    "You believe there's a superior torm of llfe on earth that is using hunums for food?" I saJd, trying to come to t.erma with Larry's t.hlnklng. "Why hasn't cont.a.ct. been made?"

    "Now. if we could converse with a bul-lock would we tell him his ntce grassy pacldoU was a means to fatten him tor the abattoirs? I read somewhere that tO.OOO~e"VVmtstnrom eaffif~'YI! . Where to? Some could be murd r victims. but not. aU."

    "L&rry, It sounds a pretty honty theory to mtl," I said.

    "U you're so smart. come up with a theory of your own."

    Of course he's right. To dlsmlss as non-sense all the sighUngs by sober citizens or dlsc8 and Ugbta. to label them all tricks of nature was unfalr. I abut. up

    l..&rr)' 5lppcd h1B tea contentedly, happy to let h1a explanaUon noat nround for a whUe.

    Then he said, "Did I tell you about the night. a light swooped through the trees above our camp. scaring the bejeezus out of us. . ?"

    ExtTact from The lAit Shourman, La1T11 Dtdhuntv' Larrlldn Life, bv James

    bu 'SUn -A vstrtJlla

    ' 've seen

    them ' WilE 'ou're out and about today, bear in mind that the

    person standing next to ,. ou could "ell be a to uri t {rom . another planet.

    Califom~n Ut"' expe-rt Glenn S~okling flnnly behe~e. ere afraid oj being kldncppetf bv alten.r ... If J10U know that a UFO or 8paOe al ien fl nearbv NOll ccn tTJI to get away or P'PPtm! to defend JIOUrW/ 'be/ore it u too late Although it rel4il8Jor US$29.95 the detector doe3 come with a money beck guarantee if you lhl>uld be u:hfsked off to a :marbJI planet Sounds like an excellent investment to me

    WEDNES.C>A'i liTH

    NOVEMSER 1991.

  • '4 ~ I Erooo Ngti oo g n9ure.r MaC)a"Z-ne

    UFO abduction case is now a movie - 18 years after Enquirer broke the story By JOHN SOUTH

    Logger Travis Walton was made fa-mous by The ENQum.ER after we re-ported his story of being abducted by a UFO - and now his mind-boggling ex-perience has been made into a movie.

    Travis, 40, even makes a cameo appear-ance in the new film, "Fire in the Sky," which 1 r:==.:=:=:5iii~=:iiiiiiiii;;;:;;::: starS James Garner.

    It was in December 1975 that Travis Walton captured nationwide attention when The E.'l- FLASHBACK to December 1975 Encpllr-QT.HRER broke the story- one er that broke the mind-boggling story. of the most weD-documented that Travis disappeared be-cases of liFO abductions ever. fore their eyes when struck by

    We revealed that five wit- a dazzling blue ray from a hov-nesses passed lie-detector ering saucer-shaped object. tests confirming their claim Tra ... is and his fellow log-

    lDggerciDimsheDwwie in spaceship Slltf()untltt/ by 3-/otJttllH cretlfUIIS with white skin Dtd

    leDtureless IDees robes, with white skin and fea-tureless faces!

    Of Abo'"'+ Lgte. f992 Oc

    ZAPPED! Logger Tra-vis Walton disappear-ed before the eyes of five coworkers when struck by a dazzling blue ray from a hov-ering flying soucer.

    gers say they were in a pickup truck on a remote mountain road near Snowflake, Ariz ., when they observed a s trange and unusually bright light in the sky. Ignoring warnings from his coworkers, curious Travis left the safety of the truck to take a closer look.

    Travis was ridiculed by a phone to avoid publicity. Rosy' about Travis and his ty-skeptics who accused him of "He was marked forever by ing saucer."

    Suddenly he was zapped by a mysterious force and van-ished, reported his compan-ions, who fled in terror.

    At first no one in town be-lieved their bizarre tale- and the logger s were even sus-pected of murdering Travis.

    But after five days the young man suddenly resur-faced, dehydrated and bewil-dered.

    Initially, he was unable to account for his missing time. But under hypnosis Travis re-called waking up in a space-

    being a drug addict or con art- the incident," said Tracy Eventually Travis wrote a ist. In time, he stopped talking Torme, the movie's screen- book about his "close encoun-about his uncanny experience writer. "Local kids still sing a ter." Now married with fo:1r and lived for 10 years without version of 'Ring-Around-the- kids, he's writing an updated

    BIZARRE version.. including his involve-ment With the new film.

    TALE: Ja~ "Fire in the Sky" is due out Gamer (right) from Paramount this month. stan os the Actor D.B. Sweeney portrays sheriff who in- Travis, and Garner stars as vestigates the the hard-nosed sheriff who b -mysterious vestigates his mysterious dis-disappear- appearance.


    TRA l'IS Walton, who claims tha' be and ~even feUow workers .-ere abdac&d by a UFO In eastern Ariaona, &a)'l be's belnc biMIDded by people who doabt hb story.

    TVSDA:f 23 BC

    Aliens take their lddays on earth

    ALIENS travel Ught years tn their UPOs to reach Earth because it Ls a good tourist destination, It was clalmed yesterday.

    The people from outer space come here for the same reason Sydney-slders go to the Gold Ooast. according to UFO expert Bruce Dlxon.

    "I lJke to think It's be-cause Earth IS a fairly nice place to visit, he told t.hc NSW branch of UFO Research at Katoomba RSL at the weekend.

    "Perhaps It's nicer than their h ome and they come f or a bit of relaxation.


    MONDA"( 5TH APB 1 L r 9 9 3


    ship surrounded by five-foot ,;_~.-~-~~~~!!~ tall creatures in tight-fitting ,....___...__._~~~'"""""'--------

    once of Tro-m, played by D.B. Sweeney In film fire in the Sky. UFO joyr ider is oft the planet

    ( E NJ E R E {) : - I .ST POOR TraVIS Waltcn. Be's Just a simple logger from Snowflake An-zona. who was abducted by a UFO. set doYill again . and nov. peoPle don't belle e him

    Well. that's not qmte true. Some peop e be-Uevehim.

    SOme dltzy producers from HOllf\\ood WlUl lots of money haTe

    made a film about Travis' UFO Joyride.

    It s called Fire In The Sky. But now the film Is shov.'lllg In America. Travis Is belng hounded by people who doubt him. And e of his logging rna: are giving him stick.

    The loudest criticism is coming from Tl e Comnuttee f or Scien-tific Imestigat on of

    aaims of the Paranor mal, a group which de-bunlai supernatural claims.

    They're saying that Travis and another log-ging crev. leader con-cocted the hoax to v.-m a National lnqUI.rer UFO stgbtmg conte - and because they needed to fmd an excuse for miss-ing a logging contract deadline

    Travis says he hope the movie will make people more open-minded

    He s standing by his claim that tn 1975, when he was loggmg In north-eastern Arizona, he v.'aS Utt.ed into the sky by an extra-terrestrial beam of light and then put down fh e days later

    Why Sounds

    MARC.H 1993

    credible, U you re from Snowflake. Arizona

    Maybe thats ~hat happened to all those Liberal Party \ oters a couple of ~"eekends back'

  • Five days of terror on a UFO

    THERE'S only one Nothing could havt' thing worse than being By VICKY ROACH prepared Walt.on, Rogers zapped by aliens the 1'7 and the five otber loggers

    racis 1 lei It to become a media With them In the pick-up years ost m w 1 1 event. says Rogers. truck for the events that follows. So sa)s Tra\is Walton In our case. there was unfolded on Novembers.

    or Snowflake, Arizona a four-day search (and JJrlS. as they made their ld kn In murder im esligation) for way back through the

    And he shou ~~iog Tra\ls. forest after a bard days No~em1~l975 t f Before he even came work. ger al ~!!>'""" Y spen 1~r. mal According to the men gruelling days aboard a back. there -..-ere jou -UFO where he was sub- ists from New tbe fearsome rP.d glow up Jf!Cl to a number of tests. zealand aJJd .Japan in ahead turned out to be -

    "The memories of what our to-..n. So 1t 'i!."a.SD't not bummg forest as happened were \'CT) diffl- something we could just they expected - but thP

    th. b I put behind us. Steep emission from a UFO cult to deal 11.1 ut t s qu~t" And .,~ the curious like being burnt In a Walton - out of thl" sense: as soon as Its .. ~ over. Its done wtth. he truck for a closer lOOk. said at the Park Lane ,, t was n 't the others say thf') saw Hotel this 9.-eek hlm thro...-n by a beam of

    "The talk and the h . llght in much the same undercurrents. hov.e\er somet lng wayassomeonewouldbl" Just never wem. awa:o; So throvm by a bolt or elec-m that sense. It came to 1 d tricity almost 0\ershadow the we cou Terrified. they dro\t~ Pxpenence Itself off at high speed leavmg

    with hindsight. sa)s keep q Ul"et t walton for dead. the father ol four. if When Rogers got to the there had been anl way maiD road, howe\er. he to keep his unearthly says he had second JOurney quiet he would NQ.5ireel But what. the thouehts about lea\ lug ha\e taken tt. two men do hope is pass- his mate behind. so here-

    But as Mtke Rogers - tble. 17 years on. as that a turned to the spot where brother to Walton's Wife new feature :mm based be bad last se-em Walum. Dana and one of tM six on their experience will Unfortunately, Walton men who -..1tnessed the take t.he sting out of was no longer there

    e~ent - points out. &e folks' negati~e reacuon The film goes on to Wll crecy was Impossible by ghing them an inslght bow the men spent the from the tart mto what It might ha~e next f1ve da)s as murdPr

    Things lik th have bPen like. suspects - before t.hl" happened to other~ !Fire ln Th(' Sky to be then 22-}ear-old Walton Je, but th y've been able released In Aust.rnlia this called from a telephone .~to~k~~gP~it~to~U~tMn~~M5~~Th~u~rsd~a~-~~~~----bOO~th~~&LJL~~~l"

    Ftre In The Sk'f INSET T ravtS (nght) w th .wrfe Dana and brother n Ia " rv ke Rogers .:::- .,.

    he claims to ha\e been returned ~ the UFO

    Par from taking the tu>aa. off tne sltuauon. hOWl'Ver. Walton S Story of b,.vmg travelled deep lnto sp~ wtLh strange creatures JUSt fuelled the true stoey hoax furore. It has been simmering ever stnoe

    So much so. that alter Walton "'rote a book about hiS experience tn 1977 - so t"veryone would lea~e me alone" -he disconnected his phon' for the next 10 ~ ars

    I ju got fed up with th ~y he said. and people callmg n..,- up

    all the e

    TPn yeUs oo. howe~r. Wa ton S&J he figured the fuss had .died do'i!m enough to reconnect tht:' phone

    Just three da~ s later. he v;as contacted b} the Fire In The S..-.y film-makers.

    Although Walton had turned down many other off~>rs. thL'> ttme he 'i!.'aS persuaded

    'I was con\'lllced they were interested m the human story that .they weren't gomg to gne tt a Sl"nsaUonaiJSt trtat-mf!nt.-


    BEING an OJX~Illlllta type I w d tx-person to do b tty of a UFO tgh the northern be Butlt d oesn't h p w en two wltnPsses reported strange lights In the sk) "'Vf hUe returning home from a nightclub at 3.30am".



    Sky light becomes star turn A BRIGHT orange

    light ln the northern sky entertained many Sydneyslders last night

    Richard Talbot said from his home at Eastwood. in Syd-ney's n orth-west "It 'i!.'Cnt across the sky in fits and starts. zig-zagging a bit but movlng generally in an easterly direction.

    "It was a very, ,-ery bright orange and ''aS visible from about 9.15 to 9.25.

    "People were stop-ping t.helr cars to have a look."

    Mr Talbot, who has a blt of an lnterf'St In ast.ronomy", said he and his ~;ife. a science teacher, thought lt was a satelllte burning up after re-entering the atmosphere.

    WE. DNE5DAY,

    Nabbed by a UFO

    LOllo"DON Po ce have rounded up a number ot \illalns bl sending out a hoax radio message

    Officers reported a Dymg saucer had landed at Kearsley Lane. Doncaster o.nd then waited to see whotumedup

    The plan was to catch people morut.or-ing police radiO PA

    TH\J R !' D A-:t: 2 8 __ DEC.(.Mf>E.R 19q3

    .. 2.1 JULY 1993

    UFO sightings 'planetary light' A SPATE of UFO slghtings can be

    blamed on nothing more sinister than Venus and Jupiter waxing brighter than usuaL

    There were 200 sightlngs ln the first two weeks of this month, compared with a normal weekly average of 20 to 30.

    But astronomer Rob McNaught, from the Angio-Aust.ralian obsen-atozy at Coonabarabran., said most of the slght-lngs were attributable to the brightness of Venus and Jupiter.

    A !ireball rocketing across the NSW-Queensland border three weeks ago was also likely to explain the rise in slgbting:s.

    EB\DA:f 24 JUNE . 199 4= I

    1947 A series of flying saucer stories begins in the United States when pllot Kenneth Arnold reports seeing nine dlsc-6haped objects flying in Washington state.


    F R J D8Y 2 4- .TV N.-,E_--.~.\_...9._9"--'4--~- I


  • )




    Field of 'dreams'

    The cows seem unperturbed by the mysterious crop circles in a southwest Engtand paddock

    Aliens? Drunks? Or energy from another dimension? Theories abound, OOt the crop

    cireles remain a mystery WHAT causes strange

    shapes to appear in the wheated plains of south-west England? Bored drunks? Aliells? Energy from anotber dimension, or maybe Jusl an" tourist board?

    The people wbo come to view these prodigies of lawn-mowinJ don't .really care.

    "lt'a a piece of the magic to let you know It's real," said Shawn Randall. a Los An-geles metapbyaics teacher here for a three-day confer-ence oo crop circles. UJI'Oa and a&range visitors from other planets.

    Randall stood an wheat flat-tened Into the shape of an eye. Otber& spmwled on the grain that CI'1Mtied under blazlnc aun, meditated in the lotus position. ar pursued elect.romagnetic fields with dowsina rods.

    Parmer T1m Ca.raan said he was certain that two of the three crop circles an bia IJOOha were boues bec:auae he caught men with dl drums

    From KARIN DAVIES in Alton Priors, England

    tamping down the wheat. early one morning.

    But he WOIIdered about the atant eye - it appeared after a bright moonlit night when people were watching the field but aaw nothing unu-suaL

    "I'm :not saying it's not a hoax, but I won't say it is,'' he said.

    Neat swirls of flattened crops. ranging from a few metres to a few hundred metrea, appear each summer on the fann1anda of south-west BniJand, IDainly in the county of WUWUre. homr of the preblator' .... and truly mys-terious atone circles of stone-henge.

    Crop circles were first recor-ded ln England in 1678. In other countries. circles have been reported in sand, snow. rice paddies and fields. The patterns have been attributed to whirlwinds. witches. mag-netic forces, animals. hoaxers and spaoeships.

    Sctentista who don't believe

    SUNDAY I 4 AUGU SI 'q 9 4-

    Tourists meditate- who knows, the aliens may be watching in unnatural phenomena think they are made by eddies of wind sweeping over hWy around

    They say the recent complex shapes of circles. bars. aquarea and triangles were made by hoaxers. In 1991 two Englishmen said

    they were bored one night in a pub and decided to make crop circles. They said they made hundreds of hoax crop c1rc1ea for 13 ~ in the aouth of England using wooden boards. string and a baseball bat.

    Richard Andrews, an Ena-Uahman who has studied crol' circles since 19'19, conceded aome were hoaxes.

    .. But what makes the oth-ers? We really don't know. We

    know It is an intelligent force - but tbia is not human intell-ect," be said. 'Tm not talking about aliena.. rm talking about another dimension."

    "Tbia year we've only bad hundreds of visltors." Carson said. "1990 was just out of hand really - 10.000 people came; the world and bia wife."

    Making scooping motlorus towards her cbat, Barbara Lindsay of LondoD said: "' think this is going to enhance my healing."

    Margaret Pinyan. a retired book editor from Arblona. was aearchlng for evidence of aliens.

    "It is frustrating to every-one that you can't say, 'Hey you guys, come on down and Jet'a talk about it'," she aald.

  • ys ery o m1ss1ng cr ft 1 dire Strats 0 N OCTOBER 30, 1991 a RAAF Boeing 707, one of the safest planes w the world, took off from East Sale air-force base. Nine minutes later it nosedived and plunged into the turbulent waters of Bass Strait. It. had time to issue just one Mayday calL It was the largest aircraft to crash

    in Australian aviation hisWry. None of the five airmen survived

    Like the notorious Bermuda tri-angle mystery, the grim legend of Bass Strait is based an plenty of hard evidence. It began last century with ship-

    wrecks that included Austra.lia.'s worst maritime disaster and has con-tinued this century with some strange incidents involving aircraft.

    On August 4. 1845 a hunicane drove the Catarqai onto a reef 500m off King Island in the Strait.

    The 802-tonne migrant ship h ad saDed from Liverpool four months earlier with 415 men, women and chlldren on board. Only nine made it. to the shore.

    One of the earliest reports of air-craft disappearance in the Strait was made In 1920.

    -=>trange, unexplained lights were reported surrounding the ss Amelia just before she vanished ~

    The RAAP sent a plane to investi-gate and it too V1Ulished. No trace of either craft was found. In 1.930. Squadron leader Geoz'ge

    Jones - later AJr Marshal Sir George - took off on a mlssion to investigate reported sightings of strange a1rc:ratt oft the Vlctortan side of the Strait..

    A veteran or both world wars, Sir George, who was awarded the DFC in the First World War, maintained a serious interest in UFOs for the rest of his Ill e.

    Qn retirement, the flying knigh t became a member of the VlCtorian u:i>O Research Society (VUFORS).

    Although there were DO air battles over Bass Strait in World War n. 17 all1ed aircraft went miasing without trace.

    One 1942 report - not from the RAAF - told of an air-force pilot being sent on a search mission fol-lowing reports from fishermen in Bass Strait. of strange lights shining an the sea.

    The report said that at 5.50pm a UFO appeared out of a cloud bank. The pUot. described it as "a singular airfoil of glistening bronze colour", about 45m in length and 15m in di-ameter. It had a dome on top that re-flected sunlight..

    This report came wen before the current era of UFO sightings. which began in 1947.

    The ObJect flew alongside the plane for a few moments, then turned away and suddenly took off " at. a hell of a pace", It eventually dived into the ocean causing a "regular whirl-pool of ~-aves",

    There was another recorded sight-ing in February. 1944. About 2.30am. a Beaufort' bomber. flying a.t 1371.6m over the Strait. found itself joined by a UFO, described as a udark shadow" wfth a flickering light and flame coming from the rear.

    The objeCt was about 30-45m away and stayed '\\1th the plane fer a lang

    Alleged UFO link to bizarre disappearances in the Bass

    --rile Cessna's petrol tanks are in the wing and petrol flows to the en-gine by gravity so it will not fly UJr-side down for more than a few se-conds." be says.

    As wen as visual sightings, one man took a series of six shots of the sun-set off Cape Otway about 20 minutes before Val.enticb disappeared.

    t.tme for a UFO - 18 minutes. During that time the plane's radio and direc-t.ion-finding lnstrument.s failed. Even-tually, the object took off at about three times the bomber's top speed (3'l'lkml h).

    The Bass Strait legend became of worldwide Interest when young pilot Frederick Valentich vanished as be reported being buzzed by a UFO. His story is one of the world's strangest allen encounters.

    The 20-year;ilii flying instructor disappeared in his Cessna 182 on Sunday, October 21, 1978. Exact.Iy 47 minutes earlier he had t.a.ken off from a Melbourne airport on a flight to King Island.

    Just before his disappearance. ValenUch reported to a Melbourne flight controller that he had sighted an unidentified flying object..

    Valentich said.: "'t is four bright lights. It seems to me like landing tights . . the alrcra.ft bas just passed over me at least a thousand feet above."

    Asked if it was a large a.lrcra.ft, he said: "Unlmov.'ll due to the speed it's travelling. Is there any air-force air-craft in the vicinity?"

    He was told there wasn t. "'t's approa.chjng now from due east

    towards me (pause) it seems to me tha.t be's playing some sort of game. He's flying over me two or three times at speeds I could not identify it's not an aircraft it's flymg past.. It's a long shape . identify more than . . . before me right now."

    Asked how large it appeared to be. Valentich said: "'t seems like it's sta-tionary What r.m doing right.

    now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top or me also. It's got a green light and sort of metallic. It's all shiny (on) the outside."

    After another long pause, he asked the controller if it '\\'115 a mllitary air-craft and was told there were DO known a.lrcra.ft in the area.

    Valenticb said t.he craft. had vanish-ed. but a few moments later be spotted it again approaching from the soudl-west. He repcrt.ed his plane's engiDe was roughing.

    Two minutes later came his final words: "That strange nlrcra!t is hov-ering on top of me again. It. is hover-Ing and it's not an aircraft."

    Roy Manifold's camera was a 35-mm Olympus on a tripod. Through UFO research contacts. Manifold's photos and negatives were passed on to the Ground Saucer Watch in Ari-zona. who found the "smudge" to be a solid. probably metalllc. object.

    Analysts described what was an the film as a bona fide UFO about 6m. across.

    What is generally omitted in the strange tale of Valentich. is the keen interest he had taken in UFOs. from the age of about 15.

    The interest was fuelled by his ex-periences as a member of the Air

    N 0 TRACE of Valenticb or Training Corps when he visited his ab'craft. was ever found, RAAF bases and heard stories from deaptte a major sea and air pilots of stranae encounters sean:h. The Cessna was w th "'- th th equipped with a radio s urvival bea- ere e ~""ots teuu.~g e tru or con but for some unknown reason simply amusing themselves at tbe this usually reliable piece of equip- expense of the keen young cadet? ment did not. activate. In any caae. from these tales and In May, l982, the Australian his own study of the subject, be came

    Bureau of Air Safety (ABAS), re- to the conclusion that UFOs were leased Its off c1al fm ding on Valen- here and on friendly missions. tich: The reason for the disappear- Valentl.cb's father, OuJdo. said r.hat anoe bas not been determined. as a result of his san's last stay at a

    Years later, Pa ul Norman, VU- RAAF base - about a month before FORB vice-president claimed there his disappearance - he bad come had been reports of erratic, moving home more convinced than ever of the lights in the Bass Strait area from existence of UF'06. His son expressed Six weeks before Valenticb had taken the hope be would be involved in a off. These reports had reached a cJocse encounter. peak on the day and night o! the dis- Whether or not Valent.lcb did en-appearance. counter a UPO, or was the victim of

    Norman soofts at claims the young his imagination. his disappearance pi1ot. had become d.isrni.ented, was fly- provides most mysterious of tng upside down and saw his reflection chapters to the legend of Bass Strait. in the water. ~-------- KEN ANDERSON


    5AJURD8'f, OC.TOSER THIS has to be a joke, but then agam .. spotted in Sydney magazine this week was a notice for the AssocJ.ation for Humans Violated by Unknown Entities. or translated. people who've been to bed with UFO pilots. The annual general meeting is being held on the 21st of this month, but. no address was given. Must be a telepathic-invite-only affair.

    199 4=

    ffil\)B'( lfo DEC.EMBEB J 99 Lf.

    Wheat circle crops up here-MYSTERIOUS crop circles - a

    phenomenon that. has baffled scientists around the vo orld -have arrived in Aust.ralla.

    A huge tract of flattened wheat. forming a precise circle in an Adelaide field. ia the first ever reported in Australia. It has scientlsts and local far-

    mers mystified. But the two most popular theories say that crop circles are either formed by UFOs - or are a hoax.

    The pat.t.ern was first not1ced by Alison Light, 4.9, as she flew over

    It on Friday. She then tra.cked it down on Monday.

    John Earl, the administrative officer of the South Australian Research and Development .Insti-tute, which farms the land, is baffled by the circle.

    "There's no sign of people mov-ing to or from the circle. None of the stalks was broken. and if somebody got in there with a roller, they made a \'el'f good job of it," said Aolr Earl. Mr Brian Richards, research of-

    .ficer with the UFO Data Collec-

    tion Centre in Perth, said last night the crop clrcle was unique.

    .. It is odd that this circle has ap-peared out of the blue,a he said..

    "There IS no history in this area of crop clrcles. We haven't had these in Australia before.

    "But from what I have been told. 1t does sound 1111:e a real one. I tend to believe that it is the work of a higher intelligence."

    Mr Richards said there was a high incidence of crop circles m England. Wlt.h up to 200 appeanng in the one night.

    SA J \J Q 0 AY, 1] D!C.M6fR 1991f;.

    British jet 'buzzed' by brighttUFO A BIUTISB AJrways jet had a close encounter witb a 6st-

    IDOYIDc UFO. It was claimed yesterday. A Ctt1J A11&Uoa ~ iD4uJ.r1 baa DOW bepn into tbe

    tacWeat after Ute pllou reporied a lJrtcb&q-lit triaapJar olljeet bDJ1.Jed tcnranJs them before veermr ott down tbe ... ol *be aln:ral&. i

    Tlle7 iast.iDc&IYely dlldred before c:a11JDc air ~raffle con-&nl, llat were lolcl tbat there were DD other plaDes iD tbe area.IDJUally &.bey did not lodge a formal report for fear of belac ridlcaled.

    Tbe Boeing m .... b~ for Manchester's B.lngway aJrpon from MIJaa on l1UI11&1')" 6 wltb 80 people on board when &be plane wu "baued" by tbe object.

    SUNDAY 29 JANUARY 1995 -

    Close encounter for TV -LONDON: A t{}JrSCCrct film allegedly showing

    dead aliens will fonn the basis of a sensational BBC TV documentary due to be screened in August.

    The 91 minute film was shot by US military cameramen in New Mexico alleged ly after a flying saucer crashed there in 1947

    'I'he US Air Force scaled off the site and the film has been classiiied top secret e\ er since

    The mm IS alleged to shovo scientiSts examining a creature at the crash s1te

    It is also saJd to show pan. o r the spaceship ~ reckage

    ~VSD8~ 18 MARCH I Jqqs -

  • N June UK7 a myste-rious object dlsin tegrated above New Mexico and its pleres

    scatt.el"Cd across the spec-tacular desert near the t.own of Roswell.

    They never really came t.o rest. Inatead they formed a m.ost unsetUing and dis-turbing event - known &II the Roswell fnddent. - In the Uves of dozens of people convinced. t.he object WM a. craft, from another planet. piloted by aJlens

    The) became True Bellev ers 1n extraterresttalllfe.

    For others, the event re sulted in a llfetlme spent. proc1almlng the UFO beUef a case of phoney baloney It wu act.ually a mWtary sur-ve.lllanCf balloon whlcll premat.urely fell Lo earth, the) l&ld.

    na.t; doesn't ring true t.o peoplr like Major Jesse 11arce1. an Air Force officer at the scene. rancher BUl Bruel whose land It fell on, or local realdent Loretta

    Proctor who saw the scene before the military cleaned tt. up

    To them the mWtary shoUld be called Baloney In-corporated, a body which has spent. 48 years denying the world a t.ruth It firllt. her aided In a press rele~ which oooked the globe's newswires in minutes.

    That happened after Lieu-tenant Walter Haut or the US Air Force b&ae at Ros-well was ordered to write the release and dlatribut.e It, by foot. to local radio stations and newspapers.

    The prefl& release read: "The many rumours regard-Ing the flying di8c became a re&llty yesterday when the Intelligence O!flce ot the 509t.h Bomber Group of the Eighth Alrforce. Roswell Airfield, was fortunatfl enough to p.ln pc:!IIJeBSion of a through the co-opera-tion ot one of the local ranchers and the Sherriff's Office or Chaves Countyt the statement began.

    l'bree hours later a correc-

    .,SUNDA'1' lb

    tlon was iasued. from a del-uged regional headquarters. The flying dJso W&fl a weather balloon a more senior Air ForcP. Com-mander said.

    The iasue was debated and went to rest untn It flared again in 197ft when a then retired Major Marcel an-nounced a true UFO cont.act Incident was covered up by the rnllltary which wanted to exploit thP technology it. found.

    Now the Roswell Incident. and the alleged cover up are back In the mainstream news after rock pro-moter Ray BantiUy an-nounced he'd purchased secret 16mm film of the craft. and Its dead allen pi-Iota.

    WhUe photos of the debris were pubUstlcd no one was allowed near t.he main bod) or the craft or balloon which tell more than a kilometre away.

    The film wUl be aired for the first time at the Shef-field ffallam UnJverslty In

    . '

    APR\ L l99S

    August. and poBBlbly on the BBC shortly after. Not onl,}' has the upcoming event set off Roswell speculation acam, but It's divided the True Believers.

    Don Berliner, who ~ the book Crash At. Corona (Corona being the nearest. vUlage to the crash site), has tried all year to view tb~ film and offer his expertise, but has not heard back from Santlll,y or supporters.

    "U you had what amounts to the most important piece of film footage in human hlatory 1n your poeaeaslon, one whlch proves the e:dsL-ence of allen life, why would you walt. so long to show lt?" asked Berliner, a director of the Fund For UFO Re-aearch In Wa&hlngton,

    "1 peraonally hope these iUYB have origb\!1.1 and authentic footage, but from what rve heard the quality Is very bad and ambiguous. They're not. shoWing It to anyone who was at the site or who lmowa the events ac-curately and Intimately.

    "A lot of us here In the US want to be Involved to offer our expertise In examining the footage. I know I could tell at a glance If the footage of the craft Is correct, just by t.hP. surrounding terTaln.

    "But Mr Bantuly and the BBC have been very evasive about. this. Why?"

    Philip Mantle or the Brit-Ish UFO Reaearch Asaoda-tlon has seen lt and ls con-vinced t.he black and white film, about two hours wort.h in 14 cani8ters, is authentJc.

    He clalmtllt shows the dlsc and an autopsy or a slender allen Ut by lamp Ught 1n a tent set. up In the dCIICrt. The allen has a slender head with no n06C or ears. but it does hav( larp oval eyes. Much of It 18 obecured.

    "We had heard stories t.hat a photoirapher was flown into the area after Ute crash and was flown out apln soon after," he told British reporters two weeks ago.

    "Now it seems he was a movlc cameraman. He :Is

    allve and we know his name and be 18, in due course, to testlty.

    "He took his own copy of the rnm. and wants to sell it no'li becaUse he'a Uvin& Jn poverty and wants Lo con tribute to his grand-daught.-er's wedding."

    An unnamed 8(}-ycar-old photographer. Secret. film never heard of before in Ute most high profile UFO lncl-dent. on record. Doubt.lng True Believers wfth expert knowledge denied access

    It. sounda aa fiahy as UU.Ie green men travelllng to earth from afar.

    But fiahy the original Inci-dent &ln't to people whc;> were there at the time. They saw materlala they'd never seen before. picked up

    object~; with strange sym-bols on them.

    Are they Incredibly gull i-ble, eaughl. up In a group ex-citement transcending logic? Proflt.eers? WhUe sus-pldoua, author Berliner says.

    Continued next Pllg

  • Alien ~ project still baffles

    eFrom previous Pa

    they hope the rum wW vindicate a belief so long ridiculed.

    "I have talked many times to Major Marcel, one of the officers dlspatched to Brazel's ranch l.o collect samples of the debris :Crom the disc's crash site," Berliner said.

    "To this day, he has seen nothing Uke it. It. was like household foU, but much , lJghter and very, very much stronger.

    "H~ couls.

    ''The most Interesting features or peopll' who say they've been ab-ducted by aliens arc the le\els of post trau matlc stress they're suffer lng," M1 Leonarder said.

    He adds that few people apart from war veteranS' and disaster survivors, expelienre such intcnst stress.

    Mr Lcona.rdcr :;uys governments and security groups have know ledge or alien visits but choose to keep them quiet bPcauso lhey have no answers.

    Dispelling myths .. XFiles stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Recently a man called to say he

    was being psychically attacked by a group ot people but. was unable to get help from the pollee.

    "We see lf we can do something from the spiritual side," Mr Zarth sal ct.

    Although more people are commg out of the closet about their out..of. the-ordinary experiences, It seems many, raced with the smirks of a sceptical public, are reluctant to tell of their encounters.

    And wtth good reason. Jamie Leonarder. a UF'O re-

    searcher who runs the MuMeson archives in Chippendale. an alter nate sciences data depository, says people who claim to have seen UFOs or to have been abducted by aliens, are often dubbed weirdos.

    Leonarder, like most UJo'O re searchers, Is scepUcal but not dis missive or the bl&arre and oftell unrealistic sLOrlls he hears.

    "The thing with anomalies Is to a1:cept everything but bl'lleve noth lng absolutely," said Leonarder.

    "It's not a com;piracy (to keep It quiet). It's more that ~hey can't. explain It so they move fairly quickly to dismiss It"

    Scientists, however, are taking encounters ol the allen kind more seriously.

    A team are using the. CSIRO's telescope In the western NSW town of Parkes to search for Intelligent life forms on other planets.

    The proJect, which scans the southern hemisphere tor sounds of life in outer space, Is part of SETI .... the Search for Extraterrestrial In telligence.

    Originally a $100 million NASA project, SJoiTI is now funded by private Investors.

    So far there have been no whls pers from the cosmos but the proj-ect group Is confident.

    Duncan RoadS, owner of alterna-tive Issues magazine Nexus, believes It is only a matter of time before unexplained events, partJCulJI.rly j

  • - ................ __

    . ~---~ UFO slghllngs, are dealt with serl ously t>y govcmm~nts Published In Queensland Nexus ncldrrsscs Iss ues ranging from health and sci cncc to unexplained phenomena.

    "The sheer quantity or people coming lnt.o contact with UPOs Is rising Incredibly. ld Mr Roads, who bought Nexus fl\c years ago

    SO much Is going on that It Is only a matter of t ime b~for the govcm ment Is forced to go public on the things they know "

    "There are so many people wllo have some sort or experience\\ lth n

    aUon L'l alao a partial acept.ic de-spite 30 years of research lnto the subject.

    He says most or the colour('(! lights people sec ln the sk) arc readUy explained, but admits o few arc genuinely unidentified

    Mr Chalker says people often mistake Jupiter and Venus Cor UFOs. Even seasoned a ir trntfic controllers have trlccl to land Venus. thinking lt. was nn aircraft., Mr Chalker adds.

    There arc also reported lncldcnt.s or youths firing flares lns!Cic gnr

    Unexplained researchers took this picture (above) of an alleged UFO In Italy. Sceptical but not dismissive . . UFO researchers (right)

    Anthony Maher, M1chael Williams and Jamie Leonarder UFO or omc other thmg that Is totally umxplalnable and they think or arr tolct that they arc nutcnses

    "Whnl wt t ry to do Is give feed back on new cases ancl new theories. We don 'L try lo I~~'P.Sent the unswers.

    I treat. them all very politely and very open mindetJiy 1 don't. rush to bellcvfl or discredit. them."

    Mr Roads srLya he hi!.B spoken to retired military officers and mem bers or ~he pollee force "people who I believe to be credible wit nesses" who tell stories about sightlngs or UFOs that have been hushed up.

    There Is even a sect.lon of the US Airforcc manual telling you what to do If you encounter a UFO," said Roads

    "I hMc spoken to people ln gov emment and z;ecurlty organiSations who arc dreadfully upset about the secrecy being peflleLuated.''

    bage, producing a slow moving orange dome in the sky.

    But there Is enough convincing evidence lo product a clandestine lnletcsl from governmtnts and NclcnUflc ctrcles. he says.

    "It.'s such a controversial aca nud despite a fair amount of lnvcst.l gation In general, you dnn't sero a great deal of evidence."

    The Australian Skeptics roun ded in 1980 to refute extraordinary claims with logacal cxplanaUon agree.

    "Yes there are unf'xplaincd lights In the sky but. whether that ts evidence that they're coming from another planet and abducting us Is another matter " said skeptic Barry WUIIams.

    "We're not denying people have had experiences but ror most of these things there arc altematlve explanations.

    "Often the explanations are quite mundant and that's not what HIU Chalker, co-ordinator of Ute

    NSW UFO'tlt.lon Associ people want. Is It?" --------------~==~~==

    Close encounters uproar NEW YORK Little grev bug cvccl a.llcm: who

    ktdn p human Cor xu I t:'Xpcrlmcnt8 arr at the cntrl' or the latf'.st and unllktllr t. ncndcmk row

    at Harvard Unhsychology professor

    John Mack featured the nllcns and their sexual actlvltle In h be t. l'lllng book Abduction Human Encounters With All!'ns

    The upn ar follov. a dtml tnvc tl atlon into v. It ther Dr Macks m olvPmct\t 11. lth tilt m has brought the hool nto dl repute and ~~ohrthrr he had maint !ned Harv rd standards of scholarly tnve t1 at on

    SBJVRDA'{ b l99S

    Cigar-shaped UFO lights up busy hotline

    1' OUR pcoph hnw nportcd sceinK a. mystcri ous and luminous "clgnr shapeMAY I 995

    Call for UN to recognise aliens 151tA81LIA: 'I'llll Congress ul Bruzlhan t.Jtologlsts

    the pP.oplc who study unidentified llymg obji'CIS y,ants the Unltl'd Nations to admit that lilc exists on olller planeLs.

    The demand lor recognition of extraterrestrial life will indude a compilation ol "all lht uncxplnlrwd contacts", said Congress president Rafael Cury Insisting that "ever')thlng will be handled within scientific parameters".

    ~BT\IRDA=i 9 S(PTt:MB E...fL_ (C\95

    I> t :S PIT E a l'rGWd of more than 1500 and the best eflorC.s of thret Hplrltualtsts, I regret to Inform you that alll'ns did not land In northern llulgarla on Monday. The mediums had lured the people to a remote airfield near Sofia, promising eight spaee11hips would land and help pay the

    t'OUnC.ry~ $17 billion foreign debt. Sadly, none showed up and polke e!l(:ol1.ed the wouldbe allen ambassadors a wa)' rroru the an cry mob.

    WDNSDB'i , \3 SEPI-E.MBE.R 1995

    MAY 1995 I

    MBY 1995 .MaN Del'( 4- SPICM8CR l!39S ;

  • How to build a 'real' alien

    A Hollywood special effects artist claims a TV documentary of a so-called alien autopsy could have been more convincing, ADRIAN BERRY reports from London

    Spaced out on an ET highway

    IF ET's e~er looking for a place to phone home, Rachel may be JUst the ticket.

    Long a mecca for people who believe we are not alone the town is the anchor for Ne\'Bda s newest tourist attraction the Extraterrestrial Hlghwa_y. It s even geUing off1ctal State highway Signs.

    Folks here are com meed there are alien visitors just over the mow1talns to the south, at. a top-secret government base known as Area 51.

    There are people and machines from other planets o~er there Our Government ts working with them, Pa Travis said as me scrubbed dishes at the LltUe A Le'Inn think allen ')

    Area 51 is eUed n mystelj The heavily guarded isolated base 137km north of Las Vegas fs where the US Gmemment tested some of Its most exotic aircraft including the U 2 SR-71 Blackbird and F 117A Stealth fighter and is now belle"ed to be Oymg Aurora, a reconnaiSSance State H1ghway 375 at Rachel Nevada a government base or a UFO land1ng strip?

    A scene from the TV documenlary The Roswell Incident, claam ng to show an autopsy of a dead ahen

    WHEN a television film show-Ing the supposed post-mortem examination of an alien visitor to Barth was shown recently- the

    ~ed ''RosweU incident" -aU those who saw it who possessed any sense knew it must be a rake.

    But the most interesting ques lion, not answered until nov;, waa bow It could have been faked

    Now this Ignorance Is at an end. Two fascmaUng reports In the

    latest Skeptical Inquirer, that bi-monthly scourge of hoaxers and fakers, show exactly how It could have been done and hov; . If their authors had been at v; ork the "aalen could have been consider ably more convincing.

    The background to this piece of UPO folklore is well known.

    At Roswell New Mexico, In July 1947, there was some kind of aerial accident.

    Probably a military sun. eillance plane crashed and the US govern ment naturally tried to hush It up not wlshmg its scattered parts to fall Into Soviet hands.

    Bu UFO fanatics proclaimed thai something very different had happened; that an allen spacecraft had crash-landed. killing Its occu-pant, whose corpse the film pur-ported to show.

    I think It could ha\"e been a

    'It could have been a much better fake '

    much better fake." says one of the Inquirer's 'W1'Bers, Trey Stokes, a Hollywood speci&J effects artist who has crea&ed monsters and alien creatures for such films u The Abl Batman Returns Ro-bocop U and The Blob

    He then explains how he would have set about faking it.

    The film should look like a IMOs documentary

    The aUen lbould resemble the popular conception of one - almos~ human but not quite-and the dead creature shoUld be seen under cll&-sectlon bl adors pretending to be medical lnftltigaton. who dis cover" non human internal orpns.

    The est approach ls to get a person who In size and shape most resemble the Intended alien and build a plastic body cast around him.

    Remo\ e the human subject and you have the basic shape.

    Then to give it an outlandish appearance cover it with alginate,

    MoNDf\X S EE.BRU A RX 199b

    a paste-like substance uaed by dentists to make tooth casts that quickly soUdJfles into a rubbery semi-solid.

    Give the allen six fingers and six toes - a normal human amount would be much too ordinary.

    To do this. wires should be In serted in its "hands and feet" so that these digits stick out.

    Then redesign the head so that Its face stares pecullarly.

    Now the cameras ron and the "investigators" cut up the body.

    They are likely to employ what 1l4r Stokes calls "one of the oldest tricks In the book

    One of them takes a scalpel and attaches a small tube to its side that faces away from the camera.

    As the scalpel mo~es, the allen blood" flows through the tube so

    that the scalpel lea\ es a trail of it. The investigators then extract

    from the abdomen sbltr.bly treated Uvers or kidneys (from a butcher.)

    So much for how a Hollywood pro would ha~e done tbe job.

    But the actual filmed perform ance, says Joseph Bauer a surgeon from Cleveland Ohio, showed monumental Incompetence.

    "Poorly advised non professionals slash and hack at the allen In a manner far removed from careful clenUftc methods.

    Tllt,._.,T ........ a...

    p ne ~----~-----~ While the Go ernment wishes e"eryone would

    go awa} . the Nevada Transportation Department recently named a 148km stretch of desolate State Route 375 the Extraterrestnal Highwa). It plans to put up four signs at a cost of $US3 300 ($4 385).

    Nevada Gowrnor Bob Miller quipped that some of the s~gns sbould be placed flat on the ground so aliens can land there".

    Officials say It draws only about 50 vehicles a das on average. though more shov; up twice annually when Rachel holds UFO Friendship Campouts. The cafe features UPO T-shlrts caps. books and photos

    The photos were taken before the Government last year banned public access to two ridges overlooking the complex.

    UFO burrs stlll seek out the black rruUJbox alonl!; Highway 375 that marks the road leading t~ restncted land suJTOunding Area 51. But armed guards keep observers more than lllcm away.

    SVNoe :{ 10 I MBRC. H I 9 9 ~

    Strip in the sky

    ALMOST 100 people across Aust-ralia. including nu dists at a camp near Brisbane, have re-ported seeing a white fluorescent stJip tn the sky most nights since Wednesday.

    The strip, which has been seen south of Shepparton in Vic-toria In Adelaide and

    b~ obseners from Gosford in NSW to Queensland s Whit sunda~ Passage ls about 30 to 40 times bigger than the moon the National UFO Reporting and Sighting hotline said.

    Spokeama.n Ross Dowe said the organ isation believed the stnp waa the satellite NASA lost recently.

    He said callers to the hoWne reported the strip 'Ill. as between

    t~o and four stars v;1de

    In Queensland, he sa1d it had been :::een each night between 7pm and 7.15pm while iL had been seen near Adelaide and Shepparton be t ..... een 9 and 9.30pm.

    We are asking people to try to video or photograph this tomorrow rught," Mr Dowesa1d

    The hotline's l)l)ne number is 190 224 3529.

    SuN oe:t 3

    RAF admits UFOs exist

    A SENIOR official of Britain's Defence Ministry has con-firmed the existence ofUFOs.

    Investigator Jenny Randles coaxed t h e of ficial believed to be a member of the RAF, into appearing on a BBC TV documentary.

    In a program to be shown next month, the official reveals how some reports of UFOs over Britain consfst-entll defy rational ex-planation.

    A BBC so\U"CC said last night the program UFOs - Britain's Sec-ret Files would shock sceptics.

    "It becomes apparent that there are now people at. the highest le~ e1s of the British Go\emment who have not dlSCOunted the possibility of life on other planeta," he said.

    _.SUNDAY 31 I

    The program also fea-tures the former head of a UFO monitoring unit. who confirms re-ports of craft moving at unbelievable speeds.

    "We had radar re-ports of objects travel-ling at 4000mph across the North Sea into Brit-ISh air space- objects as big as batUeships,"

    here~eals. An incident In wWch

    t\\ o fighter planes were scrambled over East Anglla on the night of August 13,1956 to inter-cept a UFO is in\"esii gated.

    Surviving crew mem-bers Insist they had a "close encounter".

    A BBC spokesman said: The MoD finally concede that they re main totaUy open minded about extra terrestrial Ufe forms."

    The ministry, how-e\ er baa poured scorn on the claims.

    M A ~c t-\ 199 b '


    UFOols --"1 THE UFO hot ne

    was inundated With calls reporting strange occurrences in s~~ey s sides last night - the eve of April Fools Day

    Three to four\\ bite lights were een heading north about 7pm

    M O N O A'f j 3\ MARC\4 199b

    The my,tery urround-mg a resident's s1ghtmg of a large orange. name-coloured ~phcncal obJect m the mght ky o'er Rc\esby Ja,t Thursda) at about 8 J he rcs1Jent, out walk-Ing with a fnend tn Polo Street, satd she was mysttfied by the

    tlcnt obJeCt whtch !>ecmed to be noatmc from east to west Her cnqumes to pohcc and the atrport fatlcd to explain "'hat it could

    ha~c bun She \\Ould be most mtere:stcd m a possible explanatiOn

    Wt: DNESOAY 3 I APR\L \99 b

  • M is not What it migbt seem in the quiet

    country town of Coonabarabran. OH HUXLEY investigates UFO sigbtings, giant hairy r~ atures Utat roam Ute highways and vast expanses of

    ink-black sky that confuse the senses.

    forced to change his dally routine after being scared nitless b) liehts that repeatedly seemed to folio"' him a he loaded his truck for the regular, pre-dawn run to Narrabri;

    roam in certain parts or Australia".

    Pressed, local people .nu tcU tales of ~air)' Mar,'', or the "Pilliga Pdncess.., Of how, a few )ear:. back. truckles refused to stop on tbe Ney,eJJ Higbwn) after reports that one driver bad hffn woken from a cat-nap to find his truck being shaken 'iolently b~ a giant, hair) creature. "fbcy sim-ply would not stop.'' said one man. ''Not C\en for punctures. Just kept on running."

    T AI I happened man) months ago and the immedi

    te dctan ncre d tro~ed in a m' terious computer mi hap, but John Oa\\C recall hi mo t puZ71ing l F 0 sighting n ith clipped. photographic darit) .... was dri\ing back to )dn~. l\1) ,nfe and daughter nere sit-

    ting next to me on the front bcnC'h seat of m) 'lln. \\c nerc going up a hill ncar Merriwa, at the top of the Hunter. "hen I happened to look up at the sk).

    fhcrc "as uniform, grc~ cloud co,er, but sudden!) something seemed to detach itself, hm er for a "hlle, chen fall 'crucall~ Hf) quick!) bclo\\ the bro\\ or the hill. I )elled an expletin, "hlch mode t'\Cf)onc take no\lct:. 1\1~ \lfe .saw the same thing, but b) the time \\e got to the top \\e couldn't see an) thing.

    "My tentathe explanation was that it \\OS a \\e&ther balloon. But this was gre), rather than sihcr. and \\as elliptical borizontall.). not 'erticall)."'

    That is. fl)ing auccr shaped. As soon as be arrh ed home.

    John Oa\\ e excited!) tapped pre cise detail of the sighting Into hi electronic notebook: later. Y.hcn be came to print a cop) to hou \\ork colleagues, the program 'Unacc:ountabl) crashed.

    Recalling the extraordinary episode DO\\, he SD)S it \\as .. clas-sic stuff."

    l\lorc like classic, pic-lnthc k) science fiction, C)nics might say. But the l\ferrina spotter is no starry-eyed dreamer or cosmic comic. Dr John Dn\\c is an Inter-nationally respected astronomer and mana~cr of the Australian

    National Unhersitys Siding Spring Obsen11tof), Mar Coona-barabran.

    The mall. central sw town is not ju t the selfst) led 'astronomy capital" of Austntlla. sittine on the renamed Nenell .. highwa) to the stars''. It can also Ia\ unofficial claim to bcin~ the nation 's No 1 centre for UFO si~tin2s.

    Each month, Dr Da,.e receiws sc' eral phone calls from mem~rs Of the public, ar C\en the police high\\ a) patrol, reporting stran~e objects in the sk). In the most recent publicic;ed incident. six people claimed to ha\e seen a t:FO on the Mendooran road. It made front-page ne\\S in the Coonabarabran 7imes.

    a motorist was forced to make an emergency stop when confront ed by a brighU)llt object on a remote road near Bugnldic. "The poor bloke froze. thinking n

  • Space-alien victim wins $2m payout

    LOI>.'"DON An unusual risks msurer has paid out $2 1 mllllon to a pol c~ holder CO\"ered against being abducted lmpreg nated or eaten by aliens

    Goodfellow RebeCca lngrams Pearson Ltd GRIP) announced ~es

    terda) the payment to ~licyholder Joseph Car penter v. ho provided the underwriters with n transparent webbed claw as proof of his ordeal.

    .GRIP whose bl7.arre policies include one for virgins concerned about immaculate conception handed over the cheque on Christma Eve to Car penter. 23 year-o d elec tn n and self tyled hardcorc UFOlogist He sad h ordeal

    be an durin a k) search v. th fnends in Wil h re on No\ember 14 when he~ spotted a trtangular craft which

    Carpenter approached while his colleagues filmed him.

    An mtense beam of light shone on me I was ph)slcally lifted off the ground and passed out When I v. oke up I was back on terns firma.

    Carpenter said he then noticed the claw stuck In his coat slee\ e.

    MoNnBY I 30

    More UFO stghtmgs

    I'm "ruing in regards to the ightings of the l fO (Torch 30 4).

    M hu band and I \\ere a Bass Hill Dmc-1 a recent Saturday m ht I'm n t sure of lhc t1me but 11 was d fin tel) afier 9pm

    \\ c noticed the red un cd h ht also the) were gomg at qmtc fa" peed at first '"c: on!~

    sa'" a couple and then the) uddenly all

    pearcd hkc they \\ere cha mg each other and ye the) also fonncd a \- hapc

    It lasted m our ~1ght for npprmomatcly 5 to 10 mmutes \\ e d1dn't really thmk anythmg of tt the next da) because I checked the papero; nd n th g \vas wnnen

    up about Jt \\ e u t thought It

    m ' h \C been a mth tary exert" e

    TA 1\A TADROUS. Grt>enacre

    wr{)NtSDAi, lS MA'1 t9 9 b

    DE.C.E M BiR. I 991a,..

    Strange iglit gives police a real X-File A HELICOPTER

    earchlng for an emerg ency beacon could be at the centre of an unidentl

    ed fl)ing object sighting tn central Queensland

    But a touch of mystery remains

    Police thought they v; ere grappling with their own X File about 7pm Wednesda:r JUSt before the popular television how was going to air hen two officers re

    sponded to reports by r tdcnts of strange

    hts tn the k~ Senior Constable An

    rev; Luhrs said he and h partner saw a strange

    r haped light on the rizon over Gladstone

    The r"PPrts ere of a star-sized light above the horizon whi h seemed to change colour to red to v; bite and then to blue Constable Luhrs said.

    The 1 ght v;ould throb with an increased inten stty prior to each change of colour d rt and cover large dlst.ances doing a number of right-angled turns at high speed."

    An Air Sen1ces A ust-ralla spokesv. oman in B,risbane said a heliro~ ter was searching the ocean off Gladstone be-tween 7pm and lOpm Wednesda:r after aircraft reported a faint signal, but it failed Co imd any thmg

    ...SBTURt)A'( 2.5 M AY l99 b

    traff1c h zard t the 1ntersc:c-

    \;JEDNtS DA~ lS. MA'1 . \ Ci9b

    Yes, we are not alone

    LOVE it or hate 1t IndePE"ndence Da> has become the highest grossmg roo~ e In his tocy but It is due to more than JUst Hall) wood hype and promo dollars

    No matter that the aliens in the ftlm bear no N!Sf!.mhlanrP til nny l.hlng e\ er reported the central concept that our \ast universe har bours other intelligent life is a n Important fac tor ln the films appeal

    It's been some years after 2001, ET and Close Enrounters, and we only have Scully and Mulder to sustain us nee 104 is the most

    "is1ble of a dozen or mo\1es based on nhen contact (>es. folks, more Is on the wn1

    There are \ eJJ good reasons for thinking that v. e need not fenr an im as10n of the type depleted in Indepen dence Day neverthe-less man1 peoplea"lll.arc of the incrensmg UFO

    nctMt~ \\ orldv;1de now conclude that at least some are extra terrestrial in origin

    The UF 0 Sympo tum at the Mercure Ho-tel in Bnsbnne on Octo-ber 11 to 13 v;111 gi\ e Australians a chance to consider the e\1dence and to hear from lead mg authorities and re-searchers on the facts about alien im asian and what it rna~ mean to our future.

    WARREN ASTON Brisbane

    M ONI>e:i Z , .SEtrEM8ER. 19CU;

    UFO line runs hot -after mystery light

    A FIREBALL was seen shoot ing east over southern Australia the National UFO Hotline said >esterday

    HoUine spokesman Ross Do we said many people had reported a bright light with an orange tall about 50m long tra.'\-elllng from eastern South Australia to southern Vlctoci&. followed by a sonic bOOm, on Saturda) night.

    Mr Dowe said the light could have been a meteor

    The light was seen in Mt Gambier, Hamilton, Ballarat. Snake Valley, Geelong, Black Rock and Avoca.

    Mr Dowe said anyone with photographic or video evidence should contact 190 224 3529.

    MONDA:< I J JANV AS:1 !991

    By A. LEE-AN Austral a is about to be

    gripped by Maman fe\ er after yesterday's release of the first pictures of a UFO landing. The photos above have hetn raken from an American film "hich is due to be released to the Ausrralian public today. It is currendy being \ le\\ ed b) rhe top level of AuMralia's military and soemific groups. fhe film which clearly shows an

    aCtual fleet of UFO's IS (ausing '"tdespread emotion throughom the US. Our

  • US denies existence


    in New York

    ET may be out there but if he '\\ants to make contact he will have to land on the White House lawn and seek a change or policy.

    For the Pentagon is certain there is no such thing as extra terrestrials and that UFO sightings are all e1ther f1gments of 1m agtnaLion or natural phenomena.

    In fact, it has not in-vestigated any sightings since 1969, it was dis closed yesterday.

    The issue arose fol lowing the mass suicide of 39 members of the Heavens Gab! cult who believed they were link lng up With a spaceship tucked in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.

    Sect leader Marshall Applev.hlte had per suaded hla followers that by shedding thelr earthly "containers" they could hitch a ride on the spaceship and live on another planet at ~the next level In human e\olution.

    They believed their souls would be trans-

    MarshaU Applewhite . hitch nde on spaceship

    ported to a spaceship following the comet.

    In recent years many Americans have come to believe a conspiracy theory that the military has covered up the de-tails of a crash landing of an alien craft at. Ros-well, New .Mexico, and is hiding the remains of allen beings.

    Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon refuted the suggestions.

    Mr Bacon said the air force had Investigated 12 618 sightings between 19-17 and 1969 and found no evidence of extra terrestrials. exotic tech nology or any threat to the US.

    He said most of the reports investigated

    over 22 years WE're explained by meteoro-logical phenomenon like lightning.

    He said Project Blue Book was closed be-cause -~t just was not a good way t.o use the taxpayers money".

    However Mr Bacon admit.tro 701 of the re-ported sightlngs remain unexplained.

    A Newsweek poll con ducted last year re-vealed that 29 per cent of Amencans believed contact had been estab-lished between earthl-ings and auen beings while 48 per cent be-lieved UFOS exist.

    ~we cannot substan tiate the existence of UFOs and we are not harbouring remaiDS of UFOs," Mr Bacon said.

    "There is not, how-ever, total disregard for the possibUtty that ali-ens might fly by."

    America's Space Sur-veillance Centre still maintains a 24-bour watch, although its main duty laldenWytng man-made space Junk.

    In Brltaln, the .Minis-try of Defence sun stud-ies UFO reports in a department called Sec-retariat (Air Staff) 2a.

    How suicide cult lived it up LOS ANGELES. Beaven's Gate

    cult members gambled In Las Vegas and \1sit.ed Sea World, Mexico and other tour spots In the weeks before thE'y committed mass suicide, the Los Angeles Times said yt!Gerday.

    The newspaper said a meticulously kept ftnanclal ledger, now in the hands of San Diego County officials, pro\lronomy and ahens "'111

    tscuss the: mystencs of the -orid's unknown Cost of the 1"-o-

  • ilot's UFO legacy 0 N the afternoon of June 24, 1947 the modern UFO era V.'&S ushered in when a pri \"Bte pDot Kenneth Arnold, reported nine, sih er); crescent shaped objects tra,;elling at high &peed near

    H Rainier m the north-west us State of WashingtOn.

    Not that this was the first sighting. Unexplained flying objects had bl"en

    en in the worlds skies before. Dur-Ing the cl lng days of World War D combatants on bOth sides had seen

    lov.1ng ball of nocturnal lights that ould not be readily accounted for by

    an) known fl)1ng de\1ce or natural uhenomcnon

    But it w the Arnold sighting and Its consequences that captured global

    ttenUon and still, 50 years later. show no &lgn of abating. If anything, the fnaclnaUon is greater than e\ec-.

    But Arnold's experience seems rela-tively modest by today's standards although the objects he "sighted" had some unu aal qualities including their high speened."

    Although Mr Kittinger fits the description of the redheaded captain, he was nowhere near Roswell when the events of l!H7 dad or did not take place.

    But he was there In the 1950s, an expert In bal loons and parachuting, conducting experiments on whether astronauts could one da} survive parachute drops from the

    edge of space

    Alien buffs beam up SELF..STYLED alien abductees

    and extra-terrestrials Star Trek fa naUc:; and an intergalactic belly dancer were among thousands who

    From KIERAN MURRAY 1n Roswe I Now Mex1co

    a UFO museum or the site where the spaceship allegedly fell to earth shop for allen T-shirts or tell their own

    gathered yesterday to celebrate the A small group of scientists and 50th anmversary of an alleged allen UFO researchers said )esterday they landing on Earth. had finally located n rock like silicon

    A~ NASA's Pathfinder spacecraft piece of the alleged craft. They touched down on Mars for an unpre claimed Isotopic ratio tests O\'er the cedented exploratory mission or the last 18 months had proven it was thought most likely to host extra terrestrial In orlgm. some form of life UFO buffs 'This Is one of the most extraord-swapped their ov.rn elaborate th o- inars disco' erie of our time " re-ries of extra-terrestrial space tra"el searcher Paul Da\ id said.

    Most of them belie~e a spa rafL He and the other scientists did not slammed into the New Mexico d rt displ.a.y the sample and decltned to near here on the ntght of Jul} 4 1947 sa) who had pro"tded them with it. and that its alien crew killed In the Their presentation drev. an audt

    eras~ was then taken awa~ for top- enee of about 200 but most people s ecret tests by the US Air rce attending the e'e_nt preferred to visit


    SUNDA'(, b :JUtit 1991

    tales of 'alien contact. New Orleans resident Janet Mor

    gan said she her husband and their five children are all aliens and LhaL many people on Earth have t-xtra terrestrial genes.

    Pointing to her 20-year-old daughter who was dressed In a black lycra bodysuit and was tr)'ing to sell an alien bible to a passer by Morgan said 'April sees t hings different!) from other pcoplt' of her age S he was brought up to know h w an alien \

    Organ h d predt ed t hat be tv. een 60 000 nd l p pie might attend the IX

  • Stars kle 1n LOS ANGELES: A galax~ of Hollywood stars are claiming to

    1tave had close encoun-ters of the real kind wlthUPOs.

    Their suf1)f1sing revt>l-ations a~nc encoun-ters With men from outer space are made in a new book Hollywood and the Supernatural

    Author Brad Stetger d "Their reports are

    ghly credible and rep ,TeSent... nddit.lons to the

    ~0 literature X Files star David

    Duchovn) Hollywood wild man Cba.rlie Sheen.

    car winner Cliff Ro-bertson and Australian-

    rn star OUVl& Newton-John art' among the many celebrt&les saymg that they have had IIrSt hand experiences with mysterious space craft.

    Ducho\ny was joggmg t.long a beach In New

    ~ersey four years ago when he sa~ a triangular UFO OV('rhead that he .elaimed was defmitely nota plane I don t know what tt

    was " he satd I don t think 111 e,; er mow.

    Charlie Sheen, star of Ute sclence-fict.ion thnll-er The Arrival, saw a UFO in the skies over llallbu Califonua, in 1976

    It carried out. complex aanoeuvres. then from a ll&andst.lll accelerated to "' indescribable speed ad disappean!d.

    I witnessed an aircraft . t.hings acrobatl

    cally that I real!) don't -.neve are possible With >"thing we've reated aeen said.

    6 nger turned actor

    a1 s

    Alien sighting X-Ries star DaVId Duc:hovny Newton John was driving with a friend In Australia on a Sunday afternoon In 1964

    Suddenly, she was over-come by a sensat.lon of pms-and needles all OYer her bod) as though she were surround! by sta-tic eJectndt.)

    She gaud up~'al'd an~

    saw a lh:ery triangular object hurtling toward her. Then It cbanged shape mto a mutt.l-coloured globe.

    It started and aopped in the atr seYenl Urnes and darted from aide to side before flying off It VI8S able to change d~ons llke no plane I"d ever seen she said

    _THU&~DA"i J AUGUST !991 I

    Don't look now, nothing's out there Still hoping to see little green men and unidentified flying

    objects? Get over it Arthur C. Clarke Author of 2001: A Space Odyssey

    I T Is probably too much to hope that t,he US Air Force's belated revelations about the source of many UFO::slght-tngs wtll put a stop to this tedious nonsense. Could anyone ever have seriously Imagined that Earth"s skies have been full of allen \1sltors for the past half-(:entury without the matter being settled one v.ay or another? For decades the radars of the great powers have been able to track all objects not. much larger than a football come anywhere near our planet.

    or course, it may be argued that allen spacecraft invariably use stealth tech nlques - but it is hard to see wh)" they should bother since they ~em so willing to make contact. In any case, that would hardly help them to evade detection by th~ legions of amateur astronomers who con-stantly scan the skies.

    Though It Is perhaps unkind to do so, I would like to remind the UFO fanatics how, earller, widely accepted stories or alien meeUngs turqed out to be ludicrous at:5ri-catlons: DoeS anyone still remember George Adamski's Flying Saucers Have Landed1 He reported cities on the other side of tbe moon, and I believe there v. as onc.:e a lady who made a good living lecturing about her honeymoon on Venus. Well, "e have seen the lunar far side (nnd I've never forgiven the Apollo 8 crev; for resisting the temptation to repon a black monolith there) and we know that any Venusian rivers are Ukely to consist or molt~n lead.

    We wW t>.av ... :.0 go further atleld than our imn1ediate neighbours to look for lntelli gent life - perhaps life at all.

    What Is particularly ludicrous Is the widespread idea (a 1a Independence DaY) that for several decades some super-secret branch of the US government has had allen spacecraft- and aliens - in Its possession.

    Anyone who wiD believe that. "ail! belleve anything. I have known many or the people who would have been invohed In such a cover-up and I can assure you that It v;ould have a half-life of about 48 hours. As one Pentagonian once remarked sadly: "J wish it was true - then all us majors v;ould be colonels." J think that settles the matter; but then of course, I may be part. of the conspiracy.

    Indeed. a