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CHAPTER ONE: RIVERS I awoke to Kid Ink's new song blaring on my radio. Great, I thought, morning. I turned my alarm clock off and started fumbling in the dark for my light switch. The light blinded me as it flashed on. I grabbed my clothes from my overflowing closet and got dressed in the bathroom. I straightened my hair and I looked in the mirror and sighed. My Hawthorne Heights t-shirt, black holy jeans and the necklace from Catt. As good as I’m going to get I guess. I turned to leave my room and stopped, turned back, and grabbed Catt’s sweatshirt that he’d left. One of the few things he left for me. I pulled it on and zipped it up. It was purple and had black stripes scattered across it. It was warm and comforting and even though it was seventy-five degrees outside I pulled the sleeves down. I wasn’t cold but I was hiding something. I had cut my wrists the night before and I didn’t feel like being questioned about it. I just had Catt on my mind and how much I missed him. My best friend moved and I haven’t seen him in almost two years. Everything I do reminds me of him. My cuts tingled at the thought of his smile. I

Twisted Fates

Mar 25, 2016



Brooke Martin

Just a weird love story of two people meeting.
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I awoke to Kid Ink's new song blaring on my radio. Great, I thought,

morning. I turned my alarm clock off and started fumbling in the dark for my light

switch. The light blinded me as it flashed on. I grabbed my clothes from my

overflowing closet and got dressed in the bathroom. I straightened my hair and I

looked in the mirror and sighed. My Hawthorne Heights t-shirt, black holy jeans

and the necklace from Catt. As good as I’m going to get I guess. I turned to leave

my room and stopped, turned back, and grabbed Catt’s sweatshirt that he’d left.

One of the few things he left for me. I pulled it on and zipped it up. It was purple

and had black stripes scattered across it. It was warm and comforting and even

though it was seventy-five degrees outside I pulled the sleeves down. I wasn’t

cold but I was hiding something. I had cut my wrists the night before and I didn’t

feel like being questioned about it. I just had Catt on my mind and how much I

missed him. My best friend moved and I haven’t seen him in almost two years.

Everything I do reminds me of him. My cuts tingled at the thought of his smile. I

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put my ear buds in and put on Kid Ink. I walked out my door and towards the

bus-stop, ready to start my day of endlessly drowning in a sea of nostalgia.


I grew up earlier than most.

Growing up in what was called the ghetto, was one of the best and worst

things that ever happened to me. I learnt so much, from who not to cross, and

who not to let cross you. Looked down on constantly, made me create a different

perspective of life. I remember I couldn’t even hang out or socialize with the

white kids unless being judged, eventually it turned me cold hearted. Taught me

so much, but mainly to just keep to myself unless I wanted others crossing my


Really growing up in the ghetto with constant negativity around me started

to affect me. Constant pressure; pressure on Ma and I of trying to have enough

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money to pay the bills each month, being drug into dealing, pressure of trying to

make it to get my bro and sis out of this place. Struggle; with trying to stay out of

the drug game just to keep my family safe but I could never decide what was

more important. Money and the risk of losing the ones I love, if I slipped up or

not being able to provide what was needed for my family? It was hard growing

up, not knowing what to do, never really had a male role model growing up,

because my dad walked out like the dead beat he was, no guidance, but the

guidance I got from my ma when she wasn’t busy with the youngins.

Overall I held on, through the struggle, pain, and the all in all worse. I've

been from hell and back, when the heat was on, I fired back. I showed none the

less, the world, myself, the haters, speculators, that nothing was going to stop

me from succeeding.


If I could just hide in a dark cave somewhere, cut off from all humanity

forever, I swear that I would, I thought as I flopped down face first onto my bed.

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My entire day had been awful. The highlight of it was making a 79 on an algebra

quiz. I don’t know what I’m so surprised about though.

It’s been like this since Catt left. I get dirty looks, I’m shoved into walls and

called awful rotten names. It was like this when Catt was here, but I was able to

ignore them. He’d always stand up for me and when they’d make fun of him,

he’d simply ignore them and move on smiling brightly. He wasn’t afraid of the

words that slandered me so harshly. I was always told that sticks and stones

could break my bones but words would never hurt me. It’s all a lie. For me at


I’ve been verbally tortured for years and people have no idea how badly

they’ve hurt me and if they do they just don’t care. I got up and put on KidInk.

Whenever I’m listening to him I always feel somewhat better. I feel like there is

finally someone I can relate to. He had to rise up from everything I am going

through and he is still young and overcoming it. It makes me feel as if I can

overcome this. Like there is still a little bit of hope. As if I can still make something

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of myself and my life. I laid there thinking and listening to the beat and words of

the song and, even though it was only about four o’clock, I drifted off into a safe

blanket of dark sleep.


Eventually, I started doing the one thing I love the most and that would be

songwriting and rapping. I started from the bottom, building myself up. Of

course, at the time that I started I was 15 yrs old, like every other nigga out there

trying to get in the rap game, I was looked down on, just because I was just

“another one of them”. I wasn’t trying to get big for the wrong reasons, I was

trying to get big for all the right ones; to provide for my ma, brother, and sister,

get them out of the place filled with negativity.

They had many rap battles out on the streets but I knew that those were

not going to do me any justice, I still went to them and jumped in sometimes, but

I started out on open mic night at bars, coffee shops, and small places. Getting

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used to the people, knowing everyone was judging everything I said and did, but

I didn’t care anymore, I knew I was doing it all for a reason.

As I started getting noticed, a man reached out to me, to “recruit” me.

Offered me studio time, then from there on my life took off. Looking back

watching my best friend get shot, hearing of my cousin getting raped, watching

my mom cry herself to sleep every night, watched my uncle die from the “girl of

the night” giving him aids, living in the trap house just to protect my family, and

seeing more the blood than an ER doctor. I could go on and on about the many

things I’ve seen and had to go through, but I’m not one to drown myself in the

past. What I’ve seen and dealt with is more than imaginable.

Thankful to have the chances I do now, to have put my mom in a house,

brother and sister in a good school. I’m just trying to make it on my own now.


I woke up the next morning with an awful stomach cramp and realized I’d

slept for 18 hours. Just like my family to not wake me up to eat or anything. I

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sighed and went to the kitchen. I returned five minutes later with a bowl of coco

pebbles and switched on my TV and started watching some show about a talking

dog. Just as I took the last bite of cereal, a commercial came on and Kid Ink was

staring at me from my television. “Yo what up? It’s your favorite rapper Kid Ink

and to show my appreciation for all y’all have done for me I’m giving out two free

tickets and backstage passes to my next show. And to make it even better you

and your guest get to hang out with me in our own private after party! Just go to to enter! The winner will be chosen this Monday. Peace out

y’all and stay yourself.”

The show came back on and I nearly fell of my bed grabbing my laptop. I

typed quickly and filled out the information boxes and clicked submit. I refreshed

the page and repeated. And repeated, and repeated, and repeated. I now realized

how my entire weekend would be spent. The contest ended at midnight on

Sunday. I made it my mission to win. But I never get what I want. Ever.

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I know many people are dealing with the many hardships of the economy,

dealing with seeing the constant fighting and arguing everyday, having to see and

go through things they shouldn’t. Blessed enough that i am, I’ve decided that ‘d

allow someone tickets to my concert and backstage passes for afterwards to just

chill. I remember what it was like back in the day always wanting to do something

like that, and not being fortunate enough to pay for it.

I’m going to start a contest for people to enter in at my website,

KIDINKHANGOUT.COM, I’m going to hand out a set of tickets for one person to

invite another to my concert and backstage afterwards, I’ll announce the winner

on live TV; just so I can get a real feel of who this winner is. Who knows they may

have some special talent that they never even knew of themselves. I think it was

just be pretty cool to get a feel from someone else what it was like when they

grew up. Not just to get to know them like that, I feel like I need to connect with

someone real, someone not so superficial, anyone different from these fake

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people in this game for all the wrong reasons; money, girls, drugs, parties. I just

really need to break out of my box, the same ole path I’ve been on lately, just

trying to do me, is getting pretty tiring.

I’m very interested to see who is chosen and who they will bring along.


I woke up early Monday morning and realized it was only 6 a.m.

Considering it was the first day of Spring Break, that was too early. Then it hit me;

contest. I had been up until the closing at midnight submitting entries. I have to

have over 3,000 entries. I have a good chance of winning but there are still tens,

if not hundreds, of thousands of other kids. Its still a very slim chance. The

winner was being announced today at 5 o’clock. This was going to be the longest

eleven hours of my life.

Five minutes until five. The minutes have finally stopped their mind

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bending torture. Now, the seconds were taking their turn. I ran back to my room

and turned the TV on and then I waited. Thirty seconds left… Twenty…. Ten….

Three, two, one! And there he was.

“Yo what’s up? So, y’all as psyched about the winner as I am?” I couldn’t

help but scream,” YES!” “Here, in this envelope, is the lucky winner’s name.” I

squealed like a pig being poked with a fork. He opened the envelope and read the

name. He smiled as he read it. “And the lucky winner, that will get the two front

row tickets and back stage passes is,” he paused and I ceased breathing,” River

Nicole Jenkins! I can’t wait to meet you and hang out. Until then stay true to

you.” He winked and vanished from my screen.

I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. I was completely numb. That wasn’t

real. It was a dream. I know it. Nothing like this could ever possibly happen to

me. Ever. Yet, it did. I won tickets and a back stage pass. And an extra! I knew

exactly the person I wanted to bring with me.

I picked my cell phone up and quickly typed the number. It rang for about

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thirty seconds and then the answer. “Hello?” Asked the voice. I smiled, “It’s great

to hear your voice Catt.”


The contest has officially ended and I have the winner. I think it would be

nice to announce the winner on TV. Not quite sure how though yet. Maybe, a

commercial or something like that? I think that would be pretty cool to be flipping

through the channels and to stumble across that they’ve won. I just really want

to make someones day, that ‘s all this is really about, making someone happy,

even if it is briefly.

So a commercial it is! I’m going in today to shoot for the commercial , do a

little rap on TV, get their attention and announce the lucky one!

It turned out a girl won the contest. My assistants contacted her after the

commercial was aired for a day, and they said she was beyond ecstatic for this

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chance. My all along goal was achieved.

I’m thinking I’ll throw a little after party, invite them to it , since after all she

does have backstage passes. Throw in some goodies too, like my new


Really weird thinking I’m excited to meet a complete stranger, just to see

how things have changed since I’ve been out of school.

As matter of a fact, this whole situation I’ll probably write a song about. I

haven't allowed people backstage, other than my crew, since some thug popped

up from my past trying to murder me. What most people don’t know is, I

remember every face I meet, never let a face fade away, even if they don’t

matter to me.


Best day of my life. Catt was thirty minutes and in just three hours we

would be front row at a KidInk concert. It still felt like a big dream but if it was, I

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had no desire to wake up. I could just sleep for the rest of my life in my coma

induced dream world.

I threw on my KidInk ink t-shirt and smiled in the mirror. I was in such a

happy mood that I truly believed I was beautiful. I was so free and careless at the

moment. I wanted to freeze time. Then my doorbell rang and my eyes lit up

brighter than any star could dream to be. I pushed past my mom and sister all so

I could be the first to see my best friend’s face. I opened the door and beamed.

There he was. It was really him. Catt.

He stood there for a moment just smiling. His blue eyes sparkled like the

ocean and his chocolate hair swooped down and caressed the eyelid of his left

eye. He looked so different then I remember him. He finally tackled me into one

of our famous telepathy hugs. We always called them that because it was as if we

could read the others mind when we hugged. I embraced him back and smiled

comfortably and let out a tear of happiness. “I’ve missed you little sis,” he

whispered. I smiled, “I’ve missed you too big bro.”

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I was completely content with the world my best friend was here. In three

hours we’d be at my favorite singer’s concert, front row and then back stage

meeting him and hanging out with him. I was completely and utterly in a trance.

My worries all fled to some unknown place where they could stay forever. My

best friend is back. I’m home.


Getting ready for a show is always stressful, not knowing if everything is

going to go as planned. I always put on a show for my crew, family, and fans.

Can’t let my name go down in history a negative way.

I got a chance to meet the contest winner River, and her guy friend Catt,

before having to get ready. Maybe I’m just getting the wrong read but she

seemed different from everyone I’ve met, she had this weird vibe to her that was

easy to be around. But anyways, I don’t know, I’ve only been around her once, I

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hope her and her friend have a good time though tonight.

As I was getting ready, I made sure that my assistants had reserved hem

front row seats, considering tonights a full house and it will be packed. And I

don’t know yet, but I was considering pulling her up on stage to introduce her to

the crowd.

I went on, put on for my fans tonight, watched the smiles, on everyones

faces, just being able to vibe and do my thing out there always put me in a good


I appointed the bodyguards to bring the contest winner and friends

backstage as soon as possible so they wouldn’t get trampled over by the huge


Invited them to the after party I was throwing, so I could get a chance to

talk to them.

As we headed out, the girl, River, was very quiet and her the guy friend

Catt, could not stop talking to save his life, it was quite hysterical actually.

We finally got to the club, where I was hosting the after party at. I got River

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to come aside, to talk, she made me wonder about her, just because she was so

quiet , not like others, and how they’re so quick to ask me millions of questions,

just like her friend, she just had my mind wondering, because I knew she wasn’t

shy from earlier.

We finally began to talk, it was weird how much I could open up to her, we

had so much in common, rough life, same interests, ect. We hit it off. It was nice

to have a conversation with someone who treats you like a legit normal person.

Time was passing so fast with her, I hadn’t felt a feeling like that, ever, in

my whole life.

Weirdly, I was really into her, just had to let time and life work its things out. We

would be considered two different people outside, but when we’ were together I

felt ike I was with myself, so comforting with her.

I’ll definitely be taking her out again, I’m sure of that.

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I couldn’t even speak when I saw her. Standing there, looking so perfect.

My best friend. My little sister so beautiful. Everything seemed to be so

absolutely flawless about her. That’s how I knew she was truly happy to see me.

She literally glowed. I finally threw my arms around her and held her tightly. She

embraced me back. We had this funny type of telepathy when we hugged. As if

the other’s thoughts were directly linked to the other. She was happy. That was

clear. She hugged my back and I could tell she was on the verge of tears. A few

have mine had already slipped out. I finally said, “I’ve missed you little sis.” She

made this choked laugh and then I knew her tears had come too,” I’ve missed

you too big bro.”

We finally broke our embrace and I just looked at her. “You look

completely stunning Rivers. Truly.” She smiled and rolled her eyes,” Stop it Catt.

You’re the one who looks all fabulous.” I did a funny little skip jump in place and

kicked my foot out and held the position, throwing my arms out in the air,”Well,

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Sweetie, I had to update my fashion to even compare to you.” She rolled her eyes

again. I had missed this so much.


We were stepping out of the car in front of the grand stand arena. I’d

never been. Catt had when he was younger but he doesn’t remember it well. Just

remembers passing by it in the car mostly.

We had our own escorts into the stadium because we’d won. We walked

behind the guards with our arms locked with the others. I was so awestruck by

everything happening. Catt leaned over and whispered’ “That guard is pretty

cute.” I had to laugh at him.“Catt you’re such a man whore.” He just smiled and

poked my nose and we continued our venture into the stadium.

We stood there surrounded by screaming kids and teenagers just like us,

all screaming, “KID INK!” Kid Ink walked onto the stage and threw up his arms.

Everyone screamed including me and Catt. “Yo what’s up everybody? Is

everyone psyched to be here?!” Everyone screamed again. Kid Ink smiled, “I’d

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like to congratulate my winner, Rivers and her lucky friend. What would your

name be?”Everyone went silent and he put the mic down to Catt. Catt went

insanely red and stuttered a little, “C-Catt.” Kid Ink laughed a little and gave

another warm smile, “Well how about a hand for River and Catt?!” Everyone

started applauding him. No. They were applauding us. Clapping for me and Catt.

We held the others hand, raised them in the air so our arms were crossed, and

then did an over exaggerated bow. I was the happiest I’d ever been. This was the

night of all nights. The world could end right now and I’d be perfectly at peace

with everything.

The concert was over and we were being escorted back stage right now. It

was so perfect. Kid Ink dedicated a song to me and then one to Catt. It was so

amazingly insane! We walked down a hallway until I saw the door we were

destined for. The wooden door to a dressing room that had a name tag reading

Kid Ink.

The guard knocked and then entered, gesturing for us to follow. As me and

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Catt stepped through the room’s threshold we both simultaneously . Five feet

from us, close enough to take a step and touch him, was Kid Ink. I thought I was

going to pass out. He walked over and shook Catt’s hand. “Yo what up dude? It’s

nice to meet you.” Catt made a strange strangled noise and then finally choked

out, “Nice meet you.” I had to giggle at Catt getting nervous because he is never


The rapper turned to me and smiled, “Hey River. I was psyched to hear

that you dabble in songwriting too. I’d love to maybe hear some. Maybe we

could even record a little.”I was speechless. Finally I said, “I don’t really sing. But

Catt does!” The rapper smiled and glanced at Catt,” You sing dude?” Catt just

stuttered turning darker red, “Um, yeah. Not well though.” I smiled, “He is being

modest. Catt you're brilliant and I wish you’d realize that!” Catt shook his head

slightly and Kid Ink smiled,”Well, I’d love to hear you! Maybe we could record

together. If you’d want to.” Catt looked like he was being towered over by a giant

man-eating cyclops, “Okay,” he managed to squeak out. Kid flashed a smile

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brighter than the sun itself, “Tight.”

Kid turned back to me, “So, River, being that you won the contest, what

would you like to do? I’m all yours for the rest of the day.” I felt my face redden

and I started thinking. “Ummm, I hadn’t really thought about it. I figured it was

all planned out.” He smiled again, “I figured we’d do whatever you wanted to. So

what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never could?” I thought and

thought and thought. It finally hit me. “I want to see Nightmare Before Christmas

in an empty theatre with no one but else, and instead of popcorn, cookie dough

ice cream.” Catt beamed from where he stood, “We’ve talked about that for

years!” Kid smiled and clapped his hands together, “give me an hour and I’ll see

what my people can do.” Me and Catt high-fived each other and smiled. This

night was absolutely perfect.


Two hours later I was sitting in the middle of Catt and Kid Ink, eating cookie

dough sundaes with a topping bar nearby, watching Nightmare Before Christmas

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in an abandoned movie theatre. I felt completely at peace. Kid kept glancing over

and smiling at me when I laughed at the screen and then our eyes would meet

and he’d flash that smile and I’d blush. I was so happy there was low lighting.

Catt leaned over and whispered to me, “Girl, you know you’re in love with him.

Say something!” I whispered back, “No! He’s famous! That kind of stuff is for sad

ABC Family movies that make me cry.” Catt gave a grin. No, I thought. I know that

grin! “Catt,”I hissed,” Don’t you dare.” Catt stood up, “Well Kid it was awesome

meeting you but I really should head back to River’s. I had a long trip and am

exhausted.”They shook hands and as Catt was leaving turned and said, “Oh yeah,

and River is totally and completely in love with you.” He turned and ran out of the

theatre grinning madly.

I felt my face turn completely red and I sunk down in my chair and wanted

to hide from embarrassment. Catt was dead when I got home. “I am so sorry. I

don’t know why he just did that.” Kid laughed. Not a cruel laugh, but a warm

sweet laugh. “River, It’s cool. I have tons of fans go for me. I never really get a

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chance to know them and I usually don’t date any famous people because its just

too much drama. You’re a really cool irl though. You’re yourself. You’re real. I like

that.” I looked up and he was staring right at me with big brown eyes that made

me want to melt. “D-do you really m-mean that?” He flashed another bright smile

and looked into my eyes, “I do. You seem totally awesome. You’re true to you.

That’s all I am about. The entire reason I wanted to get into song writing.” I

smiled, “You’ve inspired me a lot and helped me through a lot of hard times.” He

smiled shyly, “ Really? That means a lot.” I just smiled and our eyes met again. He

started leaning in and my heart jumped into my throat. I leaned too and thought,

I’ll wake up right before our lips meet. But I didn’t and then, His lips were on

mine and mine were on his. Everything about the moment felt so right. There

were no fireworks but there was a definite spark. I wanted to just freeze time. He

pulled away and looked at me. We smiled at eachother and I said, “I don’t want

this night to end now.” My smile faded into a pout. He lifted my chin up with a

finger and looked at me,” It doesn’t have to. Well, I mean, tonight does. But we

could still hang out and maybe, I don’t know, if you wanted to, date?” I was

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absolutely speechless. I finally just nodded slowly and he smiled. That was the

beginning of something beautiful. I could feel it with all that I was. Our destinies

would become entwined and our path would be forever immortalized in the
