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Tubular Deficiency of von Hippel-Lindau Attenuates Renal Disease Progression in Anti-GBM Glomerulonephritis Franziska Theilig,* Anne Kathrin Enke,* Brigitte Scolari,* Danny Polzin, Sebastian Bachmann, and Robert Koesters From the Institute of Anatomy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; the Institute of Anatomy, Charité- Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany; and INSERM/Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Tenon Hospital, Paris, France In many kidney diseases, the original insult primarily involves the glomerulus and may then pass onto the tubulointerstitium. Several hypotheses link glomerular disease to tubular injury; perhaps the foremost hypoth- esis involves chronic tubular hypoxia. The reported ef- fects of hypoxia and consecutive stabilization of hypoxia- inducible factors (HIFs), however, are controver- sial. Hypoxia induces interstitial fibrosis but also has beneficial effects on renal disease progression when HIF is activated pharmacologically. To ana- lyze the impact of HIF on tubulointerstitial disease development in primary glomerular disease, trans- genic von Hippel Lindau (VHL)-knockout mice were generated and null expression was induced before the onset of autoimmune IgG-mediated anti– glo- merular basement membrane glomerulonephritis (GN). Tubular VHL knockout and, thus, local HIF- stabilization increased renal production of vascular endothelial growth factor, tumor growth factor– 1 , and platelet-derived growth factor-B, resulting in augmented formation of capillaries and interstitial matrix, and conversion of fibroblasts to myofibro- blasts. Within the glomerular disease, VHL knock- out reduced the glomerular damage and attenuated tubulointerstitial injury. Likewise, proteinuria, plasma urea concentration, and tubulointerstitial matrix were decreased in VHL knockout with GN. These findings shown that tubular HIF- stabiliza- tion in glomerular disease is beneficial for disease outcome. In comparison with VHL knockout alone, GN is a much stronger activator of fibrosis such that stimuli other than hypoxia may be considered im- portant for renal disease progression. Many forms of acute glomerulonephritis (GN) tend to progress to chronic GN, which is characterized by irre- versible, progressive glomerular and tubulointerstitial fi- brosis. The insult involves primarily the glomerulus and then may be transferred to the tubulointerstitium, but the relationship between glomerular damage and tubular in- jury remains incompletely understood. 1–3 There are sev- eral hypotheses linking primary glomerular disease to tubular injury; perhaps the foremost involves the occur- rence of tubular hypoxia. 4,5 Renal hypoxia may result from a combination of struc- tural and functional changes. Structural alterations in- clude capillary rarefaction; compromised peritubular blood flow resulting from glomerular injury, which may involve the efferent arterioles and affect the blood supply for the tubule; and limited oxygen diffusion as a conse- quence of extracellular matrix expansion. Functional changes comprise vasoconstriction from altered levels of vasoactive factors and signaling molecules, increased oxygen demand from hyperfiltration and tubular hyper- trophy, and renal anemia. 4,6,7 Hypoxic conditions lead to stabilization of hypoxia- inducible factors (HIF) belonging to the Per-ARNT-Sim family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors and consisting of an oxygen-sensitive -subunit and a con- stitutively expressed -subunit. 8 Under conditions of nor- mal oxygen tension HIF is hydroxylated and rapidly de- graded by proteasomal inactivation. von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) is a component of the E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins for degradation in the proteasome. Loss Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FOR 667 to F.T. and S.B.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Franziska Theilig, M.D., Institute of Anat- omy, Department of Medicine, University of Fribourg, Route Albert- Gockel 1, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected].

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  • The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 179, No. 5, November 2011

    Copyright © 2011 American Society for Investigative Pathology.

    Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2011.07.012

    Tubular Deficiency of von Hippel-Lindau AttenuatesRenal Disease Progression in Anti-GBMGlomerulonephritis

    Franziska Theilig,*† Anne Kathrin Enke,*Brigitte Scolari,* Danny Polzin,†

    Sebastian Bachmann,† and Robert Koesters‡

    portant for renal disease progression.

    From the Institute of Anatomy,� University of Fribourg,

    Switzerland; the Institute of Anatomy,† Charité-

    Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany; and INSERM/Université

    Pierre et Marie Curie,‡ Tenon Hospital, Paris, France

    In many kidney diseases, the original insult primarilyinvolves the glomerulus and may then pass onto thetubulointerstitium. Several hypotheses link glomerulardisease to tubular injury; perhaps the foremost hypoth-esis involves chronic tubular hypoxia. The reported ef-fects of hypoxia and consecutive stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs), however, are controver-sial. Hypoxia induces interstitial fibrosis but alsohas beneficial effects on renal disease progressionwhen HIF is activated pharmacologically. To ana-lyze the impact of HIF on tubulointerstitial diseasedevelopment in primary glomerular disease, trans-genic von Hippel Lindau (VHL)-knockout mice weregenerated and null expression was induced beforethe onset of autoimmune IgG-mediated anti–glo-merular basement membrane glomerulonephritis(GN). Tubular VHL knockout and, thus, local HIF-�stabilization increased renal production of vascularendothelial growth factor, tumor growth factor–�1,and platelet-derived growth factor-B, resulting inaugmented formation of capillaries and interstitialmatrix, and conversion of fibroblasts to myofibro-blasts. Within the glomerular disease, VHL knock-out reduced the glomerular damage and attenuatedtubulointerstitial injury. Likewise, proteinuria,plasma urea concentration, and tubulointerstitialmatrix were decreased in VHL knockout with GN.These findings shown that tubular HIF-� stabiliza-tion in glomerular disease is beneficial for diseaseoutcome. In comparison with VHL knockout alone,GN is a much stronger activator of fibrosis such thatstimuli other than hypoxia may be considered im-

    Many forms of acute glomerulonephritis (GN) tend toprogress to chronic GN, which is characterized by irre-versible, progressive glomerular and tubulointerstitial fi-brosis. The insult involves primarily the glomerulus andthen may be transferred to the tubulointerstitium, but therelationship between glomerular damage and tubular in-jury remains incompletely understood.1–3 There are sev-eral hypotheses linking primary glomerular disease totubular injury; perhaps the foremost involves the occur-rence of tubular hypoxia.4,5

    Renal hypoxia may result from a combination of struc-tural and functional changes. Structural alterations in-clude capillary rarefaction; compromised peritubularblood flow resulting from glomerular injury, which mayinvolve the efferent arterioles and affect the blood supplyfor the tubule; and limited oxygen diffusion as a conse-quence of extracellular matrix expansion. Functionalchanges comprise vasoconstriction from altered levels ofvasoactive factors and signaling molecules, increasedoxygen demand from hyperfiltration and tubular hyper-trophy, and renal anemia.4,6,7

    Hypoxic conditions lead to stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) belonging to the Per-ARNT-Simfamily of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors andconsisting of an oxygen-sensitive �-subunit and a con-stitutively expressed �-subunit.8 Under conditions of nor-mal oxygen tension HIF is hydroxylated and rapidly de-graded by proteasomal inactivation. von Hippel-Lindau(VHL) is a component of the E3 ubiquitin ligase thattargets proteins for degradation in the proteasome. Loss

    Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FOR 667 to F.T.and S.B.).

    Address reprint requests to Dr. Franziska Theilig, M.D., Institute of Anat-omy, Department of Medicine, University of Fribourg, Route Albert- Gockel 1,CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected].


    http://ajp.amjpathol.orghttp://ajp.amjpathol.org[email protected]

  • of VHL leads to stabilization of HIF-� subunits. On in-creased stability of HIF-� subunits, they translocate intothe nucleus to form a heterodimer with the �-subunit. Theheterodimer then binds to the hypoxia-response ele-

    were primed immunologically by subcutaneous injec-tion of rabbit IgG in complete Freund’s adjuvant. GNwas induced 6 days later by the intravenous injectionof a rabbit anti-mouse GBM serum16 (n � 20), whereas

    2178 Theilig et alAJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    ments and activates the transcription of HIF-mediatedgenes participating in cell adaptation to hypoxia. Thereare more than 100 genes whose expression is medi-ated by HIF, and that control cell metabolism, survival,angiogenesis, vascular tone, and tissue oxygenation.6

    The effects of hypoxia and HIF-� induction on the pro-gression of a renal disease, however, are discussedcontroversially. Renal HIF-1� expression correlateswith the degree of tissue injury and fibrosis,9 suggest-ing a relevance to the development and progression ofkidney diseases. Conversely, activation of HIF hasbeen shown to ameliorate disease development in anti-Thy1 GN,10 remnant kidney model,11 and in a model ofdiabetic nephropathy.12

    To analyze the impact of tubular HIF-� induction in thesetting of a transfer from a primary glomerular diseaseonto the tubulointerstitium, a preventive strategy waschosen. Therefore, a tetracycline-inducible VHL-knock-out mouse model was generated and induced before theonset of a rapid progressive GN. VHL knockout resultedin augmented interstitial capillary proliferation and mar-ginal matrix production. However, anti–glomerular base-ment membrane (GBM) GN was significantly less devel-oped in VHL knockout mediated through diminishedglomerular disease development. In this context, the ben-eficial effects of tubular HIF-� stabilization clearly over-balanced the harmful increase in interstitial matrix, lead-ing to attenuation in disease progression.

    Materials and Methods

    Transgenic Animals

    A conditional transgenic system was used to disrupt VHLexpression within the renal tubular system of adult mice.Three transgenic mouse lines were cross-bred: i) Pax8–reverse tetracycline-dependent transactivator mice,which express the reverse tetracycline-dependent trans-activator under control of the Pax8 promoter (expressedalong the tubular system and periportal hepatocytes withan efficiency of �65%),13 ii) LC-1 mice, which expressCre recombinase under the control of the bidirectionalPtet promoter,

    14 and iii) VHLflox/flox mice for targeted dis-ruption of VHL.15 All mice were genotyped by PCR anal-ysis of tail DNA for Pax8–reverse tetracycline-dependenttransactivator, LC-1, and VHLflox/flox.

    Experimental Design

    A total of 32 3-month-old male mice from several litterswere used and divided into four groups. For the induc-tion of the VHL knockout, mice (n � 16) received 0.2mg/mL doxycycline/5% glucose in the drinking waterfor 2 days. The control mice (n � 16) received only 5%glucose in the drinking water. Initiation of VHL knock-out was performed 3 days before the anti-GBM admin-istration. For the induction of the anti-GBM GN all mice

    the control mice (n � 12) received an injection ofvehicle (0.9% NaCl). All mice were sacrificed after 18days of anti-GBM GN treatment.

    Group specification was as follows: group 1 (�DOX;n � 6) received vehicle injection; group 2 (�DOX; n � 6)received 0.2 mg/mL doxycycline and vehicle injection;group 3 (�DOX/GN; n � 10) received injection of rabbitanti-GBM serum; and group 4 (�DOX/GN; n � 10) re-ceived 0.2 mg/mL doxycycline and injection of anti-GBMserum. The experimental design of this study was ap-proved by the local authorities according to the Germanand Swiss laws for protection of animals (registered un-der G 0178/03 and Fr 51/10).

    Before the experiment and then once a week after-ward, �200 �L of blood was collected by puncture of thesubmandibular vein from each animal under isofluraneanesthesia. Hemoglobin concentration was determinedby ABL800 FLEX (Radiometer, Willich, Germany). Plasmaurea nitrogen was quantified enzymatically using routineautomated methods (Modular Analytics; Roche Diagnos-tics, Mannheim, Germany). Plasma vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) levels were determined by a commer-cial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Raybiotech,Heidelberg, Germany). For urinary protein analysis, micewere placed individually in metabolic cages for 24 hoursand urine protein concentration was measured with a stan-dardized autoanalyzer (Hitachi 747; Roche Diagnostics).

    Detection of Circulating Anti-Rabbit IgG

    For the detection of circulating anti-rabbit IgG, microtiterplates were coated with 100 �g/mL rabbit IgG (JacksonLaboratories, West Grove, PA) followed by blocking with5% skim milk and incubation with mouse serum obtainedfrom each animal at the end of the experiment. After theincubation with horseradish-peroxidase–conjugated goatanti-mouse IgG (Abcam, Cambridge, UK) the signal wasgenerated using 3,3=,5,5=-tetramethylbenzidine (Sigma Al-drich, München, Germany) and measured at 450 nm.

    Perfusion, Fixation, and Tissue Processing

    Mice were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection ofsodium pentobarbital (0.06 mg/g body weight). After lap-arotomy, one kidney was clamped, removed, and shock-frozen for biochemical analysis and the other kidney thenwas perfused in vivo via the abdominal aorta using 3%paraformaldehyde. For cryostat sectioning, tissues wereshock-frozen and stored at �80°C. Alternatively, tissueswere postfixed in 3% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated,and standard paraffin-embedded. For ultrastructuralanalysis, kidney specimens were postfixed in 1.5% para-formaldehyde/PBS containing 1.5% glutaraldehyde, and0.05% picric acid, rinsed, and stored in PBS until embed-ding in Epon (Serva, Heidelberg, Germany). Ultrathinsections were viewed in a Zeiss EM 906 electron micro-scope (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany).

  • RNA Isolation, Reverse Transcription, and Real-Time PCR

    cam), and rabbit anti–HO-1 (Acris). For all antibodies,negative controls were used in which the primary anti-body was omitted. For double-labeling, primary antibod-ies were administered consecutively. Light microscopy

    VHL Deficiency in Anti-GBM-Nephritis 2179AJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    Total RNA was extracted from kidney homogenates usingthe RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). GenomicDNA was digested by DNase I (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA),and cDNA was synthesized by reverse transcription of 5 �gof total RNA (SuperScript First-Strand Synthesis System;Invitrogen). TaqMan Gene Expression Assays were used,and the product IDs were as follows: erythropoietin,Mm01202755_m1; VEGF-A, Mm00437306_m1; tumorgrowth factor–�1 (TGF-�1), Mm03024053_m1; and platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), Mm01298578_m1. Theexperiments were performed according to the manual pro-vided by Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA). Amplifica-tions were performed using the real-time PCR TaqMan Fast7500 (Applied Biosystems). Threshold cycle values wereset in the linear phase of exponential amplification. Thedifference (� threshold cycle) between values obtained forerythropoietin, VEGF, TGF-�1, PDGF-B, and the house-keeping genes 28S ribosomal RNA Mm03682676_s1 andTATA-box binding protein Mm00446973_m1 were calcu-lated and the mRNA abundance of all four groups is pre-sented in percentages.

    In Situ Hybridization

    The mRNA expression of TGF-�1 and osteopontin wasinvestigated by in situ hybridization using digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes (Roche). Sense and antisense probeswere generated by in vitro transcription of a 700-bpTGF-�1 cDNA and a 1100-bp osteopontin cDNA tem-plate. In situ hybridization was performed on 5-�m–thickparaffin sections according to an established protocol.17

    Signal was generated with 4-nitroblue tetrazolium chlo-ride. For control, sense probes were applied in parallelwith antisense probes.


    Immunohistochemistry for VHL, HIF-1�, HIF-2�, andheme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) was performed on 4-�m–thickparaffin sections using the Catalyzed Signal AmplificationSystem (Dako, Baar, Switzerland). VEGF immunostainingwas performed with the Vectastain ABC kit (Vector, Bur-lingame, CA). Immunohistochemistry using fluorescence-coupled secondary antibodies was used for all otherimmunodetections. The following antibodies were used:polyclonal rabbit anti-VHL (Labforce, Nunningen, Swit-zerland), polyclonal rabbit anti-HIF1� (Cayman Chemi-cals, Ann Arbor, MI), polyclonal rabbit anti-HIF2� (PM9kindly provided by Patrick Maxwell), polyclonal goat anti-VEGF antibody (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN), poly-clonal rabbit anti-rat type I collagen antibody (Biotrend,Köln, Germany), polyclonal rabbit anti–Wilms tumor-1 an-tibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Heidelberg, Ger-many), monoclonal rat anti–Ki-67 antibody (Dako), rabbitanti-5=ectonucleotidase (kind gift from Johannes Loffing),polyclonal rabbit anticaveolin (Santa Cruz Biotechnol-ogy), polyclonal rabbit anti–TGF-�1 (Acris, Herford, Ger-many), rabbit anti–�-smooth muscle actin (�-SMA; Ab-

    specimens were evaluated using a Leica DMRB fluores-cence microscope (Leica Microsystems, Heerbrugg,Switzerland) equipped with a digitized camera systemand MetaView software (Visitron Systems, München,Germany). Immunofluorescence microscopy specimenswere analyzed using a confocal scanning microscope(TCS SP-2; Leica Microsystems).

    Western Blotting

    Total kidney homogenate was produced using sucrosebuffer containing 250 mmol/L sucrose, 10 mmol/L trieth-anolamine, and protease inhibitor cocktail (Complete,Roche Diagnostics) and centrifuged to remove nucleiand cellular debris. Total protein concentration was mea-sured using the Pierce BCA Protein Assay reagent kit(Rockford, IL) and controlled by Coomassie staining. Fiftymicrograms of protein was loaded onto 10% to 12%gradient polyacrylamide gels. After SDS-PAGE and elec-trophoretic transfer of proteins to nitrocellulose mem-branes, equal protein loading and blotting was verified bymembrane staining using Ponceau red. Membranes wereprobed overnight with antibodies directed against VHL,VEGF, TGF-�1, �-SMA, type 1 collagen, and HO-1, followedby exposure to horseradish-peroxidase–conjugated sec-ondary antibodies (Dako). Immunoreactive bands were de-tected on the basis of chemiluminescence, using an en-hanced chemiluminescence kit (Amersham Biosciences,Buckinghamshire, UK) before exposure to X-ray films (Hy-perfilm, Amersham Biosciences). For densitometric evalua-tion of the resulting bands, films were scanned and ana-lyzed using BIO-PROFIL Bio-1D image software (VilberLourmat, Marne-la-Vallée, France).


    Damage Scoring

    Glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage was deter-mined as described,16,18,19 and assessed on PAS-stained paraffin sections. A semiquantitative glomeru-losclerosis score was established by grading theseverity of sclerosis for each glomerulus. Grading wasset from 0 to 4 with 0 representing no lesion, 1 repre-senting sclerosis of less than 25% of the glomerulus,and 2, 3, and 4 representing sclerosis of 25% to 50%,50% to 75%, and more than 75% of the glomerulus,respectively. A whole kidney average sclerosis indexwas obtained by averaging scores of all glomeruli onone section. On average, 100 to 150 glomeruli wereassessed per mouse. The glomerular damage com-prised segmental or global collapse of capillaries, withor without associated hyaline deposition, adhesion ofthe capillary tuft to Bowman’s capsule, detachment ofpodocytes from the GBM, and thickening of mesangialmatrix. To assess tubulointerstitial changes a semi-quantitative score was established to evaluate the de-

  • gree and extent of tubulointerstitial damage of eachfield and was graded from 0 to 4 as follows: 0 repre-sents no lesion, 1 represents tubulointerstitial damageof less than 25% per field, and 2, 3, and 4 represent

    phy, detachment of cells from the basement mem-brane, thickening of the tubular basement membrane,number of interstitial cells, and interstitial fibrosis.

    2180 Theilig et alAJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    tubulointerstitial damage of 25% to 50%, 50% to 75%,and more than 75% of the tubulointerstitium, respec-tively. Approximately 30 cortical and medullary visualfields (20�) per kidney were evaluated. Tubulointersti-tial injury was defined by features such as tubularcollapse, cast formation with tubular dilatation or atro-







    −DOX +DOX






    erocs raluremolg



    Figure 1. Induction of VHL knockout and anti-GBM GN. A: Immunohistochein the convoluted portion. Induction of the VHL knockout is depicted in �Da mosaic pattern. B and C: Immunohistochemical staining of HIF-1� (B) anaccumulation in the tubular epithelial cells of �DOX and �DOX/GN. No sigcells revealed HIF-1� (asterisks) and single proximal tubule cell HIF-2�peritubular formation of capillaries without structural alteration of the tubuland tubulointerstitial injury were encountered in �DOX/GN compared withscore (F). �P � 0.05 for �DOX versus �DOX; †P � 0.05 for control versus

    Podocyte Density

    Paraffin sections were stained with antibodiesagainst WT-1 and positive podocyte nuclei werecounted in 40 to 50 glomerular profiles per animal. Thepodocyte density was calculated by relating the num-



    −DOX/ GN +DOX/ GN





    4erocs laititsretni-olubut




    aining of VHL. The proximal tubule shows strong signals with predominance�DOX/GN showing a strong reduction in VHL abundance appearing with(C). Administration of doxycycline induced strong nuclear HIF-1�/HIF-2�detectable in �DOX. On induction of GN (�DOX/GN), connecting tubule

    heads) expression. D: PAS staining. In �DOX increased glomerular andtium are shown. GN presents the typical features, however, less glomerular/GN. E and F: Glomerular damage score (E) and tubulointerstitial damagele bars: 20 �m.


    mical stOX and

    d HIF-2�nal was(arrow


    GN. Sca

  • ber of positive nuclei to the measured tuft area, whichwas estimated by stereology using image analysis soft-ware from MetaView.

    portion. In �DOX and �DOX/GN, conditional VHL knock-out resulted in a strongly reduced tubular epithelial VHLexpression (Figure 1A) appearing in a mosaic pattern.




    VHL Deficiency in Anti-GBM-Nephritis 2181AJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    Tuft volume was calculated from the mean tuft area byusing the following formula: VT � (�/k)(tuft areas)3/2,where � � 1.38 (shape coefficient for spheric particles)and k � 1.1 (size distribution coefficient for spheres).19

    Glomerular Capillary Density

    Semithin plastic sections were stained with Richard-son’s solution. The area of perfused glomerular capillar-ies was estimated stereologically on 30 glomeruli peranimal. The density of perfused capillaries was calcu-lated by relating the area of perfused capillaries to themeasured tuft area.

    Tubulointerstitial Capillary Density

    Semithin sections were used to estimate the fraction ofthe tubular circumference that is in close contact to cap-illaries. Approximately 50 cortical tubules per animalwere evaluated stereologically and capillary-epithelialcontact areas were calculated for all four grades of tubu-lar degeneration as described by Le Hir and Besse-Eschmann.20

    Cellular Proliferation

    Cell proliferation was assessed with the Ki-67 antibodytechnique using paraffin sections. The number of Ki-67–positive endothelial nuclei (as determined by double-labeling with caveolin) was estimated. Results from nu-meric evaluation were expressed as the number oflabeled glomerular cells per glomeruli or tubulointerstitialcells per visual field (40�). The number of Ki-67–positiveepithelial cells were counted and expressed as the num-ber of Ki-67–positive epithelial cells per visual field (40�).

    Presentation of Data and Statistical Analysis

    Quantitative data are presented as means � SD. Forstatistical comparison, the Mann-Whitney U-test wasused. P � 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


    Induction of VHL Knockout and GN

    Immunohistochemistry of VHL revealed an expression inthe proximal tubule with predominance in the convoluted

    Table 1. Abundance of EPO, VEGF, TGF-�1, and PDGF-B mRNA

    �DOX �D

    EPO 1.00 � 0.47 0.03 �VEGF 1.00 � 0.09 2.17 �TGF-�1 1.00 � 0.34 1.52 �PDGF-B 1.00 � 0.67 2.75 �

    Control levels �DOX are set as 1 � 100%. Means � SD; n � 7.*P � 0.05 �DOX versus �DOX.†P � 0.05 control versus GN.

    Western blot analysis of VHL on renal tissue confirmedthe kidney targeted deletion of about 65% (see Supple-mental Figure S1 at Administra-tion of doxycycline resulted in the well-established reduc-tion of target gene degradation as shown by the strongnuclear expression of HIF-1� and HIF-2� in the �DOXgroups (Figure 1, B and C). As expected, no signal wasobserved in podocytes.13 Occasionally, GN inducedepithelial HIF-1� expression in the distal tubule andHIF-2� in single cells of the proximal tubule. In some micestrains, the transition of the parietal epithelial cells towardthe proximal tubule occurs in the Bowman’s capsule,therefore positive HIF-1� and HIF-2� signals within theearly proximal tubule can be observed in the glomerulus.

    Morphologic analysis of glomeruli and the tubulointersti-tium did not reveal signs of damage on induction of VHLknockout (Figure 1, D–F). Both �DOX/GN and �DOX/GNgroups developed crescentic GN with tubulointerstitial dis-ease after injection of the anti-GBM serum. The histopatho-logic changes were qualitatively identical in both groups butwere quantitatively significantly less pronounced in�DOX/GN than in �DOX/GN. Glomeruli of the �DOX/GNdisplayed less hyaline deposits, sclerotic capillaries, tuftadhesions, and cellular crescent formation. Similarly, tubu-lointerstitial damage was less pronounced in �DOX/GNcompared with �DOX/GN, showing fewer tubular dilations,cast formations, tubular atrophy, and degeneration.

    Next, we correlated the damage scores of glomeruliand tubulointerstitium in �DOX/GN and �DOX/GN. Astrict linear correlation (�DOX/GN, r � 0.897; �DOX/GN,r � 0.946; both P � 0.05) with similar correlation coeffi-cients was found in the two groups that were compared.

    Administration of doxycycline increased the blood he-moglobin concentration (�DOX: 14.7 � 0.2 g/dL versus�DOX: 18.5 � 1.3 g/dL; P � 0.05) and hematocrit(�DOX: 40.8% � 1.7% versus �DOX: 47.3% � 3.2%;P � 0.05) in �DOX groups compared with �DOXgroups. Mice were bled once a week to avoid secondaryeffects of polycythemia as shown by the time-course ofhemoglobin concentration (see Supplemental Table S1 at However, renal erythropoietinmRNA concentration was reduced significantly in both�DOX and �DOX/GN groups (Table 1). Therefore, weassume that Pax8-driven hepatic erythropoietin produc-tion could be responsible for the increased blood hemo-globin concentration and hematocrit. Furthermore, the


    0.54 � 0.33 0.01 � 0.01*1.44 � 0.59 2.38 � 0.46*2.18 � 0.65† 1.89 � 0.250.95 � 0.25 2.35 � 0.86*



  • Table 2. Clinical Parameters


    P-urea (mg/dL) 27.7 � 4.8 21.8 � 5.8 43.7 � 10.9* 34.8 � 4.1*†

    2182 Theilig et alAJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    results foster the idea of an exclusively interstitial sourceof renal erythropoietin mRNA production.

    Induction of GN led to strongly increased plasma ureaconcentration and proteinuria in �DOX/GN and �DOX/GN. However, in agreement with the reduced glomerularand tubulointerstitial damage of �DOX/GN comparedwith �DOX/GN, plasma urea concentration and urinaryprotein excretion were less pronounced (Table 2). In ad-dition, the time-course of plasma urea concentrationshowed a lower augmentation in �DOX/GN comparedwith �DOX/GN (see Supplemental Table S1 at

    The difference in disease progression may not be re-lated to the humoral immune response to the injectedrabbit anti-GBM serum because comparable amounts ofmouse anti-rabbit IgG were produced in both GN groups(arbitrary units at OD 450: �DOX/GBM 0.48 � 0.09 and�DOX/GBM 0.49 � 0.12).

    Analysis of Capillary Density and Endothelial CellProliferation

    Morphologic analysis of both �DOX and �DOX/GN re-vealed an increase in capillary density. VEGF and PDGF-B

    U-protein (mg/24 hours) 0.6 � 0.5

    Values were determined on the last day of the experiment and are m*P � 0.05 control versus GN.†P � 0.05 �DOX versus �DOX.P-urea, plasma ureal; U-protein, urinary protein.

    lortnoc fo noitaived %

    −DOX +DOX




    −DOX +DOX −DOX/









    Figure 2. Renal VEGF expression. A: Immunohistochemistry of renal VEGpodocyte VEGF expression is reduced in �DOX and �DOX/GN. Inductioadvanced disease progression. Scale bars: 20 �m. B: Western blot analyenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. �P � 0.05 for �DOX versu

    are HIF target genes and are important regulators for vas-cular growth, therefore their mRNA concentration was as-sessed. Both �DOX and �DOX/GN showed a significantincrease in VEGF mRNA and PDGF-B mRNA levels com-pared with �DOX and �DOX/GN (Table 1).

    Then, renal VEGF protein abundance was determinedby Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Incomparison with �DOX, immunohistochemical analysisof VEGF revealed in �DOX and �DOX/GN a strong aug-mented expression along the tubule, whereas the podo-cyte VEGF expression was decreased (Figure 2A).�DOX/GN showed a slight increase in tubular and glo-merular VEGF expression levels in animals with low dis-ease score and showed the tendency to be reduced inmice with higher glomerular and tubulointerstitial dam-age. Immunohistochemical data were confirmed byWestern blot analysis (Figure 2B). Similarly, in compari-son with �DOX, serum VEGF levels started to augmentcontinuously by 1 week after administration of doxycy-cline and/or anti-GBM GN induction. The highest levels ofcirculating VEGF were observed in both �DOX groups(Figure 2C; see also Supplemental Table S1 at

    9 � 0.7 22.1 � 15.3* 11.0 � 8.1*†

    SD; n � 7.

    ]lm/gp[ fgev





    0 -






    ssion. Compared with �DOX, tubular VEGF abundance is increased andtended to decrease glomerular and tubular VEGF signal in �DOX/GN in

    EGF and densitometric evaluation. C: Serum VEGF levels determined byX; †P � 0.05 for control versus GN.


    eans �


    F expren of GNsis of Vs �DO


  • A0.8



    B C**






    VHL Deficiency in Anti-GBM-Nephritis 2183AJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    Next, glomerular and tubulointerstitial endothelial cellproliferation were assessed. In comparison with �DOX,in which no glomerular endothelial cell proliferation wasfound, a strongly increased number of Ki-67–positive en-dothelial cells per glomeruli was detected in all threegroups with the highest amount observed in �DOX and�DOX/GN (Figure 3, A and B). Similar results were ob-tained for the tubulointerstitial endothelial cell prolifera-tion. In �DOX only minor tubulointerstitial endothelial cellproliferation was found. A strong increase in the numberof Ki-67–positive endothelial cells per visual field wereobserved in all three groups, again with highest expres-sion levels in �DOX and �DOX/GN (Figure 3, C and D).

    −DOX +DOXE



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    Figure 3. Endothelial cell proliferation and capillary growth. A–D: Assessme(green) marks the proliferation of glomerular (A) and tubulointerstitial (C) eand D. E and F: Comparative presentations of glomeruli (E) and tubulointerstgrowth in �DOX compared with �DOX is shown and remains higher after thwith �DOX groups. Reduced glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage of �glomerular capillary length. H: Stereologic evaluation of tubule-capillary contcontact area of �DOX/GN compared with �DOX/GN according to the gradversus GN. Scale bars: 20 �m.

    We then assessed the glomerular capillary density andthe tubular-capillary contact. Compared with �DOX,glomeruli of �DOX showed a significant augmented cap-illary density (Figure 3, E and G). Induction of GN stronglyreduced the glomerular capillary density but remainedhigher in �DOX/GN compared with �DOX/GN. Similar tothe glomeruli, the tubular-capillary contact area washigher in �DOX than in �DOX (Figure 3, F and H). Toanalyze whether the grade of the tubular degenerationaffects the proportion of the tubular-capillary contactarea, stereologic analysis was performed on all fourgrades of degeneration according to the established de-scription.20 With increased tubular degeneration the frac-


    -yrallipac- el ubutco


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    0 1 2 3



    −DOX/GN +DOX/GN*

    grade of tubule degeneration







    01234sop 76-i


    liferating endothelial cells. Double-labeling against Ki-67 (red) and caveolinial cells (arrowheads). The respective numeric evaluations are shown in Bof semithin sections. An increased glomerular and tubulointerstitial capillary

    tion of GN. Note the increased interstitial spaces in �DOX groups comparedN compared with �DOX/GN is encountered. G: Stereologic evaluation of

    of �DOX compared with �DOX. I: Stereologic evaluation of tubule-capillaryule degeneration. �P � 0.05 for �DOX versus �DOX; †P � 0.05 for control



    nt of prondothelitium (F)e inducDOX/G

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    2184 Theilig et alAJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    tion of the tubular-capillary contact area continuously de-creased in both �DOX/GN and �DOX/GN, but remainedconstantly higher in �DOX/GN (Figure 3I).

    Analysis of Interstitial Alterations

    VHL knockout was proposed to induce interstitial matrixproduction. Therefore, the expression levels of TGF-�1,�-SMA, and type 1 collagen were determined. Comparedwith �DOX, TGF-�1 mRNA was increased significantly inall three groups with the highest mRNA expression levelin �DOX and �DOX/GN (Table 1). TGF-�1 protein ex-pression levels were increased significantly in all threegroups compared with �DOX. However, the highestabundance was found in both GN groups (Figure 4A). In

















    lortnoc fo noitaived %

    ortnoc fo noitaived %

    −DOX +DOXD





    Figure 4. Induction of interstitial matrix production on administration of dox(B), and type 1 collagen (C) expression. D–F: Immunohistochemistry of TGFthe interstitial expression of TGF-�1, �-SMA, and type 1 collagen. Induction�DOX/GN and �DOX/GN. �P � 0.05 for �DOX versus �DOX; †P � 0.05

    �DOX kidneys, immunohistochemical analysis showedonly faint TGF-�1 expression in medullary collectingducts; in �DOX kidneys additional interstitial expressionwas found (Figure 4D). Induction of GN strongly aug-mented TGF-�1 expression in tubular and interstitial cells.Immunohistochemical staining was confirmed by in situhybridization of TGF-�1 mRNA showing the same expres-sion pattern and changes in intensity levels (not shown).Similar variations in expression levels were obtained for�-SMA and type 1 collagen (Figure 4, B and C). Com-pared with �DOX, kidneys of �DOX showed increasedinterstitial �-SMA and type 1 collagen expression (Figure4, F and G). Again, the strongest augmentation of bothproteins was found after induction of GN in �DOX/GNand �DOX/GN.

















    ortnoc fo noitaived %




    and GN. A–C: Western blot and densitometric analysis of TGF-�1 (A), �-SMA�-SMA (E), and type 1 collagen (F). Administration of doxycycline increasedtrongly augmented their production with no significant difference betweentrol versus GN. Scale bars: 20 �m.




    ycycline-�1 (D),of GN sfor con

  • Analysis of Tubular Epithelial Alterations

    To analyze tubular epithelial alterations the renal ex-pression of osteopontin, Ki-67, and HO-1 was deter-

    dleif rA

    2- *


    VHL Deficiency in Anti-GBM-Nephritis 2185AJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    The observed strong increase in �-SMA–positive in-terstitial cells suggests an increased formation of myo-fibroblasts. To analyze whether the latter could be ow-ing to increased fibroblast/myofibroblast proliferationKi-67 and 5=ectonucleotidase-positive cells werecounted. Compared with the �DOX condition, a signif-icant increase of proliferating fibroblast/myofibroblastswere observed in �DOX, �DOX/GN, and �DOX/GN(Figure 5, A and B).



    −DOX +DOX

    0−DOX +DOX −DOX/






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    ---- *



    Figure 5. Interstitial cell proliferation. A: Numeric evaluation of proliferatinginterstitial cells. B: Representative double labeling of Ki-67 (red) and 5=ecto-nucleotidase (green) of �DOX. Arrowheads mark proliferating interstitialcells. Scale bar � 20 �m. �P � 0.05 for �DOX versus �DOX; †P � 0.05 forcontrol versus GN.

    mined. �DOX kidneys showed osteopontin expressiononly in medullary collecting ducts (Figure 6A), in �DOXkidneys an additional cortical distal tubular signal wasfound. However, strong osteopontin expression wasobserved along the nephron in �DOX/GN and less in�DOX/GN. Then, the epithelial proliferation index wasdetermined by counting Ki-67–positive epithelial cellsper visual field. Compared with �DOX, the number ofKi-67–positive epithelial cells strongly increased in�DOX and �DOX/GN and the highest proliferation ratewas assessed in �DOX/GN (Figure 6B; respective val-ues are as follows: �DOX 1.0 � 0.2 g/dL; �DOX 3.5 �1.3 g/dL, P � 0.05; �DOX/GN 3.9 � 1.9, P � 0.05;�DOX/GN 12.2 � 1.7, P � 0.05).

    HO-1 expression could not be determined in �DOXkidneys. Administration of doxycycline and GN, however,induced its expression in all tubular epithelial cells, withthe highest expression levels found in �DOX and�DOX/GN (Figure 7, A and B).


    VHL knockout was associated with increased renal tubu-lar stability of the transcription factors HIF-1� and HIF-2�.


    Figure 6. Expression of tubular damage marker. A: In situhybridization of osteopontin mRNA expression. In �DOXkidneys no cortical osteopontin mRNA is observed. Admin-istration of doxycycline induced a faint expression in thedistal tubule. On GN induction, strong proximal and distaltubular osteopontin expression is found in �DOX/GN and�DOX/GN with less abundance in �DOX/GN. B: Represen-tative immunohistochemical images of Ki-67–positive epi-thelial cells. Compared to �DOX, administration of doxycy-clin and induction of GN increased the number inproliferating epithelial cells with highest amount in �DOX/GN. Scale bars: 20 �m.


    2186 Theilig et alAJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    Renal epithelial expression of HIF-1� is well documented,whereas HIF-2� was found mainly in renal interstitial fi-broblasts and endothelial cells.21 However, greater nu-clear HIF-1� and HIF-2� stabilization was observed in thepathogenesis of VHL disease with constitutive epithelialexpression of both HIF-1� and HIF-2�,22 confirming thepotential of epithelial cells to generate HIF-2�.

    VEGF, a target common to both HIF-1� and HIF-2�,23

    was strongly produced in renal tubules of �DOX and�DOX/GN, leading to a concomitant fourfold increase inplasma VEGF concentration. As shown in a recent studyby Hakroush et al,19 renal VEGF production is indeedcapable in increasing systemic VEGF serum levels, initi-ating a feedback-mediated decrease in VEGF productionby podocytes, which is similar to what we encountered in�DOX and �DOX/GN. Augmented VEGF levels werereported to induce glomerular changes19,24,25; however,glomerular morphology strongly differed between trans-genic mice models overexpressing VEGF, which mostlikely is owing to the varying concentrations of VEGF.Serum VEGF levels increase as a consequence of renalepithelial VHL knockout, leading to glomerular endothe-lial proliferation associated with capillary growth.26,27

    Surprisingly, GN induced continuously higher serumVEGF levels over time, albeit with unchanged or dimin-ished expression in the kidney at the end of the animalexperiment. A possible explanation could be the time-course of renal VEGF expression/secretion, which wasshown to be increased at the beginning of acute GN anddecreased with ongoing disease progression.28,29

    In VHL knockout mice, the magnitude of GN was re-duced and glomerular morphologic alterations wereameliorated, leading to significantly reduced proteinuriaand plasma urea concentration. VEGF-induced reductionin glomerular hydrostatic pressure by arteriolar vasodila-tion30 and/or increased glomerular surface area availablefor filtration affecting the filtration coefficient may be re-


    lortnoc fo noitaived %






    sponsible. Brenner and colleagues31 were able to showthat chronic moderate anemia, known to induce epithelialHIF-1� expression,32 prevented the development of glo-merular hypertension and retarded the progression ofstructural injury in the deoxycorticosterone acetate-saltmodel of progressive renal disease. A protective effect ofVEGF administration also was observed in the remnantkidney model33 with increased glomerular capillary den-sity associated with preservation of the glomerular filtra-tion rate. In addition, increased circulating VEGF alsomay account for the disease amelioration by mediatingendothelial cell maintenance and survival.34

    Progressive interstitial fibrosis is associated with theloss of peritubular capillaries,35 which would be ex-pected to result in chronic ischemia and hypoxia, which,in turn, was assumed to induce endothelial cell apoptosisand therefore to further stimulate the scarring process.7

    In our model, the high VEGF levels induced a strongproliferation of peritubular endothelial cells, showing thecapacity to respond to hypoxia similarly as endothelialcells elsewhere. Increased formation of capillaries in both�DOX groups led to an augmented fraction of tubularepithelial cells being surrounded by capillaries. The frac-tion of the tubule-capillary contact area was always sig-nificantly higher in �DOX/GN compared with �DOX/GN.However, both tended to analogously decrease with thegrade of tubule degeneration despite maximal HIF-� sta-bilization, VEGF generation, and angiogenesis in �DOX/GN. Moreover, the correlation of the glomerular with thetubulointerstitial damage of �DOX/GN and �DOX/GNresulted in very similar correlation coefficients. Thisshows that VHL knockout with presumably improved ox-ygen supply does not prevent or ameliorate tubular de-generation in this mouse model of GN. We share theconcept that the normal tubular epithelium secretes an-giogenetic factors for proper oxygen supply, but when

    Figure 7. Expression of HO-1. Immunohistochemistry (A)and Western blot analysis (B) with densitometric evaluationof HO-1. Compared with �DOX, in which no signal wasdetectable, administration of doxycycline and induction ofGN strongly increased HO-1 expression level with the high-est abundance in �DOX/GN. Scale bars: 20 �m. �P � 0.05for �DOX versus �DOX; †P � 0.05 for control versus GN.

  • degenerating the secretion is diminished and capillariesdisappear secondarily.36

    Profibrotic properties of HIF have been described,9

    leading to the hypothesis that hypoxia is not only a result

    showing the same correlation coefficient between glomer-ular and tubulointerstitial damage scores.

    In conclusion, we can confirm that stabilization of HIFsthrough VHL knockout has renoprotective effects by

    VHL Deficiency in Anti-GBM-Nephritis 2187AJP November 2011, Vol. 179, No. 5

    of but also a cause for fibrosis, leading to a vicious circle.VEGF, as a HIF-target gene, was shown to induce TGF-�1production and secretion in vitro.37 Recently, transgenicmice overexpressing VEGF in renal epithelia19 stimulatedendothelial cells to produce TGF-�1 and PDGF-B, bothcytokines are known to induce the conversion of fibro-blasts into myofibroblasts.38,39 In our study, VHL knock-out induced mild endothelial TGF-�1 and PDGF-B pro-duction and enhanced expression of myofibroblasts, asrevealed by �-SMA–positive interstitial staining associ-ated with increased type 1 collagen synthesis. Theseresults are in agreement with the reduced fibrotic effect inHIF-1� knockout mice after ureteral ligation.9 However,in �DOX, renal tubules remained unaffected by the in-creased interstitial matrix production and renal functionpersisted at control level during the experiment. Induc-tion of GN induced a strong increase in TGF-�1 andinterstitial matrix production assuming that other strongerstimuli than hypoxia may account for the massive fibro-blast conversion and collagen production in GN.

    For analysis of tubular affections the expression of theadhesion molecule osteopontin and the epithelial prolif-eration index were determined. Both were associatedwith tubular damage and fibrosis. The strongest osteo-pontin expression levels were found after induction ofGN, with the highest expression in �DOX/GN and to alesser extent in �DOX/GN. This expression patternshowed similar characteristics to the morphologic altera-tions in both disease groups. Osteopontin inducedTGF-�1 production and fibrosis,

    40 which is in line with thereduced tubulointerstitial damage score, TGF-�1, �-SMA,and type 1 collagen expression in �DOX/GN comparedwith �DOX/GN. An increased number of proliferatingtubular cells were observed on VHL knockout and anti-GBM GN, most likely through different mechanisms, asshown by the additive effect obtained in �DOX/GN. Re-cent publications have indicated that limiting cell prolif-eration could reduce fibrosis development.41 Further-more, cell proliferation was shown to be associated witha less-differentiated state, and therefore proliferatingcells might be more prone to deposit matrix proteins. Onthe contrary, HO-1, an HIF target gene and redox-sensi-tive protein, provides protection from disease. HO-1 isthe rate-limiting enzyme involved in the degradation ofheme and is known to have cytoprotective effects6 by theanti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and antiproliferative ac-tions of its end by-products.42 The role of HO-1 in renalfibrosis was clarified by Kie et al,43 showing that HO-1knockout mice had significantly greater tubular TGF-�1 ex-pression, inflammation, and fibrosis after unilateral ureteralobstruction. In our experimental outline HO-1 was ex-pressed most abundantly in all tubular epithelial cells ofboth �DOX and �DOX/GN groups compared with a mod-erate expression pattern in �DOX/GN. These results showthat induction of HIF-� may have damaging and protectiveimpacts on the tubulointerstitium; however, net effects seemto be counterbalanced, as established in our experiment

    ameliorating glomerular disease progression in the anti-GBM GN mouse model, most probably mediated by in-creased circulating VEGF and associated angiogenesis.However, related to the tubulointerstitium, VHL knockout–induced effects were balanced within the anti-GBM GN;therefore, neither beneficial nor destructive propertieswere encountered. Hypoxia with concomitant HIF stabi-lization thus may be only a mild stimulus for the renaldisease progression, and other factors need to be iden-tified for the strong progression observed in anti-GBMGN. In addition, increased tubulointerstitial capillary for-mation did not halt disease progression. We hypothesizethat as long as the tubule functions properly, angioge-netic factors are secreted, establishing the desired oxy-gen supply. Rarefaction of interstitial capillaries may besecondary to tubule degeneration.


    We thank Christian Rosenberger for assistance in HIF-1�and HIF-2� immunohistochemistry and Anja Dietrich fortechnical assistance.


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    Tubular Deficiency of von Hippel-Lindau Attenuates Renal Disease Progression in Anti-GBM Glomeru ...Materials and MethodsTransgenic AnimalsExperimental DesignDetection of Circulating Anti-Rabbit IgGPerfusion, Fixation, and Tissue ProcessingRNA Isolation, Reverse Transcription, and Real-Time PCRIn Situ HybridizationImmunohistochemistryWestern BlottingMorphometryDamage ScoringPodocyte DensityGlomerular Capillary DensityTubulointerstitial Capillary DensityCellular Proliferation

    Presentation of Data and Statistical Analysis

    ResultsInduction of VHL Knockout and GNAnalysis of Capillary Density and Endothelial Cell ProliferationAnalysis of Interstitial AlterationsAnalysis of Tubular Epithelial Alterations
