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Town of Suffolk Promised Divorce Proceedings Are Off and Two Hearts Will Still Beat as One. ALL TO BE FORGIVEN AND FORGOTTEN TUc Wife Hayn Sho Sorry lor Mer Hasty Alit Ion mid Hip Husband ih Siitd lo lie Innocent.Tlioso L'n- liicky Hoartlcr.s-Ttie I>lc «Irrel <ilveil-Ol<l I'.uougli to l>ie. Suffolk, Va.. Fob. 10..(Special). Somebody has changed her mind. Some¬ body else Is glad. The lady who on yes¬ terday employed counsel to prosecute a suit for divorce against her husband while in a lit of anger, brought on by having caught him III what she thought wa3 a compromising position, to-day withdrew all the proceedings. Now she is satisfied she was mistaken in having made the charges. That is what her actions Indicate. SORRY SHE DID IT. After reflection and after exhaustive explanations from her spouse, in which he is placed In a most Innocent attitude, the lady has agreed to check all legal action, performed and proposed, and they will In future reside together. happily, It Is hoped.forgetting the past and Its memories. There are some lit¬ tle stipulations and agreements which they will follow, and then all will be weil. SI IH WAS MAD. ,i When the charges were made and the lady went to consult Mayor Brewer prior to retaining counsel she was angry to a degree. She talked with her mouth open and made allegations and state* 'monts which were riot in the nature of ! compliments framed for, parlor socials. Mayor Brewer took notes'and said little. AFTER TUB EXPLANATION. To-day her passion had subsided. Sh? had had matters and situations ex¬ plained, and in addition to withdrawing oharges she wrote a letter addressed to the Mayor and her attorney, ll ac¬ knowledged a debt of apology. Here Is what she said: "I think I owe an apology for yes¬ terday's action. I have found out enough to know I was wrong. Hoping yon and all will excuse me. Yours re¬ spectfully, MRS.-." SAYS HE IS GUILTLESS. I saw the husband this afternoon in his store. He says his wife was mis¬ taken In her accusations. He knew she was mad at the time, but did not think p.he would make a move to carry Into execution her threat for a divorce. He was surprised to learn that counsel had been retained for that purpose. Now his wife understood the matter and bad withdrawn charges, lie was innocent. THOSE UNLUCKY BOARDERS. Two hoarders had caused the tem¬ porary disruption.a man and his wife, ho says. The gentleman runs a lodging house at his place of business, which Is r. block or so from the residence. Night before last there wore two lodgers, one of whom was a lady. Yesterday morn¬ ing the proprietor's wife came down and made an accusation against her husband. HO denied the charge and called on the male lodger to substantiate him. YOU LIE, SIH. "Mr. Blank, is not that lady, who stay¬ ed here last night, your wife?" "She Is. She's my lawful wife. Who doubt's It?" "I do," shouted the proprietor's wife. "I doubt It. You lie, sir, when you say ohe's your wire. And you".pointing to her husband."I will never live with you again." The reader knows the rest. She changed her mind. Now an amicable settlement has been made and troubles are past. OLD ENOUGH TO DIE. The taking of Congressional deposi¬ tions has brought to light In Southamp¬ ton county the oldest couple in this dis¬ trict, if not In Virginia. It Is Briton Blottnt. aged 102, and his wife, Pinkev Ann, who is past 02. For seventy-six sultry summers, bitter winters arid as many springs and autumns they have shared each others joys and sorrows. They have been married more than ten years of Sundays and have seen enough Fourth of July celebrations to surfeit the most patriotic .small boy. As lo Children and good children they have stopped keeping count more than twen¬ ty years ago. THEY WERE BORN YOUNG. To look at these gray-Haired, wrinkled vlsaged, ebony-hued denizens in their primitive abode a stranger might think the memory of man too short to grasp the time when they had youth. But not so. Though it might be a little difficult to prove by living witnesses anything about their birth they are both said to have 'been born young: The attorney who examined Blount says he made a good deponent. His an¬ swers were clear and concise. On elec¬ tion day he walked eight miles to vote tor McKinley and Wise. NEW MANAGEMENT IN FUTURE. If there is a Suffolk Fair this year It will be run under different manage¬ ment. The association will not have a aay in its conduct. This was arrived at to-day when the directors met over the postoffice, President George VV. Nurney in the chair. WILL LEASE THE RACE COURSE. Colonel L. P. Harper introduced a res¬ olution providing for a lease of the track, ground, and buildings to some re¬ sponsible private individuals for one year with a privilege of three. It was adopted. Dr. H. A. Morgan, Mr. a. S. Eley, and Colonel Harper were appointed "a - committee to do the leasing act. There are good prospects for a fair if some one with the proper amount of go-aheada- tlveness -gets the track. Dr. Morgan thinks it can be run more successfully by Individuals, a.< they wouldn't be "bled" as much as the association. The course holds the State trotting record. GONE, BUT NOT FAR. Joe Henry Everett, the 11-year-old ?.»n of Mrs. ai. A. Eiam's cook, had been miaaing for two days. His parents couldn't locate him. Neither could the police. His disappearance was content* S«ranoous with a thrashing adminis- tered by his mother day before yester- day. To-night Joe was found In Mrs. ElahVs forage house, where he had been secreted and where ho subsisted on pro¬ visions supposed to have been stolen. He had with him a ham and other ar¬ ticles which iiad been ml&slug about the house. Then his father tried his hand with the rod, but notwithstanding this Jne was turned over to the police. Miss Hulda Eggleston returned to-day from Wilmington, Del., where she grad¬ uated in stenography, typewriting, and other 'branches at a business exchange. Mr. Charles O. Haines, superintendent and chief engineer of the Atlantic and Danville, was here to-day on an olllclal visit. Mrs. Arthur J. Pinner left tonight for her home In Baltimore, having concluded a visit to friends in Chuckatuek and Suf¬ folk. The pay car on the Norfolk and West¬ ern went down tho line to-day. Prank M. Riehe will leave to-morrow for Doylestown, Pa., to settle the estate of hi* recently deceased mother. Next month he and S. S. Fell will go Into the mercantile business at Cambridge. Md. After March 1st Sam Fink will engage with Oi Lipman. Republicans are making active prepa¬ rations to attend the Inauguration. Dem¬ ocrats will go too, but not in such num¬ bers. Mr. John F. Pinner Is in extremis. Mr. 13. O. Butler has terminated a visit to Portsmouth. Mrs. S. E. Hayn es, ÖC Richmond, came to-day to visit relatives. i W. N. 'MeAnge's tug Aileen has been repaired; and is now off the ways. Dr. R. H. Cobh, of Franklin, was in Suffolk io-day. The Phoenix Military Brass band will have new uniforms by memorial day. THE ItOCOGIS CASE Goes lo the Jury and a verdict Slonrly Expnetod. Newport News, Va., Fob. 19..(Spe¬ cial.).Contrary to expectations, the examination of witnesses in this case, which has been the centre of attraction, loeaWy this week, was not concluded last night, nor In fact, until noon today. The testimony, however, was all in be¬ fore the customary noon recess was ta¬ ken and Mr. It. CK Bickford. senior coun¬ sel for the defense, was ready and will¬ ing to submit the case to the jury with¬ out argument. Mr. J. K. M. Newton, attorney for the counts', objected to such a course, not wanting the evidence to go to the jury without some word of exolanation. Four counsel engaged In the case, participated in the argument; Messrs. Robinson and Newton for the nrosecutioh and Messrs. Dee and Bett for the defense. The whole afternoon was occupied in preparing, arguing and modifying Instructions, hence the arguments in the case which were offered by Mr. Robin-I son. were not begun until after five o'clock. POLICE COURT DOCKET. Henry Ellis, colored, violating bicy¬ cle ordinance, fined $3.EiO and costs. Thos. Green, colored, trcspnss; dis¬ missed at costs. Laura Green, disorderly conduct; fin¬ ed S3.G0 and costs. Annie Carter, colored, disorderly con¬ duct; lined $3.50 and costs. Win. Saunder, colored, vagrancy; 15 days in jail. Jas. Poindexter, unlawful driving; fin¬ ed SU and costs. Marriage licenses were Issued yester¬ day to Warren M. Dlckerson and Clara E. Jacobs and to William Green and Annie J. fjorbin, colored. A despatch was received by Mrs. Geo. Montgomery last night calling her to Richmond on account of the seri¬ ous illness of her husband. Mr. Geo. W. Montgomery was oyster inspector of Warwick county, and was stricken ill at the home of Mr. J. T. Montgomery, Richmond, Va. STEEL 11AII.N I'OK EXGI.AXD. Carnegies Get Trial Orders front Eng. UhIi Itailroads. Pittsburg, Feb. 19..Millard Hunslck- er. representative of the Carnegie Com¬ pany. 'London, has forwarded to his company in Pittsburg during the past week orders for steel rails for export to England, amounting to 100,000 tons. One of the orders is for 25,000 tons for the London and Northwestern road and n similar order is booked for the Lon¬ don and Southwestern railroad. The other orders are smaller and are for dif¬ ferent roads. It is understood that some of them are merely first orders and largely of the trial class. In addition to the above, It is also re¬ ported that the company has just secur¬ ed an order for about 11,000 tons of steel rails from the government of Japan. No danger .in S. S. S. This moans a great deal to all who know the disastrous effects of these drugs. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed S. S. S. forces the disease out through the skin.does not dry up the poison to decay tho bones, like mercurial mixtures do. " I was almost a physical wreck, tho result of mercurial treatment rorblood liaison ; S.S.S. is a real blood remedy, for it cured niu per¬ manent lv." Hen r y Itoth. 1£;S South Ninth Street, St, Louis, Mo. Books free; address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP jiaa beta used lor children while teeth- H&ic lii^00,hc.? the child, softens the gt , allHv:; n l pain, eines wind coli.-, egtiiatcs the stomach and bowels, and IS the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. "feb-sis no Honest flethods Approved The Free Distribution of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills from the Drug Store of Burrow, Martin & Co., New No. 296 Main Street, ended yes¬ terday. Hundreds Now Testing the Remedy in This City and Vicinity. WHAT WIU THE RESULT BE Last night the distribution of. free samples of Dr. Ilobbs Sparagus Kid¬ ney ills closed at the drug store of Burrow, Martin & Co., and will go into history as one of the most successful events that has ever taken pi due In. this city. The frightful number of people who are suffering in one way or another from kidney 'troubles in this vicinity cun only be estimated by the enormous number of sample packets which were given out on Friday to all Interested persons living in this city or neighbor¬ hood who applied for a samplo of these wonderful pills. Dr. Hobbs representative was seen last night at his hotel, wearing a look of confidence that betoken the man who feels that he knows what he is talk- ing about. He said, in answer to the question put to him by tho reporter: "Oil, yes I know the public are sceptl- cal of anything new, especially in the1 medicine line. It is reasonable to sup-1 nose that they should be, ror have they j not been humbugged enough by those who place but little value even on death, when it comes to the question of gath¬ ering In a few Ill-gotten dollars. ""Dr. Hobbs appreciates all this, and Is determined that the worth of his med¬ icine shall be fully known and proven before the public la asked to spend a penny. What Dr. llobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are guaranteed lo do is to cure all kidney derangements." "Do you know that rheumatism, in nine-tenths of all cases, arises from kidney troubles of one sort or another? Any physician will tell you that the] common origin of all rheumatic troubles Is uric acid In the blood. What do you do first that being the case? Go for the Icause. Get your kidneys in perfect working order, and away will go the rheumatism, because when your kid¬ neys, whose duty it Is to filter all pol- json and Impurities from the blood, re¬ moves the uric acid, the cause of the rheumatism will be gone and the rheu- Imatlsm with it. "Here are some of the symptoms which are danger signals, and, in a large majority of cases, indicate the onset of that most insidious of all mal¬ adies. Bright's disease of the kidneys, pain in the back and sides, headache, nervousness, frequent thirst, hot and dry skin, shortness of breath, evil fore¬ bodings, troubled sleep, pufllness of the [eyelids, swelling of the feet and ankles, loss of Mesh, dark, colored and scanty urine, with deposits of casts, etc., and tho presence of epithelium, tube casts land albumen in the urine. 'These are some, not all, of the symp¬ toms of Bright's disease, Inflammation or congestion of the kidneys, nephritis, etc.. and these Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills are guaranteed to cure." For the benefit of persons living at a (distance from this city, who did not call at our store yesterday. Dr. Hobbs [authorizes us to say that If yon will cut out the coupon below and mail it tb the Ilobbs Remedy Co., Chicago, III., with your address, they will send you by mall post paid, a sample box of these Ullis free of expense. BURROW, MARTIN & CO., DRUGGISTS, Old No. 112 SIniii St.. New No. 200 .tin In St., Norfolk, Va. CUT THIS COUPCTN OUT. Upon receipt of THIS COU¬ PON, together with your name and address, we will forward by mail a FREE SAMPLE BOX of Dr. Hobbs* Sparagus Kidney j *d Pills; also his book on kidney § diseases. Address, HOBBS REMEDY CO.. Chicago, Ills. 2 GHENT MARKET, 158 Uoiet on i t mrnnt, Near Ghent Itrldge. PHONE PsJo. 32. 8 Special Sale Every Week, THIS WEEK. Corn Beef, 6c. lb. Tongues, 25c. Each. Watch this space. PERMANENT 0 The California I Fruit Transportation Co $ x Refrigerator car service for Fruits £ nnd Vegetables. <7 % J. WHITNEY HOUCK, Aqenl, ^ <F 47 «ranby St., Norf«!Ici, Vn, <T ^ Oeiirral OfliccH.Tho llookerjr t* A Ittilldiiiu, i'liienuo. IB. *ft Dry Slab, $3 per cord Mixed Split, $4* per cord Pine and Oak, $5 per cord Sole agents for the celebrated BANNER GOAL', for Grates. $$.00 per ton. Special prices to large steam users. ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes. » v nonii Town Olllco-9/S Commerce Street. Tnrdi-En*t Knti Falkland and Cuarlotio streets, Phones 404 mid 7B3. ¦AND- Mm Beautiful Souvenirs of the Lost Cause That Should be In Every Southland Home. The cut presented below represents the beautiful litho¬ graphic pictures, in seven colors, embracing the portraits of the great soldiers of the confederacy and the flags under which they lead their heroic veterans and gives but a faint idea ot these works of arr. The leaders represented are the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, Vice-Pres- dent Stevens and Generals Lee, Jackson, Beauregard, Joe Johnston, Albert Sidney Johnston, Gordon, Polk Hood, Longstreet, Wade Hampton, Jeb Stuart, Kirby Smith, A. P. Hill; Bragg, Price, Morgan, Hardee, &c. Cut Out this Coupon and Forward, with Twenty-Five Cents (25c.) to the Oftlce of The Norfolk Viroinian. The value of these pictures is a dollar each, yet The Virginian, by an arrangement with the publishers, is enabled to offer them ,\t the low price of 2> cents each, when pur¬ chased at the ctfice of The Virginian. The pictures are 22 inches wide by 30 inches long, and when mounted and I framed make a handsome adornment for the home or office. mm Primary, Secondary or Ter¬ tiary LJlood Poison permn- ncntly cured in 15 to 35 days. You can bo treated at homo for the samo price under samo guaranty. If you prefer to come here wo will contract to pay railroad fare aud hotel bills, and no charge if we fail to cure. If you have taken mcreur' , iodide ä *ff> tf"^ ßB 1 ^ II \f potash, and still have aches and pains, tfneous BQ y WB'W'B^&d 6 Patches in mouth, Bore Throat, yfimple", Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on eny part of the body, Blair or Eyclmnvs ont. 'it 19 this ßI;OOI> POBSOM that we guarantee to cure. We solicit, the most onsti nnt© 3 G E? S^J ftSt^iiP «^5» cases and challenge the world for a case ^L/ O RVs to SJ? t^£> ö a ff*l ca we cannot enre. This diecaso ha. lwoys baflled the skill of tUo most eminent physicians. 9500.000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute prooftt sent scaled on application. _ . Address COOK REMEDY CO., fef&fihM P8?l »07 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO. ULlh, td&*\iii,V*l<£ B x&Wö . V I N C E N *T* S .i^oi ^TURKISH AND RUSSIAN BATHS Cor. Churcri ana bute Street*. Opon Doi y, 8 A M.-ia P. M. Sunday, 6 P. tä- Hours Reserved for Ladles, FRIDAY, q A. M.-4 P. M VAN IELBURG HOFMAN, Manager. ffi I EDUCATE FOR BUSINESS .AT THE. L. LOS MAY, President, opposite Colum¬ bia Building, Norfolk, Va. Only school In Virginia that , teaches actual business from start to finish. Our motto: ".Learn to do by Doing." Students can enter at any time. A dainty meal but the last. Heady for Use. Re« quires no Mixing. AND OTHER VERMIN. DRUGGISTS, 228 and 228 Main St. TELEPHONE 346. Goods delivered in all parts of the city; also in Ports¬ mouth, Berkley, Brambleton, Atlantic City, etc. In addition to the Beer the Consumers' Brewing Co. is supplying in kegs and bottles, they have ready a special brewing of EXPORT BEER Equal to any in the coun¬ try. Orders received at the office of the company and promptly filled. TF.I.KI'JIOXF «79. IS JUST AS GOOD FOK ADULTS, WARRANTED. PRaCSSOcfs. G a i. ati a. Ills:, Nov. 10,1S93. Pnrls Sfo.-liftino Co., St. l.ouU, Mo. Onntloracn:.We fluid Inst year. COO banian of nitOVti'S TASTEbKrtS CllIIA. TONIC iiml iJt'.va tui:ii:lu throe irross Already this ycnr. In nil our ex. per.euro of 14 renn, t" tlio <lruu business; Imve never toM nil urilclo ttiutyave siieh universal natla* luciam ua your 'l'oulo. Xours truly, A um: v. Cum &CO* Dl?. uHOT IT'S WM NERVERINEg jlli PILLS S kO IOC Rttffer ¦ ffrom Nerv- tot Prostra- o; WE QUARAMTH8 M Loot Manhood, tn^ *J$sL£ IrajP.ot . n c y, »j?y <3 -Jt? Prostra-Cr tioa,F Hing or HW to oar. yon refund ehobmL »nd wo iur.4 Vtf our ( usr&nts&l Nlshtly Erois- «Ion, Shrunken 'Wtv.^V Soli! at * ll.r. e for $r>. h: . 1 w U i '111 Villi. .1 « or Undeveloped Organ?, Youthful Errors, Excosslvo Upo of Ton mall on receipt, of ] "T15STIV \1 ' o or (li- tnt. Rent Bold by .T. M. F. TPOTTPTt rtrmrgist. Main rind Church tire :ts. Norfolk. Va. Big «J ia a non-poisonous )URSa\5Ep3 gleot; Spormsiorrhroa, \U 'Y'dtos, u ii ii ii t u r (t I dis- Ouarstii-til ^jj i-.hitrf.'»«. ur nny lullunima- Btrleiore. lion, irritation ur ulcom- [Pravtnu eonujlon. tlou of mucous mem- itHtEv<MS CHCMIfai (16, brancii. Noii-nst ringen t. 3IHCINNATI.0 Fg§?2 Soi,S "»«""KB»»*«». 3. a y^toS ,,r B,''>t plain wrapper, l»y express: prepaid, for $1.00, or 3 IiottloH, fci.TS. 'V J* Circular ecut ou request.

Town Suffolk Mixed Dry Slab, Pine Oak,

Dec 11, 2021



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Page 1: Town Suffolk Mixed Dry Slab, Pine Oak,

Town of SuffolkPromised Divorce Proceedings Are Off and

Two Hearts Will Still Beat as One.


Hasty AlitIon mid Hip Husband ih

Siitd lo lie Innocent.Tlioso L'n-

liicky Hoartlcr.s-Ttie I>lc «Irrel<ilveil-Ol<l I'.uougli to l>ie.

Suffolk, Va.. Fob. 10..(Special).Somebody has changed her mind. Some¬body else Is glad. The lady who on yes¬terday employed counsel to prosecutea suit for divorce against her husbandwhile in a lit of anger, brought on byhaving caught him III what she thoughtwa3 a compromising position, to-daywithdrew all the proceedings. Now sheis satisfied she was mistaken in havingmade the charges. That is what heractions Indicate.

SORRY SHE DID IT.After reflection and after exhaustive

explanations from her spouse, in whichhe is placed In a most Innocent attitude,the lady has agreed to check all legalaction, performed and proposed, andthey will In future reside together.happily, It Is hoped.forgetting the pastand Its memories. There are some lit¬tle stipulations and agreements whichthey will follow, and then all will beweil.

SIIH WAS MAD.,i When the charges were made and thelady went to consult Mayor Brewerprior to retaining counsel she was angryto a degree. She talked with her mouthopen and made allegations and state*'monts which were riot in the nature of

! compliments framed for, parlor socials.Mayor Brewer took notes'and said little.

AFTER TUB EXPLANATION.To-day her passion had subsided. Sh?

had had matters and situations ex¬plained, and in addition to withdrawingoharges she wrote a letter addressed tothe Mayor and her attorney, ll ac¬knowledged a debt of apology. Here Iswhat she said:

"I think I owe an apology for yes¬terday's action. I have found outenough to know I was wrong. Hopingyon and all will excuse me. Yours re¬spectfully, MRS.-."

SAYS HE IS GUILTLESS.I saw the husband this afternoon in

his store. He says his wife was mis¬taken In her accusations. He knew shewas mad at the time, but did not thinkp.he would make a move to carry Intoexecution her threat for a divorce. Hewas surprised to learn that counsel hadbeen retained for that purpose. Nowhis wife understood the matter and badwithdrawn charges, lie was innocent.THOSE UNLUCKY BOARDERS.Two hoarders had caused the tem¬

porary disruption.a man and his wife,ho says. The gentleman runs a lodginghouse at his place of business, which Isr. block or so from the residence. Nightbefore last there wore two lodgers, oneof whom was a lady. Yesterday morn¬ing the proprietor's wife came downand made an accusation against herhusband. HO denied the charge andcalled on the male lodger to substantiatehim.

YOU LIE, SIH."Mr. Blank, is not that lady, who stay¬ed here last night, your wife?""She Is. She's my lawful wife. Whodoubt's It?""I do," shouted the proprietor's wife."I doubt It. You lie, sir, when you sayohe's your wire. And you".pointing toher husband."I will never live with youagain."The reader knows the rest. Shechanged her mind. Now an amicablesettlement has been made and troubles


The taking of Congressional deposi¬tions has brought to light In Southamp¬ton county the oldest couple in this dis¬trict, if not In Virginia. It Is BritonBlottnt. aged 102, and his wife, PinkevAnn, who is past 02. For seventy-sixsultry summers, bitter winters arid asmany springs and autumns they haveshared each others joys and sorrows.They have been married more than tenyears of Sundays and have seen enoughFourth of July celebrations to surfeitthe most patriotic .small boy. As loChildren and good children they havestopped keeping count more than twen¬ty years ago.THEY WERE BORN YOUNG.

To look at these gray-Haired, wrinkledvlsaged, ebony-hued denizens in theirprimitive abode a stranger might thinkthe memory of man too short to graspthe time when they had youth. But notso. Though it might be a little difficultto prove by living witnesses anythingabout their birth they are both said tohave 'been born young:The attorney who examined Blountsays he made a good deponent. His an¬swers were clear and concise. On elec¬tion day he walked eight miles to votetor McKinley and Wise.NEW MANAGEMENT IN FUTURE.If there is a Suffolk Fair this yearIt will be run under different manage¬ment. The association will not have aaay in its conduct. This was arrived atto-day when the directors met over thepostoffice, President George VV. Nurneyin the chair.

WILL LEASE THE RACE COURSE.Colonel L. P. Harper introduced a res¬olution providing for a lease of thetrack, ground, and buildings to some re¬sponsible private individuals for one

year with a privilege of three. It wasadopted.Dr. H. A. Morgan, Mr. a. S. Eley,and Colonel Harper were appointed "a

- committee to do the leasing act. Thereare good prospects for a fair if some onewith the proper amount of go-aheada-tlveness -gets the track. Dr. Morganthinks it can be run more successfullyby Individuals, a.< they wouldn't be"bled" as much as the association. Thecourse holds the State trotting record.

GONE, BUT NOT FAR.Joe Henry Everett, the 11-year-old ?.»nof Mrs. ai. A. Eiam's cook, had beenmiaaing for two days. His parentscouldn't locate him. Neither could thepolice. His disappearance was content*

S«ranoous with a thrashing adminis-

tered by his mother day before yester-day. To-night Joe was found In Mrs.ElahVs forage house, where he had beensecreted and where ho subsisted on pro¬visions supposed to have been stolen.He had with him a ham and other ar¬ticles which iiad been ml&slug about thehouse. Then his father tried his handwith the rod, but notwithstanding thisJne was turned over to the police.Miss Hulda Eggleston returned to-day

from Wilmington, Del., where she grad¬uated in stenography, typewriting, andother 'branches at a business exchange.Mr. Charles O. Haines, superintendent

and chief engineer of the Atlantic andDanville, was here to-day on an olllclalvisit.Mrs. Arthur J. Pinner left tonight for

her home In Baltimore, having concludeda visit to friends in Chuckatuek and Suf¬folk.The pay car on the Norfolk and West¬

ern went down tho line to-day.Prank M. Riehe will leave to-morrow

for Doylestown, Pa., to settle the estateof hi* recently deceased mother. Nextmonth he and S. S. Fell will go Into themercantile business at Cambridge. Md.After March 1st Sam Fink will engage

with Oi Lipman.Republicans are making active prepa¬

rations to attend the Inauguration. Dem¬ocrats will go too, but not in such num¬bers.Mr. John F. Pinner Is in extremis.Mr. 13. O. Butler has terminated a visit

to Portsmouth.Mrs. S. E. Haynes, ÖC Richmond, came

to-day to visit relatives. iW. N. 'MeAnge's tug Aileen has been

repaired; and is now off the ways.Dr. R. H. Cobh, of Franklin, was in

Suffolk io-day.The Phoenix Military Brass band will

have new uniforms by memorial day.THE ItOCOGIS CASE

Goes lo the Jury and a verdict SlonrlyExpnetod.

Newport News, Va., Fob. 19..(Spe¬cial.).Contrary to expectations, theexamination of witnesses in this case,which has been the centre of attraction,loeaWy this week, was not concludedlast night, nor In fact, until noon today.The testimony, however, was all in be¬fore the customary noon recess was ta¬ken and Mr. It. CK Bickford. senior coun¬sel for the defense, was ready and will¬ing to submit the case to the jury with¬out argument. Mr. J. K. M. Newton,attorney for the counts', objected tosuch a course, not wanting the evidenceto go to the jury without some word ofexolanation. Four counsel engaged Inthe case, participated in the argument;Messrs. Robinson and Newton for thenrosecutioh and Messrs. Dee and Bettfor the defense.The whole afternoon was occupied

in preparing, arguing and modifyingInstructions, hence the arguments in thecase which were offered by Mr. Robin-Ison. were not begun until after fiveo'clock.

POLICE COURT DOCKET.Henry Ellis, colored, violating bicy¬

cle ordinance, fined $3.EiO and costs.Thos. Green, colored, trcspnss; dis¬

missed at costs.Laura Green, disorderly conduct; fin¬

ed S3.G0 and costs.Annie Carter, colored, disorderly con¬

duct; lined $3.50 and costs.Win. Saunder, colored, vagrancy; 15

days in jail.Jas. Poindexter, unlawful driving; fin¬

ed SU and costs.Marriage licenses were Issued yester¬

day to Warren M. Dlckerson and ClaraE. Jacobs and to William Green andAnnie J. fjorbin, colored.A despatch was received by Mrs.

Geo. Montgomery last night calling herto Richmond on account of the seri¬ous illness of her husband. Mr. Geo.W. Montgomery was oyster inspectorof Warwick county, and was stricken illat the home of Mr. J. T. Montgomery,Richmond, Va.


Carnegies Get Trial Orders front Eng.UhIi Itailroads.

Pittsburg, Feb. 19..Millard Hunslck-er. representative of the Carnegie Com¬pany. 'London, has forwarded to hiscompany in Pittsburg during the pastweek orders for steel rails for export toEngland, amounting to 100,000 tons.One of the orders is for 25,000 tons for

the London and Northwestern road andn similar order is booked for the Lon¬don and Southwestern railroad. Theother orders are smaller and are for dif¬ferent roads. It is understood thatsome of them are merely first ordersand largely of the trial class.In addition to the above, It is also re¬

ported that the company has just secur¬ed an order for about 11,000 tons of steelrails from the government of Japan.

No S. S. S. This moans a greatdeal to all who know the disastrouseffects of these drugs. It is theonly blood remedy guaranteed

S. S. S. forces the disease outthrough the skin.does not dry upthe poison to decay tho bones, likemercurial mixtures do.

" I was almost a physical wreck, tho result ofmercurial treatmentrorblood liaison ; a real blood remedy,for it cured niu per¬manent lv." Hen r yItoth. 1£;S South NinthStreet, St, Louis, Mo.

Books free; address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta.

For Over Fifty YearsMRS. WINSLOW'S

SOOTHING SYRUPjiaa beta used lor children while teeth-H&ic lii^00,hc.? the child, softens thegt , allHv:; n l pain, eines wind coli.-,egtiiatcs the stomach and bowels, andIS the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twentyfive cents a bottle. Sold by all druggiststhroughout the world. "feb-sis

noHonest flethods ApprovedThe Free Distribution of Dr.Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pillsfrom the Drug Store ofBurrow, Martin & Co.,New No. 296 MainStreet, ended yes¬

terday.Hundreds Now Testing the

Remedy in This Cityand Vicinity.

WHATWIU THE RESULT BELast night the distribution of. free

samples of Dr. Ilobbs Sparagus Kid¬ney ills closed at the drug store ofBurrow, Martin & Co., and will go intohistory as one of the most successfulevents that has ever taken pidue In. thiscity. The frightful number of peoplewho are suffering in one way or anotherfrom kidney 'troubles in this vicinitycun only be estimated by the enormousnumber of sample packets which weregiven out on Friday to all Interestedpersons living in this city or neighbor¬hood who applied for a samplo of thesewonderful pills.

Dr. Hobbs representative was seenlast night at his hotel, wearing a lookof confidence that betoken the man whofeels that he knows what he is talk-ing about. He said, in answer to thequestion put to him by tho reporter:"Oil, yes I know the public are sceptl-cal of anything new, especially in the1medicine line. It is reasonable to sup-1nose that they should be, ror have they jnot been humbugged enough by thosewho place but little value even on death,when it comes to the question of gath¬ering In a few Ill-gotten dollars.""Dr. Hobbs appreciates all this, and Is

determined that the worth of his med¬icine shall be fully known and provenbefore the public la asked to spend apenny. What Dr. llobb's SparagusKidney Pills are guaranteed lo do is tocure all kidney derangements.""Do you know that rheumatism, innine-tenths of all cases, arises from

kidney troubles of one sort or another?Any physician will tell you that the]common origin of all rheumatic troublesIs uric acid In the blood. What do youdo first that being the case? Go for theIcause. Get your kidneys in perfectworking order, and away will go therheumatism, because when your kid¬neys, whose duty it Is to filter all pol-json and Impurities from the blood, re¬moves the uric acid, the cause of therheumatism will be gone and the rheu-Imatlsm with it."Here are some of the symptomswhich are danger signals, and, in alarge majority of cases, indicate the

onset of that most insidious of all mal¬adies. Bright's disease of the kidneys,pain in the back and sides, headache,nervousness, frequent thirst, hot anddry skin, shortness of breath, evil fore¬bodings, troubled sleep, pufllness of the[eyelids, swelling of the feet and ankles,loss of Mesh, dark, colored and scantyurine, with deposits of casts, etc., andtho presence of epithelium, tube castsland albumen in the urine.

'These are some, not all, of the symp¬toms of Bright's disease, Inflammationor congestion of the kidneys, nephritis,etc.. and these Dr. Hobbs SparagusKidney Pills are guaranteed to cure."For the benefit of persons living at a(distance from this city, who did not

call at our store yesterday. Dr. Hobbs[authorizes us to say that If yon willcut out the coupon below and mail ittb the Ilobbs Remedy Co., Chicago, III.,with your address, they will send youby mall post paid, a sample box of theseUllis free of expense.


Old No. 112 SIniii St.. New No. 200.tin In St., Norfolk, Va.


Upon receipt of THIS COU¬PON, together with your nameand address, we will forward bymail a FREE SAMPLE BOXof Dr. Hobbs* Sparagus Kidney j *dPills; also his book on kidney §diseases. Address,

HOBBS REMEDY CO..Chicago, Ills.


GHENT MARKET,158 Uoiet on i t mrnnt, Near Ghent

Itrldge.PHONE PsJo. 32.

8Special Sale Every Week,THIS WEEK.

Corn Beef, 6c. lb.Tongues, 25c. Each.

Watch this space.


The CaliforniaI Fruit Transportation Co $x Refrigerator car service for Fruits £G» nnd Vegetables. <7% J. WHITNEY HOUCK, Aqenl, ^<F 47 «ranby St., Norf«!Ici, Vn, <T^ Oeiirral OfliccH.Tho llookerjr t*A Ittilldiiiu, i'liienuo. IB.*ft

Dry Slab, $3 per cordMixed Split, $4* per cordPine and Oak, $5per cord

Sole agents for the celebrated BANNER GOAL', forGrates. $$.00 per ton.Special prices to large steam users. ANTHRACITECOAL, all sizes. »


nonii Town Olllco-9/S Commerce Street. Tnrdi-En*t Knti Falkland andCuarlotio streets, Phones 404 mid 7B3.



Beautiful Souvenirs of the Lost Cause That Should be InEvery Southland Home.

The cut presented below represents the beautiful litho¬graphic pictures, in seven colors, embracing the portraits ofthe great soldiers of the confederacy and the flags underwhich they lead their heroic veterans and gives but a faintidea ot these works of arr. The leaders represented are thePresident of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, Vice-Pres-dent Stevens and Generals Lee, Jackson, Beauregard, JoeJohnston, Albert Sidney Johnston, Gordon, Polk Hood,Longstreet, Wade Hampton, Jeb Stuart, Kirby Smith, A. P.Hill; Bragg, Price, Morgan, Hardee, &c.

Cut Out this Coupon and Forward, with Twenty-Five Cents (25c.)to the Oftlce of The Norfolk Viroinian.

The value of these pictures is a dollar each, yet TheVirginian, by an arrangement with the publishers, is enabledto offer them ,\t the low price of 2> cents each, when pur¬chased at the ctfice of The Virginian. The pictures are 22inches wide by 30 inches long, and when mounted andI framed make a handsome adornment for the home or office.

mm Primary, Secondary or Ter¬tiary LJlood Poison permn-ncntly cured in 15 to 35days. You can bo treated at homofor the samo price under samo

guaranty. If you prefer to come here wo willcontract to pay railroad fare aud hotel bills, andno charge if we fail to cure. If you have taken

mcreur' , iodide ä *ff> tf"^ ß B 1^ II \f potash, and still haveaches and pains, tfneous BQ yWB'W'B^&d 6 Patches in mouth,Bore Throat, yfimple", Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on eny part of the body,Blair or Eyclmnvs ont. 'it 19 this ßI;OOI> POBSOM that we guarantee tocure. We solicit, the most onstinnt© 3 G E? S^J ftSt^iiP «^5» cases andchallenge the world for a case ^L/O RVs to SJ? t^£> ö a ff*l ca we cannotenre. This diecaso ha. lwoys baflled the skill of tUo most eminent physicians.9500.000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute prooftt sent scaled onapplication.

_ .Address COOK REMEDY CO., fef&fihM P8?l»07 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO. ULlh, td&*\iii,V*l<£ B x&Wö


Cor. Churcri ana bute Street*.

Opon Doi y, 8 A M.-ia P. M. Sunday, 6 P. tä-Hours Reserved for Ladles, FRIDAY, q A. M.-4 P. M




L. LOS MAY, President, opposite Colum¬bia Building, Norfolk, Va. Only school InVirginia that , teaches actual businessfrom start to finish. Our motto: ".Learnto do by Doing." Students can enter atany time.

A dainty meal but the last.

Heady for Use. Re«quires no Mixing.


DRUGGISTS,228 and 228 Main St.


Goods delivered in all partsof the city; also in Ports¬mouth, Berkley, Brambleton,Atlantic City, etc.

In addition to the Beerthe Consumers' BrewingCo. is supplying in kegsand bottles, they haveready a special brewing of

EXPORT BEEREqual to any in the coun¬try. Orders received atthe office of the companyand promptly filled.



G a i. ati a. Ills:, Nov. 10,1S93.Pnrls Sfo.-liftino Co., St. l.ouU, Mo.Onntloracn:.We fluid Inst year. COO banian ofnitOVti'S TASTEbKrtS CllIIA. TONIC iiml iJt'.va

tui:ii:lu throe irross Already this ycnr. In nil our ex.per.euro of 14 renn, t" tlio <lruu business; Imvenever toM nil urilclo ttiutyave siieh universal natla*luciam ua your 'l'oulo. Xours truly,

A um: v. Cum &CO*

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o or (li-tnt.


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Big «J ia a non-poisonous)URSa\5Ep3 gleot; Spormsiorrhroa,\U 'Y'dtos, u ii ii ii t u r (t I dis-Ouarstii-til ^jj i-.hitrf.'»«. ur nny lullunima-Btrleiore. lion, irritation ur ulcom-[Pravtnu eonujlon. tlou of mucous mem-itHtEv<MS CHCMIfai (16, brancii. Noii-nstringen t.

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