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I4 TK INTERIOR JOURNAL Xntcred n the pat oAtce at Stanford at i ictmdclatt matl- rtTubuonadxuanayaaanTrinlayw 1 II PER YEAR CASH 4r vvnen not soDaldaaOO will be chart ed MIiI KNOXVillE DIVISION No 24 Train 101011 North JIMam No 76 4aoam NottS Ii South 12btam No 23 u s U BSpm For all Point KENTUCKY CENTRAL DIVISION No 4 learr Stanford it IMa m No fitrrlrnstStanford 115am- No 21 lesres Stanford tt 230 pin ReA JONESDENTIST Stanford Ky Offlceover IBg ins tit McKinneya Store Telephone No 48 McKinney Roller Mills JB McKINNEY Prop MoRnY w Xy MakeTand keep constantly on hand the best of Flour Meal ShlpstutT Bran Chick en Feed c Prices very reasonable Oua tom grinding a specialty D V Kennedy Miller Small Farm For Sale stanItord tlon of a few Acres considered thin land Bnfflclent stock water and some good fenc timber though no dwelling only a core crib It Is a very desirable little place Will sell at 125 per acre Call at this office FOX LOGAN DANVILLE KENTUCKY Successors to T B Bright 0 Co Will hold on February 1002 a big JACK SALE at which time 40odd Jacks will be disposed of Nothing but flrstclass jacks H Cs RUPLEY The Merchant Tailor STANFORD KY Goods Warranted Fit GuaranteedGive a Call NEW LIVERY STABLE s W BlralE J sm Pms JUNCTION CITY KY FlrstClass Turnouts at Reasonable Rates Special Attention to Traveling MenI Grain and liar For Sale Mason Hotel MRS a D SIMPSON Pror Lancaster t Kentucky Newly furnished clean beds splendid ta Iq Ever ling first class Porters meet all trains 8- 9EIIRDILLEHAY DAITVILLEKY Manufacturer o- fBRICK And Dealer In Lime Cement o o Write For Prl- ceePOSTED The following persons have their lands pasted and they will punlth to the full ex tent of the law any person or persons found hunting fishing trapping or otherwise ties ¬ passing on them W Boone O D Poone J IiO A Ileosanta 01 Nowland- n P Notrland W H Juggles n L Grow EP Woods- J E Bruce Ueo D Hopper 8 n naugbraan R O Mocker J 8 Rocker A B Oroaddas Mrs J M White J W llanghmi J W Adams S T Harris W P Tate Joseph Ballon J M Adams 0 T A Rice StlssSIaryfepi Walter W Warren M F Lawrence W F Amon J II Foster Ernest Ulltaann David Stephens Aaron Ball On Jellies preserves and pickles spread a thin coating of PURE REFINED- PARAFFi N E Will keep them stnoluttlr raplnturo and acldprooC turofeanNt1Ammnelalao ineful In a dotm other ways about the house Full directions In each Kckage MokleTtrywlnre STANDARD OIL CO Painting Repairing I am prepared to paint and repair your buggy carriage or wagon In arst c ass style Experienced men to do It and work guaran ¬ teed You can have your old vehicle made new for very little money J n OKKER Stanford Ky V 8 PRICE Bnrgeon Dentist Stanford Ky OOceoriir UcBoberta Drue Store In the Owsle Ualldlot FOR SALE My resldenco property In McKinney con taming six rooms two porches veranda nil necessary outbuildings nice shades good garden A desirable location and a- bargain Call on or address U VANHOOK McKlnnoy Kv Small Farm For Sale Situated near Peyton Well contains about SO acres and Is now occupied by Sam ¬ uel Bishop Bas fair bouse of 4 rooms and the outbuildings aro In good repair Spring and well both close to house Is In a good atate of cultivation and fencing first class Six acres meadow IS acres in wheat t2 for corn and balance In grass Terms U cash balance 1 and 2 yean COLUMBUS BISHOP Shelby City Ky J + G MCCbMYEXIJALMER And Dealoar In- 13RNESSSDDLERY 0 4 Stanford Ky BEAZLEY HAYS tJNDEB r AltERS ALSO DKALXM > Fur nltarcMatt1URsItugs And Wall Paper They will Exchange Furniture for all kinds of Stock Grtethem a call Prices right STANFORD KENTUCKY DR R GOLDSTEIN O Eye Bpeclallstjof tonliTllle will be at D St Asnpli HoteJStanford- Tuesday March 18 One day only Eyes examined and glasses sclenttdcallyjad jested Office hones 0 a m to 4 pm I 4 fir SlCORNER IN I j Copyright iBy ve SI Major Wright had always been con sldered an odd old chap lie Inrarli bly did those things which wore not expected and left undone those thing for which his friends felt they had 11 right to look Even on the Stock Ex change whcro ho lied amassed a foe tune ho speculated ou lines dlrectl reportsI bls only son lord his sen- Ior year at college an unconscIonable- I amount of debt Instead of adopting the customary parental tactics be prompt- ly i paid the bills and doubled tho youu fellows allowance I Let tho boy bavo his fun he de dared This Is his last year In col lIege Why I sowed a few oats my at that age and look at me nowT But when a few years later Bertran married Edith Byrne a favorite on tho light opera stage family friend held their breath and waited for tho deluge ot fatherly wrath Surel Major Wright who traced his geneal ogy to tho Mayflower would never overlook this Aristocratic blood faui lly pride and parental affection all would rebel ngalnst the mesalliance But again did the majors proverbla contrariness assert Itself lIe received the bride with open arms Not so tho social set In which the Wrlghts had always moved Consorv ativo in the extreme with old fashion ed suspicion of stage life and stage people still lurking In their minds they declined politely but firmly to receive young Mrs Wright In spite of the foci that tho majors wife now gone to her long rest bad been their lender lu her day and the old Wright mansion i favorite rallying ground before Bertram was born Tbo new Mrs Wright had once played boy roles and worn Hero the speakers voice would be discreetly lowered and a feeling ot general despair over Bertrams pros pects would settle upon Elm gossips As for the major he seemed to grow young again In the Invigorating society of his new found daughter who was a charming girl and felt a genuine af ¬ fection for the dear old chap who had so easily forgiven her for winning his sons love To make the two men hap py became her object In life Their wishes were first In tho household and tho major became her devoted slave to the extent that the slightest lack of attention on the part of the husband was promptly resented and alone for by some delicate little courtesy ou the part of tho fatherin lawEgad sir ho would say to his old cronies at the club you dont know my daughter Shes the dourest little woman lu tho city sir And the men who mot her agreed with Major Wright cordially and openly The women however con ¬ tinued to raise their lorgnettes and their shoulders when she passed by and carefully refrained from leaving cardsThe major for the time was so happy that he did not notice the social oetin clew to which the house of Wright was beIng subjected and the younger mew bore of the family were too thoughtful to bring the condition to Ills atten ¬ tion When be finally woke up to a realization of the situation he was quickly transformed Into a mimic vol ¬ cano that Is Internally Outwardly ho disdained to discuss tho matter with anyone least of nil with the two peo- ple essential to his happiness Instead ot talking he wrote out n handsome check and sent Mr and Mrs Bertram Wright abroad for the summer lie felt sure some solution of the problem would present Itself during their ab ¬ sence But alas the day of their Com- Ing arrived and tho doughty major realized that ho was no nearer storm- Ing the social citadel than when the young couple had sailed for Europe In the society columns of tho dally pa pers he had read that Mrs Edmund A Glider was to give tho first Impor- tant social function of tho ensuing Sea son a dancing party The Gilder ball room was the pride of the social world In which the Wrlghts had moved The ileganco of the entertainment tho ex- clusiveness of the Invitation list and the beauty of the youngest daughter who was to make hr debut on tide treat occasion all furnished material tor newspaper gossip And Major iVrlght sat In his library fingering an oblong creamy envelope directed to Major WInslow A Wright Only me Invitation and Bertram and for rams sweet wife would be homo that layl lie tossed the Invitation on his desk mad walked lawn to his office a storm ot wrath seething In his warm loving icart Before he settled down to bust less a messenger appeared and handed elm a note with In Haste Deliver mmedlately written across one corner Major Wright toro It open and read it hurriedly then again carefully and a third time more deliberately than be ore These words met his eyes Mr Dear Wright For Gods sake let cat have rait O N end It I Im short stout roo sham and it I dont get them Im s ruined man I will pal any price Make your own terms Yours EBXCXD It GILDU Major Wright told the messenger to walt five minutes In the main office hen locking himself In he thought lard and fast For a long time there had been ru flora on the street that the firm of Slider Son hind lost heavily In the collapse of a Belgium syndicate but the Invitations for tho ball had dono wWa eL n YwJl sad much to quiet suspicion Perhaps no one besides Major Wright knew just how deeply tho flan was involver And now what did this note mean Glider had evidently contracted to di liver BOO shires of C N and It win the flurry over Uils tuck wan on nud ho had found on arriving at the cx thong that a curlier was being formI ed He had gone from broker to bro kcr offering any prleo to save his credit and then ho luul jememboro Wright who lied CX mid It stock to burnyes that was the very ex invasion Ulhlrr probably used lilt It wits not the thought of this which canoed Major Wright to chuckle de llghtedly na he wrote the followln note Dear CIUfrI sci sorry to bur of your till cully At for myself Ite kept out ol the nark t for a week TItHe Oarrlf are tad for raw bo hate niched our Ir Yt I lute sons C N- od R tock sail 1v lId t cood many offers for It yours not twlng the lint by any means Sill as you ire so old family friend I will ghsd- loblige your I am Jut going down to the dock to meet my son and diushlcr who are leturnli from abroad and the stock which you mention II not kept hen but In my uft at home You liT that you mlly mutt hate this tock Very wall Then It your wife and diuxbteri will call at my home this afternoon they will ranirt from tb hands of lire Dertr m Wright s fuckife done up In white piper Tbe eentenls tbertot will be un- known te my dauglittr sad It It my who that tl thouMneter learn the truth If you need aDI further aulitinec in IMlnf ever the tltuitlen do not hesitate to rail en yours truly Wuttav It Wsionr That afternoon the Glider broughai drew up before Major Wrights home and n few moments Inter Mrs Bci tram Wright greatly surprised but perfectly self iwswofsed was receh Ing from three Imlulitoniely gowns women n well bred welcome on ber return to America The very lIlxt morning the postman left two oblotif creamy cnvelopm One was ndilresne to the major the other to Mr and Mn Bertram Wright And If the pretty btit1e over fouin the Invltutlon first tttelntl by the tarn Jor or guessed nt the contents of tke package she dollverwl to Mm lit 1 ninnil A Glider on the occasion of that memorable call she was too wise n Vo until to whisper It even 16 her dotiiij fntherlnlnw for It required only tb allpoor nee of Mm Bvrtrem Wrlsrh at the Olldcr Iwll to odablish her w clal standing and to justify Mnjo society Wrights corner In C N and Rant CHURCH MATTERS Rev RR Noel is holding a ineollo at Brodheadj Rev Dr J T M Johnson gnu up a 110000 Income to enter the Ounili Seminary at Loutavlllo Pope Leo Is preparing a lilt of Amci can Catholic bishops to supersede tboI old Spanish bishops In tho Philippines Gosben church has unanimously call ed Elder J G Livingston for anotbe year making 22 years ho has serve hat church Southern Methodists now bare four ravelin preachers loons local preach er In 1850 they had three local proaon OrB to one traveling preacher After fourdanof almost oonilouou Uoueslon the committee on Creed Ra lilon denied tbat the American Pros Vtertan church ever taught the doc rlneof infant damnation The sacrament of the xirds SliPper was administered In the Jewish avna togas at SpriBfflsjld 0 Sunday tbi lIrst time the obrlstlan oaramoay hOll akin place la a Oebrsw bouM Ot ware hip A GOOD THING German Syrup is the prewrljv lion of Dr A Boichee a celebrated Gor- man phyt Iclan and Is acknowledged to bu one of the moat fortunate discoveries In medicine It quickly cures Coughs fclda and all Long of tbo sever est nature removing on it does the cause- d the affection and Joavtng the 111rllin a trong and healthy condition aD experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction In ev- ery CIU which Its rapidly incra ing Iil1le overr season confirms Two million ottlcs sold annually Boschtes German yrup wee Introduced In tho United States In 1808 and Is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three dOf88 wilt relieve any ordinary cough Prlco 75 cts Got Greens Special Alma teat Pennys Drugstore MARDI GRAS QUEEN CRFSC T- ROUTENew Orleans Feb 11 Great e8t MidWinter Fete In the worldweln and beautiful Low rato excursions Queen Crescent Route Finest train orvlco In the South Two fast 24boui trains every day In the year from Cln Innatl The trip through the beautl ful Southern country ls a holiday in It- self All Inquiries gladly answered Free printed matter W C Rlncar 800 G P A Cincinnati FOR STOMACH T110UBLE5 I have taken a great many diOcrcn medicines for stomach trouble and con Ipation says Mrs S Geiger of Dunk orton Iowa but never had as good reo- suIts from any as Chamberlains Stomach Liver Tablets For sale by Craig tit locker druggists A Detroit statistician Dr Hoyt makes calculations that by the year 2162 all human beings will bo crazy It Is very clever In him to defer tho evil- day eo lonllLex Democrat floe REWARD 1100 The readers of tblapa r wilt be pleased to learn that then It at lent one dreaded dlwato that d- eote has been able to cure In all Its stages and tllil la Catarrh Ualli Catarrh Cure la the cure known to the medical fraternity llOlllhe a conttllutlonal dltea e s nttiintlontl treatment Iltlls CiUrrh sure I- Itato Interoilljr acilrg directly upon the blood lod mucous autfaces ot the system thereby de u011nl theauodatlonot the dleeue lod chlDI tbe strength by building nnthe oonitltu 1Ion and stalitlnf nature In dong tts work The aprietors have to much faith In Itt curative pow8n tbat they otTer One Hundred Dollars for oy cite that U falls to curs Send lor list of let aonlalt Addrcn Y J CHENEV t CO Toledo 0 Sold by dru liata Tee Ualll Family 11111 ITS the best f ijiiIIi hif I < mol EyC WXITON Prest U K HUGHES Sec lie TUBa estlae re raw THE r Central Kentuky Real Estate EXchange c y I And Title COmpany I We offer for sale the fol- lowing ¬ I I No tUoue and lot in Stanford Ky Hits five rooms hull porch in the rear n good gnrtlen in ix good neighborhood anti close to churches and school This is a good house for n Small fiuuilricc 8 O- No I 2Asmul1 farm of 37 acres about 2J miles from Stanford house contains four good rooms hack porch and one veranda A good barn and other outbuildings nil in good repair Cut in six fields well fenced 20 arcs in cultivation one nero in fruit trees rest in grass This was bought at u Commissioners filo at a bargain and can be sold at n bargain It is close to schooland church and rally 2 ll I miles from Stanford Price 833 per aero Land adjoining suM for 8iO and 45 per acre Tills is a bargain J No 3Ilonie and lot in Stanford House contains live rooms A good stable fund 5 nom of land welt fenced This is one of the prettiest building lots in town there is room enough in front for two other cottages or n two story front could bo built to the cot tugo null 10 made a beautiful homo I This place will bo sold cheap as the owner must have money t No I TwoMory frame dw01linSI seven rooms hull and goodi No 5 House and lot In Stanford Houte has tires rooms and front porch A good garden and stable In Rood re- IlIIlr This pace will be sold cheap No 6One of the prettiest cottages in Stanford Contains room large ball bathroom veranda and buck > oroh Al good liable and garden This plicc U todate in every rei ect and in splen ¬ did repair Over a year ago this prop- ert1110lti for 12260 It can now be boutbt- for considerably less as the owner who live In another county needs the money for other purposes First National Bank Stan Capital Stock 50000 Surplus 10000 This Institution was established as the Itopoell flank of Stanford In 189 then reorganised althe National lInk of and again reorganized u the tint National tank of Blanfard la ISSt having had practically an uolater rapteJ existence fur 41 ara It is better supplied now with taelllllM for transact lHgou 4He M promptly and well than ever before la tk long honorable career Accounts of Individuals Fiduciaries and Cor- porations Solicited We do not that any euro can bo better our of White Pine Com Tar It Jut what bo dono to thor cnre It and inflstu and heals the tissues of the air it expec colons tho and cures it to stay cured Relief Is almost Im It is to take and to use When you tho best cure ask for Price five Cents > J ii1rtt MIll No 7 and lot in Kv c Ono and ono haf story live rooms A good smoko bourn and cod house Price only No 8 Small of about 80 acre 2J mile from on teats 25 acres in 7 In 2 good cad rest In timber Two small barn and other and good This place can bo at your price as owner lives In mutt havo No 0A farm of 222 acres miles from on tho best pise In the Sixty acres in wheat 40 acres In corn 5 acres in G acres well never well and two good good barn and other pike for thrcn ol on pike of fruit trees sad timber to make at 0000 llOelA This Is a blue grass faro and only 20 drive trout the Seat The owner of a fine this hu f 15 per acre hog place Wo offer Ibis placo for 137 60 per acre No 10ColtsgA on Main street uote to of town five rooms hall and porch In good and a nice house for a small This cost the owner over wo for 11150 No 6OA farm of ItH acres node Klugvillo Ky Wily acres In cu 3D In timber rest in grow two good barns and other out ¬ all In good Tho dwell Ing Is comparatively new Ii with In 300 yards of three school and O S The i pike and road and Is most farm In that section of We will sell the whole farm for In pare li of not less thud 30 acre to suit This is Wo have n for a 250 or 300 aero farm from one to throe miles from town Also n for 100 acres from ono to four milM from town with or Offlosrs J 8 Prest JJ Chr W 11 f V Utid LlMfrin CD B T Ilarrt LIDO Oo J8 IlMker Lincoln Oo W P Walton Lincoln Oo J II hillier Crab M It Mtaere Stanford 8 II J IL W P Tate 4CARSON PENCE I e r DKALKUS IX 1 Carriages Buggies ¬ Wagons Harness of the above always on ha nil aro at prices that defy See our elegant line o ± Scientific Cough I believe cough than pound with does must oughly a cough over- comes congestion matlontt soothes promotes ¬ cough finally mediate pleasant economical want possible cough White Pine Com ¬ pound with Tar Twenty PENNYS STORES- tanford Ky Huuso Stanford contains garden 1300 farm Stanford county cultivation pasture orchards cottagesluotl outbuild fencing fairly bought moneys situated four Stanford county timothy gUllTltl V watered falling spring besides ponds TwoJ dwellings quarters a milebothdwollings being least splendid minutes county farm adjoining recently refuted Stan- ford buslntas portion having veranda back repair family property 11800 situated tlvalion well watered building repair churches depot property eon county desirable county f24UOor purchaser certainly aoheap propertyV buyer situated buyer about situated without improvements llOOKHIt MoKOIinUTS WFAUBN Bk- prDirectors e Orchard llaeghwa 1J5 Itauchman Stanford SUafonJ 11 Phae tons Buck boards Full nml complete stock and sold competition Lap Cure Syrup delicate passages toration DRUG JMt Plenty enough thel Stanford Robes Mardi Gras NEW ORLEANS FEBRUARY 11th1902 HALF RATES + Queen < Crescent Route To NEW ORLEANS sad MOOILO with liberal return limits Two Magnificent Vc5tibuleil Limited 2chour Schcdule Trains from Cincinnati Dally Diners ThroughPullmans Printed Matter for the asking Chits W Zell r Iar n ARt Cln110 W W UunnsvsntTACleveUndU Jf J VanDcrnllrkN UIA1JetrDlt1 hcb W i MUHFHV W C NINIAHSON- QINCIOL 1CINCINNATI s iIi l r oJ


Jan 05, 2022



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: TK INTERIOR JOURNAL SlCORNER - Chronicling America


Xntcred n the pat oAtce at Stanford ati

ictmdclatt matl-rtTubuonadxuanayaaanTrinlayw1II PER YEAR CASH4r vvnen not soDaldaaOO will be chart ed


No 24 Train 101011 North JIMamNo 76 4aoamNottS Ii South 12btamNo 23 u s U BSpm

For all Point


No 4 learr Stanford it IMa mNo fitrrlrnstStanford 115am-No 21 lesres Stanford tt 230 pin



Offlceover IBg ins tit McKinneya StoreTelephone No 48

McKinney Roller Mills


MoRnY w XyMakeTand keep constantly on hand the

best of Flour Meal ShlpstutT Bran Chicken Feed c Prices very reasonable Ouatom grinding a specialty D V KennedyMiller

Small Farm For Sale

stanItordtlon of a few Acres considered thin landBnfflclent stock water and some good fenc

timber though no dwelling only a corecrib It Is a very desirable little place Willsell at 125 per acre Call at this office


Successors to T B Bright 0 Co

Will hold on February 1002 a big JACKSALE at which time 40odd Jacks will bedisposed of Nothing but flrstclass jacks


The Merchant TailorSTANFORD KY

Goods WarrantedFit GuaranteedGive

a Call



FlrstClass Turnouts at Reasonable RatesSpecial Attention to Traveling MenIGrain and liar For Sale

Mason HotelMRS a D SIMPSON Pror

Lancaster t Kentucky

Newly furnished clean beds splendidta Iq Ever ling first class Portersmeet all trains 8-


Manufacturer o-

fBRICKAnd Dealer In

Lime Cement o oWrite For Prl-

ceePOSTEDThe following persons have their lands

pasted and they will punlth to the full extent of the law any person or persons foundhunting fishing trapping or otherwise ties ¬

passing on themW Boone O D PooneJ IiO A Ileosanta 01 Nowland-n P Notrland W H Jugglesn L Grow E P Woods-J E Bruce Ueo D Hopper8 n naugbraan R O MockerJ 8 Rocker A B OroaddasMrs J M White J W llanghmiJ W Adams S T HarrisW P Tate Joseph BallonJ M Adams 0T A Rice StlssSIaryfepiWalter W Warren M F LawrenceW F Amon J II FosterErnest Ulltaann David StephensAaron Ball

On Jelliespreserves and pickles spread

a thin coating of


PARAFFi N EWill keep them stnoluttlr raplnturo andacldprooC turofeanNt1Ammnelalaoineful In a dotm other ways about thehouse Full directions In each Kckage


Painting RepairingI am prepared to paint and repair your

buggy carriage or wagon In arst c ass styleExperienced men to do It and work guaran ¬

teed You can have your old vehicle madenew for very little money J n OKKER

Stanford Ky

V 8 PRICEBnrgeon


Stanford KyOOceoriir UcBoberta Drue Store In the Owsle


FOR SALEMy resldenco property In McKinney con

taming six rooms two porches verandanil necessary outbuildings nice shadesgood garden A desirable location and a-

bargain Call on or addressU VANHOOK McKlnnoy Kv

Small Farm For Sale

Situated near Peyton Well containsabout SO acres and Is now occupied by Sam ¬

uel Bishop Bas fair bouse of 4 rooms andthe outbuildings aro In good repair Springand well both close to house Is In agood atate of cultivation and fencing firstclass Six acres meadow IS acres in wheatt2 for corn and balance In grass TermsU cash balance 1 and 2 yean


J+ G


And Dealoar In-



Stanford Ky




FurnltarcMatt1URsItugsAnd Wall Paper

They will Exchange Furniture for allkinds of Stock Grtethem

a call Prices right



O Eye Bpeclallstjof tonliTllle will be at D

St Asnpli HoteJStanford-Tuesday March 18

One day only Eyes examined and glassessclenttdcallyjad jested

Office hones 0 a m to 4 p m





CopyrightiByveSIMajor Wright had always been con

sldered an odd old chap lie Inrarlibly did those things which wore notexpected and left undone those thingfor which his friends felt they had 11

right to look Even on the Stock Exchange whcro ho lied amassed a foetune ho speculated ou lines dlrectl

reportsI blsonly son lord his sen-

Ior year at college an unconscIonable-

Iamount of debt Instead of adopting thecustomary parental tactics be prompt-ly

ipaid the bills and doubled tho youu

fellows allowanceI Let tho boy bavo his fun he dedared This Is his last year In col

lIege Why I sowed a few oats myat that age and look at me nowT

But when a few years later Bertranmarried Edith Byrne a favorite ontho light opera stage family friendheld their breath and waited for thodeluge ot fatherly wrath SurelMajor Wright who traced his genealogy to tho Mayflower would neveroverlook this Aristocratic blood fauilly pride and parental affection allwould rebel ngalnst the mesallianceBut again did the majors proverblacontrariness assert Itself lIe receivedthe bride with open arms

Not so tho social set In which theWrlghts had always moved Consorvativo in the extreme with old fashioned suspicion of stage life and stagepeople still lurking In their minds theydeclined politely but firmly to receiveyoung Mrs Wright In spite of the foci

that tho majors wife now gone to herlong rest bad been their lender lu herday and the old Wright mansion ifavorite rallying ground before Bertramwas born Tbo new Mrs Wright hadonce played boy roles and worn

Hero the speakers voice would bediscreetly lowered and a feeling otgeneral despair over Bertrams prospects would settle upon Elm gossips

As for the major he seemed to growyoung again In the Invigorating societyof his new found daughter who wasa charming girl and felt a genuine af¬

fection for the dear old chap who hadso easily forgiven her for winning hissons love To make the two men happy became her object In life Theirwishes were first In tho householdand tho major became her devotedslave to the extent that the slightestlack of attention on the part of thehusband was promptly resented andalone for by some delicate littlecourtesy ou the part of tho fatherinlawEgad sir ho would say to his oldcronies at the club you dont knowmy daughter Shes the dourest littlewoman lu tho city sir

And the men who mot her agreedwith Major Wright cordially andopenly The women however con ¬

tinued to raise their lorgnettes andtheir shoulders when she passed byand carefully refrained from leaving

cardsThemajor for the time was so happy

that he did not notice the social oetinclew to which the house of Wright wasbeIng subjected and the younger mewbore of the family were too thoughtfulto bring the condition to Ills atten ¬

tion When be finally woke up to arealization of the situation he wasquickly transformed Into a mimic vol¬

cano that Is Internally Outwardly hodisdained to discuss tho matter withanyone least of nil with the two peo-ple essential to his happiness Insteadot talking he wrote out n handsomecheck and sent Mr and Mrs BertramWright abroad for the summer liefelt sure some solution of the problemwould present Itself during their ab¬

senceBut alas the day of their Com-

Ing arrived and tho doughty majorrealized that ho was no nearer storm-Ing the social citadel than when theyoung couple had sailed for EuropeIn the society columns of tho dally papers he had read that Mrs EdmundA Glider was to give tho first Impor-tant social function of tho ensuing Season a dancing party The Gilder ballroom was the pride of the social worldIn which the Wrlghts had moved Theileganco of the entertainment tho ex-

clusiveness of the Invitation list andthe beauty of the youngest daughterwho was to make hr debut on tidetreat occasion all furnished materialtor newspaper gossip And MajoriVrlght sat In his library fingering anoblong creamy envelope directed toMajor WInslow A Wright Onlyme Invitation and Bertram and forrams sweet wife would be homo that

layllie tossed the Invitation on his desk

mad walked lawn to his office a stormot wrath seething In his warm lovingicart Before he settled down to bust

less a messenger appeared and handedelm a note with In Haste Delivermmedlately written across onecorner

Major Wright toro It open and read ithurriedly then again carefully anda third time more deliberately than beore These words met his eyesMr Dear Wright For Gods sake let cat have

rait O N end It I Im short stout roo shamand it I dont get them Im s ruined man I willpal any price Make your own terms Yours


Major Wright told the messenger towalt five minutes In the main officehen locking himself In he thoughtlard and fastFor a long time there had been ru

flora on the street that the firm ofSlider Son hind lost heavily In the

collapse of a Belgium syndicate butthe Invitations for tho ball had dono

wWa eL n YwJlsad

much to quiet suspicion Perhaps noone besides Major Wright knew justhow deeply tho flan was involverAnd now what did this note meanGlider had evidently contracted to diliver BOO shires of C N and It winthe flurry over Uils tuck wan on nudho had found on arriving at the cxthong that a curlier was being formIed He had gone from broker to brokcr offering any prleo to save hiscredit and then ho luul jememboroWright who lied C X mid It stockto burnyes that was the very exinvasion Ulhlrr probably used lilt Itwits not the thought of this whichcanoed Major Wright to chuckle dellghtedly na he wrote the followlnnote

Dear CIUfrI sci sorry to bur of your tillcully At for myself Ite kept out ol the nark tfor a week TItHe Oarrlf are tad for raw bohate niched our Ir Yt I lute sons C N-

od R tock sail 1v lId t cood many offers forIt yours not twlng the lint by any means Sillas you ire so old family friend I will ghsd-loblige your I am Jut going down to the dock tomeet my son and diushlcr who are leturnlifrom abroad and the stock which you mention IInot kept hen but In my uft at home You liTthat you mlly mutt hate this tock Very wallThen It your wife and diuxbteri will call at myhome this afternoon they will ranirt from tbhands of lire Dertr m Wright s fuckife done upIn white piper Tbe eentenls tbertot will be un-

known te my dauglittr sad It It my who that tlthouMneter learn the truth If you need aDIfurther aulitinec in IMlnf ever the tltuitlen donot hesitate to rail en yours truly

Wuttav It Wsionr

That afternoon the Glider broughaidrew up before Major Wrights homeand n few moments Inter Mrs Bcitram Wright greatly surprised butperfectly self iwswofsed was recehIng from three Imlulitoniely gownswomen n well bred welcome on berreturn to America The very lIlxtmorning the postman left two oblotifcreamy cnvelopm One was ndilresneto the major the other to Mr and MnBertram Wright

And If the pretty btit1e over fouinthe Invltutlon first tttelntl by the tarn

Jor or guessed nt the contents of tkepackage she dollverwl to Mm lit 1

ninnil A Glider on the occasion of thatmemorable call she was too wise n Vountil to whisper It even 16 her dotiiijfntherlnlnw for It required only tballpoor nee of Mm Bvrtrem Wrlsrhat the Olldcr Iwll to odablish her wclal standing and to justify Mnjo

societyWrights corner In C N and Rant


Rev R R Noel is holding a ineolloat Brodheadj

Rev Dr J T M Johnson gnu up a110000 Income to enter the OuniliSeminary at Loutavlllo

Pope Leo Is preparing a lilt of Amcican Catholic bishops to supersede tboI

old Spanish bishops In tho PhilippinesGosben church has unanimously call

ed Elder J G Livingston for anotbeyear making 22 years ho has servehat churchSouthern Methodists now bare four

ravelin preachers loons local preacher In 1850 they had three local proaonOrB to one traveling preacher

After fourdanof almost oonilououUoueslon the committee on Creed Ralilon denied tbat the American ProsVtertan church ever taught the doc

rlneof infant damnationThe sacrament of the xirds SliPper

was administered In the Jewish avnatogas at SpriBfflsjld 0 Sunday tbilIrst time the obrlstlan oaramoay hOll

akin place la a Oebrsw bouM Ot ware



German Syrup is the prewrljvlion of Dr A Boichee a celebrated Gor-

man phyt Iclan and Is acknowledged tobu one of the moat fortunate discoveriesIn medicine It quickly cures Coughsfclda and all Long of tbo sever

est nature removing on it does the cause-

d the affection and Joavtng the 111rllin atrong and healthy conditionaD experimental medicine but has stoodthe test of years giving satisfaction In ev-

ery CIU which Its rapidly incra ingIil1le overr season confirms Two millionottlcs sold annually Boschtes Germanyrup wee Introduced In tho United States

In 1808 and Is now sold in every townand village in the civilized world ThreedOf88 wilt relieve any ordinary coughPrlco 75 cts Got Greens Special Almateat Pennys Drugstore


ROUTENew Orleans Feb 11 Greate8t MidWinter Fete In the worldwelnand beautiful Low rato excursionsQueen Crescent Route Finest trainorvlco In the South Two fast 24boui

trains every day In the year from ClnInnatl The trip through the beautl

ful Southern country ls a holiday in It-

self All Inquiries gladly answeredFree printed matter W C Rlncar800 G P A Cincinnati

FOR STOMACH T110UBLE5I have taken a great many diOcrcn

medicines for stomach trouble and conIpation says Mrs S Geiger of Dunk

orton Iowa but never had as good reo-

suIts from any as Chamberlains StomachLiver Tablets For sale by Craig tit

locker druggists

A Detroit statistician Dr Hoytmakes calculations that by the year2162 all human beings will bo crazy ItIs very clever In him to defer tho evil-

day eo lonllLex Democrat

floe REWARD 1100

The readers of tblapa r wilt be pleased to learnthat then It at lent one dreaded dlwato that d-eote has been able to cure In all Its stages andtllil la Catarrh Ualli Catarrh Cure la the

cure known to the medical fraternityllOlllhe a conttllutlonal dltea e snttiintlontl treatment Iltlls CiUrrh sure I-

Itato Interoilljr acilrg directly upon the bloodlod mucous autfaces ot the system thereby deu011nl theauodatlonot the dleeue lod chlDI

tbe strength by building nnthe oonitltu1Ion and stalitlnf nature In dong tts work The

aprietors have to much faith In Itt curativepow8n tbat they otTer One Hundred Dollars for

oy cite that U falls to curs Send lor list of letaonlalt Addrcn

Y J CHENEV t CO Toledo 0Sold by dru liata TeeUalll Family 11111 ITS the best


ijiiIIi hif I < mol

EyC WXITON Prest U K HUGHES Sec lie TUBaestlae re

raw THE rCentral Kentuky Real Estate EXchange c


I And Title COmpanyI

We offer for sale the fol-



I No tUoue and lot in StanfordKy Hits five rooms hull porch inthe rear n good gnrtlen in ix goodneighborhood anti close to churches

and school This is a good house forn Small fiuuilricc 8 O-

NoI 2Asmul1 farm of 37 acresabout 2J miles from Stanford housecontains four good rooms hack porchand one veranda A good barn andother outbuildings nil in good repairCut in six fields well fenced 20 arcsin cultivation one nero in fruit treesrest in grass This was bought at uCommissioners filo at a bargain andcan be sold at n bargain It is closeto schooland church and rally 2 llImiles from Stanford Price 833 peraero Land adjoining suM for 8iOand 45 per acre Tills is a bargain

J No 3Ilonie and lot in StanfordHouse contains live rooms A goodstable fund 5 nom of land welt fencedThis is one of the prettiest buildinglots in town there is room enough infront for two other cottages or n twostory front could bo built to the cottugo null 10 made a beautiful homo

I This place will bo sold cheap as theowner must have money

t No I TwoMory frame dw01linSIseven rooms hull andgoodi

No 5 House and lot In StanfordHoute has tires rooms and front porchA good garden and stable In Rood re-

IlIIlr This pace will be sold cheapNo 6One of the prettiest cottages in

Stanford Contains room large ballbathroom veranda and buck >oroh Algood liable and garden This plicc U

todate in every rei ect and in splen ¬

did repair Over a year ago this prop-ert1110lti for 12260 It can now be boutbt-for considerably less as the owner wholive In another county needs the moneyfor other purposes

First NationalBankStan

Capital Stock 50000 Surplus 10000

This Institution was establishedas the Itopoell flank of Stanford In 189then reorganised althe National lInk of

and again reorganized uthe tint National tank of Blanfard laISSt having had practically an uolaterrapteJ existence fur 41 ara It is bettersupplied now with taelllllM for transactlHgou 4He M promptly and well than everbefore la tk long honorable career

Accounts of Individuals Fiduciaries and Cor-

porations Solicited

We do not that anyeuro can bo better

our of White Pine ComTar It Jut

what bo dono to thorcnre It

and inflstuand heals

the tissues of the airit expec

colons thoand cures it to staycured Relief Is almost Im

It is to takeand to use Whenyou tho best

cure ask for

Price five Cents

> J ii1rtt MIll

No 7 and lot in Kv cOno and ono haf story liverooms A good smoko bourn andcod house Price only

No 8 Small of about 80 acre2J mile from on teats 25acres in 7 In 2 good

cad rest In timber Two smallbarn and other

andgood This place can bo at yourprice as owner lives Inmutt havo

No 0A farm of 222 acresmiles from on tho best pise Inthe Sixty acres in wheat 40acres In corn 5 acres in G acres

well never well andtwo good

good barn and otherpike for thrcn ol

on pikeof fruit trees sad timber to makeat 0000 llOelA This Is ablue grass faro and only 20drive trout the Seat The ownerof a fine this hu

f 15 per acre hog place Wooffer Ibis placo for 137 60 per acre

No 10ColtsgA on Main streetuote to of town

five rooms hall andporch In good and a nice

house for a small Thiscost the owner over wofor 11150

No 6OA farm of ItH acresnode Klugvillo Ky Wily acres In cu

3D In timber rest in growtwo good barns and other out ¬

all In good Tho dwellIng Is comparatively new Ii withIn 300 yards of three school

and O S Thei pike and road and Ismost farm In that section of

We will sell the whole farm forIn pare li of not less thud 30

acre to suit This is

Wo have n for a 250 or300 aero farm from one tothroe miles from town Also nfor 100 acres from onoto four milM from town with or

OfflosrsJ 8 PrestJJ Chr

W 11

fV Utid LlMfrin CDB T Ilarrt LIDO OoJ8 IlMker Lincoln OoW P Walton Lincoln OoJ II hillier CrabM It Mtaere Stanford8 II

J ILW P Tate




Carriages Buggies ¬


of the above always on ha nil

aro at prices that defy

See our elegant line o±

Scientific Cough


believecough than

pound with doesmust

oughly a cough over-

comes congestionmatlontt soothes

promotes ¬


mediate pleasanteconomicalwant possible


White Pine Com ¬

pound withTar



tanford Ky

Huuso Stanfordcontains


farmStanford county

cultivation pastureorchardscottagesluotl outbuild

fencing fairlyboughtmoneys

situated fourStanford

countytimothygUllTltl V

watered fallingspring besides ponds TwoJdwellings

quarters amilebothdwollings being

least splendidminutes

countyfarm adjoining recently


Stan-ford buslntas portionhaving verandaback repair

family property11800


tlvalion wellwateredbuilding repair

churchesdepot propertyeon county


purchaser certainlyaoheap propertyVbuyer


about situated

without improvements






llaeghwa1J5Itauchman StanfordSUafonJ

11 Phaetons Buck

boardsFull nml complete stock and

sold competition












FEBRUARY 11th1902


Queen < Crescent RouteTo NEW ORLEANS sad MOOILO

with liberal return limitsTwo Magnificent Vc5tibuleil

Limited 2chour Schcdule Trainsfrom Cincinnati Dally

Diners ThroughPullmansPrinted Matter for the asking

Chits W Zell r Iar n ARt Cln110W W UunnsvsntTACleveUndUJf J VanDcrnllrkN UIA1JetrDlt1 hcbW i MUHFHV W C NINIAHSON-QINCIOL 1CINCINNATI

siIi l r oJ