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i I! r 1 .f '!' ft D 10 THE EEPUBLIC: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1900. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHa DECOKD Of BIRTHS. Fred an! Amelia Heuer. lflt South Twelfth; bJacoh J, and Elizabeth Weber. M3 South Geonjefanl Margaret Willmerins. 1KB Riddle: '"Michael and Llxxle Hanbeck. 1513 Routh Third; bM-- . & Maloney. 2723 Caroline: Btrl. A of and Man- - M. Hughes, nil Labadle; girl. Georgo and Frances Lautenbachcr. 140v North r?K?2fiSXPelU.r. 4145 North Grand: boy. Charles and Minnie Burbach. 1504 South Tenth; bto'hn and Annie Sohlltter. ITS Ie gal: and Josephine Ahreis. bJ.nnd T. Peoollo. IT South Third: girt oseph and Carrie Welsser 225 vLul:5,r'1:,HV. Hill and Fanny Farrl.. ISil South " Edward and Julia Wela. 04 South Eoventh: b 0Robcrt Ulna Hattle Hammond. 3ISS Louisiana; b John M. and Rose MoCarthy. 1315 North Nlno- - "I'Sul's and'Llrrle Mehl. 4044 Lucky: boy. lank and Battle Welnsteln. 4JS0 Delmar; gr . WillUm and Mary McKiriv. 221 Goodfellow- - girl. Ho-.r- v aid Julia Schwelss. 2W Menard: bov. John and Stan" Flanagan. 729 South Tourth: b(ieorse and Louisa Relsch. 1241 South Third; "William and Florence tickers. 4i Cote Brll- - "itcrmn and Lena Chrlstrup. HIT South Third; b Frank and Emma Mayer. 1M0 LvncU: hoy. George and Mary Law. 1114 North New stead: S.loerh and Hattle Sims 1403 Morgan; girl, Harry and Ella White. r.253 Oregon: g'rl. lohn and Moggie Hartweg. 3913 North Twc-ity- - "joJeph and Mary Voxel. 1422 College; bor. Clarence B. and Charlotto Martin. KW Thomas; Treodore and Lena Lelsstng. S415 Virginia: bOT. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Vcrheyer. 4141 Linton; boy Mr. and Mrs. J. White. 1403 Morgan ; girl. MARRIAGE LICENSES. IT. J. Paubel . JJ21 Dodler Ijena. Feldmann :214 Dodler 11. P. Farrell 11M North SKth Mary N. Hurtemana . .... li; North Sixth Joseph Jlrauch liX South Ninth Kmma Prar.te S33 Shenandoah Emll Schroleseur ...... Eaet St. Iouis .vlma Helsner ...... .. ....1M4 South Broadway 1. J. Maher 3T Sheridan Ivy O'Rourko .. 1J13 Bacoi A. J. Ricokua ..C3S South EiKhth Helena M. Boesen .. .. 7SK Minn-io- ta C F. Alemcyer. 3714 Texas ITjnma Schaeperkoetter 39S4 North Twenty-eecjn- d 0. H. Saxauer Kansas City. Mo Amanda A. Grafarth .. 42X SarsMeld L. A. Recappo Jerseyviile. Ill IJJr.n. Z DaMdson .... Jerseyviile. Ill Mateo Dtcavull 1M4 Wah Grazla Mascerl f Wash Sam Sllnlck 1433 North Ninth Rosa Szulareckt 1433 North Ninth William M. Brcgles ... Cripple Creek. Colo .tulla B. Clements 3750 West line IMwsrd 'Walter SOMOllvo Ida Grannemann ...... 101J South Twelfth 1. C. Chatman ...... E21S Virginia Minnie 8ybert ...... . 004 OTallon It. J. Lynch . 3M9 Park Man- - F. Cortdlo .... IMS Ivonard Fred Oroenlngcr M2 North Twentieth Imlsa Peters 812 North Twentieth Thomas Chartrand .... 027 Marion Uziette Wunsch 26J2 Nebraska C Godwin . . East Ft. louts insie M. Klttel 1009 Elliot Thomas r. Murphy ... .1108 North Twenty-fourt- h Man" Edwards .1106 North Twenty-fourt- h John Day ...Thirteenth and Carroll .Mrs. Nellie Day 1013 North M. G. Mojer Oakvllle, Mo Minnie M. Trailer ... .. Oakvllle. Mo F. If. Goebel. Jr. ....J319 South Fourteenth Martha, C. Burde S52S Russell O. F. Beltsen Granite City. Ill Ernllle I. Stoecker 3022 Salena Gus Roth - SX North Tenth Georgia S'jO North Tenth E A. Holle ..1E27A North Seventeenth Alice A. Mullen , 2304 Madison Nicholas S:nenk 3715 Pace Emms Haredora IMS Cora John Schrcr ...- ....,2321 North Nineteenth Annie Hader ,.. '. 2131 Do Soto Dan Maloue 1704 Austin Maggie White 2223 MulUnphy BTJRIAI. PERMITS. William Baker. 1 month, 213 South JelTcrscn; Arthur "'buss. 2 years, 1442 North Eleventh; Millie I.. MoMllllan. S months. S733 Dloksoa; mnlnxltis. Solomon Schleslnger. 86 years, M. North Sarah; P Nelfle'jfirnlok, !8 yeara, F.saala Hospital; heart disease. Ester May Klnf, 8 months. S74 Marina; entero- - Henrletta Kortemeier. 76 years, 5023 Whltnell; enile detineratlon of heart. Mary Fortman, 64 yaars, S06 Dock: pneumonia. AUBUit Elchele. 72 years. 1727 CarroU; diabetes. Michael Curran. 9 montns, 612 8. Garrison; broncho-rneumonl- Annie V Wright, 1 year, 93 North Twenty-firs- t; dlrhtberia. Elijah N. Sampson. 7 years. SS35 Westminster: hemorrhage. Mae Douglass, iZ yearm, 8S2S Westminster; can- - liinnle Gereko, 4S years, 4114 Warn; pneu- monia. Joseph Arado, 75 years. 71S North Twentieth; "Francis Maloney, 17 days, 2624 Natural Brldgo: atelectasis. James Bauer. 7 yean, 3S29 Parnell: bronchitis. Ann McCluskey, 45 years. 3017 Rntger; 8. jL Btudyoln. S9 years. CHy Hospital; urae- mia. Mlnnia NIehans, years, 254S Montgomery; Mav Dlna Richards. 40 years. S4 North Vacds-ven- u r: pneumonia. Fred (Nlcolal) rYledberg. 42 years. Insane Asy- lum: dementia. Herman Nlemeyer, t yeara, Mehltllla, Mo.) ex. pesure. August E. Helnrleh. SS years, U02 North Thir- teenth: pneumonia. Ellen Maloney. O raars. S54 Rutserj pnau-mon- Henry Bchaftar, 48 years, 2023 South Ninth; fracture. Joseph Manning, 14 yaars. City Hospital: homi- cide. Margaret Tackaberry, 82 years, 932 Brooklyn) debility. Ellen Daly, 72 years. 2S20 Cacs; grip. Charles E. Chase. E2 years. City Hospital; sui- cide. Delia Krelder. 84 years. Baptist Sanitarium; bronchitis Margaret Collins, 4 years, 1S21 Bella Glade; cancer. Martha Klos. 8 days. SOJ Mound; debility. John Gore. 2S years. City Hospital; erjsipelas. Mary Kane, 57 jears, 4751 Easton; pneumonia. Jacob Kuttnr, ,5 jear. Poorhouse; phthisis. Emmett Todd. 1 year. S616 Virginia; Bcarlatlna. Slstor Anna Berenice, 31 years. 4701 South Grand: phthlls. Pauline Wardell, 6S years, Poorhouse; asthma. rranz Folk. 76 years, S319 North Fourteenth; apoplexy. Gilbert P. McCoy. 6 years, 4427 Hunt: crouj. James W. McGlll. 45 years, 2102 Adams; hem- orrhage. lister V. Sams. 2 days, 4130 Lee: Inanition. Richard Patterson, t years, Mullanphy Hoa-plta- l: pneumonia. REAI, ESTATE TRAXSFEH8, DAETON 1 ft.; Imperial Inv. Co. to Anton Moat w. d t 40 DIVISIO- N- ft.; Mary Barrett to James Barrett w. d S IOWA 21 ft. 2 In.; Bn. Huemraller to Peter Lots w. d 25 HAWTHORNE 93 ft.; Ed Kehr to Otto Everts w. d - JUNIATA 50 ft.: Louis Cella to Auj. Ghner w. d SCO JUNIATA 30 ft. ; Aug. Gehner to Charles Krntz w. d $y) JEFKERSON-- 25 ft. e s.. bet. PestalozzI and I.jnch; Aug. Fredenbera to Carl Mlchel-- w. d 2,000 KOELN 5a ft.: John Black to Fred Ul-ll- qti-- . d 1 IJNGFELLOW M ft.; Alfred Berk.y to Albert Ftracker w. d S.C05 McPIIERSON 5 ft.; Albert Berry to Jacob Ppohn w. d J.COO OLD MANCHESTER-lO- O ft.: Imperial Irv. Co. to Jntc.i Knost w. d VH NATURAL BRIDGE 100 ft.; lred Hoger-mev-er to Maraaret Vech w. U 600 PINE 24 ft. life In., s. a. bet. Twenty-icnn- d and Twenty-thir- Nellie Sablnl to Emullo BelTa w. d tW rALSt 2 ft.: Callb Bwcns to Margaret Lelfteld w. d 1M TENROSE-i- O ft.: John Hamilton to Ma- tilda Aufderhcldr w d 30 P.M'IN ."fl ft.; Aug. McDonald to Georgo GanFZ w. d .. 1.005 SEVENTH 16 ft., e. s.. bet. Chestnut and MarKtt: John Vctte to Burnes estate n. d 1S.000 SCANIX)N PLACE S3 ft.; Herman Schac-fn- r to Anna Fritz w. d 2.O0O TWENTY-FIFT- H 23 ft.. .. a., bet. New-hou- and Angelica; Henry Echtcphoff to Gottlieb Vnlkmann w. d 1400 VON VERSEN 35 ft.; Frank Hackmann tn Jeremv Franklin qtc d 500 WESTMINSTER 30 ft.: rred Boti'ack to tTharles Rogers cite a 6 WALNUT 100 .. s. B., bet. Twentieth and Twenty-firs- t; W. aarratt. Jr.. to Sadls Garrtt w. d BUILDING PERMITS. Frank Bauer. 4245 McRee. flats: $2,451. Martin T. Rogan. 2706 Armand. dn riling; $2.(65. R. R. Hutchinson, southeast comer Broadway and Franklin, store; $12,575. Police Department. 3555 Magnolia, station and stable: $21,700. Winkle Terra Cotta Works, BS15 Manchester, factory: 81.000. NEW CORPORATIONS. MISSOURI. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Jefferson City. Mo . Nov. 26 The following articles of Incorporation were Hied lo-d- in the office of Secretary of State Isueur: Th Perfection Tuftinir Machine and Manufac- turing Company, St. Louis; capital $5,000. In- corporatorsFrancis M. Hartman. w. H. Hen-s- on and John Hartman. Tho Implement Wood Stock and Manufacturing Companv, St. Louis: capital. $50.o.H). Incorpo- rators James 1 Wood, W. H. Benton and A. II. lis yard, E. S. Hutchln Manufacturing Company, Kan- sas City; capital, $21,iX. Jncorporators B. g. Hntebin. O. W. Hlnson and Wlllljm Murphy. ILLIXOIB. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. SnrtagfleU, BL-.- - Nov. 24, Certlnwutts of near ' oration were issued y by Secretary of State iom as follow: The Metropolitan Development Company, Chl cago; capital 2.6no; general manufacturing busi- ness, incorporator Charles O. Kenclda, Mar 1. Ilcldman and James S. Shortle. The Pure Food Company, o: capital, ?2r..O: doillng In groceries, meats and food products Incorporators Martin J, lilack. John M. Colby and W. A. Hawkins. The Woodford Countv Distillery Company, o; capital. J.0iK); dealing in distillers' prod- ucts. Inconioratora M. J. Kurtz. E. C. V.llson and C. G. Burth. The Caspruls stone Company, located at Colnm-bu- s. O.. with ft capital stock or f 100.009. Is to transact business In Illinois with a Sltte capital of $12,500. Tl- - Sperry & Hutchinson Co. of Jersey City, N J., with a capita! Htoclc of SltiMoOO, Is- to transact businoai in Illinois with a Stite caidtal of JS17. The HI nuls Coal Company, located at Pt lvuls. Mo., w Itti a capital stock of $3.0.. la Ilrenspd to tranmet business in Illinois with a State capital of $1.00). Th I'Hna Electric IJ;ht and Power Company, located at Plnnn c.Ttlilcs to a change In mm" to the Piano Llsht and Power Companv and to anlncronsp in capital stock from SS.ooi to $15.&i0. Thn Chlcaco and Sonor-- i Mining Compny lo- cated at fhlrncn. certifies to nn increase In cipltal Ftock from JJ4.a to $30,000. INDEX TO REPUBLIC WANT ADS. Column rcnts Wonted LIcyvles 11 PooKn. Iapers. Etc !!"!"" r, lirsineM Wantetl '..'..'.'. 5 lldglan Hares HuIre Chance , B.isinefs Tor Salo '....'..'. Carpet Cleaning DontWrv 1op. Cats, rets Tor Salo Danclnc Educational "'.""""!"."""!"'"" urns.hed Houses and Flat For Rent.. For Rent Dwelling-- ) Tor Rent Apartments, Flats For rnt Mlm,11.t.,fl..a l'or Rent Business Purposes !"""!" ror saie Jiiscenaneous Tor Sale City Property .... I'or Iwisi. . General Announcements inarms For Sale Gold. Sliver and Nickel Platlns ." nousc, ltocms. Etc.. Wanted 6 Help an.l Situations Wanted '.'. Hoiiihold Goods 6 Hitrst-- s and Vehicles .. Information Wanted st and Found Mediums nn3 nalrvrtnt. Maihlncrj- - for Sale .'.'".'."!!"!"!"! lcaicai Morcy to Loan.... '.'..' Miscellaneous Wanf Musical ......................... Opticians , Old Clothing Bought Personal Partners Wanted ,.'.., Prlntitur .., Pp.tllra!m Pensions Patents ""."T Jtuocer Btamps. seals ana Stencils Real Estate Wanted iiooms tar Kent 9 Roorca With Board 9 Rotms and Board Wanted 10 Seciet Societies .V.V.V.".V.V.mi"rj""!! 12-- 9 btocxnoiuers Meetings ., 11 Tj pewrlters Wanted," 'For'salo!.".'"!! 5 Theatrical Wall Papor '.., UNCALLED-FO- R ANSWERS. ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. AND MAT BE HAD IIT PRESENTING YOUR CHECK AT THE REPUBLIC OFFICE: A 221, 00. 72, 452, 51, 4, 57, 14. B-- 8S 74, S3, 62, SO, 41, 44, 46, 49, 28, BO, SO. CTS, 40, 45, 37, 24. 115(1, 71. E 77, SO, T8, Tl, 63, 60, B2, 23, 45. I T8, 28, 62, 72, 61, 58, 5X G-- 7D, 80, 8C, 77, 07, 60, 64, 63, 41, 40, 14, H S8, S5, 70, 38, 44, 58, 4T, Tl, TB, T7, SO. J 174, 318, 80, Tl, 68, 25, 42. 41, 43, 68. K 73, 64, 44, CO, 71, IBS, 63, 70. I- - 50, 77, 70, 68, 40, 44. M SS, 77, 64, 09, 48, 10, 64, 38, 143, SS, S3. O XS, 72, 61, 64, 50, 48, 73. 1 Kr SO, 70, 143, 70, 31, 42, 40, OS, 75, 73, 31. R SS, 35, 4, 67, 72, 74. S 10, 40, 47, 72, 74. T 58, 43, 20, SS. W 23, 51, 70, 143, 71, 83, 67, 57, 41, 20, 73, SO, SS. X SS, 75, 05, 47, 57. Y S5, 65, 48, 13. Z 73, 53, 1, 70. 58. 04, 60. STEAMSHIPS. 1AD1I! PUIIIa PHILIPPINE iSLANDS VIA JArAlvbnlriA Honolulu, Pacific Mali s. s, Co., Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Oriental S. S. Co. From San Francisco: Nippon Man:. Dtcember 6; Rio do Janeiro. December 14; Coptic, December 22. For rates, freight or passage, ap- ply to L. K. Townsley, agt., 431 Olive, or J. 1". Agiar, agt., WS Olive. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Five. Cents Extra. COOK Situation by woman as cook or dish- washer lu restaurant. 710 S. Broadway. COOK First-cla- ss cook wants situation; best references. Call 1E04 Morgan. COOK Situation by good cook with respectable family; good reference. Address 151S Fall ave. COOK Middle-age- d woman Wants any kind of work: good cook, call or address 1S17 N. Tenth street. COOK Situation at general housework: good cook; respectable woman; neat work; city or country. Please call, 913 N. Twenty-thir- d St., urbtairs. HOUSEGIRL Situation by young lady as houstgtrl; good city references: no postals Call Tuesday and Wednesday morning, 2S47'i Rutger St. HOUSEWORK Sltuxtlon by reliable woman for light housework; home mor than wages. 172S Locust. HOUSEWORK Situation by sit rle ladv to do houFcwork la private family. East St. feneral Call or write "HO Trendley ave. kasi St. Ixiuls. LADY Situation bv old lady: can speak Ger- man and English. F.619 Minnesota LAUNDRESS Flrrt-clos- s laundress wants washing to take home: good references. 4329 St. Ferdlnnnd st. MILLINER New Tork millinery trimmer will trim m families or at home: shopping done; lat- est styles; verv reasonable. Trimmer, 2925 Lucas. MODEL Experienced younc lady model from tb East desires work nt private- studio or school of art. Y 86, Republic KTENOGRAPHER-Experienc- ed lady stenog- rapher desires permanent position; references; IS per week. F 54. Republic. HELP "WASTED FEMALE. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. CANVASSER WANTED Young lady for llsht carvosslrg; something entirely new; good pay. Call to-d- at 1720 Carr. COOK WANTED White ccok for small family; good wages. Write box 601, Helena, Ark. COOK WANTED German or Swede cook Im- mediately. In boarding-hous- 8033 Pine et. COOK WANTED Plain cook. 13J6 Broadway. Ecst St. Louts. Ill COOK WANTED Good cook and to assist with housework Apply 1S23 Hickory St. COOK WANTED First-cla- experienced plain cook, tolored. 4459 Coztns. "COOK WANTED-Flrst-cl- ars cook In family of two, no washing or ironing; wages $16. Apply 2051 Park ave. COOK WANTED A good cook and housegirl; good pay; no washing; small family. 60 Fin- ney ave. CobKANI HOUSEGIRL WANTED Good girl for small family; good pay: no washing; call early, 1815 S. Jefferson. girl. 2231 Franklin ave. "gFrlSVANTED To pick nuts. 51 S N. Sec-on- d st. "GIRLS WANTED Girls to sw buttons on ladles- - waits. Apply at once. Olga Mfg. Co., 617 N. Eighth st. GIRL WANTED Bright young glll.not over IS vears old. for office work. Apply bv 7:30 a. m . Tuesday, room 11. Republic building. HOUSEGIRI. WANTED-First-cI-ass houseglrl. 2323 Chestnut St. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od experi-nce- d strl for general housework. 2132A Benton st. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house-ivor- k; small family; three grown. 218 Mound st. " HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl foT general housework: goad wages. 913 N. Sarah st HOUSEGIRL WANTED-rio- od country girl for general houtcwork. 6223 Clifton ave. STOVE REPAIRS For all stoves. A O. 8raur. ac-21- 1 N. Third trt. Wale 4PS er TEN0GRAPHERS ECUUUS SS,.. Fcrnlshed Without Charge t eTtfier employer or ploys. Mschlses Rsntcd, Kspslrca sad Bzenaagea REianGTon staitoardtypewtuter Wyckoll, iaauM Bcaedlct 710 Loeast Itroat. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Thtee Lln.s for rivo Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Eztra. HOUFEG1HL WANTED White girl to do gen- eral housework. Apply at 4027 West Belle. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl of 16 to aeslst In light housewo:k. Call at drug store. No. H01 N. Jtfferson ae. IIOUSEaiRI, WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of two. Apply 4476A McPherson. HOUSEGIRI, WANTED Good white girl for general housework: three In family; bring ref- erence. D20SA Cabanne ave. JIOUSEGini. AVANTED-Germ- an girl of 15 to assist with housenorlt, family of two. 8543 Wn-Uc- ll ae. "iIOUSE'clIvS'.VNTniCGrril Tor gcnerafhousa-wor- "mail family, wages $12. Apply at lOifi Market et. HOrSEGIUI, WANTElJGood" girl for Kenernl hoiwurk; good home for light girl. IsOl South Brondnay. nolSIX3ilH71v.rNTEI-omano- r girl-- for general housework; will pay well for benlces. 1238 King's hlgnay. HOrSEGIRL WAITED Girl fcr general housework; small family; good wages; nice home for rlcht girl. 3SI4 Cattlt-ma- aif. HOUbEGIItL, WANTED Goo.1 gill, not 1C jearj old. for light housework In family .jf mo; apply after 9 a m. 2031 St. Vlnotnt ave. "llOUSEGlKL WANTED-G- Irl for general house- work: family of four; German preferred, rood wages and good homa. references. Take Delmar car to Tailor ae. 4370A McMillan ne. HDIES WANTED Indies to advertl"e toilet nrtlcls: no money to advance: r.) per tent prollt; steady work. SIO Olive st , Burlington Luilulnj. OPERATORS, IITC.. WANTED Experienced girl and hand ecwers on coats, also 9J3 Riddle. PRIVATE families nnd boardliw-hou3- s cm get girls and girls get nnd lodging at Ml- -. Hummarfs. lfris Wash st. "SALHSLADIES WANTED Experience dry satesladles. those lhlng on South bide must speak German, rrcund-?- . K.C0 rt. Broadway. SALE-LuDIE- WANTILD Ten Ealesladlei to sell new hat pin; every lady buys; big commis- sions; sample, , pink stamps. Florodoa, 1.15 Broadway, New York. SEAMSTRESS WANTED Seamstress who un- derstands children's clothes. 5243 Maplo ae. SOLICITORS WANTED Lady solicitors fcr luaehold necessities; $10 weekly. A 53, Republic. "STENOGRAPHERS rree" practice-roo- and employment department. The Oilier Typewriter Co., Century building. "hOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for gener-- housework; good wages. 1337 Granillle, ono block west of Belt ae. on Ridge ae. TYPEWRITER WANTED Rapid tv operator, at once, to Insert names and addresses in letters, H. C Wright O. S. Co.. 221 OIL. WAITRESS WANTED Experienced waitress. Call 2947 Olito St. WOMAN WANTED Lady to fold and address circulars. 107 N. Ninth, room 3. SITUATIOXS WANTED MALE. Three Llne3 for rive Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined, bal- anced and statements made, firms or corpora- tions. J. J. Fischer, 310 Temple building ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Situation bv soung German of experience as aslftant book- keeper, can give beat of reference; salary io object. A t6. Republic, BOOTBLWK Situation by flrst-cla- colored man as bootblack: call or write. 27 Leonard are. L. Woods. COATMAKERS Good coatmakorn want work. Address St. Louts Tailoring Co., 710 Pine st. COLLECTOR Situation as collector or cash- ier; best references and bond furnished; will work for reasonable wages. S 76. Republic. DRIVER Situation by oung man as driver; well acquainted in cltv; know care of horsed: znust have work. 2107 Madison st. ENGINEER Situation by an ngln'-'- r from small Missouri town; capable cf handling elec- tric machinery. F 74, Republic HOSTLER Situation In private family as host- ler or coachman. 3725 Fair. HOSTLER Situation ly rlrstclasT'hoitler and stable man. John Malone, 2s01 Lacleda. Klnloch 2S2C. Bell LIndell 257M. "HOUSE "PAINTER -- Practical house painter desires a situation by the day or Johj will work for low paj by the day or Job. Sj, Republic. MAN Situation by young man to attend fur-r.a- and jard; reterentes from last employer. J. Harlow. 1116 Washington ave.. room 13. MAN AND WIFE-Situat- lon by man and wife in town or country: any kind cf work. 2&M Olive st. PAINTER. ETC. Situation by cxper!-n- painter, paperhanger, carpenter; work cheap. F S9, Rtpubllc. PANTJLAKERS Want steady work. Address St. Louis Tailoring Co.. 710 Pine st. PLUMBER A plumber, first-cla- Jobber. wlEhes position in ofrice building or Jobbing shop; references furnished. F 73. Republic. SADDLETREE SEWER A good saddletree-sewe- r wants work at trade, or any kind; is handy: am married. 55 56. Republic. SALESMAN Experienced salesman would like position with nrm; In or outside-work- M 72. Republic SITUATION, with chance, to learn trade. T K. Republic SITUATION in wholesalo or retail drug store. 16 sears experience; best of reference. J 57, Rapublic SOBER, elderly single white mtn to attend furnace, steam, r, or hot-ai- r; city ref- erence. II 86. Republic. STENOGRAPHER Young man stenographer, capable of taking charge of correspondence, at emplojed. wishes to change: experienced firesent work; state salary. C 57, Republic. VESTMAKERS Good custom vestmaker; want work. Address St. Louis Tailoring Co., 710 Pine. WALL paper to clean; nine years" experience in this work exclusively ; send postal, will call. J. Neal. 222 Marlon st. WANTED Printer of seven jears wants posi- tion In Missouri or Arkansas: can give good Address Lock Box 207, Imboden, Ark. WORK Sober, energetic joung man of 25, pood education, desires position with a future; bond and of references. X 63, Republic. HELP AVANTKD MALE. Three IJnea for Five Cents. Each Additional Lire Five Cents Extra. APPRENTICE WANTED An apprentice In baker shop, with reference. Apply at Grand Ave- nue Hotel. BARTENDER WANTED Y'oung, experienced German bartender; 327 and found. National Co.. IIS N. Sixth st BELLBOY WANTED-Bellb- oy at the National Hotel, liast St. Louis, at once; medium size. BOY WANTED Boy to wo-- k In groccryl 13 week to start with. Apply 4100 Cook ave. BOY WANTED Boy, between 16 or IE yeara, to learn barber trade. lSf-- Sidney rt. ' BOY8 WANTEDTwo smalfbov s to s-- candr": Apply 12 o'clock In gallery of Columbia Theater. BUSHEL.vtAj5 WANTED Butllelman tailor. McCarthy-Evan- s Tailoring Co., S Olive st. BUTCHER WANTED Flrst-cla- s 3 butcher. Call at H6 N. Garrison ave. any day this week at 32 o'clock. F. Thornton. CANVASSER WANTED-Go- od canvasser: sal- ary or salary and commission: lady or gentleman; pleasant work. Edwards. 913 Olive st . room 2. CANVASSERS WANTED Two good ones! handv with tools preferred; good commission. 9J6 Goodfellow ave. CANVASSERS WANTED-Flrst-el- ass canviss-er- s for Al books; best proposition, this U your chance to make good wages '.05 Benolst building. rANVAPSEUR WANTED To take orders for coal: we p hinhest commissions: it Is pleaeant vcik. Call mornings only. 302 Century building. CANVASSERS-WANT- ED Expetionoed llous, canvassers; loo per cent commission: entirely now household article. Apply at 2143 Chouteau oVe. CHEF. ETC.. WANTED-Ch- rf. country. 140; second cook. city. $40. National Emplojmept Co.. llj N. SIMh t. CIGARMVKER WANTED Clgarmaker. No. 3 S. Twenty-tlrs- t st. "Vl.rRKs'wANTED Three grocery clerks. J23. room and board. National Kmplojmcnt Co, 113 K. Sixth st. COATM4KCR WANTED Tailor coatmaker"al once; steady work for sober men; good prices. Progressive Tailors. Sam Solomon. Mgr., Helena, Ark. COLLECTOR. ETC.. WANTED-M- an to collct and one to arslst In office: small security re quired. Call 307 Emllle building. Ninth and Olive. COUPLE WANfED-Married-cou- pIe. rarm, $40; also private place. National Employment Co., 113 N. Sixth st. DOCTOR WANTED Doctor to write prescrip- tions lu country drug store; must have certlll-cat- e of pharmacy. Address w. F. Morris, Far-be- r. Mo. DRUGGIST WANTED Graduate or registered drug clerk; must have good references. 3341 Lucas ave. "FARM HAND WANTED Good farm hand who uses no liquor nor tobacco: will have good home. G. H. Tlmmemian, Valley Tark. Mo. " FARM" HANDS' ETC."- ".- WANTED Tarm hands, gardeners, milkers, woodchoppers. team- sters, camp cook, camp blacksmith; all work guaranteed at Koenlg's Labor Agency. 612 Wal- nut rt. GRANITE DRESSERS WANTED-Fo- ur granite block dressers. Applpy to Christ. Zlmmermann, "Grand and LIndell aves. HOUSEMAN WANTED For clubhouse, J20. room and board. National Employment Co., 113 N. Sixth st. . JANITORS. ETC. WANTED-Thr- ee Janitors and fumAce firemen: J2J to $33. National Em- ployment Co.. ill N. Sixth st. LABORERS WANTED 25 lead-min- e laborers, 31.60; ship noon. National Employment Co., 113 N. Sixth st. WANTED Card writer. Apply PENNY &. GENTLES. IIELF "WANTED MALE. Threo Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Flvo Cents Extra. LABORERS. ETC. WANTED Fifteen colored laborers and 16 learns, with big beds; also two t silt fsnhsra cts Atbw1. a!. rrw1 flllx'st ivuiuivic, in aiiuo W1I4.V1 tuiu vii'vi L.BORERS WANTED Twenty teamster labor ers; Indian Territory: $1.W. $1.75. National Km- - Pioymeill V.O., in r.. sixiu su LABORERS WANTED W0 laborers on MiCar-thy'- o Colorado lino for McGonnlgle 4c Cassidy camps. Call at AIM a Bros.', blxth and Aljrket. M. Bruton. LABORERS AVANTED Uiborcrs and concrete men, $1.6 and $1.75 day: pay every two weeks: frvo pass: snip Apply Burke. Levt-- and Washlrgton ave. LABORERS WANTED Labor-- m nnd for new milrodd In Iowa, llllnoit and work ruanintied. freo pass. Koenlg' Labor Agency. 612 Walnut bt. MACHINE MAN WANTEtl-rirst-cl- a-s machine man for general planing mill wcrk. Mechanic-- , Planing Mill Co.. Fort Smith. Ark. MAN WANTED man In meat maikr.U 1X1 Hodlamont ave. MAN WANTED Rellablo loan to rspres-- nt Chlcncrt houve; jlarv and expenaea paid. Call 904 OIlvo rt., room 3v7. MAN WANTED Man to call on grocers, sa- loons, butchers and hotels; holarv J50 month; stiady wurk. 810 olive :.t.. liutllngtonbullillns. MAN t ANTEIVTirTrav el : straight nut abslut ly ncieHs.irv, but preferred; J25 for samples. 919 Olive st , ruom 2. MAN WANTED Good relliblc mm to work In cltv; good Induct mints to hustlers. American Wrlngir "o , 2731 Krjnklin ave. J1AN WANTED-- To min.ig branch office, him canvassers, advertise, hell jnd collect: salary $5 monllilv and expenses; 3 early contract: small rash reiilio. Address Ncv Top Buggy Ensmel Co. 103 N. Ninth st.. St Louis. MEN" WANTED To Irv Ilr.rrH'n box-ea- shoes; J2.U;. Ilirrls, $1 Shoo Man. 520 Pine st. MEN WAN'I LI-E- asy ,uid protlMbln work: $1 a daj and conimlrliiii. Apply, after u 20 j. m, 100m 901. 510 Olive st MEN WANTED 2; Italian ptatlen men; $1.50. $1.73. free fm.; lom; Job: ship National EmHo)'ment Co.. 113 N. Sixth st. MEN WANTED nitv men to dig trenohes for water plpo on Broadway and Rutger st.; 2Cc per hour. John O'Donncll S. Bro. MEN WANTED On Spring ave. and Manches- ter road and on Jefferson ave. and Pine- St., pay U 75 a day. Canoll Contracting Co. MEN WANTED To advertise and Introduce Dr. Horn'ibv's remedies; mil- lions of circulars to distribute: signs to tack: ttiady work; good pay. Dr. llornsby Remedy Cu . Chicago PAINTER WANTED-SI- gn and bulletin paint- er; Mate experience and wages wanted, steady Job for right man. Z 37, Republic. PANTS TO ORDER S SUITS TO ORDER. $12. LAHIV TAILORING CO.. 619 Marketst "PORTER .WANTED-Experltr- ccd porter for barber shop. 250S Oll.e st. PORTER WANTED A joumr man as porter for ottlco work, icttrences required. Wllllamson-Gunnln- g Adv. Co.. 316 Walnut st 'rRIXTER WANTED-F- or aljew dais. Fourth floor. 204 Olive st. SALESMEN WANTED For railroad. Call or address 33 .. Twentieth. Van Noy News Co. ""SALESMEN WANTED Men that enn sell cUarj can get lit cral proposition by calling on Anti-Tru- Cigar Co., 103 N. Ninth et. SALESMEN WANTED-F- ull line of nursery ftock; pay vveekl; outfit free. Lawrence Nur-rr- v Company, Lawrence, Kas. SAI.EbMAN WANTED Experienced book raiesman. Inquire room 719. Mermod-Jaccar- d 1 ulldlng. SALESMAN WANTED-Expcrlen- ced encjclo-redl- a salesman. Globe Publishing Co., Mermod-Jaccar- d building. SALESMAN WANTED Clothing salesman for cltv firm; guaranteed. National Employment Co., 118 N. Sixth st. SALESMAN V.' ANTED Traveling salesman for nivvs company: permanent place. National Emolcjment Co.. 113 N. Sixth st. HALESMEN WANTED Saloetn'n to sill teas and coffee to family trade In the city. Apply Hit Franklin ave. SALESMAN WANTED Patent-rig- man to sell stato and county rlrhts; something new and a winner; one with experience preferred. C 53, Republic. SALESMAN WANTED Reliable and trust- worthy man as salesman: experience net neees-sa- rj : good waxes guaranteed. Apply after 9 a. m., loo7Hi Olive Bt. SALESMAN WANTED First-clas- reliable man to sell our lubricating oils and greases; lib- eral salary or commission to good man. The Champion Refining Co.. Cleveland. O SEVERAL men of good business address In every town at once Send stamp for particulars. Ready-Total- s Pub. Co.. West Plains. Mo. SHOEMAKER WANTED-Go- od 2329 Chouteau ave. FINGER WANTED Male or female; piano layer preferred; pood salary; lonsr engagement, E all at once, Mutoscope Parlor, 216 Broadway. "SOLICITORS WANTED Good coal solicitors. Hallott & Copeland. 2015 Clark ave. SOLICITOR WANTED Solicitor of good tiro position to proper person. S So, Republic. SOLICITOR WANTED-Advertls- lng solicitor for city work: permanent position vear round. U. S. Advertising Co., 13 Washington ave. SOLICITOR WANTED-Go- od advertising so- licitor. Coll after 11 a. in., Barnum's Midland Ferine 18 S. Second st. SOLICITORS WANTED Experienced men for city and country to solicit from merchants and phvslclans for collecting agency: good xeference or bond required. 44-- 6 Laclede bldg. SOLICITORSWANTED Country rollcltors to cater to family trade; liberal commissions; ex- cellent goods; quick tellers, particulars Ad- vil esa Kentucky Whisky House, 817 Franklin ave. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED In even" coun- ty In Missouri to sell the Item-Sh- o Tvnewrlter. Bright & McClecry, 211 Century building, St. Louis. STONEMASON WANTED-Go- od stonemason; wagea $3.50 per dav; work at Glasgow, Mo. Ap- ply J Digram KOO N. Third st. TELEGRAPH OPERATORS WANTED Com- petent telegraph operators. Apply with references at 21 N. Ninth st. TYPEWRITER WANTED Young man who un- derstands typewriting and bookkeeping; refer- ences required, riooralilni Co., 106 S. Sixth at. WANTED Comedian, heavy man, character man. Juvenile and character woman: answer quick. Grav'j Comedy Co., Deepwater, Mo. WANTED Everyw here Hustlers to tack signs, dlstrtbuto clrcularr, samples, etc.: no canvassing; gooi pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago WOODWORKER "WANTED Good carriage woodworker. 1SS0 Morgan st.. Win. Dlschert- - YOUNG MAN WANTED At once, young man who understands running a small gasoline en- gine. Cjll between 10 and 12 0 m. 1 acht "Turtle," St. Iuls ard Tennessee- Packet Corn-pa- n) 's docks. $20.00 per month Guaranteed; man with rig to Fell to farmers; easv seller. Send stamp for freo sample and particulars. Perfection Mfff. Co , Parsons. Kae. AGENTS "WANTED. AGENTS Book of 700 secrets; how to get rich when your pockets are empty; $2 book for 2j .0 stamps. Carter Book Co, St. Ixiuls. AGENTS WANTED-Sa- ve money: send $1 for 50 poundv of Magic laundrv soap: agents wanted. Union Soap Mfg. Co. 1830 Morgan st; AGENTS SlxthandSeventh Books of Moses, complete; rate books; fast sellers; eample 40 2c stamps. Carter Book Co.. 211 S. Broadway. AGENTS WANTED To S--U Fritsch's latest improved square vapor bath cabinet, with door; best cabinet wild. ITitscb, 414 N. Eighth st. AGENTS WANTED-l"lrst-cla- s3 crayon and pastel work for the trade Write fcr our latest price list. Sepia portrait Studio, 415 Emllle bldg. A".ENTS.Ptreettrien Hongbook, $1 per 100: latest hits, hot sellers: deposit on ''. O. D. or- ders Carter Book Co, 311 S. Broadway, St. Louis. AGENTS WANTED-Gene- ral agents In Mis. sourl. Kansas and Texas ror the best insurance socletv. .1. W. Cooper, president. Union Trust bldtr."St. Louis. Mo "AGENTS" WANTEDGrod pay for the holl-daj- s. send 10c for samples an 1 particulars for our celebrated Plerre-IJrull- o perfumes. Room 714 lldlund building. M. 1juls "AGENTS WANTED-Harp- er lc Bros, want ex- perienced bookmen to ell their "i'litorlal His- tory of the War In the Philippines": Ju- -t com- ing out. Apply 9 to 10 a. m.. 70Sli Fine st. AGENTS WANTED German. French and Spanish . at glance, new si "tern, simple prin- ciple: send 25c; dimples either language. Re- liable Book Co.. 1104 Market st., St. Louis. AGENTS to sell our cut price Christmas pub- lication 50c books 15c: $1 books 25c: $1.50 necks 50c. $2.50 book 75c: credit given, freight prepai i, outfit free. Ferju'on Publishing Company, 1523 Filth st.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS on salary or commission: the great- est agents" seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink bus It on tight: 2 4 to 500 per rent profit, ona agent's sales amounted to 5620 In six da8. another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. X 43. La Crosse, Wis. $100 MONTHLY New patent Metallic Bread Boards. Samplo free. A. V. Forshee Co., Cin cinnati, u. iiVlsuY nonest man ana womii uui 01 to call at the Murlllo studio, 1314 Olive; permanent work; good money made. "FAKERSTho-great-Chin- ese wizard pack of plavlng cards; greatest magic trick cards ejetant; eight 2c stamps. Carter Book Co.. 311 S. B'way. HYPNOTISM Complete system; clairvovants, mesmerists, magnetic healers, etc.: sample 50 stamps. Carter Book Co., 311 S. Broadway. JUST patented. th Star Kitchen Cabinet: guaranteed Insect proof: territory for sale and going rapidly, can make trom $lv to $35 per week: Investigate. Call or write 2001 Clark ave., St. J.011IS Mo. Wm. G. Stcinlcke, patentee; II. C. Payne, manager-- LADY AGENTS WANTED Everywhere; greatest opportunity ever presented: enormous sales; easy work; permanent, responsible nrm. Mme. Eollne Stanlej. 10S S. Ewlng ave. MURILLO has a new tlckPt for Xmas trade; big money maker for agents: extra commissions. Call at once. Murlllo. 1314 Ollvo st. PORTRAIT agents everywhere, ault "crayons." Try washable enamellnes: no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family .Portrait Co., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED. STRELTMEN. Falters Gold teeth; fastest sail- ing Dovelty out; samples five 2c stamps. Carter Book Co.. 311 8. Broadway, St. Louls WE pay $J0 per week and expends to men with rigs to Introduce our poultry medicine. Inclose stamp. DepC. C, American Poultry Medicine Co , Far-on- s, Kas. $123 monthly and expenres guaranteed reliable men and women Introducing new departure Ccok-in- g Y.irr; Ideal utensils, cannot rust, sc.ilo eff or loso thdr smooth, pure surface. Central Supply Co.. B li. Zanesvllle. O. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ALL those desiring l.clp or seeking situations may register with the Free Employment Bureau of iho btjte Labor Bureau of btatlstlcs. S35 Cen- tury building. Mtuatlons and help furnished freo of charge. Tel. Klnloch B 1757. BOY WANTED Colored boy forpr!vate place. State rrea Employment Bureau, 533 Century LulMlng. BOY "WANTED Bell boy for hotel, 14 or 11 Har3 old state I'ree Employment Buroau, 533 Century building. COAL MINEns"WAXTED2W coal miners for Missouri. State Freo Emplojmont Bureau. 535 Century building. COAL MINERS WANTED Twcnty-R- v e coal miners for town In Illinois State-- Freo Employ- ment Bureau, S35 Century bullying. COOK WANTED A female cook. Stato rres Employment Bureau. 835 Century bulldlr.;; COOK WANTED Male cool: for hotel In town In Illinois. Stuta Free Employment Bureau, 535 Century building. COOK WANTED Female pastry rook for hotel in country town In Missouri. Mate Free Bureau. S33 Century building: DAIRYMAN WANTED An experienced mlllier; $20 jr mmiUi ai'd board Htate Free Employment Buriaii, 835 Century building. "DRESSMAKER-"WANT- ED An 'Xperlenced diesbmnker for town In Kuntjas. state Free Bunau, 33 Century building AslnK!e man tor farm. Stale rree Employment Bureau, 836 Cen- tury building. HOUSEGIRLS WANTED 15 good housegirls for housework; wares from $10 to $18 per month. Mat Free Employment Bureau, E25 Century building LAUNDRYMAN WANTED Laundrv man for town In MUsourl. State Free Jinployment Bu- reau. 825 Century building. "PRINTER WANTED An experienced printer for small town In Missouri. Stato Freo Employ- ment Bureau. 833 Century building. SOLICITORS WANTED Gwsl. active men to solicit In city. Stata Tiee Employment Bureau, .": Century building. IHSINESS FOR SALE. BIG bargain In !0- -j ear established candy plant, account death of owner: every- thing ready to go on with bjiues. 1507 Franklin. BLACKSMITH and wagon shop for salo; best location, binding and trade In town; sacrifice. M. A. Martin, Birch Tree. Mo. CANDY, cigar, tobacro storo and laundry branch for sale, cheap. 1113 Salisbury at "CIGAR stard: office building rn Olive at., down- town; re-- $1( month good chance; price $150; no brokers. B 83. Republic CONFECTIONERY and fruit store, doing good business; llvliig-room- bargain. 2103 Franklin. "ELEGANT fixtures for dry goods nnd clothing store; very, very cheap; alo clean stock of goods at 63c on the dollar. 4WS Easton ave. ELEVENTH St.. 1401 N. Birgaln; confection- ery, cigar, tobacco and laundry branch, with llv-- li attaohed; doing good business; account sickness. FINE bakery and confectionery, tobacco, cigar, candy and a good laundry branch; Uvlng-room- i; cheap rent, at 1404 N, Eleventh st-- FIRST-CLAS- S meat and vegetable market: splendid location; doing Urge business; reason given for selling. John F. C. Frese. 4371 Easton avenno. FOR Sale Drug store In boat and most pros- perous town In Indian Territory: Invoice about $1.1.10: will sell for $1,350 cash: reason for selling. IP health: a gTeat bargain; will bear Investiga- tion. X 69, Republic FOUR-CHAI- barber shop, located In central art of city. Address No. 7 N. High. Belleville, II. GOOD bakery In suburbs; excellent situation; reduced rate If sold at once; good reason for soiling. Inquire at Luacke Bros., 522 Goodfel- low ave. GROCERT and meat market; rood cash gro- cery and meat market; tine location; other busi- ness. 6765 Ktzel avo. GROCERY Old established cornsr grocery, v; cash business; sllirnt comiictltlon; low rent; no agents. Apply 520 S. Fourth st. GROCERY and bar. Including horse and wagon; Invoice about $500; on account of sickness; horsa and wagon separate. 3400 N. Thirteenth. RESTAURANT First-clas- s day and night trade: muut leave city; no brokers. H 53, Repub lic. SALOON and aroeerv: rood condition: goo-- trade; will sell at bargain; reason for selling, must leave city. S24 S. Third Bt. THREE-CHAI- barber shop; a good living business on bt business street of the city; must sell; sickness. 1812 Franklin avs. $150 buys oompleto restaurant outfit; best bar- gain in city. Apply IMS N. Taj lor ave. OPTICIANS. ALL eyei are not alike: Lum-NIck- eyeglasses er spectacles, $1; guaranteed tn Improve your sight. Doctor J. L. Freund. C Franklin ave. E. B. STRAUS, Eje Expert Gold spectacles $2.50 up; complicated cases a specialty. 723 Lo- cust st. SOLID gold frama $2 steel spectacles, 25o up: your eyes tested free bv the widely known spe- cialist. Doctor McCarthy, 710 N. Broadway GOLD, SILVER. AND NICKEL PLATING. DOWNING replatcs and repaint silverware: gold plates watches, Jewelry; good work- - cash ror old gold. Bllvcr and platinum. 208 N. 7th at. GOLD and silver plating in all branches; cash for old gold and silver; line gold for sale. Seo-kn- &, 812ij Pine st DENTISTRY. TtnSTnN Ktwtm Dental Rooms. 415 N. Broad way. Bet,veen Locust and St. Charles $10 and $13 sets for 57. Doctor Case, Proprietor. BOSTON Steam Dental Rooms. 415 N. Broad-wi- y Sets of teeth $3; pamless extracting 25c: bridge work $3; open Sundaj6 until 1. DOCTOR CORD gives you tho best that monoy can buy for what the cheapest costs. Open dally. 7CS-- Pine St. Do Soto building. "DOCTOR A. V7 MOSER. Dentist. 1321 Wash- ington Ave. Crown and bridge work a ec!alty: terms moderate: tonsultatlon and exam. Trc. NEWYORrDENTflLROOMS. liendlnnr Uenftatn. Established for 4 Years. Entrance. DOS Olle st. Kxtract-in- s; FUEE when teeth re IkirKfest nnd oMett den- tal establishment tn the" city. W mplo tho mot rkMIful EstssssVflslsssf men In tno profession. AH work Consultation FHEC. S.aranieed. for cheap dentlMv. hut come to U3 nnd Kct reltablu work nt lowest prices. Open dally from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., and Sundays from 5:30 to 1 p. tn. STORAGE ANI MOVING. A POSTAL to W. W. PortmanTbonded war? hi use. 4127 Margaretta. for low prices on moving,, shipping or storage. Ted. Tjler C24.W. AMERICAN Storage and "Moving Co.. 2315dilve St. Packing,; separate rooms. Tel. Main 2531. W. II. Lang,la!e. President. BONDED Warchouse-M- v C. Wlehe StoraKa and Moving Company, 1512-1- 6 Tranklln nve.; money advanced when desired. lylnloch C 9C3. V. H. PORTMAN Storage. Mot frig-- Packing atd Shipping Co. Ft. Louis and East St. Eouls. Km. D xUl: Bell Tyler 2G3A. Ofiicc. 2SD1 Cass. FRANKLIN WAREHOUSE . STOnAGlTcaT 10'l Franklin Storuce and tincklni. est1ni.nffs free. Chas. Niedrlnghaus, proprietor. Both phones. LINDELL MOVING COMPANV. 1217 Taylor ave. will mota furniture carefully and promptly at lowest rates Phone LIndell 63. NEW YORK Storage Company. Office 311 Union Trurt Building Mot e. pack. ship, atdra hio furniture In private rooms. Phone Main 264. FOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.TlMl. 1903 and 1805 Kidney st. Tel. Sidney 23S ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF New Storage Urand and Laclede aves.. for the nf fnr- - iiieuir. piuuos, irunKs. vaiuaoies, ooxes. eic; careful moving, packing, shipping, etc. Money advanced. Consign goods to our care. Estimates free. Get ojr rates. Phones C $55. C 1492. R. U. LEONORI. JR.. & CO.. 1215-2- 1 Olive St. CARPET CLEANING. ALL work guaranteed. J. N. Verdler steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Co.. Nineteenth nnd Pine, lowest prices. BsII Main CM: Kin. D CARPETS taken up, cleaned, made over s.nd laid: best work; lowest prices. Empire Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. 2123 Lucas. Main 1131; C 9C. ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. Frecial attention to altering, sevvlrg. relaying. Easton and Pendleton. LIndell 274M: Kin. D 8S. BUSINESS WANTED. HAVE-cas- h buyer for rooming-hous- Fend de- scription, price, etc., or call. Newton & Co.. 215 Lincoln Trust building;. OLD people, from 70 to 76 years of age, can bs Insured In good, reliable company at cheap rates. W 20. Republic; WOULD like to get hauling for one-hor- s wagon. Call or adilrees 1730 whlttier st. BELGIAN HARES. BELGIAN hares, with pedigrees and score cards Old Orchard Rabbitry. Old Orclnrd. Mo., or 200J Clark. St. Louis. Mo. Wm. G. Stelnlcke. HOOKS, PAPERS. I WANT to buv law.. medical and other gooo becks. John Unahan. bookoeller. 6th and Market. MENTAL science books, bv Helen Wllmans and tho most advanced thinkers and writers of the age. som at ai union Trust Dunning. GENERAL ANNOPNCEMENTS. TO Whrm It May Concern Jos. Swantner will not be responsible, for any debts my wife-- Anns. Swantner, may males hereafter. nOCSEHOLD GOODS. AVanfeil. ALL kinds of household goods bonght: any quantity; full value paid for contents of flats and hmiss. W. Jones. 1143 Olive st. ATTENTION! Feathers Wanted The old relia- ble M. Soeclman 2C2S Olive n.. will pay 3So per pound; guarantee weight. Call or sn-- l postal. HIGHEST caih' prlco paid fcr all kinds of stoves, furniture, carpets, feathers and metal; lend postal. P. htdn. 1203 Bjddle st, I!IGHESTprIce for" furniture, carpets, stoves, and all kind- - household goods; furniture taken In exchango for moving. G.. Stoecker, L1--- J Pranblln. OLD feathers: will nav 41o n'r pound; send astal. . Batnvlas. Hi N. Ninth et. PARTIES ilecimln? houskeeplnK. see me before felling furniture piaros. carpets, etc.; will ,iay nlghe-- price. Wolf. 15 S. Ele.cnth. l'none u fin. rom'ture. stoves, etc.. large or small lots, bought at resl lence or stores: good price-- given oy luson. -- 4iy vvuoii m. WTT.T. mi- - Itffrlios. nrln fnr hnimehold COOdS. Rath S. Alt, 1541 S." BroadA-ay- . WIUNGER repairs lolls and all parts ot wringer": your vt ringers made as good as new. E C. Gneter. 1C19 I'ronhlln avo. Ear Sale. range. oven, water connection: gocd as new, satisfaction RUiranteed : cot $15 dellvrred; sell chap. Open 2211 l'ranklin ave. RADIANT Home hard-co- il base burner, good as new, $7; four-hol- e steel ranee, good, condition. J7.C0. Open Sunday. 212 Easton ave. BEDROOM sets. $2 up: parlor 'el'. $1 up: bed. 50c! up; sewing mail.ln.s. wardrobes, sideboards, stoves. plcturs. 17y S. Eleventh. BEDROOM sets. $2 up; parlor pets. $1 up; beds. Cue up: sewing machines, wardrobes, side- boards, stoves, pictures. 17f4 S. Eleventh st. "GOOD Oak heatlnjr stovr s0ft coal. No. H. cost $12 last winter. Si. SC9 N. rit'.eenth sl LACE (Urtalns clean-- 2c up, first-clas- s work, by experienced workmen; work called for and de- livered Phoenix Curtain Co.. 2500 Cass ave! MEDIUM size hard coal stove cheap. 2350 Montgomery st. SQUARE Radiant Home base burners. J10..5; Buck's Brilliant. Superiors, Girlands. Charter Oak htovef. J 2 50 up. Open Sunday. Jefferson-FranUl- ln I"urnlture Co.. 2231 Franklin ave. STOVES, new and secondhand furniture, beau- tiful misfit carpets, rujs etc.: time piyments. New Tork Storage Co.. 2212 to 2219 Wash st. "40O-b- ard and soft coal heating and cooklns stoves and ranges; account of overstock, will close out nt jour own price. 723 Franklin ave. 1X misfit carpets: Brussels, velvets. Inalns and room-siz- e rugs; must be sold this week of cost. Franklin Furnlturo Co.. ..3 Franklin ave. 4f0 new and secondhand heating and cooklns stovei of all the leading makes at lowest prices. Kornblum Stovo Storo, 1S07 Frankllm 1.000 stoves of all kinds, cheap: furniture, car; pets linoleum: all kind bous-io- ld goods bought rrd sdd. II. Brockmar. 2219 Franklin ave. snow me wirr d show mh wirr 2 3 e5 TOU CAN'T SAVE MONET YOU CAN'T SAVE MONET Br BUTINO WHAT TOtT NEED IN BT BUTINO WHAT YOU NEED IN m FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVE3.. ETC. Z FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES.. ETC, MUELLER BROS.. 3. ffH. ML'ELLER Bnoa.;M4;9y-910-9- 1 B. 4TIL PARTNERS "WANTED. MAN WANTED To tako charg of In compensation according to havo $1W cash:C73,JtepubHc; PARTNER WANTED-Part- ner In butcher busi- ness. Call at 815 N. Garrison ave. any day this week at 12 o'clock; F. Thorntcn; PARTNER WANTED-O- no with $1,500 to $iE09 to In lesltimato manufactur can control books and cash; boar inv esUgatlon. J f3. Republic . PARTNER WANTED Tounif man with $4 and to tak, half Interest In retail nov- - eltj" . xv:tJuoits-- . "J."' -- srv n ., Or sTntIft-- cur?dLSi ??ishreaulred; Investlgivtlon solicited. C 86. Republic. . INFORMATION WANTED. WANTED The whereabouts of Sam Grlseonv. about w y?rs ui, -- .Yii riri.'nv. Boi Address mo oa'jsm, O. Vlnlto, Ind. cr. IIOL'SES, ROOMS, ETC "WANTED. PAMILY of "threo adults, responsible parties, wamal! furnished flat; modern provsinsnt., desirable neighborhood. D 86. Republlo. MISCELLANEOfS WANTS. ALIGATOR traveling bag. In good, condition. W S3, Republic BUTCHER'S complete outfit: everything neces- - A,..i.., nl.c! ceenndhand: must OS 'heap. F. Thornton. US N. Garrlsm ave. CASH paid for misprinted Unused postal .cards: wb buv old sumps; Duvmg iisc t """""" Stamp' Co., 415 Fullerton building. Seventh and Pine. 1 ... . . . !.,.,. iv.e fnntpr. 500 volt- - in good'condltlon: spot caSiu 3 : Repub- - llcJ rARTIE3 holding canceled life lnsurancs poli- cies annual or weekly policies may bs Interested oy naarcssm i .;. cyuuiiw "THE DAINTIES." 25 cents per dozen: eab- - n va stnnrwHL reuucea iini . " photographer and artSt, 3124 Easton ve .. . .- .- n mil mm. A rem Tn- - tal. St. Isouls Sign Company, 71 I. Twenty-eigh- th st. Scrap Iron. Eones. Etc Send for prlots. JUNK Established 18SJ. A. B. Mjysr Cu.. Si. Louis. Mo. THEATRICAL. COSTUlfES and wigs for rent and mads to or- der: grease paints, powders, etc. Fueger . 131 Walnut si. COSTUMES Louis Kurth's costume, wle and mask depot: all orders promptly attended to. 2 S. Fourth St. St. Iuls. Mo. PASTDRAGE. HORSES wintered: box stalls, plenty feed, good care taken; returned free. Hart. Ferguson, a HORSES wintered at "farm. Ferguson. Mo-- : barbed wire; best care: box atalls; K per month. 322 S. Broadway. G. Case. Ferguson. HORSES pastured; 43 acres: gocd water, good shelter; close to city: hors's called for and de- livered. Pnone, Tyler 172. A 1545 MACHINERY FOR SALE. AT a big bargain, account of closing out busj-- .. nit woodvvorklne iiib.ii.i.j. St. Iuls Jtfc. Co. planing mills. Tenth and Mullanphy streets. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Wat "r spaniel bitch. 34M 3. Jefferson ave.; Under will b I3ST $75 Belgian hare buck. Finder. rtum ana to Old Orchard Rabbitry an.l receive ro- wan: of W. G. btelutckc. Manager. IX1HT Ladles' nurse, containing railroad ticket and money, on Taylor ave. car. Reward. SCI Lma ivvc:i hOST Stnr pendant of Sunday morn- ing. IJberal reward If returned to 421, Morgan street. Tianr Vrnm Clvr nve.. blue, white and black sotted hound. 22 Inches tall, largo Mack ears and head, poor In flesn, ribs visible; $5 reward. G ST." Republic. MEDICAL. ALL private diseases a specialty t Tranklln Avenue Free Dispensary. 1214 rranklln ave. Bill &DIS Or Oillls and Fever, Complete and RlMLIIItA absolute cure, four days. 7c. Purely herbal. No calomel or quinine. "Rlmell's Herb Medicines." 33uSi Franklin ate., St. Louis, Mo. Chichester's English Psnnvrcyal Pills LADIF.St BEST. 8'. BellssK Te n. ether. . tlar tT eartlrala.-- . " Keltef fcr Lillei, nunnb; KKTITHN Mali-- Mi y.r Drocyii. ChlekeaU-- r Chemical C, Pklladsb. k"m. DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING. YOUIt clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired at reasonable prices; tlrst-cla- work. Paris Dielng-an- Cleaning Company. 13i) Franklin ave. OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT. ALL kinds of ladles and gentlenun's cast-of- f clothing bought; 1 pay the highest price; send postal. J. Davis. 15Jo S. Broadway. ALL kinds of gentlemen's and ladles' clothing, carper, bedding, etc.; highest prices paid; call or send postal. W. Kult. 1424 Franklin ave. A SPECIAL prlt paid for ladles' and gen-me- cast-of- f clothing and overcoats. Call or send postal. Miller's. P.05 S. Broadway. ALWAYS In the lead In paying the best prices for ladies and gentlemen's good garments, car- pets, etc. Address M. Speelman. 26.S Olive st. HIGHEST cash price paid for ladles and gen- tlemen's cast-o- n clothing. Call or ser.d postal. J. Miller. 605 Walr.cyt st. Kin. A 215. No branches. "WALL PAPER. WALL paper, for a fev days only, ic per roll. A. L. Nelson Wall Paper Co, 1331 Park'ave. WALL PAPER Here you are. 1 wiilpaper your room from $2 up; work guaranteed. II. E. Gregory. 2927 Park ave. ZEHNER i CO., 1430 Papin St. Paper hang- ing, whitening and plastering; all work done at lowest rates: satisfaction guaranteed; send postal. PENSIONS PATENTS. PATENTS, pensions, bounty, back pay. dis- charge: notary public; advice free. H. D. r S. O'Brien. 421 Chestnut St.; St. Loals, Mo. PERSONAL. Fifteen Cents Per Line. CONFINEMENT esses taken purr, payment la work- - trial treatment and consaltatlon f. Jt.A a sjT riA.sw Xft.tsts:- "Ll! js ails WHVC BL.. MIS. wm."" ""V".'i iuiu;u o BU. DOCTOR MERWIN, 2223 Ollvo st., treatsI ladies' troubles. DR.-SfA- RY- ARTIIUROnly physician ns a confinement home In city, having a healthv iqZ cation: trained nurses;. excellent accommodations-motherl- y care and perfect seclusion; Irregular!, ties successfully treated or no charge: guaraa. teed results. Consultation fret 2911 Morgan at. DR. ELLA ALLEN, female specialist: IS experience; perfect seclusion durins contir.ement: only private, first-clas- reliable. In- corporated home; only home having-- : a Stato and charter to prove Its reliability: thoss . dissatisfied elsewhere specially Invited; positively me leis; location, iiccomrrouaijoiia ami meorcax skiii in this city. 2JV' unve sr. DR. ANNIE NETATAND. 2741 Olive. BL Leading female specialist: ths only reliable ly Ing-I- n Institution In St. Louis: established over 41 years; perfect seclusion for ladles before and dur- ing confinement; skilled medical attention: abso- lute protection and safety assured; motherly car.; horn'- - comforts; respectable homes found for In- fants when required; Irregvilarltles; success guar- anteed or no charges In all cases rea- sonable: consultation and Information free: get my terms before going elsewhere: don't be by allurlrg advertisements of lrrampetnrt and unscrupulous persons; go to the oldest insti- tution In tho State, where satisfaction Is guaran- teed or monev refunded: ladles in trouble, call of write; patients met at train or boat. LADIES My regulator never falls; one eom-fle- te treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. 2929 Franklin. LADIES, I positively guarantes that Goldea Seal will relieve thft longest and most obatinats casg of delavcd monthly periods without pain la three to five hours. Sent secure from observation. Jl. 2741 Ollv- - st. LADIES. If jou wint the- only reil Oo'dfB Peal monthly rctrulitor that will positively re- lieve In from three to Ave hours, you munt go tn Its only agent, who has Its seal stamps.; thereon. th Golden Med. Co.. 2311 Mor- gan st MRS. BRIDGES. ladles do-to-r; always sueosis-ful:m- bo consulted at 810"! Olive; ladles won't calling. Telephone Klnloch C 728. MRS. E. IIOTSON. ladles' private horns durtnf; ooiflnement: te protection and safety as- sured: motherlv care; irregularities: success gtiar srte-- d or no chanres: Infants adopted: informa- tion free; ladles In trouble, call or writs; Gsrmaa ard French rpolcon. 2201 and 2293 Ollvs st. "MRP DOCTTORMURPirfPrlvate home hsfors condnement: before going" elsewhere, get my terms; treats Irregularities; guaranteed homes found for Infants free; best of medical ana trained nursing: ladles, try my regulator an safeuard 2123 and 2725 Olive st. Call or write. BUSINESS CHANCES. LADIES WANTED Ladles who desire to raais a little rttra money, will do well to address 9 65. Republlo WANTED Party to manage of business: must Invest $750; salary an' commission. A 65 Republic, WHY bs hard up or out of business? W bars a suro road to wealth. Our aro th best made, and ars quick sailers, or c2n be placed on th percentage plan. Writs for particulars; tho beat chance ever offered to make big money on & small Investment. Addreis the Co.. 1427-14- Woodward svtt. Detroit. Mich. PRINTING. RT75IXESS cards. II: billheads, statoliisnts. notebds, $1.50 per thousand. A. P. Vltrey, 1(4 N. Twelfth et. CRESCENT Prlntlc Company. SOT N. FourOs S Fine commetclal Job work; popular prices! send for samples. J. W. STEELE & CO., Book and Job Prtateis, in N. Third St. Legal blanks and briefs a spa clalty Tel. Main 1470. 1.000 business cards. : other rrlnt!nK saamllv as low. J. M.. Staplaton Printing- Co., 403 H. Twelfth st. Ws have no solicitors nor agents. RUDDER STAMPS, SEALS AND STEN- CILS. ADA3IS, ths stamp man, U4 N. Sixth st.. raa. ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc. ; good, chsap. quick: writs for new Hat. RUBBER stamps, rubber type, slta marksrs. brass and aluminum checks; s lowsst pricss. Kasper Stamp and Seal Company. 91S Locust stv. DANCING. ATTEND Professor Do Roreysj select reception every Tuesday and Sunday evening"; prtis waits Tuesday ev enlng. Academy. Eighteenth and Ollvs. ATTEND the grand masquerade ball riven b- - Prof. De Honey Thanksgiving nlaht, Novemba 23; elegant prizes; admission. So. Academy. Eighteenth and Olive, ECLIPSE Dancing Academy. Uhrlg's Cave Hall Select parties every Wed. evening. Sun. after- noon and eve.; lessons every Tuas. and Fri. eves. OLYSIPIA DANCING ACADEMY. SeventsenO and Olive Receptions every Tuesday. 'Tbursdsil and Sunday evenings; first-cla- ss management; la dies. 10c; gents. 25c; wardrobs free. WALTZ and two-ste- p taught In private leesons-$- 3 full term: in classes $3. Professor Ds Hone! Academy, Eighteenth and Olive, Always open. MATINEB this (Sunday) afternoon at Professor : Frankel's elegant dancins; academy, 1441 Choutsstt avenue. - WALTZ and two-ste- p taught tn private lessons. $3 full term: In classes $3. Prof essor Ds Honeys Academy, Eighteenth and Ollvs, Always open. REAL ESTATE "WANTED. WANTED We bars a cash purchaser for a It or 12 room house in the western part of city: must be modem and hav. from 50 to 100 feet OS ground front: price to range from 17.509 to $18.00O the purchaser says be wants a bargain for cash- -. For particulars see KBELET CO.. U1S Chestnut St. WANTED We have a cash purchaser for piece of business property situated between. Tenth. Fifteenth. Market and Franklin are.; will pay from $10,000 to $30,000 for same; the pur- chaser says be wants a bargain. For particulars) see KEELEY A CO.. 1113 Chestnut. WANTED I have some ready cash money ana want to buy soma real estate In the city of Bt. Louis; one, two or three small houses or vacant . lots that will be sold at a bargain for cash: ad- vertiser la a rood Juflse of real estate and da not offer anything that Is not a bargalnisrlvs number, sir. of lot, ths rent and pries. KM. Republlo. TYPE-WRITERS- . For Stale. REMINGTON. Smith Premier, CalirrapA an all other typewriters, $25 to $50; lowest rsntalsv St. Louis Typewriter Exchange. Chemical build, ine. Telcphons M 1162. . TWENTY secondhand typewriters; all rnakeat from $20 to $55. Bright A McCleery, 2U Century building, St, Louis. EDUCATIONAL. LANGUAGES. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Merrood & Joccard Bulldlnr, St- - Louis. Mo. Branches all over Europe and America. Best Be tlve teacher. Fee reasonable. Trial lesson frets, (AWARDED TWO GOLD AND TWO SILVXR MEDAr AT PARIS EXPOSITION FOR BEST AND MOST PRACTICAL METHOD.) AT St. Lrals Commercial Collese. Grand and rranklln Commercial, shorthand. English by ex- perts; for young men and ladles. P. RitnerPres. Bonr.KS Sranlsh School. Suite TTlirco Trust Building Classes formed at any tlma; send for circular: translations solicited. HAUTbOCK & JONES'S Business Collete, Olivia Building. Grand and Windsor Shorthand course. $40; per month, day. 58; night, $5. CaU, TIATD'ft Business Academy for ladles snd sren- - tlemen. ZV2A Thomas St.; shorthand, tvpewrltinsi bcsjkkeeplng, penmanship, spslllnr, rrammaxiB arithmetic: aay anu evening. I'RIVATE lessons: shorthand, typewritten! s onlv- - exclusive shorthand school in city: com- - fr niet course. $25: shortest method used: Investi gate. Barnes. 2645 Washington ave. SHORTHAND taught day and evenlnr by prao-tlc- a' eachers: Missouri Shorthand College. St. Louie satisfaction guaranteod; mall studentsj lndl" Mual lessons: all branchea HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. AT a sacriPce. leather-trimme- d storm butsTi 551; In order; was painted one month ago; have no nto for same. 3u2 West Chestnut. riFTY or sixty head of Al good work mules, between he ages of 5 and S yars. Apply to William Ratlcon. coal and sprinkling contractor. S73J Easton ave. I."UR2.ITUUE wagonr,. milk wagons. bmlns wagons of nil kinds, new and secondhand. Young &. Co.. 14IT, N. Broadway. GENTLE black horso, 3 years old. weight 1,4001 lnqt.ire 132? N. Eleventh St. GOOD, heavy team of draft horses for sals. 711 S. Main st. HARNESS, secondhand and new, at prices: saddles and horse blankets. Broad-wa- y Harness Store. 1520 N. Broadway. HARNESS New harness cheaper than second- hand: $1. $7.5. $10 and $15; bargain: large sponges at loc. H. C. Janssen. 1306 N. Thirteenth. HAVE storage for all kinds of vehicles; small cost: send postal. V, F.. 4117 Warns. ONE brougham: bargain: storm buggies, runabouts, top delivery, truck wagons. J. M. Selzer. 1523 N. Fourteenth. TEN head of horses l.OOO to 1,400 pounds, suit- able for delivery, milk wagon and heavy haul- ing, from $25 up. 503 S. Jefferson ave. WE have and manufacture all kinds business wagons and storm buggies; our wagons equipped wltn vVltlesh patent end gate. 1222 N. Seventh st, $200 will buy line bay horse, storm buggy on(l harness, (omnlete, if taken at once; worth $350. M. 78. Republic 3IEDIU3IS AND CLAIRVOYANTS. GREATEST European medium and clalrvovant has permanently located In St. Louis and can dally be consulted at her parlors. 1036A Vande-vente- r. Trumpet and state writing in the light. MRS. BADARACCO. Magnctlo HealerAirdla-eas- e cured without medicine; chronic cases a specialty: sittings dally. 2225 Easton ave, SPIRITUAL readings dally; caiTbe consulted on all business: mental questions answered; de- veloping- circles; open test seances every Wednes- day evening;. Mme. Crawford, 2802A Franklin. r' A it Ml "' t f. .1, rV- - -- , --".A-. &rr- - 'are-f-Ss- j Jyfei.r."-'"".-.-- -

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES f. - Chronicling America

Nov 28, 2021



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Page 1: BIRTHS, MARRIAGES f. - Chronicling America










Fred an! Amelia Heuer. lflt South Twelfth;

bJacoh J, and Elizabeth Weber. M3 South

Geonjefanl Margaret Willmerins. 1KB Riddle:

'"Michael and Llxxle Hanbeck. 1513 Routh Third;

bM--. & Maloney. 2723 Caroline: Btrl.A of and Man- - M. Hughes, nil Labadle; girl.Georgo and Frances Lautenbachcr. 140v North

r?K?2fiSXPelU.r. 4145 North Grand: boy.Charles and Minnie Burbach. 1504 South Tenth;

bto'hn and Annie Sohlltter. ITS Ie gal:and Josephine Ahreis.

bJ.nnd T. Peoollo. IT South Third: girtoseph and Carrie Welsser 225 vLul:5,r'1:,HV.

Hill and Fanny Farrl.. ISil South" Edward and Julia Wela. 04 South Eoventh:b0Robcrt Ulna Hattle Hammond. 3ISS Louisiana;b

John M. and Rose MoCarthy. 1315 North Nlno- -

"I'Sul's and'Llrrle Mehl. 4044 Lucky: boy.lank and Battle Welnsteln. 4JS0 Delmar; g r .

WillUm and Mary McKiriv. 221 Goodfellow- - girl.Ho-.r- v aid Julia Schwelss. 2W Menard: bov.

John and Stan" Flanagan. 729 South Tourth:

b(ieorse and Louisa Relsch. 1241 South Third;

"William and Florence tickers. 4i Cote Brll- -

"itcrmn and Lena Chrlstrup. HIT South Third;b

Frank and Emma Mayer. 1M0 LvncU: hoy.George and Mary Law. 1114 North New stead:

S.loerh and Hattle Sims 1403 Morgan; girl,Harry and Ella White. r.253 Oregon: g'rl.lohn and Moggie Hartweg. 3913 North Twc-ity- -

"joJeph and Mary Voxel. 1422 College; bor.Clarence B. and Charlotto Martin. KW Thomas;

Treodore and Lena Lelsstng. S415 Virginia: bOT.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Vcrheyer. 4141 Linton; boy

Mr. and Mrs. J. White. 1403 Morgan ; girl.

MARRIAGE LICENSES.IT. J. Paubel . JJ21 DodlerIjena. Feldmann :214 Dodler11. P. Farrell 11M North SKthMary N. Hurtemana . .... li; North SixthJoseph Jlrauch liX South NinthKmma Prar.te S33 ShenandoahEmll Schroleseur ...... Eaet St. Iouis.vlma Helsner ...... .. ....1M4 South Broadway1. J. Maher 3T SheridanIvy O'Rourko .. 1J13 BacoiA. J. Ricokua ..C3S South EiKhthHelena M. Boesen .. .. 7SK Minn-io- ta

C F. Alemcyer. 3714 TexasITjnma Schaeperkoetter 39S4 North Twenty-eecjn- d

0. H. Saxauer Kansas City. MoAmanda A. Grafarth .. 42X SarsMeldL. A. Recappo Jerseyviile. IllIJJr.n. Z DaMdson .... Jerseyviile. IllMateo Dtcavull 1M4 WahGrazla Mascerl f WashSam Sllnlck 1433 North NinthRosa Szulareckt 1433 North NinthWilliam M. Brcgles ... Cripple Creek. Colo.tulla B. Clements 3750 West lineIMwsrd 'Walter SOMOllvoIda Grannemann ...... 101J South Twelfth1. C. Chatman ...... E21S VirginiaMinnie 8ybert ...... . 004 OTallonIt. J. Lynch . 3M9 ParkMan- - F. Cortdlo .... IMS IvonardFred Oroenlngcr M2 North TwentiethImlsa Peters 812 North TwentiethThomas Chartrand .... 027 MarionUziette Wunsch 26J2 NebraskaC Godwin . . East Ft. loutsinsie M. Klttel 1009 ElliotThomas r. Murphy ... .1108 North Twenty-fourt- h

Man" Edwards .1106 North Twenty-fourt- h

John Day ...Thirteenth and Carroll.Mrs. Nellie Day 1013 NorthM. G. Mojer Oakvllle, MoMinnie M. Trailer ... .. Oakvllle. Mo

F. If. Goebel. Jr. ....J319 South FourteenthMartha, C. Burde S52S RussellO. F. Beltsen Granite City. IllErnllle I. Stoecker 3022 SalenaGus Roth - SX North TenthGeorgia S'jO North TenthE A. Holle ..1E27A North SeventeenthAlice A. Mullen , 2304 MadisonNicholas S:nenk 3715 PaceEmms Haredora IMS CoraJohn Schrcr ...- ....,2321 North NineteenthAnnie Hader ,.. '. 2131 Do SotoDan Maloue 1704 AustinMaggie White 2223 MulUnphy


William Baker. 1 month, 213 South JelTcrscn;

Arthur "'buss. 2 years, 1442 North Eleventh;

Millie I.. MoMllllan. S months. S733 Dloksoa;mnlnxltis.

Solomon Schleslnger. 86 years, M. North Sarah;P Nelfle'jfirnlok, !8 yeara, F.saala Hospital; heartdisease.

Ester May Klnf, 8 months. S74 Marina; entero- -

Henrletta Kortemeier. 76 years, 5023 Whltnell;enile detineratlon of heart.Mary Fortman, 64 yaars, S06 Dock: pneumonia.AUBUit Elchele. 72 years. 1727 CarroU; diabetes.Michael Curran. 9 montns, 612 8. Garrison;


Annie V Wright, 1 year, 93 North Twenty-firs- t;

dlrhtberia.Elijah N. Sampson. 7 years. SS35 Westminster:

hemorrhage.Mae Douglass, iZ yearm, 8S2S Westminster; can- -

liinnle Gereko, 4S years, 4114 Warn; pneu-monia.

Joseph Arado, 75 years. 71S North Twentieth;

"Francis Maloney, 17 days, 2624 Natural Brldgo:atelectasis.

James Bauer. 7 yean, 3S29 Parnell: bronchitis.Ann McCluskey, 45 years. 3017 Rntger;

8. jL Btudyoln. S9 years. CHy Hospital; urae-mia.

Mlnnia NIehans, years, 254S Montgomery;

Mav Dlna Richards. 40 years. S4 North Vacds-ven- u

r: pneumonia.Fred (Nlcolal) rYledberg. 42 years. Insane Asy-

lum: dementia.Herman Nlemeyer, t yeara, Mehltllla, Mo.) ex.

pesure.August E. Helnrleh. SS years, U02 North Thir-

teenth: pneumonia.Ellen Maloney. O raars. S54 Rutserj pnau-mon-

Henry Bchaftar, 48 years, 2023 South Ninth;fracture.

Joseph Manning, 14 yaars. City Hospital: homi-cide.

Margaret Tackaberry, 82 years, 932 Brooklyn)debility.

Ellen Daly, 72 years. 2S20 Cacs; grip.Charles E. Chase. E2 years. City Hospital; sui-

cide.Delia Krelder. 84 years. Baptist Sanitarium;

bronchitisMargaret Collins, 4 years, 1S21 Bella Glade;

cancer.Martha Klos. 8 days. SOJ Mound; debility.John Gore. 2S years. City Hospital; erjsipelas.Mary Kane, 57 jears, 4751 Easton; pneumonia.Jacob Kuttnr, ,5 jear. Poorhouse; phthisis.Emmett Todd. 1 year. S616 Virginia; Bcarlatlna.Slstor Anna Berenice, 31 years. 4701 South

Grand: phthlls.Pauline Wardell, 6S years, Poorhouse; asthma.rranz Folk. 76 years, S319 North Fourteenth;

apoplexy.Gilbert P. McCoy. 6 years, 4427 Hunt: crouj.James W. McGlll. 45 years, 2102 Adams; hem-

orrhage.lister V. Sams. 2 days, 4130 Lee: Inanition.Richard Patterson, t years, Mullanphy Hoa-plta- l:


REAI, ESTATE TRAXSFEH8,DAETON 1 ft.; Imperial Inv. Co. to

Anton Moat w. d t 40DIVISIO- N- ft.; Mary Barrett to James

Barrett w. d S

IOWA 21 ft. 2 In.; Bn. Huemraller toPeter Lots w. d 25

HAWTHORNE 93 ft.; Ed Kehr to OttoEverts w. d -

JUNIATA 50 ft.: Louis Cella to Auj.Ghner w. d SCO

JUNIATA 30 ft. ; Aug. Gehner to CharlesKrntz w. d $y)

JEFKERSON-- 25 ft. e s.. bet. PestalozzIand I.jnch; Aug. Fredenbera to CarlMlchel-- w. d 2,000

KOELN 5a ft.: John Black to Fred Ul-ll-

qti-- . d 1

IJNGFELLOW M ft.; Alfred Berk.y toAlbert Ftracker w. d S.C05

McPIIERSON 5 ft.; Albert Berry toJacob Ppohn w. d J.COO

OLD MANCHESTER-lO- O ft.: ImperialIrv. Co. to Jntc.i Knost w. d VH

NATURAL BRIDGE 100 ft.; lred Hoger-mev-er

to Maraaret Vech w. U 600PINE 24 ft. life In., s. a. bet. Twenty-icnn- d

and Twenty-thir- Nellie Sablnlto Emullo BelTa w. d tW

rALSt 2 ft.: Callb Bwcns to MargaretLelfteld w. d 1M

TENROSE-i- O ft.: John Hamilton to Ma-tilda Aufderhcldr w d 30

P.M'IN ."fl ft.; Aug. McDonald to GeorgoGanFZ w. d .. 1.005

SEVENTH 16 ft., e. s.. bet. Chestnut andMarKtt: John Vctte to Burnes estaten. d 1S.000

SCANIX)N PLACE S3 ft.; Herman Schac-fn- rto Anna Fritz w. d 2.O0O

TWENTY-FIFT- H 23 ft.. .. a., bet. New-hou-

and Angelica; Henry Echtcphoff toGottlieb Vnlkmann w. d 1400

VON VERSEN 35 ft.; Frank Hackmanntn Jeremv Franklin qtc d 500

WESTMINSTER 30 ft.: rred Boti'ack totTharles Rogers cite a 6

WALNUT 100 .. s. B., bet. Twentiethand Twenty-firs- t; W. aarratt. Jr.. toSadls Garrtt w. d

BUILDING PERMITS.Frank Bauer. 4245 McRee. flats: $2,451.Martin T. Rogan. 2706 Armand. dn riling; $2.(65.R. R. Hutchinson, southeast comer Broadway

and Franklin, store; $12,575.Police Department. 3555 Magnolia, station and

stable: $21,700.Winkle Terra Cotta Works, BS15 Manchester,

factory: 81.000.



Jefferson City. Mo . Nov. 26 The followingarticles of Incorporation were Hied lo-d- in theoffice of Secretary of State Isueur:

Th Perfection Tuftinir Machine and Manufac-turing Company, St. Louis; capital $5,000. In-corporatorsFrancis M. Hartman. w. H. Hen-s-

on and John Hartman.Tho Implement Wood Stock and Manufacturing

Companv, St. Louis: capital. $50.o.H). Incorpo-rators James 1 Wood, W. H. Benton and A.II. lisyard,

E. S. Hutchln Manufacturing Company, Kan-sas City; capital, $21,iX. Jncorporators B. g.Hntebin. O. W. Hlnson and Wlllljm Murphy.


SnrtagfleU, BL-.- - Nov. 24, Certlnwutts of near '

oration were issued y by Secretary of Stateiom as follow:The Metropolitan Development Company, Chl

cago; capital 2.6no; general manufacturing busi-ness, incorporator Charles O. Kenclda, Mar1. Ilcldman and James S. Shortle.

The Pure Food Company, o:

capital, ?2r..O: doillng In groceries, meatsand food products Incorporators Martin J,lilack. John M. Colby and W. A. Hawkins.

The Woodford Countv Distillery Company, o;

capital. J.0iK); dealing in distillers' prod-ucts. Inconioratora M. J. Kurtz. E. C. V.llsonand C. G. Burth.

The Caspruls stone Company, located at Colnm-bu- s.O.. with ft capital stock or f100.009. Is

to transact business In Illinois with aSltte capital of $12,500.

Tl- - Sperry & Hutchinson Co. of Jersey City,N J., with a capita! Htoclc of SltiMoOO, Is-

to transact businoai in Illinois with aStite caidtal of JS17.The HI nuls Coal Company, located atPt lvuls. Mo., w Itti a capital stock of $3.0.. laIlrenspd to tranmet business in Illinois with a

State capital of $1.00).Th I'Hna Electric IJ;ht and Power Company,

located at Plnnn c.Ttlilcs to a change In mm"to the Piano Llsht and Power Companv and toanlncronsp in capital stock from SS.ooi to $15.&i0.Thn Chlcaco and Sonor-- i Mining Compny lo-

cated at fhlrncn. certifies to nn increase Incipltal Ftock from JJ4.a to $30,000.



Columnrcnts WontedLIcyvles 11PooKn. Iapers. Etc !!"!"" r,lirsineM Wantetl '..'..'.'. 5lldglan HaresHuIre Chance ,B.isinefs Tor Salo '....'..'.Carpet Cleaning

DontWrv1op. Cats, rets Tor SaloDanclncEducational "'.""""!"."""!"'""

urns.hed Houses and Flat For Rent..For Rent Dwelling-- )

Tor Rent Apartments, FlatsFor rnt Mlm,11.t.,'or Rent Business Purposes !"""!"ror saie JiiscenaneousTor Sale City Property ....I'or Iwisi. .General Announcementsinarms For SaleGold. Sliver and Nickel Platlns ."nousc, ltocms. Etc.. Wanted 6Help an.l Situations Wanted '.'.

Hoiiihold Goods 6Hitrst-- s and Vehicles ..Information Wanted

st and FoundMediums nn3 nalrvrtnt.Maihlncrj- - for Sale .'.'".'."!!"!"!"!

lcaicaiMorcy to Loan.... '.'..'Miscellaneous WanfMusical .........................Opticians ,Old Clothing BoughtPersonalPartners Wanted ,.'..,Prlntitur ..,Pp.tllra!mPensions Patents ""."TJtuocer Btamps. seals ana StencilsReal Estate Wantediiooms tar Kent 9Roorca With Board 9Rotms and Board Wanted 10

Seciet Societies .V.V.V.".V.V.mi"rj""!! 12--


btocxnoiuers Meetings ., 11

Tj pewrlters Wanted," 'For'salo!.".'"!! 5

TheatricalWall Papor '..,



A 221, 00. 72, 452, 51, 4, 57, 14.B-- 8S 74, S3, 62, SO, 41, 44, 46, 49, 28,

BO, SO.CTS, 40, 45, 37, 24.115(1, 71.E 77, SO, T8, Tl, 63, 60, B2, 23, 45.I T8, 28, 62, 72, 61, 58, 5XG-- 7D, 80, 8C, 77, 07, 60, 64, 63, 41, 40,

14,H S8, S5, 70, 38, 44, 58, 4T, Tl, TB, T7,

SO.J 174, 318, 80, Tl, 68, 25, 42. 41, 43, 68.K 73, 64, 44, CO, 71, IBS, 63, 70.I- - 50, 77, 70, 68, 40, 44.M SS, 77, 64, 09, 48, 10, 64, 38, 143,

SS, S3.O XS, 72, 61, 64, 50, 48, 73.1 Kr SO, 70, 143, 70, 31, 42, 40, OS, 75,

73, 31.R SS, 35, 4, 67, 72, 74.S 10, 40, 47, 72, 74.T 58, 43, 20, SS.W 23, 51, 70, 143, 71, 83, 67, 57, 41, 20,

73, SO, SS.X SS, 75, 05, 47, 57.Y S5, 65, 48, 13.Z 73, 53, 1, 70. 58. 04, 60.


1AD1I! PUIIIa PHILIPPINE iSLANDS VIAJArAlvbnlriA Honolulu, Pacific Mali s. s,Co., Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and OrientalS. S. Co. From San Francisco: Nippon Man:.Dtcember 6; Rio do Janeiro. December 14; Coptic,December 22. For rates, freight or passage, ap-ply to L. K. Townsley, agt., 431 Olive, or J. 1".Agiar, agt., WS Olive.

SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE.Three Lines for Five Cents.

Each Additional Line Five. Cents Extra.COOK Situation by woman as cook or dish-

washer lu restaurant. 710 S. Broadway.COOK First-cla- ss cook wants situation; best

references. Call 1E04 Morgan.COOK Situation by good cook with respectable

family; good reference. Address 151S Fall ave.COOK Middle-age- d woman Wants any kind of

work: good cook, call or address 1S17 N. Tenthstreet.

COOK Situation at general housework: goodcook; respectable woman; neat work; city orcountry. Please call, 913 N. Twenty-thir- d St.,urbtairs.

HOUSEGIRL Situation by young lady ashoustgtrl; good city references: no postals

Call Tuesday and Wednesday morning,2S47'i Rutger St.

HOUSEWORK Sltuxtlon by reliable womanfor light housework; home mor than wages. 172SLocust.

HOUSEWORK Situation by sit rle ladv to dohouFcwork la private family. East St.feneral Call or write "HO Trendley ave. kasi St.

Ixiuls.LADY Situation bv old lady: can speak Ger-

man and English. F.619 MinnesotaLAUNDRESS Flrrt-clos- s laundress wants

washing to take home: good references. 4329 St.Ferdlnnnd st.

MILLINER New Tork millinery trimmer willtrim m families or at home: shopping done; lat-est styles; verv reasonable. Trimmer, 2925 Lucas.

MODEL Experienced younc lady model fromtb East desires work nt private- studio orschool of art. Y 86, Republic

KTENOGRAPHER-Experienc- ed lady stenog-rapher desires permanent position; references; ISper week. F 54. Republic.

HELP "WASTED FEMALE.Three Lines for Five Cents.

Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.CANVASSER WANTED Young lady for llsht

carvosslrg; something entirely new; good pay.Call to-d- at 1720 Carr.

COOK WANTED White ccok for small family;good wages. Write box 601, Helena, Ark.

COOK WANTED German or Swede cook Im-mediately. In boarding-hous- 8033 Pine et.

COOK WANTED Plain cook. 13J6 Broadway.Ecst St. Louts. Ill

COOK WANTED Good cook and to assist withhousework Apply 1S23 Hickory St.

COOK WANTED First-cla- experienced plaincook, tolored. 4459 Coztns."COOK WANTED-Flrst-cl- ars cook In family oftwo, no washing or ironing; wages $16. Apply2051 Park ave.

COOK WANTED A good cook and housegirl;good pay; no washing; small family. 60 Fin-ney ave.

CobKANI HOUSEGIRL WANTED Goodgirl for small family; good pay: no washing;call early, 1815 S. Jefferson.

girl. 2231 Franklin ave."gFrlSVANTED To pick nuts. 51 S N. Sec-on- d

st."GIRLS WANTED Girls to sw buttons onladles- - waits. Apply at once. Olga Mfg. Co.,617 N. Eighth st.

GIRL WANTED Bright young glll.not overIS vears old. for office work. Apply bv 7:30a. m . Tuesday, room 11. Republic building.

HOUSEGIRI. WANTED-First-cI-ass houseglrl.2323 Chestnut St.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od experi-nce- d strlfor general housework. 2132A Benton st.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for general house-ivor- k;

small family; three grown. 218 Mound st."

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl foT generalhousework: goad wages. 913 N. Sarah st

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-rio- od country girl forgeneral houtcwork. 6223 Clifton ave.

STOVE REPAIRSFor all stoves. A O. 8raur. ac-21- 1 N. Third trt.


Fcrnlshed Without Charget eTtfier employer or ploys.Mschlses Rsntcd, Kspslrca sad BzenaageaREianGTon staitoardtypewtuter

Wyckoll, iaauM Bcaedlct710 Loeast Itroat.

HELP WANTED FEMALE.Thtee Lln.s for rivo Cents.

Each Additional Line Five Cents Eztra.

HOUFEG1HL WANTED White girl to do gen-eral housework. Apply at 4027 West Belle.

HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl of 16 to aeslstIn light housewo:k. Call at drug store. No. H01N. Jtfferson ae.

IIOUSEaiRI, WANTED Experienced girl forgeneral housework; family of two. Apply 4476AMcPherson.

HOUSEGIRI, WANTED Good white girl forgeneral housework: three In family; bring ref-erence. D20SA Cabanne ave.

JIOUSEGini. AVANTED-Germ- an girl of 15 toassist with housenorlt, family of two. 8543 Wn-Uc- ll

ae."iIOUSE'clIvS'.VNTniCGrril Tor gcnerafhousa-wor-

"mail family, wages $12. Apply at lOifiMarket et.

HOrSEGIUI, WANTElJGood" girl for Kenernlhoiwurk; good home for light girl. IsOl SouthBrondnay.

nolSIX3ilH71v.rNTEI-omano- r girl--for

general housework; will pay well for benlces.1238 King's hlgnay.

HOrSEGIRL WAITED Girl fcr generalhousework; small family; good wages; nicehome for rlcht girl. 3SI4 Cattlt-ma- aif.

HOUbEGIItL, WANTED Goo.1 gill, not c.er1C jearj old. for light housework In family .jfmo; apply after 9 a m. 2031 St. Vlnotnt ave."llOUSEGlKL WANTED-G- Irl for general house-work: family of four; German preferred, roodwages and good homa. references. Take Delmarcar to Tailor ae. 4370A McMillan ne.

HDIES WANTED Indies to advertl"e toiletnrtlcls: no money to advance: r.) per tent prollt;steady work. SIO Olive st , Burlington Luilulnj.

OPERATORS, IITC.. WANTED Experiencedgirl and hand ecwers on coats, also

9J3 Riddle.PRIVATE families nnd boardliw-hou3- s cm

get girls and girls get nnd lodging at Ml--.

Hummarfs. lfris Wash st."SALHSLADIES WANTED Experience dry

satesladles. those lhlng on South bidemust speak German, rrcund-?-

.K.C0 rt.

Broadway.SALE-LuDIE- WANTILD Ten Ealesladlei to

sell new hat pin; every lady buys; big commis-sions; sample, , pink stamps. Florodoa, 1.15

Broadway, New York.SEAMSTRESS WANTED Seamstress who un-

derstands children's clothes. 5243 Maplo ae.SOLICITORS WANTED Lady solicitors fcr

luaehold necessities; $10 weekly. A 53, Republic."STENOGRAPHERS rree" practice-roo- andemployment department. The Oilier TypewriterCo., Century building."hOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- Irl for gener--housework; good wages. 1337 Granillle, onoblock west of Belt ae. on Ridge ae.

TYPEWRITER WANTED Rapid tvoperator, at once, to Insert names and addressesin letters, H. C Wright O. S. Co.. 221 OIL.

WAITRESS WANTED Experienced waitress.Call 2947 Olito St.

WOMAN WANTED Lady to fold and addresscirculars. 107 N. Ninth, room 3.

SITUATIOXS WANTED MALE.Three Llne3 for rive Cents.

Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.

ACCOUNTANT Books opened, examined, bal-anced and statements made, firms or corpora-tions. J. J. Fischer, 310 Temple building

ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Situation bvsoung German of experience as aslftant book-keeper, can give beat of reference; salary ioobject. A t6. Republic,

BOOTBLWK Situation by flrst-cla- coloredman as bootblack: call or write. 27 Leonard are.L. Woods.

COATMAKERS Good coatmakorn want work.Address St. Louts Tailoring Co., 710 Pine st.

COLLECTOR Situation as collector or cash-ier; best references and bond furnished; willwork for reasonable wages. S 76. Republic.

DRIVER Situation by oung man as driver;well acquainted in cltv; know care of horsed:znust have work. 2107 Madison st.

ENGINEER Situation by an ngln'-'- r fromsmall Missouri town; capable cf handling elec-tric machinery. F 74, Republic

HOSTLER Situation In private family as host-ler or coachman. 3725 Fair.

HOSTLER Situation ly rlrstclasT'hoitler andstable man. John Malone, 2s01 Lacleda. Klnloch2S2C. Bell LIndell 257M."HOUSE "PAINTER -- Practical house painterdesires a situation by the day or Johj will workfor low paj by the day or Job. Sj, Republic.

MAN Situation by young man to attend fur-r.a-

and jard; reterentes from last employer.J. Harlow. 1116 Washington ave.. room 13.

MAN AND WIFE-Situat- lon by man and wifein town or country: any kind cf work. 2&MOlive st.

PAINTER. ETC. Situation by cxper!-n-

painter, paperhanger, carpenter; work cheap.F S9, Rtpubllc.

PANTJLAKERS Want steady work. AddressSt. Louis Tailoring Co.. 710 Pine st.

PLUMBER A plumber, first-cla- Jobber.wlEhes position in ofrice building or Jobbing shop;references furnished. F 73. Republic.

SADDLETREE SEWER A good saddletree-sewe- r

wants work at trade, or any kind; ishandy: am married. 55 56. Republic.

SALESMAN Experienced salesman would likeposition with nrm; In or outside-work-

M 72. RepublicSITUATION, with chance, to learn trade. T

K. RepublicSITUATION in wholesalo or retail drug store.

16 sears experience; best of reference. J 57,Rapublic

SOBER, elderly single white mtn to attendfurnace, steam, r, or hot-ai- r; city ref-erence. II 86. Republic.

STENOGRAPHER Young man stenographer,capable of taking charge of correspondence, at

emplojed. wishes to change: experiencedfiresent work; state salary. C 57, Republic.

VESTMAKERS Good custom vestmaker; wantwork. Address St. Louis Tailoring Co., 710 Pine.

WALL paper to clean; nine years" experiencein this work exclusively ; send postal, will call.J. Neal. 222 Marlon st.

WANTED Printer of seven jears wants posi-tion In Missouri or Arkansas: can give good

Address Lock Box 207, Imboden, Ark.WORK Sober, energetic joung man of 25,

pood education, desires position with a future;bond and of references. X 63, Republic.

HELP AVANTKD MALE.Three IJnea for Five Cents.

Each Additional Lire Five Cents Extra.APPRENTICE WANTED An apprentice In

baker shop, with reference. Apply at Grand Ave-nue Hotel.

BARTENDER WANTED Y'oung, experiencedGerman bartender; 327 and found. National

Co.. IIS N. Sixth stBELLBOY WANTED-Bellb- oy at the National

Hotel, liast St. Louis, at once; medium size.BOY WANTED Boy to wo-- k In groccryl 13

week to start with. Apply 4100 Cook ave.BOY WANTED Boy, between 16 or IE yeara,

to learn barber trade. lSf-- Sidney rt.' BOY8 WANTEDTwo smalfbov s to s-- candr":

Apply 12 o'clock In gallery of Columbia Theater.BUSHEL.vtAj5 WANTED Butllelman tailor.

McCarthy-Evan- s Tailoring Co., S Olive st.BUTCHER WANTED Flrst-cla- s 3 butcher.

Call at H6 N. Garrison ave. any day this week at32 o'clock. F. Thornton.

CANVASSER WANTED-Go- od canvasser: sal-ary or salary and commission: lady or gentleman;pleasant work. Edwards. 913 Olive st . room 2.

CANVASSERS WANTED Two good ones!handv with tools preferred; good commission.9J6 Goodfellow ave.

CANVASSERS WANTED-Flrst-el- ass canviss-er- sfor Al books; best proposition, this U your

chance to make good wages '.05 Benolst building.

rANVAPSEUR WANTED To take orders forcoal: we p hinhest commissions: it Is pleaeantvcik. Call mornings only. 302 Century building.


Expetionoed llous,canvassers; loo per cent commission: entirelynow household article. Apply at 2143 ChouteauoVe.

CHEF. ETC.. WANTED-Ch- rf. country. 140;second cook. city. $40. National Emplojmept Co..llj N. SIMh t.

CIGARMVKER WANTED Clgarmaker. No. 3S. Twenty-tlrs- t st."Vl.rRKs'wANTED Three grocery clerks. and board. National Kmplojmcnt Co, 113K. Sixth st.

COATM4KCR WANTED Tailor coatmaker"alonce; steady work for sober men; good prices.Progressive Tailors. Sam Solomon. Mgr., Helena,Ark.

COLLECTOR. ETC.. WANTED-M- an to collctand one to arslst In office: small security required. Call 307 Emllle building. Ninth and Olive.

COUPLE WANfED-Married-cou- pIe. rarm, $40;also private place. National Employment Co., 113N. Sixth st.

DOCTOR WANTED Doctor to write prescrip-tions lu country drug store; must have certlll-cat- e

of pharmacy. Address w. F. Morris, Far-be- r.Mo.

DRUGGIST WANTED Graduate or registereddrug clerk; must have good references. 3341Lucas ave."FARM HAND WANTED Good farm hand whouses no liquor nor tobacco: will have good home.G. H. Tlmmemian, Valley Tark. Mo." FARM" HANDS' ETC."-".-

WANTED Tarmhands, gardeners, milkers, woodchoppers. team-sters, camp cook, camp blacksmith; all workguaranteed at Koenlg's Labor Agency. 612 Wal-nut rt.

GRANITE DRESSERS WANTED-Fo- ur graniteblock dressers. Applpy to Christ. Zlmmermann,"Grand and LIndell aves.

HOUSEMAN WANTED For clubhouse, and board. National Employment Co., 113N. Sixth st. .

JANITORS. ETC. WANTED-Thr- ee Janitorsand fumAce firemen: J2J to $33. National Em-ployment Co.. ill N. Sixth st.

LABORERS WANTED 25 lead-min- e laborers,31.60; ship noon. National Employment Co.,113 N. Sixth st.

WANTED Card writer.Apply


IIELF "WANTED MALE.Threo Lines for Five Cents.

Each Additional Line Flvo Cents Extra.LABORERS. ETC. WANTED Fifteen colored

laborers and 16 learns, with big beds; also twot silt fsnhsra cts Atbw1. a!. rrw1 flllx'stivuiuivic, in aiiuo W1I4.V1 tuiu vii'vi

L.BORERS WANTED Twenty teamster laborers; Indian Territory: $1.W. $1.75. National Km- -Pioymeill V.O., in r.. sixiu su

LABORERS WANTED W0 laborers on MiCar-thy'- o

Colorado lino for McGonnlgle 4c Cassidycamps. Call at AIM a Bros.', blxth and Aljrket.M. Bruton.

LABORERS AVANTED Uiborcrs and concretemen, $1.6 and $1.75 day: pay every two weeks:frvo pass: snip Apply Burke. Levt-- andWashlrgton ave.

LABORERS WANTED Labor-- m nndfor new milrodd In Iowa, llllnoit and

work ruanintied. freo pass. Koenlg'Labor Agency. 612 Walnut bt.

MACHINE MAN WANTEtl-rirst-cl- a-s

machine man for general planing millwcrk. Mechanic-- , Planing Mill Co.. Fort Smith.Ark.

MAN WANTED man In meat maikr.U1X1 Hodlamont ave.

MAN WANTED Rellablo loan to rspres-- nt

Chlcncrt houve; jlarv and expenaea paid. Call904 OIlvo rt., room 3v7.

MAN WANTED Man to call on grocers, sa-loons, butchers and hotels; holarv J50 month;stiady wurk. 810 olive :.t.. liutllngtonbullillns.

MAN t ANTEIVTirTrav el : straightnut abslut ly ncieHs.irv, but preferred;

J25 for samples. 919 Olive st , ruom 2.

MAN WANTED Good relliblc mm to workIn cltv; good Induct mints to hustlers. AmericanWrlngir "o , 2731 Krjnklin ave.

J1AN WANTED-- To min.ig branch office, himcanvassers, advertise, hell jnd collect: salary $5monllilv and expenses; 3 early contract: smallrash reiilio. Address Ncv Top BuggyEnsmel Co. 103 N. Ninth st.. St Louis.

MEN" WANTED To Irv Ilr.rrH'n box-ea-

shoes; J2.U;. Ilirrls, $1 Shoo Man. 520 Pine st.MEN WAN'I LI-E- asy ,uid protlMbln work: $1

a daj and conimlrliiii. Apply, after u 20 j. m,100m 901. 510 Olive st

MEN WANTED 2; Italian ptatlen men; $1.50.$1.73. free fm.; lom; Job: ship NationalEmHo)'ment Co.. 113 N. Sixth st.

MEN WANTED nitv men to dig trenohes forwater plpo on Broadway and Rutger st.; 2Cc perhour. John O'Donncll S. Bro.

MEN WANTED On Spring ave. and Manches-ter road and on Jefferson ave. and Pine- St., payU 75 a day. Canoll Contracting Co.

MEN WANTED To advertise and IntroduceDr. Horn'ibv's remedies; mil-lions of circulars to distribute: signs to tack:ttiady work; good pay. Dr. llornsby RemedyCu . Chicago

PAINTER WANTED-SI- gn and bulletin paint-er; Mate experience and wages wanted, steadyJob for right man. Z 37, Republic.



"PORTER .WANTED-Experltr- ccd porter forbarber shop. 250S Oll.e st.

PORTER WANTED A joumr man as porterfor ottlco work, icttrences required. Wllllamson-Gunnln- g

Adv. Co.. 316 Walnut st'rRIXTER WANTED-F- or aljew dais. Fourthfloor. 204 Olive st.

SALESMEN WANTED For railroad. Call oraddress 33 .. Twentieth. Van Noy News Co.

""SALESMEN WANTED Men that enn sellcUarj can get lit cral proposition by calling onAnti-Tru- Cigar Co., 103 N. Ninth et.

SALESMEN WANTED-F- ull line of nurseryftock; pay vveekl; outfit free. Lawrence Nur-rr- v

Company, Lawrence, Kas.SAI.EbMAN WANTED Experienced book

raiesman. Inquire room 719. Mermod-Jaccar- d1 ulldlng.

SALESMAN WANTED-Expcrlen- ced encjclo-redl- a

salesman. Globe Publishing Co., Mermod-Jaccar- d

building.SALESMAN WANTED Clothing salesman for

cltv firm; guaranteed. National Employment Co.,118 N. Sixth st.

SALESMAN V.' ANTED Traveling salesmanfor nivvs company: permanent place. NationalEmolcjment Co.. 113 N. Sixth st.

HALESMEN WANTED Saloetn'n to sill teasand coffee to family trade In the city. Apply HitFranklin ave.

SALESMAN WANTED Patent-rig- man tosell stato and county rlrhts; something new anda winner; one with experience preferred. C 53,Republic.

SALESMAN WANTED Reliable and trust-worthy man as salesman: experience net neees-sa- rj

: good waxes guaranteed. Apply after 9 a.m., loo7Hi Olive Bt.

SALESMAN WANTED First-clas- reliableman to sell our lubricating oils and greases; lib-eral salary or commission to good man. TheChampion Refining Co.. Cleveland. O

SEVERAL men of good business address Inevery town at once Send stamp for particulars.

Ready-Total- s Pub. Co.. West Plains. Mo.

SHOEMAKER WANTED-Go- od2329 Chouteau ave.

FINGER WANTED Male or female; pianolayer preferred; pood salary; lonsr engagement,Eall at once, Mutoscope Parlor, 216 Broadway.

"SOLICITORS WANTED Good coal solicitors.Hallott & Copeland. 2015 Clark ave.

SOLICITOR WANTED Solicitor of goodtiro position to proper person. S So,

Republic.SOLICITOR WANTED-Advertls- lng solicitor

for city work: permanent position vear round.U. S. Advertising Co., 13 Washington ave.

SOLICITOR WANTED-Go- od advertising so-

licitor. Coll after 11 a. in., Barnum's MidlandFerine 18 S. Second st.

SOLICITORS WANTED Experienced men forcity and country to solicit from merchants andphvslclans for collecting agency: goodxeference or bond required. 44-- 6 Laclede bldg.

SOLICITORSWANTED Country rollcltors tocater to family trade; liberal commissions; ex-cellent goods; quick tellers, particulars Ad-vil esa Kentucky Whisky House, 817 Franklin ave.

STENOGRAPHERS WANTED In even" coun-ty In Missouri to sell the Item-Sh- o Tvnewrlter.Bright & McClecry, 211 Century building, St.Louis.

STONEMASON WANTED-Go- od stonemason;wagea $3.50 per dav; work at Glasgow, Mo. Ap-ply J Digram KOO N. Third st.

TELEGRAPH OPERATORS WANTED Com-petent telegraph operators. Apply with referencesat 21 N. Ninth st.

TYPEWRITER WANTED Young man who un-

derstands typewriting and bookkeeping; refer-ences required, riooralilni Co., 106 S. Sixth at.

WANTED Comedian, heavy man, characterman. Juvenile and character woman: answerquick. Grav'j Comedy Co., Deepwater, Mo.

WANTED Everyw here Hustlers to tack signs,dlstrtbuto clrcularr, samples, etc.: no canvassing;gooi pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago

WOODWORKER "WANTED Good carriagewoodworker. 1SS0 Morgan st.. Win. Dlschert- -

YOUNG MAN WANTED At once, young manwho understands running a small gasoline en-gine. Cjll between 10 and 12 0 m. 1 acht"Turtle," St. Iuls ard Tennessee- Packet Corn-pa- n)

's docks.$20.00 per month Guaranteed; man with rig to

Fell to farmers; easv seller. Send stamp for freosample and particulars. Perfection Mfff. Co ,

Parsons. Kae.

AGENTS "WANTED.AGENTS Book of 700 secrets; how to get rich

when your pockets are empty; $2 book for 2j .0stamps. Carter Book Co, St. Ixiuls.

AGENTS WANTED-Sa- ve money: send $1 for50 poundv of Magic laundrv soap: agents wanted.Union Soap Mfg. Co. 1830 Morgan st;

AGENTS SlxthandSeventh Books of Moses,complete; rate books; fast sellers; eample 40 2cstamps. Carter Book Co.. 211 S. Broadway.

AGENTS WANTED To S--U Fritsch's latestimproved square vapor bath cabinet, with door;best cabinet wild. ITitscb, 414 N. Eighth st.

AGENTS WANTED-l"lrst-cla- s3 crayon andpastel work for the trade Write fcr our latestprice list. Sepia portrait Studio, 415 Emllle bldg.

A".ENTS.Ptreettrien Hongbook, $1 per 100:latest hits, hot sellers: deposit on ''. O. D. or-

ders Carter Book Co, 311 S. Broadway, St.Louis.

AGENTS WANTED-Gene- ral agents In Mis.sourl. Kansas and Texas ror the best insurancesocletv. .1. W. Cooper, president. Union Trustbldtr."St. Louis. Mo

"AGENTS" WANTEDGrod pay for the holl-daj- s.

send 10c for samples an 1 particulars forour celebrated Plerre-IJrull- o perfumes. Room 714lldlund building. M. 1juls"AGENTS WANTED-Harp- er lc Bros, want ex-perienced bookmen to ell their "i'litorlal His-tory of the War In the Philippines": Ju- -t com-ing out. Apply 9 to 10 a. m.. 70Sli Fine st.

AGENTS WANTED German. French andSpanish . at glance, new si "tern, simple prin-ciple: send 25c; dimples either language. Re-

liable Book Co.. 1104 Market st., St. Louis.

AGENTS to sell our cut price Christmas pub-lication 50c books 15c: $1 books 25c: $1.50 necks50c. $2.50 book 75c: credit given, freight prepai i,outfit free. Ferju'on Publishing Company, 1523

Filth st.. Cincinnati, O.

AGENTS on salary or commission: the great-est agents" seller ever produced; every user ofpen and Ink bus It on tight: 2 4 to 500 perrent profit, ona agent's sales amounted to 5620In six da8. another $32 In two hours. MonroeMfg. Co. X 43. La Crosse, Wis.

$100 MONTHLY New patent Metallic BreadBoards. Samplo free. A. V. Forshee Co., Cincinnati, u.

iiVlsuY nonest man ana womii uui 01to call at the Murlllo studio, 1314 Olive;

permanent work; good money made."FAKERSTho-great-Chin-

esewizard pack of

plavlng cards; greatest magic trick cards ejetant;eight 2c stamps. Carter Book Co.. 311 S. B'way.

HYPNOTISM Complete system; clairvovants,mesmerists, magnetic healers, etc.: sample 50

stamps. Carter Book Co., 311 S. Broadway.

JUST patented. th Star Kitchen Cabinet:guaranteed Insect proof: territory for sale andgoing rapidly, can make trom $lv to $35 perweek: Investigate. Call or write 2001 Clark ave.,St. J.011IS Mo. Wm. G. Stcinlcke, patentee; II.C. Payne, manager--

LADY AGENTS WANTED Everywhere;greatest opportunity ever presented: enormoussales; easy work; permanent, responsible nrm.Mme. Eollne Stanlej. 10S S. Ewlng ave.

MURILLO has a new tlckPt for Xmas trade;big money maker for agents: extra commissions.Call at once. Murlllo. 1314 Ollvo st.

PORTRAIT agents everywhere, ault "crayons."Try washable enamellnes: no glass; don't rub;cheap. Family .Portrait Co., Chicago.

AGENTS WANTED.STRELTMEN. Falters Gold teeth; fastest sail-

ing Dovelty out; samples five 2c stamps. CarterBook Co.. 311 8. Broadway, St. Louls

WE pay $J0 per week and expends to men withrigs to Introduce our poultry medicine. Inclosestamp. DepC. C, American Poultry Medicine Co ,Far-on- s, Kas.

$123 monthly and expenres guaranteed reliablemen and women Introducing new departure Ccok-in- g

Y.irr; Ideal utensils, cannot rust, sc.ilo effor loso thdr smooth, pure surface. Central SupplyCo.. B li. Zanesvllle. O.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.ALL those desiring l.clp or seeking situations

may register with the Free Employment Bureauof iho btjte Labor Bureau of btatlstlcs. S35 Cen-tury building. Mtuatlons and help furnished freoof charge. Tel. Klnloch B 1757.

BOY WANTED Colored boy forpr!vate place.State rrea Employment Bureau, 533 CenturyLulMlng.

BOY "WANTED Bell boy for hotel, 14 or 11

Har3 old state I'ree Employment Buroau, 533Century building.

COAL MINEns"WAXTED2W coal miners forMissouri. State Freo Emplojmont Bureau. 535Century building.

COAL MINERS WANTED Twcnty-R- v e coalminers for town In Illinois State-- Freo Employ-ment Bureau, S35 Century bullying.

COOK WANTED A female cook. Stato rresEmployment Bureau. 835 Century bulldlr.;;

COOK WANTED Male cool: for hotel In townIn Illinois. Stuta Free Employment Bureau, 535Century building.

COOK WANTED Female pastry rook for hotelin country town In Missouri. Mate Free

Bureau. S33 Century building:DAIRYMAN WANTED An experienced mlllier;

$20 jr mmiUi ai'd board Htate Free EmploymentBuriaii, 835 Century building."DRESSMAKER-"WANT-

EDAn 'Xperlenced

diesbmnker for town In Kuntjas. state FreeBunau, 33 Century building

AslnK!e man torfarm. Stale rree Employment Bureau, 836 Cen-tury building.

HOUSEGIRLS WANTED 15 good housegirlsfor housework; wares from $10 to $18 per month.Mat Free Employment Bureau, E25 Centurybuilding

LAUNDRYMAN WANTED Laundrv man fortown In MUsourl. State Free Jinployment Bu-reau. 825 Century building."PRINTER WANTED An experienced printerfor small town In Missouri. Stato Freo Employ-ment Bureau. 833 Century building.

SOLICITORS WANTED Gwsl. active men tosolicit In city. Stata Tiee Employment Bureau,.": Century building.


BIG bargain In !0- -j ear established candyplant, account death of owner: every-

thing ready to go on with bjiues. 1507 Franklin.BLACKSMITH and wagon shop for salo; best

location, binding and trade In town; sacrifice.M. A. Martin, Birch Tree. Mo.

CANDY, cigar, tobacro storo and laundrybranch for sale, cheap. 1113 Salisbury at"CIGAR stard: office building rn Olive at., down-town; re-- $1( month good chance; price $150; nobrokers. B 83. Republic

CONFECTIONERY and fruit store, doing goodbusiness; llvliig-room- bargain. 2103 Franklin."ELEGANT fixtures for dry goods nnd clothingstore; very, very cheap; alo clean stock ofgoods at 63c on the dollar. 4WS Easton ave.

ELEVENTH St.. 1401 N. Birgaln; confection-ery, cigar, tobacco and laundry branch, with llv-- li

attaohed; doing good business; accountsickness.

FINE bakery and confectionery, tobacco, cigar,candy and a good laundry branch; Uvlng-room- i;

cheap rent, at 1404 N, Eleventh st--FIRST-CLAS- S meat and vegetable market:

splendid location; doing Urge business; reasongiven for selling. John F. C. Frese. 4371 Eastonavenno.

FOR Sale Drug store In boat and most pros-perous town In Indian Territory: Invoice about$1.1.10: will sell for $1,350 cash: reason for selling.IP health: a gTeat bargain; will bear Investiga-tion. X 69, Republic

FOUR-CHAI- barber shop, located In centralart of city. Address No. 7 N. High. Belleville,II.GOOD bakery In suburbs; excellent situation;

reduced rate If sold at once; good reason forsoiling. Inquire at Luacke Bros., 522 Goodfel-low ave.

GROCERT and meat market; rood cash gro-cery and meat market; tine location; other busi-ness. 6765 Ktzel avo.

GROCERY Old established cornsr grocery, v;

cash business; sllirnt comiictltlon; low rent;no agents. Apply 520 S. Fourth st.

GROCERY and bar. Including horse and wagon;Invoice about $500; on account of sickness; horsaand wagon separate. 3400 N. Thirteenth.

RESTAURANT First-clas- s day and nighttrade: muut leave city; no brokers. H 53, Republic.

SALOON and aroeerv: rood condition: goo--

trade; will sell at bargain; reason for selling,must leave city. S24 S. Third Bt.

THREE-CHAI- barber shop; a good livingbusiness on bt business street of the city; mustsell; sickness. 1812 Franklin avs.

$150 buys oompleto restaurant outfit; best bar-gain in city. Apply IMS N. Taj lor ave.

OPTICIANS.ALL eyei are not alike: Lum-NIck- eyeglasses

er spectacles, $1; guaranteed tn Improve yoursight. Doctor J. L. Freund. C Franklin ave.

E. B. STRAUS, Eje Expert Gold spectacles$2.50 up; complicated cases a specialty. 723 Lo-cust st.

SOLID gold frama $2 steel spectacles, 25o up:your eyes tested free bv the widely known spe-cialist. Doctor McCarthy, 710 N. Broadway

GOLD, SILVER. AND NICKEL PLATING.DOWNING replatcs and repaint silverware:

gold plates watches, Jewelry; good work- - cashror old gold. Bllvcr and platinum. 208 N. 7th at.

GOLD and silver plating in all branches; cashfor old gold and silver; line gold for sale. Seo-kn-

&, 812ij Pine st

DENTISTRY.TtnSTnN Ktwtm Dental Rooms. 415 N. Broad

way. Bet,veen Locust and St. Charles $10 and$13 sets for 57. Doctor Case, Proprietor.

BOSTON Steam Dental Rooms. 415 N. Broad-wi- y

Sets of teeth $3; pamless extracting 25c:bridge work $3; open Sundaj6 until 1.

DOCTOR CORD gives you tho best that monoycan buy for what the cheapest costs. Open dally.7CS-- Pine St. Do Soto building."DOCTOR A. V7 MOSER. Dentist. 1321 Wash-ington Ave. Crown and bridge work a ec!alty:terms moderate: tonsultatlon and exam. Trc.

NEWYORrDENTflLROOMS.liendlnnr Uenftatn. Established for 4 Years.

Entrance. DOS Olle st. Kxtract-in- s;

FUEE when teeth reIkirKfest nnd oMett den-

tal establishment tn the" city.W mplo tho mot rkMIful

EstssssVflslsssf men In tno profession. AH workConsultation FHEC.S.aranieed. for cheap dentlMv.

hut come to U3 nnd Kct reltabluwork nt lowest prices. Opendally from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.,and Sundays from 5:30 to 1 p. tn.

STORAGE ANI MOVING.A POSTAL to W. W. PortmanTbonded war?

hi use. 4127 Margaretta. for low prices on moving,, shipping or storage. Ted. Tjler C24.W.

AMERICAN Storage and "Moving Co.. 2315dilveSt. Packing,; separate rooms.Tel. Main 2531. W. II. Lang,la!e. President.

BONDED Warchouse-M- v C. Wlehe StoraKaand Moving Company, 1512-1- 6 Tranklln nve.;money advanced when desired. lylnloch C 9C3.

V. H. PORTMAN Storage. Mot frig-- Packingatd Shipping Co. Ft. Louis and East St. Eouls.Km. D xUl: Bell Tyler 2G3A. Ofiicc. 2SD1 Cass.

FRANKLIN WAREHOUSE . STOnAGlTcaT10'l Franklin Storuce and tincklni. est1ni.nffsfree. Chas. Niedrlnghaus, proprietor. Both phones.

LINDELL MOVING COMPANV. 1217 Taylorave. will mota furniture carefully and promptlyat lowest rates Phone LIndell 63.

NEW YORK Storage Company. Office 311Union Trurt Building Mot e. pack. ship, atdrahio furniture In private rooms. Phone Main 264.

FOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.TlMl. 1903and 1805 Kidney st. Tel. Sidney 23S

ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF NewStorage Urand and Lacledeaves.. for the nf fnr--

iiieuir. piuuos, irunKs. vaiuaoies, ooxes. eic;careful moving, packing, shipping, etc. Moneyadvanced. Consign goods to our care. Estimatesfree. Get ojr rates. Phones C $55. C 1492.

R. U. LEONORI. JR.. & CO.. 1215-2- 1 Olive St.

CARPET CLEANING.ALL work guaranteed. J. N. Verdler steam

Carpet Beating and Renovating Co.. Nineteenthnnd Pine, lowest prices. BsII Main CM: Kin. D

CARPETS taken up, cleaned, made over s.ndlaid: best work; lowest prices. Empire SteamCarpet Cleaning Co.. 2123 Lucas. Main 1131; C 9C.

ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.Frecial attention to altering, sevvlrg. relaying.Easton and Pendleton. LIndell 274M: Kin. D 8S.

BUSINESS WANTED.HAVE-cas- h buyer for rooming-hous- Fend de-

scription, price, etc., or call. Newton & Co.. 215Lincoln Trust building;.

OLD people, from 70 to 76 years of age, can bsInsured In good, reliable company at cheap rates.W 20. Republic;WOULD like to get hauling for one-hor- s

wagon. Call or adilrees 1730 whlttier st.

BELGIAN HARES.BELGIAN hares, with pedigrees and score

cards Old Orchard Rabbitry. Old Orclnrd. Mo.,or 200J Clark. St. Louis. Mo. Wm. G. Stelnlcke.

HOOKS, PAPERS.I WANT to buv law.. medical and other gooo

becks. John Unahan. bookoeller. 6th and Market.MENTAL science books, bv Helen Wllmans and

tho most advanced thinkers and writers of theage. som at ai union Trust Dunning.

GENERAL ANNOPNCEMENTS.TO Whrm It May Concern Jos. Swantner will

not be responsible, for any debts my wife-- Anns.Swantner, may males hereafter.


AVanfeil.ALL kinds of household goods bonght: any

quantity; full value paid for contents of flats andhmiss. W. Jones. 1143 Olive st.

ATTENTION! Feathers Wanted The old relia-ble M. Soeclman 2C2S Olive n.. will pay 3So perpound; guarantee weight. Call or sn-- l postal.

HIGHEST caih' prlco paid fcr all kinds ofstoves, furniture, carpets, feathers and metal;lend postal. P. htdn. 1203 Bjddle st,

I!IGHESTprIce for" furniture, carpets, stoves,and all kind- - household goods; furniture takenIn exchango for moving. G.. Stoecker, L1--- J

Pranblln.OLD feathers: will nav 41o n'r pound; sendastal. . Batnvlas. Hi N. Ninth et.PARTIES ilecimln? houskeeplnK. see me before

felling furniture piaros. carpets, etc.; will ,iaynlghe-- price. Wolf. 15 S. Ele.cnth. l'none u fin.

rom'ture. stoves, etc.. large orsmall lots, bought at resl lence or stores: goodprice-- given oy luson. -- 4iy vvuoii m.

WTT.T. mi- - Itffrlios. nrln fnr hnimehold COOdS.

Rath S. Alt, 1541 S." BroadA-ay- .

WIUNGER repairs lolls and all parts otwringer": your vt ringers made as good as new.E C. Gneter. 1C19 I'ronhlln avo.

Ear Sale.range. oven,

water connection: gocd as new, satisfactionRUiranteed : cot $15 dellvrred; sell chap. Open

2211 l'ranklin ave.RADIANT Home hard-co- il base burner, good

as new, $7; four-hol- e steel ranee, good, condition.J7.C0. Open Sunday. 212 Easton ave.

BEDROOM sets. $2 up: parlor 'el'. $1 up: bed.50c! up; sewing mail.ln.s. wardrobes, sideboards,stoves. plcturs. 17y S. Eleventh.

BEDROOM sets. $2 up; parlor pets. $1 up;beds. Cue up: sewing machines, wardrobes, side-boards, stoves, pictures. 17f4 S. Eleventh st."GOOD Oak heatlnjr stovr s0ft coal.

No. H. cost $12 last winter. Si. SC9 N. rit'.eenth slLACE (Urtalns clean-- 2c up, first-clas- s work,

by experienced workmen; work called for and de-

livered Phoenix Curtain Co.. 2500 Cass ave!MEDIUM size hard coal stove cheap. 2350

Montgomery st.SQUARE Radiant Home base burners. J10..5;

Buck's Brilliant. Superiors, Girlands. CharterOak htovef. J 2 50 up. Open Sunday. Jefferson-FranUl- ln

I"urnlture Co.. 2231 Franklin ave.

STOVES, new and secondhand furniture, beau-tiful misfit carpets, rujs etc.: time piyments.New Tork Storage Co.. 2212 to 2219 Wash st."40O-b-

ardand soft coal heating and cooklns

stoves and ranges; account of overstock, willclose out nt jour own price. 723 Franklin ave.

1X misfit carpets: Brussels, velvets. Inalnsand room-siz- e rugs; must be sold this week

of cost. Franklin Furnlturo Co.. ..3Franklin ave.

4f0 new and secondhand heating and cooklnsstovei of all the leading makes at lowest prices.Kornblum Stovo Storo, 1S07 Frankllm

1.000 stoves of all kinds, cheap: furniture, car;pets linoleum: all kind bous-io- ld goods boughtrrd sdd. II. Brockmar. 2219 Franklin ave.

snow me wirrd show mh wirr 23 e5







MUELLER BROS.. 3. ffH.ML'ELLER Bnoa.;M4;9y-910-9- 1 B. 4TIL


MAN WANTED To tako charg of Incompensation according to

havo $1W cash:C73,JtepubHc;PARTNER WANTED-Part- ner In butcher busi-

ness. Call at 815 N. Garrison ave. any day thisweek at 12 o'clock; F. Thorntcn;

PARTNER WANTED-O- no with $1,500 to $iE09

to In lesltimato manufacturcan control books and cash; boar inv esUgatlon.J f3. Republic .

PARTNER WANTED Tounif man with $4

and to tak, half Interest In retail nov- -eltj" . xv:tJuoits-- .

"J."' -- srv n ., Or sTntIft--

cur?dLSi ??ishreaulred; Investlgivtlon solicited.C 86. Republic. .


WANTED The whereabouts of Sam Grlseonv.

about w y?rs ui, --.Yii riri.'nv. Boi

Address mo oa'jsm,O. Vlnlto, Ind. cr.


PAMILY of "threo adults, responsible parties,

wamal! furnished flat; modern provsinsnt.,desirable neighborhood. D 86. Republlo.


ALIGATOR traveling bag. In good, condition.W S3, Republic

BUTCHER'S complete outfit: everything neces- -A,..i.., nl.c! ceenndhand: must OS

'heap. F. Thornton. US N. Garrlsm ave.

CASH paid for misprinted Unused postal .cards:wb buv old sumps; Duvmg iisc t """"""Stamp' Co., 415 Fullerton building. Seventh andPine.

1 ... . . . !.,.,. iv.e fnntpr. 500

volt- - in good'condltlon: spot caSiu 3 : Repub- -

llcJrARTIE3 holding canceled life lnsurancs poli-

cies annual or weekly policies may bs Interestedoy naarcssm i .;. cyuuiiw

"THE DAINTIES." 25 cents per dozen: eab--n va stnnrwHLreuucea iini . "

photographer and artSt, 3124 Easton ve.. . .- .- n mil mm. A rem Tn- -

tal. St. Isouls Sign Company, 71 I. Twenty-eigh- th


Scrap Iron. Eones. Etc Send for prlots.JUNK Established 18SJ. A. B. Mjysr

Cu.. Si. Louis. Mo.

THEATRICAL.COSTUlfES and wigs for rent and mads to or-

der: grease paints, powders, etc. Fueger . 131

Walnut si.COSTUMES Louis Kurth's costume, wle and

mask depot: all orders promptly attendedto. 2 S. Fourth St. St. Iuls. Mo.

PASTDRAGE.HORSES wintered: box stalls, plenty feed, good

care taken; returned free. Hart. Ferguson, aHORSES wintered at "farm. Ferguson. Mo-- :

barbed wire; best care: box atalls; K per month.322 S. Broadway. G. Case. Ferguson.

HORSES pastured; 43 acres: gocd water, goodshelter; close to city: hors's called for and de-

livered. Pnone, Tyler 172. A 1545


AT a big bargain, account of closing out busj-- ..

nit woodvvorklne iiib.ii.i.j. St. IulsJtfc. Co. planing mills. Tenth and Mullanphystreets.


LOST Wat "r spaniel bitch. 34M 3. Jeffersonave.; Under will b

I3ST $75 Belgian hare buck. Finder. rtumana to Old Orchard Rabbitry an.l receive ro-

wan: of W. G. btelutckc. Manager.

IX1HT Ladles' nurse, containing railroad ticketand money, on Taylor ave. car. Reward. SCILma ivvc:i

hOST Stnr pendant of Sunday morn-ing. IJberal reward If returned to 421, Morganstreet.

Tianr Vrnm Clvr nve.. blue, white and blacksotted hound. 22 Inches tall, largo Mack earsand head, poor In flesn, ribs visible; $5 reward.G ST." Republic.


ALL private diseases a specialty t TrankllnAvenue Free Dispensary. 1214 rranklln ave.

Bill &DIS Or Oillls and Fever, Complete andRlMLIIItA absolute cure, four days. 7c. Purelyherbal. No calomel or quinine. "Rlmell's HerbMedicines." 33uSi Franklin ate., St. Louis, Mo.

Chichester's English Psnnvrcyal PillsLADIF.St BEST. 8'. BellssK Te n. ether.

. tlar tT eartlrala.--. " Keltef fcr Lillei,nunnb; KKTITHN Mali-- Mi y.r Drocyii.

ChlekeaU-- r Chemical C, Pklladsb. k"m.

DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING.YOUIt clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired at

reasonable prices; tlrst-cla- work. Paris Dielng-an-

Cleaning Company. 13i) Franklin ave.

OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT.ALL kinds of ladles and gentlenun's cast-of- f

clothing bought; 1 pay the highest price; sendpostal. J. Davis. 15Jo S. Broadway.

ALL kinds of gentlemen's and ladles' clothing,carper, bedding, etc.; highest prices paid; callor send postal. W. Kult. 1424 Franklin ave.

A SPECIAL prlt paid for ladles' and gen-me-

cast-of- f clothing and overcoats. Call orsend postal. Miller's. P.05 S. Broadway.

ALWAYS In the lead In paying the best pricesfor ladies and gentlemen's good garments, car-pets, etc. Address M. Speelman. 26.S Olive st.

HIGHEST cash price paid for ladles and gen-tlemen's cast-o- n clothing. Call or ser.d postal. J.Miller. 605 Walr.cyt st. Kin. A 215. No branches.

"WALL PAPER.WALL paper, for a fev days only, ic per

roll. A. L. Nelson Wall Paper Co, 1331 Park'ave.WALL PAPER Here you are. 1 wiilpaper

your room from $2 up; work guaranteed. II. E.Gregory. 2927 Park ave.ZEHNER i CO., 1430 Papin St. Paper hang-

ing, whitening and plastering; all work done atlowest rates: satisfaction guaranteed; send postal.

PENSIONS PATENTS.PATENTS, pensions, bounty, back pay. dis-

charge: notary public; advice free. H. D. rS. O'Brien. 421 Chestnut St.; St. Loals, Mo.

PERSONAL.Fifteen Cents Per Line.

CONFINEMENT esses taken purr, payment lawork- - trial treatment and consaltatlon f.Jt.A a sjT riA.sw Xft.tsts:- "Ll! js ailsWHVC BL.. MIS. wm."" ""V".'i iuiu;u o BU.

DOCTOR MERWIN, 2223 Ollvo st., treatsIladies' troubles.DR.-SfA-


ARTIIUROnly physician ns

a confinement home In city, having a healthv iqZcation: trained nurses;. excellent accommodations-motherl- y

care and perfect seclusion; Irregular!,ties successfully treated or no charge: guaraa.teed results. Consultation fret 2911 Morgan at.

DR. ELLA ALLEN, female specialist: ISexperience; perfect seclusion durins

contir.ement: only private, first-clas- reliable. In-corporated home; only home having-- : a Stato

and charter to prove Its reliability: thoss .

dissatisfied elsewhere specially Invited; positivelyme leis; location, iiccomrrouaijoiia ami meorcaxskiii in this city. 2JV' unve sr.

DR. ANNIE NETATAND. 2741 Olive. BLLeading female specialist: ths only reliable ly

Ing-I- n Institution In St. Louis: established over 41years; perfect seclusion for ladles before and dur-ing confinement; skilled medical attention: abso-lute protection and safety assured; motherly car.;horn'-- comforts; respectable homes found for In-

fants when required; Irregvilarltles; success guar-anteed or no charges In all cases rea-sonable: consultation and Information free: getmy terms before going elsewhere: don't be

by allurlrg advertisements of lrrampetnrtand unscrupulous persons; go to the oldest insti-tution In tho State, where satisfaction Is guaran-teed or monev refunded: ladles in trouble, call ofwrite; patients met at train or boat.

LADIES My regulator never falls; one eom-fle- te

treatment free. Mrs. E. Starr. 2929 Franklin.LADIES, I positively guarantes that Goldea

Seal will relieve thft longest and most obatinatscasg of delavcd monthly periods without pain lathree to five hours. Sent secure from observation.Jl. 2741 Ollv- - st.

LADIES. If jou wint the- only reil Oo'dfBPeal monthly rctrulitor that will positively re-lieve In from three to Ave hours, you munt go tnIts only agent, who has Its seal stamps.;thereon. th Golden Med. Co.. 2311 Mor-gan st

MRS. BRIDGES. ladles do-to-r; always sueosis-ful:m-

bo consulted at 810"! Olive; ladles won'tcalling. Telephone Klnloch C 728.

MRS. E. IIOTSON. ladles' private horns durtnf;ooiflnement: te protection and safety as-sured: motherlv care; irregularities: success gtiarsrte-- d or no chanres: Infants adopted: informa-tion free; ladles In trouble, call or writs; Gsrmaaard French rpolcon. 2201 and 2293 Ollvs st.

"MRP DOCTTORMURPirfPrlvate home hsforscondnement: before going" elsewhere, get myterms; treats Irregularities; guaranteed homesfound for Infants free; best of medical anatrained nursing: ladles, try my regulator ansafeuard 2123 and 2725 Olive st. Call or write.

BUSINESS CHANCES.LADIES WANTED Ladles who desire to raais

a little rttra money, will do well to address 965. Republlo

WANTED Party to manage ofbusiness: must Invest $750; salary an'

commission. A 65 Republic,WHY bs hard up or out of business? W bars

a suro road to wealth. Ouraro th best made, and ars quick sailers,

or c2n be placed on th percentage plan. Writsfor particulars; tho beat chance ever offered tomake big money on & small Investment. Addreisthe Co.. 1427-14- Woodward svtt.Detroit. Mich.

PRINTING.RT75IXESS cards. II: billheads, statoliisnts.

notebds, $1.50 per thousand. A. P. Vltrey, 1(4N. Twelfth et.

CRESCENT Prlntlc Company. SOT N. FourOsS Fine commetclal Job work; popular prices!send for samples.

J. W. STEELE & CO., Book and Job Prtateis,in N. Third St. Legal blanks and briefs a spaclalty Tel. Main 1470.

1.000 business cards. : other rrlnt!nK saamllvas low. J. M.. Staplaton Printing- Co., 403 H.Twelfth st. Ws have no solicitors nor agents.


ADA3IS, ths stamp man, U4 N. Sixth st.. raa.ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc. ; good, chsap.quick: writs for new Hat.

RUBBER stamps, rubber type, slta marksrs.brass and aluminum checks; s lowsst pricss.Kasper Stamp and Seal Company. 91S Locust stv.


ATTEND Professor Do Roreysj select receptionevery Tuesday and Sunday evening"; prtis waitsTuesday ev enlng. Academy. Eighteenth and Ollvs.

ATTEND the grand masquerade ball riven b--Prof. De Honey Thanksgiving nlaht, Novemba23; elegant prizes; admission. So. Academy.Eighteenth and Olive,

ECLIPSE Dancing Academy. Uhrlg's Cave HallSelect parties every Wed. evening. Sun. after-

noon and eve.; lessons every Tuas. and Fri. eves.OLYSIPIA DANCING ACADEMY. SeventsenO

and Olive Receptions every Tuesday. 'Tbursdsiland Sunday evenings; first-cla- ss management; ladies. 10c; gents. 25c; wardrobs free.

WALTZ and two-ste- p taught In private leesons-$- 3full term: in classes $3. Professor Ds Hone!Academy, Eighteenth and Olive, Always open.

MATINEB this (Sunday) afternoon at Professor :Frankel's elegant dancins; academy, 1441 Choutssttavenue. -

WALTZ and two-ste- p taught tn private lessons.$3 full term: In classes $3. Prof essor Ds HoneysAcademy, Eighteenth and Ollvs, Always open.


WANTED We bars a cash purchaser for a Itor 12 room house in the western part of city:must be modem and hav. from 50 to 100 feet OSground front: price to range from 17.509 to $18.00Othe purchaser says be wants a bargain for cash- -.For particulars see

KBELET CO.. U1S Chestnut St.WANTED We have a cash purchaser for

piece of business property situated between.Tenth. Fifteenth. Market and Franklin are.; willpay from $10,000 to $30,000 for same; the pur-chaser says be wants a bargain. For particulars)see KEELEY A CO.. 1113 Chestnut.

WANTED I have some ready cash money anawant to buy soma real estate In the city of Bt.Louis; one, two or three small houses or vacant .lots that will be sold at a bargain for cash: ad-vertiser la a rood Juflse of real estate and danot offer anything that Is not a bargalnisrlvsnumber, sir. of lot, ths rent and pries. KM.Republlo.


For Stale.REMINGTON. Smith Premier, CalirrapA an

all other typewriters, $25 to $50; lowest rsntalsvSt. Louis Typewriter Exchange. Chemical build,ine. Telcphons M 1162. .

TWENTY secondhand typewriters; all rnakeatfrom $20 to $55. Bright A McCleery, 2U Centurybuilding, St, Louis.


LANGUAGES.THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES.Merrood & Joccard Bulldlnr, St-- Louis. Mo.

Branches all over Europe and America. Best Betlve teacher. Fee reasonable. Trial lesson frets,(AWARDED TWO GOLD AND TWO SILVXRMEDAr AT PARIS EXPOSITION FOR BESTAND MOST PRACTICAL METHOD.)

AT St. Lrals Commercial Collese. Grand andrranklln Commercial, shorthand. English by ex-perts; for young men and ladles. P. RitnerPres.

Bonr.KS Sranlsh School. Suite TTlircoTrust Building Classes formed at any tlma; sendfor circular: translations solicited.

HAUTbOCK & JONES'S Business Collete,Olivia Building. Grand and Windsor Shorthandcourse. $40; per month, day. 58; night, $5. CaU,

TIATD'ft Business Academy for ladles snd sren- -tlemen. ZV2A Thomas St.; shorthand, tvpewrltinsibcsjkkeeplng, penmanship, spslllnr, rrammaxiBarithmetic: aay anu evening.

I'RIVATE lessons: shorthand, typewritten! sonlv- - exclusive shorthand school in city: com- - frniet course. $25: shortest method used: Investigate. Barnes. 2645 Washington ave.

SHORTHAND taught day and evenlnr by prao-tlc- a'

eachers: Missouri Shorthand College. St.Louie satisfaction guaranteod; mall studentsjlndl" Mual lessons: all branchea


For Sale.AT a sacriPce. leather-trimme- d storm butsTi

551; In order; was painted one monthago; have no nto for same. 3u2 West Chestnut.

riFTY or sixty head of Al good work mules,between he ages of 5 and S yars. Apply toWilliam Ratlcon. coal and sprinkling contractor.S73J Easton ave.

I."UR2.ITUUE wagonr,. milk wagons. bmlnswagons of nil kinds, new and secondhand. Young&. Co.. 14IT, N. Broadway.

GENTLE black horso, 3 years old. weight 1,4001lnqt.ire 132? N. Eleventh St.

GOOD, heavy team of draft horses for sals. 711S. Main st.

HARNESS, secondhand and new, atprices: saddles and horse blankets. Broad-wa- y

Harness Store. 1520 N. Broadway.HARNESS New harness cheaper than second-

hand: $1. $7.5. $10 and $15; bargain: largesponges at loc. H. C. Janssen. 1306 N. Thirteenth.

HAVE storage for all kinds of vehicles; smallcost: send postal. V, F.. 4117 Warns.

ONE brougham: bargain: stormbuggies, runabouts, top delivery, truckwagons. J. M. Selzer. 1523 N. Fourteenth.

TEN head of horses l.OOO to 1,400 pounds, suit-able for delivery, milk wagon and heavy haul-ing, from $25 up. 503 S. Jefferson ave.

WE have and manufacture all kinds businesswagons and storm buggies; our wagons equippedwltn vVltlesh patent end gate. 1222 N. Seventh st,

$200 will buy line bay horse, storm buggy on(lharness, (omnlete, if taken at once; worth $350.M. 78. Republic

3IEDIU3IS AND CLAIRVOYANTS.GREATEST European medium and clalrvovant

has permanently located In St. Louis and candally be consulted at her parlors. 1036A Vande-vente- r.

Trumpet and state writing in the light.MRS. BADARACCO. Magnctlo HealerAirdla-eas- e

cured without medicine; chronic cases aspecialty: sittings dally. 2225 Easton ave,SPIRITUAL readings dally; caiTbe consultedon all business: mental questions answered; de-

veloping- circles; open test seances every Wednes-day evening;. Mme. Crawford, 2802A Franklin.






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