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The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009

Apr 21, 2015



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Page 1: The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009
Page 2: The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009

table of contents

Dr. N. Scott Gorman Barbara Karpel Scott Colton

the stories

Dean’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Chancellor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Eye-Witness News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Staff Appreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Featured Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Cover Story – SVOSH—Journey to Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Residents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Research and Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29FOA Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover the te

amEditor-in-ChiefN. Scott Gorman, O.D., M.S., Ed.D.,

Associate EditorsScott Colton, B.A.Barbara Karpel, M.S.

ContributorsMichael Bacigalupi, O.D., M.S.Annette Bade, O.D.Rachel A. (Stacey) Coulter, O.D.Mike D’Eugenio, B.B.A.Barry J. Frauens, O.D.Janet L. Leasher, O.D., M.P.H.Ken Ma, B.A.Pamela R. Oliver, O.D., M.S.Linda S. Rouse, O.D.Josephine Shallo-Hoffmann, Ph.D.Lori Vollmer, O.D.Albert D. Wood, M.S., O.D.Amanda Woodie (class of 2010)

Art Director/Graphic DesignerBrandee Evans

The Visionary Editorial Team

Guatemala – Page 15

Dr. Pam Oliver – Page 13

Graduation 2008 – Page 22

Dr. UnderbergReceives Award – Page 10

UNESCO – Page 17

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The Visionary – Spring 2009 • Page 2

Over the years, I have had the pleasure oftelling you about the evolutionary changes wehave seen at both the College of Optometry andthe university. We are ever engaged in growth inso many areas: new buildings and physicalfacilities, the most technologically advancedequipment, new practice specialties, far-reachingeducational relationships, new programs, andmore. In this issue of The Visionary, I want tofocus on the hallmark of NSUCO by showcasingthe ways in which we display our inventive and innovativespirit. I’m sure you will agree there is no other optometryschool quite like NSUCO!

A few years ago, the College of Optometry unveiledtwo pioneering programs: the Extended O.D. degreeprogram and the Master’s in Clinical Vision Research(MCVR). Unique among the optometric educationalcommunity, the extended program curriculum spreads thetraditional four-year O.D. course of study over five years.Some extended program students have remarked that wereit not for this opportunity, they would not be able to realizetheir dreams of becoming an optometrist.

Another groundbreaking program is our Master’s inClinical Vision Research, which to date has graduated ninestudents. The MCVR prepares professionals to develop,perform, analyze, and evaluate clinical research studies.All this is accomplished using a Web-based distancelearning technology that allows health care professionals toremain in their current location and employment—anywhere in the world.

Both of these programs, once new and untested, havetaken root and become the wellspring from which two newand equally remarkable programs have emerged. As anadjunct to our O.D. degree programs, we have initiated aPreparatory Optometry Program, which is a one-yearcourse of study that prepares the future O.D. student forthe rigorous work ahead. With this novel program, we areable to recognize a student’s potential and dedication tothe profession of optometry and provide an opportunity tosucceed in the field.

A natural progression from the MCVR program is theequally noteworthy HPD Ph.D. Core. This programcomprises the foundational core courses that are commonto all Ph.D. programs at the Health Professions Division.After completing the core coursework, continuing studentsmatriculate into their individual Ph.D. programs. Thisunique, multidisciplinary approach creates academicsynergy among students and instructors. The Ph.D. Core isnow in its second year and is expected to expand as moreHPD colleges develop their own Ph.D. programs.

Most recently, the college joined forces with the H.Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurshipto develop two new programs designed to provide morein-depth business skills and knowledge to optometrystudents—in addition to the practice management coursesthey already have. The elective Certificate in Business

Management, a “mini-MBA,” will be offered forthe first time this spring. It is a 40-hour coursetaught by business school faculty comprisingsuch topics as accounting and finance, businessstrategy, selling and negotiating, andmanagement techniques. Imagine how wellprepared these students will be when they enterpractice.

Additionally, those students who desire toattain the Master’s in Business Administration

will soon be able to matriculate into a combinedO.D./M.B.A. program, also in conjunction with thebusiness school. Students will take their optometry coursesas extended program students, leaving time for the The entire program will run five years, and dualdegrees will be conferred at graduation. An M.B.A.enhances or improves business decisions for futurepractitioners. Our assistant dean for student affairs polledthe students, and they were overwhelmingly in favor ofsuch a program. We hope to have all the details arrangedin time for matriculation in August 2010.

Our international exchange programs continue tothrive. In addition to our students completing six-monthexternships at several medical universities in China, wenow reciprocate by hosting several visiting scholars. Weare hoping to expand such mutually beneficial educationalrelationships to Latin America and Russia in the future.

In the classroom, technological advancements haveprovided creative methods of both imparting informationand then testing whether that information has reached thestudents. For example, some of our instructors are nowusing the Tegrity system, which is a technology that hasbeen installed in several lecture halls. This system enablesinstructors to record their lectures and their PowerPointslides for later viewing. Also used in the classroom settingis Turning Point. With this teaching tool, students areissued remote control devices that provide instantaneousfeedback to both instructors and students after quizzes orjust as a check for student understanding during a lecture.

NSUCO’s innovative spirit can also be seen as wedevelop new clinical specialty areas within The Eye CareInstitute. One notable specialty area is the recentlydeveloped and implemented Neuro-Optometric VisualRehabilitation service that focuses on visual problemsassociated with head injuries and strokes. Additionally, allour clinical sites have implemented electronic medicalrecordkeeping.

As you can see, NSU’s College of Optometry is anoptometric institution that always looks—and steps—forward. We are uniquely poised to provide our studentsthe most advanced educational experiences due to ourunique programs. We do this within a uniqueinterdisciplinary environment, in a unique setting, andwith faculty members that bring unique expertise andknowledge to their work.

NSUCO is a definitely step apart from all the rest.

DEAN’S MESSAGEDavid S. Loshin, O.D., Ph.D.

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The Visionary – Spring 2009 • Page 3

CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGEFrederick Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D.

Throughout the years, I’ve frequently discussedthe changing paradigm of the health caredelivery system that exists in the United States.This is an especially timely topic now that a new administration has taken control of theWhite House.

Over the past decade, health care consumershave become acutely aware of the difficultiesthey face when it comes to the issue of access ofcare. Even individuals who are covered under some sort ofhealth insurance program are often anxious and confuseddue to the overriding restrictions private insurancecarriers, Medicare, and Medicaid have imposed upon thecountry’s health care practitioners, which prevent themfrom providing patients with the care they so vitally need.

As a result, what you have is an extremely frustrated andconfused health care consumer population that is longingfor change. This confusion, along with the interests of thegeneral public, corporations, organized labor, and others inregard to the availability of health care, is going to result ina major change in our health care system within the nextfew years. I personally believe we’re going to have somesort of universal health care system that will beadministered by the private sector through majorinsurance entities (e.g., United Healthcare, Blue Cross andBlue Shield, Kaiser Permanente). These insuranceproviders will become the managers—the agents for thefederal government if you will—to administer a universalhealth care program that will provide coverage for allindividuals in our country.

Currently, over 50 million Americans are uninsured—andthat number is projected to rise significantly in the nearfuture due to the escalating unemployment rate. As we allknow, the uninsured population needs to receive healthcare. Unfortunately, under the current system, the healthcare services they receive are the most costly because theyend up in the system at the highest level of morbidity.Consequently, those of us who have insurance areindirectly paying for the uninsured through risingpremium costs.

People understandably want to know why their healthinsurance premiums are skyrocketing annually. But it’sbasically the same situation that applies to ourhomeowners’ insurance costs when a hurricane hits SouthFlorida and all premium rates rise even though manypolicyholders didn’t have any property damage; it’sbecause you’re paying for everyone else’s damage, eventhough nothing may have happened to you. This mayseem like an overly simplistic way to explain our currenthealth care scenario, but that’s just the way it is.

That’s why I believe we’re going to have anational health product that is going to bemandated by the U.S. Congress and will be bidon by the private sector, which means you arenot eliminating the profit motive. In addition,there will be negotiations with all the variousprofessional organizations and advocacy groupssuch as AARP. Medicare costs are going up, andretirees are having a tough time paying forMedicare Part B. I also think there will be a

change implemented that will allow the federalgovernment to negotiate lower purchasing costs forMedicare Part D with the pharmaceutical companiesconcerning prescription drugs for the general public as italready does for the U.S. armed forces and V.A. hospitals.

As I mentioned earlier, everybody is already paying foreverybody else’s health care in the United States. Peoplelike to blame others —especially the poor—for their healthcare costs. But the fact is it’s all about numbers. The bottomline is the greater the number of people that are insured,the cheaper the cost per unit is going to be. The goal is toinsure all children in the United States as well as providecoverage to all adults who are unable to afford it on theirown or receive it through their employers. Under thisscenario, the numbers will become so large that there is anactuarial hope that the insurance we all carry will notincrease in cost. When you add over 50 million people tothe rolls and start to apply certain standards of health inrelation to prevention and wellness, you will minimize theuse of emergency rooms as their primary care entry intothe system. You will also inhibit them from using thehighest cost of health care by the fact that you prevent agood deal of hypertension and obesity and diagnoseailments such as cancer, diabetes, and coronary vasculardisease earlier through regular screenings.

There are some very interesting health care programpermutations being offered to Congress at the presenttime. That’s why I feel there will be a collegial andbipartisan communication process that will result in auniversal type of health care system. There’s even talk ofbringing all the Medicaid programs under this proposeduniversal health care umbrella.

It certainly appears to me that the nation is demandingsome sort of restructured health care program. I amlooking at this situation from a realistic point of view andnot through a crystal ball. When all is said and done, theelements of health care reform will be predominantlyemanating from the U.S. Congress in association andagreement with the White House.

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The Visionary – Spring 2009 • Page 4

The future of optometry is bright at NSU’s College ofOptometry. I want to share with you some statistics withregard to our outstanding professional students.

In 2008, our students achieved a 93 percent passage rateon their first attempt at taking Parts I and II of the NBEOexamination. On Part III of the examination, our studentsattained a 98 percent passage rate. The class of 2009achieved a 98 percent passage rate on Part II of theNBEO examination, which was administered inDecember 2008. The Florida Optometry Boardexamination consists of both written and practicalcomponents, and our students achieved a 91 percentpassage rate compared to non-NSU graduates thatrecorded a passing percentage of 82.6.

The class of 2012, which began our professional programin August 2008, entered with impressive undergraduatecredentials. These include:

• Average GPA: 3.39• Academic average on the OAT: 333 • Total science on the OAT: 340 • Entering with bachelor’s degree: 92• Entering with graduate degrees: 4 • States represented: 26• Florida students: 44• Canadian students: 9• Average age: 23.39

Each year, we have continued to see improvement in ouroptometry school applicants. In fact, in 2008, NSU’sCollege of Optometry had almost 800 applicants for the100 seats available within the entering class. As a result,our college ranked third in the nation in the number ofapplicants behind Illinois College of Optometry andPennsylvania College of Optometry. Our applicant-to-matriculant ratio of almost 8:1 was second only to StateUniversity of New York College of Optometry.

As you can see, NSU College of Optometry’s future isbright because of the outstanding students that haveentered our professional program. We are focused onpreparing this next generation of optometric physiciansto practice at the highest levels of proficiency, integrity, and professionalism.

The Future of Optometryat NSU Collegeof Optometry

By Michael Bacigalupi, O.D., M.S., FAAOAssistant Professor of Optometry and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

eye-witness news

College Announces “Mini-M.B.A.” Programfor Optometry Students

By Michael Bacigalupi, O.D., M.S., FAAOAssistant Professor of Optometry and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Nova Southeastern University is fortunate to have the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business andEntrepreneurship on its campus because it prides itselfon offering real-world experiences and applications totomorrow’s business leaders. In conjunction with NSU’sCollege of Optometry, the Huizenga School facultycreated a five-day, 35-hour course focused on thebusiness aspects of optometric practice. Optometrystudents who have just completed their third year ofprofessional education will be taught by experiencedbusiness school faculty members in the following areas:

• 14 hours of accounting and finance for small businessowners and non-financial managers

• 7 hours of business strategy including strategic thinking and long-term planning

• 7 hours of selling and negotiating techniques including personal and professional marketing

• 7 hours of small business management including human resources, leadership, and decision making

This unique opportunity for NSU College of Optometrystudents will further serve to prepare them for the manychallenges they will face upon graduation. Timelybusiness education from leading experts in the field addsto the potential strength of this new program. Mountingeducational debt, a struggling economy, and growingcompetition must all be managed effectively for newoptometrists to have success in practice.

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The Visionary – Spring 2009 • Page 5

In October 2008, Peter Kehoe, O.D., president of theAmerican Optometric Association (AOA), visited NovaSoutheastern University’s College of Optometry.Dr. Kehoe, who heads the nation’s largest association ofoptometrists, came to the college to speak to faculty andstudents about the profession and current issues.

His message for students was to focus beyond theirclasses and exams by looking at the big picture of howoptometry has evolved over the years, and how they aregoing to play a vital role in the profession’s future. He alsoencouraged faculty members to play a larger rolein developing students for the future. “As role models,they are molding and shaping the future of the professionby interacting with students everyday,” said Dr. Kehoe,whose own daughter, Alexandra, is an NSU College ofOptometry student.

Dr. Kehoe encouraged more students and facultymembers to join the American Optometric Association, anorganization that represents approximately 36,000 doctorsof optometry, optometry students, and paraoptometricassistants and technicians. The AOA sets professionalstandards that help its members conduct patient careefficiently and effectively, lobbies government and otherorganizations on behalf of the optometric profession, andprovides research and education leadership.

Dr. David Loshin, dean of NSU’s College of Optometry,met with Maria Mónica Uribe Mantilla, dean of Santo TomásUniversity in Bucaramanga, Colombia, at SECO in March2009 to formalize a memorandum for a cooperativerelationship that will promote an academic exchange andresearch collaboration between the two institutions.

NSU has had an informal relationship with Santo TomásUniversity for five years, as both schools are AssociatedCenters for the UNESCO Chair in Visual Health andDevelopment and collaborate on international developmentprojects in Latin America. The schools are both foundingmembers of ALDEFO, the Association of Latin AmericanEducators and Faculties in Optometry, and work together toimprove the quality of optometric education in the region.

The optometry school at Santo Tomás University is one ofseven optometry schools in Colombia—the country with themost advanced optometry scope of practice in the regionand with diagnostic and topical pharmaceutical privilegessimilar to that of Florida. The curriculum emphasizes strongprevention and visual health promotion while graduatingoptometrists with a humanistic and scientific yet holisticapproach to eye care. For more information about SantoTomás, please visit

Both deans agreed to support the development of facultyexchange and research collaboration as well as promoteopportunities for advanced student training.

American OptometricAssociation President

VisitsNova Southeastern


College of Optometry SignsMemorandum of

Understanding withUniversidad Santo Tomás in

Bucaramanga, ColombiaBy Janet L. Leasher, O.D., M.P.H., FAAO, Assistant Professor of Optometry

North American Coordinator of the UNESCO Chairin Visual Health and Development at NSU

eye-witness news

Peter Kehoe, O.D., president of the American Optometric Association (fifthfrom far left in the second row) has lunch with College of Optometry faculty

members and Dr. David S. Loshin, O.D., Ph.D., the college’s dean(second from far right, second row).

Faculty members from the Santo Tomás University College of Optometryin Bucaramanga, Colombia.

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The Visionary – Summer 2008 • Page 6

JULICIA BLOUNT/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTPrimary Responsibilities: Maintaining compliance records, ordering officesupplies, assisting the director of administration

Why I enjoy working at the college: The College of Optometry is anoutstanding workplace due to the wonderful relationships that exist betweenthe staff, faculty, and students. The enthusiastic environment motivates me togo beyond my job duties.

Three words that best describe me: Adventurous, determined,and compassionate.

YENNIFER CERON/RECEPTIONIST (OPTOMETRY ANDOSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE)Primary Responsibilities: Assisting with various clerical tasks, answeringphones, and assisting students, faculty, and visitors who come to the mainreception area

Why I enjoy working at the college: I enjoy working at the college because Iget to interact and work with a diverse group of people. This job is a greatlearning experience and has taught me to become better at multitasking.

Three words that best describe me: Hardworking, well-organized,and kind

JEANNE DECARO/COORDINATOR OF STUDENT SERVICESPrimary Responsibilities: Dealing with registrar functions

Why I enjoy working at the college: The staff members I work with arewonderful—each and every one. We are truly a team. I also enjoy working withthe students.

Three words that best describe me: Patient, dedicated, and caring

LORENA LIZAUSABA/COORDINATOR OF CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDALUMNI AFFAIRSPrimary Responsibilities: Assisting in planning and implementing allarrangements for conferences, supervising continuing education staff, servingas a liaison between the office and corporate contacts, optometricpractitioners, local/state professional societies, and approval agencies

Why I enjoy working at the college: I enjoy working at the college because Iam able to interact with my fellow colleagues and faculty members and makeconnections with outside organizations and individuals. In addition, I am ableto help run continuing education (CE) conferences alongside Dr. ScottGorman. Running CE conferences can be very exciting and quite a task toaccomplish; however, I enjoy a good challenge.

Three words that best describe me: Compassionate, imaginative, and focused

NADINE LOUIS-CHARLES DORCELY/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTWhy I enjoy working at the college: What I enjoy about working at the Collegeof Optometry is the genuine care and affection we all have for each other.It feels like a big family, where we all share each other’s joy and pain as westrive to deal with life’s challenges. Keeping a pleasant and healthy workenvironment is also our priority. From the dean and administrators to thefaculty and staff, we all seem to share the same vision in making the college asafe, pleasant, and welcoming work environment.

Three words that best describe me: Hardworking, straight-forward, and dedicated

ROCIO QUESADA • ACCOUNTING SPECIALISTPrimary Responsibilities: Processing all accounts payable items for thecollege’s clinic accounts and supporting my coworker.

Why I enjoy working at the college: I am grateful that my supervisors are sosupportive of my career path, which includes my current pursuit of a master’s

STAFF APPRECIATION:Celebrating the College of Optometry’s Unsung Heroes

By Scott Colton, B.A., Associate Editor, The Visionary

Each day, hundreds of important tasks areperformed by diligent staff members whose effortsmake the various departments and programs at theCollege of Optometry run smoothly. Whether it beanswering phones, scheduling appointments,handling accounting tasks, assisting the students,or processing travel requests, these essential—andfrequently unsung—individuals serve as essentialcontributors to the college’s success.

To acknowledge their invaluable contributions tothe college, The Visionary editorial team asked the staff members to provide individual profilesthat summarized their job duties, provided someinsight into their personalities, and allowed themto share the reasons they enjoy working at theCollege of Optometry. Standing (from left) are Julicia Blount, Chennel Williams, Jeanne DeCaro,

Lorena Lizausaba, and Barbra Karpel, M.S., director of administration.Seated are Jessica Weaver, Rachelle Russell, and Yennifer Ceron.

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degree in speech and language pathology here at NSU.

Three words that best describe me: Funny, kind, high-energy

RACHELLE RUSSELL • ACCOUNTING SPECIALISTPrimary Responsibilities: Providing financial information to collegeadministration for budgeting purposes, processing day-to-day financialtransactions, reconciling payments and charges

Why I enjoy working at the college: I enjoy working at the college because it’sa stable environment and I get along well with everyone.

Three words that best describe me: Funny, efficient, and hardworking

JESSICA WEAVER • COORDINATOR OFACADEMIC SERVICESPrimary Responsibilities: Providing administrative support to the associatedeans, coordinating student academic services, assisting the director ofadministration in the day-to-day operation of the administrative offices

Why I enjoy working at the college: I am surrounded by interesting people on ascenic campus. As both a student and employee at NSU, I really feel like I ampart of a close-knit family.

Three words that best describe me: Friendly, hardworking, and determined

CHENNEL WILLIAMS • ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTPrimary Responsibilities: Assisting department chairs with the administrativeaspects of their jobs, tracking and processing faculty leave requests,coordinating the faculty candidate interview process, assisting withcoordinating clinical schedules

Why I enjoy working at the college: The primary reason I enjoy working at theCollege of Optometry is that it is a genuinely good working environment. Ifeel the administrative staff is like a family—and that is something I don’t takefor granted.

Three words that best describe me: Calm, curious, and kind

Eye Care Institute Staff Personifies TeamworkBy Linda S. Rouse, O.D., Assistant Professor and Chief Operations Officer of The Eye Care Institute

Article on the next page...

Staff Appreciation

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The Visionary – Summer 2008 • Page 8

Clinic Supervisors

Ana Abugazaleh, managing optician, has been an NSU employee for almost 13years. She appreciates the support of the optometry administration, enjoysworking with a wonderful team of clinic staff, and finds it gratifying to teach theoptometry students.

Terry Simmons, clinic operations administrator, has been employed at TECI foralmost two years. She enjoys working at TECI because everyone from theadministration to the front desk personnel is so friendly and supportive. She alsoappreciates the educational benefit NSU offers.

TECI Staff

Jill Cabana, manager of third-party contracts and marketing services, works atthe Davie location and has been an NSU employee for over three years. Sheenjoys the people she works with, likes her job, and especially enjoys working inan educational setting.

Helen Capote, vision therapy coordinator, works at three of TECI’s locationsand has been employed at NSU for almost four years. She enjoys working in aprofessional environment where the doctors are friendly, always willing to teach,and very easy to work with.

Renay Kinloch, administrative assistant, has been employed at TECI for over ayear. She enjoys working at NSU because of the benefits.

Jay Mosner, optical merchandiser and buyer, has been employed at TECI forover seven years. He enjoys working with many of the outstanding doctors andstaff members and is happy to have the opportunity to pass on his opticalknowledge to others.

Josie Toussaint, low vision assistant, has worked at TECI for almost 16 years.She enjoys working at NSU because it is fun.

Patient Access Representatives

Catherine Dowe has been employed at the Broward Boulevard location foralmost two years. She loves her job, coworkers, interacting with people, andworking at TECI. She enjoys that everyday is a new experience.

Michelle Merida has been employed at the Davie location for over eightmonths. She originally applied because of the wonderful school benefits butenjoys working at TECI because she loves the environment and her coworkers.

Latoya Oliphant has been employed at the Broward Boulevard location foralmost a year. She loves working with people, and her coworkers make it a moreenjoyable experience because they are always there to help.

Krystie Orjuela has been employed at the Davie location for over two years.She enjoys working at TECI because she learns something new everyday andfeels it is a good place to work.

Anabella Palencia has been employed at TECI for over three years and iscurrently working at the North Miami Beach location. She enjoys working at TECIbecause of the great coworkers that are always helpful and make any day fun.

Albany Peguero has been employed at the Davie location for over eight months.She enjoys working at TECI because her coworkers help each other, the patientsare nice, and the kids coming into the Pediatric Service are always fun.

Richard Perez has been employed at the Davie location for over three yearsand is currently the patient access coordinator. He enjoys working at TECIbecause it enables him to improve his interpersonal, communication, andproblem-solving skills. He also enjoys the environment in which the staff workstogether with the faculty to create a great atmosphere for the patients.

Lissette Rivero has been employed at the North Miami Beach location foralmost two years and is currently the patient access coordinator. She enjoysworking at TECI because of the staff, patients, and her job responsibilities.

Roy Rodriguez has been employed at the Davie location for over eight months.He enjoys working at TECI because the people and the environment are friendly.He also enjoys the opportunity to learn new things.

Rozaliya Shimonova has been employed at the North Miami Beach location forover eight months. She enjoys working at TECI because all the employees workwell together. She also enjoys the field of optometry and helping patients.

Alexandria Weston joined the TECI team in 2008. She enjoys working at NSUbecause it is an enjoyable environment and the people are really pleasant.

Mable White-Jones has worked at the Broward Boulevard location for almost15 years. She enjoys working at NSU because she is able to help others and atthe end of the day people are happy.

EMR Technicians

Sophia Cameron has been employed at TECI for over five years and currentlyworks at the Broward Boulevard location. She enjoys assisting the students,staff, doctors, and patients in the clinic. Each day, she receives personalgratification from helping new and longtime patients that depend on good,caring service.

Jennifer Capote has been employed at TECI for over three years at the NorthMiami Beach location. She loves working with the doctors, students, and herfellow coworkers. Everyday she learns new things and has enjoyed theadvantages and opportunities her position offers.

Cynthia Farrell has been employed at TECI for over eight months at the Davielocation. A few of the many reasons she enjoys working at TECI includesteaching the students, her supervisor, and the many things NSU offers the staff.

Billing and Collection Specialists

Will Escarment has been employed at the Davie location for over sevenmonths. He likes working with the wonderful staff and finds his position to bechallenging. He also enjoys assisting patients with their bills and insurance.

Camille Washington has worked at the North Miami Beach location for over ayear. She enjoys working at NSU because of the opportunities it offers and theeducational benefits it provides.

Janice Williams has been employed at the Broward Boulevard location for overfour years. She enjoys working at NSU because she loves the area, patients,and her coworkers. Sometimes she forgets she is working because everyonemakes it a great experience.

The clinic administrators and staff work together to promote teamwork and enhance the work environment. Productiveand fun staff retreats and training sessions have been implemented to promote efficiency and heighten morale. The EyeCare Institute (TECI) staff is engaged and enjoys interacting as coworkers and as friends.

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Licensed Opticians

Jane Hidalgo has been the lead optician at Davie for over four years. She lovesworking at TECI because of the atmosphere and the benefits. The students arealways very friendly, and she hopes she makes an impact on their futureoptometric careers.

Maria C. Orozco has been the lead optician at North Miami Beach for almostfour years. She enjoys interacting with the students and sharing with them all theknowledge she has acquired from her experiences in private practices. She alsoappreciates the benefits offered by NSU.

Christine Williams has been employed at TECI for over three years and iscurrently the lead optician at the Broward Boulevard location. She enjoysworking at NSU because of the support she receives from her supervisors, whohelp further her career. She also enjoys the friendships, new challenges, theopportunity to grow, and the fact that every day is different.

Ophthalmic Technicians

Shalonda Dauphin McCullum has worked in the North Miami Beach Optical forover eight years. She enjoys working with patients and appreciates theopportunity to pursue higher levels of education at the university.

Christopher Joseph has worked in the Davie Optical for almost three years. Heenjoys the friendly atmosphere amongst the staff members since it is similar tobeing with family members. He also appreciates the opportunity to attend schoolas a benefit.

Anthony Stewart has been employed at the Broward Boulevard Optical foralmost two years. He enjoys working at TECI because he learns many newthings while working and his job has broadened his horizons in the optical field.

Ophthalmic Bench Technicians

David McCullough has worked in the North Miami Beach Optical for over sixyears. He enjoys his job responsibilities and working with the other staff andfaculty. He also appreciates the benefits offered by NSU.

Christina Pantoja has worked in the Davie Optical for almost six years. Sheenjoys working at TECI because it is not a stressful environment and the workhours are good.

Contact Lens Technicians

Leidy Gutierrez has worked in the Contact Lens Service at North Miami Beachand Davie for over seven months. She enjoys working with the other staff in afriendly and very organized environment. She also appreciates the good benefitsNSU offers the staff. She also likes the spirit of teamwork at TECI and the manynice things NSU offers the staff.

Ashley Hehir has worked in the Contact Lens Service at Davie for almost ayear. She enjoys working with the students, preceptors, and patients in anacademic environment.

The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry’s(ASCO) “Each One, Reach One” campaign is a practitioner-based career promotion effort that encourages optometriststo talk to their patients and other gifted young peopleabout optometry as a future career.

The goal of the “Each One, Reach One” program is toincrease optometry’s national applicant pool to threeapplicants for each first-year position and to develop anapplicant pool that reflects the diversity of the U.S.population. According to a 10-year study on incomingstudents at all schools and colleges of optometry, themajority of students indicated their decision to chooseoptometry as a career was due to the encouragement ofindividual optometrists. However, although the number ofunduplicated applicants has increased 27 percent since2002, it is still below the number of students who appliedin 1999. You are optometry’s best advocates—yourenthusiasm and commitment to the profession willencourage students to choose optometry as a career.

An important note: This program is not about increasingthe number of graduates from the nation’s optometryschools. It’s about making sure those who are selectedcontinue to reflect the profession’s ability to attract brightand caring young people.

Join Now!It’s easy to become a member of the “Each One, ReachOne” Career Promotion Corps and promote yourprofession to the optometrists of tomorrow. Just go tothe ASCO Web site at and click onCareer Promotion Corps or contact Paige Pence, directorof student and professional affairs, at ASCO [email protected].

“Each One, Reach One” (EORO) CampaignJoin the ASCO Career Promotion Corps!

TECI Staff

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The Visionary – Summer 2008 • Page 10

It is my pleasure to address youagain in the spring 2009 editionof The Visionary. Thank you forthe privilege of serving as thepresident of the Nova SoutheasternUniversity College of OptometryAlumni Chapter. As president, Ihave had the opportunity to meetour graduates and discover theimpact that NSU alumni have had

not only on optometry as a profession but also withinthe community.

Many of these outstanding individuals were recipientsof the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award, whichis presented annually at the university’s Celebrationof Excellence dinner gala that honors recipients selectedfrom each NSU college. More information about thisyear’s College of Optometry honoree is available in thisissue of The Visionary. Attending the event truly wasinspirational because it illuminated the picture ofNSU united as a whole university instead of asseparate colleges.

During these difficult economic times, unifying withother alumni to lead the community and profession isimperative. Consolidation will serve optometry as aprofession and NSU as an academic institution as well asenable individuals to prosper. Bonding together will alsoprotect the future of our profession and individualpractitioners as well as benefit the College of Optometry.Realizing that NSU is not only you but US is a messageto take to heart.

The university supports interdisciplinary referrals andresearch. For example, students are encouraged toobserve in other clinics, while undergraduates visitthe different Health Professions Division collegesfrequently. In addition, many functions occur on thecampus to raise money and awareness for causes such asautism, heart disease, and cancer. These functionsperpetuate the comingling of the colleges by allowingstudents to interact. In this manner, they learn about the other professions and the classes studied, whichhelps expand their awareness of each other and thevarious professions.

As a graduate of the College of Optometry, I urge youto remain engaged with NSU by enhancing yourunderstanding and knowledge of our programs andtaking advantage of opportunities offered at theuniversity. Discover the changes that have occurred anddetermine how you can contribute. Learn about the

Alumni ChapterPresident’s Message

Annette Bade, O.D., FAAO, Assistant Professor of OptometryCollege of Optometry Alumni Chapter

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Dr. Mary UnderbergCharbonneau Receives

NSU Distinguished Alumni Award

By N. Scott Gorman, O.D., M.S., Ed.D., FAAO, Professor of Optometry andDirector of Continuing Education, Alumni Relations, and Development

Every year, NSU honors a graduate from each of its 16centers, colleges, and schools with a DistinguishedAlumni Achievement Award. This year, MaryUnderberg Charbonneau, O.D., was selected as the 2008Distinguished Alumni Award recipient for the NSUCollege of Optometry. This award is given to graduateswho have demonstrated outstanding leadership andservice to the university and the community, as well as arecord of distinction and accomplishment in their field.

Dr. Charbonneau has been an optometrist for theNicolitz Eye Consultants in Jacksonville, Florida. Sheserved as president for the Northeast Florida OptometricSociety and is a member of the AOA ParaoptometricAdvisory Board and FOA Charities Board.

Her love for vision care led her to teach at FloridaCommunity College Jacksonville and The Vision CareInstitute—a division of Johnson and Johnson. Inaddition, she volunteers with Volunteer OptometricServices to Humanity (VOSH) and has completed fourmission trips to provide eye care to the needy people ofCentral and South America.

Her future goals include speaking at state and nationalconferences, developing paraoptometric educationallectures, and writing articles as well as possibly a book.

Newly married to husband Charles, who is in the U.S.Navy and stationed in Bota, Spain, Dr. Charbonneau isthe proud mother of daughter Allison Elizabeth. As afamily, they are living in Bota for the next two years,after which she hopes to return to Florida.

We honor Dr. Mary Underberg Charbonneau as ourDistinguished Alumni of the Year and hope her serviceand commitment to the profession serve as aninspiration to others. She has involved herself in herprofessional optometric association as well as hercommunity and is truly devoted to advancing the profession.

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Alan S. Bishop, O.D. (’98) was honored with the Maryland OptometricAssociation’s 2007 Young Optometrist of the Year Award and serves aspresident of the Eastern Shore Optometric Society. He is sole owner ofEaston Eye Care, a private practice with two locations. His son, Porter, is 16months old.

Katie Brauss, O.D. (’06) and Andy Jensen, O.D. (’06) were married onOctober 18, 2008.

Justine Chen, O.D. (’96) and Ryan Hargreaves, O.D., welcomed their firstbaby, a boy, in March 2009.

Marlon Demeritt, O.D. (’04) is an examiner for the National Board ofExaminers in Optometry. He became a Fellow of the American Academy ofOptometrylast October.

Donal Ellison, O.D. (’06) and Jilma Ellison, O.D. (’06) became fellows ofthe American Academy of Optometry last October.

Michelle Gonzalez, O.D. (’03), who completed her NSU residency inprimary care/cornea and contact lens in 2004, joined CorrectVision LaserInstitute in 2008, which is an ophthalmology practice with offices in Westonand Pembroke Pines. She practices full-scope optometry with an emphasison refractive surgery and specialty contact lenses.

Parres Harris-Roberts, O.D. (’07) completed a residency in geriatrics andlow-vision rehabilitation at The University of Alabama at Birmingham Schoolof Optometry, Birmingham VAMC in June 2008. She has presented severallectures and presented several papers as part of her residency program.

Andrea Scott Keele, O.D. (’06) is a member of the Greater Kansas CityOptometric Society and serves as a member of the Missouri OptometricAssociation’s Affiliated Organizations Committee. Last year, she beganproviding vision therapy services to patients at Insight Eyecare Specialtiesin Kansas City, Missouri. She is an InfantSee provider and recently gave alecture to the North Kansas City Schools’ nurses at their winter in-service on“What You Need to Know About Vision Therapy.”

John Marcev, O.D. (’02) and Deborah Marcev, O.D. (’02) are keeping verybusy in their practices, Eye Examiners, Inc. and VisionWorks. They havethree children, Nathan (age 5), and Aaron and Andrew (twins—ages 2½).

Adrienne Manzo, O.D. (’04) works for a large ophthalmology/optometrypractice in Buffalo, New York. She was recently engaged and is planningan October wedding overlooking Niagara Falls.

D. Duane Mohon, O.D. (’98) was appointed for a second term onthe Alabama Optometric Association Board of Directors. He wasalso appointed for another term as the Carrier AdvisoryCommittee Member (Medicare Liaison) for the state of Alabama.Additionally, he serves on the Southern Educational Congress of Optometry(SECO) Logistics Committee 2009.

Steve Newman, O.D. (’96), who is a board-certified nutrition specialist,practices nutritional optometry in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Herecently published a book titled Feel More Alive Now.

Barton Parker, O.D. (’97) lives in Lake Worth, Florida, with his wife, Paula,and their two children, Ryan (age 7) and Jill (age 2). He celebrated hisfifth year in private practice and is secretary of the Palm Beach CountyOptometric Association.

Jeanne Ruff, O.D. (’05) lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, where she has beenin solo practice since 2007. She is a member of the AOA and VirginiaOptometric Association as well as the Williamsburg Lions Club.

Rebecca Lynn Schoonover, O.D. (’04) played a key role in the creationand implementation of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Optometric Society’sWeb site. She is very active in the Junior League of Scranton, Pennsylvania,and serves on its board of directors. She also helps raise much-neededfunds that benefit local causes, such as St. Joseph’s Center and theWomen’s Resource Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Cristina Sicoia (Davis), O.D. (’99) joined a British eye team in Romania inSeptember 2008, helping over 400 people receive eyeglasses.

Tracey (Dublirer) Sinoway, O.D. (’96) was on Fox News in Januarydiscussing an article on the effects of outdoor play on myopic children.

Kevin Smith, O.D. (’99) has acquired two practices, South Tampa Eye Sitein April 2008 and Optical Effects in March 2009.

Adam Stelzer, O.D. (’07) was named executive director of The LaserCenter of Coral Gables, Florida. Working closely with the center’s medicaldirector, Dr. Alberto Aran, he plans and manages refractive laser andimplantable lens procedures. He also instructs and lectures to optometrystudents from NSU and several other optometry schools as part of TheLaser Center’s tertiary care externship program at Aran Eye Associates.

Marc B. Taub, O.D., NSU residency class of 2004, became a fellow of theCollege of Optometrists in Vision Development at the COVD AnnualMeeting in Palm Springs, California, in October 2008.

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university and provide us with suggestions forimprovement. Graduating better optometrists improvesthe profession, thereby enabling optometry to solidify itsposition in the health care system.

I also urge you to create or join a local alumni chapter.These chapters can provide excellent networkingopportunities; in fact, you may be surprised at the numberof graduates who are currently living in your area.

Thank you for your support in the past. NSU willcontinue to graduate exemplary optometrists because ofalumni contributions. Those contributions are not onlyfinancial, but can also include recruiting new applicantsand educating the community about services optometristsprovide. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you inthe future.

Alumni Chapter President’s Message

ALUMNI NEWSBy N. Scott Gorman, O.D., M.S., Ed.D., FAAO, Professor of Optometry and Director of Continuing Education, Alumni Relations, and Development

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The quality education thatstudents receive in theCollege of Optometry is adirect result of philanthropicsupport from alumni andfriends in the community.Students are able to learnfrom exceptional faculty in amultidisciplinaryenvironment so they canpractice at the highest level ofproficiency. However, thedepth of an education cannotbe covered by fees andtuition alone. The NovaSoutheastern UniversityAnnual Fund provides avehicle for alumni andfriends to make an immediateimpact on current College ofOptometry students.

The Annual Fund providesthe College of Optometrywith unrestricted dollars tomeet the emerging needs notcovered by fees and tuition.Recruitment initiatives,faculty development, andscholarships are all examplesof how annual gifts make adifference. The Jack WolfeScholarship Award and the

Terry Ingraham StudentActivity Award are a directresult of support from alumniand friends. Thesescholarships, which are givento third-year optometrystudents, allow them toaccomplish their dream ofpursuing a career inoptometry. Please considermaking a gift to the Collegeof Optometry’s Annual Fund.You can truly enhance theNSU educational experiencefor College of Optometrystudents by ensuring theyhave the opportunity toaccomplish their dream.Giving is only a click away.Visit andmake your gift today.

The college is anexceptional institution todaybecause of dedicated alumniwho want to ensure that thecollege continues to excel inserving the optometric needsof the public by educatingoptometrists to the highestlevel of proficiency, integrity,and professionalism.

Giving Back to NSUBy Mike D’Eugenio, B.B.A., NSU Director of Annual Giving

Besides giving back financially, there are otherways to contribute to your alma mater. TheOptometry Alumni Chapter is a wonderful vehicleto reconnect with former classmates and facultymembers. The chapter holds annual continuingeducation and networking events. There are severalother volunteer opportunities available for NSUalumni. If you are interested in joining theOptometry Alumni Chapter or volunteering, pleasecontact Sara DuCuennois in the Office of AlumniRelations at (800) 541-6682, ext. 22118, [email protected].

ContributionsThe College of Optometry recognizes the following individuals

for their monetary contributions:

Dr. Lori VollmerLester E. Janoff Scholars Award Fund

Walter S. Guerard, J.D., O.D.Terry Ingraham Scholarship Fund

Lester E. Janoff Scholars Award Fund

Mrs. Elena Barnabei on behalf of the Stefano LaSala FoundationLester E. Janoff Scholars Award Fund

Walter S. Guerard, J.D., O.D.Terry Ingraham Scholarship Fund

Lester E. Janoff Scholars Award Fund

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Pamela Oliver, O.D., M.S., FAAO, found the greatest joy ofher life in the service of others. Whether it was organizingbread sales with the March of Dimes as a youngster orcoordinating walkathons to raise money for cancer in highschool, Dr. Oliver realized how much of an impact oneperson can make. Now, as an associate professor ofoptometry at Nova Southeastern University’s College ofOptometry, Dr. Oliver is continuing her quest to better thelives of those around her.

In her professorial role, Dr. Oliver educates NSU optometrystudents in the classroom about rehabilitative optometryand in the clinics about geriatric patients with low visionand primary care optometry. In her caregiver role, sheprovides top-notch optical treatment for patients at theNSU Health Care Centers. And when she’s not doing either,Dr. Oliver is a researcher who is constantly unearthing newknowledge about low-vision rehabilitation, wavefrontanalysis, and other subjects.

“Optometry allows me to reach out to so many people,”Dr. Oliver said. “I find great satisfaction in passingknowledge on to my students and helping my patientssee well.”

Dr. Oliver’s journey to NSU began in Long Island, NewYork, where she is originally from. She grew up in ahousehold that considered health care to be a family affair.Although her father and brother were both in medicine, Dr.Oliver decided to choose optometry after careful evaluationof all options because she thought it would fulfill more ofher aspirations.

Her first exposure to optometry occurred when she wasa college student. During her summer breaks fromthe University of Pennsylvania—an Ivy Leagueuniversity—Dr. Oliver worked as an administrativeassistant at a Long Island optometry practice. “I felt therewas a lot of camaraderie at the clinic, and the patients werevery happy with the care they received from theiroptometrists,” she said. “The work really appealed to me.”

After earning a B.A. degree from the University ofPennsylvania, Dr. Oliver went on to attend the StateUniversity of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry,where she earned her O.D. degree in 1990.

While at SUNY, she remembers seeing her first patient as astudent optometrist. Before she could even diagnose him,


Associate Professor of Optometry andDiplomate of the American Academy of Optometry in Low Vision Rehabilitation

By Ken Ma, B.A., Associate Director of Public Affairs, NSU Office of Public Affairs

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there was a problem; he only spoke Spanish.Luckily, there was a security guard inthe building who could translate forher. “Since then, I’ve learnedSpanish to speak to my patients,”Dr. Oliver said.

In 1992, Dr. Oliver took ap o s i t i o n a s a c l i n i c a lprofessor of optometryat Southeastern UniversityCollege of Optometry beforeit merged with NSU. From1993 to 2001, she served asthe director of the low-visionrehabilitation and geriatricoptometry clinical rotation andchief of The Eye Care Institute’sLow Vision Service.

At NSU, Dr. Oliver created a variety oflecture, laboratory, and clinical courses,such as low-vision rehabilitation, optometrictheory and methods, and case conference. She alsojoined the pediatric and binocular vision faculty when shewas needed.

What she likes most about being an educator is when herstudents really grasp the concepts she is trying to teachthem. Optometry is a complicated mix of science, theory,and real-world application that is sometimes not the easiestsubject to master. “I love seeing students get it—when thatlight bulb goes off and they understand a hard concept theycan apply in the clinic,” Dr. Oliver said.

Outside the classroom, Dr. Oliver spends about two to threedays a week at NSU’s Eye Care Institute, where shecompassionately treats patients and oversees studentoptometrists. One of those patients was a young boy whosegrades fell in school because of his low vision. The boysuffered from ocular albinism, which is the lack ofpigmentation in the eye.

“After a thorough exam and talking to his teacher, Iprovided him with special glasses that magnified objects,”Dr. Oliver said. “He was eventually able to catch up withthe rest of his classmates and go beyond them.”

That child is just one of many patients Dr. Oliver has treatedfor low vision. Her research in the area has brought her incontact with other professionals such as ophthalmologists,occupational therapists, psychologists, and social workers.That’s because patients with low vision have other issuesas their condition interferes with many aspects of their dailyexistence, including work, hobbies, and the ability to enjoytheir lives. “When someone’s vision cannot be correctedby surgery or medication, it’s a painful thing to dealwith, ”Dr. Oliver said. “People have trouble handlingthese problems.”

Because she is such a caring optometrist, Dr.Oliver obtained an M.S. in mental health

counseling from NSU in 1998 so shecould better deal with her patients’

emotional as well as physicalneeds. “Pam puts her patients at

ease with a positive, upbeata t t i t u d e , ” s a i d J o s e p hPizzimenti, O.D., FAAO,a s s o c i a t e p r o f e s s o r o foptometry. “She explainscomplicated diagnoses anddiseases, as well as solutionsand treatments in such a waythat her patients become

empowered to live welldespite their challenges.”

In between teaching, researching,and providing patient care, Dr.

Oliver founded Student VolunteerOptometric Services to Humanity. This

NSU organization brings NSU optometrystudents and faculty members to developing

countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua,Ecuador, Peru, and Costa Rica each year to provide badlyneeded eye care. The group of volunteers provides eyeexams and glasses to impoverished residents who havenever before seen an optometrist.

Dr. Oliver also coordinates efforts throughout Florida toprovide Special Olympians with eye exams in conjunctionwith their meets. As part of a project called SpecialOlympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes, she andother optometrists aim to increase access for these athletesand help students and other optometrists feel morecomfortable working with them.

Making a difference in people’s lives is not easy. But for a person who aspired to do that her entire life, Dr.Oliver has succeeded well beyond her original hopes and expectations.

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Back in 1987, the SVOSH (Student VolunteerOptometric Services to Humanity) chapter at NSU’sCollege of Optometry was formed by Drs. Pam

Oliver, Cliff Stephens, and yours truly. Since that firstmission to Honduras, thousands of patients from SouthAmerica and the Caribbean have been examined and givenglasses, medications, and medical/surgical referrals asneeded. And with each trip, no matter how well our teamleaders plan and organize, there are always unexpectedchallenges that pop up. The SVOSH mission of 2008 toGuatemala was to be no different.

The 2008 team, headed up by third-year intern AprilAusting, had started planning for the Guatemala missionalmost as soon as we had returned from the Trinidad 2007mission. After looking at a series of different sites, it wasdecided that SVOSH would serve a small pastoral townin the mountains near Jutiapa, Guatemala. With acombination of excitation and anticipation, our teamlanded in Guatemala City just as the sun was going downon Saturday, March 15. If you have never tried to get 20 orso BIG boxes full of glasses and medications through thecustoms department of a foreign country, you are not

missing out on something you would want to do. But afterenough questions to pass as a national board exam, wewere at last past customs and out onto the official terrafirma of Guatemala.

So here we were, 14 interns, a handful of doctors, oneoptician, and 20 some BIG boxes, out in the hustle andbustle of the road leading away from the Guatemala CityInternational Airport. The only things missing were ourGuatemalan hosts and transportation to Jutiapa—the townwe would be staying at several hours outside of GuatemalaCity. Team leader Austing headed back into the airportterminal to call the number our hosts had given her, butthere was no answer. After several more phone calls overthe next hour or so, someone finally answered. Then camethe shocker. While all the correspondence to Guatemalahad clearly stated we were arriving on March 15, 2008, forsome reason they thought we were coming in April. Theonly words we heard from our, now somewhat pale-looking leader, were, “But, my name is April!”

One thing I have learned through the years of workingwith our NSU students on SVOSH missions is when things

It’s April in March…SVOSH Guatemala 2008

By Albert D. Wood, M.S., O.D., FAAOAssociate Professor of Optometry

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SVOSH 2008 Guatemala TeamDoctorsDr. James BraussSandra Brauss (optician)Dr. Diane CalderonDr. Michelle CaputoDr. Pamela OliverDr. Albert Woods

StudentsApril Ann AustingTeresita Aleida BollarDerek John Bonacci

Bupathi S. DissanayakeApril Marie GerhardDina IskanderDiana Hong Phuc NguyenSonal V. PatelBrianna Christine RhueFrancisco RichardsonMaureen Geeta SawhMargot ShipleyOscar VillafanaChue-mai YangShirin Hejazi Yousefi

get tough, they rise to the occasion—and April Austingwas to be no different. After the initial shock wore off, sheand her co-leader, Brianna Rhue, immediately startedworking on how to keep the mission on track with ourGuatemalan hosts so we could see the patients we hadcome to provide care for. Within several hours, we were allon a couple of buses, along with 20 some BIG boxes,heading out into the dark Guatemalan countryside. It wasa little after midnight by the time we arrived in Jutiapa, butour hosts had already contacted people in the mountaintown to let them know we were there to serve and that ourclinic would start that Sunday. After a few hours of sleep,followed by a breakfast of colorful local fruit, we were offon another bus ride into the surrounding mountains to seefor the first time our clinic site.

After an hour-plus of winding through the mountains anddodging enough wandering cows on the road to supplyany McDonalds for a year, we arrived at our destination.The clinic site was just that—a public health clinicconsisting of several small buildings cut into the side of ahill with several volcanoes quietly puffing off in the hazydistance. Down from the roofs of the two buses came our20 some BIG boxes, and in a scene that can only bedescribed as almost totally chaotic, we took over the entireclinic except one room reserved for medical patients.Within several hours we were seeing our first patients, andas the sun settled to the horizon that first day, we had seen,even with our bumpy start, several hundred patients.

Over the next several days, we saw over 900 patients. Thevast majority needed glasses, and for many, this would betheir first pair of eyewear. For the people who work out inthe fields, the artificial tears and sunglasses we brought,even the “cat-eyes,” were a big hit. Because of the ruggedliving conditions in the mountains, where most people stillwalk, there were not that many cases of diabetes orhypertension, but the ones we did discover were referredto the medical clinic. An ophthalmologist from GuatemalaCity was one of our hosts and would return to the clinicsite in the future to provide cataract surgery for thenumerous patients we saw that needed it. There were evensome neuro-eye cases to keep me happy and challenge thenew third-year interns.

But not all the trip was work; our hosts had arranged for usto spend several days visiting some of Guatemala’s bestsites. We spent time at Panajachel, a lively town on theshores of Lake Atitlán in the Guatemalan highlands. Wehiked a volcano one day after seeing a good omen on ourdrive up—the puff of an ash cloud from an eruption. Thegood omen was that it was another volcano erupting, notthe one we would hike. We spent our last night in Antigua,an old Spanish colonial town that was in full celebrationwith multiple processions of hand-carried floats throughthe city for Holy Week. And after just a week inGuatemala, it was time to leave—another successful NSUstudent-lead SVOSH mission accomplished.

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UNESCO Chair Completes Study on Visual Healthin South America

By Janet L. Leasher, O.D., M.P.H., FAAO, Assistant Professor of OptometryNorth American Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Visual Health and Development at NSU

Understanding accessibility to vision care requires anunderstanding of the social determinants of health and thefactors contributing to sufficient number and distributionof providers. As part of an ongoing effort by the UNESCOChair in Visual Health and Development, a situationalanalysis of visual health in South America was completedin 2008 utilizing a study protocol examining Visual HealthSystems Around the World (Sistemas de Salud VisualMundial, or SAVIM by its acronym in Spanish).

The SAVIM study, previously completed for CentralAmerica in 2004, looked at the socioeconomic, political,cultural, educational, environmental, and sector-specificfactors contributing to accessibility to visual health in theSouth American countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, andVenezuela. Country-level indicators such as the populationand economic statistics, Human Development Index,education indices, gender equity, and other socio-culturaldata were evaluated with a specific eye toward the visualhealth sector indicators of

• human resource regulations• professional type• number and distribution• educational centers• health care systems• cooperation projects of nongovernmental and

governmental nature

Because visual health data of this nature do not typicallyform part of governmental statistics, qualitative andquantitative research methodologies were utilized toobtain the information. Key informants from all countriescollaborated in contributing data points.

A team of researchers lead by UNESCO Chair DirectorLaura Guisasola of the Chair headquarters in Barcelona,Spain, and Martha Liliana Hernandez, coordinator of theSouth American Associated Center at the Universidad deSanto Tomas College of Optometry in Bucaramanga,Colombia, along with Laia Olle, political scientist andresearcher, conducted the study.

The results of the study were presented and furtheranalyzed by all contributors in the first Forum onVisual Health in South America, held at the SantoDomingo Convent in Bogotá, Colombia, November 13-14,2008. A strategic plan for visual health in the regionachieved consensus.

This forum brought together experts in visual health fromthe 10 different countries, who represented all of the visualhealth professions (ophthalmology, optometry, opticianry,orthoptics, technologists, and technicians) as well asministries of health and education, nongovernmentalorganizations working in visual health in the continent, thePan-American Health Organization, and the UNESCOChair in Visual Health and Development. A series ofworkshops and small-group planning sessions allowedthese experts to develop strategic focus areas based on thefindings of the study.

The strategic focus areas center on

• improving the accessibility and quality of eye care in the public system

• enhancing practitioner education and competencies• guaranteeing vision care as a public service• decentralizing the services to the rural areas and

increasing coverage in these areas

The UNESCO Chair in Visual Health and Development isheadquartered at the Polytechnic University of Cataloniain Barcelona, Spain. There are three regional AssociatedCenters—Nova Southeastern University College ofOptometry hosts the North American Associated Center(coordinator Janet Leasher, O.D., M.P.H., FAAO);University of El Salvador hosts the Central AmericanAssociated Center (coordinator Astrid Villalobos, M.P.H.);Santo Tomas University of Bucaramanga, Colombia, hoststhe South American Associated Center (coordinatorMartha Liliana Hernandez, O.D., M.P.H.). The Chair’smission is to increase access for the most vulnerablepopulations of the world to quality vision care throughactions of education, research, and cooperation projectsfor development.

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In June 2009, the UNESCO Chair will hold thesecond Forum on Visual Health in Central Americain El Salvador and is slated to launch the SAVIMstudy on the Caribbean nations in 2009. NovaSoutheastern University will be the location for theThird International Congress for the Developmentof Visual Health in 2011.

For more information and to read the Report onVisual Health in South America 2008, please contactDr. Janet Leasher at [email protected] or visit theUNESCO Chair Web site at

Representatives from 10 countries, all visual health professions, ministries of health and education, nongovernmental organizations,and educational institutions join together for Visual Health in South America.

The UNESCO Chair team celebrates the end of the forum.Pictured (left to right) are Janet Leasher (North American coordinator),

Martha Liliana Hernandez (South American coordinator),Laura Guisasola (UNESCO Chair co-director in Barcelona),

Sophia L. (development specialist from France), andLaia Olle (political scientist and researcher in Barcelona).

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We are already well into our new residency year and ourcurrent class has been busy. I would like to introduce you toour 2008-2009 residency class members. They are: JoanBauernfiend, O.D., Eva Duchnowski, O.D., Helen Farjad,O.D., Sonia Milena Fernandez, O.D., Ivette Gonzalez, O.D.,Ashley Zak Kimble, O.D., and Karina Marcovitch, O.D.

Our residency program takes pride in providing achallenging clinical environment that encourages theattainment of each resident’s personal learning objectives,as well as encouraging the development of “well-rounded”optometric physicians. For this reason, though primarilyclinically based, the program contains many other didacticand scholarly elements.

Clinically, the residents perform patient care in a direct caresetting as well as serve as preceptors for students in ourthird- and fourth-year clinics. This allows the residents to“learn by doing” as well as “learn by teaching.” Many ofour residents find this one of the most rewarding aspects ofthe program and continue in academia on a full- or part-time basis upon completing the program.

In addition to clinical training, the residents participate inweekly conferences that involve lectures on a wide range oftopics, journal reviews, tutorials, and career counseling.

They are involved in instructing students in laboratoriesand conferences involving optometric procedures. They arealso required to produce lectures and deliver grand roundspresentations during their residency year andare mentored in the development of papers forpublication. We also acknowledge the importance ofinvolvement in professional organizations, both politicallyand academically, and encourage their involvement inthese organizations.

Many of our residents not only attend but present postersand lectures at conferences, such as the American Academyof Optometry (AAO), SECO International, and theAmerican Optometric Association (AOA). Additionalopportunities are also available in the form of specialtyconferences in ocular disease, such as the OptometricGlaucoma Society and the Optometric Retina Society; incornea and contact lenses, such as the Vistakon Residents’Meeting and the GPLI Cornea and Contact Lens ResidentEducational Program; and in pediatrics with the College ofOptometrists in Vision Development (COVD).

I would also like to share some statements from our currentresidents on their overall perception of their residencytraining at NSU as well as their favorite aspects of theprogram.

By Lori Vollmer, O.D., Assistant Professor, Director of Residencies

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SPOTLIGHT ON THE RESIDENTSPictured (left to right) are Sonia Milena Fernandez, O.D., Ashley Zak Kimble, O.D., Ivette Gonzalez, O.D.,

Joan Bauernfiend, O.D., Eva Duchnowski, O.D., Helen Farjad, O.D., and Karina Marcovitch, O.D.

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Dr. Fernandez: “The residency program has been a greatchoice for my career. It has given me the confidence Ineeded on decision making. It has allowed me to work witha variety of professors who have taught me and led me inthe right path, and it has given me the opportunity toexplore areas of optometry that were of high interest to me.Working as a preceptor under the program has been morerewarding than I expected. Not only did it require me tounderstand the topics I needed to teach, but it compelledme to research areas I was not familiar enough with.”

Dr. Bauernfiend: “My pediatric experience has been a real“eye opener.” Coming from a school where I had limitedexposure with pediatric care, I had to really hit the groundrunning when I started at NSU. I tell the students allthe time not to take their experience for granted. Thisresidency has been invaluable to the development of myclinical skill in this area.”

Dr. Farjad: “The residency in primary care with emphasisin ocular disease has been a fulfilling professionalexperience for me. I have had the opportunity to work indifferent clinics and work with knowledgeable doctors. Ihave had the opportunity to precept the optometrystudents, which expands my clinical experience fromanother perspective. I also have rotations with greatophthalmologists in the area and am exposed to all kinds ofocular problems. I believe doing a residency at NSU hasprovided me with a very unique clinical experience that hasexceeded my expectations.”

Dr. Duchnowski: “During the last few months, not onlyhave I become a better clinician, but I also have becomemore comfortable in preparing posters, papers, andpresentations. I have had the opportunity to deliverpresentations during grand rounds and at the 2008 AAO meeting in Anaheim, California. These uniqueopportunities have helped me get over my fear of publicspeaking and have helped me improve upon myprofessional speaking skills. My residency experience hasenabled me to grow both as an individual and a clinicianand has allowed me to be more comfortable managing andtreating many ocular conditions.”

Dr. Kimble: “I believe that the best way to test yourknowledge is to share that knowledge with someone else. Iam fortunate to have that aspect in my training here atNSU. I also enjoy the unique experience at NSU of havingprimary care and pediatrics as a part of my residency. I amable to fully build my confidence as a practitioner for myfuture in optometric practice.”

Dr. Marcovitch: “My residency is in primary care with anemphasis in ocular disease. This combined residency allowsme to have a very diverse learning experience because Ihave the opportunity to work in a different clinical settingevery day. I spend two days a week shadowing

ophthalmologists who specialize in specific fields such asretina and neuro-ophthalmology. On other days, I rotatethrough the NSU clinics based in Davie, Fort Lauderdale,and North Miami Beach as well as the specialty clinics forglaucoma, diabetes, and macular disease. These are suchdiverse clinical settings, and the patient populations areincredibly varied in terms of socioeconomic status,ethnicity, and ocular problems. Having come from anotheroptometric institution, it has been valuable to me to learnfrom such a diverse faculty and gain a different perspectiveregarding optometric education, examinations, andtreatment modalities. The faculty and staff at NSU havebeen very supportive in providing a positive learningenvironment and are always available to answer questions.

Dr. Gonzalez: “My overall residency experience has beengreat. I like that I am able to learn through many differentexperiences from directly working with patients to workingwith the students.”


Dr. Fernandez: “The favorite part of my residency isworking alongside professionals who are willing to answermy questions and are so knowledgeable in their chosen areathat I feel lucky to have them guide me through patient careI may have otherwise not felt comfortable managing. I amalso very happy with the flexibility of the program since ithas allowed me to get involved with the pediatricdepartment at both NSU and BPEI, giving me experiencethat on my own I would not have been able to gain. I highlyrecommend the residency program at NSU.”

Dr. Bauernfiend: “My favorite part of the program is thatwhile each resident has responsibilities to the clinics theyare assigned to, there is some flexibility with theassignments. If you want more experience in a certain areaor clinic, it can happen even if it does not necessarily fallwithin your particular residency position. You have optionsto really make the most of your year.”

Dr. Farjad: “My favorite aspects of the program have beenthe opportunity to work with NSU students and seeingmany glaucoma patients in the Glaucoma Service withDr. Sowka.”

Dr. Marcovitch: “One of the most challenging but best partsof the residency is precepting third- and fourth-yearoptometry students. The students are very eager to learn,and they always have challenging and interesting questionsthat push me to analyze my own knowledge and keep meon my toes.”

Dr. Gonzalez: “My favorite aspect of the residency isworking directly with the patients. I have the opportunityto see patients in pediatrics, primary care, and visiontherapy. I enjoy the opportunity to expand my skills in allareas with the guidance of the top optometrists intheir field.”

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As you can see, our residents all have individual interests and goals and enjoy the programfor a variety of reasons. We are pleased that we are able to provide this learning

environment and are very proud of all of our past and current residents.

Residents Day presenters (from left) were Ashley Zak Kimble O.D.,Beth Paternoster, O.D., Michelle Rivera, O.D., Laryn Adams, O.D., AnneVollmar, O.D., Sonia Fernandez O.D., Marissa Adamson O.D., ElizabethGarland O.D., Diana DeLaTorre, O.D., and Helen Farjad O.D. Pictured in

the back row is Manuel Zambrano. O.D. (Not pictured: Hetel Bhakta, O.D.)

A new addition to the program was our inaugural Residency Dayheld in February 2009. This event showcased residents throughoutthe state of Florida affiliated with Nova Southeastern University’sCollege of Optometry. In all, we had 12 residents presentinglectures representing 8 of our residency sites; Orlando VAMC,Tallahassee VAMC, Lake City VAMC, Gainesville VAMC, Aran EyeAssociates, Bay Pines VAMC, Daytona Beach VAMC, and NovaSoutheastern University.

These residents presented interesting and challenging cases theyhad encountered during their residency training in the form of grandrounds to NSU faculty, fellow residents, and optometric students.The lectures covered topics in ocular trauma, orbital disease,glaucoma, retina, and neuro-ophthalmic disease. In addition to theexcellent educational program, it also provided an opportunity forthe students to interact with residents from various programs andlearn more about residency training and the opportunities itprovides. We were very pleased with the success of this event andlook forward to future participation in years to come.

The College of Optometry held its annual White Coat Ceremony on August 27, 2008, at the NSU Health Professions Division. The ceremony officially inducted the entering class of 118 students into the profession of optometry, allowing them

to understand the mission and ethics of the profession, as well as the expectations of them in regard to patient care.

students’ pages

Optometry Students Receive White Coats

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CHANCELLOR’S AWARD Presented to the student who best exemplifies the characteristics of a fineoptometric physician—a combination of scholarship, leadership, integrity,humanity, and loyalty to the professionJohnlee Romero

DEAN’S AWARDPresented for academic excellence to the student graduating with the highestscholastic achievementShawn Poitras

BETA SIGMA KAPPA SILVER MEDALPresented to the graduating chapter member who has attained the highestcumulative grade point averageShawn Poitras

THE LESTER E. JANOFF SCHOLARS AWARDPresented to a fourth-year optometry student for outstanding performance ina scholarly activity such as teaching, research, or optometric journalism—inmemory of Dr. Lester E. Janoff, a renowned educator, researcher, andpioneer in the area of cornea and contact lenses; a gentleman and a scholarwho exemplified lifelong learningRobyn Russell

ALCON GLAUCOMA SERVICE AWARD OF EXCELLENCEPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated experience, clinicalexcellence, and compassion in the care of patients with glaucomaAni Baroni and Brenda Arnone

MARCHON PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AWARD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in clinical optometricpractice managementSteven Bussa

SOUTHERN COUNCIL OF OPTOMETRY AWARD FOR CLINICALEXCELLENCEPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinicalperformanceAmanda Kirtley

PIONEER INSTRUMENTS PRIMARY CARE AWARDPresented to a graduating student for excellence in primary care performanceMichelle Kubancik

VISION CARE INC. PRIMARY CARE CLINICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence inprimary careWilliam Yu

JORDAN EYEWEAR MODULE DIRECTOR’S AWARDPresented to that individual who has demonstrated clinical excellence in thearea of primary care including disease management and diagnosis, visual andrefractive care, and patient interactionChristine Manzella

ARÁN EYE ASSOCIATES EXCELLENCE IN OCULAR DISEASE AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated exceptionalunderstanding and care of patients with ocular diseaseTamanna Towhid

BRAVERMAN EYE CENTER CLINICAL EXCELLENCE AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated superior clinicalskills and excellence in diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseaseMichael Nodland

BRAVERMAN EYE CENTER EXTERN OF THE YEARIn recognition of a superior work ethic, clinical acumen, and excellence inpatient careTrey Stafford

LUXOTTICA AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence inclinical pediatric care and vision therapyAshley Zak Kimble

PEDIATRIC AND BINOCULAR VISION CLINICAL EXCELLENCE AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinicalskills and patient care in Nova Southeastern University Pediatrics andBinocular Vision ServiceBrian Oulman

ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS CONTACT LENS AWARDPresented to the graduating student who attained the highest academicaverage in all didactic courses relating to contact lensesHoang Minh Nguyen

COOPER VISION’S EXCELLENCE IN CONTACT LENSES AWARD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in corneal and contact lensclinical careAida Glatter-Gotz

VISTAKON AWARD OF EXCELLENCEPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence incontact lens careJohnlee Romero

WILLIAM FEINBLOOM LOW VISION AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinicalapplication of low vision treatmentJennifer Keiser

HEINE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE IN OPTICS Presented to the graduating student who attained the highest academicaverage in all didactic courses relating to opticsHoang Minh Nguyen

MILROY OPTICAL SCHOLAR AWARDPresented to a graduating student for excellence in ophthalmic opticsmaterials knowledge and dispensingKyle Benner

LOMBART INSTRUMENTS OPTOMETRIC AWARDPresented to the individual with the highest overall grade in the optometrictheory and methods coursesVanessa Morales

WELCH-ALLYN AWARD OF EXCELLENCEPresented to a graduating student for outstanding performance in all areas ofoptometryRobyn Russell

ALCON SCHOLARSHIP AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has written the best case report thatincorporates the use of an Alcon productNathan Schramm

STUDENT AWARDSThe following awards were presented to graduating students at the Senior Awards Dinner/Dance at

the Westin Diplomat on May 23, 2008:

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Senior Awards

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FLORIDA OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTIAL AWARD (FOA)Presented to a graduating student for academic performance, demonstratedleadership, and participation in volunteer activitiesNathan Schram

THE LENNY CHERDACK STUDENT LEGISLATIVE AWARD (FOA)Presented to the student who exhibits professional behavior consistent withthe high ideals and moral ethics of organized optometry—This student hasdemonstrated outstanding dedication to the profession, the Florida OptometricAssociation, and the legislative process including representing optometry atthe Florida Capitol.Jeanine Hayen

The following senior awards were presented on May 22, 2008, at the senior luncheon:

STUDENT LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD—OPTOMETRYPresented to the graduating student who best demonstrated responsibility,leadership, integrity, and involvementErin Jenewein

COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRISTS IN VISION DEVELOPMENT AWARD OFEXCELLENCE (COVD)Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated strong interest andclinical skills in the area of vision therapyIvette Gonzalez

ODYSSEY DRY EYE AWARDPresented to two graduating students who have demonstrated strong interestand clinical skills in the area of dry eye managementGloria Aguilar and Susan Barnett

X-CEL CONTACT LENS AWARDPresented to a graduating student for excellence in fitting GP contact lensesEva Duchnowski

GP LENS INSTITUTE CLINICAL EXCELLENCE AWARDPresented to the graduating student who has demonstrated eagerness tolearn more about gas permeable lens design, materials, and fitting techniquesWilliam Yu

CONTACT LENS PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AWARDPresented to a graduating student who demonstrated excellence in contactlens practice management as the house officerBardha Fejzo

DAVID J. KERKO LOW VISION AWARD (AKA CORNING)Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated interest andparticipation in the area of low visionAsim Prasad

ESCHENBACH AWARD OF EXCELLENCE IN LOW VISIONPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinicalapplication of low vision treatmentKyle Edwards

ESSILOR CORNEAL REFLECTION PUPILOMETER AWARDPresented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence indispensing ophthalmic materialsNicholas Le

OPTOMETRIC PHYSICIANS OF WASHINGTON’S STUDENT OF THEYEAR AWARDPresented to a graduating student in recognition of outstanding professionalleadership, academic achievement, and public concernBrian Oulman

AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION STUDENT LEADERSHIPAWARDPresented to a third-year student who has proven leadership and studentgovernment involvementErin Jenewein

THE JACK WOLFE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDPresented to a third-year optometry student for outstanding clinicalperformance—in memory of Dr. Jack Wolfe, a dedicated faculty member,teacher, and optometristRoger Davila

VISION SERVICE PLAN AWARDPresented to two students who demonstrate excellence in primary careFredy Otalora and Naddia Barrios

VOLK OCULAR DISEASE EXCELLENCE AWARDPresented to a student for excellence in his/her ocular disease coursesErin Jenewein

AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC FOUNDATION-CARL ZEISS VISIONFELLOWSHIPHonors outstanding achievement with the highest level of commitment toclinical excellence and the independent practice of optometryGelea Ice

Third-Year Student Awards

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Student Government Association (SGA)Student government is having an amazing2008-09 school year of activity and growth. Theexecutive board consists of Amanda Woodie(president), Meagan Steg (vice president),Pauline Thai (secretary), and John Hoffman(treasurer). The SGA has been working veryhard to not only build school spirit and bringclasses together, but to enhance student lifefor the students that will be here after wehave graduated.

T h e y e a r b e g a n w i t h o u r i n a u g u r a lOrganization Fair, which introduced the OD1s to the manyways they can get involved and enrich their experience atNSU. Prior to the fair, students were given the newOrganization Booklet featuring info on each club as well asinformation on how to join and officer contact information.The fair featured officers and members of all ourorganizations, each with displays in the Terry Atrium.Before the fair, the first-year students were also introducedto their second-year big brothers and big sisters so theycould walk around the fair while they got to know eachother. The second-year officers played a huge role in theevent by planning the introductions of “bigs” and “littles”and arranging to have Cold Stone Creamery makeeveryone ice cream, which was partially sponsored by adonation from Keeler. A few weeks later, everyone waswelcomed to our annual Markham Park picnic. Studentsfrom all four classes came out to have some fun in the sunand enjoy food, friends, and lots of fun.

The academic year also featured the annual Fall EquipmentFair, now in its third year of existence, for the first-yearstudents. The purchase of equipment can be very dauntingfor students who do not initially know how to use it. Beforethe night of the big purchases, the OD1s were invited toattend a workshop hosted by upperclassmen in order topre-educate students before they were faced with thedecision of which equipment to purchase.

The SGA itself has undergone some changes to help fostersmooth operation and efficient planning in the future. TheSGA office has been renovated into a more convenientspace for the members to work and student organizationsto store various items. The SGA Constitution alsounderwent a huge facelift to help make processes such ascreating new clubs and class voting procedures wellregulated. The student body voted and passed the newconstitution last October. Clubs and organizations alsoupdated their own constitutions, and many have taken

advantage of making their informationavailable on the student Web site. This year,two new clubs were debuted: The OptometricStudent Association for Ocular Disease(OSAOD) and Gold Key InternationalOptometric Honor Society. Yet another clubwas established last fall: the CanadianAssociation for Optometric Students (CAOS).The SGA is proud to welcome all three to thefamily and thanks the organizations’ foundersfor all their hard work.

Other events hosted by the SGA included theSpring Equipment Fair on March 12 as well as the highlightof the year—the Eye Ball—held March 28 at the Hard RockHotel and Casino. More information on these events willappear in the fall issue of The Visionary.

American Optometric Student Association (AOSA)The AOSA was excited to kickoff the 2008-09 school yearwith 100 percent student membership, along with freshnew faces from the incoming first-year class. Pauline Thai(AOSA trustee) and Judy Posner (trustee elect) anxiouslyanticipated the annual Optometry Mini Super Bowl in lateMarch to select our contestant for the Varilux OptometrySuper Bowl at the annual AOA/AOSA meeting. This year,the annual meeting will be held in our nation’s capital,Washington D.C. The AOSA hopes to encourage as manystudents as it can to attend this fun, exciting, andeducational event.

The American Academy of Optometry (AAO)The AAO exists “to enhance excellence in optometricpractice by fostering research and disseminatingknowledge in vision science through the continuingeducation presented at its annual meeting.” TheConversion of Students to Candidates program is aninitiative by AAO board members that exists to recruit newgraduates to apply for fellowship.

In October 2008, the academy meeting was held inAnaheim, California and was a great success. This yearin Orlando, we hope to have the greatest studentrepresentation of all the schools in the country. As part ofthe AAO’s Mentor Program, the plan is to have a localpracticing O.D. who is a fellow come and speak to ourstudents on how to apply for fellowship and the benefits ofbeing a student member of the AAO. Thanks to all theAAO supporters and faculty members that encouragestudents to apply for fellowship; it is with your inspirationthat they succeed.

Student Organizations’ ReportBy Amanda Woodie, Class of 2010

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Beta Sigma Kappa (BSK)This year, Beta Sigma Kappa inducted approximately 30new members across the 2009, 2010, and 2011 classes. Inorder to revitalize the tutoring program, the executivecommittee passed a new requirement this year mandating20 hours of tutoring per year from all of its members. BSKis determined to help any and all of our fellow classmatesin need of extra help, and the new requirements wereinstated to accomplish this goal. This semester, BSK heldthe Mock Preclinical Proficiency Examination for the 2011class. The mock exam is a great way for students to calmtheir nerves and strengthen their confidence about theupcoming proficiency exam.

Canadian Association of Optometric Students (CAOS)As the newest of our college’s organizations, the CAOSintends to educate our Canadian students about the goals,objectives, and priorities of the CAO and the profession ofoptometry in Canada. Cofounders Lisa Cossetto andChristina Chan aim for the CAOS to provide our Canadianstudents with support for all the common issues they faceas Canadians studying in the United States. This willencompass anything from issues with immigration papers,OSAP, obtaining a Florida driver’s license, or writing theCanadian boards. The organization does not claim to haveall the answers yet, but it strives to be the place for ourCanadian students to come to get answers. The club’s firstmeeting was held in January and was a huge success.

The College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD)The COVD has been spreading the news about optometry’sbest kept secret—vision therapy. With approximately 50new members joining, the COVD had a great turnout forthe August 2008 introduction meeting. To motivatestudents about the field of vision therapy and share hissuccess story, Dr. Rick Morris from the Center for BetterVision visited the school last October. The 38th annualmeeting held in sunny Palm Springs, California, was verywell attended by NSU students, faculty, and residents. TheCOVD would like to congratulate this year’s recipients of a$250 Wold SAFE Travel Grant: Drs. Joan Bauernfiend andAshley Kimble, Catherine Dau, Sheena Jessee, and JamieScoggins. During the conference, students were able toattend lectures on a variety of topics including acquiredbrain injuries, therapeutic lens prescribing, autism, andmanaging children with reading difficulties. In January,the Tour de Optometry invited Dr. Jason Clopton to speakto students about his practice in Tennessee. Dr. Cloptonhas a unique practice incorporating vision therapy withmany disciplines, including occupational therapy, physicaltherapy, music therapy, and nutrition. Through regularspeakers and a new student-friendly Web site, the COVDwill continue its mission to reach out to students and sparkinterest in the field of vision therapy and development.

The Florida Optometric Student Association (FOSA)FOSA kicked off this school year with a very importantassignment on the agenda—the 2008 elections. It wasimperative for us to vote the candidates into office whowould help expand the scope of optometry in Florida.Everyone knew this was going to be a close race for thecandidates we supported, so all efforts were executed withunity, strength, and passion. The response wasoverwhelming as over 100 NSU optometry studentsfervently volunteered to stand at the polls and show theirsupport throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties.Michelle Levin, NSU FOSA president, said it was excitingto be part of a student body that is committed to making adifference for our profession.

This year, over 50 new student members joined theorganization. We also want to make sure everyone markstheir calendars for the Florida Optometric Convention inJuly at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach. The organization’sgoal is to increase the number of optometry studentsattending, which will place them in contact with manypracticing optometrists.

Gold Key International Optometric Honor SocietyThe Gold Key International Optometric Honor Society,which is one of our newest organizations, welcomed 12new members this past year. Ten of the members werestudents, and the remaining two were honoraryfaculty members. Membership in the organization islifelong and recognizes leadership through serviceto classmates, college, and profession. At the seniorcongress in November 2008, a banquet was held to honorthe following leaders: Smith Blanc, Jeff Cohen, Sara Gaib,D’aun Hajdu, Gelea Ice, Erin Jenewein, LisaMartin, Willnella Patray, Erica Poole, Brianna Rhue,and Drs. Julie Tyler and Chris Woodruff. Our NSUchapter of Gold Key was founded by the 2007-2008 SGAexecutive officers.

Nova Optometric Practice Management Association (NOPMA)Now in i ts third successful year as the practicemanagement organization at NSU’s College of Optometry,NOPMA is proud to announce the club has reached its goalof 100 members. This year, complementary personalizedbusiness cards were given along with registration to eachmember in hopes of piquing students’ interests in makingconnections outside of optometry school. NOPMA featuresspeakers and seminars on a monthly basis targeted towardstudents considering private or group practice as well ascommercial practice as potential career goals. NOPMA alsohas speakers elaborate on other important issues such asbilling and coding, marketing a successful practice, andhow to start a private practice, just to name a few.

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In September, NOPMA featured Drs. Ben Gaddie and ScotMorris in its Student Practice Management Symposium.NOPMA also hosted a Student Practice ManagementConference and invited student practice managementleaders from across the country to South Florida. Theconference aided the start of new practice managementclubs at other optometry schools around the nation. As itstands, 9 of the 17 optometry schools in the United Stateshave student practice management clubs, and NOPMAPresident Meagan Steg strives to have every schoolinvolved to some extent by 2010.

The National Optometric Student Association (NOSA)NOSA, along with Drs. Sherrol Reynolds, MichaelBacigalupi, Greg Black, and Noel Henry, participated inthe NSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Medical Missionto Jamaica with other Health Professions Division collegesto visit Jamaican cities such as St. Mary and Kingston inJune 2008. NOSA screened over 500 patients for refractiveerror, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy,advanced cataracts, glaucoma, and sickle cell retinopathy,which are the causes for most low vision and blindnessseen in the Jamaican population.

There were 25 NOSA members present at these sitesproviding comprehensive eye examinations to patientsranging from 4 months of age to 80 years old. A wide rangeof people with diabetes and hypertension were seen,including some who had developed early or late ocularsequelae of those conditions. Many of them were educatedabout their conditions and referred to osteopathic medicinefor medical treatment. Every branch of the HealthProfessions Division from osteopathic medicine to

dentistry played a role in providing standard health care tothe individuals that were seen. Due to the joint effortamong NOSA members and the other health professions,the medical mission trip was a success. These effortsincreased the efficacy and quality of health care providedto the Jamaican communities we visited.

Optometric Student Association for Ocular Disease (OSAOD)After a year of planning and paperwork, the OptometricStudent Association for Ocular Disease (OSAOD) hasfinally become a reality. Founded by third-year studentsMike Rebarchik and Ivana Obradovic, the club wasunveiled at the Organization Fair last fall and wasreceived with overwhelming interest. Currently, theOSAOD has approximately 60 members spread across the2009-12 classes.

During the fall semester, the OSAOD presented Drs.Joseph Sowka, Emilio Balius, and Steve Newman, whospoke on a wide range of topics including how and why tooperate an ocular disease practice, disease casepresentations and differentials, how to market yourself topotential employers, and patient communications. In theupcoming semester, the OSAOD is planning on hostingtwo or three more presenters to speak on myriad topics,including residencies, alternative treatment methods, andspecial considerations necessary to open a practice thatprimarily treats ocular disease. The OSAOD is hopeful thatthis club will continue to gain support and is confident itwill provide its members with expanded knowledge ofhow to implement ocular disease treatment into theireveryday practice of optometry.


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The SOLCIOE was created in response to the fact thatthis vulnerable population needed quality vision care butwas often denied treatment or had limited access. SpecialOlympics found a correlation between the hands-ontraining and profound insights that health care providersgain through the Healthy Athletes program. The studentsand faculty members of Nova Southeastern Universitystepped up to the plate within a year of the SOLCIOEprogram being initiated in Florida. Faculty member Dr.Pamela R. Oliver became a clinical director for Florida in2003 and an executive clinical director for the state in 2006to help promote the program at NSU and throughoutthe state.

While providing a comprehensive 15-station vision andeye health evaluation, refractions and free prescription eyeglasses, and/or sport safety goggles when needed, theNSU optometry students learn firsthand the urgency ofovercoming discrimination and neglect in health-caretraining and services. The experience these students gainthrough their personal interactions with Special Olympics’athletes also inspire them to care for special-needs patientsin their own communities, and to involve their medicalcolleagues in Healthy Athletes. Alumni have continued tovolunteer with this program, and two have gone on tobecome clinical directors for their state—Dr. NicoleDillavou (’00) in North Dakota and Dr. Denise Smith (’01)in Texas.

Over the years, NSU students have helped to evaluatehundreds of athletes and have played a part in educatingthe athletes, parents, and coaches about the importance ofregular eye care while also enlightening and altering theattitudes of eye care professionals about the vision careneeds of people with intellectual disabilities. In fact, oneparent remarked that her child had never received such“an amazing eye examination.”

The SOLCIOE is a program of Special OlympicsInternational, in conjunction with the AmericanOptometric Association, and is sponsored by privatedonations. Special Olympics International founder, Mrs.Eunice Kennedy Shriver, was the 1998 recipient of theAmerican Optometric Association’s Apollo Award, whichis given to a non-optometrist for his or her efforts topromote quality eye care. NSU students will continue tofulfill Mrs. Shriver’s vision of breaking the barriers ofuneasiness on the part of practitioners and bringingcompetent and caring volunteer health care to thisunderserved population.

SPECIAL OLYMPICSBy Pamela R. Oliver, O.D., M.S., FAAO (Dipl.), Associate Professor of Optometry

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The Special Olympics started a program over 10 years ago to provide health care to individuals with intellectualdisabilities called the Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes (SOLCIOE) program. Few of the 7.5million people with intellectual disabilities receive adequate eye care, and many have never visited an eye doctor.

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NSU alumni may be interested tolearn of the university’s role in clinicalresearch. An example of this is theConvergence Insufficiency TreatmentTrial (CITT), a multi-center clinicaltrial for which NSU served as a clinicalcenter. The NSU CITT team, led byStacey Coulter, O.D., worked withresearchers across the country todetermine which treatment works bestfor convergence insufficiency. NSUwas well-prepared to recruit andretain patients due to its largepediatric patient base, as well as itsrelationship as a referral center forlocal eye care practitioners.

The study also involved eight other universities, eyeinstitutes, and medical centers including Bascom Palmer,the Mayo Clinic, Salus University (formerly known asPennsylvania College of Optometry), and Ohio StateUniversity. NSU received a $387,764 grant from theNational Eye Institute for the project. Dr. Coultercompleted this project with seven other NSU College ofOptometry faculty members:

• Annette Bade, O.D.• Jackie Rodena, O.D.• Mary Bartuccio, O.D.• Yin Tea, O.D.• Deborah Amster, O.D.• Greg Fecho, O.D.• Tanya Mahaphon, O.D.

“This study has sparked a lot of interest because people areconcerned about conditions that can impact learning,”Coulter said.

Traditionally, the majority of eye care professionals treatedchildren diagnosed with convergence insufficiency usingsome form of home-based therapy. This study concludesthat office-based treatment by a trained therapist alongwith at-home reinforcement is more effective. Theresearch, reported in the October 13, 2008, issue of Archives

of Ophthalmology, was funded by theNational Eye Institute, which is part ofthe National Institutes of Health.

The 12-week CITT study found thatapproximately 75 percent of thosewho received in-office therapy by atrained therapist plus at-hometreatment reported fewer and lesssevere symptoms related to readingand other near work.

The CITT, which included 221children ages 9 to 17, is the first tocompare three forms of vision therapy

and a placebo therapy option. The first therapy was thecurrent treatment standard known as home-based pencilpush-up therapy—an exercise in which patients visuallyfollowed a small letter on a pencil as they moved the pencilcloser to the bridge of their nose. The goal was to keep theletter clear and single and to stop if it appeared double. Thesecond group used home-based pencil push-ups withadditional computer vision therapy. The third attendedweekly hour-long sessions of office-based vision therapywith a trained therapist and performed at-homereinforcement exercises. The last group was given placebovision activities designed to simulate office-based therapy.

After 12 weeks of treatment, nearly 75 percent of childrenwho were given the office-based vision therapy alongwith at-home reinforcement achieved normal vision orhad significantly fewer symptoms of convergenceinsufficiency. Only 43 percent of patients who completedhome-based therapy alone showed similar results, as did33 percent of patients who used home-based pencil push-ups plus computer therapy and 35 percent of patientsgiven a placebo office-based therapy.

A 12-month follow-up study is being conducted toexamine the long-term effects of these convergenceinsufficiency treatments. Further information about thereported trial, NCT 00338611, can be found at

NSU Investigating Treatments for Convergence Insufficiency

By Rachel A. (Stacey) Coulter, O.D., FAAO, FCOVD, Associate Professor of Optometry and Chair of the Department of Optometric Sciences

research & scholarship

The Visionary – Spring 2009 • Page 29

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Coulter R. Convergence insufficiency treatment trial investigator group: arandomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic convergenceinsufficiency in children. Archives of Ophthalmology. 2008.

Girgis N. Torsional nystagmus: two cases and literature review. Eye CareReview. June 2008.

Girgis N. Back to basics, part 4: the diagnosis behind diplopia. Review ofOptometry. August 2008.

Janoff A, Reynolds S, Wagner H. Case report: corneal complications ofhuman t-cell lymphotrophic virus-1 in the differential diagnosis of keratoconus.Eye Care Review. In press.

Jiang BC, Bussa S, Tea YC, Seger K. Optimal dioptric value of near addlenses for slowing myopic progression. Optometry and Vision Science. 2008.

Moehnke TD, Wagner H. Descemet’s membrane detachment attributed to themechanical forces of airbag deployment. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye. Inpress.

Reed K, Rodman J. The case of the recalcitrant cornea. Eye Care Review.October 2008.

Reynolds S, Rodman J. Hematological disorders and the retina. Review ofOptometry – Fifth Annual Guide to Retinal Disease 2008.

Rodman J, Pizzimenti J. In vivo diagnostici of ocular toxocariasis. Clinicaland Experimental Optometry. 2008.

Rouse MW, Borsting E, Mitchell GL, Cotter SA, Kulp MT, Scheiman M,Barnhardt C, Bade A. Convergence insufficiency trial investigator group.Validity of the convergence insufficiency symptom survey: a confirmatory study.Optometry and Vision Science. Submitted June 2008.

Sabdhouse M, Shechtman D, et al. Brief report: effects of cranial osteopathyon visual function. JAOA. In review.

Sanders E, Wagner H, Reich L. Visual acuity and ‘balanced progressive’simultaneous vision multifocal contact lenses. Eye and Contact Lens. 2008.

Shechtman D, Falco L, Reynolds S. Complex juxtapapillary capillaryhemangioma: a case report. Optometry. October 2008.

Wagner H, Fink B, Zadnik K. Sex- and gender-based differences in healthyand diseased eyes. Optometry. 2008.

Wells KH, Wagner H, Reich LN, Hardigan PC. Military readiness: anexploration of the relationship between marksmanship and visual acuity.Military Medicine. In press.


Bacigalupi M. Matching Preceptor Roles to the Different Phases of StudentDevelopment in Clinical Education: The Situational Leadership Model. June2008. 111th Annual AOA Congress and 38th Annual AOSA Conference:Optometry’s Meeting. Seattle, Washington.

Jiang BC, Lin H. A Comparison Between Objective Depth-of-Focus andSubjective Depth-of-Focus. 2008 ARVO abstract #1788.

Leasher JL, Rius A, Villalobos A. Project VERAS–Vision, Educacion,Rendimiento, Aprendizaje y Sostenibilidad. International Agency for thePrevention of Blindness 8th General Assembly. Buenos Aires, Argentina. August26-27, 2008.

Murphy L, Schatz S, Rogerson A, Laubach H, Hardigan P, Seal D. GrowthCharacteristics of Pathogenic and Environmental Acanthamoeba Strains.ARVO. May 2008.

Schinas Z, Tyler J. Trouble in the Tropics, American Optometric AssociationAnnual Meeting, 111th Annual AOA Congress and 38th Annual AOSAConference: Optometry’s Meeting. Seattle, Washington. June 2008.

Taub MB, Shallo-Hoffmann J. Clinical Tests of Accommodation: Can We Relyon Hoffstetter’s Norms to Guide Diagnosis and Treatment? COVD Meeting.October 2008.


Bacigalupi M. Student Loan Debt for the Graduating Optometry Students of2008.

Blanks G, Wagner H. Acuity and Aberrations in Rose K Lenses forKeratoconus.

Frauens B, Besada E., Reich L, Hardigan P. Evaluation of Dynamic ContourTonometry in an Afro-Caribbean Population.

Gonzalez VC, Woods A. Transient Visual Field Defect.

Jiang B, Rumsey J, Yang S, Yao P. Visual Field Does Not Affect theAccommodative Response and Near-Work Induced Myopia.

Patrick A, Woodruff C. A New Laboratory Teaching Tool.

Schatz S, Manzella C, Darius D, Laubach H. Comparison of Complete EasyRub Replenish in Contact Lens Hygiene.


Coulter RA. U-10 Grant: Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Year 04,funded by the National Eye Institute. Year 04: $19,028. Total: $377,852.

Jiang B. NSU-HPD Research Grant: Accommodative Responses UnderDifferent Visual Field and Color Conditions. $2,500.

Jiang B, Crandall MA, Seger K. NSU-HPD Research Grant: Near AdditionLenses, Near Work, and Wavefront Aberrations. $2,500.

Janoff AM. The Safety of Corneal Reshaping Contact Lenses: A RetrospectiveMulticenter Study. $245.

Lopes J, Schatz S. President’s Faculty and Research Development Grant.Molecular Characterization of Marine Fungi from Diverse Marine Sources.$10,000.

Research and ScholarshipSubmitted by Josephine Shallo-Hoffmann, Ph.D., FAAO, Professor of Optometry and Chair of the Department of Research and Graduate Studies

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In July 2008, the new Florida Optometric Association(FOA) Board of Trustees was elected to office bythe membership.

After a productive year as president and many years ofloyal service, Dr. William D. Tanke of Palm Bay assumedthe role of chairman of the board.

The leadership of the Florida Optometric Association,especially Dr. Wiles, would like to acknowledge and thankthe strong relationship NSU has enjoyed with the FOA,especially the student involvement. This past year hasseen numerous students become actively involved involunteering at the annual convention as well as on severalpolitical campaigns. Approximately 15 students also madethe trip to Tallahassee for the annual legislative luncheonheld every March. The students are the future of our

profession, and it is so important to engage them very earlyon in their training. It is refreshing and encouraging to seesuch enthusiasm.

Preparations are being made for the annual conventionthat will be held July 23-26, 2009, at the newly renovatedFontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. Please try to makearrangements to attend. Over 20 hours of education will beoffered in addition to an expansive exhibit hall andnumerous social events all within an amazing property.

As I conclude my second year as trustee, the learning curvehas been exponential. The leadership is dedicated toserving the membership, and I would encourage all whofeel they have something to contribute to become involved.Your service will help better our profession for all of us,including our students and the patients we serve.

Florida Optometric Association UpdateBy Barry J. Frauens, O.D., FAAO, Assistant Professor of Optometry and Chief of Primary Care Service

The Eye Care Institute at North Miami Beach


Dr. R. Andrew Wiles of St. AugustinePresident Elect

Dr. Emilio H. Balius of Coral GablesVice President

Dr. Michael A. Fregger of Fort Walton BeachSecretary-Treasurer

Dr. Kenneth D. Boyle of Melbourne Beach (1994 alumnus)

TrusteesDr. Barry J. Frauens of Coral Springs (1996 alumnus)

Dr. Stephen R. Kepley of Vero BeachDr. Kenneth W. Lawson of Bradenton

Dr. David W. Rouse of Sunrise

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An all online, Web-based distance graduate program in

Clinical Vision ResearchThis two-year program offers both a SACS-accredited certificateand master of science degree in clinical vision research (CVR).The program provides students with the skills needed to design,perform, analyze, and evaluate clinical research.

Benefits of Online Graduate Education• Increase your career opportunities and earn a higher income• Study in the comfort of your home or office• Continue your career while you earn your degree• Learn in a small program that offers personal attention to

each student’s research interest

For additional information, please visit our Web siteat or contact:Josephine Shallo-Hoffmann, Ph.D., professor and chair, research and graduate study programsEmail: [email protected]: (954) 262-4226

Please be sure to visit the college’s onlineplacement and listing service for optometrists,

optometric office staff, and opticians.

• Purchase or sell a practice

• Full-time/part-time employment

• Fill-in work

Partners in EducationWe thank our Partners in Education for their continuing support of the college

students, faculty, alumni, and continuing education programs.

Page 34: The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009

EXTRA! EXTRA!It’s Time to Send Us

Your News!

As The Visionary continues to evolve and grow, our goal is to make it atruly informative publication that details the accomplishments of ouralumni, faculty, students, and staff.

We are in the process of compiling information for the spring 2010 issueof The Visionary and invite you to submit suitable news and photos.

Please keep us apprised if you have• purchased a practice• been promoted or accepted a new professional position• had a major article or book published• been appointed to a local, state, or national committee or board

of directors• conducted noteworthy research• received any special awards or recognition• gotten married or had a baby

Also, please be sure to update your contact information regularly so wecan continue to send you The Visionary as well as other importantcollege and alumni information.

Alumni, you may update your contact information at

Page 35: The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009

Partners in EducationWe thank our Partners in Education for their continuing support of the college’s

students, faculty, alumni, and continuing education programs.

Page 36: The Visionary Magazine- Spring 2009

May 15-17, 200913th Annual Clinical Eye Care Conference and Alumni Reunion

May 21, 2009Senior Luncheon

May 23, 2009Senior Awards Dinner/Dance–Westin Diplomat, Hollywood Beach, Florida

May 24, 2009Graduation–Bank Atlantic Center, Sunrise, Florida

June 13-14, 2009Florida Board of Optometry Examination Review Course

June 26, 2009Alumni Reception–American Optometric Association, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

July 24, 2009Alumni Reception–Florida Optometric Association, Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida

August 22-23, 2009Glaucoma Update 2009 and Neuro-Optometry Program

Fall 2009100-Hour Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents Certification Course –10-Day Compressed Course, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

October 17-18, 2009Anterior Segment Program and Contact Lens Program

November 13, 2009Alumni Reception–American Academy of Optometry, Orlando World Center Marriott, Orlando, Florida

2009 Calendar of Events