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Inside This Issue: Building Up the Body…………2 Make Up Your Mind…………...2 Matters of the Heart…………...3 Fun Easter Facts……………….3 Let the Prophet’s Speak……….4 Money Minute……………….......5 Health & Wellness………………5 Recipe..........................................6 Get Off the Bench…………….....6 Couples & Family………………..7 Poet’s Corner….…………………8 Triump VISIONARY T phant Christian Center S TIMES Spring 2010 Volume 2, Issue 1

Visionary Times Spring 2010

Jun 20, 2015



Detra Wilson

This is the Triumphant Christian Center's quarterly newsletter. It includes articles from church members that inform, inspire, and uplift the body of christ.
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Page 1: Visionary Times Spring 2010

Inside This Issue:

Building Up the Body…………2

Make Up Your Mind…………...2

Matters of the Heart…………...3

Fun Easter Facts……………….3

Let the Prophet’s Speak……….4

Money Minute……………….......5

Health & Wellness………………5


Get Off the Bench…………….....6

Couples & Family………………..7

Poet’s Corner….…………………8

Triumphant Christian Center

VISIONARY TIMESTriumphant Christian Center Spring

VISIONARY TIMES Spring 2010 Volume 2, Issue 1

Page 2: Visionary Times Spring 2010


Building Up the Body of Christ: Rebuilding the Walls

Make Up Your Mind

Pastor Vernice Woods encouraged the women at TCC to live a healthier lifestyle, and start by reading Dr. Colbert’s book, I Can Do This Diet. She pointed out that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost and it is our responsibility to take care of it (1 Cor. 6:19-20). However, we have to make sure that our minds are made up and count up the costs before making a commitment (Luke 14:25-35). If our minds our not made up, then we will not reach our goals. She encouraged us by saying, “You will have shortcomings, but keep going.” We must endure to the end.

He made his point clear by using the book of Nehemiah to explain how we can rebuild our cities. Nehemiah received a call from God to rebuild the city. After which, he had a responsibility to rebuild.

As Christians, it is our responsibility to rebuild our sisters and brothers when they are weak. Apostle said, “The remedy to weakness is prayer.”

We all need to have the characteristics of Nehemiah and help rebuild the walls.

Characteristics of Nehemiah:

• He took the burden and responsibility to pray (Nehemiah 1:4).

• He had the courage to go to the king and ask him for help (Nehemiah 2:1-6).

• He kept what God told him in his heart (Nehemiah 2:12-17).

• He did not get distracted when God called him to rebuild (Neh. 1:1-3).

• He was able to ignore ridicule (Neh. 2:19-20).

• He kept praying no matter how bad it looked (Neh. 4:7-9).

• He had dual war-faring skills (Neh. 4:15-18). (We must work together in unity and have dual war-faring skills).

God builds us up, so that we can help build others within the body of Christ.

(Full sermon(s) available on CD).

~Detra Wilson

She explained that we need to develop a healthy lifestyle for our families, loved ones, and to help others. We can change through prayer, wisdom, and God’s strategies. The key is to make up your mind because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he” (Prov. 23:7). If you need more godly wisdom or support in living a healthier lifestyle, come out to the next women’s ministry on the fourth Saturday of the month as we embark on this new season.

~Detra Wilson

Apostle Juan Woods Sr. believes that this is the year for rebuilding the body of Christ. He said that “We’re either building the kingdom or we’re tearing it down.”

He discussed how to rebuild the walls of our cities in one of his sermons within the series. According to Apostle Woods, we are symbolic to the city of Jerusalem, which was surrounded by walls. Walls are symbolic to protection and defense.

Apostle Woods explained that the walls of some our cities are down. In essence, we are susceptible to demonic spirits and satanic attacks when we do not protect ourselves.

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Sometimes the tests and trials of this life can break our hearts. Unfortunately, the enemy knows how to hit us where it hurts the most. He doesn’t play fair, and he hits below the belt. His ultimate mission is to d10:10). Some of us know that he wants to destroy us, but we don’t know his tactics. On the other hand, some of us know his tactics, but get caught off guard. We must not be ignorant to Satan’s strategies of attack;definitely cannot let our guard down. The Bible tells us to guard our heart… (Prov. 4:23) If we know that we are supposed to guard our heawould we let our guardThe typical scenario is when things are going well, we feel like we can take a break. For instance, if we’ve just gotten over a major victory, we think it’s okay to rest for a little while. We forget that this is a constant battle which is why we are instructed to pray without ceasingIt’s fine to rest in the Lord, but you have to make sure that you don’t completely relax. We are in a spiritual war! The devil walks to and fro seeking whom he may

Sources: Johann Erickson ( Emily Alli


Sometimes the tests and trials of this life can break our hearts. Unfortunately, the enemy knows

us where it hurts the most. He doesn’t play fair, and he hits below the belt. His ultimate mission is to destroy us (John

Some of us know that he wants to destroy us, but we don’t know his tactics. On the other hand,

of us know his tactics, but get caught off guard. We must not be ignorant to Satan’s strategies of attack; and we

cannot let our guard ible tells us to guard

… (Prov. 4:23).

we know that we are supposed to guard our hearts, then why would we let our guards down? The typical scenario is when things are going well, we feel like we can take a break. For instance, if we’ve just gotten over a major victory, we think it’s okay to rest for a little while. We forget

a constant battle which is why we are instructed to pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). It’s fine to rest in the Lord, but you have to make sure that you don’t completely relax.

We are in a spiritual war! The devil walks to and fro seeking

he may devour (1 Pet 5:8).

Matters of the Heart

Fun Easter Facts

Therefore, if we are sleeping, the devil can surround us with his troops. Let’s remember that he hides his troops well. He disguises them, which means that they are in plain sight, but they look so innocent. For instance, subliminal messages are disguised tactics of the enemy. The messages are disguised yet at the same time in plain sight. If we listen to these negative messages, it can break down our faith and open doors to the enemy. At that point, it’s a domino effect. If we don’t truly believe God, we will self-destruct. As mature Christians, we must understand that sometimes God will allow tests and trials. God knows what is best for us, and how to formulate growth in us (Jer. 26:11). He knows that some of us will remain stagnant if things are too easy. He knows that some of us need a little pressure to develop strong faith. In order to become soldiers in the army of the Lord, we must fight. In any type of war, we

have to have a strategy against the enemy. At some pointstop focusing on how much it hurts and fight through the tears. We can fight through the tears by keeping on the whole armor of Godthe most pailives, we mustourselves up in the word, which increases our faith strength. to the wearymatters of the heart40:28 As our hearts heal, we will be able to trust God more. We will begin to really believe that we are more than conquerorswill bring glory tbecause we have stood the test and produced the fruit of the spirit in our lives. God will smile on his beautiful children as we’re fighting to overcome. He smiles because He knows that we are victorious despite thestruggles withhear

The Easter bonnet came about as a way for ladies to show off their best clothes. It was tradition for believers to deny themselves of fine clothing during the Lenten period.

There is a longstanding tradition of churchgoers wearing at least one new item of clothing to Easter services. Doing so is considered good luck.

For Americans, Easter is the second most important holiday to eat candy. According to the National Confectioner's Association, Americans consumed seven billion pounds of candy on Easter in 2001.

: Johann Erickson ( Emily Allison (

have to have a strategy against the enemy. At some point, we have to stop focusing on how much it hurts and fight through the tears. We can fight through the tears by keeping on the whole armor of God. During the most painful times in our lives, we must build ourselves up in the word, which increases our faith and strength. God gives strength to the weary and mends the matters of the heart (Isaiah 40:28-31). As our hearts heal, we will be able to trust God more. We will begin to really believe that we are more than conquerors (Rom. 8:37). We will bring glory to God because we have stood the test and produced the fruit of the spirit in our lives. God will smile on his beautiful children as we’re fighting to overcome. He smiles because He knows that we are victorious despite the struggles with matters of the heart.

~Detra Wilson

The Easter bonnet came about as a way for ladies to show off their best clothes. It was tradition for believers to deny themselves of fine clothing during

chgoers wearing at least one new item of clothing to Easter services. Doing so is considered good luck.

For Americans, Easter is the second most important holiday to eat candy. According to the National Confectioner's Association, Americans consumed

son (

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As Christians, build a strong fothe word of God. Jesus is the word. However, your foundation will be tested by fire. The fire is the tests, trials, and tribulations that you experience. These

Let the Prophet’s Speak


Have you ever wondered where all of the symbols of Easter come from? Obviously, the Easter bunny, eggs, and baskets have nothing to do with the resurrection.

According to History.comfrom an Angloword Easter is derivTeutonic goddess of spring and fertility. In Pagan times a spring festival was held in her honor.

Eggs and rabbits are both symbols linked to pagan traditions. More specifically, eggs and rabbits are a symbol for new life.

However, from a Christian perspective, Easter eggs represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. Eggs were actually

Before trouble comes, you should build a strong foundation on the word of God (1 Corinthians 3:917). You shouldthe word of Godword. Regardless of how much you work on building your foundation with the word, it will still be tested by fire. The fire is a combination of the tests, trials, and tribulations that you will experience in life. Each foundational work will become clear afterthrough fire. In other words, whatever your foundation is built on will show when the fire hits. The fire could be in the form of financial problems, your job, or your marriage. Remember thathings in your heart that you know about, which is why you


you should build a strong foundation on the word of God. Jesus is the

However, your foundation will be tested by fire. The fire is the tests, trials, and tribulations that you experience. These

Let the Prophet’s Speak: What Foundation Are You Building?

Did You Know?

Have you ever wondered where all of the symbols of Easter come from? Obviously, the Easter bunny, eggs, and baskets have nothing to do with the, Easter stems from an Anglo-Saxon paganism. The word Easter is derived from Eastre, a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. In Pagan times a spring festival was held in her honor.

Eggs and rabbits are both symbols linked to pagan traditions. More specifically, eggs and rabbits are a symbol for new life.

om a Christian perspective, Easter eggs represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. Eggs were actually

forbidden during Lenten season, so people would decorate them to mark the end of the fast and eat them on Easter to celebrate.

On the other hand, there is no link of the Easter bunny delivering eggs to wellbehaved children. In fact, Wikipedia explains that neither Jesus nor the Apostles of the New Testament said that we had to keep this custom. However, it is not a sin to celebrate this holiday.

Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, let us remember to tell our children that we’re celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and not the Easter bunny.

~Detra Wilson

must keep the word close to your heart (Matthew 15:1820). You have to be like David and hide the word in your heart so that you may not sin (Psalm 119:11). When the fire comes, the enemy will try to bring out those wicked things in the heart. If you are standing on the word, it will combat the things that are trying to come out of the heart. Before the fire hits, ask yourself, “What foundation are you building?” ~Minister John McFadden

Before trouble comes, you should build a strong foundation on the word of God (1 Corinthians 3:9-

should be standing on the word of God– Jesus is the

Regardless of how much you work on building your foundation with the word, it will still be tested by fire. The fire is a combination of the tests, trials, and tribulations that you will experience in life.

Each foundational work will become clear after the testing through fire. In other words, whatever your foundation is built on will show when the fire hits.

The fire could be in the form of financial problems, your job, or your marriage.

Remember that there are wicked heart that you don’t

know about, which is why you

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: What Foundation Are You Building?

forbidden during Lenten season, so people would decorate them to mark the end of the fast and eat them on Easter

er hand, there is no link of the Easter bunny delivering eggs to well-behaved children. In fact, Wikipedia explains that neither Jesus nor the Apostles of the New Testament said that we had to keep this custom. However, it is not a sin to celebrate this

Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, let us remember to tell our children that we’re celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and not the Easter bunny.

~Detra Wilson

must keep the word close to your heart (Matthew 15:18-20). You have to be like David and hide the word in your heart so that you may not sin

When the fire comes, the enemy will try to bring out

ked things in the re standing on

the word, it will combat the things that are trying to come

Before the fire hits, ask yourself, “What foundation are

Minister John McFadden IV

Page 5: Visionary Times Spring 2010


God wants us to learn that we don’t have to compete to gain material status. He is the one who gives us substance not just to bless ourselves and fill our lives with physical things, but to fill our lives with spiritual things as well. I believe what will matter more to God when we leave this Earth is what we held in our hearts, what we’ve done with what we had, and even, to whom we were a blessing.

To want something means you have to have it or you feel it’s a need. It is to wish or demand the presence of something; to hunt or seek

Money Minute: Let’s Talk About Want

At last, a diet that works with your body instead of against it! Dr. Colbert’s I Can Do This Diet is a book written by Dr. Don Colbert himself who is a board-certified family practice doctor. "Don Colbert, MD bases his plan for healing on God's Word, nutrition, exercise, and common sense. He then gives strategies for a complete healing—body, mind and spirit." The approach of the “I Can Do This Diet” is that many people spend a lot of time fighting against their bodies to lose weight, but Dr. Colbert’s program allows you to

in order to apprehend it.

It is acceptable to enjoy God’s provisions, but we must learn to be content. Paul spoke wisely, “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content” (I Timothy 6:6-8 NLT).

Ask yourself these questions when you find

yourself wallowing in want. Do I place my possessions before God? What is on your Most Wanted list? The Bible urges us to "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" (Luke 12:15 ESV).

(Con’t on page 7)

~Brittany Mayo

take advantage of medical findings to work with your body. Although the word diet is in the title, this program focuses on principles that you use for a lifetime rather than just to get rid of excess weight. Dr. Colbert goes on to list his top five reasons why diets fail, gives you the fundamentals of weight loss and shares how you can overcome specific roadblocks to weight loss. This program is also designed to help with common questions about dieting, eating out, snacking, cooking, shopping and supplements. In case

you’re having trouble putting together the right foods, there are sample menus in the book. These menus will give you an idea of what type of portion sizes and snacks are acceptable. Dr. Colbert recommends that you eat every three and a half hours so that you don’t overeat. This program is safe and effective for EVERYONE, regardless of age or medical condition. Finally, Dr. Colbert's I Can Do This Diet is a tool that can help you lose weight, maintain overall health and keep the weight off. ~Tiffany Gilmore

When you look around, do you find yourself saying “I want that,” or “I’ve got to have that”? Do you find yourself desiring a possession that someone else obtains? Or perhaps, do you find yourself competing to expand your material gain? I know, the topic of coveting is challenging, but this spirit can infiltrate our minds and hearts if we don’t learn to identify the reasons why we want something so badly. So, you have good taste, and you love the finer things in life. That’s great! But, what if God took those finer things away? Would you “survive?”

Source: .html

Health & Wellness: I Can Do This Diet

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Spicy Sausage Jambalaya

Serves: 4 Total Time: 25 min

The following ministries are looking for a Few Good Men and Women:

• B.E.S.T Couples Ministry (2nd Saturday of Month @ 5:30pm)………………Elder Vicki and Meaka Ashley

*This ministry is now open to other couples within the body of Christ.*

• Correspondence Ministry………………………………………………………..Detra Wilson

• Dance Ministry……………………………………………………………………..Angeline Austin

• Deliverance Team…………………………………………………………………Minister Debbie Dawkins

• G.O.D 14 Program…………………………………………………………………Minister Debbie Dawkins

• God’s Property………………………………………………………Tanisha Jackson/Minister Debbie Dawkins

• Hospitality/Greeters……………………………………………………………………Rita Keaton

• Men’s Ministry…………………………………………………………………………..Apostle Juan Woods

• Nursery Ministry………………………………………………………………………….Tasha Woods

• Personal Workers………………………………………………………………………..Minister BK Ujah

• Sound Ministry…………………………………………………………………………….Sherry McFadden

• Ushers………………………………………………………………………………………Meaka Ashley

• Women’s Ministry (4TH Saturday of Month @ 11am)………………………………….Pastor Vernice Woods

• Yahweh/Remnant……………………………………………………………Minister John & Natiya McFadden

Get Off the Bench!

Get up in 2010 and help build up the body of Christ!

Ingredients • 8 ounce(s) turkey andouille sausage, sliced 1/4 inch thick • green or yellow pepper, chopped • 1 can(s) (14 1/2-ounce) stewed tomatoes • 1 cup(s) uncooked instant brown rice Directions • Heat 12-inch skillet on medium until hot. • Add sausage and pepper, and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. • Stir in tomatoes with their juice, rice, chicken, 1/2 cup water, and 1/4

teaspoon salt; heat to boiling on high. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 10 minutes or until rice is just tender.

• Remove skillet from heat; stir in green onions.

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The Covenant of Marriage

Many times when a married couple is having struggles relating, each can feel that the other just does not understand what the spouse is experiencing. The truth of the mattereach of us sometimes forget that the relationship we are making through the covenant of marriage is not really about us. Jesus said in John 12:24, “unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone; but if it die, it brings forth much fruit”. He was talking about personal abandonment in order to serve in the kingdom of God, to do the will and work of God, so the plans and purposes of God be accomplished. Just as it is in the kingdom of God, as it is with the relationship between the believer and God, so it is between the spouses in the covenant of marriage.

Let us all pray this simple prayer.

“Lord, let my spiritual wealth be far greater than my material wealth. Help me to guard myself against the spirit of coveting or want that may try to enter my heart when I desire a possession so strongly. Lord, please remind me to ask you for your approvalso that I may do all things according to your perfect will for my life.” name I pray,


The Covenant of Marriage

Money Minute (Con’t from page 5)

Many times when a married couple is having struggles relating, each

t the other just does not understand what the spouse is experiencing. The truth of the matter is each of us sometimes

that the relationship we are making through the covenant of marriage is not

Jesus said in John 12:24, a corn of wheat fall

into the ground and die, it abides alone; but if it die, it brings forth much fruit”. He was talking about personal abandonment in order to serve in the kingdom of God, to do the will and work of God, so the plans and purposes of God can be accomplished. Just as it is in the kingdom of God, as it is with the relationship between the believer and God, so it is between the spouses in the covenant of

In order for our marriages to survive the courses served to us in Christ Jesus, each spouse must take the time to first submit to each other in love so that unity can flow and increase. We must learn to allow God to heal us from past hurts, disappointments, failures, and frustration. These may be caused by our own decisions or through those made by others which have affected our life. Next we must take the time to ask God to show us who our spouse really is and how to love them the way God has purposed for our spouse to be loved. Finally, we must take the time to grow together spiritually so that we can keep cadence with one another and not feel the need to leave or be left behind in our journey through life.

The next time there is “intense time of fellowship” in your home, call to mind the making oThe necessary ingrdo not taste good alone. None of the ingredients are able to accomplish the mission aloneto the process ethey are put together in one place, mixed by the power of turbulencepan suitable for sustaining high temperaturestep in helpthe pan to reach its purpose can only take place in presence of heat at the right temperature and remaining in place for the right amount of time. Hold on through the fire and watch God shape your marriage and make you suitable to be served for the benefit of others and for His ultimate glory! ~Elder Vicki Ashley

Let us all pray this simple prayer.

“Lord, let my spiritual wealth be far greater than my material wealth. Help me to guard myself against the spirit of coveting or want that may try to enter my heart when I desire a possession so strongly. Lord, please remind me to ask you for your approval and wait for a peace in my spirit before I seek to obtain something, so that I may do all things according to your perfect will for my life.” name I pray, Amen.

~Brittany Mayo

The next time there is an “intense time of fellowship” in your home, call to mind the making of your favorite cake. he necessary ingredients do not taste good alone. None of the ingredients are

to accomplish the mission alone. There is more to the process even after they are put together in one place, mixed by the power of turbulence, and poured into a pan suitable for sustaining high temperature. The next

helping the content of the pan to reach its purpose can only take place in presence of heat at the right temperature and remaining in place for the right amount

Hold on through the fire and watch God shape your marriage and make you suitable to be served for the benefit of others and for His ultimate glory!

Vicki Ashley

“Lord, let my spiritual wealth be far greater than my material wealth. Help me to guard myself against the spirit of coveting or want that may try to enter my heart when I desire a possession so strongly. Lord, please remind me to ask you for

and wait for a peace in my spirit before I seek to obtain something, so that I may do all things according to your perfect will for my life.” In Jesus

~Brittany Mayo

Page 8: Visionary Times Spring 2010

© All Rights Reserved Visionary Times 2010

Christ’s Redemptive Love: A Resurrection Sunday Poem

I can only imagine what it had to be like, Lord.

Beaten, and scorned, tattered, torn and wore out.

You took those nails in your hands, in anguish, and no doubt, it was all for me.

Just so that I can be set free, and become assured that I am redeemed.

I wonder on that cross what it is that you seen?

Most likely…my sin.

Sins from my past and future…even sins that I’m presently in.

You died for that, and cried for that. Yes, that very sin.

What kind of love is this?

Just to imagine the Agape love you have for me is better than a kiss.

I dismiss…

The feelings of being alone, or the thoughts that nobody cares because clearly…

You care.

You stared death in the eye, yet overcame death, hell and the grave.

I dare not forget that. I meditate now on…

Christ’s Redemptive Love…

He rose in three days, while he gave the grave a shove.

He rose, leaving us with the spirit of His compassion

His peace and His presence

Lord, for this I give you reverence

Your blood and resurrection left me with the gift of Salvation

Not just for me and mine, but the gift is also for the Nations.

What kind of love is this?

What an honor it is to have a loving Savior in my life.

And your love compels me, Woo's me, and draws me in.

Greater love has no one than this that He lay down his life for His friends.

You call me your friend?

Wow, I’m so grateful, so honored, so pleasured to be called such by Jesus.

And, I long to know Him even more and search for him like Zacchaeus.

While unbelievers wander around somber and grievous.

I anticipate and await His return so that he can finally free us.

So, I remain calm because I know I’m covered by His blood.

Yes I’m covered, surrounded, compounded…Oh, for Christ my heart floods.

Today, marks the day, where I will make this vow

To daily remember what Christ has done for me, then, and even now.

He died for me…

He cried for me…

Nailed and made Frail, for me…

All that for me!?!

How great is our God Above to send his only begotten son

It was all done for you and me…

Jesus loves us so deeply!

Therefore, I’ll make sure I will never take lightly…

Christ’s Redemptive Love.

~Brittany Mayo

Triumphant Christian Center


Juan Woods Sr.


Vernice Woods


Mechele Woods

904 Thomas Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43223 PHONE: (614) 225-0421

Service Times: Sunday………………..11:00 a.m. Thursday……………….7:30 p.m.


VISIONARY TIMES STAFF DETRA WILSON EDITOR TIFFANY GILMORE ASSOCIATE EDITOR/WRITER ELDER VICKI ASHLEY WRITER/PROOFREADER BRITTANY MAYO WRITER Visionary Times welcomes any ideas and submissions from members of TCC. Please e-mail submissions and ideas to [email protected].