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The Unsolved Mysteries of World

Jul 15, 2015


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Page 1: The Unsolved Mysteries of World


Topic:The Unsolved Mysteries Of


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Famous Mysteries


The Panxian Dadong Caves

Tamam Shud case

Antelope Springs Footprint

Bermuda Triangle

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Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

The Crystal Skulls

The Moai statues of Easter Island

Green Children of Woolpit

The Belmez Faces

Who was D.B. Cooper

Taos Hum

Assassination Of John F kennedy

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•Anything that is kept secret or remains

unexplained or unknown:

•A mystery is not something you can't

know anything about, but is something

that you can't know everything about.

What Is Mystery?

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Kryptos is an encrypted sculpture by the American artist, Jim Sanborn, that is located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia.

The name Kryptos comes from the Greek word for "hidden", and the theme of the sculpture is "intelligence gathering.“

Out of Four 3 has been Solved .But one remain unsolved yet

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Tamam Shud Case


The Taman ShudCase, also known as the Mystery of the Somerton Man, is an unsolved case of an unidentified man found dead at 6:30 a.m., 1 December 1948, on Somerton beach in Adelaide, South Australia. It is named after a phrase, tamamshud, meaning "ended" or "finished" in Persian on a scrap of the final page of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam found in the hidden pocket of the man's trousers.

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Bermuda triangle


The Bermuda Triangle, also known as

the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region

in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean,

where a number of aircraftand ships are said to

have disappeared under mysterious

circumstances. According to the US Navy, the

triangle does not exist, and the name is not

recognized by the US Board on Geographic

Names.[1] Popular culture has attributed various

disappearances to the paranormal or activity by

extraterrestrial beings.

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Moitius Statues of Island


Moai or mo‘ai, are monolithic human figures

carved by

the Rapa Nui people from rock on the Chilean

Polynesian island of Easter Island between the

years 1250 and 1500.

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Giant stone balls of Costa Rica


Workmen hacking and burning their way through

the dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area

for banana plantations in the 1930s stumbled

upon some incredible objects: dozens of stone

balls, many of which were perfectly spherical.

They varied in size from as small as a tennis ball

to an astonishing 8 feet in diameter and weighing

16 tons!

Although the great stone balls are clearly man-

made, it is unknown who made them, for what

purpose and, most puzzling, how they achieved

such spherical precision.

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Green children of Woolpit


The legend of the green children of Woolpit concerns

two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared

in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, some time in

the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of King Stephen.

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The Crystal Skulls


No, the mystery of the Crystal Skulls isn’t just a made-up Hollywood legend for Indiana Jones to solve. A total of thirteen crystal skulls have been found in South America since 1881. The extremely valuable skulls have passed hands many times, but their true origin is unknown.

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The Shroud of Turin


The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth with the image of a man who many believe to be Jesus.

There are many disputes about the actual origin of the cloth. Some believe it was the actual cloth placed on the body of Jesus when he was buried. Others believe that the artifact was created in the Middle Ages, because its carbon dating age is between 1260 and 1390.

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Stone Henge


Stonehenge, located in Salisbury Plain in England, is one of the most fascinating monuments of all time. The site, which was built over a time period of 6400 years, consists of 30 giant upright stones and 30 immense horizontal stones placed on top. Each individual stone weighs about six tons.

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The Belmez Faces


In 1971, in the small Spanish village of Belmez,

Maria Pereira claimed a human face

spontaneously appeared on her cement kitchen

floor. It wasn't long before she destroyed the floor

and replaced it - and a new face promptly


More and more faces continued to appear on the

floor of Maria Pereira's kitchen, attracting

thousands of visitors every day. Some were male,

some female, some large, and some small. In

time, she discovered that the house, built around

1830, apparently stood above a graveyard used

by the Romans, Spanish Muslims and then

Medieval Christians.

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But did Maria Pereira just paint the faces herself?

If so, she never benefited financially from all the

attention. She lived a simple life in that same

house and eventually died in 2004.

Paranormal fans suggest that the faces were

manifested on the floor by telekinesis. This notion

was based on the absurdly unscientific claim that

the expressions on their faces used to change

with the mood of Maria Pereira.

Finally, modern technology has saved the day for

this unexplained mystery

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Who was D.B. Cooper?


How hard is it to dislike this guy? On November

21, 1971, in Portland, Oregon, a man calling

himself Dan Cooper hijacked a Boeing 727 en

route to Seattle by discreetly flashing a bomb to

the stewardess and handing her a note. On

landing, as the other passengers disembarked

without any clue of Cooper’s intentions,

authorities met his demands of $200,000 in cash

and a set of parachutes. The 727 then took off

following Cooper’s instructions and, shortly

thereafter, he leapt from the plane into a stormy

night. Since then, few clues have surfaced

concerning the crime

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. A boy found some of Cooper’s cash along a riverbank and, recently, the FBI thought his parachute had been found, but it turned out not to be the case. One man emerged as a suspect after he died, since on his death bed he told his wife, “I’m D.B. Cooper.” She told the Discovery Channel’s Unsolved History that his confession, true or not, had ruined her life. If Cooper died in the jump, which the FBI contends, his remains won’t be found as Mount St. Helens covered the region with ash in 1980.

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Taos Hum


The Taos Hum is perhaps the best-known among a handful of very low-frequency “humming” sounds that people have reported hearing in various parts of the world, including the UK, North America and New Zealand. Questions persist about its origins, that maybe it’s paranormal or that it may be the sound of the universe expanding. Curiously, the most sensitive acoustic devices -- far more sensitive than the clumsy human ear -- typically fail to pick up a note of humming. While local investigators have succeeded in tracing the source in some cases.For instance, the Kokomo Hum in Kokomo, Indiana, proved to be coming from a Chrysler plant. Could it be that it’s just all in our heads? After all, the regional "hums" and the symptoms reported by sufferers are so varied and often so contradictory that the source of the noise may be our imaginations.

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Assassination Of John F kennedy


The assassination of President Kennedy lands at

No. 1 not because it is one of the great unsolved

mysteries of our time, but because of its

unmatched cultural impact. For many people --

who were alive at the time and who were not born

yet -- President Kennedy represented something

truly larger than life. Consequently it was, and still

remains, nearly impossible for them to imagine a

giant like JFK being killed by a loser with a scope

and a view.

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vAmong the many testaments to this is the

remarkably desperate diligence of conspiracy

theorists, who can ignore 2,999 pages of

declassified CIA documents and focus on a single

line from page 3,000, and build a complicated

theory of a mob hit or a Cuban connection.

The inability to accept the theory of a lone

gunman, and the ability to believe in any other

scenario despite the lack of even a trace of

conclusive evidence, is the greater mystery here

because it hints at something mysterious,

remarkably fragile and even endearing about the

human psyche.

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John F Kennedy


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Antelope Springs Footprint


On June 1, 1968, amateur fossil hunter William J. Meister Sr. took his family on a trip to Antelope Springs. Meister couldn’t take off his fossil-hunting jacket, though, and went in search of trilobite fossils. He eventually found a fossil with what looked like a shoe imprint, the heel digging in deeper than the rest of the foot. Below the imprint, he found two trilobite fossils. Meister immediately thought that the person wearing the shoes had stepped onto the fossils.

Taking it for examination, Meister and fellow researchers dated the fossil at almost 600 million years old and determined it was likely formed in Middle Cambrian Wheeler Shale. When they explored the area, they discovered slabs of mudstone that had, once upon a time, formed an entire land area.

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The mystery, however, is that while the shoe print

clearly indicates someone standing or stepping

on the trilobites, there is no evidence indicating

any pressure on the trilobites themselves. Also,

the trilobites were marine creatures, meaning that

whoever created the shoe print had entered their

area. Why exactly, nobody knows.

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Antelope Springs Footprint


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The Panxian Dadong Caves


The Panxian Dadong Caves are known to have

housed humans 300,000 years ago. It is also known

that large animals inhabited the vicinity of the caves

as well. Scientists, however, were extremely surprised

to find prehistoric deposits indicating massive

stegodons and rhinoceros also lived, or at least died,

inside the caves. They found this very strange, seeing

as how the caves are 1,600 meters (5,250 ft) above

sea level.

Paleoanthropologist Lynne Schepartz stated how rare

is is to find animals in a cave that don’t typically live in

them. She believed that stegodons and rhinos were

very unlikely to simply wander into the cave. Rhinos,

in particular, are solitary animals that graze on their

own. And yet, here lie their remains.

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One theory involves carnivorous animals killing

the mammals and dragging them into the cave.

The most likely answer, though, would be human

intervention. Inspection of the bones showed that

they were burnt and then pounded by what could

only have been a tool made out of stone.

The last expedition to the cave took place in

1998. To date, no further progress has been

made in determining just exactly how those large

animals got into the cave at all.

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The Panxian Dadong Caves


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Ever burning Lamps


Lamps that kept on burning without using any fuel

were discovered all over the world during the

Middle Ages. These lamps were sealed into

tombs, supposedly to ensure the deceased had

light to guide them on their way to the afterlife.

Some of these tombs were opened years later,

and the lamps were still burning.

Superstitious types became terrified of this

phenomenon, destroying any ever-burning lamp

they came across. People accused pagan priests

of trickery. Others simply refused to believe that a

lamp could burn for an indefinite period of time.

The vast majority claimed that the Devil was to


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Speculation was also rife that Hebrew communities

had discovered and preserved what today is known

as electricity. According to the legend, a French rabbi

named Jechiele possessed a lamp that could light up

by itself, with no fuel or wick. Jechiele, according to

this tale, invented a special button that would

discharge an electric current to his metal door

knocker. If someone touched the door knocker at the

same time the rabbi touched the nail, the person

would receive a shock and double over.

Even with electricity being a common thing nowadays,

all who have tried to replicate the ever-burning lamps

have failed. Therefore the question remains: How

were these lamps able to keep burning for hundreds

of years without fuel?

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Presented by

Muhammad Hanif







Guided by

Mam Sadia Naseem

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