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ROOMS FOR RENT. Three Line for Five Centi. Each Additional Line Fire Cents Extra. ALL desiring nice. comfortable room. 25a a day: J1.23 a week up. White House, southwest corncrNInth ana Pine. Strictly llrst-clas- s. BROADWAT. 105 and 107 N.-- At the "Rest." 20 rooms. 23c; 10 rooms. 35c; 10 rooms.EO. per day. "CARDINAL Ave.. 102O X. Neatly furnished second-floo- r rront and other nice rooms, rrom K up. CAim St.. 1721 Large, neatly furnished front ooms, complete for Housekeeping; cw " conveniences. c a- - -i- - nnn weti,. furnished room for Housekeeping; or gentlemen; an csniui. ""CHESTNUT St.. 1023'4 Elegantly furnished room!": all conveniences; prices reasonable. World's Fair Hotel. "CHOTKAU Ave. ack parlor suitable for two gents; cry nicely furnished; rent reason- able. CHOUTEAU Ave.. H21-M- furnished front room for gentlemen or couple; gas and Lain, also single rooms. " COMPTON Avc7 1021 N. Nicely furnished Twins, complete for housekeeping; low price; private famil. COMPTON Ae.. 22 N.-S- ulte of neat house- keeping looms for parties without children; 13 weekly; hot bath, laundry: call evenings. " 11AYTON ft.. IMS One neatly furnished room; southern exrosurc. DELMAR Boulevard. 392-Ne- wly furnished second-stor- y room: southern pcure: private family; for sentlemen: 'phone in house; Kinloch 1 t27. DELMAR Boulevard. 4241-T- wo or three nlce-I- r furnishes! rooms: alo lack parlor: private family; modem house; rates reasonable; ref- - erences exchanged. DICKSON St 2037-O- ne front room; fine bath; all conveniences. DICKSON St.. 2S21 Nice, large, second-iloo- r front room: southern exposure; suit- able for two rentlercen. "n ASTON "Ave.. atly furnished rooms: modern cenveniences: private famil): with or without beard. Inquire cigar store. 441S aston. "EIGHTH fl":il N. Elegant newly furnished 'looms: hot water: free bath: from $2 week up; JTrench restaurant in connection. EIGHTEENTH St.. 112 X. Sscond-fioo- r front i ...! - .,: miete for cents or I1U lllll nuvi injiiif. ..v...,-.- Jiousekeeping; low rent. "EIGHTEENTH St.? W3 Nicely furnished rooms tin flrt floor for light 4 ousckciping: very rin- - onable: on four car line-- . ERICSSON. Mf8 Locust-Apartm- ents for has Ilbrsry. gymnasium, bicjcle stable. irai hiiu Wl'l ..inir. EUGENIA St.. 2122 Nice, comfortable, apaitment for light housekeeping: use of laundry: ras stove. EVAN-- . Ave.. 4024A Handsomely furnished room, 'second floor: all modern ronvenlerices: furnace heat: private family: board If desired. references exchanged. ' FWINO Av.. 113 H. Nlcelv furnished room. wilh privilege of light housekeeping. H- -o vveck. FINNEY Av- e- IMS Second-floo- r room, for light housekeeping: hot bath: FRANKLIN Ave.. lS-- unfurnished rooms for lent. J.": and one furnished for slceplrg, eccond floor. GARRISON Ave.. 33! X. Large, eiegantlv el fVnt room: llrht housekeeping If Suburban and Easton cars; ever thing prsi-rias- s n-- . t . - r furnished room. with or without board: also large barn. "KING".-- . HIGHWAT. 2sl7 S Opposite Tower Grovelark-T- wo rooms for housekeeping: references: no children; LACLEDE. 3115 Furnished front parlor and .. .,.. . mii ......... nnt.nm. Oitier Twoms; HumiiH ..v... nfivmr Am. 2S Two south room. with private family: all modern conveniences; reasonani-- . . .Hn. . ti vtni. ...... ftimitS.! front IjAVV AVJ. flic, -- -. .,i.t. ..- -- room, second floor, with all conveniences. i.iwrnx Ave.. furnlsnea Kront rccm fcr enc or two gentlemen: hot batn. ana turrace nea. . urum .v........ i.rFFINGWELL Ave.. 71SA X. Nicely room' for gentlemen or light liou-- e; iecplng; all modern conveniences; private family. "ijovuiu'vie.. 113 X. Three- nice '-: floor: unfurnished; iriil rent one or all: also nice third floor front room fur- nished. "iJNDELL Ave.. 35W Xewly funusneu rooms. -- .fAiT.-trr 5f. pcaflA Nlcclv furnished front lTiom- - reasonable. INCEST St.. 161MCi:-N!ee- lv- furnished room. tingle or double; week orjnonth; first-clas- s; IlCi;--- T St110S Clean. toomi. KOod bath: well heated; all conveniences; rca- - aonaoic raiui. ..... rtftTn".nn,T LOCUST St.. :il lirKe. pi;!--.'- t "7r"" ",i front: alo "ther room-- : rent reasonable; or married couple: no children. "ToCUST St.. SH. Next to St. Nicholas Ilctel-Jloo- ms for gentlemen: net and cold flltired baths; electric light; furnace heat; rent cheap. "LUCAS. 3334 Largo cccond-stcr- y front rooms; also HAii room. MAFFITT Ave.. 3816-Iy- rge. nicely furnished front room: uas and bath: hot and cold water. TtrtvM- - family: rent reasonable. MISSISSIPPI Ave.. lill-Tlo- on same floor with bath: reasonable "MORGAN-S- t.. 3541 Nicely furnl-he- d room, for pilvate family: all conveniences: rates reasonable. "MORGAN St.. nicely furnished Tdonl"thlrd floor; southern and western exposure: airmail room on eecond floor; corner house; rnodem conveniences. ""XICELT furnished room, west of Boyle on oilv' fctV. for a genUeman; only two In family. V OLlT3 St.. ;;IS Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. OLIVE St.. Mt7A-O- ne or . two small front. rooms, furnished or unfnrnisneu. nuvT s- - M4BA Xewly furnished second- - fiocr front room: also large hall zoom. ntiim t 11 C.nnnr1.nnrr mTlt tfW llCht 3U"ffrcgplngan'd front and back parlor?. ... fTimtat-- lint - r. r. V4n- 1- TYltTi' nd cold xatcr; touthera exposure; terms fe. - . .. V anA fhwit MWlffl. Bultable for ono or two gentlemen; cars stop at OLIVE St.. 1233 Nicely furnished rooms: also two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; rec- - end'ftory hall rcom. "oLIVE St.. 1J3 In select neighborhood, lovely Becond-stor- y fton. "I1 1,ack rooms; most rca- - yionabie terms to oesiruuig iwun . . - ...e .j Pvnn.ltlnn.. Dilrnble. newly furnished front parlor: bath. In- candescent lights, filtered water; reasonable. OLIVD St. 3744 (Second Floort-XIc- cly second-stor- y front and adjoining rooms; KlDKie or en aunc, wiiumtut MW.. . " Z7 1. Jt AAtaA4 l?11V OLIVE Ht, Z514A lira newiy uramira uw.u.- - tilshed connecting rooms, northern, eastern ana BOUthern exposure, to parties without children. "OLIVE sC4lM-Lnrgc- . nicely furnished front room; southern exposure: private family; "nice room for two persons; reasonable. . . t kA .tA.rta4s fwitiV rArtm 1a4 nd cold water: best service; cuisine unexcelled; Bell telephone; this place Is worth Investigation. "fAPlN-S- t.. 1334 Neatly furnished room for Bentlemen or housekeeping; southern exposure; reasohable. PARTY having a suite ot elegantly furnished rooms would rent to two gentlemen. F 29. PINE St.. SMO Elegantly furnished room; hot bath; all conveniences. PINE St.. lo Save money rooming downtown; newly furnished south fronts: modern Improve- ments; private family; minute's walk of pesi erne?. . PENDLETON Ave.. second-flo- front ror gentleman: ail znouem cuui:mt-;i.-ira- . f delightfully cool in summer: invite Inspection. " RUTOER GU lWi-V- ery nicely furnished hail room; southern exposure: bath: also room for Algnt nOUSEKeepinBi vy imtuniufie. mvrr s vZ two nlcelv furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen: terms reasonable. SIXTEENTH St.. 1435W N. Two connecting furnished housekeeping rooms, with cook love, water, laundry, etc.; reasonable and SECTH St.. HIS S. Very nicely furnished front room for gentleman: two Ih family: In walking distance of business district: very reasonable. TVTTT St.. R17 N, Coxv house, lust owned: LArvfhln new: rooms 15e. 20c: 3oc. 31 and un per j week: modem conveniences. Including free baths. C 1KA 1 f.. fpl. mnma ' hot and cold baths; all conveniences; terms rea- sonable. "TOWER GROVE. 1507 Three unrurnlshe.1 k rooms; also extra room- -: JS per month: now topen. V1U. ' west ueiic "TWELFTH St.. 2300 S. Rooms complete for cht nouseKeeping; steam neat; running water ?n every room. TWENTY-SECON- D St.. 209 S. Nicely rooms: genu or light housekeeping; 31.50 ner week; references; also hall room, 31. WASHINGTON Ave.. lE7-Ro- cm for light DUscKeeping; win xurnisn; also otner rooms. ?Tip. " TVARHINGTON Ave. 1S0S Two nlcelv fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; also other room "WASHINGTON Ave., 1119 Neatly furnished fant and back rooms; well heated; with bath; fceap rent. WASHINGTON Ave.. 1503 Xewlr furnished "rooms for gentlemen only, by the day. week or tnoptn; nrc, not water, patn. luncnroom WEST BELLE Place. ly furnished eeond ftory room: nrivate family: all conven- iences: near Transit and Suburban cars. FOR REXT DWELLINGS. LINEELL Boulevard. SSSS, West ot Vande-ent- er Beautiful modern dwelling with reception ball and all modern conveniences: pos- session March 15. ,C W. BARNES. 23 Walnwrlght building. T. ANQE Ave.. U2SEIeven rooms, bath, hot ter. and In good condition: price P). Apply la a. Xx CirflTllTHhsm. 431 Olrrt St. u ROOMS WITH BOARD. Three Lines for Five Cents. Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra. "CLARKSOX riace. Ml CM Mo7a2r,l.'iersm" v front room: good beard; convenient to Transit and s3uburbancar. COOK Ave.. 3347-F- lne. latga furnished room with board; for couple or gents: all modern con- veniences COOK Ave.. furnished second-stor- y room: home cooking: private family, hot and cold bath; all conveniences; couple. DAYTON St.. SMA-Ne- wly furnished room; southern exposure; good board; nice famllj, also unfurnished rooms. DEL3IAR Boulevard. table board and furnished rooms, in private family, references exchanged. DELVIAR Boulevard. atly furnished rooms, single or en suite; ttrst-cla- board; ruod-er- n conveniences: reasonable. DEIIAR Ave.. 4191- -A lovely second-stor- y front room: southern exposure: live windows; Urst-cla- ss board: also other rooms. DELMAR Boulevard. 4000-N- ire, newly fur- nished front rooms: rates by day. week or month : strictly private: convenient to board. EASTON Ave., 2)33 Want two or three gentle- men to board with .private Mexican family; splendid opportunity Ito learn Spanish. EUGENIA St.. 27 Nenlv furnished rooms, with or without board; rooms from 31 up: hot bath, home comforts: strangers accommodated. FINNEY Ave.. 5626 Neatly furnished second-stor- y room: southsrn exposure: first-cla- board; modem conveniences: low rates for summer. FINNEY Ave.. 4147Corner Whlttlert Nicely furnished corner room: southern exposure: hot bath; gas: convenient to good board: reasonable. FRANKLIN Ave.. 3310 Ncavly furnished room, second floor, southern exposure, with lmard. for gentlemen; private family: four car lines con- venient. FINNEY Ave. 3951A Neatly furnished second-stor- y room: rtrst-cla- board; bath; all convenl-enct.- s: private family. GRAND Ave., 14 S. Very pleasant furnished room for gent or married couple: nice location and reasonable: reference expected. "GRAND Ave.. 911 N. ("The MacPherson") Big reduction In rates: elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat; marble baths: parlors, smoker, e: very choice cuisine; lecatioa unsurpassed; sl car lines; day board. IJITROVED St. James Hotel offers very low weekly or monthly lates on either American or Encpean plan. LAWTON Ave., 3J03 Southern exposure front room: furnace heat: hot bath: prlvnte family; no children: home coolttng; 31 30 per week. LAWTON Ave.. S33S Elegantly furnished front loe.m: also other rooms with or without board; hot bath and all conveniences: reasonable. LOCUST St.. iSZS Newlv- - furnished rooms; hot and cold bath; superior table and service. LOCUST St.. 14J1 Room with first-cla- board; hot and cold bath; furnace; all conveniences. LOCUST St.. 2SWell furnish eoH front room suitable for two tenllemen, with good board; home comforts. LOCUST St,. 10 and 1W3 Elegant room and first-cla- beard and service: visitors accommo-date- rates to permanent parties. LUCAS Ave.. ."CIS Nicely furnished rooms, with board; furnace heat; all conveniences. MISSISSIPPI Ave.. 1317 Very nicelyfurnlshed room, with board; private family; all modsrn conveniences: reasonable. MORGAN St.. 490S Fleasant room and board; southern exposure; porches and large lawn; ref- erences. MORGAN St . JOTS Large nicely furnished front and other rooms: J33 cne person: 340 for two; good board; reasonable. OLIVE St., 21H7Nlecly furnished rooms; to couples onl; with or without board; by day or week. OLIVE St.. 3676 Handsomely furnished secon- d-story front room: piivato family; good txiard .nenr: rates rsasonablc. OLIVE St.. 35 NIcsly furnished rooms, sin-pi- e or en suite: first-cla- board: hot bith, steam heat; all conveniences: rates reasonable. OLIVE St Ca (TheBarrineer)-Superi- or rooms and first-cla- board: modern appolnt-pient- a; family hotel: rates reasonable. PARK Ave.. 03T Elegintlv furnished front room, with board: hot and cold bath; references exchanged: opposite Lafayette Park. PINE St.. 3211 Neatly furnished room with two new iron beds, with ilrst-cla- board, hot bath: ail conveniences. PINE St.. 3107 and "3113 Eleaantly furnished room1!, with first-cla- board: hot bath and all conveniences: terms reasonable. PINE St.. 3310 Large, cheerful front room, well furnished; all conveniences; suitable for two or three people; excellent board; terms reason- able. PINE FL. 30IG Elegant back parlor and secon- d-story front room: reasonable to permanent gentlemen employed; first-cla- home; board If ileslred SPRING Ave.. 51S cely furnished room with board. WASHINGTON Ave . 34!S Desirable rooms for transient and regular boarders: home cooking. WASHINGTON, 3223 Second- - story front room; southern convenient to cars; board op- tional. WA SHINGTON Boulevard, 3953Elegant table Iviard. with or without rooms: home cooking; service first-clas- s; prices reasonable. WASHINGTON Ave. 13 Fmnt and oilier rooms, suitable for a oupl cr four gents; nlo rooms with private baths, with bo.ird. WASHINGTON Ave.. 1503 Xewly furnished rooms for gentlemen onlv, by the day, week or month; Arc, hot water, bath, lunchroom. "WASHINGTON Ave.. lflBNIcely furnished, steam-heate- d rooms: every convenience: board Iff desired; visitors accommodated: 32 per week up. WASHINGTON Boulevard. furnished scord-stor- y front and ronncctlng rooms, southern exposure: superior table; gents or couple; reference. WEST BELLE. 4300 Rooms, single and en tulte, with board. WEST BELLE Place. furnished room with first-clas- s board; references exchanged. ROOMS AXD BOARD WANTED. BY young lady, board and room In refined fam- ily between Grand. Garrison. Pino and Franklin; 312 per month. T 2S. Republic GENTLEMAN wants nicely furnished room, modern conveniences, nelghlmrhood of Brighton place preferred. Y 30, Republic PROFESSIONAL gentleman, bachelor. IsTwIth Eugene Field adoration of children, d?slres room In congenial private family. W 27, Republic REFINED young man of means wishes board In strictly private family; references exchanged. A 30. Republic. TWO furnished rooms for light housekeeping In private family; must be reasonable and near 4700 Eastcn nve. K S. Republlc YOUNG gentleman ard wife wish nicely furnished front room In a strictly private West End family; permanent people if satisfied; give particulars. O 29. Republic. HOUSES, ROOMS, ETC., WANTED. SMALL store and four or five rooms; must ba cheap. W 30, Republic. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. PARK Ave., 8 Stores. Just completed; good location. Call at 3200 Park ave. FOR RENT APART3IEXTS. FLATS. CLEVELAND Ave., 3342-4- 4 Four rooms and bath, hot and cold water, porches, granitoid laundry. OTTO WEBER. . 23 De Menll building. LUCKY St., 4380 Four large rooms, first floor; detached and In good repair; $12. LUCKY, 3634, North of Easton Ave. Four-roo- flats: rent cut to J10; nicely papered; plenty of closets: fine condition. FOR RENT SUBURBAN PROPERTY. WEBSTER GROVES House, seven rooms. Call or address 123 N. Eleventh St.. St. Louis. FOR RENT FOR COLORED. WEST END Three rooms, for colored. JS per month. For particulars apply at office, 421 West Belle. FOR STABLE and van!. Appl7 to Decker Shar-ke- y. 0 X. Twelfth St. ' UNIMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. WORLD'S Fair Site (43x140 feet); southwest town: per foot 314 cash, worth 120. Robt. udemann. 1413 North Market, wall papsr store. REAL ESTATE FOR LEASE. HOTEL SITE. Exceptionally Cne location, on main thorough- fare, midway between Union Station and busi- ness enter: will Improve to suit desirable tenant. W 28, Republic MONEY. TO LOAN. On Personal Property. A PRIVATE party loans money on furniture I av o iki mil per annum, i ana proper treatment assured. 501 Chemical building. Eighth and Olive sts. APPLICATIONS for loans on household goods receive our prompt attention. 'New York Finance Co.. Odd Fellows bide.. Ninth and Olive. JOHN W. STALEY. 202 N. Ninth, room tax. negotiates loans of 325 and upwards on personal property: low rates; terms to suit; confidential. LOANS by private party on furniture or pianos; business confidential; discount if paid before due. 403 Benolst building. Ninth and Pine. MONEY furnished sal-rl- cd people and. retail merchants without security; easy payments.. ToU man. room SOL 2U N. Seventh at. MONET to loan on furniture, pianos and alt good securities; lowest rates In city; business strictly confidential; est. 7. 1001 orran,-- ,1 THE REPUBLIC: THUESDAY, MARCH 2h 1901'. 11 LOST AXD FOUND. FOUND Where you can find a double sola box calf shoe, ll.i'i. Harris. 0 Pine st. LOST On California and Russell aves., brown water spaniel; bob-tal- l. Return to 49 Russell ave.: reward. LOST Pocketbook, between Elghttenth and Mnrket and Eighteenth and Grattan. Return to IKS S. Third and receive reward. IIOUSUIItTLD GOODS. Wanted. ALL kinds ot household goods bought: entire contents of houses wanted; lull value paid. June. Co.. 1143 Olive st.; Main 157 C 742. ' FEATHERS WANTED-O- ld feathers; will pay 43c per lb. Send postal. S. Batavla, 113 X. Ninth st. FEATHERS WANTED-- M. Speelman. the feather bujer. pays 40c per round, full weight. Call or tend postal. -- CS Olive st. MUST have 'Ac carloads secondhand furniture, stovts, feathets. etc., quick, for Gjlvcston: top prices; any quantity. J. Bcnslnger. Cll N. 13 st. MUST have at once two cars furniture and feathers: pay highest prices: large or small lots; drop postal. Bcnslnger, 1704 Franklin, or Ti'j Walton. PARTIES declining housekeeping, see me before selling furniture, pianos, carpets, etc.; mil pay highest price. Wolf. 18 S. Eleventh. Thone C 48.. "SECONDHAND furniture, stoves, etc.. large or small lots, bought at residence or store; good prices given by Olhson. 2319 Wash st. For Sale. AN elegant Imported French China dinner net of 102 pieces for II; Rcom 10 Holland building. BEDROOM and parlor sets, 32 up; wardrobo and sideboards, S3; sewing machine, JI up; piano, 33 1704 S. Eleventh st. CARPETS Hundreds mlslU carpets: Brussel". velvet, three-pl- y Ingrain; J3 up; rugs of all Kinds. .ranKiin rurnuure House, i rranKiin. COAL Hard coal. J6.95 per ton; soft. SHc In luis. neiiverei. ouneriur 1.UU1 uiiu Co . 502 Century building. Tel. B 171). CONTETS of 11 rooms: taken for debt. Call 42Q7A Easton, Just west of Goode ave. White sewing machine, only J". 2C03 Grav ols av e. NEW HOME sewing machine, in perfect order; JI. 605 Gravols ave., cor. Jefferson ave. NEW drop-hea- d sewing machines, from 113 up. C. N. Hayner. 2003 Gravols ave., cor. Jeilerson ave. Open until 9 p. m. STOVES, new and secondhand furniture, beau- tiful misfit carpets, rugs, etc; time payments. New York Storage Co.. 2212 to 2219 Wash st. SPECIAL Notice Lace curtains to clean by Ttienlx Curtiic Co.. 23c and 3 per pair; work called for and delivered. 2300 Cass ave. y STOVES Large lot of heating stoves, hard-co- and soft-co.i- l: also lot ranges and cook stoves: 12 up. 723 rrnnklln ave. USE Reehelt's floor enamel and furniture var- nish for all Inside work; mixed paints at 73c gal., cost SI elsewhere. 1.17 Franklin ave. ritixTinu. BUSINESS cards, $1. billheads, statements, noteheads. J1.M per thousand. A. P. Vltrey. 10J N. Twelfth St. "CRESCENT Trlnting Comrany. 307 N. Fourth St. Fine commercial Job work; popular prices. Send for samples. J. W. STEELE & CO.. Book and Job Printers. 18 X. Third st. Legal blanks and briefs a spe- cialty. Tel. Main 1170. HOTELS. HOTEL Wyoming, Fifteenth and Chestnut, modern improvements; rates GOo and JI per day; weekly rates reduced. RUIIIIER STAMPS. SEALS. STENCILS. ADAMS. Ibo stamp man. 314 N. Sixth st.. rub- ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc.; gool. cheap, quick; write tor new list. RUBDER stamps, rubber type, sign markers, brass and aluminum decks, at lowest prices. Kasper Stamp nnd Seal Company. 916 Locust st. MINING INTERESTS. COPPER MINE. I have a short option on the extension of the vein o a new, but good shipping and paving copper mine, not ct 150 feet deep. The naner of tho extension gives 3 for working capital. Only a very small amount required to determine Its value. I W3nt parties to Join me. For partic- ulars apply Immediately to George B. Clark. Bank Commerce building. PENSIONS, PATENTS. PATENTS, pensions, bounty, back pay, dls. charge: notary rublic: advice free. H. l. & R. S. O'Brien. 421 Chestnut St.. St. Louis. Mo GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATING. DOWNING replatcs and repairs silverware, rold nlates .watches. Jewelry: good work: caeh for old gold, sliver and platinum. 20S N. Seventh. GOLD and silver plating In all branches; cash for old gold and sliver: line gold for sale. See kamp & Krause. 8124 Pine st. I . I CAIU'LT UL ANINO. AMERICAN (Vtrdler) Steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Company, Nineteenth and Pine sts., does rtrst-clas- s work at low.est prices. Kin-loc- h D 70. CARPETS taken up. cleaned, made over and laid: best work: lowest prices. Empire Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. 2123 Lucas. Main 1131; C 934. ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. Special attention to altering, sewing and re'ay-ln- g Easton and Pendleton. Llndell 374M; Kin-loc- h D 863 GLOBE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. takesup. cleans, relavs carpets: lowest prices: work 3139 Olive st:; Klnlcch C 14CC. STORAGE AND MOVING. AMERICAN Storage and Moving Company. 15 Olive St. Packing, shipping, storage; separate rooms. Tel. Main 31. W. II. Langdale, president. F. H. PORTMAN. Storage. Moving. Packlrg and Shipping Co.. St. Louis and East St. Louis. Kin D. 1247; Bell Tyler 209A. Office. 2S01 Cass. FRANKLIN Warehouse and Storage Co. One hundred dust-pro- rooms. 1003 Franklin ave. Charles Nledrlnghaus, proprietor. Both telephones. BONDED Warehcuse Hy. C. Wlehe Storage and Moving Company, 1S12-1- Franklin nve., money advanced when desired. Kinloch C. 9G3. LINDELL MOVING COM PANT, 1227 Taj lor ave., will move furniture nnd check baggage at depot carefully and promptly, cheap. Phone Lln- dell 69; NEW YORK Storage Company. Office 211 Unlcn Trust Building Move, pack, ship, sore fine furniture In private rooms. Phone Main 2C4. SOUTH Side Storage nnd Moving Cu.T 1MI, 1902 and 1905 Sidney St. Tel. Sidney 235. TAYLOR aTov?r1iEcAoN.D 2(111 OLIVE STREET. Formerly of Langan Taylor. Moving;, l'ncklnj- - and Sliliipinrr liy Experienced Men. Money Advanced If Desired. When You Need Our Services Ring Up ' Kinloch C 730. Bell 3005 A. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF New Storage Warehouses, Grand and Laclede. BVSK.. for nt - vure, pianos. irunKg. vaiuames. DOXSS. etc.; strictly first-clas- moving, packing, shipping, etc Money advanced. Consign goods our car. Estimates fiee. Get our rates, phone C CT. R. II. LEONORI. JR.. CO., 1219-- Ollv. st WALL PAPER. FINE paperhanglng dona cheaply: estimates free: send postal. Will call. Sproot. 321 S. Gar- rison. HERE You Are I will paper v our room from 2 up; work guaranteed. H. E. Gregory. 2927 Park ave. SEND your order for papering and whitening to Roesch, 1601-0- 3 S. Broadway; mail or tel.: Kin- loch B 792. WALL PArER All work guaranteed: rooms 32 and up: whitening nnd painting at small fig- ures. Cooper. 2SC9H St. Louis ave. ZEHNER - CO., 1420 Papln St. Paper hang- ing, whitening and plastering; all work done at lowest rates: satlBfac'n guaranteeed; send postal. 30.000 rolls of wall paper must be sold regard- less of cost: special inducements to dealers and the trade borders and wall paper one price. Hummel Wall Paper Co., 3606 X. Broadway. FARMS FOR SALE. MISSOURI farm lands for sale; tracts to suit; 12 to $5 acre: 310 cash and 35 month. L. L. Barron, 200 Fullertcn building, Illinois farm, 70 miles from St. Louis; finely improved, $1,600; trade real estate or mer- chandise. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut. MEDIUMS A5D CLAIRVOYANTS. Fifteen Cents Ter Line. GREATEST European medium and clairvoyant has permanently located in St. Louis and can be ccnsulted dally at her parlors. 10:CA N. Vandc- - enter. Trumpet and siate writing In the light. MRS. J. T. HARDING, Medium Monday, Wed.", Friday evenings, spiritual circles. 2S27 Franklin. PARTNERS WASTED. PARTNER WANTED J250 takes half Interest In meat market; experience unnecessary. 3107 Easton ave. PARTNER WANTED- -I want""actlve partner, either lady or gentleman, with J450 capital. In established business; profits guaranteed, A 25. Republic BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTY with money to m1pt.-- ". v..... ' BUSINESS FOR SALE. Q LASCOCK BROKERAGE CO., 902 Chestnut St. Phones: B 1410; Alain 2631A Money Advanced Purchasers. Titles Guaranteed Every Business Sold COPYRIGHT: new system ladles" tallorlnc; wondcrCul. simple: cheap: costs 10c: sells rap dly J1.50: 3 j buys State Mo. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut. CREAMERY. 190 miles from St. Louis: sell ma- chinery. blds . real estate. J1.50). or trade: worth ;5..Uvi. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 90J Chestnut. CHEWING gum manufactory, clearing 3(00 month: S3.000 bujs " Interest; est. 1SS0. Glascock Brokerage Co., 313 Chestnut. DRUG store: splendid Mo. town: owner desires partner; sell for Invoice: J4.000: clearing too month. Glasccck Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. DYEING and cleaning, large Nelraskn city: net profits Ji.liOO lear; TOJ; bears clo-e- Inves- tigation. Glascock Brokerago Co.. 9m3 Chestnut. DRY roods, notions, etc.: suburbs: finest loca- tion; JX30: worth more; rent SCO: with 3 living-room- s. Glascock Brokerage Co , DOJ Chestnut. ELECTRIC light plant. Mo. city. 2.CO0 popula- tion; price. 312.100; jntronlicil by city: very low expenses. Glascock nrokeraso Co.. 902 Chestnut. FURNISHING goods, splendid Iowa tow :n 12.709 bujs business. Est. 1S99: rent J23. with living-room- Glascock Brokerage Co., 3i Chest- nut. FLOUR and corn mill. Missouri town. 1.B10 population; 2) miles out; fine craln section: price IC.COO. Glascock Biokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. GUOCERYbelniar ave.: 51.20) or Invoice; rent J: two living-room- est. jcars; receipts J7CO month. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. GROCERY Price J1.2M; actual invoice Sl.&H): owner retiring; no fixtures to buy; Investigate. j Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut . HOTEL, tlnest East Side location, iloirg lm-- 1 mm TJi furnished: nrlce SI 000: part time. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. HOTEL West End; SO furnished rooms; cost :.or); price 33.300: half cash: World's Fair oppor-tunlt- y. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 903 Chestnut. HARDWARE 37.000 (Invoice) huvs South Bioadwav business est. years; recelnts J1.2l,I month, iiioscock Iironerae vjz mesenui. HOSPITAL buslnesj. clearing 13.000 early above salaries and expenses; est. 8 vears; price JS.000. Glasccck Brokerage Co. 902 Chestnut. JEWELRY Est. 1577; good Illinois town; bujs buslnesi clearing $1,200 vear: would er trade. Glascock Urokerage Co . 902 Chestnut. MANUFACTURING business; eft. 34; receipts JOO.MO v early: 23 per cert profits: to enlarge busi- ness want partner. JViW to 110,000. dljscock Brokerage Co.. 9)2 Chestnut. MANUFACTURING business; -- rale, truck: fortune for man willing to Invest r..3r.) In busl-nes- s. Glnsrnck Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. MEATS and vegetables. West End; flic trade: price SS00: worth $2,000; Includes horses and wagons. Qlascock Brokerage Co.. S02 Chestnut. mtt.t.tvvtt'V -- ,l Indies' lallorlni?- - West End location:" sacrifice; two: good re"0n for selling; Investigate. Glascock Brokcrag" Co.. 8)2 Chestnut. PATENT ironing board: simple, inexpensive: S3'V bus U. S. patent: ou sell Slate right for J1.010. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 9.v2 Chestnut. PATENTED plow attachment: regulates depth of furrows: inexpensive: JIO.COO buvs entire rights. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- 32.010; re- ceipts J13 dailv: wnlch trade, be convinced: est. years. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. RESTAURANT nnd boarding-hous- IC fur- nished roams; entire equipment S230: rent -5. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut st. RESTAURANT. 123 cash, balance jmo, easy; Franklin ave.. east of 13th; sickness; place. Glascock Brokerage Co., 94! ChestnuL RESTAURANT ard 15 furnished rooms. Jeffer-ro- n City. Mo.: clearing J1X) month; price $700; rent 113. Glascock llrokcrago Co.. 902 Chestnut. ROOMING-HOUS- E 1230: 10 rooms: near Ewlne ave.; other places up to $j.uoo: money auvanceu. Glascock Urokerage Co.. 903 Chestnut. SARATOGA chin manufactory: price f0 halt Interest: owner needs help: clearing J30O mouth. Glascock Brokerage Co.. '.)- - Chestnut. STEAM laundry, thriving Tennessee city: re- ceipts iron. price. !3.ro0: rent. J2M ear: sec invoice. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. TURKISH bath ard barber shop: fine location: clearing JIS) month; Investigate quickly: sacrifice. 11. SO): cost 1i.Hr. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut. 12.0O) cash secures cop right, wonderful inven-tie- n. teaching guitar quickly; owner has no cap- ital to publish. Glascock Brokerage Co.. S02 chest- nut st. TERRA cotta. hollow fence post: patented; not affected by moisture; Inexpensive; sell patent, 31.750. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut. TILE and brick factor : 5Io. town; macninery. Mdg. etc.: worth S3.r.); take f2.004. would trade. Glascock Brokerago Co.. 9)2 CUestnut. BOARDING-HOUS- E Location un.xccllcil; guests; clears D0 to JI0) every month, living for owner. Glascock Brokerage (.o., 902 Chestnut. ; BAKERY and ilalrv lunch: Wert End: popu- lar corner: receipts S1.300: price .OOti: part time. Glascock Brokerage Co., 90- - Chestnut BAKERY and ronf?cllonery: 11,000: exception- ally line Missouri railroad town; ist. twenty .ears; clears 1200 month. Glascock Brokerage Co . 902 Chestnut. CIGARS: branch laundry pass rent: fine down- town location; making money every da: owner wonts change business: 313. Glascock Brokcr-ag- e Co.. 902 Chestnut. CIGAR stand: downtown office building; 1373; rent and 310; don't overlook this: owner i. other business. Glascock Brokerage Co., 1 Chestnut. CONFECTIOXERY. notions, school supplies, branch bakery, etc.: splendid, established sti.r.d; making money; low rent: living-room- s. Glas-coc- k Lrokerage Co.. 90. Chestnut. A BARGAIX, 5c and 10c store, good cash s; investigate.; good reason for selling. Ad- dress J. White. 3u3 Colllnsvlllc av'e.. Last St. Louis. AT once, contents ot line flat, corner house: cverj" room front; fine location for room- ers; cheap. F 11, Republic. BOARDING-HOUS- 11 rooms: filled with bc.irders; must sell at ores; 1V0; great sacrlilce. Call nt ence, Lln-e- c & Co., 2r'J7 Olive st, BOARDING-HOUS- near Grand; tilled with gcod-pain- g people; will take JI5-- If sold this week; sickness. Llnsec Co.. .17 Olive st. CIOAR STORE On Olive St.: price, location and business can't bo beat; rlne ears estab- lished; Inuudry pavs 11 per duy profit. Brush, 107 X. Sevcntli St. DRUG STORE g drug Flore and pratticc: excellent location; riice SauO, or at in- voice. D 2). Republic. FIRST-CLAS- S hotel, bar and llvcrv stable. For particulars apply to II. J. Decker. Mascoutah. saloon and boarding-house- ; centrally lo- cated: owner rct'rlng on account of old age! gocd chanc" for couple that to work; capital required, about 10CO. Inquire 109 SSlxth st. GROCERY store, line stock, all new goods: ftrsl-clas- a location. Webster nve. and Thomas. GROCERY Dclng l'i0 business dally: Block worth 52.300 to SS.IW; will Invoice; our cash price 12,000; account death. Brush, lpi X. Seventh st. GP.OCERY: conn"Ctlnj rocvi: Vigorous trade; prominent stre"t; thickly populated; reasonable rent; undcubtedlv your opportunity; worth $300; our price J223. Brush. 107 N. Seventh Bt. MEAT market, with large cash trade; must bo sold at once; very cheap. X IS. Republic. MY tailoring outfit; doing good business; living rooms: good locality; must sell nt sacrifice; leav-ln- g city; Investigate at once. Y 249. Republic. PRINTING office, two presses, card-cutt- ard over 73 fonts type. H 20, Republic. ""RESTAURANT, feedinfTiaO daily: leaving city; to quick buer. --OH Locust. RESTAURANT and lunchroom; whole or half; cheap; Ilrst-cla- location. B 29, Republic RESTAURANT stand: do- ing a good cash business; a bargain; good rea- sons for selling. Z 30, Republic RESTAURANT, 103 N. 14th st.; splend'd little stand, complete outfit for 3100; very easy terms; positively worth double price asked; low rent. RESTAURANT, clear store, with laundry branch: first-cla- buslress stand; laundry pays rent; reason, old age; Investigate. 19, S N. Grand ave. RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- adjoining car sheds; good cigar and tobacco trade: laun- dry branch in connection: very cheap. X 16. Re- public. ROOMINcTlIOUSE-31- 21 Olive st.: ten rooms; only 3373; vfur own terms; completely, neatly furnished; bath. gas, etc.; rent JCO. ROOMING-HOUS- 9 rooms: lent $23: no water license: filled with g roomers; leav lng city. Call LInzee Co.. 2937 Olive st. ROOMING-HOUS- E Laclede ave.. 3027; elegant furniture: $100 cash, balance easy paiments; World's Fair coming: be quick: going to country.. LALOON and grocer)" cheap; want to leave city. 824 6. Third st. STORE and meat market; good location; reas- onable price. M 24, Republic roomlng-hou- filled with roomers: If bought at once, cheap; good Investment. M 16. Republic. $1,600 will buy controlling Interest In estab- lished company Incorporated- - lo- cated In Los Angeles. Cal. F. C. S.. 19!0 Rut-g- st. DANCEiG. ATTEND the Eclipse Dancing Academy. "s Cave; lessons Tuesdays and Fridays: select parties Wednesday evening, Sunday afternoon and ' evening. SELECT ball at Professor and Mrs. Frankei'a academy. 1441 Chouteau ave., Saturdav evening; March 23: best orchestra: six musicians. THEATRICAL. COSTUMES and wigs for rent and made to or- der; confetti and serpentines for street fairs; wholesale and retail. Fuegers. 621 Walnut st. ?. mid !LIlr.,u5,!?e Quarry. Stoneyard HASHAGEN'S Theatrical Exchange, X00 Eas-?fir- f. i.eiSrlei. ftp- - I ton talent furnished for all required. J? js, KepnUle. j caslons; music, vaAidevlIlt and drama. ? SECRET SOCIETIES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. AURORA LODGE. NO. 64. K. OF P.. meets every Friday evening at I p. rn. sharp at Delabar's Hall. Broadway and Work In rank lit ltnlitht JIarch'15. Vis itors welcome. AUG. PRIESTERBACH. C. a H. Blackmore. K. of R. 9. CASTLE HALL ROBERT E. COWAN. No. 131. K. of P.. West Hall. Century RulMIn Ninth nd Olive Stret "n rnn.1ntr Mnr-- 1 f3 nt R n m. shirP business meeting nnd revision of by-la- undr consideration. All uiemrors nr requested to at- tend. Visitors are cordially Invited. W. J. GLENN. C. C Attest: llirry Robsrta. K. of R & S. CASTLE HALL. MISSOURI LODGE. No. 2. K e.f V.. G. A. R. Hall. 1704 Mar- ket Street Meets every Fri lay evening. Alwnjs pleased to se visitors C.nin. .V. VV. HIAJ--V- -. v.. v.. Chas. C. Fink. K. of R. & S. CASTLE HALL MONITOR LODGE. I (l No. 6S. Iv. of P. Meets I J In Century building, east hill. Ninth and vnvp svneis, renin noor. so ciock snirp. ork In Esquire rank Thursday. March 2'. Good cigars alwnvs on hand. Visitors always wel- come; members expected. GEO. O. KEMrF. c. c. W. J. Otto. TC. of R. & S. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 221. K. OP P.. meet every Tuesday evening nt 3 o'clock. Castle Hall. Centurv buHUnz. tenth floor. Hall No. 1. Ninth srd OVv sts Tuesday evening wor!t In rank of Fsqu'r. Members requested o he present. Visiting broth- ers welcome. Smoker. THOS. W. SHAW. G.C. J. r. Dempey. IC. of R. & S. ' ft fONFTDENCE LOnrjE, no. 121 K. Vvfilirfynf P.. me-t- s every Tliursaav- - verll7 at vMi Jtssnlc TTnll. Seventh -- "d ST..j,t s strc"ts. Work In the rnnk of Pag', Tluirs-da- v re'oruary 2S. Members 7ectel to attend nd visitors cordially bivlted II. A. T'lIAS. C. C. W'lllam Fnbr. K. of B. S. DAMON LOr.PE. NO. 23. K. OF P, rrtets everv WeiIn.wd.iT nt rn. iij' ernal BulM'nr Ei"enth nnd Fri"Wi nvenn TTnll T TV In -- V - j Knlcht. Visitors and memtv nre ln- -' GEORGE A. TRY. (.". C i:esv: h. ii. Bermel. K. of R. s, s . 3713A hifiu;. FUTURE GRET LODGE. NO. 27S. K. Vr'Syw "f P. meets everv Wcdnrsdav eveilic at 0 ?..';'',or,' " HnwipV Hall. Ihlrtlelh and Ollvf streets. Wedn'sd-i- vnlns. 3Inreh 20. work In the m-- k of rvqui vi.itnrs welcom. w RBT. P. FRITCHLE. C. a A. Roberts. IC. of R. .t S. OEKMANIA LODGE. NO. B. K. OF P.. meets rver- - Thu-e.T- n o y at Butlliijton building. No S10 Olive ""rK ,n. "nK "f Esquire. Mirc"l -- I. visitors alwajs w1rvno 'Vtn-n- eipcted. t st.t.- - .. THOS. HENDHICK'S C. a on' or ::- - & s "o- - 2X Wisconsin avem-- GOLDEN golden rnow.v lodue no r t nrts everv Frldav evnl-- T. Hill No. T ir5ffi '."lik "00r' r'itnrv bulld'ng. Ninth ?SJrF. P"' Olive struts. Vfo-- k In rs V of VJ r,',fe.a' r"t convention. Fr'rt-iv-- , " A" memh-r- s expected. -- v.':,,rr'1 CROVM cordlnllv Invited. J. IT. PARKER, a C. TTnrr C. Scott. TC. of R. ft S. LAFAYETTE LODGE. NO. 1? K OF P.. nr-ei- twdnesdsv pvenlnir. March "1- - "V4J IH'I. I'.iirlinrtfn bulMInt-- . Xn sm olive ., ... ,...i ,,iin in nil. OI race T.Ai.rir w. Atc. c. c. '"ft: TrPsI norn. K. of H. & 3. 4- - . sr -.- TVrtT-1 A - """'v nmn . rw. iv. ui' r.. mt mcry Faluranv v'nlns at An-h- nr Tall Ct4tii -- t msaw sriv. j n ..r... n- -i i'urtvi .uTii-r- f "'in HiTi I ri nvpniii- -. a, ao ciock. Jii mmn-r- s ir -- - rsrlrii1 ntirl lnu hmfhsM , "V."".'; p- - p- - short, c c. F Morrlsscv. K. of R. S. k PACIFC LODGE? XO. SI I. TC. OF P Jg rrtets everv Wedne'clav evening In tiirv bul'dlni- - Ninth Trt Ollv" t'et. Work In rank of TCn'cht IVnln.sfliv evening. March 27, 1101. Member exnocfd an I y!'t conllnllv Invito.'. Vc b- -s f th 'Knight rank work" esne-iaii- v to be P""trnt- - H. S. TUTTI.E. C. J W. Carrpbell. K. cf It & F. 1 PARAGON T.OPGE. NO. FJ. K. OF P.. meets everv Tuesdsv evening. Hilt No streets. Next Tuesday rank of Page. 3. O'M Fp,11TS, li'H- - - s- -' it, ,nl l'n Members and visitors cnrdlallr Invited. R. J. WILLIAMS. C. C. A (lest: Franlr Jrshnsnn. K. of R. ft s. PREMIER LODGE. NO. 213. IC. OF P. Tho next regular meeting Thursdsv evcnlru. March 21, at Hall No. 1. Old IVIIrwa building. Work In rank of Es quire. Members and visitors cnrdlallv Invit? I. W. R. EIDSON. C. C. J. F. Wltte. K. of R. & S. RED CROSS LODGE. NO. 54 ". OF P.. meets everv W'edrerdav nt Odd Fel- lows Hall, Ninth and Olive streets. March 27. rntertalrmcnt at O.Ipop. All members nre Invited. II. II. BEATY. C. C H. W. Beldlng. IC. of R. & S. WABASH LODGE, NO. UK IC. OF P.. will have work In tho rnnk of Esquire Tuesday. March 25. nt hall. Broadway and Benton. Visitors, nre welcome. M. C. KCHULTE. C. C I". It. Sichleben. K. of It. A S. WALNUT LOIlGE. NO. 21S. K. OF P.. fei o'clock Pharp at DruHs Ifnll, pouthea . (JI'I'lVl .Htl sai'.i ns., .sj. in the rank of r.ige and Esquire Thursday iven-ini- r. March 21, 1901. Visitors cordially Invited and members expected. CHAP. It. COP.URN. C. C. W. J. II. rerklns. IC. of R. S. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 123. JO of P.. meets vcry Friday evening, west ball. Masonic Temple. Seventh and Mar-Vt- -t . Work In rant of Knight Fri day. March 1". Members are requested to bo present. Visiting bieihren alwnvs welcome. JOSEPH P. DUMMIOH. C. C. Grant Luc. IC. of It. & S.. 1309 Pine street. ft ZULE.MA IX3DGE. NO. 321, K. OF P.. rfT-s- f meets every Monday evening av Hall No. I. tentn floor. Ctnturj- - building, nt S p. m. Work In th rank of Knight rn Men-da- ;- evening. Mnrrh IS. All members expected and visiting brothers cordtallv invited to attend. PAUL REDAN, C. C. Attest: 11. J. Ccnway. K. of R. & S. KNIGHTS OF FATHER MATC1Y. SUPREME COUNCIL KNIGHTS of Father Mathew. Office No. 1S0S mii Locust Street Write, call or C S19 for printed matter. DANIEL O'C. TRACY, Supreme Chief Sir Knight. Thos. S. Howriern. Supreme Recorder. ST. BRIDGET'S COUNCIL. NO. S. KNIGHTS of Father Mathew. meets second and fourth Thur'dais of each month at St. Ilrldget's Hall, Jefferson avenue and stolnard street. .Members, olense be present. Visiting brothers welcome. WILLIAM II. CORCORAN. Chief Sir Knight. Janes O'Reilly. Recorder hT LAWRENCE O TOOLK'S COUNCIL, NO. 5. Kn'ghts cf Father Mathew. meets first an I third Mondays of each month, at School Hall. 1413 O'Folion street. Membeis. please be present. Visltlng brothers, welcome. ,.... JNO. T. HUNT, Chief Jno. J. Scully. Recorder. ORDER OF COLUMBIA KNIGHTS. EXPRESS LODGE. NO. 73. ORDER nt rnltitnl.lnti tCnlrrhts. mets -- wrv pc. ?Knnil and fourth Thursday at Oriental ..... ...... J! lUll. i,CU'Hlil nuruiia . Pf'ff. h street. Visiting brethren and all Colum bian Knign.s iraierniny invucu 10 at- - Initiation. DANIEL RYAN. Tac Ex. Co., F. E. Kaiser, Secretary. President. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A BARGAIN Set of butcher's flttures, ccm-plet- e; also standing deck. 20 Franklin ave. A. J. WILD JEWELRY CO.. 104 N. Sixth St7 Excellent bargains In Jewelry, diamonds and watches; call and examine our large assortment. ALL friends are invited' to visit our new stcre; picture frames and Mexican drawn work cheap. Jd cxican jsrv m.. ja vjii.c AT prices that cannot be equaled, by going di- rect to Lidlk Art Co., 1028 Franklin, for pictures, frames and pictures enlarged. BRIDGE & BEACH steel range JIS. set up complete. Condon Bros.. 1020 and 1028 Market st, LUY your secondhand building 'material from American Wrecking Co.. Vandeventer and Eas- tcn aves. rfi.T Til h.mr1 fnmllr nut Sl fn el lots, delivered: hard coal. 10 03. Superior Coal and Coke Co., 302 Century building. Tel. B 1720. DRUG FIXTURES Drug fixtures. In good con- - i .... . . . ...... , M D,n..kll. onion, ui low pui-i-- . w j. ktjjuvji. ELEGANT Brunswick pool snd Millard tables: sell or rent reasonable: also all kinds ot supplies on band. J. L. Fowler. 122 1 Market st. FOUR full quarts of Kentucky Bourbon, ex- ceedingly fine, packed in plain box, sent postpaid tor Kentucky Whisky House. 817 Franklin. NEW and secondhand billiard and pool tables; also ten pins and balls; supplies of all kinds. A. E. Schmidt. S Market St.; Bell. Main 277CM. ONE fine Invalid's rolling chair: large size; cheap. HIS N. Eleventh st.. second floor. PAUL'S INKS, adopted by V. S. Gov. Depts.; complete outfit, safety bottles, filled. It. Safety Bottle & Ink Co., 415 Mcrmod-Jaccar- d bldg. mrvKtrTTAN'S sunncal chair, new "Harvard." cheap; has all the latest Improvements and in perfect order. Doctor Rush. 1503 Washington ave. PRIZE barred PI mouth Rock eggs for Bale: JI per setting of 15 eggs: also pullets. Address Otto Schumacher. 024 N. Third St.. St. Louis. RAZORS Wado & Butcher, barbers' Pet- - IXI Bengal and 40 other brands. 75c, worth J2.30. Standard Tool Co., 823 N. Sixth St., next to Hilts'a. STOVE repairs "for any old stove": send pos- tal to Forshavv, 1 N Twelfth st. Phone C 7. TO "Housekeepers If you want the healthiest family Graham or whole-whe- bread, that won't get stale for a week, order at the Hygienic Mill-fn- g and Bakery Co.. 610 Gratiot st. TWO standing desks. JJ and JI: also two flat desks; cheap. G. V. Holliday Safe Co., 421 N. Fourth st. - 100 dozen shears. 13c to 43c worth 73c; barbers shears and razor strops. Standard Tool , Co.. 8 N. Sixth st- - SECRET SOCIETIES. ANCIEST FREE AXD ACCEPTED MAEOJIS. VVS'sAA ANCHOR T3DGi:. NO. 413. A. F. & A. .. will hold a snecial communication iThursdall at Jefferson and Park I V avenues, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp- - for the purpos of attndln the funeral of our late brother. Wm. G. Fink. Brethren ot other lodges Invited. By order. WM. E. HOKE, W. 21. R. II. Caifall. Sccretarj. CORNERSTONE LODGE. NO. 323. A. a, F. & A. M. Regular meeting Monday. sg 3T "SO p. m.. Jlareh 13. loi. at Grand (V Avenue Masonic Temple. Grand and Kin- ney avenues. Work, visitors cordially welcomed. J. I. WILLIAMS. W. M. M. W. Smith. Secretary. gL GEOI1GE WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 9. A. T. . A. M.. will hold stated com- - ,B.f munlcatten at 7:30 rclnik Tuesday rv ing. March 2u. at Masonic Grand nnd Finney avenues. Work In the 31. M. degree. ,i?moers ar earnestly requested to attend, vis- itors are alwavs welcome. W. L. L.V BERGE. W. M. Henry LIhou. Secretary. A MISSOURI LODGE. NO. 1. A. F. A A. - A M. Stated communication at Grand Ave-s-- nue Masonic Temple. Hall, en I v Thursday. March 21. nt 7:30 p. m. F. C. degree. Members are requested and visiting brethren Invited to attend. TII03. A. BELL. W. M. John II. Deems. Secretary. ROYAL AHCII MASONS. A ORIENTAL CHAPTER. NO. 7. ROY- - vi aI Arc'i 3Iasor s statil conviatlon this rJ (Thursilaj) evening, at 7C) o'cloefc. Jef- - 7 v .ferton .md Park nvenuea. Work, Royal Arch degree. Companions invited. CARL 11. WITTE. II. P. R. II. Caffali. Secretary. INDEI'ENUENT OUDEIl ODD FELLOWS BENTON IjODGE. No. 273. I. O. O. :?If5;3, F.. meets every Thursday at iodao aJiS- - ball. No. 2720 Arsenal street. "W"' are cordially Invited and arc nlwajs welcome. JACOB BECIITOLD. N. G. C. C. Goedde. Secretary. 54. SUMMIT IXIDGE. NO. 277. I. O. t&Sfiz O. r.. meets every Thursday night at 290) Manchester avenue. Members '"- - urged to attend. Visitors always welcome. Work every evening. A. E. KASELOW. N. G. C. L. Paul. Secrtary. Axcin.vr ouncit united uoukmen. ..i!?SV,. MAJESTIC LODGE. NO. S3. A. r3SgiJ. O. U. W.. will hold a reiruiar ii.-ii- meeting Wednesday evening. M.Tch PlvnVsCS T- - t their hail (No. 2. northeast t?ferVSjLJip corner Eleventh and I.ocust. One VHCitVT- - cindldate to be initiated. Mock tSxy tilal nnd singing by crod talent. W3I. A. FIUTSCHLE. M. W. F. W. Kretzer. Record". KNIGHTS OF HONOR. cfifc, CHEVALIER LODGE. NO. 2977. VVv meets ever first and third Thursday at ljW Northwestern Hall. 2S05 St. Lnuls uvc -- - All Knights or Honor Invited to vur meetings. t. L. STEVENSON, Dictator. D. A. Claiton. Reporter. 923 N. Compton. - 2723 Bacon st. BANNER lXDdC NO. HBn7"k7OF 1I v.1 rreets first ard third Thursdays at JIow-ii- arJ's Hall. Garrlscn avenue and Olive street. All Knights of Honor are In- vited to all our meetings. JOHN DIETRICH. Dictator. 2112 Alice avenue. J. H. Hubbard, Rcpcrter, 1103 Glasgow ave. ROYAL ARCANUM. ii . f GRAND COUNCIL. MISSOURI ,hfi& Roal Arcanum. 1 Holland XfjiiSsi building. A cordial welcome to vls- - &&ftDb 1:cr5- - ,rlcn,j3. brethren and members Irum abroad. J. ilKIbt-lc- . u. it. Chas. B. Cox. Grand Secretary. DELMAR COUNCIL. NO. 934. ROYAL Arcanum, meets regularly on the seccnl and fourth Monda)r of each month at West Er.J Hall, Finney and Vanceventer avenues, visitors cordially welcomed ana pleas antly enteriaineo. GEO. W. J. KXIQUT. Regent. W. E. Newman. Secretary. cjJ VALLEY COUNCIL. NO. 433. It- - A.. Si?"3 meets In West End Hall, Finney and g-r-f? Vandcv enter avenues, en the second and " fourth Thursdais of each month. A choico programme of entertainments by tho era-t- at every meeting. Visitors are cordially we!, come. FRANCIS E. COOK, Regent. Cisrk Kretschmar, Secretary INDEPENDENT ORDER FORESTERS. "INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS Court Cote Hrl!ilante. No. S . meets every sec- ond and fourth Tuesday of the month. Bowman s Hall, northeast corner Eleventh and Locust. . GEORGE AUTII. R. S. 1337 North Lefflngwell avenug. FRATERNAL CENSER. MOUND CITY COUNCIL, NO. 45. FRATER-ra- i Censer, meets first and third Thursdays or everv month ct Vandeventer Hall. No. 614 N. Vandeventer ave.. S p. m. Visitors cordially In- vited and members expected to attend. " WM. II. DOBELL. Worthy President. Man E Cooke, Worthy Secretary. AMERICAN' LEGION OF HONOR. Jtjk LAFAYETTE COUNCIL. NO. 392. A. u??Jp i of II.. meeis ever' Thursday evening JSj3h at Fraternal building, northwest comer ' Eleventh and Franklin avenue. Com- panions from sister councils cordially Invited. J. V. WADDEIv Commander, a W. II. Adams. Secretary. l FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. T T.lttlst AERIC. NO. 41. F. O. E.. ?,."& meets every Ihursday night and the first sunaay aiternoon ot eacn mom yew? Visiting brethren welcome. B. P. TAAFFE. W. P. II. W. McChecney. W. S. NATIONAL UNION. MOUND CITY COUNCIU NO. 154. National Union, meets on second nnJ (Pi fourth Fr!da3 each month at How- ard's Hall, corner GarrUon avenue and Olive" street, nt 8 o'clock. Nest regular meeting Friday. March 22. Grand vaudeville entertainment nnd award for attendance. F. E. GUNN. President. 1 Bit hard E. Berger. Secretary. ' BENTON COUNCIU NO. 2SS. NATIONAL Union meets second and fourth Thursday even- ings at Jodd's Hall. 7S01 South Broadway. Mem-lie- rs requested to attnnd and v Isltors cordially In- vited. JAMES McNAMEE. President, O. G. Mueller, Secretary. "EADS COUNCIL, N0.4S7. NATIONAL UNION. rreets first nnd third Thursdays nt S p. m.. In Bowman's Hall. Eleventh and Locust streets. Isltors welcon-c- . and members earnestly re- quested to be present. A. J. MILLER, President. W. Depp. Secretary. LOG CABIN COUNCIL NO. S04. NATIONAL Union, meets second nnd fourth Thursday even-mrn- th at Dcvvev Hall. 2200 South Broadway. Members expected to attenJ and visitors cordial-l- y Inv Ited. A. C. GOULD. TTesldent. Joseph D. Sohn. Secretary. MUSICAL. CHICKERING piano, rosewood case; only 543; stcol included. Bcjer Son, Seven- teenth anJ Locust. FINE Knabe piano, taken In trade, t : thor- oughly guaranteed every way: call Monday to secure It. Bcer Son. Seventeenth and Locust. FINE upright pianos for rent. 12.30. nnd 13.30, at Daniel G. Dunker Piano Company, northeast corner Fourteenth and North Market sts. GOOD organ for lodgeroom or school: good condition; Jl2; a 1'ttla gem. Beier it; Son. Sev- enteenth and Locust. "HEAR the soul of a Krakauer sing"; to hear It Is to buy it. Sold only by Daniel O. Dunker Piano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market, sts. I AM willing to lose two-thir- of what I have paid in on my handsome upright piano; balance pa) able tlO per month.-132- Bacon St. JUST received, a carload of Leekeriing pianos; finest piarcs. at a rrcderate price; examine them. Beyer Son. Seventeenth and Locust. MUST sell my large-siz- e sweet-ton- e piano: nearly new; cheap for quick cash. Apply 101S Arsenal st. MUST dispose of my fine upright piano; will sell cheao to effect a quick sale; leaving city. Call 2S 14 Morgan. ONE 7 upright piano J130; one upright p'ano. S73: ono square piano. 103. G. Groteguth. 106 y. Twelfth st. PIANOS, nil grades nnd prices: we crrrv over 1 lnstrunents in stock and aim to please all. Ber & Son, Seventeenth and Locust. Seventeenth and Locust. RENT Pianos--Si, 52. J3. Jt per month; best stock: low ct prices In town. F. O. Smith, Mfr., 1C12 Olive st.. A. E. Whltakcr, Mgr. SPLENDID-TON- E upright piano. In first-ela- condition. 1123: fine mahogany upright, all Im- provements, nearly new. 1130; some nice squares. 123 to 73: some good organs at J13 to H". worth twice the money, and arc special bargains this week with an elegant assortment of new pianos S30 to JIOi) cheaper than other stores, at F. G. Smith. Mfr.. 1012 Olive St.. A. E. Whltakcr, Mgr. 12n down. IS a month, secures a beautiful J209 upright piano: the only cne left. Beyer Son. raducah. Ivy.. March 29. River gauge reads 27.3 feet, and falling. The Dick Fowler to Cairo at 8 a. m.: The Joe Fowler to Evansville at 6 p. m.: Pavonla to Cumberland River after ties; The Lvda to Cumberland River after ties. The Russell Lord to Tennessee River after ties: The Avalon from 3iattanooga at 3 p. m.; The Butt-or- tt from Clarksvllle at 6 p. m.: The FInley and tow of coal down at 10 a. m.; The Boaz and tow of coal down at U a. m.; The Clyde to Tennessee River at 6 p. m. Weather clear and cold. Busi- ness pood down about the wharf Madison. Ind.. March 20. The towboat Sallle blew cut both cylinder heads and broke her wrist Just above town this afternoon. She came on here disabled, left her tow of coal and returned up river. The Ra ymond Horner passed down with large tow of coal. River 25 feet by gauge, falling slowly. The New South due up. Heavy wind and snow. Burlington. la.. March 20. The reading of the gauge Wednesday showed the present stage of water to be 7 feet 7 inches, a rise of 8 inches since the last report. The steamer Sidney will go into commission between Burlington and St. U1S on pru buutv s;,U uwi u 0. "xit ' STEAMBOATS. LOWER MISSISSIPPI. "CHESTER LINE For Ste. Genevieve. Chester and war laneant Str. CHESTER leaves Tuesdays. Thursdays an Saturdays at 3 o'clock. Receiving dally. Phone Main 233. II. W. LETHE. Axint, E0LE PACKET GOMPiJNY. Str. GREY EAGLE leaves Mondays and Frf-da- vs at 3 p. m. for Cape Girardeau. Com erc and way landings. FOR ILLINOIS RIVER. Str. BALD EAGLE, for Alton. Grafton. Beardstown and all way landings, Wednesday. March 20. l'hone Main 222. II. W. LETHE. Agent. LEELI NETSTEAIVI ERS. To Memphis $7.00-Rou- nd Trip $12.00 INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH. Steamer BEES LEE will leave wharfboat. foot of Pir street l'riday. Starch 22. at S p. m.. for Memphis and all way landings, taking freight and passensers for Arkansas River to Ptne Bluff and all landings south of Memphis to Vleksbur?. Miss. Phone Jlaln HA, and Kinloch JNO. E. MASSENGALE. Agat. ST. LOUIS AND TENNES5EE RIER PASKET CO Str. CITY OF MEMPHIS will leavo wharftcat. foot of Pins st.. Satur- - iLlv. Marph !!2 .it T. n m.. fnr rnies. ter. Grand Tower. Cap Girardeau. Cairo. Padu-ca- h and ail taints on Tennessee River to Flor- ence, Ala. Phones. Main 45A and A112. JNO. K. MASSENGALE. Agent. COLUMBIA TACKET CO. STR. COLUMBIA Tor Ste. Genevieve. Chester and way landings every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at p. m. from Diamond Jo wharfboat. Recelvtns oally. Phone Main 2447A. HUNTER BEN JENKINS. Agt- - UPPER MISSISSIPPI. Calhoun Packet. For Moiier's. Hamburg and all Cal- houn County landings. STR. INDIA GIVENS. Alex. Lamont. master, leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 p. m.. from wharfboat, foot of Locust street. T. G. BLOCK, Agent. 'Phone Kinloch A 36S. ST. LOUIS ANDCALHOUH PACKET GOMPHT. STR. CITY OF SHEFFIELD. E. D. Young. Master. C. H. Stone. Cleric. Will leave wharfboat, foot of Locust st.. Satur- day. March 22. at 4 p. m.. positively, for osier's. Hamburg, West Point and all Calhoun County landings. JOHN W. ELWELL. Agent. Phone Main 200 N. Second st. MISSOURI RIVER. MISSOURI RIVER. Str. W. II. GRAPEVINE leaves foot of Franklin ave. sntunUv M.reh - at 4 D. m.. fnr V.shlnpfnn r.s- - Haven. Hermann. Jefferson City. Rocheport and way landings. LAWRENCE MACDONALD. Agent. Phone Main lisi. RIVER NEWS. Rise and Fall of the Rivers. For 21 hours, ending at 7 a. m.: St-- Louis. Wednesday. March 20. 1J0L Stations. Danger. Gauge. Changs. Pittsburg .U g. sj. Parkersburg 24.0 23.0 -- .a Cincinnati EO.O -- i. a -- t Loulsvllla 28.9 H.i Ji.n Nashville 40.0 9.0 .. Chattanooga 33.0 4.7 -- 0.3 Florence 16.0 4.S .0.4 Jonnsonville 33.0 9.7 .a 3 Evansville 21.0 27.3 St. Paul 14.0 " Dubuque 1".0 8.4 ) 4 Davenport 13.0 .3 o.j Keokuk i;.o n.x . 1 Des Moines j.i -- "r ' Peoria 11.9 Grafton 23.0 Omaha 1S.0 .... .... Kansas city 21.0 10.1 i 1 Boonvllle 29.0 Hermann 24.0 111.2 j) 1 St. Louis 30.0 n; ij Chester ?n.i) i;.s ji"t Calm 43.1 32.3 .,, Memphis J3.0 23.S I Littli. Rock .l . .1., Vlcksburc 43.0 23.1 i Shreveport .n 13.1 j 4 ivew uneans is.o 3.3 a m Rise. -- Fail. R. .T. IITATT. Local Forecast OfflolsL Klver Forecast. The Mississippi at St. Louis will rise. River and Dnsinessj. River 15.S feet Wednesday, showing a rise of .2 of a foot In the last 21 hours. Traffic brisk but not heavy. Outbound ship- ments exceeded receipts. Weuthcr blustery and cold, with enovs flurries. To-Da- Weather. Generally fair and colder. Arrived. Columbia Chetttf Departed. City of Clifton.. Tennessee River Bald Eagle Beardstown Columbia Chester India Girens ... .. Calhoun County River Rial to Brevities. Captain Isaac P. Lusk of the Diamond Jo Line says the only Important change In the com- pany's agency for the season of 1301 Is that of th-n- appointment at Hannibal-- Captain D. W. Wisherd has succeeded James Bond as the Dia- mond Jo representative in that city. Captain Wisherd formerly operated the steamer Van Meter between (Keokuk and Burlington, and Is a veteran rlverman. Engineer George Reno, late of the Lee Line, is in charge of the transfer steamer armiand'a engines at Cairo. Captain John W. King, who has been ex- pected to succumb to a serious Illness. Is re- ported much better. Engineer B. B. Rue cams In from Cairo fcr rail. The Government boat John N. Macomb passed Gieei.vllle, lss.. en route upstream Wednesday morning. Steamer Spread Eagle will be due from Pb-du- Thursday with two barges. One ot the barges Is the wharfboat which was wintered wlU the company's fleet- - It will be utilised la la port. The Eable boat store Is bents; refloored td generally Improved tor the new season' busi- ness. Captain Lusk arrived here from Qutnex and La Grange Wednesday morning. Tho City of Sheffield leaves her wharfboat. foot of Locust street, Saturday on her maiden trip of the season to Calhoun County. The Columbia arrived and departed la the) Chester trade. She will clear again Sat day. The Rees Lee will come to her wharfboat at 10 a. m. Thursday, to clear Friday for Memphis and way landings. Steamer India GIvens departed for CaJocma County. She will clear Saturday. The Bald Eagle got away for Beardstown and the Illinois River on time. Steamer City ot Clifton left 6t. Lonis for the Tennessee River. The City of Memphis, due Thursday night, will be the next outbound Ten- nessee River liner. The Chester Is receiving; for St. Genevieve, Chester and way landings, clearing; Thursday aft ernoon. Br Telegraph. REPUBLIC SPECIALS. Cairo, 111.. March 20. The river Is fllllnjr slow, ly; the gauge reads feet, a fall ot .1 of a feet during; the last 24 hours. The weather Is cold, cloudy and threatening. A high wind hat pre- vailed all day. which has been a hindrance t the movement of boats. The Ferd Herold de- parted at midnight for Memphis with a good trip-T- he Peters Lee. from Memphis with a good trip, arrived at 6:4i a. m. from St. Louis. She discharged a few sundries, made light additions, coaled, and cleared for Memphis at 11 a. m. The Jack Frost, from Paducah with two emp- ties, arrived at ( a. m., and departed south fnr a tow of lumber at 0:30 a. m. Pilot Thomas: Gar- rison shipped on her. The Victor, from the South with 2 barges of lumber, passed up for Padocaa without landing at ! P. m. The Herman Paepcke. from the Lower Mississippi, with 3 barges of lumber, arrived at 4:15 p. m. She will return south after patching her bolters and t; palring her wheel and hog chains. The Carrie VI departed south at s a. m. The Beaver, with empties, arrived from St. I uis at C p. m. She will return with a mixed tow ot railroad ties and lumber raornlnr. The City of Memphis, coming out of the Tennessee River, wired to-d- from Johnsonvllle that she would pass up for St-- Louis morning. Cap- tain Sam W. Coffin of Cincinnati Is hers to re- main a few days. The Boer and J. B. Flnly. from Loulrvllle with coal tows, are due to ps down for New Orleans Thursday morning. Th United States lighthouse tender Joseph Henry Is at the bonk here, awaiting the arrival of Lieutenant Commander A. C. Dillingham, In- spector of the district-Memph- Tenn.. March 29. The river here stands . feet on the gauge, a rise of .S of a foot In the last 24 hours. The Jams Lee de- parted at 8 p. m. for Friar's Point. The Robert E. Lee departed at S p. m. for Ashport. Tha Julit departed at S p. m. for Vlcksbtmr with a good trip. The Delta departed atS p. m. for Vlcksbnrg with a good trip. The Woolfblk ar, rived Wednesday evening from the Lower Oh'o with a tow of Tradewater coal, snd returned this evening with a tow of emoty berees. Severs! steamers due here Wednesday failed to arnve. and no doubt have been windbound. and Will probablv be in port hy morning. Receipts br river Wednesday were 28 bale of cotton an Z.429 sacks of cottonseed. Chester. HI.. March W. River stationary: - 13 feet. Weather cloudy and cold. Stetraer Chas- ter arrived at 2 a. m. Boats by: HsTrester at 7 o'clock last night: James T. uHcwood and at 9 rn.rchester left for St Xdi 7 . m. Grey Eagle due up. Tender In tad out on time. Grand Tower. T- H- March SO. The J. departed for CTystsl City at 1H a. m. with 12 cars coal. The p.ter Lee down at t m. yesterday. The G'ey Eagle m at :S a. m. The Beaver inwn ot Jr0 a- - m. The C. R. Ho- tter op at 9:40 a. m. The ranee reads It.! feat, a fU of .2 In last 24 hours. Weather Kmdv and cold. Cane Glradeao, Mo, March 2a. Weather rsoch colder. River falling: The Peters Leo down at 11 p. m. Tuesday. The Spread Sag) irrta t barges and a tug helper tip atSdf p. . lMp. -- - fc . n? t 1 3 :.3f . XsK r ii8 v iT-i- , , .MJ,..?M;3 - tfiSMJitsXM wa&ja !. ax 1lgrfftSaTATB0,'r-- - FX,-?- : Vwsjvi-- t

The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...ROOMS FOR RENT. Three Line for Five Centi. Each Additional Line Fire Cents Extra. ALL desiring nice. comfortable room. 25a

Mar 02, 2020



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Page 1: The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...ROOMS FOR RENT. Three Line for Five Centi. Each Additional Line Fire Cents Extra. ALL desiring nice. comfortable room. 25a

ROOMS FOR RENT.Three Line for Five Centi.

Each Additional Line Fire Cents Extra.

ALL desiring nice. comfortable room. 25a aday: J1.23 a week up. White House, southwestcorncrNInth ana Pine. Strictly llrst-clas- s.

BROADWAT. 105 and 107 N.-- At the "Rest." 20

rooms. 23c; 10 rooms. 35c; 10 rooms.EO. per day."CARDINAL Ave.. 102O X. Neatly furnishedsecond-floo- r rront and other nice rooms, rromK up.

CAim St.. 1721 Large, neatly furnished frontooms, complete for Housekeeping; cw "

conveniences.c a- - -i- - nnn weti,. furnished room for

Housekeeping; or gentlemen; an csniui.""CHESTNUT St.. 1023'4 Elegantly furnishedroom!": all conveniences; prices reasonable.World's Fair Hotel."CHOTKAU Ave. ack parlor suitable fortwo gents; cry nicely furnished; rent reason-able.

CHOUTEAU Ave.. H21-M- furnished frontroom for gentlemen or couple; gas and Lain,also single rooms."

COMPTON Avc7 1021 N. Nicely furnishedTwins, complete for housekeeping; low price;private famil.

COMPTON Ae.. 22 N.-S- ulte of neat house-keeping looms for parties without children; 13weekly; hot bath, laundry: call evenings."

11AYTON ft.. IMS One neatly furnished room;southern exrosurc.

DELMAR Boulevard. 392-Ne- wly furnishedsecond-stor- y room: southern pcure: privatefamily; for sentlemen: 'phone in house; Kinloch1 t27.

DELMAR Boulevard. 4241-T- wo or three nlce-I- rfurnishes! rooms: alo lack parlor: private

family; modem house; rates reasonable; ref- -erences exchanged.

DICKSON St 2037-O- ne

front room; fine bath; all conveniences.

DICKSON St.. 2S21 Nice, large,second-iloo- r front room: southern exposure; suit-able for two rentlercen.

"n ASTON "Ave.. atly furnished rooms:modern cenveniences: private famil): with orwithout beard. Inquire cigar store. 441S aston.

"EIGHTH fl":il N. Elegant newly furnished'looms: hot water: free bath: from $2 week up;

JTrench restaurant in connection.

EIGHTEENTH St.. 112 X. Sscond-fioo- r fronti ...! - .,: miete for cents or

I1U lllll nuvi injiiif. ..v...,-.-

Jiousekeeping; low rent."EIGHTEENTH St.? W3 Nicely furnished roomstin flrt floor for light 4 ousckciping: very rin- -

onable: on four car line-- .

ERICSSON. Mf8 Locust-Apartm- ents forhas Ilbrsry. gymnasium, bicjcle stable.

irai hiiu Wl'l ..inir.EUGENIA St.. 2122 Nice, comfortable,

apaitment for light housekeeping: use oflaundry: ras stove.

EVAN-- . Ave.. 4024A Handsomely furnishedroom, 'second floor: all modern ronvenlerices:furnace heat: private family: board If desired.references exchanged.'

FWINO Av.. 113 H. Nlcelv furnished room.wilh privilege of light housekeeping. H- -o vveck.


IMS Second-floo- r room,for light housekeeping: hot bath:

FRANKLIN Ave.. lS-- unfurnished roomsfor lent. J.": and one furnished for slceplrg,eccond floor.

GARRISON Ave.. 33! X. Large, eiegantlv el

fVnt room: llrht housekeeping IfSuburban and Easton cars; ever thing

prsi-rias- s

n-- . t . - r furnished room.with or without board: also large barn."KING".--. HIGHWAT. 2sl7 S Opposite TowerGrovelark-T- wo rooms forhousekeeping: references: no children;

LACLEDE. 3115 Furnished front parlor and.. .,.. . mii .........nnt.nm.Oitier Twoms; HumiiH ..v...

nfivmr Am. 2S Two south room.with private family: all modern conveniences;reasonani-- .

. .Hn. . ti vtni. ......ftimitS.! frontIjAVV AVJ. flic, -- -. .,i.t. ..- --

room, second floor, with all conveniences.

i.iwrnx Ave.. furnlsneaKront rccm fcr enc or two gentlemen: hot batn.

ana turrace nea. . urum .v........i.rFFINGWELL Ave.. 71SA X. Nicely

room' for gentlemen or light liou-- e;

iecplng; all modern conveniences; private family.

"ijovuiu'vie.. 113 X. Three- nice '-:

floor: unfurnished; iriil rentone or all: also nice third floor front room fur-

nished."iJNDELL Ave.. 35W

Xewly funusneu rooms.--.fAiT.-trr 5f. pcaflA Nlcclv furnished

front lTiom- - reasonable.INCEST St.. 161MCi:-N!ee- lv- furnished room.

tingle or double; week orjnonth; first-clas- s;

IlCi;--- T St110S Clean. toomi.KOod bath: well heated; all conveniences; rca- -

aonaoic raiui. ..... rtftTn".nn,TLOCUST St.. :il lirKe. pi;!--.'-t "7r"" ",ifront: alo "ther room-- : rent reasonable;

or married couple: no children.

"ToCUST St.. SH. Next to St. Nicholas Ilctel-Jloo- ms

for gentlemen: net and cold flltired baths;electric light; furnace heat; rent cheap.

"LUCAS. 3334 Largo cccond-stcr- y front rooms;also HAii room.

MAFFITT Ave.. 3816-Iy- rge. nicely furnishedfront room: uas and bath: hot and cold water.TtrtvM- - family: rent reasonable.

MISSISSIPPI Ave.. lill-Tlo- on same floorwith bath: reasonable"MORGAN-S-

t..3541 Nicely furnl-he- d

room, for pilvate family: allconveniences: rates reasonable."MORGAN St.. nicely furnishedTdonl"thlrd floor; southern and western exposure:airmail room on eecond floor; corner house;rnodem conveniences.""XICELT furnished room, west of Boyle onoilv' fctV. for a genUeman; only two In family. V

OLlT3 St.. ;;IS Nicely furnished rooms forgentlemen.

OLIVE St.. Mt7A-O-ne or . two small front.rooms, furnished or unfnrnisneu.

nuvT s- - M4BA Xewly furnished second- -

fiocr front room: also large hall zoom.

ntiim t 11 C.nnnr1.nnrr mTlt tfW llCht3U"ffrcgplngan'd front and back parlor?.

... fTimtat-- lint- r. r. V4n- 1- TYltTi'

nd cold xatcr; touthera exposure; termsfe. -

. .. V anA fhwit MWlffl.

Bultable for ono or two gentlemen; cars stop at

OLIVE St.. 1233 Nicely furnished rooms: alsotwo furnished rooms for light housekeeping; rec- -end'ftory hall rcom."oLIVE St.. 1J3 In select neighborhood, lovely

Becond-stor- y fton. "I1 1,ack rooms; most rca--yionabie terms to oesiruuig iwun. .- ...e .j Pvnn.ltlnn..Dilrnble. newly furnished front parlor: bath. In-

candescent lights, filtered water; reasonable.

OLIVD St. 3744 (Second Floort-XIc- cly

second-stor- y front and adjoining rooms;KlDKie or en aunc, wiiumtut MW... " Z7 1. Jt AAtaA4 l?11V

OLIVE Ht, Z514A lira newiy uramira uw.u.- -tilshed connecting rooms, northern, eastern anaBOUthern exposure, to parties without children."OLIVE sC4lM-Lnrgc- . nicely furnished

front room; southern exposure: privatefamily; "nice room for two persons; reasonable.

. . t kA .tA.rta4s fwitiV rArtm 1a4

nd cold water: best service; cuisine unexcelled;Bell telephone; this place Is worth Investigation."fAPlN-S-

t..1334 Neatly furnished room for

Bentlemen or housekeeping; southern exposure;reasohable.

PARTY having a suite ot elegantly furnishedrooms would rent to two gentlemen. F 29.

PINE St.. SMO Elegantly furnished room; hotbath; all conveniences.

PINE St.. lo Save money rooming downtown;newly furnished south fronts: modern Improve-ments; private family; minute's walk of pesierne?. .

PENDLETON Ave.. second-flo-

front ror gentleman: ail znouem cuui:mt-;i.-ira- .

f delightfully cool in summer: invite Inspection." RUTOER GU lWi-V- ery nicely furnished hailroom; southern exposure: bath: also room forAlgnt nOUSEKeepinBi vy imtuniufie.

mvrr s vZ two nlcelv furnished roomsfor one or two gentlemen: terms reasonable.

SIXTEENTH St.. 1435W N. Two connectingfurnished housekeeping rooms, with cook

love, water, laundry, etc.; reasonable and

SECTH St.. HIS S. Very nicely furnished frontroom for gentleman: two Ih family: In walkingdistance of business district: very reasonable.

TVTTT St.. R17 N, Coxv house, lust owned:LArvfhln new: rooms 15e. 20c: 3oc. 31 and un perj week: modem conveniences. Including free baths.

C 1KA 1 f.. fpl. mnma' hot and cold baths; all conveniences; terms rea-sonable."TOWER GROVE. 1507 Three unrurnlshe.1

k rooms; also extra room- -: JS per month: nowtopen. V1U. ' west ueiic

"TWELFTH St.. 2300 S. Rooms complete forcht nouseKeeping; steam neat; running water

?n every room.TWENTY-SECON- D St.. 209 S. Nicely

rooms: genu or light housekeeping; 31.50ner week; references; also hall room, 31.

WASHINGTON Ave.. lE7-Ro- cm for lightDUscKeeping; win xurnisn; also otner rooms.?Tip."

TVARHINGTON Ave. 1S0S Two nlcelv furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also otherroom"WASHINGTON Ave., 1119 Neatly furnishedfant and back rooms; well heated; with bath;

fceap rent.WASHINGTON Ave.. 1503 Xewlr furnished

"rooms for gentlemen only, by the day. week ortnoptn; nrc, not water, patn. luncnroom

WEST BELLE Place. ly furnishedeeond ftory room: nrivate family: all conven-

iences: near Transit and Suburban cars.


LINEELL Boulevard. SSSS, West ot Vande-ent- er

Beautiful modern dwelling withreception ball and all modern conveniences: pos-

session March 15. ,C W. BARNES.23 Walnwrlght building.

T. ANQE Ave.. U2SEIeven rooms, bath, hotter. and In good condition: price P). Apply

la a. Xx CirflTllTHhsm. 431 Olrrt St.


ROOMS WITH BOARD.Three Lines for Five Cents.

Each Additional Line Five Cents Extra.

"CLARKSOX riace. Ml CM Mo7a2r,l.'iersm"v front room: good beard;

convenient to Transit and s3uburbancar.

COOK Ave.. 3347-F- lne. latga furnished roomwith board; for couple or gents: all modern con-

veniencesCOOK Ave.. furnished second-stor- y

room: home cooking: private family, hotand cold bath; all conveniences; couple.

DAYTON St.. SMA-Ne- wly furnished room;southern exposure; good board; nice famllj, alsounfurnished rooms.

DEL3IAR Boulevard. tableboard and furnished rooms, in private family,references exchanged.

DELVIAR Boulevard. atly furnishedrooms, single or en suite; ttrst-cla- board; ruod-er- n

conveniences: reasonable.

DEIIAR Ave.. 4191- -A lovely second-stor- y frontroom: southern exposure: live windows; Urst-cla- ss

board: also other rooms.

DELMAR Boulevard. 4000-N- ire, newly fur-nished front rooms: rates by day. week or month :

strictly private: convenient to board.

EASTON Ave., 2)33 Want two or three gentle-men to board with .private Mexican family;splendid opportunity Ito learn Spanish.

EUGENIA St.. 27 Nenlv furnished rooms,with or without board; rooms from 31 up: hotbath, home comforts: strangers accommodated.

FINNEY Ave.. 5626 Neatly furnished second-stor- y

room: southsrn exposure: first-cla- board;modem conveniences: low rates for summer.

FINNEY Ave.. 4147Corner Whlttlert Nicelyfurnished corner room: southern exposure: hotbath; gas: convenient to good board: reasonable.

FRANKLIN Ave.. 3310 Ncavly furnished room,second floor, southern exposure, with lmard. forgentlemen; private family: four car lines con-

venient.FINNEY Ave. 3951A Neatly furnished second-stor- y

room: rtrst-cla- board; bath; all convenl-enct.- s:

private family.

GRAND Ave., 14 S. Very pleasant furnishedroom for gent or married couple: nice locationand reasonable: reference expected."GRAND Ave.. 911 N. ("The MacPherson")

Big reduction In rates: elegantly furnished rooms;steam heat; marble baths: parlors, smoker, e:

very choice cuisine; lecatioa unsurpassed;sl car lines; day board.

IJITROVED St. James Hotel offers very lowweekly or monthly lates on either American orEncpean plan.

LAWTON Ave., 3J03 Southern exposure frontroom: furnace heat: hot bath: prlvnte family;no children: home coolttng; 31 30 per week.

LAWTON Ave.. S33S Elegantly furnishedfront loe.m: also other rooms with or

without board; hot bath and all conveniences:reasonable.

LOCUST St.. iSZS Newlv-- furnished rooms; hotand cold bath; superior table and service.

LOCUST St.. 14J1 Room with first-cla- board;hot and cold bath; furnace; all conveniences.

LOCUST St.. 2SWell furnish eoH front roomsuitable for two tenllemen, with good board;home comforts.

LOCUST St,. 10 and 1W3 Elegant room andfirst-cla- beard and service: visitors accommo-date-

rates to permanent parties.LUCAS Ave.. ."CIS Nicely furnished rooms, with

board; furnace heat; all conveniences.MISSISSIPPI Ave.. 1317 Very nicelyfurnlshed

room, with board; private family; all modsrnconveniences: reasonable.

MORGAN St.. 490S Fleasant room and board;southern exposure; porches and large lawn; ref-erences.

MORGAN St . JOTS Large nicely furnishedfront and other rooms: J33 cne person:

340 for two; good board; reasonable.OLIVE St., 21H7Nlecly furnished rooms; to

couples onl; with or without board; by day orweek.

OLIVE St.. 3676 Handsomely furnished secon-

d-story front room: piivato family; goodtxiard .nenr: rates rsasonablc.

OLIVE St.. 35 NIcsly furnished rooms, sin-pi- eor en suite: first-cla- board: hot bith, steam

heat; all conveniences: rates reasonable.OLIVE St Ca (TheBarrineer)-Superi- or

rooms and first-cla- board: modern appolnt-pient- a;

family hotel: rates reasonable.PARK Ave.. 03T Elegintlv furnished front

room, with board: hot and cold bath; referencesexchanged: opposite Lafayette Park.

PINE St.. 3211 Neatly furnished room withtwo new iron beds, with ilrst-cla- board, hotbath: ail conveniences.

PINE St.. 3107 and "3113 Eleaantly furnishedroom1!, with first-cla- board: hot bath and allconveniences: terms reasonable.

PINE St.. 3310 Large, cheerful front room,well furnished; all conveniences; suitable for twoor three people; excellent board; terms reason-able.

PINE FL. 30IG Elegant back parlor and secon-d-story front room: reasonable to permanentgentlemen employed; first-cla- home; board Ifileslred

SPRING Ave.. 51S cely furnished roomwith board.

WASHINGTON Ave . 34!S Desirable rooms fortransient and regular boarders: home cooking.

WASHINGTON, 3223 Second- - story front room;southern convenient to cars; board op-tional.

WA SHINGTON Boulevard, 3953Elegant tableIviard. with or without rooms: home cooking;service first-clas- s; prices reasonable.

WASHINGTON Ave. 13 Fmnt and oilierrooms, suitable for a oupl cr four gents; nlorooms with private baths, with bo.ird.WASHINGTON Ave.. 1503 Xewly furnished

rooms for gentlemen onlv, by the day, week ormonth; Arc, hot water, bath, lunchroom."WASHINGTON Ave.. lflBNIcely furnished,steam-heate- d rooms: every convenience: board Iffdesired; visitors accommodated: 32 per week up.

WASHINGTON Boulevard.furnished scord-stor- y front and ronncctlngrooms, southern exposure: superior table; gentsor couple; reference.

WEST BELLE. 4300 Rooms, single and entulte, with board.

WEST BELLE Place. furnishedroom with first-clas- s board; references exchanged.


BY young lady, board and room In refined fam-ily between Grand. Garrison. Pino and Franklin;312 per month. T 2S. Republic

GENTLEMAN wants nicely furnished room,modern conveniences, nelghlmrhood of Brightonplace preferred. Y 30, Republic

PROFESSIONAL gentleman, bachelor. IsTwIthEugene Field adoration of children, d?slres roomIn congenial private family. W 27, Republic

REFINED young man of means wishes boardIn strictly private family; references exchanged.A 30. Republic.

TWO furnished rooms for light housekeepingIn private family; must be reasonable and near4700 Eastcn nve. K S. Republlc

YOUNG gentleman ard wife wishnicely furnished front room In a strictly privateWest End family; permanent people if satisfied;give particulars. O 29. Republic.


SMALL store and four or five rooms; must bacheap. W 30, Republic.


PARK Ave., 8 Stores. Just completed;good location. Call at 3200 Park ave.


CLEVELAND Ave., 3342-4- 4 Four rooms andbath, hot and cold water, porches, granitoidlaundry. OTTO WEBER.

. 23 De Menll building.LUCKY St., 4380 Four large rooms, first floor;

detached and In good repair; $12.

LUCKY, 3634, North of Easton Ave. Four-roo-

flats: rent cut to J10; nicely papered; plenty ofclosets: fine condition.


WEBSTER GROVES House, seven rooms. Callor address 123 N. Eleventh St.. St. Louis.


WEST END Three rooms, for colored. JS permonth. For particulars apply at office, 421West Belle.


STABLE and van!. Appl7 to Decker Shar-ke- y.

0 X. Twelfth St. '


WORLD'S Fair Site (43x140 feet); southwesttown: per foot 314 cash, worth 120. Robt.

udemann. 1413 North Market, wall papsr store.


HOTEL SITE.Exceptionally Cne location, on main thorough-

fare, midway between Union Station and busi-ness enter: will Improve to suit desirable tenant.W 28, Republic


On Personal Property.A PRIVATE party loans money on furniture I

av o iki mil per annum, i ana propertreatment assured. 501 Chemical building. Eighthand Olive sts.

APPLICATIONS for loans on household goodsreceive our prompt attention. 'New York FinanceCo.. Odd Fellows bide.. Ninth and Olive.

JOHN W. STALEY. 202 N. Ninth, room tax.negotiates loans of 325 and upwards on personalproperty: low rates; terms to suit; confidential.

LOANS by private party on furniture or pianos;business confidential; discount if paid before due.403 Benolst building. Ninth and Pine.

MONEY furnished sal-rl- cd people and. retailmerchants without security; easy payments.. ToUman. room SOL 2U N. Seventh at.

MONET to loan on furniture, pianos and altgood securities; lowest rates In city; businessstrictly confidential; est. 7. 1001 orran,--




FOUND Where you can find a double sola boxcalf shoe, ll.i'i. Harris. 0 Pine st.

LOST On California and Russell aves., brownwater spaniel; bob-tal- l. Return to 49 Russellave.: reward.

LOST Pocketbook, between Elghttenth andMnrket and Eighteenth and Grattan. Return toIKS S. Third and receive reward.


Wanted.ALL kinds ot household goods bought: entire

contents of houses wanted; lull value paid. June.Co.. 1143 Olive st.; Main 157 C 742.

' FEATHERS WANTED-O- ld feathers; willpay 43c per lb. Send postal. S. Batavla, 113 X.Ninth st.

FEATHERS WANTED-- M. Speelman. thefeather bujer. pays 40c per round, full weight.Call or tend postal. --CS Olive st.

MUST have 'Ac carloads secondhand furniture,stovts, feathets. etc., quick, for Gjlvcston: topprices; any quantity. J. Bcnslnger. Cll N. 13 st.

MUST have at once two cars furniture andfeathers: pay highest prices: large or small lots;drop postal. Bcnslnger, 1704 Franklin, or Ti'j

Walton.PARTIES declining housekeeping, see me before

selling furniture, pianos, carpets, etc.; mil payhighest price. Wolf. 18 S. Eleventh. Thone C 48..

"SECONDHAND furniture, stoves, etc.. large orsmall lots, bought at residence or store; goodprices given by Olhson. 2319 Wash st.

For Sale.AN elegant Imported French China dinner net

of 102 pieces for II; Rcom 10 Holland building.BEDROOM and parlor sets, 32 up; wardrobo

and sideboards, S3; sewing machine, JI up; piano,33 1704 S. Eleventh st.

CARPETS Hundreds mlslU carpets: Brussel".velvet, three-pl- y Ingrain; J3 up; rugs of allKinds. .ranKiin rurnuure House, i rranKiin.

COAL Hard coal. J6.95 per ton; soft. SHc Inluis. neiiverei. ouneriur 1.UU1 uiiu

Co . 502 Century building. Tel. B 171).

CONTETS of 11 rooms: taken for debt. Call42Q7A Easton, Just west of Goode ave.

White sewing machine, onlyJ". 2C03 Grav ols av e.

NEW HOME sewing machine, in perfect order;JI. 605 Gravols ave., cor. Jefferson ave.

NEW drop-hea- d sewing machines, from 113 up.C. N. Hayner. 2003 Gravols ave., cor. Jeilersonave. Open until 9 p. m.

STOVES, new and secondhand furniture, beau-tiful misfit carpets, rugs, etc; time payments.New York Storage Co.. 2212 to 2219 Wash st.

SPECIAL Notice Lace curtains to clean byTtienlx Curtiic Co.. 23c and 3 per pair; workcalled for and delivered. 2300 Cass ave. y

STOVES Large lot of heating stoves, hard-co-

and soft-co.i- l: also lot rangesand cook stoves: 12 up. 723 rrnnklln ave.

USE Reehelt's floor enamel and furniture var-nish for all Inside work; mixed paints at 73c gal.,cost SI elsewhere. 1.17 Franklin ave.

ritixTinu.BUSINESS cards, $1. billheads, statements,

noteheads. J1.M per thousand. A. P. Vltrey. 10JN. Twelfth St."CRESCENT Trlnting Comrany. 307 N. Fourth

St. Fine commercial Job work; popular prices.Send for samples.

J. W. STEELE & CO.. Book and Job Printers.18 X. Third st. Legal blanks and briefs a spe-cialty. Tel. Main 1170.


HOTEL Wyoming, Fifteenth and Chestnut,modern improvements; rates GOo and JI per day;weekly rates reduced.


ADAMS. Ibo stamp man. 314 N. Sixth st.. rub-ber stamps, seals, stencils, etc.; gool. cheap,quick; write tor new list.

RUBDER stamps, rubber type, sign markers,brass and aluminum decks, at lowest prices.Kasper Stamp nnd Seal Company. 916 Locust st.


COPPER MINE.I have a short option on the extension of the

vein o a new, but good shipping and pavingcopper mine, not ct 150 feet deep. The nanerof tho extension gives 3 for working capital.Only a very small amount required to determineIts value. I W3nt parties to Join me. For partic-ulars apply Immediately to George B. Clark.

Bank Commerce building.


PATENTS, pensions, bounty, back pay, dls.charge: notary rublic: advice free. H. l. & R.S. O'Brien. 421 Chestnut St.. St. Louis. Mo


DOWNING replatcs and repairs silverware,rold nlates .watches. Jewelry: good work: caehfor old gold, sliver and platinum. 20S N. Seventh.

GOLD and silver plating In all branches; cashfor old gold and sliver: line gold for sale. Seekamp & Krause. 8124 Pine st. I

. I


AMERICAN (Vtrdler) Steam Carpet Beatingand Renovating Company, Nineteenth and Pinests., does rtrst-clas- s work at low.est prices. Kin-loc- h

D 70.

CARPETS taken up. cleaned, made over andlaid: best work: lowest prices. Empire SteamCarpet Cleaning Co.. 2123 Lucas. Main 1131; C 934.

ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.Special attention to altering, sewing and re'ay-ln- g

Easton and Pendleton. Llndell 374M; Kin-loc- h

D 863

GLOBE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. takesup.cleans, relavs carpets: lowest prices: work

3139 Olive st:; Klnlcch C 14CC.


AMERICAN Storage and Moving Company. 15Olive St. Packing, shipping, storage; separaterooms. Tel. Main 31. W. II. Langdale, president.

F. H. PORTMAN. Storage. Moving. Packlrgand Shipping Co.. St. Louis and East St. Louis.Kin D. 1247; Bell Tyler 209A. Office. 2S01 Cass.

FRANKLIN Warehouse and Storage Co. Onehundred dust-pro- rooms. 1003 Franklin ave.Charles Nledrlnghaus, proprietor. Both telephones.

BONDED Warehcuse Hy. C. Wlehe Storageand Moving Company, 1S12-1- Franklin nve.,money advanced when desired. Kinloch C. 9G3.

LINDELL MOVING COM PANT, 1227 Taj lorave., will move furniture nnd check baggage atdepot carefully and promptly, cheap. Phone Lln-dell 69;

NEW YORK Storage Company. Office 211Unlcn Trust Building Move, pack, ship, sorefine furniture In private rooms. Phone Main 2C4.

SOUTH Side Storage nnd Moving Cu.T 1MI, 1902and 1905 Sidney St. Tel. Sidney 235.


Formerly of Langan Taylor.Moving;, l'ncklnj-- and Sliliipinrr

liy Experienced Men.Money Advanced If Desired.

When You Need Our Services Ring Up' Kinloch C 730. Bell 3005 A.

ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF NewStorage Warehouses, Grand and Laclede.BVSK.. for nt -

vure, pianos. irunKg. vaiuames. DOXSS. etc.;strictly first-clas- moving, packing, shipping,etc Money advanced. Consign goods our car.Estimates fiee. Get our rates, phone C CT.

R. II. LEONORI. JR.. CO., 1219-- Ollv. st

WALL PAPER.FINE paperhanglng dona cheaply: estimates

free: send postal. Will call. Sproot. 321 S. Gar-rison.

HERE You Are I will paper v our room from2 up; work guaranteed. H. E. Gregory. 2927

Park ave.SEND your order for papering and whitening to

Roesch, 1601-0- 3 S. Broadway; mail or tel.: Kin-loch B 792.

WALL PArER All work guaranteed: rooms32 and up: whitening nnd painting at small fig-ures. Cooper. 2SC9H St. Louis ave.

ZEHNER - CO., 1420 Papln St. Paper hang-ing, whitening and plastering; all work done atlowest rates: satlBfac'n guaranteeed; send postal.

30.000 rolls of wall paper must be sold regard-less of cost: special inducements to dealers andthe trade borders and wall paper one price.Hummel Wall Paper Co., 3606 X. Broadway.


MISSOURI farm lands for sale; tracts to suit;12 to $5 acre: 310 cash and 35 month. L. L.Barron, 200 Fullertcn building,

Illinois farm, 70 miles from St. Louis;finely improved, $1,600; trade real estate or mer-chandise. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut.


GREATEST European medium and clairvoyanthas permanently located in St. Louis and can beccnsulted dally at her parlors. 10:CA N. Vandc- -

enter. Trumpet and siate writing In the light.MRS. J. T. HARDING, Medium Monday,Wed.",

Friday evenings, spiritual circles. 2S27 Franklin.


PARTNER WANTED J250 takes half InterestIn meat market; experience unnecessary. 3107Easton ave.

PARTNER WANTED- -I want""actlve partner,either lady or gentleman, with J450 capital. Inestablished business; profits guaranteed, A 25.Republic

BUSINESS CHANCES.PARTY with money to m1pt.-- ". v..... '



902 Chestnut St. Phones: B 1410; Alain 2631A

Money Advanced Purchasers.Titles Guaranteed Every Business Sold

COPYRIGHT: new system ladles" tallorlnc;wondcrCul. simple: cheap: costs 10c: sells rap dlyJ1.50: 3 j buys State Mo. Glascock BrokerageCo., 902 Chestnut.

CREAMERY. 190 miles from St. Louis: sell ma-chinery. blds . real estate. J1.50). or trade: worth;5..Uvi. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 90J Chestnut.

CHEWING gum manufactory, clearing 3(00

month: S3.000 bujs " Interest; est.1SS0. Glascock Brokerage Co., 313 Chestnut.

DRUG store: splendid Mo. town: owner desirespartner; sell for Invoice: J4.000: clearing toomonth. Glasccck Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

DYEING and cleaning, large Nelraskn city:net profits Ji.liOO lear; TOJ; bears clo-e- Inves-tigation. Glascock Brokerago Co.. 9m3 Chestnut.

DRY roods, notions, etc.: suburbs: finest loca-tion; JX30: worth more; rent SCO: with 3 living-room- s.

Glascock Brokerage Co , DOJ Chestnut.ELECTRIC light plant. Mo. city. 2.CO0 popula-

tion; price. 312.100; jntronlicil by city: very lowexpenses. Glascock nrokeraso Co.. 902 Chestnut.

FURNISHING goods, splendid Iowa tow :n12.709 bujs business. Est. 1S99: rent J23. with

living-room- Glascock Brokerage Co., 3i Chest-nut.

FLOUR and corn mill. Missouri town. 1.B10population; 2) miles out; fine craln section: priceIC.COO. Glascock Biokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

GUOCERYbelniar ave.: 51.20) or Invoice; rentJ: two living-room- est. jcars; receipts J7CO

month. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.GROCERY Price J1.2M; actual invoice Sl.&H):

owner retiring; no fixtures to buy; Investigate.j Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut. HOTEL, tlnest East Side location, iloirg lm-- 1

mm TJi furnished: nrlce SI 000:part time. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

HOTEL West End; SO furnished rooms; cost:.or); price 33.300: half cash: World's Fair oppor-tunlt- y.

Glascock Brokerage Co.. 903 Chestnut.HARDWARE 37.000 (Invoice) huvs South

Bioadwav business est. years; recelnts J1.2l,Imonth, iiioscock Iironerae vjz mesenui.

HOSPITAL buslnesj. clearing 13.000 earlyabove salaries and expenses; est. 8 vears; priceJS.000. Glasccck Brokerage Co. 902 Chestnut.

JEWELRY Est. 1577; good Illinois town;bujs buslnesi clearing $1,200 vear: would er

trade. Glascock Urokerage Co . 902 Chestnut.

MANUFACTURING business; eft. 34; receiptsJOO.MO v early: 23 per cert profits: to enlarge busi-ness want partner. JViW to 110,000. dljscockBrokerage Co.. 9)2 Chestnut.

MANUFACTURING business; -- rale, truck:fortune for man willing to Invest r..3r.) In busl-nes- s.

Glnsrnck Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.MEATS and vegetables. West End; flic trade:

price SS00: worth $2,000; Includes horses andwagons. Qlascock Brokerage Co.. S02 Chestnut.

mtt.t.tvvtt'V -- ,l Indies' lallorlni?- - West Endlocation:" sacrifice; two: good re"0n for selling;Investigate. Glascock Brokcrag" Co.. 8)2 Chestnut.

PATENT ironing board: simple, inexpensive:S3'V bus U. S. patent: ou sell Slate right forJ1.010. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 9.v2 Chestnut.

PATENTED plow attachment: regulates depthof furrows: inexpensive: JIO.COO buvs entirerights. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- 32.010; re-ceipts J13 dailv: wnlch trade, be convinced: est.years. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

RESTAURANT nnd boarding-hous- IC fur-

nished roams; entire equipment S230: rent -5.

Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut st.RESTAURANT. 123 cash, balance

jmo, easy; Franklin ave.. east of 13th; sickness;place. Glascock Brokerage Co., 94!


RESTAURANT ard 15 furnished rooms. Jeffer-ro- n

City. Mo.: clearing J1X) month; price $700;rent 113. Glascock llrokcrago Co.. 902 Chestnut.

ROOMING-HOUS- E 1230: 10 rooms: near Ewlneave.; other places up to $j.uoo: money auvanceu.Glascock Urokerage Co.. 903 Chestnut.

SARATOGA chin manufactory: price f0 haltInterest: owner needs help: clearing J30O mouth.Glascock Brokerage Co.. '.)- - Chestnut.

STEAM laundry, thriving Tennessee city: re-ceipts iron. price. !3.ro0: rent. J2M ear:sec invoice. Glascock Brokerage Co.. 902 Chestnut.

TURKISH bath ard barber shop: fine location:clearing JIS) month; Investigate quickly: sacrifice.11. SO): cost 1i.Hr. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902

Chestnut.12.0O) cash secures cop right, wonderful inven-tie- n.

teaching guitar quickly; owner has no cap-

ital to publish. Glascock Brokerage Co.. S02 chest-nut st.

TERRA cotta. hollow fence post: patented;not affected by moisture; Inexpensive; sell patent,31.750. Glascock Brokerage Co., 902 Chestnut.

TILE and brick factor : 5Io. town; macninery.Mdg. etc.: worth S3.r.); take f2.004. would trade.Glascock Brokerago Co.. 9)2 CUestnut.

BOARDING-HOUS- E Location un.xccllcil;guests; clears D0 to JI0) every month,living for owner. Glascock Brokerage (.o.,

902 Chestnut. ;

BAKERY and ilalrv lunch: Wert End: popu-

lar corner: receipts S1.300: price .OOti: part time.Glascock Brokerage Co., 90-- Chestnut

BAKERY and ronf?cllonery: 11,000: exception-ally line Missouri railroad town; ist. twenty.ears; clears 1200 month. Glascock BrokerageCo . 902 Chestnut.

CIGARS: branch laundry pass rent: fine down-town location; making money every da: ownerwonts change business: 313. Glascock Brokcr-ag- e

Co.. 902 Chestnut.

CIGAR stand: downtown office building; 1373;

rent and 310; don't overlook this: owner i.other business. Glascock Brokerage Co., 1


CONFECTIOXERY. notions, school supplies,branch bakery, etc.: splendid, established sti.r.d;making money; low rent: living-room- s. Glas-coc- k

Lrokerage Co.. 90. Chestnut.

A BARGAIX, 5c and 10c store, good cash s;

investigate.; good reason for selling. Ad-

dress J. White. 3u3 Colllnsvlllc av'e.. Last St.Louis.

AT once, contents ot line flat, cornerhouse: cverj" room front; fine location for room-ers; cheap. F 11, Republic.

BOARDING-HOUS- 11 rooms: filled withbc.irders; must sell at ores; 1V0; great sacrlilce.Call nt ence, Lln-e- c & Co., 2r'J7 Olive st,

BOARDING-HOUS- near Grand; tilled withgcod-pain- g people; will take JI5-- If sold thisweek; sickness. Llnsec Co.. .17 Olive st.

CIOAR STORE On Olive St.: price, locationand business can't bo beat; rlne ears estab-lished; Inuudry pavs 11 per duy profit. Brush,107 X. Sevcntli St.

DRUG STORE g drug Flore andpratticc: excellent location; riice SauO, or at in-voice. D 2). Republic.

FIRST-CLAS- S hotel, bar and llvcrv stable. Forparticulars apply to II. J. Decker. Mascoutah.

saloon and boarding-house- ; centrally lo-

cated: owner rct'rlng on account of old age! gocdchanc" for couple that to work; capitalrequired, about 10CO. Inquire 109 SSlxth st.

GROCERY store, line stock, all new goods:ftrsl-clas- a location. Webster nve. and Thomas.

GROCERY Dclng l'i0 business dally: Blockworth 52.300 to SS.IW; will Invoice; our cash price12,000; account death. Brush, lpi X. Seventh st.

GP.OCERY: conn"Ctlnj rocvi: Vigorous trade;prominent stre"t; thickly populated; reasonablerent; undcubtedlv your opportunity; worth $300;our price J223. Brush. 107 N. Seventh Bt.

MEAT market, with large cash trade; must bosold at once; very cheap. X IS. Republic.

MY tailoring outfit; doing good business; livingrooms: good locality; must sell nt sacrifice; leav-ln- g

city; Investigate at once. Y 249. Republic.PRINTING office, two presses, card-cutt- ard

over 73 fonts type. H 20, Republic.""RESTAURANT, feedinfTiaO daily: leaving city;

to quick buer. --OH Locust.RESTAURANT and lunchroom; whole or half;

cheap; Ilrst-cla- location. B 29, Republic

RESTAURANT stand: do-

ing a good cash business; a bargain; good rea-sons for selling. Z 30, Republic

RESTAURANT, 103 N. 14th st.; splend'd littlestand, complete outfit for 3100; very easy terms;positively worth double price asked; low rent.

RESTAURANT, clear store, with laundrybranch: first-cla- buslress stand; laundry paysrent; reason, old age; Investigate. 19, S N. Grandave.

RESTAURANT and rooming-hous- adjoiningcar sheds; good cigar and tobacco trade: laun-dry branch in connection: very cheap. X 16. Re-public.

ROOMINcTlIOUSE-31- 21 Olive st.: ten rooms;only 3373; vfur own terms; completely, neatlyfurnished; bath. gas, etc.; rent JCO.

ROOMING-HOUS- 9 rooms: lent $23: nowater license: filled with g roomers;leav lng city. Call LInzee Co.. 2937 Olive st.

ROOMING-HOUS- E Laclede ave.. 3027; elegantfurniture: $100 cash, balance easy paiments;World's Fair coming: be quick: going to country..

LALOON and grocer)" cheap; want to leavecity. 824 6. Third st.

STORE and meat market; good location; reas-onable price. M 24, Republic


filled with roomers: If bought at once, cheap;good Investment. M 16. Republic.

$1,600 will buy controlling Interest In estab-lished company Incorporated- - lo-

cated In Los Angeles. Cal. F. C. S.. 19!0 Rut-g-



ATTEND the Eclipse Dancing Academy. "s

Cave; lessons Tuesdays and Fridays: selectparties Wednesday evening, Sunday afternoonand ' evening.

SELECT ball at Professor and Mrs. Frankei'aacademy. 1441 Chouteau ave., Saturdav evening;March 23: best orchestra: six musicians.


COSTUMES and wigs for rent and made to or-der; confetti and serpentines for street fairs;wholesale and retail. Fuegers. 621 Walnut st.

?. mid !LIlr.,u5,!?e Quarry. Stoneyard HASHAGEN'S Theatrical Exchange, X00 Eas-?fir- f.i.eiSrlei. ftp-- I ton talent furnished for allrequired. J? js, KepnUle. j caslons; music, vaAidevlIlt and drama. ?



AURORA LODGE. NO. 64. K. OF P..meets every Friday evening at I p. at Delabar's Hall. Broadway andWork In rank lit ltnlitht JIarch'15. Vis

itors welcome. AUG. PRIESTERBACH. C. aH. Blackmore. K. of R. 9.

CASTLE HALL ROBERT E. COWAN.No. 131. K. of P.. West Hall. CenturyRulMIn Ninth nd Olive Stret "nrnn.1ntr Mnr-- 1 f3 n t R n m. shirP

business meeting nnd revision of by-la- undrconsideration. All uiemrors nr requested to at-tend. Visitors are cordially Invited.

W. J. GLENN. C. CAttest: llirry Robsrta. K. of R & S.

CASTLE HALL. MISSOURI LODGE.No. 2. K e.f V.. G. A. R. Hall. 1704 Mar-ket Street Meets every Fri lay evening.Alwnjs pleased to se visitors C.nin.

.V. VV. HIAJ--V- -. v.. v..Chas. C. Fink. K. of R. & S.


(l No. 6S. Iv. of P. Meets I

J In Century building, east hill. Ninth andvnvp svneis, renin noor. s o ciock snirp.ork In Esquire rank Thursday. March 2'. Good

cigars alwnvs on hand. Visitors always wel-come; members expected.

GEO. O. KEMrF. c. c.W. J. Otto. TC. of R. & S.

COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 221. K. OPP.. meet every Tuesday evening nt 3o'clock. Castle Hall. Centurv buHUnz.tenth floor. Hall No. 1. Ninth srd OVv

sts Tuesday evening wor!t In rank of Fsqu'r.Members requested o he present. Visiting broth-ers welcome. Smoker.

THOS. W. SHAW. G.C.J. r. Dempey. IC. of R. & S. 'ft fONFTDENCE LOnrjE, no. 121 K.

Vvfilirfynf P.. me-t- s every Tliursaav- - verll7 atvMi Jtssnlc TTnll. Seventh -- "d ST..j,ts strc"ts. Work In the rnnk of Pag', Tluirs-da- v

re'oruary 2S. Members 7ectel to attendnd visitors cordially bivlted

II. A. T'lIAS. C. C.W'lllam Fnbr. K. of B. S.

DAMON LOr.PE. NO. 23. K. OF P,rrtets everv WeiIn.wd.iT nt rn.iij' ernal BulM'nr Ei"enth nnd Fri"Winvenn TTnll T TV In -- V -

j Knlcht. Visitors and memtv nre ln- -'

GEORGE A. TRY. (.". Ci:esv: h. ii. Bermel. K. of R. s, s . 3713A


Vr'Syw "f P. meets everv Wcdnrsdav eveilic at0 ?..';'',or,' " HnwipV Hall. Ihlrtlelh andOllvf streets. Wedn'sd-i- vnlns. 3Inreh

20. work In the m-- k of rvqui vi.itnrs welcom.w RBT. P. FRITCHLE. C. aA. Roberts. IC. of R. .t S.

OEKMANIA LODGE. NO. B. K. OF P..meets rver- - Thu-e.T- n o

y at Butlliijton building. No S10 Olive""rK ,n. "nK "f Esquire. Mirc"l

-- I. visitors alwajs w1rvno 'Vtn-n- eipcted.t st.t.- - .. THOS. HENDHICK'S C. aon' or ::- - & s "o- - 2X Wisconsinavem--

GOLDEN golden rnow.v lodue no rt nrts everv Frldav evnl-- T. Hill No.T ir5ffi '."lik "00r' r'itnrv bulld'ng. Ninth

?SJrF. P"' Olive struts. Vfo-- k In rs V ofVJ r,',fe.a' r"t convention. Fr'rt-iv-- ,

" A" memh-r- s expected.-- v.':,,rr'1CROVM cordlnllv Invited.J. IT. PARKER, a C.

TTnrr C. Scott. TC. of R. ft S.

LAFAYETTE LODGE. NO. 1? K OFP.. nr-ei- twdnesdsv pvenlnir. March "1- -"V4J IH'I. I'.iirlinrtfn bulMInt-- . Xn sm olive., ... ,...i ,,iin in nil. OIrace T.Ai.rir w. Atc. c. c.'"ft: TrPsI norn. K. of H. & 3.

4- - .sr -.-TVrtT-1 A -"""'v nmn . rw. iv. ui' mcry Faluranv v'nlns at An-h- nr

Tall Ct4tii -- t msaw sriv. j n..r... n- -i i'urtvi .uTii-r- f "'in HiTi I rinvpniii- -. a, a o ciock. Jii mmn-r- s ir ---rsrlrii1 ntirl lnu hmfhsM ,

"V."".'; p- - p- - short, c c.F Morrlsscv. K. of R. S.

k PACIFC LODGE? XO. SI I. TC. OF PJg rrtets everv Wedne'clav evening Intiirv bul'dlni- - Ninth Trt Ollv" t'et.Work In rank of TCn'cht IVnln.sflivevening. March 27, 1101. Member exnocfd an I

y!'t conllnllv Invito.'. Vc b- -s f th'Knight rank work" esne-iaii- v to beP""trnt- - H. S. TUTTI.E. C.J W. Carrpbell. K. cf It & F. 1

PARAGON T.OPGE. NO. FJ. K. OF P..meets everv Tuesdsv evening. Hilt No

streets. Next Tuesday rank of Page.3. O'M Fp,11TS, li'H-

- - s- -' it, ,nl l'nMembers and visitors cnrdlallr Invited.

R. J. WILLIAMS. C. C.A (lest: Franlr Jrshnsnn. K. of R. ft s.

PREMIER LODGE. NO. 213. IC. OF P.Tho next regular meeting Thursdsv

evcnlru. March 21, at Hall No. 1. OldIVIIrwa building. Work In rank of Es

quire. Members and visitors cnrdlallv Invit? I.W. R. EIDSON. C. C.

J. F. Wltte. K. of R. & S.

RED CROSS LODGE. NO. 54 ". OFP.. meets everv W'edrerdav nt Odd Fel-lows Hall, Ninth and Olive streets.March 27. rntertalrmcnt at O.Ipop. All

members nre Invited. II. II. BEATY. C. CH. W. Beldlng. IC. of R. & S.

WABASH LODGE, NO. UK IC. OF P..will have work In tho rnnk of EsquireTuesday. March 25. nt hall. Broadwayand Benton. Visitors, nre welcome.

M. C. KCHULTE. C. CI". It. Sichleben. K. of It. A S.

WALNUT LOIlGE. NO. 21S. K. OF P..fei o'clock Pharp at DruHs Ifnll, pouthea

.(JI'I'lVl .Htl sai'.i ns., the rank of r.ige and Esquire Thursday iven-ini- r.

March 21, 1901. Visitors cordially Invitedand members expected.

CHAP. It. COP.URN. C. C.W. J. II. rerklns. IC. of R. S.

WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 123. JOof P.. meets vcry Friday evening, westball. Masonic Temple. Seventh and Mar-Vt- -t

. Work In rant of Knight Friday. March 1". Members are requested to bopresent. Visiting bieihren alwnvs welcome.

JOSEPH P. DUMMIOH. C. C.Grant Luc. IC. of It. & S.. 1309 Pine street.

ft ZULE.MA IX3DGE. NO. 321, K. OF P..rfT-s- f meets every Monday evening av Hall No.

I. tentn floor. Ctnturj- - building, nt S p.m. Work In th rank of Knight rn Men-da- ;-

evening. Mnrrh IS. All members expectedand visiting brothers cordtallv invited to attend.

PAUL REDAN, C. C.Attest: 11. J. Ccnway. K. of R. & S.


of Father Mathew. Office No. 1S0Smii Locust Street Write, call orC S19 for printed matter.

DANIEL O'C. TRACY,Supreme Chief Sir Knight.

Thos. S. Howriern. Supreme Recorder.

ST. BRIDGET'S COUNCIL. NO. S. KNIGHTSof Father Mathew. meets second and fourthThur'dais of each month at St. Ilrldget's Hall,Jefferson avenue and stolnard street. .Members,olense be present. Visiting brothers welcome.


5. Kn'ghts cf Father Mathew. meets first an Ithird Mondays of each month, at School Hall.1413 O'Folion street. Membeis. please be present.Visltlng brothers, welcome. ,....

JNO. T. HUNT, ChiefJno. J. Scully. Recorder.


EXPRESS LODGE. NO. 73. ORDERnt rnltitnl.lnti tCnlrrhts. mets -- wrv pc.

?Knnil and fourth Thursday at Oriental..... ......J! lUll. i,CU'Hlil nuruiia.Pf'ff. h street. Visiting brethren and all Colum

bian Knign.s iraierniny invucu 10 at- -

Initiation.DANIEL RYAN. Tac Ex. Co.,

F. E. Kaiser, Secretary. President.


A BARGAIN Set of butcher's flttures, ccm-plet- e;

also standing deck. 20 Franklin ave.

A. J. WILD JEWELRY CO.. 104 N. Sixth St7Excellent bargains In Jewelry, diamonds andwatches; call and examine our large assortment.

ALL friends are invited' to visit our new stcre;picture frames and Mexican drawn work cheap.Jdcxican jsrv m.. ja vjii.c

AT prices that cannot be equaled, by going di-rect to Lidlk Art Co., 1028 Franklin, for pictures,frames and pictures enlarged.

BRIDGE & BEACH steel range JIS. set upcomplete. Condon Bros.. 1020 and 1028 Market st,

LUY your secondhand building 'material fromAmerican Wrecking Co.. Vandeventer and Eas-tcn aves.rfi.T Til h.mr1 fnmllr nut Sl fn

el lots, delivered: hard coal. 10 03. Superior Coaland Coke Co., 302 Century building. Tel. B 1720.

DRUG FIXTURES Drug fixtures. In good con- - i.... . . . ...... , M D,n..kll.onion, ui low pui-i--. w j. ktjjuvji.ELEGANT Brunswick pool snd Millard tables:

sell or rent reasonable: also all kinds ot supplieson band. J. L. Fowler. 122 1 Market st.

FOUR full quarts of Kentucky Bourbon, ex-ceedingly fine, packed in plain box, sent postpaidtor Kentucky Whisky House. 817 Franklin.

NEW and secondhand billiard and pool tables;also ten pins and balls; supplies of all kinds.A. E. Schmidt. S Market St.; Bell. Main 277CM.

ONE fine Invalid's rolling chair: large size;cheap. HIS N. Eleventh st.. second floor.

PAUL'S INKS, adopted by V. S. Gov. Depts.;complete outfit, safety bottles, filled. It. SafetyBottle & Ink Co., 415 Mcrmod-Jaccar- d bldg.

mrvKtrTTAN'S sunncal chair, new "Harvard."cheap; has all the latest Improvements and inperfect order. Doctor Rush. 1503 Washington ave.

PRIZE barred PI mouth Rock eggs for Bale: JIper setting of 15 eggs: also pullets. Address OttoSchumacher. 024 N. Third St.. St. Louis.

RAZORS Wado & Butcher, barbers' Pet-- IXIBengal and 40 other brands. 75c, worth J2.30.Standard Tool Co., 823 N. Sixth St., next toHilts'a.

STOVE repairs "for any old stove": send pos-

tal to Forshavv, 1 N Twelfth st. Phone C 7.

TO "Housekeepers If you want the healthiestfamily Graham or whole-whe- bread, that won'tget stale for a week, order at the Hygienic Mill-fn- g

and Bakery Co.. 610 Gratiot st.

TWO standing desks. JJ and JI: alsotwo flat desks; cheap. G. V. Holliday Safe Co.,421 N. Fourth st. -

100 dozen shears. 13c to 43c worth 73c;barbers shears and razor strops. Standard Tool ,Co.. 8 N. Sixth st--



VVS'sAAANCHOR T3DGi:. NO. 413. A. F. & A... will hold a snecial communication

iThursdall at Jefferson and ParkI V avenues, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp- - forthe purpos of attndln the funeral of our latebrother. Wm. G. Fink. Brethren ot other lodgesInvited. By order. WM. E. HOKE, W. 21.

R. II. Caifall. Sccretarj.CORNERSTONE LODGE. NO. 323. A.a, F. & A. M. Regular meeting 3T "SO p. m.. Jlareh 13. loi. at Grand(V Avenue Masonic Temple. Grand and Kin-

ney avenues. Work, visitors cordially welcomed.J. I. WILLIAMS. W. M.


9. A. T. . A. M.. will hold stated com- -,B.f munlcatten at 7:30 rclnik Tuesdayrv ing. March 2u. at Masonic Grandnnd Finney avenues. Work In the 31. M. degree.,i?moers ar earnestly requested to attend, vis-itors are alwavs welcome.

W. L. L.V BERGE. W. M.Henry LIhou. Secretary.

A MISSOURI LODGE. NO. 1. A. F. A A.- A M. Stated communication at Grand Ave-s--

nue Masonic Temple. Hall, enI v Thursday. March 21. nt 7:30 p. m. F. Members are requested and visitingbrethren Invited to attend.

TII03. A. BELL. W. M.John II. Deems. Secretary.



vi aI Arc'i 3Iasor s statil conviatlon thisrJ (Thursilaj) evening, at 7C) o'cloefc. Jef- -7 v .ferton .md Park nvenuea. Work, Royal

Arch degree. Companions invited.CARL 11. WITTE. II. P.

R. II. Caffali. Secretary.


BENTON IjODGE. No. 273. I. O. O.:?If5;3, F.. meets every Thursday at iodaoaJiS-- ball. No. 2720 Arsenal street."W"' are cordially Invited and arc nlwajs

welcome. JACOB BECIITOLD. N. G.C. C. Goedde. Secretary.

54. SUMMIT IXIDGE. NO. 277. I. O.t&Sfiz O. r.. meets every Thursday night

at 290) Manchester avenue. Members'"-- urged to attend. Visitors alwayswelcome. Work every evening.

A. E. KASELOW. N. G.C. L. Paul. Secrtary.

Axcin.vr ouncit united uoukmen...i!?SV,. MAJESTIC LODGE. NO. S3. A.

r3SgiJ. O. U. W.. will hold a reiruiarii.-ii- meeting Wednesday evening. M.Tch

PlvnVsCS T- - t their hail (No. 2. northeastt?ferVSjLJip corner Eleventh and I.ocust. OneVHCitVT- - cindldate to be initiated. Mock

tSxy tilal nnd singing by crod talent.W3I. A. FIUTSCHLE. M. W.

F. W. Kretzer. Record".


cfifc, CHEVALIER LODGE. NO. 2977.VVv meets ever first and third Thursday atljW Northwestern Hall. 2S05 St. Lnuls uvc--- All Knights or Honor Invited to vur

meetings. t. L. STEVENSON, Dictator.D. A. Claiton. Reporter. 923 N. Compton.- 2723 Bacon st.

BANNER lXDdC NO. HBn7"k7OF 1Iv.1 rreets first ard third Thursdays at JIow-ii-

arJ's Hall. Garrlscn avenue and Olivestreet. All Knights of Honor are In-

vited to all our meetings.JOHN DIETRICH. Dictator.

2112 Alice avenue.J. H. Hubbard, Rcpcrter, 1103 Glasgow ave.


ii . f GRAND COUNCIL. MISSOURI,hfi& Roal Arcanum. 1 HollandXfjiiSsi building. A cordial welcome to vls- -

&&ftDb 1:cr5- - ,rlcn,j3. brethren and membersIrum abroad. J. ilKIbt-lc- . u. it.

Chas. B. Cox. Grand Secretary.

DELMAR COUNCIL. NO. 934. ROYALArcanum, meets regularly on the seccnland fourth Monda)r of each month atWest Er.J Hall, Finney and Vanceventer

avenues, visitors cordially welcomed ana pleasantly enteriaineo.

GEO. W. J. KXIQUT. Regent.W. E. Newman. Secretary.

cjJ VALLEY COUNCIL. NO. 433. It-- A..Si?"3 meets In West End Hall, Finney and

g-r-f? Vandcv enter avenues, en the second and" fourth Thursdais of each month. A

choico programme of entertainments by tho era-t-

at every meeting. Visitors are cordially we!,come. FRANCIS E. COOK, Regent.

Cisrk Kretschmar, Secretary


"INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERSCourt Cote Hrl!ilante. No. S . meets every sec-

ond and fourth Tuesday of the month. Bowman sHall, northeast corner Eleventh and Locust.

. GEORGE AUTII. R. S.1337 North Lefflngwell avenug.


MOUND CITY COUNCIL, NO. 45. FRATER-ra- iCenser, meets first and third Thursdays or

everv month ct Vandeventer Hall. No. 614 N.Vandeventer ave.. S p. m. Visitors cordially In-

vited and members expected to attend." WM. II. DOBELL. Worthy President.

Man E Cooke, Worthy Secretary.


Jtjk LAFAYETTE COUNCIL. NO. 392. A.u??Jp i of II.. meeis ever' Thursday eveningJSj3h at Fraternal building, northwest comer

' Eleventh and Franklin avenue. Com-panions from sister councils cordially Invited.

J. V. WADDEIv Commander, aW. II. Adams. Secretary. l


T T.lttlst AERIC. NO. 41. F. O. E..?,."& meets every Ihursday night and the

first sunaay aiternoon ot eacn momyew? Visiting brethren welcome.

B. P. TAAFFE. W. P.II. W. McChecney. W. S.


MOUND CITY COUNCIU NO. 154.National Union, meets on second nnJ(Pi fourth Fr!da3 each month at How-ard's Hall, corner GarrUon avenueand Olive" street, nt 8 o'clock. Nest

regular meeting Friday. March 22.

Grand vaudeville entertainment nnd award forattendance. F. E. GUNN. President. 1

Bit hard E. Berger. Secretary. '

BENTON COUNCIU NO. 2SS. NATIONALUnion meets second and fourth Thursday even-ings at Jodd's Hall. 7S01 South Broadway. Mem-lie- rs

requested to attnnd and v Isltors cordially In-

vited. JAMES McNAMEE. President,O. G. Mueller, Secretary.

"EADS COUNCIL, N0.4S7. NATIONAL UNION.rreets first nnd third Thursdays nt S p. m.. InBowman's Hall. Eleventh and Locust streets.

Isltors welcon-c- . and members earnestly re-quested to be present.

A. J. MILLER, President.W. Depp. Secretary.LOG CABIN COUNCIL NO. S04. NATIONAL

Union, meets second nnd fourth Thursday even-mrn- th

at Dcvvev Hall. 2200 South Broadway.Members expected to attenJ and visitors cordial-l- y

Inv Ited. A. C. GOULD. TTesldent.Joseph D. Sohn. Secretary.


CHICKERING piano, rosewood case;only 543; stcol included. Bcjer Son, Seven-teenth anJ Locust.

FINE Knabe piano, taken In trade, t : thor-oughly guaranteed every way: call Monday tosecure It. Bcer Son. Seventeenth and Locust.

FINE upright pianos for rent. 12.30. nnd 13.30,at Daniel G. Dunker Piano Company, northeastcorner Fourteenth and North Market sts.

GOOD organ for lodgeroom or school: goodcondition; Jl2; a 1'ttla gem. Beier it; Son. Sev-enteenth and Locust.

"HEAR the soul of a Krakauer sing"; to hearIt Is to buy it. Sold only by Daniel O. DunkerPiano Co.. Fourteenth and North Market, sts.

I AM willing to lose two-thir- of what I havepaid in on my handsome upright piano; balancepa) able tlO per month.-132- Bacon St.

JUST received, a carload of Leekeriing pianos;finest piarcs. at a rrcderate price; examinethem. Beyer Son. Seventeenth and Locust.

MUST sell my large-siz- e sweet-ton- e piano:nearly new; cheap for quick cash. Apply 101SArsenal st.

MUST dispose of my fine upright piano; willsell cheao to effect a quick sale; leaving city.Call 2S 14 Morgan.

ONE 7 upright piano J130; oneupright p'ano. S73: ono square

piano. 103. G. Groteguth. 106 y. Twelfth st.PIANOS, nil grades nnd prices: we crrrv over

1 lnstrunents in stock and aim to please all.Ber & Son, Seventeenth and Locust.Seventeenth and Locust.

RENT Pianos--Si, 52. J3. Jt per month; beststock: low ct prices In town. F. O. Smith, Mfr.,1C12 Olive st.. A. E. Whltakcr, Mgr.

SPLENDID-TON- E upright piano. In first-ela-

condition. 1123: fine mahogany upright, all Im-provements, nearly new. 1130; some nice squares.123 to 73: some good organs at J13 to H". worthtwice the money, and arc special bargains thisweek with an elegant assortment of new pianosS30 to JIOi) cheaper than other stores, at F. G.Smith. Mfr.. 1012 Olive St.. A. E. Whltakcr, Mgr.

12n down. IS a month, secures a beautiful J209upright piano: the only cne left. Beyer Son.

raducah. Ivy.. March 29. River gauge reads27.3 feet, and falling. The Dick Fowler to Cairoat 8 a. m.: The Joe Fowler to Evansville at 6p. m.: Pavonla to Cumberland River after ties;The Lvda to Cumberland River after ties. TheRussell Lord to Tennessee River after ties: TheAvalon from 3iattanooga at 3 p. m.; The Butt-or- tt

from Clarksvllle at 6 p. m.: The FInley andtow of coal down at 10 a. m.; The Boaz and towof coal down at U a. m.; The Clyde to TennesseeRiver at 6 p. m. Weather clear and cold. Busi-ness pood down about the wharf

Madison. Ind.. March 20. The towboat Sallleblew cut both cylinder heads and broke her wristJust above town this afternoon. She came onhere disabled, left her tow of coal and returnedup river. The Ra ymond Horner passed downwith large tow of coal. River 25 feet by gauge,falling slowly. The New South due up. Heavywind and snow.

Burlington. la.. March 20. The reading of thegauge Wednesday showed the present stage ofwater to be 7 feet 7 inches, a rise of 8 inchessince the last report. The steamer Sidney willgo into commission between Burlington and St.

U1S on pru buutv s;,U uwi u


"xit '



"CHESTER LINEFor Ste. Genevieve. Chester and war laneant

Str. CHESTER leaves Tuesdays. Thursdays anSaturdays at 3 o'clock. Receiving dally.

Phone Main 233. II. W. LETHE. Axint,

E0LE PACKET GOMPiJNY.Str. GREY EAGLE leaves Mondays and Frf-da- vs

at 3 p. m. for Cape Girardeau. Com ercand way landings.


Beardstown and all way landings, Wednesday.March 20.

l'hone Main 222. II. W. LETHE. Agent.

LEELI NETSTEAIVI ERS.To Memphis $7.00-Rou- nd Trip $12.00

INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH.Steamer BEES LEE will leave wharfboat. foot

of Pir street l'riday. Starch 22. at S p. m.. forMemphis and all way landings, taking freightand passensers for Arkansas River to Ptne Bluffand all landings south of Memphis to Vleksbur?.Miss. Phone Jlaln HA, and Kinloch



Str. CITY OF MEMPHIS will leavowharftcat. foot of Pins st.. Satur- -iLlv. Marph !!2 .it T. n m.. fnr rnies.

ter. Grand Tower. Cap Girardeau. Cairo. Padu-ca- hand ail taints on Tennessee River to Flor-

ence, Ala. Phones. Main 45A and A112.JNO. K. MASSENGALE. Agent.


STR. COLUMBIATor Ste. Genevieve. Chester and way landingsevery Monday. Wednesday and Saturday atp. m. from Diamond Jo wharfboat. Recelvtnsoally. Phone Main 2447A.



Calhoun Packet.For Moiier's. Hamburg and all Cal-houn County landings.

STR. INDIA GIVENS.Alex. Lamont. master, leaves Wednesdays andSaturdays at 4 p. m.. from wharfboat, foot ofLocust street. T. G. BLOCK, Agent.

'Phone Kinloch A 36S.


STR. CITY OF SHEFFIELD.E. D. Young. Master. C. H. Stone. Cleric.

Will leave wharfboat, foot of Locust st.. Satur-day. March 22. at 4 p. m.. positively, for osier's.Hamburg, West Point and all Calhoun Countylandings. JOHN W. ELWELL. Agent.

Phone Main 200 N. Second st.



foot of Franklin ave. sntunUv M.reh- at 4 D. m.. fnr V.shlnpfnn r.s--

Haven. Hermann. Jefferson City. Rocheportand way landings.

LAWRENCE MACDONALD. Agent.Phone Main lisi.


Rise and Fall of the Rivers.For 21 hours, ending at 7 a. m.:

St-- Louis. Wednesday. March 20. 1J0LStations. Danger. Gauge. Changs.

Pittsburg .U g. sj.Parkersburg 24.0 23.0 -- .aCincinnati EO.O --i. a --tLoulsvllla 28.9 H.i Ji.nNashville 40.0 9.0 ..Chattanooga 33.0 4.7 -- 0.3Florence 16.0 4.S .0.4Jonnsonville 33.0 9.7 .a 3Evansville 21.0 27.3St. Paul 14.0 "Dubuque 1".0 8.4 ) 4Davenport 13.0 .3 o.jKeokuk i;.o n.x . 1

Des Moines j.i --"r'Peoria 11.9Grafton 23.0Omaha 1S.0 .... ....Kansas city 21.0 10.1 i 1Boonvllle 29.0Hermann 24.0 111.2 j) 1St. Louis 30.0 n; ijChester ?n.i) i;.s ji"tCalm 43.1 32.3 .,,Memphis J3.0 23.S ILittli. Rock .l . .1.,Vlcksburc 43.0 23.1 iShreveport .n 13.1 j 4ivew uneans is.o 3.3 a m

Rise. --Fail. R. .T. IITATT.Local Forecast OfflolsL

Klver Forecast.The Mississippi at St. Louis will rise.

River and Dnsinessj.River 15.S feet Wednesday, showing a rise of

.2 of a foot In the last 21 hours.Traffic brisk but not heavy. Outbound ship-

ments exceeded receipts.Weuthcr blustery and cold, with enovs flurries.

To-Da- Weather.Generally fair and colder.

Arrived.Columbia ChetttfDeparted.City of Clifton.. Tennessee RiverBald Eagle BeardstownColumbia ChesterIndia Girens ... .. Calhoun County

River Rial to Brevities.Captain Isaac P. Lusk of the Diamond Jo

Line says the only Important change In the com-pany's agency for the season of 1301 Is that of th-n-

appointment at Hannibal-- Captain D. W.Wisherd has succeeded James Bond as the Dia-mond Jo representative in that city. CaptainWisherd formerly operated the steamer VanMeter between (Keokuk and Burlington, and Is aveteran rlverman.

Engineer George Reno, late of the Lee Line,is in charge of the transfer steamer armiand'aengines at Cairo.

Captain John W. King, who has been ex-pected to succumb to a serious Illness. Is re-ported much better.

Engineer B. B. Rue cams In from Cairo fcrrail.

The Government boat John N. Macomb passedGieei.vllle, lss.. en route upstream Wednesdaymorning.

Steamer Spread Eagle will be due from Pb-du-

Thursday with two barges. One ot thebarges Is the wharfboat which was wintered wlUthe company's fleet-- It will be utilised la laport.

The Eable boat store Is bents; refloored tdgenerally Improved tor the new season' busi-ness.

Captain Lusk arrived here from Qutnex andLa Grange Wednesday morning.

Tho City of Sheffield leaves her wharfboat.foot of Locust street, Saturday on her maidentrip of the season to Calhoun County.

The Columbia arrived and departed la the)Chester trade. She will clear again Sat day.

The Rees Lee will come to her wharfboat at10 a. m. Thursday, to clear Friday for Memphisand way landings.

Steamer India GIvens departed for CaJocmaCounty. She will clear Saturday.

The Bald Eagle got away for Beardstown andthe Illinois River on time.

Steamer City ot Clifton left 6t. Lonis forthe Tennessee River. The City of Memphis, dueThursday night, will be the next outbound Ten-nessee River liner.

The Chester Is receiving; for St. Genevieve,Chester and way landings, clearing; Thursday afternoon.


Cairo, 111.. March 20. The river Is fllllnjr slow,ly; the gauge reads feet, a fall ot .1 of a feetduring; the last 24 hours. The weather Is cold,cloudy and threatening. A high wind hat pre-vailed all day. which has been a hindrance tthe movement of boats. The Ferd Herold de-parted at midnight for Memphis with a good trip-T- he

Peters Lee. from Memphis with a goodtrip, arrived at 6:4i a. m. from St. Louis. Shedischarged a few sundries, made light additions,coaled, and cleared for Memphis at 11 a. m.The Jack Frost, from Paducah with two emp-

ties, arrived at ( a. m., and departed south fnr atow of lumber at 0:30 a. m. Pilot Thomas: Gar-rison shipped on her. The Victor, from the Southwith 2 barges of lumber, passed up for Padocaawithout landing at ! P. m. The HermanPaepcke. from the Lower Mississippi, with 3barges of lumber, arrived at 4:15 p. m. She willreturn south after patching her bolters and t;palring her wheel and hog chains. The Carrie VIdeparted south at s a. m. The Beaver, withempties, arrived from St. I uis at C p. m. Shewill return with a mixed tow ot railroad tiesand lumber raornlnr. The City ofMemphis, coming out of the Tennessee River,wired to-d- from Johnsonvllle that she wouldpass up for St-- Louis morning. Cap-tain Sam W. Coffin of Cincinnati Is hers to re-

main a few days. The Boer and J. B. Flnly.from Loulrvllle with coal tows, are due to psdown for New Orleans Thursday morning. ThUnited States lighthouse tender Joseph HenryIs at the bonk here, awaiting the arrival ofLieutenant Commander A. C. Dillingham, In-

spector of the district-Memph-

Tenn.. March 29. The river herestands . feet on the gauge, a rise of .S of afoot In the last 24 hours. The Jams Lee de-

parted at 8 p. m. for Friar's Point. The RobertE. Lee departed at S p. m. for Ashport. ThaJulit departed at S p. m. for Vlcksbtmr with agood trip. The Delta departed atS p. m. forVlcksbnrg with a good trip. The Woolfblk ar,rived Wednesday evening from the Lower Oh'owith a tow of Tradewater coal, snd returned thisevening with a tow of emoty berees. Severs!steamers due here Wednesday failed to arnve.and no doubt have been windbound. and Willprobablv be in port hy morning. Receipts brriver Wednesday were 28 bale of cotton anZ.429 sacks of cottonseed.

Chester. HI.. March W. River stationary: -13 feet. Weather cloudy and cold. Stetraer Chas-ter arrived at 2 a. m. Boats by: HsTrester at7 o'clock last night: James T. uHcwood and

at 9 rn.rchester left for St Xdi7 . m. Grey Eagle due up. Tender In tad outon time.

Grand Tower. T- H- March SO. The J.departed for CTystsl City at 1H a. m.

with 12 cars coal. The p.ter Lee down att m. yesterday. The G'ey Eagle m at :S a. m.The Beaver inwn ot Jr0 a-- m. The C. R. Ho-tter op at 9:40 a. m. The ranee reads It.! feat,a fU of .2 In last 24 hours. Weather Kmdv andcold.

Cane Glradeao, Mo, March 2a. Weather rsochcolder. River falling: The Peters Leo down at11 p. m. Tuesday. The Spread Sag) irrta tbarges and a tug helper tip atSdf p. . lMp.--- fc . n?



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