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4 SULTAN AGAIN ORDERS ARMENIAN MASSACRE TTKRT.IN. April i9.? Die Informa- tion today reports that the sultan re- cently summoned the Kurdish chiefs in Asia Minor to Constantinople and Instructed them to recommence the Armenian massacres, which caused such a sensation in the civilized world nix years ago. Abdul's Idea, the paper assert.-, that bloodshed on a largo scale iii Armenia Would distract attention from Macedonia and relieve the press* tire in European Turkey. Armenian massacres, the paper's correspondent says, have already occurred in the districts of Van Vasptiatai.. Mush and Bassum. In s fight near Van the Armenians fought the Kurds fiercely, with tho result that 200 were killed and sev- eral hundred wounded. The majority of the casualtb'p were among the [Kurds. The Armenian fugitives cross- ed the Russian frontier, pursued by . Turkish cavalry. The Turks con- tinued the pursuit over the border front. Guards ralssp an siarm and resrlmcnl of CosaacM appeared and fired on Hie Turks and after g brief en counter the Turks retreated. A local AnsdlgST-s correspondent also repoits Ilie encounter and says a Turkish officer and six of his men were killed. URGES EMPLOYERS TO ACCEPT PROPOSAL PORTLAND. Ore, April 2!> ? Mayor William! has MM a communli cation to the executive committee* of the Master Painters' association and the Master Builders' association, urg- ing; them to accept the peace proposal made bf the strikers. The members of the building trades unions have carried out the plan inaugurated last Friday night nt the mass meeting, bo far as it is in their power to do so; and now it rests with the Waaler painters and master builders to do the rest. This is practically the situation after the action taki n by the Building Trades council and the resultant action by the president of that body-anil Mayor Williams, as expressed In the com- munication of that official to the em- ployers. As yet there has been no action taken by the contracting painters and builders, and not a word will be said as to what the action is likely to be when the matter Is finally taken up. By some of the representatives of the trades council, and Others who are Interested In the labor question, it whs thought to be a wise idea if the council would accept the five men proponed by the painting and building contractors, and name five others, and ISi tfiese 10 men choose the eleventh, making the beard eleven Instead of seven, ns at first proposed. Does Not Believe He Attempted Suicide. Ed Cahjttl of Tyler, Who was re- moved from the Sacred Heart hospi- tal to the city Jail t" finish treatment for delirium tremens, and to have a Ftab wound healed that he inflicted while suffering from tiie attack, was discharged today, Caliill remembers nothing of his experiences during the past two wo.-ks. and was at a ti. account for the wound in his side or for his being In jail. He did not believe the officers wh'-n' they told him that lie bad tried to kill himself on Hang- man creek while imagining thai an army of farmers had gathered about him with the intention of burying him alive. Englishman Wins An American Bride. .LONDON" April It.?Fashionable Society, Including a large number of tiie American colony in Loudon, was well represented today at the wed- ding of Miss Mary Kuhn of Phila- delphia and Roland Hunter Hutley Gordon. 'flip, hi ide is the daughter of Mrs. Chsrles Kuhn of Philadelphia and is well Shown socially ill that city and also in New York. The bridegroom is a cousin of the marquis of Huntley. American Jockey Wins. LONDON. April 29. ?Rocksund. an English horse, Willi Skeets Martin up, Won the Newmarket derby today. The race carries a purse of $15,000. There were 11 entries. MVSQETT AT HIS OFFICE. County Treasurer Ifudgett has so far recovered from his recent two weeks' IllneaS as to be able tit be about, and appeared at his office in the courthouse for a short time this afternoon. DISCHARGED BY COURT. H. Solo lineman was today dis- charged by Judge Kennan as admin- istrator of the estate of John Herlng. Named Administrator. Judge Kennan today issued special letters of administration to D. K. Mc- Donald on the estate of Clinics 11. Chambers, who died in this city on April 27. Relic chambers and Glenn Halfhlll, widow and stepson of the deceased, asked for the appointment, The es- tate is valued at $4500 in cash and real estate. RUNAWAY HORSE KILLED. A horse owned by a Sprague avenue grocer and attached to a delivery wagun was so badly Injured In a run- away at Second avenue and Stevens street yesterday that it was shot by Captain McCiciiun of the Humane so- ciety. | HEARING SET TOR MAY 13. a hearing on the petition of Alex- ander Turnhtll for letters of admin- istration of tin ostato of Jolin An- derson, deceased, will bo hail In tho equity division of the superior court on Tuesday, May 11. I CONTINUES DIVORCE HEARING. In the divorce Bull of Anna Glinde- man against John Gllndemsn, Judge Konnan today granted a continuance to May 2. City News. Phil Aspinwall has gone to Seattle for a brief visit. P. M. Roth rook, a Wallace (Idaho) mining broker, is in the city. Dr. La Beau of Nelson. li. C, is in the city, the guest of Dr, It I* Tho m sen. Lee Nichols Is in Stevens county I with a party of easterners, who are (\u25a0losing deals for farm lands. Edward Roberts, a Wallace min- ing man, is in town, and intends pur- chasing farming property near here, Charles W. Mcßcun. has returned home from a six months' course at the Northwestern Dental college in Chicago. W. J. Collins, formerly a news- paper man of Spokane, but recently lof Seattle, is planning to leave short- ly for Alaska, where he expects to visit some of the mining camps. Charles Cord has gone east for a prolonged visit. SPOKAHE. PAcrric. CADILLAC. OBASD. Local Markets. Prices Paid to Producers. Eastern Markets. company; CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS. SPORTING WORLD. Won. Lost. P.C. Seattle 9 3 750 Los AJigebs 7 5 (81 San Francisco 7 ti 538 Spokane 6 ('? 500 Helena « t 500 Tacoma t 7 417 Butte 5 P " s < Portland 4 t> 333 ? _ BLUES TAKE FXB.6T. Goldsmith Maid to a world's record of L': 17. which she finally reduced to 2:14. Rplan came next in order with Ranis, whose mark was 2:13-V Later on "Coble again broke into tiie cham- pionship class with Nancy Hanks. Who in a single year reduced her own world's record of 2:o7<i to 2:04. The Bpokane Bluee took the first farm (ron the Tigers el Tacoma yes- terday. It was a good game end came to the Inlanders by a margin of only una run. Score: R. H. E. Spokane 5 10 2 Tueoma 4 I 1 At Seattle yesterday the Clamdig- gers landed the boys with the united loes in a game marked by particular- ly fast field work. Score: R. 11 E. Beattle 4 « 3 Portland 3 10 S The Angels, on their home grounds, won from San Francisco yesterday In a pitchers' battle. Hut one run crossed the plate. The lone run came in the seventh. Score: Ft 11. E. Angeles 1 8 2 San rrancison 0 6 1 The two treasure state clubs met on the San PrenoiSCO grounds yes- terday and the Senators succeeded in shutting out the raining camp or- phans. Score: R. H. B. Helena 3 7 1 Butte 0 5 I DOBLE AND SPLAIN WILL RETURN TO THE SULKY. Huuu Doble ><>><l John Splun. train- | era and driver* of light harness eham- \u25a0 pious, and bosom friend*, will return | to tbe sulky thla year, each behind a horau thai In expected to t become a | champion. Doble will drive Kininy t>oU< by McKlnney, and Bplan will \u25a0 handle the reins over 81-Flora, by j Kxpouil lon. Doble, in years past, drove thro, champions to their records, whll< ftphin drove one. Doble started his honor winning In 18*7 with Dcxtei. wl>o came in as » ehainpion with a I mark of IMB wnd lowered It ' 11 f:I7V Then Doble brought along i JOHN SI*LAN. DLDD DOBLU BRXTT THE WINNER. SPORTING GOSSIP. HOTEL ARRIVALS. John Grundy. New York; li. J. \ Walsh, Tacoma; O. J. Moaiiur and wife. Brooklyn, n. v ; ii. Cote, Port- land; QcorgS 11 Rogers, Minneapolis; C. B. Grc. n. Hamilton. N. D.; ft, C, Aiken, Seattle; L. A. Soallicld, New York; J. S. Warrock. Philadelphia; Fred I.eweuthal, New York; R. F. Brandon, Boston; John Nathan, New York; t. s. Kurd, Seattle; w Q, Pearce. Chicago; T. 8. West. Port- land; George M. Desks, St. Paul; H. Wittenberg, Portland. 1.. F. Baiiman, Tucson. A. T.: Mm- ma .1. Shift Lake Helen. Fla . 11. .1. Whitney, Davenport; Delta I. Harris. Bprlngdsle; Mrs. I S. Clark, SpriiiK- daie; John Msrkey, Wilbur; a. v. Ragsdale, Denver; O, B. Beatty, Hele- na; g. v. Relfel, Cleveland; Henry Kiddle ami wife, Cincinnati; H I. Dickinson and wile Dickinson, N. D.; Mrs. t. Hench, Pali-field. V.. S. Brooks. Denver; George. W. Johnson, Newport; 3. H. Long. New- port; B. I.yon and wife. Dei Moines; B. O. Klllen, Northport; A. R Crush, Chicago; Mrs. W. Buck, Odessa; I. J. Dyer, Moab; B. H. l.arrabee and wife, North Yakima; A. 1.. Gates. Seattle; V. W. Lawrence, BUti .lean Chew, i Coulee City; J. J. McAllister anil , wife. A. B. Snyder, San Francisco; M. E. \u25a0tsnsell, Rice, Wash.; Henry Ihrlg, Wallace, Idaho; Hal Henderson. Great Falls; W. H. Weston, Seattle; Thomas Neary, Kalispell; 75. W. Burrows, Rockford; F. W. Merrltt, Helena; C. H. Adair, Burlington, la. Building is Condemned. The three-story brick building at the corner of Cincinnati avenue and Olive street was condemned today on account of lar#e cracks appearing in the walls, owing to the decayed lintels. Tiie building is owned by o. it. Bennett and is mortgaged to tiie Washington Trust company. Offers $6,000,000 for Oil Property. r.\RKi:nsncßo, w. Va? April 20. ?A French syndicate, which recent- ly purchased a large block of oil lands near Lima. Is now negotiating for territory In the vicinity for which It offers to pay $0,000,000 in cash. Wheat, per bushel, club and red. 65c; bluestem, 70c; barley, per ton, 121; oats, per ton, $34; timothy hay, 'per ton, 313; potatoes, per cwt., 35c; onions per cwt., &o®6oc; ranch but- ter, per pound, 15(Ji'2uc; eggs, fresh, per case, $&*g-5.R0; dry picked tur- keys, per lb., 18c; allvo, per lb., lie; scalded geese, per lb., 14c; alive, per I olive, per lb., He; scalded hens and large yellow chickens, per lb., 14c; alive, per lb., ISc. Livestock?Cows, on foot, 3',<ifi4c; dressed, THo; steers, on foot. P,i9 t a ic; dressed, lie; sheep on foot, ISinOI dressed, 9c; hogs. Oil foot, 7©7Hc; dressed, lofillo; calves, 10c As reported by the Coe Commission Greatest Store Wheat? Opening. Closing May $0.74 % $0.74 ty July 71% ,71Va Corn? May 421/4 .42U I July 44>i .44% ! Oats? I May 33 V. .83 I July 31 % .31 Vi Pork- May 17.50 17.97 July li;.<' 2 17.12 Gr@<Slft Sußcb ©ffooo ftogSns Our petticoat muriness this season has been phenomenal. We aro chow- liik the greatest variety and the I* st values over soon hero, So thnt tho stock even now offers double the assortment yov have previous to this season beei accustomed to see. To reduce the Mock and to still further popularize this de- ? partment of our business we n have planned a great three days' sale. May T4*4 .71 [July 74 N -74',a Do you need some money to help iin your building or to take up an old mortgage? If so. the Mechanics' j Loan & Trust company, 503 Rookery, will be glad to accommodate you. Liberal terms and no delay. riTZGEKALD DEFEATED. .Toe Fitzgerald disappointed his friends last night In Ills showing against Jim Burrows at the Spokane theater. He did occasional spurts of clean blocking, but his footwork was poor at times. His unquestionable grit was his redeeming feature and he took tiu' best that Burrows could give him without at any time show- ing a disposition to run away, al- though lie took advantage of the clinch rnanj times to save himself. Filz went down for the count in the fifth and seventh rounds, but it was apparent that he did It more for a breathing spell th an because of be- ing in (listless. Burrows was also lacking In a punch, and the swing that sent Fits down and out in the tenth would not have floored the Pie- man in the early stages of the con- test. The bout gave general satis- faction. The were out of luck last night. While "our Joe" was be- ing landed on by Jim Burrows in Spokane, his namesake. Willie Fitz- gerald, was allowing Jimmy Brltt to score points ON him In the San Fran- cisco. The latter, however, went the limit of the 10-round go and, al- though (oslng tin' decision, was Strong enough In the final round to floor his antagonist. It was one of the best tights put up in San Francis- co for a long time. Vtat is the Good The Klk baseball team will play at Kcardan on Sunday May 10, It Is possible that Spokane Walla Walla and Pullman will organise s throe-town liish school circuit. Nest Thursday a tennis tourna- ment Will be held on the high School grounds, ,\t a nesting of the uiaii School Athletic aSFociation held last night it whs given out that Superintendent Savior has granted a half holiday for nest Standsy afternoon and it was de- cided to devote (hut time to laid day athletics. The lujtti seined basket ball team will pl.i.i J it five 'Oi the high school court tomorrow afternoon of buying- cheap if yon are dissatis- fied with the purchase in a short time. True economy is exercised in buying a thing that pleases you until it is worn out. Our ready-to-wear clothing is of this character. One suit makes a regular customer of the buyer. Prices from $10 to $30 Wentworth Clothing Co., Reliable. 709-711 Riverside. LOWEST PRICE STORE IN SPOKA HE FOR OOOD OOODS. WHiTEHOUSEfo DDY GOODS \j '/»/vit/?s//>iriAirjo how RIBBONS Greatest annual spring sale of Ribbons ever in- augurated in tHis city. Don't miss it. .An opportunity of a life. Every piece of ribbon in stork at reduced price. Most beautiful assortment of fancy ribbons In the city. Largest and most com- plete line of plain ribbons shown. Lot ire slock on special sale. For convenience of customers during this sale we have divided the rib- bons Into six lots und arranged them on tables as follows: Lot Wo. I?Consists of a beauti- ful line of wash ribbons, taffeta and satin ribbons. In all colors. Widths Nos. 2 and 5; regular prices "7c and 8c yard. Special sale price, 4c yard. Lot. Wo. 3?Handsome line of plain taffetas, plain satins, in all colors and shades, also beautiful line of fancy embroidered dotted ribbon, Nos. 5. 7 and 9; regular prices. 10c and 12 Vie yard. Spe- cial sale price. 7c yard. Lot Wo. 3?This lot consists of the most beautiful satin ribbons, taffeta ribbons, satin taffetas, three, four and five inches wide, every color and shade; worth reg- ularly 15c and 200 yard. Special sale price, 11c yard. Lot Wo. 4?Plain and fancy rib- bons, four and live inches wide, satins, taffetas and satin taffeta Asks Foreclosure and Sale of Realty, j Deck ft. Welt, in a complaint filed In the superior court, alleges that on September It, isos, & harlot l. Mje- hTensle executed to him a promissory note for 18000, payable In five years witli Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and I per cent a month after maturity, securing the same by a mortgage on certain j realty. Pnymenl of Interest upon the note is acknowledged up to September, j 1900, hot no oilier payment of either I Interest or principal, it is alleged, \u25a0 was made after that dale. Other de- fendants are named lq the suit and: Hi, plaintiff demands foreclosure and the sale of the mortgaged premises , to satisfy tile claims. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. SUITE MADS TO ORDER, $18 AND upwards; guaranteed to nt, union made' suits sponged end pressed, 75c. Js| Division st. Phone E. .1R:II. MONEY TO LOAN 087 IMPROVED real estate at 5 to 6 per cent per anuu'n. Arthur D. Jones A Co.. Empire State building. FOE SALE?3TEAHE SAVf, 8 HOR~E boiler with f. horie uuloinstlc en- glue. B?*lnch law. new outfit. T. H. Ctobson, llirtygrd. BtXdttait t CO., rvinSß&S Dlt rectors, 92» Sprague, Tel. Main 101, ribbons, also fancy hand embroid- ered dotted ribbon, 4 M inches wide; worth regularly 2Be and 30c yard. Special sale price, 17c. Lot No. S?Consists of ribbons of all tiie best grades, Including fancy plaids, clots, figures and stripes. Also a beautiful line of plain ribbons in all colors, widths 4. B, 0 and 7 Indies and regular values 35c. Special sale price. 230 yard. Lot Wo. 6?Consists of the very best ribbons in stock, plain and fancy, five, six and up to nine inches wide; worth regularly 50c and fine yard. On special sale at 33c yard. Any and all ribbons not men- tioned in above lots on special sale at from 20 per cent to 25 per cent reductions. See display in window on Riverside avenue. THE SPOKANE PRESS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1903. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTROLYSIS ? MOLES, WHIM kles, blackheads, superfluous liulr, etc., permanently removed. Thin or gray hair corrected or restored. Manicuring. N. V. Blectro-Thera- peutic Co., 402-3 Mohawk blk. Tel. B. 1871. THE THEIL DETECTIVE SERVICE Co. We do a general detective bus- iness in all parts of l ulled Stales and Canada. Spokane office, 415 Empire Stale building. W. S. Swain, manager, Day phone, Bed 3671. Night phone. Front 31. 1217 SFOFFORD AVENUE FOR sub. $1050; easy payments; three room house and lot in MUSSy'S Bd- dltlon; fine registered Jersey cows for s.vie. John R. Price, ;!14 Trad- ers' block. The sloanc=Paine Co. Strawberries, Mr\m per box *tUC (irant Queen olives, aa. quart OUC Medium Queen olives, as quart wOC Stuffed en olives OUC AH incomplete line of hljih grade baskets offered at great reduction. Feather dusters, , fift « to OUC J. 11. F. apricots OC regular (to; specisj s»OC Runt's Baking Powder? Half pound, regular 20c; 4 m speolal IOC One pound, regular 40c; aa special OUC m pounds, regular 76c; Ag special DOC TEA. ITncolored Japan, regular 60c special 42'jc English Brsskfssti regular 60c; special 43V*e Formosa Oolong, regular 60c; special , 4S>, c COFFEE. Java and Mocha, «? regular StO| special OUC Java and Maraeaibo, »a regular 26c; special CUC Special Blend, regular 20c, * ? special I OC WINES. Ashland Club whisky, gallon... .SI.OO California claret, quart 35c regu- lar; special' 30c Hock, pints and quarts 10c, 20c Retsllng, pints and quarts,., ,15c, 25c > MEATS. Bugar l ined hum 16c Come beef, choice IOC, 8c .Mutton stew 6c PHONE EXCHANGE 9. HOT WEATHER will soon be here. Why not place your order for a Gas Cooking' Range? Do you want to make a trial? We will put one in on 30 days' trial without charge. SpoKane Gas Co. 806-808 Sprague Aye. THE PEOPLE'S AUCTION XOUBB, DON'T FORGET! that the Retail ClerhY Union have an entertain- ment, Musical and Liter- ary, with.... A DANCE TONIGHT .1 Apfel, proprietor. New and sec- ond hand goods. Bought, sold and exchanged. 020 Riverside avenue. Phone Blue CC9. LOST OR STOLEN ? LADIES' ftlimbler bicycle. No. tt.ttO; li- cense Ko. 2557; Christie sn'ddtl : hand brake; reword if returned to SI 2 Post street. FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE* - Farms, city property grocery stocks and Hocks "f general Merchandise. S. i us. Miller A Logan, The Pey- ton. NEW FIRM, RELIABLE PRIVATE loans school section, furniture, pianos: rates on good security; no commission or delay, tit> Jamitson. at the Fraternal Brotherhood hall. Fine prize* to be given. Every clerk In Bpokane is specially urged to he present. Tickets, BO cents. Washington BricK, Lime ft Mfg. Co. White Lime AND CLAY PRODUCTS. First and Stevens, SpoKane. | Complete Line of Supplies to Out- fit Barber Shops at the Lowest Prices... Raiors hollow ground and honed. Large stock razors, shears, pocket inlvce, strops, brushes, soap and ihaviug outiits. Barber supplies and furniture. MOSS BARBER SUPPLY HOUSE Wholesale nod Retail Supplies. Phone Black 2451. HIT Sin ague Aye., Spokane. Wash. BUST PEOPLE: Instruction ut tliu Waltou School of Expression will rewurd yuu with strong cyca. full, melodious voices, clear, active brains and a magnetic personality. The catalogue will tell you about It. Leo Walton, director. Auditorium block, Spokane, Wash. 1 UIDIT SlCf TWO SPECIAL VALUES In Bedroom Suites With square glass dresser end washstand to match "With chcval dresser and washstand to match $16.50 $17.50 These suites are made of seasoned maple with n good golden glass finish, bevel plate mirrors and good brass hardware. EASY PAYMENTS. EASY PAYMENTS. PURE GOODS AND PROMPT DELIVERY Rush orders delivered by Electrobile, the only one in city. No Extra Charge, 1 )c allowed for 1-gallon Jug's. 10c ?' " 1-2 gallon Bott'es. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE, SUM IMAL WEAK- NESS, LOST VITALITY, GONORRHOEA. SYPHI- LIS and all PRIVATE DISEASES and WEAK- NESSES CURED TO STAY CURED. No pain or letentlon from business. Our famous Solvent dis- solves Stricture In IK days. No ki tfe and no pain. Latest Improved trent:ne.,t for diseases peculiar to women. No mineral poisons used. We glvo written guarantee to cure with every case accepted. Call or write. Home treatment always successful. Con- sulfation free. Office hours 9 a ni to Bp. m. Sun- days 10 to t. Send letters to P. O. Box «44. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. BLOOD POISON )fflcea In the Savoy, Bennett Block, Corner Main Aye. nnd Howard St, Op- posite Orand Hotel, Bpokane. Wash. The Appearance of Your Home... depends lareely on lmw well tiie ma- terial is manufactured. We use tin. best grades and give every altentlon to the making of our doors, windows anil mtllwork, Which are strictly up to grade. Washington Mill Co. Phono Exchange 10. B. P. Oartisr Tan Dissel, Manager. Tel. Main 441. P. O. Box 1831. The Saw Mill Phoenix lour Arms full of groceries for almost nothing at the Sterling today. We will sell: llest Rurbank potatoes, ? per 100-pound sack ... i4v per sad; 1.00 Lest tanoy eastern dan hams, pei pound all Solid packed tomatoes, 4fi per call aIU Pint hottie ammonia, t\c per bottle aUd Bast Mocha and .lava Ofi' coffee (bulk), per lb....a**U Very line spider leg tea, Cft per pound aOU We are agents for the fancy "Meadow Brook" orsamery butter of Ninth Yakima. Wash. Same on OC sale for, per pound ewO GET OUR PRICES OR OTHER HOOr.S. Manufacturers of Lumber, Lath, Mill WorK, Doors and Sash. \u25a0or and Hank rixtorss a Specialty. Spokane, Wash. The Sterling, Tel. Main 122. 905 Sprague HOYT RROS. TAXXORXHQ CO. The Best Prices For 10 days set f isfga assort- ment nf $27.50 patterns toi sulta, Bpeclal discount Also see. our k|o< Klbblns lutt?the latest. Another one nf our huh riuiis jusi starting; ti per week. Til. K. is 11. 0703 Alou- roe street ' Bade on tree spraying materia.) und rot spray end n tutrrol poison by iiio Steiner Drug Company, UliO!*

The Spokane press (Spokane, Wash.) 1903-04-29 [p 4] · experiences during the past two wo.-ks. and was at a

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Page 1: The Spokane press (Spokane, Wash.) 1903-04-29 [p 4] · experiences during the past two wo.-ks. and was at a



TTKRT.IN. April i9.? Die Informa-tion today reports that the sultan re-cently summoned the Kurdish chiefsin Asia Minor to Constantinople andInstructed them to recommence theArmenian massacres, which causedsuch a sensation in the civilized worldnix years ago.

Abdul's Idea, the paper assert.-,

that bloodshed on a largo scale iii

Armenia Would distract attentionfrom Macedonia and relieve the press*tire in European Turkey. Armenianmassacres, the paper's correspondentsays, have already occurred in thedistricts of Van Vasptiatai.. Mushand Bassum.

In s fight near Van the Armeniansfought the Kurds fiercely, with thoresult that 200 were killed and sev-eral hundred wounded. The majorityof the casualtb'p were among the

[Kurds. The Armenian fugitives cross-ed the Russian frontier, pursued by

. Turkish cavalry. The Turks con-tinued the pursuit over the borderfront. Guards ralssp an siarm and

resrlmcnl of CosaacM appeared andfired on Hie Turks and after g briefen counter the Turks retreated.

A local AnsdlgST-s correspondentalso repoits Ilie encounter and says

a Turkish officer and six of his menwere killed.


PORTLAND. Ore, April 2!> ?

Mayor William! has MM a communlication to the executive committee* ofthe Master Painters' association andthe Master Builders' association, urg-ing; them to accept the peace proposalmade bf the strikers.

The members of the buildingtrades unions have carried out theplan inaugurated last Friday nightnt the mass meeting, bo far as it isin their power to do so; and now itrests with the Waaler painters andmaster builders to do the rest. Thisis practically the situation after theaction taki n by the Building Tradescouncil and the resultant action by

the president of that body-anil Mayor

Williams, as expressed In the com-munication of that official to the em-ployers.

As yet there has been no actiontaken by the contracting painters andbuilders, and not a word will be saidas to what the action is likely to bewhen the matter Is finally taken up.

By some of the representatives ofthe trades council, and Others whoare Interested In the labor question,it whs thought to be a wise idea ifthe council would accept the five menproponed by the painting and buildingcontractors, and name five others, andISi tfiese 10 men choose the eleventh,

making the beard eleven Instead ofseven, ns at first proposed.

Does Not BelieveHe Attempted Suicide.

Ed Cahjttl of Tyler, Who was re-moved from the Sacred Heart hospi-

tal to the city Jail t" finish treatmentfor delirium tremens, and to have a

Ftab wound healed that he inflicted

while suffering from tiie attack, wasdischarged today,

Caliill remembers nothing of hisexperiences during the past twowo.-ks. and was at a ti. accountfor the wound in his side or for hisbeing In jail. He did not believe theofficers wh'-n' they told him that liebad tried to kill himself on Hang-man creek while imagining thai an

army of farmers had gathered abouthim with the intention of buryinghim alive.

Englishman WinsAn American Bride.

.LONDON" April It.?FashionableSociety, Including a large number oftiie American colony in Loudon, waswell represented today at the wed-ding of Miss Mary Kuhn of Phila-delphia and Roland Hunter HutleyGordon.

'flip, hi ide is the daughter of Mrs.Chsrles Kuhn of Philadelphia and iswell Shown socially ill that city andalso in New York. The bridegroom

is a cousin of the marquis of Huntley.

American Jockey Wins.

LONDON. April 29. ?Rocksund. anEnglish horse, Willi Skeets Martinup, Won the Newmarket derby today.

The race carries a purse of $15,000.There were 11 entries.

MVSQETT AT HIS OFFICE.County Treasurer Ifudgett has so

far recovered from his recent two

weeks' IllneaS as to be able tit beabout, and appeared at his office inthe courthouse for a short time thisafternoon.

DISCHARGED BY COURT.H. Solo lineman was today dis-

charged by Judge Kennan as admin-istrator of the estate of John Herlng.

Named Administrator.Judge Kennan today issued special

letters of administration to D. K. Mc-Donald on the estate of Clinics 11.Chambers, who died in this city onApril 27.

Relic chambers and Glenn Halfhlll,widow and stepson of the deceased,asked for the appointment, The es-tate is valued at $4500 in cash andreal estate.

RUNAWAY HORSE KILLED.A horse owned by a Sprague avenue

grocer and attached to a deliverywagun was so badly Injured In a run-away at Second avenue and Stevensstreet yesterday that it was shot byCaptain McCiciiun of the Humane so-ciety.

| HEARING SET TOR MAY 13.a hearing on the petition of Alex-

ander Turnhtll for letters of admin-istration of tin ostato of Jolin An-derson, deceased, will bo hail In thoequity division of the superior courton Tuesday, May 11.

I CONTINUES DIVORCE HEARING.In the divorce Bull of Anna Glinde-

man against John Gllndemsn, JudgeKonnan today granted a continuanceto May 2.

City News.

Phil Aspinwall has gone to Seattlefor a brief visit.

P. M. Rothrook, a Wallace (Idaho)

mining broker, is in the city.

Dr. La Beau of Nelson. li. C, isin the city, the guest of Dr, It I*Tho msen.

Lee Nichols Is in Stevens county

I with a party of easterners, who are(\u25a0losing deals for farm lands.

Edward Roberts, a Wallace min-ing man, is in town, and intends pur-chasing farming property near here,

Charles W. Mcßcun. has returnedhome from a six months' course at

the Northwestern Dental college inChicago.

W. J. Collins, formerly a news-

paper man of Spokane, but recentlylof Seattle, is planning to leave short-ly for Alaska, where he expects tovisit some of the mining camps.

Charles Cord has gone east for a

prolonged visit.





Local Markets.Prices Paid to Producers.

Eastern Markets.




Seattle 9 3 750Los AJigebs 7 5 (81

San Francisco 7 ti 538Spokane 6 ('? 500

Helena « t 500Tacoma t 7 417Butte 5 P " s <

Portland 4 t> 333? _


Goldsmith Maid to a world's recordof L': 17. which she finally reduced to2:14. Rplan came next in order withRanis, whose mark was 2:13-V Lateron "Coble again broke into tiie cham-pionship class with Nancy Hanks.

Who in a single year reduced her ownworld's record of 2:o7<i to 2:04.

The Bpokane Bluee took the firstfarm (ron the Tigers el Tacoma yes-terday. It was a good game end cameto the Inlanders by a margin of only

una run. Score: R. H. E.Spokane 5 10 2

Tueoma 4 I 1

At Seattle yesterday the Clamdig-

gers landed the boys with the united

loes in a game marked by particular-ly fast field work. Score:

R. 11 E.Beattle 4 « 3Portland 3 10 S

The Angels, on their home grounds,

won from San Francisco yesterday Ina pitchers' battle. Hut one run

crossed the plate. The lone run camein the seventh. Score: Ft 11. E.

Angeles 1 8 2

San rrancison 0 6 1The two treasure state clubs met

on the San PrenoiSCO grounds yes-terday and the Senators succeededin shutting out the raining camp or-phans. Score: R. H. B.Helena 3 7 1Butte 0 5 I


Huuu Doble ><>><l John Splun. train- |era and driver* of light harness eham- \u25a0pious, and bosom friend*, will return |to tbe sulky thla year, each behinda horau thai In expected to

tbecome a |

champion. Doble will drive Kininy

t>oU< by McKlnney, and Bplan will \u25a0handle the reins over 81-Flora, by j

Kxpouil lon.Doble, in years past, drove thro,

champions to their records, whll<ftphin drove one. Doble started his

honor winning In 18*7 with Dcxtei.

wl>o came in as » ehainpion with a Imark of IMB wnd lowered It ' 11

f:I7V Then Doble brought along i






John Grundy. New York; li. J. \Walsh, Tacoma; O. J. Moaiiur andwife. Brooklyn, n. v ; ii. Cote, Port-land; QcorgS 11 Rogers, Minneapolis;

C. B. Grc. n. Hamilton. N. D.; ft, C,Aiken, Seattle; L. A. Soallicld, NewYork; J. S. Warrock. Philadelphia;Fred I.eweuthal, New York; R. F.Brandon, Boston; John Nathan, NewYork; t. s. Kurd, Seattle; w Q,Pearce. Chicago; T. 8. West. Port-land; George M. Desks, St. Paul; H.Wittenberg, Portland.

1.. F. Baiiman, Tucson. A. T.: Mm-ma .1. Shift Lake Helen. Fla . 11. .1.Whitney, Davenport; Delta I. Harris.Bprlngdsle; Mrs. I S. Clark, SpriiiK-daie; John Msrkey, Wilbur; a. v.Ragsdale, Denver; O, B. Beatty, Hele-na; g. v. Relfel, Cleveland; HenryKiddle ami wife, Cincinnati; H I.

Dickinson and wile Dickinson, N. D.;Mrs. t. Hench, Pali-field.

V.. S. Brooks. Denver; George. W.Johnson, Newport; 3. H. Long. New-port; B. I.yon and wife. Dei Moines;

B. O. Klllen, Northport; A. R Crush,Chicago; Mrs. W. Buck, Odessa; I. J.Dyer, Moab; B. H. l.arrabee and wife,

North Yakima; A. 1.. Gates. Seattle;V. W. Lawrence, BUti .lean Chew, iCoulee City; J. J. McAllister anil ,


A. B. Snyder, San Francisco; M. E.\u25a0tsnsell, Rice, Wash.; Henry Ihrlg,Wallace, Idaho; Hal Henderson. GreatFalls; W. H. Weston, Seattle; ThomasNeary, Kalispell; 75. W. Burrows,Rockford; F. W. Merrltt, Helena; C.H. Adair, Burlington, la.

Building is Condemned.

The three-story brick building at

the corner of Cincinnati avenue andOlive street was condemned today on

account of lar#e cracks appearing inthe walls, owing to the decayedlintels.

Tiie building is owned by o. it.Bennett and is mortgaged to tiieWashington Trust company.

Offers $6,000,000for Oil Property.

r.\RKi:nsncßo, w. Va? April 20.

?A French syndicate, which recent-ly purchased a large block of oil

lands near Lima. Is now negotiatingfor territory In the vicinity for whichIt offers to pay $0,000,000 in cash.

Wheat, per bushel, club and red.65c; bluestem, 70c; barley, per ton,121; oats, per ton, $34; timothy hay,

'per ton, 313; potatoes, per cwt., 35c;onions per cwt., &o®6oc; ranch but-ter, per pound, 15(Ji'2uc; eggs, fresh,per case, $&*g-5.R0; dry picked tur-keys, per lb., 18c; allvo, per lb., lie;scalded geese, per lb., 14c; alive, per

I olive, per lb., He; scalded hens andlarge yellow chickens, per lb., 14c;alive, per lb., ISc.

Livestock?Cows, on foot, 3',<ifi4c;dressed, THo; steers, on foot. P,i9

taic; dressed, lie; sheep on foot,

ISinOI dressed, 9c; hogs. Oil foot,7©7Hc; dressed, lofillo; calves, 10c

As reported by the Coe Commission


Wheat? Opening. Closing

May $0.74 % $0.74 tyJuly 71% ,71Va

Corn?May 421/4 .42U

I July 44>i .44%! Oats?I May 33 V. .83I July 31 % .31 Vi

Pork-May 17.50 17.97July li;.<' 2 17.12

Gr@<Slft Sußcb©ffooo


Our petticoat muriness this seasonhas been phenomenal. We aro chow-liik the greatest variety and the I* st

values over soon hero,

So thnt tho stock even now

offers double the assortment yov

have previous to this season beei

accustomed to see.

To reduce the Mock and to

still further popularize this de- ?

partment of our business we n

have planned a great threedays' sale.

May T4*4 .71[July 74 N -74',a

Do you need some money to helpiin your building or to take up an

old mortgage? If so. the Mechanics'j Loan & Trust company, 503 Rookery,will be glad to accommodate you.Liberal terms and no delay.

riTZGEKALD DEFEATED..Toe Fitzgerald disappointed his

friends last night In Ills showingagainst Jim Burrows at the Spokanetheater. He did occasional spurts ofclean blocking, but his footwork waspoor at times. His unquestionablegrit was his redeeming feature andhe took tiu' best that Burrows couldgive him without at any time show-ing a disposition to run away, al-though lie took advantage of theclinch rnanj times to save himself.

Filz went down for the count inthe fifth and seventh rounds, but itwas apparent that he did It more fora breathing spell th an because of be-ing in (listless. Burrows was alsolacking In a punch, and the swing

that sent Fits down and out in thetenth would not have floored the Pie-man in the early stages of the con-

test. The bout gave general satis-faction.

The were out of lucklast night. While "our Joe" was be-ing landed on by Jim Burrows inSpokane, his namesake. Willie Fitz-gerald, was allowing Jimmy Brltt toscore points ON him In the San Fran-cisco. The latter, however, went thelimit of the 10-round go and, al-though (oslng tin' decision, wasStrong enough In the final round tofloor his antagonist. It was one ofthe best tights put up in San Francis-co for a long time.

Vtat is the Good

The Klk baseball team will play atKcardan on Sunday May 10,

It Is possible that Spokane WallaWalla and Pullman will organise sthroe-town liish school circuit.

Nest Thursday a tennis tourna-

ment Will be held on the high Schoolgrounds,

,\t a nesting of the uiaii SchoolAthletic aSFociation held last night

it whs given out that SuperintendentSavior has granted a half holiday fornest Standsy afternoon and it was de-cided to devote (hut time to laid dayathletics.

The lujtti seined basket ball teamwill pl.i.i J it five 'Oi the high schoolcourt tomorrow afternoon

of buying- cheap if yon are dissatis-

fied with the purchase in a short

time. True economy is exercised inbuying a thing that pleases you until

it is worn out. Our ready-to-wear

clothing is of this character. Onesuit makes a regular customer of thebuyer. Pricesfrom $10 to $30

Wentworth Clothing Co.,Reliable. 709-711 Riverside.


WHiTEHOUSEfoDDY GOODS \j'/»/vit/?s//>iriAirjo how

RIBBONS Greatest annual springsale of Ribbons ever in-augurated in tHis city.

Don't miss it. .An opportunity of a life.Every piece of ribbon in stork at reduced price. Most beautiful

assortment of fancy ribbons In the city. Largest and most com-plete line of plain ribbons shown. Lot ire slock on special sale. Forconvenience of customers during this sale we have divided the rib-bons Into six lots und arranged them on tables as follows:

Lot Wo. I?Consists of a beauti-ful line of wash ribbons, taffetaand satin ribbons. In all colors.Widths Nos. 2 and 5; regular prices

"7c and 8c yard. Special sale price,4c yard.

Lot. Wo. 3?Handsome line ofplain taffetas, plain satins, in allcolors and shades, also beautifulline of fancy embroidered dottedribbon, Nos. 5. 7 and 9; regularprices. 10c and 12 Vie yard. Spe-cial sale price. 7c yard.

Lot Wo. 3?This lot consists ofthe most beautiful satin ribbons,

taffeta ribbons, satin taffetas,

three, four and five inches wide,

every color and shade; worth reg-

ularly 15c and 200 yard. Specialsale price, 11c yard.

Lot Wo. 4?Plain and fancy rib-bons, four and live inches wide,

satins, taffetas and satin taffeta

Asks Foreclosureand Sale of Realty, j

Deck ft. Welt, in a complaint filed

In the superior court, alleges that on

September It, isos, &harlot l. Mje-hTensle executed to him a promissory

note for 18000, payable In five years

witli Interest at the rate of 10 per

cent per annum and I per cent amonth after maturity, securing thesame by a mortgage on certain jrealty.

Pnymenl of Interest upon the note

is acknowledged up to September, j1900, hot no oilier payment of either IInterest or principal, it is alleged, \u25a0was made after that dale. Other de-fendants are named lq the suit and:Hi, plaintiff demands foreclosure andthe sale of the mortgaged premises ,to satisfy tile claims.


SUITE MADS TO ORDER, $18 ANDupwards; guaranteed to nt, unionmade' suits sponged end pressed,75c. Js| Division st. Phone E. .1R:II.


real estate at 5 to 6 per cent per

anuu'n. Arthur D. Jones A Co..Empire State building.

FOE SALE?3TEAHE SAVf, 8 HOR~Eboiler with f. horie uuloinstlc en-glue. B?*lnch law. new outfit. T.H. Ctobson, llirtygrd.

BtXdttait t CO., rvinSß&S Dltrectors, 92» Sprague, Tel. Main 101,

ribbons, also fancy hand embroid-ered dotted ribbon, 4 M incheswide; worth regularly 2Be and 30cyard. Special sale price, 17c.

Lot No. S?Consists of ribbonsof all tiie best grades, Includingfancy plaids, clots, figures andstripes. Also a beautiful line ofplain ribbons in all colors, widths4. B, 0 and 7 Indies and regularvalues 35c. Special sale price. 230yard.

Lot Wo. 6?Consists of the verybest ribbons in stock, plain andfancy, five, six and up to nineinches wide; worth regularly 50cand fine yard. On special sale at33c yard.

Any and all ribbons not men-tioned in above lots on special saleat from 20 per cent to 25 per centreductions. See display in windowon Riverside avenue.



ELECTROLYSIS ? MOLES, WHIMkles, blackheads, superfluous liulr,etc., permanently removed. Thin orgray hair corrected or restored.Manicuring. N. V. Blectro-Thera-peutic Co., 402-3 Mohawk blk. Tel.B. 1871.

THE THEIL DETECTIVE SERVICECo. We do a general detective bus-iness in all parts of l ulled Stalesand Canada. Spokane office, 415Empire Stale building. W. S.Swain, manager, Day phone, Bed3671. Night phone. Front 31.

1217 SFOFFORD AVENUE FORsub. $1050; easy payments; threeroom house and lot in MUSSy'S Bd-dltlon; fine registered Jersey cowsfor s.vie. John R. Price, ;!14 Trad-ers' block.

The sloanc=Paine Co.Strawberries, Mr\m

per box *tUC(irant Queen olives, aa.

quart OUCMedium Queen olives, as

quart wOCStuffed enolives OUC

AH incomplete line of hljih gradebaskets offered at great reduction.

Feather dusters, , fift« to OUC

J. 11. F. apricots OCregular (to; specisj s»OC

Runt's Baking Powder?

Half pound, regular 20c; 4 mspeolal IOC

One pound, regular 40c; aaspecial OUC

m pounds, regular 76c; Agspecial DOC

TEA.ITncolored Japan, regular 60c

special 42'jc

English Brsskfssti regular 60c;special 43V*e

Formosa Oolong, regular 60c;special , 4S>, c

COFFEE.Java and Mocha, «?

regular StO| special OUCJava and Maraeaibo, »a

regular 26c; special CUCSpecial Blend, regular 20c, * ?

special I OC

WINES.Ashland Club whisky, gallon... .SI.OOCalifornia claret, quart 35c regu-

lar; special' 30cHock, pints and quarts 10c, 20cRetsllng, pints and quarts,., ,15c, 25c >

MEATS.Bugar l ined hum 16cCome beef, choice IOC, 8c

.Mutton stew 6c



will soon be here.Why not placeyour orderfor a

Gas Cooking'Range?

Do you want to makea trial? We will putone in on 30 days' trialwithout charge.

SpoKane Gas Co.806-808 Sprague Aye.



that the Retail ClerhYUnion have an entertain-ment, Musical and Liter-ary, with....


.1 Apfel, proprietor. New and sec-ond hand goods. Bought, sold andexchanged. 020 Riverside avenue.Phone Blue CC9.

LOST OR STOLEN ? LADIES'ftlimbler bicycle. No. tt.ttO; li-cense Ko. 2557; Christie sn'ddtl :

hand brake; reword if returned to

SI 2 Post street.


Farms, city property grocery stocksand Hocks "f general Merchandise.S. i us. Miller A Logan, The Pey-


NEW FIRM, RELIABLE PRIVATEloans school section, furniture,pianos: rates on good security; nocommission or delay, tit> Jamitson.

at the Fraternal Brotherhood hall.Fine prize* to be given.

Every clerk In Bpokane is speciallyurged to he present.

Tickets, BO cents.

WashingtonBricK, Lime ft Mfg. Co.

White LimeAND


First and Stevens, SpoKane. |

Complete Line of Supplies to Out-fit Barber Shops at the LowestPrices...

Raiors hollow ground and honed.Large stock razors, shears, pocketinlvce, strops, brushes, soap andihaviug outiits. Barber supplies andfurniture.

MOSS BARBER SUPPLY HOUSEWholesale nod Retail Supplies.

Phone Black 2451.HIT Sin ague Aye., Spokane. Wash.

BUST PEOPLE:Instruction ut tliu Waltou School of

Expression will rewurd yuu withstrong cyca. full, melodious voices,clear, active brains and a magnetic

personality. The catalogue will tellyou about It. Leo Walton, director.Auditorium block, Spokane, Wash.


TWO SPECIAL VALUESIn Bedroom SuitesWith square glass dresser end

washstand to match

"With chcval dresser and washstandto match


These suites are made of seasoned maple with n good golden glass

finish, bevel plate mirrors and good brass hardware.




Rush orders delivered byElectrobile, the only onein city. No Extra Charge,

1 )c allowed for 1-gallon Jug's.10c ?' " 1-2 gallon Bott'es.

VARICOCELE HYDROCELE, SUM IMAL WEAK-NESS, LOST VITALITY,GONORRHOEA. SYPHI-LIS and all PRIVATE DISEASES and WEAK-NESSES CURED TO STAY CURED. No pain orletentlon from business. Our famous Solvent dis-solves Stricture In IK days. No ki tfe and no pain.Latest Improved trent:ne.,t for diseases peculiar towomen. No mineral poisons used. We glvo writtenguarantee to cure with every case accepted. Callor write. Home treatment always successful. Con-sulfation free. Office hours 9 a ni to Bp. m. Sun-days 10 to t. Send letters to P. O. Box «44.



)fflcea In the Savoy, Bennett Block, Corner Main Aye. nnd Howard St, Op-posite Orand Hotel, Bpokane. Wash.

The Appearance ofYour Home...

depends lareely on lmw well tiie ma-terial is manufactured.

We use tin. best grades and give

every altentlon to the making of ourdoors, windows anil mtllwork, Whichare strictly up to grade.

Washington Mill Co.Phono Exchange 10.

B. P. Oartisr Tan Dissel, Manager.

Tel. Main 441. P. O. Box 1831.

The Saw MillPhoenix

lour Armsfull of groceries for almost

nothing at the Sterling today.

We will sell:

llest Rurbank potatoes, ?

per 100-pound sack ... i4v

per sad; 1.00Lest tanoy eastern dan

hams, pei pound allSolid packed tomatoes, 4fi

per call aIUPint hottie ammonia, t\c

per bottle aUdBast Mocha and .lava Ofi'

coffee (bulk), per lb....a**UVery line spider leg tea, Cft

per pound aOUWe are agents for the fancy

"Meadow Brook" orsamerybutter of Ninth Yakima.Wash. Same on OCsale for, per pound ewO



Manufacturers of

Lumber, Lath, MillWorK,

Doors and Sash.\u25a0or and Hank rixtorss a Specialty.

Spokane, Wash.

The Sterling,Tel. Main 122. 905 Sprague


For 10 days set f isfga assort-

ment nf $27.50 patterns toi sulta,Bpeclal discount Also see. our k|o<Klbblns lutt?the latest. Another onenf our huh riuiis jusi starting; tiper week. Til. K. is 11. 0703 Alou-roe street '

Bade on tree spraying materia.) undrot spray end n tutrrol poison by iiio

Steiner Drug Company,UliO!*