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The solar system

The solar system

Jan 21, 2016




The solar system. The Hitch-Hikers guide to the Solar System. In this Presentation there will be information about the nine planets, meteors, moons, comets and other interesting sights of our solar system. The Sun. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: The solar system

The solar system

Page 2: The solar system

The Hitch-Hikers guide to the Solar

System.In this Presentation there will be information about the nine planets, meteors, moons, comets and other interesting sights of our solar system.

Page 3: The solar system

The Sun

Period of Rotation 25-36 Earth Days

Radius: 695,000 km

Mass: 1.989e+30 kg

Major Atmospheric Gas: Hydrogen

Average temperature: 6,000 degrees Celsius

The heat of this star repels all but the hardiest holidaymakers. Sun block is a must although if you don’t put on enough you will most definitely be incinerated. Factor 2 million is recommended or factor 5 million for more sensitive skins. Careful when passing through the corona - temperatures soar to a few million degrees C there!

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Position: Closest to SunDistance from Sun: 57,910,000 kmMercury Day: 58.65 Earth DaysMercury Year: 87.97 Earth DaysOrbital Speed: 47.8 km/secEccentricity of Orbit: 0.206Satellites: NoneDiameter: 4,878 kmMass: 3.30e23 kg

With a temperature of up to 450 degrees in daylight, Visiting Mercury in peak season, you will need, extra extra strong sun block, protection 1 million.

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Position: Second from SunDistance from Sun: 108,200,000 km (.72 AU)Venus Day: 243 Earth DaysVenus Year: 224.7 Earth DaysOrbital Speed: 35 km/secEccentricity of Orbit: 0.007Satellites: NoneDiameter: 12,100 kmMass: 4.869e24 kgMajor Atmospheric Gas: Carbon Dioxide

With clouds filled with Sulphuric acid you should not carry any limestone on you, therefore make sure umbrellas and good shelter will help you with a not very enjoyable holiday in a hotter planet then Mercury. Beware of the power of pressure Or your hopes for a perfect holiday will be crushed.

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As you may or may not know of the Earth’s statistics, here are a few to get your brains racing, which are over on the other side.

If you are a holiday maker visiting Earth be in disguise if you don’t want to be experimented on, and also do not come here if you are allergic to nitrogen, oxygen or hydrogen.

Position Third from the SunDistance from Sun: 149,600,000 kmEarth Day: 24 hoursEarth Year: 365 Earth DaysOrbital Speed: 29.8 km/secEccentricity of Orbit: 0.017Satellites: 1Diameter: 12,756 kmMass: 5.976e24 kgMajor Atmospheric Gas: Nitrogen

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The MoonIt takes the moon 1 moonth or month to orbit our Earth, it is pulled by the earth’s gravity and has 1 fifth of the the earth’s gravitational pull.

The moon has some beautiful sites, with the Apollo sites and the sea of tranquillity, but don’t bring a costume because you might dive into nothing!

Page 8: The solar system

MarsIf you are an Earthling then the safest planet to visit Mars.

The red planet provide some great places for having a picnic on Mt. Olympus.

Position: Fourth from Sun

Distance from Sun: 227,940,000 km

Mars Day: 24.6 Earth Hours

Mars Year: 686.98 Earth Days

Orbital Speed: 24.2 km/sec

Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.093

Satellites: Two Diameter: 6,794 km

Mass: 6.4219e23 kg M

ajor Atmospheric Gas: Carbon Dioxide

Page 9: The solar system

Moons of Mars

Phobos and Deimos are the two moons of Mars. They are:

Phobos Deimos

Page 10: The solar system

JupiterIf you are mad enough to visit Jupiter make sure you wrap up warm.

The temperature is way below 0 and the frost bite is a killer.

Position: Fifth from SunDistance from Sun: 778,330,000 kmJupiter Day: 9.8 Earth Hours Jupiter Year: 11.9 Earth YearsOrbital Speed: 13.1 km/sec Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.0483Satellites: 16 (plus Rings)Equatorial Diameter: 142,984 kmPolar Diameter: 133,708 kmMass: 1.900e27 kgMajor Atmospheric Gas: Hydrogen

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Moons of JupiterSatellite

Year ofDiscovery


OrbitalRadius (Km)


Period (days)Inclination

(°)Metis 1979 40 128 000 0.0 0.29 0.0Adrastea 1979 25 x 20 x 15 129 000 0.0 0.30 0.0Amalthea 1892 270 x 165 x 150 181 000 0.003 0.50 0.40Thebe 1979 110 x 90 222 000 0.015 0.67 0.8Io 1610 3660 x 3637 x 3631 422 000 0.004 1.77 0.04Europa 1610 3 138 671 000 0.009 3.55 0.47Ganymede 1610 5 262 1 070 000 0.002 7.15 0.21Callisto 1610 4 800 1 883 000 0.007 16.69 0.51Leda 1974 16 11 094 000 0.148 238.72 26.07Himalia 1904 186 11 480 000 0.158 250.57 27.63Lysithea 1938 36 11 720 000 0.107 259.22 29.02Elara 1905 76 11 737 000 0.207 259.65 24.77Ananke 1951 30 21 200 000 0.169 631 R 147Carme 1938 40 22 600 000 0.207 696 R 164Pasiphae 1908 50 23 500 000 0.378 735 R 145Sinope 1914 36 23 700 000 0.275 758 R 153

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Saturn will be a bit bracing when you reach the icy exterior, the ring around it will severely damage your ship if you go through it but no-one is that dumb.

Position: Sixth from Sun

Distance from Sun: 1,427 million km

Saturn Day: 10 hours, 14 minutes

Saturn Year: 29.5 Earth Years

Orbital Speed: 9.7 km/sec

Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.056

Satellites: 18 (plus rings)

Equatorial Diameter: 120,536 km

Polar Diameter: 108,728 km

Mass: 5.688e26 kg

Major Atmospheric Gas: Hydrogen

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Moons of SaturnSatellite

Year ofDiscovery


OrbitalRadius (Km)


Period (days)Inclination

(°)Pan 1991 20 134 000 ? 0.58 ?Atlas 1980 37 ´ 34 ´ 27 138 000 0.002 0.60 0.30Prometheus 1980 148 ´ 100 ´ 68 139 000 0.003 0.61 0.00Pandora 1980 110 ´ 88 ´ 62 142 000 0.004 0.63 0.10Epimetheus 1978 194 ´ 190 ´ 154 151 000 0.009 0.69 0.34Janus 1978 276 ´ 220 ´ 160 151 000 0.007 0.69 0.14Mimas 1789 421 ´ 395 ´ 385 186 000 0.020 0.94 1.50Enceladus 1789 512 ´ 495 ´ 488 238 000 0.005 1.37 0.02Tethys 1684 1 050 295 000 0.000 1.89 1.86Telesto 1980 34 ´ 28 ´ 26 295 000 0.000 1.89 2.00Calypso 1980 34 ´ 22 ´ 22 295 000 0.000 1.89 2.00Dione 1684 1 120 377 000 0.002 2.74 0.02Helene 1980 36 ´ 32 ´ 30 377 000 0.005 2.74 0.20Rhea 1672 1 530 527 000 0.001 4.52 0.35Titan 1655 5 150 1 222 000 0.029 15.95 0.33Hyperion 1848 405 ´ 260 ´ 220 1 481 000 0.104 21.28 0.43Iapetus 1671 1 440 3 561 000 0.028 79.33 14.72Phoebe 1898 230 ´ 220 ´ 210 12 952 000 0.163 550.48 R 175.30

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Position: Seventh from Sun

Distance from Sun: 2,870,990,000 km

Uranus Day: .72 Earth Days

Uranus Year: 84.01 Earth Years

Orbital Speed: 6.6 km/sec

Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.047

Satellites: 15 (plus rings)

Diameter: 51,800 km

Mass: 8.686e25 kg

Major Atmospheric Gas: Hydrogen

Uranus is a nice place to visit when you’ve got right equipment. The planet itself does have some interesting views.

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Moons of UranusSatellite

Year ofDiscovery


OrbitalRadius (Km)


Period (days)Inclination

(°)Cordelia 1986 26 50 000 < 0.001 0.34 0.10Ophelia 1986 30 54 000 0.010 0.38 0.10Bianca 1986 42 59 000 < 0.001 0.43 0.20Cressida 1986 62 62 000 < 0.001 0.46 0.00Desdemona 1986 54 63 000 < 0.001 0.47 0.20Juliet 1986 84 64 000 < 0.001 0.49 0.10Portia 1986 108 66 000 < 0.001 0.51 0.10Rosalind 1986 54 70 000 < 0.001 0.56 0.30Belinda 1986 66 75 000 < 0.001 0.62 0.00Puck 1985 154 86 000 < 0.001 0.76 0.31Miranda 1948 472 129 000 0.003 1.41 4.20Ariel 1851 1 158 191 000 0.003 2.52 0.30Umbriel 1851 1 172 266 000 0.005 4.14 0.36Titania 1787 1 580 436 000 0.002 8.71 0.14Oberon 1787 1 524 583 000 0.001 13.46 0.10Caliban 1997 37 - 60 7 200 000 nearly circular 1.6y R 40Sycorax 1997 60 - 120 6 - 18 000 000 very high 3.5y R high

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NeptunePosition: Eighth from Sun

Distance from Sun: 4,504,000,000 km (30.06 AU)

Neptune Day: 0.75 Earth Days

Neptune Year: 164.83 Earth Years

Orbital Speed: 5.4 km/sec

Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.0097

Satellites: 8 (plus rings)

Diameter: 49,528 km

Mass: 1.0247e26 kg

Major Atmospheric Gas: Hydrogen

If your planning to visit the Planet of the king of the seas. This Planet will have you hopping about because of the frozen surface .

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Moons of NeptuneSatellite

Year ofDiscovery


OrbitalRadius (Km)


Period (days)Inclination

(°)Naiad 1989 54 48 000 < 0.001 0.29 4.74Thalassa 1989 80 50 000 < 0.001 0.31 0.21Despina 1989 150 53 000 < 0.001 0.33 0.07Galatea 1989 160 62 000 < 0.001 0.43 0.05Larissa 1989 208 ´ 178 74 000 0.001 0.55 0.20Proteus 1989 436 ´ 416 ´ 402 118 000 < 0.001 1.12 0.55Triton 1846 2 700 355 000 0.000 5.88 R 157.35Nereid 1949 340 5 513 000 0.751 360.14 27.6

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Pluto and Charon

Mass (kg)

Mean Distance From Sun (km)

Orbital Period (years)

Radius at Equator (km)

Number of Moons






Pluto and Charon are quite far out in the Solar system and are yet to become too much of a tourist attraction - it is probably due to the tiny size of this planet and moon. Nonetheless Pluto and Charon are quite nice to visit because of the lack of crowds. Its quite a trip though so bring an extra warp drive it’s a long long long long long way to get back without one.

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Comets and meteors

If you are low on fuel you may be tempted to hitch a lift on a comet of a meteorite. This is not recommended though as these can be unpredictable and very fast. Comets are best viewed from a little way away and are a great spectacle. If you prefer fireworks though follow a meteorite - if your lucky it’ll hit something and you can watch those sparks fly. A word of warning however, Just don’t be sat on the meteorite at the time!

Page 20: The solar system

Galaxies NearbyBeware when visiting other galaxies, you could run into either Klingons, Cardasians, Rhomulans or species 14287 The Borg.

Beware of the Vulcan ships, and also bird’s of prey will cut you down to size, you need to have Warp drive.l

The M-79 galaxy is an ideal place to start a relationship.

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Thank-you for listening to the hitch-hikers guide to the Solar
