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Ancient Rome and Early Christianity The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1

The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1. RepublicHannibal Patrician Plebian Tribune Consul Senate Dictator Legion Punic Wars Vocab.

Dec 29, 2015



Joy Ramsey
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Page 1: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

The Roman RepublicChapter 6Section 1

Page 2: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Republic Hannibal Patrician Plebian Tribune Consul Senate Dictator Legion Punic Wars


Page 3: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Legend of Rome:

Founded in 753 B.C.E. by Romulus and Remus

Twin sons of the god Mars

Abandoned at the Tiber River and raised by a she-wolf

Origins of Rome

Page 4: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

The First Roman’s

First to arrive between 1000-500 B.C.E 3 groups of people

Latin's- settled in Rome on Palatine Hill Greek’s- establish colonies along southern Italy

and Sicily Etruscan’s- native born to Italy; skilled in

metalwork and engineering; Roman’s will adopt their alphabet

Origins of Rome

Page 5: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Last King of Rome:

Tarquin the Proud- harsh king driven from power in 509 B.C.E.

Roman’s vowed they would never be ruled by a king again

Create republic; (res publica) citizens who have the right to vote for a leader

Citizen- only free white males

Early Republic

Page 6: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Early Republic


Patricians: Patricians: wealthy

land owners Inherited power and

wealth; claim that status gives them authority to make laws for Rome


Plebeians: Plebeians: common farmers,

artisans, merchants who make up the majority population

Had the right to vote but could not hold important public office

Tribunes- elected representatives of the plebeians to protect the rights of the plebeians from the patricians

Page 7: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Twelve Tables:

Plebeians get a written law code Now patricians cannot twist the laws to benefit

themselves 451 B.C.E. Rome’s laws are scribed on 12

tablets hung in the forum

Early Republic

Page 8: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

“Balanced” Government:

Romans believed they had taken the best aspects of a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy

Government under the Republic

Page 9: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.


(2) Like kings; rule for 1 yr, cannot be re-elected for another 10yrs.

Run the military and the government One consul could always overrule or veto the


Government under the Republic

Page 10: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.


Aristocratic branch of the government Held both legislative and administrative

responsibilities 300 members chosen from Rome’s elite Influence in both foreign and domestic affairs Tribal Assembly; made up of plebeians elected

tribunes to create laws for the common man

Government under the Republic

Page 11: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.


Absolute power to make laws and command the army

In times of crisis the Romans would elect a dictator to protect Rome

Power only last for 6 months Picked by the consuls and elected by the


Government under the Republic

Page 12: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Roman Army

Placed great value on the military All citizens who owned land were required to

serve in the army Certain political office required 10 yrs of service Legion: 5,000 infantry (foot soldiers) supported

by cavalry Century- 80 men

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 13: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Rome Conquers Italy

4th century B.C.E. dominate central Italy Defeat the Etruscans in the north and the Greek

states in the south 265 B.C.E. Rome controls Italy The Latins were made full citizens of Rome Most conquered people became citizens without

the right to vote Or became allies; Rome would not interfere with

allies as long as they gave troops and didn’t make treaties with another state

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 14: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Rome’s Trading

Rome traded large amounts of goods with people throughout the Mediterranean Sea

Carthage, colony in North Africa begins to challenge Rome’s power……

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 15: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Punic Wars:

3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264- 146 B.C.E.

1st Punic War: Fought to control Sicily and the West Med. And

Rome wins (1-0) Lasts 23 yrs

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 16: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

2nd Punic War (218 B.C.E.):

Hannibal: Carthaginian general 29 yrs old; brilliant military strategists

Wants to avenge Carthage defeat

50,000 men, 9,000 cavalry and 60 elephants

Surprise attack; from Spain through France and down through the Alps

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 17: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Rome Triumphs:

General Scipio- Roman general that devised a plan to attack Carthage Forcing Hannibal to leave his campaign in Italy

Battle of Zama 202 B.C.E. Roman’s finally defeat Hannibal (2-0)

Rome Spreads its Power

Page 18: The Roman Republic Chapter 6 Section 1.   RepublicHannibal  Patrician  Plebian  Tribune  Consul  Senate  Dictator  Legion  Punic Wars Vocab.

Third Punic War 149-146 B.C.E.

Rome lays seize to Carthage Burn the city to the ground 50,000 people sold into slavery

Rome Spreads its Power