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Read more news at THE NEWSPAPER YOU CAN TRUST FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011 30 BAHT K C M Y E Kate, William thank all: Page 8 William and Kate’s big day Royal fans have come from far and wide and no distance or dis- comfort is too great to gain prime viewing of today’s wedding of Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton. About 200 people were already camped out yesterday on the street across from London’s Westminster Abbey where the couple will tie the knot. Dozens of tents have popped up and some fans are mak- ing do with just mats to sleep on. City officials expect up to 600,000 people will line the pro- cession route the couple will take from the abbey to Buckingham Palace after the wedding service. VisitBritain, the national tour- ism agency, said 1.1 million visitors would be in London today, with 40% coming from abroad. An estimated 8,000 journalists have arrived in London to cover the ceremony, and hundreds of millions across the world will watch on television. Tomorrow, pick up our special edition wrap-around of the wed- ding, which will feature spectacular photographs of a spectacular event. Or visit www.bangkokpost. com/news/britain-royal-wedding for updates. Ceasefire brings calm to border Abhisit, Hun Sen may meet at Asean summit Suthep slates foreign analysis: Page 3 Where angels fear to tread?: Page 3 Behind the News: Page 3 BANGKOK POST AND REUTERS An uneasy calm settled over the Thai- Cambodian border yesterday after the two countries agreed to a ceasefire fol- lowing a week of clashes which left 15 people dead and forced 48,200 villagers to flee the area. The ceasefire agreement came hours after another heavy battle at the border between Surin’s Kap Choeng district and Oddar Meanchey province of Cam- bodia. Both sides agreed to stop the exchange of gunfire as of noon yesterday, said commander of the Second Army Thawatchai Samutsakhon after a 40-minute meeting with Lt Gen Chea Mon, chief of the Cambodian Fourth Region Army at a casino at the Chong Jom-O Samet checkpoint in Surin’s Kap Choeng district. ‘‘The fighting has apparently stopped,’’ he said, adding that the army was closely watching the situation to ensure the agreement was not broken. Clashes began last Friday at Surin’s Phanom Dong Rak district before spreading to Kap Choeng and also Kantharalak district in neighbouring Si Sa Ket. Despite promises to end the fighting, Lt Gen Thawatchai insisted on moving forward on the Thai position that the border dispute be resolved bilaterally. The involvement of a third country may complicate the issue and the intentions by both countries to quickly solve the problem, he said. Army chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said fighting would not recur as long as Cambodia refrains from firing shots. The Thai army claimed Cambodian troops had opened fire on its troops first during the latest border skirmishes. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government would monitor the situ- ation to make sure the fighting had really stopped. ‘‘The army chief says that the signs are good. But we still have to be prudent. I understand the talks are at the field- level but the skirmishes have eased, ’’ the prime minister said. ‘‘We have to see how things go. There is still more time for things to change until May 7-8 [the date of the 18th Asean summit in Jakarta],’’ he said. In Phnom Penh, Cambodian gov- ernment spokesman Phay Siphan said Thailand and Cambodia would honour the agreement and had agreed to reopen border checkpoints shut during the skirmishes. ‘‘We will abide by the ceasefire from now on and local commanders will meet regularly to avoid misunderstandings,’’ he said. On the diplomatic front, Foreign Min- ister Kasit Piromya yesterday held talks with his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa on the sidelines of the Asean Ministerial Meeting on society and cul- ture in Jakarta. Mr Kasit said from the Indonesian capital that he had updated Mr Marty, Asean’s current chairman, on the skirmishes. He and Mr Marty also discussed the terms of reference for sending Indonesian observers to the Thai- Cambodian border, he said. The draft terms of reference are being finalised and will be submitted for con- sideration to the Cabinet at its meeting next Tuesday. Thailand and Cambodia agreed at a Feb 22 Asean Foreign Minister’s meeting on Jakarta’s proposal to send Indonesian observers to the Thai-Cambodian border after the first round of the border fighting took place near Preah Vihear temple between Feb 4 and 7. About 15 unarmed Indonesian ob- servers will be deployed on each side of the border for six months. The border conflicts between Thai- land and Cambodia are expected to be taken up during the summit of Asean leaders in Jakarta next month. It is expected that Mr Abhisit and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will use the opportunity to hold talks on the dispute over the overlapping land border. Acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said Mr Abhisit and Hun Sen had not yet scheduled talks. Meanwhile, the border clashes early yesterday were reportedly the heaviest of the past week. Sounds of sporadic gunfighting and shelling near Ta Muen Thom temple were heard through Wednesday night and yesterday morning. It was reported the army reinforced troops and artillery tanks in Phanom Dong Rak district in Surin on Wednesday night. The fighting left one Thai sub- lieutenant dead and 11 Thai soldiers wounded. The front line office of the Second Army Region yesterday reported that Thai troops had not detected any move- ment of Cambodian soldiers during the past three days, but spotted women and children in Cambodia’s military bases. More than 100 BM21 multiple rockets had landed on Thai villages since the fighting began, the office said. Two Thai men were detained yester- day for questioning after they made numerous suspicious phone calls to Cambodia during heavy shelling. Serm Pochailert was detained in Ban Don Tan in Phanom Dong Rak district. The other man, Sanit Pimkao, was de- tained in Ban Non Ma Yan near Ta Muen Thom temple. A preliminary investigation showed that they had made numerous calls to Cambodia during the fighting. Christopher Riess, the chief executive officer of WAN-IFRA, presents an image of the Bangkok Post ’s front page to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday at the Publish Asia 2011 international conference at the Shangri-La Hotel. Witnessing the presentation are Akapol Sorasuchart, the president of the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, and M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula, the chairman of Post Publishing Plc. PATIPAT JANTHONG Govt waits to see if agreed truce holds ATIYA ACHAKULWISUT The government is adopting a wait- and-see approach regarding the Thai- Cambodian border fighting, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday. If the ceasefire agreed by military personnel at the local level holds, both sides can then begin to talk specifics in terms of military deploy- ment and a return to normalcy, the premier said. ‘‘We are hopeful that there will be peace and calm over the next few days to allow people to move back to their communities. We have to wait a day or two to make sure that it is safe for them to go back,’’ Mr Abhisit said at a meeting with Asian editors during the annual WAN Ifra Publish Asia event. He insisted the truce was a step forward as both sides will immediately contact each other if there are any developments. Such contact clearly had been missing during the past several days of border fighting. ‘‘We hope that Cambodia will now stop, talk and get back to the table. We have got so many bilateral mechanisms that can work,’’ Mr Abhi- sit said. Mr Abhisit remained non- committal about meeting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the upcoming Asean summit in Jakarta. ‘‘I expect him to be there. We will sit in the same room but I haven’t scheduled a bilateral discussion with anyone. But I have always been open to talking,’’ he said. Asked why Thailand has appeared to be reluctant in allowing Asean to become involved in settling the con- flict, Mr Abhisit replied: ‘‘What is the reluctance of Cambodia to resolve the issue in bilateral ways? Who knows the problems better than Thailand and Cambodia?’’ Regarding Indonesian observers, who have not yet been deployed, Mr Abhisit said that Thailand has ac- cepted the principles of the issue and only a few technical issues need to be worked out. ‘‘You have to be careful not to let the observers issue become a spark for a new conflict,’’ he said. ‘‘We have to agree exactly where they will be placed. Cambodia started talking about placing their group of observers in the disputed area. That is a non-starter because we will do the same and they will be in the same place.’’ Mr Abhisit, however, confirmed that the government shares the same precondition with the army that Cam- bodian troops must be pulled out from Preah Vihear temple area before international observers can be brought in. He said that in his opinion, the armed clashes have occurred because the border issues have become internationalised. ‘‘Trouble spots are around temples,’’ Mr Abhisit said, implying the heightened sensitivity occurs when nationalism is brought into the border conflict. ‘‘Why aren’t the two countries allowed to solve their own problems? The more new mechanisms are created [to mediate in the conflict], the more complicated the conflict will become.’’
1 THE NEWSPAPER YOU CAN TRUST ......Read more news at THE NEWSPAPER YOU CAN TRUST FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011 30 BAHT K C M Y E Kate,Williamthankall:Page8

Oct 22, 2020



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  • Read more news at T H E N E W S P A P E R Y O U C A N T R U S T FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011 ✦ 30 BAHT


    Kate, William thank all: Page 8

    William andKate’s big dayRoyal fans have come from farand wide and no distance or dis-comfort is too great to gain primeviewing of today’s wedding ofBritain’s Prince William and KateMiddleton.

    About 200 people were alreadycamped out yesterday on the streetacross from London’s WestminsterAbbey where the couple will tiethe knot. Dozens of tents havepopped up and some fans are mak-ing do with just mats to sleep on.

    City officials expect up to600,000 people will line the pro-cession route the couple will takefrom the abbey to BuckinghamPalace after the wedding service.

    VisitBritain, the national tour-ism agency, said 1.1 million visitorswould be in London today, with40% coming from abroad.

    An estimated 8,000 journalistshave arrived in London to coverthe ceremony, and hundreds ofmillions across the world willwatch on television.

    Tomorrow, pick up our specialedition wrap-around of the wed-ding, which will feature spectacularphotographs of a spectacularevent. Or visit updates.

    Ceasefire brings calm to borderAbhisit, Hun Sen maymeet at Asean summit

    Suthep slates foreign analysis: Page 3Where angels fear to tread?: Page 3Behind the News: Page 3


    An uneasy calm settled over the Thai-Cambodian border yesterday after thetwo countries agreed to a ceasefire fol-lowing a week of clashes which left 15people dead and forced 48,200 villagersto flee the area.

    The ceasefire agreement came hoursafter another heavy battle at the borderbetween Surin’s Kap Choeng districtand Oddar Meanchey province of Cam-bodia.

    Both sides agreed to stop the exchangeof gunfire as of noon yesterday, saidcommander of the Second ArmyThawatchai Samutsakhon after a40-minute meeting with Lt Gen CheaMon, chief of the Cambodian FourthRegion Army at a casino at the ChongJom-O Samet checkpoint in Surin’s KapChoeng district.

    ‘‘The fighting has apparentlystopped,’’ he said, adding that the armywas closely watching the situation toensure the agreement was not broken.

    Clashes began last Friday at Surin’sPhanom Dong Rak district beforespreading to Kap Choeng and alsoKantharalak district in neighbouring SiSa Ket.

    Despite promises to end the fighting,Lt Gen Thawatchai insisted on movingforward on the Thai position that theborder dispute be resolved bilaterally.The involvement of a third country maycomplicate the issue and the intentionsby both countries to quickly solve theproblem, he said.

    Army chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ochasaid fighting would not recur as long asCambodia refrains from firing shots.

    The Thai army claimed Cambodiantroops had opened fire on its troopsfirst during the latest border skirmishes.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva saidthe government would monitor the situ-ation to make sure the fighting hadreally stopped.

    ‘‘The army chief says that the signsare good. But we still have to be prudent.I understand the talks are at the field-level but the skirmishes have eased, ’’the prime minister said. ‘‘We have tosee how things go. There is still moretime for things to change until May 7-8[the date of the 18th Asean summit inJakarta],’’ he said.

    In Phnom Penh, Cambodian gov-ernment spokesman Phay Siphan saidThailand and Cambodia would honourthe agreement and had agreed to reopenborder checkpoints shut during theskirmishes.

    ‘‘We will abide by the ceasefire fromnow on and local commanders will meetregularly to avoid misunderstandings,’’he said.

    On the diplomatic front, Foreign Min-ister Kasit Piromya yesterday held talkswith his Indonesian counterpart MartyNatalegawa on the sidelines of the AseanMinisterial Meeting on society and cul-ture in Jakarta.

    Mr Kasit said from the Indonesiancapital that he had updated Mr Marty,Asean’s current chairman, on theskirmishes.

    He and Mr Marty also discussed theterms of reference for sendingIndonesian observers to the Thai-Cambodian border, he said.

    The draft terms of reference are beingfinalised and will be submitted for con-sideration to the Cabinet at its meeting

    next Tuesday.Thailand and Cambodia agreed at a

    Feb 22 Asean Foreign Minister’s meetingon Jakarta’s proposal to send Indonesianobservers to the Thai-Cambodian borderafter the first round of the border fightingtook place near Preah Vihear templebetween Feb 4 and 7.

    About 15 unarmed Indonesian ob-servers will be deployed on each side ofthe border for six months.

    The border conflicts between Thai-land and Cambodia are expected to betaken up during the summit of Aseanleaders in Jakarta next month.

    It is expected that Mr Abhisit and

    Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Senwill use the opportunity to hold talkson the dispute over the overlappingland border.

    Acting government spokesmanPanitan Wattanayagorn said Mr Abhisitand Hun Sen had not yet scheduledtalks.

    Meanwhile, the border clashes earlyyesterday were reportedly the heaviestof the past week.

    Sounds of sporadic gunfighting andshelling near Ta Muen Thom templewere heard through Wednesday nightand yesterday morning.

    It was reported the army reinforced

    troops and artillery tanks in PhanomDong Rak district in Surin on Wednesdaynight. The fighting left one Thai sub-lieutenant dead and 11 Thai soldierswounded.

    The front line office of the SecondArmy Region yesterday reported thatThai troops had not detected any move-ment of Cambodian soldiers during thepast three days, but spotted womenand children in Cambodia’s militarybases.

    More than 100 BM21 multiple rocketshad landed on Thai villages since thefighting began, the office said.

    Two Thai men were detained yester-

    day for questioning after they madenumerous suspicious phone calls toCambodia during heavy shelling.

    Serm Pochailert was detained in BanDon Tan in Phanom Dong Rak district.The other man, Sanit Pimkao, was de-tained in Ban Non Ma Yan near TaMuen Thom temple.

    A preliminary investigation showedthat they had made numerous calls toCambodia during the fighting.

    Christopher Riess, the chief executive officer of WAN-IFRA, presents an image of the Bangkok Post ’s front page to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday at the PublishAsia 2011 international conference at the Shangri-La Hotel. Witnessing the presentation are Akapol Sorasuchart, the president of the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau,and M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula, the chairman of Post Publishing Plc. PATIPAT JANTHONG

    Govt waits to see if agreed truce holdsATIYA ACHAKULWISUT

    The government is adopting a wait-and-see approach regarding the Thai-Cambodian border fighting, PrimeMinister Abhisit Vejjajiva saidyesterday.

    If the ceasefire agreed by militarypersonnel at the local level holds,both sides can then begin to talkspecifics in terms of military deploy-ment and a return to normalcy, thepremier said.

    ‘‘We are hopeful that there will bepeace and calm over the next fewdays to allow people to move back totheir communities. We have to waita day or two to make sure that it issafe for them to go back,’’ Mr Abhisitsaid at a meeting with Asian editorsduring the annual WAN Ifra PublishAsia event.

    He insisted the truce was a stepforward as both sides will immediatelycontact each other if there are anydevelopments. Such contact clearlyhad been missing during the pastseveral days of border fighting.

    ‘‘We hope that Cambodia will nowstop, talk and get back to the table.We have got so many bilateralmechanisms that can work,’’ Mr Abhi-sit said.

    Mr Abhisit remained non-committal about meeting CambodianPrime Minister Hun Sen at theupcoming Asean summit in Jakarta.

    ‘‘I expect him to be there. We willsit in the same room but I haven’tscheduled a bilateral discussion withanyone. But I have always been opento talking,’’ he said.

    Asked why Thailand has appearedto be reluctant in allowing Asean to

    become involved in settling the con-flict, Mr Abhisit replied: ‘‘What is thereluctance of Cambodia to resolvethe issue in bilateral ways? Who knowsthe problems better than Thailandand Cambodia?’’

    Regarding Indonesian observers,who have not yet been deployed, MrAbhisit said that Thailand has ac-cepted the principles of the issue andonly a few technical issues need tobe worked out.

    ‘‘You have to be careful not to letthe observers issue become a sparkfor a new conflict,’’ he said.

    ‘‘We have to agree exactly wherethey will be placed. Cambodia startedtalking about placing their group ofobservers in the disputed area. Thatis a non-starter because we will dothe same and they will be in the sameplace.’’

    Mr Abhisit, however, confirmedthat the government shares the sameprecondition with the army that Cam-bodian troops must be pulled outfrom Preah Vihear temple area beforeinternational observers can bebrought in.

    He said that in his opinion, thearmed clashes have occurred becausethe border issues have becomeinternationalised.

    ‘‘Trouble spots are aroundtemples,’’ Mr Abhisit said, implyingthe heightened sensitivity occurswhen nationalism is brought into theborder conflict.

    ‘‘Why aren’t the two countriesallowed to solve their own problems?The more new mechanisms arecreated [to mediate in the conflict],the more complicated the conflictwill become.’’

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