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The Neurobiology of Music Cognition and Learning 25 WILFRIED GRUHN FRANCÉS RAUSCHER Music Learning and Cognition The last century has provided a wealth of important data about cognition and learning. However, with the cognitive revolution in developmental psychology and the rise of Pia- get's theory within developmental psychology, the empha- sis shifted from learning to thinking. Consequently, we now know quite a bit about children's thinking at different ages, but we know little about how they learn. The move- ment away from studying children's learning reflected more trian a shift in interest; it also reflected an assumption that development and learning are fundamentally different pro- cesses. However, learning and cognition are two sides of the same coin. What one knows is largely based upon what one has learned, and learning, of course, generales knowl- edge. Therefore, any theory of development that has little to say about how children learn is a seriously limited the- ory of development. Over the past decade, the emergence of the interdisci- plinary field of cognitive neuroscience has led to the real- ization that the neural basis of cognition and learning can be empirically studied. Such investigations commonly lead to fresh insights and theories about a variety of develop- mental processes. This chapter reviews current research on the neural basis of music learning and cognition with the view that neuroscientific research is as relevant to musical processes as knowledge and concepts gaíned from the study of, for example, perception, emotion, and motor function. Where possible, we refer the reader to relevant chapters elsewhere in this Handbook for a greater degree of technical detail. A brief survey of the litera ture on learning (and cogni- tion) will provide the framework for our particular neu- robiological perspective. Four different approaches to in- vestigating learning are reviewed: behaviorism (Watson, 1913), cognitive psychology (Piaget, 1947, 1959), socio- historical theory (Vygotsky, 1934/1962), and connection- ism (see McClelland, 1995). Behaviorism The behaviorists viewed developmental changes in behav- ior as relying on several basic principies of learning, par- ticularly classical conditioning (Pavlov, 1927) and operant conditioning (Skinner, 1953), as initially demonstrated by animal experiments. For example, Ivan Pavlov's experi- ments with dogs revealed that a neutral stimulus (a bell) begins to elicit a response (salivation) after being repeat- edly paired with another stimulus (food) that already elicits that response. A stimulus-response chain (S —> R) can be strengthened by repetition and reinforcement, and the re- sponse will gradually generalize. Learning, according to the behaviorists, occurs when a behavioral change can be linked to a stimulus presumed to have caused that change and can thus be objectively measured. However, the be- haviorists failed to do justice to the organization of human behavior and the complex inner processes that are respon- sible for generating it. For example, although the neuronal activity of learning in the human brain cannot be observed directly, it clearly plays a major role in behavior. From a behaviorist point of view, however, the mind remains a "black box" about which one can only speculate and which therefore cannot contribute very much to the sci- entific study of behavior. Any introspection into the pro- cesses of learning was seen by the behaviorists as neither reliable ñor relevant to the understanding of behavioral 445

The Neurobiology of Music Cognition and Learning25

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Page 1: The Neurobiology of Music Cognition and Learning25

The Neurobiology of Music Cognition and Learning25



Music Learning and Cognition

The last century has provided a wealth of important dataabout cognition and learning. However, with the cognitiverevolution in developmental psychology and the rise of Pia-get's theory within developmental psychology, the empha-sis shifted from learning to thinking. Consequently, wenow know quite a bit about children's thinking at differentages, but we know little about how they learn. The move-ment away from studying children's learning reflected moretrian a shift in interest; it also reflected an assumption thatdevelopment and learning are fundamentally different pro-cesses. However, learning and cognition are two sides ofthe same coin. What one knows is largely based upon whatone has learned, and learning, of course, generales knowl-edge. Therefore, any theory of development that has littleto say about how children learn is a seriously limited the-ory of development.

Over the past decade, the emergence of the interdisci-plinary field of cognitive neuroscience has led to the real-ization that the neural basis of cognition and learning canbe empirically studied. Such investigations commonly leadto fresh insights and theories about a variety of develop-mental processes. This chapter reviews current research onthe neural basis of music learning and cognition with theview that neuroscientific research is as relevant to musicalprocesses as knowledge and concepts gaíned from thestudy of, for example, perception, emotion, and motorfunction. Where possible, we refer the reader to relevantchapters elsewhere in this Handbook for a greater degreeof technical detail.

A brief survey of the litera ture on learning (and cogni-tion) will provide the framework for our particular neu-

robiological perspective. Four different approaches to in-vestigating learning are reviewed: behaviorism (Watson,1913), cognitive psychology (Piaget, 1947, 1959), socio-historical theory (Vygotsky, 1934/1962), and connection-ism (see McClelland, 1995).


The behaviorists viewed developmental changes in behav-ior as relying on several basic principies of learning, par-ticularly classical conditioning (Pavlov, 1927) and operantconditioning (Skinner, 1953), as initially demonstrated byanimal experiments. For example, Ivan Pavlov's experi-ments with dogs revealed that a neutral stimulus (a bell)begins to elicit a response (salivation) after being repeat-edly paired with another stimulus (food) that already elicitsthat response. A stimulus-response chain (S —> R) can bestrengthened by repetition and reinforcement, and the re-sponse will gradually generalize. Learning, according to thebehaviorists, occurs when a behavioral change can belinked to a stimulus presumed to have caused that changeand can thus be objectively measured. However, the be-haviorists failed to do justice to the organization of humanbehavior and the complex inner processes that are respon-sible for generating it. For example, although the neuronalactivity of learning in the human brain cannot be observeddirectly, it clearly plays a major role in behavior. From abehaviorist point of view, however, the mind remains a"black box" about which one can only speculate andwhich therefore cannot contribute very much to the sci-entific study of behavior. Any introspection into the pro-cesses of learning was seen by the behaviorists as neitherreliable ñor relevant to the understanding of behavioral


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processes. This limitation in the behaviorist view, alongwith the emergence of computer science, encouraged in-vestigators to attempt to describe the cognitive processesthat are necessary to genérate and control complex humanbehavior. This event became known as the "cognitive rev-olution."

from early in life. These theorists emphasize that learningat all ages involves an active interchange between struc-tures in the mind and information from the environment.Mental structures are joined with processes, such as assim-ilation and accommodation, to actively contribute to cog-nitive development.

Cognitive Psychology

The cognitive revolution represented a qualitative shiftfrom an emphasis on behavior toward an emphasis on un-derstanding the inner processes involved in cognition andintellecrual growth. The constructivist perspective empha-sizes the active role of the child in constructing advancedforms of cognition that transcend less ad^quate earlierforms (Baldwin, 1894/1968). Constructivists believe thatone should begin the study of children's cognitive devel-opment by exploring the foundational concepts with whichchildren come equipped at birth and then go on to docu-ment any change that may take place in these conceptswith age. Jean Piaget was perhaps the most influential de-velopmental psychologist to carefully observe children'sdevelopment. Based on his own observations of his threeyoung children, Piaget built a cognitive theory of the awak-ening of intelligence in children. According to Piaget, chil-dren progress through a series of five universal stages ofdevelopment, which are characterized by "sensori-motorintelligence," "preoperational and symbolic thinking," "in-tuitive thought," "concrete operations," and "formal op-erations" (1947, 1959). As they progress through thesestages, children develop cognitive schemas through inter-action with the environment and other persons. The formsof these schemas are different at different stages of theirdevelopment, and it is this difference that gives the thoughtof young children its unique character. Piaget hypothesizedthat the progression of humans through the four devel-opmental stages is biologically determined. In any givenstage, new experiences are "assimilated" to the existing setof schemata. Transition from one form of thought to thenext is driven by "accommodation," a process by whichexisting schemata are broken down and then reorganizedinto new and more adaptive patterns, jn turn leading to ahighly differentiated cognitive structure. This model wasexpanded, elaborated, and modified by others (Aebli,1980/1981; Case, 1972; Pascual-Leone & Smith, 1969).Thus the term mental representation became a key signa-ture of the cognitive revolution. Piaget's theory was appliedto musical development by Pflederer Zimmerman (1984;Pflederer Zimmerman 8c Webster, 1983) and to musiclearning (slightly modified) by Bamberger (1991).

Piaget and successors to his theory have expanded ourunderstanding of development by revealing substantialdomain-specific cognitive capabilities that children possess

Sociohistorical Theory

Contextual models, sometimes called systems views, em-phasize that the transformation from infant to adult takesplace via a complex, multidirectional system of influences(Gottlieb, 1991). These theorists are concerned with un-derstanding how the broad range of biological, physical,and sociocultural settings affect learning and development.For example, Lev S. Vygotsky's sociohistorical theory fromthe 1930s stresses the importance of cultural tools, sym-bols, and ways of thinking that the child acquires frommore knowledgeable members of the community (1934/1962). Development is viewed as a dynamic, never-endingtransaction that involves continuing, reciprocal exchanges:People and settings transform the child, who in turn affectsthe people and settings that surround him or her, whichfurther reshape the child, in an endless progression. Ac-cording to the sociohistorical view, knowledge does notorigínate in the environment alone (as the behavioristsclaimed) or in the interaction between the individual andthe environment (as the constructivists maintained).Rather, knowledge originales in the social, linguistic, andmaterial history of the individuaos culture and its tools,concepts, and symbol systems. Children's participation incultural activities with the guidance of others allows themto "internalize" their community's tools for thinking. Thusefforts to understand individual cognitive development andlearning must consider the social roots of both the toolsfor thinking that children are learning to use and the socialinteractions that guide children in use of these tools. Vy-gotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development pos-its that development proceeds through children's partici-pation in activities slightly beyond their competence withthe assistance of adults or more skilled children. Theseideas were expanded by other Soviet researchers, most no-tably Luria (1961) and Leont'ev (1981). The tianslation ofVygotsky's work into English marked the beginning ofwidespread use of Vygotskian ideas in the United Statesand Western Europe.


Connectionism offers a fresh perspective to the under-standing of learning by focusing research on the micro-structure of cognition. Connectionist theory is extremelyrich in terms of its implications for brain development.

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Highly sophisticated brain-imaging techniques, such aselectro- and magnetoencephalography (EEG and EMG),event-related potential (ERP), magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), computer tomography (CT), and positrón emissiontomography (PET), permit a new view of the active brain.The topography of brain áreas involved in aural perceptionand learning has been elaborated and transcribed intobrain maps. The study of highly complex network struc-tures and interconnections has laid the foundation for aconnectionist model of "parallel distributed processing(PDP)" (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986). The theory be-hind PDP is bound to the hypothesis of the modularity ofmind (Fodor, 1983). Here the input systems refer to dif-ferent brain áreas that are highly specialized in processingparticular properties of the íncoming auditory stimulation,such as pitch, loudness, location of the sound source, me-lodic contour, and so forth. The possibility of exactly mea-suring the neural activation, the intensity and distributionof activation patterns, and the localization and lateraliza-tion of domain-specific processing tasks across the cortexhave enabled new avenues for the investigation of thephysiological foundations of music cognition and musiclearning (Hodges, 1996).

Along with the development and implementation of theimaging techniques, computer models of artificial "neural"networks have been developed to investígate strategies inproblem-solving and decision-making processes (Fiske,1993; Griffith & Todd, 1999; Todd & Loy, 1991). Theconnectionist approach can be seen as a neurally inspiredmodel of information processing, in which groupings ofneurons are interconnected in input layers (by which sig-náis enter the system), output layers (which represent theoutcome of the network), and hidden layers (which com-pute the more complex nonlinear relationships within thenetwork). (For a more detailed introduction to connection-ist ideas, see Bechtel 8c Abrahamsen, 1991.) Thus connec-tionist modeling can provide a functional understanding ofthe sequential structure of decision-making processes thatare performed by an activation of units ("nodes") at aninput layer, their gradual selection from a hidden layer,which corresponds to their semantic or syntactic weight,and finally their progression to an output layer. Cognitionhere is the result of a process of propagation and back-propagation within different layers of selection. Learningdescribes the tracing of paths and connections in that neu-ral network.

In light of the neurobiological exploration of brain ac-tivities involved in music cognition and learning, mentalrepresentation has become a crucial component of learn-ing. If neural networks function as the neural correlate formusical representations, then learning must be related tophysiological conditions in the brain, that is, to the activityof neurons, to the connectivity among neurons, cell assem-

blies, and brain áreas, and to the neuronal plasticity of thebrain—especially the establishment, growth, and progres-sive differentiation of genuine musical representations withrespect to their strength, localization, and extensión inboth hemispheres.

Neurobíologkal Foundations of Cognitionand Learning

Cognition can be seen as the result of a pattern-matchingprocess by which mental representations are activatedthrough perceived stimuli. The term mental representationcovers a broad array of meanings and is often used syn-onymously w>h mental models (Johnson-Laird, 1983),scripts (Schank & Abelson, 1977), frames (Minsky, 1980),sobernas (Aebli, 1980/1981; Piaget, 1959) or neural net-works (Todd & Loy, 1991). In addition to the debate onthe meaning of mental representations, there is also a de-bate on the nature of mental representations. In one view,representations are seen as veridical images that are storedin the mind and can be retrieved from it; that is, they aredepictive in nature (Kosslyn, 1994), whereas another per-spective holds that representations result from formal pro-cesses and accumulated experiences that are propositionalin nature (Pylyshyn, 1973). In music, depictive represen-tation of a chord shows, for example, the real image of theposition of fingers on a keyboard or the picture of thenotation, whereas propositional representation resultsfrom knowledge in terms of statements about that chordas a sum of many experiences.

In this section, we will only refer to the neural corticalsubstrates for sensory representations. We ask the follow-ing questions: How are musical (sound) representationscharacterized, and how, if possible, can we begin to un-derstand the developmental processes of neural connec-tions? Methodologically, four strategies are commonly em-ployed to investígate the learning brain: (1) the observationof persons with brain lesions that cause particular déficits;(2) animal experiments that study neuronal brain reac-tions; (3) the measurement of infants' information pro-cessing, especially sensory and auditory temporal process-ing; and (4) the implementation of brain-imagingtechniques for a clear and precise identification and local-ization of changes in brain activation.

Neurons are highly specialized to respond to particularqualities of stimuli, for example, to a section of a band offrequencies (pitch), to a movement of sounds up and down(direction), to the intensity of sound (loudness), and soforth. Neurons of a particular brain área represent differ-ent features. Unfortunately, little research exists on the au-ditory sensory mapping of the associative cortex. In cog-nition, distributed processing of sensory information must

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be coordinated for the creation of what is eventually per-ceived by the conscious mind. As M. E. Martínez (1999)has put it:

The human mind is not a video camera. We do not processand store countless sensory bits; rather, we construct ourinner and outer worlds according to the organizing prin-cipie of meaning. The fact that knowledge can be repre-sented in different ways implies that knowledge is not asensory transcription of the external world into the innerworld of the mind. (p. 21)

Single cortical neurons with similar "interests" tend tobe vertically arrayed in cortical columns like thin cylinders(Calvin, 1995). The best-known columns are the visualcortex's orientation columns, but little is known about au-ral orientation columns and representations. The dataavailable, however, suggest the existence of complex mu-sical structures that are processed in distributed áreas andare connected in coherent networks or cell assemblies.What we perceive as music originales from distributedprocessing but combines into one conscious feature thatforms a robust mental representation.

Experimental programs have demonstrated that formaltraining and informal experience in varied environmentalsituations cause measurable changes in the neurochemistryand even in the neuroanatomy of the brain (Black & Gree-nough, 1998). Even the cortical maps of adult primates canbe radically alterad through environmental input (Kemper-mann et al., 1997). This neuronal plasticity is crucial forthe neurobiology of learning. As Ramón y Cajal stressedat the end of the 19th century, learning is deeply involvedin, if not biologically based upon, the formation of newsynaptic connections. Since Donald O. Hebb (1949) the-orized that chemical changes in a cell's dendrites increasethe likelihood that it will actívate neighboring cells, re-markable empirical progress has been made in the inves-tigation of synaptic connectivity and its impact on the elec-trochemical transmission between neurons. "This basicconcept of a cooperative set of modifiable connections asthe basis of learning and memory, along with the Hebbsynapse, continúes to have substantial influence on neuralnetwork theory" (Black & Greenough, 1998, p. 56).

If learning is associated with synaptic growth, the in-vestigation of the formation of synaptic contacts in thehuman cerebral cortex becomes enormously important. Ithas been documented for animal and human brains thatthe synaptic density—the number of synapses per neuronor per unit volume of cortical tissue—changes over lifespans and defines the limits of the processing capacity(Huttenlocher, 1979, 1984). In human beings, synaptoge-nesis takes place prenatally and in early infancy. By the ageof 1 year it reaches a plateau stage, followed by a pro-gressive synapse decline, which happens most rapidly dur-

ing preschool years (Huttenlocher, 1984). However, thereare regional differences in synaptogenesis in human brains.Huttenlocher (Huttenlocher 8c Dabholkar, 1997) com-pared the development in two cortical áreas: the auditoryand prefrontal cortex. He found that synaptic density in-creases more rapidly in the auditory cortex (máximum atage 3 months) than in middle frontal gyrus (peak after age15 months). Here synaptic growth occurs concurrentlywith growth of dendrites and axons and with myelinationof the subcortical white matter. The following phase ofsynapse elimination also starts earlier in the auditory cor-tex, where it reaches a mature level by age 12 years, thanin the prefrontal cortex (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar,1997). The exuberant overproduction of neuronal connec-tions during infancy may be seen as an anatomical sub-strate for neural plasticity (Huttenlocher, 1990) that has atremendous impact on the unique structure of early learn-ing. The discovery of an inverted U-shaped structure inbrain development is confirmed by the development of glu-cose metabolism. Cerebral glucose consumption rises frombirth until about 4 years of age, maintains from 4 to about9-10 years, and then gradually declines (Chugani, 1998).These findings have important implications for our under-standing of brain plasticity and critical periods for learn-ing.

Recently neuroscientists at Geneva University (Müller,Toni, &c Buchs, 2000) have investigated the chemicalchanges that influence synaptic strength. The researchersstimulated rat brain slices to produce long-term potentia-tion (LTP). If a receiving neuron has been activated, theincoming neurotransmitter induces LTP by flooding cal-cium ions into the spine. An hour after treatment, 20% ofthe synapses had developed double spines, forming a sec-ond spine adjacent to the active one. Müller concludes thatLTP triggers "a duplication of the active synapse" (Barin-aga, 1999, p. 1661). Presumably this causes an increase insynaptic strength.

The neurobiological foundations for learning are de-rived from studies that suggest that experience or learninginduces changes in the brain that relate to cortical thick-ness (Diamond et al., 1964), the size of cell bodies (Dia-mond, 1967), the size of synaptic contact áreas (West &Greenough, 1972), an increase in dendritic spines (Globuset al., 1973), a parallel increase in the number of synapsesper neuron (Turner & Greenough, 1985), the thickness ofthe corpus callosum (Schlaug, Jáncke, Huang, Stalger, &Steinmetz, 1995), an increase in hippocampal neurons(Kempermann et al., 1997), the size of the left planumtempérale (Pantev et al., 1998), and the doubling ofspines through LTP (Müller et al., 2000). These researchfindings relate either to the growth of number or size ofnew synaptic connections by formal training or enrichedenvironmental experience or to the growth of strongerand bigger already-existing synapses. In any case, the ev-

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idence of neurochemical and neuroanatomical plasticity isbasic for the neurobiology of learning, that is, for the for-mation and modification of mental representations. Inparticular for young children, it is evident—despiteBruer's reluctance (see "Discussions and Conclusions")—that early music training leads to an expansión of the rep-resentación of sound in the auditory cortex (Rauschecker,1999).

For cognition and learning experiments, the localizationof task-specific cortical áreas has been empirically investi-gated (see "Brain Research on Music Cognition and Learn-ing"). Even the specialization within the auditory cortexhas been clarified by its subdivisión into four distinct ter-ritories (Gaschler-Markefski, Baumgart, Tempelmann,Woldorff, &C Scheich, 1998). The contribution of difierencortical áreas to music processing still remains a major fo-cus of research in neuroscience. From patients with surgi-cal lesions we know about different strategies of musical-information processing. They demónstrate, for example,that a right temporal cortectomy impairs the use of bothcontour and interval information, whereas a left temporalcortectomy interferes with interval information only(Liegeois-Chauvel, Peretz, Babai, Leguitton, & Chauvel,1998). In general, the acquisition of implicit knowledgethrough neuronal self-organization that results from mereexposure to music (Peretz, Gaudreau, & Bonnel, 1998)should not be underestimated, as Tillmann, Bharucha, andBigand have shown by experiments that dealt with tone,chord, and key relationships, including memory judg-ments, and expectancies (2000). Furthermore, the learningcontext plays an important role in memory retrieval, es-pecially for infants who displayed a 7-day retention onlywhen the music played during the retention test matchedthe training music (Fagen et al., 1997). However, all thatknowledge about functional cortical áreas cannot sufficeas the only explanation for the neurobiological processesinvolved in music learning. In this section, learning is,therefore, exclusively defined as the process of incremen-tally developing and altering the structure of mental rep-resentations.

Following the experimental brain studies on learningprimarily conducted with animáis, researchers have re-cently conducted EEG studies on music learning of chil-dren (aged 12-14) and adults (aged 17-39) (Altenmüller& Gruhn, 1997; Altenmüller, Gruhn, Parlitz, & Liebert,2000; Gruhn, 1997; Gruhn, Altenmüller, & Babler, 1997;Liebert et al., 1999). These studies reveal that significantchanges in auditory activation patterns are induced by dif-ferent types of learning that correspond to formal instruc-tion and informal musical exposure. Subjects who receivedinformal instruction by singing and playing supported theefficiency of the phonological loop at the aural-oral leveland, by this, developed procedural knowledge. This learn-ing strategy evidenced increased activation patterns at the

right frontal and bilateral parieto-occipital lobes, whichmay be ascribed to a global way of processing through theintegration of visuo-spatial associations). However, musicprocessing of subjects who received formal verbal instruc-tion evidenced an increased activation of left fronto-temporal brain regions, which might refer to a more localstrategy (Altenmüller & Gruhn, 1997).

In another long-term learning experiment, subjects dis-played different activation patterns depending upon howsuccessfully they performed a task. Those who succeededin the task, regardless of the type of learning (declarativeversus procedural), demonstrated a shift to the rightfronto-temporal lobes, whereas brain activation in thosesubjects who did not succeed focused in the left fronto-temporal regions. Therefore, it appears that a simple right-left dichotomy with music in the right hemisphere is anoversimplification. Any music processing involves bothhemispheres equally but in an asymmetric specializationthat depends upon many intra- and interpersonal factors.Perhaps different types of processing (global versus localprocessing; Peretz, 1990; see "Brain Research on MusicCognition and Learning") produce a lateralization effectbecause different cognitive strategies are applied individu-ally.

Brain activation patterns can also differentiate long-term from short-term learning. In a short-term ear-trainingexperiment (Liebert et al., 1999), researchers found anoverall increase of brain activation, whereas experimentswith long-term learning demonstrated a general decreaseof brain activation. These findings seem to support thatlong-term learning causes a structural change within men-tal representation, which may be called formal (Bamberger,1991; Gruhn, 1998). Formal representations produce amore distributed, widely spread neuronal network andmay therefore need only a reduced cortical brain potential,presumably due to the involvement of subcortical regionsin the representation of genuine musical qualities. (Thismust be shown by functional fMRI studies.) There is goodreason to assume that, biologically, learning is accom-plished by a move from one type of cortical representation(which might be called figural, according to Bamberger,1991) to a different type of cortical representation thatinvolves subcortical layers. The essence of this model isbased upon different encodings of the processing and stor-ing of musical information and knowledge. Learning,therefore, effects the transformation from cortical to inte-gral cortical-subcortical representations.

In instrumental training, motor skills and auditory skillscollaborate. The activation of representation in one área islinked to that of a corresponding área that is not directlystimulated. This process has been described as coactiva-tion. Bangert, Parlitz, et al. (1999) demonstrated thatsubjects exhibit a slight coactivation of the sensorimotorcortex in a passive auditory task even 20 minutes after

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a keyboard-training session. Likewise, fronto-temporalregions were activated in pianists during a mute motortask. This clearly suggests that cortical activation patterns,even during a strictly limited task, display a widely distrib-uted network far beyond a simple image of the involvedactivity. Learning, in a neurobiological sense, is due to theestablishment of those networks.

Neurobiological Research on Musicand Learning


A comprehensiva review of brain development is beyondthe scope of this chapter. However, M. H. Johnson (1998)has identifíed four factors that we believe are important toany understanding of the neurobiology of music learningand cognition.

First, there are neural structures in the brain that arecommon to both humans and other mammals, both pri-mate and nonprimate. Differences between humans andother animáis primarily concern the extent of the cerebralcortex. Subcortical structures, such as the hippocampusand cerebellum, are structurally similar across mammalianspecíes.

Second, the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebel-lum continué to develop throughout childhood. Althoughthe vast majority of neurons are present at birth (Rakic,1995), synapses, dendrites, and fiber bundles continué todevelop postnatally, perhaps as a function of experience.Myelin, the fatty sheath that surrounds neuronal pathways(and is thought to increase the efficiency of informationtransmission), also increases dramatically after birth. Theimmaturity of the human brain at birth may explain someof the limitations on learning and cognition present in in-fants and children. Similarly, the dynamic postnatal devel-opment of the cortex allows more intentional, purposefulbehavior.

Third, different áreas of the cerebral cortex develop atdifferent rates. For example, Conel's (1939/1967) study ofcortical development in the human infant led him to con-clude that the cortex develops in an "inside-out" fashion,with outer brain layers developing in advance of inner lay-ers. Differential development between cortical regions (i.e.,visual cortex and frontal cortex) has also been documented(Huttenlocher, 1990). These patterns of development mayinfluence information processing.

Finally, studies on cortical plasticity suggest that corticalspecialization is heavily influenced by experience. Althoughprimary cortices are genetically predetermined, there is ahigh degree of modulation with respect to the extensiónand connectivity of functional brain áreas according to ex-perience and learning. Therefore, brain plasticity can be

seen as fundamental for the development of mental rep-resenta tions.

Empirical Methods

The recent explosión of knowledge of brain developmentmakes the task of relating it to cognitive changes consid-erably more viable. Consequently, efforts to correlate neu-ral changes to cognitive changes have increased dramati-cally over the past two decades. However, because amultitude of neuroanatomical variables change over thefirst decade of life, it is unwise to make causal inferencesthat regard the relationship between changes in specificbrain áreas to specific cognitive changes. Evidence of tem-poral correlation can, however, be supported by empiricalmethods. A variety of techniques are now available to de-velopmentalists interested in the biological basis of cogni-tive development. Some of these methods, such as PET,require the injection of a radioactive dye and are thereforeof limited use for studying the cognitive functioning ofhealthy children and adults. Others, such as EEG, ERP, andfunctional MRI (fMRI), are currently being employed.These imaging techniques are described by Hodges andFlohr in this volume (chap. 52).

While the new functional braín-imaging techniquespromise to provide researchers with important informationthat regards the relationship of brain structure and func-tion to learning and cognition, somewhat similar questionscan be explored through the use of animáis as subjects.Research on animáis (mostly rodents) has contributed agreat deal to our understanding of the relation betweenbrain and behavior. The field of molecular genetics, forexample, has opened up new possibilities for investigatingthis relationship. In particular, mice that undergo lesionsin the alpha-calcium-calmodulin kinase II gene are unableto perform certain learning tasks in adulthood (Silva, Pay-lor, Wehner, 8c Tonegawa, 1992). These types of tech-niques, in which certain genes from the genome of an an-imal are either removed or lesioned, permit the investigatorto answer questions that regard genetic contributions tolearning and behavior and are particularly well suitedwhen applied to established animal models of develop-ment.

Further insight into the relations between brain and be-havior can be found in studies in which the brain is re-moved in order to examine it at the cellular level. For ex-ample, studies that used this technique suggest that ratsreared in an "enriched" environment after weaning showa wealth of enduring neurobiological and behavioralchanges. Rats raised with stimulus objects such as runningwheels, rubber tubes, nibble bars, and such in their cagesshow morphological and biochemícal alterations in corti-cal and hippocampal formation and perform better onlearning and memory-dependent tasks than animáis raised

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in normal laboratory conditions (see Renner & Rosen-zweig, 1987, for review). Similar effects have been foundfor rats raised in socially enriched conditions, in which an-imáis are housed with several siblings rather than in pairsor isolation (Pacteau, Einon, &c Sindon, 1989). Further-more, recent research has demonstrated that rats exposedto complex music learned a spatial maze faster and withfewer errors than rats exposed to minimalist music, whitenoise, or silence (Rauscher, Robinson, & Jens, 1998), re-sults that appear to be a function of increased hippocampaldendritic density in the animáis exposed to the complexmusic (Rauscher & Koch, 2000). Taken together, thesestudies strongly suggest a morphological change in mam-malian cortex as a function of environmental stimulation.

Marker tasks, behavioral íasks that have been linked toparticular brain regions by neuroimaging studies, provideanother useful approach to understanding brain develop-ment and learning. By testing individuáis of varying ageswith different versions of these tasks researchers can relatelevéis of task performance to the functional developmentof different brain regions. A number of marker tasks haverecently been developed for the functioning of structuresinvolved in oculomotor control and visual attention shifts(M. H. Johnson, 1998).

Brain Research on Music Cognitionand Learning

There may be no other área of music psychology that hasseen as much recent advancement as research on music-induced plasticity of the brain. For example, GottfriedSchlaug and his colleagues found that a small neural struc-ture in the cerebral cortex that processes sound signáis, theplanum temporale, was larger in the left hemisphere andsmaller in the right in the brains of musicians than of non-musicians (Schlaug, Jáncke, Huang, 8c Steinmetz, 1994),an effect that was later found to be due to musicians whopossessed perfect pitch and who began their musical train-ing before the age of 7 (Schlaug et al., 1995). Schlaug andhis colleagues also reported that musicians, particularlythose who had begun their training before age 7, hadthicker corpus callosi (the band of nerve tissue that con-nects the left and right hemispheres) than nonmusicians(Schlaug et al, 1994).

Other correlational studies also suggest that instrumen-tal instruction affects brain development. Elbert, Pantev,Wienbruch, Rockstroh, and Taub (1995) asked string play-ers and nonmusicians to, move the fingers of their lefthands while magnetoencephalography (MEG) measure-ments were taken. The researchers found that magneticresponse from the right primary somatosensory cortex—abrain región that controls the left-hand fingers—was largerfor the string players than it was for the nonmusicians.Furthermore, the magnitude of the response was related to

the age at which the string players began instruction, withthose who began lessons earlier evidencing the largest re-sponse. Finally, a recent paper by Pantev and his colleaguesreported that auditory cortical representation was 25%larger in musicians than in nonmusicians, regardless of theinstrument played and the presence of perfect pitch (Pantevet al., 1998). The younger the instrumental training began,the larger the cortical reorganization. Effects were foundfor subjects who began to practice before age 9.

Many studies have compared cortical processing of au-ral imagery tasks with perception tasks (Reisberg, 1992;Zatorre & Halpern, 1993; Zatorre, Halpern, et al, 1996).Zatorre and Halpern (1993) hypothesized that similar neu-ronal mechanisms may underlie both imaginal and percep-tual processing. A PET study demonstrated that althoughmany of the same regions appear to be involved in imag-ined and perceived tonal-pattern processing, two inferiorfrontopolar regions showed significant increase of bloodflow only for the imagery task (Zatorre et al., 1996). Thismay refer to different aspects of the generation of auditoryinformation from memory. However, in an experiment onthe effects of unilateral temporal-lobe excisión on percep-tion and imagery Zatorre and Halpern (1993) found thatpatients with right temporal-lobe excisión showed a sig-nificant decrease in both perceptual and imagery tasks. Theinteraction of aural imagery and music perception plays animportant role in music learning because aural imagery de-pends on already-established mental representations thatare a prerequisite for any type of discrimination learning.

Correspondingly, different processing strategies influ-ence lateralization effects and particular musical propertiescali for different activation áreas. In a study with unilateralbrain-damaged patients, Peretz (1990) found two types ofmusical-information processing that she called local andglobal processing. If, on the one hand, the processing isinterval-based, focusing on local properties as single tonesand distances, the left hemisphere is dominant; if, on theother hand, the processing is contour-based, focusing onthe more global aspects of a tune, then the right hemi-sphere is dominant. Similar results support these findings.In an EEG study, Breitling, Guenther, and Rondot (1987)found different bilateral involvement for different stimulusconditions (single tone, scale, melody). Only in the melodycondition (global processing) was the right hemispheremore activated.

In general, it can be stated that lateralization effects mir-ror the asymmetric specialization of brain functions, de-pending on acoustic aspects of stimuli as well as individualcognitive processing strategies.

Discussion and Conclusíons

Until recently, the majority of the research on the neuro-biology of learning in general and music learning in par-

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4 months

8 months

Music No music

Figure 25.1. Spatial-temporal scores of kindergarten children(School District of Kettle Moraine) before and after music orno traíning: corred joins/minute.

ticular was descriptiva and focused mainly on cerebral lo-calization of function. (See Hodges and Flohr in thisHandbook, chap. 52, for a review of these studies.) How-ever, neuropsychologists are now beginning to approachmusic learning from a more "cognitive" or "information-processing" posición. Símply knowing that left unilateralneglect follows posterior right hemisphere lesions does nottell us anything about the specific mechanism(s) responsi-ble, ñor how these mechanisms opérate to produce thesymptom. Thus the goal today is to identify the particularprocesses that are enhanced, maintained, or disrupted afterintervention or cerebral damage and determine how theseprocesses relate to specific neural substrates or neural sys-tems.

The purpose of the research cíted earlier was to discoverhow developmental processes affect brain and cognition,particularly in the early years. These studies suggest thatearly instrumental instruction may actually physicallyshape and mold the young brain. However, Bruer (1999)cautions us against drawing excessive conclusions fromthese data. Although there may indeed exist a relationshipbetween music cognition and brain development, ourknowledge of this relationship is far from complete, andalternative explanations for the data should be considered.For example, Elbert et al.'s (1995) research with stringplayers measured the brain's response to an overlearnedskill—fingering a keyboard. It stands to reason that anyoverlearned motor activity, for example, typing, wouldproduce similar brain reorganization. This study, therefore,was not directly about music. Furthermore, althoughSchlaug, Jáncke, Huang, and Steinmetz (1994, 1995) and

Pantey, Oostenveld, Engellen, Ross, Roberts, and Hoke's(1998) findings suggest that early music engagement affectsthe brain's pitch/auditory processing regions, it is not clearthat the age at which subjects began instruction, ratherthan how long they had been playing, produced the effects.In other words, the larger brain response may be the resultof longer time on task, rather than age of task onset.

It is also not clear in these studies whether the morpho-logical effects were caused by the music instruction. Studiesthat compare musicians to nonmusicians are correlational,not causal. They therefore do not address whether differ-ences in brain structure between these two groups of sub-jects are a function of the music exposure or of inbornatypicalities in the brains of musicians that may attractthem to music making in the first place. Clearly, longitu-dinal causal studies are needed to investígate the matura-tion of cognitive abilities and brain regions before and dur-ing early versus later onset music instruction. It isimportant to note that no scientific studies have directlyinvestigated the effects of music instruction on the adultbrain. We must be careful not to ignore the fact that braindevelopment continúes until death.

Transfer Effects

According to conventional opinión, music has an effect oncognitive achievement. Therefore, experimental findingsthat actually confirm transfer effects would have an im-portant impact on educational policies with respect toschool music curriculum. Consequently, there is an increas-ing interest in inquiries on whether music can really im~prove the mind (Overy, 1998). Thus several longitudinalobservations of schoolchildren who received extra musiclessons within their regular school curriculum were per-formed in Europe (Bastían, 2000; Spychiger, 1995). Hereeffects of music on social behavior and school achievementappeared.

In an experimental memory study, Chan, Ho, andCheung (1998) found that music training improved verbalmemory because verbal memory is mediated mainly by theleft temporal lobe, which is larger in musicians than innonmusicians. Although Chan used subjects from HongKong whose native language was tonal (a language inwhich verbal memory includes pitch memory), the greatereffect on verbal than on visual memory tasks in musicianspossibly indicates a general transfer effect.

Just recently, a meta-analysis of studies on the relation-ship between music and academic achievement (Winner &Hetland, 2000) has examined the outcome of studies onmusic and reading skills, music and mathematics, and mu-sic and spatial-temporal reasoning. Twenty-four correla-tional studies and six experimental studies on the impactof music on the development of reading skills were ex-

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amined (Butzlaff, 2000). Whereas correlational studiesshowed that students who studied music scored signifi-candy higher on standardized reading tests, there was noreliable effect supported by the experimental studies. Withrespect to an impact of music ínstruction on mathematics,a total of 25 correlational and experimental studies wereexamined. The analysis revealed a small but evident asso-ciation between music and mathematics achievement: In-dividuáis who voluntarily chose to study music privatelyand those who were exposed to a music curriculum inschool produced higher mathematical scores than thosewho did not (Vaughn, 2000). However, a positive relation-ship is not sufficient to establish a causal link. Further-more, listening to background music had no notable effect.

The explosión of studies that explore the transfer ofmusical processing to spatial processing compels us to ex-amine these data from a neurophysiological perspective.Two lines of behavioral research have been pursued: theeffects of listening to music on adult spatial abilities andthe effects of instrumental Ínstruction on children's spatialabilities. Two recent meta-analyses (Hetland, 2000a,2000b) have examined the studies relevant to these in-quiries. The first analysis explored the so-called Mozarteffect, the finding that college students who listened to 10minutes of Mozart's piano sonata K. 448 scored higher onspatial-temporal tasks than students who listened to tapedrelaxation instructions or silence (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky,1993). Hetland's (2000b) meta-analysis of 36 studies thatinvolved approximately 2,500 subjects revealed a modér-ate, robust effect that "is limited, however, to a specifictype of spatial task that requires mental rotation in theabsence of a physical model" (p. 33). Despite Hetland'sconclusión, it must be noted that attempts to reproduceRauscher, Shaw, and Ky's (1993) findings have been incon-sistent. For example, in a series of experiments designed toreplícate the Mozart effect through use of the same musicalcomposition as well as similar control conditions and de-pendent measures, Steele and his colleagues achieved neg-ative results (e.g., Steele et al., 1999).

The second meta-analytic review, also undertaken byHetland (2000a), examined studies on the effects of instru-mental Ínstruction on children's spatial abilities (see, forexample, Rauscher et al., 1997). Figure 25.1 portrays theeffect for kindergarten children. The results of this analysisrevealed an overall effect size of r = .37, an effect that wasdeemed "remarkably consistent" and could be "general-ized to similar populations of preschool- and elementary-school-aged children, while they are engaged in similarkinds of active music programs, with or without keyboardinstruments, taught in groups or individual lessons. Theeffect cannot be explained away by a Hawthorne effect,nonequivalence of experimental groups, experimenter bias,or study quality. It is a solid finding" (Hetland, 2000a, pp.41-42).

We will not attempt to undertake a critical analysis ofthese studies, but instead, as per the focus of this chapter,we will comment on their possible neurophysiological im-plications. The motivation for research on the transfer ofmusic listening or Ínstruction to spatial task performancecarne from a neural connectionist model of the mammalianbrain proposed by Xiaodan Leng and Cordón Shaw (Leng& Shaw, 1991). Based on Mountcastle's columnar princi-pie of cortex, the model proposed that families of neuralnetworks respond to and compare spatial features of ob-jects. By mathematically deriving their firing probabilitiesthe researchers determined that the networks evolved ac-cording to symmetries modified by Hebb learning rules.These neural network patterns (lasting tens of seconds overlarge cortical áreas) corresponded to spatial-temporal taskperformance (requiring the transformation of mental im-ages over time). Leng and Shaw therefore predicted thatcertain musical forms and Ínstruction might stimulate thesefiring patterns, thereby enhancing spatial-temporal perfor-mance.

Although it is impossible to "prove" a neural model ofbrain function, Leng and Shaw's (1991) hypothesis is sup-ported by data. For example, Alzheimer patients who lis-tened to the Mozart sonata or silence demonstrated im-proved spatial-temporal performance following Mozart (J.K. Johnson, Colman, Tasaki, & Shaw, 1998; J. K. Johnson,Shaw, Vuong, Vuong, & Cotman, 1999). Neuroscientistshave investigated the effect through the use of EEG andfMRI. EEGs of subjects who performed a spatial-temporaltask after listening to the Mozart sonata revealed a carry-over effect in parietal and frontal cortex; no carryover wasfound when reading a story was substituted for the task(Sarnthein et al., 1997). EEGs of epilepsy patients, somecomatose, showed decreased seizure activity during expo-sure to the sonata rather than silence or control music(Hughes, Daaboul, Fino, & Shaw, 1998; Hughes, Fino, &Melyn, 1999). The compositions differentially activatedthe prefrontal, occipital, and cerebellar regions—allregions associated with spatial-temporal reasoning. Thesefindings, although specific to music listening, may alsohave neurophysiological implications for the effects of mu-sic Ínstruction on certain spatial abilities.

Parsons, Hodges, and Fox (1998) have proposed an al-ternative theory. These researchers suggest that the rhyth-mic elements of music, processed in the cerebellum, areresponsible for the enhancement of spatial tasks (such asmental rotation tasks) that also require cerebellar function.A recent experiment by Parsons and his colleagues (citedin Hetland, 2000a) supports this hypothesis. Subjects per-formed two spatial-temporal tasks following one of fiveconditions: auditory exposure to rhythm without melody(a popular song bass line), auditory exposure to melodywithout rhythm (a melody presented in a steady beat), vi-sual exposure to rhythm (a pulsating square on a computer

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screen), auditory exposure to a continuóos tone, or silence.Enhanced performance of the spatial-temporal tasks wasfound following only the auditory and visual rhythmicconditions. This suggests that the enhancement of spatial-temporal tasks is due to rhythm, regardless of the modalityof presentation.

Other explanations for these transfer effects can befound in the cognitive literature. For example, Rauscher(1999) has proposed that several of the elements of musiccognition described by Serafine (1988)—temporal succes-ston and simultaneity, nontemporal closure, transforma-tion, and abstraction—may be musically analogous to thecognitive processes required to solve certain visuo-spatialtasks. Perhaps some of the skills involved in learning musictransfer to the performance of particular spatial skills.

The importance of studying the transfer of musicallearning to spatial learning becomes evident when one con-siders the overall signifkance of spatial abilities to cogni-tive function. High levéis of spatial ability have frequentlybeen linked to creativity, not only in the arts but in scienceand mathematics as well (Shepard, 1978; West, 1991).Physicists (Albert Einstein, James Clerk Maxwell, MichaelFaraday, and Hermann von Helmholtz), inventors (such asNikola Tesla and James Watt), and other scientists dis-played high levéis of spatial abilities and reported thatthese abilities played an important role in their most cre-ative accomplishments. In psychology, Shepard (1978) hasgiven particularly lucid accounts of the role of spatial im-agery irt his own thinking. Involuntary dream images werethe source of many of his most creative and influentialcontributions, including the idea for his research on mentalrotation, the first method of nonmetric multidimensionalscaling, and the computer algorithm that underlies additivenonhierarchical cluster analysis. Given the prominent roleof spatial abilities both in models of human abilities andin models of cognition, studies that demónstrate that musicinstruction may influence spatial reasoning have importanteducational implications. However, due to the fact thatthere is as yet no commonly accepted theoretical approachthat adequately accounts for these transfer effects, we rec-ommend discretion in both the interpretation of researchresults and their application.

Music Learning by Individuáis withBrain Disorders

Patients with Mental Disorders

The study of brain-damaged populations has always beena major área of research for investigating cognitive func-tioning of the human brain. Unfortunately, results of stud-ies of brain-damaged patients are neither consistent ñoreasy to interpret, because the loss of a particular abilitymay not necessarily be attributed to a damaged brain área

or specific module of information processing. Rather, lossof ability may instead be due to an interruption of impor-tant connections between collaborating cell assemblies.However, the effect on musical skills can be observed inmusicians with brain injuries who suffer from music alexiaand agraphia (Brust, 1980). Namely, developmental mu-sical dyslexia in children who have difficulties reading mu-sic has been studied (N. Cordón, 2000), just as generaldyslexia, which has significant effects on children's musicalabilities to recognize musical tone sequences and differen-tiate tone colors and sound intensities, has been (Kurth &Heinrichs, 1976). Therefore, investigations of the devel-opment of musical abilities in populations with brain dis-orders, as well as those with genetic abnormalities, offervaluable research. In particular, individuáis with Williamssyndrome, Down's syndrome, Alzheimer's and Hunting-ton's disease, and musicogenic epilepsy are rather inform-ative with respect to particular musical abilities.

There is an extended body of research that investigatedAlzheimer's disease and its impact on musical abilities. Itis well documented that previously acquired musical skills(e.g., singing and playing an instrument) remain accessibledespite otherwise severe cognitive impairment. A casestudy of an 82-year-old musician reports relatively sparedanterograde and retrograde procedural memory for musicmaking (Crystal, Grober, &c Masur, 1989). Similarly, J.Johnson and Ulatowska (1995) studied the progression ofdeterioration of Alzheimer's patients in music and lan-guage. They found that song texts in connection with thetunes persisted while speech was profoundly disturbed.This supports Gardner's (1983/1985) theory of uniquemúltiple intelligences, that is, that music as a manifestationof intelligence constitutes a faculty per se and is to a largedegree uncorrelated with other cognitive abilities.

A notable affinity for music is documented for childrenwith Down's and Williams syndromes. Quantitative studiesof brain morphology demónstrate a distinctive dysmor-phology unlike that of other forms of mental retardation(Lenhoff et al., 1997). A highly selective effect of braindevelopment appears to accompany Williams syndrome:Patients demónstrate a reduced cerebral size and a signifi-cant increase of neocerebellar vermal lobules, whereas in-dividuáis with Down's syndrome evidence a reduction inboth cerebellar components (Jernigan & Bellugi, 1990;Levitin & Bellugi, 1998). These individuáis often possessrelatively intact verbal working memory but are more im-paired in spatial working memory (Levitin 8c Bellugi,1995, p. 375). Therefore, they demónstrate deficient spa-tial coordination on the motoric level but perform generalmusical tasks sufficiently. Moreover, subjects with Williamssyndrome have a striking independence of rhythmic abili-ties and show a propensity for creative rhythmic produc-tions. The obvious evidence for this quality is calledrhythmicity or rhythmic musicality by Levitin and Bellugi

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(1998). Although children with Williams syndrome fail inPiagetian conservation tasks, they demónstrate a clear con-servation of musical time and rhythm. This may be linkedwith a general predominance of local over global process-ing strategies, especially in the processing of visual stimuli(Bellugi, Lai, Se Wang, 1997). In a rhythm repetition task,children with Williams syndrome often do not repeat cor-rectly the global structure but use local variations for cre-ative completions (Levitin & Bellugi, 1998). A similar af-finity for music and musical rhythm is reported for childrenwith Down's syndrome. In a comparative study with othermentally challenged and normal children, children withDown's syndrome exhibited the same level of rhythm dis-crimination as normal children but did differ from othermentally challenged children (Stratford & Ching, 1983).

These findings with subjects with Down's and Williamssyndrome suggest that musical abilities and other cognitivefunctioning may develop independently, perhaps due toneuroanatomical differences in the brain disorders of thesepatients. This suggests that music may not only serve atherapeutic goal, especially in Alzheimer's patients (Al-dridge, 1994; Glynn, 1992; Lord & Garner, 1993), but itmay also serve as a special tool for learning due to theevident interaction between rhythmicity and brain function(Thaut, Kenyon, et al, 1999) as well as movement andvocal sound production (Gruhn, 2001). This explanationalso relates to the striking effect of music on the motorcontrol of patients with Parkinson's disease. Also, research-ers have shown that patients with Huntington's diseasecould significantly modulate their gait velocity during self-paced and rhythmic metronome cueing, but velocity ad-aptations did not fit with an exact synchronization of stepsand metric impulses (Thaut, Miltner, et al., 1999). Effectsare also reported from patients with epilepsy where brain-wave abnormalities occur during music-induced seizures(Critchley, 1977). Just recently, fewer clinical seizures andfewer generalized bilateral spike and wave complexes werereported from a patient with Lennox-Gastaut syndromeafter regular exposure to Mozart's piano sonata K. 448(Hughes et al., 1999).

Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants

During the last two decades, advanced technology has beenapplied to the treatment of deaf (or severely hearing-impaired) children who still have an active hearing nerve.An artificial cochlea can be implanted to stimulate the haircells of the cochlea by electrodes that are activated throughelectric impulses from an outside microphone. Cochlearímpiant (CI) surgeries have become routine in Europe,Australia, and the United States since the 1980s, andyounger and younger prelingually deaf children can nowbe treated. The most appropriate time window for an ef-

ficient surgery is between age 2 and 4, that is, before thedevelopment of prosody has already been stabilized. Al-though there is only limited access to music transmitted bythe available technology of today (Fujita & Ito, 1999), fur-ther generations of speech processors (such as Nucleus,Clarion, and Med-el) will expand the range of formáis bydeveloping different strategies through use of either timeresolution (GIS = continuous interleaved sampling strat-egy), spectral peak resolution (SPEAK strategy), or a com-bined strategy (AGE = advanced combined encoder).

There ís an enormous amount of research on speechdevelopment and aural processing in CI patients and anincreasing interest in music perception as well (Gfeller etal., 1997; Ito et al., 1995; Pijl, 1997). Here we discuss theneurobiological development of primary and secondary au-ditory cortices of deaf patients. Up to now, very little hasbeen known about the cortical development of CI patientsafter they recover auditory cortex áreas. These áreas, likethe visual cortices of children born blind, are underdevel-oped and utilized by other sensory representations. Per-ception of different sounds evoked through electricalstimulation must be learned with respect to sound discrim-ination and the gradual attribution of meaning to discern-ible sounds. A clear understanding of the neurobiologicaldevelopment of mental representation can facilítate thislearning process, the goal of which relates to speech ac-quisition. As we know from neurolinguistics, even the se-mantics of a language are carried out through sequentialstructures in time. Therefore, music, especially rhythm pat-terns, may function as a cortex trainer for CI patients togain or regain perceptive and expressive competence. OnlyEEG measurements (because MEG and MRI cannot be ap-plied to the highly sensitive cochlear electrodes) can dem-ónstrate whether sound stimulation actually arrives at thebrain stem and how auditory and associative cortices de-velop during listening training and sound exposure. Theaforementioned interaction of movement and brain func-tion (Thaut, Kenyon, et al., 1999) plays an important rolein the learning process here, because the motor system re-sponds so sensitively to the auditory priming and, viceversa, rhythmic auditory stimulation corresponds with mo-tor activation.

Applications to Music Education

Results from brain research and neurobiological findingsalone can hardly lead to immediate applications and rec-ommendations for music education. These data cannot bedirectly transferred to educational practice because scien-tific descriptions are essentially different from educationalprescriptions. Empirical data are based upon objectivefacts and verifiable procedures; scientific research is com-mitted to objectivity, reliability, and validity. Judgments in

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education, however, are valué judgments to a large degree.Normativa decisions on valúes can never be deduced ob-jectively from empirical descriptions. As Gardner (1999)puts it: "We could know what every neuron does and wewould not be one step closer to knowing how to edúcateour children," because "the chasm between 'is' and 'ought'is unbridgeable" (pp. 60, 79).

Mental representation has become the key notion of thecognitive revolution during the decade of the brain (Gard-ner, 1999). Therefore, one possible application to musiceducation may involve the fostering of mental representa-tions (see chap. 30, by Andreas C. Lehmann and Jane W.Davidson in this volume). As already mentioned, educationis based on decisions that are grounded in valué judgmentsthat deal with the "what" and "why" of teaching, butfind-ings in neurobiology may indícate new ways of "how" toteach. Teaching interacts with the disposition and potentialof each individual. Although neurobiological findings can-not tell us why to teach music of a particular culture andwhat to select from the broad variety of musical traditions,empirical findings can advise us on how and when to teachso that mind, memory, perception, and cognition can bedeveloped most effectively. From that perspectiva, the neu-robiology of cognition and learning allows us to draw thefollowing tentative conclusions:

1. Learning is the process by which one develops andincrementally differentiates mental representations.Therefore, music learning focuses on the developmentof genuine musical representations that are character-ized by different forms of encoding.

2. Procedural knowledge (knowing how) is more appro-priate in music cognition than formal declarativeknowledge (knowing about). Immanent musical prop-erties (pulse, meter, tonality, intervals, motifs, contours,etc.) are represented by neuronal connections that canonly be recognized when activated through aural stim-ulation. Conversely, these musical entities can only bearticulated in singing or playing if developed as mentalrepresentations. Conscious activation may be called au-diation (E. E. Cordón, 1980/1997). It takes place whenneuronal representations are activated in thinking, lis-tening, or music making.

3. This calis for the idea of teaching music musically(Gruhn, 1997; Swanwick, 1999), that is, advancingthose teaching strategies and learning modes that pro-mote the development of genuine musical representa-tions by priming an aural-oral loop.

4. There is increasing evidence that music learning maytransfer to other áreas of learning (e.g., spatial learn-ing). The possible mechanisms of this transfer, eithercognitive or neurophysiological, are still unknown.Much more work is needed before applications to ed-ucational practice can be derived from these studies.

5. The same caution should also be applied to studies onthe lateralization effects in music. Music is processed in

both hemispheres, but there exists an asymmetric pre-dominance that depends on the applied cognitive strat-egy (global versus local; verbal versus procedural).Therefore, music teaching and learning should take intoconsideration that different strategies engage differentbrain áreas. The more interconnected these áreas are,the more stable the developed representations will be-come.

6. Research on individuáis with mental disorders hasclearly demonstrated that musical abilities develop in-dependently of other domains of cognition. Therefore,these studies suggest that each person forms his or herindividual intelligence profile. Music education shouldtake advantage of the individuaos potential within themusical domain rather than hoping for possible extra-musical transfer effects. Music education must developthe individual's unique musical a^'titude to its highestpossible level.

Further research questions that regard the developmentof appropriate methods for teaching and learning remain,such as:

• How do motor, aural, and visual representations inter-act?

• What role does memory play in "formal" representation?• How is global versus local processing in music localized?• What is the neuronal substrate of different types of rep-

resentation (figural versus formal)?• What kinds of subcortical representations are engaged in

music processing?• How do cortical and subcortical representations interact

in music learning?• Are there culture-specific types of brain processing and

formation of mental representation and, if so, what arethe optimal ways of teaching music within and betweencultures?

The ongoing dramatic progress in brain research hasspawned the investigation of many aspects of music learn-ing in a more sophisticated way than was ever thoughtpossible. This research may in the long run open new in-sights into the learning and understanding of music, withfar-reaching applications for music education.


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