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"\ . . '·JVOL. XVIII. \No. 31. MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, . DECEMBER 20, ONE YEAR 1.T •. DIl'.S TODDY MANASSAS SCHOOL FAIR ·WlNNERS IN ASfHYXIATION . . ,. Old .. t Citi&ea of PriDe. William Sw ..... '. Bill iD Coapeee for Spleadid I_u. &om DepartlDellt uMaa ..... u a Straa ..... See. It" Mn. G. D. aDd MiN Lucy Bride of Four Day. Fouad Dead ADd ODe of .Mo.t GeaeraUy Purchase of Grouad OIl Whicb of Aaricuiture::""F..,.. ... ha. Held at Ruffaer Lut Sat- Docan Awarded GOld and ia W uhiapm- Y OUD, H __ ··----KaoWD Mea ia VirIiaiL ., MODWIMIlb SIaad. Yited to FanUab New.. urda, Ev..u... Silnr Medab..- ..... Uu;.,...ICiout. ... ---_.- . .."" _.. I Mr. John Thomas LNehman. Senator Swauon baa a bill be. Commissioner G •. W. Koiner, The IChool fair, "Manaaau as The cakes entered in the con- Last Friday evening at the of the O1ost extensively and fore c.ongrea pmVidiDg for the IOf the Department of a Stranger Sees It, U given last I test lut Friday were finished Waring property, Elder J. F. favorably knoWf'l residents of purehUe olIO mueh of the land ture, is mailing out this week bia Saturday afternoon and evening IProduets of culinary art, beauti- Priestmarrled Miss MvthaKeys. Northern Virginia, succumbed to near Manaillas, surroundin the l .: epteft. at RuJrner came full)' (rom every standpoint, the pretty the infirmities of and "psaed . g I did iartie]ea apl*U' lD tlil8 Bulle- up to, expectations. and was s me forth murmun of satlsfac- of Mr. Robert Keys, of over the ri'f'er," at. the horQ4t of monulJ)ents on battIe6e1d, 88 tin. They de&:l with aubjeets lOurer of 88 well as tion from the many guesta who Brentsville. and Mr. J er r,. hie 8On-in-law, R. C. Buck. the Secretary ot')Var ahall deem that&re close to the heart of pieuunJ to the majority of thOle were served after the prize win- Bemado, 28 years old, a " near Milford Milla,Jlonday mom- neeeasary for the proteetion of farming'. They are practical and in attendance. The little Ms- Den had been announced. Bttch I t a I ian. who livea in Wash- .. ing, in the 92ild year of his age. and to _ble the j U$t the things the farmer nuaas a blaze. of color and an array of cakes have never ingt&it. Tuesday evening the The funeral took plaee \\ ednee- citizens of the eOuntl'y to visit wants to know and are auch .. beauty.""nd the numerous ea- been seen in Manusas except couple W88 found at a rooming day afternoon,Elder J. N. Badger, them. I any farmer can adopt I!'1t upontllese Prince house, '10 K str.eet, N. W., W un- of the Primitive Baptist chureh,' . ,into practice. up in every resPect; fully repay- William 'housewivea-and ington. the girl dead, and the officiating and June, 1865. UDlt.ed States I In this publication the farmers ingthemany workers whose time dena-:-exhibit their' dispta, of man senSeless. Three gal jeta made ia' tltefaauly burying of the' of i are invited funliJb: farm ne-:a brought thia cake tor their own open. ground. at cedar Grove. tJae took _p,oue8Slon of i and report bIg crop nelds. ThIs bigartiatic and tlDanCl81 BUCC818 aatiafaetion 88 well for the The man was rushed to Casal- premises of Mr. J. P. tIae ground of tbe battlefield, I infonnatio'n will help other for of the prizel offered. by the ty Hospital, where physic .. near Bmto.t- erecting two mMMilDleOts 'wh\ch ! tarmers and make Vuyulla one Pubhc Library. ' firma m charge. . stated he had about equal The pallbearers were-Messrs. still: ta d . :ate rty I great Test Farm by telling the It is impossible to out ,The remainder of the cakes chances of recovery. The Sixth. '. John Elliott Thomas Carroll, 01 s.n on. pnv prope.. l0ther farmers how they suc- the moat pppular sllCtlon of the were auctioned for the benefit of precinct was notified, and the · Charles Welford and the bavmg ·neveracqulfed l'leeded. ,town, but it is also safe to say the WolDiits Christian Temper- ambulance was caned. Coroner . Carlyle .Buck. all grand!ODs of tlij t!t1e. . . .. is a article on .In- the candy table was seldom anee Union, and .a N evitt to the house shortly the deceased. prevtded In bll.l. that I' tenslve FarmIng WI .. th the leadIng VISIble except througha. very sum of money was realizec:L afterw. ard· In response to a eaIJ. Mr. Leaehman is survi;ved by statement that therei$ no money mob of interested visitorS! ' Mrs. George D. Baker, of Ma- but decided to' postpone a deci- six daughters-Mrs. J. Frank orgaDlZ:Bti ons m the lor pleasure in any other system candy -.1e figured nassas, and Miss Lucy Dogan, sion of the case and manner of Dogan Mrs. Roberta Lynn, Mrs. may be penmtted to of fanning. It pays our fanners in the amount realized, throqgh who lives near town. are to be the girl's death until further in- Bessie'A. Elliott at;d Mrs. R. C. acoordlng I the CO)npliment of how the ettCll'ts of Miss Julia Maloney coagratulated upon. Winning the Later the girl'. Bilek, of Manassas.and vicinity.; to desJg!ls and locatIons approVE!d 1 to farm; but states that they are and Mias Alice Metz. two highest awards, a gold medal body was turned over to an .Mrs. E. L by the '!'ar. _ . up the by The. under for loaf cake and a silver tUldertaker. r . ville and Miss Katherine Leach- The comDl18Slon In undertaking to., cultivate too the direction of MIss. medal for the beet The --only person who eou}d · man:-ot'S£ Mary'sCity1J4d.,and be comPOSe? many acres. If this valuable Button and Miss Pearl Saow .', .. ariylight on the mystery three sOns--VesSrs. J. P. and one must be. Confe"d- article and put inti> prac- made a pretty di$Play of. fancy The awards as .. is .Mr. JQhn M;ay" of 11 P street. C. C. beaehman," of Manassas, erate vete:t:Bllt .. and ,a . ·Vlrgtnta - _.' __ .. _ m. ., llDl't1:least.-!.. Who.::: . .• two:- . . ... "... " .', ·tithe 8eyeral pwoehasers ' medal-)!rs.,G .. months ago, ErnmiL: Lyn(!hburg; by tbirty-two grand- . 18 to, carry out this is on D. Baker.- .' ", '.' , .' a :coUsin ?f the _. children and five .great-grand- the;Pllrpose of the act. the aregJven mas lJay.·. '. 2nd prize-Mrs. N. B. Hensley. Since thIS marnage Mr .. May baa -"'881"" YMA.RKir' HAPPENINGS.. . ofGnring BaeoI'L.. ". , The a wonder of. 3td prize-Mrs. T. C,-·Moo re . , . . . . the farm are Diocjes- a la and these,crea.. . 4th prize-Mrs. Geo. H. Ayres. his wife. who ftill bv:es WIth her hP<' . Rector is at home ". . l4issea- Thelma Nash. 5thprize:-'-Mrs; M.V.Conner, mother, 1I,t on .' , , 108818 placed at 40- Buck 8J)d.Graee M.etswere . F. A.. Lewis. , one oftheae triP!l. about thr.:e 'M ,0 White f EIP the draia gl'BCefully adorning the ·'1tltpnze-Mrs. H. weeks ago,-he mtrodueed hi .. . 01 . Tj,Uage . Mrs. H. of fer- " . . ' ,going to happen. , eny did I 1D the all-lmportant and. Willeoxonand Miss Dorothy Hay- 1st"ailv medal-M· very happy, but the was i live farm' subject How to llai&o don report a rushing business. ,. pnze-" er . ." . 188 glf) about the as r .: • • '1mo Tb batt!' and . ._- Lucy Dop,n., ' '. I no chang-em her. '. man, &8 he 18 famib_y wn. the d.eath of sister, lIrL ..' e , ell. ' war 2rid prize-Jill'S. C.nF.--N.Lewis;-The 'room was searclIed for' '. . was ideutifiedtwith the Maffett. . Wmter TreatmeDt of .. were Miss , 3M A. E. Spies. dt,1gs, but the only thing of that '., Of distril"t..- The of ..._ Wi Der ami manure. ........ Lilhan Leachman.' This was the 4th . Mrs.' L. E. P nature found was a bottle labeled ,. '-. -1...;-: ..... f 1D- Protectiq Our Birds' a duty . .paL ec1ucational feature and . ope. "aromatic spirits of amooia'" . -0 )..J.II:', BtoJ.tM. White. of to pnJlC1. .,' 6th pnze-:-Mrs. Hardie Seay. which the police took charge of. met scl,\ooL 00ard a leagtby MisSHedwig Baas, of Elizabt¢h every farmer. am the exhIbit sent by 6th'prize-ldiss Frances Spies. Identifieation was DU¥le fromlet- period.. It City;'.X J., is announeed. The aeel to the EXpPSl- 7th prize--Miss EliDQr Lewis.: ten and belonging to his valuable services ... gw,de for wedGing is to take place eariy in : and nelghpor was the ;" 8th prize-Mrs. G.. Ii the couple. The mQ8t conspieu- Generalsl.mlptreetandJaekson.. tlte New Y<6&I'. . lion the I?Crease. . . The N.ew·Prince a 9th prize-Mrs. G. G. Allen OU8 document was foamt-·----' whieh Coo{ederate Mr W Fran . vt"ad· fAIl In th18 Bulletin the young day and the- dusky Walters and Mrs. T F Col ' on mantle. !£vidently from .c forces in P-epe's ';")1 f teh x -! tanner in for importaBt were in white 10th __ eman. H , L.Hundley the gJt rl's ftoather .... donJt . a ......... 'f' speuu a 0 e, ·derati I' esteci '_.I f Mr Russell . wan you come wn ere any ood BUtIe of BWtRun. the bolidays 'With relatives here. J COIlSl.. on.\ t.S!, allQ aprons-In. Bet. 11th priie- )Ira. W. E. Lynch. more to see my battle was won: hl·the . Walter. of IS easy! by the ngbt kInd ·Walter, aDd Messrs. 12tJl prize-Mias IIaye- Sen Keys. U yCMtlGo there might erates. - will. :: th t f Misses of early training wed the boy Hubert Moon, Carroll Rice and leDey. !. . trouble. Martha is. too gooCl s Colonel LeaehmaA was of -.. e.-peso. to the farm and eamer than keep. for ,The man men- and BOO NeUl:e Rector. dunng I inga good farm hanel;" hardly'reeopized by th. best . M. as. '\ his the '. ' . The Soil ImPl'O'\"e- friends. '. . .• - . county. It is noeuggeration to.·.?· Bo. Pr,a-e; b., of PhiJa. contains the cream of &oil the .The Hi&n School wer: indications of say that --lew county delpb-. will spend- ofUie team will as a on commanded , '. agriculture. dramatie talents' of· Mis8ea San seuon wh!D it hnes at his of, the bed, and ita · miration . than did the subjeet ,of Mrs..Jamea of 1 . in Virginia !Should DonoIK)e and Marian night,; contents over this he pbaesaed woo bas very Iiek for: send his Dime to cnmmiiiP9Der Messn. 'Fruces Roy While all the playera'Ve m good the. floor. The authoritt84l are qualities of headanOeut aeveral-weeb, IB.e .... fE'Koiner .. .; ...... tb. Bulletins Blackwell and ,ResweD Bound CODdition ueept Haydon. who. Uyti' 109 - . ._." _ ". . .. , ._. of ;11 __ on . be ves.aa 1 e 18 DOwn 0 I. · , - "that bieiliUeieach month fDe.of. ' were the talk of aM· fait. ' on ,.,111. -Washington exce.Pt that he wu. he came aDd bUlln.. Mr. and lIr.a. U.nson D:.':l"-. ! ... . _-' _ Lut, bat -.. IeMt, ... tile to the game,. the of Franee and hM..heen in contaet.. Cana nda ..... __ : .. I. ' · P, qorieuJtmal abibit,- under team.-II •• aever to- the Cltyonlya 'l'be the WITIl direciio.· n.of Mr. Earl D. Merrill _,very .nd ,the have amved 'at DO betterment of humamty In the Edmonia bier at MIle, c. Eo L. B' Itilworthaviaittotbe.-., .... · umm theywipbe.UciIJg.u in whicla he lived and for weeks. . .. . ; Obi precioaI tboaeht at cIar,' lnatitute to-dQ. QlOI'e. Mr. Iteys, fatber of--t.ta.. em. 'his counsel aoqht 11181 IfarJ Scott; will. 8ft on I' What 6nt. we come til eaa.ooa. life, , • playera-wbo can proI;JRbIy force to W88llington Wedn", and given,Jn:tbe:attainment of Satur1ia1 to spend ChrittmM at faeiJMr aU malt or1Dq EGGLDTON atOSEN. them to 10 the limit in order to to briDg.the bodi hOme and inter- 8I1Ch pUrpoee. Colonel Leaeh- ier IKae AJpltent. . . 118 of tare or mit. . -- _;' Captain Adamson and meat -probably be '!Ude at· man. though conservative in his St.i wtdl-. DOW,!II yeeterdq. wiD probeNy start the BreDtBville." .. views. couraae of Pauls Cbureb Oft Cbriatmas: ABd wbeD at 1IOOD Ute IUD ridee .... at· PARCEL POST his convictions rand refwIed to morning. I'be cbildreIl'. aelviee ' Lif_' •. euwa_ . cer.' yield where justice and right wiD be at 1 1 :- Pablie baa . WnlJ put in before the eloee Post!Daster teUs us that would be sacrificed. This ehane- 0 clock m to wbieIa I widi ";j' Dft widl joy .. chief t1ae fieJcl of the coot_ baa been showing ,?ubhcIty should be teriatie of this gntnd old man .... all are cordiaIlJ inVIted. .11. ., . m rural education of the United that makes him like ImmedIately to the follow- full WilitGW4 to ... _ 'teI' .' And wben to n.tide we , StatesBoreauof Eduation He terial ' features of the propoeed par- y ....... wn or -- . LTbe aUDHt dow ea.foldt.Use W.... ma post regulationa:.. ,. '- ·-1!8lt1U1lP1l'iiB",,--Ienw ... ; lee wHll mMl'lbeIi· upMt- the- Marta mn. riIOII, - -. . '"That diStinctive parcel poet on the tiehooliboard referred to. many who have profited b7 hia Tbe boar is DiP..... ... . will ,center ... while the stamps must he uaed en all fourth Those wboee intiJDq with wi8doin ana .. ssociation." ''God with -. "lti1l.oar Sa ... .,... try w!ll be "lSIted and two poeitiona lie between ctass matter beginning January CGIoael Leachman did DOt.eXtend TIm JOUllNAL extends ita I ADd bye aDd wben. the ItudieI taaabtWiIljams.Arey;Green and Round. 1. that such matter ,. '-t.o his fireside. through DO fault sincerest sympathy to the sor-I TM work of Life'. Icq da, ia 0'., u far as tothe needs The Alumni team wiD possess a :ill: J?08tage stamps ... -{ his hospitality, are little able rowing family ia the boar of ita We'll.Dow Use patly __ . commUDJt¥. - Di. strong nucleus in the men from ,trea as Held for " to j12dge of many of his noble bereavement and truats that the r:: , :' . last High Scbool and 'Th8t parcels wil be mailable eharacteristics.:tor it n.a there knowledge that along life of us&: '( • , • " Aside from 1Mlhlic-. will have the gnlQu- at J>OSt offices l!r:anSh post. tJw. the of hus- t tbtfte8l has been brought to a -Mr. C. E. Fisher and funily Mr. Eggleston 18 wen bown In ates of a few years back to . baIMl_ Utber.&Dd of oIcl ViI'- r clOH fap. beyond the allotted to move Monday into their 14 a n a. s a.. baviDa' adclres8ed ctepend QD. : This will be the only and Sllbe ch sta· - mad' school gatheftinp on Ie era1' 19M as rnav by hospitahty were e i time, may Ute grief that new .t the comer of I. v oe. game that the High Schoo! will the pogtmastel'. Of' prest'; , r t'fl to a manifest. I w 0 u I d otbel'WlBe beJ.r more East and Church streets. The C&Slons. play before the holidays, the I rural or other carner dW.... Ii >J. By precept ancf example he, heavily upon the hearts of thoae:inside work is just finished at- _p 'd t M H U regular schedule beginning onith?Tlzed to receive sud: :--::,';\'r. contributed virtue and; who mourn the loss of a father'. though the outside view has pre- a ttd January 10th, when they will That aid I mu,.o;t n('ar the I ·t f 'rcl h! d ... - f ther' 1 I ted ttract'C· mon y.---... . 1& h retUnl car 0 e Render Of,jer- mora I y ° Cl eel presence an 0.1. ... a • ove. sen an.a cppearanee students lut Saturday even- agam p yat orne probably with I Wise they will not be accepted for entered and memory 18 DOW ._ X. for some tune. mg. the Marshall High School. I malilng. It

The Manassas Journal -

Jan 09, 2022



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Page 1: The Manassas Journal -

"\ . . '·JVOL. XVIII. \No. 31. MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, . DECEMBER 20, 191~;. ~-~---. ONE nOLt~R.A YEAR


Old .. t Citi&ea of PriDe. William Sw ..... '. Bill iD Coapeee for Spleadid I_u. &om DepartlDellt uMaa ..... u a Straa ..... See. It" Mn. G. D. Bak~ aDd MiN Lucy Bride of Four Day. Fouad Dead ADd ODe of .Mo.t GeaeraUy Purchase of Grouad OIl Whicb of Aaricuiture::""F..,.. ... ha. Held at Ruffaer Lut Sat- Docan Awarded GOld and ia W uhiapm-Y OUD, H __

··----KaoWD Mea ia VirIiaiL ., MODWIMIlb SIaad. Yited to FanUab New.. urda, Ev..u... Silnr Medab..-..... Uu;.,...ICiout. ~c---------.---.'---'- ... ---_.- . ..""

-.~~ _.. I

Mr. John Thomas LNehman. Senator Swauon baa a bill be. Commissioner G •. W. Koiner, The IChool fair, "Manaaau as The cakes entered in the con- Last Friday evening at the of the O1ost extensively and fore c.ongrea pmVidiDg for the IOf the Department of A~cul- a Stranger Sees It, U given last I test lut Friday were finished Waring property, Elder J. F.

favorably knoWf'l residents of purehUe olIO mueh of the land ture, is mailing out this week bia Saturday afternoon and evening IProduets of culinary art, beauti- Priestmarrled Miss MvthaKeys. Northern Virginia, succumbed to near Manaillas, surroundin the l ~em~r B~U!~i!.': .: So~e epteft. at RuJrner bw~ding. came full)' ~ul (rom every standpoint, ~ring- the pretty twenty-th~year-old • the infirmities of ~ and "psaed . g I did iartie]ea apl*U' lD • tlil8 Bulle- up to, expectations. and was s me forth murmun of satlsfac- dau~hter of Mr. Robert Keys, of over the ri'f'er," at. the horQ4t of monulJ)ents on ~e battIe6e1d, 88 tin. They de&:l with aubjeets lOurer of 88 well as tion from the many guesta who Brentsville. and Mr. J er r,. hie 8On-in-law, Dr~ R. C. Buck. the Secretary ot')Var ahall deem that&re close to the heart of pieuunJ to the majority of thOle were served after the prize win- Bemado, 28 years old, a yOt1~

" near Milford Milla,Jlonday mom- neeeasary for the proteetion of farming'. They are practical and in attendance. The little Ms- Den had been announced. Bttch I t a I ian. who livea in Wash-.. ing, in the 92ild year of his age. tb6~s and to _ble the ~scU88 j U$t the things the farmer nuaas ~as a blaze. of color and an array of cakes have never ingt&it. Tuesday evening the

The funeral took plaee \\ ednee- citizens of the eOuntl'y to visit wants to know and are auch .. beauty.""nd the numerous ea- been seen in Manusas except couple W88 found at a rooming day afternoon,Elder J. N. Badger, them. I any farmer can adopt ~ I!'1t tabliahme.f1~ we~e Eleverlli~tt~!1 upontllese ~na.when Prince house, '10 K str.eet, N. W., W un-of the Primitive Baptist chureh,' . ,into practice. up in every resPect; fully repay- William 'housewivea-and ~ai- ington. the girl dead, and the officiating and interment~W88 ~n June, 1865. UDlt.ed States I In this publication the farmers ingthemany workers whose time dena-:-exhibit their' dispta, of man senSeless. Three gal jeta made ia' tltefaauly burying troo~ of the' ~-:nt of i are invited ~ funliJb: farm ne-:a a~ e~o~ brought ~bout thia a~ V~nia cake tor their own we~ open. ground. at cedar Grove. tJae W~naton took _p,oue8Slon of i and report bIg crop nelds. ThIs bigartiatic and tlDanCl81 BUCC818 aatiafaetion 88 well ~ for the The man was rushed to Casal-premises of Mr. J. P. tIae ground of tbe battlefield, I infonnatio'n will help ~;~ other for ~e ~nefit of the Carneaienum~U8 prizel offered. by the ty Hospital, where physic ..

near Bmto.t- erecting two mMMilDleOts 'wh\ch ! tarmers and make Vuyulla one Pubhc Library. ' firma m charge. . stated tba~ he had about equal The pallbearers were-Messrs. still: ta d . :ate ~ rty I great Test Farm by telling the It is impossible to ~ingle out ,The remainder of the cakes chances of recovery. The Sixth.

'. John Elliott Thomas Carroll, 01 s.n on. pnv prope.. l0ther farmers how they suc- the moat pppular sllCtlon of the were auctioned for the benefit of precinct was notified, and the · Charles LY~ Welford ~uck and the ~tion bavmg ·neveracqulfed l'leeded. ,town, but it is also safe to say the WolDiits Christian Temper- ambulance was caned. Coroner

. Carlyle .Buck. all grand!ODs of tlij t!t1e. . . .. T~ere is a ~tron~ article on .In- t~~t the candy table was seldom anee Union, and . a ~tifying N evitt wen~ to the house shortly the deceased. t~ I~ prevtded In .t~~. bll.l. that I' tenslve FarmIng WI .. th the leadIng VISIble except througha. very sum of money was realizec:L afterw. ard· In response to a eaIJ.

Mr. Leaehman is survi;ved by soele~ea .represe~ng m~btary statement that therei$ no money mob of interested visitorS! ' Mrs. George D. Baker, of Ma- but decided to' postpone a deci-six daughters-Mrs. J. Frank orgaDlZ:Btions takll~~ ~ m the lor pleasure in any other system candy -.1e figured nassas, and Miss Lucy Dogan, sion of the case and manner of Dogan Mrs. Roberta Lynn, Mrs. ba~l~ may be penmtted to e~ of fanning. It pays our fanners in the amount realized, throqgh who lives near town. are to be the girl's death until further in­Bessie'A. Elliott at;d Mrs. R. C. adtiiti.~dal menume~ts acoordlng I the CO)npliment of knowi~ how the ettCll'ts of Miss Julia Maloney coagratulated upon. Winning the vestigati~n. Later the girl'. Bilek, of Manassas.and vicinity.; to desJg!ls and locatIons approVE!d

1 to farm; but states that they are and Mias Alice Metz. two highest awards, a gold medal body was turned over to an

.Mrs. E. L Carroll;~harlottes- by the ~ o~ '!'ar. _ . up agai~st the im~ibl~ by The. Be~ment' ~~re, under for theb~t loaf cake and a silver tUldertaker. r . ville and Miss Katherine Leach- The comDl18Slon In c~e!rill undertaking to., cultivate too the direction of MIss. medal for the beet The --only person who eou}d

· man:-ot'S£ Mary'sCity1J4d.,and be comPOSe? of·th~ peno~ many acres. If this valuable Button and Miss Pearl Saow .', .. ~-. ariylight on the mystery ~--'--by three sOns--VesSrs. J. P. and one ofw~m must be. Confe"d- article i~ ~a~ and put inti> prac- made a pretty di$Play of. fancy The awards ~ as ~OnOW8: .. is .Mr. JQhn M;ay" of 11 P street.

C. C. beaehman," of Manassas, erate vete:t:Bllt .. and ~llOther ,a . ·Vlrgtnta -~~ ~nce _.' __ .. _ m. ., -:-:::-~.:..LOA,t:. CA.KL~... llDl't1:least.-!.. Who.::: . .aho.ut~ .• two:- . . ... "... F~veteI~no., " . ', ·tithe 8eyeral pwoehasers ' lstpri~-gOId medal-)!rs.,G .. months ago, m.m~MiS8 ErnmiL:

Lyn(!hburg; by tbirty-two grand- . 18 pr~)Vlded to, carry out ~ this is ~~~&"~k~ling .~ntb, _~ ~istrlbutJ~ on ~ D. Baker.- .' ", '.' , .' ~eys, a :coUsin ?f the d~eaaed.,.-,,- _. children and five .great-grand- the;Pllrpose of the act. the ~ers; aregJven mas lJay.·. '. 2nd prize-Mrs. N. B. Hensley. Since thIS marnage Mr .. May baa "ebi[Jdren;~~-"rifer.mI)'" -"'881"" YMA.RKir' HAPPENINGS.. . ofGnring BaeoI'L.. ". , The Milline~was a wonder of. 3td prize-Mrs. T. C,-·Moore. ~n ~making :w~:end~ts.w

, . ~ . . . .-M~ur.e ~on the farm are Diocjes- a la ~~ and these,crea.. . 4th prize-Mrs. Geo. H. Ayres. his wife. who ftill bv:es WIth her hP<' . Rector is at home lDtell~ntly ". . l4issea-Thelma Nash. 5thprize:-'-Mrs; M.V.Conner, mother, 1I,t Bre~tsv~ne,and on

.' ··the~ii.'. , , 108818 placed at 40- ~r.cent.Locle Buck 8J)d.Graee M.etswere . 6thp~~Mrs. F. A.. Lewis. , one oftheae triP!l. about thr.:e 'M ,0 White f EIP the ~e farm,_~. draia gl'BCefully adorning the ·'1tltpnze-Mrs. H. L..BtU'd~. weeks ago,-he mtrodueed hi ..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'~W~~~.~·~~~~~~r~.~~~~~·~~G~:~oo~o~~~e~r~b~"~~~n~~~.~~~~~. ~~~~~_~~~~~ . 01 . Tj,Uage . 9tbprize~ Mrs. H.

~~~."...--=--::-'---"----:=' of fer- sn(J'CK~~

~~' " . • . ' loAYbOAEE~ ,going to happen. , eny did

I 1D the all-lmportant and. Willeoxonand Miss Dorothy Hay- 1st"ailv medal-M· n~t·seem very happy, but the was i live farm' subject How to llai&o don report a rushing business. ,. pnze-" er . ." . 188 glf) ~ about the ~e as ,~ver. r

.: • • '1mo Tb batt!' ~eld' and . ._- Lucy Dop,n., ~. ' '. I n~ no chang-em her. '. man, &8 he 18 famib_y wn. the d.eath of ~er sister, lIrL ..' e , ell. ' war 1D~- 2rid prize-Jill'S. C.nF.--N.Lewis;-The 'room was searclIed for'

'. . was ideutifiedtwith the Maffett. . ~y Wmter TreatmeDt of .. were 8UpennteD1i~by Miss , 3M pme~Mrs. A. E. Spies. dt,1gs, but the only thing of that '., O\~hools Of Wian~ distril"t..- The of ... _ Wi Der ami manure. ........ Lilhan Leachman.' This was the 4th . ~ Mrs.' L. E. P nature found was a bottle labeled

,. '-. -1...;-:..... f .~- ~ en~ent.u:. 1D- Protectiq Our Birds' a duty . .paL ec1ucational feature and p~ . ope. "aromatic spirits of amooia'" . ~ng -~IUQA -0 )..J.II:', BtoJ.tM. White. of Haymat'~et. to ~ pnJlC1. .,' 6th pnze-:-Mrs. Hardie Seay. which the police took charge of.

met scl,\ooL 00ard ~or a leagtby MisSHedwig Baas, of Elizabt¢h every farmer. ~ am the exhIbit sent by RWf~ 6th'prize-ldiss Frances Spies. Identifieation was DU¥le fromlet-period.. It ~as-1aI'gely ~rough City;'.X J., is announeed. The marke~ aar:denel'ow~to.~lf aeel to the Ja.m~wn EXpPSl- 7th prize--Miss EliDQr Lewis.: ten and ~ belonging to his valuable services ... gw,de for wedGing is to take place eariy in : and hi~ nelghpor ~ I~ was the ~lef di~~y. ;" 8th prize-Mrs. G .. Ii ~er. the couple. The mQ8t conspieu-Generalsl.mlptreetandJaekson.. tlte New Y<6&I'. . lion the I?Crease. . . The N.ew·Prince WJl)~ a 9th prize-Mrs. G. G. Allen OU8 document was ~ote foamt-·----' whieh ~ Coo{ederate Mr W Fran . vt"ad· fAIl In th18 Bulletin the young day and the- dusky Walters and Mrs. T F Col ' on ~e mantle. !£vidently from .c

forces in P-epe's _~_L ';")1 ~~ part~o f tehx-! tanner com~ in for importaBt were ~espleadent in white 10th nwoi.,~_ ~ __ eman.H, L.Hundley the gJt rl's ftoather .... tdoread.h·~I donJt . a ......... 'f' speuu a 0 e, ·derati I' esteci '_.I • f Mr Russell . P;"~ ~ • • wan you come wn ere any

ood BUtIe of BWtRun. ~ the bolidays 'With relatives here. J COIlSl.. on.\ t.S!, ~g. allQ aprons-In. Bet. 11th priie-)Ira. W. E. Lynch. more to see my daoghter."MJiPtI~·--~ battle was won: hl·the Coof~ . Ili8ItM~ Walter. of Was~_Jthatlt IS easy! by the ngbt kInd .he.y,h~ ·Walter, aDd Messrs. 12tJl prize-Mias IIaye- Sen Keys. U yCMtlGo there might erates. - ~__ will. :: th t f Misses ~ of early training ~ wed the boy Hubert Moon, Carroll Rice and leDey. !. . trouble. Martha is. too gooCl s

Colonel LeaehmaA was of th~ -.. e.-peso. to the farm and eamer than keep. for ~." ,The man men-high8St-tY~f ~i~ and LG~ BOO NeUl:e Rector. dunng I inga good farm hanel;" hardly'reeopized by th. best . M. as. '\ his 10S8.isa)iistiud:iyeone~ the Clariatius·.,~ '. ' . The artic~on Soil ImPl'O'\"e- friends. '. . .• - . county. It is noeuggeration to.·.?· Bo. Pr,a-e; b., of PhiJa. contains the cream of &oil the .The Hi&n School bask~tball wer: indications of ~ say that --lew peo~:tbe county delpb-. will spend- ofUie team will m~t ~ first~ ~ as a on t!b~e~-O!= commanded ~and , '. agriculture. dramatie talents' of· Mis8ea San seuon wh!D it hnes up~nst at his of, the bed, and ita

· miration . than did the subjeet ,of Mrs..Jamea ~ of, 1 . in Virginia !Should DonoIK)e and Marian Lewis;~ the.~ ~' Monaa~ night,; contents ~ere .scatte~ ~ over this n()ticI.~for he pbaesaed woo bas ~ very Iiek for: send his Dime to cnmmiiiP9Der Messn. 'Fruces ~ Roy While all the playera'Ve m good the. floor. The authoritt84l are qualities of headanOeut aeveral-weeb, • IB.e .... ~ fE'Koiner .. -~ .;...... tb. Bulletins Blackwell and ,ResweD Bound CODdition ueept Haydon. who. Uyti' 109 tol·ttltra~kBernado,j,~ - . ._." _ ". . .~~ .. , ._. of ;11 __ on . be ves.aa 1 e 18 DOwn 0 I.

· end~ hllD.~th ~hom· , - ~ "that bieiliUeieach month fDe.of. ' were the talk of aM· fait. ' on aeeount.~. ,.,111. I~ -Washington exce.Pt that he wu. he came ~ aDd bUlln.. Mr. and lIr.a. U.nson D:.':l"-. UJ,tbe~Wirer& ! ... . _-' _ Lut, bat -.. IeMt, ... tile to ~ the game,. ~ the nativ~ of Franee and hM..heen in contaet.. H18)18tureseemed~?f Cananda ..... __ : ~ .. ~ I. ' · P, qorieuJtmal abibit,- under ~ team.-II •• aever ~ to- the Cltyonlya fewm~n~ 'l'be ~n.wor1riDlCout:p~ ~ the mallr.~sf~y~ lIi8I'l.l~~''GOD WITIl U8.~~ direciio.· n.of Mr. Earl D. Merrill _,very m~ .nd ~n ,the aufho~es have amved 'at DO betterment of humamty In the Edmonia bier at MIle, c. Eo L. B' Itilworthaviaittotbe.-.,....· umm theywipbe.UciIJg.u ~:::.e:B~~"edy, ~ eoldldU~ty in whicla he lived and for ~eral weeks. . .. . ; Obi precioaI tboaeht at ~ cIar,' lnatitute to-dQ. QlOI'e. ~eDCed Mr. Iteys, fatber of--t.ta.. em. ~,. 'his counsel wa<t~uently aoqht 11181 IfarJ Scott; will. 8ft on I' What 6nt. we come til eaa.ooa. life, , • playera-wbo can proI;JRbIy force to W88llington Wedn", and given,Jn:tbe:attainment of Satur1ia1 to spend ChrittmM at ~ faeiJMr aU .~ malt or1Dq EGGLDTON atOSEN. them to 10 the limit in order to to briDg.the bodi hOme and inter-8I1Ch pUrpoee. Colonel Leaeh- ier IKae ~ AJpltent. . . ?-.~ 118 ~ of tare or mit. . -- _;' Captain Adamson and meat ~t -probably be '!Ude at· man. though conservative in his ~ St.i ~ wtdl-. DOW,!II yeeterdq. wiD probeNy start the BreDtBville." .. views. couraae of Pauls Cbureb Oft Cbriatmas: ABd wbeD at 1IOOD Ute IUD ridee .... at· PARCEL POST his convictions rand refwIed to morning. I'be cbildreIl'. aelviee ' Lif_' •. euwa_ ~ ~.... ~ . cer.' •

yield where justice and right ~ cel~brMion wiD be at ~e 11:-'~oar ~~~: Pablie ~tioD, baa . WnlJ put in before the eloee Post!Daster ~~e teUs us that would be sacrificed. This ehane- 0 clock m ~ ~ to wbieIa I i~ widi ";j' Dft widl joy .. ~ ~ chief ~ t1ae fieJcl ~~ of the coot_ baa been showing th~ ~dest ,?ubhcIty should be teriatie of this gntnd old man.... all are cordiaIlJ inVIted. .11. ., . m rural education of the United that makes him ~ like ImmedIately to the follow-full

WilitGW4 to ... _ 'teI' .-~ ~ .' And wben to n.tide we ~ , StatesBoreauof Eduation He terial ' features of the propoeed par-y .ex~__ ....... wn • or • -- . LTbe aUDHt dow ea.foldt.Use W.... ma post regulationa:.. ,.

'- ·-1!8lt1U1lP1l'iiB",,--Ienw ... ; lee wHll mMl'lbeIi· upMt- the- Marta ofr~ ~ mn. _~ riIOII, - -. • . ~ '"That diStinctive parcel poet on the tiehooliboard referred to. many who have profited b7 hia Tbe boar is DiP..... ... . will i~ ,center ... while the stamps must he uaed en all fourth

Those wboee intiJDq with wi8doin ana .. ssociation." ''God with -. "lti1l.oar Sa ... .,... try w!ll be "lSIted and two poeitiona lie between ctass matter beginning January CGIoael Leachman did DOt.eXtend TIm JOUllNAL extends ita I ADd bye aDd ~ye, wben. ~'faIII, ~ the ItudieI taaabtWiIljams.Arey;Green and Round. 1. 1~13. ~ that such matter

,. '-t.o his fireside. through DO fault sincerest sympathy to the sor-I TM work of Life'. Icq da, ia 0'., u far as ~." tothe needs ~ The Alumni team wiD possess a :ill: ~ J?08tage stamps ... -{ ~f his hospitality, are little able rowing family ia the boar of ita We'll.Dow Use )(~ patly ~ __ . commUDJt¥. ~ ~ - Di. strong nucleus in the men from ,trea as Held for ~ " to j12dge of many of his noble bereavement and truats that the ~ r:: ~~!:"=.:::.::.... patc~ , :' . last y~ar'8 High Scbool ~ and 'Th8t parcels wil be mailable

eharacteristics.:tor it n.a there knowledge that along life of us&: '( • , • " Aside from ~ 1Mlhlic-. will have the gnlQu- at J>OSt offices l!r:anSh post. tJw. the perUc~deYotioil of hus- t tbtfte8l has been brought to a -Mr. C. E. Fisher and funily Mr. Eggleston 18 wen bown In ates of a few years back to . lettereaa~local-named baIMl_ Utber.&Dd of oIcl ViI'- r clOH fap. beyond the allotted ~xpect to move Monday into their 14 a n a. s a.. baviDa' adclres8ed ctepend QD. : This will be the only St~tJon8. and Sllbech dnum~rf'd sta·

- mad' school gatheftinp on Ie era1' 19M as rnav eSlgnat~ by gini~' hospitahty were e i time, may assna~e Ute grief that new ~deRCe .t the comer of I. v oe. game that the High Schoo! will the pogtmastel'. Of' prest'; , r t'fl to a manifest. I w 0 u I d otbel'WlBe beJ.r more East and Church streets. The C&Slons. play before the holidays, the I rural or other carner dW.... Ii >J.

By precept ancf example he, heavily upon the hearts of thoae:inside work is just finished at- _p 'd t ~ M H U regular schedule beginning onith?Tlzed to receive sud: :--::,';\'r. contributed to~the virtue and; who mourn the loss of a father'. though the outside view has pre- Roop;~ ~ a ttd ~tiO~ January 10th, when they will That aid I pafrcthel~ mu,.o;t n('ar the

I·t f 'rcl h! d ... - f ther' 1 I ted ttract'C· mon y.---... . 1& h retUnl car 0 e Render Of,jer-mora I y ° ~very Cl • eel presence an 0.1. ... a • ove. sen an.a cppearanee ~ students lut Saturday even- agam p yat orne probably with I Wise they will not be accepted for entered and ~ memory 18 DOW ._ X. for some tune. mg. the Marshall High School. I malilng. It

Page 2: The Manassas Journal -

• I

ta .

US - .------ ---

--- --.~--- . '-T oys of 'ev:eri'kind . fii the world-~ toys than the, whole of Manassas~"-­eve.f had in it at one time before. . Dolli of, every description' from 1 c eacb-' -­to . $35.00 each. . See ~'Miss Nina," the largest, prettiest and most expensive DoD ever .brought to Manassas.

. Tricycles, .~and c~rs,. sleds, desks, sulkies, .wag?lls,sh?O fi.ies, gam~ oL all kindS. tree ornaments, Christmas post cards, doll furniture, air rifles and every other lnlagmable to~.--all <;>n display aI!~ ready for ,Your inspection ... We have plenty of ,room to put away your -toys now ad keep them till Christmas. It will be better for you as well as.ourselves to make ~ selections now.while the, stock is full and you would bcp.:e plenty of time to go overthe line and pick out what you want and put_It away. ' ". -' , ' " ' . ,. .' .

CHINA FOR XMAS. We have one whole, room fu~l of toys and china for Xmas, The handsomest you ever saw---lamps, berry bowls and sets, water sets, pitchers, dmnersets, figures, ornaments, salad bowls cake plates

,cups and, saucer~, and a million other useful things that you will see when you come. T- , , .',

. yv e havel)Purchased the largest' line .oft:"ire Worla this year in-ourhlstory and you know-tbat'. saymg some., '-~

: '."Everxthi~f' o~ Earth l?' .Eat,"" cOmprising _~he best on the market of Nuts. of. all. kinds, forty dif­ferentlmias~o " candy, Rqms, F~~, i?ates, Mince·, ~~ts, 'Cranbem~' Cel~ry,Oysten,

- Turkey. Give us a caIl--~we1!~ve thegoods---thepnces -an:,mgbt. . ,- »...., . -' '. - ~.-•


------lHF..--:- MANASSAS JOURNAL i not gambling Olilmargiti, ~u- P\ll'llOlM! of this movement is -to 'C-':;"" c. Ilating in land, or getting the gout direct Chris~ and giv-

,_ . I

.,;i;I'HE L~St~~~s~gMPAKY, IN/Ul:l. 1 children bed'ew hODt'St'coniwith and to eliminate ______ ~---= ~_=_"='_~'=~-- telll'll. No smothered miners dig meaningless and".,. 'uI:.efl:Ll-tl~iCHII-~·~~~-· & ...... d •• ,h. 1'00, Uffic •• ' )1....:.~ . .,. the profit from their darkenea that now cO~.titntes a large part ,-------

u.aeeoa.dcl ...·", •• le, I Y ha db h f CL -'---_,,-:cc= __ ._ _ _ ~ 80U S, ou ve e&rne y on- 0 uc",tmas remembrance.-eat toil ano good judgment· the Sunday Slar. -'

·SVBSCRIPTION RAT.S.-$1.51J Per An· • . -,. -.. "",-'1.00 if. Paid StriCtly. in 7d .... ce frUits of the earth that the p '" . ded'" 0",' . RESIDENT-ELECT WILSON

-- .. Single CODi •• Thr.~nt mten, The graln IS the ed ' " , ______ . __ bounw of Natllre, not the divi. serv, notice m no uncertam Old Ncitional Bank of


FRIDAY, DECEMHER 20, 1912, dend of ~pecial privll('ge. Any way upon. the panic prom~ers =======_= . ..,.,_ == I (lther boy with the same bod that he right on the job

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS I and c~urage and a chanCe at a~ wh.m they begin the,irwork" to A merry, merry Christmas and, acre can do the sa~e' upon them a I:!rand whrch

a happy and prosperous New ~ doesn't need a lobby: or a tariff, they will carry with ,hanIe to Year ,to every reader of TllEi or 'a receiver, It gives back the grave: JOURNAL! . "Christmas comeB 'every ounce of strength put into SENATORS MARTIN ANP SWAN·

. but once a year, and everywhere ,it. It'may look like a gam5fe on SON hllve declared their-favor , should reign gQOd..,eheer, " May i the weather, but year in and year the' Sheppard - Kenyon "dry this Christmas be to each and out, the earth is the only banker state" bill which prohibits the everyone of our readers a sea- that'-runs-a: gail\e where the per- shipment of liquor from one state son of joy and gladness, and may centage is in favor of the player into another), wher~' local option each successive Christmas 'be and not the bank,' obtains, happier than the· last. Thi8 is right high-brow talk for I=c:=~========

A happy pome is neverhsppier a corncrib, But it iss right high

- .

Manassas· I



The National Bank of Manassas than at the Christmas season, ' -noble thing to have multi­when ~permost element tn plipd the yield of the land by six ~VeI'llheart is the desire and pur- or seven. 'It means much fo~ J!OS€tomakee~eryon~el~happy Virginia to produce good corn . '. ' . .' 3 PER CENT PAID ON TIME D. EPOSITS &8 far ~,genume feeling, h~ty and good boys: It means better RECTOR & BUTLER . - . . . . ..1, good ,WIll, and personirJ abIhty liVing for othet follis. It means UNDERTAKERS, HAYMJ.RKE'I, VA. 'Ib '. . 'l...· permIts. .To most happy people lower coat of livin&-. It means P"""pt _,ad "".i~ oem... ~recI e e J::I J::I' .• ====11::===::111: the· Christmas time would lose all more abundimtly,-Ttmes- a.._I.""ohod.loraD7..-·ble~ ~~=~~~~~~====~====~=~'.~==~~=~~~~~ :of its joy were it minus the little llDiS)~atcm, -, ileeda of kindnesS. the little-silr-prise& for those' whose hi_iS WHITELAW REID, .

. . ----- - -- -- . __ .... _----.

are numbtired with greater easE: .~ th~,Aiid the.~~ n'/Vhiltelaw

==~~~'~J~'~~~;;;;==~;;==~~~~~;===~~::~==::::==::::==:::::::::::;===7::::::::::==::';';~;;;~:.=.=c==:~.=c=";';;;;;;;;~= ~~=~-c--c1~~~=='~w~n~ded~~b~y~· th:~e~~~'~~w~o~m~~~·.ri~.f:~.~.~,~~~, ~r~egre~t~ .. I~~~~·~~:.~i{i:~~'~4(~2~~~~~I"~~~ r " _ I _. • 7 ," . ~L h ' .:... d' . ther Reid was a represelltative Anlleri- Bri.,t£~-';;;d " ... en'w!eli ,_~. ' "".ure OrgaJllz ... ons an 0 " . ~. Nok;;'~il;

.,,". --_._---_ ... / ISIMAS . GIFTS.

- .,. , , --".-- -- -----,---'-- -- - - "

. ,_ ,_" _ . . ""'~ .. - . '. ouId be' his friends an.!f.t.o 'his CI " ... _ IIeIlIOD .w . . .. . " . , ,--i..,. deed 110' of Beginning ss UUlny AAIlotheil";;,;";;,,=="";;;";;',,e;;;;;;;;,;;;;,,,

,:-;. , BlJ R' K' Ei &. soeteth!s of B Bimilu natUre.' can boy WI_~desi-:e!n~' .a~ei_red;_ iit::J2~'1.~~~~~~~~f,f!~~~fi-c'-:-==-c~-~---'-':'-c

,.c-~-- ' . . __ ~_ _ \, ~}c.,,~ -41'-':' ~:' ~e m 8QDle =2~~~:~pel; 'a1leV



, ledalrs fnlmThe Bro,mi($l.OOup. _ Cage( ,.~,: ~~~~~=:::;=:::::::::~.~.:.;~~;;;~~~~~~;:::~::~=::"=--~-~:'='.'~'~~~~~===! ·themil~o·.·fli~e ~~~~~'~~~·-·····.··'·~~'·'··'·~l'.U~~~~~.;~.-.-.•.. ~ .:: __ /-4t-==::-:-==~.s~ta~ln~]lBp:-~mro;o90~. OOld~_Jllti:!llorpj·W~th-uef:';~'~1-n~r..;~-::~erwe~hi~:~~~-}~~·· t~hh~O-~'8\~' t~"~,'~"tyan~' ~d~f~,~a~~+~_,'.' ::'::'~. ;-_ .... :~-7:~~· ,:;,,; :"'~'" ~a:_,,~·~·~::~,_~-=-_·~-B8.:,--..:.&ee._--.-+· _'_:_& ..... ~.-:-~._,~;-=.".:...~ a ~~ .--~. sttek.'-- .. '., .

'js due the rise of civilization. . . ~ ..... e neen.o, . Lumber' s'

bA TCRl) •. GLElf" & CAMKER~~.'S fPEP ART~~l .. &T~·all-'it-d ~~t only be·~~_+f--'CIIlUSTfW:SllGGF.SllONS'-

ut ap ee~lr. "' .. to ~OIl. r.~ v." «rr-P. . ...o!LDl' .' J)[e.v~~. _~.J". . ." to~, '. ~k~. b., ,All ..... l{~... ...•. '-' -..... ~:. -_ ' ask of yo~ " tQlOOk aLourTarge, a.ssortment:of vaefuJ preeent;a beforemakiq .purcba'~.t . . .' . . . . .... , . . . . , "'\.fl..F'OR 1.AD,IES,

We have 'cIec:icied to dose out ail of OlD' uDlf.,Sl AND MtsS£Si SUtI'S"boW. iute&d of :--u:c--

~ . _J.....,.. v .. _ ... '":'............. ". '!!! ~ ~ "

. . $6.50 and $1oSt SuQ DOW. • .- • •. -. • • • $4.98_ •

$10.00 AB-woel Sap Suits,iD DaYJ,hlack - bron, MW :-$8.98 $l~All-woal Serge ~s, .. amhlack .J.8~DOW . . $9.95 __ · -$1150' AbooI Sa"e Silas, .. mt bIaU_1nn, II1f . .$11.98 ;-~==;. ,=-==t1r ... ~HoaM---f'&fIS .. r-N .... t£N-::t $17 .5OH-woolSerie- Suits, ,iI hIpe ad· hLd. '.- . • .• $14.98 -+1----- ¥!:- -.~ -.' ------ .

~. S-pez".l.rt .

. $18.5Q Al-wool Serle sas, iI w.e aad Wat1 • • • '-.' • &,p.98- -- -:.. 1r.f:p ....... . -. THE ABOVE -PRICES TAKE Ef.u."T MONDA)'. DEC. ... .' . Bath Robe UiIIIInDa .

MeTAL ,. ' • Saitc..--FOR C~ILDRIN \

. --g Ri. lot oJ •• r'ltI ba ICaak COl", aD cIed,""--.tOc:k,--".:. To,..., ........ Cape, ScarU,_Sulit ..... AT ~

FOUit1H OFF; 'Flit ., .... t. ... ' Heil'WY WeiPt V .. ad ....... airriJ - from a..t It •• -, ... qaite ..

- -. ., __ ' ____ ~_ ~ ~Yi" tWa u;.,', ~.'~~ ~ ",.. ~ ~ lie p2I' ~_L -' .

A. BEAlJTlFliLUNE OF FLOQR--cOVERIN~-ALWAYS ON -- ~ - --- ~'. -....-



, .

A.' ·t .. t;t;. tim" t . . pose of ~lawRei.d was an' d· ,-. __ e-aa a every sea- . esti ed'" ;.,-~I...J...I'~ St~ , . . , "'eoo.yeViiland,year~-:-'4Pere q~AS;m~d S ...... ,"'m', ~.~. ~'IOrT""'-"-----WM="- 1AftAJ_ ... \,BI .. ',; .e,_~ .. QIIII5. ' .' .... --. .. Paul. F..,·-.lfJri-c , are IDaIlY ho~ where it l\eeIIIli G .'. ~tes.'" .' .. I..... . - .., ~

utterly. impoeaib\e to. forget the to·. reat Britain ~zu:e 1905,·... . . I' The ~-saIetj RaZOI'-Ihe w -' ~"loadof sorroW. 'and .sometimes high u::~ th;; digJrity, ~f' . Mills .' 'W-ely ltat.or made 4 - - popular priced . ~'. .t}lere is only the knowiedgethat .'. . ; an , III coJDPlU'l~n to -" '!. styIes-eada. .' ...•• aeat .

'1/ ", ....'.. • Ius Inustrious "redeeeasora - - --\ .. ~'. aadness-is imminent; hut wbat- '. ad " r, . . ' . . ~ __ ~ ...... , " ~:;----'-'----:_"'-4 ,I; . e_ ... the eirewns .... ~ . and wl.":.· ded to the glory of the , - . '. . .~'" . . ' . .


the- condi-:::the"Y:: W'~PODhaa4.Ltui.ber,u-..."...-. ..... _-----t,; ....... · .• .' . - Or~.-U! . ·~·."--v .. ···GiCt .. D._ -x'es···· ' . '., "\"d sh : '. . . AIl remarks a contempo' -~, fAIb, Briel, IJoon, Soah, BIiHo; ~ Bea.dUl . ~ 1 DU

",'-..ti e, ould he a ~e of JOy. "His . • . '-J 'IOaldiap,DoorUld WiDdow"- PaDda; II \' f'L~M!--Desips""., "', ,.' '. -' , \ 'Th" th '. tee h---".--" d wO.l'k IS. done, butbis. deeds ' --- . UUIlM_ " . IS IS e rune n- W''''"''I-an. v ....... m- s...p.. aDd all:...... ',' - . .. .

. t·'." i twlftth year of . in will be remem.~ f4Jr 1IaiJdm' Hard_'*",,_ ~ to •. .' . . . .' ,_.... . '. . .. L._ . ' .•

". .~ l! .OU .. O~ __ . MiIitary-~ Solid· F.hon,' aaeiSilver nhc~ --. ----··.·',:theSaviorotm~··· l}IE"SPUGS.~'. Wea-r-tee.,nc.;.wbeuL: ..• ..&1 __ •... ' .. L_ . Nam .. ·· L&e.lioe· .J .. ' .' '. . ...

.. --- - -. There is'll(t . ..'aD _ . . . ·urDUa- ~. --ra- VI· £=. ::-,,-:-:'-;:::1:::::; should not b8 a~"spug." "l.lun~ -iR Canoed' ........ --- ,,1IaJiiau-. Sets aid .0....:..._... .... :-;:::::=:~~---I-~

. PIC»l;-----,-------,,+t!.IIIIt--ia w say, a'mem~ of the Spr -IV. h.' . ...., ' .•. '-"~ r

That S4W. enteen-l'ear~ld boy, Society for the Prevention of -' ~. Brockman. who raisedUaeleii&GmIig;· Unquestionably .Liggett's CaMy, _ fr_L.. : 1'"-- it 1'1...: .. "-& -.

167 balbelII ~ corn on a siua\e has been a ~. ~ wpua. UIIlII: acre of Amherst Iandaruib8d his Christmas gi~ this kind .. ' ., ....: . .

picture inyes~y'BTimes-D'ii- the past, gifts of,utterIY~-" - ".

. ~.~;etat Gjbralter that seemed to lIardIy .ta.It the time of

, ~.,~ coUntry, not to iOg hOme, 'gaudy gee1w~~ga:':~~of~~~~~~~~~~~=-fj=ir ' _' I)' 1 UtIIl five coJ'rItnM value and,

,- -per, eamecl~tas real that repraelllt~IDIyT1lll'lllli1JJ'l. 'ar and ~aring a ~_ of IIlOIIe7'. The giVing:IOf ph

eYel' comes t(! • Virginian. He thing8 at Christmas ~ is by ===:~==:§:~"""'",,:=11t--=:--:'-;: did eometbing for hia State with no _ • recognition- of his Oim hands UId. braiDs aDd spirit of Uae nUDD' To bellllml!O'f----~-,-..

--~ spoiL; aud-tJe did it ~tbout in- gift is • token of m~:=::: juring a single o~ 8001 in the memory accepWod

_ ~ WOrld, and.we truA \lritbciut iD- such. But hOllijliltieh ~I:o!r 1 jlU'inc the- 1aI'.IId. That. IIOUJids 1 is • present that 6eilOines an inti­liA _ anti-cliinax, but'if you f mate part of life, liOfJietb:jag:that stealfromthelandyoustea1fnmlil II8efuI and ....;.. ..... -'1 The Popular l\.fechanies

. - 4f the PIPJ)Ie, anc:t do a irave i .. i SOciety-for the "'~-:....... of . MagaZine. J ~wvu - ....., c.ut -.... ... IT-

justice to"lbe next. generation. j Uae1e18 Giving ~uires no or- ACR£A T C-....... Story af .... to k the 1and -'_L' '-- .• Worid'. Pr_ .. hich you

80 .ep. n" .. II • ' gamnboD, It sbouIG heft tIO . beV,in reading ot any Ii"", arM! as important as ·,keeping. bonest. i officera.. DO headquarters, no - ",11 hold your interest 10<= ... ,

The glory of being corn cham- : literature, beyond tbe BIIIIOUnce- no ,.:-::;: :::.= pion is that it means YOll have I ment of its existence as a!I!Om- , '~f'O ,i,,,~ h!"!'7IJ -""~ • ....;. played the game fair with Na- mon sense force. The merchants .. ",!~ '" "~me .md .hop, ~n.

A-..t8"l;llr MO!'eMn;('"a" (1;1 r;'l~l ~t.fh:: I'!nw

__ • ___ ~re, an~. e_v_e.rything you have,need_ have no Bppreh~n =k," .. """ ,,-, ,,".wd~~'fiL'boatlo. _ _ _ _ ~1IUl"" m~,·. and a~: the thlogs a boy lava.

won from the soil is rightfully 1 this- sCOre. However man y 'lMPDlTUII. -":CONI1IC11ft --. l'ours, Yon are---not, making a: "spugs" there are trad '11 _~,k V"ur ,u-,d.aier, or

. _ .... _ . ' ..... . : _ "e WI I WIn"" 1"'0. f'lI!n ......... "-R C-~ T'OOIIl,.

rruddleman s I>rofit, nor gettmg a contmlle to be lust lIS brisk lIS POrr· ... ff b

' f f . L .... H :o.UXHAXICS co. rakP-O or It 0 gra t; you are the supply of funds permits. The; su ... w_, .....

, ,

Page 3: The Manassas Journal -

.. -~~- 1/ THE MANASSAS FRIDAY. DECEI!B~R 20. 1912. .•

~~p. Natio~ JIaDk of~ Va;+ W. ~. BROWN, PRESIDENT, A. W. SIN{;LAIR. VICil·PUSfDtNT t .-

-Th'l frienda· of Cot JOB: E. i-Mr. R. G. Finney, who, -Two ministers of ~he' ppel. Willara;,'it is said. ~II urge him: ser\dng..a.ahort period III! 01 Fredericksburg, have obtained to ~come a candidate and press' justice. Of Alexandria county. and . . .. through Col. E. D:

. -,. ~ '-'---. --. -. -. -..,-. ---. --' his hndidacy fora .djplol!l8tic \Vho resigned' because the state Cole. county. tp -Do )lollr Clltlstmas shoppmg position under the Wilson ad· auditor refused to pay his salary make a .

~w-:better late than n~ver. mini8tration. . , upon the ground that the act cre- to'Richmond on th~ engine of one

3 per ~~nL paid on IAvin,. account I ~ J I.

'. -We lire sorq;' to learn that -The Christmas exercises of, ating the office is . ot.the fast pBSBenger trains. Mrs.C. C. P()te is very ill again. the Baptist Sunday School will: tion~. has been . Should they meet the fate

-Mr.Clel'eland Fisher is con· be held in the church next Fri.: Judge .;rho;nton.. . Will test Casey Jones .they may probably fined to Iris room with a severe evening at 7:30 .. The pro-' the auditor s decls.lon. ; rare h,etter In the fata~ result cold.. gram is short that the little ones I -M Ch . F Steel -'xt . than did the famous engmeer

t be t 'red r. U;. e. III y one of the pop~llar IOI1g1 of .. . -Mr. Joseph E. JOhnll'D lias may no I.. five yeara old, of Herndon. Fair. da auitei-ed an attack of grip the -The Sunday SChool of Grace I~ Ix· unty. who W811 a great y. . put ten dli~ M. E. Church, South, will ha~e so of Chief Justice Chase. -1~ir. .G. W. Jeffn~. forme~IY ... . . itaCbristmasCantatainConner sand • for more than forty of thiS City (Alexandria,)'baa 18-

:-!here .WlII be a aervlce. In I:I1! Th1m1day evening, be- years. WBII a clerk in the warrant. ~ announcing the mar-Triruty E~ljICOpal C~urch Christ- Ilinningat7:300·clock. Thppub- division of the UnitE:d States rlage of hIS daughter. Mrs. mas morning at 1~ a clock.. lic is cordially invited. . T rea sur y Department, was Jeffries Entwisle. and 14r. J. C.

..,..Mr.Jamessaggott, who lived December court. uphyxiated in a boarding hoUlle Muneaater. ·which occurred in /

December 13th.

Dear FrieDd:~

The s.,t Chriatmu sift is a bank aCcount. Start yoUI' children in the habit of .. -riq be. .

fore they '~uir. the habit o£.~pendinJ. No

matter what the future' holds in store for your

little ones the know ledge of the true value of

, I I

I on the edge of B T Th 'd' in Wa~hington Saturday niJrht. Washington this week. After died 011 Sunday morning last. ~".' ~rnto~~prfesl Ing. I Deeember 15. Mr. and Mrs. Mun.

. -- In sessIOn again to-... y or severa -A Cht1Jittnas gift that will - te will be t h t 3159 -Thechildren's Christmas ser- trials and to attend to unfinished surely be appreciated' is a copy lCBi1Sth r' tr t Wa h?ngtome a S

. t th L th h h '11 b' T . '11 be 8 ee. - as I nun· nees a e u eran c ~ WI ~lDess.. o-.monow It WI of "Spnp of wve and War." by ai~ifi~=,~;=fu,;;;~:-=i~i be held next Monday evemng. adj0;:X until February. Dr Ffenry Mazyck Clarkson poet- ed . . h til

money will, do more toward aaaisti~Jr them on. the road to auc:c:eu, than any other 1hJP. thing

-- --=. you can do for them.

It merely requires yoW' first guidance-they

-'"'-t·· ... ,

~ .. .' • nounc lOme time ago t at e -Miss Mamie Lynch is nlllP'Ai"O' I -As nnounced. the CQnst- laureate of ,th'l South. These marriage license had been issued

four cases of diphtheria IIIIIl! German. given by the Ma· musical poems from the pen of in Washington. . Peyton Manuel·s. near nassas German Cillb.will be held our beloved Dr. Clarkson will be " 4IIle. in Conner's Hall next Friday read and treasured by the reci- -From. re,cent mo~ements at

. . . . W h' 0 h . 1 af h the Washmgton terminal of the -The little five.yea,r.old son evemng. A as mgton re es- plent ong ter t e average I talk i eti Ri h nd of Mr and Mrs G- D Baker tra will furnish the music. Christmas gift is a thing of the ond

g W o(}h' propos II . . .' .•.. .. past an as mgton tro ey me It

baa been qlllte Sick the. past -Mr. E. R. Colmer and Mr. . looks as though active operation week. Brawner Haislip. shipped a car· -·Mr. E. S. Bubb. of Lorton. in building· the line will begin

-Mr. and Mrs;mchard Lee load -each of turkeys Wednesday was in town Monday and report- BOme lime in the near future; at "Hermitage" have been sick to the Philadelphia market. that the sale of. Bubb Bros.. 1:hree IsuNeys have been made 11 ith the grippe for nearly three W. ~. Cathe~ and Mr .. Craven, high·grade dairy cows brought for the proposed . line the last • eeka. '. '.' of Philadelphia loaded a car of gOOd prices. the ouijorityof them which makes Mall98SB8 an

-'-The Sunday School at In- 1.300 at Orange. . bringing from $60 to $166 apiece. tivepoint, and according to dependent Hill will hold the -Mr. Robert R Young says titeBe tows .were the ~ ehief engineer who made CJuistmas servicea next Saturday Miss Sallie Weaver were of 25 years m' the b.UBI' survey, is the one moetly favored eveniJQr.uDeeember2lt '-~-. . . in was~' n Wedn .. esdaYbY.. . andthatt~ey.w~. sold· to by ~he promoters. .. '

W - leased·to te Rev._ r B. Howden. lOme of the Ieadi~ dairymen of ---We are in receipt of. a. - e are p . no· _"-' the-state.. _ '-_.. ._ II •. ~L . W S' lair has full couple terw"'" - . . . . anuouncement booIUef frora rs. .ACWlUl' • Inc ~ y Manaa ..... and will u...J.M."'- • ..• reeovered from her-recent illne8ll.. '. ~. -:-An-aeroplane d r i've n by ~ ...... """hme Institute Del is DOW·able to be oUt.' . their home'!.~ __ ._ .. ' ..•. George.. A. Gray.·of New Y~k, ... In regaro ~

M' John A. N' I . . t -State Senatortend Mra. R. en route to Florida, passed over Winter course for practical farm-- r. . . ter 100. IS a bavetaken upperportiOilolthis county era, covering one .mOllth ~~ ~ hisW~ hift:"~ in. WlII!hington for the Monday morning. and stepped Fabruary 1st th 28th. ThiBfree

! nln ~ .. as .... "';'n... but Senator Tborntoa will WoocIbeJnrForest school. is intended to .. give .. ~ sting hom a recent iIlneaa. . each Week· day at hiB office Oranae.. for ali· . ftigbt. up-to-

- :-The ~ of.,JIII~rs Fairfax for the· ~on Amiabap Oc;cwred at . '. . dairy ~!lBe •• Prince William dou,zlty WID. le«al btWneaa " when the ~ -t'8Il corn breediDa'. proteet;,.iW fI'CIID \be ~'montbly II'IAfIf;ing -Tbe December F8nnerr fence w~ei ascendiugfor ~.storina: silage. etc.. It

will want to increase the depoaits and see the

account grow.

"It is an education in itself.. Yours very truly,.


WeWiah You a Merry Christmu and ,;, Prosperous New Year

. , ••• GO TO ••. - ,

. Ciarber.&, Hedrick NOKESVILLE. VIRGINIA

no BlueBell Cream.Sepuaton THE a~8T'ON EARTH the Coorl:H_ tomorrow. .utute ane! second annual return triJi •. ' . .;' . Will ·no nonbt IJ!.terestthe fann-

-Mr. E. B.H. ibbs was!l8lled . S ... ~· is. m I imt .~"&". -The·.···· ....... ' .. -.,; .......... 8.ft t era to imow,that.aIltheFcouniy'edEnlJ-t.-".."'" ...... n.. u. H 'i', S.~Jtioa -.I F_·F ...... ~ - .......... II8W """ ..... 'PA" d--u..-...... _6 "b I)0Il.; All KJ.Ie .. HIP~,. ..... ' ... , I F_t= to Round Hill thiAweek . poultry ~ will be the MaD'S",. Baptist. Ckureb ~~ 'iiu:elt .. . ~ _ H...t _ ...... fw.~ .......... iii.... ' .

iIlness/of hislllOther. thespeaiteraattheCOlll':t- to.bavebeen iJ)detlnitely .. tioD ... u

-The wi4iDw of Mr. ThDIIUI'Sf~ J. Smith was:. Miss



H. Frank Davis, a for­resident, died yery

M. H. S .• will play • game of are giving periectfatisf-:tion. 338 ~land avenue, nort~eIiBt". basketball in the Athl~cHail. The cOnliTegatio~ neM h&ve'no ~ngton, the ~8S8IPed

~-!~~~~:'~~~~~;t:~:·~e~ve;m:·~n~gi1' ~:~~::jtf~ea~r~~~ge5Ui~·ng cold. belD&' fatty dejteDeration of the .. .. ~. heart. The funeral was held at inManasaas and a . . received by ei- Gainesville Sunday, and the body

Nokesville, at ~~~~~~~~~:;;'~d. .Admissipr~B today for the Ruffner Car- was umr-to -rest in the cem~ of 82 yeat's; cents.· .• on. neg!e Li!>rary •. a ~t .of the En- there.. Mr. Davis conducted.

-There will tie . .' . CyciOpedlB Bntta~llca fro m Hotel Maine here lOme time the Lutheran Church' '~Tbe public schools. WIll close Chicago lady .. Thisdonation and afterward held a tnrveliB2'i

b th Re · t' this afternoon for f H~h '. ~ .. day, y e v. . . . a, hol'da W- . . or a .... tomg """ Con-11 a. m. and by the Rev. Spon- I ys, . open- . on . . s... eem. Heia'ilUryh'edbyhiswife. sellor at 1:30 Ii. m. . ... . day monung,. January. 6. 1~13. a value<! inStructllt. m Mra. Marietta ''y!. D!lvis, -who

.' . youngsters are agalQ spnng. saslnstitute. whom recent,.ears .. BOme tiuie in M 'the -Th~ . . ing ~&oId joke. "Mother,.may bas been prominent in soeial~d past BUmmer and 4;'111'""".1.

Mh etldhodiathe· ........ 1&_ ChurehWlll I bnng my bool@bome .Friday. educati~. work in Chicago, . daughters; who live in Washing. o t • ."...... . . arid not go to school Bn1!D01e ... '. . . ... . ....... _

vices at the chureh next TbUl'8- till next year!" . .•. ---:Mal'IIlS888 Chapter. U mted . . day afternoon aU o·clock. _ .. ' school h'!dren t Be . of the the advent of the parcel

-Mra. Al~rt Lawrence nett ~ding ;.!ae .... ~~ =ldi;~Hthe ~~"~~-~d ~ on JtedllllllBl'Y ~ there ~l be th isfortune to l'U!I a long ehooJ will 'ha . era ome lD............... or- maugura. an IDDOvation in ~ m .. '. .S , . ve the ' ilIg Cluiitmas week. Contribu- poeaJ a~ whidJ. will

sphnter m her·1ittle finger. The _ .... - this·afternoon. ti· ,:~;~ff;:' ~~Lf~:-~~~=~~" ~~: . '. - ..... w""' ODB are wound bu causedmueh trQoble, young.folka·have been pIaa- frOm thizerii d but she is better at present:. for. lOme time ~ the in the S:. ~ send ~ take II;Otice. si~e~ ~

-- trees, decoraboas,and . Krs. regulationa all ~ Dot. ~t WedD 14. J)HeDiber 11th. programs ~argvet lira. Albert u....e.ting eleven pounds' in


,. hI t ,.-1". . --- ---~-, . . -----~-----.

insuranCe That lusures ~ . , . -

. ;lftull I' I I . c· lie c ....

·f"" :""-'------. , -


T~ WfJH ·M£~AND~~CET-=='-,-MJ ~W


lD the ~~ year '.. Speiden. and lira. ~ LarkiD. weight andl10t uceeding ~en-She 18 SW'Vlved by fonr -Tbe bub will cloae CbriR- -Messrs. 0 c. HutchillD and ty-two inches bt-eombined Ie!fgth three 80IlI and .- daaab~. ~ da~; cen~ will observe Col. H. F. ~ f~" In~.girth may bemailed. .

. I'am agent tor the strongest Home and Foreign com. . penies, representing.mUl~~E.B of do~ ~jl!llilli!lOlL-li'-'-.

-~~-~~~~~~~~andC.~N~·.~MIi~~~~~_!r~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~a~~O~f~a~~~~~of~~~~for~~~~:~~J~.·t~_TR· Tn·~ W. R. Myers, Mr. E. R. Conner ~from 8 to 9 a. m.; the poet more, attended ta.lnterna~nal five eenuper pound for the first sold Wedneaday. 46 acres of land between 9 and lying just below Bl1Ck han;=tO'lIr. 6 aDd 6 Po m.. with "w""eeJt- at Cbieagn. TheJ'." additional pound'ia an

Herbert SeaIa. of . out for ~e champion steer of the world sold example of what the fanner mai 1BE BEST IS THE MJr 1 DIX"P -'lm H~ JOUBHAL tor .. the stores will at auction, which weigh...! 1,6l6 lie upeeted to BeDd thnlvcb the . WI£IU" JiI)I-

. . ' ~ . T maila at local nteB. . . one year WlU make the . ~ - .. - -- BOld. at 50 ceDtII . IT COSTS NO MORE ceptable Christmas gift within -The ~ Corpontion Q>m-bringing $!m.50. -The music. pupils ~ Miss : .~. .. __ :. your~ Aplea8BDtreminder ...... granted a charter to wu~ yean old and a BIaekAn- Margaret Temple Hopkins gave

~"i}'~ tor the pm Lee ~~~;~7' ~t",,-FauquierD :. raL . ~=~:4~~W:t&~:;:~te:~ $1.. . - Patriotic Order Sone o~ -According.. to--.the Fabfax ~lItre street, and in spite of the-:

-The manual tniaine buikI- hicll bUtw ita Herald of ~y. IIr, R. M. nuny weathe:. the room was I . the i.-ftcultural ........... nds w pur- Ki ........ · I I ~. ·Cl·I+- crowded to .~ta~~:t:~ The mg. on ..... " ... _- . the purchue 01' aequiring .~ 'OIwea\Y."", h..,.., ~ng folks in the rear of Bennett'tIcbooI, ill ho IS well kno Ma were . d th -maintenance of the homes w wn m ns: I. iB!les Garnett I ' n~ comple~on. a a e bariaI'placell(jrth4i Leei~ ~ in NorfoUc Sunday, Cornwell. Gathetine ' Poultry Show wi:It be- bela there family It is Jt opia:d to secure 'at the requel!lt. cit the Washi~ Rice. Muriel Larkin. Eloise Gid. ~ • controi of Stra~fOl'd the birth- police. upon' a eharge of falee dpIn~ EHelen Payne .. Elizabeth

. • ... ftll""""> h he ope'l....,,:hzabeth O'l'>Oeill Sara -A numOero~ y~ 1adles of phlee of the Lees; Of CliantJ1Ty; : Ilret.eB8es ~1d&......,..><u t at Ch .. rk. lIIatia~1ark. Eth~1 Lion. the town wlll give a Leap Year home for a long time; and' cashed a bogus check for $35.00 Kathleen Spies. Amelia Brown Hop in Conner's Hall this .ev~ any other homes of the family;: at. a WashmRton bank. Mr. and Loui~ Maloney, and Master

. ing. The invitations were ISSUed also to acquire the graves of JjllY. Kivett was engaged as a realty! GllbE'rt :-iPles. The youn;rer

N. B. - lipsComb's Fire Insurance Agency is one of the oldest and largest agencies in Northern Vir­ginia.' btabtished in 1878. Offiee hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Some one always there to wait on . you. P1lo~ at office ami aIao at hOuse. Call in and talk ito ....

w. N.LIPSCOMB L..... k and a large crowd is f th h· h th Ord . : salesman ill Washington. It is ~up* of cla.«s I Ran~ "Th., Or;<an .... wee . 0 em. W Ie e er pro- h h M K· . l,rlnder" and ".hilv U:d 5t.. expected tt>attend .. The.Mall48- POSPS to preserve as shrinffi in to be oped t at . T .• Iv~tt will, ~\chola.G," and th •. (',"i" wa, sus­I'8S Orchest?a w)N furnish the memory of the great m~n who i be able to prove hiS l.nnocence of i pended fOT th(' hol..;.,., tc, ,)pen

music. once occup~ the histone homes. I the charges allE'ged against him .. ag&m <m M01lo1ay. jar.:;ary Mh. ' .... --------------------_..1 MANASSAS, VIRGINIA



• -----, , F


ABOUT P.EOPLE WE KNOW, Miss Hilda Mae Benson. in. U1 Want M t '. ..' istructor at Bennett Building. ·He oney 0

Mr. Wilf~ijJjlsQn • .IJi . tomorrow to spend ~he .. burg spent Saturday in ,Manas. Christmas hClliday with relatives Secured by Tnut On 1m-sas. . in Montgomery county. Maryland. proved Real Eatate. ..

.!~ .. , ..... -++ MiSil Margllret Lynch spent Mr. and Mrs, E: K • .Mitchell. Int8rest-at ~ per cent. per and several day.s in Washington this of near Manassas, will leave lIere num. 'payable semi.a.nn!1ally. and

. To buy farm. in Piedmont. fairly level; "roductive. fruit, buildings; value about $2,500. Write description. C. J. P.-223-Holly-Takoma Park. D. C .

week. Saturday for Florida'to spend the both mterest and.prl~C1pal guar-. " .. . anteed by us .. Pnnclpal payable

Mr. J. W. Hall, of Gainesville. I winter ID the ~tH!Il of the state th~ee or five years. All eXlperlMaf-paid the office a pleasant call ,es. whe~e they IOJOurned four years paid by borrower.. .' terday. . • ago. . Ref~ncee: Any bank ID AI.

M· N '11 n...__ h ' t- enndna. Va. Mr. James E. Bir.k~tt. QLAlex. I.SS 4!,VI e ""'5." w 0 IS a . • AIo.r ; .. 9 9 9 f,' harness preserver; andria. vi~ited friends in town te.lllhn,g the Harriaonburg Nor- .~ __ c.t ...

limited amollnt. at Au~tin·s. thill week. mal arrived this week to spend ~T:l;rC~. Blankets. robes carriage. . tlle-Christmaa holidaYI with her N. A.~'Nb.

heaters at Austin's, 12-&-tf Capt.' John R. Rust. of Hay. ts M· d M J DON. vA.

paren. r. an ~., :~I~'~~~~~~::!::t.~~~ Eight big work horses for ... l~. market. was in town on business Dogan. weighing from 1.400 to 1.500 yesterday. '--- , "" .oI .. ia SoatJ.:

unds two mares in fold J M Rose f Mr. and Mrs. Vlctor~F. . from •• ""cl po Do¥' II 12-' 6 . rs. A I b e r t berry. 0 IOn and little Miu Dorothy Erner. ,wMbiogloll, D.O.. I R. rre. B ts'lI to' 'to .DCI ...... , Dooombor al. 1912 .. ren VI e. was a wn VlSI r IOn. of Alexandria, will spend 1,1918.IiDalHmi.1O _ .rigioal ..... ~i •• ,1

Funuture mSI;I.rance - rat e s TuesQay. Christmas with Mrs ErnerBOn' .................... lot ....... mid.iRb, low at Austm's. l2-6ctf . . -;- . J .... !']' 6,1918. For dotaile<l i.f"rm •• ion,

..... -.

For the Road

Mrs. W. E. Merchant. of Chf- Mt<. aBe Mrs. P. H. 1'.11 .... lMen,tiooa. 'Ie .• call o. _ ... . . ~ Cheap. ton was a guest of Mi. and Mrs. Lynch. Af<OO' or .. rite L. iI. B,?,. .. o ... ra1 A .... I, "'~::: .... :.; ..... =N;.;J.=;;;;;;==;;;~===::~===:': ... ==~ ." ,-~ - stationary C E' h S day 0 105 I~th ........ n ..... II .. hlOg\on. c ..

___ .~_ A. A. Hooff. . . Nas. un , Mr.· Norville Wheeler. who is For Rent.-A large MissV.iolaDavisret'urnedMon. attendingV. P.I.atBlacksbul'&'. THE

house on Grant avenue. day from several days' visit· to reached town yesterday morning ing of large double parlors, din· friends in·Washington. to spend the Christmas holidays . ing and kitchen room. a.l80 4 bed M' M "~l K . t . f Str· with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. !~~~~~~~~~~~ SUN rooms. Apply to Manetta W. 188 a"" els er. 0 as-

. Davis. Manassaa. Va. ll·~tf. burg: was a guest of Mm. L. A. W. M. Wheeler. Fllr ·Rent. -Nice 4-room house Larkm Sunda.L'nd Monday. Mrs. M. B. Wh~dbee. of Mao

witI!' gOOd ~deD, chicken lot Messrs. George Purcell and A, nllSS88. has return~ aft era and outbuildings. M Crigler of Baltimore spent pleasant ~tay of seY,/erai months ~e. . with friends in ~nB88as. with her IOn. Mr. samuel Whed-

are now handling oysters . . h f M _ bee, \If Seabrook. Prince Georges the same kind as last se88On: .)hsl! EIBle Lync • 0 _anass~8, county. Maryland. -Sunday Star. Price 30 eents a qllart. Mad40x is visiting Albert Evans' family . & Byrd. ll·l6-tf near this pl&ce. - Edinburg 3¢nti· Mr. Paul L. Wei!;, of the Uni-

Forwall.paperand room mold- nel. '·""--'.-versityof VirginiJ1. arrived Wed--- . ing see or Wl'lte .Goo. L. Larsen, Mr. Walter ·Allenaworth.ofn~y evening to~pend the holi-

P .. O. Box 232, ~lIBS.~10-tf Alexandria, a former Manassal days with his!lts. Mr.:;and • Wanted. - Good farm visited friends in town Mrs. E. Wood Weir. Mr. PR·ru..~H

DilLIN" MARTIfrI co. IT;,,, ....

Was~n'l 4ading Store

. BALTIMORE, ~. i .


nows farmet,.,.the merchant IUld

gathel'ed by the .... II·trained _pe<l. the readem in a concise and mter ....

InfonnatioDD.J>OI! U>,ir .,arloua of trade •

By .. TIE SUM (IIniI: oW E,.,)is 25e. ,I_ .. $3 I Year with experience in • Weir •. whoentered theUrlivl!!'lliitvl+-~~..nWl

I~--=lw~.!p~ayn~et'~~~:~~~r.· ~Mre.~·~W~;'~N~.:.Li~'pdCOIDbandJ4il$is_ex~ted ina second • at Austin's. . were guests of . .

friends in Washingtopthe II/I!It • Among the MalillS888 shoppers

M.J' HOTTLE~~\etter' has'~ received :e:~~~n&~~:,st~e:,

. "YD.·., ~ is{~f..rt..... w$UiO .I_.J AlII lilt: SOIf. ... -.., E-.: aM s '-, . $7.50 . a---lW--I-

• Addreill· All Ord ... to


.' /... . .. .. frOm .Mr • .Tno. W. Prescott .. L.. Willis, M~ •. E1Ia. Howard, '. MANASSAS. VA~.· .. iJJg Iiia. safe amy, . alin .·Miss Mary Howard.1Ir& E. B.

. ~-" yjlie, FIB; \ .. . lr""~--··· . .. gnest of hermo~ '. .. . ... ~J._ .'. 81', J{ r&. ArthUl' W. SiDrJair,

Mr .. and IIU'L WilIlam ~ May Leaehman, lIisallarie will spend C~ in Alexan- lira. r. E Qarrieon

with ~ dalJjbter, 111m. and ~J!:2\T~. p!'~:.......=-9- Linn.:' .. -Mr; Westw'ood Butctiilliiill

12:2D, Decem-• ' her 9.1912, Mra. Mary Scisacm"

Mrs._ E~ ~: ~~ibaoll; ... wife of Mr. Gao. Scisson, t>aaaed ----~ to her home In. .berh'eaS··· Y reward. ·in.the

............ . r .... ..!l.·. e -.-'J .. all .• · after.a visit to her 54th yeato her age.;" ... 1IIGlYac, Ulilllll", Mre.R. S. Hynson. She had . in poQr health . -1iads0f r ~I- Miss M~ 'Bisset, of Gar. for ma~y years, though she .. .

'1 \ .. ·\IGIIKiUiI1 Park; Md. will be a pest at all f:imes cheerful and .nev~ -:~===. ~'~o~d::;·~ .. ~.:~== Misa Dorothy Button during complained. \. . Christmas holidays. ... . It washer Ilehght to be ah~p . ... . '. to oth~rs.~d what a conaoiation

A. B. YOUNG M188 Sophia, ~~n left yes- to he-friends amHoved ones' to lLteJrday. for Baltimore. where know tIilIt . althongh .they will

the~C~tmas holidays . her, She Was conscious

MFA~TSMiSS. clara L.Free, of Wash. aftectionate wife' and a devl:: ington. Saturday and Swi· mOther. . . "

F'I""" .- STW. -~. . Her furieral service Was con. ....... - .. ~. "Cherry Hill" .near at her Iste residence by s.:u. per..... . . . .' ~:cMiss SaJJie Wright. who is '; E .. G. Coe.Her body

J4_. fIIIr. . . , -38c •. 7Sc' 'was IBl'd . ~ lD' the Epiec~ilj ~ -f,?M-: -: n: .-1a>,j1to8JIn,leDci.ling =~:. a cemetery ..... ~.

. weeka~ stay .t her home in Brie- ID tII,e ~"''''ard aoitl¥ aI8epinc. . I..It £i6t : . . . . w'6ere the tearS OIl ..,u,-,.....e..

1'=~9'~~~il'~"'~~C!~~FOI~~aJI~~UIf~'~J~~~ftow. uo. the ..... - IcmJ OIl deMV.· ;,; . Miss Ella C. Heatwole, III the IoaeI1l11ent ... !.e. .~. CIori;,'. OJioo of .... CUsic 00uI

Pri_ WiIIiom "" doe I. ~,ll1l2..·. ~lS~ Aa .... e, 'i'. end _"",..,. ....

I wiI1 ItiII remember thee.. BY ~ ...v0'l'ilD __

-' -- Tbe object of ~i. ~i'. lID aM Mide ADd


. Biggest CoatVaIueEver Offered to the Womengf the Co.

$i Q.oo and $2().OO ....


C:oats --'--'--.,--... -.

~ :e~~:~ the· -::+ -KIne pteee .vuu. .... . DaAl;

ised • big values'bUt what we got IUI'­

paued our expectatiQDL . - .... . _01. _ from' E1ouoor C. ,wi!kiao,'"",

-. to Mary E. "'~. hee ..... ga,.., NO"-. bor 1~.19l2, 01 itO i.......o& of .W. H. Wil·

IN M£MOIUAM ~-=Fe~lI~am'~inJmms,o-~:~1

1912, Mrs. Mary ~. in 54th rear of her .p.' --+1 .... .,...,- We~vertised ~at S7.98 in our

"sheet""before we saw the coata· bel ki-..Jr' l ~Il hi .. faV.r' ........ ; WCOID- iIt--at-~ A"pI'eeiouDOe from us iaa-e." pel cbe -'<I - 10 .... _ ~~1iiiiiiE,i1;Hijiiiiiri~ . A..uIoe we Iov!' jo ol;illed; . - of Ioor --- ....w • dood of ' A place .. VRIo1it lit oUr liiIiM from tile .id W. H. Wtlkio&. JT.. WJoIob lleYet eon be ftIIiocI.- , "'_ 14. 1~12; 10 docJ&r-o innlid • .... <1001 <lob< from Il1o - w. EI. B_ ia Ad, oh.. God, bo .. dreuJ. ~JT. to cbe be;'" of ,w. B. W lad _~ looel7. ~et'J .-pot, ohoaia • ,.~I W. u.t.iD& for _ yoice.tiIlww!u7. Wilk-i_, Jr., 1111 fa .. or .. 'K~I .... b ia ...... from WeaTJ. for .. e h .... her __

:.. "":!i~ ~ ha,: ~!.:-- We miN her tTOm ..... baaae, ....... .... 11 .. <be __ iD tile t..M We ..... he. from her pIaee,/ - applied 10 ,Joe -"- 00::= I A .-.. o'er CMl' u.. ia eM( ..... - oIailll of '- .. W. Ill'" the oanabiJM: of _ f ...... b------.Id for ll"""ra1 ro.Ii<lf.· .• .

. AId OIl &/Iid,.i' ltavi,,!! bee. mad ... d 11188 Florence Triplett, We mial ber killdaDd wilq UacI, filed \h,' tho def ... den,. w. 8. lI"i1., ... h. baa beetr visiting relatWes in Her lond aDd eameat care, .. DOt ..... deac. of 't~e State of_ \Tlr,liZ1DIA, It. '. i. ordol'Od u... ha.dO 'ppear be,.., .. ,thi. fif· Baltimore for several montha. Ja ito dark ";!hoot beT. '- dal'" 0110' d •• pohlJ",,~,", b."",I. and now with her brother ArthUl' We mi .. her "erywhe~. do ,..hal may be n~1J' 1-0 ~ I'UR" -.n,a,tol~villE~l'Iit-~-1 WRI"M'BH' llT .b:s8F. S. RAN'!:Y. inUoT?st In LtUR l'Iai1.4 And it if! (nrtRl'lt Triplett at \.. numfriMl. Va. OIde,ed ::beta coP" bmeoll.. pubLie.bed ODoe ==-__ -=-=---,-=~~~:..,...:=_,. ...... lOT fOOT ...... h '" th. M.u .. """ Mr. R. Allen Merchant, who ADMINI.STRATOR'S NOnCE~ Joe .. ", • n.~<~p'" pub/,sb ... 1 I. tb. holds the position of billing clerk. : (:.aunt,. of PnllCll" W dluun. MWJ trJat • l"'"'lpy ", All rw~ons 00 the late Th06. ' htt p.>8tNl at ,hofll frun.! rlnl"rr of 'hf" court· In the freIght office of the R. F .. J. SDlItr, w111 pl",~.:;:e come fon.-ard and bo~of ,bu:; c<)Unty :1':1 : hop tlth day ,,{ .Taull- & P. Rai1way Co. in ~1'nond I g~t;-"e )\ilth. Uw ,mdersIjl1H'rl, p"'~na.l . tIoIJ, 1913. ~l!'~r ~ t h~ n,,:rr flQ~lDg I' t.. \ ~!':'>!Wntatlvf'. <t.r,,~ tho.."l' hav .. nlo1 rJaLms .

: rnl~ d., a11er tnHI 0r(~~r. '~'Q!'I IHltt"rt>t1. IS expected to spend Christmas! B.j2'"a.ln~t lh., l~PC'''(:.i':n~·t; ei"tatf" w.iIl pre· I .r. F .. );~,RkF.I.L l.lpr"\" :wlth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ·t'.~nt ... me fore&~mf'nt, 8.8 rt'"'Qulred by

\. c· ... 1 ",,,t,,,· I !a~. I

.. ,C2c4( :R. W. .


.' we not have done this, they never would - ~ .

have'''eell del. for $7.98;-=--u-it Ia __ ""'me ~ make'sucba J)Iice in ce;.; ~ values like tbeIe.

\ I

Choice, $7.98 ..


Page 4: The Manassas Journal -


'---~------------_. . ' -THE MANASSAS JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912.

.. • • pec;Wdto see him. nse and fiJI -- ' ,

A B· S k f L b ' ' '-, -4- h bl and usef 11from :rJ!e¥ouths ~mpaniun·l • -1- PIWU£R WIII£R OF TIiiSOUTl , " J.g '. toc 0 ,wn er ' ~.~b~ttecI by.Sub- some ;~;: ':now,it;as No ' _~E:DULE .~: tcri~ W~ Kao_ 'the of BOrDito play cardS. physician can give will bear more / In effect Nov. 24, 1912. -- ,

At both the Bristow and Clifton Yards of J. R. Il. novt. a: Co. with fjugh H, Green, mana!!;er at Clifton. A full .tock

.-af Hardware a~wa.ya on hand at Clifton. Britltow quotabor;.s on hardware furllished from the big stoek of R. H. Dav~t1 & Co., and .t both yard. everything ,

FROM FOUNDATION TO ROOF High-gra.d.e Bu~lder8' Ljme always in it.?C~ at .bot~ yard&:!. Eetftnates furnished on liTly daas of bUl.l4!ng. !Lnd aLL,elS1i­.mates are for first-cl&3!1 maW~ vntess ~therWI8~ ar.ecffied. Where bIJY£-f i~ not in a p()1;it,ion to do hlsro~'n hauling, ~e will deliver stock at actual tlme cost. '" rite. phone, Wlre or call: Lon~g distance connection at Clifton '4i@rds.

Faeb in tJ,. Cue. amusement. I tried to persuade frequent repetition than the pithy :~b~ul. tigureo pu~li'h09 .. Wf ....... 'iOil Joe not to play, for I always had sentence: "Breathe deeply." ,It' "'" 'g ....... .-I.

L . .l..ll._''''''VLI'1I aversion ~ that kind of The foJlowing is selected For, a *ime he heeded is a perfeCtly simple rule of Tram. to MANASSAS .. follow.

Mrs. J. H. Brown, of Hazel my wishes. But 'one evening a health, yet it is constantly brok· SOI,lTIIBOU~D, River, Va., with the hope that young lady whose_ sxiety he en. There is no reason why our No, "-Dailyluoal, B,~,> "",, Doh .. ,.

d . d d ho h-..JI +.." . II"'" eODDe<'tion n' 1)r1J,1ijiJtI diti1y e~cept Sunday ev('ry mother an SlJ!ter may love ,an w .... a swon" m· lungs shollld not have a _---""'e '0 D, Ii O. No 413 lor Qordo ... ;U. aDd . read and consider. tlucnce over him, persuaded him fresh air t~ey neeo -for their Ric'moDd, /

. h No. 1J l~Exceopt SUlvia1J 11:25 a, m. If it causes only one to stop t;a play his first game WIth er. work; the supply is unlimited. Loo.lf", IV .. m"ou an" ;u'e"".dia'. po"'., and think to this great evil Oh! what a pity that woman's our folly we refuse to give No .• 3~().;ly ,hrough 'roin, 11:66 •. Ill"

· • • .'0'- . may. has hane- should ever lead astray.! them their fair share of it, be- "~:~)~l:~~::-:'::'=n';;'.:,·~! from w .. b. BRISTOW .J. R. &.DAVIS &. CO. CLIFTON not been many others, thought cause we are too lazy to· rem em- , i ijl.~t·""

~=E===~~~::E~:;;;:;=~==~=5EE::~ it forth with a heart full of love there was no wrong in, it. and I ber to breathe deeply. . .4F i thro~gi, tr:;.~'lL04 p, om:, • - for humanity, 'and as a mother that it could never in any way do We go 0]1 from day to day ''''f-1O.J.o' uft pM ... ~er, frow Waahi"lJlOtl

to wholn God has entrusted the him any harm. But cards had a drawing in little. inadequate :::r ~~!"~d:h;cl:'~~od~l~ ;;,n • .:-.gen J:earing of these precious boys, strong fascination for him. In puffs· of air, living from hand to with the resolve that not one of those parlor games, where prizes mouth, as it were; and then we LANSBURGH & BRO.,

420.26 Seventh SL, Washington, D. C. · , .




them shall ever be taught within were offered, he was usually suc- wonder why we feel tired and the walls of my home to indulge cessful; that fact sti~ed him nervous, why our skin is sallow in the social game. to play in other places, and for and our eyes. dull, ,w.hy -we catch

"Don't go, girls, don't" said a mOlley, In less than a year lcold easily-and ,digest our food ver·haired friend of my mother, from the tim~ he played his first badly. When things have come

when we were talking .about at- parlor game he was a confirmed to this pass, there js nothing for tending a card· party "don't go," gambler. it except to put ourselves to

NORTHBOUND "No. IS-Except t)uodal, Local from War- '

'6DtoU to \\'g.,,1111lt-,1:0D, 6:54 a. Dl. . -..

So. 16-Dllily th.rougb traiD between Ma Juau and Atexondria 8;45 •. M.

No 114--E.r.cept Sunda,. Arrive Mana.­"8 lO:4ti 8. m • .-IraQl Warrenton and inter­mediate points. PuJlma.n Pildor Car.

'No. IV-ll.dl.v loca.!, 1:}0 p. Ul. Co~A at Oran~ with C. tl o. a.ih,a" fron. Rlc.b~ mond ..rid GordOnsville, ...

! MAIL .ORDER DEPARTMENT she repeated. t "Why, Aunt Mat· "One night, playing, be lost, school, and learn patiently to do tie," we asketl, why not go. and lost heavily. He jOt only what. we were meant to do un-you think card·p1!iying, just for lost all his own money. but someconsciollsly. amllsement.}Vrong? "YesIdo." he held in trust, When the last .There are two ways to learn to "Why everybody plays now, just doHar was gone being wild from breathe. If our powers of self­IdeiT.' eventngs'llg"O' 108& andhl!& wine, he discipline are poor, as is the easEl profeSsor Ball's, cards we r e arose from the table. drew a with· most insufficient breathers, brought and we all played. The knife arid buried it in the body. it is a good 'plan to join a gymna·

~"p. 112-EIcept Sundar. Arrive Man ... -"B 4:10 p, m., from Warrea'oD. aDd il;lter­r"ec;liate poihte.

No. 44-Da.ily tb"Qu~h train between Ma-"lU6AII and W a!thi DRtOn, G: 35 p. m. "

No. as-Daily through traiu, oo~he8 and ileeping candor Wnhiogtotl and NClw Yorkr . ~:.30 p. m '. IItops on~. Receivel! (I(lQDec. LiOR. daB,. 4.'.~ept Sttnday'. Bl .jran~ from

, i



Ladies' Suits, Silks, . Dress GoOds, Underwear, Petticoats, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods,

I.ineos, Domestics .

• &; O. from ttiahlDODd a.nd Oordon.lTiU, • *" '-

IAN.mU -BAJIIUSONBURG l:1WlCB profesaor's80nanddanghterjoijJ- of his antagonist. He was sent sium or calisthenic class, and SOUTHBOllND. .

ed in th~ amusement, and all the to the State prison i~ life. For leatn to use the Jungs as a baby No .. 41)--D.ily 1"",1, 9,30 •. m. ,

best families do th. e same." . ten long dax-k years I was the lear, ns to use itS feet and...bands. N .. 217-EX!"'p.&od6y.locaI, 5:40 p . ... ...' No,13~Exeept SundBJ', p.nm&l1 Pador

f--F";",,, iratt-ofwhom YOIIl!peak mother OI~ a murderer; then a But remember thil.t tesaons, in t:arlrom W.,mi~'" HamooDburg, f.'" AND EVERVTHINGTHATHELPS-To MAKE tJjpel'llllitandhelpincard-playing, change came. He was taken

A FIRST~LASS DRY .ctaODS STORE does that alone' nlake it·· sick and.tOsaed Dn a --::-:-:-:==;;~~~~~~;;;;-:ii.~~~~~~~=--:-Jt~"~NO~b~u~t~i£f~SU~C~h~· frUaP:·.~~~~J! many IDng weekiL . One n~gbt from his task except when he is I :~~~~~~~!~~~~E

WHEN-IN THe.: CITY MAKt: OUf( ~I~~ep~~~~~~-" -prt8OI1 in the class. ~. . HEADQuART.EB.S-ALWAYS W£LC()lu:..-~'----l#IfseJlI.-l:LJUU!. aoodlne!lS, went ,ieto..tbjl greatUl1-.i A- simpler~method, Jor .

. '; in'~it;llti'~Dll . known fut!ll'e.. For long years I who ha\re not time or opportunity th()ug'ht I the grass has been growing upon' for thi! gytnnaslUm, is to '. turn

answ'el'1ed.l his grave, but no time can make life's daily routine intO acoi:.tin­me forget my ~. sorrow OfUQUII discipline!n breathing. If

. the cause of it. ' . .' . '. ! the poor breather takes the'

THE 'I'I1m ~O BUY' ;. ,-,''---- Now girls. dDn't t!'O~to carq, bre to.watih hitnaI!If c8refully. . Umr.:·l' .... . parti'es.' Don't. e~ i.n· he find that when he. is

THE FALL OF.i~..iuWll>lLl'llecJ~bJ-&:c'-. _of_·-·8lPf~t. IJOO'i J)e"llritged_~~~~;;~~~~~~::=~~~~~~~~ ~·;me ao· i'1VJng to:some big iner ..... intb. amount of baildiDg- " ' knowledlJre'that mujead .

.~ODd~~·~~=IIII"~t!I~to~lI&'~~h~th~ia;~~aa;itt· =1~:~ErsDf'"-pain .and , . '.. even ~ as deeply as ..., ....... 1 vesting money "i. : in -n.w·

'prov~menu ri&'ht arouud bo~.

said. "Mina: if veiif""'}.~~~~n . . . h . J should lead to puritY e

. 1 will,teU ~_ never dO' it :~~::;~~~~~:t~~~~~~~--,-I would be glad to listen, for and worker -" AT""':-was a pleasant t8Iker, and IhiinseIf; not sioniueh:REASQNABU: . PRlc.ES· .

I,W"""' ..... 8oei~ty,Shecontinueg; his labGfa as by his.neglect. "A long time agO I wasthelllOtb- Learn to make a breatliing lea- . ' . 1 er of a· darling .little boy. My . . BOD of dressing iB the moi'ning. ProperlY' cased ~ and equipped

THE PLACE TO . BUl ... ''".

We ';"'canying verJ full _loeb of Lumber, ShiDgleo, . Laths, Flooring, Siding. Ceilill&'­DOOn.Saah. Blinds. )(ouldiogS, Lime,'

-flr-'~ ... nt, . -Wall Plaster, Tern. Co~ PIpe, .; . . Fb.'e .'I join&: . Roofing' Jlair,,: N~1a, . C_

and all kinds of ,Mill W~' and ),OU""". -.eom~-----;;ur ~gQ<Mi<, ODd.· oar pri.,.. .0Ild -­

prqve to Xc;!Ur oWn. satiafaetion that we .... · . give yoU tbto heat g<>9d. at the IoweIIt prieeIL



iwsb&n'a~died wh~ m.)' child was A' N:'-". '. Phetogr~ ... L of going up and dQ,nl stairs. of~. pump. ..' but three years' of age. . .' ~ . .CIJIII your duties in household,

that, ,all~ylove. ~llIDY ~re, aU Ma1r~ an acceptable Xmas ~r~sho;p,~~of~Yiou3r~wa~:lka~, ~~~~~~~~~§~~~c~ ambltiOll, fortn.,t bolo ·G~.i!t 'd----- .. -that· .. triejl te teach him to be . .. frle:ds wine a nnreclate - drafta every time

to be honest, ... ---7-_,-_ .. ~ '. . a breath, .and eVei'YT)aeNew. "",r e. r y-c:ttCiJtnJrtallCe. WE MAKE· A SPECIALTY while stOp everything else' .. .,. r hm. evarv I fill your' lungs a few times .Jd Knife ad-.ntagehe guar- breaths that test their C8Jl8ci·tY·l ~reR--' tion . . . Yau will be surprised to see tweIItY one hegraliuated S Studio'· improvement that itwillmak~in Univennty of ~tanding. a ·w ...... Pr' r' . .. . EO· v. YDur general condition. ..

lII1-iliri,,'loolcingman. . I looked upon . ,=' . . . . him With feelings of motherly Bringilr send your Kodak JO~AL $1.00 a year.

-L~ Funeral Dir~or.~biQmiil1Eiii~_it F-

~CH, VlRCINlA or ~I eta!lic Cask~t& and all ~Ies of Cofllnnn<l ¥e1;B fthe~_t-t, CA-'----,-. •

always on· band.. Bona! Robes and ~ m .. ~ , talciDg.Businessiurnished on short nonee --mmil~ ---+ii--~

Church truck for deliveringeasket in t'hweh. ToIepboM , Ii .... ..-. NiPI- .... """" .........

,.") att.DUo" UR. 1" C !. 7 ~ ...... ~=:;========~

c. MtARKIN & · - -~ .. "'


Flour, -Feed, Hay' and ~ si..iiarMr -_ .Vidor ,Stock '~

- ·Unian Daly F.' AU Stock and Poultry P'owden at HalfPriee

CloERM My new' htdraul/c cider _ will be

ready for yoor opp/... '

Friday. July 5, 1912 ,




I THE MANASSAS JOURNAL. FRIDAY. DECEMBER-~. 1912. 'l --"_. __ . -. ---.• --.-----~. ' ... .-.... • >

.fOIl DEMOCRATIC PLUMS, '.~V' P.l. F~' ~~" ~TI~:: ~~::~~ ~ The Mos..---lpp' reciat-ed 'Pre' 'sent RmaecJ. Liat of Vir"inia', E,I~ u: ~~~Ia~C\lI:~v~~f= ' EGGS • .. - _' ",

blu For Ho~" lobe Coir- at Blacksburg. states. th_~~!'"three $1 00 Per Dozen " . . ' .. , ',', . !~.. ferrllCl.~~~. ~llSoD. :. ~:f; ~::~~=t~~f;'I~91~~!'1 ~ Price.Predicteil for ~ I l IS SOMETHING' USEFU

This meeting !8' for practic:al BOi..GIANO'S . . . [From News-Le.der.] farmers who Wish the latest In- "Sq Deal" ~- h Food

With the ap~roachi~g adv~nt formation on profitable methods . uare ..Jt;ratc of a DemocratiC adm1OlstratlOn of fanning. Practical lIubjects - PRODUCES EGGS UKE THIS , there have appeared lIIIarge num· '11 be d' ed I' a practl'cal· Mr. John Baer, Ra.peburg, Md" had This

. "\ • . Wl lSCUSS n I 100 chJekene he wae feedln& whole corn _ ber of DemocratIc aspirants for way by ~e agricultural .faculty: s.nd was getting 23 egll" a week-after the big political plums in Virgin- f th V P I and .... other 'I feeding "·Deal ' Serateh Food • . 0 e . .., UJ week he got 72 thQ-

Is Just 'What You Will Find In Our Slflre-la that have b~n held contu?uous- speakers. Among the topics to h. got 17'l egf' Iy--lty-'Rep~bhca,ns for sixteen be discussed are: "~ture Man- ~il·'~ffr!W: ... ~·~~n~tl~~~?~~I~~~.;1_--~e~. ,B.esldes. the local oflicer:s. agement." "Irish Pobuo Grow-.·": BE 'cc:-l-.-:.----------~~Fn~i"\o~~;:;~~~r 10 Vlrlr,lnl~ ,a number of proml- inA'," :'Di.seases and Wounds of - l.:lOtl1l~S. nent Vlrg10lltnS have been men- Farm Animals," "Com Improve­tiDned for cabinet portfolios and ment '< "Problems in Farm Man. other high. positions of bonor. agem'ent,;-;----rhe Hom e Or- WI. poIIul, we will t.1I~ who

The followmg are some of the'charo" "The Comm~ial Fer- YOU .cAN HAVE BEAUTIFUL places for which--VirKinians are' tilize; Problem," "Horae-breed- . FLOWER S ,

t ' d'· . 55 4 ' •• , " to .brlghten your bome an W1l'!ter, men lone • mg," Mamtaimng Soli Fer- T'anl!agiving TIme, Chrt.tmao Time,

" Sectetary of commerce and, tility " "Problems of Live-Stock Easter Time, a~ in your Lawn. ana labclf"'- Harry St. George Tucker. Fam:ing." A number of Vir. !~~"t ~:'i:, ~!t y~:: p~!!~ of of Lexington and Ncrfolk. ~ ginta farmers will talk on "My \rulips, NareissWl, Lilli... ....1+----Attorn~·general - Ric h a r F ' " ' C .... uo Bulb. no..... ,

Evelyn y r '. 0 mc es er, Thursday, January 2nd, '1;he with beautiful pictur .. and .n about \

'B d f' W' . h t . armmg. FALL BULB CATALOGUE

Randolph HarrJ8on, of Lynch- State Com Growers' Association how to. JITOW them sellt free If ),OU will , burg, and William A. Glasgow, will meet at Blacksburg -and will droll us II po.stal. '

formerly of Virginia, now, Df hold a corn judging con'test, and PALMS AND FERNS CHEAP

Philadelphia. . . "- "a competitive exhibit of com and, J.i BOLGIANO &, Secretary of mtenor-Carter wheat 'In the evening the COI- 'I '

, f L hb . Reliable s..d 'tIP Almoet IOD Y ..... Glass, 0 ync urg. . , lege will tender an agricultural'" Pratt St. Wborf, BALTIMORE, MD.

Secret8:l'Y of navy-Lows Nlx- bam,uet tG the visitors. . 1============= on, a native of Loudoun county, The, cost of attending this F ,.' J ' , now of New York. . . meeting will be small, the only rult iI!!I..5

. Go~ernor-gen~~ of the. Philip. expense being railroad and " Q.A. pme Islands-Wllham A.. Jones, living expenses. •

_ of Warsa~, no":" ~ngressman furni~ hoard .1ItsixtY RUBBERS, WAX AND ,from t~e. F'!l'IIt dlstnet. per day and lodging can be 'TIN CANS

Comlllls.!!lQller of ,the in town at very _ PIriIy Rom GtIII, FuiIJ of. Columbia -D. J. Callahan. rateiL The regUlar Iioliday gene~managl!r of the Norfolk roacbatea of one and tnr~,nt'tnlI and WaShingtolI SteamhoaU::om" fare- for tlle roundctrip. fAn

-'paI)Y. formerly of Norfolk.- , used.' These' tickets are _ ~orei&'u-~atiep()s ts'- December 31st,' ana are goOd Harry St. Geo~ge Tucker; Colonel return trip until Jan)W'y6th. ' " Joseph E. ,Willard .and Thomas We hope many of our far' mel~ I CHAS. E. FISHER, , NeIBCl,nPage, . '.. ' willatteJ).d this meeting. I-IS. Men •••••• Va.

UnIted States district attorney·. .. . . =:-- •• ... ,-for the Eastern district of Vir-o-Iaone P~ ia

..- .ginia-Go~ernor Hodges . . . . marIL' . --......."at R1clllriond; J. Gordon Bonhan­

.~-non.· of Pete:sbnrg,and Surry; . T. J. Dowrung; of Lancaster;

'AJan D,Jones, of Newpoit a~d Hi1'8lD M. Smith,·· bf

)' 1- . :::~~~~~~~[~~to~. fumish. the' Grain Drills.

sei~ts"Ollts Eng i n e s, Plows, &c., &e.

for, ginia-R; E. .

· and RiehID9n:cl. • . h.>lcler IikeYensen, with only Un!ted States m&nlhal for the or 12 acreS. and that not

Eastern district ofVirginia-"-E.. . for.· may" 'have 'C. Jordoll and R L. Ailworth, o~ horae, even then, he

.Surries, Runa.bouts


--a Kirschbaum.: All-wool· Suit: for· the . man· .. ·a Suit of NorthamptoD county; J..-G. thilika too much of 1)is'time

· dera,ofSouth Richmond; of his land's time; to .... "'.~I Cogbill. of. Caroline; HarrY either with one-horse plowing.

- . :' ., -" ..' ,'\,' . --.--=... . ' ' .-

Trump.CIOthjng:ortheMrL~J~e Hopkins mao for t1ieboy. 1 SELL THE· NEW MO~ WAGQN Hall. of PortllmSllth and. Joseph When Mariua Yensen wantS .

· T. Duke, of Norfolk county; plow,he borrowR· a .not;her with a reputation for serviee'tbat United Sta~s m_al'l!h~_ fo!.the from . . . return: sul-pa,gsed by IIO'Ile. •

largest .. assOrtmelit .··of OvercoatS we have ever . had

Westemdistrict of Virginia-To Yensen ~~~~~l&ndV!Ihl~~~~~ L. Tate, of n,'laskI; S. M. Don· neigh~r.. ,V"hi.clesalwa-D'n'hand, ,,_.~., SHOES'· CASES '" HAND BAGS HANDKERClBE£S . .&,. T R. Till tt, f needs It. ,lS true ~. ~ .. '" ' • .'~. --, . ald, of Staullt!>n; . .. e 0 t. ion' for you! ":'~I8.rence my prices are always right., B~y Ii Korrect Shape or will watch our wind~ Men'.s, nain .LirulD Handketo RoanDke; A. a Wllliams, . Tb!i!Progr~v.el'armeT; J "11-'---· -' - .- con shoe fo.r-~n;ura JkI~rtU;;ti:;; this assortment chiefs'

, W-l..--'Ile • .and T .. L. G.lar, _k, ' ' . - , " ' ~ "A or' gan D_~ shoe f bo 'Th . J .m:v, '. ..- . .•. .. " DnAOJ.J Qr ~ . ere Initial Linen Handker-

Stuart..- 8-17 : MANASSA!>.. VA. ~ingbetter_w.lle had.... . . cruef!! . .. For eollectOr of internal rev.en-I ~ __ WlDERWEAR GLO.VES- Men's Plain Silk Handbrcliie"f!r: De for the EastolmDistriet ... , 40c to $2.00 Virginia-B. J. O'Hara, of PIealyOfTla_inMu ....... ;.udj . HEBRON· SEMINARY· 25c:·and 50c port News, and R.' C. 1.. .lIIon~ Staffortb-­

For collector of intemal1'f!v'en-

- ue for the Wesr.i!m .district,~~~~~~~~~~~tr~=~5!~ · Virginia - GeneralR u--f-a-1t Ayers. of Wise;~ Wataoo. MartiDsvilIe. &nO .T9hn Otey;.

___ .J..yn~hburg. For IIlpervising inspector

\ ate8m v_Is for the Third dill­. trict (Cap(l ~Ie& to Jaek80n-, Y111e, Fla.. now held bY 1011B W... ~_~ of

n..... f N rf'_Il·.:..C. ...... ;ft day paaed, ... ~t • HVere a • ....-...,.... .. 0 0 VIA y- b ... k .. "" aDd pII!IlII ....- !'.T W. Harney. of Norfolk and Port&- oI_,....a~ for wwk. ~ -til. and TbomIIiI C. Conning- adecJ i......-.v and I, bid

SUPPERS ham of JtichmoDd. ' other Iym..-..r kicIIoq

• ofth I -.l ta'O -- of ~~~~t::::::~:::~~~~~~~~~~t~~~5~[j~i;~~~~~M:e~D~.s~H~ouse~~Sli~·P~pe~rs,~jDC~Iud-Collector of eoItoms e port Pilli .... ..... -.t. Ev ,. __ .. • of NorfolkaDCI Portsnouth- wbicA ... .:7 '-_" erett s -

Norman R. Bamjltm aod Robert


C, ,

.... .... b1 aD doIIIen. Priee iii W. Shultiee. _ r-JIiIIIano Co. BdaJo illargely. ~ o~ the Kill ~ thel ___ ..., .... _..;. _____ ..L. ___ -----__ ....,.-...J~-----_:_-------.....

Postmutef' of Norfolk..,., W,. Y-. -!e __ t.r ... thlltId =1edBl8DnWJ!==:-:: au~ :.::~ ,,-' ' . - k..... • ' AnP~t,er of Portsmou~ -'- Stat-. ~M "pzi at ..... ~ by ~ Our\folows Next-Week for Our ~I If UD~INS Pres.,"! Samuel T. MOIItague, W. Clarke a-embe1'-the _p..,,·a-aDd - ASK US AttOUT IT : -tr Moore, F. Hash> Bilisoly tab DO other. 12-1l().1l' Claude N. Mark~ __ " ' . ' "

...---:~Co~ILt,I"'~=Sto~~li~~~~poqpluN.1 ,. __ , __ ',.···~~ •• -G-led' d,Je_ng-s News P'I .... take not.ce that the annual' OC _. _ _~ ,

. Hutr- mpt'ting of th..,. st()('kho.ldf'n af the P€'o-: ,,~ajr 1J(11 .... ~~~;io~-f~i~~~~ ~n~~tmaster of Suffolk-W. J. ~.;:,.ona~1~\~~r~::1~;E(~.~,r::ne --------TH-'----cE--DA YLIGHT STORE, ' . " ~ Hendrick, Jobn B. Norfleet, J. o'doeK;~e purpooe free W H · J H M h J h direcwn, and. for the t.ranJ..i .

• OSler, ' • ac ary, 0 n 8cllon such nth .. ...... mayITHEJ. I. RANDALL CO. G. Holladay. W. B. Ferguson, C. properly come b.rore u.., llleeUIljI'. __ .. L. Lewis, Jj>sse Green and Percy G, RATlIONll RA'I'CUPP&, (;ubieo'. LUlDAU. a MoCOT ! NEXT TO WENRICH'S PhiJIipi J)ecetnber ~, 1912. - PHONE . IIUJIUSA'
