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IN THE JOURNAL .y ^—^-^^^^^^ , VOL. XXVII. No. 52. 5BB CBEESE PLANTS PW Bm BUILT Great Progress is Being Made at Catharpin Where Corpora*- • tion is Fonae<t> FREDBRICKSBURG TOO MtJCH FOR LOCAL TEAM Whila Roses Dtiop First Guait of 8«f»<Hi After Lively Con- test in Sistw City. (W. L. Browsing, Connty Agent) , Becauae of Ihe itiecess of tim Gold Bid^ cbMM ^ctory, the county Agent had » party from Stafford county in conference with him Tuesday looking pgwwrA the erectio|i of a plant in tliat '"^ii^ty. They rMdize, as we do, the |T««t need of a maricet for their en- tire production of milk, with no fear of an over-prodnction. This factory is making a name for itself in the ad- Joining couaHas. We may tbiiik it a small thing, Iwt it is a pnof of what OM be done. The factory building at MinnisvUle is completed, ready for the plant to be installed, which we hope to arrive here the last of this week. Ths building at Independent Hill is onder construction, «wi it is hoped tlMse people will get a move on theni- Wlvesj and if cheese is to be made in this community this summer, they will have te hit a |aat«r gate than they are moving at now. If this is wortik while at all, it is worth while to | ^ eveiytbing yoD have into it. The building at Catharpin wiU be zvady for the plant upm its airnvaL At this point they are bnildang ajDp^ bailding, which will contain a concrete earing Tpom, «U«fa akoidd|| iisal for Mgolaflihr }te twsperstor^ariiiithst soBuner months. These people 1>a-v» oqranized a stock company, have in- ei»9ontt4{d, j a d , «xpeet to do St r^ ^tjrit^as'of ^Vfltting what the^iina. OP linlf'ft* Ml* into ush. "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l » s fdr ^ sale. It will be wsU to keep in touch P i^rtfth this community as We w t o t to ^' liK^PB ^^ aa Ydeal commonfty orvMU- SkUs company has been ineorWo under the name of the <!wt- Funn PiipdiK^ l^^ttr. F r e d & t ^ e n , MANASSAS, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1922 •1.50 A /OAR IN Al>VANCl The lisnassas White Rose Baseball Team suffered thmr first defeat pi the season Wednesday, when they jour- neyed to FVederickaborg to encounter the strong White Son jMrn of that city and had it not bsM for bad um- pirage our 1)0^ might have been vic- torious. As rt'was the game ended 6 to 3. Manassas held their opponents scoreless for four innings wDUe they themselves pnt across three runs. Fredericksburg made one run in the fifth ^Mle in the seventh they cut loose and scored five more. In this unlucky inning they produced two thre»-baggers and one home run. Here an example of the umpiring was shown, for Leith, catching for Manas- sas, tagged, the Fredericksburger for what should have been an easy out and was apologizing to the player for having t^gg^ him so hard with the ball, when tSe umpire ruled him safe. Fielding features of the game were supplied by Ellison, -Trimmer and' Leith, while Pearson accounted for two Of Qie local's runs and Brower the other. Saunders put in some timely hitting in the fourth when his two- bagger put two runs across the plate. Whatever may be said of the umpir- ing the same should not bs said of the Fredericksburg White Sox for they are a zeal team of clean ptoying, hard hitting and peppy boys two can give any amateur team a rtik for tneir money. Manassas fans ean lo<d( ior^ lyai^to a good game whan they play febfta game here. ^ "SUNNY SOUTH" MINSTBEI^ STAI^ Over Two Hundred PM|d^ t Boiefit PerfonpaiK^An Wednesday Night. '^ TWOPRISONEBS ESCAPE JAE «P Malce Daring Get-Away in Broad Daylight, D i g ^ g Out Brick With Shovel Handle. AIX18 m READI^JB^ FOR r FIELD DAYTOMORROW nJnele Nlek" Altrodi^ Mar^ Band, BasebalU and AtJOetic Evfnte Should Draw. DEATff ( F REV. 0. QR^WdflSON Over forty-five dollars was realized towatd< the athletic association fund of the Manassas high school on Wednea> day night when the "8?»nny South" minstrels presented their show in Eastern College-Cotuervatory gymna- sium. Jokes, gags, jigs, poems, readings and songs kep( the house, which .wu filled to seatmg^capacity long before the first Bon^ was^fung, in a contin- uous uproar. "'»-»a«..-- Among the songs that si^ere svtng were "Dapper Dan," "My Sa««»..Ten. nessee," "April Showers," O'Neil," "Tucky Home," "Ma' ai A very daring escape was made from the county jail here yesterday morning by two of its inmates, Leslie Mitchell and Floyd Bond, both colored. After their morning meal Jailor Jarmons oj>ened their cells arid told them to clean up the lower cell room. He then went up town but did not tell the prisoners that ^he was going. Shortly after he had left they called for him and were told that he would be back in about an hour. Whereupon they must have set to work to make their escape which they did by loosen- ing and removing the bricks under- neath one' of the south windows. They, Want My Mammy." Miss Louise Bta- 'teosened the brieta with ^ W ^ ^ . ^ ^ . , ^ . ^,, ,= -. ,^ ^ loney played the accompaniments W% haadkaf.-* aw»lL^122i;:Hir?* ^V^^'^*^ tMmytta than iMt. pleasing manner throughout the e«sra- of a east iron «toveWi«^««w*4a the mg's pirformance. "U ~«m' I" .*« ^*V """jwi •^^ Mr.^ercival A. Lewis , t o ^ the part twenty-five bricks before they mode of the judge m the semi-circle, Messr*^ we>r escape tato the |:arden and ftfOfc Taylor Weir and Laird Arey as "Bon^ and Tarn," reW>ectively4.were endnlwi, While M4ssrs:^ltooHilU and'WAl- fway on a freight toain whwhp^ssM lace t,iyRn took the parts of "Sam" and "Rastus." Others in the semi-circle were Messrs. John Maloney, Ashby , UNUSUAI^ DI9COVKIT tbmiia Sknll f^Oovl Buried in ' BadutJ<«u Blooms. Iiw Julian Gregory, Charles Sinclair, Bobr hie Sprinkel and Clyde Mndidiman. During the intermission ice pt<^m was served while Mr. Pence gave a selection, "Turitey in the Straw," to whlsh MtMRS. Uird Axm mad Writoc* there over the garden wall*' It :)ts ^thought that th^ made tMr gtit^'; through about that time. Mr. Jarmans was unaware of their escape until about 11:30, when be ra- All is in readiness for the big Prinee- WiUiam County Field Day whiehwill be held on Smith's Field tomorrow. The Marine Band, of Quantico, has been added to the program and will furnish the music. Ben Sanders who was scheduled to pitch one of the ball gam^ will be unable to be present owing to having been called, to Atlanta concerning a big badness deal. The athletic events-will start at ten o'clock in the movning while the first ball game will oommanes at 1:30 p. ra. Congressman Upshaw, of Georgia, will a«liver a speech costmeacing about 11:30. f The White Boses will baye their hands futt'when thvs meet the Purcel- ville baseball team, cfeOmnloBs of Loudoun Le«r«e last year. It 'tl»4n- ported thai'they have even a stfooger thi»ye«r than Unt. Wh^n ttiey met LeeSMirg last' Satturd^ they shut them out 8 to 6. To save a great deal of traSke con- jesti<m at the gate tickets havo beCn ploosd on sale at the dmg stores whm it is hoped that evory one win 'Ixor-'them to savtt.time at we gats. Son of Rev. and Mn. WestiTood Hatchison Succnmlw Aftar OpenMUon 9I Chester. ' A telegram received on Thursday morning by Rev. Westwood Butchisoa from Cheeter, Pa., brought the sad news of the death of his son. Rev. C. Grey Hatchison, at the Chester Hoe- pital/- Although our community^waa aware of his illness, no one thought of a fatal tern^ination, and ^he nsws of his death cb«i«« with startling snex- Lewis. Noel Lynn. jr.. I^'.^prin^X t r l ' J i : ! « ^ „ ± ? "ifj^^Jlf of applause from the aiidience. no answer. Becoming alarmed he opened the door and Immsdlst^ saw thahole in the wall. 60th of the prisoners w«r« being held awaiting a bearing *t tiie Jims term of court. -• Mitchell, wbo was jailed on April IT PATRONS AID B»JABX.ES SCHOOL TO OOiCnNUE The Grades Win Not Cloa^^oday Dae to Ttp^ Be^ Fttfi the Bteaett League. " I j r . Worth Storlu. ap«»ared on i^^''^^^ ^ Cons&bls Com- ^^StS^^i^^rtS'JT^^. B<«disthsn*growhowasbron^ K!^^^^?ri^^.J»u ^J^ISJ^ *«» Cameron Rmi on April^ titled "No News and it drew rwaiMch^^ged with br«aking into tfie Corii- widl Supply <;k>mpany, and ntsUaff Mr. 'Fay-f lor Weir appeared as tlK bashful suit- or to IVicily Anne, who was bent on. landing lum for his Inherited fortoa* of three pairs of shoflB and iWJlb. The part of Pricilly Anne was sj|ij( takm by Miss EUzabeth Pope, -niSi' lot baby bMf caly$s bein^ t^J>y ^tfais ircti^i «n acevtet of ^fi<Ul»- able to secure the dass o£ itiit^*. .. -^..-^ti— i_i; (..^-JIJ *.^i. i.- ,.. „._^„-i^! two othst graves in tts-^lejwsty no* [ ^edsd at the time of the year we de-T., 5- _ , . . ^ <'^<4(%^ llncteff tNI^.on the farm of MnHirtitt U. Jjf^tAi^fM^ had not beea worked siaee p H | p 'tb^ Civil WIsr, MarshaU Hamsi^||aired, came_ upon an old btseket. barfsji in ^ c<»d»ining^« MiJu^^ UndL farther m foanl 4'toii£hh|^ parts of Pricilfy'a sisters stone and a footstoMi. '* S''F*»V ?? Misses Edith Gregory^ On ttw t o m b s l ^ *hich was rf Ebrabetli Coleman, sandstone compa^on, iBttials 6. L. were engraved. If other wwrds or the date had been engraved on the stoae has defaon^posed to a gr^t «$.• tent sinoe it^>w»8 piit Jhtinfe. &daea<r( pelui w«re fs^nnd that V^ ht^ bciat weom^s^twtoment tomU ,^ i«wral automobile tire^' nated with a negro "Axi'n Her Father." I-')?/ m: f^jMkd to feed, these calves are doing - 3^MlerfuUy well. One calf fed by-smo ! ^ ^ ^ (ttbted 80 pounds from the Utii of. ^ April ^ tl^ fast ^ the moath: fho others Imvs doite probably «9ialty as wen. bat have not been weighed to |^ tile azaet gain made. , While on a trip tp Loodona coaqty _ The part of dleton Peppercorn, the nearly . father of the girls, was t a k e n ^ most creditable manner by Mr: W<. Sterin; This frtay was a dedded itaa* tbepe were fwind ~ Mr. Lynch brought the renuiitia.^ Manassas several days agoaSd Sn- tends to turn thetm over to the U. D.; conakTerabli C, as/in all pMsbiUtr tiiey «r^ o< « rushed off / csaaxt QOx iGAPTAB^ «<M-VDl spa tlu county agent ran aecass some in- . 1 HBOt/atibn tiuitwill be yidnable to the .^^daJrymen of tMs coonty. A Loodoon -tobonty daiiynum of^ fifteen ysars «x- tj^utinee said he had secured the best IW^flow this past winter that ba had irotten, and jiad bapM^ )^ miU t*f any kind. «gi ^risia adeid n^t _, bo replied '^rew soy beans and harvested for hay. and then had tbe ho; emtaincd a quantity of beans, -^^ ^rgr^md fine thrvagfa a mOl I owned. ^O'^' ', JU» gtwmd soy-boons, with onsilage, lf%Y»|«tewi tad alfalla hay, pnxhKSsd «>*» avens* mile i^vd^etkm.' Why net try wis «•* <« 7vu etm His coming win^T Bnt be surs to ylamt some soyfaitansin your crop i«- this snmmsr. The price of soy and. peas are getting w i t ] ^ the , of any farmer now, and there is keose for not planting at lepft a ~ kcreage. Grow yoinr gmiB n- 1 iilstead of baying it What fa tlM RsuonT f(hj is it that a number of our far. ; asers are seemingly still sstisfied with jserab sires? Among beef cattle rois- «rs it is certainly not becaose they do not know that the offspring of good porebreds will return a greater profit, Go into feed lots or grazing bounda- ries and pick from boncbes containing some grade calves or sta«s those ap- parently making the fastest and cheapest gains. It wiB be found that tw*]v« out of •very dossa <d the good 'HVwrs" ore sirsd fey feoOs. Aak feeder and packer buyers what ^Cnds ef cattfar^thctr will pay ths most tat, H«re asite serahs loss and the gaod poretead beef bull wins on the higlMr selling priee of his offspring. The fee '«r can pay more for the lat- t « r b « ^ ..4^ be knows they will make 'WMt* y n i t a U e gains and MQ at higbor lofac wiMn finishai, wfcOs the padcer ean pay more because of their qaality cad baOar bo«< om- The funeral -of Cdpti^ ii-B. Colvin, who died Saturday. toA place in War- renton 00 Monday from the Baptist Church there, tike services being con- ducted by the pastor, Bev. Cb«riw T. Hemdoa.- The deceased fa snryifed by hfa widow, three daagfaters sad three sons. In point of sio-vica be was t^ oldest condnetor <rf the l^nths«& Ba^wsy.j he^ having been in active service up to seven years ag;o, when be was retired fropsaetiva servio^at the ac« «< •••- eady. . E« waa ea^lnetor oa the War- raaltwBi braadi for nearly ftfty r«*0> One of the most severe stents with- in the remembrantis of the aidest ia^ hauMitnts passed over Cben:^1Bill Fri- day between 6:80 ami S:aiO p.4n., doing damage. The water near-by hiUs, compfate- theft. Pi:& P. B. 8a Aoeoaats. M each of these •Ktvpu^ &i Tba Journal at jha dAbfJBSVU.LE Throogb the: generous 'action of the patrons'lsmp^j of the Manassas grad- ed school .%e ^momt in OM league treasury. Which had been pnt aside to bny deslm for tbe siibQol, has been tnrnsd over to tb9 adiOM board en- abla tbem to m m i h e aebo*^ '««tiito It is hoped by means of this amount. ^I™J5L w " ! S S ?!? if it can be suppleaitaiteJ by iontriba- ' ? » ^ t ^ * ¥ ^ ^ tions from the ^trilDs, to e«itinne the I"^ "**, ^fv.^?^ vAmA antil st least the first of June * ' ' « ^ ^ i l 2 l ? ^ - n t^v* «i.,.« ^^ and if possible till the eighth, vSch, •- » « *»na»al wffl take place Sator- Hutchison was born on August .. at ProsjiBCt Hill, Prince Wil- County, Va:, and was at the time of his death in the fiftieth year of Ms age. In early manhood he decided to enter the meoieal ^ofessioo and st.- tended the Richmond Medical College, where be made good progress, niml impaired health compelled the relin» qoisbment of his,studies; and in 1894 .. hn left Virginia for Colorado. During the Spanish-American.war, he served With the American army ia the Philippines, and at the close «f ao, tive hostilities returned to Colorado, where he remsined imtS impCo/ed health justified a return to his aativa sUte. .. ' ^ ' In 1910,'feeling colled to the Baptist . ministry, he entered Croser Theoloei- cal Seminary at Upland, Pa., and gratttatedin ^913. Ia 1914, he was happily married to Miss Mabel White, of Upland, Pa. He held pastorates ia Pennsylvania and Maryland, and was at his death, paa- tor of the first Baptist Church o< fiover, Delaware.^ Qe was a maoiber of tte BCasome mtentity and rseentiy gainsd the degree of Knight Tem^KF. Mr. Hntdiison w s s s dutiful sen, aw , affectionate brother,-a faiUifid fana- 'band, a Bind and considerate father. He was singularly free from the ia- ^flrmity of those natni^^*ha»^Y'^^ *" About thirty mules, ten vragoos «on-' ""^^ J ^ ^ i X «to^iuri*i^*S^"'i»^1'4^*»*»»*»« •* l^^*"^^- D«3«ware. taining driven, bozz saws, twits, bay, 1 J^fe^^ST **'^ *", to tiielSieaved «smUy circle a coop of chickens and miscellsneoas ^ "*. "1 /™ ' ^^.- aineere sympathy of tiie coaunaaitr Ja f^^l^^wTrffilSSffl'Se"^; GKNERAtWarS B P - ^ - ^ ^^^^^ t>f our little village on Sunday mom- V—-— U^ 1iiniilkl5 "111IHIIO FI<A ing lost, gomg South. One_of_thel,Te«a8 Flag Uafatted m 3vA Where J ^ [ | | ^ , MiillUO lU He Met Hfa Death. and jrenonipK drivus said they came from Stafford county and were going up in the moun- tains to make roads, but inquired for iss KsUe filMMTof an Vk„ is visitin^<her brtithg- nS^. ^^oiSSf ASistaSg^S^Mr.^S^i"*"^ fe ««!? of thejBUts o* WirArmstrong were MSI^SMT Ttel-,?™.'!*^A)l^.il»IT_i^.^ ** ^ On Mcmday, May 8, the birthday of ^ , .^fiaaa Ifanassaa visited *e I v n i ' and upon that historic totden Wedasaday. f care ot Miss Isabelle Hat^ison. to wer ly- immdat: causing s trains for rose stoife G.E. load damage way- weu Hill spent $21 condition. The: outsidi fie weeki^Tj . Mr. Wil!iam.SWeeaey, s stiident «tl^™f^flaf wosjriv^wHlit^^^^ fieorgetowTBiUege, spent the week-j*** '* »>« '^'^^^ »* 1*?* P°'5j ?J Mfas Margk^ B««i, who ha. been .^J^A^^^^ Tv5? ^ & a.« ». *> - ^. - . flt, v i s ^ Mr. and Mrs. Oaries Allen.lThe r w ^ r f t b e U. D,aB»BaI«pd lout wl^ft delayed all left o* Monday for Lyafhbmg' f fJ?"^?K'SlL2^W • boors. The water | Kfc Robert «axiwy^ea%<WaihMa. »*". "Pfa* a***^ Vt of one foot in tiie day in Manassas. e conducted by Mr. Mr. B. Thornton Davies, of Maaa/- '-All gardens in the ftatj sas, was looking sfter legsl cases in yed. Considered Gainesvillft this week. >4iw pnUic bigb-| '^ Mr.< Haar^ Brown, of Washington, 'isaahed away as'spent the wadt-end with his family, , .iCi^7lieCheiry,iriK> is oceav^ng Mel' - - - - - 'AnoefatioB badjBstj Dr, ttat tafa read ia fMd [ ton, SMnS—HULFISH ^EAfi mi 17 Popsiar Virginia Ediyatpr to Address Local Andicn^ Wednesday NisirL One of the mo«k interesting wed- ^_jdiags of the eariy spring was'that of|^ R. A.Tarneyhoa^ cf Varrot- Mrs. LaWson H. Smith to LawreoBs A ^ ^^ in GamesviUa several days Holfish, srtiieh took piaee Wedawday s u - «... ««Tu I ^*^ J " ^ applying the tobercnha test nmrnhig at ti» home Of the bride. Only l e road m Fnaee WaUam^to Uie Hotatein herd s* Mr, nomasIT^ i~_-jj,fa,^fri,«, wita«ui<l tbe Cute hi^way wbeia traf- Merediflt The test pnrred a dean < ^ uamediate f a a ^ ^Z^A \1 bed.- c*rem«iy, which ^B8 performed by ^Cr, and Mrs.^^mer Hsflia tova tl|s Sev. B^^^KjFocd, D. S. Ibe fa^ DMB Mai^ds wiU spoah^wfll ha hrfd so treat for the p»st two t! frtf. Mi PLBASAKT VALLEY Plessant Valley school dosed May 2 with a league meetta house, good attention and betaTior. The meeting was called toOTderby singing "One Vacant Choir." The re- r i for the year was reari by Miss D. Matthew, showtng that $78.63 had been deposited in Leesborg Bank, for school improvement before the next term opens. It is the request that same shall be used to put a w ^ rm the school ground, which fa the. moat needed thing at present Mrs. Walter Presgravea was eiectad secretary and treasurer, in Miss Mat- theor!^ place, who resigned. The league meeting was followed by a well gotten up program and sooeesa- fnlly carried out by teachers and po- pils. Everyone a e l ^ tb«fc parts watt and everyone was glad thit Aey were present* The teachers have retomcd to thsk honMS tox the vacation. In the afternoon the Areola boys played a ball gaase on the Pleasant Valley gronnd, oad the score stood 28 to 8 in fav«nr of Pleasant VaUay. The school enjoyed the treat of lemoa- sde and eake served "by tqacbaia aad papifa jost bsl'ore ths ball have been hauling the away by ^e factory, J f<Rty wagpnaeadi day traffic passed ffivar thfa [child of Mr. and Mrs. W.'L. aad broke its arm last P^xif. Chas. G. Maphis, Dean of the Summer Qoarter University of Vir- ' jMnia, will apeak at Conner^ Hall Wjfdneaday night, May 17. s t » o'dodc. h»ifca iatereat of tbe Stats Iby Com- Ipntidty l i f e Campaign. Thfa can»- naiga fa the outcome of the Baal Ltfe Confta«nce beM'hi tiie Hoase at Delegates, in Richmwid May 17-18« 1921. Itfaplanned to cover ti>e state of Virgaua during JKay, 1922, with ^Makers to discuss ^aheoaestioaoc ariMfa, ebarehes,rracseation, he^Hi m*d sanitatioa, transportation,' ag3»>^ culture, prodnetioB, dtstribation, locw government and social problems under the slogan: Balld a Bettsr C«wimaBity. ^ The meeting at •analisas , at wUah modfab salt of peri-' nader tiuTaus^ess A the High Sdmal . has been an excdlent flsliag n for those engaged in the faoiu- Shad have been pleitifoL Miss lone ai^ Louise Seattcr apent the week-end with their paraita at the Orusilla HotcL / A daughter el Mr. and Mrs. Mack- crowdedttti- has been qoite 91 t ^ paat two Miss Mildred G. Russdl spent last week-end as s family guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cartsr^ of Qccoquan. Mr. Sharp ofti!kShii^iite Board, of Washington, with Mrs. «barp and Miss Hawk, were gaeats of Mk aad Mrs. H. O. Rassell aa& daughter erer last Sunday. The Cherry HiH public school closed last Saturday. Mr. Elwoed and Dewey BaOev was rjSktA to the bedside of their flitter, Mr. Robert Bailey, of Meabaco, who fa serimisly ill. move^ into the racell bouse, whidij^f^ attizaffia ^ , they hwre unproved by plating, 1^ wiaMte^Mad tweed, fashioned with siOBBunaaity Leagne. HeUa Artiiur Wlsat to Manaasas oa ^^^?*TV ."^^ All of tiie churches aad aU of tiia Sataiday to attend tiie eoaaty. cW|4a«««tght skfrt and boac-coat, andworal ^^^^^ community leagues of the eoua- neatteg. Ha hand-made hioaae-iaid hat o f v t h a ^ and^aQ^etbsr organitations fa tha 'Mrs. H o f f m w " ^ Mrs. teth H ^ S » u a a arfor. SoogaAar titeosreaMH^ a g n aadti^aanty axa aosdially hnritad who nave besMjaittag^lba. «. H. f^,^ ^„,^ ^^^^^ left for a shirt ^ msod illpressntatiTes. FJotaaee, have returned h<»M. L.i „ Jl!r*i.-«r«*„-^ —ni w^v. «fcX : Itt. Hagman, fH Vienna, irtw driUed and upon tiien- rataim wffl SMke tSeir f* (^ on thefanh of Mr. Chas. Key- home in Marioa. Mrs. Hulflsh fa aa sa^, near Thoroughfare, fast sommen I attractive yoaag woman, poasessing a tfMmed in G^nesviHe thfa _We^ aad j„-i__ -.tore and Heeided neraonal ai^fects to resame work «n tim Kmer Jhna soon. ' -^ ' :jh iiumber nf the members of n e ir%. Church from 6sfaesvilH Hay- BU^et, Catharpin and Graaan*feh fo»- mms welcomed tiie new pastor, Bev. Wn. Beard aad Mrs. Bsarl en Tnea. day evening, at tbe saAs tima ssv^e- meating the wefaooM with a moe^ >^ sbandaat poand party, tha. oeeaafaa bohH; a seore» of plsasWs te tSk who MR. J. C. COLVm DKAO Ufeloag Beeideat ef Adsa Wsighhst- heed Pied After Oyssatisa. some fanners persist in iprob sires. The Breeder's Ga- it thiis: "For the ten tfasa wa reiterate: few are rich aaowh ta afford <he lazbry of scraba aroond tbdr ptacas. Tbe prsssnce of a miserably-hrferior type of live-stock fa a reproaA to tbe intelligence of the owner aad to Us neighborhood. Itfaso easy to get rid of them, so easv to banish them by tbe tise of a regis»ed sire, that ttfaone of the mysteries of the times in which we live tliat a dear majority od Aat«. icon fanners are today apparently sat- isfied with 'serab' itock." Agvto we ask, why it iff Prince Willfam lost a valuable eiti- sen last Friday when Mr. John Cal- hoon Colvin, of Nokdsville, dfad at tite Emergency Hospital in WosbiagtMi. The deceased undarwaat on <9era- tion fw appmidicitfa on May 2 from which complications set in caasiac hfa death. Bs eras ttdrty-seven yeara od age. 1^ reaasins were brought to hu borne near Aden where interment waa made in the family burying groaad. Surviving Mm 'kre hfa molhar, two brothers, and three siyMTs. Hfa fath- er passed sway teveral years ago. —A chicken supper with strawberry short cake will be held at the Epraoo pal Rectory next Taesday evening be- grinning sbout five o'clock. A dmrge of tiurty-fiva cent* wffl be made for the sonwr a»d twwiv ewM te abort cake. charm. Mr. Hulflsh is a native of V ^ M a , having eaaw to Marfowabaat twoyearsaco. .Bybisyniialstni^ forward meaner, be has aiade for UK- srffmaayftfaaids la Ma adopted hoase. <0.> State. SKB THE SANDMAII, IF WAirr TO LAC6H T<HJ On May 18th, at Conner's Hall, tbe T e a ^ e School of Music will present "An Evening Down in Dixie.'' Tbe program fa aotsUs for ths aambers it featarea. The Sandman, a one-act *eteb, Uaele' Chad^ SetAon aad soaga and dafcsa by Jidias Hopkins, of Waahlagtaa^ are aamag tte attrac Thfa pngram fa given for >ha bene- atof Ahmmi AaditorhaaMoid. X BATTLEFISU) PARS RaCKn>TS The Journal is advised by Mr. C A. Sinclair, county chairman of the Ma- nassas Confederate Battlefield Park, titat the follewing eontrOmtions have been received on aecomtt of thfa eooa- tyli quoU of theaiOgOOO i m d : Manassas Joamal I B.00 Contribution by others throagh The Journal _..,. Priace WilHorn NCWIL. Joha H. N'&faoii ;> A,.., James E. Nelson -... J W. M. Jordan . Total FORM JUNIOR CLUB The younger boys and prls of the towa enjoyed a big donee all In- them- selves last Saturday night in Conner^ Ridl and t* a result an oa|aaisation has been ^ected. Last night they beU a meeting and decided, to call themselves tbe Maaassas Jnni«r Cotil- lion Club. At the election which followed the ^ .,,»,_„ follewmg oiBcera vrere elected: PresHCOMMUNITT idsnt, Robert Weir, jr.; vice-pr«6id«at, Noel l*na, jr.j secfetary^weaaater, Hswes Davies, Jr. Aa advisory eom- mittse was choaen consistiag ei Wsl- faceL<ynn,Faal Kiacheloe sad C a i v d Saadma. Aaethsr n m t h y wO he] beldtsaii^ TEAIN KILLS MULB PAfBSNCntS TAKEN ^ Aisytaaa Leaded Here Saaday—I^aed Adveirtarets Take Ride. | i •ri An airplane fiew to Manassas from Washington last Sunday morning, landing in Poitner's^ ileld to tiie aorta of town. A small crowd gathered aromd and the avfators annoaneed that t h ^ were Uking ap passsogwc for s fee of five dollars. First of the local boys to venture up- ward was Mr. Alfred IBlnes. Others ' who took the trip were Messrs. R. B. Gray, John Broaddus, Laird Arey aad Dr. V. V. GiUum. This fa tbe first time that an air* plane has Unded here for the pmrpose of taking up passengers althoa||li most of the other towns of oar size m this viekuty >hsv« i>een vuited. LEAGUE RALL1B8 It fa very^ important that evs>7 illiam epmBlr large repusuuiadm should have * _„ . Brtsent in Manassas Wednesday m y 17, at 8 p. m. to hear Frolt ^da -speak upon the liiues &e May campaign. Dfat faii to keep thfa in mind dad report ta Mr. Guy, of Rfahmoad, H lag us was repiesepte<L - C. J. MCBTZK. Presideat Prince William w^g^^ ROLL OF HONOR '% Mr. Ed Hixson lost a valuable mule one night daring the early part of thfa week. The mule, it seems, bad brc^en out of the lot on Mr. Hixson's farm near Blooms, and had gotten on the tracks where a special Chesapeake ^ ^ . . ^ .. . . ^^ - and Ohio freight hit him, par\ of tbe Vh^ faSmiias w the roll of h4|kie^ body b^ag carried for over half a | for the potmMy d^Mtrtment of 1 mile. There is no cattle guard at erossmjr where the mule fa supfK^sed .t^ have pot hi a dsU|irs< . for.twa huauBoa theP' sedt BranCk acho^ for the month of ApKr-. ^^ _ ^ _ '^^^** Grade.—Walter BreedsB. ' to have"gotten pn the tr«Ml(s sod this,! Second Grads.—Gertrade it is supposed, maked t h e i ^ 4 a y re^l Gladys Maaci^ Vemie M a o ^ sponsible. Mr. Hixson is reported *"|Tti(i^miiin JPCJCBIMIM. '^%'-:»t'- %

SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

Apr 10, 2018



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Page 1: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s


. y ^—^-^^^^^^ ,

VOL. XXVII. No. 52. 5BB


Great Progress is Being Made at Catharpin Where Corpora*-

• tion is Fonae<t>


Whila Roses Dtiop First Guait of 8«f»<Hi After Lively Con­

test in Sistw City.

(W. L. Browsing, Connty Agent) , Becauae of Ihe itiecess of tim Gold B i d ^ cbMM ctory, the county Agent had » party from Stafford county in conference with him Tuesday looking pgwwrA the erectio|i of a plant in tliat

'"^ii^ty. They rMdize, as we do, the |T««t need of a maricet for their en­tire production of milk, with no fear of an over-prodnction. This factory is making a name for itself in the ad-Joining couaHas. We may tbiiik it a small thing, Iwt it is a pnof of what OM be done.

The factory building at MinnisvUle is completed, ready for the plant to be installed, which we hope to arrive here the last of this week.

Ths building at Independent Hill is onder construction, «wi it is hoped tlMse people will get a move on theni-Wlvesj and if cheese is to be made in this community this summer, they will have te hit a |aat«r gate than they are moving at now. If this is wortik while at all, it is worth while to | ^ eveiytbing yoD have into it.

The building at Catharpin wiU be zvady for the plant upm its airnvaL At this point they are bnildang ajDp^ bailding, which will contain a concrete earing Tpom, «U«fa akoidd|| iisal for Mgolaflihr }te twsperstor^ariiiithst soBuner months. These people 1>a-v» oqranized a stock company, have in-ei»9ontt4{d, j a d , «xpeet to do St r ^ ^tjrit^as'of ^Vfltting what the^iina. OP linlf'ft* Ml* into ush. "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l» s fdr

^ sale. It will be wsU to keep in touch P i^rtfth this community as We wtot to ' liK^PB ^^ aa Ydeal commonfty orvMU-

SkUs company has been ineorWo under the name of the <!wt-

Funn PiipdiK^

l ttr. Fred&t^en,


The lisnassas White Rose Baseball Team suffered thmr first defeat pi the season Wednesday, when they jour­neyed to FVederickaborg to encounter the strong White Son jMrn of that city and had it not bsM for bad um­pirage our 1)0^ might have been vic­torious. As rt'was the game ended 6 to 3.

Manassas held their opponents scoreless for four innings wDUe they themselves pnt across three runs. Fredericksburg made one run in the fifth ^Mle in the seventh they cut loose and scored five more. In this unlucky inning they produced two thre»-baggers and one home run. Here an example of the umpiring was shown, for Leith, catching for Manas­sas, tagged, the Fredericksburger for what should have been an easy out and was apologizing to the player for having t^gg^ him so hard with the ball, when tSe umpire ruled him safe.

Fielding features of the game were supplied by Ellison, -Trimmer and' Leith, while Pearson accounted for two Of Qie local's runs and Brower the other. Saunders put in some timely hitting in the fourth when his two-bagger put two runs across the plate.

Whatever may be said of the umpir­ing the same should not bs said of the Fredericksburg White Sox for they are a zeal team of clean ptoying, hard hitting and peppy boys two can give any amateur team a rtik for tneir money. Manassas fans ean lo<d( ior^ lyai^to a good game whan they play

febfta game here. ^


Over Two Hundred PM|d^ t Boiefit PerfonpaiK^An

Wednesday Night. '^



Malce Daring Get-Away in Broad Daylight, D i g ^ g Out Brick

With Shovel Handle.


nJnele Nlek" Altrodi^ Mar^ Band, BasebalU and AtJOetic

Evfnte Should Draw.

DEATff (F REV. 0. Q R ^ W d f l S O N

Over forty-five dollars was realized towatd< the athletic association fund of the Manassas high school on Wednea> day night when the "8?»nny South" minstrels presented their show in Eastern College-Cotuervatory gymna­sium.

Jokes, gags, jigs, poems, readings and songs kep( the house, which .wu filled to seatmg^capacity long before the first Bon^ was^fung, in a contin­uous uproar. "'»-»a«..--

Among the songs that si ere svtng were "Dapper Dan," "My Sa««»..Ten. nessee," "April Showers," O'Neil," "Tucky Home," "Ma' ai

A very daring escape was made from the county jail here yesterday morning by two of its inmates, Leslie Mitchell and Floyd Bond, both colored.

After their morning meal Jailor Jarmons oj>ened their cells arid told them to clean up the lower cell room. He then went up town but did not tell the prisoners that he was going. Shortly after he had left they called for him and were told that he would be back in about an hour. Whereupon they must have set to work to make their escape which they did by loosen­ing and removing the bricks under­neath one' of the south windows. They,

Want My Mammy." Miss Louise Bta- 'teosened the brieta with ^ W ^ ^ . ^ ^ . , ^ . ^,, ,= - . ,^ ^ loney played the accompaniments W% haadkaf.-* aw»lL^122i;:Hir?* ^V^^'^*^ tMmytta than iMt. pleasing manner throughout the e«sra- of a east iron «toveWi«^««w*4a the mg's pirformance. "U ~«m' I" .*« ^*V """jwi •^^

Mr.^ercival A. Lewis , to^ the part twenty-five bricks before they mode of the judge m the semi-circle, Messr*^ we>r escape tato the |:arden and ftfOfc Taylor Weir and Laird Arey as "Bon^ and Tarn," reW>ectively4.were endnlwi, While M4ssrs:^ltooHilU and'WAl- fway on a freight toain whwhp^ssM lace t,iyRn took the parts of "Sam" and "Rastus." Others in the semi-circle were Messrs. John Maloney, Ashby


tbmiia Sknll f^Oovl Buried in ' BadutJ<«u Blooms.

I i w

Julian Gregory, Charles Sinclair, Bobr hie Sprinkel and Clyde Mndidiman.

During the intermission ice pt<^m was served while Mr. Pence gave a selection, "Turitey in the Straw," to whlsh MtMRS. Uird Axm mad Writoc*

there over the garden wall*' It :)ts thought that th^ made t M r gtit^';

through about that time. Mr. Jarmans was unaware of their

escape until about 11:30, when be ra-

All is in readiness for the big Prinee-WiUiam County Field Day whiehwill be held on Smith's Field tomorrow.

The Marine Band, of Quantico, has been added to the program and will furnish the music. Ben Sanders who was scheduled to pitch one of the ball gam^ will be unable to be present owing to having been called, to Atlanta concerning a big badness deal.

The athletic events-will start at ten o'clock in the movning while the first ball game will oommanes at 1:30 p. ra.

Congressman Upshaw, of Georgia, will a«liver a speech costmeacing about 11:30. f

The White Boses will baye their hands futt'when thvs meet the Purcel-ville baseball team, cfeOmnloBs of Loudoun Le«r«e last year. It 'tl»4n-ported thai'they have even a stfooger

thi»ye«r than Unt. Wh^n ttiey met LeeSMirg last' Satturd^ they shut them out 8 to 6.

To save a great deal of traSke con-jesti<m at the gate tickets havo beCn ploosd on sale at the dmg stores w h m it is hoped that evory one win 'Ixor-'them to savtt.time at we gats.

Son of Rev. and Mn. WestiTood Hatchison Succnmlw Aftar

OpenMUon 9I Chester. '

A telegram received on Thursday morning by Rev. Westwood Butchisoa from Cheeter, Pa., brought the sad news of the death of his son. Rev. C. Grey Hatchison, at the Chester Hoe-pital/- Although our community^waa aware of his illness, no one thought of a fatal tern^ination, and he nsws of his death cb«i«« with startling snex-

Lewis. Noel Lynn. jr.. I^'.^prin^X t r l ' J i : ! « ^ „ ± ? " i f j ^ ^ J l f

of applause from the aiidience.

no answer. Becoming alarmed he opened the door and Immsdlst^ saw thahole in the wall.

60th of the prisoners w«r« being held awaiting a bearing *t tiie Jims term of court. -•

Mitchell, wbo was jailed on April IT


The Grades Win Not Cloa^^oday Dae to T t p ^ B e ^ Fttfi

the Bteaett League.

"Ijr . Worth Storlu. ap«»ared on i ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ Cons&bls Com-

^^StS^^i^^rtS'JT^^. B<«di s thsn*growhowasbron^ K ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ? r i ^ ^ . J » u ^ J ^ I S J ^ * « » Cameron Rmi on A p r i l ^ titled "No News and it drew rwaiMch^^ged with br«aking into tfie Corii-

widl Supply <;k>mpany, and ntsUaff

Mr. 'Fay-f lor Weir appeared as tlK bashful suit­or to IVicily Anne, who was bent on. landing lum for his Inherited fortoa* of three pairs of shoflB and iWJlb. The part of Pricilly Anne was sj|ij( takm by Miss EUzabeth Pope, -niSi'

lot baby bMf caly$s bein^ t^J>y ^tfais ircti i «n acevtet of ^fi<Ul»-able to secure the dass o£ itiit^*. .. ,» -^..-^ti— i_i;

( . . ^ - J I J *. i. i.- , . . „ . _ ^ „ - i ^ ! two othst graves in tts-^lejwsty no* [ ^edsd at the time of the year we de-T., 5- _ , . . ^

<' <4(%^ llncteff tNI^.on the farm of MnHirtitt U. Jjf^tAi^fM^ had not beea worked siaee p H | p 'tb^ Civil WIsr, MarshaU Hamsi^||aired, came_ upon an old btseket. barfsji in ^

c<»d»ining^« MiJu^^ UndL farther m foanl 4 ' to i i£hh|^ parts of Pricilfy'a sisters

stone and a footstoMi. '* S''F*»V ?? Misses Edith Gregory^ On ttw t o m b s l ^ *hich was rf Ebrabetli Coleman,

sandstone compa^on, &» iBttials 6 . L. were engraved. If other wwrds or the date had been engraved on the

stoae has defaon^posed to a gr^t «$.• tent sinoe it >w»8 piit Jhtinfe. &daea<r( pelui w«re fs nnd that V^ ht^ bciat

w e o m ^ s ^ t w t o m e n t tomU , ^ i«wral automobile tire^' nated with a negro "Axi'n Her Father."



f^jMkd to feed, these calves are doing - 3^MlerfuUy well. One calf fed by-smo ! ^ ^ ^ (ttbted 80 pounds from the Utii of.

^ April ^ tl^ fast ^ the moath: fho others Imvs doite probably «9ialty as wen. bat have not been weighed to | ^ tile azaet gain made. ,

While on a trip tp Loodona coaqty _

The part of dleton Peppercorn, the nearly . father of the girls, was t a k e n ^ most creditable manner by Mr: W<. Sterin; This frtay was a dedded itaa*

tbepe were fwind ~ Mr. Lynch brought the renuiitia.^ Manassas several days agoaSd Sn-tends to turn thetm over to the U. D.; conakTerabli C, as/in all pMsbiUtr tiiey «r^ o< « rushed off


csaaxt QOx

iGAPTAB «<M-VDl s p a

tlu county agent ran aecass some in-. 1 HBOt/atibn tiuitwill be yidnable to the . ^daJrymen of tMs coonty. A Loodoon

-tobonty daiiynum of fifteen ysars «x-tj^utinee said he had secured the best IW^flow this past winter that ba had

irotten, and jiad bapM^ ) ^ miU t*f any kind. «gi ^risia adeid n ^ t

_, bo replied '^rew soy beans and harvested for hay. and then had tbe ho; emtaincd a quantity of beans,

-^^ rgr^md fine thrvagfa a mOl I owned. ^O'^' ', JU» gtwmd soy-boons, with onsilage,

l f%Y»|«tewi tad alfalla hay, pnxhKSsd «>*» avens* mile i^vd^etkm.'

Why net try wis «•* <« 7vu etm His coming win^T Bnt be surs to ylamt some soy faitans in your crop i«-

this snmmsr. The price of soy and. peas are getting w i t ] ^ the

, of any farmer now, and there is keose for not planting at lepft a ~ kcreage. Grow yoinr gmiB n -

1 iilstead of baying i t What fa tlM RsuonT

f(hj is it that a number of our far. ; asers are seemingly still sstisfied with jserab sires? Among beef cattle rois-«rs it is certainly not becaose they do not know that the offspring of good porebreds will return a greater profit,

Go into feed lots or grazing bounda­ries and pick from boncbes containing some grade calves or sta«s those ap­parently making the fastest and cheapest gains. It wiB be found that tw*]v« out of •very dossa <d the good 'HVwrs" ore sirsd fey feoOs.

Aak feeder and packer buyers what ^Cnds ef cattfar thctr will pay ths most

tat, H«re asite serahs loss and the gaod poretead beef bull wins on the higlMr selling priee of his offspring. The fee '«r can pay more for the lat-t«rb«^ ..4^ be knows they will make

'WMt* y n i t a U e gains and M Q at higbor lofac wiMn finishai, wfcOs the padcer ean pay more because of their

qaality cad baOar bo«< om-

The funeral -of Cdpti^ ii-B. Colvin, who died Saturday. toA place in War-renton 00 Monday from the Baptist Church there, tike services being con­ducted by the pastor, Bev. Cb«riw T. Hemdoa.-

The deceased fa snryifed by hfa widow, three daagfaters sad three sons.

In point of sio-vica be was t ^ oldest condnetor <rf the l^nths«& Ba^wsy.j he^ having been in active service up to seven years ag;o, when be was retired fropsaetiva servio^at the ac« «< • • • -eady. . E« waa ea^lnetor oa the War-raaltwBi braadi for nearly ftfty r«*0>

One of the most severe stents with­in the remembrantis of the aidest ia^ hauMitnts passed over Cben:^1Bill Fri­day between 6:80 ami S:aiO p.4n., doing

damage. The water near-by hiUs, compfate-theft. Pi:& P. B. 8a

Aoeoaats. M each of these •Ktvpu^ &i Tba Journal at jha


Throogb the: generous 'action of the patrons'lsmp^j of the Manassas grad­ed school .%e ^momt in OM league treasury. Which had been pnt aside to bny deslm for tbe siibQol, has been tnrnsd over to tb9 adiOM board t» en-abla tbem to mmihe aebo*^ '««tiito

It is hoped by means of this amount. ^I™J5L w " ! S S ?!? i f it can be suppleaitaiteJ by iontriba- ' ? » ^ t ^ * ¥ ^ ^ tions from the ^trilDs, to e«itinne the I " ^ "**, ^fv .^?^ vAmA antil st least the first of June * ' ' « ^ ^ i l 2 l ? ^ - n t^v* «i.,.« ^ ^ and if possible till the eighth, vSch, •- » « *»na»al wffl take place Sator-

Hutchison was born on August .. at ProsjiBCt Hill, Prince Wil-

County, Va:, and was at the time of his death in the fiftieth year of Ms age. In early manhood he decided to enter the meoieal ^ofessioo and st.-tended the Richmond Medical College, where be made good progress, niml impaired health compelled the relin» qoisbment of his,studies; and in 1894 .. hn left Virginia for Colorado.

During the Spanish-American.war, he served With the American army ia the Philippines, and at the close «f ao, tive hostilities returned to Colorado, where he remsined imtS impCo/ed health justified a return to his aativa sUte. . . ' ^ '

In 1910,'feeling colled to the Baptist . ministry, he entered Croser Theoloei-cal Seminary at Upland, Pa., and gratttatedin ^913.

Ia 1914, he was happily married to Miss Mabel White, of Upland, Pa. He held pastorates ia Pennsylvania and Maryland, and was at his death, paa-tor of the first Baptist Church o< fiover, Delaware.^ Qe was a maoiber of tte BCasome mtentity and rseentiy gainsd the degree of Knight Tem^KF.

Mr. Hntdiison w s s s dutiful sen, aw , affectionate brother,-a faiUifid fana-'band, a Bind and considerate father. He was singularly free from the ia-

^flrmity of those natni^^*ha»^Y'^^ *"

About thirty mules, ten vragoos «on-' ""^^ J ^ ^ i X «to^iuri*i^*S^"'i»^1'4^*»*»»*»« •* l *" - D«3«ware. taining driven, bozz saws, twits, bay, 1 J ^ f e ^ ^ S T • * * ' ^ * " , t o tiielSieaved «smUy circle a coop of chickens and miscellsneoas ^ "*. "1 / ™ ' ^^.- aineere sympathy of tiie coaunaaitr Ja

f^^l^^wTrff i lSSff l 'Se"^; GKNERAtWarS B P - ^ - ^ ^^^^^ t>f our little village on Sunday mom- V — - — U^ 1 i i n i i l k l 5 " 1 1 1 I H I I O FI<A ing lost, gomg South. One_of_thel,Te«a8 Flag Uaf atted m 3vA Where J ^ [ | | ^ , M i i l l U O l U

He Met Hfa Death.

and jrenonipK

drivus said they came from Stafford county and were going up in the moun­tains to make roads, but inquired for

iss KsUe filMMTof an Vk„ is visitin^<her brtithg-

nS^. ^^oiSSf A S i s t a S g ^ S ^ M r . ^ S ^ i " * " ^ f e ««!? of thejBUts o* WirArmstrong were MSI^SMT T t e l - , ? ™ . ' ! * ^ A ) l ^ . i l » I T _ i ^ . ^ ** ^

On Mcmday, May 8, the birthday of ^ ,

.^fiaaa Ifanassaa visited * e I v n i ' and upon that historic

totden Wedasaday. f care ot Miss Isabelle Hat^ison.



ly- immdat: causing s trains for rose stoife G.E. load damage way-weu Hill spent $21 condition.

The: outsidi fie weeki^Tj

. Mr. Wil!iam.SWeeaey, s stiident «tl^™f^flaf wosjriv^wHlit^^^^ fieorgetowTBiUege, spent the week-j*** '* »>« ' ^ ' ^ ^ ^ »* 1*?* P°'5j ?J

Mfas Margk^ B««i, who ha. been .^J^A^^^^ Tv5? ^ & a.« ». *> - ^. - . flt, v i s ^ Mr. and Mrs. Oaries Allen.lThe r w ^ r f t b e U. D,aB»BaI«pd lout wl^ft delayed all left o* Monday for Lyafhbmg' f f J ? " ^ ? K ' S l L 2 ^ W

• boors. The water | Kfc Robert «axiwy^ea%<WaihMa. »*". "Pfa* a***^ Vt of one foot in tiie day in Manassas. e conducted by Mr. Mr. B. Thornton Davies, of Maaa/-

'-All gardens in the ftatj sas, was looking sfter legsl cases in yed. Considered • Gainesvillft this week. >4iw pnUic bigb-| ' Mr.< Haar^ Brown, of Washington, 'isaahed away as'spent the wadt-end with his family,

, .iCi^7lieCheiry,iriK> is oceav^ng Mel' - - - - -'AnoefatioB badjBstj Dr, ttat tafa read ia fMd [ ton,


^EAfi mi 17 Popsiar Virginia Ediyatpr to

Address Local Andicn^ o« Wednesday NisirL

One of the mo«k interesting wed-^_jdiags of the eariy spring was'that of|

R. A.Tarneyhoa^ cf Varrot- Mrs. LaWson H. Smith to LawreoBs A ^ ^^ in GamesviUa several days Holfish, srtiieh took piaee Wedawday

s u - «... ««Tu I ^*^ J " ^ applying the tobercnha test nmrnhig at ti» home Of the bride. Only le road m Fnaee WaUam^to Uie Hotatein herd s* Mr, n o m a s I T ^ i~_-jj,fa,^fri,«, wita«ui<l tbe Cute hi^way wbeia traf- Merediflt The test pnrred a dean < ^ uamediate f a a ^ ^Z^A \1

bed.- c*rem«iy, which ^B8 performed by ^ C r , and Mrs.^^mer Hsflia tova tl|s Sev. B^^^KjFocd, D. S. Ibe fa^ D M B Mai^ds wiU spoah^wfll ha hrfd

so treat for the p»st two

t !

frtf. Mi


Plessant Valley school dosed May 2 with a league meetta house, good attention and betaTior.

The meeting was called to OTder by singing "One Vacant Choir." The re-ri for the year was reari by Miss

D. Matthew, showtng that $78.63 had been deposited in Leesborg Bank, for school improvement before the next term opens. It is the request that same shall be used to put a w ^ rm the school ground, which fa the. moat needed thing at present

Mrs. Walter Presgravea was eiectad secretary and treasurer, in Miss Mat-theor! place, who resigned.

The league meeting was followed by a well gotten up program and sooeesa-fnlly carried out by teachers and po-pils. Everyone a e l ^ tb«fc parts watt and everyone was glad thit Aey were present*

The teachers have retomcd to thsk honMS tox the vacation.

In the afternoon the Areola boys played a ball gaase on the Pleasant Valley gronnd, oad the score stood 28 to 8 in fav«nr of Pleasant VaUay. The school enjoyed the treat of lemoa-sde and eake served "by tqacbaia aad papifa jost bsl'ore ths ball

have been hauling the away by ^ e factory,

J f<Rty wagpnaeadi day traffic passed ffivar thfa

[child of Mr. and Mrs. W.'L. aad broke its arm last

P xif. Chas. G. Maphis, Dean of the Summer Qoarter University of Vir- ' jMnia, will apeak at Conner^ Hall Wjfdneaday night, May 17. s t » o'dodc. h»ifca iatereat of tbe Stats I b y Com-Ipntidty l i fe Campaign. Thfa can»-naiga fa the outcome of the B a a l Ltfe Confta«nce beM'hi tiie Hoase at Delegates, in Richmwid May 17-18« 1921. It fa planned to cover ti>e state of Virgaua during JKay, 1922, with ^Makers to discuss ^aheoaestioaoc ariMfa, ebarehes,rracseation, he^Hi m*d sanitatioa, transportation,' ag3»> culture, prodnetioB, dtstribation, locw government and social problems under the slogan:

Balld a Bettsr C«wimaBity. The meeting at •analisas , at wUah

modfab salt of peri-' nader tiuTaus^ess A the High Sdmal

. has been an excdlent flsliag n for those engaged in the faoiu-

Shad have been pleitifoL Miss lone ai^ Louise Seattcr apent

the week-end with their paraita at the Orusilla HotcL /

A daughter el Mr. and Mrs. Mack-crowdedttti- has been qoite 91 t ^ paat two

Miss Mildred G. Russdl spent last week-end as s family guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cartsr^ of Qccoquan.

Mr. Sharp of ti!k Shii^iite Board, of Washington, with Mrs. «barp and Miss Hawk, were gaeats of Mk aad Mrs. H. O. Rassell aa& daughter erer last Sunday.

The Cherry HiH public school closed last Saturday.

Mr. Elwoed and Dewey BaOev was rjSktA to the bedside of their flitter, Mr. Robert Bailey, of Meabaco, who fa serimisly ill.

move^ into the racell bouse, whidij^f^ attizaffia ^ , they hwre unproved by plating, 1 ^ wiaMte Mad tweed, fashioned with siOBBunaaity Leagne. HeUa Artiiur Wlsat to Manaasas oa ^ ^ ? * T V . " ^ ^ All of tiie churches aad aU of tiia Sataiday to attend tiie eoaaty. cW|4a«««tght skfrt and boac-coat, andworal ^^^^^ community leagues of the eoua-neatteg. H a hand-made hioaae-iaid hat o f v t h a ^ and^aQ^etbsr organitations fa tha

'Mrs. Hof fmw"^ Mrs. teth H ^ S » u a a arfor. SoogaAar titeosreaMH^ a g n aadti^aanty axa aosdially hnritad who nave besMjaittag^lba. « . H. f , ^ „ , ^ ^^^^^ left for a shirt ^ m s o d illpressntatiTes. FJotaaee, have returned h<»M. L . i „ Jl!r*i.-«r«*„-^ —ni w^v. «fcX : Itt. Hagman, fH Vienna, irtw driUed and upon tiien- rataim wffl SMke tSeir f* (^ on thefanh of Mr. Chas. Key- home in Marioa. Mrs. Hulflsh fa aa sa^, near Thoroughfare, fast sommen I attractive yoaag woman, poasessing a tfMmed in G^nesviHe thfa _We^ aad j„-i__ -.tore and Heeided neraonal ai^fects to resame work «n tim K m e r Jhna soon. ' -^ ' :jh iiumber nf the members of n e i r % . Church from 6sfaesvilH Hay-BU^et, Catharpin and Graaan*feh fo»-mms welcomed tiie new pastor, Bev. Wn. Beard aad Mrs. Bsarl en Tnea. day evening, at tbe saAs tima ssv^e-meating the wefaooM with a moe^ > sbandaat poand party, tha. oeeaafaa bohH; a seore» of plsasWs te tSk who


Ufeloag Beeideat ef Adsa Wsighhst-heed Pied After Oyssatisa.

some fanners persist in iprob sires. The Breeder's Ga­

it thiis: "For the ten tfasa wa reiterate: few

are rich aaowh ta afford <he

lazbry of scraba aroond tbdr ptacas. Tbe prsssnce of a miserably-hrferior type of live-stock fa a reproaA to tbe intelligence of the owner aad to Us neighborhood. It fa so easy to get rid of them, so easv to banish them by tbe tise of a regis»ed sire, that tt fa one of the mysteries of the times in which we live tliat a dear majority od Aat« . icon fanners are today apparently sat­isfied with 'serab' itock." Agvto we ask, why it i f f

Prince Willfam lost a valuable eiti-sen last Friday when Mr. John Cal-hoon Colvin, of Nokdsville, dfad at tite Emergency Hospital in WosbiagtMi.

The deceased undarwaat on <9era-tion fw appmidicitfa on May 2 from which complications set in caasiac hfa death. Bs eras ttdrty-seven yeara od age.

1 ^ reaasins were brought to hu borne near Aden where interment waa made in the family burying groaad.

Surviving Mm 'kre hfa molhar, two brothers, and three siyMTs. Hfa fath­er passed sway teveral years ago.

—A chicken supper with strawberry short cake will be held at the Epraoo pal Rectory next Taesday evening be-grinning sbout five o'clock. A dmrge of tiurty-fiva cent* wffl be made for the sonwr a»d twwiv ewM te abort cake.

charm. Mr. Hulflsh is a native of V ^ M a , having eaaw to Marfowabaat twoyearsaco. . B y b i s y n i i a l s t n i ^ forward meaner, be has aiade for UK-srffmaayftfaaids la Ma adopted hoase.

<0.> State.



On May 18th, at Conner's Hall, tbe Tea^e School of Music will present "An Evening Down in Dixie.'' Tbe program fa aotsUs for ths aambers it featarea. The Sandman, a one-act *eteb, Uaele' Chad^ SetAon aad soaga and dafcsa by Jidias Hopkins, of Waahlagtaa^ are aamag tte attrac

Thfa pngram fa given for >ha bene-atof Ahmmi AaditorhaaMoid. X


The Journal is advised by Mr. C A. Sinclair, county chairman of the Ma­nassas Confederate Battlefield Park, titat the follewing eontrOmtions have been received on aecomtt of thfa eooa-tyli quoU of theaiOgOOO imd: Manassas Joamal I B.00 Contribution by others throagh

The Journal _..,. Priace WilHorn NCWIL. Joha H. N'&faoii ;> A,.., James E. Nelson -... J W. M. Jordan

. Total


The younger boys and prls of the towa enjoyed a big donee all In- them­selves last Saturday night in Conner^ Ridl and t* a result an oa|aaisation has been ^ected. Last night they beU a meeting and decided, to call themselves tbe Maaassas Jnni«r Cotil­lion Club.

At the election which followed the ^ . , , » , _ „ follewmg oiBcera vrere elected: PresHCOMMUNITT idsnt, Robert Weir, jr.; vice-pr«6id«at, Noel l*na, jr.j secfetary^weaaater, Hswes Davies, Jr. Aa advisory eom-mittse was choaen consistiag ei Wsl-faceL<ynn,Faal Kiacheloe sad Caivd Saadma. Aaethsr n m t h y wO he] b e l d t s a i i ^



Aisytaaa Leaded Here Saaday—I^aed Adveirtarets Take Ride.

| i


An airplane fiew to Manassas from Washington last Sunday morning, landing in Poitner's^ ileld to tiie aorta of town. A small crowd gathered aromd and the avfators annoaneed that t h ^ were Uking ap passsogwc for s fee of five dollars.

First of the local boys to venture up-ward was Mr. Alfred IBlnes. Others ' who took the trip were Messrs. R. B. Gray, John Broaddus, Laird Arey aad Dr. V. V. GiUum.

This fa tbe first time that an air* plane has Unded here for the pmrpose of taking up passengers althoa||li most of the other towns of oar size m this viekuty >hsv« i>een vuited.


It fa very^ important that evs>7 illiam epmBlr

large repusuuiadm should have * _„ . Brtsent in Manassas Wednesday m y 17, at 8 p. m. to hear Frolt ^da -speak upon the liiues &e May campaign.

Dfat faii to keep thfa in mind dad report ta Mr. Guy, of Rfahmoad, H

lag us was repiesepte<L -C. J. MCBTZK.

Presideat Prince William w^g^^


Mr. Ed Hixson lost a valuable mule one night daring the early part of thfa week. The mule, it seems, bad brc^en out of the lot on Mr. Hixson's farm near Blooms, and had gotten on the tracks where a special Chesapeake ^ . . ^ .. . . ^^ -and Ohio freight hit him, par\ of tbe Vh^ faSmiias w the roll of h4|kie^ body b^ag carried for over half a | for the potmMy d^Mtrtment of 1 mile.

There is no cattle guard at erossmjr where the mule fa supfK sed

. t ^

have pot hi a dsU|irs< .

for.twa huauBoa

theP' sedt

BranCk acho^ for the month of ApKr-. ^^ _ ^ _ ' ^ ** Grade.—Walter BreedsB. '

to have"gotten pn the tr«Ml(s sod this,! Second Grads.—Gertrade it is supposed, maked t h e i ^ 4 a y re^l Gladys Maaci^ Vemie M a o ^ sponsible. Mr. Hixson is reported *"|Tti(i^miiin JPCJCBIMIM.


Page 2: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

pAOEirwo •, •J'iKr ^•-MJ, ••

THE ItANAaBAS lOtatMiyU W^AB&AS, •BtOnilA wuwAUfmjkwiM,

Taste is 9 nutter of tobacco quality

We inte it u our bonett belief tluc the tobacco* Died in Citetterfield are of finer qxuiky (*n4 hence of better taate) thin in any otber dgarette at the frkt.

Ul^VMy*" TOmictC*.

-J ^ '

• ^

20 for 18c 10 for 9c Vacuomtint of 50 . 4Sc

Chesterfield CIGARETTES

qf IWttiib ami DtoMMtic tobooot^r-Um^

'P^ i ^

STATE NEWS NOTES The campaign in progre** for the

past week W raise | 7 6 ^ , 0 0 0 to build a Y. M. C. A, in Alexandria eloaed Saturday nijght, and they went over the top, raising a total trf $80,000. A parade by the fire department follow­ed the annooncement that they were over the top. Btils and whistles nX. the city also annooneed to the poblfe that the campaigb was a sneeesa.

The oldest living bank president in Virginia, and so fkr as can be ascer­tained, tlie oldest head of a banking institution in the entire Sooth, Mr. James B. Roasell, of Winchester, mer-chant, apple-grawer and financier, has just been re-elected the president of the Union Bank of Winchester for the 34th ctmsecntive year. Mr. Snssell, who was born in Winchester on Sep­tember 5, 1841, win have reached the age of eighty-one years on Ms next birthday.

W. J. Dymon, said to be aboat M

yeArs old, has been held for the Clarke cotmty gran*jury, charged with own­ing a ^ operating an iliieit'still at his home in the Bloe Bidge Moantains. Whte Sheriff SmaUwood visited the place he could find no oatflt, bat re­turned ^ e f<dlowing day wifth two federal ofiieers, and dtiting Dymon's absence at a drens performance they found two stills hidden in 4 doset un­der a stairway. The (M man was taken into custody the following day.

Another hair raising accident oo-corred on the Valley Pike on fisher^ Hill last Thursday afternoon when a Hudson Super-Six bdong^ng to and driven by E. L. Hnmston, (^ near ICid-dletown, slddded on the heavy curve newr the bridge^ Hnmston, it appears,

I had pidced up several passengers from a bus which had broken down vi\ they were also heading for Winches-^ ter. When the car skidded it turned around in the road, backed partiy over

' the stone wall overlooking tlw stream thirty feet bdow and stopped with the rear YAoels in mid air over the wall. The only thing that saved the car

from plunging over the predplee was a wire fence.

From a source dose to the Virginia penitentiary it was learned tliat the immediate ebanches of members of the so-called Allm clan receiving com-mutati<ss or redtietion of their prison terms are slim. The pardon board la understood to have dedined to. make any formal recommendation «n the subject, apparcnlly because of a poUt-cal issue larking bi the badcground, and which might be revived. At the same time, it is learned the personal and informal views of a majority of Uiose vriio have anything to do with

.the penitoitiary are in favor of some leniency. In the meantime petitions are being drenlated through tlte Fifth District of Virpnia, some of them in CuToU county, wliere the BtUsviOe courtroom tragedy took place, and soi-tunent seems to be divided.


Bev. T. H. MacLeod preached at the nsoal hour in the I^resbyterian Church Sunday morning, on the subject of "Giving a Season for the Hope that is Within U8."After services, Mr. Mac­Leod went home with the Doaki, not (oing back to the city until night.

Rev. 0. H. Frye preached both morn­ing and night in the Baptist Church. There had been an announcement that the converts from the recent revival services were to be baptised at this service, but although tiie baptismal pool had been filled Saturday, it was empty Sunday, all the water having leaked out, so the ceremony bad to be postponed to some future time, after the pool was made watertigbt.

Next Sunday afternoon the Centre-ville Sunday School Association will meet in the Presbyterisn Church.

Miss Ruth Richards and Mrs. Mar­garet Detwiier were both on the sick list Sunday.

Mrs. Julian Burke, who has been quite iU. is better. It is reported that Mrs. John Bnrice is now ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Sauber bad a sale of their household and other personal property last Wednesday at their home here, and the family left the next day for their new home in Wash­ington.

The remains of Cornelius Burke was brought here Wednesday and after a service in the Baptist Charch w v e in' terred In Clifton cemetery. Kr. Burke was about seventy years of age. A targe part of his yotinger days were spent here. About thirty-five years ago he married Miss Mary Hickey. There was one datighter by this mar­riage, who with her mother, survive; also two brothers and a number of nieces and nephews.

There wfil be an entertainment in the school aoditorinm Friday night, May 12tb, at 7:46 o'clock. Admission, 26c and 16c; proceeds for sdiool pnr-poses. There will be a good program. Come out for an evening of fan and help the schooL

The Bftptlsts Will hold their prayer meeting at the home of Rev^ C. H. Frye Wednesday night u d after the meeting there will be a social hoar in celebraticm of Mr. Frye's birthday. It is reported the cake will cmitain six teen candles.'

Mrs. Margaret Detwiier lost a Hol-stain heifer on Satorday night.

Farmers are all bnay preparing ground or planting eoi% 'since the shower* Of last week.




The Washington Wood Workiiig Owrnpany JOHN F. MURRELL, PrufMiatar *

M»nufacturen of F&i^ Grade Q^Hnet UMI MiUw<Hrk . D E A U R S D C -

3 ftDd 5 PIr Wood P a n ^ 3lieet Rock. Compo Upaoa and Beaver Board Sto^MOlWaek


Twdlli aad B St*.. N. W.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • t t

In offering oar aervke and facilities to {no^wetive castomen and clients we are sot offoing somethinc for Dotlung. Wa esqiect ottiinateiy to be repaid for tiie UKIWDM of haadliiif every aocoont that cfuaei to oa. Banks are monegr-maldng iastitatiooa, and oara is no excep-ti<»i. if weare toooattaaetogDforwwi, waamat^pente I ofltabiy. Howeyer, we aJneerdybeBere that oor facilities f<» rendering real hading acnriee are oasarpaased, and that thoae who eia|p>

I canei do batter than eooM to OS.

NatHHial Bank of Manassas THB BAMt OF PSBSONAL SEKVKV*

VIB6INIA4 In the Clerk's Office of the Gireuit

' Court of Prince William County, the 10th day of May, 1922. JAMES R. DORREL, Plaintiff

• ' v s . 1 ANNIE M. HAISLIP. Defendant.

IN ATTACHMENT n ie object of tbe above-styled suit

is to obtain a judgment by James R. I Dorrell, the plaintiff, against Annie I M. HaisUp, defendant thereto, fbr the sum of nine himdred dollars ($900.06), together with interest tbereon, from tiie 18th day of October^ 1921, until ttaid, and together with' 10%_addi-tKmal as cost of c«rileetion; to attach the estate, both real »nd personal, owned by the said Aqniis M. Haisbp and situate in the William aald State of ing a certain lot or getiite with tiie ing and being sitnate side of Centre street, in Manassas, in Prince W: Va., and being the same conveyed to tiie said Annie by W. L. Compton and wife date of March 30, 1921, and in the derk's eiBee of the circuit ebort of Prince William county in Deed Book 76, p«ge 493; to have the estate, both real and personal, of the said Annie M. Haislip, against iriiieh such attachment is issoed, sold and the pro­ceeds of sale applied in satisfaction of saeh judgment; and to obtain sodi other relief as may be Just and right nnder the laws of this State. And it appearing by affidavit, filed aceording to law, that the said Annie M. Haialip, the above-named defsndant, is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is tiierefore ordered that the said Annie M. Haislip do appear within ten days after doe poblieation of this order, in the derk's ofliee of oar said circuit court, and do wiiat is necessary to pro­tect ber iaterests.

And it is further ordered titat this ordw be poUiahod eaec a wedc for foor eoBsecutive weeks in'the Manas­sas Journal, a newspaper minted and pnUidied in the cooaty of Prince Wil-liaa, Virginia; that a copy of this or­der be sent by iegist««d mail by the clerk ef o p said dreoit cosrt to the Annie M. Haislip to the poatottce ad­dress given te the said aOdavft; that a copy be posted by the said deck at the fkoBt door «f the eewtheose of Ois esnnty on tx befon the ae^t soe-nseding >«le day '•flar this order oT peWieaUsu Is CBUnd; aad Oat tiM said detk shall file a certificate of the tsct with the pnpsn la this caaa.

GBO. a TTLSE, Osrfc. By his D^oty, U LXDMAN.

AtzM Copy: GBO. 6 . TYLER, derk.

^ Us D^aty, L. LKDMAN. n-4

The Four d a s a s — M a r d Bnick AO Through

From tira carrier to radiator, the Buiek four chaaais b of the aame powarfnl conatructioii aa the Bnick aix.

Buick cara for twenty jreara have beea buih for depeadabiUtjr—and the Bnick fonr enabodiea atandard nnita which have luroTed theoaadrea tkrongh yeara, of wvrnsm,

Con Mure the Buick fonr ehaaab p u t by part with any other four cylmdiw






We have just received a car of Em­erson Buggies^ If in need of a bug? gy, call a]EMl see thfisn* Prices r^B^

ill - Dorrell Con^paiiy Manassas, Virgipua


for the &ride -Hk ffift ef l a s t ^ ehana and practical

ahawabaprond te aaa la IMT na«BaakaUaiagtfil

tUa aataMiahBMnt k«aiia Ma baenty I >tta(



Al MaO (Mara er InqntricB wffl raealfe


Page 3: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

'^^ *^'ym/v-EcUblldMa 1896

The Manassas Journal PnUiaiMd Every Fridfty by



IJBtend at tb* poet oAc* at Manaaaaa, Va^ aa mail matter

SubscriptioD—41-SO a year in Advance


HONOR TO OUB MOTHERS Hundreds of years the world went without set­

ting ^ide a day such as we will observe on Sun­day, May 14, for Mother's Day is of comparatively recent origin. Man went through the ages seem' ingly without thought of expressing publicly his thanks for the devotion, training and traditions given him by his mother.

Even now, we take this day too lightly. We seem to take it for granted that our mothers know how much we care for them. At most, we can do little in return for wh&t oar mothers have done for us.

Mother's Day is a day which every one can ob­serve. NQ matter what station in life one may hold he has but one mother. The rich man or the poor man, the slave or the moat independent, each is Messed with the same mother love.

We owe more to the quiet efforts of our mothers in our early days than we realize. Let us, who are fortunate enough to have living mothers, observe Mother's Day this year aa we have never observed it heretofore. Those whose mothers have passed on should honor her memory. Let us resolve on this day to live up to the traditions (md high ideals which our mothers tried to instill in us.

Proudly should every living soul wear IJut white flower on Mother's Day, for it stands for more than we can express throat^ our hmnble hp^ >

MAJOR SWING REPLIES TO MR. SINCLAIR Bather than lessen the already small news col­

umn space available this week the commonieatkui from Major E. W. B. Ewing, in r e i ^ to Hon. C. A. Sindahr's article in The Journal of Apr& 28. is printed in our e<Mtorial space.

Bailatop, Va.. May 4,1922. ' To the People throogli the Preee of Prince William County:

I am shocked beyond mearare to find part of a persoiwl coxMH>oadenee betweoi me and Hob. C A. Sinclair pab-Usbed is "Ehe M t " — " Journal of April 28,1922, while my z«ply is omitted. Even gnnting that it is the intention to pnUish the rejdy later, fairness reqaired that thM» be sbme statement to that effect; and, in troth, thte proposed Pa.-rk demanded that wharls In fact a mere debate raearding methoda sbonld have been k ^ t oat of the press. Kot that there is anything hnrtfid in the merits of this difference between Ur. Sinclair and me, but merely because any intimatioa, however uajost and oiifiMBided, that tfaeite is some metitod beins used in sndi things that is question­able harts and is sometimes fatal. There are, I am per-snaded, at least» few in Prince William county -who would

. ba glad to see iMa Confedsrate memorial fail; and such me even iatiBuMions so as to make them, howev« wtoncty.

The troth aboot the asattw is that what Mr. Sinclair t«rm«.''critieiHn'' of him, magnified by the headlines of the poUieation, is the merest overHBensativeness. I explained, as will be seen, that I had not thooi^t of criticising him. m« peaition presented a aerioas impediment to the snceess of tiM wwk, apparently; and my sole and odly thoogbt was tot tite snccesa of the «iterpibe and to that end to ptesoit oor aeeds in soch a light that moeh of the money I hoped PziBce William woold oootribate would not be tied ap so that it woold posaiUy entirdy st*^ oor work. I sopposed im wo«id go oa with his ptaaa» onlsas be saw the sitaatiata la oor U ^ whan he read my letter; aad I soppbaed bir

' a ^ i B g a frank statonent of oar plans and psrpcaes i l M a ^ t h a pnaa, as I did, we weotd receive sofastaatial M p ether than throoih Mr. Sindair^ plan. I had wther to do tiiBt or sM tha weric enns to a standstill, so far as I eooM sea at this time. I todi i t that we are aU patriotie. t te t most ef «s want thta F>»k boOt, «nd that a mere ^ -£annee in Wewa nganfiBg pfauw of operattoa emld in ne poasibiUty be taken as a peraowa eritidsm. Mr. Sinclair bad given his plan to the p<d>lie. As the nominal leadw «f the movnment I sorely was entitled to pressnt mere fnlly Qm plaw w« a n following; and I waa buck to ^lUish ear y i ^ Z« that if Mr. Snclair misanderstaod the letter I wtvto Urn and other numbers of tiw legiaiatsn Ohdtf dnte ef Mat^ n. and from vriueh ha qootes hi the Mtw pob-BAed m The Jovnal on the 2Mi, all m i ^ taww Oe facta baComoaeddlarnnda-hiaplanhadconie'tonB. So that I waa ftecad by the sitoatAm his ^an ereated, either to see the wvtk, in the Ugfat then before me, come to a stondstiU, or make a frank statement to the poUic hi toe bt^e that many wooM net adhere to that plan even tf he did so. So that it was not eritieism which prompted my eommonica-tion through the press; but a fuller statement of oor metbods and the cwrection of an errooeoos impression.

Now, of coarse, Mr. SincUir cooW say that I should first have written to him. I r«>ly that I dhi not ose hi. name in my pabUshed artide and that by no means, according to mf iaformatioa, is he the first one to soggest the plan he was following. I took it that hs waa rather the spokesman for aa aU-too-wide thoMy. At least one other person in Pifnee William c o a t y thengbt I waa hitting at him taaqr ^oKiahed artMe, and he wrote me a liot retort I soppeee I may h»ok for that to the press now. Very weDI M fare not loae tnm sight the fact timt I tmptia opp««^ tantty to tiy to eerraet Ws wrong positkB assumed ^ a f ^ to Prtoea WiDfam; and to maha « M W V S awMl fera

; tknt I feai has bean aa tea km to Ito f a n to this

urer: At least I b*ve been asked ttk wliom to sOnd flie fonda and to those letters there is not an utimation that if we need five dollars for postage, for instance, to urge to action some dilatory county, we may not rightly take it from wliat is being sent us as part of the ten thousand d(d-lar movement in Virginia.

Now, frankly, friends of Prince William county and ad­joining sections, within the last week light begins to break which leads me to be very hopeful that the present man­agement will succeed without one dollar more from local people. I say it looks thus hopeful no«. Of course local help is needed for we are not yet over the initial rocks, though as the breakers lessen the shore appears certainly nearer. We appreciate, therefore, local help. But so far as I am concerned, I am not importuning foritT I am merely trying to present the full facts, to bring all to see the situation as it is, in the faith that when thus seen not only local people but all Virginians will feel that to fall to help in this work will be to lose a great privilege in years to come, to miss, as the closing days of life come on, a real blessing! Unless when the final books are closed Prince William stands first jn local help and support and Virginia first of-all the states, I shall, "f or one, hang my head in shaine «nd anguish, for I am.-« Virginian, proud of her record, thankful for her gift through the Confederacy to the present, and without one penny of profit or pay 1 am devoting arduous' work that we, all, may leave on one of Virginia's most beautiful and historic spots a fitting ex­pression of that .devotion which it is believed thousands share with me.

In this spirit, people of Prince William, please read my reply to Mr. gindair'a lettfr of the ^nd of A ^ l , which is as follows: .

Ballston, Vs., April 24, 1922. Hon. C. A. Sinclair, Manassas, Va.

Dear Mr. Sinclair:—I read with a tinge of surprise your letter of April 22. It was my purpose to reply earlier to your first communication, but I have had so much to do that pleasure simply had to be deferred.

.1 am glad, however, to assure you that the published statements to which you refer, regarding funds for the batUefield campaign, had no thought of any criticism of you. I took it for granted that you would proceed, though I greatly regretted the position you had taken; and I merely meant to grasp the occasion to make one more and last effort to arouse' your people to do for the great memo­rial much more than your proposition will accomplish—^for, as I said, if ^pu persist in the purpose or if any one actine does so, the service will be very Uttie to us in this criticiu moment, tlhougb, of course, no money will be refused, how­ever late we receive it.

To save the life of me I don't grasp the logic of your position, one' in effect assumed by some other people in your community, who feel that one or two should bear the total risk of this effort and that the public must be pro­tected against loss if, however honest, the effort may fail in toe end. Such a positi<m means no further progrees,

because no one or two or even three people, unl M

tim i^^'mww^^ t-^JLimMl:

I troat 1 ahafl not be farther wrongly interpritedwhen I any that no other eoonty and no other ptoee to VirgInU w elaewhers haa totiauted to me tont a f a ^ is befaig gath-M«d to be held onta aakorod afl to boy the land is to hand. In that Prii^e WUUam a» far aa I know cr have rea4an-to believe standa alone. Money has ewne to os from Gewgto. i»o qoestlen aaked; money fans come to os from New Y o ^ ae strings on rt; and yet other eontribotions from here and thet»; and sotoe ef the MD qnotaa for the Virgima coon-ttaa to the ten Ihwiiand dtfiar mov* meat are randy and pnhdUy hi tke hands •fOsLBMahteon, ear bended

uply ich n

peopl« thia much richer than any so far eosneeted with thJa work ao

far as I know, can uTord to guarantee the people. That might be done as to a small amoost; but if the position should be followed by otir directors it would so limitos in the use of funds as that we would get nowhere. Many hundre«ls of dollars, first and last, must be used in the legitimate means by whidi money for such work can only be obtained. It is better for many tomn the risk t h u for a few—to fact, I say, if the few feel it to be t h ^ ride then can te no ultimate success because they would net be willing to go far enoogh to produce final resulte.

Sbtt the risk, 'where many cooperate, is so small, if enough capital can be had, aa only by co-operation it cazL thntit is not worth the thcos^t; though I have always told the piiblie that the respondUItty hi with the oontmQtor JMod not 'with the management or any member of it. .

But that this is true does not even imply the need of two funds or that the public should be advised of two funds. To save the life of me I can't see the diff»>ence between a campaign fond and maney to boy the thing desired. How­ever, the money be used, honest and common smse granted, it is as "broad as it longi". Most business men and Women to matters of this kind tmderstand tiiat any fund carries ito own expenses as it goes; and I surely think at least most folks in your couiity so understand. The Wilson Endowment and many other things are being pushed m the Soutii along just such lines right today ana sOccc»sfnlly. Such' distinctions as you and a few others, propose are not naade, certainly as a rule, in great move-mento of this kmd. Such methods are impractical.

Among the reasons for the impracticability of such measure or of such distinctions in funds, is tiie fact that if we asked for a given sum and it should prove inadequate and then should go back to the public for a farther cam­paign fund, we would so destroy puUic confidence aa that it would min the entire movement; and yet that destruc­tion ironld rest upon no 'valid rq>odiati<m of the methoda used. It is impossible m such mattors to foresee what will be needed for costo; and all we want to do is to be morally sure we are on the right road, that such things as this do succeed, and plug ahMd without stopping to tell where the first dollar will be used or the second held xbttH the third is found. Such 'work must not lose from sii^t the psychotog]! of the public, always important.

An uln8trati«» of the impoesibility of foreseeing exact costo arises from the request for a stoto appropriation. If the legislature had given the ten thoasand, toen there would have been no expense in that connection rftor the passage of the bilL But as it did not we must now 'write and rewrite members of ttah Jegialatnre, time and time again. The result now wilt Jb»—not toi thousand if w» murt depend iq on each meaber doing his dnts —bnt cer­tainly some very sobetantlal ratam short ef uat . Now, most wo pot that money to bank and use it for no porpoee whatever eawept te pay Heatiy, for instance? Soppooe we got no more -money, aiid aq^oae that by ose of Umt fond we eeold get e n o o ^ to eoiiqileto the pordtase, woold it be wise or right to leave tittt find to bami and stop the attire proJeetT In oAer words, Uie direetoEs most go ahead and use any foods at han< for any porpose—the whole and every oent spent being for hot one and the same end—the poruaae of the land, the boildinc id the memorial Park. And br'inwt we know aa e e r t a i ^ as hnman minda can ftHrecaat toat to the end we shaU reach the deaired som

Is aa n w h the foondatien of dw pwfc.aa ia the Heairy hows! • . ^ j

However, I would far ratiier yoo woold pot the money to bank, little good aa that will do, than to torn it over to oa and then to intimate, as year letter to effect deea, that we propose to misanify the money or any of it. What I say aboot wanting ten thoosand dollars to buy the land is cor­rect, pofectly true, I repeat, for emphasis, yet suppose some sobstaatial part of the aboot |15,000 now subscribed should not be paid when we get that ten. Would we be right to ostog some part of the ton soH>i>ed by Virgima to gather the deficiency? CEBTAINLY. So]q>ose that if we did not and no one put op any more m<»iey and thoae of as who are doing so went "basted," as we are nearly right now, then the enterprise wooM fail, toough it would not have done so by osing part of the funds to hand.

So yoo see by the an you propose and by utimnatiacks soch aa you make, there is laid gnmnd for some one to be-gta to wldsper that the money ia beiiv misaporoprtoted, spent for some porpoee for wueh it was not gatnet«d; and yoo thos dig a grave m which to bory the whole project. Wbereaa on the other hand there ia no wrong, no ousap^-eaticm, no injostiea done; and the plan we ttn foHowing ia that need by SOOM of the beat peoplo to tMs tuonlij fee aooM of the meet laodabte projeeto.

So why woditoold not be petnritted to oroceed atoog ree-ogn^ed Unea, accordtog to the rolea of psychology established for aoch earapaigna, I cant oodarotand more than that, why we are net folly sopported by people who, aa yoo so tmthfoUy and ao eieq^entlyargae to . your arttele to yoor fapttt, wUek, by the wny, I & net see^ onta today, suipossM my eomprenension. If yoo or any one lacfca eenfidanee to me or to any mombir of ear board' you may *ik the d r e ^ coort ttft removeL If yen have good groonda for soch rmnoval yoo shooM in jostice to tUa work make that reimeat. Oor charts provides for that aa a speedy remedy, u fact it {wovides that the jodge to v»-catMo may *et'op<m sodi reqoeats, after notice to the party charged. If yoo do have c<mfidence to os yoo shooU help


A year ago—

almost unknown

Today—a leader

A sweeping verdict for QUALTlir

TewrtagOv «tMS Master U a

Spoct 1S4S Sedan 16W Coope ISW

HANSON SREOAL SIX Tourfiv Car . ? . . . . . . . »U9S Roaster UW Sport 1«W Sevea-PaaaengM Tooring Car.. 17aS Sedan SStf Coupe S47b

Hanson Ught Six. $»»Jtt F. 0. B. Factory .



Base Ball Goods, Tennis and Fishing Tackle, Rifles and Pistol, Cartridge of all kinds

Jewelry, Qodks Victor Records and

Rigllt Prices.

H* D. Wenrich Co. , '. .Ineorporated

FIM Watch aad Jewdry B psfaiBg BIANASSAS, VIRGIMIA

Powell Motor Co. Salearoom and Service Stotten 1821 14th Street. N. W.

WASHINGTON. D. C. Phone North »212

ACTIVE STOCKS We are specialiste in Finance, Mort­

gage and Discount Company secnritiea and offer: 10 Frontier Mortgage Unito...$115.00 S Metropoliton Finance Unite.. 60.00

10 Commonwealth Finance, pfd. 60.00 10 Commonwealth Finance com. 45.00 5 y . S. Mortosge Unite UO.OO

10 Cleveland ' Discount, com. Bid 20 Midland Trust A Savings..... 9.60 10 Colonial Finance 2SJ» 10 First Peoples Trust Unito..„. 85.00 6 Bankers Union Units iM.00

10 Fidelity Capitol Corp. UniU- SfiXO 6 Motor Morthahe Unito 65.00

10 Nati<mal EqoitaUe Inveat-m«it ._....„.226.00

20 ^ecuritiea Aoc^tance Unito- WJO Note Theae Speda] Of eringa

1000 Owen^ood ^._ .8» 10 Commonweatth Hetd : 66.0*^ 60 D. W. GriOth, Class A „ SJO

100 United Cigar Canada.... M 100 MiUer Trato ControL i W

10 Piggly Wiggly Corp., com. 66.00 10 Piggly Wiggly Co^t , pfd. M.OO 6 West Indies Fruit Unito„llS.QO

100 Hydro United TireL...„ 2.6S 10 Noiseless Typewritw Make Off«r

100 Badioi com. „..„..: 4.50 10 L. R. Steel Stores Unita_lS5.00

600 Oil Operators Trust .85 We buy, sell and qnoto all onHatod

seenrities, no margto accoonts, no par­tial payments. Cash only. Writo fa# oor B^ of high grade boncb.

BUCK & CO. «t2-SlS Evaaa Baildii«

1420N. T.Ave Stoeka and Bonds BstaUiahed UU


GARAGE Now 0^)01 fdr Business

We a n ready to do expcart repairiqg (m joar aatomdi)i}e aod O w J N C M


Yoa will find us located back of iJm CkMrnwell S o p ^ Gomfanir, ^qmaite fredgfat d^wt.

Pence & Turner PKOPRETORS

Sailmad Siandaid C H. ADAMS


Witehei, ( M a aid Jewdiy

to the only logical way soeh things can be the poUie the fd l facta if yoo think they dont nnderstand and yoo moat deao; hot dont tot's got 19 a aqonkUe aa to who wlB bny tiw isondatkn nmd and who the gotd tip for theaptoel

Vtry sineorety, (SlgMd) 1 . W. a. KWINO.

Cloth That Is AH-Wool Assures the utmost Value and Sadsfactioo for a garment, because it is of the B«at.


L A M SEMI-PASTC PAINT and U B ^ ML to mix into it,

tiiat is an Higher Quality—assures Utmost Vahie. greatest Years of Wear and Usrt fiMt

•«Slfmi PAID LESS THAN JONESr JONES pflud $4t for 14 Gallons of

"ready for use" Mixed PAINT— SMITH made 14 Gallons of the Bc«

PtR Funt for $34JI by baying I Gab. 1 1 • SMsktali riM and • Gala. Linseed Oil to mix into i t


JT r iifi Ii - - " ' - - - " _


outoLna dea*. Savaraa Hamtr

V. e WACiwMuMAWAwua yoKiMUr



81b a d l Streets. N. W, WASHINGTON, D..a


Oflea Hibha A Giddhigi

MAMAS8A8, y a K H N U

NCnCB TO THB PUBUC ! The Fannen' Mntoal Talaphane Go.

baa lied with the State Oorpemtiea Ciwinilaolnn, WrhmoiWI. Va., nettee e< advance to mten fcr triaphone asulue from IOJOO per year to |t.00 por jtmt, wUdi win bo to Jane 1, 1922, onleno < by that CMomkakm. FABMKKS' MinUAL TBLBPHOKB

OmffAMT, Bvlaa. Ik. WiMate. SacV-Trana.


SabaerfiM for THK JOURNAL —ILfijO a yaar in advsnea.

Page 4: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s


B R I P LOCAL NEWS —Mn. Liui« Cmbill, who hM been

on the sick lUt, U «ble to be <mt ««*in-

—Mr. C. N, Crtbill, who hw been ill lor several months, ia »till confined to the house.

- At the Mother's Day services to be held at Grace M..E. Cl^irch, South Sunday morning Mr. R. B. Wagoner will sing "TeU Mother n i Be There."

—Rev. A. ,B. Jamison will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and m the even-

8 o'clock. Both services will be opriate to the Mother's Day occa-


-There will be an enterUinment at Woodbine Church Saturday night. May 13, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Refreshments will be sold for the ben­efit of Woodbine Sunday School. The public is cordially invited to come.— ('ummittee.

—All members of Ewell Camp and members of thieir families who expect to attend the raunion in Richmond June 19-20-22, will please send me their names so I can secure identifica­tion tickete, which will entitle them to reduced railroad f»re.—Westwood Hutchison, Commander Ewell Camp, C. V.

—The tovim council will hold its bi­monthly meeting on Monday night in the town halL

—Hon. C. J Meetze will address the Thoroughfare school and cltiiens of that village tonight.

—Mr. J. W. Meetze, of the P l a » Garage, is moving with his family into the property of Mrs. Ashford on Lee avenue, this week.

—The interior of the Sanitary Lunch has been nenrty papered and painted, giving it an attractive ap­pearance.

—Mr. W. P. Shaw ha» sold his lot and residence on the CentreviUe road to Mr. *Ch«rlie Caton, of Catjuojoto, possession to be taken next falL The consideratiwi is said to have been $2,500.

—Mrs. M. Bruce Whitmore enteif-Uined the Manassas Good Hotiaekeep-ers' Club on Wednesday afternoon at her home on C«itre strM^ 'Twalve members were present and oner riaitor, Mrs. A. B. Jamison. .

—Hon. C J. Ueetn has just Tetnzn* ed from Colpeper county w iere he de­livered fbor awiresses on the May Ed­ucational Campaign drive. The points where the ma^imrs were, held were Brandy, lignniBi JdTfitsaxbm and Sa. lem.

—Mrs. Sarah Keys, who has been quite ill for some time, was taken to Providence Hospital, Washington, this week. She was accompanied by Dr. John H. Men and her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Sprinkel, vho will staiy with her.

—The Girls' Aoxiliaiy of the Bap­tist Church met last Friday aftertioon at the home of Mrs. Westwood Hutchi­son, where they made plans to assist on Cradle RoU day at the church, which win take place in the near fu^ ture.

—Hon. C. J. Meetae will leave Mon­day forDea Moines, Iowa, where be will attend the Presbyterian General Assembly. Mr. Meetze wHl stop over in Chicago to visit Dr. and Mrs. Hi C Soop and Mr. and Mrs, Hfll, fenneily of this county.

—Mr. and Mta. R. H. Bass and daughter, who have been maldng their home in New Orleans for thu past number of monl^, have moved to Washington and az* at itfesent visit-

Some (etlers get Just eaoagb mile­age out of a gallon of whisky to them to tb' police station.



In memory of Brother B. W. Storke, who died April 12,1922.

Once again death hatb summoned * Brother Odd Fellow, and the golden gateway to the Eternal City has open­ed to welcome him to his home. He

I has completed his work in the minis­tering to the wants of the afflicted, in shedding light into darkened souls and in bringing joy into the places of mis­ery, and as his reward has received the plaudit, "well done," from the Supreme Master.

And Whereas, the all-wise and mer ciful Master of the universe has called our beloved and respected brother hbme, and he having been a true and faithful member of our beloved Order, therefore be it

Resolved, That Highland Lodge, No. 262, L O. O. F., of Independent Hill, in testimony of her loss, be draped in mourning for thirty days and that we tender to the family of our deceased brother our sincere condolence in their deep afflictitm, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the fam­ily.




Mr. Robert Riley visHad relatiy«i In Washington Sunday.

Mr. Earl Athey was a visitor in Washington on Sunday.

Mr. S. S. Gallehue was a Washing­ton visitor on Sunday^

Mr. Frank Gue, jr., and son, Farris, were in Washington on Monday. '

Mr. Raymcmd Reid, of Washington, visitwi his father, Mr. Ira Beid, here Sunday.

Mr. G. H. Washington, of Green­wich, was a-Sunday visitor in Ma­nassas.

Miss Helen Arthur, of Gainesville, was a visitor in Manassas on Satur­day last.

Messrs. Herbert Mooie and Joe HeiUii, of The Plains, wer« Manassas visitors on Monday.

i^r. Haxjy M. P^arwm, priadpal .of Haymarket high school, was a Manas­sas visitor Saturday.

Mr. C. S. Evans, of Mitditilsville, Md., arrived Moqday ni^lt to visit his friend, Mr, C. N. CriUJl

Misses Alma Lunstod and Mary S^eeman spent the '«(«ekr«nd in Oeco-qnan at the latters'home.

Miss Helen Cannon, of Bosemont, >spent yae week-«ld in Wanisaas as the guest of Miss ,Kancy Waters..

Mr. William F. Crane, w^or at the Fairfax Herald, paid "The Journal a ftetemal visit Mondsiy:

Messrs. CFitsWater uid Sun Hiiie-gardner, of NdcasvUle, w e n in Ma­nassas on business Mcmday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Washington and Mr. Frank CockeriUe^ of Green-irich, were visitors, in' Manassas on Monday. _•

Mrs. J. T, Stephntson, of Fron( Royal, spent Friday and Saturday m Manassas as the guest 6t her mo^er, Mrs. Susie Meta.

Mrs. T. M.. Watkins. and two chil­dren, of Hattard, Kent^Kky, are visit­ing Mrs. Catkins' inother, Mrs. A.C. Wenrii^ fbo will irettun with thepi in about two weeks to Kentucky for a visit. Mr. Watkins recently visited here also.

Messjrs. John Lewis, of Rectortown, and Robert Lee, of Weyer's Cave, for­merly'clerk here wit3i the firm of Eibbs & Giddings, passed through Ma-nassas Sunday nigU en roate to their

g MrsT Bass' mother, i^. Mary Mo ^ respective homes, after spendiDS tiM


30 Banking Mortgage A Trust D. C. I

300 Miller Train Control _... 20 P ire^ Wiggly Corp. 8S^

10 Piggly Wiggiy Coi i., com­mon -

100 Chapin Sacks Corp., 7% pfd.

69 Chapin Sacks Corp., com­mon A

5 National Equitable Invest­ment, unitS.L -... 200.00

6 Rogers MiIkTroducto,units 110.00 a» Virginia Plate Glass 85.00

600 Radio Corporation o f America

10 Scott Gas & Appliance 10 Stock Exchange Security

Corp J-—. 30 Cheapes Adding Machine.. IB L. R. Steel, common

100 Washington Ice Mfg. Co., pfd. _. _ _.

100 Washington Ice Mfg. Co., conunon

lOO Wichita Royalty ....„_., 500 Owenwood Oil Corporation 28 Jewel JellJco Coal Co., Ky. 20 International Shoe Heel

Corp. :..^. . ..„ 26 Birmingham Motor* 10 Polkkan Towd Cab, Sys­

tem A -. ._.._. 200 Continental Aj^hatt ft Pet.

pfd. ......._...;„ w___ 260 Sever* Motors ^.u ~.~v. 876 Adranfee Oil ........_.„.:.

10 D. W. Griffitii, Class A.„.J:.. 86 U. S. Movinflr Pictures


20.00 3.00





Mkt 9.00

8.00 7.00







Charley Retlly is shipped West by his uncle in the expectotion that the rough life of the plains will have a stiffening effect on the temperamental nature of the young man. Charley goes, and before returning for a visit to—but that's enough. Also Aesop's Fable. Don't miss this one, for it's a bird. Admission, 11G-22C.



About a little girl whose smile saved her mother's eyes, her brother's life, her father' self-respect, and ivon the heart of a true man. Also Pathe News. AdmissiMi—Matinee, . 6-llc; night, llc-22c.


. . in . . "THE BIG GAMK*

Where a hunter of wild animals turns hunter of women. A great pie-tare of the great northwest. Admis­sion, llc-22c.


"THE STAB ROVERS A startling lightatngr-flash over the

darkness of our unknown selvaa. Ad-mksion, llc-22e. -


It's a Realart picture, so yoa know it's good. Admission, lle-22e.

10 Metropolitan C i ^ t Corp., nnits -~~.- „ .„...

26 Thompson Mfg; Qg^Tenunn Lights unite :.... —„

8b Vreeland Motors, anfts...^.,. 20 Union Storag* Corp., i»fd.

D. C. ..


^ 0 0

8.60 7.00

40.00 1.60

.25^ 200 Newsbox Sales Corp. _..... 600 Seamons Oil -60 Empire Food Products

Corp., pfd „... 4.00 8 Southern Motors, units. 7§.00

10 Stevens Durycakk units ........ 8^00 200 Canadian Petroleum .20 500 Revere Oil Company......— .26 100 Morrison Cradle Corp., ; . pfd. .;— _.._...-„.. 6 ^ 25 Guarantee Royalty Syndi­

cate ._ .-.. 9.76 WE BUY, SELL AND QUOTE

N.. Y. and Boston Curb issues. Foreign Bonds, GoveAoi&ent Bonds, <Mnnicipai, Public Utility and Indmtrial Bond . Unlisted and Listed Sto<te, Bond and Securities of every diescriiAion: that have a Market V^n^ Wtaeii yon at« in die Market to 9i9''0r S«H, and want • 84iMr« Deal, Vm, Write or W»oa» Main 332.



ran, on L«e av^nuft day in Washington. Mr. Albert McMillan, of the United

States Marine Corps, is spending sev­eral Weeks with ;his parents, Mz. and Mrs. A. MclOUan^ of neu' town. Mr, McMillan has just returned from a trip to Cuba-ami on his retom wBI be

-Among those who went to Fredl **»*io^^ ** Quantico for a iriiila.

—James Jordan, colored, formerly of Manassas, died in Washington last Friday afternoon at the age of fif^-four years: His remaim were laongnt here for boriaL Jordan was an Mn-ployee of the PortiWr estate here for over seventeen years.

Lj^htnii^ hsar Destructive forces in the air are incombatible. Death and damage may come with any paah of l%htning.

Itfsure Your Livettodc Against fire and lightnmg in or out of buildings anywhere in the State, on or off prem* ises. Same policy covers any livestock you may in the fu­ture buy. ; Rates a« Follows: '

SamAt irii cMt 63c rfr $1M QM jear iriff csit 90c fa 1100 fip in and mail coupon:

ericksburg ^or the baseball game on Wednesday were Messrs. Harry P. Davis. G. Raymond RateUff^ R. H. Hollidiay, Nod Lynn, sr., J. B. Trim­mer, B. Mills, Lawrence tGregtoy, Ar­thur Rector, E. G. Cravw, Riri^ Lar­son, and G. B. CodM.

spec) secured by the Dixie Theatre for next Friday night, which will be of special int<»rest to farmers. This picture was secured through the courtesy of Mr. W. B. BoUoek from the Pereheron So­ciety of America and will be mn as a supplement to the regular Friday. nignt show. I

—In the WiUiston (Fla.) Progress, issue of March 31, there appeared an article which stoted that Mr. Robert C. Byrne had been appointed to the management of the Williston Telc-ghone Company of that place. Mr.

yme is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Byrne, formerly of this cotmty. Mr. Byrne also sOTved with the Prince Wil­liam boys daring the late world war.

—Coach W. M. Johnson has entered the Manassas high school traick team in tile Central IntMseholastic track an4 field maet iriueh will take idaee in Washington tomorrow. Among the boys w&> have been entered are the following: Hugh Meetze, Hemaa Lnn^ Jack Mw«h«irt, Clyde SMkH-maii WilnMr Jaaper, Gaorga Jolmaeti and boaepl* Lewis.

' STATEMENT or the Finaadal CoaAtioB of The

Bank of Nokesville, Ineorporated, located at NcihcsvUK in the Ceorty of PrifKe WUUaas, State af VIrgiiria. ait Oe doae of b«ri»eaa May S, U2S,

to <1M State CacvMstisa Go*'


higrh school track and field meet will be held this year in Manassas on the Roond Athletic Field on Saturday, May 20. The number of schools that ara expected to teke part this year are more than usual and it is thoiufit that competition will mn high. If the lo­cal beys win the enp it will beeome the parmaneat i>tM|»<itj> of tha aehool as iSn hKm i M t t far « •

T—Mr. Qaren«; W<, Wagoner, a for­mat edttor iof The Jeomal aad artO re­cently publisher and editor of the

I Prince WiBiam News, has acceded a position witii the Baltimore A n and will shortly move to Baltimore. The Richmood T^mes-Dispateh also made Mr. Wagenra- an attractiv<( offer to be­come a member of its staffl

—Rev. Edgar Z.' Pence, pastor of Betiiel Lutheran Chnrch, wOl preach in Manassas on Sunday mining at 11:30 a.m. He will also preach at the NdLesville Uitberan Church on the same morning at 10 a. ». , at which place Sunday Seho<rf win be held at 9 a. m. Sonday School will be held in Manassas at lOUtO a. m.

—The BtissiOttary Society of the Presbyterian Church met Tncaday aft-emoM, May 9th. wHit Mrs. E. L. Hen^ker. The hymns, rendered weire "Savjovr, Like a Shepherd Lead Us," and "I L o ^ to TeU the Story The topic was, "Spanteh .Syaking Peapie in the United Stetea." The manbers read articles tringing maay important feature*. On* that the best piMie sdMol teadisn are the ptttJuct of auask»s rSacre-taiy.

RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafte, unsecured . . . . Banking house and lot Farnituro and fixtures.... Gadt and dna from banks..

Ceieral hsnraiice Ageni^ Ineorporated

THOS. W. UON MsnawniH Virgfaiia

Ittaue tne policy eovering livaioek <i0ifemsf jire cmd Ugktmmg for $ . : - . . . . ^WUrtStMlfl^.. .- .- . .-

\State below the numier ef head


B U S Y ^ No transiMition is too small to receive the care­ful consideration of The Peoples National Bank, and we are never too bfusy to attend to our cus­tomers' requirements promptl/, or to extend to them the fullest measure of co-operation.

TI The business and profess^onfcl men, th« farmers and wage earners, and the women of this, city and section, will find it to their advantage to m«k« use of our exceptional f aciUties.

"It's » Pleasure to Serve You*

The?eoples National Bank MANASSASi YIRGINIA

BrinA them to Ou^ I Whea you !inult to 'Hreat" yomr friends^ bring tkcai to rar

drng store. • We serve oar drinks^wd ke creans in I saaltary way. We use <Hdy pore syrups and ereams. One visit to our fooa-

tain insures satisfaction to yoa and r^ieat visits f<ri|'a8. And then we have for you anything yoa need i s the drug stor»


••SAY IT WITH FLOWERS." AgtBCgr for Gods Braik C*

• ^

^•^ Uadi, ako Unlit per headL 1,100.00 1,762.00 6,180.09

BONDS FOR SALE Trinity P. E. Chnrch, of Manaaaas,

offer coupon bonds in $25, $100 and S&OO denominations. Same secured by deed of traat on church prupsfty. In-tsraat 6%, payaMe aaau-«imsally, Joly and Jawury 1st. For farther partkalars, aaa O. fi. Wateia, Traaa-•Wr, or «f> A. 8t—«t QOmtu, W

Tbtal : 976.744.36 LIABILnnS

Capital stock paU i n . . . , . . $12,500.00 Snrplns fund ,. 4,006.48 Unnvided proflte, le-ra ' ^

amount paid for mtcceat, expenses and taxes . . . . . 827.16

Dividends unpaid 8.00 Individual deposits^ subject

toeheck 83,428.59 Sa.ving8 deposits 28^944.70 Time certificates of deposit 106.00 Certified checks 88.64 Due to Banks (representing

deposits) 614.67 ResMvsd for aeetitad inter-

eat OB depoaits 195.25 Rcaervad for aeeraed taxes 182.87


head cowe and ettttle, limit per head$....

head horaee, mulee aUd olt», Hmit per het^ f.. |

headaheep, Umit per head

Name J-Address


Total $75,744.38 I, CStartes E. Stcriing, Cashier, do

solemnly swear that the above is a troe statament of the financial condi­tion of Tha Bank of Nokesville, Incor­porated, located at Jfokesville, in the Coonty of Prince Wiliiam. State of Virginia, at the dose of bwsinsas on the 6th day of May, 1922. to tiie best of my knowledtte and belief.



State of Virgiaia, Cemty «i Prinea WiOiaai Swem to and suhaeribed. befon mm

by Charies E. Steritaig, this 11th day •f May, 1922.

d K. B(»}INE, Notary PubHc My commisBion «xpb«s JoJ^ 12, 1924.

Far Sal*—'

• a .

This laundry of oars is ii»r the faas-ily washing Mg family wasUngs, too. We .can lannder every soilad ar­ticle your family wears and da it s^a-rate from anyona^ aba. In tha leac nm yoaH find it more eeoooiaieaL

No damp wash—^No hang o«t—No irewng—No marks on aaythteg.

PresbytariaDQwdi S w i i y , May 14, «t 8:M P. IL

Mother's Day Sstaaa by Bar. A. B. JA]fIS(»f Mr. W. B. WAGONER wffl rii«

"Wkara Is My W s a i i i i t Bay" aar Tan Mather PB B


Under and by virtue of a cer­tain decree ^tered at the April term^ 1922, of the Circuit Court of Prince William County in the suit of F. A. Davis et als against Keys et als, and also by virtue of a certain deed of trost fnna said K^s and wife to the unde­signed, dated March 12,1921, of reccoxl in the clerk's ofBiee dF said county in deed book 75, pages 2€7-8, the undersigned trustee therein named and directed, win oS&e for sale, to the hi^laest bid­der, at puUic auction, in pursu­ance of said decree and trust, on

Satorday, May 20,1922, at twelve o'clock m. in front of the Post Office in the Town of Manassas, aforesaid county, all that certain lot or parcel of land, with dwelling thereon, lying and being situate in the village of Brentsville, on Main street, and adjoining tb. land of Paul Cook-sey et aL, and known as the "CM Gvnwdl Plaee." TERMS CASH.


MBS. CHLOE K. LAT H<H>6B wff la iv


For J tne Brides toa^aat, vaU of nuia (aSklaB stm

wUto, •kowsr ,

FORSALE! Laage l i t volt 8 E. W. Ddea KtoiUtt

Light Plaaft, good aa MW Deko Electric Well Pump (good

as new.) For quick sal*. 816.06 Isko Refrigwator Plant (good

fcs new.) For quick sale 156.66 Jewdl Porcelain Lined Ice Box

(Just like new.) For tpOA sale 260.06


iUi.PriBea f m a U . S . O i » -

Orange AZemom EngogMntnl

Ring —li l t * maatrattoB. rtady CM Hsmraa.

set t a

GefMltlM Ortmge Bloeeom

Weddmg Ring r I "

l«n ritk

*nat*M»tMm» tkat hav*

I«T*. (••<] f«rtas« «aA fvlMtr tlBa* 'Uinliwt MM. X«r^ bnSM (f E(T7t ' wm tk*m. IB CUa* aW (tkar diltast

nu...n* vita mm* R»no»i. an U fUlJ- tlM mrM t*4*r aao*pt« n B n«r- tkaa M tk* brMal m>-tar. WL ein KZa tUa anr

rise ohaiMi fer amailHt M « n sad »«Sawit vMk M«U«i«t af all tka eaatniaa.

mmi faatal awaar aHar, aararlae Sriaa af Hf 4aait*4. Wa vfll far-wait Uraatiaaa far iadiaabat axaat lasar aiia at vUl aaM a parfaaUr tMas lia*. If It la aat aatSafaaMcy, nana it ta aa la tiBaa «ayi aa4 « • wm tmtmmt yayaat . 0«r n y l a l l i l ft* ralkMUtgrlaiiiW " ^ ^ taaa ymr eaaivlata •iOi'lii «aalltr af all al^. Orear xaitj.


aatSSoaa cat 9 aw W M )MV

Wwtoigt^n XXC



Page 5: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

ra»uv4%«, ..f^<..JUB,' 1 W » * TUjUMASaAft MOmtU^ MANASaAS, QMBtMU PAGEinvs

LOCAI For R«nt—Three room*

Apply Journal Office. and bath.

62 T


Under and by virtae of a deed of trust executed by Eppa L. Bamea and Amanda Bamei, his wife, on the 21st

Dry snlit pine, ready for cook stove. j ! ! / L " ^ ' ^^\t 'T"^ 'Z **"^ deUvereS to you at »a.00 a load. J. K! ' 5°*'' ^ ' P*«f* ^"- P"°«« WUliam ^onner, Manassas, Va. 52-1* County clerk's office, to secure the pay-T — j "»*'>' o' t*** »uni of 9200,00 evidenced

For Rent—Land at Rixlew with by note, and default having been made hpuMupoii i t C. L. Layman. Keyser in the payment of th* said note and _ J j interest there<in, and having been

Apartment for Rent—My apartment ti ereto required by the present holder over the Community Grocery Store, 1 of the said indebtedness, the under-cpnsistin* of 8-rooms and large hall, signed trustee shall on the lOtb day of Ten dollars per month for acceptable T„„„ I~>O : * ^ . . u V , V, white ^nant C. J. Meetze. 62-1 "^^ ', ^ ' ' " ''''°* ° ' *•** *°P'"" '^•-

j tional Bank, in the town of Manassas, For Sale—Come and get your Boone Va., at about 11:30 o'clock a. m., offer

County Seed Corn on Saturdays—' for sale to the highest bidder, for cash. •1.50 a bushel. J. g . Dodge. 62-1; the following real estate, to^wit:

All of the real estate, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay the debt aforesaid and the expenses of

Housa for rant )nines.

Apply Mr*. W. M.' Sl-l*

For Sale—Two young mares, age 4 executing this trust, owned by the said and 6 years, partiy broken. Cheap Eppa L. and Amanda Barnes, near In-im qnkk aale. J. J. Kane, Manassas J dependent Hill, Prince William county.


Lost—License tag No. 82363. Hadriek. Nokerrille. Va.

E. S| 61-2*

on the Independent Hill-Dumfries road, and consisting of several tracto adjoining each other, as follows: A tract of 60 acres conveyed to Amanda Barnes of Gordon. Com'rj by deed re-

For SiUe—One .22 cal. rifle, in good corded in D. B. 62, page 10; a tract of condition. J. H. Fairfax, Areola, Va.*, 10 acres conveyed to her by deed re-_ —— _ I corded in D. B. 68, page 169; a tract

Stamp collections, old stamped en-, of 40 acres conveyed to Eppa L. velopes, Confederate stamps, old coins Barnes by deed recorded in deed book bought Charles Kohen, 616 16th St..' 63, page 181; a tract of 60 acres con-N. W; Washington, D. C. 61-8*, veyerto him by deed recorded in deed

m • j book 47, page 624; 1 acre conveyed to We are hea<touartei!« for clover seed, him by deed recorded in D. B. 44. page tz a T^. 't'r^ssf s 6 If. -«i,ir « f f«—• T:/^ to

. • , hmi by deed recorded m D. B. 42, page 260, all deed book references being to the records of Prince William county.

This land will be sold subject to a prior existing lien of f TOO.OO, which the records show to be now past due. Interest due thereon will be made

> known on day of sale. For S a l . - S a i t « f parlor ftmdtnra,! G. RAYMOND RATCLDTFE.

hooM on Lea CbaAvsO, Tb«


For Skla—Modera KTeooa. Mn. Sra F1aiiu,Va.

For Sala-'SO aharea stock National '^Buk of Manasaaa. Pays 10% diri-dmL B. Lyna Bobvtson. 48-tt

62-4t Trustee.

RUSH HEREFOJUD, ET AL8 tron bed-room raft>' dlniag table awl alioallanaoaa artldes. Cidl after the 11th. Mku FsHDif Tmynt, Grant Ave., ^ ifanasaaa, Ya. **** i ANN BE D A V I S HEREFORD, ET ALS



Washing Machines During the next few weeks I will offer the

Prima Washing Machme for

$120.00 This machine sells regularly

. for $150,00. It is equipped with motor and reversible wringer. On exhibition at

Comwell Supply Co.

Seed com, 11.60 bnsheL Larkin- j Doirell Co.. Manassas, Va.. 48-tt


Under and by virtae of a deed of te«rt ^e«mted by W. H. B*f«y " J , c. S. Hertfort. decawd; to commute Netha V. Bailey, his wife, on the 12tt»' . _ _ , j _ , , " r L - ,•- •*.- *.^. . ^ . .

The general object of tiie above styled suit is to have sale of the real estate in Prince William county of whicH, the lata C. & Hoatord; died seised and peasesaod^'to tipjfiy the pro­ceeds, as far as neeeaaary, to ^le pay­ment of tiie debta doe by tlie eotate of

day of April, 1921, recorded in deed book 76, pages 846-7, Prince William eCunty dwk'* office, to secui e to the benefldary' tkeartatn named the sum of money, with interest, as set forth in said trust, default having been.made in tbe payment of two semi-annual iU' stallntents of interest, iriiieh gives the

the widow's (kuwar in the fmids aris­ing from the side, and to diatribate awh fundi after tiie pa^gi^nt of coats of suit anfl said debta, to those entit­led thereto.

And an aiBdavit having been made ) and filed that the defoidants, Lucy ' Hereftad, Annie Davte Hereford and

•J w a • ii. • I.* * »....- .-j.» • C- Hereford, her huahand, are not said beneflcmiy the right to h a ^ * ^ reddenta of this state, it is ordered ^ • ' r ^ ^ " ^ r J ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ - - ^ liocy Hereford, Amiie tr«tee havtag «>««' ^ i ] * ^ ^ . ^ ^ Davis Hswfori and R. C. H«eford. Mid beneflrtary to e«c«te tiho sani ^ do appear within ton

1922, Jn front «f liie P«,ples N«taoma J^ ^ nec is iry to protect their Sank of Manassas, Va.. at ab«mt 11 o'clock a. m., offer f«a: sale to the high­est bidder, for cash, the following de-acribed two tracts of land, tb-wlt:

FIRST:—Lying and being situate at or near Bradley, Prince WiUiam county, adjmning the lands of Bar­bour, Craig and Jones, containing 83 acres, aad being the pn^Mity "which the said Craig now resides.

SECOND:—That certain tract

intereato in this suit I And it is further ordered that a copy • of this order be-published once a ««ek ' for four successive weeks, in the Ma-nassaa Jonrpal, a newspaper published and circulating in the county of Prince

i William, and that a copy be p«»ted at u»o«» **** frmit door of the couithoaae of

' ^ l tUa eooaty aa required l y law. GEO. Gr. TYLER, Clerit .

COMMOlfWEALTH OP VIBGIMU. , . Prince William Cooniy ,to-wtt: Tb the Sheriff of Prince WiUiam Coun­

ty, Virginia: Notice is hereby given tliat an in­

formation has this sixth day of April, 1922, been filed in the Circuit Court of Prince WUUam County, Virginia, byj Tbos. H. Lion, attorney for the com-| monwealth of Virginia for the .county' of Prince WiUiam, that a eerUin pM-1 s<«, or persons, to-wit: Clayton Llm-ing^nd Luther Carney on or about the let day of April, 1922, in the said' county did unlawfully use and operate' one Ford touring car, or machine, with j mgine numbered 3,076,253, for trans-! porting ardent spirito illegally on and along the highways of said county in excew of that permitted by law,' against the peace and dignity of tiie' Commonwealth of Virginia; which' said automobile or machine, hat been seised, and is now in the possession of Clayton Liming (because of a bond executed by bim on the 6th day of April, 1922, to have the said automo-bUe, or machine forthcoming in com­pliance with an order of the eireuit eourt oi said county), for the pur­pose of having the same condemned and sold and the proceeds thweof to be disposed of according to law.

You are therefore commanded to cite, or summon all persons concerned or interested in the said automobile, or machine, to appear before our said court on the first day of the June UrtUr 1922, to-wit, Monday, June 6, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause why the prayer of the informa­tion for condemnation and sale should not be granted.

Yon are further commanded to post a copy of this notice at the front door of the courthouse and publish in the Manassas Journal, a newspaper pub­lished and circulating in aaid county, whorein such seisuTe was made, for four consecutive weeks, and at least five days before tiie return day ef sneb notice, and make due return hereof at the June tenii, 1922, of said eourt

Witness, Geo. 6. Tyler, derk of our said court, at the conrthbnte thaaeof, in the county and state aforesaid, the 7tb day of April, 1922, and m tiie 146th year Of tim Commonwealth.

GEO. G. TYLER, (%tk«


1221 F Street N. W.


Buys the Geauine


Style 240 Ei i ; ,?K A sauJl <iowii pajmeat

•nd we deUver the Vietrola No red tape


Lowest Terms M n INTEREST 11 iNU TO PAY i l

*5-MONTHLY iH aid aAcr M U L


of land lying and being situaite In Ma-nasaaa District,, said county, vod ad-

* Joining the landa of Baibonr, Youngs Monroe and Weatterholtz, and eon-dining 2 2 ^ acres, the seecmd tract lying ^lear the t r i t tract above de­scribed. '-'


6214t Trustee.


Undw and by virtae of a deed of t m t executed by Nonaan Webster aad Mamie Webster, his wife,-on tiie llOi day of May, 1921, and pe«wded in deed book 76. page 411, Prince WU­liam County clerk's office, to secure to the beneficiary therein naaoed Oe pay­ment of a note in the said deed of trust described, default having been made in the payment of/the said note and interest thereon, the undersigned trw

1 A true Copy; i • - , ... 'G90.G.

I C A. ;3iAclair, p. q.' I-

TYUQt, Clerk. 61-4

VIRGINIA.: In the Clerk's Ofike of the Cirenit

Court of the Cemrty *f Prince WUliaaii, May 4,1922. ELSIE HEIDENREICH GOATER, • <CbmpIaiiiaat '


Defendaat m CHANCERY

Tbe object of tbm above styled suit is to obtain a divorce a vinculo matri-moaii for the complainant from tbe de-fmdant on the ground of wilful deser-tioB and abandornnwit without just cause or excuse, for more than three yemrs prior to tiie inatitntion of this suit, and for general rdief.'

And an- affidavit havii« been made and filed in this oifee that tlte defend­ant Horace Harry Goater, is not a


fhmt of tbe Peoi^es National Bank, in tbe town of Manassas, Va., on

teT having been thereto required by ' « * « » « » » « ' ^ ^ ^ ^ l . ^ ' T ^ S ^ J ^ thT said l ^ c i a r y . shall ««er fcr «de that to the best of affljmfs ^ ^ ^ to tbe higheat bidder for cash (aub- end belief, his l a^ J*»7«P*»^-«J*f Ject to a prior Ken by deed of tn«t in: ej ldr^ or pl«e of abode wa. a f t ^ W of ft«k Thornton fer tbe «mi Canal Zon^ P « « « « - * » J ^ T «t t«MMW and aecrwd interest, « - ««>««»,**-*J*! " " ^ " ^ * note secured by such prior lien hiring, app«r her. wrtto toaday. after due been past due since July 1«, 1«1) . in publication ef *»" «*«f. »?** * V * f »

*"" - i s necessary to protect his mtoreete m tbb soit It is Antber ordered Oat a copy of this order be piMiriied once a ii>e^, fer four sacceaaive we Ea, m tiia MMiaaaas Journal, a newspaper print­ed aad circulated in the eoenty ef Prince William, VirgmU; that a copy be sert by rstfiatered maa by tbe dark ef this court to tbe aaid HerMe Harry Goater. Balboa, Oaaal Zone, PaMma, and that a copy of tbe same be peeted by tbe aakl detk at tbe front deer of te ceartiMuae of said cousty ae er be­

at Satarday, Jane 10,1922

11 oVleek a. m., tbe faQowinc de-Bcribed real eatote, te^wit:

AQ (rf « a t ecrtaia let, with {mprove-mento tbereon, lying and beiac aita-ate near tiw town of Masaaaas, Va., on the MaBaaaaa-Welliagtott road, ad-ioinlac tte tends ef Ceckrdl, Pelars aad otlieta, aad eentidainc oaeiKre, and beiac tim aaaae property which tbe said Nairn— Wetata rasides.

TERMS OF SALE CASH, eieept tiie purebaaer to aaasBs pajiuaat of tbeprierUea.

O. lATMOND SATCLZm^ tt-«t ^

fan tlM next aaeceeding Bale Day af• tir Mt order ia entered.

GEO. G. TTIJEB, Ctaik. A trae Copyr

OBO. O. TYXiHt, Ctak. R. B. W a i b K i H i . » » n - *

USED CARS STUDEBAKER sets^a mark for you to shoot at—

Used CixB wh^i bought from us are sold to satisfy iand guaranteed to plegse.


1918 Studebafcer, $250. Chafauer* ld l7 , $250 1»I# Stitdebafcer. $4S0. Biuck ** $350

SUitUkikta ateaU RdmiU and Ouaranteed Simtittr to Nem


817-S19 14th Street, N. W. WASHIN6ION, D. C.



Set*. $ 1 6 ^ Up Jr..$3Shrt. WiHh»w.Sr,|75lwf Ur|ffSel^$15S

iaViSSna laifi9til.lMHtt ailSM Ustcnins-iB Ceiic«ts fnoM 19 A. M. to 10 P. M.




NMi-SkM, SSz4.. - . . ' I 1 M 9

Kaiioiial Ante Tire U. 489KStiatt.yW.



I114-14ASt,N. W. Tbe' new store devoted entirely to surgical inatrunienta, boapital and aiek rean aofpHea.

prices and faasale atteadanta.

Electricity At Your Service A LWAYS ready, always

^^- steady electric cuneat' for lights, or lor powCr . that is what WiUys Light means to farmers.

Farm, work, laousework, sad farms are made lighter by electricity furnished to farmers by this praetieal electric plant at tess than city cnrrent costs.

Ton can get the fifty advantages Willys Ligtit offers only by. getting a WOlys Light.

You want these coo-•enienees on yoax ' t.tS&. or writs us.

^ 4




The largeat stock of Victor Re«»da in the Sooth—buy any mniiber . tfaroogboormaiBagDept.

Dance Hits ,aa well as every one of tbe Toad aad instmmental V1CT6R BEOMOS-^

write tfx a catalogoe at ooce.


BtJee Bowie John C. Taylor Birwdale, Md. Aceeue, Ya,


Gnarantced First S i se 'MzS^ inches


812 I4tb St., 4 DoMs North ef H St. Waahii«to«, D. C





I make atndj and treatment of any kind ci diaeaae tbe f am-S^ DoctM is not curing. Tdl me yoor tnxdile and XH teB joa what is your disc—e and what can be dtme far i t 111 send tdank and spedaMB caiQ. Qiya lie joor naaNL

$5.00 and $10.00 , SAVED ON SUITS FOR

HOI and ¥ o ^ HiNi



Standard Qodtt^ CALL AND INSPECT



727-72* 14tfc N.W. Above N. Y,



AXD UCBNSBD Lee Ate.. Near C &.

gieaa aB


SMART FOOTWEAR FlMhioBB aoivkt far by tkoM

itKffS imr.

%, c

Page 6: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

PAGEStX tk imo-m*^-* «M»» •'••B.



Due Mareh 1,1941

Earnings for the pa«t six year* have ^yeraged over 2.14 times Interest charges. Listed '>'i, ** '"£" ton, Baltimore and Cleveland Stock Exchanges. We'recommend these bonds for investment. Price 82, yielding over 6.66%. Descriptive circuUr will be mailed on request.

CRANE, PARRIS & COMPANY 823 Fifteenth Street

WASHINGTON, D. C Established 1883


SSTWSTI? -fiMTite' 't •: * •'«ir-r?:.t..i.-1;-.r.:4a2iii2SE£, .-iJti-i«.*a«-(HW

CoL George Armistead CIttpter Represented by Ita RegMit,

Mrs. A. W. nelair.

John L. Edwards & Co. WASHINGTON, D. C. RICHMOND, VA.





S Tim Are Kscrinitt&fjegk bi aTery Mil—ity iHw waat to pndMii Ifct beat lluia an avfrtadh Tint iuw* *

• ripititloiB..; -v

S Thdr Good Judgment pimnpta the napM of "EDMONSfi" mhm. tkara is Bead of Spaetadaa>kl ByaglaaMB.


Makm of SPBCtACtllS ^ aaiBTXGLAWBB • 8M FlftMitfli StTMt JB WA8HD(6TON, Dt. C ~ "


f With the coming of qiring comes good roada again and yoa wiO want the batteriea on yoor AOtomoUk in tiia beat poM&iie oonditum. Bxbiff yoor car to oa and kft oa ataii^t> en odt Toor tnraMea hefmv yoa wOl want fba u« of j o v ear everyw-f If yoa are in need of new batteriea yoa win find thi^wa sen two of the beat batteriea on th« markat tedagMEHB EXIDE and THE RAY. f THE RAT BATTERY earriea with it MI aneowSUooal guarantee to give aatiafactifm Ux two yeara. \ The gradea of dl and gaa(dine which we handle wffljgva yoathaiaa»ijPiiiaMBoanto<powrirfry yo»iy*crirt^ mininiasi oC trviiili^ vuc'f >Bd ••<•••

Reported by Mr* Arthur W. SJn- ^ Clair, Regent Colonel G«>. Ajrml«te«l| Chapter Daughter* of 1812 and Statue, Conreaponding Sacretary.

The thirteenth annual Aasociate Council of the United SUtea Daugh­ters of 1812, was held during the week of April 26th, as usual, at the New Willard Hotel, in the City of Waah-inifton. The damage 1* Are the night previi us to the beginning of the tiiree ^ days' session prevented .the use of the • small ball room where former meet-1 ings were always held- The Red j room was hastily put in readiness. One of the large tables, used by world statesmen during the Limitation of| Armaments Conference, was brought from the Pan American building for use by the National offleers. I» was suggested during the closing hours of the councU that the table could be bought; quickly the price, somettiing under a hundred dollars, was contrib­uted for its purchase for the room the 1812 organiiation has secured at a cost of »8,000 in the George Wash­ington Victory Memorial Building, which is destined to link the spirit of 1776 with the spirit of| 1917. Mon­day morning was taken up with regis­tration and presentetion of credentials by delegates. In the afternoon we journeyed by texi to the grave of the Unknown and unidentifled American soldier, at Arlington Cemetery, plac­ing wreathes upon the sarcophagus with impwssive ceremonies, beginning with the Reveille, a brief and touching speech by MrS.Clarence Jenne.of Hart-1 ford. Conn., National President of 18121 Daio^ters, a short poem, a prayer and tapa. In the crypt of the magaifi-cent marble amphitheater we looked upon the flftg-draped caaketa of sixty-dght Boidiar dead, from across seas, awaiting burial. Monday evoiisg a brilliant i«ceptk>n waa ven a« the Mew Willard, the National President, ofieera and Real Daughters receiving. Mrs. WQlebrandt, Assistant Attorney G«Mral a< tha Uoitad States and H<». Carroll I*. Beady, Congresmait fttm Maine, were the apeakerg of the evm-ing.-

It would take too much of I t e Jour­nal's valuable apae« to give in detail the impressive <qMnbig faatores of the Tuesday morning bnsineas session.

All reports showed increasing in­terest in all lines of 1812 eodeavw.; Two hundred and fifty new members, 23 of these Real Daughters, have been added to the organisation daring the CouneO year. North Carolina leading.

The treaaurer's report ahowiBd nearly $U,000 of the |8,00e purchase price of 1S12 rot»n in Geoarge Wash­ington Meittorial Buildmg, in hand.

A cordial reception was given tlw Daughters by, President and Mrs. ffitTJing »t White Heoae during the afternoon of Tneaday.

The faanq^ at the New Willard (m Tneaday evenii^ was a happy occa­sion. B«ron Mveheinne, AnibasM-ita from Bdgium, United States Sen-' atox Stanley and Mrs. Stanley. Rev. J. J. Muir, QyiiOidn of the United States Senate, and presidenta «< sev-' eral nati<wal patriotic aodetiea w«ite the- speakers of the' evening.

A 6 o^dock tea m a giv«n ia honor of the delegates to the 1812 Cooadl by Mrs. F. Dimoek, president of the Gsorgs WssUngton Memorial Aasoeia-tioa, at her psUtial hcnae, 1301 l«th ttnst, Wednesday aftemoea.

At the BMraiBS sessioa of Wednas-dsy a raaolntion petitioniac Congress to pass the Mil aaUng tho "Star j^psngtod BsBBsr" oar National An-

MB, was unpnintonsly adopted. Aaothsr fact «f ttrtorieal ia^^ort-Ko was rswsaM to tiM CsoacQ for

aeliee b«fot« tto <doss. Ia the ar-eUvss e< tits CMwdi;<a Gotonuuesrt at



A Lost Husband A loat hoaband waa recently f oond at oar Londi Coontar eatiiv hia diimer. Ha jaat oool&t reaiat oar eetddnf aad tiMwayweaervedhiBL Not that ha lofadUi wife kao. bat he lovod oar co<d±xf mora. MORAL: If any maabaa of yoar faaafly an A. W. Oi. U took for thera hen, and eooM down yoofnalf aomatipaa. B wffl not oo^ do yoa food, bat ha^ br«i& Oa OMMl^ flC that endkaa eo<AJns. '

*^e can faai yoa wol far taaa."


Ottawa titan ia the <tf oar 1812- soUiers, sad which our govemmait has not.

Tte Fsnnsylvaaia aad New York delegatiotts vtdanteerad to give five hnidrsd dollars, aad aM»« if needed, to have copied ia book form tikeee recwds for oar National 1812 Library.

Wednesday evening saw the eloM of a fruitful and harmonious Aasod-ate Council of 1812 Daughtera^

A treat was in store for those who remained over until Thursday. An invitation to visit the aavy yard and go ^eard tits Presidsafi ship, May-•owsr. Thar* were auMj e4 appteciatiaa froai aU avaflod tiMauaivsa fA the privilscs.

l i s o t Loo 03rtaa, o( Warraatoa. died Monday aftowwea at Us hosM after aa ilhisss ef aoaw •aaalm. The 4seaasod was a gaSaat yonac eAeor ia ths BWrttath DWalasa and swved

Frsaee. Aa auay othsrs, he was s»-vercly gassed, wideh latsr dovdepad into luag troubio.

Maiassas Tranfcr Co. W. A. ATHBT,




We have tfie newest foot wear for Easter and

after. Patent leather suede and satin lure jn njuch

demand and straps continue their popularity in many


^ Our line of spting suits and dresses are the latest

in style and the best in quality. v

fl Ginghams, organdies, linens and ratines are much used this spring. We have a complete line from which you can choose.

^ In our line of hosiery are to be found the best in silk and the latest in sport hose.

fl We always carry a complete line of dry goods Every line of goods we carry bespeab qualify and a visit to our store wiB convindfeyou.

Jenkins & Jenkins "The Ladies* Store"


R. k Sanbtkffl—Qiiatty—Price

We invite you to come to our store and Ipok QW picM €»y^ cm iHir

Jfeats, Gi^erics aiKJ G^^ YegetaMes

We find that the s^eat mc^rity of people, when they buy food, consider quality first and in view of this fact you ¥rill find in our store goods of the best quality only.


We pay cash for all kinds of produce -r* calves, hogs, ducks, ducks, eggs, butter, hides, etc.

Our motto is 'TuB measure, fuU weight and honest good* for your money.'' We aim to PLEASE YOU, if we. succeed, teS olhcars; if not, XiA us. Fair and cour-teoos Uealmeiit — prompt-service to afl. GiveusacaO iiliea in need of anything ia the grocery or meat line.

Pkoae lu aad •WSSL Min^K four order to joar door. " for as to tenre and picate yov

Page 7: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s


Put it to any Power Task Whfla tba Pordsoo Tractor hat power in itoity to <Sxag piows and harrows thiough the heaviest soQ, it is %ht enough, small enough and to eaei^ controlled that it can handitjr be put to taaay tasks about the ferm, that wID save 3 oa time, n x n ^ axu! work. In £act the Fcxdson win do every power job, both draw-bar and belt, more quidc* ly and at less cost than it can be done with any other form of power. Soevery month the whole year 'round the always, dependable Fordson will prove itself a pfl r&ig investment, because of its captt-biUties, it$ economy and efficiency. , We will gladly explain and demonstrate to yoa the many Fordson money-meb> ing, tkne-savtng features. Can, write or i^ione. •

$895.06 F. O. B. Detroit THE BfANASSAS MOTOR CO., INC.


Don't Forget iTMrt We Are Headquarters For

l ^ n d ^ and Ebdricd Bbtei WE MAKE THE INSTALLATION

Our Stock of Fams are the Best leSdlEkciikWiihtn. MipjiiiifHtntfJ«twr*«• fiwBaeil

^ ? ^ C H . WINE **^l^^

OWy Way to Preserve Orit&ntal Rugs

i J S S S w P r o « « - i r t wMh " d rti-ir rugs, no lartter 1»«* " ^

S . r »«l«rhteii crooked rug., rti^ the "»• « «t t h e - to nmm. STiorfcdoJii'byta-donly. C U and « • for , ««««« .


A. H. BAKSHIAN EptsbBdied SS Twos

811 ITth Str««, N. W, PheMMaii 6M7 WASHINGTON, R C



Mr. Frank Brow«r viaitod bb pu-«nte, Dr. and llrt. C. F. Browar, iMt Tuesday. Mr. Brower iiaa recently purchased a Nash car.

Mrs. Frederics Harrover and her Ut. tie daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, and he brothers, Messrs. Leonard and Ellsworth Senseney, motored to Winchester last Tuesday where they attended the gradaation exercises at Winchester Memorial Hospital Tues­day evening. Among the graduate nurses was Miss Mae Seoseoey, Mrs. Han-over's sister, formerly of this neighborhood.

Messrs. Frederick Ellison and Will Brower motored to Fredericksburg Wednesday I where they pUyed with tiie Whijte Roae team agiaiiut Fred­ericksburg.

Mr. J. E. Kidwell is again on tite sick list.

Miss Alice H«ta visited her mother, Mrs. Susie Mete, of Manas­sas, last week-end.

Miss Mary Megeath was a guest at the home ot Mrs. Stta Lynn on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Riteaour, «f Strasbnrg, are visiting Mn. E. H. Fetser.


Woddw What Metts WU Say TaiayT Open DaUy UatU • P. M.


$ 25

We make quality clothes that possess the snap and style that well dressed men want.

You have the largest showing of fabrics in Washington from which to select.

Every garment made by our own tailors, whose work is guar­anteed.

Remember, when Mertz de> signs the suit you get exactly what you want.

Roy id Blue Serge Suit to Order $25

MERTZ & HERTZ Co hc^ 906 F Street

Eztnor&iaij Oieriqis — O N —

Fresh stock of fast selling tires, ia>-eluding PorUge and othw popular makes.. In order to make room for fu­ture shipments we offer UMM valoea at reduced prices.


SOU : . . . ! « . £ « 34x4 .. . .tl4.4ft

S2xSH... 8U4 ... tU* ... »z4 ..

7.M 7.M

lS.2i 14.15

81x4 ^, 88x4 H-84x4 H. 85x4%. SSxS .



8 aad<t^ in., I1.M. Other sisea, 8 U *



The Community Leag ue will hold its regular meeting Saturday night. May 13th. begfaming at 7:30 o'clock. A program will be raidered, after which refreshmmtii will be sold. £v eryont is invited.

The gardens are looking fine after the recent rains,

The farmers are busy planting com. Miss Fanny Dove gave a play party

last Saturday night A large crowd attended. Among those present were:

Mr. and Mrs. Aakins, of Canova; Mr. and Btrs. Fetlett and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour, Mr. Ervin Wade and son, Misses Ruth and Pearl Hensley and Master Jimmy Hensl^, all of Brentsville; Mr. George Petty, Mr. Cl(«sy Maxfield, MM. Sarah Pear­son, Mr. Harold Pearson, Misses Em-lyn and Genevieve, Fritta, Mr. Watt«r •ad Desmon Fair, of PonraelL'

A very enjoyable time was spent.

L Open Saturday UntU 9 P, M.


S.&M.TIRECa U4t 14tk Street, .V. W. (Cor. Rhode Island Ave.)



FUSS ELL 'S Real Cream Ice Cream

Fussell-Young Icel CreamCo. 1306 Wisconnn ATe„ N.W.




Mr. Bad Mn. J C. Dunn and two Sons Visited at the borne of Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Baber, of Mount, Vs., Sat­urday.

Master Richard Comwell is visiting in. Washington this week.

Mrs. Charles Abel and family Vls^ ited friends in Stafford Ji<mday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Syneox visited at the home of Mr. Fash Abel ftsnday and also Vxe. Belle Dunn.

Mrs. C. R. Keys and danghter, Ry land, (dF Quantaco, spent the week-end with her iMftbef. Mr. R. T. Ashby;

Mrs. W. E. King and sister; Mrs. A. L. Foulger, jr., vi^ted their aimt. Miss Boebwta Abel, Saturday, who coii-tinnes ilL

Miss Elsie Anderson has accepted a position at (tuantko.

Miss Rachel Abel spent Tuesday evening in Quantico.

Mrs. Jame* Anderson and daughter, Mazjorie, are now in Washingtwi. '

Mia. A. L. Foulgor, jr., is; spending a v«ry> itaMaiit v a o U i ^


Mrp. J. A. Jones and little daughter, Polly, and Mrs. Johz Payne, have re-tnified to Frediekaburg after a week's visit to Dr. and Mrs. Wade C. Payne. ' At a meeting of S t Paul's Guild <« Tuesday afternoon tiie following eO-cers were eteeted to serve for the en-going year: President, Mis. Thomas Moor Browne; vioe-preaident, Mrs. Willie Mow Jordan; secretary, Mrs. Carval Hall; Treasurer, Mrs. G. P. Disoeway.

Ground was broken this week for Haymaiket bank building, and the work is bdng pushed rapidly ahead.

Mr. Winter Ow«, recently i^point-ed poetmast» for Haymarket, has taken charge of the office with Mias Ladle Hutchison as his anistant.

l b . and His. William Garrett mo­tored to Fairfax on Sonday and vis­ited Mr. Garrett*s former iioaM th««.

Mr. W. M. Jordan has been elected delegate from St. Paul's Qnsch to the

$9^5 Spectil Sde 30x3^ Star CHMI T m , • imK, Eitni HnTj . .



l ^ t n l Tm mi Sitter C«pa«r, h e UtS N«r Y«fk Alia—, N. W.


B. E. BYRD, JR. Pte. id«t CHAS. P. STEARNS, Vlee-Preaiaent



. Enjoythe convenience

cftbedtyA -inatall




r = B Sobfld&e fw fHB JOURNAL—$1.S0 a year in adraoee.


Oflkse-OC. L a Bofldiiiff


Comeawkidi tai RkhMendnezt

Mias Lola WiBiamaon spent the week-end with her family at "SUriey."

The moiving pictnres are in full •wing in oar village. On Wednesday Charies Ray hi "Tbt Village Sleatti,'' was shown twice for the bensAt tit the Boys' Athletk C3«b, B. H. & On Sat-mday evening, tiie Uth inat., there win be two jyictnes shenra.

First National Bank AUBANDHU, TA.

M f l M l l U t r OV UMIUV 9til


Fanners (tf iViiH^ Wyiiaiii

II Have you ever stopped to think what benefits you have derived frc n the Fannen' Union? Stop and think the matter over with yourself of how many dollars you have to your «»«dit actually saved by the organization of the Famers'Uni(m. * .

f Look at the lepslation we are getting in our favor now. Were we ever recognized bef«e? No. But believe me those fellows down yonder m WashipgttHi haive been (jailing on the farmers and askiiig them what they want done.

f Han alive, LISTEN! I want to tell you right now that if it was not for tiie Farmers' Union today, what would you be paying for your ferUlizer? Who brought those fellows to timer It was the Farmers' Union and beheve me, this grand old Union is handing it rij^t on to its taothiar farmer. You fdlows who need fertilizer should see your Exchange. They have your needs at heart; they have the prke and you will be beneftted m tiiree ways instead of we. Ask the manager and he win teH you,

f Gentlemen, list«i; don't stick your nose too close to the grindstone. .Keep your eyes and ears (qwn. Study the questionB of tte day «»* « « coming before y<«. Be <HI you guard. Jwa the Faraaers Mviaa. Help yoursdf as wdl as others.

f TO THE LADIES OF THE CX)UNTY: We invite you to join us. We need your hdp. Himch that man of yours and tell him you are on. Stand with yoor Unkm, the farmer has got to riae. Don't tet Cental sitoo u» always. The farmoa cmtrol the wealth of the world. AH they need a organization^ .

f Brother farmer, listen. Lef s have a heart to heart talk. When ywi trade at your Exchange you buy as ch«^) as yon can anywhwe dae. The profits oome back to you, so why not join tike Uidon and become a stoek-belder hi yoor k>cal &cehaiige? .

f Brotho-, we could make our organization the Inggest thing in <M Prince WiUam county if you would cmne in and join us. We can market every-thii«w« have to sdl and eliminate aUndddlemeB. Look up yoor kwal see-ratary and treasaro' and teU him that you are <» and tiiat he can bank «> yoa,BO<raadfet«veriiiec«. We are for ju t laws and good dttaandi^

FanMis EixatiMal aid GhopendifeUM OF AMERICA

X = 3 c £

Page 8: SUNNY SOUTH TWOPRISONEBS PW Bm BUILT … yoD have int it. o ... "Hot only CIMMM, bat M17 ptiocteee he l»s

jWi •*;.?

aft! u vr

Oxford Tires Oversize

Strictiy "Firrts"—«ai Non-Skid in origiAal faetory wri^peri—1922 in«n-ufactare» The m»n who Uvea at the lurt^eat point o n enjoy the benefit* ol these price* and feel awnnd of the um« fair, square treatment ai the mao who lives nearby.

Fab 30x3 «7.50 30x3% (8.65 32x3% $11.40 31x4 J13.10 32x4 $14.75 33x4 $15.60 . 34x4 $16.75 32x4% 33x4% 34x4% 35x4% 33x5 35x5

Cord $12.00 $15.10 $15.10 $17.50 $19.60 $20.60 $21.50 $24.60 $25.50 $26.25 $27.50 $30.76 $33.60


Tubes $1.60 $1.80 $1.90 $2.20 $2.60 $2.65 $2.80 $3.10 $3.25 $3.40 $3.66 $3.86 $4.10

ExamiiuUM AOowed on C. O. D. Shipments

Oxford Tire & Rubber Company

1502 14th street, N. W. Franklin 2332 WasUnKtMi, D. C




Repairing Washing Stor ing

Largest Stock of High Gradei)rieDtdl Rugs

m Waslungton

NEJIB HEKIHIAM 1512 H Street N. W.





limbs «)«i Braces Manufactured by

Universal Artificial


619 F Sbcct R. W; WASDIKTW. i . C


1514 H Street WASHINGTON, D. C

Weeding InritatisDS SUtioierf, Priirtiiig

Every Requisite for the Escritoire


AT 818 14th S T R E E T -

KODAKS and everything for kodaking

FILMS DEVELOPED and prints sent out on day of receipt f^r GOLF, TENNIS, BASEBALL

and every sport, we handle the best makes



Petroieom hdiistrj Crude Oil

Have greatly atreagthened the mar­ket and increased t£« demand for

Odes Service Securities We shall be glad to explain why we belieye there will befuiifaer adraDcea in the price of erode oil.

The Gdes Service CoiBpaiy a leader in the Petroleum Industry

0 « w MOT pmkKiB* oQ wdU. a^d a.107


Pr«dac«a ia l U t . llJtMMi Wn«l. •! afl Dailv rWlBtee*»Mitr. *7,aOO bHTdi

g«BiM> !• 1*21. •lM«li7T» • Swplu. avd il«Mr*«, t4a.SM TI7

We recommend the securities of this great eorporation;

For details address

ThoiDas W. Brahaiy & Co. BlO-ll ETBM Bail«iiC


Radio Broadcasting Are you getting your share of this wonderful entertainment? We are carrying a stock only of the highest grade of appa­ratus obtainable.

We are distributors for the following lines:

Signal Eleetrk Mfg. Co. C. D. Tosioi Co. John Firth & Co.

; Aee Battery Mfg. Corp. Crosley Hfg. Co. American Radio & Re­

search Corporation

Write or Wire U»

MINKER MOItlR GO. 1333 Uth Street, N. W.

Wukington. D.«C.

Tor Sale.—Or will trade for well-BBtaked Holsteia heifers, aged from 6 <B<mtbs up. Grajr horse, f86; bay hors* 176; white pony, $60; grey pow, |12»; PezduffoA colt, 1% yeus oU. 1100; 2 grain drills, $86 ieach; 2 « i n ^ eora planters, $15 eiwhj dunap cart, $86; ilMated carriage, |66: Western stoelc saddk,|4fi; ladies' side saddle. $16; heavy fat team road hameas, $20: set of hand-made team harness, eoUan inelnded, cost $166, never been used, wm sdl for $146; atnirihfreuTiaM, «20; eartiag« poto $tO. i L B. Wac<»cr| Manassas, Va.

TlMaa tirea are flzati^ bam r i n g saBBa and aedal n a m b «r mad wn^ped in origi-• a l w


Bdbi^ t ins


j^edita SIM V M O B

«Qz3 HM SQxSM ^M Slx4


Used Cars THERE is only one place to

bay used automobiles/ and that is from *n established tria­ble dealer, handling standard makes. All of oar ear* are e<»-ditioned and aee soM at prices that are far belfw tlM osoal market value.

Geauue Buick Parte

Sbnley HL fiomer Used Car Dept

M17 14(h Sirwt W—tkwsat WAWINCTON. D. C.

Radio Sets carried in stock b o $15.00 to $250.00/ Demonstrat ions Dai ly

Listen in concerts every Wednesday and Friday Broadcasting station, Call Letters W. L L.. ever and Wednesday evenings. Weather reports, musS ture s. ) .


Contiiiental Electric Supply Company 80» Ninth Street, N. W. WashiivtoB, D. C.

Branch—1204 New York Ave., N. W. Phones Main 852* and Main 8S2#


1321-23 L St, ^.W.


B Tohuii h m k j F. W. Ma^eKde, Maaaffor

ttk a n l C CMsaataii JV. W.

Wadiington's Largest Sport Stoit Desenres your patronage; b<6caitie thejr f giTe you better quality Spoitiog Cf^ods «|^^^ ., Ibices tiiat are way below what many -^^ •torea adc . ' '' .

Biselial,FislagTadde,Teniis,^ M( ( M s , MoNirts'N^^


WALFORD'S M9 Pemia. ATWIM, N , W . " ' WASHINfiT(»f, D. C.

% • : * •

DefMirtment of J AgricultiHre, r cent purity iwr 89 p ^ ceni


Wlii|p(Nrwffl ^ ^ ( Peas, per imshel, $ 2 4 0 ftral^ Cow Ito Sans Soy Beans, die greatest lancl improver <A O ^ r |

th^n all, per bushid . . . . . . . ^•WXM h pvdlies •( b i k M w • ? « m « i DEUTQI at a v daliN ii An Ciirij M $2.4$ pel M d ,


All of oui: stock bought direct in car load lots from large growers in the South and no better quality can be fmind

AH at Two Dollars and Forty Cents Per Bushel This price will not be advanced so long as oar stodcs last We suggest you bay at this price and BUY NOW