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C ONCERNED W OMEN FOR A MERICA 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 • The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Planned Parenthood By Brenda Zurita Most people recognize the name “Susan G. Komen for the Cure” (Komen) and know someone who has walked in a Komen for the Cure event. The television ads are touching, with stories of joy, sadness, hope, and friendship. Anyone who has been affected by cancer as a patient, family member, or friend cannot help but relate to the emotions of the women, men, and children participating in these events. The participants wish to raise awareness about breast cancer, show the world the accomplishments of cancer patients and survivors, and honor special people in their lives who live with or were lost to breast cancer. There are times though when someone asked to support a friend, co-worker, relative, or acquaintance in one of these races faces an awkward moment, because the person being asked to donate is strongly pro-life and disagrees with what some of the Komen affiliates do with donations. As the Internal Revenue Service Forms 990, filed each year by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., show, since the 2005-2006 fiscal year, 33 of the more than 120 Komen affiliates provided grants (some only once, some each year, some small, and some large) to Planned Parenthood for “breast cancer screening, education and treatment.” It is ironic that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization, dedicated to saving lives, grants funds to the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. As Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow for Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, pointed out in her recent paper, “Cutting the Cord: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood,” in 2008-2009 Planned Parenthood received $363 million in government grants and other taxpayer funds. 1 In that same year, Dr. Crouse’s report points out that Planned Parenthood performed more than 324,000 abortions. 2 According to Planned Parenthood’s annual report, the gross revenue from its affiliates and national office was $1.1 billion for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 3 Contrast that with Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s gross revenue for the fiscal year 2008, ending March 31, 2009; it was just shy of $347 million. 4 Komen took in one third of the gross revenues of Planned Parenthood, and less than what Planned Parenthood receives in federal funds, and yet, in 2008-2009, 20 Komen affiliates gave $731,304 to Planned Parenthood affiliates as the charts in this report show. In the past five fiscal years, Komen affiliates have given Planned Parenthood affiliates a combined total of $2,358,995. The breakdown by fiscal year is: 23 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $754,995 in fiscal year 2005.

The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

Mar 17, 2018



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Page 1: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

and Planned Parenthood By Brenda Zurita

Most people recognize the name “Susan G. Komen for the Cure” (Komen) and know someone who has walked in a

Komen for the Cure event. The television ads are touching, with stories of joy, sadness, hope, and friendship. Anyone

who has been affected by cancer as a patient, family member, or friend cannot help but relate to the emotions of the

women, men, and children participating in these events. The participants wish to raise awareness about breast cancer,

show the world the accomplishments of cancer patients and survivors, and honor special people in their lives who live

with or were lost to breast cancer.

There are times though when someone asked to support a friend, co-worker, relative, or acquaintance in one of these

races faces an awkward moment, because the person being asked to donate is strongly pro-life and disagrees with what

some of the Komen affiliates do with donations. As the Internal Revenue Service Forms 990, filed each year by the

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., show, since the 2005-2006 fiscal year, 33 of the more than 120 Komen

affiliates provided grants (some only once, some each year, some small, and some large) to Planned Parenthood for

“breast cancer screening, education and treatment.”

It is ironic that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization, dedicated to saving lives, grants funds to the nation’s

largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

As Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow for Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute,

pointed out in her recent paper, “Cutting the Cord: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood,” in 2008-2009 Planned

Parenthood received $363 million in government grants and other taxpayer funds.1 In that same year, Dr. Crouse’s

report points out that Planned Parenthood performed more than 324,000 abortions.2 According to Planned

Parenthood’s annual report, the gross revenue from its affiliates and national office was $1.1 billion for the fiscal year

ending June 30, 2009.3

Contrast that with Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s gross revenue for the fiscal year 2008, ending March 31, 2009; it was

just shy of $347 million.4 Komen took in one third of the gross revenues of Planned Parenthood, and less than what

Planned Parenthood receives in federal funds, and yet, in 2008-2009, 20 Komen affiliates gave $731,304 to Planned

Parenthood affiliates as the charts in this report show. In the past five fiscal years, Komen affiliates have given Planned

Parenthood affiliates a combined total of $2,358,995. The breakdown by fiscal year is:

23 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $754,995 in fiscal year 2005.

Page 2: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

10 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $105,503 in fiscal year 2006.

12 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $188,514 in fiscal year 2007.

20 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $731,304 in fiscal year 2008.

19 Komen affiliates gave Planned Parenthood $578,679 in fiscal year 2009.

This report contains a complete list of all Komen for the Cure affiliates that have given money to Planned Parenthood

since 2005 for breast cancer education, screening, and treatment. The source for the fiscal year (April 1-March 31) data

is the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.-Group Return Forms 990 for these years: 20055; 20066; 20077;

20088; and 20099. It should be noted that the national Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation did not make any

grants to any Planned Parenthood; the decision to give or not give grant money to Planned Parenthood is made by the

Komen affiliates. More than one-fourth of Komen affiliates gave grant money to Planned Parenthood at least once in

the past five years. The final audit for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, stated that, “Up to 75% of the net proceeds

generated by the Affiliates are used to fund breast cancer education, treatment, and screening projects within local

communities. The remaining 25% is used to fund breast cancer research and project grants on a national level.”10

In June 2011, Susan G. Komen for the Cure issued a statement11 regarding affiliate funding to local Planned Parenthoods.

In part, the letter says, “The decision to fund any breast health and screening program is based on a thorough

assessment of a community’s breast health needs and resources. In some areas of the U.S., our affiliates have

determined a Planned Parenthood clinic to be the best or only local place where women can receive breast health care.”

As the individual charts below show, there are multiple local organizations the affiliates fund; all but two of the Komen

affiliates fund at least ten. The affiliates in urban areas fund many more:

Central and South Jersey: 56

Central New York: 40

Connecticut: 34

Denver: 53

Greater New York: 56

Los Angeles: 47

Milwaukee: 36

NC Triangle: 67

Orange County: 58

Philadelphia: 47

Phoenix: 51

Puget Sound: 55; and

South Florida: 42

As the Komen Planned Parenthood letter explains, “In all cases, Komen funding is used exclusively to provide breast cancer programs, including clinical breast exams conducted by trained medical personnel. When symptoms indicate a need for further screening, patients are provided with a referral to obtain a mammogram. Depending on local resources, that mammogram may be paid for using a Komen grant. It’s important to note that Komen will only make grants to non-profit organizations. As many mammography providers are for-profit entities, we are only to fund mammography services through grants made to local non-profit service providers.”12

Page 3: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

This is interesting as, technically, Planned Parenthood is a non-profit. However, as Dr. Crouse pointed out in her report, Planned Parenthood has shown a profit every year since 2000, and the profits ranged from a low of $12 million in 2001-2002 to a high of $114 million in 2006-2007.13 And on top of that, Komen gives grants to non-profits which, in turn, may give assistance to women to obtain mammograms from for-profit mammogram providers. Planned Parenthood would be one of those middlemen, as they do not actually provide mammograms.

The Komen statement also says, “During the past five years, Komen Affiliate grants to Planned Parenthood have funded 139,000 clinical breast exams and nearly 5,000 mammograms, enabling the detection of 177 breast cancers.”14 Planned Parenthood’s CEO, Cecile Richards, appeared on the Joy Behar show in early 2011 to defend federal funding for Planned Parenthood against the move to defund it through the Pence Amendment and claimed, “If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their healthcare access — not to abortion services — to basic family planning, you know, mammograms.”15 Lila Rose and the Live Action group exposed this as a lie. Live Action phoned and recorded calls with 30 Planned Parenthood clinics in 27 states and asked about getting a mammogram. All 30 clinics told the callers they had to go elsewhere for a mammogram.16

The Komen statement also says, “Under no circumstances are Komen funds used to fund abortions or other non-breast services, and any service provider shown to violate those rules would be immediately terminated from the Komen grant program.”17 While no funds are used to fund abortions according to Komen, it is naïve to believe that Planned Parenthood’s abortion business does not benefit from these grants. If Planned Parenthood has set expenses that occur monthly when a grant is received, it frees up some of the money that would cover expenses for other uses, such as providing abortion services. In other words, the funds are fungible. Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, has acknowledged, “As clinic director, I saw how money received by Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics all went into one pot at the end of the day — it isn’t divvied up and directed to specific services.”18 This quote applies to all funds received by Planned Parenthood affiliates, including grants from Komen for the Cure affiliates.

The contact information for the affiliates that currently support or have supported Planned Parenthood in the past is included in case readers wish to contact the Komen affiliates to express their opinion about those grants or to find out if the affiliate will continue to fund Planned Parenthood in future years. As the chart shows, some affiliates funded Planned Parenthood in earlier fiscal years but currently do not. Other affiliates do not fund Planned Parenthood every year but do so sporadically.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure has built a large network of affiliates and garnered a lot of community support to fund breast cancer research, treatment, and education around the world, and those efforts should be commended. However, while it is each Komen affiliate’s prerogative to provide grants to whichever group they choose, it is also the prerogative of pro-life advocates to decide not to donate to them. Helping save adult lives should not be done in partnership with organizations that abort babies.

Page 4: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

Komen and Planned Parenthood

Note: The Accrued Amount column is included because some funds were given before FY 2005, which this column reflects and

because some of the Accrued Amounts are larger than the Amount Paid from the prior year. Obviously additional money was given,

but it is not clear from when or where the funds appeared.

1. Aspen Affiliate

P.O. Box 4810

Aspen, CO 81612

Phone: (970) 920-0250

Fax: (970) 920-3571

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $12,886 27

2006 $7,007 $7,007 26

2007 $8,759 $8,759 11

2008 $16,397 7

2009 $25,487 8

TOTAL: $70,536

*Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

2. Austin Affiliate

P.O. Box 2164

Austin, TX 78768

Phone: (512) 473-0900

Fax: (512) 473-0999

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $62,886 27

2006 $0 $16,837 20

2007 $0 $14,818 4

2008 $25,819 14

2009 $9,520 11

TOTAL: $98,225

*Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region

3. Boise Affiliate

1412 W. Idaho, Ste. 200

Boise, ID 83702

Phone: (208) 384-0013

Fax: (208) 384-0014

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $15,000 14

2006 $10,000 $10,000 11

2007 $12,500 $12,500 20

2008 $18,750 18

2009 $15,565 22

TOTAL: $71,815

*Planned Parenthood of Idaho

Page 5: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

4. Central and South Jersey Affiliate

Two Princess Road, Suite D

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Phone: (609) 896-1201


Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $20,000 56

2006 $0 $6,405 3

2007 $25,500 $47,500 3

2008 $47,500 31

2009 $48,940 30

TOTAL: $141,940

*Planned Parenthood of the Mercer Area and of Monmouth


** FY 2005 and 2006 amounts are for Mercer. In FY 2007

Monmouth County received $25,500 and Mercer had $47,500

accrued. FY 2008 Mercer received $47,500.

5. Central New Mexico Affiliate

P.O. Box 30047

Albuquerque, NM 87190

Phone: (505) 265-4649

Fax: (505) 265-4651

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $105,000 8

2006 $0 $40,000 0

2007 $18,500 $18,500 9

2008 $18,500 5

2009 $0 10

TOTAL: $142,000

*Planned Parenthoods (3) of Albuquerque (ABQ), of Sandoval

and of NM - according to the FY 2005 990, all three are

located on the same block in Albuquerque and Sandoval and

NM share the same address. In FY 2005, ABQ received

$30,000, Sandoval $15,000 and NM $60,000. In FY 2006, NM

had accrued $40,000. In FY 2007, Sandoval received $6,000

and ABQ $12,500.

6. Central New York Affiliate

5008 Brittonfield Parkway

East Syracuse, NY 13057

Phone: (315) 472-6162

Fax: (315) 472-4288

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $2,000 40

2006 $0 4

2007 $0 6

2008 $0 18

2009 $0 20

TOTAL: $2,000

*Planned Parenthood of Northern NY

Page 6: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

7. Central Texas Affiliate

P.O. Box 8504

Waco, TX 76714

Phone: (254) 753-3037

Fax: (254) 753-3397

Email Address: [email protected]







Total # of Grants

Given by


2005 $45,000 11

2006 $22,500 $22,500 12

2007 $22,500 $22,500 15

2008 $32,625 9

2009 $38,625 9

TOTAL: $161,250

*Planned Parenthood of Central Texas

8. Connecticut Affiliate

74 Batterson Park Road

Farmington, CT 06032

Phone: (860) 321-7806

Fax: (860) 728-1500

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $12,000 34

2006 $0 $15,000 0

2007 $0 $15,000 4

2008 $31,000 31

2009 $15,000 19

TOTAL: $58,000

*Planned Parenthood of CT

9. Dallas County Affiliate

12820 Hillcrest, Suite C105

Dallas, TX 75230

Phone: (214) 750-7223

Fax: (214) 750-7266

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $27,000 22

2006 $0 $33,000 2

2007 $16,500 - 3

2008 $0 9

2009 $68,000 13

TOTAL: $111,500

*Planned Parenthood of North Texas

Page 7: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

10. Denver Metropolitan Affiliate

1835 Franklin St.

Denver, CO 80218

Phone: (303) 744-2088

Fax: (303) 744-8724

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 <$7,163> 53

2006 $0 $0 19

2007 $0 11

2008 $0 25

2009 $35,970 30

TOTAL: $35,970

*Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

11. Eastern Washington Affiliate

1315 North Napa St., Ste 3

Spokane, WA 99202

Phone: (509) 315-5940

Fax: (509) 363-8189

Email Address:

[email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $0

2007 $14,753 $14,753 18

2008 $14,753 10

2009 $10,038 12

TOTAL: $39,544

*Planned Parenthood of Inland NW

12. El Paso Affiliate

1700 Murchison, Suite 207

El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 533-4433

Fax: (915) 533-4464

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $5,410 12

2006 $0 $12,418 0

2007 $0 $21,261 0

2008 $21,261 6

2009 $0 5

TOTAL: $26,671

*Planned Parenthood

Page 8: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

13. West Michigan Affiliate (also known as Grand


710 Kenmoor SE, Suite 130

Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Phone: (616) 752-8262

Fax: (616) 459-5423

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $14,661 25

2006 $0 $19,415 3

2007 $0 1

2008 $0 8

2009 $0 10

TOTAL: $14,661

*Planned Parenthood

14. Greater Amarillo Affiliate

P.O. Box 50610

Amarillo, TX 79159

Phone: (806) 354-9706

Fax: (806) 433-1977

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $11,500 11

2006 $0 $25,330 0

2007 $0 $17,000 0

2008 $17,000 4

2009 $0 4

TOTAL: $28,500

*Planned Parenthood

15. Greater New York City Affiliate

470 Seventh Avenue - 7th floor

New York, NY 10018

Phone: (212) 560-9590

Fax: (212) 560-9598

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $75,000 53

2006 $0 17

2007 $36,686 $36,686 56

2008 $73,186 41

2009 $36,500 37

TOTAL: $221,372

*Planned Parenthood of Nassau County

Page 9: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

16. Virginia Blue Ridge Affiliate (also known as

Greater Roanoke Valley Affiliate)

4910 Valley View Blvd. NW, #212

Roanoke, VA 24012

Phone: (540) 400-8222

Fax: (540) 400-8774

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0 0

2006 $0 N/A

2007 $0 0

2008 $28,243 7

2009 $14,401 7

TOTAL: $42,644

*Planned Parenthood Health Systems, Inc.

17. Hawaii Affiliate

P.O. Box 23204

Honolulu, HI 96823

Phone: (808) 754-6659

Fax: (808) 735-6746

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $15,640 18

2006 $18** 20

2007 $0 0

2008 $0 10

2009 $0 11

TOTAL: $15,658

*Planned Parenthood

** error in grant payment

18. Los Angeles County Affiliate

11845 W. Olympic Boulevard Suite 665W

Los Angeles, CA 90064

Phone: (310) 575-3011

Fax: (310) 477-7042

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $7,500 $7,500 47

2007 $0 $15,000 4

2008 $15,000 32

2009 $0 40

TOTAL: $22,500

*Planned Parenthood Los Angeles

Page 10: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

19. South Central Wisconsin Affiliate (also known as

Madison affiliate)

P.O. Box 44531

Madison, WI 53744-4531

Phone: (608) 836-1083

Fax: (608) 203-5189

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $30,000 10

2006 $34,915 $34,915 8

2007 $0 0

2008 $0 6

2009 $0 8

TOTAL: $64,915

*Planned Parenthood

20. Southeast Wisconsin Affiliate (also known as

Milwaukee Affiliate)

2025 W Oklahoma Avenue Suite 116

Milwaukee, WI 53215

Phone: (414) 389-4888

Fax: (414) 389-4889

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $55,220 36

2006 $0 $85,966 4

2007 $0 $154,252 8

2008 $154,252 11

2009 $0 12

TOTAL: $209,472

*Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

21. McLean County Affiliate

P.O. Box 5464

Bloomington, IL 61702

Phone: (309) 557-0264

Fax: (309) 452-8479

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $0 $200 0

2007 $0 0

2008 $0 2

2009 $0 3


*Planned Parenthood

22. North Carolina Triad Affiliate

1106 Burke Street

Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone: (336) 721-0037

Fax: (336) 721-0681

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $0

2007 $0

2008 $0 13

2009 $20,000 13

TOTAL: $20,000

*Planned Parenthood Health Systems, Inc.

Page 11: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

23. NC Triangle Affiliate

133 Fayetteville St., Suite 300

Raleigh, NC 27601

Phone: (919) 493-2873

Fax: (919) 361-8049

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $21,000 23

2006 $7,550 $7,550 34

2007 $13,842 $13,842 67

2008 $0 28

2009 $25,237 23

TOTAL: $67,629

*Planned Parenthood Health Systems

NOTE: In FY 2006, the North Colorado Affiliate listed Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains as having $6,941 in Amount

Accrued. The grants were given before FY 2005 because the North Colorado Affiliate does not list Planned Parenthood of the Rocky

Mountains as a grantee on the FY 2005 Form 990. In the fiscal years 2007 and 2008 Form 990s, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky

Mountains received no grants from the North Colorado Affiliate. The FY 2009 Form 990 notes that the North Colorado Affiliate was

dissolved March 31, 2010.

24. North Texas Affiliate

P.O. Box 261730

Plano, TX 75026-1730

Phone: (972) 378-4808

Fax: (972) 378-4809

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $32,400 13

2006 $0 0

2007 $0 3

2008 $0 7

2009 $0 12

TOTAL: $32,400

*Planned Parenthood

25. Northern Nevada Affiliate

P.O. Box 20868

Reno, NV 89515--0868

Phone: (775) 355-7311

Fax: (775) 355-7245

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $0 $80,000 9

2007 $0 $80,000 2

2008 $80,000 12

2009 $28,600 10

TOTAL: $108,600

*Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

Page 12: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

26. Orange County Affiliate

3191-A Airport Loop Dr.

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Phone: (714) 957-9157

Fax: (714) 957-9155

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $90,805 58

2006 $12,500 $37,500 25

2007 $10,916 $32,749 34

2008 $48,149 21

2009 $58,754 25

TOTAL: $221,124

*Planned Parenthood of Orange & SB Counties

27. Philadelphia Affiliate

125 South 9th Street, Suite 202

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Phone: (215) 238-8900

Fax: (215) 238-1419

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $39,987 44

2006 $0 $39,863 1

2007 $0 $40,000 1

2008 $40,000 47

2009 $40,000 38

TOTAL: $119,987

*Planned Parenthood of Delaware

28. Phoenix Affiliate

2040 W. Bethany Home Rd., Suite 120

Phoenix, AZ 85015

Phone: (602) 544-2873

Fax: (602) 544-3366

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $24,850 51

2006 $0 $20,052 0

2007 $0 0

2008 $9,151 33

2009 $9,151 29

TOTAL: $43,152

*Planned Parenthood

29. Puget Sound Affiliate

112 5th Avenue N

Seattle, WA 98109

Phone: (206) 633-0303

Fax: (206) 633-0304

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $750 49

2006 $0 55

2007 $0 42

2008 $0 17

2009 $48,891 16

TOTAL: $49,641

Page 13: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

30. Salt Lake City Affiliate

8160 South Highland Drive, Suite A-5

Salt Lake City, UT 84093

Phone: (801) 733-4815

Fax: (801) 733-4857

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $1,988 $1,987 15

2007 $3,975 $7,950 21

2008 $7,950 13

2009 $0 11

TOTAL: $13,913

*Planned Parenthood

31. South Florida Affiliate

1309 North Flagler Drive, 5th Floor

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone: (561) 514-3020

Fax: (561) 514-3531

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $36,000 42

2006 $0 $37,072 6

2007 $0 $30,000 0

2008 $31,768 22

2009 $30,000 17

TOTAL: $97,768

*Planned Parenthood

32. Southeast Iowa Affiliate

708 Edwards Drive

Ottumwa, IA 52501

Phone: (641) 980-8812

Fax: (641) 683-2850

Email Address: [email protected]

Fiscal Year Amount




Total # of Grants

Given by Affiliate

2005 $0

2006 $1,525 $1,525 9

2007 $4,083 $4,082 13

2008 $0 4

2009 $0 3

TOTAL: $5,608

*Planned Parenthood of Southeast Iowa

ENDNOTES 1 Janice Shaw Crouse, “Cutting the Cord: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood,” Concerned Women for America, February 2011, 1, 2 Ibid.

3 Planned Parenthood Federation of America, “Annual Report 2008-2009: The Promise of Change,” 2010, 29,, accessed September 29, 2011. 4 Susan G. Komen for the Cure, “Annual Report 2008-2009: Impact of a Promise,” 16,, accessed September 29, 2011. 5 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Group Return, 2005 Form 990, Part II, Line 22, Grants Allocations, Year Ended March 31,

2006, pages 1- 52,, accessed September 29, 2011.

Page 14: The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer · The Link between The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

C O N C E R N E D W O M E N F O R A M E R I C A 1015 Fifteenth St., N.W. • Suite 1100 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • Phone (202) 488-7000 • Fax (202) 488-0806 •

6 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Group Return, 2006 Form 990, Part II, Line 22, Grants Allocations, Year Ended March 31,

2007, pages 1- 61,, accessed September 29, 2011. 7 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Group Return, 2007 Form 990, Part II, Line 22, Grants Allocations, Year Ended March 31,

2008, page 2 of 58,, accessed September 29, 2011. 8 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Group Return, 2008 Form 990, Schedule I, Part II, Grants Other Assistance to Governments

and Organizations in the U.S., Year Ended March 31, 2008, page 1 of 29,, accessed September 29, 2011. 9 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Group Return, 2009 Form 990, Schedule I, Part II, Grants Other Assistance to Governments

and Organizations in the U.S., Year Ended March 31, 2009, page 1 of 29,, accessed September 29, 2011. 10

Ernst & Young LLP, “Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules: The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. dba Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Affiliates, Years Ended March 31, 2010 and 2009,” November 18, 2010, 7,, accessed September 29, 2011. 11

Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Official Statements, “Planned Parenthood,” June 2011,, accessed September 29, 2011. 12

Ibid. 13

Crouse, “Cutting the Cord,” Appendix II. 14

Komen, “Planned Parenthood.” 15

Live Action News and Opinion Blog, “Planned Parenthood CEO’s False Mammogram Claim Exposed,” March 30, 2011,, accessed September 29, 2011. 16

Ibid. 17

Komen, “Planned Parenthood.” 18

Americans United for Life, “The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,” July 7, 2011, 15,, accessed September 29, 2011.