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….. To Customer Experience Simon Cox
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  • 1. .. To Customer Experience Simon Cox

2. Agenda Why Customer Experience? Getting the concept right Why Customer Experience? 3. Why Customer Experience? Two Questions Why is "Customer Experience " important? What can we do to manage and/or improve the "Experience "? 4. Why is Customer Experience Important? A positive experience leads to: Improved retention Cross Selling Performance improvement Enhanced Business Development Long term customer relationships Brand loyalty and referrals 5. Improved Retention Easier to grow! Global 88% = 8.3 Years Competitors 95% = 20 Years 5 M T/O 100 ISS A N Other 100 95 88 100 Lost: 12m Must Win 24m Lost: 5m Must Win 10m Growth Target (Say) 6% = 6m Must win: 12m 6. Improved Retention 6 M T/O 100 ISS A N Other 100 95 88 100 Lost: 12m Must Win 24m Lost: 5m Must Win 10m Growth Target (Say) 6% = 6m Must win: 12m ISS Total MUST WIN : 36m A N Other MUST WIN : 22m Strike Rate 1:2 Therefore: ISS Bid Requirement 72m A N Other Bid Requirement 44m 7. Cross Selling Client TRUST is essential Core service excellence Delivering the promise CAGR = 12% 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 M 8. Performance Improvement Happy Client = Relaxed Client Margin Enhancement Happy Matt!! HED 1993 - 5.0% 2013 - 7.4% 9. Result of Cross Selling Other Services Other Markets Enhanced Career Opportunities Enhanced Business Development 10. Long Term Customers / Referrals Service / Margin Growth References Growth gets easier! 11. What can we do? 12. Agenda Why Customer Experience? Getting the concept rightGetting the concept right 13. Whats our Value Proposition? 14. From Service Value to Customer Experience From Recognition To Acknowledgement When we can document the value we create for our clients, they will in return reward us by continuing the relationship! Oh that company?! Well, they are the best! ISS = The biggest company you have never heard of! ISS = Great Company, Great Service, Great People! 15. Experience is multi dimensional ISS Executive Management Client Executive Management Client Employees /Customers ISS Frontline Employees Services Received - Appreciated Service Moments Services Analysed - Attaining valuable knowledge Services Agreed - Service Level Management Services Perceived - Expectation Management Development Acknowledgement Understanding Alignment 16. Experience starts with the first contact We must think Experience in all customer interfaces from initial contact to exit! 17. Customer Experience Delivering on our promises Listening to our Customer 18. Response rate increased Global 7,633 e-mails to decision makers or Influencers 5,181 completed - a response rate of 68.9% (2012: 3,708/48.6%) Overall a stronger position than last year (Second year running) Improved NPS from 0.8 to 7.3 (strategy target: 15 in 2015) UK The results of 178 individuals in UK are reported (2012: 136) An overall response rate of 75.7% (2012: 58.1%) Overall an improvement in NPS compared with last year 18.9 (up from 3.8) 19. Net Promoter Score 1.1% 1.7% 6.8% 9.3% 17.6% 25.8 % 18.7% 19% 0.8% 1.5% 2.3% 2.3% 7.5% 13.5% 13.5% 27.1% 15.0% 16.5% 2013 2012 Promoters 37.7% 31.6% Passively Positive 43.4% 40.6% Detractors 18.9% 27.8% Detractors: score 0 to 6; Passively Satisfied: score 7 or 8; Promoters: score 9 or 10 Question: How likely is it that you would recommend ISS to a friend, colleague or customer? Scale: 0=not at all likely to 10=extremely likely. Calculation: Net Promoter Score is equal to % Promoters minus % Detractors Passively Satisfied 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Detractors 9 10 Promoters Shaded bars indicate 2012 distribution 18.9 20. Net Promoter Scores by BU 20 2013 2012 2011 UK 18.9 3.8 10.5 Defence 40.0 50.0 -100 Education 12.5 25.0 100 FoH 66.7 33.3 Food 42.9 0.0 37.5 Health 51.3 41.2 38.7 Integrated 7.7 -37.5 -106 Landscaping 0.0 -40.0 -10 London 25.0 16.7 50 North 25.0 25.0 50 Restoration 40.0 -20.0 -33.3 Scotland -22.2 33.3 16.7 Security -9.1 0.0 -22.1 South -5.6 -28.6 0 Transport -15.4 -44.4 0 2015 Target 15 21. Lessons from Customers Relations are important One point of contact Working in Silos Clients can tell! Ownership Innovation Perception or Reality? 22. How do we check Clients Perceptions? In HED a multi-pronged approach Business Audits WS Customer Engagement TW Customer satisfaction Surveys CS Operational Reports CA/IM/LJ Statutory Reports. e.g. PICKER 23. Customer Engagement Senior Customer Review 6.2 / 10 (2009) 8.7 / 10 (2012) Walk the Talk Mystery Shopper Engaging the End-Users Former / Future Customer visits Customer Forums 2 x Annually 24. Customer Engagement cont/d Customer Newsletter 4 x Annually Customer Survey Over 10 years 3.5 / 5 (2001) 4.6 / 5 (2013) Retention Planning SMT 25. Key Lesson Dont over promise and under deliver! 26. Targets are set 2015 Target -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Transport Regions - South Security Regions - Scotland Restoration Regions - North London Landscaping Integrated Health Food FoH Education Defence UK World Class 27. What is our common purpose? - Meeting the customers need 27 Value added offering Credible and effective risk management, including HSE and local labour law management Brand protection Delivery capabilities Single Service Excellence Consistent delivery globally Flexible delivery model Integration of services One point of contact - convenience Efficiencies and financial certainty ISS Value Proposition & Competencies 28. 28 What is really important at my hospital is that patients and their relatives are always dealt with by polite and caring staff at a time that can be very stressful and upsetting. As a porter, I am often the first person that a patient or relative meets, so I always try to be friendly and helpful. Some people want to chat while others prefer silence that is the skill in my job. I make a difference to their whole experience of the hospital and possibly how fast they may recover. A real life example of Purpose George Wickham, Porter, Royal Liverpool Hospital 29. Any questions 29