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THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng greatly upon weather condItIons, flIes become more of a nUIsance on KwaJaleln As the flles Increase so does the number of complaInts to the persons actIvely engaged 10 fiJ control Methods of contaInIng these pesty nUlsances have not changed a great deal In the past twenty-fIve years, except for the IntroductIon of newer and safer pestIcIdes The adult female fly looks for nlce rottIng organlc matter such as garbage, wet trash, cat and dog feces, f1Sh heads and flSh entral1s or the contents of shell collectIons In Wh1Ch to lay a cluster of 100 to 150 eggs If the condltl0ns are rlght, a sIngle female fly can lay up to 500 eggs KwaJa eln offers the best temperatures avallable for the hatchlng of eggs so that a batch 1S hatched 1n less than elght hours The whlte, cy1111drIcal eggs or maggots feed on rott1ng mater1al then they mIgrate to a dryer place under the surface of stones and boards Here the barrel shaped mahogany brown pupae IS formed and the adult fly soon emerges An adult fly llves about one month The stlcky halrs that holds the fly on polIshed surfaces also can carry d1sease germs These germs may cause dysentary, cholera, PInk eye, typhOId, summer dIarrhea, tuberculosIs, pollomyellt1s, smallpox, and dozens of more d1seases In addltlon, wh1le eat1ng, the fly d1ssolves the food w1th salIva whIch It excretes The salIva may contaIn dIsease germs wIth1n 200 to 300 yards of theIr breed1ng place Occaslonally they may fly 500 to 1000 yards and be WInd blown 13-15 ml1es A fly who has recently "eaten" a meal at the garbabe dump could very eas1ly be 1n the kItchen or on your food In a matter of mInutes' Flles are controlled by pestIcIdes to some extent, but the most Dnportant method of preventIon IS sanltatlon ThlS means the proper destructIon of garbage. Due to the lack of ground for land fIll, garbage IS burned Householders can aId th1S process by only fIlllng bags about 3/4 full of garbage or wrapp1ng It 1n paper Anlmal feces should be plcked up by the pet's owner and preferably flushed down the tOl1et BurY1ng must be done at a depth of at least one foot to be effectIve Slnce flles can burrow qUlte deep All wet and rott1ng mater1al must be placed 1n the cans or dumpsters for removal Mar1ne llfe, 1ncludlng the contents of shells, should be wrapped In paper for dlsposal or burled at least one foot Shells should never be allowed to rot on roofs, ledges or the ground where they can be reached by fl1es All decaY1ng organIc matter 1n one's yard or In the vIcInlty should be collected for dIsposal One can call BUlld1ngs and Grounds - 83518 If the amounts are so large they cannot be hand carrIed to the dumpster The SanItatlon Off1cers wIll make 1nspect1ons all llv1ng quarters for probable fly breedIng areas attentlOn, you Inll be notef1ed If you have a place that requ1res Look around your quarters for fly breedlng or feedIng areas HELP ELIMINATE FLIES ON KWAJALEIN.

THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

Nov 20, 2021



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Page 1: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...


Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng greatly upon weather condItIons,

flIes become more of a nUIsance on KwaJaleln As the flles Increase so

does the number of complaInts to the persons actIvely engaged 10 fiJ

control Methods of contaInIng these pesty nUlsances have not changed

a great deal In the past twenty-fIve years, except for the IntroductIon

of newer and safer pestIcIdes

The adult female fly looks for nlce rottIng organlc matter such as

garbage, wet trash, cat and dog feces, f1Sh heads and flSh entral1s or

the contents of shell collectIons In Wh1Ch to lay a cluster of 100 to

150 eggs If the condltl0ns are rlght, a sIngle female fly can lay up

to 500 eggs KwaJa eln offers the best temperatures avallable for the

hatchlng of eggs so that a batch 1S hatched 1n less than elght hours The

whlte, cy1111drIcal eggs or maggots feed on rott1ng mater1al then they

mIgrate to a dryer place under the surface of stones and boards Here

the barrel shaped mahogany brown pupae IS formed and the adult fly soon

emerges An adult fly llves about one month The stlcky halrs that

holds the fly on polIshed surfaces also can carry d1sease germs These

germs may cause dysentary, cholera, PInk eye, typhOId, summer dIarrhea,

tuberculosIs, pollomyellt1s, smallpox, and dozens of more d1seases In

addltlon, wh1le eat1ng, the fly d1ssolves the food w1th salIva whIch It

excretes The salIva may contaIn dIsease germs

wIth1n 200 to 300 yards of theIr breed1ng place Occaslonally they may

fly 500 to 1000 yards and be WInd blown 13-15 ml1es A fly who has recently

"eaten" a meal at the garbabe dump could very eas1ly be 1n the kItchen or on

your food In a matter of mInutes'

Flles are controlled by pestIcIdes to some extent, but the most

Dnportant method of preventIon IS sanltatlon ThlS means the proper

destructIon of garbage. Due to the lack of ground for land fIll, garbage

IS burned Householders can aId th1S process by only fIlllng bags about

3/4 full of garbage or wrapp1ng It 1n paper Anlmal feces should be plcked

up by the pet's owner and preferably flushed down the tOl1et BurY1ng

must be done at a depth of at least one foot to be effectIve Slnce flles

can burrow qUlte deep All wet and rott1ng mater1al must be placed 1n the

cans or dumpsters for removal Mar1ne llfe, 1ncludlng the contents of

shells, should be wrapped In paper for dlsposal or burled at least one

foot Shells should never be allowed to rot on roofs, ledges or the ground

where they can be reached by fl1es All decaY1ng organIc matter 1n one's

yard or In the vIcInlty should be collected for dIsposal One can call

BUlld1ngs and Grounds - 83518 If the amounts are so large they cannot be

hand carrIed to the dumpster

The SanItatlon Off1cers wIll make 1nspect1ons o~ all llv1ng quarters

for probable fly breedIng areas

attentlOn, you Inll be notef1ed

If you have a place that requ1res ~edlate

Look around your quarters for fly breedlng


Page 2: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...















































Page 3: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

HIGH TIDE 10-29-69 4 0 at 0612 5 0 at 1830 __ tOURGlASS LOW TIDF

10-29-69 1 3 at 0024 1 4 at 1154

~ll The News That FltS We Prlnt

VOL. 9, No. 8538 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Tuesday, October 28, 19

Straloforls Raid COliliunist Jungle Base Callps SAIGON -- Some 200 Communist troops were kliled in

flghting across South Viet Nam, Allied Headquarters sald today, as U S Air Force B52 bombers raided Communlst Jungle base camps along the Cambodian border north and northwest of Saigon.

Flve B52 attacks were carr led out today, spokesmen sald, In an arc 66 - 92 mlles from the capital and one four mlles from the jungled frontler, where portlons of four dlfferent CommunlSt dlvlslons are known to be loca­ted

U S sources said the toll of Communlst dead agaln re­flected a Sllght increase in battlefleld actlvlty ln whlch small unlt actions -- lnvolvlng unlts of company Slze or smaller -- have risen from an average of 45 to 60 per day

Ailled Commanders antlcipate that these four dlvlslons wlll take part In a new campalgn whlch lnteillgence of­flcers say may begln about November 15 In the 3rd Corps Tactlcal Zone, the 11 provlnces around Salgon

Even so, ranklng mliltary and clvlllan offlclals In Salgon foresee no lmportant break In the current lull for another four to SlX weeks at least

Some 60,000 Communlst troops are currently estlmated to be In thlS reglon, more than half of them In the four dlvlSlons deployed along the Cambodlan borders.

The campalgn lS not expected to reach a very hlgh peak


Czechs Approve 1968 Red Invasion PRAGUE -- Czechoslovakla's new conservatlve Cornmunlst leadershlp today gave

~ .. ~ .. ~ .. - uncondltlonal approval to the doctrlne whlch glves Moscow the rlght to lnvade • NANNING other Cornmunlst countrles

A JOlnt declaratlon publlshed after an elght-day V1S1t by the Czechoslovak leaders ln the Sovlet Unlon, also revealed fresh Prague consent to an lnde­flnlte stay of Sovlet occupatlon troops ln thlS country

In return the declaratlon announced plans for large scale Sovlet ald to the VIET








CAYG~~~~~~~~t1~~~~ ~~ U S COMMAND '-.,I'LiEU PUTS PLANE AND t::====

shaky Czechoslovak economy, lncludlng a cornmodlty credlt of unspeclfled volume and "asslstance" ln the pur­chase of urgently needed goods on forelgn markets," presumably ln the West

Referrlng to the doctrlne that Mos­cow lnvoked ln JustlfYlng the August, 1968 lnvaSlon, the statement In ef­fect pledged Czechoslovakla to JOln Moscow ln crushlng any future llberal reform movement that may emerge ln the Sovlet Bloc

"Every Communlst Party lS responsl­ble +, the people of ltS country for ltS aetlons and bears lnternatlonal responslblilty towards the countrles of the Soclallst communlty," the statement emphaslzed

Brandi's Foreign Policy Speech Pleases US WASHINGTON (UPI) -- West German Chancellor Wlily Brandt's forelgn P011Cy

statement ln hlS country's Parllament has drawn dlscreet applause from U S offlclals

They noted that everythlng the new West German head of government sald was conslstent wlth the llne of thlnklng he and hlS Soclal Democrats have repre­sented for many years

But offlclals decllned to go lnto

Castro Postpones Christmas in Cuba

MIAMI -- Fldel Castro says Chrlstmas 1n Cuba th1s year 18 off1clally post­poned untll next July because the sug­ar crop has flrst calIon the natlonal emergencles

Castro gave his countrymen the bad news In a broadcast speech in Havana last n1ght

detall, saylng that Brandt's offers to the Sovlet Unlon, Poland and East Germany were broad statements that have to be spelled out ln detall be­fore Washlngton can form an offlclal Judgement

After a flrst glance on the Chan­cellor's speech, Amer1can observers noted hlS bold new overtures to the East coupled wlth a flrm reafflrma­tlon of West Germany's place and role ln the Western Aillance

Sugar lS Cuba's major source of for­elgn exchange to pay for lmports, and Castro has vowed that the new harvest wlil reach the 10-mllllon-ton mark, more than double the 1969 Yleld

It was recognlzed here that ln the almost three years Brandt was Forelgn Mlnlster that he sought a new dlmen­Slon in general and a new polltlcal substance to relatlons between the two parts of Germany

The Unlted States, offlclals noted, had for many years tacltly recognlzed that East Germany "exlsts," but re­fused to recognlze lt as a soverelgn state -- a posltlon now taken also

"We wlll save our suckllng pig and Chrlstmas Eve beans, Barcardl Rum and beer for July, I, Castro sald In the broadcast speech

"We are gOlng to have a flesta, but ln July, af he harvest of 10 mll-llon," he sa.!. .....

by Bonn -- and thlS thesls lS conS1S­tent wlth the rlght of the ailled powers in Germany as a whole

firm Linied '0 Mafia Has Won Millions In US Defense Con'racts

WASHINGTON -- A Pennsylvanla Manu­facturlng flrm llnked to the Mafla by a Senate subcornmlttee has won mll­llons of dollars ln U S defense con-tracts from the Pentagon

Medlco Industrles Inc of Plttston, Pennsylvanla, currently 1S worklng on a $4 mlillon contract to produce parts for rocket warheads used extenslvely ln Vlet Nam

Slnce 1966, the flrm has recelved about $12 mlillon ln Army, Navy and Alr Force contracts Pentagon records In­dlcate lt has performed well on all lts defense work

Medlco Industrles' present contracts do not lnvolve classlfled materlal However, a Pentagon offlclal sald the flrm and ltS prlnclpal offlcers had a securlty clearance from Jan 28, '68 -June 20, '68 It was termlnated at the company's request -- a request whlch Pentagon sources sald came after securlty offlclals asked for addltlonal lnformatlon about ltS offlcers

Berleele, Woman Stabbed; Suspect Surrenders

BERKELEY, CALIF -- A Unlverslty of Callfornla woman student was stabbed repeatedly wlth a butcher knlfe, stag­gered lnto the arms of a nelghbor and d1ed f1ve mlnutes later at a nearby hospltal last nlght

ProsenJlt Poddar, 25, an Indla-born naval englneer, surrendered to pollce after the slaYlng of Tatlana Tarasoff, 20, and was booked for lnvestlgatlon of homlclde

The glrl, a language expert who had hoped to become a teacher, llved wlth her parents, Mr and Mrs Vitaly Tara­soff, who had lmmlgrated to thlS coun­try from Russla by way of Chlna She was born ln Chlna M1SS Tarasoff had met Poddar less than a week ago

Page 4: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

Page 2

KM R TT Liaison Offic r: B av I John Heavers as the KMR Trust lerritory L~a­

~son Officer keeps the Commanding Off~cer ad­y~sed of events or trends w~thin the Trust Ter­~~tory wh~~h could affect the mission of KMR.

John also ~s respons~ble for protect~ng the r~hts of M~crones~an personnel ~n accordance w~th agreements between the Trust Terr~tory and the Army

Asked to comment on h~s work, John observed, "I feel that the KwaJale~n Inter-Atoll Commun­~ty Relat~ons Comm~ttee, wh~ch was formed about a year ago, has done much to ~mprove relat~on­sh~ps between the res~dents of KwaJalein and Eb~e through an exchange of ~deas and explan­at~ons of actl0ns "

HOURGLASS Tuesday, October 28, 1969 ] ________ _ _______ ___ -J

FM 5ch dul TODAY AND TOMORROW, OCT 28 & 29

UP CLOSE - Peter Nero - 7 30 pm When My Dreamboat Comes Horne, Yes­terday, Lot of L~v~n' To Do, Here's That Ra~ny Day, No Moon At All, Take the "A" Tra~n, England Sw~ngs, And I Love Her, Spring Concerto, Plck Yourself Up, Then I'll Be Tlred of You, The Best Th~ng For You TRADE WIND ISLANDS - Haunanl -8 05 pm Far AWdY Places, H8wa~~an Weddlng Song, Pallsa, Beyond the Reef, Isa Le~, Hawall Sang Me to Sleep, Trade wlnd Island, Tlara 0 Tah~t~, When I Fall In Love, Toml, Toml, Le~, Al­oha Oe THEMES FOR THE "IN" CROWD - Percy Fa~th and Hls Orchestra - 8 37 pm The "In" Crowd, Yesterday, Are You

Postal Oat lin s The Honolulu Postmaster has re­

leased some deadline dates for this year's Chr~stmas package mailing



West Coast M~dwest





11-26 11-15 11-12


11-26 12-1 12-10 12-13

12-17 ThlS comm1ttee ~s com­prlsed of four KwaJale~n and flve Ebeye resldents

John's been on island two years and plans to return to Huntsvllie 1n July He has preVlOUS­ly worked for the Pac1flc M1SS1le Range 1n Ca11f­orn~a and Hawa11 and

• There, Let's Hang On, Make I t Easy __ I ~ " On Yourself, You've Got to Hlde

, Your Love Away, 1-2-3, A Lover's Concerto, Here It Comes Aga~n, Thunderball, Everyone's GOlng to the Moon, See You Around CHARTBUSTERS - Ted Heath and H~s

Ma~l early and be sure to lnclude the mall~ng and return addresses on a SllP w~thln each g~ft parcel ln add~tlon to the outs~de label and always use ZIP code numbers

for the N1ke-X Project Offlce In Huntsv1lle

On ls1and wlth John and hlS wlfe, Vlrgln~a, are thelr three sons John, 16, Wlll1am, 12, and Matt, 6. Vlrgln~a 1S a teacher at the KwaJale1n Jr -Sr Hlgh School John enJoys golflng and flsh~ng ln hlS lelsure hours

'Soul Food' Menu at YYC ThlS Saturday nlght at the Yokwe Yuk Club

features a "Soul Food" Buffet Tlckets are llm1ted and sell for $3 75. Buy yours now at the Club The Young Hawallans w~ll be provld-1ng danc1ng mUS1C Buffet serVlce beglns at 8 30 pm The menu lncludes Cabbage Salad, Smothered Chlcken, Barbequed Pork R1bs, Ham Hocks, Black-eyed Peas, Candled Yarns, Rlce, Hot B1scu1tS and Corn Muff~ns and Sweet Potatoe Ple

B ginner Drawing to be Taught A class 1n Beglnner Drawlng wlll be conduct

durlnb two-hour seSSlons each Wednesday evenlng from 7 - 9 beglnnlng Nov 5th The followlng 1nstruct10nal schedule ~s planned

Nov 5 - Introduct~on of mater~als and a practlcal approach to beg~nnlng draw~ng At th1s tlme a sample of the student's work w~ll be taken and wlll be rev1ewed at the end of the course to see student progresslon

Nov 12 - S~mple shapes and the~r relat~on­Sh1P to l~ght

Nov 19th - Values and textures and how you can attaln shadows and texture effects

Nov 26th - Forms relat~ng to nature and how they can be found "Nature can be reduced to four or flve baslc, SOlld, geometrlcal forms"

Dec 3rd - Tones - those var~at~ons between extreme 11ght and extreme dark - shadlng of var-10US klnds

Dec 10th - Patterns from nature or ln nature Dec 17th Work~ng to a theme produces ex­

per1ence ~n depth A stress on l~m~t~ng the subject 1nstead of general study

Dec 31st - Find~ng a subject Jan 7th - Subd~v~dlng the p~cture shapes,

addlng shape to shape Jan 14th - Beg~nn1ng draw1ng conclus10ns

wlth evaluatl0ns of dlfferent students' draw-lngs

Call Ela~ne Whitehorn at 82602 to enroll

Costume Judging This Friday

HALLOWEEN COSTUME JUDGING thlS Frlday evenlng at 6 30 at the R~chard­son Theater for all ch~ldren through the s1xth grade Pr~zes are be~ng offer­ed 1n several categorles by Speclal Ser­V1ces Get busy now on your costume you st1ll have three days to prepare

The Judg~ng ~ll take nlace at Ivey Hall 1f 1t should raln Frlday

Orthodontist Due Mus~c - 9 06 pm Dr R C Sample, Orthodontlst, Fever, More, Hello, Dolly, A Sum- lS scheduled to V1Slt KMR from Oct mer Place, Never on Sunday, Wlves 31 - Nov 3 to conduct another of and Lovers, Mack the Knife, Moon hlS perl0dlc cllnlcs For the ben-Rlver, M1Sty, The Glrl From Ipanema, eflt of new resldents lt lS ex­People, Fly Me to the Moon plalned that Dr Sample V1SltS KMR FEELIN' GOOD - Lou Rawls - 9 44 pm regularly to provlde sustalned or-The Letter, My Ancestor, For What thodontlc programs for KMR chlldren It's Worth, Even When You Cry, Hang Dr Sample lS a member of the Arn-Ups, EVll Woman, My Son, Feelln' erlcan Board of Orthodontlcs and Good, Encore, I'm Gonna Use What I has malntalned an orthodontlcs prac-Got, Gotta Flnd a Way tlce In Honolulu contlnuously for THE LOOK OF LOVE - John Duffy at the past 20 years He charges no the Organ - 10 17 pm more for serVlces at KMR than ln The Look of Love, A Man & a Woman, Honolulu There lS a nomlnal charge Thoroughly Modern Mlll1e, The Eye for examlnatlon and consultatl0n of Love, Love ln Every Room, There's Appolntments are belng taken by the a Klnd of Hush, It Must Be Hlm, Val- Dental Cllnlc, telephone 82165 ley of the Dolls Theme, ThlS Is My Song, Love lS Blue ALL TIMES LISTED APE APPROXIMATE Dlnner mUS1C from 6 30 - 7 30 pm C LIP AND S A V E

Sr. Teen Club Party There wlll be a Sr Teen Club

Halloween Party thlS Frlday even­lng, Oct 31st from 8 - 12 at the Teen Club $1 25 Stag and $2 00 Drag no costume requlred but you must wear a mask A prlze wlll be awarded for the best mask MOVle at 10 pm

Fire Safety There wlll be an lsland flre

safety orlentatlon held at the Com­munlty Center Frlday, October 31st ThlS program lS to acqualnt all res~dents wlth flre safe practlces at horne and on the Job

The followlng lS a llSt of thlngs to be dlscussed

Flre safety ln the horne and on the Job - Reportlng Flres - Flrst Ald and flreflghtlng equlpment a­vallable - Use and llmltatlons of flre extlngulshers - Base flre reg­ulatlons wlll be handed out

You are urged to attend thiS meetlng

Ebeye Exchange Sharon Mueller wlll travel to

Ebeye tomorrow afternoon wlth the Ebeye Exchange Comm1ttee (and you, too, lf you'd llke to JOln them) She'll demonstrate the maklng of stuffed toys and anlmals for Chrlst­mas If you'd llke to go wlth the Cornmlttee, be at the Marlna at 1 45 (and brlng ldentlflcatl0n) Re­turn to KwaJ by 5 pm Call Judy Steele (82267) for lnformatl0n

Scouts Cam pOut On October 10, 11 alld 12th, Boy

Scout Troop #314 enjoyed a three­day campout on ROl-Namur Twenty­one Scouts and four leaders partl­clpated

Actlvltles ranged from a tour through ALCOR to camp preparatlon, tent pltchlng, flre-bulldlng, cook­lng, hlklng, explorlng, plcture­taklng, sWlmrnlng, flrst-ald, edlble plants, ldentlflcatl0n of trees and shrubs, lashlngs and most lmportant,

helplng make 21 young boys self sufflclent young men

WAS YOUR BOY THFRE? Any young man between the ages of 11 - 15 years of age wantlng to JOln Boy Scouts should call Brent MacKay (Scoutmas­ter) at 82262 ~

~ ~1(

~'!'}~~ ., .


upon ar-

Water Condition Y lIow The water condltl0n lS stlll

YELLOW even though we have had a llttle ralnfall durlng the past two days Please cooperate and conserve water wherever po~slble

Page 5: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

Tuesday, October 28, 1969 HOURGLASS

Violence Marks Fascist Anniversary Rome--Vl0lence, demonstrations and strlkes shook Italy today on the anniversary

of the rlse of Itallan fasclsm The government pledged to "defend democracy" by combattlng subversions from both thel left and rlght

One thousand pollcemen patrolled Plsa after a nlght of bloody vlolence left one dead and more than 100 lnJured ln the famous Clty of the Leaning Tower

The rl0t, Italy's worst C1Vll dlsorder ln seven months, set off violence ln other cltles, enraged mll1tant students, rocked parllament, and spotlighted a recent wave of agltatl0n by extremlsts

It came amld a massive onslaught of labor strlfe that saw the center of Rome paralyzed today by a demonstratlon by 25,000 constructl0n workers, and the lndustrla1 center of Mllan grlpped by a water shortage and trafflc trouble as a result of a strlke by 19,000 munlclpa1 employes

It was Italy's most tense day ln a season of unrest that some commentat­ors have llkened uneaslly to the days preced1ng Ben1to Mussollnl's acces­S10n to power on Oct 28, 1922

Launch Crew Completes Countdown Rehearsal

Cape Kennedy--The launch crew today successfully completed a countdown re­hearsal for next month's launchlng of the U S Apollo 12 Moon landlng mlSS10n

The lengthy test, whlch began last Wednesday, was completed wlth a Slmu1ated blastoff of the 36-story-tall Saturn 5

Bombarded by demands for act10n from rocket both leftlst and r1ghtlst parl1ament members, 1nter10r mln1ster Franco Re­StlVO told the Senate that the Plsa vl0lence was touched off by extrem1sts who sought to "perturb souls and exasperate paSS10ns "

Leftlst youths had battled the po­llce 1n P1sa after be1ng blocked from ra1d1ng the local fasclst party headquarters

Rest1vo derounced the "lntolerab1e" cl1mate of vl.olence" and sternly warned that Prem1er Marlano Rumor's m1nor1ty Chrl.st1an Democrat govern­ment would plevent !'any form of sub­verS1on, from wherever "1t or1nates "

As he spoke, r10t pol1cemen 1n full battle dress stood by as the construct10n worker& chased Com­ youths away from thel.r rally l.n Rome and smashed Mao posters

At one p01nt some 1,500 Mao1sts wavlng red books and 8,000 workers the 1nternatl.onal hymn marched down OppoSlte sldes of a street toward the colosseum, scream1ng l.nsults at each other

The P1sa vl.clence, spec1ally the death of a 22-year-old law student dur1ng the agal.nst pollce, l.nflamed paSS10ns beyond the world­famed tour1st Cl.ty

In the resort of Vlareggl.o, 30 ml.les north Plsa, more than 200 left1sts smashed the wl.ndows of the local headquarters of the post­war fasc1st party

In Latlna, a c1ty south of Rome that was founded by Mussol1n1, fascist youths set to the head­quarters of the local chapter of a Ch1nese-l1ne spl1nter party

In Rome, hundreds of students marched through the grounds of Rome Un1vers1ty wlth a huge banner pro­test1ng "pollce brutall.ty" A poll.ce off1cer and several pol1ce­men tore 1t up and the youths fled

Stllkes by metal workers and other labor groups cont1nued un­abated, and the effects were be1ng felt by the man 1n the street

'-'.~~ ~ _ ..... ,.,."'"


Some of the 15 Braz1l1an left1sts released from pr1son 1n exchange for kldnaped U S Ambassador Burke Elbr1ck, arrlve 1n Mexlco C1ty

The count had proceeded flawlessly untll there were Just 10 m1nutes remalnlng At that tlme, a brlef hold was called be­cause of a faulty read1ng on a sensor that records the level of llquld oxygen ln the flrst stage of the rocket

U S Natlona1 Aeronautlcs and Space Ad­m1nlstrat' n off1c1als reported the countdown test was completed wlth only mlnor problems

The three Astronauts who w1ll fly the mlSS10n, Charles Conrad Jr , Rlchard F Gordon Jr and Alan L Bean, watched on the test and spent the rest of the day ln the command ShlP slmulator here

The trlo tomorrow wlll cl1mo lnto the Apollo 12 Shlp atop the Saturn 5 to par­tlclpate whlle the launch team runs through the flnal hours of another pract1ce countdown The Astronauts wlll rehearse launch day procedures

The test tomorrow wlll start after tons of propellants have been dralned from the rocket's huge fuel tanks The mock llft­off also lS set for tomorrow

After launchlng Nov 14, Apollo 12 1S to travel an 83-hour quarter-ffillll0n-mlle course toward lunar orblt Conrad and Bean are to detach the lunar lander they have named Intrepld and descend to the Moon's Ocean of Storms, wlth land1ng scheduled for Nov 19

They are to spend 32 hours on the Moon whlle Gordon orb1ts about 1n a command Sh1P Yankee Cllpper They plan two excurSl0ns outslde,each lastlng several hours They are to deploy sClentlflc 1nstruments, collect rock samples and attempt to retrleve parts of an unmanned surveyor spacecraft that soft-landed on the Moon 1n 1967

No Talks Scheduled

In General Electric Strike New York--Wlth no new talks scheduled ln

the new crlppllng natl0nwlde strlke agalnst General Electrlc, unlon offlclals began to Shlft thelr attentl0n today to the West1nghouse Electrlc Corp , Wh1Ch faces a Nov 9 contract exp1ratl0n dead­llne

More than three-quarters of the General Electr1c's 170,000 product10n employes were out, un10n and company spokesmen agreed

The Unlted States' No 4 lndustrlal glant sald ltS 280 U S plants would remain open for those who wanted to work, but a local GE spokesman ln Fort Wayne, Indlana, sum­med up by saylng, "We have to have people to produce ln thlS buslness "

Meanwh1le, the str1kers' wage demands were called "superlnflatlonary" by Fred J Borch, GE's chalrman and ch1ef execu­tlve offlcer

The AFL-CIO Internatlonal Un10n of Electrlcal Workers, ch1ef among the 13 unlons that struck GE yesterday, trans­ferred its communlcatlons and strlke headquarters from New York to Plttsburgh

Page 3

Slams Top Guerrilla Lead r Door on P ac Talks With L banese G v rnm nt

Damascus--Top guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat said today he was "in­flexlble" in his demand for freedom of action for his forces in Lebanon

He slammed the door on projected peace talks wlth the Lebanese govern­ment and said he doubted lf any nego­tiations would be held

The guerrliia leader charged Leban­ese leaders had broken wrltten pledges ln the past

"We have been searchlng hard for a truly authorlzed Lebanese negot1ator who can keep h1S word of honor 1f he glves 1t," he sa1d at h1S f1rst news conference


He accused the Un1ted States of be1ng beh1nd the current clashes between the Lebanese army and h1S guerr1llas 1n Lebanon

In many of the clashes, the Lebanese had asked for a ceasef1re only as an excuse to br1ng 1n re1nforcements, he charged

There was fresh f1ghtlng today In the Lebanese town of Rashaya, Arafat sa1d

"You can ask the Lebanese whether they have learned a new lesson or not," he declared

Arafat was address1ng the press 1n the aud1tor1um of Damascus Un1vers1ty

He was guarded by several guerr1llas dressed In camouflage un1forms, SlX of them carry1ng mach1ne guns

"I want to ask our Lebanese brothers 1f the presence of guerr1llas 1n Lebanon fr1ghtens them more than the Israel1s do," he sald

"Is the presence of the guerr1llas 1n Lebanon more d1sgraceful than the presence of the U S Slxth Fleet 1n Lebanon?" he sa1d

He was referr1ng to the 1958 landlng of U S Mar1nes to stop the Lebanese C1V11 war

1 \

Arafat sa1d one of h1S ma1n cond1t10ns before talk1ng w1th the Lebanese was that "those respons1ble for the clashes be placed on trlal "

Arafat has been an elus1ve and almost legendary f1gure who has rarely met the press since he took over-all command of guerr1lla forces operatlng here H1S appearance ton1ght packed the aud1tor1um

TOYLAND IIiU ~,.,,,.,ed ~Jednesd,qy 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. ThurSday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. F rlday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


~ ~. ...... ,:c*~ ~4' :l" • .,.,I't. ~'" fill

oil .. • .,.

.L"' ..

Page 6: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

'Page 4

Europeall Approach '0 Hocier Told The European approach to sports--at least In

lce hockeY--ls qUlte a blt dlfferent that It lS In thls country and Canada

That's what Carl Brewer says Carl lS now maklng a comeback as a defenseman wlth the Detrolt Red Wlngs of the Natlonal Hockey League

It lS hls flrst blg league hockey In four years Before that Brewer was a defenseman wlth the Toronto Maple Leafs and made the NHL all-star team In 1963--as a flrst team cholce-­and tWlce prevlously was named to the second team

Brewer could not get along wlth Toronto coach Punch Imlach and he qUlt the pro game after the 1965 campalgn He regalned hls Canadlan Amateur status whlle attendlng the Unlverslty of Toronto and In 1967-68 he was the co-coach of Muskegon In the Internatlonal Hockey League

Last year he went to Flnland where he coach­ed the Helslnkl club It was there that Carl learned about a dlfferent approach to the game He says "In Europe you go out to play your very best Wlnnlng lS almost secondary The score wlll be lndlcatlve of the prepara­tlon you've made But It'S never a matter of wlnnlng at all costs, the way It lS In Canada and the Unl ted States "

Carl says that hockey lS boomlng In Europe and has almost taken over from soccer as the natlonal sport In Flnland

He says the demand for tlckets lS so great In Helslnkl that for one blg game, a Flnnlsh hockey fan, who had not been able to get seats, offered a one-week trlp to the Spanlsh lsland of Majorca In the Medlterranean, all expenses pald

The fan got hls tlckets A gentleman named Carl Brewer enjoyed a one-week vacatlon on the lsland of MaJorca

lici'aus Exp'ains His Game It's rlgrt there on the record that Jack

Nlcklaus has not been the golfer thlS year that he was In past seasons

How to explaln It? It's not age, of course, Jack lS stlll a young man

A story ln the current lssue of a natlonal magazlne, Golf Dlgest, dlgS lnto the sltua­tlon

A lot of oplnlons have been expressed on the subJect by a lot of people Some of the theorles put forward were Jack's unwllllng­ness to forsake hlS famlly Ilfe, outslde dlS­tractlons, not enough tournament golf and lack of constant practlce

Nlcklaus dlsmlsses all those theorles He sums lt up thlS way "I'm not happy wlth the way I've been plaYlng But I know you're gOlng to have perlods when you're up and perlods when you're down Thls down perlod has been a Ilttle more prolonged than I'd llke lt to be I Just haven't been able to get my game back as fast as I once dld when I was a teen-ager "

Jack's father predlcts that because of hlS troubles thlS year, hlS son Will corne back next season and have a great year

Jack wraps up hlS golflng credo ln thlS statement "My long range alm lS stlll to be consldered the greatest golfer who ever Ilved I thlnk the only true measurlng stlck \ of greatness lS how many maJor champlonshlps you've won

Nlcklaus then added "Bobby Jones won 13 Ben Hogan won elght Arnold Palmer has elght and I have nlne When I Wln tltles than Jones dld, we'll let the people declde on who est "

more maJor Just have to was the great-

(ow"ors Whip Gian's Three fleld goals by Mlke Clark and a strong

rush sparked the Dallas Cowboys to a 25-3 Wln over the New York Glants for thelr slxth con­secutlve Wln The Cowboy defense gave the Glants an early 3-0 lead In the flrst quarter when Pete Gogolak klcked a 23-yard fleld goal From that pOlnt on New York could not penetrate the Dallas defense The Glants are not 3-3 for the season


Fast Pitch

R suits The Weco Mets' pltcher Keaton

held the Eagles to one hlt In pltchlng hlS team to a 12-0 shut­out at Brandon Fleld last nlght The Wlnners blg lnnlng was the thlrd when they scored SlX runs Wllllngham led the Mets wlth three hltS, Mlsenbach contrlbuted two

* * * S K F smashed Bldg & Grnds

19-6 In flve lnnlngs at Dally Fleld last nlght The Wlnners scored In every lnnlng whlle Bldg & Grnds scored all thelr runs In the flrst and fourth In­nlngs Isao led S K F wlth two horne runs and drove In four runs Wednesday, Oct 29 Dally Fleld 5 15 Ralnbows vs S K F

(Chlng & Andy) Brandon Fleld 5 15 Eagles vs Kentron

(Bolllan & Runyon) Thursday, Oct 30 Dally Fleld 5 15 Bldg & Grnds vs Sandbag

(Keaton & Kess) Brandon Fleld 5 15 Eagles vs Olympla

(Conrad & Akana)

* * * *

KENTRON RUNNER beats the throw to second base ~n the Weco Mets VB Kentron game Sunday

Little League Schedule The Ebeye Angels blanked the

Dodgers, 16-0 In four lnnlngs ln Llttle League actlon yesterday Arton struck out elght batters whlle holdlng the Dodgers to two hltS Belllk led the Angels wlth three hltS, lncludlng a horne run, Atbl contrlbuted three hltS Wednesday, Oct 29 5 pm Whlte Sox vs Atlanta Thursday, Oct 30 5 pm Cubs vs Ebeye Angles

* * * * * Wil, Doing Well

Wllt Chamberlaln was ranked 19th In the Natlonal Basketball Asso­clatlon scorlng last year but thlS year lt could be a dlfferent story The latest NBA statlstlcs show the Lakers' star leadlng the league wlth a 33 1 average Chamberlaln scored 90 fleld goals and 52 free throws ln hlS flrst seven games for 2~2 pOlnts Team­mate Jerry West ranks rlght be­hlnd Wllt wlth a 33 scorlng average

Chamberlaln also leads In the reboundlng department wlth a 21 3 average Baltlmore's Wes Unsled leads In fleld goal percentage wlth a 618 average

A COLLISION AT HOME'PLATE •• oc­curred in the Eagles vs Hlgh School game at Dally Fleld Sun­day

MEN'S VOLLEY BALL Wednesday, Oct 29 6 pm Palm Terrace B vs Orchld Is 7 pm 50th State A vs Ebeye 8 pm Douglas vs LDS B Thursday, Oct 30 6 pm Roadrunners A vs 50th State 7 pm Doves vs Press B Yesterday~s Scores

LDS B over Roadrunners B


15-8 14-10 LDS A over Unknowns 8-14 11-9 15-5



Veteran pro Bllly Casper moved up to the 10th spot thlS week on the latest PGA money IlSt wlth a total of $89,747 Casper plcked up Just over $3,000 In last week­end's San FranC1SCO Open to nose out Tommy Aaron for the tenth spot All the other money Wln­ners stayed the same Frank Beard leads the touring pros wlth almost $174,000 Dave Hlll lS second wlth $156,000 and Gary Player lS thlrd wlth $124,000

* * * Amerlcan League presldent Joe

Cronln has called a league meet­lng Nov 5 ln Cleveland, to dlS­cuss the future of the Seattle Pllots Cronln sald he scheduled the meetlng ln response to a request from Seattle Pllots' co­owners Dewey Sorlano, presldent of the club, and Max Sorlano and Wllllam Daley who Ilves ln Cleve­land Amerlcan League owners are conslderlng movlng the club to elther Mllwaukee or the Dallas­Fort Worth area

* * * OlymP1C boxlng champlon George

Foreman may be up agalnst hlS toughest foe to date ln a heavy­welght scrap at Madlson Square Garden Frlday nlght Foreman scored a thlrd-round technlcal knockout over veteran Chuck Wep­ner In hlS last appearance and has racked up seven stralght knockouts Slnce turnlng profes­slonal thlS year Peru's Robert Davlla wlll be hlS Frlday nlght opponent

* * * The Unlted States Golf Assocla­

tlon has announced the slte and date for the 1971 U S Women's Open The tourney wlll be played at the Kahkwa Golf Club course ln Erle, Pa Patty Berg won the Western Open on that course lD 1958 Next year's women's open wlll be held at the Muskogee Country Club In Muskogee, Okla­homa

* * *

Page 7: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

Tuesday, October 28, 1969

Range Operation

A meteoro1og1ca1 rocket launch op­erat10n 1S scheduled for tomorrow, October 29, 1969. In connect1on w1th th1S operat10n a hazard area w111 eX1st 1n the ocean area which 1S west of Kwa]a1e1n Island and south of Carl­son Island between the aZ1muths of 225 degrees true and 275 degrees true and out from Kwa]ale1n for a d1stance of 30 nautlcal ml1es as shown ln the dlagram below



24 Viefs Will Release Prisoners 01 War

SAIGON -- The South Vletnamese government wl11 release 24 pr1soners of war tomorrow, but not ln response to the Vlet Cong's announced plans to free three U S soldlers, a spokesman sald today

He sald all the prlsoners are form­er Vlet Cong who are belng released from South Vletnamese Ml1ltary Prlson­er of War Camps for "humanltarlan rea­sons "

The reason glven is almost ldentlca1 to that supp1led by the c1andestlne Vlet Cong Radlo when lt sald Sunday nlght three Amerlcans would be freed to show the "lenlent and humanltarlan" po11cles of the Vlet Cong It has not yet sald when and where the three soldlers would be released

The government, who sald the 24 prlsoners also are belng released be­cause of thelr good behavl0r whlle ln prlson, sald four would be freed In Da Nang, 13 at Blen Hoa, and SlX at Can Tho 1n the Mekong Delta Another prlsoner, a 20-year-old woman cap­tured 1n Salgon a month after the Com­munlst Command's TET Offenslve In Feb­ruary, 1968, wll1 be released at Sal­gon Clty tomorrow afternoon, the spokesman sald

He emphaslzed the release of the prlsoners was ln no way connected wlth the Vlet Cong's announced plans to release the Amer1can soldlers

US Olicial Denies D~lense PacI Wilh Laos

WASHINGTON -- A State Department spokesman sald today that the U S has no defense agreement wlth Laos that 1S wrltten, stated or otherwise under-stood

The comment by Press Office Robert J. McCloskey after Prlnce Souvanna Phouma~ the neutra1lst Prlme Mlnlster of the southeast ASlan country, recently told

" t" an lntervlewer that a taclt agreemen on ald eXlsts

The statement by Souvanna Phouma of a taclt agreement wlth the U S dates back to 1964 after the Sov1et Unl0n had re­fused to supply government troops wlth munltl0ns for thelr Sovlet-supp1led weapons, Souvanna declared

HOURGLASS J fil/' -==l

Religion Enters Philippines Eledlon Manlla--Polltlclans pushed rellglon lnto promlnence today as campalgnlng en­

tered the flnal two weeks before the Phlllpplnes Nov 11 natlonal electlon. Supporters of one party charged the other wlth trylng to stlr "UIl a rell[,l"us

war" There also was scattered polltlcal vlolence and a dry run of a new sys­tem to report vote counts qUlckly The rellglon lssue centered around the wl0=ly reported endorsement of lncumbent presldent Ferdlnand E Marcos by the I~le~L& Nl Crlsto, INC, Church of C ·lS~

The IT'. '10rl ty Protestant sect, wInch l~ bel_e;ed to dellver some 300,000 votes In a bloc, had been expected to endorses the challenger, Sen Serglo Osmena Jr

But when word clrculated that the INC would support Marcos, Osmena warn­ed of a heavy backlash vote agalnst Marcos by the Roman CathollcS who com­prlse about 90 per cent of the natlon's 36 mllllon lnhabltants Osmena sald many CathollcS had advlsed hlm they would sWltch thelr votes to hlm because the Igleslas were for Marcos

Marcos supporters today accused Os­mena of trylng to create false lssues and arouse rellglous emnlty

Marcos hlmself said he welcomed the INC support and was not worrled about a defectlon of CathollcS because "I &~ am a better Cathollc than Mr Osmena" , ~

Meanwhlle, newspapers reported V10- HE CAN lence due to pOll tlcs In wldely scat- whose mother IS beammg at him In L:J" Angeles dldn t t d V t d f want hiS parents to worry about him while he was sta ere areas arylng repor s sal romtlOned m Vietnam so he kept them convinced he was sta-

three to fl ve men had been kllled In honed m Taiwan dunng hiS 14-mcnth tour HIS mother said terrorlst lncldents between the Na­clonallsta and Llberal Partles The commlSSlon on electlons took over po­llce authorlty In one troubled area

The dry run of "operatlon qUlck count" tested the effectlveness of a new system to report votes from the many thousands of votlng preclncts scattered throughout the many lslands It has formerly taken several days to tabulate the votes, but the system has promlsed most can be dellvered thlS year wlthln one or two days

Court Martial Board Finds Marine Guilty of Murder

Da Nang, Vlet Nam--A general court martlal board found U S Marlne Ser­geant James W Klllen gUllty today of unpremedltated murder In the slay­lng of an Australlan entertalner shot as she was slnglng before 150 men In an Offlcers' Club

The prosecutlon had stated that Kll­len was almlng at hlS Commandlng Of­flcer

Klllen, 28, wlll be sentenced to­morrow The Trlal Board, conslstlng of flve offlcers and three senlor sergeants, wlll set the sentence The maxlmum sentence could be Ilfe lmprlsonment but the court also may set the puulshment at any lesser perlod

Klllen was convlcted of kllllng 20-year-old Catherlne Anne Warnes of Sydney, a slnger wlth a seven-member Australlan troupe named "Sweethearts on Parade" She was struck In the left slde by a bullet from a 22-call­ber plstol equlpped wlth a sllencer as she sang July 20th at the Offlcers' Club of the Marlne 1st Force Recon­nalssance Company

However, trlal counsel Captaln John D Moats told the board that Klllen lntended to shoot MaJor Roger E Slmmons, Commander of the Reconnals­sance Company lnstead of M1SS Warnes Slmmons was In the club watchlng the show from the front row when the bul­let rlpped through a screened wlndow and hit M1SS Warnes, kllllng her lns­tantly "The reason she lS dead," Moats sald, "lS because she was bet­ween the plstol and MaJor Slmmons "

"We were very sUl'pnsed but also very proud'

Both Sides Clai m Victory

At Synod of Bishops Vatlcan Clty--Both the Ilberals and

the conservatlves clalm a measure of V1CtOry at the Second Roman Cathollc Synod of B1Shops

Llberals, such as Belglum's Leo Joseph Cardlnal Suenens, pOlnted to the consld­erable new sharlng In papal authorlty Pope Paul VI seems ready to concede to hlS church's blShops

Conservatlves, such as Jean Cardlnal Danlelou of France, clted the clear reafflrmatlon by all 146 delegates of the absolute prlmacy _of the Pope, hlS rlght to make the maJor delclslons for the church

Other synod members protested they could not understand thlS talk about "Llberals vs conservatlves" They vlewed the synod as a great unltlng assembly moldlng Pope and blShops lnto a fraternal governlng team England's John Cardlnal Heenan called the synod "a vlctory for common sense and toler­ance "

House Agrees to Aid Cut Washlngton--The House of Representa­

tlves Forelgn Affalrs Commlttee tenta­tlvely agreed today on lnltlal cuts of about $465 mllllon In the Nlxon Ad­mlnlstratlon's proposed $2 6 bllllon forelgn ald blll

The commlttee voted to slash the $2 2 bllllon dollars sought for economlC as­slstance to about $1,790,400,000 but has not yet taken flnal actlon on the $375 mllllon sought for mllltary ald

Chalrman Thomas E Morgan,(Dem -Pa ), sald he hoped the commlttee could wlnd up ltS work on the controverslal mea­sure tomorrow

The commlttee, on two close votes, dld approve two-year authorlzatlons for the development loan program and the Latln Amerlca Alllance for Prog­ress program However, these were subJect to posslble reversal tomorrow

The panel's blggest slash of $200 mllllon came under the development loan program The Admlnlstratlon had sought $675 5 mllllon dollars for the flscal year that began July 1

Page 8: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...


Page 6


a N't MOL '3H 11 8 H:>N'tH9 '1199'tH L-uMOa- 110a

'1'1:> 9 lno:>s A09 !i '3~GlH9


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!i 'NOOdS t 'OH'tal 1: L L 'MOH:> 6 10N)! L £: - SSOJ:l'v SH3MSN't


by VlI'gll Partch





/ /




"I deCided to let a smile be my umbrella"


(Top Record Holder In Masters IndIvIdual ChampIonshIp Play)

US USSR TALKS NO HELP -1 ..... 1 It II PIlII t '>flIustLr

Cold') .i.\[ur 11:1h P( \\ .... llh:'n III

Be V~I I) HIli' ell' th ,t Ilnt of l--jl! {lH_f dl'-llg1ef'

m nt ''It;,} , Idellt Nr'(on }'--, d1 L t tit.. "[ I \\f-tll the tTl\ t 1 <.., ! tt I! d i 1C So \ Ie t {I l.( J ('1 U L 1\fldd lc E...Ll \,ould le of Illy u,e

Th, 71 " 1I old fOlrtH I MIl waukee :::'l.ho(jlte JI hl I con t, nd'3 the nn'y \\ 1\ to Sf'ttle

\..lll--j I",llf'l <.lIffclt.-nce, IC,

through dll cct III not! ltion'-.

b( t \\( en thl t\\ U '-.1(Je-,

Sou th dealer Both "des vulnerable

Suppose you re declarer wIth thIS hand and \Vest I e ad, a "-

NORTH spade whIch ,OU ruff ~uper BRAZIL S ne \ I, n tined PIl'l fICIally It seems that the slam

• J 108 depends on the success or faIlure of the dIamond fme,se -roughly

WEST .Q9763 96

9 K J 10 8 4 .AQ5 ",J2

EAST .AK542 9 3

dl nt Cln .r millO C,- 111 lC,t loll!

J\IUJlll llll\l" It th< pie ... ] dlntll) prll tl e In RIO tiL a 50% chance- but actually you

havemuchbetterpro~pectsthan JlntliU HL It..pll(C-, \tturu that If you play the hand rIght d I cost, , SIl\, \\ 110 "lIt

• J96 '" Q 10 7 5

• K 107 2 ",983

SOUTH .-9AQ9752 .843 ",AK64

blddmg West Pass Pass

East Pass Pass

What you should do after drawITIg trumps I' lead a low club from your hand towards dummy s J 2'

In the actual case thIS play puts a quIck end to the pro ceedlTIgs West I, forced to go up wIth the queen and you later dIscard dumm) s Q 5 of dla monds on your A K of clubs thns makmg tv..elve tTlcks wIth out botherIng wIth the dIamond fmesse

Of course It may turn out that East has the queen of club,

Openmg lead-sIx of spades m whIch case your effort to Let s say you have a 50% aVOId the dIamond fmesse WIll

chance of makmg a contract by be thwarted Even so you wIll takmg a partIcular fmesse If be no worse off than you were that IS the only way of gettmg before You will stIll make the home all you can do IS pray hand If West has the kmg of


that the fmesse succeeds when dIamonds and meanwhIle It has 1 he Rc\ J ,me, you attempt It cost you nothmg to fIrst at HARD CELL

But m most cases you can m tempt the club play GIOppl thL CatholIc pncst crease your chances to well be The pomt IS that the low club \lbo le\(l, m',l(h,S m l\fJI yond 50% SometJmes you can lead towards dummy gIves you \I wkce \Vh look,) bIt put bnng them up to 75</, whIch two chances for the contract ITI upon as he le~\t" CO'1i t \\ Ith Simply means that the odds are stead of only the one chance Ollt beln" pel nllll, cl b ul The 3 to 1 m your favor mstead of you would have If you relied ex Just even money I elUSIvely on the dIamond fmesse jlldg-p ,t Oct 211 tOl' , he'll

mg ('1 \\ hethcr ttll P It.'-,t 1<;.,

l plob !tlun \l( htol

HOURGLASS Tuesday, October 28, 1969

BRITISH TROOPS BATTLE BELFAST PROTESTANTS Bntlsh troops v..alk behmd wrecked cars m the Shank III Road dl,tllct of Bc.Jhst l\UI theln Inl1nd a clash v..lth a not ous cro\Id of nearly 1000 Protl'-CUlh t \1 I~ tu ,turm ,1 Catholic ap'1rtment bUlldmg At least three persons \lelL sh(,t to) d ,til (('a/,/rph%)

Hatlo'~ They'll Do It Every TIme ®




Ugh!-Uh-huh!-Ouinn Plays Injun, Again! By ARMY ARCHERD

Central Pres") ASMJClrlfWH

COTfE.'pOHdcllf HOLLYVvOOD There \\.10 ~

tlrne not so man.') )C irs 'lgo \\ hen Anthony Qlllnn \\ oulil h l\ e tUI ned dO\l n - and WIth \ ehemenee the role of the In dl'ln \\ hleh he p13\ s tod''Y In

Nobod, LO\es FlappIng F"lgIe

He resented ~s many ~nothel actor has the fact that because he l':l a Me\.lC'an he \\ c1,s ne"\er l lst In any other dimenslOIl

I \\ 1, J. MeXIcan Or an IndIan fO! the first 10 ve lrs 01 my c 1

leer md It looked like I "ould nc\er be dnythIllg- ebe lt Ie "t on the SLl E'en

But QUIlln broke cl\"l.V 110m thlt III 1<)47 "hen lftel 20 n 1

tlve lole, he v,ent to l\ew York to lppllr III The Gentlem III ft om A then, then to hl ld the n 1 bon d c 0 111 P l nIt-'... of '\ ~tleetc'll Nc,meri De'llc ~nd

Born Ye ... terd 1). In none of \\ hllh It 10 perfectly cle U uld he pl1\ d MeXIcan

At th It tIme dnd from then on until l£'lentJy ]f lIn bodv h'lr! affel ed Qumn the role of III Indldll he \lould b'lvP hurled the offel and offereI out the \\ InUO\\ In El1l ope he bee ime " b'g shr playmg It'lll'lns and G,eeks and then a French pamt el named Gaughm m Lust for LIfe By the tIme he had pOl' traved the Enghsh hIstorical flgme Becket \I It h Laurence Ohvler Q'l1nn \\a" wIllmg to ldmlt he hdd \Ion 1110 pomt

1,\ A "" A Y Anthony --ays ha\ e come full CIrcle I ,up

pose I have been plepanng my Qutnn an IndIan agaIn

QUllln recently portrayed ~n

It lllln 11' 1\ or for Kramer In The 'icc I'e[ of c.,clllta VlttOl'la

And ,fter RPM he \I III play .1 Germ '11 m Forno Faber He VI, 'lS aLo a Tcnne.s ec f lrmer In

A \Valk III the Spnng Ram You -ec Anthony smIled

thel e!::. no tnd to the roles a Mexlc III lIke me C in play

Qumn thought ,0 much about hIS curr ('nt IndllTI role that he wrote 1 45 page malyslS of the chancter I t!Jed to fIgure out what Ill' fdmll, l'fe \\.15 hke­hI, sex lIfe hIS ambItIOns and fl ustratlOns I tlled to make hIm ~ \\hole m'ln at least m my nllnd

QlTll\l\ has no t,'ouble \\nt mg- he completed the fIrst of hI" three pal t autobIOgraphy tV hlle on the set And \\ ould often carryon an IntervIew V\ Ith ll::i \\-hlie also longhand \\ rItIng h'" hfe sto' y

\Vhen not v..ntmg Anthony 5pend" hIS tIme on the set 1'1 1y mg che,,'>-out m the open not In hI:::' .super deJuxe ... t 1}" s aIr t~ndltloned traIler Another top stdr spends hIS spare tIme be tween takes m the same man ner and has been domg It fOI at least 20 years He" John Wayne anrt \I e d lIke to III Itch the tv.. 0 some d~y -m chess 01 on screen

Nov.. Qu nn consldel S Itd I) hIS home ~nd he h"s 'l \1111 ne~r ROllle Th'lt s \\ hel e he met and marned Yolanda (hIS second wIfe) 'lnri \\ her e hIS three boys \\ ere born Ho\\ e\ el

he has been un )ble to I eturn there fOI hIS 11St three fIlms

self for FlapPlllg Eagle smce I Ho\\ c el t, 1111kc '111 e he were mdde m the US bIrth I cJoe,n t lo,~ 1l1" h'll d fought NOl\ that QUInn h 1S found

Fldppmg Eagle IS a con, g.llllS to plO\~ that a m'ln s hIS tV t) back to the US -- 'lnd templJlaf) IndIan who tneo to I natIOn tl tv or 'km tnne m~kes now th~t he kno\\s for SUle he lead hIS people m '1 prote,t no cliffe, ence to the roles he WIll neve, ag~m HAVE to pln\ movemEnt but doe,n t knov.. can ph\ Qumn drop, hIS In another MC,\lc~n or 'ln Indl m hml to rio It The pIcture IS, dl'ln mnge Immedlltel, 'lfter unle" he wants to--some of hI, comIC Old dnd SIgnIfIcant And I thIS plctlile He \\111 then phy friends belIeve th'lt It IS not Qumn IS happ, to be phyml., I ~ colle"e de III '01 :ot mley ImpOSSIble to e-..pect hIm to Ie \\h~t he thmks I' the gre~tc't: Kr Imer In RP\I 1 c I npus settle m Amenc t He lp bIg Indl til role of all levolt ,tOI \ \I 1mpu 11 here T

Page 9: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

B e , I e

M o o s e

W t Z a ~

HAV,. YOU H&ARD A130u-r AL.L.. 1'l-I~









RatIo's They'll Do It Every T1me ®


MODEl T TO T -BIRD IS story here as Edsel Ford FOld to enter the company He 1/ be 21 m DecembH He IS enrolled as a sales tramee Young Ford" the sOI~ .... £f Henr) _~ HIS grandfather Edsel dIed In ]943 when preSIdent


'HAT'S ~ WHY We'

CAI...I... THE"M C~ANCE'~ / ~

.~(~0 ~~

-- -----



• THROUGH THIN AND THICK-InflClder Ed Kranepool IS the enl) Ne" York Mets player "ho has been '\lth the team smce Its first year m 1962 He ]cmed the Mets late m the sea~on and has been a Met through thm and thICk


tax 5 Itahan

goddess 8 Engen

dered 12 Deep

affectIOn 13 Disease

olfowl 1" All' comb

fonn 15 Solar disk 16 Greek

letter 17 Box 18 Drunken

spree 20 Close 22 BIlly

Graham 26 Vowed 29 House

wing 30 Hebrew

priest 31 Famous

pamter 32 The

honest one

33 Roman poet

34 Conclude 35 Brother

36 A sirupy hqueur

37 Personal chann

40 Hebrides Island

41 CubiC meters

45 Tibetan priest

47 Expire 49 A rodent 50 Poems 51 Blunder 52 OtheIWlse 53 Cowboy

country 54 Blshopnc

55 Harvest VERTICAL

1 Thick slice

2 Dove s home

3 Bakmg chamber

" Offers 5 Work by

Verdi or Wagner

II Abyss 7 Bnght

dress ornament

8 Funda mental

Answer to yesterday s puzzle

LU V. SH ED .5 /-lAW AR E. TU LE .T ALE I<E N. AR IS TO TLE EV IN G • • K IP ••• •• • 0 GR E. PE [RS CA NT EE NS .5 TOA AP E. RA TA L. A MI SO R A.PA RA LL E L ED IL E.D Ie E • •• _u


.... e .. Ke tilDe 01 lolatloll Z& mIeDte.


9 A respIte 10 Period

of time

11 June bug ]9 MISS Arden 21 Conger 23 Blbhcal

name 24 Slender 25 To surge 26 A stadium 27 Need 28 Some

were good

32 Covered passage ways

33 Now--35 Winnow 36 Small bed 38 Cntlclze

severely 39 European

rIver 42 Part

mplay 43 Lohen

gnns bnde

44 Ooze 45 Humble 46 Amencan

humonst 48 Wrath




BIG GEORGE! by VIr'gll Partch

"Very DIce, ArDle Next time try It with your shoe laces bed"

2 5 4 3 8 6 7 2 8 3 6 8 5 M A C M Y R A 0 0 A E U G 4 6 2 5 2 8 3 b 4 7 3 8 2

A S R 0 E W T T L G E I P 3 8 5 3 6 2 4 7 8 2 8 3 6 R L 0 I M E L R L A R A 0 6 4 5 2 4 7 3 8 2 7 3 8 4

R T D C 0 E L E E A S A A 5 8 3 6 2 7 6 3 8 4 2 5 3 0 C E E A T 0 C H F T M U 7 2 5 3 8 4 2 6 7 3 8 6 8 M H E R P E 0 F I I E T A 8 4 3 6 2 7 4 3 6 5 4 2 7 K A T E M N S Y N N T E D

HERE IS a plea.ant little game that \\11/ gl\e VOIl d me" IgL every day It IS a numeTlcal puzzle deSIgned to spell Ollt

your tortune Count the letters In your tlrst name If the num ber of let ters IS 6 or mOl e subtract 4 If the numbel 15 les~ than 6 add 3 The result IS Your key number Stall at the upper lett hand corner of the I ectangle and check e\ er\ ont of your key numbers left to rIght Then lead the messagl the letters under the Checked figUI es gwe vou

Page 10: THE FLY PROBLEM Every year about thIS tLme, dependIng ...

r-__ ----:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~---._r Page 8 HOURGLASS 'rup ,dI'tJ, ()r tr)f,1 r r'f_, J 'jr'j


Dupllcate Brldge - Wednesday and Sun­day nlghts - drawlng for door prlze at 6 55 Need a partner? Call 82759

Ladles' dresses, mumus, formal,pants set MACY'S takes pleasure ln presentlng , bermudas, blouses & jerseys, Slzes 10, Mr Bradrlck C Farrar of Cllfford 12, 14 Varlety of shoes, hlgh and low Farrar Jewelers on Thursday, November heels, Slzes 8 and 8 1/2, Chl1ds mlr- 6 Mr Farrar wl11 present an out-ror and doll cablnet, bowllng game, standlng collectlon of preclous and mlscellaneous ltems, reasonably prlced seml-precl0us stones ln modern and Complete set Encyclopedla Brltannlca and contemporary settlngs, hand-crafted case, $125 Call 82346 after 5 or see from Cllfford Farrar Jewelers, La at Tr 565 between 5 & 9 pm

Two fltted tWln Slze bedspreads, brand new, never used Stl11 ln orlglnal wrappers See on page 1617 Sears 1969 Fall & Wlnter catalog Color #4 Medl­terranean Blue Ordered wrong color Sell for $25, orlglnal cost $38 Call 81438 or 81476 Monday thru Saturday, 7 30 - 4 30

Brand new Harman-Kardon CAD-4 cassette tape deck, $120 Akal x-4 battery operated portable crossfleld-head stereo tape recorder wlth foot SWltch and mlcrophones, $125 Call 83606


To buy, borrow or your glve-away "Block" pedals for a trlcycle and tape plcture hooks Call 82279

Portable low prlced tape recorder ade­quate to play 5 lnch educatlonal tapes Wrlte detalls to Box 2311

Lady's three-wheel blcycle call 84686 after 5 pm



I do not know lf I lost, loaned out, or Just mlsplaced my large cast lron sk1llet If anyone knows where lt 1S please call 82678

Palr of brown prescrlptlon glasses, call 82123 after 4 30 - reward

"Gerry Carrler", alumlnum frame wlth blue canvas seat Last seen ln play­ground at Lagoon Road and POlnsettla. lJrgentlv needed for transport1ng 25 pound baby Call 82439 or return to 219-B


Lawn care - for lnformatlon call 82573 or see we at Qtrs 441-B - ask for Tlm

ANNOUNCEMENTS Next to the Small Boat Marlna there

are two empty spaces one where the old Marlna Bldg was, and the other where Bargaln Bazaar was The whole Bargaln Bazaar BUlldlng was moved to ltS new locatlon at the corner of 6th (near the Marlne Dept repalr area) almost two weeks ago Tomorrow lt'll be open for bUSlness as usual from 9 30 - 11 30 am Come on down and browse And call Irene Wessel, 82536, or Vlrglnla Edmonds, 84631, lf you have anythlng to donate Last year, all those old toyS and patterns gave the Y Y W Cover $9,000 to spend on dlf­ferent educat10nal proJects through­out MlcroneSla

Art GUlld Beglnnlng Nov 5 for ten weeks Jlm Henry, art lnstructor at KwaJaleln Hlgh School, wl11 hold baslc drawlng classes for beglnners on Wed­nesday evenings from 7 to 9 30 pm The cost lS $20 per student and lS non­refundable Materlals wl11 be aval1-able to buy at class tlme Call Elalne Whltehorn at 82602 to enroll and for membershlp lnformatl0n

Jolla, Callfornla

The Hobby Show sponsored by the Art GU11d wl11 be held Nov 9 from 3 to 8 pm All island resldents are urged to enter thelr arts & crafts exhlblts Get your entry blank ln now'"

NEW DIVEMASTERS There wlll be a dlve­master brleflng, Room 12, George Seltz IElementary School, Wed, Oct 29 at 6 pm ThlS lS a requlred meetlng for new dlvemasters All dlvemasters are wel­come

Dr Pulumbo, a veterlnarlan from Hono­lulu has expressed an lnterest ln pro­vldlng veterlnarlan serVlces to KwaJa­leln resldents In order to glve Dr Pulumbo an ldea of the serVlces re­qUlred, the Sanltatl0n Department lS composlng a 11St of people's names who have anlmals requlrlng sterlllzatlon or other vet serVlces Dr Pulumbo's last V1Slt to KwaJaleln was In Feb, 1968, he lS prepared to return ln Dec of thlS year, lf response warrants If you are lnterested please call the Medlcal/Sanltatlon Dept at 82163 or 82150

Cathollc Women's Day of Retreat - to be held Saturday, Nov 1 In the Taro Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club at 9 30 am Father Condon, a Jesult mlsslonary from Yap wlll be retreat master For reser­vatlons and further lnformatlon please call Dlane Llebe, 82516 or Monlca Gan, 82778

ThE Law School Admlsslons Test of Educatlonal Testlng Servlce wlll be offered on Kwajaleln, Nov 8 at the KwaJaleln Hlgh School Any persons lnterested In thlS test who have not prevlously reglstered for testlng on the above date call Rlchard Stock­man at 82013 for lnformatlon

Tonight's Movies RICHARDSON Open to All Island ReSl dents OCEAN VIEW Adult male bachelor personnel YOKWE YUK Club mem­bers only, no one under 18 allowed IVEY HALL Resldents of Depen­dent's houslng TRADE

WINDS ROl-Namur personnel MECK

ISLAND Meck Is personnel

Marrlage on the Frank Slnatra Comedy 7 30


Color AT

Eye of the Cat Mlchael Sarrazln Suspense-Drama Color 7 30 & 12 30 A Desparados Vlnce Edwards, Palance Western 7 & 9


Color AT

ThlS Savage Land Barry Sulllvan, Glen Corbett Western 6 30 & 8 30

Color AT

A Man For All Seasons Paul Scofleld Drama 8

Color ATC

Law of the Lawless Dale Robertson Western Color 8 (Tomorrow Nlght) ATC

Art GUlld members - the Open Work­shop lS open Monday evenlngs from 7 to 9 and Wednesday mornlngs from 9 to 11 am


The is published dally Monday through Saturday Material for publlcatlon on the Around Town page must be submitted lTI wrHlng

to the HourGlass 72 hours prior to deSlred publlcatlon date Materlal for the Ad and Sports pages must be subml tted l.n \IT 1 t1ng to the HourGlass Off1ce 24 hours

before des1red publ1catlOn dates Telephone not1ces and ads .... 111 not be accepted All copy and photographs be-

come the property of the HourGlass Republ1catlon of materlal conta.lned here1n 1S not authorlzed .... lthout approv­

al of the Commandlng Offlcer Klofajaleln Mlsslle Range If you have not recel Yed your copy of the HourGlass by 6 15 pm please call

83539 bet .... een 6 15 and 6 45 pm and a copy wlll be dellYered to you EDITOR Larry CorSl STAFF Lucy Bloedel Rudy Baldwln FEATURE WRITER Robert

Phllhps Clrculatlon Manager James McCo~en GLOBAL ASSOCIATES

Official Bullet!n DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE 280ct69 MAJ Walker 82867 290ct69 CPT Gregory 84409 300ct69 MAJ Sllnes 83691 310ct69 LTC Whltehorn 82602 1 Nov69 MAJ Schaaf 82438 2 Nov69 CW3 Sands 82629

Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday through Fn day, phone 81419 for Duty Offlcer

Duty Offlcer lS KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range Commandlng Offlcer's represen­tatlve durlng other than normal duty hours

MOWER SAFETY Need a lawn mower - call 83518 It's as easy as that to get one But watch out - that 11ttle red or blUe putt­putt they dellver can pack a wallop lf you don't watch what you're dOlng 1 Don't make any adjustments on the

mower or blade If lt doesn't work, call 83518 NOTE The blade helght lS set to mlnlmlze rock-throwlng, don't touch lt

2 Keep hands and feet out from under mower houslng, push the mower, don't pull lt

3 Don't leave the lawn mower runnlng unattended - lt'S an open lnvlta­tlon to a curlOUS Chlld

4 Keep chlldren out of yard when mowlng

5 Walk over yard and plck up rocks, wlre, nuts and bolts, or other deb­rlS that the mower can "throw" be­fore each mowlng

6 Don't-;un mower over bare spots of loose coral

7 Don't let Ilttle klds push the mo­wer - make sure the blg ones know what they're dOlng

Keep KvTaJ neat and clean - keep your grass trlmmed, but do lt safely

, ~

EOM Sale{ \ I ~lC \' \

the 29th