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24. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287 THE EFFECT OF THINK PAIR SHARE TECHHNIQUE ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN READING COMPREHENSION Nurmahyuni Asrul English Education Department Universitas Prima Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of applying Think Pair Share technique on student’s reading comprehension. This study was a quantitative study with pre-test and post-test experimental design. There were two variables in which the independent variable was Think Pair Share technique and the dependent variable was reading comprehension. This study was conducted at SMA Harapan 3 Deli Serdang. The population was the grade X students with the total number of students were 145. The sample of this study was the class Xips1 and Xips2 with the total number of samples were 60. The samples were divided into two groups, they were experimental group and control group and each group was consisted of 30 students. The experimental group will taught by using Think Pair Share technique and the control group will taught by using the conventional technique. Both group will given pre-test and post-test to obtain the data. The data will be analyzed by using t-test formula. It was obtained that tobs (t-observed) was higher than t-table(t-table) in which tobs = 8,8461 > ttable = 2,021 with the level of significant was 0,05 (5%) and the df (degree of freedom) = (Na + Nb 2 = 30 + 30 -2 = 58). It showed that Ha (hypothesis alternative) was accepted and Think Pair Share technique affected students’ reading comprehension. Keywords: Think Pair Share technique, Reading Comprehension. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh dari teknik Think Pair Share terhadap membaca pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desian eksperimen pre-tes dan post-tes. Terdapat dua variabel dalam penelitian ini yakni variabel bebas adalah teknik Think Pair Share dan variabel terikat adalah membaca pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sekolah SMA Harapan 3 Medan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X. Keseluruhan dari populasi adalah 145 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dari kelas XIPS1 dan XIPS2 dengan jumlah keseluruhan adalah 60 siswa. Sampel tersebut dibagi kedalam dua kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimental dan kelompok kontrol dengan masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 30 siswa. Kelompok eksperimental akan diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik Think Pair Share dan kelompok kontrol akan diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik konvensional. Masing-masing kelompok akan diberikan pre-tes dan post-tes untuk memperolah data penelitian. Data tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus t-test. Maka diperoleh tobs (t-observasi) lebih tinggi dari ttabel (t-tabel) dimana tobs = 8,8461 > ttable = 2,021 dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05 (5%) dan dk (derajat kebebasan) = (Na + Nb 2 = 30 + 30 -2 = 58). Itu menunjukkan bahwa Ha (hipotesis alternatif) diterima dan teknik Think Pair Share memberi pengaruh terhadap membaca pemahaman siswa. Kata kunci: Teknik Think Pair Share, Pemahaman Membaca.


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24. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287




Nurmahyuni Asrul

English Education Department

Universitas Prima Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of applying Think Pair Share technique on

student’s reading comprehension. This study was a quantitative study with pre-test and post-test

experimental design. There were two variables in which the independent variable was Think Pair

Share technique and the dependent variable was reading comprehension. This study was conducted

at SMA Harapan 3 Deli Serdang. The population was the grade X students with the total number of

students were 145. The sample of this study was the class Xips1 and Xips2 with the total number of

samples were 60. The samples were divided into two groups, they were experimental group and

control group and each group was consisted of 30 students. The experimental group will taught by

using Think Pair Share technique and the control group will taught by using the conventional

technique. Both group will given pre-test and post-test to obtain the data. The data will be analyzed

by using t-test formula. It was obtained that tobs (t-observed) was higher than t-table(t-table) in which

tobs = 8,8461 > ttable = 2,021 with the level of significant was 0,05 (5%) and the df (degree of

freedom) = (Na + Nb – 2 = 30 + 30 -2 = 58). It showed that Ha (hypothesis alternative) was accepted

and Think Pair Share technique affected students’ reading comprehension.

Keywords: Think Pair Share technique, Reading Comprehension.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh dari teknik Think Pair Share terhadap

membaca pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desian eksperimen

pre-tes dan post-tes. Terdapat dua variabel dalam penelitian ini yakni variabel bebas adalah teknik

Think Pair Share dan variabel terikat adalah membaca pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini

dilaksanakan di sekolah SMA Harapan 3 Medan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas

X. Keseluruhan dari populasi adalah 145 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah

dari kelas XIPS1 dan XIPS2 dengan jumlah keseluruhan adalah 60 siswa. Sampel tersebut dibagi

kedalam dua kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimental dan kelompok kontrol dengan masing-masing

kelompok berjumlah 30 siswa. Kelompok eksperimental akan diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik

Think Pair Share dan kelompok kontrol akan diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik konvensional.

Masing-masing kelompok akan diberikan pre-tes dan post-tes untuk memperolah data penelitian.

Data tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus t-test. Maka diperoleh tobs (t-observasi)

lebih tinggi dari ttabel (t-tabel) dimana tobs = 8,8461 > ttable = 2,021 dengan tingkat signifikansi

0,05 (5%) dan dk (derajat kebebasan) = (Na + Nb – 2 = 30 + 30 -2 = 58). Itu menunjukkan bahwa

Ha (hipotesis alternatif) diterima dan teknik Think Pair Share memberi pengaruh terhadap membaca

pemahaman siswa.

Kata kunci: Teknik Think Pair Share, Pemahaman Membaca.


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 25


Reading comprehension was not an easy lesson to learn for students. Many of them

have difficulty in reading comprehension. Students often read the text well but they could

not understand the text well. Logsdon (2017) states that some students read aloud with little

or no difficulty in pronouncing words, but they do not understand or remember what they’ve

read. Sari (2012) in her study states, “students problems in reading comprehension such as :

1) difficult in identifying detail information of the text. 2) difficult in identifying reference

of the text. 3) difficult in identifying main idea of the text. 4) difficult in identifying implied

information of the text. 5) difficult in identifying communative purpose of the text. While as

Astiyandha (2013) stated, “students often get stuck in reading comprehension because they

have problem in such unfamiliar words, their inability in understanding the context, being

reluctant and so forth”.

This problem was also stated by Yunitasari (2015) in her thesis, “teacher can not find

the right method or technique to provide materials and quick understanding the material

presented”. Teacher often use conventional technique to teach reading in the class that made

the learning process was boring and students got not interest in following the lesson. Teacher

often give students a text to read, asked them to find the difficult word, translated every

sentences in the text in turn and answer a sort of question at the end.

Think pair share was one of the coopertive learning technique. Think pair share was

developed by Frank Lyman and his colleagues from Maryland University in 1981. Think

pair share consisted of three activity, such as : 1) think, students were asked to think

individually the given material or question. 2) pair, students were asked to pair with their

friend and discuss the material or the answer of the question. 3) share, after thinking and

pairing students were asked to share their final thought or answer to the whole class. Think


26. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

pair share could help students in reading comprehension because it was a teamwork learning

activity. Think pair share was a small group learning activity in the classroom in which

students work in pair with their friend. Since think pair share was a pairing group learning

activity, it gave space for students to express and shared their thought freely with their friend.

A study by Astiyandha (2013) states “think pair share gave opportunity for students

to act as resource for each other,thus assuming a more active role in their learning”. Think

pair share is a powerful tool. It is only as powerful as the prompt on which students are asked

to reflect. Use prompts that require students to analyze the various points of view or the

components that are inherent in your standard target. Furthermore, Think pair share

technique can help students with or without teacher presence, actively bring meaning to the

written word, the technique choosen not only promotes reading comprehension but also

provides opportunities for students to learn and to monitor their own learning and thinking.

Problem of the Study

The problem of study was formulated as follow : “Does think pair share technique

significantly affect the students reading comprehension?”.


The Nature of Reading

Nunan in Fajriyah (2013) states, ‘reading is the most important skill to master in

order to ensure success not only in learning English, but also in learning any content class

where reading in English is required’. From the statement, can be concluded that reading

could be defined as a complex activity, in which students do not only learn about how to


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 27

pronounce every word in the text well, but also they will learn about the vocabulary and

grammar from the text. By mastering reading, it will help the students fulfill the passing

grade. Now days, not only English subject that consist of an English reading text, the others

subject also consist of an English reading text, for example another subject in mathematics,

chemist, physics, history and many more. By reading, students could get some information

that could enhance their prior knowledge. It means in reading, students have to integrate

their prior knowledge, experience and the written knowledge together to form a meaning.

Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is defined as the act of understanding, it means when reading people

have to comprehend the whole text and carried out information or message afterward.

According to Nunan (2001), ‘comprehension is ability to understand/generate meaning of

text or to connect message of the text to background knowledge” By reading and

comprehending the whole text, people could get more information that can develop their

knowledge rather than they just scan or skim the text. In reading comprehension, people

have to generate their prior knowledge and the written knowledge together. Generating prior

knowledge and written knowledge together will help people in interpreting the text well,

because in reading comprehension, people read and comprehend the text and after that they

have to construct a meaning from what they have read. According to Harris and Hudges in

Brasell & Rasinski (2008), “reading comprehension is the construction meaning of a written

communication through a reciprocal, holistic interchange of ideas between interpreter and

message. Furthermore, Brassel & Rassinski (2008) state that, “reading comprehension is the

ability to take information from written text and do something with it in a way that

demonstrates knowledge or understanding of that information”.


28. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

Levels of Reading Comprehension

According to Heilman (1981), there are three basic level of reading comprehension,

they are as follow:

1. Literal Comprehension.

In this level of comprehension, reader is expected to have the ability: 1) the

knowledge of word meanings; 2) retell information directly with own words; 3)

understanding the grammatical point; 4) retell the main idea; 5) knowledge of sequence of

information presented in passage.

2. Inferential Comprehension.

In this level of comprehension, reader are expected to have the ability: reason for

information presented to understand the author’s tone, purpose and attitude; 2) infer factual

information, main ideas, comparisons cause – effect, relationship not explicitly stated in the

passage; 3) summarization of story content.

3. Critical Comprehension.

Critical comprehension means analyzing, evaluating and personally reacting to

information presented in a passage. The abilities in this level are:1) personally reacting to

information in a passage indicating its meaning to the reader; 2) analyzing and evaluating

the quality of written information in terms of some standards.


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 29

Cooperative Learning

According to Slavin in Fathurrohman (2015), “cooperative learning refer to a variety

of teaching methods in which students work in small groups to help one another learn

academic content”.

There are some characteristics of cooperative learning that stated by Arends (2009), they


a) Students work in teams to master academic materials.

b) Teams are made up of high, average and low achievers.

c) Whenever possible teams include a racial, cultural, and gender mix of students.

d) Reward systems are group oriented rather than individually oriented.

Cooperative learning model is not only about learning in a team. Teachers are often

divided students in teams, giving tasks and ask the students to do the task; it will not give

significant effect to the students. There are some elements in cooperative learning that

differentiate cooperative learning with usual team work.

According to Roger and David Johnson in Lie (2010), there are five elements in cooperative

learning such as:

1. Positive Interdependence

Team member perceive that they need each other in order to complete the groups’


2. Individual Accountability

Assessing the quality and quantity of each member’s contribution and giving the

results to the group and the individual.

3. Face to Face Interaction


30. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

Team members promote each other productivity by helping, sharing and encouraging

efforts to produce. Members explain, discuss and teach what they know about


4. Members Communication

In cooperative learning, the communication between members also becomes the key

of success. The communication between members should goes well in order to get

the best result in cooperative learning. Each member of the group has to heard and

respect each other opinion.

5. Group Evaluation Process

In evaluating the group work process, teacher could give some questioner to students

to evaluate each members work during the cooperative learning program for

example: “Do we help each other?”, “Do we respected each member turn in

speaking?”, etc.

Think Pair Share Technique

Think pair share is one of the cooperative learning techniques developed by

Frank Lyman and his colleagues from University of Maryland in 1981. In think pair share,

students have to work in a small group in order to achieve the academic goals. Think pair

share encourages students to work actively in the class. Teachers act as a facilitator in think

pair share technique.

Teacher Response technique involves the teacher to provide instructor with a

theoretical understanding of peer response/ review. The teacher as an instructor employs

process pedagogy to enable students to develop critical thinking, writing and researching

skills. The following are the steps of teaching through Teacher Response Technique.


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 31

1. The teacher gives motivation at the beginning of the class. Then giving the

brainstorming to the students about the material that is going to be discussed.

2. The teacher gives some reading and handouts about descriptive writing. Then the

teacher gives the examples of descriptive writing and guides them to the generic

structure and linguistic features of descriptive writing.

3. The teacher asks some students to describe something they like; e.g. my bedroom,

my favorite restaurant, etc.

4. The teacher conducts the students in a group. Then the teacher asks the students to

read their writing and response it by giving the response sheet.

5. After giving the response and corrections to grammar, usage, linguistic features and

generic structure, the teacher gives it back and asks them improve it.

The Procedure of Think Pair Share

Think Pair Share is consist of three parts: 1) think, 2) pair, 3) share. In applying think

pair share technique in teaching reading comprehension in the classroom, teacher should

apply the steps as follow:

1. Before going to the main activity in think pair share, teacher share what are they

going to learn and the objective of the lesson at first.

2. To make students understand clearly about the steps in TPS technique, teacher could

ask some students to make role play in front of the class on how to use the technique.

3. To ensure students understand about the procedure of applying the technique, teacher

should ask students whether they have questions about the technique or not.

4. In “pairing” time, students have to share and exchange idea about what have they

thought before.


32. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

5. At the end of the sharing time, teacher could ask the other students some question.

Teacher could give some question to the rest of students in order to keep the students

focus on their friends’ presentation.

Recount Text

There are several kinds of text in English. One of them is recount text. Recount text

is a text that has the purpose in telling the readers about something happened in the past. The

generic structure of recount text is : orientation, events and reorientation. Recount text can

be categorize into several type (Sarwoko : 2014), they are as follow :

1. Personal Recount : telling an activity that the writer has been personally involved.

For example: diary and personal letter.

2. Factual Recount : reporting the particular incident by reconstructing factual

information. For example: police reconstruction of accident, biography,

autobiography, historical essay, and past event report.

3. Literary Recount : retelling a series of events for the purpose of entertaining.

4. Procedural Recount : recording the steps in an investigation or experiment and

thereby providing the basis of reporting results or findings.


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 33

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

This research was consisted of two variables, in which they were independent

variable and dependent variable. The independent variable was affected the dependent

variable. The dependent variable was reading comprehension and the independent variable

was cooperative learning. There were many techniques in cooperative learning that could

help students in reading comprehension such as: jigsaw, NHT, TPS, make a match and

TSTS, but in this proposal, the researcher was only focused on the effect of think pair share

technique on students’ reading comprehension. The reason of using think pair share

technique in teaching reading comprehension because it was a group learning technique in

which students were not do all the task alone but they were working together with their

partner and it could make them easier in understanding the lesson. Furthermore, it was

expected that think pair share technique will help students in learning especially in learning

reading comprehension.


34. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287


The Research Design

This research was conducted by using quantitative research approach. The method

was the experimental method with pre-test and post-test experimental design. This research

used experimental research method in which consisted of two groups namely experimental

group and control group. The experimental group was taught by using think pair share

technique and the control group was taught by using the conventional technique. The

purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of applying Think Pair Share Technique

on Student’s Reading Comprehension in recount text.

The research design can be figured as following:

Table 1. Research Design

Group Pre-Test Post-Test Treatment



Control Group


The Population and Sample

The population of this study was students of SMA Harapan 3, Deli Serdang grade X.

The population of this study was all the students of grade X of 2018/2019 academic year of

SMA Harapan 3 Deli Serdang. There were five classes in grade X with the total amount of

students are 145.


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 35

This research used two groups of students called experimental group and control

group. The experimental group was the students of XIPS1 with the total number of students

were 30, and the control group was the students of XIPS2 with the total number of students

were 30. In choosing the sample of the research, the researcher used cluster random sampling

technique. First, the researcher divided the population into groups, and then simple random

sampling of the cluster was selected from the population as the sample of the research.

The Instrument of Data Collection

The researcher used written test as the instrument of collecting the data. The test

consisted of reading text and the test was in the form of multiple choices. The source of the

reading materials was from books and the test was consisted of 30 items with time allocation

2 x 45 minutes. In collecting the data, the researcher conducted pre-test and post-test for both

experimental and control groups.

The Procedure of Data Collection

Here are the procedures of colleting the data;

1) Pre-Test

Pre-test was the first step procedure that conducted to both experimental and control

group before the treatment. Pre-test was used to determine the students reading

comprehension before getting the treatment

2) Treatment

The treatment conducted to the students after the pre-test. In treatment step, the

experimental group was taught by using Think Pair Share technique and control

group was taught by using conventional technique or lecturing technique.


36. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

3) Post Test

After giving pre-test and treatment, the last procedure was giving post-test. Post-test

was given to both experimental and control group to see their difference after having

the treatment. The students score will be the data of the research.

Scoring the Test

The test was in the form of multiple choices. Every question is given score 1 for the

true answer and for the false answer is 0”. Therefore, the formula that uses in scoring the test

was as follow:

S = 𝑅

𝑁𝑥100 %

Where :

S = Score number of the test

R = Number of the correct answers

N = Number of the questions

Validity of the Test

The validity of test was used in a research in order to measure the test given is valid

or not. Arikunto (2006) states, “validity was a measurement that showed the validity level

of an instrument”. To measure the validity of the test, researcher gave the test in the form of

multiple choices. The respondents score was used to determine the validity of the test. The

formula of testing the validity of the test was Product Moment Correlation formula, as follow

(Arikunto: 2014) :


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 37

rxy= 𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌−(∑ 𝑋) (∑ 𝑌)

√{𝑁 ∑ 𝑋²−(∑ 𝑋)²} {𝑁 ∑ 𝑌²−(∑ 𝑌²)

where :

rxy = validity of coefficient

X = sum of each question

Y = score of each students

N = sum of the student


Reliability of test was consistent and dependable. According to Wijaya (2016) in her

thesis The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy on Listening Comprehension, “if researcher

gives the same test to the same student or matched students on two different occasions, the

test should yield similar results”. Therefore, to obtain the reliability of the test, researcher

will use Kuder Richardson formula as follows:

KR21 = 𝑘

𝑘−1 [ 1-

𝑀 (𝑘−𝑀)

𝑘𝑠² ]

Where :

KR21 = coefficient of reliability

k = number of test item

M = the mean of the score

s² = standard deviation of the test

According to Arikunto, the reliability of the test can be categorized as the following criteria:

0.00 – 0.20 : the reliability very low

0.21 – 0.40 : the reliability low

0.41 – 0.70 : the reliability fair


38. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

0.71 – 0.90 : the reliability high

0.91 – 1.00 : the reliability very high.

The Technique of Analyzing Data

The data of this research was obtained from the score of pre-test and post-test from

both experimental and control group. After doing all pre-test, treatment and post-test, the

score of the students will be the data of the research in which was analyzed by using t-test

to compare the mean value of experimental group and the control group.

In testing the difference mean between experimental and control group, the

researcher use Arikunto t-test formula. There was as follows:

t = 𝑀𝑥−𝑀𝑦







Where :

t = total score

Mx = mean of experimental group

My = mean of control group

Nx = number of students in experimental group

Ny = number of students in control group

dx² = standard deviation of experimental group

dy² = standard deviation of control group.


In testing the hypothesis, the researcher use t-test formula. T-test formula was used

to obtain whether Ha (hypothesis alternative) was accepted or not. From the term if tobs >


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 39

ttable, Ha was accepted. After calculation, it was found that tobs= 8,8461 and ttable= 2,021

with df 5% = 58 and the df= Nx+Ny-2 (30+30-2=58).

After calculating the data, it was obtained that tobs= 8.8461 is higher than ttable=

2,021. It means that the hypothesis alternative (Ha) was accepted. Students in experimental

group that taught by using Think Pair Share technique got higher score by total score in pre-

test was 2104 with mean 70.13 and in post-test was 2640 with mean 88,00. Whileas the

students in control group which were taught by using the conventional technique got total

score in pre-test was 2026 with mean 67.53 and in post-test was 2286 with mean 76.20. It

means that, there was an effect of applying Think Pair Share technique on students

achievement in reading comprehension.



This research was aimed to investigate the effect of Think Pair Share technique on

student’s reading comprehension. Therefore, in order to find out the effect of Think Pair

Share technique, the researcher conduct pre-test and post-test to both experimental and

control group. The students score in pre-test and post-test will be the data of analysis.

From the data that obtained after calculation, the researcher concluded, Think Pair

Share technique significant affected the students’ reading comprehension. It was showed by

using t-test formula in which tobswas higher than ttable(tobs= 8,8461>ttable= 2,021). It

means Ha (hypothesis alternative) was accepted. Student’s achievement in experimental

group in which was taught by using think pair share technique were higher than the students


40. MELT Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, June 2019 ISSN:2528-0287

in control group in which they were taught by using the conventional technique. Therefore,

think pair share technique has an effect on students’ reading comprehension.

Based on the data analysis, some conclusions are derived through meaningful

interpretation of the findings in this study and drawn as the following:

The teaching reading with Think Pair Share technique can be expected to make the

students’ achievement higher than conventional technique because the Think Pair Share

technique in teaching reading significantly affected the students’ achievement in reading



1. For students

a. Students should improve their English especially in reading comprehension

by reading some books or stories and share with their friend when they got

difficulties in the reading.

b. Students should learn actively by improving the lesson from teacher. Students

could find more information about the lesson by themselves not just

depending and waiting the information from the teacher.

2. For teacher

a. Teacher should improve the performance in teaching English, especially in

teaching reading comprehension. Therefore, the students could be interesting

in following the lesson

b. Teacher should creatively found and use some technique in teaching

especially in teaching reading comprehension in order to make the teaching


Nurmahyuni, The Effect of Think Pair Share… 41

and learning process be more interesting and also could get the students

attention in the class.

3. For other researcher

For other researcher, think pair share could be one of the alternative techniques in

teaching English, in which the researcher was concern in small group of learners in



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