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The Companion - DWSSG

Apr 13, 2015




The companion for the Doctor who solitaire story game
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Page 1: The Companion - DWSSG
Page 2: The Companion - DWSSG

Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

“I got my spaceship, I got my work here is done.”

(Amy Pond - „The Vampires of Venice’)

The Doctor is never without his loyal companion – and neither should players of the Doctor Who Solitaire Story

Game. This expansion introduces new rules and depth to Adventures with many exciting developments of Actions,

Traits and events. Add new Abilities to your Doctor, visit restaurants from around the universe, take up sports or

gamble in holiday resorts and include new weather rules in Adventures. The universe just got a lot bigger...

How to Use this Expansion

All the rules contained in this expansion can be considered optional and

players can decide to use any or all that they want to enhance their

games and adventures.

Some rules add a little more book-keeping to the game so new players

may want to pick and choose the sections they use at first whilst they get

used to the main flow of the game.

C001. New Dalek Paradigm

These rules add more flavour to encounters with the new Dalek Paradigm (Mv03) that was introduced in „Victory

of the Daleks‟ although does make them a lot more dangerous! If you ever have an encounter with at least 3

Dalek drones, roll 1D6 to see if they are joined by extra forces: 1-2: None; 3-4: Dalek Scientist; 5: Dalek

Strategist; 6: Dalek Eternal.

If you find e082 in the Adventure where the new Dalek Paradigm is the Enemy, roll 1D6: 1-4: see e082 as

normal; 5-6: See c001a below.

Dalek Scientist – The orange livery of these Daleks hold keen intellects, totally dedicated to serving the Dalek

cause by creating new weaponry and biological warfare against other races. It is Brains 7, Brawn 10,

Bravery 6. The Dalek Scientist gives a -2 to the Talk roll instead of the -1 for a Dalek drone. Take a -1

penalty to any Science roll for the rest of the Adventure.

Dalek Strategist – These blue Daleks devise complex schemes of conquest and extermination and are expert at

assessing the weaknesses of enemy races. It is Brains 6, Brawn 11, Bravery 6. All of your Characters are

-1 to Brawn when Fighting Daleks when the Strategist is present. Add +5 to any Brawn totals in Goal

events. If you are using the optional Battle Tactics rules (r317), automatically roll on r317a.

Dalek Eternal – The exact function of this yellow Dalek is still shrouded in mystery but it no doubt has a deadly

purpose. It is Brains 7, Brawn 10, Bravery 8. The Dalek Eternal has the same options modifiers and

functions as the Supreme Dalek. If you fail to Defeat the new Dalek Paradigm in this Adventure, add +1

(cumulative) to all new Paradigm Dalek Qualities if you encounter them in further Adventures.

c001a. Dalek Progenitor

(Artefact) The Progenitor devices carry the pure DNA of the Dalek race

and were scattered across the universe like seed pods – each waiting to

create more Daleks. Take an immediate -1DM and a Dalek Eternal has

+1 to all Qualities in this Adventure. If you can have Brains 25, Science

and Engineering and can make a Science 10 roll as an Action to

sabotage the Progenitor. If successful, gain a +3DM and all new

Paradigm Daleks are -2 to Qualities for the rest of this Adventure. If you

fail, you may make further attempts, but increase the chance of an

encounter on r307 by 1 and if there is an encounter, it will automatically

be mv03 with +1 to the number of Daleks encountered.

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C002. Abilities

This is an optional set of rules to make your incarnation of the Doctor a

little more quirky with interesting personalities and behaviours. Abilities

can be both advantageous or incur penalties to various rolls or situations.

Abilities work similarly to the Companion Personality rules in Appendix 4

of the Rules. When you start the game (or when you regenerate), if you

want to use the Ability rules, you may choose up to 3 Abilities from the

list below but the total Cost of these Abilities must equal zero. This means

that any „good‟ Abilities are balanced by disadvantages.

At the end of an Adventure you may use Luck points equal to 4 times the Cost to buy a new Ability or to lose one

you already have. You may also take a disadvantageous Ability (one with a negative Cost) to gain Luck points

equal to twice its Cost. You may never have more than 5 Abilities.


(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s knack of always managing to charm who he meets. If he is using the

Talk option to any female Character, he gains an extra Charisma Trait.


(Cost -1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s impatience and irritation of any petty bureaucrats that happen to

stand in his way. Any Talk rolls to Bureaucrat Characters are made at a -1 penalty.

Bench Thumping

(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s innate love of gadgets and tinkering where sometimes a good whack

can work wonders. Once per Adventure, if you fail an Engineering roll you may immediately roll again.

Escape Artist

(Cost 2) The Doctor often named Houdini as one of his friends. This Ability represents the Doctor‟s knack of being

able to escape bonds and captivity, even without his sonic screwdriver. Escape rolls are made with a +1 bonus.

Foolish Exterior

(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s standard tactic of acting the fool so that Enemies believe he is of no

threat. Brains rolls made with Talk options in Enemy encounters when you cannot Oppose gain a +1 bonus.

Garish Clothes

(Cost -2) The Doctor‟s sartorial elegance means that he doesn‟t always blend in with the crowd. Any Hide rolls are

made with a -2 penalty and any Talk rolls with Bureaucrats made with a -1 penalty.


(Cost 1) The Doctor often uses hypnosis to break the conditioning of Characters under the influence of an Enemy.

You must have Domination to gain this Ability. If you can make a Domination roll greater than a Human Minion‟s

Bravery at the start of an encounter without an Enemy present, that Minion becomes an Ally.


(Cost -2) Some incarnations of the Doctor like to dive straight in and prefer all the running to careful thought and

preparation. This Ability gives the Doctor a -1 cumulative penalty for successive Planning or Research Actions.


(Cost -1) The Doctor can be amazingly indiscreet at times and really say things that people don‟t want to hear.

Before any Charisma rolls, roll 1D6 - on a result of 1-2, your Charisma counts as a penalty, rather than a bonus.

Insatiable Curiosity

(Cost -1) Many incarnations of the Doctor have found themselves in serious trouble because they couldn‟t resist

taking „a quick look around‟. After any Explore or Investigate Action, take -1 from the vertical roll on r307.

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(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s influence over his Companions where he always brings out the best in

everyone. Once per Adventure, a Companion or Ally can add +2 to their Bravery for 1 turn.


(Cost -1) The Doctor can sometimes be infuriatingly antagonistic with people he doesn‟t respect. Any Talk rolls

with Characters without either Bureaucrat 2 or Science or Engineering are made with a -1 penalty.

Literary Quotations

(Cost 1) The Doctor is often quoting great works of literature to his Companions or to himself. Once per Adventure

you may add +1 to any Quality for 1 turn to any TARDIS Character.


(Cost -2) Sometimes the Doctor feels it better to travel alone. To make any

Companion Charisma rolls requires you to spend a Luck point and then

have a -2 penalty. You may not participate in e103.

Keen Intellect

(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s razor-sharp wits, intelligence

and cunning. When the Doctor has to make an opposed Brains roll, you

may roll 1D6 twice and take the highest roll.

Master of Disguise

(Cost 2) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s love for dressing up in different clothes and using not-so subtle accents

to fool the Enemy. You must have Thief to gain this Ability. You gain +1 to any Hide rolls and may turn Running

rolls in Evade options into Thief rolls with an extra +1 bonus.


(Cost 2) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s manipulative skills at being at least one step ahead of the Enemy and

their plans. When the Goal is revealed, you may automatically complete a free Planning Action to gain a Trait or

increase a Quality listed on the Goal event.


(Cost -1) When you‟ve defeated terrifying aliens and masterminds as long as the Doctor, you‟re bound to pick up an

arch nemesis. Choose any Enemy with a DM of -2 to be your Nemesis. When you encounter this Enemy take an

additional -1DM when they are revealed, and you are -1 to all Qualities for that Adventure.


(Cost -1) The Doctor‟s overconfidence can put both himself and his Companions in danger. If you have this Ability

then any Defeat Actions are made with a -1 penalty.

Poor TARDIS Pilot

(Cost -1 or -2) The Doctor hasn‟t always had the ability to control the

TARDIS and has often landed at unintended locations around the

Universe. Apply the Cost of this Ability as a penalty to any TARDIS rolls.

Powers of Observation

(Cost 1) The Doctor‟s amazing powers of observation could sometimes

rival Sherlock Holmes. You must have Aware for this Ability. If you fail an

Aware roll then once per Adventure, you may roll again.


(Cost -2) The Doctor is always very protective over his Companions. If any Companion with you is about to be

Wounded or Seriously Wounded, you must take those Wounds instead.

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Resourceful Pockets

(Cost 1) This Ability represents the Doctor‟s incredible jacket pockets that occasionally turn out to be bigger on the

inside too. Once per Adventure you may add +1 to any Trait roll.

Sense Evil

(Cost 1) Sometimes the Doctor has an innate ability to sense evil in the atmosphere. If you can make an Aware 8

roll before any Plot or Enemy events in an Adventure, then you may Investigate as an Action.

Shabby Appearance

(Cost -2) This Ability represents another aspect of the Doctor‟s dress code and overall appearance. Any Talk rolls

to Bureaucrat or Troop Characters are made with a -1 penalty to the roll.


(Cost 1) The best swordsman the Doctor ever knew was a captain in Cleopatra‟s guard. If you have History and

are in the Antiquity, Middle Ages or Renaissance eras (or the Sycorax are the Enemy), gain +2 Brawn in Fights.


(Cost 2) The Doctor can sometimes gather loyal Companions around him that act as extended family. You may

have 3 Companions with this Ability and you add +1 to the Companion Leaving roll at the end of an Adventure.


(Cost 1) Enemies have often underestimated the Doctor and let him live

when it would have been much better to kill him. If you have this Ability,

add +1 to any Surrender roll.


(Cost 1) The Daleks destroyed the Doctor‟s home planet of Gallifrey. This

Ability means the Doctor is +2 to Qualities, gains Marksman, and will

not offer Mercy (Appendix 5) in any Dalek encounters.

Venusian Akido

(Cost 2) The Doctor‟s mastery of this alien martial art has proved invaluable. In a Fight against non-Machine or non-

Creature Characters, the Doctor may apply his full Brawn separately to two opponents.

The Doctor

The Abilities of the various incarnations of the Doctor as seen on the TV programme are:

First Doctor – Irritable, Poor TARDIS Pilot, TARDIS Crew

Second Doctor – Foolish Exterior, Shabby Appearance, Underestimated

Third Doctor – Arrogant, Nemesis (The Master), Venusian Aikido

Fourth Doctor – Insatiable Curiosity, Resourceful Pockets

Fifth Doctor – Protective, TARDIS Crew

Sixth Doctor – Garish Clothes, Literary Quotations, Sense Evil

Seventh Doctor – Insatiable Curiosity, Mastermind, Overconfident

Eighth Doctor – Appealing, Bench-thumping, Protective

Ninth Doctor – Inspirational, Loner, Vengeful

Tenth Doctor – Appealing, Impatient, Keen Intellect

Eleventh Doctor – Indiscreet, Powers of Observation

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C003. The Music of the Spheres

Inspired by the wonderful music that Murray Gold has written for Doctor

Who since 2005, Music has now been added as a Trait for the game.


This Trait represents the ability to sing, play a musical instrument or

perform in front of an audience. Tallulah and Abigail Pettigrew certainly

had this Trait and the Arcateen culture is based largely on music. This

Trait can be chosen by the Doctor or a Companion as normal.

The following events have now been modified to include Music:

Characters: Add Music to the following Characters:

(e026) Jabe; (e049) Civilian; (e110) Tallulah; (e211) Madame de Pompadour; (L013) Star Poet;

(ce03) Marco Polo’s storyteller

Artefacts/Equipment: The following give Music to the User:

(ce16) Recorder; (L002) Gifts of the Arcateen

Events Addenda: All the following events have the following changes:

e070. Alien Museum: On 2D6 roll: 2: e198; 3: e132; 4: e158 or Q006; 5: e159; 6: e069; 7: An alien

musical instrument – a user with Aware gains Music; 8: The headpiece of an old enemy – gain 1 Luck

point; 9: e131; 10: e191; 11: e036; 12: e200.

e080. Entertainment: Gain an extra Luck point per Character with Music.

e205. Telepathic Field: If at least 5 Ood here, they also gain Music.

e208. Secret Ceremony: Any priests, cults or monks you encounter are +1 to Qualities and gain Music until

the end of the next turn.

e213. Masked Ball: You can add Music to the Charisma roll

e259. Church: If at a Holiday location and you have 2 Music, choose a Relax Action and gain 1 Luck point.

me04. What Lies Below: If you are on Starship UK, then gain an extra +1DM if you have either Music or 2 Aware

(or can make an Aware 10 roll) and Brains 25.

q011a. The Bane: In the Fight option, you may add Music to Brawn.

xe13. City of the Ood: If you try to communicate with the Ood, roll

2D6 and add Aware and Music Traits:

yv04a. Carnosaur: To deactivate the control conditioning you need

28 Brains and either 3 Science or Music.

ce44. Aggedor: To hypnotise Aggedor you can add any Music to the

Charisma roll

ce52. Music Hall Theatre: A Character with Music may make a Charisma 8 roll (adding any Music) to gain a

Luck point as an Action (this can be repeated until the roll is failed).

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C004. Restaurants at the Edges of the Universe

With all Time and Space to explore, it‟s only natural that the TARDIS can bring you to some fabulous places to eat and

drink. Sample the incredible cuisine of some of the finest restaurants in the universe, sip champagne or tuck into

Christmas dinner with these new rules.

The rules here are generally used to supplement the restaurant event (e073) that can be encountered as part of a Relax

Action or as a Location event, but they can also enhance other events in certain cases as shown below. You may also

opt for Characters to become master chefs themselves...

c004a. Cookery

This is a new optional Trait that Characters (including the Doctor or a

Companion) can use and that supplements these rules. It represents the ability

to create and appreciate good food and fine dining. The eleventh Doctor

demonstrated this Trait whilst cooking for Craig Owens and Amy Pond in the

dream world created by the Dream Lord could certainly whip up a few cakes!

If at a Holiday or native Adventure location, Characters with the Cookery

Trait can as a Relax Action, make a Cookery 9 roll to make a tasty dish. This

gives the Character an extra Charisma Trait for 1 use only in this Adventure

or a one-time Medicine Trait if trying to heal another Character (r310).

Alternatively, a Character with Cookery can take an Action (again only if at a Holiday or native Adventure location) to

prepare a meal for other Characters. This requires a successful Cookery 7 roll, adding +1 to the required total for each

Character (so to prepare a meal for 3 other Characters needs a 10). If successful, gain a Luck point for each Character.

If you prepare a meal for just 1 Character you may see e206. If you fail the Cookery roll, lose 1 Luck point.

c004b. Food and Drink


The famous sparkling wine from France always adds a touch of class. You may have champagne at any resort,

casino, Party event, VIP reception (e055) or masked ball (e213) by spending 1 Luck point. Characters with

champagne gain an extra Charisma Trait when Talking to Characters until the end of the next turn. If 2

Characters have champagne, you may opt to get romantic - see e206 next turn.


Potatoes have never tasted so good – especially with salt and vinegar. You can get chips on Present or Post Modern era

Earth at e073. Any native Human Character who has chips is +1 to Bravery until the end of next turn. If Krillitanes are

the Enemy here, take a -1DM penalty and any Human who eats chips is +3 Brains until the end of the Adventure.

Christmas Dinner

Turkey and all the trimmings plus pudding and crackers – what‟s not to love?

Christmas Dinner is available on all Adventures that mention Christmas or

December in their game text either on a result of 8+ on a Relax Action or as

an Action when an Enemy has been Defeated before Turn 12 in an

Adventure. This counts as Family time (e103). Roll 2D6 adding any Cookery

and if the result is 8+ you gain a Luck point for each Character (there must be

at least 2) that has Christmas Dinner. If the result is 4 or less then the dinner

was ruined – lose 1 Luck point!


A cup of tea has saved many a Time Lord in need of refreshment. A Human Companion or Ally may make some tea for

your group at an Earth Adventure (Victorian to Near Future Eras) or in the TARDIS as part of a Rest or Planning Action as

long as they have not added Traits or Qualities to the roll. Tea will cancel any ill effects of Time Lord Regeneration (see

r310) and any Human or Time Lord Characters are +1 to Qualities (not cumulative) until the end of your next turn.

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c004c. Adventures with Dining

Certain Holiday resorts will also have famous dishes or special wines that Characters may like to sample. If you visit any

of the Adventures below and roll 8+ on the Relax Action to choose a restaurant (see e073 but do not roll for service

quality – it is always excellent), or visit the market on Shan Shen, then you may see below rather than original options:

a422. Ashanka

The frozen ice hotel on Ashanka is the epitome of fine cuisine and offers two rare delicacies that are found only on this

planet. Visitors to the fine restaurant there may instead choose to dine on:

Iced Tupalanka: An incredible frozen dessert of flavoured ice infused with sub-arctic gases. Characters must make a

successful Bravery roll (adding any Cookery or Domination) to taste the Tupalanka and gain 2 Luck points.

Characters that fail the Bravery roll by at least 3 are Wounded however.

Bulaba stew: A steaming broth containing delicate slivers of Bulaba – creatures that roam the frozen tundra of the planet.

Characters that have the stew gain Tracking for the rest of this Adventure and are immune to effects of e079 here.

a432. The Titanic

Being the flagship of Capricorn Cruise Lines, the Titanic boasts an elegant

dining experience amongst the stars where the chefs aboard are only too

willing to cater for their passengers every need. Characters that choose to

visit the restaurant may instead attend the Captain‟s Dinner Reception - a

sumptuous Party where all TARDIS Characters gain a Luck point. Roll 1D6

and on a 1-4 also see e266 immediately.

Whilst at the restaurant or attending the Reception, instead of gaining a Luck

point, a Character may order a Capricorn Sunrise – a huge fruity cocktail

named after the cruise line director. Characters that drink a Sunrise gain +1

to a Quality for the rest of the Adventure. Also roll 1D6 - on a 1-2 see e271.

a435. Lemeria

The underwater resort of Reef City 1 on Lemeria boasts a restaurant with amazing views of the wildlife in the oceans and

reefs surrounding it. Visitors to the fine restaurant may instead choose to dine on:

Steamed Red Kalmera: The kalmera fish is found only on Lemeria and has a very delicate pink flesh cooked within an

aromatic sauce. Characters that have the fish gain an extra Charisma Trait until the end of the Adventure.

Morak Kelp: Lemeria has top quality undersea farms that source the best restaurants. Morak kelp is dark green and rich

in vitamins so Characters eating it are +1 to Brawn (cumulative) until the end of the Adventure.

a448. Shan Shen

The markets of this over-populated planet are amongst the most diverse in the

known universe and as such, visitors can find strange and exotic dishes.

Shukina: A warm, frothy milk-like drink that is very popular on Shan Shen.

Each TARDIS Character that has Shukina gains +1 to Seek Information

or Seek Help Actions for the rest of the Adventure.

Tocca berries: Large, fleshy purple fruits that are said to heighten a person‟s

senses. Characters that eat Tocca berries gain an extra Aware Trait for

the next 3 Turns (not cumulative).

a449. Midnight

The amazing leisure complex built on the planet Midnight tries to offer an incredible array of dining choice and for all

budgets – from economy to the deluxe anti-gravity restaurant. Visitors to the deluxe restaurant (needing a Charisma 9 roll

to enter per group) may instead choose to sample the speciality of the house with a fantastic chocolate Sapphire

Waterfall dessert. Any female Characters having the dessert gain 2 Luck points. Characters with Cookery may (on a

result of 8+ on a Relax Action) enlist on a Fine Dining course that takes 1D3 turns. At the end of the course, roll 1D6

adding any Cookery: 1-2: gain Cookery; 3-4: Gain 1D3 Luck points; 5-6: A waste of time – you gain nothing.

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C005. Trivial Pursuits

These rules provide additional options for a Relax Action at particular Adventures or ways to enhance certain encounters.

c005a. Fine Clothes

Sometimes you just want to look your best when visiting some of the elegant

places in the universe. To equip your TARDIS Characters with fine clothes at

the start of an Adventure (or if you return to the TARDIS) costs 1 Luck point per

Character and gives that Character an extra Charisma Trait at any Party,

Casino, or Restaurant at a Resort. Any Characters that are Appealing, double

their bonus as well. However, female Characters wearing fine clothes suffer a

-1 to any Running rolls (it‟s the heels!).

c005b. Incredible Resorts

When the pace gets too much and saving the universe a little wearing, there‟s nothing better taking a break at a Holiday

location. There are some places in the galaxy where you can just get away from it all, but if you want perhaps a little bit

more to do, then why not visit one of the luxury resorts?

In the Core game, four Adventures are Resorts – a422 (Ashanka), a432 (The Titanic), a435 (Lemeria) or a449

(Midnight), and any future expansions for DWSSG will use Resort as a keyword when needed. When you choose a

Relax Action in a Resort and gain an 8+, then in addition to the usual choices of e073 (with the added dining options

from c004c), e080 or e129 you may also choose from the three options below.

All Resorts also have trained medical staff so that any Seek Help Action to find a physician automatically succeeds with a

result of 9-10 on r306l.

Spa Treatments

Luxury resorts always have an incredible spa and using it is the ultimate

in relaxation. Why not get pampered, massaged or have a facial? Swim

in heated pools, sweat it out in a sauna or treat yourself to a beauty

session. Characters gain 1 Luck point (2 Luck points if Indolent – see

r315) each although female Characters may instead opt to become

Appealing (r315) until the end of the Adventure (or 1 Luck point and

Appealing if Indolent).

Recreational Pursuits

It‟s time to get physical by working out in a luxury gym, playing in a variety of team or solo sports, or taking part in a

fitness regime to improve your stamina. Indolent (r315) Characters may not choose this option. Each Character that

chooses this option must roll 1D6 and on a result of 1 they become Wounded. Characters that are not Wounded

each gain 1 Luck point or instead can opt to gain Marksman, Running or +1 Brawn until the end of the Adventure. If

a Character chooses to have this increase in Qualities or Traits then it costs 1 less Luck point to make the increase

permanent at the end of the Adventure.


(Location) You find a fantastic and luxurious casino with men in dinner jackets and beautiful women in long evening

gowns sipping cocktails and champagne. Only Characters with Charisma may enter the casino. Gain +1 to Relax

actions in the casino. Each turn in the casino you may gamble by making Charisma 8 rolls to get into a game then

roll 2D6 - if you roll a 7 or 11 or any doubles (except double 1) then win a Luck point. Any other result loses a Luck

point. If you roll a 2, lose 2 Luck points. Whilst you are gambling roll 2D6 for any other event (before you roll for a

usual encounter): 2-7: None; 8-9: Character; 10-11: Plot; 12: Enemy.

c005c. Relaxing at Christmas

If you roll 8+ for a Relax Action in any Adventure with „December‟ or Christmas in the text, then aside from cooking

Christmas Dinner (see c004b), you may also opt to send TARDIS Characters Christmas shopping – roll 1D6 for each: 1:

Too late – lose 1 Luck point; 2-6: Gain 1 Luck point - 2 Luck points if they make a successful Quality roll (their choice).

Characters with Music may also opt to sing Christmas carols, gaining 1 Luck point each or 2 if they make a successful

Music 8 roll. If there are at least 3 other TARDIS Characters or Friends with them, gain an extra 2 Luck points.

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C006. Seasons to Fear

From glorious sunny afternoons and meeting Agatha Christie, Cybermen

stalking a snowy Victorian graveyard or the heavy rainstorms that transported

the Royal Hope Hospital to the Moon, weather has played an important part

in many Doctor Who adventures.

These rules add more detailed weather rules to Adventures as well as

modifiers to events that depend on the season – Spring to Winter – that the

Adventure takes place. There are also events for more exotic weather

conditions of alien worlds.

c006a. Earth Seasons and Weather

When you arrive at an Adventure on Earth, the Adventure text normally describes the scene before you and implicitly the

time of year in which it occurs. With these rules, unless an Adventure mentions Christmas in the text (in which case it is

automatically Winter) then roll 2D6 below to randomly determine the season:

2D6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Summer Autumn Autumn Summer Winter Winter

Once the season has been determined, then roll 1D6 again. If the result is a 6 (or if you ever have e148 in the

Adventure or the text mentions Christmas explicitly) then the Adventure takes place on or near an important Date. See the

season descriptions below for details of what happens on that date plus any other modifiers to events:

Spring – Date: Beltane is an occult festival that takes place on April 30th. Ignore the e055 reference on e148 and the

next Event (2) you have here, instead see e208 immediately.

Summer – Date: The Summer solstice on June 21st is often important to

many religions or cults. All priests, monks and cults are +1

to Qualities for the rest of the Adventure.

e055. VIP Reception – Gain +1 to any Talk rolls to Characters met at the

reception due to the gloriously sunny weather.

e079. Bad Weather – Characters gain an extra +2 to the Bravery roll.

e121. Sunstroke – Characters suffer from sunstroke on a roll of 5-6.

Autumn – Date: Halloween on October 31st is the major occult festival of the year and as such the Bravery of all native

Allies is reduced by 1 and you may not choose a Relax Action even if at a Holiday adventure. If you

have e124 then take an additional -1DM penalty. Ignore the e055 reference on e148 and the next

Event (2) you have here, instead see e208 immediately. If you have e229 then any Characters with a

Quality of 4 or less are affected. If the Goal is revealed to be e180, e204, e245 or e247 then

increase the Goal number by 1. To enter either e236 or e259, Bravery rolls have a -1 penalty.

Increase any Quality needed in e270 by 1.

Winter – Date: Christmas – see c004b and c005c for additional options

available to Characters. It always snows when you have

e079 at Christmas (see below). If in the Post Modern Era,

the next Event (1) that you have, roll 1D6 and on a 1-3

then see e037 instead.

e079. Bad Weather – Characters take an additional -2 penalty to the

Bravery roll. Also roll 1D6 - if the result is 4-6 then snow

makes any Move Actions have a -1 penalty but Tracking

rolls gain a +1 bonus.

e121. Sunstroke – ignore this event.

e223. Chase – all Running rolls are made with a -1 penalty.

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c006b. Bad Weather on Alien Worlds

If you ever roll e079 on an alien world then roll 1D6. On a result of 4-6 then instead roll on e079a below:

e079a. Alien Weather

You have encountered unusual weather effects on the alien world you

have visited. Roll 1D6 with +1 if you are in a Wilderness and -1 if you

are at a Holiday Location and consult the chart below:

0: The weather conditions of this world have fashioned part of its

landscape or atmosphere into a beautiful sculpture or vista. Gain a

Luck point per TARDIS Character as you gaze upon it and each

Companion is +1 to Bravery until the end of the Adventure.

1: A stunning aurora lights up the sky. You gaze upon it in wonder and gain a Luck point.

2: Lightning EMP storm - A storm begins and lightning strikes the ground. The lightning also sends out magnetic

pulses disrupting electronics. Roll 1D6 each Turn - on 4-6 the storm continues and all Machine Characters or

Enemies are -1 to their Qualities. Once the storm stops you need not roll to see if it continues further.

3: Mistfall - A huge eerie blanket of mist envelops the land. All Tracking rolls have a -1 penalty. The Mist may

also have strange properties. If you are at a Dimensional Adventure you receive a -1DM penalty and this is

regarded as a Temporal event.

4: Sentient Weather - Astonishingly you hear voices on the wind. As you watch the wind gathers loose debris or

grit and fashions itself a rough humanoid body. The „wind‟ is actually a sentient being. Roll 2D6 and add

any Aware or Tracking:

2-6: The Wind is a violent and cruel entity and it attacks making a Brawn 6 attack against a random

Character. You cannot Fight back and you must flee the area with Running 8 rolls. Characters failing

the roll are attacked each Turn until they escape.

7-9: The Wind is a mindless or playful entity and simply leaves you alone after a while. Gain a Luck point

if you have Science.

10+: The Wind sees you as a friend and imparts some news it has heard - roll for a Plot event and gain a

Luck point if you have Science.

5: Acid Rain - A deluge of rain erupts and is acidic in nature. All Characters must make Running 8 rolls. Failure

means they become Wounded. If you are at a Location you can ignore this Event as you quickly find shelter.

6: Neurogenic Rain - It begins to rain heavily. However either due to a natural phenomenon or pollutants in the

air the rain has bizarre chemicals that wipe memories. You begin to forget things as the rain „washes away‟

your short term memory. For the next 1D3 Turns, all non-Machine Characters are -1 Brains and any Research

or Planning Actions have a -1 penalty. Take a -1DM if you have gained any DM from a Goal event.

7: Solar Tsunami - You watch in horror as flaming meteors begin

striking the landscape around you. Each Character must make

Running 8 rolls or become Seriously Wounded. If you are at a

Location you need not roll for injury but roll 1D6 and if the result is

4-6 then the Location is destroyed and you cannot use it again in

this Adventure. Roll 1D6 at the end of the Turn and if the result is a

1-2 then the tsunami continues next Turn and Characters must roll

again to see if they are injured.

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C007. Exploring the Universe

To give players more choice in the early stages of Adventures, the following Actions have been added. Some expand the

Explore Action in various Adventure locations whilst others give alternative Actions that can be chosen. If the Adventure

does not fall into one of the categories below, then use the Explore table (r306c) from the Core rules as normal.

c007a. Explore Alien Culture

(A non-Wilderness Alien World) You decide to explore your surroundings and see what you can discover. This

Action may only be chosen if the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 if your group contains

a Time Lord and +1 for each Character with Brains 7+ (max +3). If you roll natural doubles, in addition to any

result below, your group becomes randomly split afterwards (see r306e).

2: You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3: You become hopelessly lost – see e078 immediately.

4-5: Companion in trouble – see e002.

6-7: You discover nothing unusual. Gain +1 to further Explore Actions here if you have 2 Aware.

8: You meet someone – roll for a Character event. If you do not have Aware and the encountered Character is

not Human then you have -1 to any Talk option (-2 if they have Creature).

9-10: You either discover clues that need Investigating – see r306d next turn if you wish OR make a successful Move

Action next turn to roll for a Location event.

11: You discover something important – roll for a Plot event

12+: You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

c007b. Explore Corridors

(Ship, Station, Resort or Base) You decide to explore the corridors to see what you can discover. This Action may

only be chosen if the Enemy is not yet revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max 3) for each Computers. If you roll

natural doubles, in addition to any result below, your group becomes randomly split afterwards (see r306e).

2: You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3-4: All these corridors look the same – roll 1D6: 1-2: e097; 3-6: e078.

5: Companion in trouble – see e002.

6-7: You discover nothing unusual.

8: You meet someone – roll for a Character event.

9-10: You either discover clues that need Investigating – see r306d next

turn if you wish OR roll for a Location event immediately.

11: You discover something important – roll for a Plot event

12+: You discover something vital – see e082.

c007c. Explore History

(Earth Modern Era or earlier) You decide to explore the area and see what you can discover. This Action may

only be chosen if the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max 3) for each History. If you roll

natural doubles, in addition to any result below, your group becomes randomly split afterwards (see r306e).

2: You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3: Companion in Trouble – see e002.

4-5: Find trouble – make a History 8 roll or see e059.

6-7: You discover nothing unusual.

8: You meet someone – roll for a Character event.

9-10: You either discover clues that need Investigating – see r306d next

turn if you wish OR make a successful Move Action next turn to roll

for a Location event. Add any History to either attempt.

11: You discover something important – roll for a Plot event

12+: You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

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c007d. Explore Wilderness

(Wilderness) You decide to explore the surrounding area to see what you can discover. This Action may only be

chosen if the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max 3) for each Tracking. If you roll

natural doubles, in addition to any result below, your group becomes randomly split afterwards (see r306e).

2: You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3: Attacked by hostile creature – e095

4-5: You become hopelessly lost – see e078 immediately.

6: The weather suddenly turns – see e079.

7: You discover nothing unusual.

8: Find secret path or tracks – +1 to further Explore Actions.

9-10: You either discover clues that need Investigating – see r306d next

turn if you wish OR make a successful Move Action next turn to roll

for a Location event.

11: You find somewhere – roll for a Location event

12+: You discover somewhere that could be important – see e082.

c007e. Meddle

(Any non-Wilderness) You decide to get yourself involved – always the best way to find out what‟s happening!

This Action may only be chosen if the Enemy is not yet revealed and you have not had a Plot event. Roll 2D6 and

add +1 per Aware, History (if on Earth in Modern Era or earlier) and +1 if a Companion is Curious (max +3). If

you roll natural doubles and a Companion is involved in this Action, see e002 before result below.

2-3: Your meddling is not welcomed – see e059.

4: Your meddling attracts the attention of the Enemy – roll for an

Enemy event.

5-6: Your meddling has no effect.

7-8: You make a nuisance of yourself – have a Character event with -1

to any Talk or Surrender option.

9: Discover useful information – roll for Plot event.

10: You encounter someone – roll for a Character event

11: You stumble on the Enemy‟s plan – reveal the Enemy and roll for a

Goal event.

12+: Your meddling attracts the attention of the Enemy – gain a +1DM but also roll for an Enemy event.

c007f. Challenge

You decide to confront the Enemy directly to discover their plans. This Action may only be chosen if you know the

Enemy and they must have a Talk or Confront option. Only Characters with Bravery 8+ may attempt this Action.

Roll 2D6 and add any Domination, Gloating, -2 unless you know the Goal, +1 if you can Oppose (max +3):

2-3: Your challenge has failed - See the Surrender option of Enemy (you

are attacked if none) and take a -1DM.

4: Your Enemy mocks you - All Allies will be -1 to Qualities in this


5-6: Your threats are dismissed as empty – You may not attempt another

Challenge Action in this Adventure.

7: Enemy unimpressed – No effect.

8: Enemy digests your words – Gain +1 to Challenge next turn.

9: Important information gleaned – Roll for a Goal event

10: Enemy unnerved – Gain +1DM.

11: Enemy cowed – Any captured Characters are released and gain +1DM

12+: Enemy deeply worried – Reveal Goal and they are -1 to all Qualities for the remainder of the Adventure.