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THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. Scmtrratir 3ournal, btboftb to foral anb untral ~hFos, Fittrature, $tcitu, ggrixnlture, etc. V OL. XXHII. COLFAX. GRANT PARISH, LA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1899. NO. 2 T'i•E COLFAX CHRONIOLE, Published Every Setarday,Ma ,•lthx, Grant Parish La., -aT- pr. -. GOODWfY EDITOR and PROPRIETOL TXRM8 OF SUBCBRIPTION. * copy, one year..............$1 Od .e copy, nix monuth .............. 50 Scqpies, one yearr............... i 00 I'sysble invari.bly in advance. RA T8 OF IADVI TIlKiG. first inaertion eharged double prie. ways0, t, li. Im. 3m. Snm. lyr. lnebh... WI CO 1 t 0 3 W I5 W900 Sipehee.lI t $ W 8 3 75 55 ! 5016 l00 3 inches. I 50 0U500 7 5o 1200 5 650 4 inches. 00 3 75t 6 25 75 16 000 5 4 1 iu. hee. 5•) 4 501 7 0110 oOs 1o 30 00 I otlumn4 so0 N 00 12 67 530 0 00 colman OU 15 1 0 00360 0080 00 Oleisil ad vertisemente $1 per equare for rst insertion; each ebsbqaeat publics- iou 50 oeats per square. Brief communiesions apes snbjente of ,,bile interest solicited, but oiattenatan %ill be paidk to anonymone writers. Address: CHCiOrCL.L• Colfax, La. tJJVdiVcial dvertisesmets a be peid for is sdraese, or Ikeg i6 N. disceaise d after tl.e rat iasrtiea. PEOFE•SIONAL OCARDS. Joel L. Fletcher, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, OCOLFAX, LA, Will practice in the Courts of Grant, Wino. Natchitoches and Iapides Parishes, and in Supreme Court of the State, and District and Oircuit Court of U. S. for Weters Distriot of Louisiana. 0. . McKaitbt. ParikSwsr. Barl Boberts. Notary Pbli B. L KcKLight. Civil agiaesr. G. H. McKnight & Co., REAL ESTATE AGENCY, COLFAX, LA. Pine and Hard Wood Lands boght and sold. Abstracts luraished, Lines located and Estimates made. S WM. C. RoiErTs, .ttorney and ounsellor at Law, Alexandria, La. OQec, Osborn Building, oppaodte court- bouse. Office also at Cofax, L., Barl Roberts, correspondent and businem manager, in oharge. Will practice in all the courts of the State and in the Federal court. Special attention given to collections in Rapides and Grant parishes. ja7 J. T. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, Notary Publie and U. 8. ComsaLdeu mer, WINYFIELD, LA. Will practice in all the enorts of the Fourth Judicial District, and ia the Su- preme Court of the State. oS.I JOHN A. WILLIAxs, LAWTRlaL, OOLPAX ................... LO ANA Will Practice s all theCerts, ea G. H. McKNIGHT, Parish Surveyor. Will run liaes on abort notice and is fully prepared to locate Hemeseeds for Settlers. Jib City i Hotel, BOYCE, LOUISIANA, Mrs. A. C. DEAL, Proprietress. (ENTRALLY LOCA TED. Prices reasonaMe, meals the best the market affords, patronage of the publie solioited, sad satisaction guaranteed. ACHILLE BAUER, - JOBBER OF - Provisions, BREADSTUFF', DAIRY PRODUCTS, SUGARS, RIUB, .PRODUVCE, ETk Coffees, Candles. Crackers, Ec, Ero, Bro., ALEXANORIA, - - - LOISIANA ARMOUR & CO.., Sooth Omaha, Neb. Chicag4 Illinois. Anazutuaz& Baauc, La. Oeatlemen:-- We ave opesed a depot in Alexana- dria, Louisians, under the chabrge of Mr. SAobille B*aer. We will always keep oa hand a atll stock of suc provsioeas es Sare handled it this ction of the t8tae of Lcubiiass. . Pripe sheet• wi to lsud weekly and Sforwarded to the trae. Prices atth lowet enarkeititueotios Al ordem ikled prompty, attk u talious tie day whewn r ao md. 't~. , tsrios Cash-af r wet o -ooda Team s ~ TR & 00. New ttractionsl Great Attractions! Stock of Fall and Winter Goods received, parehased for cash, and all to be sold at astonishingly low prices, by the Old Reliable B . TURNER, ,n r .. Everything New in his large and well selected stock of Notions and Seasonable Goods, ClothingLadiea Trimmed Hats, Menu's Hats, and Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc. Stylish fall ,P ,' ind Winter Goodel All carefully eeleoted with special view to the needs of the trade.- Also his asual full line of Hard- ware, OCtlery, Orodhry, Baddlery, Staple Grooeries, and Plantatiet S lpples. He invites special attention to his large stock of PFurlture, kept in his spacious rooms on the seco- ond floor. Esasine his goods be- fore purchaoing elewhe. Every thing sold for cans at Rock Botton Figures. Time of Harvest is Here! 'nd, in order to meet the ever-in- creasing demand of his customers for new and seasonable goods, G. W. Bolton; Pin . Has received, and has in transit, a full and complete stock of Select Goods of all descriptions, such as Dry Goods, Clothin, Ladies' and Men's Hats, Shoes, Etc. Special Attention. Has been paid to the seeds of the trade in quality sad prices, and all goods have been bought at figures which will enable bim to give his customers splendid bargains. The Very Lowest Margha In pratt con•estent with fair deal- ing placed on all goods. _Hisetock of Groceries, Hardware,Peraiture and Notions is eomplete and will be sold lower than ever betfre. Teon Pagit's Sadls, To be found at no other house in town. Blys for Eastern Spinners and pays the highest prices in Cash Paid for Cotton. Colfax High School. The Trastes of the Coela Blab Sehool for Hales sad Females take pleasure in sanouneing tothe publie that the seventh Nine Months 8eeaen of this sooo1l will begin on the Flrst Monday of Septum- bar, •ib No pains will be spared to makp it a High School. sAras or TvUIros. hlinarr Degeutmes - - - - par aoDth Mast Voeaadlaastrsmeantal " " eidstal fs* ee ar M per sessioe. Good board san be obtained on reasone- Me trmas. Two hotels is town, ant sev- eral private boarding bosses in town and vieinity will board clep. Those having children to educate should seud thean in and gives a fLr trial. We are In the raee to stay. R. 8. CAMaEoiN, President. H, 0. GOODWIN, eeretary Roard it Trestees. Celtas, La., Jsy7 1 1819. 4u1SITAUT IATEWAYS4 2-Fst T r aine2 DAILY ,For $ Louis, Gisago and the EAST. itap.e Mew Pnumaa Vas•tled New r iCrars. eess Free.) Seaend atee•prte New mactr Muma TQ Arizona, New Mexico *b" California. Lth_ _ ,• _PT4IIS. -'. 7-_ ANNOUN•CMENTS. for $suator. We are autborised to announce J. T. WALLACE, f I of Winn parish, as a candidte for Bena- tor from the 77th District of Louisiana, composed of the parishes of Orant,Wian and Caldwell, subject to nominaties by the Democratic party. We are authorised to annopuce Da. J. F. KELLY, of Grant parish, as a andidate for Sena- I tor from the 27th district of Louisiana, composed of the parishes of Grant,Winn and Caldwell, subject to nomination by the Democratic party. for Distrist lude. We are authorized to announce EDWIN G. HUNTER as a candidate for Judged the 13th Jn- dicial District oomposed of the parishes ' of Rapides and Grant, subject to the ao tiaon of the Democratic party. for Diirt Auttorny. We are authorized to announce the ,name of JOrN C. RYAN a a candidate for District Attorney of the Thirteenth Judicial Distrot, compos- ed of the parishes of Rapider and Grant, subject to nomination by the Democratic party. for Clerk of the Court. We are authorised to announce J. J. O'QUINN as a candidate for Clerk of the Court, subject to the action of the Democrats of Grant parish in making their party nominations for office. for Sheriff. We are authorized to announce M. E. SWAFFORD as a candidate for Sheriff and Ox-Officio Tax Collector of Grant pariash, abject to the Democratic nomination. Thegrand jury report will befound in this issue In view of the fact that a special committee has lately inve- tigated the treasurer's books and ae- co 1 nte, and the matter has otherwise been thoroughly placed before the public, from the date the committee closed the accounts they find the ame co'rect. As thegrand jury state that they have "no axe to grind," and have labored to discharge their duty justly and fair, we take the will for the deed and accept their finding as afruestatementof present condltions and a correct solution of the contro- versy. J. T. Wallace obr Senator. We are authorized this week to place the name of Mr. J. T. Wallace, of Winnfleld, before the citizens of Grantparish as a candidate for Sena- tor from the 27th district, composed of Grant, Winn and Caldwell parishes. He holds himself subject to the action of the Democratic party In making nominations, and is particularly hopeful that the nomination may be by primary election, since that is the method that seems to be most ap- proved by the people. Mr. Wallacels a native of Missslsep- pi, but has spent almost his entire llein Louislana, inWinn parish. His activity in political circles, in which he has always been In line wlth the regular Democracy, has made him possibly the best known man in the district. He is a whole-souled com- panion, and makes and retane friends readily. He has been a practitioner in the courts for the past ten or twelve years, and is a lawyer of considerable repute. He was born in June, 1850, and is therefore now nearly 50 years of age, ripe in experience, and excep- tionally well qualified to represent the district, being thoroughly familiar with all It. needs and desires. We doubt not he will receve'a liberal and hearty support by his friends throughout the district, and if elected will fill the position with credit to himself and satisfaction to thepeople. The Tapelo Journal thus urges the advantages of a small farm: "No investment of a small sum brings such good rsults as that in- vested in a small farm. The head of the average sized family with reason- able industry and intellgencecan bet- tsr provide the necessaries and com- forts for his family on a good little S5iS farm than he -an by moving to town and trying tolive out of a mei- cantile business in which he invests ten timehtheworthof thefarm. The caacityof the farm to supply the nssaresof lie can only be mess- und by the numbers who are able to make demand on it through intelli- gent labor. Many of the delicacies which town anddctypeople pay high pricesfor cn be had withoutexpense and with but little trouble or labor. Itis wonderful What good resultscan be had oat a small armis IntlrUluitly Wtm-anaged." murD - Distict Court-Civil Term I His Honor, uape 1•F. Maohe,op ned' court on Monday morning at the usual hour, with DkrtriFt Attorney A. .Hund- ley present to represent the State in crimina~tters. The attorneys present during the week were: W. C. Roberts, H. H. White, Allan T. Hunter and J. C. Blackman, of Alex- andria; J. T. Wallace and Wm. Wallace, of Winuneld; R. M. Horn, of Bermuda; and Joun A. Williams, Joel L. Fletcher and J. B. Dunn, of our local bar. - Also, Attorney 3. 0. L. P. Hooe, of Al- exandria, was preent yesterday. The following grand jury, impanneled last term of court, was duly charged by S his honor, namely: ft T. O. Barron. Foreman. John Randolph, J. E. Nugent, A. E. Wall, Walter Chelette, jr., H. B. Faraldoe, A. J. Dune, a J.T. Flannagab, W. H. Day, Riley Corbitt, John Foster, F. B. Dean. The following civil and criminal busi- ness has been transacted, viz: d Well Bros. & Bauer vs. Sises Brothers, Hardtners Intervenor, compromise and agreement flied by the plaintiffs and in- si tervenors. W. W. Heard, Auditor, vs. Siess Bros., attachment dismissed as to machinery. Judgment of separation of bed and o board between Ed. Preston, husband, and Anna Ryan, wife. Henry 8assier plead guilty to cursing and swearing in a public plae, and was ' fined $5 and costs, or to work out same 0 in default of paying. Nolle prose enter- * ed by district attorney in a case against q the accused for discharging fire arms in a public place. t Charles Allen plead guilty to cursing and swearing in a private house, fined WS and costs, or work it out. d Phil Hebert plead guilty to cursing and swearing in a public place, fined =6 q and costs, or work it out. a Well Bros. A Bauer vs. W. W. Heard, n Auditor, injunction sustained, Mrs. M. M. Devore vs. Dr. J. V. Bon- P nette, suit for damages, continued and ia set for firet day of the March term. Nolle pros entered in the case against Montgomery Brashear, charged with dib. turbing a peaceable assembly. In the case against Arch Whatley and a Sim Thomas, charged with discharging o fire arms in a public plaoe,Whatley plead fi guilty, and was fined $5 and costs, or to a work it out. Nolle prossee entered as to Whatley in cases 1887, 1388 and 1382, for assault and carrying concealed weapons. E , Tom 5ige plead guilty to carrying con. cealed wespoa, $10 and costs or work. Nolle proes entered as to John Hopper for concealed weapons. t Henry Denton plead guilty to carry.- ing concealed weapons, and was fined $10 and costs, or work. C Indictment quashed in case against b Ed Younag, charged with discharging fire arms in a private house. Kelly Dudley plead guilty to gambling ina public place, fined $2 50 and cost, I or work m default of paying. t Presley William3 and Oscar Chelette e plead guilty to carrying concealed weap- onse, each ined $10 and costs, or work. t Ed Coatee, tried by the court and t found guilty of assault and battery, fined $25 and costs, or work. t Geo. T. Griffin vs. Wm. Walkling, dis. c missed, plaintiff failing to answer oben 9 called at the court house door. Richd Roberson plead guilty to carry- ing concealed weapons, $10 and costs, Geo. Chelette vs. Dora Martin, judg- c msent of absolute divorce. < Indiana Drug Co. vs. H. B. Faraldo. I appeal from magistrate's court, judg- s ment reversing decision of lower court. John Oglesby, tried by court for re- tailing liquos without license, convicted and asentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs, or work it out, and in default to I four months in the parish jail. John Oglesby plead guilty to carrying 1 concealed weapon, fined $10 and costs, or 1 3 months in parish •f. Tom Kite and Phil Ferrier, witnesses, charged with contempt, discharged by court. 1 Sharp A Coleman vs. Teddlie A Ted. dlie, J. M. Nugent 3d opponent, judg- ment for plaintiffs against Teddlie Ted. I dlie for amount sued for, judgment tor I defendant dissolving attachment and die. I missing 3d opposition. Geo. Starks plead guilty to burglary, and was santenced to 4 years in peniten- tiary and to pay easts of the promeoution. As we go to press the homesteal ease Sof Teddlie, Dunn et al vs. J. H. MoNeely is being tried. This case will probably take up all the tame of the court, whih will adjourn to-day. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Unugb Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleas- aure in relating their experience in the use of that splended medioine and in tel- liuon of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it hassaved from attachs of eroup and whooping cough. It is a-rand, good maedisene. For sale by J. H. MeNoely, Coteax; Bush & Randolph, FairmontaL It seems to be the general opinion that the race between Hons. W. F. Blackman and E. 0 Hunter, for the SIhDtrict Judgeship, isgong to be ve'y - close. The public seem to be afraid ' to bet on the suceess of eitherof the Scandidstes. They are not willing to Srisk picking the winner.--Town Talk. SJ. H. MoNeely, Colax, and Bush A SRandolph Fairmnount guanta every bottle of Chambersl's/ Cuh Remedy and wiR refund the money to evne a who L not satis l aflter -t~dstl r the cntents This the best emmdy i the world for lagrippe oug, eeld, eroup aid whooping seg e 556 is pis- ant-and safe to t~ U prnvmbsy atendency of a cold tr-enlitismsusinb Sk JPJ M!ON' Chill Tonic Ri. M/ a MNie TwiMI. Dos a CMel uias Qper,.~~i! ].... p r ~r w. f. M.Khett " ass, Dauseboz, Ti+... uajs "semoa'ssda avULIr best we i.* ewe Laaui.1 Mso tu pisr4bss 151 w b Information fo' Taxpayers. As complaint is beina made about Sheriff Swafford collecting 10 cents a for notices to persons owing taleson a movable property, and 25 cents for notices to persons owing taxes on real a estate, weare requested to publish the D law on thesubject, as fixed by Act b 170 of 1898. t After providing that on the first d day of the month next preceedingthe ti filingof the tax rolls the tax collector shall address to each taxpayer who n has not paid all the taxes assessed to f, him on movable property a written t or printed notice, the fee for same is a fixed by law at 10 cents, as follows: e See. 42. Be it further enacted, etc., t That the tax collector * * shall d mail to him (the taxpayer) one of i said notices provided for in the pre- oeeding section, for which he shall be g entitled to collect from said taxpayer t ten cents as cost. * " u Section 50 provides that on the 2d ' day of January 1899, and each abee- quent year, a similar notice shall be addressed to all persons who have A not paid their taxes on immovable property, and the fee for this notice isfixed by law at 25 cents,ae follows: i Sec. 51. Be it further enacted, etc., ti That * * * In thecountryparish- t esthisnotice shall be sent b register- ed mal. * * The sheri and tax collector shall be entitled to collect from said delinquent taxpayer 25 a cents as costs. " * I Grand Jury Report. SooM. W P. bWaohe, Jas of the th J- a rrioi• s rin d Qamt peM e. We your grand Jury Impaneled for the September term of court, and held over to complete our labors, beg to submit this ourfinal report. Wehave i carefully examined all complaints I brought before us, and note with I pleasure that they have been Sew. d We find that the people of our pariah u ar e appreciating the execution of the I law, and a good state of affareseems E to exist almost generally, with the I exception of one locality, and we find this attributable to the sale of lutox- I leating liquors. We hope, however, c that at an early day the motal senti- t ment of or people will be soelevated c that this will be prohibited through- r outthe parish. We haveinvestiat~ed 8 cases altogether, and we have found 11 true bills. We have examined the sheriff's books and accounts, and find them correct. We find the present system of collecting fines, and the manage- ment of the prisonere to be a great savingto the paridsh As to the books and accounts of the parish treasurer, webeg to say that at our lastaitting wegave the sums total of his receipts and disbursements, with the view of Investigating more fully at this ses- sion, and, having no axe to grind and no intent or future aspirations, we la- bored to disclarge this duty Justly, and with all fairness to the people and their treasurer, without any de- sire to color the report, we now gladly note that a special committee has been appointed for that purpose, and that the matter has been thoroughly investigated and placed before the people, and, from the date that this committee closed the accounts, we find them correct. We have examined the parieh Jail and find it well kept and the prisoners are well treated, according to their own statements. We examined their food and found tt good and well pre- pared. In ourlast report we tention- ed the necesity for a water closet, and we would again recommend that this matter be attended toatasearly a day as posselble. We tender our thanks to this court and its officers for favors and kindness shown us, and, having completed our labors, we beg to be discharged. Respectfully, T. C. BARaox, Foreman. PLEA PO IfARMEX'S WIlL meet seem sgeet* D*r I' 'Wee ,~asr Ale so Yewa SAt the eeaonventioa of the Federattom of Misso'url Women's Clbs rreantly at 8pringeld, the secretary seed a letter from Mrs. Seammon makingt plea for the farmer's wife who drives to town with her hubad, finshes he shop- ptlg before her hiusbea rea dy to rive her home sad who, in the mesas- time, haa so plae but the street where she es sped the tilmn. Mrs. esmnon suggested thet tbhe elbse as up a *ssI roome fer tshe wemes, supply it with fawalyuru nad booksb, sad this wsy mske s eom-. ortal placs wherein the famer's dqiew as s steps or en . Notice to Candidates. The Democratic EecutlveCommlt- tee of Grant parish has authorised and instructed me to place upon the otficial ballot to be used in the primas. ry election Dec. 12,1890, the names of all candidates who are entitled to go on said ticket, upon each paying his pro rata share for printing and dis- tributing the same. The tickets will be of uniform sie and appearance for the entire parish, except the local can- didates for the several diffenat warde will becorrectly printed and distribu- ted in their respective wards. Candidates are notified to hand in their payments at theChronlcle otllee not later than Dee. 2,18, (10 days be. lore the election) In accordance with the following assessment, vis: Candidates for District and Parish oficees will be charged $4 apiece, and each candidate will be entitled to 1000 tickets for his individual use, to be delivered to such person as he maly designate. Additional tickets will be furnashed at same rate per 1000. Ward candidates will be charged $1 i0 apiece, and each one will be en- titled to 250 tickets for his tndlvidtal use. Additional tickets supplied to ward candidateS at 0ec per 100. H. U. GOODWYN, Chm'n Dem. Ex. Com. Grant. RQ•tNDLAP DALMS T•M•SD. A Georglra Frrmer S,t 01 a pesr Rale asun for 3oatdlap~ m ta er Sqarru Mr. James H. Camp, one of the most sueessful farmers of Floyd County, Georgia, asked recently by a reporter of the Rome Georgian whit be thought of the American Cotton OumCtpay' it.onnd. lap bale, said: *The other day I put at to severest possible test. I took cotton to Arnold's [square bale) gin in North Rome and the mamne day I carried am, of the sme lot of outton of Hancoek'" Rouadlep gin in Rome. I mold both lots of eottom in Rome the same day mad after every item of espene was ctearge •. against each, I oleared one dollar sad *asnty-ve sents a bale mIem lsi.f Roundlap cotton. Saved His Wife. Mr. C.E. Henderson, Pooleville, Tel s, writes us as follows: My wife has been troubled many years with eomstipationa. She has need nearly all kinds of rese-. dies, but failed to recelve any bTesbt- until she tried Ramona' Pllis sad Tueae PellitI, sold here by W. I. Bnuliniltal. She is now in better health than r a long time. We use no other. W. I. .Bullington, Drggtst, Peoulsville., Texas, July, 17, 1817, saya• I sell more of your Liver Plls and Tnile'JPelits than of all others combned and I bas- die flfteen or twety different kindset ,ilrt. Por al* hby .. V. LTeBwse. (olf:. . ... .. .. .. ,_ : -: - mail pianos easy to buy.- easy to pay for' \\e went to soee ila loh j t. tch with . wry hns amnd fsmcily that is thwinag of piam buying 'wIree poin, we wish so s- pIreis in.ellly on them mids ,f iNano i uyerr. Qua.llky-Prkce-Terms. W\'e ranl t.h ad every lastr. nmetetat me sli. t\e take the I rkce t* •owc•st. We ake term, to slit T " M ithsck Pieats are m.ele t-}w- iul)k for this moilt thIntate. 'Thv have stood the te.t oi y-ars. Tirey look bet- I ter I~nger antd rartan all their 'onet mI<aMites for years anad year. alter t|.e a.erage pisl alt . w,:rn out. , We tn. .l',y in. trvelg sales S oen. I ur we h.,ve a Jew agents. It is just .s ,-re y sid justas -afe t" i,..y y,,ur Ii r.o from ao byr m! s ,r• ima n erv-a. Doe't S ke te ,' wuri ,or it. W. will prefay thn e frecht olll a na to any I! in l o1-cs or trni urtd if yq tihe it, kep it- if not. wre wi!l talte ii batk, Said it eeont mp 4: rou a teL 'sour okd pamr Is as gued as ad to ,e." If you have a piano that is oriue ,,.eeaul enr oans. "mest tl, write no the. pak | ae,a~er. We eil ab- ,m y.u mware r•. it oa a b|ii,. newt teul PiYamO FI Wtle•hg , Lte ~~~~~~~ Ii Le' iI-t 6. a CEet~l~l LIJ ` ~A-

THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. - COLFAX CHRONICLE. Scmtrratir 3ournal, btboftb to foral anb

May 05, 2018



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Page 1: THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. - COLFAX CHRONICLE. Scmtrratir 3ournal, btboftb to foral anb

THE COLFAX CHRONICLE.Scmtrratir 3ournal, btboftb to foral anb untral ~hFos, Fittrature, $tcitu, ggrixnlture, etc.


T'i•E COLFAX CHRONIOLE,Published Every Setarday,Ma

,•lthx, Grant Parish La.,-aT-


TXRM8 OF SUBCBRIPTION.* copy, one year..............$1 Od

.e copy, nix monuth .............. 50Scqpies, one yearr............... i 00

I'sysble invari.bly in advance.

RA T8 OF IADVI TIlKiG.first inaertion eharged double prie.

ways0, t, li. Im. 3m. Snm. lyr.

lnebh... WI CO 1 t 0 3 W I5 W900Sipehee.lI t $ W 8 3 75 55 ! 5016 l003 inches. I 50 0U500 7 5o 1200 5 6504 inches. 00 3 75t 6 25 75 16 000 5 41 iu. hee. 5•) 4 501 7 0110 oOs 1o 30 00

I otlumn4 so0 N 00 12 67 530 0 00colman OU 15 1 0 00360 0080 00

Oleisil ad vertisemente $1 per equare forrst insertion; each ebsbqaeat publics-iou 50 oeats per square.

Brief communiesions apes snbjente of,,bile interest solicited, but oiattenatan%ill be paidk to anonymone writers.

Address: CHCiOrCL.L• Colfax, La.

tJJVdiVcial dvertisesmets a • be peidfor is sdraese, or Ikeg i6 N. disceaise dafter tl.e rat iasrtiea.



OCOLFAX, LA,Will practice in the Courts of Grant,

Wino. Natchitoches and IapidesParishes, and in Supreme Court ofthe State, and District and OircuitCourt of U. S. for Weters Distriotof Louisiana.

0. . McKaitbt. ParikSwsr.Barl Boberts. Notary PbliB. L KcKLight. Civil agiaesr.


COLFAX, LA.Pine and Hard Wood Lands boght

and sold. Abstracts luraished, Lineslocated and Estimates made. S

WM. C. RoiErTs,.ttorney and ounsellor at Law,

Alexandria, La.OQec, Osborn Building, oppaodte court-

bouse. Office also at Cofax, L., BarlRoberts, correspondent and businemmanager, in oharge.

Will practice in all the courts of theState and in the Federal court.

Special attention given to collections inRapides and Grant parishes. ja7

J. T. WALLACE,Attorney at Law, Notary Publie

and U. 8. ComsaLdeu mer,WINYFIELD, LA.

Will practice in all the enorts of theFourth Judicial District, and ia the Su-preme Court of the State. oS.I


OOLPAX ................... LO ANA

Will Practice s all theCerts, ea

G. H. McKNIGHT,Parish Surveyor.

Will run liaes on abort notice and isfully prepared to locate Hemeseeds forSettlers. Jib


Mrs. A. C. DEAL, Proprietress.

(ENTRALLY LOCA TED.Prices reasonaMe, meals the best the

market affords, patronage of the publiesolioited, sad satisaction guaranteed.




.PRODUVCE, ETkCoffees, Candles. Crackers,


ARMOUR & CO..,Sooth Omaha, Neb. Chicag4 Illinois.

Anazutuaz& Baauc, La.Oeatlemen:--

We ave opesed a depot in Alexana-dria, Louisians, under the chabrge of Mr.SAobille B*aer. We will always keep oahand a atll stock of suc provsioeas esSare handled it this ction of the t8taeof Lcubiiass..Pripe sheet• wi to lsud weekly and

Sforwarded to the trae.Prices atth lowet enarkeititueotiosAl ordem ikled prompty, att k u

talious tie day whewn r ao md.'t~. , tsrios Cash-af r wet o-ooda Team s ~ TR & 00.

New ttractionslGreat Attractions!

Stock of Fall and Winter Goodsreceived, parehased for cash, andall to be sold at astonishingly lowprices, by the Old Reliable

B . TURNER, ,n r ..Everything New in his large andwell selected stock of Notions andSeasonable Goods, ClothingLadieaTrimmed Hats, Menu's Hats, andBoots, Shoes, Etc., Etc.

Stylish fall ,P ,'ind Winter Goodel

All carefully eeleoted with specialview to the needs of the trade.-Also his asual full line of Hard-ware, OCtlery, Orodhry, Baddlery,Staple Grooeries, and

Plantatiet S lpples.He invites special attention to hislarge stock of PFurlture, keptin his spacious rooms on the seco-ond floor. Esasine his goods be-fore purchaoing elewhe. Everything sold for cans at

Rock Botton Figures.

Time of Harvestis Here!

'nd, in order to meet the ever-in-creasing demand of his customersfor new and seasonable goods,

G. W. Bolton; Pin .Has received, and has in transit, afull and complete stock of SelectGoods of all descriptions, such asDry Goods, Clothin, Ladies' andMen's Hats, Shoes, Etc.

Special Attention.Has been paid to the seeds of thetrade in quality sad prices, and allgoods have been bought at figureswhich will enable bim to give hiscustomers splendid bargains.

The Very Lowest MarghaIn pratt con•estent with fair deal-ing placed on all goods. _Hisetockof Groceries, Hardware,Peraitureand Notions is eomplete and will besold lower than ever betfre.

Teon Pagit's Sadls,To be found at no other house intown. Blys for Eastern Spinnersand pays the highest prices in

Cash Paid for Cotton.

Colfax High School.

The Trastes of the Coela Blab Sehoolfor Hales sad Females take pleasure insanouneing tothe publie that the seventhNine Months 8eeaen of this sooo1l willbegin on the Flrst Monday of Septum-bar, •ib No pains will be spared tomakp it a High School.

sAras or TvUIros.hlinarr Degeutmes - -- - par aoDth

Mast Voeaadlaastrsmeantal " "eidstal fs* ee ar M per sessioe.

Good board san be obtained on reasone-Me trmas. Two hotels is town, ant sev-eral private boarding bosses in town andvieinity will board clep. Those havingchildren to educate should seud thean inand gives a fLr trial. We are In theraee to stay.

R. 8. CAMaEoiN, President.H, 0. GOODWIN,

eeretary Roard it Trestees.Celtas, La., Jsy7 1 1819.


2-Fst Tr aine2DAILY

,For $ Louis, Gisagoand the EAST.

itap.e Mew Pnumaa Vas•tled

New r iCrars. eess Free.)

Seaend atee•prte New

mactr Muma TQArizona,New Mexico

*b" California.

Lth_ _ ,• _PT4IIS.

-'. 7-_


for $suator.We are autborised to announce

J. T. WALLACE, f Iof Winn parish, as a candidte for Bena-tor from the 77th District of Louisiana,composed of the parishes of Orant,Wianand Caldwell, subject to nominaties bythe Democratic party.

We are authorised to annopuceDa. J. F. KELLY,

of Grant parish, as a andidate for Sena- Itor from the 27th district of Louisiana,composed of the parishes of Grant,Winnand Caldwell, subject to nomination bythe Democratic party.

for Distrist lude.We are authorized to announce

EDWIN G. HUNTERas a candidate for Judged the 13th Jn-dicial District oomposed of the parishes 'of Rapides and Grant, subject to the aotiaon of the Democratic party.

for Diirt Auttorny.We are authorized to announce the

,name ofJOrN C. RYAN

a a candidate for District Attorney ofthe Thirteenth Judicial Distrot, compos-ed of the parishes of Rapider and Grant,subject to nomination by the Democraticparty.

for Clerk of the Court.We are authorised to announce

J. J. O'QUINNas a candidate for Clerk of the Court,subject to the action of the Democratsof Grant parish in making their partynominations for office.

for Sheriff.We are authorized to announce

M. E. SWAFFORDas a candidate for Sheriff and Ox-OfficioTax Collector of Grant pariash, abject tothe Democratic nomination.

Thegrand jury report will befoundin this issue In view of the fact thata special committee has lately inve-tigated the treasurer's books and ae-co1 nte, and the matter has otherwisebeen thoroughly placed before thepublic, from the date the committeeclosed the accounts they find the ameco'rect. As thegrand jury state thatthey have "no axe to grind," andhave labored to discharge their dutyjustly and fair, we take the will forthe deed and accept their finding asafruestatementof present condltionsand a correct solution of the contro-versy.

J. T. Wallace obr Senator.We are authorized this week to

place the name of Mr. J. T. Wallace,of Winnfleld, before the citizens ofGrantparish as a candidate for Sena-tor from the 27th district, composedof Grant, Winn and Caldwell parishes.He holds himself subject to the actionof the Democratic party In makingnominations, and is particularlyhopeful that the nomination may beby primary election, since that is themethod that seems to be most ap-proved by the people.

Mr. Wallacels a native of Missslsep-pi, but has spent almost his entirellein Louislana, inWinn parish. Hisactivity in political circles, in whichhe has always been In line wlth theregular Democracy, has made himpossibly the best known man in thedistrict. He is a whole-souled com-panion, and makes and retane friendsreadily. He has been a practitionerin the courts for the past ten or twelveyears, and is a lawyer of considerablerepute. He was born in June, 1850,and is therefore now nearly 50 yearsof age, ripe in experience, and excep-tionally well qualified to representthe district, being thoroughly familiarwith all It. needs and desires. Wedoubt not he will receve'a liberaland hearty support by his friendsthroughout the district, and if electedwill fill the position with credit tohimself and satisfaction to thepeople.

The Tapelo Journal thus urges theadvantages of a small farm:

"No investment of a small sumbrings such good rsults as that in-vested in a small farm. The head ofthe average sized family with reason-able industry and intellgencecan bet-tsr provide the necessaries and com-forts for his family on a good littleS5iS farm than he -an by moving totown and trying tolive out of a mei-cantile business in which he investsten timehtheworthof thefarm. Thecaacityof the farm to supply thenssaresof lie can only be mess-und by the numbers who are able tomake demand on it through intelli-gent labor. Many of the delicacieswhich town anddctypeople pay highpricesfor cn be had withoutexpenseand with but little trouble or labor.Itis wonderful What good resultscanbe had oat a small armis IntlrUluitlyWtm-anaged."

murD -

Distict Court-Civil Term IHis Honor, uape 1•F. Maohe,op ned'

court on Monday morning at the usualhour, with DkrtriFt Attorney A. .Hund-ley present to represent the State incrimina~tters.The attorneys present during the week

were: W. C. Roberts, H. H. White, AllanT. Hunter and J. C. Blackman, of Alex-andria; J. T. Wallace and Wm. Wallace,of Winuneld; R. M. Horn, of Bermuda;and Joun A. Williams, Joel L. Fletcherand J. B. Dunn, of our local bar. -

Also, Attorney 3. 0. L. P. Hooe, of Al-exandria, was preent yesterday.

The following grand jury, impanneledlast term of court, was duly charged by Shis honor, namely: ft

T. O. Barron. Foreman.John Randolph, J. E. Nugent,A. E. Wall, Walter Chelette, jr.,H. B. Faraldoe, A. J. Dune, aJ.T. Flannagab, W. H. Day,Riley Corbitt, John Foster,

F. B. Dean.The following civil and criminal busi-

ness has been transacted, viz: dWell Bros. & Bauer vs. Sises Brothers,

Hardtners Intervenor, compromise andagreement flied by the plaintiffs and in- sitervenors.

W. W. Heard, Auditor, vs. Siess Bros.,attachment dismissed as to machinery.

Judgment of separation of bed and oboard between Ed. Preston, husband, andAnna Ryan, wife.

Henry 8assier plead guilty to cursingand swearing in a public plae, and was 'fined $5 and costs, or to work out same 0in default of paying. Nolle prose enter- *ed by district attorney in a case against qthe accused for discharging fire arms ina public place. tCharles Allen plead guilty to cursingand swearing in a private house, finedWS and costs, or work it out. d

Phil Hebert plead guilty to cursingand swearing in a public place, fined =6 qand costs, or work it out. a

Well Bros. A Bauer vs. W. W. Heard, nAuditor, injunction sustained,

Mrs. M. M. Devore vs. Dr. J. V. Bon- Pnette, suit for damages, continued and iaset for firet day of the March term.

Nolle pros entered in the case againstMontgomery Brashear, charged with dib.turbing a peaceable assembly.

In the case against Arch Whatley and aSim Thomas, charged with discharging ofire arms in a public plaoe,Whatley plead figuilty, and was fined $5 and costs, or to awork it out. Nolle prossee entered as toWhatley in cases 1887, 1388 and 1382, forassault and carrying concealed weapons. E, Tom 5ige plead guilty to carrying con.cealed wespoa, $10 and costs or work.

Nolle proes entered as to John Hopperfor concealed weapons. t

Henry Denton plead guilty to carry.-ing concealed weapons, and was fined •$10 and costs, or work. C

Indictment quashed in case against bEd Younag, charged with discharging firearms in a private house.

Kelly Dudley plead guilty to gamblingin a public place, fined $2 50 and cost, Ior work m default of paying. t

Presley William3 and Oscar Chelette eplead guilty to carrying concealed weap-onse, each ined $10 and costs, or work. t

Ed Coatee, tried by the court and tfound guilty of assault and battery, fined$25 and costs, or work. t

Geo. T. Griffin vs. Wm. Walkling, dis. cmissed, plaintiff failing to answer oben 9called at the court house door.Richd Roberson plead guilty to carry-

ing concealed weapons, $10 and costs,Geo. Chelette vs. Dora Martin, judg- c

msent of absolute divorce. <Indiana Drug Co. vs. H. B. Faraldo. I

appeal from magistrate's court, judg- sment reversing decision of lower court.

John Oglesby, tried by court for re-tailing liquos without license, convictedand asentenced to pay a fine of $100 andcosts, or work it out, and in default to Ifour months in the parish jail.

John Oglesby plead guilty to carrying 1concealed weapon, fined $10 and costs, or 13 months in parish •f.Tom Kite and Phil Ferrier, witnesses,

charged with contempt, discharged bycourt. 1

Sharp A Coleman vs. Teddlie A Ted.dlie, J. M. Nugent 3d opponent, judg-ment for plaintiffs against Teddlie Ted. Idlie for amount sued for, judgment tor Idefendant dissolving attachment and die.

I missing 3d opposition.Geo. Starks plead guilty to burglary,

and was santenced to 4 years in peniten-tiary and to pay easts of the promeoution.

As we go to press the homesteal easeSof Teddlie, Dunn et al vs. J. H. MoNeelyis being tried. This case will probablytake up all the tame of the court, whihwill adjourn to-day.

It will not be a surprise to any whoare at all familar with the good qualitiesof Chamberlain's Unugb Remedy, toknow that people everywhere take pleas-aure in relating their experience in theuse of that splended medioine and in tel-liuon of the benefit they have receivedfrom it, of bad colds it has cured, ofthreatened attacks of pneumonia it hasaverted and of the children it hassavedfrom attachs of eroup and whoopingcough. It is a-rand, good maedisene.For sale by J. H. MeNoely, Coteax; Bush& Randolph, FairmontaL

It seems to be the general opinionthat the race between Hons. W. F.Blackman and E. 0 Hunter, for theSIhDtrict Judgeship, isgong to be ve'y-close. The public seem to be afraid

' to bet on the suceess of eitherof theScandidstes. They are not willing to

Srisk picking the winner.--Town Talk.

SJ. H. MoNeely, Colax, and Bush ASRandolph Fairmnount guanta every

bottle of Chambersl's/ Cuh Remedyand wiR refund the money to evne

a who L not satis l aflter -t~dstlr the cntents This the best emmdyi the world for lagrippe oug, eeld,

eroup aid whooping seg e 556 is pis-ant-and safe to t~ U prnvmbsy

atendency of a cold tr-enlitismsusinb

Sk JPJ M!ON' Chill TonicRi. M/ a MNie TwiMI.

Dos a CMel uias Qper,.~~i! ].... p r ~r

w. f. M.Khett " ass, Dauseboz, Ti+... uajs "semoa'ssda avULIrbest we i.* ewe Laaui.1 Mso tu pisr4bss 151 w b

Information fo' Taxpayers.As complaint is beina made about

Sheriff Swafford collecting 10 cents afor notices to persons owing taleson amovable property, and 25 cents fornotices to persons owing taxes on real aestate, weare requested to publish the Dlaw on thesubject, as fixed by Act b170 of 1898. t

After providing that on the first dday of the month next preceedingthe tifilingof the tax rolls the tax collectorshall address to each taxpayer who nhas not paid all the taxes assessed to f,him on movable property a written tor printed notice, the fee for same is afixed by law at 10 cents, as follows: e

See. 42. Be it further enacted, etc., tThat the tax collector * * shall dmail to him (the taxpayer) one of isaid notices provided for in the pre-oeeding section, for which he shall be gentitled to collect from said taxpayer tten cents as cost. * " u

Section 50 provides that on the 2d '

day of January 1899, and each abee-quent year, a similar notice shall beaddressed to all persons who have A

not paid their taxes on immovableproperty, and the fee for this noticeisfixed by law at 25 cents,ae follows: i

Sec. 51. Be it further enacted, etc., tiThat * * * In thecountryparish- testhisnotice shall be sent b register-ed mal. * * The sheri and taxcollector shall be entitled to collectfrom said delinquent taxpayer 25 acents as costs. " * I

Grand Jury Report.SooM. W P. bWaohe, Jas of the th J- a

rrioi• s rin d Qamt peM e.We your grand Jury Impaneled for

the September term of court, and heldover to complete our labors, beg tosubmit this ourfinal report. Wehave icarefully examined all complaints Ibrought before us, and note with Ipleasure that they have been Sew. dWe find that the people of our pariah uare appreciating the execution of the Ilaw, and a good state of affareseems Eto exist almost generally, with the Iexception of one locality, and we findthis attributable to the sale of lutox- Ileating liquors. We hope, however, cthat at an early day the motal senti- tment of or people will be soelevated cthat this will be prohibited through- routthe parish. We haveinvestiat~ed8 cases altogether, and we have found

11 true bills.We have examined the sheriff's

books and accounts, and find themcorrect. We find the present systemof collecting fines, and the manage-ment of the prisonere to be a greatsavingto the paridsh As to the booksand accounts of the parish treasurer,webeg to say that at our lastaittingwegave the sums total of his receiptsand disbursements, with the view ofInvestigating more fully at this ses-sion, and, having no axe to grind andno intent or future aspirations, we la-bored to disclarge this duty Justly,and with all fairness to the peopleand their treasurer, without any de-sire to color the report, we now gladlynote that a special committee hasbeen appointed for that purpose, andthat the matter has been thoroughlyinvestigated and placed before thepeople, and, from the date that thiscommittee closed the accounts, wefind them correct.

We have examined the parieh Jailand find it well kept and the prisonersare well treated, according to theirown statements. We examined theirfood and found tt good and well pre-pared. In ourlast report we tention-ed the necesity for a water closet,and we would again recommend thatthis matter be attended toatasearlya day as posselble. We tender ourthanks to this court and its officersfor favors and kindness shown us,and, having completed our labors,we beg to be discharged.

Respectfully, T. C. BARaox,Foreman.


meet seem sgeet* D*r I''Wee ,~asr Ale so Yewa

SAt the eeaonventioa of the Federattomof Misso'url Women's Clbs rreantly at8pringeld, the secretary seed a letterfrom Mrs. Seammon makingt plea forthe farmer's wife who drives to townwith her hubad, finshes he shop-ptlg before her hiusbea rea dy to

rive her home sad who, in the mesas-time, haa so plae but the street whereshe es sped the tilmn.

Mrs. esmnon suggested thet tbheelbse as up a *ssI roome fer tshewemes, supply it with fawalyuru nadbooksb, sad this wsy mske s eom-.

ortal placs wherein the famer's

dqiew as s steps or en .

Notice to Candidates.The Democratic EecutlveCommlt-tee of Grant parish has authorised

and instructed me to place upon theotficial ballot to be used in the primas.ry election Dec. 12,1890, the names ofall candidates who are entitled to goon said ticket, upon each paying hispro rata share for printing and dis-tributing the same. The tickets willbe of uniform sie and appearance forthe entire parish, except the local can-didates for the several diffenat wardewill becorrectly printed and distribu-ted in their respective wards.

Candidates are notified to hand intheir payments at theChronlcle otlleenot later than Dee. 2,18, (10 days be.lore the election) In accordance withthe following assessment, vis:

Candidates for District and Parishoficees will be charged $4 apiece, andeach candidate will be entitled to 1000tickets for his individual use, to bedelivered to such person as he malydesignate. Additional tickets will befurnashed at same rate per 1000.

Ward candidates will be charged$1 i0 apiece, and each one will be en-titled to 250 tickets for his tndlvidtaluse. Additional tickets supplied toward candidateS at 0ec per 100.

H. U. GOODWYN,Chm'n Dem. Ex. Com. Grant.

RQ•tNDLAP DALMS T•M•SD.A Georglra Frrmer S ,t 01 a pesr Rale asun

for 3oatdlap~ m ta er SqarruMr. James H. Camp, one of the mostsueessful farmers of Floyd County,

Georgia, asked recently by a reporter ofthe Rome Georgian whit be thought ofthe American Cotton OumCtpay' it.onnd.

lap bale, said: *The other day I put atto severest possible test. I took cottonto Arnold's [square bale) gin in NorthRome and the mamne day I carried am,of the sme lot of outton of Hancoek'"

Rouadlep gin in Rome. I mold both lotsof eottom in Rome the same day madafter every item of espene was ctearge •.against each, I oleared one dollar sad

*asnty-ve sents a bale mIem lsi.fRoundlap cotton.Saved His Wife.

Mr. C.E. Henderson, Pooleville, Tel s,writes us as follows: My wife has beentroubled many years with eomstipationa.She has need nearly all kinds of rese-.dies, but failed to recelve any bTesbt-until she tried Ramona' Pllis sad TueaePellitI, sold here by W. I. Bnuliniltal.She is now in better health than r along time. We use no other.

W. I. .Bullington, Drggtst, Peoulsville.,Texas, July, 17, 1817, saya• I sell moreof your Liver Plls and Tnile'JPelitsthan of all others combned and I bas-die flfteen or twety different kindset,ilrt. Por al* hby .. V. LTeBwse. (olf:. .... .. .. .. ,_ : -: -

mailpianoseasy to buy.-easy to pay for'

\\e went to soee ila lohj t. tch with . wry hns amndfsmcily that is thwinag of piambuying'wIree poin, we wish so s-pIreis in.ellly on them mids,f iNano i uyerr.Qua.llky-Prkce-Terms.W\'e ranl t.h ad every lastr.nmetetat me sli. t\e take theI rkce t* •owc•st. We aketerm, to slit

T " M ithsck Pieatsare m.ele t-}w- iul)k for thismoilt thIntate. 'Thv have stoodthe te.t oi y-ars. Tirey look bet-I ter I~nger antd rartan all their'onet mI<aMites for years anadyear. alter t|.e a.erage pislalt .w,:rn out.

, We tn. .l',y in. trvelg salesS oen. I ur we h.,ve a Jew agents.

It is just .s ,-re y sid just as-afe t" i,..y y,,ur Ii r.o from aobyr m! s ,r• ima n erv-a. Doe'tS ke te ,' wuri ,or it. W. will

prefay thn e frecht olll a nato any I! in l o1-cs or

trni urtd if yq tihe it, kep it-if not. wre wi!l talte ii batk,

Said it eeont mp 4: rou a teL'sour okd pamr Is asgued as ad to ,e." Ifyou have a piano that isoriue ,,.eeaul enr oans."mest tl, write no the. pak| ae,a~er. We eil ab-,m y.u mware r•. it oa a

b|ii,. newt teul PiYamO

FI Wtle•hg , Lte

~~~~~~~ Ii Le' iI-t 6.

a CEet~l~l LIJ ` ~A-