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Melissa Houston 4:04 AM (5 hours ago) Merry Christmas! This Sunday, December 22, the Christmas Offering is being received. This special offering supports Christian Church in Oregon. Programs of the regional church include: Global Missions, New Church Ministries, Women's Retreats, Church Camps, Future Planning, Pastoral Placements, Leadership Training, Nurture of pastors and those studying to be pastors. For more information see the attachment. Christmas Offering flyers and envelopes are at the Information Center in the Narthex. Also attached is the Church Scroll. "In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and they were terrified. But angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!' " Luke 2:8-11, 13-14 Take care, Mel 美丽莎·休斯顿 圣诞快乐! 这个礼拜天 12 22 日,收到到圣诞节布施。这个特别布施是吃俄勒冈州的基督教堂。 地区教堂的计划包括:全球牧养,新教堂牧养,妇女退休,教堂营,未来计划,牧师人 员配置,领导训练,培养牧师和这些牧师的学习。更多信息见福建。圣诞节布施单张和 信封在前厅的信息中心。 也附上教堂书卷。 在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。有主的使者站在他们旁边, 主的荣光四面照着他们,牧羊的人就甚惧怕。那天使对他们说:“不要惧怕,我报给你们 大喜的信息,是关乎万民的。因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。忽 然有一大队天兵同那天使赞美神说:”在至高之处荣耀归于神,在地上平安归与他所喜悦 的人。“。路加福音 2:8-11,13-14 保重 美丽

The Church Scroll December 19 2013

Mar 21, 2016



FaithKid Zhang

Salem First Christian Church Tel:503-363-9273 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729
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Page 1: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

Melissa Houston 4:04 AM (5 hours ago)Merry Christmas!This Sunday, December 22, the Christmas Offering is being received. This special offering supports Christian Church in Oregon. Programs of the regional church include: Global Missions, New Church Ministries, Women's Retreats, Church Camps, Future Planning, Pastoral Placements, Leadership Training, Nurture of pastors and those studying to be pastors. For more information see the attachment. Christmas Offering flyers and envelopes are at the Information Center in the Narthex.

Also attached is the Church Scroll.

"In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and they were terrified. But angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!' " Luke 2:8-11, 13-14Take care,Mel



这个礼拜天 12月 22日,收到到圣诞节布施。这个特别布施是吃俄勒冈州的基督教堂。





“ 在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。有主的使者站在他们旁边,




的人。“。路加福音 2:8-11,13-14



Page 2: The Church Scroll December 19 2013
Page 3: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


2013 年圣诞节布施

俄勒冈州是确定的一个 全球牧养地区。在俄勒冈州有 9 个圣会已经成为承认的全球牧养

教堂,以及 40 位已经受训过的牧师和牧养翻译来讲述全球牧养故事。11 位俄勒冈州使

徒妇女已经通过妇女对妇女的世界项目访问了全球的牧养伙伴。我们与 FEDICE 的合作

伙伴,是在厄瓜多尔的发展项目中与土著人一起工作的一个部门,挺强。去厄瓜多尔 旅

行布道是俄勒冈使徒 2014 年 7 月的计划。来自俄勒冈的 3 个年轻成年人准备 2014 年与




新教堂牧养 妇女退休

教堂营 领导训练

牧师人员配置 未来计划

Page 4: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

The Church Scroll

Volume 71 #24 “Reaching Up and Reaching Out” December 29, 2013

The First Christian Church ~ Disciples of Christ ~ Salem, Oregon Church Services ~ 8:30 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am ~ Sunday School ~ 9:45 & 11:00 am

What’s Inside Pastor’s Message pg. 2 Voting Report pg. 2 Prayer Party pg. 2 Celebrating our Church Family pg. 3 Calendar pg. 4 Children’s Message pg. 5 Youth Message pg. 5 Strengthening Families pg. 5 Deacons Sign-up pg. 6 Merry Christmas Giving Trees pg. 6 Check It Out pg. 6 Housekeeping pg. 7

Christmas Eve Services Tuesday, December 24

Two different styles of worship are offered on Christmas Eve. A special gift will be given at both services.

6:30 pm- Family Service Celebrate Christ’s birth with songs of praise, visual aids, and participa-tion by children and families in an informal setting.

11:00 pm- Candlelight Communion Service Featuring music by the Chancel Choir, soloists, small ensembles, the organ and Handbell Choir, as well as readings from the scriptures of the birth of Jesus. A communion service and lighting of candles

concludes the service.

Combined Service ~ December 29 10:00 am Worship

This will be our opportunity to sing the carols one more time and to recognize the leaders and accomplishments of our congregation. The theme for the day is “Now look what we’ve done.”

Worship will be followed by a soup and bread luncheon in the Fellowship Hall (If you have a bread machine you would be willing to loan, contact Michelle Gorman.) Bring all of your leftover sweets you want to get out of the house to share. During this event we will have an Outreach Fair exhibiting the many ways our congregation reaches out into the community and the world.

Prayer Party Tuesday, December 31 1:30 pm in the Chapel

We are celebrating the year 2014 at a “PRAYER PARTY”!

See page 2 for more details.

Page 5: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

教堂书卷 第一基督教堂~基督使徒~俄勒冈州撒冷 教堂服侍~8:30am,9:30am&11:00am~主日学~9:45&11:00am

71 卷 24 期 “达到和延伸” 2013 年 12 月 19 日

圣诞节除夕服侍 12 月 24 日星期二 圣诞除夕提供两个不同风格的敬拜。在两个服侍中将给一份特






里面有什么 主要音乐由圣座诗班、独唱、小合奏、管风琴和手铃诗班,朗读

牧师的消息 pg.2 圣经中耶稣降生的经文。一个圣餐服侍和烛光包括在这个服侍

投票报告 pg.2 中。

祈祷聚会 pg.2

庆祝我们的教堂 合一起敬拜 12 月 29 日 大家庭 pg.3 10:00am 敬拜 日历 pg.4 这将是我们再次唱颂歌的机会,并且认识领导们和我们的会众

孩子们的消息 pg.5 实现。这一天的主题是“现在看我们所做的。”

年轻人的消息 pg.5 敬拜接下来是在友谊大厅的一顿汤和面包的午餐(如果你有面

巩固家庭 pg.5 包机愿意出借,联系米切尔·哥曼。)带上你剩下的所有甜食给

执事注册 pg.6 你愿意走出房子去分享的人。在这次活动中我们将有一个延伸

圣诞快乐 博览会,展出我们会众的延伸到社区和世界的许多方法。

给予树 pg.6

看一看 pg.6 祈祷聚会 家务 pg.7 12 月 31 日星期二

1:30pm 在礼拜堂

我们在“祈祷聚会”中庆祝 2014 年。

详见第 2 页。

Page 6: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


Bites of Bread from Bob This fall we studied the book of First Corin-thians. That is why I thought this version of the 13th chapter is so appropriate for this year. “ If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and ar-ranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime but do not show love to my family, I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home and give all that I have to charity but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and cro-cheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child. Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband. Love is kind, though harried and tired. Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordi-nated Christmas china and table linens. Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way. Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return but rejoices in giving to those who can't. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust... but giving the gift of love will endure.” Author unknown God Bless, Pastor Bob Sunday Sermons

Pastor Bob Hanna

December 22– 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00 am (Fourth Sunday of Advent) Matthew 1: 18 - 21 & Luke 2:4-7: “Receive Him.” Aside from Adam and Eve, Mary and Joseph are probably the best known couple in history. What was it like to be the parents of the Christ child?

December 29– 10:00 am Combined Worship Matthew 2:7-12: “Seek Him.” The Magi brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. We will look at the gift our congregation has brought to Christ in 2013.

Church Voting Report At the Special Board Meeting on December 8, 2013, the newly Bylaws were accepted with 37 “Yes” votes and 1 “No” vote.

At the Congregational Meetings on December 15, 2013, the newly Restated Articles of Incorporation were accepted with 106 “Yes” votes and 10 “No” votes.

The newly revised Constitution was accepted with 104 “Yes” votes and 12 “No” votes.

If you have additional questions on these three documents, please contact the governance committee: David Holler, Rick Ikeda, Susan Latham, Doug Parham or Bob Hanna.

Prayer Party Tuesday, December 31 1:30 pm in the Chapel

We are gathering in the Chapel where we will enjoy Israeli music, nibbles, and grape punch. You will have the opportunity to place your personal prayer requests on the Chapel WESTERN WALL, lift up requests for 2014 for our church body, have quiet time in the presence of God and wonderful fellowship with your church family.

At 1:55 pm we will begin our prayer time, as at 2:00 pm it will be midnight in Israel, thus the hour for our celebration. This timing was chosen so you are able to take your “lunch hour” from work to bring in the New Year in prayer, and still be home before it becomes dark.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Allison in the church office.

Page 7: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

24 期 第 2 页

鲍勃灵修分享 教堂投票报告       今年秋天我们学习了哥林多前书。这就是为 2013 年 12 月 8 日的特别委员会会议,新 

什么我想这卷书第 13             章这么适合今年。 章程被接受是 37 “ ”票 是 ,1 “ ”票 不 。“      如果我用格子蝴蝶结、一串一闪一闪的灯和 在 2013 年 12 月 15 日的会众会议,新

       闪亮的球完美装饰我的房子,但没有向我的 的开始使用的组织条款被接受是 106 票              “ ”家庭表达爱,我仅仅是另外一种装饰。 是 10 “ ”票 不 。

       如果我象奴隶一般在厨房里,烘烤成打的圣 新设计的章程被接受 104 “ ”票 是 ,12 票      “ ”诞节小甜饼,做美食饭并在吃饭时间布置装 不 。       饰的桌子但没有向我的家庭表示爱,我就是 如果你对这 3 个文件有其他问题,请联

                                                     另一种烹饪。 系管理委员会:大卫∙豪勒,里克∙艾克       如果我工作在汤厨房、在看护之家唱颂歌、 达,苏珊∙拉撒姆,道格∙帕哈姆或鲍

           并给了所有不得不给的慈善,但没有向我 勃∙汉那。                  的家庭表示爱,我就毫无收益。

                       如果我用发淡光的天使修剪云杉并钩编雪 祈祷聚会              花,参加无数的假日聚会并唱诗班的颂歌, 12 月 31 日星期二

         但没有聚焦在基督上,我已经错过了关键点。 1:30pm 在礼拜堂                               爱要停下来烹饪去拥抱孩子 我们在礼拜堂聚会,将享受以色列音乐、

                        爱要把装饰搁在一边去亲吻丈夫 零食和葡萄潘趣酒。你将有机会放你的                               爱是慈爱,尽管匆忙和疲惫 个人祈祷到礼拜堂的西墙上。举起 2013

             爱是不嫉妒别人家有圣诞节瓷器和亚麻布 年为我们教会身体的要求。有安静的时                                                                   餐桌。 间在神的面前,并与你的教堂大家庭有

         爱并不是向孩子喊闪开,而是感谢他们在 精彩的友谊。                                                       这里碍事。 1:55pm 我们开始祈祷时间,2:00pm 是

         爱并不仅仅是给予这些能够归还的,而是 以色列的半夜,因此这是我们庆祝的时                                      “开心给予不能归还的。 间。选择这一时间以便让你把工作的 午

         ”   爱是背负所有的事,相信所有的事,希望 餐 时间带进新年的祈祷中,并且天暗下                                所有的事,容忍所有的事。 来的时候你还在家。

                                                   爱从不失败。 如果你有任何问题,请不要迟疑联系艾        录像游戏将会停止,珍珠项链将会失去, 里森在教堂办公室。

高尔夫球棒将会生锈...                      但爱给予的礼物将  “                                                      延续。 不知名的作者 礼拜天布道                                                                            神祝福 鲍勃∙汉那牧师

                                                            鲍勃牧师 12 月 22 —日 8:30,9:30 和 10:00am                                                                         (第四个降临节礼拜天)                                                                          马太福音 1:18­21&路加福音 2:4­7:“接纳                                                                          ” 他 除亚当和夏娃外,马利亚和约瑟很可                                                                         能是历史上最知名的夫妇。为什么喜欢成                                                                         为耶稣孩子的父母?                                                                         12 月 29 —日 10:00am 合一起敬拜                                                                         马太福音 2:7­12: “ ”寻求他 博士带来黄金、                                                                         乳香和没药。我们将看我们会众在 2013                                                                         年带给基督的礼物。

Page 8: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


Celebrating our Church Family Birthdays


Mady Jones 1 Bev Dezotell 4 Kevin Melzer 4 Kaitlyn Towery 4 Jackie Hermann 5 Cindy Nelson 7 Bert Mackaman 9 Laurie Dyer 10 Mary Ann Smith 11


Carol Jackson 23 Shirley Cartwright 27 Melissa Davey 28 Nicholas Jordan 29 Noelle Mudge 29 Kathy DeVore 30

Special Coffee Hour for Phil & Betty Patterson Sunday, December 22 12:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Join in the celebration of Phil & Betty’s 60th wedding anniversary. Cake will be served.

Christmas Card Boxes

The Christmas mailboxes are located in the gathering area near the Parlor if you wish to give cards to peo-ple in the church family.

Remember to check the boxes for cards given to you!

We want all the Christmas cards to find homes this year and not be orphans.

Address Update Ila Russell 1891 Cousteau LP SE Salem OR 97302

503-881-7234 Email– [email protected]

Thank You If there is debate about the true meaning of Christ-mas, it has ended. If you have someone bewildered by what it's all about, give them Virginia Krebs' phone number. There was such warmth, generosity, and truth in her short talk on Sunday morning that my heart was in my throat. Then she came and sat right by me while I was still incapable of speech, so I failed to tell her how she had so raised my spirits.

It was that kind of Sunday. I was broadsided first step into the Sanctuary by the beauty of the carol and enhanced beauty of Marilyn Reischke’s interpreta-tion. I sat, head down, unexpectedly undone by the power of music. Then Virginia Krebs explained to me why the weight of commercial endeavor cannot ever tarnish the goodness of Christmas.

Lots of petty distractions and complaints have given me excuse to miss some Sundays lately. I am glad I was able to be with this family on Sunday.

Merry Christmas! Don Vowell

Prayers For Bob Adams, recovering from surgery Nancy Austin, chemo treatments Dolores Blust, at home, recovering from hip surgery Rosealee Clemens, pacemaker surgery on December 31 Marilyn Fine, total knee replacement on December 26 at St. Charles Hospital in Bend, Oregon Sharon Weir, return of renal cancer to the bones

Page 9: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

24 期 第 3 页


生日 祈祷12 月 1 月 鲍勃 · 亚当斯 ,从手术中康复卡罗· 杰克森 23 马迪· 琼斯 1 南希 · 奥斯汀 ,化疗舍丽· 卡特如特 27 贝夫· 戴佐台勒 4 多罗斯 · 布拉斯特 ,在家。从髋关节手术美丽莎· 达维 28 开文· 麦泽 4 中康复尼古拉斯·乔丹 29 凯特琳· 托瑞 4 罗莎丽 · 克莱门斯 ,12 月 31 日起搏器手诺埃勒· 马吉 29 杰基· 赫曼 5 术卡西· 戴瓦尔 30 辛迪· 奈尔森 7 马瑞丽恩 · 费恩 ,12 月 26 日在俄勒冈班 博特· 马卡曼 9 得圣查里斯医院做全膝替换手术 劳瑞· 迪耶 10 沙荣 · 威尔 ,肾癌到骨头 马利亚·安· 史密斯 11 地址快报 伊拉 · 罗素

特别咖啡时间为 1891 Cousteau LP SE腓力&贝蒂· 帕特森 Salem OR 9730212 月 22 日礼拜天 503-881-723412:00pm, 友谊大厅 [email protected] 参加庆祝腓力&贝蒂的结婚 60 周年。有 感谢

蛋糕服侍。 如果关于圣诞节的真正意义有争论,是 结束的时候了。如果你有人对圣诞真正 意义的所有东西感到困惑,给他们弗吉 尼亚·科伯斯的电话。礼拜天早晨,科伯 斯简短的介绍温暖、慷慨、真实,我的心 都提到嗓子眼了。然后她来了就坐在我 旁边,当时我还是不能说话,所以我错

圣诞节卡片箱 过了告诉她,她提升了我的灵。 如果你希望给教堂大家庭的人圣诞卡片,圣 还是这样的星期天,我第一次胡乱地步

诞节邮箱放在聚集区,在会客室附近。 入教堂,被美丽的颂歌和马瑞丽恩·瑞斯 记得检查邮箱,有给你的圣诞节卡片! 驰克诠释的那样美丽完善。我坐下、低

今年我们想给所有的圣诞节卡片找到家,不 头,不经意地被音乐的力量解开。接着 要成为孤儿。 弗吉尼亚·科伯斯给我解释为什么商业努

力的重量甚至不能让圣诞节的好失去光 泽。 许多琐碎的分散和抱怨给我借口错过一 些近期礼拜天。我很高兴和与这个大家 庭礼拜天在一起。 圣诞快乐! 当·沃维尔

Page 10: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

Strengthening Families Sunday, January 12 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall See page 5 for more details. CWF Business Meeting Thursday, January 16 10:00 pm, Parlor Book Club Thursday, January 16 1:00 pm, Library Craft Day Saturday, January 18 10:00 am-5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Plenty of tables for all crafters… including quilters. The fellowship is awesome and there is always laughter. Come and create!

Special Coffee Hour for Phil & Betty Patterson 60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, December 22 12:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Christmas Eve Services Tuesday, December 24 • 6:30 pm, Family Service • 11:00 pm, Candlelight Service

Merry Christmas! Wednesday, December 25 The building is closed and the church office will remain closed on December 26.

Service Sunday: December 29 10:00 am Combined Worship See the cover for more details.

Prayer Party Tuesday, December 31 1:30 pm, Chapel See page 2 for more details.


Mark Your Calendars


Happy New Year! The church building will be closed on January 1, 2014. Scroll Submissions All items need to be 100 words or fewer and due no later than Monday at 10:00 am– Jan. 6 Email to- [email protected] or drop off in Melissa’s box. Prayer Gathering Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 6:45 pm, Chapel CWF Group Meetings Wednesday, January 8 • J. Wilson– 10:00 am, Parlor

Hostess: Kathy DeVore • Mary-Martha– 1:00 pm, Chapel

Hostess: Mary Erickson • Rosa Dots- 6:30 pm, at

Sharon Mudge’s • Priscillas– 6:30 pm, at

Virginia Krebs’s Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesday, January 8 1:00 pm, Parlor Pinochle Wednesday, January 8 6:30 pm, Chapel Outreach Meeting Sunday, January 12 12:20 pm, Cornerstone Rm

Page 11: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

24 期 第 4 页

标记你的日历特别咖啡时间为 新年快乐! 倾心打造家庭

腓力&贝蒂·帕特森 教堂建筑物将在 2014 年 1 月 12 日礼拜天

结婚 60 周年 1 月 1 日关闭 6:00pm,友谊大厅

12 月 22 日礼拜天 书卷投稿 详见第 5 页

12:00pm,友谊大厅 所有的稿件需要 100 字或 基督教妇女友谊会

圣诞除夕服侍 少于 100 字。不晚于 1 月 CWF 事务会议12 月 24 日星期二 6 日星期一 10:00am 发 1 月 16 日星期四

● 6:30pm,家庭服侍 Email 到 melissah@salemfcc 10:00pm 会客室

● 11:00pm 烛光服侍 或投递到美丽莎邮箱里。 图书俱乐部

圣诞快乐! 祈祷聚会 1 月 16 日星期四

12 月 25 日星期三 1 月 7,14,21,28 日 1:00pm,图书馆

建筑物关闭,教堂办公 星期二 手工日室将工作到 12 月 26 日。 6:45pm,礼拜堂 1 月 18 日星期六

服侍礼拜天 基督教妇女友谊会 CWF 10:00am-5:00pm

12 月 29 日 组会议 友谊大厅

10:00am 合一起敬拜 1 月 8 日星期三 充足的桌子为所有的

详见封面 ● J.威尔森—10:00am 会客室 手工者...包括拼布。友

祈祷聚会 女主人:卡西·得沃尔 谊是令人敬畏的,总是

12 月 31 日星期二 ● 马利亚-马大—1:00pm,礼拜堂 有笑。来创造!

1:30pm 礼拜堂 女主人:马利亚·伊瑞克森

详见第 2 页 ● 罗莎·多驰—6:30pm,


● 百基拉—6:30pm,


祈祷披肩组 1 月 8 日星期三


皮诺驰 1 月 8 日星期三


延伸会议 1 月 12 日礼拜天


Page 12: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


Children and Youth A Little Light from Laurie Thank you to all who shared in the special Christmas message presented by our children on Sunday. Aloha Christmas was a lot of fun. I am really proud of our children for doing such a great job with only one rehearsal.

I am very thankful for our directors and all the time and energy they invested in our children. Christine Sinibaldi and Judy Dyer make a great directing team, not only getting the kids involved but working out all the production details.

Kim Resch worked with the Cherubs (our 3-6 year olds), teaching them their song and loving them along the way. We had wonderfully talented adult actors who helped our children present the Christmas mes-sage. People dropped off Hawaiian decorations and even surfboards (which need to vacate my office, by the way). Our sound and light guys did a great job, as well as our 6th grade, cool “wise people,” who also served as stage hands.

Nancy Stebbins baked most of the brownies and cookies for our “Happy Birthday, Jesus” party after-wards. Beth Manzo, Carole Adams and Joan Behen set out the goodies and cleaned up before I could even get back down to do it.

It’s great working with such gifted people. Thank you everyone, especially our beautiful children.

Merry Christmas! Laurie Dyer

Ramblings from Riane We celebrated the sounds of the season by Christmas caroling. Thank you to all the youth and their fami-lies who helped spread Christmas cheer!

The youth Christmas party is Sunday, December 22, during Sunday School at 11:00 am in the youth room. The youth voted to have a gift card gift exchange this year. Bring a wrapped $10 gift card to the party. In addition to the youth Christmas party, we are making gifts for our families for Christmas during youth group time.

Thank you, Julie Towery, for providing lunch for the youth last Sunday and “thank you” to Laurie Dyer for volunteering to bring lunch this Sunday. If you are interested in providing lunch for the youth, see the sign-up sheet at the Information Center or you can contact me directly. It is a wonderful way to connect with the youth.

Snow Rally is a youth event for those in high school and it is taking place January 17-19. Forms have been handed out to the youth and are due back no later than January 5.

This past week, the youth focused on Mary’s journey during the Christmas season. They learned about the fears Mary faced but how her faith in God’s plan was greater. Oftentimes, things do not go according to our plan, but that is because God has a better one. During the busy holiday season, when the unexpected happens and things do not go as intended, remember it is God’s plan that is prevailing.

Blessings, Riane Towery

STRENGTHENING FAMILIES This program is designed to help strengthen family relationships through better communication for families of 7 year olds to high school youth. We are holding a Strengthening Families event and free dinner on Sunday, January 12, at 6:00 pm. Childcare for children under 7 is being provided.

RSVP by Sunday, January 5, so we know how much food and materials to provide. We hope to see you there. For more information, please call 503-363-9273.

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24 期 第 5 页

孩子们和年轻人来自劳瑞的一点光 瑞尼漫谈

—          感谢大家礼拜天的分享 在特别圣诞信息 我们用圣诞颂歌庆祝岁月之声。感谢所         由孩子们呈现的节目。你好圣诞节非常有 有的年轻人和他们的家庭帮助传播圣诞         趣。我真的为孩子们只用一次彩排做了这 欢呼!

                               样件伟大的工作感到骄傲。 年轻人的圣诞聚会是 12 月 22 日礼拜天,      我非常感谢指导们投入到孩子们身上所有的 主日学在年轻人的房间。今年年轻人投

时间和精力。克瑞斯蒂∙辛巴迪和朱迪∙        迪耶 票来拥有礼物和交换礼物。带一个$10      准备了一个伟大的指导队伍,不仅让孩子们 的包裹的礼品卡去聚会。除了年轻人的

                 参与而且解决了所有的演出的细节。 圣诞聚会,我们在年轻人组的时间为我金∙瑞斯驰与基路伯们一起工作(我们的 3­6      们的家庭制作了礼物。岁的孩子们),      教他们儿童歌曲并爱和他们一 谢谢朱丽∙托瑞上礼拜天为年轻人准备

       “ ” 路。我们精彩的有才能的成年人演员帮助我 午餐, 谢谢 劳瑞∙迪耶这个礼拜天为      们的孩子们呈现圣诞节的消息。人们送来了 志愿者带来午餐。如果你有兴趣为年

 夏威夷的装饰甚至冲浪板(        顺便要腾出我的 轻人提供午餐,在信息中心看一下注册       办公室)。我们的音响和灯光的伙计们做了 单或直接联系我。这是联系年轻人的极 一件伟大的工作, 还有我们的 6        年级的孩子 好方法。

“ ”       们,酷 智慧人 也作为舞台工作人员服侍。 雪的集会是为高中生举行的年轻人的活南希∙ “ ”      斯坦宾斯为 生日快乐 聚会后烘烤了许 动,在 1 月 17­19 日举行。表格已经

     多巧克力糕饼和小甜饼。在我回去做之前, 分发给年轻人,不晚于 1 月 5 日交回。白斯∙芒佐、卡罗∙亚当斯和乔∙       贝汉安排了美 上一周年轻人聚焦在圣诞节期间的马利

                                             味的食品和清洁。 亚之旅。他们学习尽管马利亚面临恐惧,      与有恩赐的人在一起工作是伟大的。感谢每 但她是信靠上帝的计划是极大的。事情

                  一个人,特别是我们美丽的孩子们。 往往不能根据我们的计划,但因为神有                                                        圣诞快乐! 一个更好的计划。在繁忙的假日里,当

劳瑞∙                                                            迪耶 出乎意料的事情发生并且事情并不象预                                                                          期的那样,记得神的计划是最占优势的。                                                                          祝福                                                                          瑞尼∙托瑞

 倾力打造家庭 这个节目是通过更好地与 7     岁到高中的孩子的家庭沟通,来帮助加强家庭关系。我们 计划举办一个倾力打造家庭的活动,免费提供晚餐,时间是 1 月 12 日 6:00pm。提供 7 岁以下孩子的看护。 1 月 5 日礼拜天 RSVP,以便我们知道提供多少食物和材料。我们希望这次活动见到你。 更多信息,请打电话 503­363­9273。

Page 14: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


Things to Know and Do

Scheduling Church Equipment To schedule the use of equipment for Sunday School classes, events or meetings, please call the church during the week, 503-363-9273. Thank you.

Flower Calendar The 2014 Flower Calendar is on the bulletin board by the staff offices. Please consider sharing your memories and celebrations with your church family through flowers. Thank you.

We Need Books! Books, games, puzzles, videos, CDs, DVDs, tapes, and office supplies are needed for the Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) Book Sale in February. Proceeds go to CWF mission projects.

Bring your donations to the Fellowship Hall now! No encyclopedias, please.

If you have questions, contact: Penny Blackwell, 503-399-0371 or Joyce Zook, 503-385-1607.

Merry Christmas Giving Trees Lampas International: A Ministry to Street Kids in Mexico City, Chalice Entry- Requesting donations of money

Liberty House, Family Building Blocks, Helping Hands, and Union Gospel Mission, Gathering Area- Requesting mittens, hats, gloves, and scarves

HOME Youth Center, Narthex- Requesting backpacks, hoodies (generic - no logos), beanies, clothes (especially larger, i.e., XXL), shoes, presents (DVDs, headphones, etc.), hygiene items (tooth brushes, etc.), sleeping bags

Marion-Polk Food Share, Narthex- Requesting donations of money and peanut butter

Interfaith Hospitality Network, Chapel- Requesting bedding and kitchen items (See tags on the tree.)

Make checks to First Christian Church and write the charity on the note line. Place in offering tray or take to the Information Center on Sundays or take to the office on weekdays.

Thank you and God Bless You!

All Deacons Sign-Up Sign-up on Sunday, December 22, at the Information Center and choose which months you are going to serve. The spaces left will be filled in with the remaining Deacons.

Thanks you for your service and participation. Carole Adams and Joan Behen Deacons Co-Chairs

Check It Out! When the Christmas rush is over and you want a relaxing evening with family and friends, remember to check out your Church Library for family videos. You will find a growing collection of inspirational family entertainment - movies you can trust for good moral values and godly messages.

Newest favorites are found on the New Book Shelf, including the inspiring true stories of Miracle of the Cards and Temple Grandin. Videos with a Christmas theme are set out on the back counter.

Be sure to check out the remaining collection of DVDs and audio books beneath the back counter of your Church Library.

Betty Charnholm, Librarian Ministry of the Books – For God’s Glory

Page 15: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

24 期 第 6 页

知道和做的事情全体执事注册 看一看12 月 22 日礼拜天注册,地点是信息中心,并 当圣诞节向我们冲过来的时候,你想与

选择你要服侍哪一个月。留下的空间将由剩 家人和朋友放松一个晚上,记得看一看

余的执事填充。 教堂图书馆的家庭录像。你会发现一个

感谢你的服侍和参与。 不断增长灵里的家庭娱乐方面的录像--

卡罗·亚当斯和乔·白汉 电影是你值得信赖的好的道德价值和

执事联合主席 神的消息。

圣诞快乐给予树 最新令人喜欢的在新书架上。包括《卡

拉姆帕斯国际树:一个在墨西哥城对街道儿 的奇迹》和《坦普·格让汀》令人鼓舞的

童的牧养。查理斯入口处-- 真实的故事。圣诞主题录像布置在柜台

要求捐献钱。 后面。

自由屋、家庭建筑块、帮手和联合福音使命 一定要看一看剩下收集到的 DVD 和音

聚集区—要求连指手套、帽子、手套和围巾 频书在你的图书馆柜台后面书下面。

家年轻人中心:前厅-- 贝蒂·查霍姆 图书管理员

要求:背包、帽衫(通用的—没有标志)、 图书牧人--为神的荣耀

毛线帽、衣服(特别是大号的,比如 XXL)、 花的日历鞋、礼物(DVDs、耳机等)、卫生用品 2014 年花的日历由教堂工作人员办公

(牙刷等)、睡袋 室写在公告栏上。请考虑与你的教堂

马瑞恩—波克食品分享:前厅- 大家庭通过花分享你的记忆和庆祝。

要求捐献钱和花生酱 谢谢。

不同信仰款待网络:礼拜堂- 我们需要书!要求床和厨房用的东西(见树上的标签。) 书籍、游戏、字谜游戏、录像、CD、

写支票到第一基督教堂并在注意事项上写明慈 DVD、磁带和办公室文具,需要为基

善。放入布施托盘或者礼拜天带到信息中心, 督教妇女友谊会 CWF二月份的书籍销

或在一周里带到教堂办公室。 售。所得收益用于 CWF 的牧养项目。

谢谢神祝福你 现在带上你的捐献到友谊大厅!请不

预订教堂设施 要捐献百科全书。

为主日学、活动或会议预订使用设施请在一 如果你有问题,联系:潘尼·布莱克威尔

周里给教堂办公室打电话 503363-9273。谢谢。 503-399-0371或乔伊斯·祖克


Page 16: The Church Scroll December 19 2013


Housekeeping Serving Sunday, December 22

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Dave Rehbehn 11:00 am– Craig Johnson, Neva Clausen, Virginia Krebs, Bud Pierce


8:30 am Service– Russ & Tammy Colgan 9:30 am Service– Colleen Vawter 11:00 am Service– Rosealee Clemens, Bambi Rux, JD & Arty Day, Bob Krebs, Jim & Penny Blackwell, Jack Gill, Robin Bigham, Murray McNeil, Ethan & Monique Ownby Choir: Dennis & Dena Turner

SATURDAY FILL Margaret Cleveland


Jean Cronemiller, Judy Erickson, Barbara Kuhn, Barb Leisman


Keven & Claire Widener

FLOWERS Chapel– From Russ & Tammy

Colgan in memory of their loving son, Quentin.

Sanctuary– From Phil & Betty Patterson, in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary.

Serving Sunday, December 29

ELDERS 10:00 am– Bud Pierce, Sharron Streeter, Loyst Streeter, Anna Russell, Kim Resch

DECEMBER DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Russ & Tammy Colgan 9:30 am Service– Colleen Vawter 11:00 am Service– Rosealee Clemens, Bambi Rux, JD & Arty Day, Bob Krebs, Jim & Penny Blackwell, Jack Gill, Robin Bigham, Murray McNeil, Ethan & Monique Ownby Choir: Dennis & Dena Turner



Carole Adams, Joan Behen, Cecilia Larson, Debbi Rehbehn


Service Sunday 10:00 am Combined Worship


From Gary & Joyce Frame, in celebration of their 50th wedding

anniversary on August 16, 2013.

December 15, 2013

GIVING General– $18,372.22

Building– $10 Special Offering– $195

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 39 / 9:30–73

11:00– 297

Sunday School– 104

December 8, 2013

GIVING General– $6858.01

Building– $0 Special Offering– $255

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 37 / 9:30–66

11:00– 190

Sunday School– 104

N U M B 3 R S

Page 17: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

24 期 第 7 页

家务12 月 22 日服侍礼拜天 12 月 29 日服侍礼拜天 长老 长老

8:30&9:30am—达夫·瑞宾汉 10:00am--巴德·皮尔斯,沙荣·斯垂

11:00am—克瑞格·约翰森,尼瓦·克劳森,弗 特,安娜·罗素,金·瑞斯驰

吉尼亚·科伯斯,巴德·皮尔斯 12 月执事

12 月执事 8:30am服侍--如斯&塔米·科跟

8:30am服侍—如斯&塔米·科根 9:30am服侍--克林·瓦沃特

9:30am服侍—科林·瓦沃特 11:00am服侍--罗莎丽·克莱门斯,

11:00am 服侍—罗莎丽·克莱门斯,巴姆比·如 巴姆比·如克斯,JD&阿提·得,鲍

克斯,JD&阿提·得,鲍勃·科伯斯,吉姆&潘 勃·科伯斯,吉姆&潘尼·布莱克威尔,

尼·布莱克威尔,杰克·吉尔,罗宾·比格汉姆, 杰克·吉尔,罗宾·比格汉姆,默

默瑞·迈克奈尔,伊山&莫尼克·奥白 瑞·迈克奈尔,伊山&莫尼克·奥白

诗歌:丹尼斯&迪娜·特纳 诗歌:丹尼斯&迪娜·特纳

星期六填充 星期六填充

玛格丽特·克莱夫兰 米佐德·韦伯

圣餐清扫 圣餐清扫

吉恩·克柔奈米勒,朱迪·伊瑞克森 卡罗·亚当斯,乔恩·白汉,

巴巴拉·库汉,巴伯·莱斯曼 赛时拉·拉森,戴比·瑞宾汉

咖啡时间 没有咖啡时间

开文&克莱尔·威德呢 服侍礼拜天

花 10:00am合一起敬拜

礼拜堂—如斯&塔米·科跟纪念他们 花

爱的儿子昆廷 嘎瑞&乔伊斯·弗瑞姆庆祝2013年

礼拜堂—腓力&贝蒂·帕特森庆祝结婚 8月 16日结婚50周年


2013年 12月 8日 2013年 12月 15日

数 给 给

字 总数--$6858.01 总数--$18,372.22

追 建筑物-$0 建筑物--$10

凶 特别布施--$255 特别布施--$195

参加 参加

8:30—37/9:30-66 8:30-39/9:30-73

11:00—190 11:00--297

主日学--104 主日学--104

Page 18: The Church Scroll December 19 2013

First Christian Church Periodical Postage 685 Marion Street NE Paid At: Salem OR 97301-3729 Salem OR Post Office

First Christian Church Phone: 503-363-9273

[email protected] /

First Christian Staff Senior Pastor

Bob Hanna Business Manager

Allison Pfaff Children’s Ministries Director

Laurie Dyer Director of Ministry Involvement

Michelle Gorman Interim Youth Director

Riane Towery Secretary

Melissa Houston Keeper of the House

Mark Ridings Music Director

Judy Dyer Praise Team Leader

Billy Strehlow Nursery Coordinator

Teri Garland Handbell Choir Director

Christine Sinibaldi Organist

Marilyn Reischke Security

Terrance Jull, John Erickson Sound Engineer Loring Hermann Video Engineer

Ed Vawter

The Church Scroll UPSP 112-660 Published Semi-Monthly by the

First Christian Church 685 Marion Street NE

Salem OR 97301-3729 Periodical Postage

paid at Salem, Oregon POSTMASTER


685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

Use E-Giving for you Donations E-Giving Offers:

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Page 19: The Church Scroll December 19 2013