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By: Michelle Ryan
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Page 1: The  American  Revolution  Blog 5


Page 2: The  American  Revolution  Blog 5

  Many efforts were made to unite the colonies into adopting newgovernments,“undertheauthorityofthepeople”anddeclaring,“thattheexerciseofeverykindofauthorityunderthe...Crownshouldbetotally suppressed.” Congress formed a committee even before theDeclaration of Independence and worked with some states prior tothisonnewconstitutions.

  Thewarfor independencewasnotaneasy one, nor was it withoutworldwide struggle. It was a timewhen the war for Americanindependence became an importantpebble in Britain’s shoe in theirstruggle for global supremacy againstFrance. Thisstrugglewasmonumentand continued into the nineteenthcentury. InaplanbyJohnAdams,hewanted George Washington to dressthepartinCongressasascaretactic–and it worked, he played the partperfectly.

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  GovernorThomas Jeffersonwashumiliated in thesummerof 1781byBritishforces. AmericanswereabletocommandeerthecommandofLafayette,allduetotwogeneralshagglingbackandforth. Itdidnotend there and caused the collapse of a plan to rise to Americanindependence.

  The war was long and costly forthecountry,much like it is today.Manysimilaritiesbetweenthewarfrom 1778and todaywill godowninhistory. Thedeathtollisrising,the conditions are not favorable,andthepeopledonotreallyknowwhat thetruepointof today’swarreally is. Many believe the newsandhowthisisallaboutoil–itisnot aboutoil, but the sad truth isnomatter the truth and the facts,peoplebelieveonlywhattheywanttobelieve.