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The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards Nomination information package Your local apprentice employment network member Friday 22 nd September 2017

The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards KGT Nomination Package.pdf · This package contains information on the Award categories and the nomination process. Nominations are due to be submitted

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Page 1: The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards KGT Nomination Package.pdf · This package contains information on the Award categories and the nomination process. Nominations are due to be submitted

The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards

Nomination information package

Your local apprentice employment network member

Friday 22nd September 2017

Page 2: The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards KGT Nomination Package.pdf · This package contains information on the Award categories and the nomination process. Nominations are due to be submitted

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Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Award categories ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Apprentice/Trainee/School-Based Trainee of the Year Award categories .................................................................... 3

Host Employer of the Year Award category ................................................................................................................... 3

Safety Recognition Award .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Kimberley Encouragement Award .................................................................................................................................. 4

Conditions of Entry ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Apprentice of the Year .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Trainee of the Year ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

School-Based Trainee of the Year ................................................................................................................................... 5

Host Employer of the Year .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Safety Recognition Award .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Kimberley Encouragement Award .................................................................................................................................. 5

Additional notes regarding nominations: ....................................................................................................................... 5

How do I apply for an Award? ............................................................................................................................................ 6

How do I nominate someone for an Award? ..................................................................................................................... 6

Selection Criteria: ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

Apprentice of the Year Award ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Trainee of the Year Award .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Trainee of the Year Award .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Selection Criteria: ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

Host Employer of the Year .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Selection Criteria: ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Safety Recognition Award ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Selection Criteria: ............................................................................................................................................................. 13

Kimberley Encouragement Award .................................................................................................................................... 13

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The fifth annual KGT Excellence Awards will be held in Kununurra on Friday 22nd September 2017. The Awards are

held each year to recognise the growth and accomplishments of our clients in the East and West Kimberley as well as

the support of local businesses through the important role they play as Host Employers.

This package contains information on the Award categories and the nomination process. Nominations are due

to be submitted in electronic format to [email protected] no later than 4.30 pm Monday 3rd July 2017.

Award categories

The 2017 KGT Excellence Awards will recognise nominations from six award categories:

Apprentice of the Year

Trainee of the Year

School-Based Trainee of the Year

Host Employer of the Year

Safety Recognition Award

Kimberley Encouragement Award

Apprentice/Trainee/School-Based Trainee of the Year Award categories

KGT recognises that many of our trainees/apprentices/school-based trainees have many obstacles that they must

overcome throughout the duration of their traineeship/apprenticeship/school-based traineeship and once overcome,

often result in life-changing experiences and outcomes. It is these achievements, both big and small, that we would

like to recognise through these Awards. Through the formal recognition of these achievements, KGT hopes to create

role-models within the community for other people to aspire to and see what can be achieved with dedication and

commitment. We would also like to promote a better quality of life and career pathway through a traineeship or


Host Employer of the Year Award category

The work that KGT does would not be possible without the support of organisations working in the Kimberley. KGT

would like to recognise businesses that have supported KGT and people on their personal journeys through a

traineeship or apprenticeship.

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Safety Recognition Award

The Safety Recognition Award will recognise host employers and individuals who have promoted health and safety

excellence and leadership in the workplace. This Award will identify the achievements of those who have contributed

to the health and wellbeing of fellow employees and the continuous improvement of safety in the workplace.

Kimberley Encouragement Award

In addition to KGT’s core business of Group Training, KGT also offers a number of subsidiary programs to support and

prepare people to enter the workforce:

VTEC (Vocational Training and Employment Centre): VTEC assists participants by preparing them for the

workplace and supporting them through the early stages of employment.

SEE (Skills for Education & Employment): The SEE Programs aims to improve literacy and numeracy skills with

the aim of participants getting a job or applying for a traineeship.

Pre-employment: In order to support people into the workforce and meet the employment needs of local

businesses, KGT runs a number of pre-employment programs in a range of industries including; building,

hospitality, civil construction and business.

The Kimberley Encouragement Award will recognise individuals that have participated in these subsidiary programs

and their personal achievements as a result of participation in the program.

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Conditions of Entry

Apprentice of the Year

Must be actively employed or have completed in the 2016/2017 financial year

Must be active in the apprenticeship for more than 3 months

Trainee of the Year

Must be actively employed or have completed in the 2016/2017 financial year

Commenced on or after 1st January 2016

Must be active in the traineeship for more than 3 months

School-Based Trainee of the Year

Must be actively employed or have completed in the 2016/2017 financial year

Must be active in the traineeship for more than 3 months

Host Employer of the Year

Must have an actively employed apprentice, trainee or school-based trainee, or

Must have had a trainee/apprentice/school-based trainee who completed in 2016/2017

Safety Recognition Award

Host Employer, Apprentice, Trainee, School-Based Trainee, VTEC participant or pre-employment participant

who is current or who completed in the 2016/2017 financial year.

Must be active in the traineeship/apprenticeship/program for more than 3 months

Kimberley Encouragement Award

Must have participated in a KGT subsidiary program (SEE, pre-employment or VTEC) in the 2016/2017

financial year

Must be active or have successfully completed the subsidiary program

Additional notes regarding nominations:

An individual can only be nominated for one Award category.

Address and uphold the standards specified in the selection criteria.

Be willing to promote KGT, their chosen industry and host employer in future publications.

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Applicants agree that by entering the awards, photographs, profiles and training details may be used for

promotional purposes by KGT Employment.

Should the nominated individual withdraw from their apprenticeship/traineeship prior to the awards

ceremony, their nomination will no longer be valid.

Nominations must be submitted to [email protected] no later than 4.30 pm Monday 3rd July 2017

(including a JPEG or PNG photo file of the nominee or logo of the business).

How do I apply for an Award?

How do I nominate someone for an Award?

Nominations for the KGT Excellence Awards can be prepared by nominee’s/participants (e.g. apprentice, trainee),

KGT Field Officers or staff, Host Employers or an Registered Training Organisation representative.

When submitting nominations, please ensure the following has been included:

Selection criteria; please ensure all questions have been fully answered to the best of your ability.

JPEG or PNG photo file of participant/business (please include company logo)

Additional supporting documentation; while not a requirement, please feel free to include letters of support,

etc. with the nomination

Please note that all nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel (KGT staff or Committee members

will not be on the judging panel). It is therefore essential that selection criteria questions are fully & thoroughly


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Selection Criteria:

Apprentice of the Year Award

Trainee of the Year Award

School Based Trainee of the Year Award

Please tick the Award category that you are applying for:

Apprentice of the Year

Trainee of the Year

School-Based-Trainee of the Year



Host Employer/s:

Please address the criteria below

Please check that you have addressed ALL selection criteria questions providing between 100 -200 words per answer. Please note that all nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel (KGT staff or Committee members will not be on the judging panel). It is therefore essential that selection criteria questions are fully & thoroughly answered.

1. Career and study achievements

Please describe any career and/or study achievements that the nominee has made as a result of undertaking

an apprenticeship or traineeship (i.e. learning a new skill or taking on more responsibility at work, Awards

won, becoming qualified/ticketed to operate machinery, etc.).

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2. Communication, team and leadership skills

Has the nominee’s communication, team and/or leadership skills been improved since starting an

apprenticeship/traineeship? If so, give an example and describe how they have improved.

3. Personal achievements

Please describe any personal achievements or goals the nominee has attained as a result of undertaking an

apprenticeship or traineeship (i.e. more self-confidence, obtaining driver’s licence, moving into their own

home, turning up to work every day, better health, etc.).

4. Other comments

The nominee’s achievements in other areas other than study and work (i.e. sporting, Awards, etc.).

Please describe any community involvement the nominee is or has been involved in.

The nominee’s future plans and goals.

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Selection Criteria:

Host Employer of the Year

Name of Host Employer

Please address the Selection Criteria below:

Please check that you have addressed ALL selection criteria questions providing between 100 – 200 words per answer. Please note that all nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel (KGT staff or Committee members will not be on the judging panel). It is therefore essential that selection criteria questions are fully & thoroughly answered.

1. Commitment to the employment of apprentices and trainees in the region.

Number of apprentices and trainees employed (both past & present – please include the year that the

nominee started to employ apprentices/trainees at their business) and how many of these

trainees/businesses have completed their traineeship/apprenticeship.

The number of trainees/apprentices that have taken on full-time roles within the nominee’s business

following the completion of their traineeship/apprenticeship.

Flexibility in the provision of on-the-job training to meet training requirements e.g. rotation, flexible delivery

2. Training provided in the workplace

What steps has the nominee taken to ensure that trainees/apprentices receive experience in a wide range of

skills while employed by your business?

Briefly explain the Occupational Health and Safety systems that the nominee has in place in their


Availability and quality of supervision and supervisors (i.e. experience of supervisors).

Additional support and/or development offered to apprentices and trainees to meet their skill and personal

development needs.

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3. Partnership with KGT Employment.

Describe how the employment of apprentices/trainees through KGT has assisted the nominee’s business.

What have been the greatest benefits to the nominee’s business by employing a trainee/apprentice through


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Selection Criteria:

Safety Recognition Award

Participant/ Host

Employer Name:

Qualification (if


Host Employer:

Please address the Criteria below

Please check that you have addressed ALL selection criteria questions providing between 100 -200 words per answer. Please note that all nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel (KGT staff or Committee members will not be on the judging panel). It is therefore essential that selection criteria questions are fully & thoroughly answered.

1. Leadership in promoting safety awareness

Describe how the participant or Host Employer sets a good example of Safety in the workplace

Describe how the participant or Host Employer has developed innovative ways of implementing safe

work practices.

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2. Positively influenced safety behaviours of others

Describe how the participant or Host Employer encourages others in the workplace to be safe.

Are there rewards in place to encourage others to have a positive attitude to safety?

2. Identified unsafe behaviours or conditions and implemented changes

Provide examples of hazards that have been fixed in the workplace

What changes have been made to improve safety in the workplace?

3. Exhibited safe work practices

How you are safe in the workplace?

What improvements have been made to safety systems?

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Selection Criteria:

Kimberley Encouragement Award


Please tick the type of subsidiary program that the nominee participated in:

Date of commencement in

the program

Date of completion in

the program




Type of pre-employment program the nominee participated in (i.e. building, business, hospitality, etc):

Please address the criteria below

Please check that you have addressed ALL selection criteria questions providing between 100 -200 words per answer. Please note that all nominations will be assessed by an independent judging panel (KGT staff or Committee members will not be on the judging panel). It is therefore essential that selection criteria questions are fully & thoroughly answered.

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1. Literacy and numeracy skills

Please describe any improvements to the nominee’s literacy and numeracy through participation in a KGT

subsidiary program.

2. Personal achievements

Please describe any personal achievements or goals the nominee has attained as a result of participating in

VTEC, SEE or a pre-employment program (i.e. employment, more self-confidence, obtaining driver’s licence,

turning up to work every day, better health, etc.).

3. Future plans and goals

Please describe the nominee’s future plans and goals.