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The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion Dollar Companies John Di Lemme

The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion Dollar Companies

Jul 18, 2015



John Di Lemme
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Page 1: The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion Dollar Companies

The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion

Dollar Companies

John Di Lemme

Page 2: The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion Dollar Companies

Mindset #1: Crazy

You gotta get crazy and do something abnormal (above normal) in your business. Crazy means

intensely enthusiastic. Are you intensely enthusiastic about taking your business to the next

level? You can't do that if you stay stuck in ordinary and keep doing the same old thing. Jump out of that box that's held you captive for so many years and start taking full control of your life and

business. Do what YOU want to do! Not what society and others tells you that you can do. Get

crazy about your results in life!

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Mindset #2: Building I often hear people say, "I work really hard. All I do is work." The word "work" has a negative connotation,

and no one likes it. Plus when you say it, you automatically feel that work is something that you

have to do instead of something that you love to do. Instead of referring to your business as work, change it to building. Building is defined as increasing and

strengthening. Say this out loud, "I am BUILDING my Billion Dollar Business!" See how much better that sounds. Drop the mindset of

working really hard and gain the mindset of building your business to explode your results and live the life

that you deserve to live!

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Mindset #3: On Time

Being on time in your business is not optional. You must be on time to serve your customers. When you are late, you instantly convey that you do not value

your business or your customers' time. It's not enough just to be on time especially if you are

running in at the last minute completely frazzled. You should be at least 15 minutes early so that you

are fully prepared to share your products and services. That extra time gives you the ability to be laser-focused on your customers' needs and create

an experience that your customers will never forget.

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Mindset #4: Straight Talk

Your customers don't want to hear any fluff. They want straight talk about what your products and services can do for them. We live in a microwave society in which instant gratification is expected.

People won't invest time listening to you beat around the bush about your business. Get to the

point! What problem does your product or service solve for your customers? This is easy to do if you run an ethical business with rock-solid products

and services. You have nothing to hide and everything to gain when you share straight talk with

your customers.

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Mindset #5: Relentless

You must be absolutely relentless about building your business. You refuse to give up no matter what the naysayers tell you or what label society has tried to

slap on you. Being relentless means that you refuse to quit, and it's not even an option for you. It also

means that you will not let anyone or anything stand in the way of you building a huge business and achieving your goals and dreams. Commit to be

relentless and stomp out the fear that has tried to stop you from achieving your goals and dreams!

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Mindset #6: Associations

Who are you around? Take a good look at the last five people in your cell phone and understand

that's your future. If you don't like what you see, then use the most important function in your

phone...DELETE! Get rid of the people in your life that are stopping you from achieving your goals and dreams. If you don't, you will end up living

with the regret of what you could have done with your life. Fill your life with positive, like-minded Champions that support you, believe in you, and

aren't afraid to give you some tough love when you get distracted.

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Mindset #7: Be Decisive

Champions make decisions, and decisions make champions! Too many business owners refuse to take a

step of faith and make decisions that could radically change their lives. They settle for running a mediocre business with mediocre results, because fear has them

held captive. Not only are they not living up to their potential, but they are also selfish. Why? Because not

making decisions is stopping them from building a huge business that could change lives worldwide. Take a step of faith and make an uncomfortable decision that will

create radical results in your business.

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Mindset #8: Experience What type of experience do you create for your

customers? Your customers should be excited to enter the atmosphere of your business. They

should look forward to seeing you and receiving awesome bonuses for simply being your customer. Your customers should also grow to expect that you will provide no less than a standard of excellence in

every area of your business. Test your experience and walk in your customer's shoes. Settle for

nothing less than a *5* star experience in your business!

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Mindset #9: Trust

Your customers must trust you. If they don't, then it will be impossible to develop long-term relationships with

them. How do you earn your customers' trust? Do what you say that you are going to do. Yes, it's that easy. If you

tell your customers you are going to do something, then do it. Plus commit to over-deliver for your customers. Go over

and beyond their expectations. Absolutely blow their minds with extreme customer service not just once but

every single time you interact with them. You will inevitably earn their trust and build rock-solid

relationships with them.

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Mindset #10: Real People with Real Results

Your customers love testimonials! They want to know that other people have had positive results

with your products and services. REAL people with REAL results not made up testimonials or paid

testimonials! When you build long-term, trusting relationships with your customers, they will be

more than happy to give you testimonials. Sharing these testimonials with your other customers will instantly give them confidence in your products

and services.

Page 12: The *10* Key Fundamental Marketing Mindsets of Billion Dollar Companies


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