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Page 1: Thanksgiving Vine
Page 2: Thanksgiving Vine


Sometimes, I just look at the stars at night. I gaze at the fading fall colors of leaves that fall gen-

tly, slowly to the ground. I look at the crowds of people, always running in one direction, cars

speeding away, growing miniscule in the distance, lose myself in the bustle of life and exchange

of so many words with no meaning.

I wonder.

Wonder why I just don’t get it all.

I wish I could be an astronaut in space, just so I could fly above the chaos of this broken world,

to see the majesty of creation, displayed before my naked eyes.

Maybe then, I would get it.

I feel that my current spiritual apa-

thy is because I just don’t see God.

I’ve diminished him to some idea in

my mind, some idea that is non-

threatening, something controlla-

ble, something that can fit in my


But God’s a lion, and he can’t be


I believe that being able to see God

without any bias, without any pre-

conceptions, just as He is, is the key

to loving Him for who He is, what

He’s done. On that day, I’ll be so overcome by fear, by love, by awe, I’ll be speechless.

Once my eyes are open, my heart can be too.

I want to love like God meant me to.

From the Editors

- Kelly Yu

Page 3: Thanksgiving Vine

From the Editors

- Melody Zhang

Passage Focus: James 4:13-15

These verses encapsulate the selfishness of human life. It fits the modern way of thinking even

in many Christians. We plan and plan out our futures like we are the makers of our own destiny, the

creators of our future. Most of the time when I think of what to do, I don't take what God wants into

consideration, instead acting like I have control over my life when really I am nothing "but a mist that

appears for a little and then vanishes" on earth.

In truth, God should and must be the one in

control; whatever he wills and whatever he

throws onto my path is for my good and I

shouldn't choose to ignore it just because it's

difficult or it wasn't what I had expected out of

my day. I have learned not just through these

verses that to expect is to be disappointed; in-

stead to expect nothing and give everything just

as Jesus did for me.

It is terrifyingly difficult to live through God's

eyes, because it means I am surrendering my

business, my plans, my future. How selfish I am

in that most of the time I want to ignore the ob-

stacles He throws at me or passively resist the

people I struggle with in my life. I cannot live as

if I am the maker of my own future, because I

am not. God gives me challenges that I do not

expect and I must learn to accept them as part

of who he wants to make me into and do my

best to face them. After all, He does not give us

anything that we cannot handle.

“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a

year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will

happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and

then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this

or that.”

Page 4: Thanksgiving Vine


From the Editors

So let me tell you about two indirectly related but equally important things. Important being

entirely subjective, I suppose. (But don’t stop reading here because this article looks long and

boring! I have something super to share!!) So here’s what happened: one random day in late

September/early October I found one of many college brochures on my desk my mom just puts

there for me to look through. More often than not I just throw them out. But that particular after-

noon, I didn’t have a lot of homework, and something about the brochure (probably because it was

purple I like purple) made me flip through it. And thinking back upon it, I think God had planned for

that moment all along. Crown College is a tiny Christian college located in St. Bonifacius, which is

kind of in the middle of nowhere. I couldn’t even find it on the Minnesota map! Anyway I applied

just because I wanted to be a good student by applying to 3-5 schools (it being my fifth school yeah

I’m an overachiever!! Hahaha not really), and not even considering it as a place I would want to go

for college. Guess what happened a month later! I am now seriously considering going to Crown. It

was pretty crazy how I ended up being able to visit the campus just last week. It’s a 13 hour drive

from Troy so that was definitely not an option, but I

was not so easily discouraged. After a long call with

the airlines and a talk with my parents, I was all set to

fly to Crown by myself. (For the record, I hate planes.)

The entire trip went smoothly though. I had to miss

school Friday and so I had to make up my two part

calc test and two day bio lab on Thursday. I was able

to book a flight back to Michigan early enough to

make it directly to my cross country banquet Satur-

day. Crown sent one of their students to pick me up

from, and take me back, to the airport. All these little

details (and what I originally thought of as conflicts)

God had already worked out for me, and I didn’t have

to worry once. I didn’t even barf on the plane—I slept

the entire two hours there and back!

So that’s the first thing. I won’t bore you with the details of what I experienced, liked, and

disliked (if you’re curious you can ask me and I’ll tell you!), but I will stress this: God works in crazy

ways. He loves us like crazy, and really, all we have to do is trust Him even if following Christ seems

like a crazy thing sometimes. So here I am now pretty conflicted on what my future holds for me.

How do we know if God is calling us to someone, something, or somewhere? Part of me just wants

to stay close to home for college, but if God is leading me elsewhere, then I am going to follow.

Page 5: Thanksgiving Vine

- Sharon Shen

Never has the verse

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”

—Luke 9:23

meant more to me. But here’s the (second) thing: the other day at dinner my sister and I were just

joking about going out of state for college lalalala and my mom was like no I don’t want you to go

to Crown because you’ll be so far away and my sister and I just laughed but honestly she looked like

she was about to cry. And I say it like it’s not that big of a deal now but it made me want to cry, too.

In all my seventeen years it’s sad for me to admit that I have not had a good relationship with my

parents. I keep to myself, and I’ve always liked it that way. But the reality is I could be far from home

and the comfort of having my family and friends always there to support me next year if I end up at

Crown. And I can’t speak for everyone but at times I wonder if that’s a scenario that many high

schoolers are in. It sucks. In seven months I will graduate from high school. In nine months I will be

off to college. Time flies; it really does. I was always envious of the people who were close to their

parents, or at least one of their parents. I think out of everyone I’ve taken my family for granted the

most. Maybe because our family is supposed to love us no matter what but it left me feeling kind of

hollow after my mom almost cried about me leaving. Because in the end, she’s still going to support

me going to Crown.

Even though it hurts her, she’ll let me go. I think sometimes as teens we just think that our parents

are annoying and don’t give us any privacy. I remember thinking when my mom happened to read

one of my Vine articles two years ago and I didn’t like that she did. I didn’t like her getting all into

my life but hey at least I realize late better than never that parents really do the things they do out

of pure love for us. And how much more so does God do that for each and every one of us, no mat-

ter how many times we’ve run away, no matter how many times we’ve failed or doubted. It’s kind of

really overwhelming and I hope that maybe my mom will read this article because I don’t know how

to be a good daughter, but I think I’m finally running home.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny him-

self and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

—Luke 9:23

Page 6: Thanksgiving Vine


Hello everyone!

I feel that I should start with a proper introduction or else I’ll be a complete stranger to about

80% of all of you. My name is Veronica Tang and I’m currently a junior at University of Michigan study-

ing Brain, Cognitive, and Neuroscience with a minor in Applied Statistics. If you want a gleeked-out

rant or discussion about the mind, just mention my major in front of

me. My little brother is Joe or that tall guy that is really into video

games. If you see him around later, make sure to give him a hug or

something. He’ll absolutely love it. (Wait, ask first actually. I don’t

want to be held accountable for harassment).

I was in Refresh in middle school and Oasis all of high school. While

I am one of the alumni of Oasis, it’s still weird to think of myself that

way. I used to consider this youth group as my second home (and I

still do, on a strange level of nostalgia), since there were so many

memories made in that second floor of the church. I remember

when Beth and Brent first moved here when I was in middle school.

Believe it or not, but there was a time where we didn’t have a youth

pastor that was so invested in you guys! There was that powerful

Saturate that my spiritual relationship with Christ was radically

changed and personalized. There were plenty of tears and laughter,

drama and connections made. However, one element that never

changed throughout the years was the steadfast and everlasting

God that watched me grow.

To be honest, throughout my high school years, I relied on people

and emotions to carry me through my Christian belief. I occasionally

opened my Bible, but it was always in the company of another person. I prayed because I was ex-

pected to and because everyone else around me had their eyes closed and heads bowed. I relied on

my Sunday school knowledge for small group time and never really revealed my struggles or weak-

nesses when it was time for sharing. I cruised through high school on a spiritual minimum. I didn’t un-

derstand how it was to truly have a personal relationship with Christ or the meaning of fellowship. So,

when the supporting people around me or the emotional highs of the Holy Spirit were stripped away, I

was a Christian skeleton. After graduating high school and leaving Oasis, I didn’t know how to seek

God for myself because I never had a need to before. Without that knowledge, it was so easy to blame

Him for forsaking me.

From personal experience, I can share that no matter the size of the campus you guys end up

in, it’s surprisingly how easy it is to become lost and disconnected with people. My first year in college,

I felt like I couldn’t connect to the students around me and my spiritual needs were not being met.

During this time, I felt like God was so far away from me, that any attempts to meet Him were met with

silence. That’s because I never experienced what it was like to be intimate with my Savior; I couldn’t

discern His voice from the noise and chaos around me.

I cannot stress how important it is to build a foundation with God before you embark on the

next step of your life, especially in Oasis where your peers are eager to seek Him alongside you. Re-

member that familiar parable that we’ve heard growing up again and again?

Not in Oasis, but in Christ

Alum article! (and former Vine editor!!)

Page 7: Thanksgiving Vine

- Veronica Tang

“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.

And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, be-

cause it had been well built. But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man

who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it,

immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” —Luke 6:38-39

There is so much truth and wisdom in just those two verses. I am sad to say that I was

the foolish one who did not take those words to heart, and ended up in shifting sands. Fortu-

nately, God redeemed my perspective, and I’m working on my relationship with Him on a daily


So here is my advice: go beyond the clichés heard in church, such as “pray” and “read

the Word” and “be obedient.” Question why; thoroughly understand how this will help you

when Oasis is no longer around. Do this for God instead of living up to the demands and ex-

pectations of people. You will find emotional and spiritual stability that is rooted in truth. You

will find strength with God dwelling in every action and word from you. You will find like-

minded people around you, no matter where you go. There will be less room for doubt and

more room for God to speak into your life.

And please, never stay silent and struggle through your questions alone. Satan abso-

lutely adores that. It’s so much easier to distort one view, especially if it’s in a single mind of a

person in uncertainty. Be vulnerable. Even if you’re worried that you are a bother and that your

problems are burdensome, chances are that people are struggling with the exact same issues

that you are or have struggled with it before.

I’m so proud of you guys, really. I’m just in awe of how God works through Oasis, that

the spiritual climate is always changing whenever I come back. A part of me is a little freaked

out by it, especially since I’m on the other side now where I can no longer recognize the major-

ity of faces in the room, but I’m more than happy to sacrifice that comfort if it means that God

is bringing a community together that is continually reaching out and forming bonds that last

beyond these high school years.

(Pssst, talk to the alumnis! We are probably feeling just as awkward as you are and are

more than happy to get to know you guys! We are not as mature and scary as you think we

are. I think Ben Gee is more than enough proof of that.)

Page 8: Thanksgiving Vine


Just Follow

- Danni Yang

Don’t think, just follow and trust in God’s path for you.

Not many of you know who I am. And why should you?

I have all the necessary traits to be invisible. I am only a fresh-

man, why bother knowing us underdogs, and to top it off, I just

moved here from Houston, Texas.

Spring Break of 2012. I was planning a trip with my

friends and just enjoying a break from the constant stress of

school. I was in 8th grade and basically loved my life; I partici-

pated in several sports, got the main part in our school play,

and did choir and volunteered at my church. Then, when every-

thing was going great, my mom tells me the news: that we were

moving to Troy, Michigan. I couldn’t believe it. I had never even heard of Troy in my entire life. Needless to say,

I was pretty devastated. Houston was my home, where I grew up, where I had all my firsts in life and where I

wanted to be. I felt so alone, as all my friends were excited to finish middle school, so excited to go to high

school, talking about their classes, clubs, sports, all those thing that they were going to do together. And here I

was, searching up Troy High on Wikipedia, not knowing if there was an Asian church here, not knowing what

classes I was going to take, and not even knowing if I would even have friends to talk to. I was angry at God for

a while, angry that He took away everything in life I wanted, and angry that there was nothing I could do about

it. But, life goes on. I graduated middle school; I even got to be baptized at my old church, and went to one

last church camp back in Houston. There, I learned that sometimes, even when we don’t want Him to, God

comes and changes our lives. Sometimes, we just need to let go and trust that wherever God leads us, He has

a plan for us.

So here I am, in Troy, Michigan. I’m not saying that this move wasn’t hard and didn’t suck, because it

was and it still kind of does. Sometimes, every now and then, I’ll walk the hallways at school among strangers

and feel angry and depressed at how lonely I am. Sometimes, I’ll go to church, and miss my old one, with all

the friends I grew up with. But these emotions are inevitable. So don’t expect God to fix everything, because

He is not going to. You need to just trust and follow Him, even when the path seems dark, even when you

don’t know where you are going; sometimes all you can do is trust and walk with Him.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD

require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly

with your God.” –Micah 6:8 NIV

Page 9: Thanksgiving Vine




Pastor Appreciation Day was Sunday, November

18th. On this day we show our gratitude and love

for all that Pastor Brent and Beth have done for us

in these last seven years. You have been an in-

credible role model for the student ministry.

Pros of Brent:

Brent has the cutest redhead kids, Brynn and

Gavin! Oh, and Kade, who isn’t a redhead but is

still adorable.

How cool is it that a white person likes to hang out

with a bunch of Asian teens as his job?!

Beth is the best ever.

Cons of Brent:

OSU fan.



If you ever feel overwhelmed in your life, remind yourself with this verse. You are in good hands and

God is with you in every step of your life. Don’t let problems or issues you have stop you. As long as you give

your life up for God, you can be sure that he will protect you for God has a plan for each of us. Though we

may not know what his plan for us is, we can be sure that his purpose for you is greater than anything you

could imagine. Just live your life and let God do his work in you and through you!


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elle S


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to

prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a fu-

ture.” —Jeremiah 29:11

Page 10: Thanksgiving Vine


“Keep me accountable, for angels

and demons always come to either

guard or shatter our will.”

Dear Oasis,

I am human. I go to church, sing worship songs,

read the Bible, am a small group leader, pray, and think I

live like a “Christian.” I don’t swear, I try to turn away

from things that will tempt me, and I get “spiritual highs”

that fade away after a week.

I am human. I have struggles. I am imperfect. I have

thousands upon thousands of stains. I have crushed rela-

tionships, cruelly trampled on others’ feelings, and con-

stantly acted selfishly. I have crucified Jesus over and

over again, and I continue life as if the blood of Christ is

not spilled all over this soul that is too filthy to even be

seen by this pure and holy God.

I am human. I am lost. I find my emotions gearing toward God when these lights and songs

seem to touch a part of this stone heart, and fall back down again harder than before. I go to Thai-

land, and experience what it means to be loved by God, but then I don’t do anything radical for Him. I

realize that only He has saved me from my sin, but these motions are a billion times more appealing

than forsaking pride, reputation, and the norm.

I am human. I know I can impact the world. I know that Jesus is calling us to go beyond these

church walls to reach out to people. I know that if we stick to our comfort zones, He is going to spit

us out come Judgment Day. I know these things, but I don’t do these things.

I want to ask this of Oasis. We are

a church. We are brothers and sisters

in Christ. We are meant to love each

other as family. Oasis is supposed to

be a place of rest in a desert place,

even a place where lives are saved

from dehydration. Right now, I am se-

verely dehydrated. I am void of God’s love and mercy. I don’t understand what I am supposed to do.

It seems pretty easy. Go and reach out more. Read the Bible more. Pray more. Do these

“Christian” things more. But I realized that in my life, these “Christian” actions are merely an exten-

sion of my everyday activities, not an irreplaceable part of it. See, if I stopped praying, I would only

lose about 10 minutes of my day. If I stopped reading the Bible I don’t even remember the next day,

I lose 20 minutes. If I stop listening to Christian music, it doesn’t matter because I hardly even follow

what they call us to do.

Only Human

Page 11: Thanksgiving Vine

Christianity isn’t a joke anymore. I can’t make it a joke anymore. I have been hanging

around at these crossroads for so long, I don’t even know how to get out. It seems like nothing

will help…

But Oasis, can/may you be my accountability partner? Anybody who wants to, will you be

willing to sacrifice a part of your time toward realizing what God really wants for us? I want to

email people, share about my struggles, share how I am doing, whether I’m close to God or

not, whether I am finding doubts, questions, issues… I want close friends. I realize that in Oasis,

I act like I do at school: once I find enough friends, I stop trying. I don’t want that anymore. Oa-

sis is meant to welcome one and all. It’s not meant to be awkward. It’s not meant to judge. It’s

supposed to be the place where we can completely relax and share. It’s meant to be a place

where we know people will help us.

So help me. I am drowning in this ocean, I am being buried in my hole I dug for myself,

and I don’t know how to swim, or how to get out. Keep me accountable, for angels and de-

mons always come to either guard or shatter our will. It’s selfish of me, but I want to find a pas-

sion for God now.

Email me :) [email protected]

Thank you <3


- Peter Sun

Page 12: Thanksgiving Vine


My worth is not found in others, but in


So I guess when I hear others talk about

their need to fit in, to have friends, to build

relationships because it increases their

feelings of self-worth, I’m like, no, look,

there’s a God out there who’s desperate

for you.

A God who created the whole world and

everything in it, who gives you what you

don’t really deserve. A God who died for

you, though you don’t acknowledge it.

And there isn’t anything that can take

away His love.

We were created to be loved by Him; God

created us to be with Him. We can deny it

all we want, we can try to fill it up with ma-

terials, the biggest and best. Because our

sins separate us from God; but sins cannot

be removed by good deeds. So then

there’s this empty void that we all try to

fill, but none of this worldly stuff is going

to fill it, no matter how many pairs of

shoes we have, or how much money, or

how many people we’ve dated. Paying the

price for our sins, Jesus died and rose

again so we can turn to him and be loved

and not have to give up anything in return

because He’ll fix it. We don’t have to worry

about that void becoming emptier, be-

cause God doesn’t demand anything ex-

cept ourselves, and everyone who trusts in

Him alone will have eternal life.

No one’s worth can be found in any

earthly things, because nothing lasts. Eve-

rything comes to an end. Technically none

of us matter, for all have sinned and fall

short of the glory of God, for the wages of

sin is death—but because He loved us, He

showed mercy. Life with God starts now

and lasts forever; we’re freed from our re-

dundant lives of trying to take take take

and finally able to rest knowing that He

will provide.

Therefore, our worth can’t be found in

others, because we’re all sinners. It can

only be found in Christ, who is blameless,

who is forever, alpha and omega.


- Esther Yan

Page 13: Thanksgiving Vine

Broken Made Beautiful


In the desert

I saw a creature, naked, bestial,

Who, squatting upon the ground,

Held his heart in his hands,

And ate of it.

I said: "Is it good, friend?"

"It is bitter—bitter," he answered;

"But I like it

Because it is bitter,

And because it is my heart."

—Stephen Crane

Lately, I have found my heart to be very bitter. It is bitter because of past circumstances. It

is bitter because of abandoned promises. It is bitter because of the pain I have gone through, and

the emotional wreckage that I have become. My heart is bitter because I let it grow to be that way.

I have become comfortable with this fact. I am not saying that I enjoy being bitter, but I

don’t seem to do anything to stop it. I have become self-loathing and consumed with thoughts of

myself. I have let myself embrace jealousy and hate, and I am so far from who God wants me to be.

This whole time, though, God’s heart cries out to me. He tries to tell me that He has sacri-

ficed His one and only Son, so I don’t need to be burdened by this. He tells me to be patient, to be

understanding, and He will continue to be faithful. He tells me His love is unconditional and eter-

nal, so why am I searching so hard for it elsewhere.

All of this is so easy to know. It’s head knowledge, but it is so different to carry this out in

my life—to actually believe it wholeheartedly.

I have realized that I let my relationships (both friend and romantic) define me, and that’s

why I am so bitter. Because when I lose them, I feel worthless. I willingly invest so much time and

so many emotions into these people, and I cling so desperately to them, but for whatever reason,

they have given up on me. To them, I am simply not worth keeping around anymore.

But sometimes, it’s necessary for God to take these people away. It’s like Him saying, “Hey!

What about me? Why aren’t you fighting this hard for a relationship with me?” He wants to be my

best friend. He wants me to love Him, and to see that He will never give up on me. He has always

fought for me and will continue to do so until the end of time. He’s trying to show me that once I

become secure in my identity in Christ, I will be set free.

I can’t wait for this day—the day that I can become confident in who I am and how God has

made me. People’s opinions of me will mean nothing, because I will know God sees me as perfect

and worthy, and that is all that matters.

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ

even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

—Ephesians 2:4-5

“But because of his great love for us, God,

who is rich in mercy, made us alive with

Christ even when we were dead in trans-

gressions—it is by grace you have been


—Ephesians 2:4-5

Page 14: Thanksgiving Vine


“ What I Undeserve

To My Future Wife,

You’re beautiful. You’re stunning. You’re absolutely perfect in more ways than you know.

I know you’re out there; I know you’re living life just as I am mine. If not now, then someday you will

read this letter and gain some insight into who I was before we married. That being said, it might be

the only aspect of my life before we met to make you proud.

I say you won’t be proud because frankly I’m not proud either. My heart breaks knowing

how I betrayed you with those other women. I regret every touch, every kiss, and every fake “I love

you.” I was so consumed with lust that I had mistaken it for love, when you are the only woman I

want to ever truly love. For everything, I want to apologize.

Whether it was teenage drunkenness, images on a computer screen, or fantasies in my

mind, I defiled the essence of who a woman was. I deliberately turned my back on my calling from

God and chose immediate satisfaction. Satisfaction that withered as soon as my pants were back on;

satisfaction that left a bowling ball-sized guilt in my chest. She was a physical means to a lustful

end, and I had taken advantage of a sinful opportunity. I didn’t see her as a daughter of Christ, and I

was becoming her future husband’s greatest enemy. I didn’t treat her body as a temple and took

from her what only one man deserved. At the end of the day, my heart was broken for this woman

and shattered for you.

If you were in the room, I can only imagine your reaction. You probably wouldn’t watch, you

certainly would not want to. You’d probably feel betrayed, like I was cheating on you in front of

your eyes. You’d probably be angry, ready to slap me and kick her out of the room for stealing my

affection. You’d probably feel your heart being ripped from your body, dropped to the floor, and

spat on. You’d probably cry out to God for mercy not to watch, forgiveness for me, and the strength

to move on. You’d probably feel broken, expecting more than just an apology. It may never be

enough, but it’s all I can say – I’m sorry.

I can see the tears knowing I took from you what only you deserve. You deserve a husband

that honors you in his words, thoughts, and actions. I have not been that, and I have begged God

for his forgiveness. As promised, he has forgiven me, and I hope you can forgive me, too.

This is a poem I wrote to you, titled What I Undeserve.

What I Undeserve

as I watch the sun rise and the weary sun set,

it reminds me of your eyes all dressed in regret.

not regretful of your past, but regretful of mine,

knowing that it’s been all but divine.

He has chosen to forgive me long long ago,

with a heart of compassion that I see you bestow.

it’s one of many reasons I get lost in your soul,

trying to save the heart you’ve inadvertently stole.

I can’t wait ‘til the day I see your shining face

all dressed in white at a methodical pace.

walking toward me to begin our life as one,

blessed by the Father, Spirit, and Son.

Page 15: Thanksgiving Vine

” - Good Women Project

You are what I don’t deserve. God’s grace will bring us together when I have done abso-

lutely nothing to deserve it. Yet I suppose it wouldn’t be grace if I did.

My prayer, at this present time, is that each day God is preparing my heart for you. Mar-

riage is for life, so may what we’ll have last forever. I pray that Christ is not only your Lord, but

that He is also your Savior, blessing you with the fruits of His Spirit. My worry is that if you’re in

love with Him, then I will be such a disappointment. So I pray that each and everyday I will be-

come less like myself and more like Christ, and that the fruits of His Spirit will also grow in me to

naturally honor both Him and you, his daughter.

I know you’re not perfect either. I know you’ve made your mistakes too, perhaps with sins

very similar to mine. If your heart is broken, I pray God will repair it. If you’re burdened from sin, I

pray He will take away the guilt. Someday I want to look you in the eyes, forgiven, forgiving, and

sharing with you a love the past cannot hinder.

I can’t wait to know you inside and out. I want to hear all your favorite stories, music, and

movies. I can’t wait to meet your family and learn who you were before we met. I praise God for

your beautiful soul and the blessings He will pour into my life through you. Someday we will

share a life together. We’ll move on from the past, love every moment of the present, and grate-

fully await all the memories of the future.

“Sixty queens there may be, and eighty concubines, and

virgins beyond number; but my dove, my perfect one, is


—Song of Songs 6:8-9

Your Future Husband,


Page 16: Thanksgiving Vine


Page 17: Thanksgiving Vine

Editors’ Picks!

“I like pies.”

—Melody Zhang

“Save the trees!”

—Kelly Yu

“I like rice.”

—Melody Zhang

“Oh wait jkjkjk”

“I hate rice.”



Please suggest Editors’ Picks!!

Because we are suck.


Love Sharon

Page 18: Thanksgiving Vine

Love your editors, We’ve been asking

For years and years and years

and years

And you never left us no


So please


Auburn | [email protected]

Birch | [email protected]

Leaf | [email protected]