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JFK in Vietnam (1961-1963) South Vietnam is the Cornerstone of the Free World in SE Asia Increased aid + support to SE Asia Domino Theory – Didn’t want to be “Soft on Communism” Accused Ike of being “Soft” Only Current “Shooting War with the Communists…
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JFK in Vietnam (1961-1963)

• South Vietnam is the Cornerstone of the Free World in SE Asia

• Increased aid + support to SE Asia

• Domino Theory – Didn’t want to be “Soft on Communism”

• Accused Ike of being “Soft”

• Only Current “Shooting War with the Communists…

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Thoughts on Vietnam

• Can we win in Vietnam?

• Yes, 150,000 troops + nuclear weapons

• “We failed & so will you”-Charles De Gaulle

• Can-do-ism-Americans can do anything

• Panama Canal

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Quiet Escalation of the War

• Ike- 700 advisors• $700 Million in Aid

• JFK- 16,000 advisors• $1.5 Billion in Aid

• Quang Duc-Buddhist monk that self-immolates• June 11, 1963

• JFK- “They hate us, they’re going to kick our ----- out there.

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Assassination of Diem

• November 1, 1963• Diem captured and murdered

• US knew and supported it!

• JFK did not know assassination was coming.

• “In the final analysis it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. • Thought about troop

withdrawal, did bring home 1000

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Cuban Missile Crisis (October 14 – 28, 1962)

• This is the closest that we have ever gotten to WWIII

• Khruschev said that the only way to save Cuba was with nuclear weapons

• Castro feared another US invasion

• Discussed by JFK in 1962

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US Missile Gap Advantage

United States 27, 297 – USSR 3,332

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US Nuclear Advantage• US Deployed 15 Jupiter Missiles to Turkey – Could hit

Moscow within 16 minutes.

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U-2 Photograph of Cuba

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CMC cont

• August 22

• US confirms reports of increased USSR activity in & around Cuba

• October 14

• U-2 Flights confirm missiles on launching pads all pointing at US• 48 medium range (1000 miles)

• 32 long range (2000 miles)

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CMC cont

• What should JFK do?

• October 22

• JFK addressed the nation about USSR threat

• Announced a quarantine of Cuba

• Surrounded Cuba w/ 180 warships

• JFK demanded the immediate removal of the missiles

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CMC cont

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Judgment Day (October 24)

• USSR ships stop short of blockade

• 12/25 changed course

• Rest had no missiles

• Rusk “We were eyeball to eyeball and I think that the other guy blinked”

• US ship dropped depth charges on USSR sub?

• Orders to fire?

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The End (October 28)

• Khruschev announces that the weapons will be returned to USSR• JFK was best President

since FDR

• USSR• US removes all missiles

from Turkey

• US promises never to invade Cuba again

• USA• UN inspections to make

sure all missiles are gone!

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Results of the Cuban Missile Crisis

• 1. Limited Test Ban Treaty• US, USSR, GB-limited tests of nukes in atmosphere, outer

space, or underwater

• 2. Hotline Established• Direct, unbreakable connection between US/USSR

• 3. Relations worse w/ USSR• No trade at all w/ Cuba, failed assassination attempt on

Castro in Paris-Nov. 22, 1963

• 4. USSR builds up so that they never back down again• Focuses economy on weapons and military development• JFK popularity up to 74%

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JFK Speech @ American UniversityJune 1963

• Called for an end of Atmospheric Testing of Nuclear Weapons if others agreed as well.

• US to start selling wheat to USSR (150 Million Bushels)

• Beginnings of Détente –An easing of tensions…thawing of the Cold War…