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Tender Doc NALCO Agon Tipper Part II

Apr 04, 2018



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BI D D O CU M EN T N o . :  WT/0 1 /2 0 1 1 /R ITES /N A LC O-A N GU L 







1 . 












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Technical Specification:  Genera l    Page 1 of 5   



M / S. National Alum inium Com pany Ltd. (NALCO), Angul have und ergone 2 nd phase

expansion of their Captive Power Plant (CPP).The 9th & 10th uni ts are added in 2nd

phase expansion of the Existing Captive Power Plant (CPP) by increasing the station

capacity t o 1200M W . Faci li ty for Storage and Handl ing of about 90,000 t addi t ional

uncrushed Coal has been envisaged to be added in 2nd phase expansion of Captive

Power Plant . The new un crushed coal sto rage yard shal l be equ ipped w ith stacker and

recla imer m achines and shal l have uncru shed coal supp ly connectiv i ty t o o ld and newcoal bunkers th rough respective crusher h ouse.

2.0 Basic Dat a

M ater ia l to be handled - Uncrushed coal (Grade E / F / G)

Feed size - (-) 300 m m

Speci f ic gravi ty of coal - 0.8 t / m 3 for volum e calculat ion1.1 t / m 3 fo r st rength ca lcu la t ion

M oistur e (%) - 6% to 10%

No o f w ork ing days / y r - 330

No o f w ork ing sh i f t / day - 3 sh i f t o f 8 hrs per day


The sal ient featur es of exist ing coal hand l ing facil i t ies consist o f fo l low ing:

3 .1   ROM Coal of ( - ) 250 mm size is brou ght fr om coal f ields in Bott om Discharge Captive

Rai lway W agons.

3 .2   Coal from coal f ie ld is received th rough a M erry Go-round (M GR) system b etw een the

CHP and co alfield.

3 .3   There are two (2) nos. of exist ing Track Hopper Bui ld ings with underground RCC

hoppe r .

3 .4   Each Track Hopper Bui ld ing has four (4) nos. of paddle feede rs of travel l ing type at i ts

bot tom to scoop coa l f rom the t rack hopper . Two padd le feeders are mounted on

individual conveyor.

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3 .5   There are two (2) underground conveyors a t bo t tom o f each t rack hopper . Both

conveyors are running paral le l at the bottom of the track hopper–1. The paral le l

conveyor ins ta lled a t the bo t tom o f t rack hopper–2 run in opp osite d i rect ion .

3 .6   There are two (2) Bunker Bays. The old Bunker Bay meets the crushed coal

requ i rement fo r Un i t 1 – 6 whereas the new Bunker Bay meets the crushed coa l

requ i rement fo r un i t 7 to 10 . Thus, there are t w o separa te conveyor pa ths. Each path

has tw o conveyor stream s runn ing in paralle l .

3 .7   Rated & designed capaci ty of each conveyo r stream is 800 TPH & 960 TPH respectively.

3 .8   Two paral le l conveyors wi th moving tr ipper are instal led on the top of each Bunker

Bay. One moving tr ipper is provided on each conveyor instal led on the top of Bunker

Bay. M oving tr ipp ers feed th e crushed coal in desired bun kers as per requ irement .

3 .9   The CHP has two (2) Crusher Houses. The old crusher hou se is provided on conveyor

path that is feeding crushed coal to Un i ts 1- 6. The new crusher house is prov ided on

conveyor pa th t ha t is convey ing crushed coa l to Un i t 7 t o 10 .

3.10  Each crusher h ouse has two (2) crushers & associated equipm ent instal led on paral lel

conveyor ser ies. Thus, each crusher ser ies has been p rovided w ith dedicated crusher

and associated equipm ent.

3.11  There are three uncrushed coal storage yards with stacker cum recla imer machine(SCR) in p resent CHP. One SCR machin e is prov ided on each sto rage yard.

3.12  Storage yard 1 & 2 receive uncrushed coal from track hopper 1 & 2. Storage yard 3

rece ives uncrushed coa l f rom t rack hopper 2 on ly .

3.13  Scooped uncrushed coal from track hopper 1 is conveyed to old crusher house and

then to coa l bunker bay o f Un i ts 1 -6 th rough conveyor pa th th a t is convey ing crushed

coal to coal bunkers Bay of Un i ts 1-6.


Uncrushed coal is conveyed to storage yard 1 & 2. Preparat ion of coal Stock Pi le is

carried out by installed Stacker-cum-Reclaimer (SCR) machine. Uncrushed coal is

recla imed by SCR m achine and conveyed t o ei th er of boi ler bu nkers throu gh dedicated

conveyor pa ths wh ich is opera t ing fo r t hese tw o b o i le r bunker bays.


I t i s conveyed to bo i le r bunker Bay o f Un i ts 7 to 10 th rough new crusher house by

conveyor path that is feeding crushed coal in bo i ler bu nkers of Un i t 7 & 8. SCR m achine

is po sit ion ed in by-pass m ode w hi le conveying coal from t rack hopper 1.

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3.14  Scooped coal from track hopper 2 is conveyed to crusher house and then to coal

bunker bay o f Un i ts 7 to 10 th rough conveyor pa th tha t is convey ing crushed coa l to

coal bunkers Bay of Un i ts 7 to 1 0.


I t i s conveyed to bo i le r bunker Bay o f Un i ts 1 - 6 th rough conveyor p a th l inked w i th

tr ack hopper 1. OR, It is conveyed to storage yard 3. Preparat ion of stockp i le is made

with the help of SCR machine. Coal from the Stock Pi le is recla imed by SCR machine

and is fed on to yard conveyor. The yard conveyor d ischarges the coal on to the

conveyor pa th l inked w i th bo i le r bunker bay o f Un i ts 7 to 10 .


I t i s conveyed to the s torage Yard 1& 2 t h rough th e conveyor pa ths l inked w i th t rack

hoppe r 1 .

4.0 Addit ions to exist ing system curren tly und er develop m ent :

Presently an addit ional coal storage and handling system is being implemented

under a separate contract to augment the coal handl ing system. The sal ient

features of the new scheme are:

4 .1   The term inal po ints for Add i t ional Coal Storage & H andl ing System of CHP in 2nd

Phase Expansion com m ences from and consist o f:

4 .2   M od if icat ion and shi f t ing o f d ischarge end o f exist ing bel t conveyor BC-115 in Jun ction

House JH-7 wi th a prov is ion o f two way chute and f lap gate to feed uncrushed coa l

received from Track Hopper No. 2 to e i ther the exist ing conveyor BC-116 or to new

conveyor BC-118A under imp lem enta t ion .

4 .3   M od if icat ion of exist ing Junct ion House JH-7 to accom m odate ta i l end of new conveyor

BC-118A for receiving & conveying uncrushed coal to the proposed Addit ional Coal

Sto rage Yard.

4 .4   Provision of new Junction House JH-7A adjacent to exist ing Junction House JH-7 to

accom mo date d ischarge / h ead end o f n ew b e l t conveyor BC-122 f rom the prop osed

Addit ional Coal Storage Yard and extended ta i l end of conveyor BC-116 to receive

uncru shed coal from n ew conveyor BC-122.

4 .5   Extension of ta i l end of e xist ing conveyo r BC-116 from exist ing Junct ion Ho use JH-7 to

new Junction House JH-7A to receive recla imed uncrushed coal from the Addit ional

Coal Storage Yard through a new conveyor BC-122. Uncrushed coal received on

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conveyor BC-116 wi l l be conveyed to the new crusher house through exist ing bel t

conveyor system for supplying the crushed coal to b unkers of uni t 7 -10.

4 .6   Extension of ta i l end of exist ing conveyor BC - 104 f rom exist ing Junct ion Hou se JH-2 to

new Junction House JH-13 to receive recla imed uncrushed coal from the Addit ional

Coal Storage Yard through a new conveyor BC-120 and BC-121.Uncrushed coal

received on th e extended con veyor BC-104 shal l be Conveyed t o t he old crusher hou se

th rou gh the exist in g bel t conveyor system for supplying crushed coal to the bun kers of

un i t # 1 -6 .

4 .7   For Receipt of un crushed coal fo r t he pro posed Addit ional Coal Stor age and Hand l ing

System, uncrushed coal conveyed to JH-7 by existing conveyor BC-115 from Track

Hopper N o.2 can be d iverted e i ther to ex ist ing conveyor BC-116 o r t o n ew conveyorBC-118A at Junction House JH-7. The new conveyor BC-118A wi l l convey mater ia l to

the proposed Addit ional Coal Storage Yard through a new conveyor system under

development. For th is, the exist ing Junction House JH-7, shal l be modif ied to

accommodate the ta i l end of new conveyor BC-118A. The discharge chute of the

exist ing conveyor BC-115 shal l be replaced with new chute arrangement having a two

way chute wi th a f lap gate . Two-way chute wi th f lap gate wi l l d iver t the mater ia l

d ischarged from conveyor BC - 115 ei ther to exist ing conveyor BC-116 or to the new

conveyor BC-118A depend ing on posi t ion of t he gate.

The discharge pul ley of exist ing conveyor BC-115 wi l l be re located sui tably to ensureth e f low of uncru shed coal , e i ther t o conveyor BC-116 or to th e new conveyor BC-118A

is smooth th rough the new f lap gate and chute ar rangement . The ra ted capaci ty o f

convey ing system is 800 t /h r .

4 .8   For sto rage of un crushed coal in th e Addit ional Coal Sto rage Yard und er developm ent,

the coal received through conveyor BC-118A wi l l be conveyed to the Yard through

con veyor s BC-119 & BC-120 and n ew Jun ction Hou ses JH-10 & JH-11. The conveyo r BC-

120 wi l l be equipped with a Slew Stacker Machine. The Slew Stacker Machine wi l l be

capable of forming two identical stock pi les of uncrushed coal on ei ther side of i ts

tr ack. The length o f each stock pi le w i l l be 275 m . The storage capaci ty o f each StockPile wi l l be 45,000 t of u ncrushed coal . The rated capacity o f stacking system is 800 t / hr

4 .9   For Reclaim ing th e uncru shed coal fr om Addit ion al Coal Storage Yard, a Bucket W heel

Reclaim er w i l l be p rovided. The Bucket W heel Reclaimer w i l l be instal led on con veyor

BC -120 such that i ts d ischarge is col lected on the yard conveyo r BC-120. The BW R wi l l

be op erat ing on th e sam e track as that o f th e Slew Stacker M achine. Simu ltaneou s

operat ion of stacking and recla iming is a lso proposed on the yard conveyor BC-120.

Uncrushed coal recla imed o n conveyor BC-120 wi l l be conveyed t o new Junct ion Hou se

JH-12. The rat ed capaci ty of t he recla iming system shal l be 800 t/ hr .

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4.10  Conveyor BC-120 w i l l convey r eclaim ed m ater ia l to new Junct ion Hou se JH-12. Head/

d ischarge end o f conveyor BC-120 w i ll be prov ided w i th tw o w ay chute w i th f lap gate

arrangement. Depending on posi t ion of f lap gate in the discharge chute, uncrushed

coal recla imed from the Addit ional Coal Storage Yard wi l l be diverted ei ther to

conveyor BC-121 or to conveyor BC-122 at new Junction House JH-12. Conveyor BC-

121 wi l l t ranspor t the mater ia l to new JH-13 and t ransfer mater ia l to the ta i l end o f

exist ing and extend ed conveyor BC-104, Conveyor BC-122 w i l l con vey th e m ater ia l to

new Junction House JH-7A and transfer the mater ia l to ta i l end of exist ing and

extend ed conveyor BC-116. The rated capaci ty of con veying system is 800 t/ hr .

4.11  Conveying of uncrushed coal to new crusher house. Uncrushed coal received on

conveyor BC-122 wi l l be conveyed to new Junction House JH-7A, located adjacent toexisting JH-7. At Jun ctio n Hou se JH-7A, conveyo r BC-122 shall dischar ge th e uncru shed

coal at th e extended ta i l end o f exist ing conveyor BC-116. Uncrushed coal received o n

conveyor BC-116 wi l l be conveyed to the new crusher house through the exist ing coal

f low path . The rated capaci ty of conveying system is 800 t/ hr .

4.12  For Conveying the uncrushed coal to the old crusher house, uncrushed coal received

on conveyor BC-121 shal l be conveyed to new Junction House JH-13. At th is new

Junct ion Hou se JH-13, conveyor BC-121 w i ll d ischarge the m ater ia l to the extended ta i l

end of the exist ing conveyor BC-104. Coal received on conveyor BC-104 wi l l be

conveyed t o t he o ld crusher house th rough ex ist ing coa l f low path .

The ta i l end of exist ing conveyor BC-104 at JH-2 wi l l be extended up to the new

Junct ion Ho use JH-13 and a n ew conveyor gal lery b etw een exist ing Junction House JH-

2 and the new Junction House JH-13 wi l l be provided to house the extended length of

exist ing conveyo r BC-104. The system rated capaci ty is 800 t / hr .

4.13  Dust Suppression System wi l l be provided at a l l t ransfer points at var ious Junction

Houses and u ncrushed coal storage yard.

4.14  Suitable venti lat ion and air condi t ioning faci l i t ies wi l l be provided in Switch gear cumM CC room , Bat te ry room , Transformer ro om s.

4.15  PLC based op erat ion & cont rol system is being provided for add i t ional coal stor age &

handl ing system . Cont rols are being sui tably in ter faced w ith exist ing conveyor system

thr ough l im i t swi tches.

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Technical Specificati on:  Inte nt of Specifications Page 1 of 18 



1.1 This speci f icat ion is intend ed to cover the fo l low ing act iv i t ies and services in respect of a l l

th e equipm ent o f W agon Tipp ler and Con veyor System Package to b e instal led for Na tional

Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), Captive Power Project located in Angul of Or issa

Stat e in Ind ia.

(a .) The broad scope o f w ork covers the fo l low ing:i.   Detai led design and engineer ing of a l l th e equipm ent and equ ipm ent system(s).

ii .  Com ple te m anufacture inc lud ing shop test ing / type test ing .

iii.  Providing engineer ing data, drawings, Commissioning procedures and O & M

m anuals, etc. for t he Ow ner ’s review , app roval and record s.

iv .  Packing and t ranspor t a t ion f rom the m anufacturer ’s wo rks to s ite .

v .  Receipt , unloading, sto rage, preservation and con servation o f equipm ent at si te.

vi .  Fabr icat ion, p re-assemb ly, (i f any), erect ion, t est in g and satisfacto ry operat ion o f a l l

th e equipm ent including successful com plet ion of faci l i t ies.

vi i .  All associated civil , stru ctu ral and electr ical w orks.

vi i i . 

Com m issioning and com plet ion of faci li t ies and Perform ance Guarante e Tests.ix .  Furn ishing of spares and hand ing over to NALCO stor es.

x.  Reconci l iat ion ( i f any) w i th custom aut hor i t ies.

xi .  Satisfactory conclusion of th e contract.

(b.) The equipment and services to be furnished and instal led as required in th is Technical

Speci f icat ion shal l a lso meet a l l the requirements as stated in other sect ions of b id

documents which shal l be considered as a part of th is technical speci f icat ion as bound

he rew i th .

(c.) The Contractor shall be responsible for pro vid ing al l m ater ia ls, equipm ent and services,speci f ied or o ther w ise (unless speci f ical ly excluded) wh ich are requ ired to fu l f i l l the int ent

o f ensur ing operab i l i ty and the re l iab i l i ty o f the comple te system covered under th is

speci f icat ion.

(d.) I t is no t t he int ent t o specify com pletely herein, a l l aspects of design and construct ion o f

equipment. Nevertheless, the equipment shal l conform in a l l respects to h igh standards of

engineer ing, design and workmanship and shal l be capable of performing in continuous

comm ercial opera t ion .

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(e.) Whenever a mater ia l or ar t ic le is speci f ied or descr ibed by the name of a part icular brand,

manufacturer or trade mark, the speci f ic i tem shal l be understood as establ ishing type,

funct ion and qual i ty desired. Other manufacturer ’s products may also be considered providedsuf f ic ien t in fo rm at ion is fu rn ished so as to enab le the Ow ner to de term ine tha t th e products

are equ iva len t o r super io r t o th ose nam ed.

( f .) Bidder is requested to careful ly examine and understand the speci f icat ions and seek

clar i f icat ions, i f required, to ensure that they have understood the speci f icat ions. Such

clar i f icat ions shou ld reach Ow ner at least 15 days befo re the scheduled date o f th e opening of

the bids. The Bidder ’s offer should not carry any sect ions l ike clar i f icat ions, interpretat ions

and/ or assum pt ion s.

(g.) I f the Bidder feels that , in h is opin ion, certa in featur es brought out in h is of fer are super ior t owhat has been speci f ied, those may be highl ighted separately. The Bidder may also make

alternative offers provided such offers are super ior in h is opinion. In which case, adequate

techn ical info rmat ion, operat ing feed back, etc. shal l be enclosed w ith t he of fer , to enable the

Owner to assess the super ior i ty and rel iabi l i ty of the al ternatives offered. In case of each

al ternative offer , i ts impl icat ions on the performance, guaranteed eff ic iency, auxi l iary power

consump tion e tc. shal l be clear ly brought o ut for the Ow ner t o m ake an ov eral l assessm ent . In

any case, the base offer shal l necessar i ly be in l ine w ith t he bidd ing docum ents/ specif icat ions.

Under no circumstances the equipment / system speci f icat ion in Technical Speci f icat ion shal l

be brought ou t as a l te rnat ive o f fe r .

(h .) Any dev iat ion or var ia t ion f rom the scope, requ i rement and/ or in t en t o f th is spec i f ica t ion sha ll

be clear ly def ined b y th e Bidder in Deviat ion Schedules of " Bid Propo sal Sheets" i r respective o f

the fact that such deviat ions/ var iat ions may be standard pract ice or a possib le interpretat ion

of the speci f icat ion by the Bidder. Except for those deviat ions/ var iat ions covered under

Devia t ion Schedu les, wh ich are accepted b y the Ow ner be fore the aw ard o f the Contr act , it w i l l

be the responsib i l i ty o f the B idder to fu l ly meet the in ten t and the requ i rements o f the

specif icat ion w i th in t he quot ed pr ice . No o ther dev iat ion what soever f rom th is spec if ica t ion ,

except fo r the dec lared dev ia t ions submi t ted by the B idder wi th h is p roposa l under

“ Deviat ions” shal l be considered. Bids not com plying with th is requ iremen t shal l be treat ed as

non- responsive and h ence liab le fo r re ject ion . The in terpr e ta t ion o f t he Ow ner in respect o f

the scope, detai ls and services to be performed by the Bidder shal l be binding unless

specif ical ly c lar i f ied o therw ise by t he Ow ner in w r i t ing before the Award o f th e Contract .

( i .) Before subm itt in g his b id, the Bidd er shou ld inspect and exam ine the si te and i ts surr ound ings

and should sat isfy h imself as to t he natu re of th e ground and sub soi l , the quant i t ies and nat ure

of w ork, m ater ia ls necessary for com plet ion o f th e wo rk and th eir avai labi l i ty, means of access

to si te and in general shal l h imsel f obt ain al l necessary info rm ation as to r isks, cont ingencies

and other ci rcumstances which may inf luence or affect h is offer . No consequent extra cla ims

on any misunderstanding or otherwise shal l be al lowed by the Owner. The contractor shal l ,

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Technical Specificati on:  Inte nt of Specifications Page 3 of 18 

pr io r t o com m encem ent o f design wo rk, car ry ou t the Geo- techn ical invest iga t ion in t he area

proposed fo r deve lopment o f wagon t ipp le r and conveyor system package. The number o f

bore ho les sha l l be dec ided b y th e contractor t o ensure adequate data t o car ry ou t the d esignand guaranteeing t he instal lat ion . The cost of such Geo-technical invest igat ion is deem ed to be

inc luded in the b id subm i t ted by th e cont ractor .

( j . ) The sizes of var ious bui ld ings/conveyor gal ler ies indicated in the tender drawings and the

parameters of equipment indicated in var ious sect ions of technical speci f icat ions are the

minimum requirements of the Owner. Any increase in these sizes or the parameters, i f

requ i red to meet the system/main tenance/opera t iona l requ i rement sha l l be supp l ied by the

contractor w i thout any ext ra cost imp l ica t ion to t he Owner .

(k .) The works under the scope o f th is contract a re t o be executed in an op era t ing pow er s tat ion .The contractor shal l take al l necessary precautions to protect a l l the exist ing equipment,

structures, faci l i t ies and bui ld ings etc. from damage. In case any damage occurs due to the

activ i t ies of t he cont ractor on account o f negl igence, ignorance, accidental or any o th er reason

w hatsoever , the damage sha l l be im m ediate ly made good by t he contractor a t h is ow n cost to

th e sat isfact ion o f t he Ow ner. The cont ractor shal l a lso t ake al l necessary safety m easures, at

h is own cost , to avo id any harm or in ju ry to h is workers and s ta f f f rom the equ ipment and

fac il it ies o f the pow er p lan t .

( l .) Cont ractor sho uld note that t he exist ing ra i l l ines w ith in th e plant area are operat ional w i th ra i l

t raf f ic of coal and l iquid f uel rakes. Cont ractor shal l take al l precaut ions to en sure t he safety ofexist ing r a i l t racks and o ther associated faci l i t ies as wel l as th e safety of h is men , mat er ia l and

equ ipment f rom the opera t ing ra il t ra f f i c . The contractor sha l l p lan and make a l l a r rangements

to ensure t ha t d isrupt ion to the ex ist ing ra i l t ra f f i c is min imum and sha l l fo l low the inst ruct ions

of the Owner in th is regard. Further, contractor shal l p lan and coordinate al l h is act iv i t ies

consider ing restr ict ion s, i f any, on free access to h is w ork areas due to th e ra i l t raff ic.

(m.) Aft er award o f w ork and , befor e f inal is ing his layout especial ly the layout / levels of con veyors,

cable / p ipe routes and other services, the contractor shal l carry out a si te survey to identi fy

the location & detai ls of exist ing faci l i t ies that may inter fere wi th h is proposed faci l i t ies. The

contractor shal l sui tably modify h is layout / levels to prevent d islocation of exist ing faci l i t ies

and any cost / t ime impl icat ion ar is ing out of such modif icat ions shal l be to h is account.

Contractor shal l a lso be responsible to determine and obtain the necessary detai ls at s i te as

requ ired for int er facing and int erconnection w ith th e exist ing system / faci l it ies.

(n) I f dur ing th e executio n of wo rks i t is foun d that th ere is int er ference with t he exist ing facil i t ies

 / st ru ct u res, t h e co n t rac t or sha ll revi se h is d es ign / d et ai le d d raw in gs t o clea r t he in t er fe rence

and shal l provide al l necessary m easures for the safety o f exist ing struct ures. No cla im in term s

of cost or re laxation in t ime shal l be enterta ined for any redesign, rework and for safety

m easures prov ided. I f a t any s tage o f wo rk, any d ism ant l ing or m od i f ica t ion or re locat ion o f

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any ex is t ing fac i l i ty is requ i red to be done to comple te the work in contractor ’s scope and

w hich has been agreed by t he Ow ner , the sam e sha ll be don e by th e contractor a t n o ext ra

cost o r t ime im p l ica t ion t o t he Ow ner . A l l such changes wi l l be as per d raw ings and w ork p lanapp roved by th e Owner .

Eq uip m en t an d ser vices cover ed u nd er W AGON TIPPLER AND CONVEYOR SYSTEM PACKAGE are

descr ibed in the subsequent sect ions:

1.2 In addi t ion to th e speci f icat ions of equipm ent / system ind icated in var ious sect ion s as above

and General Technical Requirement and Erect ion Condit ions of Contract attached of the

Speci f icat ion shal l a lso fo rm part of th is Technical specif icat ion.


1.3.1 The draw ings l isted elsew here, form part of th e speci f icat ion and shal l supplem ent th e

requ i rement s spec if ied here in . The scope and te rm ina l po in t s fo r the equ ipment to be fu rn ished

und er th is package shal l be as ident i f ied in these drawings and read in conjun ction w ith t he text

of these speci f icat ions. These drawings are prel iminary drawings for b idding purpose only and

subject to changes that m ay be necessary dur ing th e detai led engineer ing.

1.3.2 In case of any confl icts / cont radict ion among var ious volum es / sect ion s / annexures / chapt ers

 / appen d ic es / t en d er d raw in gs o f b id docu m en ts, t he sam e sh a ll b e r ef er re d to t h e Ow n er fo r

clar i f icat ions w hose decision shal l be f inal and b inding. No extra cla ims shal l be al low ed on th is



NALCO int ends to augm ent the coal hand l ing faci li t ies at i ts Captive Powe r Plant by an add i t ional

annua l vo lum e o f 2 .0 M i ll ion tonnes.

For t h is purp ose, i t in t ends to instal l a wagon t ipp ler and connecting conveyor System to re ceive

the above quantum of coa l th ro ugh r a i l m ode. The w agon t ipp le r system sha ll be su i tab le fo r

hand ling all prevail ing w agons in coal circuits such as BOX / BOX-N / BOXNHA / BOX N.M KDII.

The fac i li ty p rov ided sha ll be su i tab le to accomm odate locomot ives o f m aximum 150 T w e ight

pass ing th rough the p la t fo rm a t a maximum speed o f 8km ph.

The Wagon Tippler System shal l have an in bu i l t w eighing mechanism ( load cell type) below the

p la t fo rm for we ighment o f wagons pr io r to and a f te r each t ipp l ing cyc le to record the exact

quant i ty o f coa l un loaded f rom each w agon.

A sizer uni t is propo sed to b e installed betw een the Apron feeder and th e receiving conveyo r to

reduce the lump sum size o f coa l f rom ( -) 300 mm to ( -) 100 mm .

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Coal received a t the t ipp le r hopper w ou ld b e t ranspor ted by be l t conveyors and in tegrated t o

ex ist ing system for feed ing the ex ist ing and th e new stockp i les under deve lopment .


( i ) Indian Rai lway rakes consist ing of Box-N wagons shal l transport coal to the power plant.

These Box-N wagons are proposed to be unloaded in underground RCC hopper by means of a

Rota side Wagon Tippler . Wagon t ippler hopper shal l have a holding capaci ty of minimum 2

wagons loads of coal i .e. 120 Tonnes. One Rota side wagon t ippler (WT-1) is to be ut i l ised for

un loading of IR coal rake. A Side arm charger is envisaged f or p lacem ent of loaded w agon on the

t ipp ler t ab le & re t r ieval o f emp ty wagon f rom the t ipp le r tab le a f te r t ipp l ing . Clear access sha l l

be prov ided fo r movement o f pay loaders on the hopper s ide o f bo th Wagon t ipp le r . Wagon

tipp ler hopp er grat ing is to b e posi t ioned and designed accord ingly.

( i i ) Apron feeder is proposed under the Wagon t ippler for extract ing coal from the Wagon

t ipp ler hopp er and feed in to the s izer w h ich in tu rn d ischarges crushed coa l on t o the pr oposed

receiving conveyor RC-1. Conveyor RC-1 wi l l t ransfer the coal to conveyor RC-2 at the new

tran sfer to w er TP-1. Conveyor RC-2 shall feed coal on to exist in g Con veyor BC-103/BC-115 at th e

exist ing junct ion hou se (JH-1). The rated capaci ty o f a l l th e conveyor s in th is package shal l be

1200 TPH.

(i i i) The existing CHP control and monitoring system is PLC based. It is proposed to provide an

independent PLC based contro l fo r smooth , e f f i c ien t & t roub le f ree opera t ions o f WagonTippler , s izer and conveyor system package. The control and monitor ing system for bel t

conveyors covered under th is Package shal l be integrated w ith t he exist ing cont rol system such

that th e operat ion of exist ing CHP is not h amp ered. Necessary inter locks and soft war e changes

in t he exist ing PLC logic are also en visaged in th is package.


3.1.1 The scope of Wa gon Tippler and Conveyo r System Package to be furn ished, erected and

com m issioned u nd er th is speci f icat ion shall be as detai led h ereinafter . The Cont ractor shal l be

ful ly responsible for system and detai led design, engineer ing, manufacture, shop fabr icat ion,

assembly, test ing and inspection at manufacturer ’s works, packing, d ispatch, transportat ion,

tran si t in surance, custom clearance etc. as appl icable, del ivery t o si te, un loading, handl ing and

storage at si te, insurance dur ing storage, construct ion, erect io n, including erect ion supervision,

test ing, inspection, commissioning and handing over to Owner and Guarantee test ing including

all associated elect rical, civi l & stru ctu ral w or ks as specified , unless sp ecifically exclud ed as per

Section -Term inal Poin t s & Exclusions.

3.1.2 The scope of th e contracto r shal l be deemed to include al l such i tem s wh ich al thou gh are not

spec if ica lly m ent ioned in t he b id docum ents and/o r in Contractor ’s p ropo sa l bu t a re needed t o

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make the system complete in a l l respects for i ts safe, re l iable, eff ic ient and trouble free

op erat ion and th e sam e shal l be furn ished and erected un less otherw ise specif ically excluded in

th is document. The general descr ipt ion of the proposed system and the broad scope of workunder the spec if ica t ion sha ll inc lude bu t no t b e l imi ted to as deta iled be low.

3.1.3 An und erground RCC W agon Tipp ler Hopper, m achinery hatches w ith wagon t ippler hopp er,

assoc iated und erground t unne l , t ransfer po in t and pent house comp le te wi t h c iv i l, st ru ctura l

and electr ical works for Wagon Tippler hopper and machinery hatches, steel grat ing over

hopper port ion, removable chequered plate covers over openings in machinery hatches for

handl ing underground equipment, equipment handl ing faci l i t ies for apron feeder and sizer uni t

inside be low w agon t ipp le r hopper inc lud ing the s t ructu ra l stee l shed w i th E .O.T crane over th e

WT-1 and other equipment/systems such as Dust Suppression system, venti lat ion system,

drainage system etc. as speci f ied elsewhere in the speci f icat ion. However, the track work isexcluded from Contractor ’s scope however ra i ls over t ippler table and the track for Side Arm

Charger are included in Contracto r ’s scope.

3.1.4 One (1) no. Rotaside W agon Tippler comp lete w i th clampin g arrangemen ts, a l l str uctur al

members, t ippler p latform, t ippl ing mechanism, t ippler dr ive along with necessary controls,

associat ed electr icals, civi l / stru ctu ral w or ks and accesso ries.

3.1.5 Side arm charger associated with the Wagon Tippler comp lete w i th travel ra i ls, dr ive equ ipm ent

along w ith necessary con tro ls, associated electr icals, c iv i l/ struct ural w ork s & accessor ies.

3.1.6 One (1) no . Apron f eeder comp lete w i th dr ives, al l m echanical , e lectr ical accessor ies &

suppor t ing s t ructure e tc .

3.1.7 One sizer uni t comp lete wi t h dr ives and al l m echanical e lectr ical system and concluding the

suppor t ing s t ructure e tc .

3.1.8 Receiving Belt Con veyors RC-1 com plete wi t h conveyor supp ort ing stru ctures, shor t suppo rts,

str ingers, deck plate, seal p late, conveyor fo undat ions, dr ive m oto rs, dr ive uni ts, pul leys, id lers,

gravi ty take ups, take up structure upto ground level , take-up platforms at intermediate level ,

internal and external bel t c leaners, pul l chord switches, bel t sway and zero speed switches,

electro-hydrau l ic t hru ster brakes, a l l e lectr icals etc. including RCC tunn el fo r receiving Conveyor

RC-1 and un dergroun d t unnel po rt ion up to p ent ho use of Conveyor RC-1 with a l l c iv i l, str uctu ral

and archi tectural works for conveyor gal lery, gal lery support ing trest les and their associated

foundat ions.

3 .1 .9 A new pent hou se a long wi th over g round st ructu res, fo r conveyor Rc-1 com ple te wi th a l l c iv i l

structural , archi tectural and electr ical works including chutes, monorai ls, hoists/chain pul ley

blocks, hoist m aintenance p latform s, RCC/ steel f loor s, extern al sta ircases, hand rai ls etc.

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3.1.10 A transfer point TP-1 complete wi th civi l , structural and electr ical works and associated

foun dation s for t ransfer of coal fro m conveyor RC-1 to conveyo r RC-2.

3 .1 .11 Com ple te chute w ork a long wi th chute p lug sw i tches and actuator opera ted f lap gates in a l l

Transfer point s, mainten ance platfo rm s along with sui table approach.

3 .1 .12 Adequate number o f vent i la t ion equ ipment fo r vent i la t ing the wagon t ipp le r hopper ,

underground conv. RC-1 upto Pent House, complete wi th a l l mechanical , e lectr ical , c iv i l and

structura l wo rks.

3.1.13 Pressur ised Vent i lat ion system for a l l Sw itchgear room s, M CC room s com plet e w i th a l l

m echanical, electr ical, accessories, civi l and str uct ura l w or ks.

3.1.14 Air cond i t ioning of Wagon Tippler cont rol room and PLC room , comp lete wi t h a l l e lectr ical , c iv il

& st ructura l wo rks etc .

3.1.15 Exhaust fans for batt ery room s, a l l to i lets com plete w i th e lectr ical, c iv il & stru ctural wo rks etc.

Exhaust fans along with required ducting shal l a lso be provided for a l l underground

structu res/Transfer Point s.

3 .1 .16 M in imum of four (4 ) Nos. sum p pum ps in W agon T ipp ler house comp le te wi th m oto rs, local

cont rol panel , level sw itches, ind ividual d ischarge pip ing w ith f i t t in gs and valves to nearest p lant

dra in e tc .

3.1.17 A com plete dust supp ression system fo r con tro l of fugi t ive du st at Wagon t ipp ler , apron feeder,

sizer uni t , transfer points, complete wi th enclosed pump houses, water tanks, pumps, dr ives,

hoisting arrangements, piping, valves etc. electrical, accessories, civi l and structural works as

br ief ly speci f ied below :

a)   Plain wat er du st suppr ession t hrou gh fogging nozzles for con tro l of dust du r ing Wagon

Tipp ler opera t ion .

b )  Dry fog type dust suppression system at a l l Transfer Points both at d ischarge and

load ing poin ts includin g all electrical and accessor ies.

c)  Com pressor un i ts, Pum p hou ses & w ater t anks for dust suppression, service water and

cool ing wa ter system .

3.1.18 Cool ing w ater system for scoop coupl ing, Service wat er system for W agon Tippler Package

System sha l l be taken f ro m nearest header located a t new t rack hopper area.

3 .1 .19 An E.O.T crane fo r ins ta lla t ion & main tenance o f equ ipment in w agon t ipp le r com plex com ple te

w ith al l e lectr ical and cont rol including the covered structu ral steel shed.

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3.1.20 M on orai ls and electr ical ly operat ed hoist b locks as w el l as hand op erated chain pul ley blocks for

servicing/ instal lat ion/easy replacement of dr ive machinery, d i f ferent types of pul leys for a l l

conveyors, GTU and o th er equ ipm ent .

3.1.21 Al l bui ld ings in contractor ’s scope shal l be complete wi th a l l e lectr ical , c iv i l , structural ,

archi tectural works, cable trenches, f i re safety wal ls, foundation / fencing / earth ing for

tran sform ers. Al l cables / du ct banks, trenches, cable trest les shall be com plete w i th associated

civil / structu ral wo rk and necessary civi l found ations.

3.1.22 Drainage of W agon Tippler h opp ers, tun nels, conveyor gal ler ies, TPs, upt o n earest exist in g CHP

drain al l civ i l & struct ural wo rks.

3.1.23 Al l equ ipm ent / f i t t ings, support ing stru cture, a long w ith insert p lates, bol t s, accessor ies, M Ssleeves, base plates, grout ing as m ay be requ ired and prop er a l ignm ent etc.

3.1.24 A comp lete set of a l l special to ols and tackles, which are necessary or convenient fo r erect ion,

comm ission ing and o verhau l ing o f any equ ipm ent , covered under the scope.

3.1.25 First f i l l of a l l con sum ables e.g.; o i ls and lub r icants for on e year to ppings requirem ent s.

3.1.26 Preservative shop coating, f inal paint ing of a ll structu res and equipm ent und er the scope.

3.1.27 Fire hydrant system along with FDA system should also be th e scope of th e tender er.

3.2 Electr ical System / Equ ipm ent

3.2.1 Unless speci f ical ly excluded, cont ractor ’s scope of w ork shal l include al l e lectr ical w orks as

required for putt ing into successful operat ion of the Wagon Tipplers & Associated Conveyors

covered und er th is speci f icat ion.


415V Switchgear/motor control centers distr ibut ion boards, AC & DC fuse boards, local

emergency stop push but t on s ta t ions fo r a l l d r ives and local m oto r s ta r te rs as requ i red f o r p lan t

and equ ipm ent .

3.2.3 M OTORS

M ot ors along w ith coup l ings and coupl ing guards for a l l rotat ing auxi l iar ies are covered und er

th is package. Al l m ot ors shal l be w ith cable glands & lugs.

3.2.4 CABLES

HT & LT Pow er cables, contro l cables, Instru m entat ion cables and an y special cables required for

connection between equipment / devices in Contractor ’s scope and also cables between

Own er ’s equ ipment and Cont ractor 's equ ipm ent .

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(a) Al l cabl ing with cable accessor ies, cable trays with support ing structure, terminations and jo in t in g kit s, t r en ch es, over h ead t rest le , d uct ban ks e tc. as req u ir ed f o r t h e cab le s t o b e supp lied

by the Contractor .

(b ) Ground ing and l igh tn ing pro tect ion fo r t he p lan t and equ ipment under Contractor ’s scope

a long wi th i ts in te rconnect ion to the nearest Ow ner ’s ear th gr id a t tw o po in ts.


Comple te i l luminat ion system as requ i red fo r comple te in te rna l and externa l l igh t ing o f

associated p lant , equipm ent and bu i ld ings covered und er Cont ractor ’s scope including 2 Nos. of

Light ing M asts for area l ight ing in W .T. area.


An ind ependent Cont rol desk, PLC panels, I /O racks, UPS, batter y & batt ery chargers etc. for th e

contro l o f W agon Tipp lers and o ther equ ipm ent .

One (1) No. control bui ld ing to be located near WT-1 . This bui ld ing shal l have two f loors i .e.

ground & f i rst f loors. The f i rst f loor of control room shal l house PLC panels, control desks for

operat ion of WT-1. One off ice room (5m x 5m) at the f i rst f loor. There shal l be a projected

viewing balcony at a sui table location to have clear view of the Wagon Tipplers dur ingop erat ion. The ground f loor shal l hou se t he M CC, DBS, Batt ery DBS etc.


3.3.1 The w ork to be perfo rm ed under th is speci f icat ion consists of provid ing al l labor, mat er ia ls,

construct ion equipment, tools and plant, scaffo ld ing, suppl ies, transportat ion, a l l incidental

i tem s not show n o r speci f ied, but reasonably im pl ied or n ecessary for successful complet ion of

the work including Contractor ’s supervision and in str ict accordance with the drawings and

specif icat ions. The nat ure of w ork shal l general ly involve earthw ork in excavation including very

deep underground excavation, de-water ing, shor ing and strutt ing, sheet p i l ing, back f i l l ing

around completed structures and pl inth protect ion, area paving, d isposal of surplus excavated

mater ia ls, p i l ing, concret ing including reinforcement and form work, br ick work, fabr icat ion and

erect ion o f structu ral / m iscel laneous steel w ork s, inserts, archi tectural i tem s & f in ishes such as

plaster ing, paint ing, f loor ing, doors, wind ow s & venti lato rs, glass and glazing, ro l l ing shut ters

etc., permanently colour coated prof i led steel sheeting, anchor bol ts, R. C. C. trenches with

covers, drainage, damp proo fing, w ater proo fing and oth er ancil lary item s.

3.3.2 The w ork shal l have to be carr ied out both b elow and above ground level and shal l be involving,

basements, equipment foundations, grounding, slabs, beams, columns, foot ings, rafts, wal ls,

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steel fr am es, b rick w alls, stair s, tr en ches, p its, access roads, culvert s, conveyer galleries, trestles,

penthouses, Wagon t ippler hopper, underground tunnels, transfer points, f in ishes, complete

archi tectu ral aspects, drainage and al l oth er civi l, archi tectu ral and structu ral w orks associatedw ith th e com plet e Wagon Tippler and conveyor system Package.

3.3.3 Scope of w ork shal l a lso include dism ant l ing and m odif icat ions of th e exist ing

st ructures/ faci li t ies, w h ich may be requ i red to fac il ita te , in te r connect ion betw een th e ex ist ing

and th e new st ructures or fac i li t ies and m aking good t he d ismant led /m odi f ied s t ructures.


Term ina l po in t fo r Wagon T ipp ler and conveyor system com m ences f rom w agon t ipp le r complex

upto feeding points at conveyors BC-103 & BC-115, in Junction House (JH-1) including themodif icat ion necessary to the Junction House. With in these terminal points, a l l equipment and

services, civ i l , structural and archi tectural works, e lectr ical d istr ibut ion, p ip ing network etc. as

requ i red fo r wagon t ipp le r and conveyor system package w i ll be fu rn ished and erected b y th e

cont ractor unless speci f ical ly excluded.

4.1 Con tracto r 's Scope responsibi l i t ies shal l include but not be l imi ted to th e fo l low ing:

4 .1 .1 W herever Contr actor is perm i t ted by Ow ner to take suppor t f rom any o f the Ow ner ’s

Structures, the Contractor shal l ensure that no damage is done, to the Owner ’s Structures

including Paint ing th ereof. In case of any dam age to th e Owne rs Struct ure and/ or Paint ing, th en

the Cont ractor sha ll rect i fy the sam e to t he comp le te sa t isfact ion o f t he Ow ner .

4.1.2 The con tracto r shal l carry out t he redesign of JH-1 and shal l ensure that th e proposedm odif icat ions are adequate to suppo rt t he d ischarge point o f the con veyor RC-2 as w el l .

4.1.3 Regarding erect ion of transfer point on exist ing junct io n house-1, cont ractor shal l ensure that

opening on exist ing bui ld ing and erect ion of conveyor chutes/skir ts & platform are done in a

m anner to m inim ize shu t do w n of exist ing conv. BC-103 & BC-115. As work is to b e executed in

opera t ing pro ject , ext ra care must be taken by the Contractor .

4.1.4 W ater supp ly connection s for dust supp ression, service w ater system & cool ing w ater shal l be

provided by the Owner, detai ls of which are given elsewhere in the speci f icat ion. Further

net w ork of p ip ing including al l com pressors, pum ps, tanks, necessary accessor ies, suppo rts and

fi t t ings etc. for d istr ib ut ion of w ater fo r dust supp ression and service wat er system in al l t ransfer

po in ts , contro l room s, M CC rooms, to i lets , M ach inery ha tches o f th e W agon t ipp le r e tc . sha l l be

under th e scope o f the contractor .

4.1.5 Road l ight ing in w agon t ipp ler area, for th e roads, is included in th e scop e of Con tracto r.

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4.2.1 Supp ly, laying and f ix ing of ra i l t r ack for th e inhaul and out haul sid ing is excluded for th e scopeof th is Cont ract. Howe ver, sup ply, laying and f ix ing of r a i l over W agon Tippler table and fo r side

arm charger is included in t he scope o f th is Con tract.

4.2.2 Si te leveling and access roads are excluded from the scope of t h is Con tract. How ever si te

clearance i .e. rem oval of vegetat ion including bushes and t rees etc. shal l be t he r espon sibi l ity of

the Cont ractor .


5.1 The rated capaci ty of the Conveyor s shal l be 1200 TPH. The design capaci ty of th e conveyorsshall be 13 20 TPH. The m echanical and str uctural / c iv i l system shal l be d esigned fo r 1320 TPH

capacity and round the c lock opera t ion w i th bo th t he s t reams opera t ing s im ul taneously .

5.2 Fol low ing shal l be consider ed w hi le designing the Conveyo rs :

a.   The Coal del ivered t o th e pow er stat ion shal l be of size 300 m m & below . How ever occasional ly

coal of h igher lump size m ay also be encoun ter ed.

b .  HGI o f the Coa l sha l l be betw een 44 to 65 . Normal ly mo isture content in coa l w i l l vary be tw een

6% to 10%. How ever for design pu rposes, moistu re cont ent o f 10% shal l be considered.

c.  The coal “ as received” shal l contain varying percentage of f ines. Coal w i th such f ines may t end

to fo rm adhesive lumps, par t icu lar ly dur ing mon soon w hen sur face m oisture is a t i ts m aximu m


d .  The sizing and select ion of the vi ta l equipment viz. apron feeder and sizer covered under the

system shal l be based on th e above character ist ic of coal and op erat ing condi t ion s. Cont ractor

shal l ensure that equipment/ system eff ic iency shal l not be effected part icular ly dur ing

m onsoon wh en sur face mois ture is a t i ts m axim um va lue.

5.3 For the pu rpose of volumet r ic com put at ion , the bu lk densi ty of th e coal shal l be taken as 800

kg/m 3. There fore fo r ca lcu la t ion o f be l t conveyor capacity , fo r th e i r d r ives & dr ive m otor s kW

requ iremen t, and sizing (volum e calculat ions) of chu te, hopp ers etc. th e above bulk densi ty shall

be con sidered. For a l l oth er pu rposes viz. fo r stresses/ load on stru ctures, loading on sizer and

Apron Feeder tables, siz ing of actuators for f lap gates, calculat ions of p lugged chute/ hopper

loads etc. th e bulk densi ty of th e coal shall be taken as 1100 kg/ m 3.

5.4 Coal Flow path s

5.4.1 For th e pu rpose of conduct ing guarant ee test coal , th e fo l low ing f low path w ou ld be assessed.

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Apron feeder wi l l feed coal unload ed at WT-1 to sizer and sizer w i ll d ischarge to Con veyor

RC-1. Coal on RC-1 wi l l be transferred to RC-2 throu gh Transfer point feed ing on to exist ing

Conveyor s (eith er BC-103 or BC-115) in JH- Cont ractor shal l a lso demon strat e that a l l in term ediate equipm ents can perfo rm as per

specif icat ion and design requ iremen t d ur ing PG Test.

5.4.3 Perfo rm ance and Guarant ee tests have been elaborated elsew here in the specif icat ion.


6.1 W i th in one month o f acceptance o f Award Let te r , Contractor sha l l submi t , fo r rev iew and

approval , detai led engineer ing schedules, based on Master Network (as per requirement of b id

documents) , to the Owner / Consu l tan t , showing the log ic & dura t ion o f act iv i t ies in the

fol low ing areas :a)   Detai led engineer ing, including submission and approval of qual i ty p lans and PG test

procedure .

b )  Inputs requ i red f rom Ow ner fo r smooth and t im e ly execut ion o f cont ract .

6.2 The Cont ractor shal l subm it w i th in 30 days of lett er of aw ard a ma ster l ist of draw ings

incorporat ing the scheduled dates of submissions. The schedule date of submissions should

match wi th the manufactur ing and erect ion programme submi t ted in the deta i led Master

Network Schedule. The l ist shal l be updated every month ref lect ing the addi t ions / delet ions

dur ing the per iod .

6.3 The net w ork schedu le shal l be updat ed at a frequency m utu al ly agreed upo n for the pu rposes of

progress moni to r ing . However , fo r the purpose o f ident i f i ca t ion o f Contractor 's Contractua l

Liabi li ty t he agreed M aster Netw ork shal l on ly be appl icable.


7.1 Guarantee

The Bidder shal l guarantee that equipment offered shal l meet the rat ing, performance and

functional requirement st ipulated for var ious equipment covered in th is speci f icat ion. The

Bidd er shal l a lso furn ish a declarat ion in t he m anner pr escr ibed and included in th e Bid Proposal

Sheet s and ot her Schedules of Volum e II for certa in guaranteed p aramet ers which shal l att ract

levy o f l iqu ida ted dam ages fo r shor t fa l l in per fo rm ance.

7.2 Perfo rm ance Requirem ent

Guaranteed param eters o f th e m ajor equ ipment s sha l l be as fo llow s:

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7.2.1 Flow Path Capacity

Flow path capaci ty inc lud ing the in te rm edia te equ ipment fo r conveyor s t reams to be tested fo r1200 TPH

7.2.2 Equ ipm ent Capacity

Capaci ty of ind ividual equipm ent shal l be t ested separately:

( i ) Each W agon Tippler : 20 t ips/ hou r (Guarant eed)

( i i) Each Apron feeder : 1200 TPH (Guaranteed)

(i i i) Sizer un it : 120 0 TPH (Guarant eed)

7.2.3 Cont ractor shal l a lso dem onstrat e that a l l in ter m ediate equipm ents viz. Gates, Dustsuppression, Vent i lat ion System et c. can perfo rm as per speci f icat ion and design requ iremen t.

7 .2 .4 Per form ance and guarantee requ i rem ent o f var ious o ther equ ipm ents have been e labora ted



In accordance with GTR the plant shal l be subjected to performance and Guarantee Tests on

successful complet ion of tr ia l operat ions. Further, the performance and Guarantee Tests shal l

be conducted as per the gu ide l ine p rocedure ind ica ted e lsewh ere . However , de ta i led procedure

shal l be submitted by vendor as per the guidel ines for Owner 's approval . The P&G Testprocedure sha ll be subm i t ted as per fo rmat a t tached in t he speci f ica t ion .

8.1 Liquidat ed Damages for Sho rtfa l l in Perform ance

Shou ld t he resu l ts o f t he per fo rm ance and guarantee t ests show tha t the equ ipm ents / system

have fa i led to meet the guaranteed parameters, the Contractor shal l carry out modif icat ions, i f

cons idered n ecessary, w i th in 90 days o f the not i f i ca t ion by Owner .

I f the equ ipment fa i ls to meet the guarantee parameters a t the end o f the above spec i f ied

per iod o f 90 days, Ow ner m ay at h is d iscret ion, re ject t he equipm ent o r accept i t a fter assessing

th e l iquidated dam ages at rat es speci f ied herein, to be payable by the Cont ractor.

8.2 The fo l low ing equipm ents/ stream s shal l be subject ed to perfo rm ance and guarantee test in l ine

w i th th e spec if ica t ion to prove the per fo r mance guarantee fo r a l l in te rm edia te equ ipm ent .

Liquidat ed Damages to ward s shor tfa l l in guarant eed perfo rm ance shal l be impo sed @ 1% of th e

ord er value l imi t ing to 10% against fo l low ing param eters.

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N o .

Equ ipment Guaranteed

p a r a m e t e r

Short fa l l LD am ount to be


1 W agon T ipp ler 20 T ips / Hour By One t ip per hour 1% of order va lueBy tw o t ips per Hour 2% of order va lue

Beyond tw o t ips per hour Rejected

2 Apron Feeder 1200TPH By 0.5% 1% of ord er value

By 1.0% 2% of order va lue

Beyond 1.0% Rejected

3 Sizer 1200TPH By 0.5% 1% of ord er value

By 1.0% 2% of order va lue

Beyond 1.0% Rejected

4 Conv eyors (R1 & R2) 1200TPH By 0.5% 1% of ord er value

By 1.0% 2% of order va lue

Beyond 1.0% Rejected

The LD shall be assessed on the b asis of conv eyor equip m ent having th e poor est p erfor m ance.


Durat ion o f the t r ia l opera t ion o f the comple te equ ipment sha l l be (14) days wi th min imum

op eration of 12 hrs dai ly. For successful tr ia l op erat ion , the tr ia l shal l necessar i ly include steady

opera t ion o f the p lan t a t i ts ra ted f low path capacity fo r a t least one hour du ra t ion per day on an



10.1 Al l equ ipm ent / system s to be sup pl ied shal l confo rm to type tests as per re levant standard s and

proven type.

10.2 The Bidd er / Cont ractor shal l furn ish the report s of a ll th e type tests carr ied out wi t h in f ive years

of the date of b id opening as per speci f icat ion and relevant standards for a l l components /

equipments / systems. These reports should be for the tests conducted on identical / s imi lar

components / equ ipments / systems to those o f fe red / p roposed to be supp l ied under th is

contract .

10.3 In case contracto r is not able to sub m it report of type test(s) condu cted in last f ive years, or in

case type test report(s) are not found to be meeting the speci f icat ion / re levant standard

requirements, then al l such tests shal l be conducted under th is contract by the Contractor free

of cost to Own er , and repor t s sha l l be submi t ted fo r approva l .

10.4 Al l acceptan ce and rout ine tests as per re levant standard and speci f icat ion shall be carr ied out.

Charges for t hese shal l be deem ed to b e included in the bid p r ice.

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The Cont ractor shal l include in h is scope of supp ly a l l th e necessary M andato ry spares, star t up

and commissioning spares and recommended spares and indicates these in the re levant

schedules of the Bid Form and Pr ice Schedules. The general requirements perta in ing to the

supply of th ese spares have been descr ibed in t he fo l low ing paras.


11.2.1 The l ist of m andato ry spares considered essent ia l by th e Own er is included in th is speci f icat ion.

The Bidder shal l ind icate t he pr ices for each and every i tem (except f or i t em s not app l icable tothe Bidders design) in the ‘Schedule of mandatory Spares’ whether or not he considers i t

necessary for t he Own er to h ave such spares. If th e Bidder fa i ls to com ply w i th t he above or fa i ls

to quo te th e pr ice of any spare i tem , the cost o f such spares shal l be deemed to be includ ed in

the bid pr ice unless the bidder speci f ies "not appl icable" for the type of equipment/system

offered by him. However dur ing execution i f such spares are found to be appl icable, the

Contractor sha l l supp ly them wi thout ext ra cost to the Owner . The B idder sha l l fu rn ish the

popu la t ion per un i t o f each i tem in the r e levant Schedu les. W henever the quant i ty is m ent ioned

in “ sets” the B idder has to g ive the i tem deta i ls and pr ices o f each i tem.

11.2.2  W henever th e quanti t y is indicated as a percentage, i t shal l m ean percentage of to ta l populat ionof that i tem in the Package, unless speci f ied otherwise, and the fract ion wi l l be rounded off to

the n ext h igher who le number . W herever the requ i rement has been spec i f ied as a ‘set ’ i t w i ll

inc lude the to ta l requ i rement o f the i tem for a un i t , modu le or the s ta t ion or as spec i f ied .

Where i t i s no t spec i f ied a ‘se t ’ i t w i l l inc lude the to ta l requ i rement o f the i tem for a un i t ,

module or the stat ion or as speci f ied. Where i t is not speci f ied a ‘set ’ would mean the

requ i rement fo r the sing le equ ipment / system as the case may be. A lso o ne se t fo r the par t icu la r

equ ipment . e .g . ‘set ’ o f bear ings fo r a pump wou ld include the to ta l num ber o f bear ings in a

pum p. A lso the ‘se t ’ wou ld inc lude a l l com ponents requ i red to rep lace the i tem ; fo r example , a

set of b ear ings shal l include al l hardw are norm al ly required w hi le replacing the bear ings.

11.2.3  The Ow ner reserves the r igh t to buy any or a l l the m andatory spare par ts .

11.2.4  The pr ices of m andato ry spares indicated by t he Bidder in the Pr ice Schedules shal l be used for

bid evaluation pur poses.

11.2.5  All mandatory spares shal l be del ivered at si te at least two months before scheduled date of

in i t ia l operat ion. However, spares shal l not be dispatched before dispatch of corresponding

m ain equ ipment s.

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11.2.6  Wherever quanti ty is speci f ied both as a percentage and a value, the Contractor has to supply

th e higher quanti ty u nt i l and unless specif ied oth erw ise.


12.1 In addi t ion to th e spare part s m ention ed above, the contracto r shal l a lso provide a l ist of

recom mended spares fo r 2 years o f normal op era t ion o f th e p lan t and ind ica te th e l i st and to t a l

pr ices in re levant schedule of the Bid Form and Pr ice Schedules. This l ist shal l take into

considerat ion the mandatory spares speci f ied in th is Volume-II , and should be independent of

the l ist of the mandatory spares. The Owner reserves the r ight to buy any or a l l of the

recommended spares. The recommended spares shal l be del ivered at project si te at least two

months before the schedu led date o f in i t ia l opera t ion . However , the spares sha l l no t be

d ispatched before t he d ispatch o f t he main equ ipm ent .

12.2  Price of recommended spares wi l l not be used for evaluation of the bids. The pr ice of these

spares w i l l remain va l id up to 6 m onth s a f te r p lacement o f Not i f ica t ion o f Aw ard fo r th e main

equipment dur ing which the Contractor shal l provide necessary just i f icat ion for the quoted

pr ices for th ese spares. How ever, if th e Cont ractor fa i ls to pro vide th e aforesaid just i f icat ion of

the quot ed pr ices, the pr ices o f recom m ended spare sha l l rem ain va l id fo r 2 mon ths f rom the

last da te o f p rov id ing such just i f ica t ion to the sa t isfact ion o f the Ow ner .


Start -up and com m issioning spares are th ose spares w hich may be required du r ing the star t -up

and com m ission ing o f th e equ ipm ent / system . A l l spares used t i l l the p lan t is handed over t o th e

Owner shal l come under th is category. The Contractor shal l provide for an adequate stock of

such s tar t up and comm iss ion ing spares to b e brought by h im to t he s ite f o r th e p lan t e rect ion

and commissioning. They must be avai lable at si te before the equipments are energized. The

unused spares, i f any, should be removed from there only after the issue of Taking Over

cer t i f ica te . A ll sta r t up spares wh ich remain unused a t the t im e sha l l rem ain the p roper ty o f the

Contractor .


14.1 The Cont ractor shall include in h is scope of supp ly a l l th e necessary Mand ator y spares, star t up

and commissioning spares and recommended spares and indicate these in the re levant

schedules of the Bid Form and Pr ice Schedules. The general requirements perta in ing to the

supply of th ese spares is g iven below .

14.2 The Cont ractor shal l ind icate th e service expectancy per iod fo r the spares part s (both

mandatory and recommended) under normal opera t ing cond i t ions before rep lacement is


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contractors, Contractor w i ll p rov ide th e Ow ner , tw o years in advance, w i th fu l l manufactur ing

drawings, mater ia l speci f icat ions and technical information including information on al ternative

equ iva len t m akes requ i red by th e Owner fo r the purpo se o f manu facture / procurement o f suchi tems.

14.12 In case of equipm ent supp l ied w ith grease/lub r icants fro m imp ort ed or ig in, th e supp l ier shall

c lear ly indicate th e indigenous equivalent o f th e grease/lub r icant and source of supply so as to

enab le the Ow ner to procure t hese i tem s f rom ind igenous sources.

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1.1.1 This Techn ical Specificat ion (Vo lum e-II:-Technical) shall be read in con junct ion wit h Volum e-I: -

Commerc ia l , Genera l Cond i t ion o f Contract and o ther p ro ject requ i rement ment ioned in th is

speci f icat ion.

1.1.2 The Bidd er shal l quo te for com plete scope of w ork as covered in th is speci f icat ion .

1.1.3 This Technical Speci f icat ion is for turn key supp ly of the plant & equ ipm ent and related stru ctures

including execut ion of struct ural steel wo rks and civi l w orks as speci f ied in subsequen t chapte rs,

along w ith necessary m odif icat ion , as det ai led in th e Scope o f W ork an d Techn ical Speci f icat ion .

1.1.4 Instruct ion s to Bidders / Special Instru ct ion specif ied in ot her chapters shal l be read in

con junct ion w i th s t ipu la t ion sta ted in th is chapter .

1 .1 .5 The Bidder sha l l subm i t the drawings / docum ents, techn ica l da ta / in fo rmat ion as m ent ioned in

var ious sect ions and ann exures witho ut wh ich the Bid shal l be considered as incom plete and m ay

not be considered fu r t her .

1 .1 .6 The Bidder sha l l subm i t a long wi th th e b id a work schedu le in th e fo rm o f a bar char t ind ica t ing

the commencement and comple t ion dates o f each act iv i ty such as prepara t ion o f des ign ,

approva l o f des ign & drawings, p repara t ion & approva l o f fabr ica t ion drawings, p rocurement o f

s tee l and o ther mater ia l , o rder ing o f bought ou t i tems, the i r de l ivery to shop, major shop

activ i t ies l ike fabr icat ion of structures/ manufacture of equipment, assembly, shop test ing,

inspection, shop paint ing & despatch to th e si te, schedule of erect ion, f inal paint ing after erect ion

at s i te , test ing and commiss ion ing o f P lan t and Equ ipment , w i thout wh ich the b id may not be


1.1.7 The Bidder shal l c lear ly indicate the clause w ise com pl iance to th e speci f icat ion . Non com pl iance

with th is and general ized statements l ike. "The equipment shal l be manufactured as per IS

standard / our speci f icat ion et c" m ay resul t in re ject ion of t he Bid. The deviat ion, i f any, shal l be

clear ly specif ied clause-wise in th e for ma t en closed w ith th is technical speci f icat ion. In absence of

dev iat ion ind ica ted, i t w i l l be presum ed t ha t t he B idder has no d ev ia t ions.

1.1.8 One cop y of th e Tender docum ent and draw ings shall be du ly signed by the Bidder as a token of

acceptance o f a l l clauses / param eters / da ta m ent ioned th ere in and re turned a long w i th t he B id

without which the Bid is l iable to be rejected. In case the Bidder intends to change any data /

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param eter g iven in Technical Speci f icat ion s the sam e shal l be clear ly ment ioned in th e deviat ion

l ist , w i th reasons th ereof.

1.1.9 I f th e Bidder feels that any info rm ation/ data descr ibed in the technical speci f icat ion needs to be

m odif ied , he shal l indicate the same specif ical ly and subm it an al ternat ive propo sal , on the basis

o f the d esign data , tha t he cons iders su i tab le and capab le o f m eet ing the requ i rem ent o f t h is

speci f icat ion.

1.1.10 Al l th e mat er ia ls used and equipm ent suppl ied shal l be new and th e best of heir k ind and shal l

comply wi th the s ta tu tory requ i rements o f the Govt . o f Or issa , Govt . o f Ind ia and the la test

revision of the Indian Standards/ Indian Electr ic i ty Rules. Where the equipment/ mater ia l

supp lied is no t accord ing to Ind ian Standards or regu la t ions to wh ich the equ ipm ent / m ater ia l

conform , the B idder sha ll subm i t re levant d ocument a long wi th t he B id .

1.1.11 The Bidder shal l v is it the p lant / s ite, and sat isfy h im self fu l ly about th e exist ing plant / s ite

cond i t ions etc. The successful Bidder shal l bear fu l l responsibi l ity for inferences and conclusion s

as to the nature and cond i t ions under wh ich the work is to be executed, inc lud ing e f fect o f

cl im ate, ra infa l l etc. Fai lure to do so shal l no t absolve th e Bidder o f h is respon sibi l it ies about th e

proper execution of the job. No cla im for extra payments due to any special s i te condi t ions and

ignorance about th e si te condi t ion s shal l be considered after acceptance of h is Bid. For t he si te

v isi t , the Bidder sha l l contact t he Purchaser and t ake pr io r appo in tm ent f ro m them .

1.1.12 The drawings of the exist ing coal handl ing plant, avai lable wi th the Purchaser, can be madeavai lable to the successful Bidder for reference. However, for the areas of the plant for which

draw ings are no t avai lable, the Bidder shal l make si te m easurem ents and w ork accordingly.

1.1.13 The Bidder as far as pract icable ensure th at m ajor equipm ent s are brou ght to si te in pre

assembled condi t ion to minimize si te work and to achieve an ear ly commissioning of the

equipm ent aft er d el ivery. Si te w elding shal l be avo ided as far as po ssib le. The Successful Bidder

befo re pro ceeding w ith de sign d etai ls shal l sat isfy h im self abou t t he si te condi t io n so as to avoid

any di f f icul ty in erect ion ar ising out o f design.

1.1.14 The equipm ent shal l be inspected du r ing di f feren t stages of i ts m anufactur e (star t ing from raw

m ater ial t i l l the comple t ion o f m anufacture) by the Purchaser / h is au thor ized representa t ive a t

th e Bidder 's or h is sub Successful Bidder 's wor ks as per t he inspection p rocedure m utu al ly agreed

between the Purchaser or h is author ized representat ive and the successful Bidder. Inspection

shal l be regarded as a check up and shal l be in no way binding on the Purchaser. However,

general terms and condi t ions of inspection and test ing is indicated in the subsequent chapter of

th is speci f icat ion.

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1.1 .15 Documents o f a l l e lect r ica l and m echan ica l equ ipm ent supp l ied w i th equ ipment shal l be put up

for inspect ion a long wi th the equ ipm ent . A f te r inspect ion , an endorsement w ou ld be m ade in the

inspect ion cer t i f i ca te abou t the avai lab i l ity o f the docum ents.

1.1.16 The offer shal l be com plete in a l l respects and any addi t ional equ ipm ent , accessor ies, auxi liar ies,

services, work etc. which are not speci f ical ly mentioned in the speci f icat ion but are required for

smooth and t roub le f ree opera t ion and to ach ieve per fo rmance requ i red to be guaranteed in

term s o f the B id Document , sha l l be inc luded by the B idder in the o f fe r .

1.1.17 The make of a l l bou ght ou t i tem s shal l be as per” List o f preferred m akes” o f sup pl ies and

equ ipment m ent ioned in Annexure-VI.

1.1.18 M etr ic system s & Engl ish language shal l on ly be used th rou ghout th e Bid and in th e draw ings.

1.1.19 The Bidder shall sat isfy h imself abou t h is abi l ity fo r com plet ing the w ork as per th e t im e schedule

before submi t t ing h is o f fe r . Add i t iona l we ightage may be g iven to the B idder in case o f

imp rovement in th e ind ica ted com ple t ion schedu le. In case the B idder is unab le to adhere t o t he

schedule ind icated in th is specif icat ion, the Bidder need no t subm it th eir offer against th is Bid.

1.1.20 A comp lete l ist o f exclusions from Bidd er 's scope of w ork shal l be clear ly indicated in the Bid.

1.1.21 In case of any contradict ion between Instruct ions to Bidder and Technical Speci f icat ions,

st ipulat ion in t he Technical Speci f icat ion shal l pre vai l.

1 .1 .22 The B idder has to car ry ou t th e wo rk is such a manner tha t i t do es not a f f ect th e p lan t op era t ions.

I f ot her Cont ractors are also engaged at t he sam e wo rk site fo r oth er jobs, the Bidder shal l wor k

in co-ord ina t ion w i th th em such tha t t he w ork o f o ther Contractor is no t a f fected . For in t egra t ion

of new faci l i t ies & the exist ing one, shutdowns per iod in phases, as per the schedule mutual ly

agreed between “Purchaser” and successful Bidder would be provided. Hence, Bidder shal l

indicate in their offer , the stages at which the shut downs are required and their respective

dura t ion .

1.1.23 Al l par ts of equipm ent requ ir ing replacement o r inspection or lubr icat ion shall be so arranged/

assembled t ha t t hey are easi ly accessib le wi thou t the n eed o f d ismant l ing o f o th er equ ipment o r

structu res. Al l e lectr ical cables shal l be so la id t hat t hey are no t l iable to be dam aged and can be

easi ly inspected and maintained and when necessary any damaged cable can be accessed &

replaced ind ividual ly.

1.1.24 Al l equipm ent shall be comp lete wi t h adequate safety devices w herever a po tent ia l hazard to

personnel exists. Provision for safe access of personnel working to and around equipment for

op erat ion and m aintenance, shal l be pro vided.

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1.1.25 The Bidder shall tra in t he Purchaser ’s personnel in a l l d iscip l ines of t he operat ion & m aintenance

o f the p lan t & equ ipmen t be ing p rov ided by t hem unde r th e con t rac t .

1.1.26 Standard izat ion of com pon ents and assembl ies shall be carr ied out t o th e maximu m p ossible

extent to ensure inter changeabi l i ty/a s w el l as to m inimize invent ory levels.

1.1.27 Bidd ers shal l furnish dr ive rat ings of a l l equipm ent s including conveyo rs along with the of fer .

Conveyor prof i les enclosed with th is speci f icat ion are indicat ive only. However, after the

p lacement o f o rder and a t the t ime o f de ta i ling , if t here is any change o f conveyor pro f i le by the

Purchaser, the fo l low ing shal l be adopt ed:

(i )  For changes up t o +/ -5% of conveyor length w i thout change in d r ive kW ra t ingthere w i l l no t be any pr ice var iat ion .

(ii)  For changes beyond +/ - 5% of con veyor length the Bidder shal l indicate

  Per m eter cost o f conveyor .

  Per kW rate fo r change in th e dr ive rat ing.

1.1.28 The Bidder shal l include in h is scope of supply, a com plete set of n ew and unu sed special tools

and tack les requ i red fo r opera t ion and m ain tenance o f t he p lan t and equ ipment . The l is t o f too ls

& tackles considered in t he bid shal l a lso be subm itte d.

1.1.29 The Bidder shal l include in h is scope, the r equirem ent o f in i t ia l f i l l of o i ls, lubr icants, grease, and

al l other consumables required for star t- up, test ing, commissioning and performance guarantee

tests of t he un i t / equ ipm ent. A l ist o f such consum ables shal l a lso be furn ished b y the successful

Bidd er f or Purchaser ’s use.

1.1.30 The Bidder shal l include in h is scope t he supply of spares required for successful com m issioning

of p lant & equipment. The l ist of commissioning spares considered in the bid shal l a lso be

furn ished a long wi th t he b id .

1.1.31 The Bidder shal l quote separately for the spares required for the normal operat ion and

m ain tenance o f the p lan t and equ ipm ent fo r a per iod o f 24 mont hs to be reckoned f rom the date

of taking over of the p lant and equ ipm ent. A l ist (as per Annexure-II) of t he spare parts shal l a lso

be fu rn ished a long w i th i tem w ise pr ice .

1 .1 .32 The successfu l B idder sha ll no t o f f load the contract o r par t thereof t o any subcontractor w i thout

w r i t ten perm ission o f th e purchaser . In th e event o f sub le t t ing o f any par t o f th e wo rk w i th due

perm ission by the pu rchaser, the fact t hat such perm ission has been accorded shal l not absolve

th e successful Bidder fro m any of h is obl igat ions and l iabi l i t ies under th e contract .

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1.1.33 Subject t o availabi li ty and at th e request of t he successful Bidder, water fo r construct ion purpo se

wi l l be made avai lable by the Purchaser at one mutual ly agreed point at s i te. The successfulB idder sha ll m ake h is ow n ar rangement fo r any fu r th er d ist r ibu t ion a t h is ow n cost . Water supp ly

shall be f ree of cost and shal l be p rovided a s speci f ied un der clause no. 54.13 b) o f t he GCC.

1.1.34 Pow er Supp ly

Subject to avai labi l i ty and at the request of the successful Bidder, Electr ic Power wi l l be made

ava ilab le a t one po in t on ly a t a d istance not m ore t han 500 met ers away f rom the Contr actor ’s

premises. The power wi l l be suppl ied at 400/440 Vol t and shal l be metered and charged at the

rat e as speci f ied in the GCC. The successful Bidder shou ld have suff ic ient n um ber & capaci ty o f

DG sets to m eet th e emergency pow er requ i rements in the event o f f a i lu re in pow er supp ly .

1.1.35 Civi l and stru ctural steel w orks

The supp ly of con veyor gal ler ies, trest les, Junction tow ers, bui ld ings & civi l wo rk are in t he scope

of th is tender, including the design of Civi l & Structural , shal l be with in the scope of successful

b idder .

1.1.36 Fire hydrant system

The Bidder shal l include in h is scope extension & rerouting of f i re hydrant system to the wagontipp ler & conveyor system . The hyd rant l ine shou ld b e la id as per IS specif icat ion.

1.1.37 Exclusions: Fol low ing i tem s are exclud ed from t he scope of w ork

1.  Rai lway t rack system .


1.2.1 The successful Bidder shal l be respon sible and perform t he fo l lowing with respect to the erect ion

of th e Plant and suppl ies.

1.2.2 The scope of wo rk of the successful Bidder shal l be com plete erect ion of the Plant and Equipm ent

etc. as specified in the Technical Specification. The Bidder shall make all arrangements to deliver

the equ ipment a t Purchaser ’s s to res / s i te by wagons / t ruck / t ra i le rs , bu i ld h is own s tores

(covered, uncovered and air -condi t ioned, i f necessary) for the proper storage of equipment,

m ain ta in t he s tores and a l l re la ted docum ents and records, t ranspor t the equ ipm ent to si te fo r

erect ion purpose and take an Erect ion- cum- Storage insurance pol icy cover ing al l the r isks

including th ird par ty l iabi l i ty fo r a l l suppl ies as wel l as hum an l i fe. Al l secur i ty arrangemen ts also

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shal l be made by the successful Bidder. Space only for stores and si te off ice shal l be made

avai lable to t he Bidder by th e Purchaser.

1.2.3 The successful Bidder shal l take the equipm ent from stor es and transport t he same to erect ionsite.

1.2.4 The successfu l Bidder shall un pack and do visual checking against physical damages to t he

equipm ent / cases, cleanin g of equ ipm ent befo re star t of erect ion. Damage / shortage i f any, wi l l

be repor t ed to the Purchaser / consu l tan t and sha l l be rect i f ied / rep laced exped i t ious ly, f ree o f

charge to Purchaser so as not to upset the erect ion and commissioning schedule. Delay on

account of sett lement of insurance cla ims by the successful Bidder shal l not be considered an

excuse fo r de lay in comple t ion .

1.2.5 The successful Bidd er shal l lay and maint ain proper ly a l l th e tem po rary supp ly l ines in theerect ion si te fo r t em porary pow er and wat er requ i red fo r s to rage and erect ion purposes f rom a

single point to b e provided by t he Purchaser. Dr inking w ater shal l a lso be m ade available at one

central point at s i te. The successful Bidder shal l make his own arrangement for any fur ther

d is t r ibu t ion .

1.2.6 The successful Bidder shall arrange all necessary construct ion m achinery/ equip m ent, too ls &

tackles, instruments, compressors, smal l hand tools, welding equipment, a l l commissioning

instrum ent s, erect ion & service bol ts, nuts, j igs and f ixtu res, w inches, a l ignmen t t ools, precision

leve ls e tc . , Crane/ ho is ts and o ther equ ipment wh ich may be requ i red fo r car ry ing out the

erect ion work eff ic ient ly wi th in the t ime schedule provided herein the speci f icat ion. Unlessotherwise speci f ied, the above construct ion mater ia ls shal l be the property of the successful

Bidd er. How ever Purchaser 's pr io r perm ission shal l be required fo r rem oval of t hese constru ct ion

m ater ia ls fro m t he site. Successful Bidder shal l ensure that prop er docum entat ion is maintained

for such i tem s, wh ich are required to b e carr ied back by successful Bidder after t he com plet ion of

w o r k .

1.2.7 The successful Bidder shal l provide al l tem porary ladders, scaffo ld ing ma ter ia ls, p latform s,

supports and other necessary faci l i t ies required for handl ing, erect ion, test ing and visual

inspection o f suppl ies at th e po int o f instal lat ion and shall a lso p rovide necessary packing plates,

wedges, shims, level l ing screws etc. required for erect ion of equipment and technological


1.2.8 The successfu l Bidder shall pro vide erect ion con sum ables l ike oxygen and acetylene gas, w eldin g

rod s, solder lugs, o i l , grease, kerosene, cot ton w aste, etc. required for erect ion of eq uipm ent and

techno logical stru cture s.

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1.2.9 The successful Bidder shal l erect and maint ain his ow n site o ff ices, main stores and site

temporary s tores as requ i red fo r the work and ar range fo r main ta in ing in neat manner o f the

area placed at th e Successfu l Bid der' s disposal.

1.2.10 The successful Bidder shall provide suff ic ient f encing, not ice boards and l ights to p rotect and

w arn ot hers as m ay be considered necessary by th e purchaser / consul tant . All mat er ia ls used for

pro vid ing th ese facil i t ies shal l be prop ert ies of th e successful Bidder.

1.2.11 The equipment and technological structures wi l l be erected as per the instruct ions of the

suppl iers & under the supervision of the supervisory staffs to be deployed by the successful

Bidder at s i te and only wi th the approval of Purchaser / Consul tant. The successful Bidder shal l

use pre-assembly and mechan isa t ion to the maximum extent in o rder to fu l f i l l e rect ion &

construct ion targets.

1.2.12 The Successful Bidder shal l a l ign, level, couple and securely f ix a l l equipm ent , appurt enances and

accessor ies in accord ance with draw ings and / or in stru ct ions of Purchaser/ Consul tant .

1.2.13 Laying and t erm ination of cables, bus bars, bus ducts, l ight ening prot ect ion and earth ing shal l be

don e by th e Successful Bidde r.

1.2.14 The successful Bidder shal l be responsible for protect ion and / or d iversion of a l l exist ing

underground and over ground services, wherever required. The terms and condi t ions for

protect ion / d iversion of services not shown on drawing / indicated in the speci f icat ions shal l bem utua l ly agreed.

1.2.15 Instal lat ion and connection of a l l p ip ing and f i t t ings with in the scope of work shal l be

responsibi l ity of th e successful Bidder.

1.2.16 The successful Bidder shal l be responsible for checking the correct ness of er ect ion of m echanical

equipment, technological structures and auxi l iary systems, e lectr ical equipment etc. as per the

speci f icat ion.

1.2.17 The successful b idd er has to carry out the w ork in such a mann er that i t do es not aff ect th e

operat ion of other p lant/ shop. I f other Contractors are also engaged in the same work si te for

o ther jobs the b idder sha l l w ork w i th them in a co-ord ina ted manner .

1.2.18 The successful Bidder shal l be respon sible for th e management o f erect ion wo rk wi th p roper and

adequate superv ision fo r ensur ing progress o f e rect ion w ork and qua l ity o f w orkmansh ip .

1.2.19 The successful Bidder shal l deplo y required nu m ber o f supervisory , ski l led, un skil led and auxi l iary

labour as required fo r the erect ion w ork: as per deta i l m obi l isat ion schedule ( to be furn ished w ith

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Bid by successful Bidder) and comply wi th such reasonable instruct ions of the Purchaser /

Consul tant in the interest of sat isfactory progress and complet ion of the work according to the

schedule. The successful Bidder shal l work in 3 shi f ts per day basis for meeting the complet iontarget , if requ i red wi th in the contract p r ice .

1.2.20 The successful Bidder shal l organise th e wor k in a manner t hat ot her w ork at site is not im peded

and th e wo rkm en th erein not en dangered and shal l arrange tem porary access at site, i f requir ed

fo r t he e rect i on wo rk .

1.2.21 Successful Bidder shall ret urn t o th e Pur chaser all crat es, packing cases and packing m at erials

excess comm issioning spares, o i l and lubr icants at a p lace designated b y t he Purchaser.

1.2.22 The successful Bidder shall conduct a l l necessary tests / ch ecks dur ing erect ion .

1.2.23 The successful Bidder shal l attend to t he rect i f icat ion o f erect ion def ects, i f any, expedi t iously.

The successful Bidder shall arrange al l test ing instrum ent s for such test ing at si te.

1.2.24 The successful Bidder shal l carry out f inal paint ing of th e Plant & Equipm ent and t echnological

Stru ctures etc. erected as per t he instru ct ions st ipulated in t he Technical Speci f icat ion.

1.2.25 The successful Bidder shal l be respon sible for t ota l com m issioning of th e Plant and equipm ent

including cold tr ia l run and demonstrat ion of Performance Guarantee Test. The Purchaser 's

supervisory and ski l led operat ing personnel shal l , however, be avai lable to work under the

guidance and super vision o f the Bidder . Necessary raw m ater ia ls, auxi l iar ies, ut i l i t ies, e lectr ic i tyand op erat ing personnel shal l be mad e available by th e Purchaser cover ing 3 shi f ts operat io n as

per t he programm e agreed to in advance.

1.2.26 The Successful Bidder shall sup ervise runnin g o f the Plant fo r sat isfactor y, rel iable and regular

operat ion and performance after i ts successful commissioning for establ ishing performance


1.2.27 Electr ical energy and construct io n w ater shal l be supp l ied b y Purchaser to the successful Bidder

dur ing erect ion , a t one po in t .

1.2.28 Al l safety m easures required t o be adopt ed as per th e Stat uto ry Regulat ion s & the Safety Rules of

th e Plant shall be str ict ly fo l low ed by th e successful Bidder dur ing th e execut ion of the Con tract.

The successful Bidder shal l depute safety engineers for str ict ly compl iance of safety ru les &

regulat ions.

1.2.29 The successful Bidder shal l int im ate th e Plant author i t ies in w r i t ing w el l in advance about the

requ i rement o f shut down o f any o f the ex is t ing un i ts / fac i l i t ies fo r in te r connect ion /

incorporat ion of addi t ional faci l i t ies. The shut down per iod shal l be mutual ly d iscussed and

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f ina l ised. The w ork t o b e under taken dur ing th e shutd ow n p er iod sha l l be p lanned m et icu lous ly

to reduce the shu t dow n pe r iod to the m in imum .

1.2.30 The successful Bidder shal l com ply w i th a l l stat ut ory Rules, Regulat ions with respect t o t he

emp loyment o f labour a t s ite .

1.2.31 The successful Bidder shal l carry ou t any and al l such w orks, as may be required, t o bu i ld a Plant

complete in a l l respect as per the Technical Speci f icat ion and achieve the Performance

Guarantees and o the r param eters as given in t he subsequen t chapt er of th is speci f icat ion.

1 .2 .32 Any loss o f p lan t and equ ipm ent due to im prudence, neg l igence and / o r inequ i tab le t rea tm ent

and hand l ing shal l be replaced by t he Successful Bidder / h is sub -cont ractor at h is ow n cost.


All parts of the equipment shal l be thoroughly cleaned of loose mi l l scales, rust or foreign

matters .

Al l parts except ing mo tors, resisto rs, gears etc. shal l be painted at shop and at si te w i th t wo coats

of epoxy zinc based on zinc du st.

Inter ior of a l l gear housing shal l be painted with o i l resistant paint. Al l machine pads, bear ings

surface or structures or housing shal l be painted with white lead. Al l parts, inaccessible after

assemb ly, shal l be paint ed and assembled w hi le the paint is w et .

A f te r e rect ion , the damaged por t ion o f the pa in ted sur face sha l l be re touched and an

inter m ediate coat / f inal coat o f PVC copolym er alkyd resin w i th m icaceaus i ron oxide (M IO) shal l

be app l ied. The colour shal l be as per t he choice of t he Purchaser.

The subsequent one f inal coat of paint of PVC copolymer alkyd with weather resistant p igment

(approved by t he Purchaser) and glossy f in ish shal l be app l ied.

The detai ls of th e dry f i lm th ickness (DFT) of th e di f feren t coat s shal l be as fo l low s:

a) Pr im ary coat : 30 –40 m icron per coatb) In te rm edia te coat : 70 –80 m icron per coat

c) Final coat : 40 –50 m icron per coat

The paint ing scheme & colour code shal l be approved by the Purchaser. The successful Bidder

shal l re fer t o Ann exure- I fo r fu r th er de ta i l o f pa in t ing schem e & co lour codes.

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All the equipment covered in th is speci f icat ion shal l fu l f i l l the operat ing and performancerequ iremen t covered und er th is Technical Speci f icat ion and indicated in the app roved draw ings.

The successful Bidder shal l study the speci f icat ion and satisfy h imself thoroughly regarding the

w orkab i li ty and su i tab il i ty o f t he equ ipm ent o f fe red by h im . He sha l l take fu l l responsib il ity fo r

the guaranteed and sa t isfactory opera t ion o f the equ ipment as regards to i ts per fo rmance and

smooth and re l iab le work ing .


Aft er comp let ing the erect ion o f a uni t o r agreed port ion th ereof, th e successful Bidder shal l g ivea notice in wr i t ing stat ing that the job is complete in a l l respects and ready for prel iminary

acceptance. The job shall be visually inspected by representatives of the Successful Bidder and

Purchaser / Consul tant to ascerta in whether supply, fabr icat ion and erect ion are as per contract

drawings and Technical Specification. All observed defects, deficiencies and omissions shall be

noted down. I f the defects , de f ic ienc ies and omiss ions are not major in the op in ion o f the

Purchaser / Consul tant , th e successful Bidder shal l be issued a p rel iminary acceptance cert i f icate

m ention ing the d efects, def ic iencies and om issions. The no ted d efects, def iciencies and o m issions

shall be mad e good b y the successful Bidder w i th in a per iod o f 3 to 4 w eeks.


Before com m encement of f inal acceptance test of t he bu i ld ing or un i t , the successful Bidder shal l

make avai lable required numbers of complete sets of ordinary pr ints of drawings, required

numbers of set of DOD l ist for the drawings and one set of reproducible f i lm of a l l drawings, a l l

representing As-Bui l t condi t ion ( i .e. a l l addi t ions and al terat ions done dur ing fabr icat ion and

erect ion shal l be incorpo rated in th e drawings).

The successful Bidder shal l attend to al l defects, def ic iencies and omissions noted down dur ing

prel im inary acceptance and aft er rect i fy ing or m aking good the abov e in a l l respects, shal l inform

10 days in advance the Purchaser / Consul tant for conducting f inal acceptance. Dur ing Final

Acceptance all defects, deficiencies and omissions noted earl ier shall be checked. The successful

Bidder shal l a lso make good any defect, def ic iency or omission not not i f ied dur ing ear l ier

prel im inary acceptance, but po inted out dur ing f inal acceptance. Final Acceptance cert i f icate shal l

be issued b y th e Purchaser after a l l defects, def ic iencies and om issions not ed und er pr el iminary

or f inal acceptance have been rect i f ied.

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1.7 .1 The broad tu rnkey scope o f w ork sha l l be as per the fo l low ing:

  Design, m anufacture , inspect ion , shop & pr imary coat o f pa in t & supp ly o f comple te p lan t &

equipm ent , fabr icat ion (shop & site) of bu i ld ing str uctur es & techno logical structu res, civ i l

construct ion mater ia ls , power d is t r ibu t ion , e lect r ics , ins t rumenta t ion & automat ion ,

i l lumination, a l l ut i l i t ies & services, in-plant road networks, drainage systems, landscaping,

f i re de tect ion & a larm system , f i re f igh t ing pum p house, as requ i red , fo r comple te & t roub le

free ope rat ion o f Coal Handl ing System in an int egrated m anner.

  Basic engineer ing, detai l engineer ing and r eference category of d raw ings, operat ing softw are

and do cum ent s, in requ isi te cop ies, for approval o f NALCO/ RITES. Furt her , the Tenderer w i l lfur nish f inal basic & d etai l engineer ing draw ings, manufactu r ing drawings of fast w ear ing

i tems and non-standard i tems, as bui l t drawings, erect ion drawings/documents, operat ing

sof tware , opera t ion and m ain tenance manua ls in so f t ed i tab le fo rmat .

  Receipt of mater ia l , loading / unloading, storage, civ i l construct ion, complete erect ion,

test ing, com m issioning, handing over of W agon Tippler Com plex to Purchaser, dem onstrat ion

of performance guarantee and post commissioning services for a per iod of six months after

commissioning. Preparat ion and approval of erect ion survey / a l ignment schemes, grouting

clearances, paint ing clearances, test ing of w elds, pressure test ing pro toco ls and oth er r e lated

site p rot ocols.

  Deputat ion of representat ives of equipment suppl iers and technology suppl iers to si te for

supervision of er ect ion, test ing and com m issioning.

  Applying f inal f in ish coat of paint as per approved procedure & shades before handing over,

f i rst f i l l of lubr icant & oi l , special too ls & tackles, mob i le equ ipm ent, handl ing & hoist ing

equ ipmen t e tc .

  Supply of a l l commissioning spares. A l ist of such commissioning spares shal l be indicated

separately. Tender er shal l quote separately fo r t w o years spares and insurance spares along

w i th the ma in o f fe r .

  Progress report ing as per agreed formats, provid ing documentary evidence of purchase

ord ers on sub vendors w i th add resses of con tact p ersons, attend ing al l s ite p rogress review /

engineer ing review m eetings at NALCO, Angul o r at RITES, Gurgaon / Bhubaneswar, ope ning

an equipp ed si te off ice w i th coord inator o verseeing al l act iv i t ies.

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  Arrangemen t o f a l l erect ion equipm ent viz. cranes, hoists, winches, etc, and safety appl iances

as requ i red fo r e rect ion o f p lan t & equ ipment . Appo in tment o f sa fe ty o f f icer by the

cont ractor shal l be included.

  Special ized tra in ing of Purchaser ’s personn el for operat io n, main tenance, for smoo th h anding

over the p lan t .

  Testing and cold t r ia l run of system s/ sub - system s and int egrated test ing shal l be carr ied out

by t he successful Tenderer on cont inuous basis for com plet e Coal Handl ing System along w ith

associated faci l i t ies fo l low ed b y comm issioning. On successful comm issioning o f t he var ious

sub-systems of the Wagon Tippler complex, PG test of the enti re Tippler House shal l be

carr ied out as e labora ted in the re levant chapter .

  Receiving del ivery of i tem s at si te, their pr oper sto rage, and hand l ing at si te, wat ch and w ard

services, rem oval of debr is to a location speci f ied by th e Purchaser etc. Si te shal l be hand ed

over to the Purchaser in c lean and order ly m anner to the sa t isfact ion o f the si te eng ineers

af te r com m iss ion ing o f t he pro ject .

  Gett ing Purchaser ’s/ consul tant ’s approval for the drawings prepared by the successful

Tenderer , ob ta in ing requ i red approva l f rom sta tu tory au thor i t ies , p rov id ing adequate

personne l , equ ipm ent , too ls & tack les fo r t ime ly com ple t ion o f t he pro ject .

  For detai led scope of work and design parameters on var ious subsystems & faci l i t ies, the

Tender Speci f icat ion shal l be ref erred t o.

1.7.2 This is a turnkey project for Instal lat ion of Wagon Tippler and conveyo r system and al l th e

faci l i t ies required for proper funct ioning of the wagon t ippler and achieving the rated capaci ty

shall be deem ed to be covered in the tende r speci f icat ion, unless speci f ical ly excluded fro m the

Tenderer ’s scope.


The pr o ject is schedu le up to hand ing over to Purchaser sha ll be w i th in 12 m onth s f rom the date

of p lacement o f LOI on successfu l contractor t o hand ing over . The de l ivery o f p lan t & equ ipment

shall be FOR, NALCO-An gul site .

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Technical Specification: System Param ete rs, Operat ion & Cont rol Philosophy Page 1 of 66  



1.1 The speci f icat ion s as brou ght out in var ious Sub-section s for mechanical equipm ent shall be

appl icable fo r th e propo sed w agon t ipp ler and conveyor system and specif ically to a l l m echanical

inc lud ing the i r op era t ion & contro l ph i losophy. How ever , som e spec i f ic parameters o f t he ent i re

system as a wh o le and t he m ajor equ ipm ent a re brought ou t as under .


2. 1 Conve yor System

i . Rated Capacity (Guarant eed) : 1200 TPH

ii. Design capacity : 1320 TPH

i ii . Be l t w id th : 1200 M M

iv. Bel t speed : 3.5 m / sec. (approx.)

2.1.1 Belt ing and Pulleys

(a) Belt rat in gs w ith appro pr iate rat ings shal l be selected .

(b) M in imum num ber o f p l ies fo r be l t ing sha l l be fou r (4 ) if po ssib le , can be s tandard ized w i th t he

typ e of b el t ing available wi th NALCO.

(c) For Pul ley, fo l low ing m inimu m paramet ers shal l be adopt ed:

(1.) Shel l th ickness : 16 m m (M in.)

(2.) End disc plate th ickness : 24 m m (M in.)

(3 .) M aximu m a l low ab le def lect ion o f shaf t a t hu bs : 5 Minut es

(4 .) D iameter fo r a l l d r ive pu l leys sha l l be min im um 800 m m . Diamet er o f a l l o th er pu l leys

sha ll be m in imum 630 mm

The cont ractor sha l l ob ta in conf i rmat ion f rom be l t m anufacturers regard ing the adequacy o f t he

pul ley diameters.

2.1 .2 W agon Tipplers

(a) No. required: 1 (One)(b) Guaranteed t ips per hour per t ipp le r : 20

2.1.3 Side Arm charger

(a) Nos. required :1 (one )

(b) Guaranteed h aulage : 60 fu l ly loaded coal w agons (Box –N)

2.1 .4 Apron Feeder

(a) No. requ ired : One (1)

(b) Guaranteed (rated) capacity: 1200 TPH Apron Feeder

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2.1.5 Sizer

(a) No. requ ired : One (1)

(b) Guaranteed (rated) capacity: 1200 TPH

2.1.6 E.O.T Crane

(a) No. of uni t : One (1)

(b) Guaranteed (rated) capacity (M ain/ Aux.) : 25 T / 5 T 

2.1.7 Du st Control System

The parameters for the dust control system speci f ied hereinafter are intended for Contractor ’s

guidance only. Contractor shal l provide adequately sized and effect ive dust control system, the

performance of which shal l be guaranteed by the Contractor as required in the Technical

speci f icat ions. The performance guarantee test procedure is to be submitted by the Contractor.How ever, the capaci ty of th e offered system shal l not be less than t hat specif ied below .

(a.) Area Dust Supp ression System at W agon Tippler

(1) Location : W agon Tipp ler Top

(2) Capaci ty of each nozzle : 2.0 lpm at 2.5 kg/ cm 2 

(3) No zzle spacing. : 500 m m

All nozzles to o perate simu ltaneously in each w agon t ipp ler area.

(b) Dust Supp ression System for oth er areas

(1) Operat ion : W ater sprayed w ith fogging nozzle(2) Location of spray : Al l coal loading and discharge point on th e conveyor

(3) Capaci ty / Pressure : 2.0 lpm / 2.5 kg/cm 2 in let of spray head

2.1.8 Service W ate r System

Service water conn ections are to be provid ed in con veyor galler ies & tu nnels at 50 m eter int erval

and on e (1) no . on each f loor o f Transfer Point .

(a.) Flow at each valve : 5 cub . m / hr

(b.) M inim um discharge Pressure at tap po int : 2 kg/

(c.) No of pum ps : 2 nos.(d) No. of valves operated : 6 no s. sim ultaneou sly

2.1.9 Ven tilat ion System

A M echanical Venti lat ion System

  For U nderground Areas a M in imum of 15 supp ly a i r changes and m in im um 7 exhaust a i r

changes per hou r.

  For o ther Areas a M in imum of 10 supp ly a i r changes per hour .

B. Pressur ized Venti lat ion System : M inim um 15 supply a ir changes per h our

C. Air Cond ition ing System :

  Adequate numb er o f a ir changes to M ain ta in un i fo rm temp . & hum id i ty .

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2.1 .10 Chutes

M in imum c lear cross sect ion o f chut e shal l be 1200 m m x 1000 m m ( ins ide bot h w ays) .

2.1.11 Hoists

Suitable hoists as speci f ied elsewhere shal l be provided for erect ion & servicing of a l l major

equ ipment . The equ ipm ent t o b e covered sha ll inc lude (bu t no t l im i t t o ) a l l conveyor dr ive un i ts ,

a l l pul leys, Apron feeder, s izer, sump pumps, var ious DS/service water/potable water pumps,

grav i ty take up un i ts , remova l o f equ ipment f rom tunne ls , l i f t ing o f be l t d rum a t a l l t ransfer


2.1.12 Al l ot her equipm ent und er the scope shall be sui table to t he system capaci t ies parame ters as

specif ied ab ove.


3.1 This sect ion is intend ed to cover design, engineer ing m anufacture, supp ly, erect ion , test ing and

comm ission ing o f the com ple te contro l and inst rum ent pane l /d esk w i th annuncia t ion pane l, e tc .

as speci f ied hereinaft er com plete in a l l respects, required for th e system .

3.2 Genera l Requirem ents

The instru m ents and contr ols to be furn ished and er ected und er th is specif icat ion are as required

for sa fe and sa t isfactory opera t ion o f the p lan t & equ ipment under W agon T ipp ler and Conveyor

System Package, as outl ined under mechanical sect ion and as speci f ied elsewhere in the

specif ica t ion . For the equ ipment and m ater ia ls p rocured by the Contractor f ro m h is sub-vendors,

the Contractor shal l study the speci f icat ion, safety requirements, inter face drawings for such

equipment and mater ia l in detai l and shal l coordinate his work wi th h is subvendors and supply

inst rum enta t ion and contr o l to ensure su i tab i l ity o f th e system .

3.2 .1 Standards / Codes

All construct ion, instal lat ion, workmanship, design & equipment shal l conform to acts, ru les &

regu la t ions o f t he ju r isd ic t ion w i th in w h ich th e pro ject is to be located, and to the cur rent ed i t ion

of t he fo l low ing or equivalent standards or codes, in so far as th ey apply:

  Am erican Iron & Steel Inst i tu te (AISI)

  Am erican Society fo r M ech. Engineers (ASM E)

  Am erican Society f or Testing & M ater ia ls (ASTM )

  Am erican W ire Gauge (AW G)

  Instit ut e o f Electrical & Elect ron ic Engineer s (IEEE)

  Instrum ent society o f Am erica (ISA)

  Nat ional Electr ical Cod e (NEC)

  Nation al Electr ical M anufacturer s Associat ion (NEM A)

  Bureau o f Indian Stand ards (BIS)

  Conveyor Equ ipm ent M anufactu rers Associat ion (CEM A)

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  Guidel ine for w agon t ipp lers issued b y RDSO – G33 (Rev. 1) of M ay 2010 w ith lat est

amendm ents if any.

3.2.2 This Sub -sect ion shall be read in conjun ct ion w ith Electrical Sub -section s.

3.3 Construct ion and Design

3.3.1 Construct ion

Control desks/panels and annunciat ion system shal l be provided as per the requirement of

electr ical Section. Annunciat ion’s, indicat ions, e lectr ical meters and instrumentat ion shal l be

pro vided as speci f ied. Amm eters shal l be pro vided on cont rol desk for a l l mo tors rated 30 kW and

above and fo r a ll equ ipment .

3.3.2 DesignThe Cont ractor shall provide a com prehen sive cont rol indicat ion and annun ciat ion schem e for th e

p lant & equ ipment under wagon t ipp le r and conveyor system package and in tegra te the same

wi th the ex is t ing contro l & moni to r ing scheme o f the CHP. Contractor sha l l fu rn ish a b lock

d iagram and w r i te -up on the schem e proposed. The f ina l scheme w i l l be approved by the Ow ner

and the Contractor shal l be required to execute the approved scheme. In general , inter locking

shall be achieved t hrou gh feed-back signals from f ie ld equipm ent . A com prehen sive Annun ciat ion

and Indicat ion scheme shal l be provided such that, i t wi l l be possible for the operator to locate

and identi fy the faul t from the display ace of Control desk. The scheme shal l include the basic

remote contro l ins t rumenta t ion , ind ica t ion and annuncia t ion requ i rements as per var ious

techn ica l spec if icat ion requ i rements. However , t he Contractor may o f fe r any a l te rnat ive pr oposa lw hich he considers to b e equal , sup er ior t o t he schem e as descr ibed in subsequent clauses below

for ach iev ing re l iab le and t roub le f ree opera t ion o f the p lan t , fo r considera t ion o f th e Own er .


4.1 The Wagon T ipp ler contro l room shal l be loca ted by the side o f Wagon Tipp ler to accom mo date

contro l & mon i to r ing equ ipm ent o f wagon t ipp le rs . I t sha ll a lso have a bat te ry room .

4.2 The exist ing coal handl ing system is being contr ol led from th e fo l low ing cont rol poin ts. The

exist ing cont rol phi losophy of th e coal handl ing plant is being descr ibed below for the cont ractor

to understand the exist ing system and sui tably p lan integrat ion of the controls and inter locks ofthe proposed contro l system o f the wagon t ipp le r package w i th t he ex ist ing system .

4.2.1 Ow ner’s Exist ing Coal Han dling Plant Con trol Room

Operat ion o f t he CHP equ ipment is be ing contr o l led f ro m the Ow ner ’s CHP contr o l room .

(a.) Con veyo rs, feed ers, flap gates, hydraulic coup lings etc.

(b.) Com plete Du st Supp ression system & service wat er system .

(c.) Venti lat ion system (group/ individual contro l as required).

(d.) In l ine M agnetic separator s and Suspended M agnet (ON/ OFF contr ol w i th ind icat ion).

(e.) M etal Detecto rs (ON/ OFF contro l w i th ind icat ion ).

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( f .) Bel t we igher (ON/ OFF contr ol wi t h indicat ion)

4.2.2 Local Cont rol Panels

Loca l contr o l s ta t ions fo r fo l low ing equ ipm ent sha l l be prov ided f o r(a) Al l conveyo rs

(b) Al l gates

(c) Elect r ic ho ist - w a l l m ount ed contro l box w i th pendent push bu t to n contro ls.

(d) Wa gon Tippler

(e) Apron f eeder

(f) Dou ble ro ll Sizer

(g) Sum p Pum p

(h) Dust suppr ession system fo r w agon unloading

( i ) Hydraul ic scoop coupl ing, i f any.

Al l the abo ve local cont rol panels shal l be accessible and located n ear th eir respective equ ipm ent

and shal l be complete wi th a l l the required controls, inter locks, annunciat ion’s etc. Necessary

controls, indicat ions and annunciat ion’s for a l l the above equipment shal l a lso be provided at

m ain CHP Cont rol Room .

4.2.3 In addi t ion to th e rem ot e contro l of var ious equipm ents, local stop push but ton stat ions shal l be

prov ided fo r a l l equ ipm ent .


4.3.1 Typical Operat ion phi losop hy of th e plant, in general , as elaborat ed below is for the inform ation

of th e contractor t o fac il ita te d eve lopm ent o f the contro l & mon i to r ing scheme o f w agon t ipp le r

and conveyor system package and in t egra t ion w i th the ex ist ing contro l & mo ni to r ing system o f

existing CHP.

(a.) Coal f low path select ion shal l be done from Owner’s exist ing control desk to select conveying


(b.) The coa l hand l ing system opera tor w i l l se lect any one o f th e paths f rom the m ain contro l desk.

The f low stream path is then selected by posi t ioning di f ferent f lap gates at desired posi t ions.

Once the system is in the op era t ion , the gates can not b e m oved f rom the i r pos i t ions and path .

F lap gates wh ich do no t f rom the s t ream in w h ich coa l f low is tak ing p lace, can b e opera ted a t

any t ime .

(c.) The Contr o l system w i ll be designed fo r bo t h “ Auto” & “ M anua l” o pera t ion o f th e conveyors in

the se lected path . Auto / M anua l Se lect ion sha ll be done f r om Own er ’s ex is t ing cont ro l desk.

Auto M ode : In the “ Auto” mod e, the conveyors and re la ted equ ipm ent w i ll sta r t sequent ia lly

when the “System Start” is act ivated. Dur ing stopping, when the “System Stop” is act ivated, a l l

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conveyors w i l l also stop sequent ia lly ( in the r everse sequence) a l lowing t im e delays for clear ing

the be l ts.

M anua l M ode : In M anua l M ode, the opera tor w i ll sta r t t he conveyor system , in t he samesequence as in Aut o m ode fro m con tro l desk. The operato r w i l l a lso stop th e conveyor system, by

press ing "System stop" o r ind iv idua l “S top” push but tons/command f rom contro l desk in the

reverse sequence. System Start and System Stop PB’s and locat ed on th e Own er ’s Cont rol Desk.

4.3.2 Con veyor System

(a ) Norm al ly t he op era t ion o f the apron feeder , sizer and the recla im conveyor sha l l be contro l led

f rom main contro l room for evacuat ing coa l f rom t ipp ler hopper .

(b ) The approach of a Rai lway wagon rake to the plant shal l be signaled (visual and audible) in the

w agon t ipp le r Cont ro l room as w e l l as to th e main coa l hand l ing p lan t cont ro l room , as soon as

the rake come w i th in 100 m eters d istances f rom the w agon t ipp ler .

(c ) Each conveyor shal l be protected against damage to the edge of the bel t due to excessive

s ideways movement by prov id ing adequate number o f be l t sway swi tches. In add i t ion , each

conveyor shal l be provided w ith o ne (1) No. speed d etect ion device (zero speed switch ). The zero

speed swit ches shal l be d esigned to sense be l t speed.

(d ) All the con veyors shal l be pro tected f rom rol l back due to p ow er fa i lure by pro vid ing mechanical /

or e lectr ical locking system .

(e ) The s tar t ing sequence o f the conveyors sha l l fo l low a d i rect ion opposi te to tha t o f f low o f

mater ia l . The detai ls of Coal f low diagram of the exist ing stage-I CHP shal l be furnished to the

successful bidder.

(f ) Any ind iv idua l equ ipment (be l t conveyor e tc . ) shou ld no t be a l lowed to s ta r t un less the

equ ipment immedia te ly fo l lowing the same in the d i rect ion o f f low o f mater ia l i s a l ready in

opera t ion .

(g ) Pul l -cord switches shal l be provided along the length of each bel t conveyor, which shal l enable

the respective conveyor to be stopped immediately. Each pul l operated chord switch and bel t

sway sw itch shal l be tagged and shal l be iden ti f iable in the m ain contro l room .

(h ) Siren shal l be pro vided to fo re-warn p ersonnel wo rking nearby wh en star t ing any conveyor.

(i )  Inter lo cking o f var ious conveyors shal l be achieved w ith Flap Gate, l imi t sw itches and zero speed


(j )  M ot ors shal l star t only wh en the brake/ rai l c lam p i f-provided, is in “o pen” cond i t ion. This signal

sha l l be obta ined f rom l im i t swi tch prov ided fo r t ha t pu rpose.

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(k ) Once a conveyor tr ips, f lap gate direct ing coal from this conveyor shal l change over i ts posi t ion

w i th a t ime de lay and sha ll come back to th e or ig ina l posi t ion aga in , to p revent jamm ing o f ga te .

(l )  Where ever scoop type coup l ing prov ided fo r HT motors , the coast ing t ime o f respect ive

conveyor, thruster brake, actuator select ion and the chute size shal l be so selected such that

th ere is no spi l lage of coal from any dow nstream conveyors.

4.3.3 Interlocking

a)   The fo l low ing con veyors / eq uipm ent are con sidered und er inter lock scheme :-

(1.) All conveyor s

(2.) All gat es

(3.) W agon t ippler(4.) Apron Feeder

(5.) Doub le ro ll Sizer

b )  The fo l lowing equ ipm ent w i l l no t come under in te r lock o f th e conveyor scheme.

(1.) Al l dust supp ression system s & service wat er system .

(2.) Venti lat ion system s

c)  All conveyors and equ ipm ent have local push butt on stat ion s each consist o f :

(1.) Pos - I, Pos - I I & sto p bu tt on for f lap gate

(2 .) Em ergency s top pu sh b ut t on (Red) fo r o ther equ ipment

d )  Belt scale is star ted wh en relevant con veyors are star t ed.

e)   The dust suppre ssion system s w i ll be energized as soon as th e conveyor s are energized.f)  Coal Handl ing plant shal l be tr ipp ed in case of d etect ion of f i re. Necessary input contact shal l

be made ava ilab le to t he Cont ractor in the Ow ner ’s main contro l roo m .

g)  In te r lock fo r H.T. M oto r : H.T. m oto rs used w i ll cont inue to run on n o load by d isengag ing the

f lu id coupl ing in case of fa i lure of any process inter lock. The H.T. motors wi l l however be

tr ipped in case o f any m otor fau l t l ike O/ L, h igh m otor w ind ing tempera ture e tc . In add i t ion ,

in case o f norm al stop comm and, a f te r runn ing o f th e system , mo tors w i ll stop .

h )  The fo l lowing are the var ious safety inter locks for the conveyors and other equipment. This

l ist is indicat ive only and t he Contractor shal l develop a com prehensive inter locking schem e.

Conveyorsa). Pul l - Chord switch - no t op erated

b). Bel t sway switch - no t operat ed

c). Underspeed switch - c losed at 90% speed of the conveyor wi th in designed accelerat ing

t ime .

d ) . M o to r p ro tect i on - no t t r i pped

e). Local sto p PB – reset

f) . Chute Block sw itch - not op erated.

g). Brakes for conveyo r – not operat ed.

h). Tr ip ci rcui ts heal t hy.

i ). Tem p. of f lu id coup l ing oi l - not h igh

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W agon Tippler

a) . M oto r O/L - no t t r ipped

b). Local E-Sto p PB - resetc) . Stop PB in m ain CHP con tro l roo m - reset

d). All Lim it Sw itch es – reset

e). Al l lim i t switch es – not tr ipp ed

Apron Feed er & Sizer

a) . M oto r O/L - no t t r ipped.

b). Local sto p PB - reset.

Flap Gate s

a). End o f t ravel l im i t sw itches - reset.b) . Torq ue l imit sw itches - reset.

c). Local stop - reset.

4.3.4 The lists of indicat ions and audio-visual annunciat ion given in subsequent clauses are indicat ive

on ly and th e sam e shal l be f inal ised dur ing det ai l engineer ing.

4.3.5 Stat us indicat ions in M imic.

Fol lowing individual status indicat ions shal l be provided in mimic wi th individual ON/ OFF /TRIP

indicat ions on HM I of PLC.(a.) Con veyo r 'ON'

(b.) Flap Gate/ Rack and Pinion po sit ion .

(c.) Belt scale f low rate ind icat ion and to tal izer.

(d.) Bel t sway sw itch op erated for each con veyor ( individual switch indicat ion on CRT).

(e.) Pul l cord switch op erated f or each conveyo r ( Ind ividual switch es indicat ion on CRT).

( f .) Zero speed sw itch op erated fo r each conveyor

(g.) W agon Tippler ‘ON'

(h.) Apro n Feeder ‘ON'

(i.) Sizer “ ON”

( j .) DS/ SW / Vent ON (System w ise)Furt her M imic lamp s and Cont rols for HT and LT Breakers shall be prov ided o n th e contro l desk.

4.3.6 Ann unicat ion System :

The Contro l desk sha l l be prov ided w i th adequate num ber o f facia type annuncia t ion w indow s fo r

th e fo l low ing audio-visual faul t annun ciat ion pu rposes. Wh erever group annu nciat ion is pro vided,

alarm statu s of ind ividual equipm ent shal l be prov ided on m imic. All audio visual annunciat ion of

fo l low ing param eters shou ld be incorpo rated in th e HM I of PLC.

(a) 6.6 kV Breaker Tr ip (Group w ise for each board )

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(b) 415 V M CC Breaker Tr ip (M CC wise)

(c) Bus under vol tage for each LT MCC

(d) Fol low ing group w ise annunciat ion shal l be pro vided for t ransform ers :

(i )  Buchholz alarm(ii)  W ind ing/o i l temp era ture h igh a larm

(iii) Oil level low alarm

(iv) Buchholz tr ip

(v )  W ind ing/o i l tem pera ture h igh t r ip

(e) A.C Con tr ol Supp ly fai lure .

(f) D.C. Cont rol Sup ply fai lur e.

(g) Annun ciat ion supp ly fa i lure.

(h) Bot h CPU fail

( i) Stan d by CPU in service

( j ) H.T. m ot or ov er load alarm ( individual)

(k) HT mot or bear ing / w ind ing temp . h igh a la rm (group) and t r ip (g roup)

( l ) HT m ot or tr ip on electr ical faul t (Group)

(m) LT mo tor over load t r ipped (Group) .

(n) Bel t sw ay sw itch operat ed (Group )

(o) Pul l cord switch op erated (Group)

(p) Zero speed swit ch operated . (Group)

(q) Chut e plugged (Group)

(r) Wagon rake arr ival.

(s) Wagon Tippler tr ipp ed (group)

( t ) Apron feeder .

(u) Sizer

(v) Dust suppr ession/ service wat er system faul ts and t r ips (system w ise)

(w) W ater leve l low in tanks (group)

(x) Oi l tem peratu re of f lu id cou pl ing high

(y) 20% spare w indow s

For identi f icat ion of the faul t for a part icular conveyor or equipment, status indicat ion against

tha t conveyor / equ ipment in the m imic wi l l sta r t f ast f l i cker ing and the annuncia t ion w indow w i l l

be b l inking against t hat pa rt icular faul t . In addi t ion, a buzzer (a larm ) wi l l a lso star t sound ing. Afte r

acknow ledgement o f t he fau l t , the buzzer w i ll stop , bu t t he fast f l icker ing on t he m imic and the

steady g low on the annuncia t ion window wi l l cont inue unt i l the fau l t i s c leared and the Reset

pu sh bu tt on is pressed. Wh en th e faul t is cleared and th e Reset p ush bu tt on is pressed, the statu s

ind icat ion o f tha t conveyor / equ ipment on the m imic wi l l sta r t s low b l ink ing i f i t i s on se lected

path o th erwise i t w i l l go o f f and the s teady g low in th e annuncia t ion window w i ll go o f f . However ,

pressing o f th e Reset pu sh but ton before c learance o f the fau l t , w i l l have no e f fect on the lamps.

At the t ime o f a fau l t , the fau l ty conveyor / equ ipment , as we l l as the preced ing conveyors /

equipment in the inter lock sequence, wi l l stop except H.T. motors for which only scoop coupl ing

w i ll be d isengaged and mo tor w i ll cont inue to run fo r p rocess fau l t . In case o f mo tor fau l t , H.T.

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motor wi l l t r ip bu t the succeed ing conveyors / equ ipment wi l l cont inue to run . The s ta tus

ind icat ion aga inst the preced ing conveyors / equ ipment w i l l s ta r t s low b l ink ing w h i le t he fau l ty

conveyor / equipment wi l l be fast b l inking. Start command shal l not be in i t iated unless reset

but t on in p ressed a f t e r c learance o f fau l t .

The sequen ce of operat ion of th e ann unciat ion system shall be as follows:-

Condit ion Status

N orm a l : Ann . W indow : Of f .

Statu s indicat ion : Steady glow

Buzzer : Off.

Fault : Ann. W indow : B link ing.

Statu s indicat ion : Fast b l inking

Buzzer : Sou ndin g.

Press Accept PB.

Ann. W indow : Steady g low .

Statu s indicat ion : Fast b l inking

Buzzer : Off .

Press Reset PB (W hen fault is cleared):

Ann . W indow : Of f .

Statu s indicat ion : i ) Steady bl inking ( i f on selected path )

i i) Of f ( if n o t on se lected p ath)

Buzzer. : Off .

4.3. 7 Du st Suppre ssion System

(a. ) Conveyors / Equipm ent

1.  I t shal l be possible to spray the water on to coal stream only when corresponding

conveyors/equ ipm ent ’s a re runn ing w i th m ater ia l at spray app l ica t ion po in ts .

2.  I f a runnin g pump tr ip s stand-by pum p shal l star t auto m atically. It shal l be possible to select any

of t he pum ps as auto s tandby f rom main CHP contro l room .

3.  Pump/pumps shal l tr ip wi th a t ime delay, i f d ischarge valves fa i l to open. Sui table pressure/f lowswitch shal l be pro vided to sense th is condi t ion .

4.  Pum ps shal l tr ip in case of low level of w ater in t ank.

5.  All feeding pum ps to t ank shal l tr ip in case of h igh-high level in tan k.

6.  All the cont rols shal l be thro ugh cont rol desk.

(b . ) W agon unloading

1.  System shal l be operat ed fro m local cont rol panel .

2.  Dust supp ression system shall be provided t o cover t he W T Hopper.

3.  Pum ps sha l l be star ted m anua lly o r f rom . If any o f the pum p/ pum ps t r ips, stand-by pump/ pum ps

shal l star t autom atical ly. I t shal l be possible to select any of t he pu mp s as aut o stand - by.

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4.  Pum ps shal l tr ip in case of low level of w ater in tan k.

5 .  Fol low ing annun ciat ion’s shal l be provided at local cont rol panel .

( i) M oto r e lect r ica l p ro t ect ion opera ted (Group)

( i i) Discharge wat er pressure low (Grou p)( i ii ) Wat er level low in tan k ( Individual)

6 .  Fol low ing individual indicat ions shal l be provid ed at local cont rol panel .

( i. ) M ot or ON / OFF/ TRIP

(i i .) Discharge pressur e health y

( ii i .) Wat er level h igh in tank.

4.3 .8 Sum p Pumps

(a )  Sump Pumps shal l star t and stop by the level switches in the sump automatical ly. Further

m anua l over r ide s tart / stop push but t on sha ll be prov ided loca lly on ground leve l .

(b )  Any of t he pum ps can be selected as aut o-standby.

(c )  If t he sump level cont inues to be h igh even a f te r the f i rs t pum p is under opera t ion second

pum p shal l star t auto m atical ly.

(d )  The fo l lowin g indicat ions for sump p um ps shal l be provided on local Cont rol Panel .

(1.)  W ater level h igh

(2.) M ot or ON / OFF/TRIP.

4.3 .9 W agon Tippler

Wagon Tippler shal l be control led from the local control panel sui tably p laced. Requirement of

operat ion as descr ibed elsewhere in the speci f icat ion shal l be compl ied with. Fol lowing

indicat ions shal l a lso b e provided o n t he local contro l panel :

(a .) M oto r ON/ OFF

(b.) M oto r O/L pro tect ion opera ted

(c.) Brakes app l ied ( i f pro vided)

(d.) Hydraul ic pow er pack indicat ions as appl icable.

4.3 .10 Flap Gates

All f lap gates shal l be m oto r ised and rem ot e cont rol led from the m ain con tro l desk. Their posit ion

shal l be ind ica ted on th e mim ic o f m ain cont ro l room .

4.3 .11 Service w ater an d Cool ing W ater

(a) These pum ps shal l be star t ed fro m m ain CHP contro l room

(b) Pum p shall tr ip in case of lo w wat er level in tank.

(c) Fol low ing individual input s shal l a lso b e pr ovided t o PLC system fo r a larms/ ind icat ions :

(1.) M ot or ON/ OFF/ TRIP

(2.) Discharge w ater pressure low

(3 .) W ater level low in tank

(4.) W ater level h igh in tank

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Rotaside / Rotary wagon t ippler shal l be furnished complete wi th a l l structural members, t ipplerplatform, t ipping mechanism, t ippler dr ive motors, brakes, coupl ings, shaft ing and al l automatic

contro ls fo r pos i t ion ing , t ipp ing and d ischarg ing the ent i re contents o f the wagons in to the

hopper .

5.1   W agon Unloading System

5.1.1  The rake comprising of speci f ied maximum 58 number of wagons shal l be pushed into the reach

of in -hau l equ ipment by a locomot ive . Fur ther p lac ing o f wagons over t ipp le r p la t fo rms and

carry ing away the empt y w agons sha l l be accompl ished w i th the he lp o f a s ide arm charger under

scope of b idder.

5.1.2  W agon unloading equipm ent shal l be sui table to handle any t ype of w agons being used by Indian

Rai lways for t ransportat ion of coal . Thu s side arm charger and w agon t ippler shal l be sui table to

handle al l standard broad gauge (1676 mm) wagons of RDSO design used by Indian Rai lways

confo rm ing to latest revision of IS: 10095.

5.1.3  M aximu m mo ving d im ensions o f locom ot ive & wagon as per Ind ian Ra i lw ay norm s sha l l be

adopted fo r p rov id ing c learances w i th respect to st ructures, equ ipm ent and t ipp le r a r rangem ent .

5.1.4  Complete wagon t ippler and accessor ies shal l have the approval of concerned Indian Rai lway

Author i t ies and RDSO. Further, the contractor shal l submit to the Owner detai led drawings of

wagon t ippler and accessor ies including civi l and structural drawing only after gett ing the same

approved f rom the concerned Ra i lw ay author i t ies.

5.1.5  The bidder shal l obtain al l statutory approvals from the relevant Rai lway author i t ies, before the

w agon t ipp ler com plex is pu t in to opera t ion . Any s ta tu tory paym ent charges, to b e made to the

concerned author i t ies shal l be to Bidder ’s account. I t is the responsibi l i ty of the Contractor to

carry ou t any m odi f ica t ions as requ i red by th e Ra i lway auth or i t ies, a t no ext ra cost to the Owner .

5.2 W agon Tippler Hoppe r

5.2.1 The w agon t ipp ler hopp er shal l be of RCC construct ion and adequat ely sized to accomm odat e th e

coal load for at least tw o (2) no s. 8 w heeled w agons of RDSO design u sed by Indian Rai lways. For

effect ive volumetr ic capaci ty computat ion of the hopper, the angle of repose of coal shal l be

consider ed as 37°. The m inimu m val ley angle of the ho pper shal l be con sidered a s 60°. The

hopper shal l have opening below which apron feeders shal l be provided to evacuate coal from

the hopper and feed onto associated bel t conveyors below. Complete inside surfaces of the

hopper sha l l be pro v ided w i th 50 mm th ick gun i t ing . Fur th er i t sha ll be possib le to emp ty out a l l

the coa l , w i thout any dead stock f rom the hopper .

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5.2.2 Steel grat ings of m esh size 350 mm x 350 mm o ver wagon t ippler hopper shal l be provided. The

grat ings sha l l be bu i l t o f m in im um 200 mm x 36 m m th ick f la ts. The hop per and gra t ings sha l l be

designed fo r movement o f f ron t end loader /bu l ldozer over them. Bu l l -dozer we ight sha l l be

consider ed as abou t 35 T.


The design, manufacture, inspection and test ing of Wagon Tippler shal l comply wi th a l l the

current ly appl icable statu tes, regulat ions and safety codes in the local i ty wh ere the equipm ent is

to be instal led. The W agon Tippler shal l confo rm to t he latest edi t ion o f th e standa rds and codes.

Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher performance

than tho se specif ied, shall a lso b e accepted. N oth ing in th is speci f icat ion shall be construct ed t o

rel ieve the contractor of the required statutory responsibi l i ty. In case of any confl ict in the

standard and th is speci f icat ion , the decision so th e Engineer shal l be f inal and b inding.


Keeping in view Techn ical guid eline issued by RDSO ( Research & design services or ganizatio n )G

33 Rev.01 issued on May’10 & effect ive from Dec’10, the speci f icat ion of wagon t ippler a long

w i th apron feeder & sizer to be designed as under :

a)   W agon t ipp ler capaci ty : 25 Tips per Hour

b )  Load handl ing capaci ty of w agon t ipp ler : 140 Ton

5.4.1 The wagon t ippler shal l be sui t able to un load a coal w agon by l i f t ing and rot at ing it s idew ays. Theangle of t ip shall be at least 160° giving 60° angle to t he side of t he w agon fo r em pt ying the coal

con ten ts in to the hoppe r be low.

5.4.2 Dur ing each cycle of operat ion , th e t ipp ler shall be capable of hold ing, com pletely unloading and

rep lac ing the wagon to i ts o r ig ina l pos i t ion wi thout damage to the t ipp le r o r the wagon or the

t rack.

5.4.3 The t ip pler shal l be sui table for cont inuous operat ion, 24 hours a day, roun d the clock.

5.4.4 The wagon t ippler stru cture shal l be designed to confo rm to th e requirem ent s of Indian Rai lway’s“ Research, Design and Standard s Organisat ion, (RDSO) - G 33 Rev.1 ” w i th regard t o t he nat ure o f

loading, im pact factor and al lowab le stresses. I t shal l be t he sole respon sibi l ity o f t he cont ractor

to ensure that each and every component of the wagon t ippler is adequate in r ig id i ty, strength

and of h eavy duty construct ion o f f i rst c lass qual i ty to guarantee against fa i lure or m ajor dam age,

assuming proper maintenance and usage. The t ippler shal l be designed to al low passage of a l l

standard broad gauge (1676 mm) Indian Rai lways diesel locomotives over t ippler table at

restr icted speed.

5.4.5 The wagon t ippler shal l be sui tably counte r balanced at each stage of operat ion so as to requ ire

m in imum d r i vi ng pow er .

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5.5.1 This speci f icat ion cal ls fo r an electron ic stat ic w eighing system t o measure / record t he quan tumof coa l , wagon wise on the wagon t ipp le r tab le be fore & a f te r t ipp l ing . The we ighbr idge wi th

adequate no. o f load ce lls sha l l be prov ided beneath th e wagon t ipp le r p la t fo rm w i th a m in imum

accuracy of 1% of the gross weight of the wagon. The platform shal l be freely supported on the

w eigh br idge befo re and after t ipping for accurat e w eighing. The w agon t ippler w eighbr idge shal l

be designed t o stat ical ly w eigh t he w agons in an un coupled condi t ion. The system shal l com prise

of a weighbr idge, a t ippler table, load cel ls, weight d ig i t izer and an inte l l igent terminal wi th

pr in ter w i th th e faci li ty fo r com put er ized pr in ted ou tput o f da ta gross w e ight , ta re w e ight , w agon

no., t ime, date etc. the weighbr idge shal l be chosen to accommodate al l types of wagons as per

RDSO guidel ines to move coal . The weighbr idge shal l be supported on minimum 4 nos.

compr ession type load ce l ls m ount ed on f ree mo t ion s t ructura l un i t assembly .

Al ternat ively, in-mo tion w eigh scales in bot h in-haul and out -hau l tracks shal l be provided fo r th e

pu rpose. The load cells shall be sui table for du sty environm ental condi t ions. The cal ibrat ion o f th e

weigh br idge shal l be the scope of the bidder. The bidder shal l co-ordinate with statutory

author i ty to ge t the necessary stamp ing & o t her requ i rement s.


6.1 Cradle

6.1.1 The cradle shal l consist of a pair of heavy w elded steel p late sect ions re inforced w ith st i f feners

and connect ed by side bearer beams pivotal ly attached, each sect ion being f i t ted w ith a m assive

tru nion shaft carr ied in bron ze bushed cast steel bear ings on each side, bol ted to steel pedestal

carr ied on concrete pedestals. Circumferentia l dr iv ing rack shal l be r ig id ly bol ted to the

peripheries of the sectors. The sectors shall be made of cast steel. Necessary features of safety

against com ing down o f wagon t ipp le r in the event o f fa i lu re o f one o f t he dr ive p in ions and / o r

gear racks shal l be pr ovided and the same shal l be clear ly indicated in t he bid .

6.2 Rail Table

6.2.1 The rai l table shal l be constru cted of ro l led steel jo int s w i th standard steel ra i ls (52 kg/m etre)

m ount ed on i t . The t ab le sha l l be p ivo ted f rom arm s extended f rom the sectors . The t ab le sha l l be

covered w i th chequered p la tes betw een the ra ils.

6.3 Feeders and Clamp s

6.3.1 The w agon shal l be clamp ed auto m atical ly by hydraul ic system and f i rm ly on the cradle dur ing

the t ipp ing wi thout any damage or undue pressure on any par t o f the wagon and no hand

adjustm ent o f any sort shal l be n ecessary. Sl id ing side stop p ads shal l be o f resi lient m ater ia l to

prevent damage to e i ther the w agon or t he stops.

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6.4 Spill Plate

6.4.1 Fixed to the cradle of the t ippler shal l be a pla in steel spi l l p late for def lect ing mater ia l into t het ipp ler hopper .

6.5 Driving Gear

6.5.1 M ult ip le p in ion s m eshing w ith cast steel racks bo l ted to the end sector s shal l imp art dr ive

thr ough hydrau l ic d r ive wi th each p in ion dr ive th rou gh slow speed h igh to rque hydrau l ic mot ors

using gear boxes as appl icable. Sui table oi l coolers shal l be provided for hydraul ic power pack.

Sui tab le dust pro tect ive cover shal l be pro vided.

6.6 Brake

6.6 .1 An autom at ic elect ro hydrau l ic b rake sha l l be fu rn ished to ho ld the t ipp ler in any pos it ion w i th

the load and aga inst any m ovement except t ha t p ro v ided by dr ive .

6.7 Limit Switches

6.7.1 Lim it sw itches of sui table type which can be readi ly adjusted to g ive the desired t ipp l ing angle

shal l be prov ided. An em ergency over t ip l im i t swi tch o pera ted by a s t r iker on the t ipp le r t runn ion

shaft shal l be furnished.

6.8 Ballast

6.8.1 Ballast necessary for coun ter w eight and balancing the t ipp ler shal l be prov ided as per th e

requ i remen t .

6.9 Lubricat ion

6.9.1 Al l bear ings shal l be proper ly lubr icated. Grease nipples and reservoirs shal l be furnished w here


6.10 Guards

6.10.1 Al l gears inside machinery pi ts and ot her mo ving parts shal l be securely guarded.

6.10.2 Al l necessary base plates, guide plates, chequered p late cover ing for dr ive pi t and any oth er p i ts,

a l l required f ix ing mat er ia ls, inserts and sleeves shal l be f urn ished.



W agon Type : Al l typ es of w agons in coal tran spor t used by Indian Rai lways

to m ove coal (as per latest RDSO guidel ines)

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M oving Prof i le : As per IR no rm s.

No . of t ips (guaranteed ) : 20 per hou r.

Designed : 25 Tips per Hour

Rai l Gauge : 1676 mm .W eigh br idge : Load cel l typ e

Duty : Continuo us 24 hrs.


A. W agon Tippler Hoppe r

Con struct ion : RCC Con struct ion .

Size : To accom mo date at least 2 nos. 8 w heeled w agons.

No . of openings : One (1)

Angle of repose of coal for

w agon t ipp ler hopp er sizing : 37°

Lining : 50 m m th ick guni t ing.

Steel Grating

( i) M esh size : 350 m m x 350 m m

( ii ) Gra t ing Sect ion : 200 m m x 36 mm th ick f la ts.

B W agon Tippler

Type : Rotaside / Ro tar y typ e (As per latest RDSO guideline s)

Tipping angle : At least 160°

Duty Requ i rement : Cont inuo us opera t ion

Count er ba lanc ing : Su i tab le to keep pow er requ i rement a t m in imum .

Crad le : Heavy w e lded stee l p la te construct ion t run ion mo unted .

Drivin g Gear

(i) Racks : Cast steel rack sectio ns bo lted t o end secto rs.

( i i) Pin ion : M ult ip le p in ion s m eshing w ith rack.

Rai l Table : Rol led steel jo ists w i th steel ra i ls m oun ted on i t .

Dr ive : Hydrau l ic m oto rs.

Brake : Electro hydraul ic th ruster operat ed.

Clamp ing : Hydrau l ical ly ope rated

Top & side stops : Sel f a l igning typ e m ade of resi lient m ater ia l .



8.1.1 Side Arm Charger shal l be furnished com plete wi t h travel ra i ls, dr ive equip m ent s and associated


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8.1.2 The rake com prising of speci f ied maxim um num ber of wa gons shal l be pushed into the reach of

inhau l equ ipm ent by a locomo t ive . Fur th er p lacing o f w agons over t ipp le r p la t fo rm and m oving

out the emp ty w agons sha l l be accompl ished w i th t he he lp o f s ide arm charger .


The design, manufacture, inspection and test ing of Side Arm Charger shal l comply wi th a l l the

current ly appl icable statu tes, regulat ions and safety codes in th e locali ty w here th e equipm ent is

to be instal led and al l no rm s st ipu lated b y RDSO- G 33 Rev.1. The Side Arm Charger shal l conf orm

to the latest edi t ion of the standards and codes. Other international ly acceptable

standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher performance than those speci f ied, shal l a lso be

accept ed. Nothin g in th is specif icat ion shal l be con str ued to re l ieve the con tracto r of th e required

statut ory responsibi l i ty. In case of any confl ict in t he standard and th is specif icat ion, th e decision

of th e Engineer shall be f inal and b inding.


8.3.1 A single m odu le of side arm charger shal l be used for inhaul and out haul op erat ion s. Thus, side

arm charger shal l be used for indexing forward the rake of 58 nos loaded wagons, p lacing

decoup led wagons on the t ipp le r tab le and ou t hau l ing the emp ty w agons.

8.3.2 The rake of 58 loaded wa gons w i l l be brou ght by locomo tive and placed on the ret ipping l ine

such t ha t t he lead ing wagon w i ll be w i th in t he reach o f th e side arm charger . Now the s ide arm

charger wi l l be coupled to the leading wagon, pul l the rake of 58 nos. loaded wagons towardst ipp ler table. The f i rst w agon w i l l be decoup led manual ly from th e rake and signal wi l l be given to

the s ide arm charger opera tor tha t the wagon is de-coup led. Now the lead ing wagon wi l l be

placed central ly onto the t ippler table by side arm charger, (simultaneously e ject ing the empty

w agon f r om the t ipp le r tab le) . A f te r t he loaded wagon is p laced on t he t ipp le r tab le , the arm is

de-coup led f rom the loaded w agon. Adequate c learance betw een t ipp le r tab le and emp ty w agon

shal l be ensured. The side arm charger wi l l stop at the end of i ts strokes, the arm wi l l be swung

vert ical ly-up and the machine wi l l move towards in-haul d irect ion and occupies the in i t ia l

pos it ion . In the m eant ime, the t ipp ler w i ll t ip t he loaded wagon p laced on the t ipp le r tab le and

re turn to i t s o r ig ina l pos it ion . Before t ipp l ing opera t ion o f wagon t ipp ler is com ple ted, the arm o f

the s ide arm charger wi l l be swung to hor izonta l pos i t ion and wi l l be coup led to the rake o fremain ing loaded w agons a t w a i t ing pos it ion ju st be fore th e t ipp le r tab le and is now ready fo r the

next cycle to star t. After the t ippl ing operat ion of wagon t ippler is completed the cycle wi l l be



8.4.1 The Side Arm Charger shal l be sui table to hand le 58 num ber of loaded wagon s. The pu sher arm

shal l be vert ical ly rotatable arm mounted on a carr iage running back and for th paral le l to the

t ra in t rack.

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8.4.2 The arm shal l be ra ised to clear the movem ent of wagons and locom ot ives dur in g reversing back

of pos i t ioner car r iage and sha l l be lowered fo r engag ing the head o f the arm wi th the wagon

coup ler for index strokes.

8.4.3 The arm shall be ra ised and lower ed by m eans of hydraul ic cyl ind er m oun ted on the carr iage.

Sui table means shal l be provided to prevent damage to the arms should the arm be accidental ly

lowered in to the s ide o f w agon.

8.4.4 The arm shall be of robu st construct ion ei ther of cast steel or of heavy dut y fabr icated steel for

the requ i red duty .

8.4.5 The construct ion of th e head assemb ly of th e push arm shal l be such that no damage is suff ered

by the couplers of wagons and engagement of arm over the coupl ing assembly as wel l as

tran sm ittan ce of ind exing forces to accelerate, run and d ecelerate th e tra in dur ing the posit io ning

cycle shall be very smoo th .

8.4.6 The carr iage fram e shal l be a sui tab le fabr icat ion assem bly of large proport ions m assive enough

in st rength and r igid i ty fo r th e requ i red duty .

8.5 Trave l Carriage Drive System

8.5.1 The travel carr iage w ith push arm shal l be propel led to and fro, paral le l to tr a in track throu gh

hydrau l ic mo tor d r iv ing throu gh a gear box and EHT brake.

8.5.2 The rat ing of the dr ive equip m ent and its character ist ics shal l m atch with ind exing forces required

to b e exerted in varying amo unt s depend ing upon t ra in dynam ics and t o sui t hau lage of 58 wagon

loaded rake.

8.5.3 The travel carr iage shal l r ide on vert ical bear ing wheels and w i l l be guided by hor izont al bear ing

w hee ls by su i tab ly t ransm i t t ing the th rust load f rom the po si t ioned arm t o the found at ion . The

w heels/ ro l lers shal l be o f for ged steel and shal l run on th e ra i ls suppo rted over t he RCC pedestal .

8 .5 .4 Cush ioned em ergency bum pers (bu f fe rs) sha l l be prov ided a t the fo rward and re turn end o f

carr iage travel run for protect ion. These shal l be designed to arrest the machine without undue

shock in case th e m achine exceeds its extrem it ies because of any m al-operat ion.



Quant i ty : 1 (One) no

No. o f wagons to be hand led By

each side arm charger at a t im e : 58

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No. o f t ips by wagon t ipp le r : 20 (min . ) per hour (guaranteed)

: 25 per Hou r (designed)


Arm : Robust construct ion ei ther of cast steel or heavy du ty fabr icated steel .

Arm Drive : Hydrau l ic cyl inder

Carr iage Frame : Single fab rication assem b ly.

Travel Carr iage drive

M o to r : Hyd rau l ic

Travel brake : Integral part of hydraul ic m ot or

Bear ings for sheaves : Ant i fr ict ion bear ings.


10.1   GENERAL

Apron feeders complete wi th a l l accessor ies shal l be furnished for wagon t ippler hoppers as

speci f ied.


The design, manufacture, inspection and test ing of apron feeders shal l comply wi th a l l the

current ly appl icable stat ut es, regulat ions and safety codes in th e local i ty w here th e equipm ent is

to be instal led. The apron feeders shal l conform to t he latest edi t ion o f th e standard s and codes.

Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher performance

than tho se specif ied, shal l a lso b e accepted . Not hing in th is speci f icat ion shal l be construct ed t o

rel ieve the contractor of the required statutory responsibi l i ty. In case of any confl ict in the

standard and t h is speci f icat ion , the d ecision of th e Engineer shall be f inal and b inding.


Apron feeders shal l be of r obu st con stru ct ion & designed f or h andl ing ROM coal as speci f ied and

w itho ut any choking part icular ly dur ing ra iny season w hen coal is st icking. A dr ib le conveyor shall

be provided for proper clean up. The pan and chain shal l be of proven design and shal l be withadequate factor o f sa fe ty .


The f ram e sha l l be m anufactured f ro m ro l led s tee l sect ion w e lded and bo l ted together to fo rm a

r ig id stru cture. The ro l ler shal l be li fe t im e lubr icated and shal l be m anufactu red from al loy steel .

The chain Link shall be fo rged steel. Pins and ro llers shall be of ha rdene d steel. The chain l ink shall

be bo l ted to the pans. Apron/pan sha l l be o f su i tab le t h ickness wh ich sha l l be constructed ou t o f

fabr icated MS with wear resistant l iner p late or special a l loy steel wi thout any l iner p late for the

duty requ i rement . The pan wou ld be f i t ted d i rect ly to the cha in a t tachm ent . The head and ta i l

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end shal l be of sturdy steel construct ion sui tably st i f fened. The sprocket shal l be made of cast

al loy steel wi th case hardened teeth or forged steel . The tract ion wheel shal l be made of cast

steel wi th case hardened surface. Tensioning arrangement w i th suff ic ient t ravel shal l be provided

for t he ten sioning of the chain . Com plete d r ibble bel t system consist ing of h ead pul ley, ta i l pul ley,dr ive, m ot or, str ingers, deck plates etc. shal l be pro vided.


Capacity (TPH) : 150 0 M TPH ( Design)

1200 M TPH ( Rated )

Angle of Instal lat ion : Hor izont al

Chain Link : Forged alloy Stee l

Apron pan : M S fabr icated w ith w ear resistant p late or special a l loy steel .

Tract ion w heel : Cast SteelRollers : Forged Alloy Steel

11.0 SIZER


A Sizer com plete w i th a l l accessor ies shal l be fu rnished in w agon t ipp ler com plex as speci f ied.


The design, m anufactu re, inspection and t est ing of a Sizer un i t shal l com ply w i th a l l th e current ly

appl icable statutes, regulat ions and safety codes in the local i ty where the equipment is to be

instal led. The Sizer shal l conform to the latest edi t ion of the standards and codes. Other

international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher performance than

th ose speci f ied, shal l a lso b e accepted . Noth ing in t h is speci f icat ion shall be con stru cted t o r e l ieve

the contractor o f t he r equ i red s tatu t ory responsib i l ity . In case o f any conf l i c t in t he s tandard and

th is specif icat ion, t he d ecision of the Engineer shal l be f inal and bind ing.


The faci l i ty shal l be provided w ith a tw in shaft coal low h ead room sizer uni t . The sizer uni t shal l

be capab le o f hand l ing up to 300mm size m ater ia l f rom the apron feeder d ischarge chute .

The rated capaci ty o f s izer shal l be 1200 TPH m inimum . The sizer shal l redu ce over size m ater ia l

w i thout caus ing undue degradat ion o f qua l i ty f rom ( - )300 m m to ( -) 100 mm product ion size . The

equ ipment sha l l be su i tab le fo r cont inuou s opera t ion and shal l be ab le to hand le w et m ater ia l.

The shaft Sizer shal l have tw o cont ra-rotat ing shafts having attached w ith t he appr opr iate sizing

teeth with scrol l arrangement. The sizer shal l be of extremely robust construct ion and of

adequate s t rength to wi thstand heavy duty opera t ion wi th genera t ion o f min imum f ines and

oversize. The teeth of the Sizer shal l be able to continuously agi tate scrol l in feed mater ia l to

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avoid jamming of Sizer due to wedging. The Sizer shal l be able to handle oversize mater ia l

wi thout any pre-screening. Undersize mater ia l shal l pass through the Sizer wi thout fur ther

degradation . The sizer shal l be designed to con tain the b reaking forces with in i ts own f ramew ork ,

and t r ansfers none o f t hese fo rces to th e suppor t ing st ructu re .

The sizer shal l be of low height, comp act d im ension and shal l be of l ighter w eight fo r easy & q uick

instal lat ion w ith m inimu m supp ort and avoid heavy civi l foundat ion. I t shal l a lso ensure less l i f t ing

height for d ischarge from dumpers/t ipping trucks for pr imary sizing. I t shal l be able to handle

st icky coal o r hard coal o r com binat ion o f b o th main ta in ing peak th roughput capaci ty .

The machine shall sta l l und er pre-set over loading si tuat ion and shall be saved from breakdo wn of

machine. In the event of sta l led si tuat ions resul t ing from foul ing by unbreakable foreign object,

recovery should be achieved simply by rotor reversal wi thout need to physical ly d ig out mater ia l

from the machine. The enti re mechanism shal l be protected by adequate safety measures.

Lubr icat ion of shaft bear ing assem bl ies shal l be via an auto m atic greasing system to

prevent contam inat ion .

The sizer shal l be dr iven by electr ic motor through hydraul ic f lu id coupl ings and reduction


The design and select ion of sizer shal l be such that i t can guarantee the speci f ied output of ( - )

100mm product size .

The in let o f t he sizer shal l be sui table sized to accom mo dat e occasional ly o ver size lum ps.


(i) Capacity : 150 0TPH ( Design)

: 1200 TPH ( Rated)

( i i ) Type : Low Head room tw in shaft s izer

(iii) M aterial Specificatio ns : ROM Coal

(iv) Hard Grove Index : 56-65

(v) M oisture Cont ent : 6 to 18%

(vi) Lump Size : (-) 300m m(vii) Product Size : (-) 100m m

(viii) Bull Density : 0.8t / m3

( ix) M ax Tem perature : 50o


(x) Relat ive Hum idity : 75%



Suitable Dr ive Chain Equipment’s l ike electr ic motors, gearboxes (where appl icable) , f lu id

coup l ings (where app l icable) , f lexib le coup l ings and o the r accessor ies shal l be p rovided for a l l the

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belt conveyor systems, wagon t ippler , s ide arm charger, apron feeders, var ious pumps of dust

suppression system , fans for venti lat ion system , mon orai l e lectr ical hoists and o th er equipm ent’s

specif ied in th is speci f icat ions. Var ious requirem ent s as spel t out in t he Technical Speci f icat ion s

for individual equipment’s shal l be taken into considerat ion whi le designing the associated dr ivecha in equ ipment ’s.


The design, manufacture, inspection and test ing of Dr ive Equipment shal l comply wi th a l l the

current ly appl icable stat ut es, regulat ions and safety codes in t he local i ty w here t he equipm ent in

to be insta l led . The Dr ive Equ ipment ’s sha l l conform to the la test ed i t ion o f the fo l lowing

standards and codes. Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or

higher performance than those, speci f ied, shal l a lso be accepted. Nothing in th is speci f icat ion

shall be constr ued to r e l ieve th e con tracto r of th e required statut ory responsibi li ty. In case of anyconfl ict in the standard and th is speci f icat ion, the decision of the Owner shal l be f inal and


IS:3688 : Dim ensions for shaft ends

IS:3681: General p lan f or spur & hel ical gears

IS:7403 : Code o f pract ice for select ion o f standard wo rm and h el ical gear boxes


12 .2.1 GEAR BOXES

12.2.2 Gear Boxes shal l be of sealed type and m oun ted on m achined or ground surfaces.

12.2.3 The gearboxes shal l be designed for 24 ho urs cont inuous dut y and gear boxes shal l have

appropr ia te th ermal ra t ing .

12.2.4 The gears used shal l be hel ical con form ing to IS:3681 (latest revision ) or w orm r eduction u ni ts or

spira l bevel speed reduct ion uni t s conf orm ing to sui table Indian Standa rds. The dimen sion s of t he

shaft end shal l conform to IS:3688 or i ts latest revision . Above 40 kW dr ive rat ing, a l l gearboxes

shall be he l ical or be vel hel ical typ e only.

12.2.5 Recom m ended oi l grade shal l be comp atib le w i th gear int ernals l ike m ater ia l of bear ing, cages.Furt her, a l l gearboxes shal l have sui table b reather p lugs, d ipst ick, drain p lug etc.


12.3.1 Flexible / Rigid Cou plings

Approved type o f coup l ings sha l l be used fo r power t ransmiss ion depend ing upon duty

requirements. The design of the coupl ing shal l be such that i t can take shock and misal ignment

w itho ut sacr i f ic ing i ts eff ic iency. Geared t ype f lexib le coupl ing shal l be used on low speed side for

al l conveyors and other dr ive chains where gear box is provided. Other coupl ings in the dr ive

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chains shal l be ei ther r ig id or f lexib le typ e, depend ing upon th e requirem ent of equ ipm ent design

and shal l be f inal ized du r ing detai led engineer ing.

12.3.2 Fluid Couplings

Fluid coupl ings shal l be prov ided in a l l the d r ive machinery fo r w agon t ipplers & associated b el t

conveyor system s if the actua l pow er requ i rem ent a t m oto r ou tp ut shaf t i s m ore than 40 kW . The

flu id coupl ing for LT motors shal l be of tract ion type. Cool ing water coi ls for tract ion type f lu id

coupl ing shal l not be accepted. Scoop tube type f lu id coupl ing shal l be provided for conveyors

with HT motors. Sui table electr ical ly operated actuators shal l be provided for scoop tube

operat ion from local as wel l as remote. Sui table provision for a l ternate manual operat ion shal l

a lso be kept. Separate pump with motor shal l necessar i ly be provided for ci rculat ing the f lu id

coupl ing oi l through oi l cooler . Independent arrangement for forced cool ing water supply using

2X100% capaci ty pumps to oi l cooler shal l be provided by Contractor. Sui table inter lock usingf low swi tches sha l l be prov ided in bo th o i l as we l l as water l ines to t r ip th e dr ive mot or in th e

event of f low in e i th er l ines fal l ing below / accept able levels. Sui tab le pressure indicators and f low

indicator s shal l be pro vided in t he cool ing w ater l ines along w ith a l l- re levant valves, str a iners and

accessor ies. Necessary isolat ion valves shal l be pro vided in t he o i l / w ater l ine for ma intenance of

any equipm ent in t he l ine. Necessary inter lock shal l a lso be pro vided so th at t he HT mo to r cannot

be s tar ted f rom remo te / loca l un less pos it ion o f scoop t ube perm i ts no load s tar t o f th e mo tor .

Tr ipp ing o f downstream equ ipment wh i le the system is under normal opera t ion sha l l resu l t in

scoop tube re-posi t ion ing to perm i t no load run o f the concerned HT mo tor . Temp era ture sw i tch

shal l be provided in the oi l c i rcui t and shal l tr ip the system in case of h igh oi l temperature.

Select ion of rat ing & speed of actuator for scoop type f lu id coupl ing shal l be made taking intocons idera t ion the coast ing t ime o f downstream and upstream conveyors and the

engagement/d isengagement t ime achievable. The scoop tube operat ion must be such so to

ensure qu ick dra in ing out o f o i l f rom the opera t ing c i rcu i t , by prov id ing a doub le speed m oto r .


12.4.1 Cont inuou s M oto r Rating (Nam e Plate Rating) at 50 Degree Centigrade Amb ient tem p. for

Elect r ic M otors


For conveyor s of bel t con veyor system s and bel t fo r In l ine m agnet ic separator : *1 20% ofactua l power a t d r ive m oto r ou tput shaf t a t speci f ied des ign capaci ty

b )  W T, SAC, apron feeders: * 110% of actua l pow er requ i rement a t d r ive mot or ou t put shaf t

at guaranteed (rated) capaci ty.

c)  M on o-rai l hoists (travel and ho ist ing), var ious pum ps of DS system s, service wat er

systems, cool ing water system, potable water system and sump pumps: *110% of actual

pow er requ i rement a t d r ive moto r ou tpu t shaf t a t guaranteed ( ra ted) capacity .

d )  Vent i la t ion Fans: *110% of actua l power requ i rement a t d r ive motor ou tput shaf t a t

guaranteed (rated) capaci ty. In case of b el t d r ive, th e eff ic iency of t ransm ission shal l be

considered as 95%.

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* The actua l pow er at dr ive mo tor ou tpu t shaft shal l be calculated aft er consider ing a l l th e losses 

o f do w n the l ine equ ipment ’s o f the d r ive t ra in .

1.0 Dr ive Equipm ent Ratinga) For Conve yors : 120% of actual d esign requirem ent

b) Oth er Equipm ent 1 x 100 % duty : 120% of actual design requ iremen t

c) Oth er Equ ipm ent 2 x 50 % dut y: 110 % of actual design requirem ent


2.1.0 Gear Box

2.1.1 Type

(a) Below 40 KW : Hel ical , w orm , bevel as per requirem ent w i tho ut coo l ing coi l

(b) Above 40 KW: Hel ical / bevel hel ical wi t hou t cool ing coi l

2.1.2 Service Factor: As per accepted engineer ing pract ice / m anufactur er 's recomm endation s

2.1 .3 Amb ient tem pera ture fo r Thermal ra t ing : 50o C M in imum

2.1 .4 M ount ing: On M ach ined/ Ground Sur faces

2.1.5 Output Rating:

a) For b el t conveyor system s @ Service factor X {1.2 t im es th e actual pow er requirem ent

at d r ive pul ley shaft at design capaci ty}

b) For o t her equ ipm ent @ Serv ice factor X {1 .2 t imes the actua l power requ i rement o f

the dr iven equ ipm ent }

@ Service factor shal l include al l the components considered by the suppl ier and should be

clear ly ind icated in m anufactu rer ’s gear bo x select ion catalogues.

2.1.6 Duty : 24 Hrs. Cont inuou s

2.2.0 Flexible Coup lings:

2.2.1 Type: Geared capaci ty.

2.2.2 Rating: Not less th an mo to r rat ing.

2.3.0 Flu id Cou pl ings: For a l l m oto rs having rat ing mo re th an 40 KW .

2.3.1 Type

(a) L.T. M ot ors: Tract ion t ype

(b) H.T. mot ors: Scoop t ube t ype.

2 .3 .2 Rat ing : Not less than mo tor ra t ing



An E. O. T. crane complete wi th a l l accessor ies shal l be furnished for maintenance at wagon

t ipp ler h ouse.

The design, manufactu re, supp ly erect ion and com m ission ing of EOT crane comp lying with a l l th e

current ly appl icable statu tes, regulat ions and safety codes in th e locali ty w here th e equipm ent is

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to be instal led. The EOT crane shal l conform to the latest edi t ion of the standards and codes.

Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which insure equal or h igher performance

than those speci f ied, shal l a lso be accepted. Nothing in th is speci f icat ion shal l be construed to

rel ieve the contractor of the required statutory responsibi l i ty. In case of any confl ict in thestandard and th is speci f icat ion , the d ecision o f t he Engineer shal l be f inal and binding.


The crane shal l be general ly of box type double girder construct ion and shal l designed for

appropr iate class of duty in accordance with BSS: 466/1960 and or IS:3177 to meet the

insta l la t ion and main tenance o f wagon t ipp le r and th e assoc iated equ ipm ent .

The br idge shou ld comp r ise o f tw o main g i rders w i th tw o o ut r iggers and th e end car r iage bu i lt

up from mi ld steel channel wi th adequate diaphragms or st i f f ing plates. Each br idge girder shal lbe fabr ica ted and d ispatched w i thout any sp l iced jo in ts .

Box Girder & End carr iage jo int s shal l preferably have f i t b ol ts. For a l l bol ted jo int s the ho les are

to be dr i l led and ream ed and bo l ts are to b e fo rce f it t ed .

Hand ra i ling sha l l be f i t ted o n bot h sides o f t he end car r iages and t h roughout the length o f t he

platfo rm (height of 1.1m ) paralle l to g irder. Size of th e hand rai l shal l be not less th an 25 m m b ore

heavy gauge steel p ipe. The vert ical p ipes shal l have f langes at the bottom for proper support.

Sui tab le hand rai ling should be p rovided on Cross Travel Trol ley also.

Al l Rot at ing parts & Overhang parts shal l be provided w ith sui table guard.

The end carr iages shal l be of approved design, wi th L type Brackets of substantia l construct ion

and am ple st i f fness bui l t u p of m i ld steel sect io ns securely welded.

The end car r iages o f the crane are to be mounted on doub le f langed whee ls o f approved

diam eter in accordance w ith IS: 3177. Numb er of w heels on each side o f the crane shall be 2 Nos

(Total 4 Nos in the Crane for Long Travel motion) The Wheel shal l be of forged steel having

composi t ion as Cr 55 Mn 75 (EN 9) hardened to 300-350 BHN wi th min imum depth 10mm

confi rming SAE 1055 / IS 1570 & shal l be f i t ted with ro l ler bear ings with dust proof seals. For

lubr icat ion , Grease nipples shal l be pro vided at convenient point s.

Twin d r ive system to b e adopt ed for Long Travel of E. O. T. in th e bay.

One w hee l in each car r iage is to be dr iven by fo rged s tee l gears th rough a mo tor mou nted on or

adjacent t o t he carr iage.

Long travel mechanism shal l be provided with, a thruster brake on each individual dr ive of the

track wheels. These brakes shal l be such that i t can be operated from both the control desk as

wel l as remote control . The brakes shal l be of post type with h inged shoes, l ined with good

qua l ity re in forced bond ed brake l in ing and su itab le fo r easy o f ad justm ent o f t he w ear on l in ing.

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An independent add i t iona l m ech. / e lect r ica l operat ing brake are to be pro v ided w i th LT m ot ion

to stop the crane im media te ly in case o f po wer fa i lu re .



13.3.1 Safe Wo rking Load: M ain Hoist - 25T

13.3.2 Safe Wo rking Load : Aux. Hoist - 5T

13.3.3 Duty as per I .S.3177 (Latest Amend m ent)


(a) M ain ho ist Ho ist ing / Low er ing - 6 M / M in

(b) Aux. Ho ist Ho ist ing / Low er ing - 8 M / M in(c) Cross Traverse (CT) Forw ard/ reverse - 10 M / M in

(d) Long Travel (LT) Left / Right - 30 M / M in

13.3.5 (a) Nor m al Span: Actual span & ot her d im ensions as required as per structu ral steel shed

of w agon t ipp ler sha ll be eva lua ted by the b idder and conf i rm ed in th e b id .

13.3.6 (b) Rai l Cent er to Center : Bidd er to con fi rm

13.3.7 Gantry Rai l height s above f loor level : Bidder to confi rm

13.3.8 Hook l i f t above f loo r level to be provided: Bidder to confi rm d epending upon actual site

cond i t ion

13.3.9 Type of Hook - Shank type13.3.10 Avai lable head height above rai l top : to be confi rm ed by Bidder

13.3.11 Avai lable side clearance from gant ry ra i l center: Bidder t o conf i rm

13.3.12 Location

W agon t ipp le r shed, Bay Length & W id th : B idder to conf i rm

13.3.13 Electric po w er supp ly - 415 Vo lt, 3 Phase, 50 HZ A.C. Sup ply

13.3.14 Gant ry ra i l size - Bidder t o conf i rm .



Suitable handl ing arrangements shal l be provided for a l l equipment’s included in Contractor ’s

scope to t ransfer the equ ipment t o m ain tenance area wi th in the bu i ld ing and/ or to t ransfer the

equ ipment ou ts ide the bu i ld ing upto ground leve l fo r fu r ther t ranspor ta t ion by the Owner . For

th is purp ose Cont racto r shal l provide m ono rai ls and ho ist b locks w ith cross travel faci li ty.


The design, m anufactu re, inspection and test ing of M ono rai ls and Hoists shal l com ply w i th a l l the

current ly appl icable stat ut es, regulat ions and safety codes in th e locali ty w here th e equipm ent is

to be insta l led . The Monora i ls & Ho is ts sha l l conform to the la test ed i t ion o f the fo l lowing

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standards & codes. Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or

higher perf orm ance than tho se specif ied, shall a lso b e accept ed. Noth ing in th is specif icat ion shal l

be construed to re l ieve the contractor of the required statutory responsibi l i ty. In case of any

confl ict in the standard and th is speci f icat ion, the decision of the Owner shal l be f inal andbinding.

  IS:3938 : Specificat ion for Electric W ire Rope Hoist

  IS:3832 : Chain pu lley blocks

  IS:2429 : Round steel sho rt l ink chain

  IS:6216 :Sho rt l ink chain grad e 80

  IS:8610 :Poin ts hook s wit h shank for general engineer ing purpo ses

  IS:21 0 : Cast Iro n Castings


14.2 .1 For th e Ho ists wi th m ore than 2 .0 tonne l i f t ing capacity o r mo re than 10.0 M l if t , w i th t he

except ion o f ho is ts fo r GTU and b end pu l leys m oto r opera ted h o ist b locks fo r bo th long t rave l and

l i f t shal l be provided. Other hoist b locks shal l be of hand operated type for both travel and l i f t .

For hoists for GTU’s and bend pu l leys clause no. 1.02.18 shal l be referred to. Al l m ono rai ls com ing

out of the bui ld ings shal l be provided with e lectr ic hoist b locks, i r respective of load and l i f t .

M in imum 3 m eter length o f Cant i lever sha l l be prov ided in m onora i ls coming out o f th e bu i ld ing

to lower the equ ipment to ground leve l clear ing th e bu i ld ing sidewal ls and any o th er fac i li t ies

beneath th e f loor up to ground leve l.

14 .2 .2 The exact l i f t / t rave l and the number o f the ho is t ing mechan isms and the mode o f l i f t ing

equ ipment ’s to var ious f loors o f the bu i ld ings sha l l be as decided by the O wner a t the t ime o f

detai led engineer ing. Use of single hoist shal l be avoided fo r handl ing mo re than o ne equipm ent .

Clear height shal l be maintained when handl ing one equipment over other, in such case

d ismant l ing o f any equ ipment sha l l no t be permi t ted . The center l ine o f monora i l sha l l no t

dev ia te by more than 500 mm from the center o f g rav i ty o f any equ ipment tha t is to be l i f ted .

Cont ractor sha l l take c lear no t e o f the fact tha t the nu mb er and m onora i l ho ist ing system s sha l l

a lso be dec ided cons ider ing the movement o f the equ ipment be ing l i f ted over /by the s ide o f

other equipment’s wi thout removing the later . The necessary levels of f loors in var ious bui ld ings

shall be decided consider ing the above requ iremen t.

14 .2 .3 M onora i ls sha l l be extended outs ide the bu i ld ing to hand le the equ ipm ent to ground leve l. For

monorai l /hoist routed inside the bui ld ings, sui table machinery wel l and removable handrai l ing

and grat ing shal l be provided on var ious f loors of bui ld ings, as necessary, to handle the

equ ipmen t .

14.2.4 Electr ical ly operated m ono girder type hoists shal l consist of fo l low ing m ajor com pon ents.

a)   Electr ica l ly opera ted t ro l ley comple te wi th dr ive motor (Tro l ley t rave l speed maximum 15

m / m i n . ) .

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b )  Hoist cable, hoist ing block and hooks complete wi th dr ive motor (Hoist ing speed maximum

6m/min . ) .

c)  Limi t sw i tch t o prevent o verho ist ing , over lower ing and over t rave l.

d )  Festoon ar rangement o f feed ing power to t ro l ley assemb ly .e)   Erection hardware.

f )  Pendent contro l s ta t ion suspended f rom ho ist .

g)  Contro l Pane l moun ted on wa l l .

14.2.5 The electr ic hoist shal l be designed and con structed in accord ance with t he latest revision of

IS:3938 and shal l be sui tab le fo r du ty class 2.

14.2.6 For e lectr ic hoists, tro l ley m ovem ent and hoist ing shal l be effected by using tw o separate mo tors.

M ot ors shal l be as per t echnical requirem ent s discussed elsew here. How ever the m oto rs shal l be

sui table for 15 0 star ts per ho ur at 40% CDF.

14.2.7 Trol ley for m ot or ized / m anual cross travel shal l be designed to accomm odat e a wide range of I

beam s and shal l be capable of t ravel ling on stra ight as wel l as curved mo no rai ls w i th th e design

be ing such to main ta in un i fo rm d ist r ibu t ion o f p ressure on the f langes.

14.2.8 M ot or operat ed geared tro l ley shal l have tw o (2) pairs of w heels, one pair of w hich shal l be

d r i ven th rough m o to r .

14 .2 .9 W ire rope sha l l be o f p re- fo rm ed type, hemp cored, regu lar lay 6 /36 construct ion w i th a break ing

strength o f 160 -175 kg f / sq . m m . Reverse bend o f ropes is no t acceptab le . M in imum num ber o f

fa l ls of r ope shal l be fou r (4) .

14.2.10 Al l gears and pin ions shal l be of hardened and tempered steel wi th machine cut teeth in metr ic

m odu les. Surface hard ening of steel is not acceptable.

14.2.11 All runn ing shaft s and w heels shal l be f i t t ed w ith r o l ler bear ings w ith a rat ed l i fe not less than 20

years based on eq uivalent ru nning t ime as per IS:3938.

14.2.12 An electrom echanical brake shal l provided for hoist ing as wel l as cross travel. Brake l in ing shal l be

of asbestos.

14.2.13 Cast i ron p arts, wh erever used, shal l be of m inimu m grade 30, IS:210.

14.2.14Al l chain pul ley blocks shal l be designed to IS:3832, the operat ing hand chain shal l conform to

IS:2429 grade 30 pi t ched and pol ished and t he load chain to IS:6216 grade 80. The chain p ul ley

block shall be sui table for dut y class 2. Hooks shal l be as per IS: 8610 & w ith ant i fr ict ion b ear ing

fo r bo t tom look.

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14.2.15 All hoists/ chain pul ley blocks shal l be selected to have m inimu m h eadroom and shal l be selected

to l if t heav iest p iece o f equ ipment . Fur th er , it sha l l be possib le to hand le any equ ipmen t w i thout

d istu rb ing o ther equ ipment .

14.2.16 The hand chain wheels shal l be of cast steel , the wheels shal l be with f langes and designed to

ensure effect ive operat ion of hand chain. Further, sui table local brake shal l be provided as per

IS:3832 t o arre st and sustain loads in a l l w ork ing posi t ions.

14.2.17 The veloci ty rates, effor t on chain required to ra ise the safe working load and travel and speed

shall be w ith in th e l imi t speci f ied in IS:3832. Proo f load t est shal l be carr ied ou t as per IS:3832.

Balance requ iremen ts shal l be as discussed in ear l ier clauses perta in ing t o e lectr ic hoists.

14.2.18 Hoist for Gravi ty Take up arrangem ent and b end pul ley.

For handl ing bend pul ley, take-up pul ley and counter weights fo l lowing hoist ing arrangement

shall be prov ided:

(1 ) For handl ing bend pul leys, hooks of adequate capaci ty shal l be provided at the top of gal lery.

Further minimum four (4) nos. manual ly operated chain pul ley blocks of adequate capaci ty shal l

a lso be pro vided for t he ent i re coal handl ing plant f or hand l ing bend pu l leys.

(2 ) For handl ing take-up pul leys, manual hoist a long with mono rai l beam of adequate capaci ty

having cross travel , arrangement shal l be provided at bottom of gal lery to handle take-up pul ley

on ly of conveyors.

(3 ) For handl ing take-up weight, a separate manual hoist wi th mono rai l beam of adequate capaci ty

shal l be provided to hold complete counter weight ( inclusive of a l l counter weight b locks). This

ho ist sha ll be pr ov ided fo r ho ld ing th e counter w e ight and sha ll be located in the zone o f counter

w e ight t rave l.


14.3.1 The ho ist m echanism shal l consist of a grooved rop e drum dr iven by electr ic mo tor t hrou gh gears.

Each end of the rope shal l be anchored to the drum in such a way as the anchorage is readi ly

avai lable for maintenance. Each rope shal l have not more than two (2) fu l l turns of the drum

when the hook is at i ts lowest posi t ion and one (1) spare groove when the hook is at i ts h ighestpo si t ion . The leading rope taken b y th e drum shou ld not slope sidew ays wh en slack and i t shou ld

not b e caught be tw een the gear whee l .

14.3.2 Rope drum , gear box, b lock etc. shou ld be fabr icated ou t of w eldable qual i ty steel .

14.3.3 Trol ley wheels shall be of single f lange typ e in the taper tr eads. The wh eels shal l be moun ted on

anti fr ict ion bear ings and shal l be easily remo vable for repair / replacement .

14.3.4 The load hook shal l be swivel ing typ e forged circular shank sect ion and shal l confi rm to IS:8610.

14.3.5 All gears and bear ings shall be lubr icated by grease. All lu br icating poin ts shall be group ed

to gether in easi ly accessible po si t ion.

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14.3.6 The bo tto m b lock shal l be of enclosed typ e and shal l have guard against rope jamm ing in norm al

use. It shal l have standard f orged swivel shank h ook f i t t ed on anti fr ict io n t hru st b ear ing. Lock to

prevent hook f rom ro ta t ion and lock ing ar rangement to prevent acc identa l un lock ing sha l l beprov ided. Pu l ley o f t he bot tom b lock sha l l be prov ided w i th an t i f r ic t ion b ear ings.

14.3.7 Al l parts requir ing replacement/ inspection/ lubr icat ion shal l be accessible wi thout need for

d ismant l ing o f o ther par ts /s t ructures.

14.3.8 Al l com pon ent s of hoists of identical capaci ty and duty shal l be interchangeable.

14.3.9 Hoists shal l have permanen t inscr ipt ion in Engl ish on each side readi ly recognizable from f loor

level stat ing safe w orking load.

14.3 .10 Pendant sha ll be p rov ided w i th f lourscent up / dow n/ fo rw ard / reverse t ravel push but t ons and

indicat ing lamps. I ts pow er supply shal l be l imi t ed t o 24V AC.

14.3.11 The cont rol panel shal l be wal l mo unt ed type & easi ly appro achable from th e f loor by a stand ing

m a n .

14.3 .12 For Inspect ion / m a in tenance o f ho ist com ponents a f ixed p la t fo rm (o f m in 1 .5 x 1 .5m) w i th

ladder shal l be pro vided fo r each hoist.

14.3.13 Each in l ine m agnetic separato r shal l have independent mo tor ised ho ist for i ts handl ing /

maintenance purpose. Each suspended magnet shal l a lso be provided with a dedicated electr ic




1.1 Fun ctional Requirem ent : To transfer equipm ent’s to m aintenance area or ou tside th e

bui ld ing.


2.1.0 Hoists

2.1.1 Dr ive

( i) M ore than 2 .0 tonn e or mo re than 10.0 m li f t o r ho ists com ing out-s ide the

bu i ld ings: M oto r d r iven fo r bo th t rave l & l if t .

( i i) Oth er hoists including th e ho ists for handl ing takeup pul ley and takeup w eight :

M anua l fo r bo th t r ave l & l i f t .

2 .1 .2 M aximu m t ro l ley t rave l speed fo r e lect r ic ho ists : 15m/ m in

2.1 .3 M axim um Hoist ing speed fo r e lect r ic ho ists : 6 m /m in

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2.1.4 Dr ive M ot ors: SQIM , Separate for travel & li f t

2 .1 .5 No. o f sta r ts fo r d r ive mo tor : 150 star ts /h r a t 40% CDF

2.1.6 W ire Rope

( i) Type/ Constru ct ion: Pre-form ed typ e, hem p cored, regular lay 6/36 con stru ct ion( i i) Breaking Stren gth: 160-175 kgf/ sq. m m

2.1.7 Bearing

(i) Type: Ball/Roller bearing

(i i) Life: 20 years

2.1.8 Brake: Electro M echanical typ e w ith asbestos l in ing.

2.1.9 Load Hook: Sw ivel ing type forged circular shank sect ion.

2.1.10 Dut y: Class –2

2.2 .0 M onora i l locat ion / layout

2.2.1 Cro ss section I beam

2.2 .2 Distance betw een C/ L o f mono ra il & C.G. o f equ ipment to be l if ted M axim um 500 mm

2.2.3 Pow er Cables Supp ort Festoon typ e arrangemen t

2.3.0 M anual Hoists

2 .3 .1 M aximu m manua l e f fo r t fo r opera t ion . 30 Kg


15.1   GENERAL

Chutes & Hoppers, f lap gates and shal l be furnished integral wi th coal handl ing system being

supplied. All necessary accessories, electricals etc. shall be provided to ensure proper

f low /s torage/b i fu rca t ion o f coal as per system requ i rem ents.


The design, manufacture, inspection and test ing of Chutes & Hoppers shal l comply wi th a l l the

current ly appl icable statu tes, regulat ions and safety codes in th e locali ty w here th e equipm ent is

to b e instal led. The chut es, hopp ers shal l confo rm to t he latest edi t ion of t he fo l low ing standard s

and codes. Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher

performance than those speci f ied, shal l a lso be accepted. Nothing in th is speci f icat ion shal l be

construed t o re l ieve the ,contracto r of th e required statut ory responsibi l ity. In case of any confl ict

in th e standard and th is speci f icat ion , th e decision o f th e Own er shal l be f inal and b inding.

  IS:4682 :Cod e of pract ice for l in ing of vessels and equ ipm ent for chem ical pro cesses.

  IS:226 : Str uctu ral Stee l (Stan dard Qualit y)

  IS:11592 : Code o f p ract ice for select ion and design o f Bel t Conveyors.

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15.2.1 Chut es, Hoppers

15.2.2 The m inimu m val ley angle of chute s shal l be 60 degrees fro m ho r izont al .

15.2.3 Transfer chut es shal l be adequately sized and sloped to ensure sm oot h f low o f coal w i tho ut any

accum ula t ion anywh ere .

15.2 .4 Com ple te chute w ork above the dr ive f loor fo r conveyors prov ided w i th ‘ In - line be l t magnet ic

separators’ shal l be of 10 m m th ick SS - 304 in th e zone of m agnetic f ie ld.

15.2.5 Direct impact of m ater ia l on conveyo r bel t shal l be avoided by provid ing an incl ined surface at 60

degrees va l ley ang le a t the feed ing po in t to gu ide the mater ia l in the d i rect ion o f be l t t rave l .

Fur ther , chute construct ion be low f lap gate shaf t sha l l be such tha t there wi l l no t be anyaccum ula t ion o f coa l dust be tw een chute and f lap gate in th a t zone.

15.2.6 Hopp ers and Chut es shal l be m ade of m inimum 20 mm thick TISCRAL or equ ivalent m ater ia l .

How ever , Contractor to subm i t t est cer t i f ica tes sta t ing com posit ion o f m ater ia l and m echan ica l

propert ies of these wear resistant steel to the Owner dur ing detai l engineer ing. Long chutes

guiding f low from considerable height shal l be provided with impact p lates wherever change in

direct ion of f low takes place. Hinged inspection doors (generously sized) of leak proof

construct ion shal l be provided for access/ maintenance purpose, at approachable heights for

chut es and f lap gates. Al l chut es shou ld have one inspection doo r at every f loor and f or th e ones

in be t w een the f loors (more th en 1 .5 m eter above the opera t ing f loor leve l) su i tab le access fo rt ro ub le f ree m ain tenance sha l l be prov ided. M aximu m d istance between tw o inspect ion doors in

a chute shal l be 2 mtrs. For seal ing of inspection doors labyr inth type arrangement (wi th rubber

inserted in grooves) to be provided. In addi t ion to posi t ive locking arrangement, mounting bol ts,

to t igh ten th e door fu r th er aga inst rubber sha ll a lso b e prov ided.

15.2 .7 Bot tom side o f the chutes on w h ich t he coa l sl ides sha l l be w e lded to the s ide p la tes to fo rm a

trough. Bottom sides along with i ts adjacent sides shal l be f langed and made from TISCRAL or

equivalent mater ia l of 20 mm thickness. The non-str ik ing surface i .e. the covers of the trough

shal l be o f 10 m m th ick mi ld s tee l and bo l ted to the f lange prov ided on t he t rou gh. Ins ide w e ld ing

shal l be prov ided in the corners fo r perm anent seal ing. Fur t her , the chut e boxes not m ore th an1.5 m in length shal l be jo ined th rough bol t ed f lange connection t o for m the chut e legs. Adequat e

care shal l be taken to locate the f lange jo int away from f loor level for easy maintenance. Bol ted

f lange jo ints shal l be of d ust t ight construct ion and necessary seal ing mat er ia l shal l be provid ed in

al l the f lange connections for adequate seal ing. Complete chute work in the region of f lap gates

shall be fabr icated f rom 20 t hk TISCRAL or equivalent. In case of vert ical chute (val ley angle m ore

than 80 degree) complete chute, work shal l be of 20 mm thick TISCRAL or equivalent mater ia l .

Whi le f inal is ing the chute work inside the bui ld ing, arrangement for shi f t ing and replacing chute

legs, proper handl ing arrangement/wal l openings, tro l leys, hoists shal l a lso be provided. Whi le

fabr icat ing the chut e, the consti tuen t p late s used shal l be in one piece. No w elds in betw een shal l

be al low ed. In th e zones of d irect im pact due to Coal tra jectory , w ear resistant backing plate w i th

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st i f fners shal l be provided in coal f low chutes. Simi lar backing plates & st i f fening arrangement

shall a lso b e provid ed on th e chut e surfaces having direct coal fa l l .

15.2.8 Hood s over the conveyor head pu l leys shal l be mad e of sui tably st i f f ened m inimu m 4 m m M .S.Plates and shal l be provided with h inged and gasketed inspection doors wi th sui table access to

them. Further, serrated rubber seal shal l a lso be provided at the very in let of head chute to

m inim ise dust nuisance.

15.2.9 Separate m aintenance sealed door shal l be pro vided for access to b el t c leaner s in head pul ley

hood impact p lates, f lap gates for maintenance and inspection doors shal l be of h inged with

po si t ive locking f acil i ty.

15.3. Skirt Boards

15.3.1 Skir t b oard shal l ensure cent ral ised loading of conveyor bel t t o avoid coal spi llage. Sui table ‘Skir t

Plates’ of minimum 3.0 meters length shal l be provided at each feeding point of conveyor. The

wid th o f the Sk i r t Boards sha l l be two- th i rd the conveyor be l t w id th . In the be l ts be fore S izer

House where coal of appreciable lump size (250 mm) is being conveyed, the gap between the

bot t om o f t he sk ir t b oard and the be l t sha l l be m ade to increase un i fo rm ly in t he d i rect ion o f be l t

travel . The height of the skir t boards shal l be suff ic ient to contain the mater ia l volume as i t is

loaded on th e bel t and shal l not be less than 750 m m . The skir t p lates shal l be f i t ted w ith m odu lar

segmented and replaceable rubber skir t ing pads having faci l i ty of adjust ing the pressure on the

bel t conveyor and shal l have provision of on l ine removal for the purpose of easy maintenance.

Such segm ented rubb er pads wi th i ts ho ld ing dow n ad justm ent a r rangem ents sha l l be o f p rovendesign. The edges of segm ented pads shal l be in stal led at an angle for provid ing a b ett er seal. Al l

care sha l l be taken w h i le des ign ing , to combine good sea ling wi th m in imum be l t w ear .

15.4 Flap Gates

15.4.1 The mo to r operat ed 2 posit ion f lap gates shal l be pro vided in tran sfer chut es as speci f ied and

shall be com plete w i th e lectr ical ly op erated actuato rs. The gates shal l be of rob ust construct ion

and su i tab le fo r t roub le f ree opera t ion . The face o f the f lap gate sha l l be made out o f 20 mm

t hick TISCRAL or equ ivalent m ate rial.

15.4.2 The equ ipm ent shal l be capable of being operated fo r at least 15 sw itchings per hou r at rated

load and t hrust and shal l be sui tab le for 10 No s. consecutive switch ings at rated load and th rust.

The equ ipm ent shal l be shop t ested to p rove th is requ i rem ent .

15 .4 .3 The m oto r ra t ing fo r the actuato r sha l l be so se lected as to p rov ide su f f ic ien t t h rust fo r op era t ion

of t he f lop gat es against th e m oving w eight of coal and/ or f lap gate. The f lap gate tr avel shal l be

in th e range o f 60 deg. to 70 deg. The mot or sha ll be comp le te ly dust t igh t .

15 .4 .4 Lever arm sha l l be prov ided betw een actuator and f lap gate shaf t fo r o b ta in ing requ i red th rust .

The l inkage m echanism prop osed shal l be indicated in th e Bid.

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15.4.5 The actuato rs shal l be capable of prevent ing any over travel . Sui table t ravel dependent l imi t

switch es contr ol l ing the t ravel of th e f lop gates on ei ther d irect ion shal l be furn ished. These shal l

be placed internal to t he dr ive uni t and shall be comp letely dust-proof . The l im it switch es shal l becapab le o f ad justm ents to vary the t o ta l length o f t rave l o f th e gates.

15.4 .6 Su i tab le th rust dependent l im i t sw i tches sha l l be prov ided in the actuator , wh ich sha ll t r ip o f f th e

actuator motor in case of excessive thrust due to jamming of the gates dur ing i ts travel in e i ther

direct ion . The same shal l a lso be int egral to th e dr ive uni t and shall be dust pro of.

15.4.7 Prov ision for a l ternat ive manual operat ion shal l also be mad e using declutchable handw heel. The

diameter of handwheel shal l be selected consider ing convenient force to be appl ied by a single

opera tor . How ever , m in imum d iameter o f hand w hee l sha l l be 500 m m . Limi t swi tch fo r sa fe ty o f

person o pera t ing the hand w hee l sha l l be prov ided.

15.4 .8 A l l the t w o w ay chut es, one way o f wh ich is lead ing tow ards the fu tu re conveyor , sha l l be

prov ided w i th b l ind f lange and f lap gate w i th a prov ision to m ount an actuato r in fu tu re .

15.4.9 The Cont ractor shal l furn ish calculat ions for select ion of actu ator for each location fo r appr oval of

Owner .

15 .4 .10 Su i tab le st i f fen ing ar rangement sha l l be prov ided betw een the tw o faces o f the gate p la te . At t he

end o f the travel the to ta l length of edge of t he f lap gate shal l rest on a sui table pro jected surface

from chute t o prevent leakage o f coa l dust th rough the ava i lab le c learance betw een chute and

flap gate.

15.4 .11 M aximu m feasib le counterw e ights sha ll be p rov ided fo r b e t te r u t i l isa t ion o f system . How ever , fo r

ca lcu la t ion o f th rust requ i red , the benef i t o f counterwe ight sha l l no t be taken in to

considerat ions.

15.4.12 Sui table sel f a l igned double row bal l bear ings in dust t ight housing shal l carry the gate shaft.

Sui tab le pro vision f or re-greasing shal l be p rovided.

15.4.13 For standard isat ion p urp oses, only one standard t ype of actu ato r for f lap gates shall be provid ed.

The standard type actuator shal l be selected for maximum thrust as calculated for var ious

locations. Flap gate actuator as a whole and individual component wise shal l be completely

inter changeable for a l l locations.

15.4.14 The m ater ia l of shaft shal l be EN-8 or equ ivalent . The diam eter o f th e shaft shall be sui table for

m oto r sta l led condi t ion and associated tw ist ing.

15.4 .15 Approach/ main tenance p lat fo rms comp le te wi th the chequered p la te f loor , hand ra i ls , ladders

etc. shal l be pr ovided f or a l l f lap gates.

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15.4.16 Shaft & f lap gate shal l be t ight ly f i t ted t o each oth er.

15.4.17 On bot h faces of f lap gate m ain plate, 20m m thick TISCRAL l iner p late o r equ ivalent m ater ia l shal lbe prov ided.



1.1 Coal Parame ter s As specified elsew here


2.1.0 Chut es & Hopper s

2.1.1 M inim um Val ley Angle: 60 degrees

2.1.2 M ater ia l :

(a) Chu te w ork

Sliding zones & adjacent side s : 20 m m t hk . TISCRAL / equ ivalent

No s t r ik ing / Non sl id ing zones : 10 m m thk M S

Chut e w ith valley angle 80 degree and abo ve : Al l fou r sides of 20 mm t hk. TISCRAL/ equivalent

mater ia l

In th e zon e of magnet ic f ie ld of ILM S (chut e above f loor level) : SS-304 10 mm t hk.

In th e zon e of f lap gates : 20 th k TISCRAL/ equivalent m ater ia l

D ischarge Hoods over head pu l leys : 4 m m thk M .S. w i th rubber cur ta in

2 .1 .3 Size o f Chutes : M in imum 1200mm X 1000mm ( ins ide both w ays)

2.1.4 Inspection Door s :Hinged & leak proo f construct ion (min . size 35 x 45 cm)

2.1.5 Chut e Con stru ct ion

(a) Corners: One face of remo vable bol ted f lange connection

(b) Joint s Bol ted: f lange jo int s of dust t ight construct ion

(c) Bol t size: M in. M -16

(d) Bo l ts spac ing : Not m ore than 125 mm C/ C

(e) Fixing Arrangem ent : Bol ts w i th p la in spr in g washers

2.2.0 Skirt Boards

2.2 .1 Length : M in . 3 m for each feed ing po in t

2.2.2 Height : No t less th an 750 m m

2.2 .3 W id th : 2 /3 o f be lt w id th

Side plat e : M in. 10 t hk TISCRAL/ equ ivalent

Top cover : 6 m m thk M .S.

2.3.0 Flap Gat e

2.3.1 Type: Linear actuat or op erated, 2 posit ion

2.3.2 Travel : 60 to 70 deg. (wi th l imi t sw itches on bo th sides).

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2.3 .3 Auto mat ic operat ion

( i ) Dr ive: Dust t ight m oto r dr iven wit h sui t able linkages

( ii ) M in imu m Actuator Rat ing : 2500 kg wi th 1 m lever a rm

(i ii ) No . of Operat ion / Hr : 15 (wi t h 10 consecut ive sw itchings)( iv) Protect ion : Travel and Thru st d ependent l imi t Swit ches.

2 .3 .4 M anua l Operat ion

(a )  M aximu m ef fo r t : Conven ient fo r sing le opera tor by dec lu tchab le hand

w heel regardless of e lectr ical pow er.

(b )  M in imu m Handwhee l : D iame te r 500 mm

2.3.5 Flap gate shaft

( i) D iam eter : min imum 130 mm

(i i) M ater ia l : EN-8



16.1.1 The speci f icat ion is int ended t o cover design, engineer ing, m anufacture, supp ly, erect ion, test ing

and com m issioning of th e comp lete, Dust Cont rol and M iscel laneous System s as speci f ied

hereinafter required for the Wagon Tippler Package. The Contractor shal l refer to the other

sect ions and scheme ind ica ted in t he t ender drawings to appra ise h im se l f o f the wo rk and scope

of supp ly o f th e o ther Contractors /Ow ner 's and sha l l coord ina te h is wo rk w i th th e wo rk o f o t her


16. 1 .2 Du st Contro l System

The dust contro l system to be fu rnished und er th is speci f icat ion is required for con tro l of f ugi t ive

dust emissions from dust generat ion points such as transfer points, feeders etc. Dust control is

achieved by dust suppression system. Contractor shal l guarantee and offer dust control system

which sha l l no t a l low a dust concentra t ion in the ambient a i r ins ide the bu i ld ings more than

acceptable l imi ts as per Owner approved guidel ines or any international ly recognized hygienic

Standards/Codes. The Capaci ty of dust control system speci f ied elsewhere is for Contractor ’s

guidance only. Contractor shal l provide adequately sized fool proof dust control systems the

per formance o f wh ich shou ld be guaranteed by the Contractor . However , the capaci ty o f the

offered system shal l not be less than the speci f ied values. Further, for computat ion of design

capaci ty of the pumps, permanent recirculat ion l ines as shown in tender drawings shal l a lso be

considered. Water scheme dust suppression shal l be provided as indicated in tender drawings.

Clar i f ied w ater shal l be u sed f or Service w ater system , Plain w ater d ust suppression system shal l

be u sed fo r a l l receipt and discharge point s in Transfer.

16.1.3 M iscellaneo us System s

Service water system, potable water system, cool ing water system & sump pumps shal l be

pro vided as speci f ied elsewh ere in t h is speci f icat ion and as indicated in ten der d raw ings.

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16.2 Scope

16.2.1 Plain W ater Dust Sup pr ession System

Comple te wi th water supp ly system, p ip ing , spray heads, pumps, d r ive motors wi th canopy(wherever required), coupl ings with enclosure, e lectr icals, support ing structures,

approach/maintenance platforms, handl ing for equipment, c iv i l and structural works and

necessary accessor ies shal l be pr ovided f or W T hopp er to p & al l t ransfer point s, etc.

16.2 .2 Sum p Pump

4x100% sum p pu mp s a longw i th leve l sw i tches and p ip ing up to n earest Own er 's d ra in (max. up to

50.0 meters from outside the bui ld ing) shal l be provided at a l l locations wherever natural

drainage is not possib le. Sump pumps along with drain pi ts shal l be provided at other locations

also, i f r equired, du r ing detai led engineer ing stage. Sealing pum ps w ith valves, p ip ing f i t t ings andot her accessor ies for sealing of sum p p um ps shal l be pro vided.

16.2.3 Service W ate r System

Service water d istr ibut ion system complete wi th water supply system, valves, quick coupl ings,

hose pipes with nozzle, p ip ing, pumps, dr ive motors wi th canopy, coupl ings with enclosure,

electr icals, including support ing structures, handl ing for equipment’s, c iv i l and structural works

and necessary accessor ies shal l be provided throughout the coal handl ing plant area in

Cont ractor ’s scope.

16 .2.4 Pipings, Fitt ings, V alves an d Specialities

The m ater ia l to be supp l ied fo r comp le t ing the p ipe wo rk sha l l inc lude but no t be l imi ted t o t he

fo l low ing :

(1 )  Straight piping, bends, tees, elbows, branches, laterals, crosses, reducing unions, couplings,

caps, blan k flanges, sadd les etc. necessary fo r m aking reliable pip ing system .

(2 )  Gaskets, r ing jo in ts, jo int ing m ater ia l etc. as required.

(3 )  Instru men t tapp ing connections, stubs.

(4 )  Gate, globe and check valves to star t / stop, regulate and to p revent b ack f low .

(5 )  Duplex Strainers.

(6 )  Anchors, hangers and suppo rts as required including secondary steel em bedm ents etc.

(7 )  Bolts, nuts, fasten ers as required fo r int erconnection pip ing, valves and f i t t ings as wel l as for

te rm ina l po in ts.

(8 )  The ent i re water p ip ing o f DS/SW /PW/ CW sha l l be rou ted/ suppor t ed on concrete pedesta l

and conveyor gal le r ies. W hereever th e layout does not p erm i t the p ipes to be rou ted over

ground, the same sha l l be bur ied in conform i ty to the re levant s tandards & sha l l be prov ided

w ith n ecessary prot ect ive coating as per r e levant standards.

(9 )  Pain tin g, ant i-corro sive coat ings etc. inside and ou tside pip es as necessary.

(10) W elding electrod es and w elding rod s.

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(11) The area around storage tanks stra iners, tw o valves etc. ( located ou t side pum p h ouse) shal l

be paved w i th dra ins.

16.3 Terminal Points

Ow ner shall provide supply of wat er for du st suppression system , service wat er, potable w ater at

one t e rmina l po in t as elabora ted e lsewh ere . Beyond t he t e rmina l po in t , the comp le te p ipe work

along w ith associated valves, special it ies, instru m ent s, f i t t ings and supp ort s, pum ps, tanks, etc. as

requ i red fo r the sa t is factory opera t ion o f dust contro l , serv ice water & potab le water systems

shall be furn ished by t he Cont ractor.

16.4 Code s and Standards

The design, manu facture, inspection and t est ing of Dust Cont rol & M iscel laneous System s shal l

comply wi th a l l the currently appl icable statutes, regulat ions and safety codes in the local i ty

w here th e equipm ent is to be instal led. The Dust Cont rol & M iscel laneous Systems shal l con form

to the latest edi t ion of the fo l lowing standards and codes. Other international ly acceptable

standards/codes, which ensure equal or h igher performance than those speci f ied, shal l a lso be

accept ed. Nothin g in th is specif icat ion shal l be con str ued to re l ieve the contracto r of th e required

statut ory responsibi l i ty. In case of any confl ict in t he standard and th is specif icat ion, th e decision

of the Ow ner sha ll be f ina l and b ind ing .

  IS:778 : Gun M etal gate, g lobe & check valves for general purpo se.

  IS:780 :Sluice valves for wa ter w orks purpo ses (50 to 300 m m )

  IS:1239 : M i ld Steel t ube s & f i t t ings.

  IS:2379 :Colou r for t he ident i f icat ion of p ipe l ine.

  IS:2906 :Sluice valves for wat er w ork purpo ses.

  IS:3589 :Electr ical ly weld ed steel p ipes for w ater, gas & sewage (200 t o 200 0 m m )

  IS:5312 : Swing check t ype re f lux (non retu rn) valves.

  IS:1520 : Hor izontal centr i fugal pum p fo r clean, cold fresh wat er.

  IS:5120 :Centr i fugal pum p fo r clean, cold & fresh w ater.

  ANSI B 31.1:Code for pressure pip ing.

  Hydraul ic inst i tut e Stand ards of U.S.A.


Plain W ater D ust Supp ression

16.5.1 At speci f ied location s du st suppression system shal l be p rovided w hich comp rises spray no zzles

d ischarg ing p la in w ater in a f ine spray to captu re a i r borne dust par t icles and d i rect t hem in to the

m ain coal f low . Water shal l be discharged via a pipe w ork system t hrou gh spray heads at th e dust

supp ression zon es.

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16.5 .2 W ater sha l l be drawn f r om the w ater sto rage tank by 2x100% e lect r ic m otor d r iven pum ps and

discharged into tank from where 2x100% duty electr ic motor dr iven pumps shal l d ischarge the

water via a pipe network system through spray heads at the dust suppression zones. Solenoid

valves shal l be pro vided fo r open/ close contr ol of w ater l ine to each spray head. Each spray headshall consist of m inimu m 4 no s. nozzles. Spray heads shall be pro vided at coal loading and receipt

zone. Pressure at in let t o spray h ead shal l not be less than 2 .5 Kg/

16.5.3 The dust supp ression system o ver the W T hopp er shal l have a canopy on w hich fogging no zzles

are f ixed at speci f ied distance. Each nozzle header shal l be provided with adequate number of

spray nozzles spaced a t 500 m m in terva l so tha t t he ent i re length & w id th o f the w agon t ipp le r

hopp er are covered by a gr id of no zzles. Furt her, th e wat er spray shal l be of fogging type w ith a

minimum pressure of 2.5 kg/ at spray nozzle in let. I t should be possible to operate any

number of zones simultaneously. The operat ion of wagon t ippler dust suppression system shal l

be automatic so that the fogging water spray shal l get act ivated only when the t ippl ing is inopera t ion .

16.5.4 Each spray head shal l have a provision for instal l ing a pressure gauge when ever required. Furt her,

pressure gauges shal l be pro vided at least at t w o location s.

16.5 .5 Sum p Pumps

Sum p pu mp s shal l be vert ical centr i fu gal typ e w ith separate d ischarge pipe and shall be capable

of developing required head at rated capaci ty for continuous operat ion. Sump pumps shal l be

sui table for hand l ing coal slurry & sludge. Head capacity cu rve of t he pu m p shal l be r ising type upto the shut o f f cond i t ion . Sum p pum ps a longwi th leve l sw i tches & p ip ing upt o nearest Ow ner 's

drain (max upto 50.0 mtrs. from outside the bui ld ing) shal l be provided at a l l locations wherever

natural drainage is not possib le. Further sump pumps alongwith drain pi ts shal l be provided at

other locations also, i f required, dur ing detai led engineer ing stage. The capaci ty of each pump

shall not b e less th an 50 cub. M / hr. Cont inuous mo tor r at ing (name plate rat in g) at 50 deg. C. for

sump pu mp sha l l have a t least 10% marg in above the m axim um load demand o f the equ ipm ent in

the ent i re opera t ing range ( inc lud ing run out cond i t ion o f pum ps in case o f para lle l opera t ion) .

The maxim um load dem and shal l include th e dr ive losses in the t ransmission system . Size of th e

sump p i t sha ll no t be less than 2 .0 m eters x 2 .0 m eters x 2 .5 m eters. One no. o f se t t l ing p i t , o f

adequate size, before the sump pi t shal l a lso be provided so that water wi thout heavy coalpart ic les goes into sump pump pi t . High and low level switches shal l be provided in the sump

p u m p p i t .

16.5.6 Service W ate r (SW ) System

Service water connections are to be provided in conveyor gal ler ies and tunnels at 50 meter

intervals. Adequate number of these connections shal l be provided in a l l t ransfer houses with

minimum one no. at each f loor. Each connection shal l be provided with one (1) no. 32 NB globe

valve and quick coupl ing. One (1) No. Hose pipe with nozzle shal l be provided in each bui ld ing.

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Service water d istr ibut ion system shal l be designed consider ing the water scheme and water

requ i rement ind ica ted in t ender draw ings.


16.6 .1 W ater Supply Pumps

16.6 .1 .1 W ater supply pum ps shal l be provided as required. The pum ps shal l be com plet e w i th dr ive m ot ors, baseplate and other accessor ies. The

construct ional featu res of th e pump shal l be as fo l low s:

a.   Pump casing may be axially or radially split. The casing shall be of robust construction. Casing

drain and vent conn ections shal l be provided.

b .  Imp el ler shal l be m ade in o ne piece and securely k eyed to the shaft . Locking device shall be

prov ided to prevent i ts loosen ing du r ing a ll cond i t ions o f op era t ion .

c.  Wearing r ings shal l be of renewable type. Opposed wear ing surface shal l be of hardened

m ater ia l and shal l have a hardness di f feren ce of at least 50 BHN.

d .  Replaceable shaft s leeves shal l be provided to protect the shaft where i t passes through

bear ings and stuff ing boxes. The end of the shaft s leeve assembly shal l extend through the

packing gland. Shaft s leeve shal l be securely locked or keyed to the shaft to prevent loosening

or ro tat ion. Shaft and shaft s leeves shal l be m achined and assem bled fo r concentr ic ro tat ion .

e.   The d esign of the shaft shal l take into considerat ion th e cr i t ical speed, wh ich shal l be at least

20% away f rom opera t ing speed.

f .  Pump bear ings shal l be of ant i fr ict ion type. Bear ings shal l be readi ly accessible wi thout

d istu rb ing the a l ignment o f pum p.

g.  Packed stu ff ing bo xes shal l be o f suff ic ient length t o pr event leakage along the shaft and shal l

be comp lete w i th a l l packing and lant ern r ings required .

h .  Pum ps shal l be furnished com plete w i th an appro ved type of f lexib le -coupl ing.

i.  Coup l ings guards made of expanded m etal and bol ted t o t he base plate shal l be fu rnished.

 j .  The common base p la te fo r pumps and motor sha l l be in one p iece and sha l l be made o f

fabr icated steel .

k .  Pump speed sha ll be less than 1500 rpm for pum ps o f capacity m ore t han 10 cum/ hr .

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Technical Specification: System Param ete rs, Operat ion & Cont rol Philosophy Page 41 of 66 The pow er, head and f low character ist ics of each pum p shal l be sui table for paral le l operat ion.

The Powe r character ist ics of t he pum ps shal l be of non o ver loading type. Al l rot at ing parts of the pump s shal l be stat ical ly and dynam ical ly balanced.

16.6 .1 .5 The m otor sha ll be rated fo r cont inuous opera t ion and conf i rm to companion e lect r ica l

spec i f ica t ion . However , motor ra t ing sha l l no t be less than the max. power demand

th roughou t the en t i r e range o f ope ra t ion o f pum p .

16.6 .1 .6 Design duty po in t o f pum p sha l l mat ch w i th the average va lue o f maximum and min imum f low

ra tes o f the pum p in t he s tab le opera t ion zone. M ater ia ls of construct ion of pu mp com pon ents shal l be as stated in data-sheet to th is sect ion.

16.6 .2 Sum p Pumps The column p ipe shal l serve as a housing for the l ine shaft and bear ing and sup port for bow l

(casing). The l ine shaft bear ing shal l be supported from the pump column pipe. Individual

sect ions of colum n pipe shal l be coupled b y f langed jo ints. The f lange out side diamet er shal l

no t exceed the bo w l ou ts ide d iameter . Casing shal l hou se the im pel ler and shal l be hydraul ically designed to m inimize radial thru st.

Further sui table seal ing arrangement shal l be provided to prevent the leakage of pumped

l iqu id in to t he co lum n p ipe . The im pel ler shal l be semi open or open (non clogging) as per stand ard design of the

Manufacturer. Al l rotat ing parts including the impel ler shal l be stat ical ly and dynamical ly

balanced. Imp el ler shal l be securely fastened to t he im pel ler shaft w i th keys taper b ushings or

locknuts and shall be specifically designed to pass large solids or unscreened l iquids. The

clearances between stat ionary and moving part shal l be such as to a l low sustained

performance without excessive maintenance. The discharge pipe shou ld be term inat ed above the base plate or m oun ting channel. Type of

end connection shal l be as speci f ied in data sheets. No support shal l be provided for the

bo t tom e lbow (nea r pump bow l) to fac ili t a te easy remova l o f li ne pump f rom top w i thou t the

necessary to go dow n to the sump for r emo va l o f bo t tom suppor t , i f p rov ided. The design of th e bun t shaft shal l a lso take into considerat ion the cr i t ical speed of th e shal l

w h ich sha ll be m in imum 20% h igher than any opera t ing or run aw ay speed. Individual sect ion s of the shaft shal l be interchangeable. The type of coupl ings for th e l ine shaft shall be such to prevent loosening dur ing reserve

ro ta t i on .

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Technical Specification: System Param ete rs, Operat ion & Cont rol Philosophy Page 42 of 66 Line shaft b ear ings shal l be w ater lubr icated. Line shaft be ar ings shal l be spaced not m ore than

1.5 m eters apart. For lub r icat ion purp ose clar i f ied w ater shal l be used.

16.6 .2 .9 For m eet ing the sea l ing / lub r ica t ing water requ i remen t , Cont ractor t o p rov ide sea l w aterpum ps (2x100% capaci ty) . Replaceable shaf t sleeves shall be fu rnished . The shaf t sleeve shall be secur ely locked to shaft

to p revent loosen ing wh i le in opera t ion . Replaceable type w ear r ings shall be pro vided for casing and/ or im pel lers w herever appl icable. For th e fo l low ing accessor ies shal l be provided for sump pu m ps

(i )  Base plates together wi th foundation bol ts and nuts. The base plate shal l accommodate

the d ischarge p ipe , wh ich is to be t e rminated above t he f loor leve l .

(ii) M oto r stoo l .

(iii) Non -return valves and gate valves on p um p d ischarge lines (unless otherw ise specif ically


( iv) L if t ing lugs, eye bo l ts etc.

(v )  Pre-lubr icating tan k w ith accessories (if necessary).

(vi ) Sleeves and inserts to be embedd ed in concrete.

(vii)   Coupling guard , i f necessary

16.6 .2 .13 The pum p shaf t shal l be connected to mot or shaf t by a h eavy duty r igid / f lexib le coup l ing or

the pump sha l l be V-be l t d r iven.


(a ) M ater ia l of construct ion o f p ip ing and f i t t ings shal l not be infer ior to t hose given in data sheet

of t h is sect ion .

(b ) All p ip ing shal l be capable of w i thstand ing the maxim um pressure in t he corresponding l ine at

the re levant tem pera ture .

(c ) In genera l p ipe sizes 65 mm NB and la rger a re to be jo ined by but t w e ld ing and p ipe wo rk o f

size 50 mm NB and below by socket welding/screwed connections. Joints at valves or

special it ies shal l be f langed fo r sizes 65 m m NB or large and screwed for sizes 50 m m NB and

below . Al l galvanized pip ing shal l be jo ined by screw ed connection s. M inimu m p ipe diamete r

selected for DS/ SW / PW/ Cool ing W ater System (along w ith b ranch pipes) shall be 32 NB.

(d ) End p reparat ion fo r bu t t w e ld ing sha l l be don e by m ach ine/ f lam e cut t ing . Socket w e ld and

prepara t ion sha l l be saw / m ach ine cu t .

(e ) Hangers and supports shal l be capable of carrying the sum of a l l concurrently act ing loads.

They shal l be designed to provide the required support ing effects and al low pipe l ine

m ovem ents as necessary. Al l guides, anchors, braces, dam pers, expansion jo int s and structu ral

s tee l to be a t tached to the bu i ld ing /s t ructure , t renches e tc . sha l l be prov ided. The type o f

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hangers and components for a l l p ip ing shal l be selected and approval obtained from the

Owner .

(f ) All p ip ing shal l be rou ted on ground on concrete p edestals and at road crossings, th ese shal l

be la id t h rough hum e p ipes.

16.6.3 .2 Valves and Specialt ies

(a )  Valves & Specialt ies shal l be u sed t o star t, stop or regulate t he f lo w . Al l valves/special i t ies below

50 mm size ( for isolat ion purpose) in service water/dust suppression/potable water l ines should

be p lug type o f p roven make.

(b )  All valves shal l be sui table for most str ingent service condi t ions i .e. f low, temperature and

pressure under w h ich they m ay be requ i red t o opera te .

(c )  Gate/ slu ice valves shal l be u sed fo r isolat ion of f low of p ipe l ines above 50 NB and Globe valves

shall be used fo r regulat ing the f low .

(d )  Valves shal l be provided with back seating bush to faci l i tate gland renewal dur ing fu l l open

opera t ion .

(e )  All gate and globe valves of size 65 N B and large shal l be bo l ted b onn et, out side screw, r is ing type

w ith f langed ends. Valves of size 50 NB and smal ler shall be w ith screw ed end s.

(f )  Valves shal l be pro vided w ith t he fo l low ing as necessary:i.  Hand wh eel

ii .  Posit ion indicato r

iii.  By-pass valve and spur gear reduct ion un i t fo r larger valves.

iv .  Draining arrangement.

(g )  M ater ia l of construct ion of valves shal l not b e infer ior to t hose given in data sheet of th is sect ion.

(h )  Globe va lves sha ll be p rov ided w i th contou red p lug t o have w e l l contro l lab i li ty .

(i )  Non-return valves shal l be swing check type. These valves wi l l have a permanent ‘arrow’inscr ip t ion on i ts body to ind ica te d i rect ion o f m ot ion o f th e f lu id .

(j )  All valves shal l be provided with hand wheel, chain operated, extension spindle and f loor stand

w herever requ i red so t ha t t hey can be easi ly opera ted e i ther a t a low er or h igher e levat ion as the

case m ay be.

(k )  Strainer shal l be of du plex type d esigned w ith 3 w ay valves so t hat o ne f i l ter can be cleaned w hi le

the other is in operat ion. Sui table vent and drain valves shal l a lso be provided. Screen opening

area shal l be at least fou r t imes th e p ipe cross sect ional area. Pressure d rop in clean condi t ion s

shal l no t exceed 1 .5 M W C at fu l l f low .

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(l )  Bib cocks pro vided fo r pot able wat er system shal l be m ade of sta in less steel

16.6.4 Special cleanin g, pro tect ion and paint ing16.6.4 .1 Piping & Fit t ings

(a )  Surfaces to b e painted shal l be th orou ghly cleaned o f loose mi l l scale, rust et c. by w ire brushing.

(b )  For o ver ground exposed steel p ipes, one shop and o ne site coat o f red o xide zinc pho sphat e and

two coats of synthetic enamel f in ishing paints unless speci f ied otherwise shal l be appl ied. A

m inimu m of 120 m icrons Dry Fi lm Thickness (DFT) aft er f in ished coat of paint shall be ensured.

(c )  For steel bur ied pipel ine, three (3) coats of heavy duty bi tumastic paint shal l be appl ied on the

c leaned sur face. F ina l ly , it shou ld be w rapped w i th m in imum 3 m m th ick b i tum en imp regnated

tar fe l t . The lap jo in t o f t he fe l t sha ll be genera lly touched w i th heavy dut y b i tum ast ic pa in t .



1.1 Dust Cont rol : Pla in wa ter dust supp ression

1.2 M iscel laneou s system s: Service w ater system , Potab le w ater system , Cool ing wa ter system &

Sum p pu mp s.


2.1 Dust Supp ression

2.1.1 Operat ion : Wat er sprayed th rough nozzles.

2.1.2 Pum ps: 2x100% for w ater

2.1.3 Spray Head

( i) M inim um No. of n ozzles per spray head: 4 (Four )

( i i) Pressure at in let: M inim um 2.5 kg/sq. cm

2.2.0 Plain W ater Dust Supp ression

2.2.1 Pum ps: 2x100% electr ic mo to r dr iven

2.2.2 M inimu m Pressure at in let of spray no zzles: 2.5 kg/sq. cm

2.2.3 Nozzle spacing on WT Top: 500 m m

2.2.4 No zzles: Fogging typ e

2.2.5 Flow fro m each nozzle: 2.0 Lpm

2.3.0 Sum ps Pum ps

( i) Type: 2x100% electr ic m oto r dr iven

( ii ) Capaci ty : 50 cub.m / hr m in im um w i th 10% margin

( i ii ) Head: 20% margin on com pu ted head

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2.3 .1 Dra in Pi ts: M in imum 2x2x2.5 mts. and 1 No. se t t l ing p i t fo r slu r ry & h igh / low leve l sw i tches

in dra in p i t .

2.3.2 Piping: To nearest p lant drain

2.4.0 Service W ater System

2.4 .1 W ater connect ions

(a) Conveyo r Galler ies and t unn els: every 50 m

(b) Transfer point s: M in. 1 no . at every f loor

2.4.2 Conn ection det ai ls: 1 No. 32 NB globe valve & quick coupl ing

2.4.3 Hose pipes w ith hose reel : One in each bui ld ing of 25 m tr . Length w ith nozzle


3 .1 W at e r Supp ly Pum ps f o r D S/ SW / PW / CW

3.1.1 Casing Axial or radia lly spl it wi th drain & vent conn ection

3.1.2 Imp el ler One piece, keyed to shaft a long w ith locking device

3.1.3 Shaft Cr i t ical speed at least 20% away from operat ing speed

3.1.4 Shaft sleeves at bear ings & stuff in g boxes.

3.1.5 Bear ings Anti fr ict ion typ e

3.1.6 W earing r ings Renew able type (preferable)

3 .1 .7 Pump speed Be low 1500 rpm for capaci ty m ore than 10 cub. m / hr .

3.1.8 Head f low character ist ics Sui tab le for paralle l operat ion.

3.1.9 M ater ia ls

(a) Casing: Cast Iro n t o IS:210 , FG 260

(b) Im pel ler : Bronze conform ing to Gr.I of IS:318

(c) Imp el ler W ear ing r ing: Bronze conf orm ing to Gr.I of IS:318

(d) Casing W earing r ing: Bronze conform ing to Gr.I of IS:318

(e) Shaf t : M ed ium carbon s teel

(f) Shaft sleeve: Stain less steel confo rm ing to AISI-416 hard ened .

(g) Gland packing: Imp regnated Teflon

3 .2 .0 Sum p Pum ps

3.2.1 Type: Vert ical , centr i fu gal, s ingle stage, sem i open or open (non clogging) typ e imp el ler .

3 .2 .2 Duty : In te rmi t ten t . How ever , to be des igned fo r cont ineous opera t ion .

3.2.3 Flu id to be Pum ped: Sludge/ Coal slurr y

3.2.4 Suctio n Cond it ion: Subm erged

3.2.5 Pum p speed (maxim um ): 1000 RPM

3.2 .6 Type o f coup l ing betw een pump and mo tor : D i rect ly d r iven th rough f lex ib le or r ig id

coupl ing/V-Belt

3 .2 .7 Locat ion o f pum p thrust bear ing : In mo tor s too l

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3.2.8 Mater ia ls

(a ) Casing: Alloy Cast Iro n (350 BHN ) (min . 2.7% Ni, 1% Cr.)

(b ) Im peller : Alloy Cast Iron (350 BHN ) (m in. 2.7% Ni, 1% Cr.)

(c ) Im peller : Shaf t Stain less steel(d ) Line Shaf t: EN-8 to BS; 970

(e ) Colum n pipe and discharge pipe: Fabr icated steel to IS: 226 (m in. 6m m th ick) .

(f )  Shaf t sleeve: Hard ened stainless steel to 400 BHN

(g) Base Plate: Steel to IS: 226 up to 20mm th ickness and IS: 2062 ov er 20m m thickness.

3.2.9 Accessor ies Provided w ith t he Pum p

i.  Lubr icat ion and seal ing wat er system : Yes

ii .  Com mo n base p la te fo r Pump s and M oto r and M otor s too l : Yes

iii.  Anchor Bol ts, nut s, sleeves and inserts (wh ich w i l l be em bedd ed in concrete ): Yes

iv .  Coup l ing, guards l i f t ing lu g, eye bol t , posi t ioning Do ve: Yes

3.3.0 Pipings & Fit t ings

3.3.1 Join ts

( i ) Pipe t o p ipe

Pipe size < 50 NB: Socket w elding/ screw ed Butt

Pipe size > 65 NB: w elding

(i i) Pipe t o valve s

Pipe size ≤ 50 NB: Screwed 

Pipe size ≥ 65 NB: Flanged 

3.3.2 Isolat ion of f low : Plug / Gate / Slu ice valves

3.3.3 Regulat ion of f low : Globe Valve

3.3.4 Valves

i.   Size > 65 NB: Bol ted bo nnet out side screw r ising type.

ii .  Size < 50 NB: Union bo nnet w i th screwed ends for Globe valves & screwed end s

for p lug valves.

3.3.5 M ater ia ls for Pipewo rk

(a ) Fo r sizes 200 NB and Larger: ERW carb on steel pip es to API-5LGr.B m inim um th ick 6.35

m m or p late fabr icated and w elded pipes to IS:3589, Class-2.

(b ) Fo r sizes 150 N B to 65 NB: ERW carbon steel black p ipes to IS:1239 (Part -I, Heavy Class).

(c ) Fo r sizes upt o 50 NB: ERW carbon steel galvanized pip es to IS:1239 (Part -I) Heavy class.

3.3.6 M ater ia ls for Valves & Special it ies

(a) Cast Iron Valves: (65 NB & abo ve)

i.   Body and b onn et: Cast Iron t o IS:210, Gr.FG-200

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ii .  Disc for non - retu rn: Cast Iron to IS:210, Gr.FG-200 valves

iii.  Seating surfaces and r ings: 13% chrom ium steel

iv .  Hinge pin f or n on retu rn valves: Stain less steel type AISI-316

v.  Stem for gate and globe valves: 13% chrom ium steelvi.  Back seat bu sh: 13% chrom ium steel

(b ) Gun m eta l va lves (50 NB & be low and upto a w ork ing pressure o f 10 kg /cm2)

( i ) Body: Gun m etal to IS:318, Gr-2.

( i i) Tr im : Gun m etal to IS:318, Gr-2.

(c) Dup lex St rainer

( i ) Body: M S fabr icated

(i i) Str ainer : Stainless stee l typ e elem en t AISI-316

(d) Pressure Gauge/Switch (to be provid ed w ith isolat ing valves, gauge cock, snub ber and


(i )  Dial size : 150 m m

(ii)  Accuracy : (+/ -) 1% of range span

(iii)  Bour don : AISI 316 SS

(iv)  Block : AISI 31 6 SS

(v )  M ovem ent : AISI 316 SS

(vi)  Case and Bezel : Die cast Alum . W eather proo f case sto ve enameled block w ith

screw ed t ype inn er bezel of ABS plast ic and glycer in f i l led.

(vi i)  No. o f contacts : 2 NO + 2 NC

(viii)   Type o f contact : Ad justab le th roughout the range.

(ix)  Degree of pro tect ion : IP. 65

(e) Solenoid valve ( to be prov ided w ith isolat ing valve)

( i) Type : 2 / 2 w ay Diaphragm type p i lo t opera ted

( i i) Diaphragm : m olded synt het ic rubb er

(i i i) Body : Forged b rass / SS

( iv) Pressure : 0 .5 to 20 kg/cm 2

(v) Prot ection : Class IP 65

(f) Flow Sw itch ( to be pro vided w ith isolat ing valves)

(i) Body : Forged steel

(i i) Exten sion Rod / w ire : SS-304

(iii) Sleeve an d Sleeve p ipe : SS-304

( iv) Cover : Die cast a lumin um

(v) M ax. w orking pressure : 10 kg/

(vi) Repeatabi l i ty : ± 0.5%

(vi i)No. of contacts : 2 NO + 2 NC

(v ii i)Type o f contact : Ad justab le th rou ghout the range.

(ix) Prote ction : class IP – 65

(g) Level Sw itch

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( i ) Type : Displacer operat ed magnetic type

(ii) Displacer : SS – 316

(i i i) W ire rop e: SS – 316

(i i i) Sp ring Hou sing Spr ing and sleeve pip e: SS – 316(iv) Cove r: Cast Alum inum

(v) No . of Cont acts: 2 NO + 2 NC

(vi) Type of Con tact: Adjustable th roughou t th e range.

(vi i i) Prot ection : class IP – 65

(h) Level gauges

( i ) Type: Float t ype m echanical gauge w ith arrow scale

(i i) Accuracy: (+/-) 1% of fu l l scale range

( i ii ) M ater ia l of constr uct ion

(a) Float & Guide w ire: 316 SS

(b) Elbow s: Suit able grade of SS

(c) Housing: M i ld Steel

(d) Cabl e fasten er: SS 304

(i) Nozzles

(i) Type: Fogging, no n-clogging type

(i i) M at erial: Stain less St eel

( i ii ) Nozzle hou sing : To en sure pro tect ion of no zzle against dam age.

(j) Y Str ain er

(a) Bod y: SS 304

(b) Plug: SS 304

(c) Filter Elem ent : SS 316, 60 m esh




The speci f icat ion is int ended t o cover d esign, engineer ing, manu facture, supp ly, erect ion, test ing

and commissioning of the complete Venti lat ion & air condi t ioning systems as speci f ied

here ina f te r fo r the smooth and t roub le f ree opera t ion o f p lan t & equ ipment o f Wagon t ipp le r

package. The Contractor shal l refer to the other sect ions enclosed to appraise himself of the work and

scope o f supp ly o f t he o ther Cont ractor s and sha l l coord ina te h is work w i th the w ork o f o t her



17.2 .1 M echanica l Vent i la t ion system

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The air quanti ty for mechanical venti lat ion system shal l be est imated based on equipment and

solar heat loads and the temperature r ise inside the bui ld ing. Necessary air f i l ters shal l be

pro vided t o supply o nly clean air int o b ui ld ing. Exhaust a ir shal l be d ischarged at a sui table height

above bui ld ing. Exhaust fans shal l be provided for Toi lets, Battery rooms. Al l undergroundstructu re shall be pr ovided w ith supply a ir as wel l as exhaust a ir fans.

17.2.2 Pressurised Ven tilat ion System

The pressur ised venti lat ion system having adequate nos. of supply and exhaust a ir fans with

washable metal l ic pre f i l ters, HDPE f ine f i l ters, and exhaust fans with sel f c losing f laps, duct ing

along with 3 phase AC motor dr ives, e lectr icals, support ing structures, access / maintenance

platfo rm s shal l be provided in a l l M CC/ sw itchgear room areas of coal handl ing plant t o be

furnished under th is speci f icat ion. The pressur ized venti lat ion system shal l be designed

consider ing 20 air changes per hour to maintain these areas pressur ised sl ight ly above

atm ospher ic p ressure t o p revent ingress o f du st f rom out side .

17.2.3 Air Condit ioning System

Air cond i t ion ing system sha l l be fu rn ished fo r contro l room area o f Wagon t ipp le r contro l

bui ld ing, i t shal l be designed consider ing the equipment heat loads, solar heat loads, heat gain

in to the room , adequate no. o f a i r changes e tc . to main ta in a un i fo rm tem pera ture and re lat ive

hum id i ty w i th in th e a ir cond i t ioned areas.

17.3 SCOPE

17.3 .1 M echanica l Vent i la t ion System

The venti lat ion system general ly consist ing of adequate number of supply and exhaust a ir fans,

air f i l ters, duct ing along with 3 phase AC motor dr ives, e lectr icals, support ing structures,

approach/maintenance platforms, civ i l and structural works and necessary accessor ies shal l be

furn ished fo r vent i la t ing the WT hopper , underground por t ion o f t ransfer po in ts , underground

conveyor t unn els and p ent h ouses. Exhaust fans shal l be provid ed for Toi lets & Batt ery room s.

17.3.2 Pressurised M echanical Ven tilat ion System

The venti lat ion system general ly consist ing of adequate number of supply and exhaust fans,

metal l ic pre f i l ters, HDPE f ine f i l ters, duct ing along with 3 phase AC motor dr ives, e lectr icals,

support ing structures, approach / maintenance platforms, necessary shed, civ i l & structural

w orks and necessary accessor ies shal l be fu rnished for a l l M CC/ sw itchgear room s.

17.3.3 Air Condit ioning System

17.3.4 2x100% capaci ty a ir condi t ion ing un i ts shal l be pro vided for W agon Tippler Cont rol Room .

17.3 .5 Supp ly and re turn a i r d ist r ibu t ion duct ing com ple te wi th insu la t ion , o f resin bonded m ineral woo l

equ iva len t o f dens ity a t least 24 Kg/m ³ and th ermal conduct iv ity o f m ax. 0 .49 m w / cm°C

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conforming to IS:8183 including support ing structures, approach/ maintenance platforms, civi l

and str uctu ral w orks and n ecessary accessor ies shall be p rovided.

17.3.6 PAC shall be hou sed inside build ing.

17.3.7 Area around centr i fu gal fans, f i l ters, m ot or fou ndat ion shal l be paved to have a clear surro und ing.

17.4 Codes & Stand ards

The design, m anufactu re, inspection and test ing of Vent i lat ion & A/ C System shal l com ply w i th a l l

the currently appl icable statutes, regulat ions and safety codes in the local i ty where the

equ ipment is to be insta lled . The Vent i la t ion & A/C System sha l l conform to t he la test ed i t ion o f

the fo l lowing standards and codes. Other international ly acceptable standards/codes, which

ensure equal or h igher p erform ance than th ose speci f ied, shal l a lso be accepted. Not hing in th is

speci f icat ion shal l be construed to re l ieve the contractor of the required statutory responsibi l i ty.

In case of any confl ict in the standard and th is speci f icat ion, the decision of the Owner shal l be

f ina l and b ind ing .

  IS:3588 : Specificat ion fo r electr ical axial flow fan s.

  IS:2312 :Propel ler typ e AC Vent i lat ion f ans

  IS:3963 :Speci f icat ion for roo f-extractor u ni ts

  IS:4894 :Cent rifu gal Fans

  IS:655 :Speci f icat ion for M etal Air Duct

  ARI:210 :Standard fo r Uni tary a ir cond i t ioning equipm ent .

  ARI:270 :Standard f or app l icat ion , instal lat ion and servicing of un i tary equipm ent .

  IS:8183 :Speci f icat ion for b ond ed m ineral wo ol .

  IS:661 :Therm al insulat ion for cold surfaces.

  IS:4671:Expanded po lystyr ene for t herm al insulat ion purpo se.

  IS:8148 :Packaged Air con dit ione rs.


17.5.1 Roof Ven tilators & Accessories

17.5.2 Roof v enti lato rs & accessor ies shal l be provided as required. Imp el ler shal l be axia l f low t ype.

17.5 .3 Design dut y po in t o f the fan sha l l mat ch wi th the average va lue o f m aximum and m in im um f low

rat es of t he fan in stab le operat ion zone.

17.5 .4 The speed o f t he roo f vent i la to rs sha l l no t exceed 960 rpm for vent i la to rs wi th imp e l le r d iameter

above 450 mm & 1440 rpm for vent i la to rs wi th impe l le r d iameter 450 mm and less. The f i rs t

cr i t ical speed o f ro tat ing assem bly shal l be at least 25% above operat ing speed.

17.5 .5 M oto r sha l l be to t a l ly enc losed type su itab le fo r ver t ica l mount ing . M oto rs sha l l comp ly wi th th e

com panion electr ical speci f icat ions.

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17.5.6 Axial Fans

17.5 .7 Design dut y po in t o f the fan sha l l mat ch wi th the average va lue o f m aximum and m in im um f low

ra tes o f the fan in the stab le opera t ion zone. The speed o f th e fan shal l no t exceed 960 rp m forfan w i th impe l le r d iame te r above 450 mm and 1440 rpm fo r fan w i th impe l le r d iame te r 450 m m

and less. The f i rst cr i t ical speed o f ro tat in g assemb ly shal l be at least 25% abo ve operat ing speed.

17.5.8 Imp el lers shall be axial f low t ype single piece.

17.5.9 Cent rifugal Fans

17.5.10 The fan uni ts shal l be centr i fugal type with radial b laded impel ler . For design purpose out door

amb ient tem peratu re shal l be t aken as 50 deg.C.

17.5.11 Fans shal l be m anufactu red vibrat ion free in o perat ion and shal l be d esigned to l imi t n oise level

w i th in l imi ts speci f ied in Data Sheet.

17 .5 .12 The m oto r sha ll be ra ted fo r cont inuous opera t ion and conform to companion e lect r ica l

spec if ica t ion . How ever , mo tor ra t ing sha l l no t be less than the max. pow er demand th roughout

the ent i re range o f opera t ion o f f an .

17.5.13 Al l fan mo unt ings shal l have adequat e arrangement f or vibrat ion isolat ion.

17.5.14 The reverse f low th rough no n-w orking fan shal l be prevente d by dam pers. The dampe rs shal l bem ade out o f 18 SWG M S sheets.

17 .5 .15 Design du ty po in t o f th e fans sha l l match wi th the average va lue o f m aximu m and m in im um f low

ra te o f the fan in the s tab le operat ion zone.

17.5.1 6 Filters M etal l ic Fi l ters

M etal l ic cleanable f i lters shal l be provided as requ ired. M ax. a ir veloci ty con sidered shall be 2

m/sec . HDPE Filter s

HDPE f i l ters shou ld have an ef f ic iency of 90% dow n t o 5 m icrons. Velocity across the f i l ter shal l be

l im i ted to 2 .5 m/ sec.

17.5.17 High eff ic iency f i l ter ( for A/ C purp ose). Fi l t rat ion eff ic iency shal l not be less than 99.9% do wn to 5

m icrons. Pr. d rop across the f i lte r u nder c lean cond i t ion sha l l no t be m ore than 10 m m w .c.

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17.5.1 8 Packaged Air-Con dit ioning Un it

PAC uni ts shal l be p rovided as required.

17.5.19 PAC uni ts shal l be factory tested and assembled sel f contained uni ts complete wi th refr igerant

com pressor, coi ls, fans, insulat ion and w ir ing. Var ious parts of PAC un i ts wh erever requ ired shal l

be in su la ted w i th expanded po lyethy lene conform ing to IS:4671.

17.5.20 The PAC uni t shal l comprise of an evaporator ( indoor a ir ) b lower sect ion and an air cooled

condenser (outdoor a ir ) sect ion. Heavy gauge steel cabinet factory f in ished with two coats of

epoxy paint o f appro ved colour, shal l be used to hou se comp onent s of PAC.

17.5.21 The evaporator and cond enser coi ls shal l be arranged fo r d irect expansion cool ing and shal l be

formed of a luminum f ins mechanical ly bonded to seamless copper tubes and electr ical ly t inned.The inter-connecting refr igerant ci rcui ts shal l comprise of mult ip le cyl inder hermetic

compressor(s) and motor(s) wi th a l l necessary isolat ion valves, suct ion gas control led thermal

expansion valves, w i th adjustable set p oint , s ight g lass, copper tub ing and p ipel ine anci llar ies. The

condenser coi ls shal l be air cooled by propel ler type fans complete wi th safety guards. The

condensing coi ls shal l be sui tably arr anged to avoid radiant h eat p ick-up fro m solar sources.

17.5.22 Cond enser capaci ty cont rol shall be p rovided b y m eans of var iable speed f ans and ‘h ead pressure ’


17.5.23 The evaporat or a ir b low er(s) shal l be cent r i fu gal forw ard curved t ype bel t d r iven by individualm oto r(s) and sui table f or t he ext ernal stat ic pressure . The f an assem bly shall be isolated from the

casing by anti -v ibrat ion mounts. The fan/motor dr ive shal l be capable of capaci ty adjustment by

pu l ley changes w ith in +15% of d esign dut y.

17.5.24 High eff ic iency f i lters shal l be pro vided in t he m ain supp ly a ir du ct and in t he fr esh air connect ion

to re tu rn a ir duct .

17.6 Construct ion Requirem ent s

17.6.1 General construct ion detai ls of var ious equipment under Contractor ’s scope shal l be aselaborated in subsequent clauses below .

17.6.2 Roof Venti lato rs and accessor ies

Roof vent i lators and accessor ies shal l be p rovided as required.

17.6.3 Imp el ler shal l be axia l f low type, cast in on e piece f in ished al l over and careful ly dynam ical ly

balanced after f inal assembly. Al l impel lers shal l consist of h igh eff ic iency aerofoi l b lades.

Impe l le rs shal l be mou nted d i rect ly on t he m otor shaf t .

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17.6.4 Casing shal l be of h eavy gauge con struct ion and shal l be prope r ly re infor ced for r ig id i ty. Access

doo r w i th sui table locking arrangem ent shall be pro vided.

17.6.5 Hood shal l be of h inged type pro vid ing easy access to m ot or and imp el ler . It w i l l a lso prot ect

them f rom ra in and any o t her cont ingencies. W eather -proof lockab le typ e d isconnect swi tch sha llbe prov ided such tha t the hoods can be opened on ly when the d isconnect swi tch is in ‘OFF’

posi t ions. On larger sizes of roof venti lators, hoods shal l be of spl i t construct ion. 15 mm mesh

galvanised b ird screen shal l be pro vided. The hood s wi l l have low pre ssure d rop across i t .

17.6.6 Sui tab le arrangement shal l be provided fo r mo unt ing th e roof venti lato rs such that ingress of

ra inwater in t o th e bu i ld ing w i ll be avo ided comple te ly .

17.6.7 Axial Flow Fans

Axial f low fans shal l be pro vided as required.

17.6.8 Im pel lers shal l be axia l f low typ e and single piece cast a luminum w ith aerof oi l b lades construct ion .

I t shal l be f in ished al l over and balanced dynamical ly. Impel ler shal l be mounted direct ly on the

m o to r shaf t .

17.6.9 Casing shal l be of heavy gauge construct ion p roper ly re info rced for r ig id i ty. It shal l be pro vided

w ith sui table suppo rts. Access door shal l be pro vided in t he casing for easy access to m oto r and

imp el le r . Su i tab le ar rangem ent fo r m ount ing o f m otor sha l l be prov ided.

17.6.10 Rain protect ion cowls wi l l be designed to sui t wal l exhausters/supply fans for protect ing

fans/ m oto rs f rom ra in . I t w i ll be prov ided w i th b i rd screen.

17.6.11 In let con e or bel l and ou tlet cone shal l be provided as required. I t should b e made o f G.I. or M .S.

17.6.12 Motor shal l be of tota l ly enclosed type complying with the companion electr ical speci f icat ion.

Sui tab le ra in/ sun shade fo r m oto rs shal l a lso b e provided .

17.6.1 3 Cent rifugal Fan

Cent r i fugal fans shal l be p rovided as required .

17.6.14 The casing shal l be of w elded construct ion fabr icated w ith h eavy gauge m ater ia l . It shal l be r ig id ly

reinforced and supported by structural angles. The seams shal l be permanently sealed air t ight.

Split casing shall be provided on larger sizes of fans. Casing drain with valves shall be provided

w herever requ i red .

17.6.15 The im pel ler shal l have die for med curved blades fabr icated out of M S heavy gauge we lded to the

r im and back plate to have a non over load ing character ist ics of t he fan . Rim shal l be spun to h ave

a sm oot h cont our. I f requ ired interm ediate st i f fening r ings shal l be required. The im pel ler , pu l ley

and shaft s leeves shall be secured to th e shaft by key and/ or n ut s. The im pel ler a long wit h d r iven

pu l ley shal l be dyn amical ly balanced. Fan shaft shal l be o f EN-8 equ ivalent .

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17.6.16 The bear ings shal l be sel f-a l igning heavy-duty bal l or ro l ler bear ings. They shal l be adequately

support ed. They shal l be easi ly accessible and lubr icated p roper ly f rom out side.

17.6.1 7 Filters

17.6 .18 M eta l l ic Fi lters

M etal l ic cleanable f i l ters shal l consist of V-fo ld galvanised w ire m esh int er spaced w ith a f lat layer

of galvanised wire mesh. The densi ty of the f i l ter medium shal l increase in the direct ion of

air f low. Wire mesh edges shal l be sui tably hemmed to el iminate the danger of abrasion dur ing

handl ing. Fi l ter m edium shal l be suppor ted on ei ther side by galvanised expanded met al casing.

Fi l ter fram e shal l be construct ed fr om galvanised sheet of th ickness not less than 18 gauge.

17.6.1 9 HDP E Filters

HDPE fi l ters shall be provided as required. This shall be constructed of HDPE fabric with

cont inuous wat er spray ing on i t f ro m a header fo r keep ing i t c lean.

17.6.2 0 High eff iciency f ilter ( for A/ C pu rpose)

The media of the f i l ter shal l be made from ei ther special synthetic non-woven bond f iber design

or made f rom m icro f iber g lass m edia . It sha l l be suppor t ed w i th GI w i re m esh or a lum inum mesh

and shal l be ho used in an alum inum sheet f ram e. It shal l be of w ashable type several t imes.

17.6 .21 Package A/ C Unit

17.6.22 A separate cubicle shal l be provided w ith in t he overal l casing to hou se the t herm ostat ic contro ls,

w hich shal l be electr ic/e lectron ic sol id state, prew ired and tested. The refr igerant system shal l be

pro tected by pre ssure l im i t ing devices, e lectr ic and th erm al over loads and un loading facil i t ies to

prov ide th e requ i red contro l range to le rances. A low vo l tage room therm osta t shal l be prov ided

for wal l mounting. The casing shal l be f i t ted with a l l necessary coi l drains and service


entr ies.

17. 6.23 PAC (du ty/ standby) un i ts shal l be selected m anual ly and be ON/ OFF sw itched. The uni t s shal l be

ful ly packaged and incorporate integral room air sensing control thermostats and manufacturers

work f i t ted sa fe ty in te r locks. A l l contro ls sha l l be prewi red to un i t mounted contro l /power

term ina l boxes.

17.6.2 4 Ven tilat ion an d Air Con dit ioning system ducting

17.6.25 All GI sheet m etal duct w ork requ ired for vent i lat ion and air condi t ion ing system shal l be furnished

by the suppl ier . Al l ducts and plenums unless otherwise noted shal l be constructed out of

standard qu al i ty galvanised steel sheet. Al l sheet m etal du cts shal l be fabr icated an d instal led in

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conform i ty to the requ i rements o f IS:655. Stee l suppor t s fo r t he ductw ork sha ll be fu rn ished as

requ ired. The th ickness of duct ing steel shal l be 1 m m m in. For du ct ing w ith large size exceeding

1300 m m i t sha ll be 1 .25 m m . The f lex ib le connect ion betw een fan and du ct ing sha l l be on Tef lon

im pregnated canvas. The zinc coating on GI sheet shall be 275 gm / cm2 .



1.1.0 M ech. Venti lat ion System : To prov ide vent i lat ion using fans for speci f ied areas.

1.1.1 No . of a i r changes per hou r

(a ) For o verground bu i ld ing: No t less than 1 0 supply a ir changes & 7 Exhaust a ir changes

(b ) For und erground a reas: Not less than 15 supp ly a ir changes & 7 Exhaust a ir changes

1.1.2 Equipment(1) Unde rground tu nnel : Cent r i fugal fans/Axial Fans

(2) All oth er p laces: Axia l fans, roo f venti lato rs

1.2.0 Pressur ised venti lat ion system : To p rovide clean air to a l l M CC / Sw itchgear bui ld ings

1.2.1 No. of a i r changes per ho ur: Not less than 20

1.2.2 Equipm ent : Cent r i fugal fans/ Axial Fans and exhaust a ir fan

1.3.0 Air-cond i t ioning system As speci f ied

1.3 .1 Temp era ture to be main ta ined : 2 4 ± 1 deg. C

1.3 .2 Humid i ty to be main ta ined : 50 ± 5% re lat ive hum id ity1.3.3 Fresh Air intake : M ore th an 1.5 air changes per hou r.

1.3.4 Equipm ent : 2 x 100 % roof m oun ted package AC uni t s a long wit h duct ing etc. and

w i n d o w A C

1.4 .0 Outs ide Ambient Cond i t ions

(i )  Sum m er: As per w eather data given in pro ject synopsis.

(ii)  M onsoon: - Do –

(iii) W inter : - Do

2.0.0 DESIGN & CON STRUCTION2.1.0 Roof Ven ti lators

2.1.1 Capaci ty: 10% mor e of actual requ irem ent

2 .1 .2 Head: 20% more o f actua l requ i rem ent

2.1.3 Speed

(a) Impe l le r: d ia above 450 mm M ax. 960 rpm

(b) Imp e l le r : d ia less than or equa l to 450 m m M ax. 1440 rpm

(c) Cr i t ical speed: 25% above op erat ing speed.

2.2.0 A xial Fans

2.2.1 Capaci ty: 10% mor e of actual requ irem ent

2 .2 .2 Head: 20% more o f actua l requ i rem ent

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2.2.3 Speed

(a) Impe l le r: d ia above 450 mm M ax. 960 rpm

(b) Imp e l le r : d ia less than or equa l to 450 m m M ax. 1440 rpm

(c) Critical speed: 25% abo ve op erat ing speed.

2.3.0 Cent rifu gal Fans

2.3.1 Capaci ty: 10% mor e of actual requ irem ent

2 .3 .2 Head: 20% more than actua l requ i rem ent

2.3.3 Speed: M ax. 1500 rpm

2.3 .4 Outdoor t em pera ture : 50 deg.C.

2.3.5 Rating: Cont inuous

2.4.0 Packaged Air-Conditioning Unit

2 .4 .1 Type: Roof top m ount ing

2.4.2 Service/appl icat ion: Cont inuous, round th e clock.

2.4.3 Capacity

(i) TR: Suitable

(i i) CFM : Suit able

2.4.4 Type of com pressor: M ult ip le cylinder herm etic com pressor.

2.4.5 Cond enser: Air coo led type

2.4.6 Fan: Forw ard curved centr i fu gal fan

2.4.7 Fil ter : High eff ic iency f i l ter

2.4.8 Cooling Coil

(a) Type: Direct Expansion

(b) Mater ia l : Copper

(c) Fins: Alum inum m echanical ly bo nded .

2.4.9 Refrigerant: Piping Copper

2.4.10 Insulat ion for PAC parts: Expanded po lyethylene of den si ty at least 15 kg/ cub.m .

2.5.0 Fi l ters

2.5.1. M etal l ic Fi l ters

(1) M ax. a ir veloci ty: 2m / sec.

2.5.2 HDPE fi l te rs

(1) Eff ic iency: 90% dow n to 5 micron s

(2) M ax. veloci ty: 2.5 m / sec.

(3) Testin g: As per BS 2831 / Sqv.

2.5.3 High Efficiency Filter

(1) Eff ic iency: 99.9% dow n to 5 m icrons.

(2) Pr. drop across: 10 m m W .C.

(3) Testin g: As per BS 2831 / Sqv.

2.6.0 Insulat ion f or A / C Ducting Resin Bonded M ineral wo ol as per IS:8183

2.6.1 Densi ty: 24 kg/cub.m

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2.6 .2 Thermal conduct iv i ty : 0 .49 m w /cm d eg.C


18.1   Design Considerat ions 

a)   The general param eters for conveyor gal ler ies shall conform to th e provision o f IS : 11592-1985

unless specified otherwise in Technical Specifications. The structures shall be designed so as to

m eet funct iona l requ i rement s and sha l l p rov ide space fo r opera t ion , m ain tenance and rem ova l o f

m ach inery and g ive the w orkers good and sa fe env i ronment .

b )  Gallery f loor s shal l be of chequ ered plates suppo rted o n steel beam s.

c)  Step s shal l be provided w ith (r ise not exceeding 130 mm along the w alkways i f the gal lery slope

exceeds 12°. In case th e slop e of gallery is be tw een 6° to 12°, su itab le ribs (w ith ou t an y sharp

edges) sha l l be prov ided on f loor a t 2 50 to 300 m m in terva ls.

d )  Roof and side wal ls of conveyor gal ler ies shal l be covered with GCS/ Aluminium/ colour coated

sheets. w i th a prov ision o f gap o f 300 m m b e low roof and 150 m m from top o f f loor leve l on the

side w al l for ven ti lat ion.

e)   Adequat e provision f or nat ural l ight inside conveyo r gallery shal l be mad e th rough side w al ls by

providing translucent sheets (FRP sheets as per IS: 12866-1989). Every sixth sheet on side wall

shall be FRP sheet and shal l be staggered on oppo site w al l .

f )  Roof slopes of conveyor galler ies shall be 1:5 (1 v ert ical, 5 Ho r izontal) .

g)  The level of un derside of t he base plate of gal lery support ing trest les shall be 300 m m abo ve the

average ground level of t he surround ing area.

h )  Protect ive hand rai l ing shal l be provided along gal lery walkways, open platform, sta irways,

landings, edges of walkways when the gal lery is not enclosed, and around erect ion openings, i f

any, to ensure safety o f operat ing personn el.

i)   Conveyor gal ler ies longer than 150 m shal l be provided with expansion jo ints wi th twin

trest les/supports. Each expansion block shal l have f ixed support/r ig id trest le wi th adequate

ar rangement (p rov is ion o f top chord and bot tom chord brac ing to ga l le ry g i rder e tc . ) fo r

t ransfer r ing th e t ransverse and long i tud ina l fo rces to the foundat ion .

 j)   Gallery g irders near junct ion house shal l be preferably supported on trest le located as close to

the junct ion house as possible, wi th part of gal lery g irder between junct ion house and trest le

canti levered from the trest le. Support ing gal lery g irders on junct ion house shal l be general ly


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k)   The underside of the bel t conveyor shal l be fu l ly covered with 3 mm sheet in case of conveyors

located w ith in the bou ndar ies of the p lant area. including the gallery crossing the roads / ra i lw ay

l ines / areas of p ub l ic gather ings.

l)   When conveyor gal lery crosses above or below H.T cables, a minimum clear d istance of 1.0 m

bet w een the struct ural e lem ents/ cladding and HT cables shal l be m aintained.

m ) W hen t he conveyor b r idge passes over p lant roads, clearance bet w een th e road surface and th e

low est point s of t he br idges shal l not be less than 8.0 m or t he height needed f or t he passage of

the la rgest ind iv idua l component s o f th e p lan t equ ipment , wh ichever is the la rger .

n )  The junct ion house shal l be designed to sui t th e funct ional requirem ent. Num ber of f loors, height

of bui ld ing etc. shal l be decided accord ingly.

o )  In general the junct ion house shal l be designed as framed structures on shorter span side and

vert ical ly braced on longer side t o achieve stab i l ity.

p )  Floor o f junct ion ho uses shal l be of RCC slab / Chequered plate suppor ted o n steel beam s, unless

requ ired oth erw ise from technolo gical sui tab le lugs.

q )  Roof and side cover ing of junct ion houses shal l be with GCS/Aluminum sheets / troughed colour

coated sheet s as speci f ied. Roof slope shal l be 1: 5 ( 1 Vert ical : 5 Hor izontal) .

r )  Suitab le access sta ircase w ith safety hand rai l ing shal l be pro vided t o al l f loor s of junct ion hou ses.

s)  W al l sheet ing sha l l genera lly sta r t f rom the low est work ing f loor and extend up to roo f leve l w i th

louvers at each f loor level to ensure adequat e natural vent i lat ion .

t )  M onora i ls fo r m ain tenance ho ists sha l l be prov ided fo r m ain tenance and repa i r o f var ious

equ ipment s loca ted on th e f loors .

18.2   Com pon ent s of structures

a)   Gallery Tru sses and Roof

Gallery t russ shall be o f latt iced type con struct ion. The t russes shal l be adequately b raced at top

and bot tom chord leve l to t ransfer the hor izonta l w ind fo rces to end por t a ls.

b )  St rin ger Beam

These beam s shal l be sui tably spaced to suppo rt th e conveyor str inger suppor ts and shal l transfer

load to gal lery. Walkw ays on ei th er side of the con veyor shal l a lso be supp ort ed on t hese str inger


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c)  Supp ort ing Trest les

Intermediate trest les shal l be two legged and shal l del iver loads from gal lery trusses to thefoundations. In addi t ion, four legged trest les shal l be provided which wi l l act as f ixed support to

tran sm it a l l longi tu dinal forces bet w een expansion block, in addi t ion t o ot her for ces.

d )  Junction Houses

i) Floors - Floor beam layout shal l be arranged to sui t equipment layout as wel l as equipment

anchor ing system .

i i ) Columns - In addi t ion to loads from f loor and roof, columns shal l be designed to transmit

hor izonta l load due to be l t t ens ion / snapp ing o f be l ts to t he foundat ion .

e)   Belt Tensioning Device

Suitable structures shal l be provided to accommodate bel t- tensioning device which may be

located ei ther un der th e conveyor gal lery or in th e junct ion hou se i tself .

f )  Wall Structures

(i )  Wall runners wi th necessary sag rods shal l be provided to support wal l sheeting in

conveyor galler ies and ju nct ion hou ses.

(ii)  Walls shal l be provided with louvers and translucent sheeting at appropr iate levels, to

prov ide natu ra l vent i la t ion and l igh t ing .

g)  Access stairs, w alkways, p latfo rm s, ladders, hand rai l ing et c.

(i )  W herever p ossib le, access shal l be p rovided by m eans of sta irs.

(ii)  Al l w a lkways and s ta irs lead ing to wo rk ing p la t fo rm s sha l l have m in im um 800 m m w id th o f

w a lkw ays/ f l igh t o f sta i r .

(iii)  All ot her w alkways and stairs leading to areas for m aintenance purpo se, or du e to restr ict ion

of space, sha l l have a m in imu m w id th o f 800 m m of w a lkway/ f l igh t o f s ta i r , un less requ i red

otherwise .

(iv)  Staircases shal l be general ly designed w ith slope o f appro ximate 37.5° w ith th e hor izon tal .

( In no case the slope shal l exceed 40 ° with the hor izontal) . Intermediate landings shal l be

provided wherever required such that vert ical r ise of each f l ight does not exceed 3000mm.

Risers in on e fl ight shall be equa lly spaced.

(v )  Walkway f loors and stair treads shal l be designed with chequered plate (or non-sl ip type

plates). Ribbed f loor/treads may be provided wherever the possibi l i ty of accumulat ion of

dust exists, taking care that such provisions do not crate a nuisance to the operat ing

personne l on t he shop f loor .

(vi)  Rise o f t reads in sta ircases shal l no t exceed 200 m m .

(vii) A min imum headroom of 2200 mm sha l l be prov ided over opera t ing p la t fo rms, v is i to r 's

gal ler ies, or oth er areas w ith po ssib i l i ty of p ubl ic gather in g. In a l l other p latfo rm s, w alkways

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and stairs, minimum headroom of 2000 mm shal l be provided. Only in special cases, local

headroom o f 1800 mm may be a l low ed ( i.e . a t in te rsect ion w i th s t ructura l mem bers etc . ).

(viii)  Cat ladders shal l be p rovided for access, w herever p rovision o f sta ircase is imp ract ical due to

l imit at ions of space, or t he access is required very infreq uent ly.(ix)  W herever th e height of cat ladder exceeds 4.0 m , safety cage shal l be provided. Interm ediate

landing shal l be provided to cat ladders such that vert ical height of s ingle r ise does not

exceed 8.0 m .

(x )  Cat ladd ers shal l be d esigned w ith fo l low ing provisions:

i.  Wid th o f r ung = 500 mm

ii .  M in imum r ise o f rung = 250 mm ; Maximum r ise o f rung = 300 mm

iii.  M inim um clearance from rung of ladd er to ba ck of cage (in case of caged ladders) =

700 mm

iv .  M in imum c learance f rom the centre o f cage a l l round = 350 m m

v.  Slope of cat- ladder s:

I . For no rm al cat- ladders, slope shal l be w ith in the range of 75°-90° w ith t he ho r izont al .

I I . For ship- type ladders ( i.e cat- ladders w i th shor t s ide h andrai ls) th e slope shal l be w ith in

th e range of 65°-75° w ith th e ho r izon tal .

(xi)  All walkw ays, p latfor m s and stairs shall be p rovided w ith safety h andrai ls. Al l handrai ls shal l

be constructed with steel tubes / angles for posts, top and middle ra i l and plates/sheets for

to e plates. In case of sta irs, th e to e guards need no t b e provided .

(xii)  The vert ical height of hand-rai l ings on walkways and stairs shal l be minimum 1000 mm

above f loor level.

(xiii) Hand-ra i ling a long edge o f roo f and gut t e rs sha l l have a m in imum he ight o f 600 m m over top

edge of gutters/sheets. In such hand rai l ings toe guards need not be provided. (Only top

handrai l and m idrai l shall be pro vided).


a) Design of steel structu res shal l be don e in accordance w ith IS:800-1984.

b) In absence o f spec if ied dynamic factor to be cons idered fo r the load f rom t he be l t conveyor ,

a dynamic factor of not less than 1.3 shal l be considered for the design of f loor beams and

gallery girders.

c) Gallery trusses and str ingers as w el l as f loor beam s of junct ion hou se shal l be checked forobviat ing occurrence of resonance and shal l be designed such that the rat io of appl ied

f requency to na t ura l f requency sha l l no t l ie w i th in the range 0 .7 to 1 .5 .

d) As far as po ssib le gal lery str uctu re shal l be m ade independ ent of junct ion houses. A trest le

shal l be planned close to the junct ion house to avoid gal lery span rest ing on the junct ion


e) The contractor a f te r the award o f wor k sha l l subm i t design cr ite r ia to owner / consu l tan t fo r

appro val before subm ission o f design draw ings.

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f ) The design drawin gs shal l be subm itte d in comp lete for a uni t a long w ith design calculat ion s

bot h in hard cop y and soft copy. Design shal l be d one u sing STAAD.

g) The effect ive rat io o f ut i l i ty of a l l main sect ion s shal l be l imi t ed to 0 .85

h) Struct ural schem atic general arrangement w i th p lans at var ious levels, e levations along each

row and axes, sect ion s, considered loads and load d iagram s with location et c. and Structu ral

design draw ings w ith BOQ and Table of m emb ers contain in g design fo rces shal l be subm itted

for Owner ’s/Consul tant ’s approval . However the approval shal l be l imi ted to checking of

overal l d imen sions, general stabi l i ty of system , effect ive load transfer and def lect ion l imi ts etc.

The approval shal l not re l ieve the contractor of h is responsibi l i ty of correctness in design,

adequacy of connection s, accuracy etc.

i ) Submission of Stabi l i ty cert i f icate for a l l the steel structures is under the scope of the

contractor .

18.4 Descript ion of loads and loading codes

a)   Unless speci f ied o the rw ise hereinaft er , a l l the l ive loads shal l be con sidered in accord ance

w ith IS: 875 (Part-2) -1987.

b )  W ind loads shal l be con sidered in accordance w ith IS: 875 (Part-3)-1987.

c)   Seism ic loads shal l be con sidered in accordance w ith IS:1893(part1)-2002 and 1893 (part 4)-


d )  Live loads from conveyor o n t he gal lery f loo r shal l be as per conveyor suppl iers load data.e)   W hile designing the f ixed supp ort / r ig id trest les in an expansion block of con veyor gallery the

fol low ing loads (in addi t ion to w ind load) shal l be considered.

(i ) Forces due to di f fe rence in fr ict ional resistance of to p and ret urn id le ro l lers of con veyor.

(ii) Forces due to iner t ia o f ro l le rs a t th e t ime o f s ta r t ing o f conveyor be l t .

(iii)   Break dow n load caused by snapping of b el t ( in case of m ult ip le conveyors, snapping of

on e bel t at a t im e) shal l be considered.

(iv)  Special load s if any

f )  Gallery g irders and f loor shal l be designed for the fo l lowing l ive loads,inclusive of spi l lage

loads on f loor s.i ) Walkway/Suppor t ing beams for f loor - 4 .0 KN/ m ²

i i Und er the conveyor be lt - 0 .75 KN/ m ²

i i i ) Gallery g irder, for f loo r load of - 3.0 KN/ m ²

g)  Dust load on roof o f junct ion hou se and conveyor galler ies shall be consider ed as fo l low s:

i.   For bu i ld ing and s t ructures loca ted a t a d is tance o f 300m f rom the du st p roduc ing

un i ts - 0 .5 KN/m ²

ii .  At a d istance o f 300 m to 800 m f rom the dust p rodu c ing un i t - 0 .25 KN/ m ²

h )  As per technological requirements, provision of support ing the fo l lowing, and load ar is ing

th ereof shal l be considered in th e design o f conveyor gal lery.

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i ) Venti lat ion du ct.

i i) Electr ical cables/cable racks.

i i i) Fire Fighting equ ipm ent.

i)   Jun ction hou se f loors shal l be designed for th e fo l low ing loads:i ) Live load on f loor - 5.0 KN/ m ²

i i ) Tension fro m con veyor bel t

i i) Load due t o equ ipm ent loca ted on f loor .

iv ) Load du e to jamm ing o f chutes.

v) Erect ion loads anyw here on t he f loor.

 j )  Comb inat ion o f loads

The var iou s loads speci f ied shal l be com bined in accord ance w ith clause 8.0 of IS: 875 (Part-

5)-1987 to give the m ost severe loading cond i t ion fo r design of structu res.

k)  Str ess enhancem ents

Permissib le l imi ts of stress may be increased, wherever permissib le, in accordance with


18.5 Limit ing def lect ion

a.   The deflect ion shal l be l imi ted in var ious elements of structures in accordance with clause

3.13 IS: 800 -1984.

b .  In addi t ion f o l low ing limit at ion in deflect ion shal l be observed in design:

i) Gallery Trusses Span / 400

i i ) Top of End po r ta l of gallery tru ss H / 325 wh ere H =Height of po r ta l above beam s

i i i ) Traverse def lect ion of top of Trest le H/ 1000 w here H = Height of t rest le above foun dation


18.6 .1 Drawings

The Contractor shal l prepare fabr icat ion drawings, erect ion drawings, b i l l of mater ia ls, drawingoff ice despatch l ists / shipp ing docum ents, schedule of b ol ts and nu ts and as bui l t draw ings. Al l

draw ing wo rk shal l be in m etr ic system and al l w r i t ing w ork shal l be in English. The wo rk shall be

carr ied ou t as descr ibed in General Technical Speci f icat io ns for stru ctural w orks.

18.6 .2 M ater ia l of Construct ion l steel and o ther m ater ia ls used for steelw ork and in associat ion w ith steelw ork shal l confo rm

to appropr iate Indian standards. Only tested mater ia ls shal l be used unless wr i t ten author i ty is

obta ined fo r th e use o f un t ested mat er ia ls fo r cer ta in secondary s t ructura l mem bers.

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Unless oth erw ise speci f ied in the draw ings

i.  All ro l led sect ions and plates upto 20 m m th k. Shal l conform to Grade-E250 & q ual i ty A of

IS: 2062-2006 and shal l general ly b e of tested q ual i ty.ii .  Plates above 20 mm thk. and plated structures subjected to dynamic loading shal l

confo rm to Grade-E 250 & qual i ty B as per IS: 2062-2006.

iii.  For High Tensi le steel req uirem ent s, m ater ia l confor m ing to IS: 8500 or SAIL- M A (HYA o r

HYB) shall be u sed . Steel sheets shall confo rm to IS: 1079. Steel tubes for structu ral purp ose shal l confo rm t o IS: 1161 (of Grade Yst 240) Corru gated Galvanised Sheets shal l confo rm t o IS: 277 wit h appropr iate Zinc coating for the

se lected th ickness o f sheet on roo f and s ides. (1 .0m m thk fo r roo f and 0 .8mm thk fo r sides) Alum inium indu str ia l tro ughed sheets confo rm ing to IS: 1254 shal l be used as fo l low s:

i ) On roo f - 0 .91m m th ick i i ) On side wa l ls - 0 .71mm th ick Translucent sheets shal l be f ibre glass re info rced polyester sheets of m atching prof i le as per IS:

12866. Colour coat ed sheets shal l be as per appropr iat e standard. Gutt ers shal l be of copp er bear ing steel conf orm ing to Grade "A" as per IS:2062. Rails shall con for m to IS: 3443 . Al l b lack bol ts, nut s and locknut s shal l confo rm to IS: 1363 and IS: 1364 ( for pr ecision and sem i

precision hexagonal bolts) of property class 6.4unless otherwise specified. Washers shall

confo rm to IS: 6610 All tape red w asher shall be as per IS: 5372 fo r channels, and IS: 5374 fo r Joists. Sp ring w ashers

shal l confor m to IS: 3063. All HSFG bo lts shall confo rm t o IS: 3757. Assemb ly of joint s using HSFG bo lts shall confo rm to

IS: 4000 . Nut s and w ashers for HSFG bo lts shall be a s per IS: 6623 & IS:6649 re spect ively. Covered electrod es fo r arc w elding shal l confo rm to IS:814–2004. Electrode to be used for

submerged arc welding shal l conform speci f icat ion IS: 7280-1974. Al ternatively Covered

electrodes for arc w elding shal l confi rm to AWS Speci f icat ion s and shal l be as fo l low s.

- E 6013 fo r a l l f i l le t w elds of IS 2062 steel dr E250 , qual ity A & B

- E 7018 f or al l f i l let w elds of SAIL-M A 350 HYA stee l

- E 7018 fo r a l l bu t w elds including si te w elds ir respective of the q ual i ty o f steel .Viz. IS 2062 gr

E250 , quality A , B or SAILMA -350 HYA stee l.

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Technical Specification: System Param ete rs, Operat ion & Cont rol Philosophy Page 64 of 66 Cert i f ied m i l l test repo rts of m ater ia ls used in the w ork shal l be mad e available for

inspect ion b y the Ow ner / Consu l tan t upon r equest .

18.6.3 Fabricat ion Fabr icat ion of a l l structural steelwork shal l be in accordance with IS:800 or their equivalent

foreign national standard of the country of or ig in of supply unless otherwise speci f ied, and in

confo rm ity w i th v ar ious clauses of th e Technical Speci f icat ion . W herever pract icable and wh erever perfect match ing of part s is required at si te, m emb ers shal l

be shop assembled before despatch to minimise si te work. Parts not completely assembled in

th e shop shal l be secured, to t he exten t po ssib le, to p revent dam age du r ing despatch. ERECTION OF STEEL STRUCTURES

18.6.3 .3.1 Scope

The scope o f work under erect ion inc ludes in add i t ion to prov is ion o f e rect ion and t ranspor t

equipm ent s, too ls and tackles, consum ables, mat er ia ls, labou r and super vision, the fo l low ing:

a)   Stor ing and stacking at si te of erect ion of a l l fabr icated structural components/ uni ts/assembl ies

t i l l the t ime o f e rect ion .

b )  Transpo rtat ion of stru ctures at si te.


Receiving at si te of structur es including site hand l ing /m ovem ent , unloading, stor ing and stackingat si te of erect ion o f techno logical stru ctures such as bun kers and t he re lated struct ures

d )  Al l m inor r ect i f ica t ion / m od i f ica t ion such as :

i ) Rem oval of b ends, kinks, tw ists, etc. for part s dam aged du r ing transport at ion and hand l ing;

i i ) Cutt ing chipping, f i l ing, gr inding, etc., i f required, for preparat ion and f in ishing of si te


i i i ) Ream ing for use of n ext h igher size bol t f or ho les w hich do no t register o r w hich are damaged.

iv) Welding of connections in p lace of bol t ing for which holes are ei ther not dr i l led at a l l or

w rong ly dr i l led dur ing fabr icat ion .

e)   Other rect i f i ca t ion w ork such as

i) Re-fabr icat ion of parts, damaged beyond repair dur ing transportat ion and handl ing orincorrect ly fabr icated.

i i ) Fabr icat ion of par ts om itte d dur ing fabr icat ion b y oversight or subsequent ly found n ecessary.

i i i ) Plug-welding and re-dr i l l ing of holes which do not register and which cannot be reamed for

use of n ext h igher size bol t .

f )  Fabr ica t ion o f minor i tems/miss ing i tems or such impor tan t i tems as d i rected by the Owner /

Consul tant.

g)  Assemb ly a t s i te o f s teel s t ructura l component s wherever requ i red inc lud ing t empo rary suppor t s

and staging.

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h )  M aking arrangem ents for and provid ing al l facil i t ies for conduct ing ul trasonic X-ray or gamm a ray

tests on w elds; gett ing th e tests condu cted by reput ed test ing laborato r ies, m aking available test

f i lm s/ g raphs,repor ts and in t erpre ta t ion .

i)   Rect i fy ing a t si te , damaged por t ions o f shop pr im er by c lean ing and t ouchup pa in t . j )  Erection of structures including making connections by bol ts/h igh strength fr ict ion gr ip bol ts /

we ld ing .

k)  Al ignment o f a l l s t ructures t rue to l ine , leve l p lumb and d imensions wi th in spec i f ied l imi ts o f

to lerances as per IS :12843 “ Tolerance fo r Erect ion of Steel Stru cture s” .

l)   Appl ica t ion o f second coat o f p r imer pa in t and tw o coats o f f in ish ing pa in t a t s ite a f t e r e rect ion .

m )  Grout ing o f a l l co lumn bases a f te r p roper a l ignment o f co lumns and on ly a f te r ob ta in ing

c learance f rom Own er / Consu l tan t .

n )  Condu cting prel im inary acceptan ce and f inal accepta nce tests.

o )  Preparat io n of as bui l t dr awings, prepar ing of sketches/d raw ings to sui t

f ie ld engineer ing decisions, avai labi l ity of m ater ia l , convenience of fabr icat ion, t ransportat ion and

erect ion and changes du r ing fabr icat ion and erect ion.

A l l such w orks are sub ject to approva l by t he Ow ner / Consu l tan t .

18 .6.4 PAINT ING O F BUI LDIN G STEEL STRU CTURES l steel structural work shal l be painted as fo l lows unless otherwise stated in the drawing /

Technical Specification . Surface preparat ion

The steel surface wh ich is to be paint ed shal l be cleaned of d ir t and grease, and the h eavier layers

of ru st shal l be rem oved b y chipping pr ior to actua l surface preparat ion t o a speci f ied grade.

Fo l lowing are the type and s tandards o f sur face prepara t ion to be fo l lowed based on the

requ iremen t o f a part icular paint ing system or as speci f ied in th e design draw ings.

M anual/ Pow er to ol c leaning :- M anual/ Pow er to ol c leaning shal l be done as per Grade St-2 or St-3

of Sw edish Standard Inst i tu t ion SIS 05 5900 or cl . & of IS : 1477 - 1987 (Part - 1) .

Grade St-2 :- Thor ough scraping and w ire bru shing, m achine brushing, gr inding etc. This grade ofpreparat ion shal l rem ove loo se mi l l scale, rust cleaner or w i th clean com pressed air or clean bru sh.

After preparat ion, th e surf ace shou ld have a fa int m etal l ic sheen. The appearance shal l correspond

to t he pr in ts designated St-2. I f no grade of surface preparat ion is speci f ied, St-2 grade o f

preparat ion as per Swed ish Standard shal l be fo l low ed.

18.6.4 .3 Paint System

(i )  Sur face preparat ion :- St -2

(ii) Pr imer pa in t : - Tw o coats o f z inc phosphate in pheno l ic a lkyd m edium (35m icrons/coat) .

(iii) Finishing paint:- Two coat s of synth etic enam el (25 m icrons/coat ) confo rm ing to IS : 2932

- 1974.

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All paints shal l be of app roved and shade as per Purchaser / Consul tant 's requiremen ts.

18.6 .4 .4 Paint and Paint ing

M anufactu re of paint s, m ixing of paint s, etc. shall be general ly accord ing to th e re levant IS codes

of pract ice.

General ly compatib i l i ty between pr imer intermediate and f in ishing paint shal l be cert i f ied by the

pa in t m anufacturer supp ly ing the pa in ts .

Guarantee per iod sha ll comm erce f rom the date o f comp le t ion o f f in ish ing coat o f pa in t on ent i re

structu res. The guarantee p er iod shall be indicated depending on t he type o f surface preparat ion

and system o f p a in t ing . To fu l f i ll th is ob l iga t ions, the Contractor may ob ta in f rom the pa in t ing

m anufacturer , guarantee fo r the p er fo rmance o f pa in t / pa in ted sur faces.

Appl icat ion o f paint shal l be by spraying or b rushing as per IS : 486-1983 and IS : 487-1985 and in

un i form layers of 50% over lapping stro kes by ski lled painters. Paint ing shal l not b e done w hen t he

tem peratu re is less than 5 degree C or m ore th an 45 degree C and relat ive hum idi ty is mor e than

85% unless manufacturer 's recommendations permit. Also paint ing shal l not be done in foggy

weather. Dur ing appl icat ion, paint agi tat ion must be provided where such agi tat ion is

recom mended by the manufacturer .

Paint ing shal l be appl ied at paint ing manufacturer 's recommended rates. The number of coats

shall be such that m inimu m dry f i lm t h ickness specif ied is achieved. The dry f i lm th ickness (DFT)of p aint ed surfaces shall be checked w ith ELCOM ETER or m easur ing gauges t o ensure specified


Al l structures shal l receive one coats of pr imer paint at shop after fabr icat ion before despatch

af te r sur face prepara t ion has been done as per r equ i rements.

Unless oth erw ise speci f ied al l str uctu res after er ect ion shall be given on e coat of p r imer and tw o

coats of f in ishing paint of appr oved colour and qual i ty. The und er coat shal l have di f f erent t int t o

dist inguish th e sam e from th e f in ishing coat.

The propo sed m ake, quali ty and shade o f paint shal l have the approval of Purchaser / Consul tant.

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This part covers technical requirements which wi l l form an integral part of the Contract. The

fo l low ing prov isions sha l l supp lement a l l the deta i led techn ica l requ i rements brought ou t in th e

Technical Specification s and th e Techn ical Data Sheet s.

2 .0 B RA N D N A M E

Whenever a mater ia l or ar t ic le is speci f ied or descr ibed by the name of a part icular brand,

m anufacturer o r vendor , the speci f ic i tem m ent ioned shal l be understood to be ind icat ive o f th e

funct ion and qua l i ty des i red , and not rest r ic t ive ; o ther manufacturer 's p roducts may be

considered prov ided su f f ic ien t in fo rmat ion is fu rn ished to enab le the Employer to de termine

that the p roducts proposed are equ iva len t to t hose nam ed.


3.1 Cont ractors m ay not e that th is is a cont ract inclusive of the scope as indicated elsew here in the

speci f icat ion. Each of the plant shal l be engineered and designed in accordance with thespecif icat ion r equirem ent. Al l engineer ing and associated services are required to ensure that a

comple te ly eng ineered p lan t is p rov ided.

3.2 Al l equipm ent s fur nished by the Con tracto r shal l be com plete in every respect, w i th a l l

mountings, f i t t ings, f ixtures and standard accessor ies normal ly provided with such equipment

and/or those needed fo r e rect ion , comple t ion and sa fe opera t ion & main tenance o f the

equipment and for the safety of the operat ing personnel, as required by appl icable codes,

though they may not have been speci f ical ly detai led in the respective speci f icat ions, unless

included in the l ist of exclusions. Al l s imi lar standard components/ parts of s imi lar standard

equ ipment p rov ided, sha l l be in te rchangeab le wi th one anot her .


4.1 In addi t io n to the codes and standards speci f ical ly m ention ed in the re levant technical

spec i f ica t ions fo r the equ ipment / p lan t / system, a l l equ ipment par ts , systems and works

covered under th is speci f icat ion shal l comply wi th a l l currently appl icable statutory regulat ions

and safety cod es, including the fo l low ing:

a.   Bureau o f Ind ian Stand ards (BIS)

b .  Indian electr ic i ty act

c.  Indian electr ic i ty ru les

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d .  Ind ian Explo sives Act

e.   Ind ian Factor ies Act and St ate Fact or ies Act

f .  Ind ian Boiler Regulation s (IBR)g.  Regulat ions of t he Central Pol lut ion Contro l Board, India

h .  Regula t ions o f t he M in ist ry o f Env ironm ent & Forest (M oEF), Governm ent o f Ind ia

i.  Pol lu t ion Contr o l Regu la t ions o f Depar tm ent o f Env ironm ent , Government o f Ind ia

 j.   State Pol lut ion Cont rol Board.

k.   Rules for Electr ical instal lat ion by Tar i f f Advisory Com m ittee (TAC).

l.  Guidel ine fo r w agon t ipp le r – G33 Rev.01 o f M ay 2010.

m . Any oth er stat ut ory codes / standard s / r egulat ions, as m ay be app l icable.

4.2 Unless covered oth erw ise by Indian codes & standards and in case no thing to the contr ary is

speci f ical ly mentioned elsewhere in the speci f icat ions, the latest edi t ions (as appl icable as ondate o f b id op ening), of th e codes and standards given below shall a lso apply:

(a.) Japan ese Indu str ial Stan da rd s (JIS)

(b.) Am erican National Standard s Inst i tu te (ANSI)

(c.) Am erican Society o f Testing and M ater ia ls (ASTM )

(d.) Am erican So ciety o f M echanical En gineers (ASM E)

(e.) Ame rican Petro leum Inst i tu te (API)

( f .) Standard s of the Hydraul ic Inst i tu te, U.S.A.

(g.) Inter national Organisat ion for Standa rdizat ion ( ISO)

(h.) Tubu lar Exchanger M anufact urer 's Associat ion (TEM A)

( i .) Am erican W elding Society (AWS)( j .) Nat ional Electr ical M anufactu rers Associat ion (NEM A)

(k.) Nat ional Fire Pro tect ion Associat ion (NFPA)

(l.) Int erna tion al Electr o-Technical Com m ission (IEC)

(m .) Expan sion Join t M anu factu rers Asso ciation (EJM A)

(n.) Heat Exchange Inst itu te (HEI)

4.3 In th e event of any conf l ict bet we en th e codes and standard s referr ed to in th e above clauses

and the requirement of th is speci f icat ion, the requirement of Technical Speci f icat ion shal l

govern .

4.4 In case of any change in codes, standards & regulat ions bet w een th e dat e of b id open ing and

the date when vendors proceed wi th fabr ica t ion , the Employer sha l l have the opt ion to

incorpora te the changed requ i rements or to re ta in the or ig ina l s tandard . I t sha l l be the

responsibi l i ty of the Contractor to br ing to the notice of the Employer such changes and advise

Em ployer of t he resul t in g effect.


The fun ct iona l guarantees o f t he equ ipm ent and the system under the scope o f the Contract is

given elsewhere in the technical speci f icat ion. These guarantees shal l supplement the general

pro visions covered u nder General Cond it ion s of Contr act.

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4.6.1 Design of Facil it ies

All the design procedures, systems and components proposed shal l have already been

adequately developed and shal l have demonstrated good rel iabi l i ty under simi lar condi t ions

elsewhere. The Contractor shal l be responsible for the select ion and design of appropr iate

equ ipments to prov ide the best co-ord ina ted per fo rmance o f the ent i re system. The bas ic

requ iremen ts are de tai led ou t in var ious clauses of the Technical Speci f icat ions. The design o f

var ious comp onen ts, assem bl ies and subassem bl ies shal l be don e so t hat i t f aci li tates easy f ie ld

assembly and dismantl ing. Al l the rotat ing components shal l be so selected that the natural

f requency o f th e comp le te un i t i s no t cr i t ica l o r c lose to th e opera t ing range o f th e un i t .


4.7.1 Cont ractors m ay not e that th is is a cont ract inclusive of th e scope as indicated elsew here in the

speci f icat ion. Each of the plant and equipment shal l be fu l ly integrated, engineered and

designed t o perf orm in accordance w ith t he t echnical speci f icat ion . All engineer ing and t echnical

services required ensur ing a completely engineered plant shal l be provided in respect of

mechanical , e lectr ical , control & instrumentat ion, civ i l & structural works as per the scope. The

Contractor shal l furnish engineer ing data/drgs. in accordance with the schedule of information

as sp ecified in Technical Specificat ion and d ata sheet .

4.7.2 The num ber of copies/p r ints/ f lop y discs/ CD-ROM s/m anuals to be furn ished for var ious typ es of

documents is g iven in Annexure-A. Distr ibut ion schedule shal l be informed to successful

Contractor .

4.7.3 The docum entat ion that shal l be pro vided by the Cont ractor is indicated in the var ious sect ions

of spec if ica t ion . Th is documenta t ion sha l l inc lude but no t be l imi ted to the fo l low ing :


The Contractor sha l l submi t to the Employer , Inst ruct ion Manua ls fo r a l l the equ ipments

covered under the Contract. The Instruct ion manuals shal l contain fu l l detai ls required for

erect ion, commissioning, operat ion and maintenance of each equipment. The manual shal l be

specif ical ly comp i led for th is pro ject. The Instruct ion M anuals shall comp rise of t he fo l lowin g.

4.8 .1 Erect ion M anua ls

The erect ion m anua ls sha l l be subm i t ted p r io r to the com m encem ent o f e rect ion act iv it ies o f

par t icu la r equ ipment / system. The erect ion manua l shou ld conta in th e fo l low ing as a m in imum .

a) Erect ion strategy.

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b) Sequence of erect ion.

c) Erect ion instruct ions.

d) Cr i t ical checks and p erm issib le d eviat ion/ to lerances.e) List of too l , tackles, heavy equ ipm ents l ike cranes, dozers, etc.

f) Bi l l of M ater ia ls

g) Procedure fo r erect ion .

h) Genera l sa fe ty p rocedures to fo l low ed du r ing erect ion / insta l la t ion .

i ) Procedu re for in i t ia l checking after erect ion .

 j ) Pr oced u r e fo r t est in g and accep tan ce n o rm s.

k) Procedure / Check l ist for pre-com m issioning act iv i t ies.

l ) Procedu re / Check l ist fo r com m issioning of t he system .

m ) Safety pr ecaut ions to be fo l low ed in e lectr ical supply d istr ibu t ion du r ing erect ion

4 .8 .2 Opera t ion & M a in t enance M anua ls

i . The opera t ing and main tenance inst ruct ions together wi th drawings (o ther than shop

drawings) of the equipment, as completed, shal l be in suff ic ient detai l to enable the

Em ployer to o perat e, maintain, d ism ant le, reassem ble and adjust a l l part s of th e equ ipm ent.

They shal l give a step b y step p rocedure fo r a l l operat ion s l ikely to be carr ied out du r ing the

l i fe o f the p lan t / equ ipment inc lud ing , opera t ion , main tenance, d ismant l ing and repa i r

including per iodical act iv i t ies wh erever requ ired. Each m anual shal l a lso include a comp lete

set o f d rawings o f th e equ ipment .

i i . I f a f te r the commiss ion ing and in i t ia l opera t ion o f the p lan t , the manua ls requ i re any

modif icat ion / addi t ions / changes, the same shal l be incorporated and the updated f inal

inst ruct ion manua ls sha l l be submi t ted to the Emp loyer fo r records.

i i i . A separate sect ion o f th e manual shal l be fo r each size/ typ e of equ ipm ent and shal l cont ain a

deta i led descr ip t ion o f construct ion and opera t ion , together w i th a l l re levant pam phle ts and


iv. The m anuals shall include th e fo l low ing :

a)  List o f spare par ts a long w i th t he i r d raw ing and cata logues and procedure fo r o rder ing


b )  Lubr icat ion Schedule including charts showing lubr icat ion checking, test ing and

rep lacement p rocedure to be car r ied da i ly , weekly , month ly & a t longer in te rva ls to

ensure t roub le f ree opera t ion .

c)  W here appl icable, faul t lo cation charts shal l be included t o faci l itat e f inding th e cause of

m al -opera t ion or b reak dow n.

v. Detailed specifications for al l the consumables including lubricant oils, greases, chemicals etc.

system / equ ipment / assembly / subassemb ly - w ise requ ired fo r t he comp le te p lan t .

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v i . On comple t ion o f e rect ion , a com ple te l is t o f bear ings / equ ipment g iving the i r loca t ion , and

identi f icat ion marks etc. shal l a lso be furnished to the Employer indicat ing lubr icat ion

m ethod fo r each t ype/ca tegory o f bear ing .

4.8.3 Project Com plet ion Report

The Cont ractor sha l l subm i t a Pro ject Comple t ion Repor t a t t he t ime o f hand ing over th e p lan t .

4 .8 .4 D R A W IN GS

(a.)  All documents submitted by the Contractor for Employer 's review shal l be in e lectronic

form (soft copies) a long with the number of hard copies. The soft copies to be suppl ied

shal l be ei ther in CDs, or through direct transfer via E-mai l , etc. depending upon the

nature / vo lume/ size o f t he docum ent . The drawings subm i t ted fo r approva l cou ld be in th e

Im age fo rm .

(b.)  Final copies of the appro ved draw ings shal l be subm itted in vecto r form on CDROM along

w i th th e requ isi te num ber o f hard cop ies.

(c.)  Al l docum ents/ text in fo rmat ion sha ll be in la test vers ion o f M S Off ice.

(d.)  Al l d raw ings subm i t ted by the Contractor inc lud ing those subm i t ted a t the t ime o f b id sha l l

be in suff icient det ai l indicat ing the t ype, size, arrangemen t, w eight of each com pon ent fo r

packing and shipment, the external connection, f ix ing arrangement required, the

d imensions requ i red fo r ins ta l la t ion and in terconnect ions wi th o ther equ ipments andmater ia ls, c learance and spaces required between var ious port ions of equipment and any

oth er inform ation speci f ical ly requested in t he draw ing schedules.

(e.)  Each drawing submitted by the Contractor ( including those of sub-vendors) shal l bear a

t i t le b lock a t the r igh t hand bot tom corner wi th c lear ment ion o f the name o f the

Employer, the system designation, the speci f icat ions t i t le , the speci f icat ion number, the

name of the Project, drawing number and revisions. I f standard catalogue pages are

subm itted th e appl icable i tem s shal l be indicated th erein. Al l t i t les, not ings, markings and

w ri t ings on th e draw ing shal l be in Engl ish. Al l the dim ensions shou ld be in m etr ic uni ts.

(f.)  The drawings submitted by the Contractor (or their sub-vendors) shal l bear Employer ’s

drawing number in add i t ion to contractor ’s ( the i r sub-vendor ’s) own drawing number .

Emp loyer ’s drawin g num bering system shal l be m ade avai lable to th e successful Cont ractor

so as to enable him to assign Emp loyer ’s draw ing num bers to th e draw ings to be subm itted

by h im dur ing the course o f execut ion o f the Contract .

(g.)  The Contractor shal l a lso furnish a “M aster Drawing List” w hich shal l be a com prehen sive

l ist of a l l drawings/ documents/ calculat ions envisaged to be furnished by him dur ing the

detai led engineer ing to th e Em ployer in l ine with en gineer ing inform ation f low schedule ( to

be t ied up with successful Contractor) . Such l ist should clear ly indicate the purpose ofsubm ission o f t he se dra w ings i.e. “FOR APPROVAL” or “ FOR INFORM ATION ONLY” .

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(h.)  Simi la r ly , a l l the drawings/ documents submi t ted by the Contractor dur ing deta i led

engineer ing stage shal l be stamp ed “ FOR APPROVAL” or “ FOR INFORM ATION” pr ior to

submission.(i.)   The furnishing of detai led engineer ing data and drawings by the Contractor shal l be in

accordance w i th t he t im e schedu le fo r the pro ject . The rev iew o f t hese docum ents/ da ta /

drawings by the Employer wi l l cover on ly genera l conformance o f the data / d rawings/

documents to the speci f ica t ions and contract , in te r faces wi th the equ ipment s prov ided b y

others and external connect ions & d imensions wh ich m ight a f fect p lan t layout . The rev iew

by the Employer shou ld no t be construed to be a thorough rev iew o f a l l d imensions,

quanti t ies and detai ls of the equipments, mater ia ls, any devices or i tems indicated or the

accuracy o f the in fo rmat ion submi t ted . The rev iew and/ o r approva l by the Employer /

Project M anager shal l not re l ieve th e Cont ractor of any o f h is respon sibi l it ies and l iabi l i t ies

under t h is contract .

(j.)  After the approva l o f the drawings, fu r ther work by the Contractor sha l l be in s t r ic t

accordance w i th t hese approved drawings and no dev ia t ion sha ll be perm i t ted w i thout the

w r i t ten approva l o f the Emp loyer .

(k.)  Al l m anufactur ing , fabr icat ion and execut ion o f w ork in connect ion w i th th e equ ipment /

system, pr ior to the approval of the drawings, shal l be at the Contractor ’s r isk. The

Contractor is expected not to make any changes in t he des ign o f t he equ ipm ent / system ,

once th ey are appro ved by t he Em ployer. How ever, i f som e changes are necessi tated in the

design o f the equ ipment / system a t a la te r da te , the Contractor may do so , bu t suchchanges shal l prom pt ly be brought to th e not ice of t he Em ployer indicat ing th e reasons for

the change and get the rev ised drawing approved aga in in s t r ic t conformance to the

provisions of the Techn ical Speci f icat ion.

(l.)   Draw ings shal l include al l instal lat ion s and det ai led p ip ing and w ir ing draw ings.

(m.)  Assessing & ant ic ipat ing the requ iremen t and supply of a l l p ip ing and eq uipm ent shal l be

done by the contractor wel l in advance so as not to h inder the progress of p ip ing &

equipment erect ion, subsequent system charging and i ts effect ive drain ing & venting

arrangement as per site sui tabi l i ty.

(n.)  Any so f tw are used b y th e contractor sha ll be g iven to the pro ject m anager and concerned

engineer of employer. The contractor shal l make the engineer of the employer aware of

the p rogram m e. Any com puter a ided pr ogramm e sha ll be approved sub ject to g iv ing ent i re

deta i l to the p ro ject m anager .

(o.)  Drawings must be checked by the Contractor in terms of i ts completeness, data adequacy

and relevance wit h respect to Engineer ing schedule pr ior t o subm ission t o t he Emp loyer. In

case drawings are found t o be submi t t ed w i thout p roper endorsement fo r check ing by the

Contractor , the same sha l l no t be rev iewed and re turned to the Contractor fo r re -

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submission. The contractor shal l make a visi t to si te to see the exist ing faci l i t ies and

understand the layout completely and col lect a l l necessary data / drawings at si te which

are needed as an input to the engineer ing. The contractor shal l do the completeengineer ing including inter facing and integrat ion of a l l h is equipment, systems & faci l i t ies

w ith in h is scope o f w ork as w el l as inter face engineer ing & integrat ion of system s, faci li t ies,

equipment & works under Employer ’s scope and submit a l l necessary drawings/

documents fo r t he same.

(p.)  All drawings shal l be reviewed and approved by Engineer ing coordinator, including the

fo l lowing draw ings / da ta wh ich requ i re speci f ic approva l .

1 .  Data sheets for var ious equipm ents / system s.

2 .  Field test ing procedures for var ious equipm ent and p ip ing system .

3 .  Pre commissioning / commissioning procedures including f lushing, Chemicalc lean ing, steam b lowing and hydro test e tc . (Wherever app l icab le) O&M manua l

shall a lso be review ed and appro ved by Em ployer. The cont ent o f O& M manu al shal l

be as speci f ied elsew here in th e speci f icat ion.

4 .  Guarantee test pro cedures.

5 .  Any o ther d raw ings tha t m ay be requ i red by the Eng ineer f rom t im e to t im e.)

6 .  Data furnished in the bid shal l be binding on the contractor even i f super ior to the

techn ical speci f icat ion requirem ent and any revision shal l be don e w ith th e ow ner ’s

agreement .

(q.)  The Contractor sha ll subm i t adequate pr in ts o f d raw ing / da ta / document fo r Emp loyer ’sreview and approval . The Employer shal l review the drawings and return one (1) copy to

the Contractor au thor izing e ither t o p roceed w i th m anufactur e or fabr ica t ion , o r m arked to

show changes desired. When changes are required, drawings shal l be re-submitted

promptly, wi th revisions clear ly marked, for f inal review. Any delays ar is ing out of the

fa i lu re o f the Contractor t o subm i t / rect ify and resubmi t in t ime sha l l no t be accepted as a

reason fo r delay in the cont ract schedule

(r.)  Upon rev iew o f each drawing, depend ing on the cor rectness and comple teness o f the

drawing, the same wi l l be categor ised and approval accorded in one of the fo l lowing

categor ies :

  CATEGORY I App ro ved

  CATEGORY II Approved subject to incorporat ion of comments/ modif icat ion as noted.

Resubm i t rev ised d rawing incorpora t ing the Com ment s

  CATEGORY II I Not ap proved. Resubm it re vised draw ings for appro val after incorporat ing

comm ents/m odi f ica t ion as noted.

  CATEGORY IV For in fo rm atio n an d reco rds.

(s.)  Vendor shal l resubmit the drawings approved under Category I I and II I wi th in three (3)

w eeks of receipt o f comm ent s on t he draw ings, incorpo rat ing all comm ents. Every revision

of t he d rawin g shal l bear a revision index w herein such revisions shal l be highl ighted in th e

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fo rm o f d escr ip t ion or marked up in the draw ing ident i fy ing the same w i th re levant rev ision

Num ber en closed in a tr iangle (eg. 1, 2, 3 etc) .

  In case Vendor does not agree with any speci f ic comment, he shal l furnish the

explanation for the same to owner / consul tant for considerat ion. In a l l such cases

vendor shal l necessar i ly enclose explanations along with the revised drawing ( taking

care o f ba lance comm ents) to avo id any de lay and/ or dup l ica t ion in rev iew w ork.

  I t is responsibi li ty of t he Vendor t o get a l l the draw ings appro ved in th e Category I & IV

(as the case may be) and complete engineer ing act iv i t ies wi th in the agreed schedule.

Any delay ar is ing out of submission and modif icat ion of drawings shal l not a l ter the

contract complet ion schedule. Vendor shal l not make any changes in the port ions of

the draw ing o th er than th ose comm ented upon . If changes are requ i red t o be m ade inthe p or t ion s al ready approved, the vendor sha l l resubm i t th e drawing ident i fy ing the

changes for o w ner ’s review and approval .

(t.)   I f Vendor fa i ls to resubmit the drawings as per the schedule, construct ion work at si te wi l l

no t be he ld up and work wi l l be car r ied out on the bas is o f comments fu rn ished on

previous issues of the draw ing. These com m ent s w i l l be taken care by the cont ractor w hi le

subm i t t ing th e rev ised draw ing.

(u.)  All engineer ing data submitted by the Contractor after f inal process including review and

approva l by th e Pro ject M anager / Emp loyer sha l l fo rm par t o f th e contract do cument s and

the ent i re w orks covered under these spec if ica t ion sha l l be per fo rm ed in s t r ict conform i ty

w ith t echnical speci f icat ion s unless oth erw ise expressly requested by the Project M anager

in wr i t ing .

(v.)  After f inal acceptance of individual equipment / system by the Employer, the Contractor

w i ll update a l l o r igina l d rawings and docum ents fo r th e equ ipment / system to “ as bu i l t ”

condi t ions.


Prior t o t he aw ard of Cont ract, a Detai led Engineer ing Inform ation Subm ission Schedule shal l be

t ied up with the Employer. For th is, the Contractor shal l furnish a detai led l ist of engineer ing

information along with the proposed submission schedule. This l ist would be a comprehensive

one inc lud ing a l l eng ineer ing data / d rawings / in fo rmat ion fo r a l l bought ou t i tems and

m anufactured i tem s. The inform ation shal l be categor ised int o th e fo l low ing part s.

In format ion tha t sha l l be subm i t ted fo r the approva l o f the Employer be fore proceed ing fu r ther ,

and In format ion tha t wou ld be submi t ted fo r Employer ’s in fo rmat ion on ly . The Eng ineer ing

Information Schedule shal l be updated month wise. The schedule should al low adequate t ime

for p roper rev iew and incorpora t ion o f changes/ mod i f ica t ions, i f any, to meet the contract

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without affect ing the equipment del ivery schedule and overal l project schedule. The ear ly

submission o f d rawings and data is as im por tan t as the m anufacture and de l ivery o f equ ipment

and hardware and th is shal l be duly considered whi le determining the overal l performance andprogress.


Ident i f icat ion of Pr incipal Engineer ing Coord inators

4.9.1 The fo l low ing pr incipal coord inators w i l l be iden ti f ied by respective organisat ions at t im e of

award o f contract


NALCO- Engineering Coordinators (NALCO EC)

Name :

Designation :

Add ress :

a) Postal :

b) Telegraphic :




Name :

Designation :

Add ress :

a) Postal :

b) Telegraphic :




Name :

Designation :

Add ress :

a) Postal :

b) Telegraphic :



4.9.2 Al l engineer ing correspondence shal l be in th e name of above coordinato rs on behal f of the

respective organisat ions.

4.9 .3 Ven dors Drawings

(a ) The cont ractor shal l fur nish, d iscuss and f inal ise w ith t he Em ployer, th e engineer ing infor m ation

f low schedu le a t the t ime o f award o f the contract . The dates fo r submiss ion o f d rawings as

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f inal ised in th e above en gineer ing schedule, shal l be str ict ly adh ered t o. This is essent ia l for t he

t ime ly comp le t ion o f t he pro ject .

(b ) A detai led dr ive l ist shal l be furnished along wit h th e tende r. Furt her dr ive l ist shal l be subm ittedto the Eng ineering coord ina tor w i th in 60 days f rom the date o f aw ard o f t he contract .

(c ) In any case, in o rder to ach ieve the pro ject comple t ion dates, the contractor must s t r ic t ly

comp ly wi t h engineer ing schedules.

(d ) Final d istr ib ut ion copies of a l l appro ved drgs. ( in Cat. I & IV) shal l be subm itte d by t he cont ractor

to the Eng ineer wi th in tw o (2) weeks o f t he approva l.

(e ) Cop ies of a l l app roved d rgs. ( in cat. I & IV) shal l be subm itte d incorp orat ing al l si te m od if icat ions,

i f any, dur ing constru ct ion, erect ion, com m ission stages and perf orm ance and guarantee t est ing(t i l l i ts cont inuous op erat ion) as ‘As Bui lt Drgs’.

(f ) The cont ractor shal l use a single transm itta l f or drgs. Subm ission. This shal l include transm itta l

numbers and date , number o f cop ies be ing sent , names o f the agencies to whom are a l l the

copies being sent d rg. num bers and t i t les, remar ks or special notes i f any et c.

(g ) Al l m anufactur ing and fabr ica t ion wo rk in connect ion w i th th e equ ipment s pr io r to the approva l

of the drg. shal l be at contractors r isks. (h) Approval of contractor ’s drgs. or work by the

Engineer shal l not re l ieve the contractor of any of h is responsibi l i t ies or l iabi l i t ies under the

contract .

4.9.4 Erect ion Draw ings

(a )  Contractor shal l furnish erect ion drawings for the guidance of h is/ Employer ’s si te staff at

least 4 weeks before schedu led commencement o f e rect ion or the f i rs t sh ipment ,

whichever is ear l ier . These shal l general ly comprise of fabr icat ion/assembly drawings,

var ious com pon ent/ part detai ls draw ings, assemb ly, clearance, data requirem ent s etc. The

drawings sha l l conta in de ta i ls o f components / equ ipment wi th ident i f i ca t ion numbers,

m atch m arks, b i l ls of m ater ia ls, assem bly pro cedures etc.

(b )  For al l m ajor equipm ent apart from above detai ls, assemb ly sequence and instruct ion s w ith

check l ists shal l be fu rnished in t he f orm of erect ion m anuals CLAUSE NO.


A report g iving the status of each engineer ing information including the l ist of

d rawings/ eng ineer ing in fo rmat ion wh ich rem ains unapproved fo r m ore than fou r (4 ) w eeks

af te r the date o f f i rs t submiss ion Drawings wh ich were not submi t ted as per agreed


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(a )  The Contractor shal l be cal led upon to organise and attend monthly Design/ Technical Co-ord ina t ion M eet ings (TCM s) w i th t he ow ner / ow ner ’s representa t ives and o th er Cont ractors

of t he Em ployer dur ing the per iod of con tract. The Cont ractor shal l att end such m eetings at

his own cost as and when required and fu l ly co-operate wi th such persons and agencies

involved dur ing t he d iscussion s.

(b )  The Contractor shou ld no te t ha t T ime is the essence o f th e contract . In o rder to exped i te th e

ear ly complet ion of engineer ing act iv i t ies, the Contractor shal l submit a l l drawings as per

the agreed Engineer ing Information Submission Schedule. The drawings submitted by the

Contractor wi l l be reviewed by the Employer as far as pract icable wi th in three (3) weeks

from the date o f rece ip t o f the drawing .The comments o f the Employer sha l l then bediscussed across the table du r ing th e above Technical Co-ordinat ion M eeting (s) wher ein

best e f fo r ts sha l l be m ade by bot h s ides to ensure t he approva l o f t he draw ing.

(c )  The Contractor shal l ensure avai labi l i ty of the concerned experts / consul tants/ personnel

w ho are empo w ered to take necessary dec is ions dur ing th ese m eet ings.

(d )  Should any drawing remain unapproved for more than six (6) weeks after i t ’s f i rst

submission, th is shal l be brought out in the monthly Engineer ing Progress and Exception

Repor t w i th reasons thereof .

(e )  Any de lays ar ising out o f fa i lu re by the Contractor t o incorpora te Employer ’s com men ts and

resubm it t he same d ur ing th e TCM shall be considered as a defaul t and in n o case shall

en t i t le the Contractor to a l te r th e Cont ract com ple t ion date .


The Employer or the Contractor may propose changes in the speci f icat ion of the equipment or

qual i ty thereof and i f the part ies agree upon any such changes the speci f icat ion shal l be

modif ied accordingly. I f any such agreed upon change is such that i t affects the pr ice and

schedule of complet ion, the part ies shal l agree in wr i t ing as to the extent of any changing the

pr ice and/ or schedu le o f com ple t ion before the Cont ractor p roceeds wi th the change. Fo l low ing

such agreement , t he prov ision t hereof , shal l be deemed to have been am ended accord ing ly .


A cast i ron o r weld ed steel base plate shal l be pr ovided for a l l rotat ing equipm ent w hich is to b e

instal led o n a concrete b ase, unless oth erw ise specif ical ly agreed t o b y t he Employ er. Each base

plate which support the uni t and i ts dr ive assembly, shal l be of a neat design with pads for

anchor ing the uni t s.

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Suitable guards shal l be provided for protect ion of personnel on al l exposed rotat ing and/or

moving machine parts. Al l such guards shal l be designed for easy instal lat ion and removal form ain tenance pu rpose.


(a )  The Cont ractor ’s scope includes all th e f i rst f i l l of consum ables such as oi ls, lubr icants including

grease, servo f lu ids, gases and essent ia l chemicals etc. Con sum pt ion of a l l th ese consum ables

du r ing the in i t ia l operat ion and f inal f i l ling after t he in i t ia l operat ion shal l a lso be included in th e

scope o f t he Contr actor .

(b )  The var iety of lubr icants shal l be kept to a minimum possible. Detai led speci f icat ions for the

lubr icat ing oi l , grease, gases, servo f lu ids, control f lu ids, chemicals etc. required for the

complete plant covered herein shal l be furnished. On complet ion of erect ion, a complete l ist of

bear ings/ equipment g iving their location and identi f icat ion marks shal l be furnished to the

Emp loyer a long w i th lubr ica t ion requ i rem ents.

4.9.11 Lubricat ion

Equipment shal l be lubr icated by systems designed for continuous operat ion. Lubr icant level

indicators shal l be furnished and marked to indicate proper levels under both standsti l l and

operat ing condi t ions.

4.9 .12 M ater ia l of Construct ion

All m ater ia ls used for th e constru ct ion o f th e equipm ent shal l be new and shal l be in accordance

w ith th e requirem ents of th is speci f icat ion. M ater ia ls ut i l ised for var iou s comp onent s shal l be

th ose wh ich have establ ished t hem selves for use in such app l icat ions.


Each main and auxi l iary i tem o f p lant including instrum ent s shal l have permanent ly attached to

i t in a conspicuous posi t ion, a rat ing plate of non-corrosive mater ia l upon which shal l be

engraved manufacturer ’s nam e, equ ipm ent , type or ser ial num ber to gether w i th de t a i ls o f the

rat ings, service condi t ions under which the i tem of p lant in question has been designed to

opera te .

Each i tem of p lant shal l be provided with nameplate or label designating the service of the

par t icu la r equ ipment .

Such nameplates or labels shal l be of whi te non hygroscopic mater ia l wi th engraved black

letter ing or a l ternat ely, in th e case of indoo r ci rcui t breakers, star ters, etc. of t ransparent p last ic

m ater ia l wi th sui tably colou red lett er ing engraved on the back. The nam e plates shal l be sui tably

f ixed on both f ron t and rear sides.

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I tem s of p lant such as valves, w hich are subject t o h andl ing, shal l be provided w ith an engraved

chrom ium p la ted namepla te or labe l w i th engrav ing f il led w i th enam el ..

Al l segregated phases of conductors or bus ducts, indoor or outdoor, shal l be provided with

coloured p hase plates to clear ly ident i fy th e phase of the system


The Cont ractor shal l supp ly wi t h th e equipm ent on e com plete set of a l l special to ols and tackles

and other instruments required for the erect ion, assembly, d isassembly and proper

maintenance of the plant and equipment and systems ( including software). These special tools

wi l l a lso include special mater ia l handl ing equipment, j igs and f ixtures for maintenance and

cal ibrat ion / readjustment, checking and measurement a ids etc. A l ist of such tools and tackles

shall be subm itted b y the Con tracto r a longwit h th e offer . The pr ice of each to ol / tackle shal l be

deem ed to have been included in t he to ta l b id pr ice. These tools and tackles shal l be separately

packed and sent to si te. The Contractor shal l a lso ensure that these tools and tackles are not

used b y h im dur ing erect ion , comm ission ing and in i t ia l opera t ion . For th is per iod t he Cont ractor

should br ing his own tools and tackles. Al l the tools and tackles shal l be of reputed make

acceptab le to the Em ployer .

4 .9 .15 W e ld ing

I f the m anufactu rer has special requirem ents re lat ing to th e welding procedure s for w elds at th e

term ina ls o f th e equ ipments to be per fo rm ed by o thers the requ i rements sha l l be subm i t ted to

the Employer in advance o f com m encement o f e rect ion work.


Al l equ ipment / serv ices are to be pa in ted by the Contractor in accordance wi th Employer ’s

standard colour coding scheme, which wi l l be furnished to the Contractor dur ing detai led

engineering stage.



All coated surfaces shal l be protected against abrasion, impact, d iscolorat ion and any other

damages. Al l exposed threaded port ions shal l be sui tably protected with e i ther metal l ic or a

nonmetal l ic protect ion device. Al l ends of a l l valves and pip ings and conduit equipment

connections shal l be proper ly sealed with sui table devices to protect them from damage. The

part s w hich are l ikely to get rusted, due to exposure to w eather, shou ld also be prop er ly treated

and pro tected in a su i tab le manner . A l l p r imers/pa in ts /coat ings sha l l take in to account the hot

hu m id, corro sive & alkaline, subsoi l or over ground environm ent as the case may be.

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4.10.2 Preservat ive Shop Coat ing

All exposed metal l ic surfaces subject to corrosion shal l be protected by shop appl icat ion of

sui table coatings. All surfaces which w i l l not be easi ly accessible aft er t he shop assemb ly, shal l

be t rea ted beforehand and pro tected fo r the l i fe o f the equ ipment . A l l sur faces sha l l be

thoroughly cleaned of a l l mi l l scales, oxides and other coatings and prepared in the shop. The

sur faces tha t a re to be f in ish-pa in ted a f te r ins ta l la t ion or requ i re cor ros ion pro tect ion unt i l

ins ta l la t ion , sha l l be shop pa in ted wi th a t least two coats o f p r imer . Transformers and o ther

electr ical equipments i f included shal l be shop f in ished with one or more coats of pr imer and

two coats of h igh grade resistance enamel. The f in ished colors shal l be as per manufacturer ’s

standards, to be selected and speci f ied by th e Em ployer at a lat er date.

Shop pr imer fo r a l l s tee l sur faces wh ich wi l l be exposed to opera t ing tempera ture be low 95degrees Celsius shal l be selected by the Contractor after obtain ing speci f ic approval of the

Employer regard ing the qua l i ty o f p r imer proposed to be app l ied . Specia l h igh tempera ture

pr imer shal l be used on surfaces exposed to temperature higher than 95 degrees Celsius and

such pr im er shal l a lso be sub ject to the appro va l o f t he Employer .

Al l ot her steel surfaces which are not t o be paint ed shal l be coated w ith sui table rust prevent ive

compou nd sub ject t o t he approva l o f the Emp loyer .

Al l p ip ing shal l be cleaned aft er shop assem bly.

Paint ing fo r Civi l stru ctu res shal l be do ne as per re levant part of technical speci f icat ion


The Cont ractor shal l adopt sui table qual i ty assurance program m e to ensure that t he equipm ent

and serv ices under the scope o f contract whether manufactured or per fo rmed wi th in the

Cont ractor ’s wo rks or at h is sub -con tracto r ’s prem ises or at th e Em ployer ’s si te or at any oth er

place of w ork are in accordance w ith t he speci f icat ion s. Such pro gramm es shal l be out l ined by

the Contractor and shal l be f inal ly accepted by the Employer/author ised representat ive after

discussions before t he aw ard of t he cont ract. The QA pro gramm e shal l be general ly in l ine w ith

IS/ISO- 9001.A qual i ty assurance programme of the contractor shal l general ly cover thefo l lowing:

(a )  His organ isa t ion s t ructure fo r the m anagement and im p lementa t ion o f t he proposed qua li ty

assurance program m e

(b )  Qual i ty System M anual

(c )  Design Cont rol System

(d )  Docum entat ion and Data Cont rol System

(e )  Qual i f icat ion dat a for Cont ractor ’s key personnel.

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(f )  The procedure for purchase of mater ia ls, parts, components and select ion of sub-

contractor ’s services including vendor analysis, source inspection, incoming raw-mater ia l

inspection , ver i f icat ion o f m ater ia ls purchased et c.(g )  System for shop m anufactu r ing and site er ect ion contr ols includ ing process, fabr icat ion and


(h )  Contro l o f non-conforming i tems and system for cor rect ive act ions and reso lu t ion o f

deviat ions.

(i )  Inspect ion and test p rocedure bot h fo r m anufacture and f ie ld act ivi t ies.

(j )  Contro l o f cal ib rat ion and test ing o f m easur ing test ing equ ipm ent .

(k )  System fo r Qual i ty Audi ts.

(l )  System fo r ident i f icat ion and appraisal of inspection statu s.

(m )  System for au t hor is ing re lease o f manufactured p roduct t o the Em ployer .

(n )  System for handl ing, sto rage and del ivery.(o )  System fo r m aintenance of re cords, and

(p )  Qual i ty p lans for manufactur ing and f ie ld act iv i t ies detai l ing out the speci f ic qual i ty control

procedure adopted for control l ing the qual i ty character ist ics re levant to each i tem of

equ ipmen t /componen t .


4.12.1 Al l m ater ia ls, com pon ents and equipm ent covered under th is speci f icat ion shall be procur ed,

manufactured, erected, commissioned and tested at a l l the stages, as per a comprehensive

Qual i ty Assurance Program m e. An indicat ive program m e of inspection/ tests to be carr ied out b yth e contracto r for som e of th e major i t em s is g iven in the respective technical speci f icat ion . This

is , however , no t in tended to fo rm a comprehensive programme as i t i s the contractor ’s

responsib i l ity t o d raw up and imp lement such program m e du ly approved by t he Emp loyer . The

detai led Qual i ty Plans for m anufactu r ing and f ie ld act iv i t ies shall be draw n up b y the Contr actor

and w i l l be subm itted to Em ployer fo r appro val . Schedule of f inal isat ion of such qual i ty p lans wi l l

be f inal ised befo re aw ard. M ont hly progress repor ts on M QP/ FQP subm ission/ appro val shal l be

fur nished on en closed fo rmat No . QS-01-QAI-P-02/ F1.

4 .12.2 M anufactur ing Qua l ity P lan w i ll de ta i l ou t fo r a l l the compo nents and equ ipment , var ious

tests/ inspection, to be carr ied out as per the requirements of th is speci f icat ion and standardsment ioned there in and qua l i ty p ract ices and procedures fo l lowed by Contractor ’s / Sub-

cont ractor ’s/ sub-suppl ier 's Qual i ty Cont rol Organisat ion , the re levant reference docum ent s and

standards, acceptance norms, inspection documents ra ised etc., dur ing al l stages of mater ia ls

procurement, manufacture, assembly and f inal test ing/performance test ing. The Qual i ty Plan

shall be subm itted o n electron ic media e.g. f lopp y or E-mai l in addi t ion t o hard copy, for r eview

and approva l . A f te r appro va l the same sha l l be subm i t ted in compi led fo rm on CD-ROM .

4.12.3 Fie ld Qual i ty Plans w i ll detai l out for a l l th e equipm ent, the qual i ty pract ices and procedure s etc.

to be fo l lowed by the Contractor ’s "Si te Qual i ty Control Organisat ion", dur ing var ious stages of

s ite act iv i t ies sta r t ing f ro m rece ip t o f m ater ia ls /equ ipm ent a t si te .

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4.12.4 The Cont ractor shal l a lso furn ish cop ies of th e reference do cumen ts/ plant standards/acceptance

no rm s/t ests and inspection pro cedure et c., as referred in Qual i ty Plans along w ith Qual i ty Plans.

These Qual i ty Plans and reference documents/standards etc. wi l l be subject to Employer ’sapprova l w i thou t w h ich manufacturer sha l l no t p roceed. These approved docum ents shal l fo rm

a part of the contract. In these approved Qual i ty Plans, Employer shal l identi fy customer hold

points (CHP), i .e. test/checks which shal l be carr ied out in presence of the Employer ’s Project

M anager or h is au thor ised representa t ive and beyond w h ich t he wo rk w i ll no t p roceed w i thout

consent of Employer in wr i t ing. Al l deviat ions to th is speci f icat ion, approved qual i ty p lans and

app l icab le s tandards must be documented and re fer red to Employer a long wi th techn ica l

 ju st if icat io n fo r ap p roval an d d isp o sit io n in g.

4 .12.5 No m ater ia l sha l l be despatched f rom the m anufacturer ’s works before the same is accepted,

subsequent to predespatch f inal inspection including ver i f icat ion of records of a l l previoustests/ inspections by Emp loyer ’s Project M anager/Aut hor ised representat ive and duly author ised

for despatch by issuance o f M ater ia l Despatch Clearance Cert i f icate (M DCC).

4.12.6 Al l m ater ia l used for equipm ent m anufactu re including cast ing and forging etc. shal l be of tested

qual i ty as per re levant codes/standards. Detai ls of resul ts of the tests conducted to determine

the mechanical propert ies; chemical analysis and detai ls of heat treatment procedure

recommended and actua l ly fo l lowed sha l l be recorded on cer t i f i ca tes and t ime tempera ture

chart. Tests shal l be carr ied out as per appl icable m ater ia l standards and/ or agreed d etai ls.

4.12.7 The cont ractor shall subm it to the Em ployer Fie ld Welding Schedule for f ie ld w elding act iv i t ies inth e enclosed f orm at No .: QS-01-QAI-P-02/ F3. The f ie ld w elding schedule shal l be subm itted to

the Employer a long wi th a l l suppor t ing documents, l i ke we ld ing procedures, heat t rea tment

procedures, NDT procedures etc. at least n inety days before schedule star t of erect ion work at


4.12.8 Al l w elding and brazing shal l be carr ied ou t as per procedu re draw n and qual i f ied in accordance

w ith r equirem ents of ASM E Section IX/ BS-4870 or oth er Internat ional equivalent standard

acceptable to the Employer. Al l w elding/ brazing procedures shal l be subm itted t o th e Emp loyer

or i ts au thor ized representa t ive fo r approva l p r io r to car ry ing out t he w e ld ing /b razing.

4.12.9 Al l brazers, w elders and w elding operat ors em ployed on any part of the cont ract e i ther in

Cont ractor ’s/sub-cont ractor ’s wo rks or at s ite o r e lsew here shall be qual i f ied as per ASM E

Section-IX or BS-4871 or o ther equivalent Int ernational Standard s accept able to the Emp loyer.

4.12.10 W elding procedure qu al if icat ion & W elder qual i f icat ion t est resul ts shal l be furnished to th e

Employer for approval . However, where required by the Employer, tests shal l be conducted in

presence of Employer/author ised representat ive.

4.12.11 Unless otherwise proven and speci f ical ly agreed with the Employer, welding of d issimi lar

m ater ia ls and high al loy m ater ia ls shall be carr ied out at shop o nly.

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4.12.12No w elding shal l be carr ied out on cast i ron comp onent s for r epair .

4 .12 .13 A ll the h eat t rea tm ent r esu l ts sha l l be recorded on t im e tem pera ture char ts and ver i f ied w i threcom mended r eg im es.

4.12.14 Al l non-destruct ive examination shal l be performed in accordance with wr i t ten procedures as

per International Standards, The NDT operator shal l be qual i f ied as per SNT-TC-IA (of the

American Society of non-destruct ive examination). NDT shal l be recorded in a report, which

includes detai ls of methods and equipment used, resul t /evaluation, job data and identi f icat ion

of p ersonne l employed and deta i ls o f cor re la t ion o f th e test repor t w i th t he job . A l l Bar s tock /

for gings of d iamet er equal to or greater than 50m m shal l be ul tr asonical ly tested . In general a l l

p lates of th ickness equal to or greater than 40mm and for pressure parts, pates of th ickness

equal to or greater than 25mm shal l be ul trasonical ly tested unless as speci f ied otherwise inrespective equipm ent speci f icat ion.

4 .12.15The Contractor sha l l l i s t ou t a l l ma jor i tems/ equ ipment / components to be manufactured in

house as wel l as procured from sub-contractors. Al l the subcontractor proposed by the

Cont ractor for p rocurem ent o f major bou ght out i tem s including cast ings, forging, sem i-f in ished

and f in ished comp onents /equ ipm ent e tc . , li st o f w h ich sha ll be drawn up by the Contractor and

final ised w ith t he Em ployer, shal l be subject to Emp loyer 's approval . The cont ractor ’s propo sal

shal l include vendor ’s faci l i t ies establ ished at the respective works, the process capabi l i ty,

process stabi l izat ion, QC systems fo l lowed, exper ience l ist , etc. a long with h is own technical

eva lua t ion fo r ident i f ied sub-contractors enc losed and sha ll be subm i t ted to the Emp loyer fo rapproval wi th in the per iod agreed at the t ime of pre-awards discussion and identi f ied in "DR"

category pr io r to any procurement . M onth ly p rogress repor t s on sub-cont ractor de ta i l

subm ission / appro val shal l be furn ished. Such vendo r appr oval shal l not re l ieve the cont ractor

f rom any ob l iga t ion , du ty or responsib il ity un der th e contract .

4 .12 .16For comp onent s/ equ ipment p rocured by th e contractor s fo r t he purpose o f th e contract , a f te r

obtain ing the wr i t ten approval of the Employer, the contractor ’s purchase speci f icat ions and

inqu ir ies shal l call for q ual i ty p lans to be subm itted by t he suppl iers. The qual i ty p lans cal led fo r

fro m t he sub -cont ractor shal l set ou t, dur ing th e var ious stages of m anufactur e and instal lat ion,

the qual i ty pract ices and procedures fo l lowed by the vendor ’s qual i ty control organisat ion, the

relevant reference documents/standards used, acceptance level , inspection of documentat ion

raised, etc. Such qua l i ty p lans of th e successful vendors shall be f inal ised w ith th e Em ployer and

such approved Qua l i ty P lans sha l l fo rm a par t o f the purchase order /contract be tween the

Contractor and sub-contractor . Wi th in th ree weeks o f the re lease o f the purchase orders

 / co n t rac t s f o r such b ough t ou t it em s / co m p onen ts, a co py o f t h e sam e w it h ou t p r ice det ai ls bu t

to gether w i th t he det ai led purchase speci f icat ion s, qual i ty p lans and del ivery condi t io ns shal l be

furn ished to the Employer on the month ly bas is by the Contractor a long wi th a repor t o f the

Purchase Order p laced so far for th e cont ract. **

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4.12.17Em ployer r eserves the r ight to carry out q ual i ty audi t and q ual i ty survei l lance of th e system s and

procedures o f the Contractor ’s o r the i r sub-contractor ’s qua l i ty management and contro l

act iv i t ies. The cont ractor shal l provid e al l necessary assistance to enable th e Employer carry outsuch aud i t and survei llance.

4.12.18The contractor shal l carry out an inspection and test ing programme dur ing manufacture in h is

work and that of h is sub-contractor ’s and at si te to ensure the mechanical accuracy of

components , compl iance wi th drawings, conformance to funct iona l and per fo rmance

requirements, identi ty and acceptabi l i ty of a l l mater ia ls parts and equipment. Contractor shal l

car ry ou t a l l tes ts / inspect ion requ i red to estab l ish tha t the i tems/equ ipment conform to

requirements of the speci f icat ion and the re levant codes/standards speci f ied in the

specif icat ion, in addi t ion t o carrying out t ests as per th e approved qu al i ty p lan.

4.12.19Qual i ty audi t /survei l lance/approval of the resul ts of the tests and inspection wi l l not, however,

pre jud ice the r igh t o f the Employer to re ject the equ ipment i f i t does not comply wi th the

specif icat ion w hen erect ed or do es no t g ive com plete sat isfact ion in service and th e above shal l

in no way l imit the l iabi l i t ies and responsibi l i t ies of the Contractor in ensur ing complete

conformance o f the mater ia ls /equ ipment supp l ied to re levant spec i f ica t ion , s tandard , da ta

sheets, drawin gs, etc.

4.12.20 For a l l spares and replacement i tems, the qual i ty requirements as agreed for the main

equipm ent supp ly shal l be appl icable.

4.12.21 Repair /r ect i f icat ion procedu res to be adop ted to m ake the job acceptable shal l be sub ject to th e

approva l o f t he Employer / au thor ised representa t ive .


The Cont ractor sha l l be requ i red to subm i t th e QA Documenta t ion in tw o hard cop ies and tw o


4.13.1 Each QA Docum entat ion shal l have a project speci f ic Cover Sheet bear ing nam e & ident i f icat ion

number o f equ ipment and inc lud ing an index o f i ts contents wi th page contro l on each

document. The QA Documentat ion f i le shal l be progressively completed by the Suppl ier ’s sub-

suppl ier to a l low regular reviews by al l part ies dur ing the manufactur ing. The f inal qual i ty

document wi l l be compi led and issued a t the f ina l assembly p lace o f equ ipment be fore

despatch. How ever CD-Rom m ay be issued not later t han th ree w eeks.

4.13.2 Typical conten ts of QA Docum entat ion is as below :-

(a )  Qualit y Plan

(b )  M ater ia l mi l l test rep ort s on com pon ent s as speci f ied by the speci f icat ion and app roved

Qualit y Plans.

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(c )  M anufacturer / w orks test repor ts / resu l ts fo r t est ing requ i red as per app l icab le codes and

standard referred in th e speci f icat ion and approved Qual i ty Plans.

(d )  Non-destruct ive examination resul ts /reports including radiography interpretat ion reports.Sketches/ drawings used fo r ind ica t ing the m ethod o f t raceab i li ty o f the rad iographs to th e

locat ion on the equ ipm ent .

(e )  Heat Treatm ent Cert i f icate/ Record (Tim e- tem peratu re Chart )

(f )  Al l the accepted No n-conform ance Repor ts (Major / M inor ) / dev ia t ion , inc lud ing com ple te

techn ical detai ls / repair pro cedure).

(g )  Inspection reports duly signed by the Inspector of the Employer and Contractor for the

agreed Custom er Hold Points.

(h )  Cert i f icate o f Conform ance (COC) w herever ap pl icable.

(i )  M DCC

4.13.3 Simi la r ly , the contractor sha l l be requ i red to subm i t tw o se ts ( tw o hard cop ies and tw o CD

ROM s), cont ain ing QA Docum ent at ion p erta in ing to f ie ld act iv i t ies as per Appro ved Field Qual i ty

Plans and ot her agreed manuals/ p rocedures, pr ior to com m issioning of ind ividual system .

4.13.4 Before despatch / com m issioning of any equipm ent , th e Supp l ier shal l m ake sure that t he

corresponding qual i ty document or in the case of protracted phased del iver ies, the appl icable

section of the qual i ty document f i le is completed. The suppl ier wi l l then noti fy the Inspector

regarding the readiness of the qual i ty document (or appl icable sect ion) for review. I f the resul t

of the review carr ied out by the Inspector is sat isfactory, the Inspector shal l stamp the qual i ty

document (or appl icable sect ion) for re lease. I f the qual i ty document is unsatisfactory, theSuppl ier shal l endeavor to correct the incompleteness, thus al lowing to f inal ize the qual i ty

document (o r app l icab le sect ion) by t ime compat ib le wi th the requ i rements as per contract

documents. When i t i s done, the qua l i ty document (o r app l icab le sect ion) is s tamped by the

Inspector. I f a decision is made despatch, whereas al l outstanding act ions cannot be readi ly

c leared fo r the r e lease o f the q ua l ity docum ent by tha t t ime. The supp l ie r shal l im m edia te ly ,

upon sh ipment o f the equ ipm ent , send a copy o f t he qua l ity do cument Review Sta tus signed by

the Supp l ie r Representa t ive to the Inspector and not i fy o f the commi t ted date fo r the

complet ion of a l l outstanding act ions & submission. The Inspector shal l stamp the qual i ty

document for appl icable sect ion when i t is effect ively completed. The submission of QA

docum enta t ion package sha l l no t be la te r t han 3 w eeks a f te r the despatch o f equ ipment .


On re lease o f QA Documenta t ion by Inspector , one set o f qua l i ty docum ent sha ll be fo r warded

to Corporate Qual i ty Assurance Department and other set to respective Project Si te of

Employer. For the part icular case of phased del iver ies, the complete qual i ty document to the

Emp loyer sha l l be issued not la te r than 3 w eeks a f te r the date o f the last de l ivery o f equ ipment .

4.14 Project M ana ger’s Supe rvision

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4.14.1 To el iminate delays and avoid disputes and l i t igat ion, i t is agreed between the part ies to the

Cont ract t ha t a l l mat t e rs and quest ions sha l l be re fer red to the Pro ject M anager and w i thout

prejud ice to th e provision s of ‘Arbi trat ion’ c lause in GCC, the Con tractor shal l proceed t o com plyw i th the Pro ject M anager 's dec ision .

4 .14.2 The w ork sha l l be per fo rm ed under the superv ision o f t he Pro ject M anager . The scope o f the

dut ies o f the Pro ject M anager pursuant t o th e Cont ract , w i l l inc lude but no t b e l im i ted t o th e

fo l lowing:

(a )  In te rp re ta t ion o f a l l the te rm s and cond i t ions o f t hese do cuments and spec if icat ions:

(b )  Review and int erpret at ion o f a l l th e Cont ractor ’s drawin g, engineer ing data, etc:

(c )  Witness or h is author ised representat ive to wi tness tests and tr ia ls e i ther at the

manufacturer ’s works or a t s i te , o r a t any p lace where work is per fo rmed under the

contract :(d )  Inspect , accept o r re ject any equ ipment , mater ia l and w ork under the cont ract :

(e )  Issue cert i f icate o f acceptance and/ or pr ogressive payment and f inal paym ent cert i f icates

(f )  Review and suggest mo d i f ica t ions and improvem ent in comple t ion schedu les f rom t ime to

t ime, and

(g )  Super vise Qual i ty Assurance Programm e imp lement at ion at a l l stages of t he w orks.


(a )  The wor d ‘ Inspector ’ shal l m ean the Project M anager and/ or h is aut hor ized representat ive

and/or an outside inspection agency act ing on behal f of the Employer to inspect and examinethe m ater ia ls and w orkm ansh ip o f t he w orks dur ing i ts manufactur e or e rect ion .

(b )  The Project M anager or h is du ly autho r ised representat ive and/ or an ou tside inspection agency

acting on behal f of the Employer shal l have access at a l l reasonable t imes to inspect and

exam ine the m ater ia ls and w orkm ansh ip o f the wo rks dur ing i ts manufacture or e rect ion and i f

par t o f the works is be ing manufactured or assembled on o ther p remises or works, the

Contractor shal l obtain for the Project Manager and for h is duly author ised representat ive

perm ission to inspect as if t he w orks were m anufactured o r assemb led o n th e Contr actor ’s ow n

prem ises or w orks.

(c)  The Contractor shal l g ive the Project Manager/Inspector f i f teen (15) days wr i t ten notice of any

mater ia l being ready for test ing. Such tests shal l be to the Contractor ’s account except for the

expenses of th e Inspecto r ’s. The Project M anager/Inspector, unless th e wit nessing of the t ests is

v i r tua l ly w a ived and conf i rm ed in w r i t ing , w i ll a t tend such t ests wi th in f i f teen (15) days o f t he

date on wh ich the equ ipment is no t iced as be ing ready fo r test / inspect ion fa i l ing wh ich the

contractor may p roceed w i th test w h ich sha ll be deemed to h ave been m ade in the inspector ’s

presence and he shal l for thwith forward to the inspector duly cert i f ied copies of test reports in

tw o (2) cop ies.

(d )  The Project Manager or Inspector shal l wi th in f i f teen (15) days from the date of inspection asdef ined here in g ive not ice in w r i t ing to the Contractor , o r any ob ject ion to any draw ings and a l l

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or any equ ipm ent and w orkmansh ip wh ich is in h is op in ion not in accordance wi th the cont ract .

The Contractor shal l g ive due considerat ion to such object ions and shal l e i ther make

m odi f ica t ions tha t m ay be necessary to meet the sa id ob ject ions or sha l l in fo rm in w r i t ing to t heProject M anager/ Inspecto r g iving reasons therein , that n o m od if icat ions are necessary t o

comply wi th th e contract .

(e )  W hen t he factory tests have been comp le ted a t th e Contr actor ’s o r sub-contractor ’s wo rks, the

Project M anager / Inspector shal l issue a cert i f icate to th is effect f i f teen (15) days aft er

comple t ion o f t ests bu t i f the t ests are not w i tnessed by th e Pro ject M anager / Inspectors , the

cert i f icate shal l be issued with in f i f teen (15) days of the receipt of the Contractor ’s test

cert i f icate by th e Project M anager / Inspector. Project M anager / Inspecto r to issue such a

cer t i f ica te sha l l no t p revent th e Contr actor f rom proceed ing w i th t he w orks. The com ple t ion o f

these tests or the issue of the cert i f icates shal l not b ind the Employer to accept the equipment

shou ld i t , on fu r t her tests a f te r e rect ion be found n ot t o comp ly wi th th e contract .

(f )  In a l l cases where the contract p rov ides fo r tests whether a t the premises or works o f the

Contractor or any sub-contractor, the Contractor, except where otherwise speci f ied shal l

pro vide free o f charge such i tem s as labour , m ater ia l , e lectr ic ity, fu el , w ater, stores, apparatu s

and instruments as may be reasonably demanded by the Project Manager / Inspector or h is

author ised representat ives to carry out effect ively such tests on the equipment in accordance

w i th t he Contr actor and shal l g ive fac i li t ies to the Pro ject M anager / Inspector o r t o h is

auth or ised repre sentat ive to accom pl ish test ing.

(g)  The inspection b y Project M anager / Inspecto r and issue of Inspection Cert i f icate th ereon shallin no way l imit the l iabi l i t ies and responsibi l i t ies of the Contractor in respect of the agreed

Qual ity Assurance Programm e form ing a par t o f the contract .

(h )  To faci l i tate advance planning of inspection, the Contractor shal l furnish quarter ly inspection

pro gramm e indicat ing schedule dates of inspection at Custom er Hold Point and f inal inspection

stages. Updat ed quart er ly inspection p lans w i l l be m ade for each thr ee consecut ive mon ths and

shall be furn ished befo re beginning of each calendar m ont h.

(i )  All inspection, m easur ing and t est equ ipm ent u sed b y cont ractor shal l be cal ibrat ed per iod ical ly

depend ing on i ts use and cr i t i cal ity o f t he t est / m easurem ent to be don e. The Cont ractor sha l l

maintain al l the re levant records of per iodic cal ibrat ion and instrument identi f icat ion, and shal l

prod uce th e sam e for in spection b y NALCO. W herever asked speci f ical ly, the con tracto r shall re-

ca lib ra te the m easur ing / test equ ipm ent in the presence o f Pro ject M anager / Inspector .


(a )  As soon as the faci l it ies or part the reof has been comp leted op erat ional ly and structur al ly

and before star t -up , each i tem o f the equ ipment and system s fo rming par t o f faci l it ies sha l l

be t horough ly c leaned and then inspected jo in t ly by t he Employer and th e Contractor f o r

correctness of and completeness of faci l i ty or part thereof and acceptabi l i ty for in i t ia l pre-

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commissioning tests, commissioning and star t-up at Si te. The l ist of pre-commissioning

tests to be performed shal l be as mutual ly agreed and included in the Contractor ’s qual i ty

assurance pr ogramm e as wel l as th ose included elsew here in t he Technical Speci f icat ion s.

(b )  The Contractor ’s pre-commissioning/ commissioning/star t-up engineers, special ly

identi f ied as far as possib le, shal l be responsible for carrying out a l l the p re-com m issioning

tests at Si te. On complet ion of inspection, checking and after the pre-commissioning tests

are sat isfactor i ly over, the commissioning of the complete faci l i t ies shal l be commenced

dur ing wh ich per iod the comple te fac i l i t ies , equ ipments sha l l be opera ted in tegra l w i th

sub-system s and support ing equipm ent as a comp lete plant.

(c )  The t im e consumed in the inspection and checking of the un i ts shal l be considered as a part

o f t he erect ion and insta lla t ion per iod .

(d )  The check outs dur ing the pre - comm ission ing per iod shou ld be programm ed to fo l low the

construct ion complet ion schedule. Each equipment/system, as i t is completed in

construct ion and tu rned o ver to Emp loyer 's com m issioning (star t up) Engineer(s) , shou ld be

checked out and cleaned. The checking and inspection of individual systems should then

fol low a p rescr ibed com m issioning do cum entat ion [SLs (Standa rd Check List) / TS (Testing

Schedule) / CS (Com m issioning Schedule)] app roved by th e Employer.

(e )  On com plet ion o f a l l pre-com m issioning act iv i t ies / tests and as a part of com m issioning th e

complete faci l i t ies shal l be put on 'Tr ia l Operat ion' dur ing which per iod al l necessaryadjustm ents shal l be made w hi le operat ing over t he fu l l load range enabl ing th e faci li t ies to

be m ade ready for th e Guarant ee Tests

(f )  The durat ion of 'Tr ia l Operat ion' of the complete faci l i ty as an integral uni t shal l be

fou rteen (14) days. The Tr ia l Operat ion shal l be considered successful , pro vided t hat each

i tem / part o f th e facil i ty can operate cont inuously at the specif ied operat in g character ist ics,

fo r the per iod o f Tr ia l Opera t ion w i th a l l opera t ing parameters wi th in th e spec if ied l im i ts

and a t o r near the pred icted per fo rm ance o f fac i li ty / equ ipm ent .

(g )  For the p er iod o f 'Tr ia l Operat ion ' , the t ime o f opera t ion w i th any load sha l l be counted.

M inor in t e r rup t ions not exceed ing four (4 ) hours at a t ime caused du r ing the 14 days t r ia l

opera t ion per iod sha ll no t e f fect th e to t a l dura t ion o f In i t ia l Operat ion . I f in th e op in ion o f

th e Em ployer th e int errup tion is long, the Tr ia l Operat ion shal l be prolonged fo r the per iod

of in te r rup t ion

(h )  A Tr ia l Operat ion report comprising of observations and recordings of var ious parameters

to be m easured in respect o f th e above Tr ia l Opera t ion sha l l be p repared by the Contractor .

This report , besides recording the d etai ls of t he var ious observations dur ing tr ia l op erat ion

shal l a lso include the dat es of star t and f in ish o f t he Tr ia l Operat ion and shal l be signed by

the representat ives of both the part ies. The report shal l have sheets, recording al l the

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deta i ls o f in te r rup t ions occur red, ad justm ents made and any m inor repa i rs done d ur ing the

Tr ia l Operat ion. Based on the observations, necessary modif icat ions/repairs to the plant

sha l l be car r ied out by t he Contractor to the fu l l sa t isfact ion o f t he Pro ject M anager toenable the latter to accord permission to carry out the Guarantee tests on the faci l i t ies.

However , minor d e fects wh ich do no t endanger the safe opera t ion o f t he equ ipm ent , sha l l

not be considered as reasons for w i th- ho ld ing the aforesaid p erm ission

(i )  Contractor shal l furnish the commissioning organizat ion chart for review & acceptance of

employer at least e ighteen months pr ior to the schedule date of synchronizat ion of 1st

uni t . The chart shou ld cont ain:

a)   Exper ience o f th e Comm issioning Engineers.

b )  Role and r espon sibi l i t ies of t he Com m issioning Organisat ion m emb ers.

c)   Expected du rat ion of p ost ing of t he above Com m issioning Engineers at si te.


(a )  The f inal tests as to the guarantees shal l be conducted at Si te, by the Contractor. The

Cont ractor 's Com m issioning and star t -up Engineers shal l make t he un i t ready for such te sts.

Such test w i l l be commenced, wi th in a per iod o f th ree (3) months a f te r the successfu l

comple t ion o f Tr ia l Opera t ion . Any extens ion o f t im e beyond t he above th r ee mon ths sha l l

be subject to Emplo yer 's appro val .

(b )  These tests sha l l be b ind ing on bo th the p ar t ies o f t he Contract t o d e termine com pl iance o fthe equ ipm ent w i th the per fo rm ance guarantee.

(c )  Any special equipment, tools and tackles required for the successful complet ion of the

Guarantee Tests shal l be provided b y th e Cont ractor, free of cost.

(d )  The guarantee f igures and des ign /per fo rmance parameters o f the equ ipment sha l l be

proved by the Contractor dur ing these Guarantee Tests / and o r du r ing t he 'Tr ia l opera t ion '

as detai led out e lsewhere. Should the resul ts of these tests show any deter iorat ion from

the guaranteed values, the Contractor shal l modify the equipment as required to enable i t

to m eet t he guarantees. In such case, the Guarant ee Tests shall be rep eated and al l cost form odif icat ions including labour, mat er ia ls and th e cost of addi t ional test ing to pro ve that th e

equ ipment m eets the guarantees, sha l l be borne b y the Contractor .

(e )  The speci f ic tests to be conducted on equ ipment have been brought ou t in the t echn ical

speci f icat ion.

4.18 Test Code s

The prov isions out l ined in the ASME Perform ance Test Codes shal l be used as a guide f or a l l th e

above t est procedur es unless ot herw ise specif ied in the t echnical specif icat ions.

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Upon successful complet ion of In i t ia l Operat ions and al l the tests conducted to the Employer 's

satisfact ion, th e Em ployer shal l issue to the Contracto r a Taking over Cert i f icate as a proof o f t he

f inal acceptance of th e equipm ent . Such cert i f icate shal l not un reasonab ly be w ith h eld nor w i ll

th e Em ployer delay the issuance thereof, on accoun t of m inor om issions or defects wh ich do no t

affect th e com m ercial operat ion and / or cause any ser ious r isk to th e equipm ent. Such cert i f icate

shal l not re l ieve the Contractor of any of h is obl igat ions which otherwise survive, by the terms

and condi t ions of th e Cont ract after issuance of such cert i f icate.


The scope o f service und er t ra in ing of Emp loyer ’s engineers (min. 3 no s.) shal l include a t ra in ing

m odu le in th e areas of Operat ion & M aintenance. Such tra in ing shou ld cover th e fo l low ing areas

as a min imum in order to enab le these personne l to ind iv idua l ly take the responsib i l i ty o f

opera t ing and m ain ta in ing the w agon t ipp ler system in a m anner acceptab le to the Employer :

The scope of services under tra in ing shal l a lso necessar i ly include tra in ing of Employer 's

pe rsonnel. This shall cover all d iscipline s viz, M echanical, Electr ical, C& I, & op erat ion e tc. and

shall include al l the r e lated areas l ike Design fam i l iar izat ion, t ra in ing on p rodu ct design f eatures

and product design softwares of major equipment and systems, engineer ing, manufactur ing,

erect ion, commissioning, tra in ing on operat ing features of equipment, qual i ty assurance and

test ing, p lant vis i ts and visi ts to manufacturer 's works, exposure to var ious kinds of problems

which may be encountered in fabr icat ion, manufactur ing, erect ion, welding etc. The tra in ing

module prepared by the contractor , sha l l be submi t ted fo r the Employer ’s approva l , p r io r to

impar t ing t ra in ing.

Contractor shal l furnish in h is offer , detai ls of tra in ing module(s) cover ing above requirements

w hich shal l be subject to Emp loyer 's appro val . Consol idated t ra in ing per iod included above ( for

O& M and Engineer ing) is indicat ive only. Em ployer reserves the r ight t o reappro pr iat e the

tra in ing per iod betw een O& M and eng ineer ing depend ing upon t he deta i ls o f t ra in ing mod u le

proposed by the Contractor .

Train ing schedule shal l be f inal ised based on the Contractor 's proposal wi th in two (2) months

pr io r t o com m iss ion ing .

In a l l th e above cases, wh erever th e tra in ing of Employer 's personnel is arranged at t he w ork s of

the manufacturer 's it shal l be not ed t ha t the lodg ing and bo ard ing o f th e Emp loyer 's personne l

shall be at th e cost of Contracto r.


In addi t ion to the requirem ent s given in Erect ion Condit ion s of Con tract (ECC) the f o l low ing shal la lso cover:

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1.  W orking platfo rm s shou ld be fenced and shal l have means of access.

2 .  Ladders in accordance with Employer ’s safety ru les for construct ion and erect ion shal l be

used. Rungs shal l not b e w elded on column s. Al l th e sta irs shall be pro vided w ith handrai lsimm edia te ly a f te r i ts e rect ion .


The equivalent 'A ' weighted sound pressure level measured at a height of 1.5 m above f loor

level in e levation and at a d istance of on e (1) m etre ho r izon tal ly from the n earest surface of any

equipm ent / m achine, furn ished and in stalled und er th ese speci f icat ion s, expressed in decibels

to a reference of 0.0002 m icrobar, shal l not exceed 85 dBA.


All the equipments shal l be sui tably protected, coated, covered or boxed and crated to prevent

damage or deter iorat ion dur ing transi t , handl ing and storage at Si te t i l l the t ime of erect ion.

Whi le packing al l the mater ia ls, the l imi tat ion from the point of v iew of the sizes of ra i lway

wagons avai lable in India should be taken account of. The Contractor shal l be responsible for

any loss or damage dur ing transportat ion, handl ing and storage due to improper packing. The

Cont ractor shal l ascerta in t he avai labi l i ty o f Rai lway w agon sizes from th e Indian Rai lways or any

other agency concerned in India wel l before effect ing despatch of equipment. Before despatch

i t shal l be ensured that complete processing and manufactur ing of the components is carr ied

out a t shop, on ly rest r ic ted by t ranspor t l im i ta t ion , in o rder to ensure tha t s i te works l i ke

gr inding, welding, cut t ing & pre-assem bly to bare m inimum . The Em ployer 's Inspecto r shal l have

r igh t to insist f o r comple t ion o f w orks in shops before despatch o f m ater ia ls fo r t ranspor ta t ion .


All e lectr ical equipm ents and devices, including insulat ion , heating and venti lat ion devices shal l

be des igned fo r am bient tem pera ture (500C) and a maximum re la t ive hum id ity (75%).


Al l ins t rumenta t ion and contro l systems/ equ ipment / dev ices/ components , fu rn ished underth is contract shal l be in accordance with the requirements stated herein, unless otherwise

specif ied in th e det ai led speci f icat ion s.

Al l instrument scales and charts shal l be cal ibrated and pr inted in metr ic uni ts and shal l have

l inear graduation. The ranges shal l be selected t o have t he no rm al reading at 75% of fu l l scale.

Al l scales and chart s shal l be cal ibrat ed and p r int ed in M etr ic Uni ts as fo l low s:

a)   Tempe rature - Degree cent igrade (deg C)

b )  Pressure - Ki lograms per square centimetre (Kg/cm2). Pressure instrument shal l have

th e uni t suff ixed w ith 'a ' to indicate absolut e pressure. If not hing is the re, that w i l l m eanthat th e indicated p ressure is gauge pressure.

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c)  Draught - M i l limetr es o f w ater co lum n (mm w c).

d )  Vacuum - M i l limeters o f mercury co lum n (mm Hg) or water co lumn (mm W cl) .

e)   Flow - Tonnes/ hou rf )  Flow (Liquid) - Tonn es / ho ur

g)  Flow base - 760 mm Hg. 15 deg.C

h )  Density Grams per cubic centim etr e.

Al l instru m ents and cont rol devices pro vided on p anels shal l be of m iniatur ized design, sui tab le

for m odu lar f lush m ount ing on pane ls w i th f ron t d raw out faci l ity and f lexib le p lug- in connect ion

at rear .

Al l e lectronic modules shal l have gold plated connector f ingers and fur ther a l l input and output

m odu les shal l be short c i rcui t proo f. These shal l a lso be t ropical ised & com pon ents shall be ofindustr ia l g rade or be t te r .


The equip m ent fu rnished by the Cont ractor shal l incorporat e necessary techniques to el im inate

m easure m ent and con tro l problem s caused by electr ical noise. Areas in Cont ractor 's equipm ent

which are vulnerable to e lectr ical noise shal l be hardened to el iminate possible problems. Any

addit ional equipment, services required for effect ively e l iminating the noise problems shal l be

includ ed in t he p rop osal. The equip m ent shall be pro tect ed against ESD as per IEC-801- 2. Radio

Frequency inter ference (RFI) and Electro M agnetic Inter f erence (EM I) prot ect ion againsthardw are damage and cont rol system mal-operat ions/erro rs shal l be pro vided for a l l system s.


Tapping points shal l include probes, wherever appl icable, for analyt ical measurements and

sampl ing . For d i rect tempera ture measurement o f a l l work ing media , one s tub wi th in te rna l

threading of approved pattern shal l be provided along with sui table plug and washer. The

Contractor wi l l be in t imated about th read s tandard to be adopted. The fo l lowing sha l l be

prov ided on equ ipment by the Contractor . The s tandard wh ich is to be adopted wi l l be

in t imat ed to the Contractor . Temp era ture test po ckets wi th stub and th ermo w el l Pressure test



The Cont ractor shal l have t o furn ish al l t echnical detai ls including circui t d iagram s, speci f icat ions

of compon ents, e tc ., in respect o f each and every e lect ron ic card / mo du le as emp loyed o n t he

var ious sol id state as wel l as microprocessor based systems and equipment including

convent iona l ins t rum ents, per iphera ls e tc . It i s mandatory fo r the Contractor t o ident i fy c lear ly

the custom bui l t ICs used in the package. The Contractor shal l a lso furnish the detai ls of any

equ iva len ts o f the sam e.

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The junct ion boxes shal l be made of minimum 2 mm thick sheet steel . Gland plates shal l beremovable type and made of 3 mm thick sheet steel . The boxes shal l be provided with

detachable cover or h inged doo r w i th capt ive screw s. Top o f th e box shal l be arranged to slope

towards the rear of the box. The box shal l be hot d ip galvanized and shal l be provided with

sui table neoprene gaskets to achieve degree of protect ion of IP-55 as per IS: 2147. Adequate

spacing shal l be provided to terminate the external cables. The boxes shal l be sui table for

mounting on var ious types of steel structures. The terminal b locks provided shal l be of 650 V

grade, rated fo r 10 A for con tro l cables. Sui tab le numb ering for t erm inal b locks shal l be done. In

case o f junct ion box fo r power cab le , the box sha l l be ra ted fo r maximum cur rent car ry ing

capacity. Term inal blo cks shall be of o ne p iece, kl ippon RSF-1 or ELM EX CSLT-1 t ype w ith

insulat ing barr iers.


In coming power supp ly to Wagon t ipp le r , apron feeder , crusher & conveyor system wi l l be

taken from 33KV substat ion located near the 220KV switch yard. Laying Power

cab le /Transmiss ion l ine f rom the substa t ion to wagon t ipp le r a rea a long wi th prov is ion o f

t ransformer , sw i tch gear system & p ane ls w i ll be the scope o f the tenderer . Approx imate

d is tance f rom the substa t ion to the wagon t ipp le r a rea wi l l be 2 .00 Km. However , actua l

distance & Sui table rou te fo r laying of cable wi l l be assessed by th e party in consul tat ion w ith


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1. Draw ings "FOR APPROVAL" 4 1 FLOPPY

2. Draw ings "FOR INFORM ATION " 4 1 FLOPPY

3. Draw ings " FINAL DRAWING" 10 2 CD-ROM s

4. Draw ings " AS BUILT " 10 2 CD-ROM s


CALCULATIONS, etc. and Ot her typ e of docum ents

i)  For App roval 4 1 FLOPPYii)  FINAL 10 2 CD-ROM s -

iii)  Analysis repor ts of equipm ents/

p ip ing / s t ructures components /

systems em ploy ing so f tw are

packages as detai led in t he speci f icat ion s

a) Input 4 2CD ROM S

b) Outpu t 4 2CD ROM S

c) D raw ings/ Sket ches 4 2CD ROM S

6. Erect ion m anual "DRAFT"

7. Erect ion manu al "FINAL" 2CD ROM S8 Opera t ion & M ain tenance manua l "DRAFT"

9 Opera t ion & M ain tenance manua l "FINAL" 2CD ROM S

10 Plant Hand Book "DRAFT"

11 Plant Hand Book "FINAL" 2CD ROM S

12 Com m issioning and Perfo rm ance Procedur e m anual "DRAFT"

13 Com m issioning and Perfo rm ance Procedur e m anual "FINAL" 2CD ROM S

14 Perfor m ance and Functio nal 4 2FLOPPIES


15 Progr ess Repor t s 4 2 FLOPPIES

16 Pro ject comple t ion repor t 10 2CD ROM S

17 QA programm e inc lud ing Organ isa t ion fo r

imp lementa t ion and QA system manua l

(w i th revision-servicing) 1

18 Vendor detai ls in respect of prop osed

vendo rs including contracto r ’s evaluation

repor t . 1

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19 M anu factu ring QPs, Field QPs, Field

w elding schedules and t heir referencedocum ents l ike test p rocedur es, WPS,

( i) For rev iew/ com ment 3

( i i) For f inal approval 4 1 set f lopp ies

20 W eld ing M anua l , Heat Treatm ent M anua ls ,

Sto rage & preservation manu als

Draft - 4 sets

Final 4 sets 2 CD ROM S

21 M on th ly Vendor Approval 1 FLOPPY

and QP appr oval statu s 2 1 FLOPPY

22 QA Docum entat ion Package for i tem s /equ ipment manufactured and d ispatched to si te 2 2 CD ROM S

23 QA Docum entat ion Package for f ie ld act iv i t ies

on equ ipm ent / system s a t s ite 2 2 CD ROM S

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1.1   Inspection o f site by Bidder

Bidder shal l inspect the si te and examine and obtain al l information required and satisfy

himself regarding al l matters such as access to si te, communication, transport, r ight of way,

the avai labi l i ty of local labour, avai labi l i ty and rates of mater ia ls, local working condi t ions,

ext reme weather cond i t ions, uncer ta in ty o f weather , obstruct ions and h indrances tha t may

ar ise , e tc , w h ich may a f fect t he w ork o r cost thereof , be fore t he submission o f h is tender .

Ignorance of si te condi t ions shal l not be accepted as basis for any cla im for co mp ensation. The

submission of tender by Bidder wi l l be construed as evidence that such an examination was

made and any later cla ims / d isputes in regard to pr ice quoted shal l not be enterta ined or


Bidder shal l a lso indicate in h is b id al l the major assumptions including major design

assum pt ions / c r i te r ia made by h im on wh ich t he b id is based.

1.2   Com pliance w ith Specificat ion

All equipm ent and accessor ies covered under t h is speci f icat ion shal l conform to the “ Technical

Speci f icat ions” g iven in t h is docum ent.

In case altern ative type o f equipm ent is off ered, a ll technical part iculars of equ ipm ent o ffered ,

number of such equipment suppl ied in India, reference l ist of instal lat ions where such

equipment is in operat ion as per qual i fy ing requirements, type test cert i f icates of their

co l labora tors, type t est cer t i f i cates o f ind igenously m ade equ ipment , exten t o f im por t content

and avai labi l i ty of spares indigenously, a long with any other data for consider ing theal ternat ive equipm ent shal l be furn ished w ith t he offer . The Purchaser, ho w ever, reserves the

r ight t o accept o r re ject th e propo sal wi th out assigning any reason .

Al l equipment shal l be sui table for vol tage/frequency var iat ions and other data given in

Electr ical System Design.

The contractor shal l be responsible for sat isfactory working of system with guaranteed

parameters. Al l the major equipment shal l be instal led, tested and commissioned under

superv is ion o f representa t ive o f manufacturer o f respect ive equ ipm ent .

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1.3   Stand ards and Regulat ions

The design, manufacture, performance, test ing and instal lat ion ( including earth ing and other

essentia l provisions) of equipment and accessor ies covered under th is speci f icat ion shal l , in

genera l , comp ly wi th the latest issue o f t he fo l low ing:

•   Appl icable Standards and Codes of Pract ices publ ished by Bureau o f Indian Standards.

•   Cent ral Board o f Ir r igat ion and Powe r

•   Indian Electr ic i ty Act , 2003

•   Cent ral Electr ic ity Aut hor i ty

•   Indian Electricity Rules

•   Equ ipm ent speci f ic statu tor y regulat ions

•   Indian Factory Act

Eq uipm ent co m plyin g wit h o th er recogn ized Stand ards such as IEC, BS, VDE, DIN etc. w il l also be

consider ed i f i t ensure s perfo rm ance equivalent to o r super ior to Ind ian Standa rds.

Equipment and accessor ies for which Indian Standards are not avai lable, shal l be designed,

m anufactur ed and t ested in accordance wit h t he latest issues of re cognized Standards such as

IEC, BS, VDE, DIN et c.

In case of confl ict between appl icable Standards referred to in th is part and technical

speci f icat ions, the Technical Speci f icat ion s shal l govern t o t he ext ent of such di f f erence.

1.4   M ake & Interchangeabi l ity

This speci f icat ion is issued fo r procu rem ent of speci f ied equipm ent and system preferably fro m

ind igenous supp l ie rs w ho m ay make use o f im por t ed system s / sub-system s / equ ipm ent / par ts

and who have val id col laborat ion agreement wi th reputed foreign suppl iers wi th exper ience in

design and supply o f similar system s as specified. The Bidd er shall fu rn ish div ision l ist o f sup plies

from foreign and Indian sources indicat ing the name of the agency or make against the

respective i tems. I t shal l be the responsibi l i ty of the successful Bidder to arrange the import

l icense fo r th e impor t ed i tems o f fe red and to co-ord ina te th e supp ly o f equ ipm ent f rom fore ign

and Indian sources and execut e the cont ract wi th in the agreed t im e schedule.

The make o f major equ ipment sha l l be l imi ted to pre fer red makes ind ica ted under ‘L is t o f

pref erred m akes'. M akes of a l l oth er equipm ent and accessor ies are subject t o p r ior appro val by

th e Purchaser.

Simi la r equ ipm ent and com ponents sha l l be o f sam e m ake; equ ipm ent o f same type and ra t ing

shal l be interchangeable.

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The Purchaser has the opt ion of select ing the m anufactur er of e lectr ical equip m ent , instrum ents

and controls and any other special ized i tems in the interest of standardizat ion and the

successful Bidder shal l have to supp ly equipm ent o f part icular m ake, if so requ ired.

1.5   Safety

All equipment shal l be complete wi th approved safety devices wherever a potentia l hazard

exists and with provision for safe access of personnel to and around equipment for operat ional

and m ain tenance funct ions.

The design shal l include not only those usual ly furnished with e lements of machinery but a lso

the addi t ional covers, sta ircases, ladders, etc which are necessary for safe operat ion of the

plant. Al l danger and caution not ice boards shal l be in Hindi , Engl ish and Oriya.

The Contractor must take suff ic ient care in moving his construct ion plants and equipment from

one p lace to another so tha t tho se may not cause any damage to the p roper ty o f the Purchaser

part icular ly to t he overhead and und erground cables and ot her service l ines.

W hen th e w ork is car r ied out a t n igh t o r in t he obscure day l igh t , adequate ar rangem ents fo r

f lood l ight ing in th e wo rking area shal l be made by t he Bidder at h is ow n cost and got appro ved

by t he Purchaser.

The safely postu res/ regulat ions for t he prevent ion o f accidents shal l be displayed by t he Bidder

at approp r iate p laces. Notices and warn ing signs shal l be d isplayed fo r a l l sources of dangers.

Al l e lectr ical dr ives and equ ipm ent mu st be equipped w ith safety devices. The safety prov isions

shal l conform to the recognized standards, safety codes and statut ory r egulat ion s.

Al l safety measures as required to be adopted as per the statutory regulat ions and the safety

ru les o f the p lan t sha l l be s t r ic t ly fo l lowed by the Contractor dur ing the execut ion o f the


Adequat e num ber o f f i rst a id boxes as def ined in th e Stat e Factory Rules shal l be provided and

m ain ta ined a t a l l the w ork si tes.

1.6   Coding/ Num ber ing Schem e

A coding scheme for identi fy ing the drawings, p lant and equipment, structures, spares and

sh ipp ing documents sha ll be adopt ed by t he contractor in a sequent ia l m anner .

1.7   Con tract or's Licen se

The contractor shal l possess a val id and competent contractor 's l icense of speci f ied vol tage

issued by the electr ical l icensing author i t ies of the Govt. of Or issa for carrying out e lectr ical

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insta l lat ion wo rk o f the t ype and m agn i tude covered in th is docum ent , in the sta te o f O r issa . The

contractor sha ll a lso b e requ i red t o o b ta in labour l i cense f ro m Sta tu t ory Aut hor i ty .

Copy o f th e l icense shal l be m ade available to t he Purchaser/ consul tant fo r ver i f icat ions dur ing

the execut ion o f contract .

Al l l inem en, w iremen, e lectr ic ians, supervisors and engineers engaged b y th e Bidder or h is sub-

Bidder shal l possess necessary val id l icense issued b y t he statu tor y aut hor i t y and the same shal l

be submi t t ed fo r ver i f ica t ion , if ca l led fo r .

1.8   Com pliance with rules, regulat ions, and obtaining statu tory app roval

All equipment/mater ia ls shal l be instal led in accordance with the requirements of re levant

standa rds, Ind ian electr ic i ty Rules, Indian Electr ic i ty Act, 2 003 and also the Factory Act. I t is t he

responsibi l i ty of the Bidder to see that the electr ical instal lat ion suppl ied and erected by him

shal l be t o the ent i re sat isfact ion of Chief Electr ical Inspector, Cent ral Electr ic ity Auth or i ty or any

other sta tu t ory bod y hav ing ju r isd ic t ion in t he area and a lso to the Purchaser / consu l tan t .

The responsibi li ty fo r ob tain ing al l stat ut ory approvals for th e instal lat ion to be carr ied ou t rests

ent i re ly wi th the contractor . I t sha l l be the responsib i l i ty o f the contractor to p repare and

submit a l l necessary drawings, calculat ions, test cert i f icates and relevant detai ls (other than

those given by the Purchaser/consul tant) to the Electr ical Inspector and obtain pr ior approval

fo r com mencing the w ork and fo r the comp le te insta lla t ion w ork done. The inspect ion fee fo r

statutory approvals shal l be re imbursed by the Purchaser on submission of documentary



2.1 Genera l

The scope of work includes the basic engineer ing, detai led engineer ing, manufacture or

procurement of e lectr ical equipment, shop test ing, packing, transportat ion, loading, del ivery at

si te, un loading, sto rage at si te, handl ing, erect ion , pre-com m issioning t ests and com m issioning

of a l l equipm ent / system including prel im inary acceptance test, perform ance guarant ee and po st

commissioning services, including insurance cover dur ing transi t , storage, erect ion andcom m ission ing. After successful com m issioning, the comm issioning spares not used, wi l l be the

property of the Purchaser. The job shal l be done on turnkey basis. Scope of Bidder shal l a lso

inc lude t he fo l low ing:

•   Supp ly of comm issioning spares

•   Supply o f mandatory spares requ i red fo r t w o years norm al O&M

•   Supp ly of special too ls and t ackles for th e equipm ent/ system s supp l ied

2.2 Bidder shal l provide complete design inputs in form of assignment indicat ing completerequ iremen ts of civ il bui ld ing to accom mo date com fort ably an electr ical substat ion con sist ing of

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electr ical equ ipm ent u nder h is scope as wel l as the equipm ent u nder scope of t he Purchaser (as

indicated later on in th is speci f icat ion) meeting al l the required statutory clearances. The

bui ld ing shal l be f inal ized and constru cted by t he bidder

Bidder shal l a lso p rovide t he fo l low ing design input s for det ai led design and engineer ing of civ i l

and structural works i .e. foundations, room, etc. The same shal l be taken into considerat ionw hi le designing t he civi l bui ld ings by purchaser:

•   Stat ic and dynamic load ing o f the equ ipm ent

•   Clearances, app roach, safety exit s requ ired

Clearances from al l th e fou r sides of th e wal ls shall be m aintained, w herever appl icable in t he

electr ical premises w hi le g iving t he d esign input s.

The civi l bui ld ings for the complete WTP substat ion ( including switchgear room, battery room,

tran sfor m er room s, etc) , dust suppression M CC room , electr ic room for W TP, Apron feed er,Sizer etc shall be u nder t he scope o f Purchaser. Electr ical sub-stat ion w i l l be instal led in t he ou t

door n ear th e wagon t ipp le r sta t ion .

2.3 Bidder shall also take int o con sid erat ion of variou s aspects l ike clearances, appr oach , safet y

exists, cable trenches, foundations, f loor opening, inserts, underground GI p ipes, off ice

prem ises, etc w hi le f inal izing the d esigning of civ i l instal lat ion s and bu i ld ing w ith in bat ter y l imi t

of t he package.

2.4 For HT dr ives l ike sizer scope of the Bidder star ts from out going term inals of 6.6 kV switchboard

( to be insta l led a t the sw i tchgear room ) and inc ludes com ple te e lect r ics dow n be low up t o andincluding the dr ives / mechanism including power and control cabl ing (standard power and

cont rol cables shal l be issued free of cost to the Successful Bidder) , mo to rs, local push bu tt on

stat ions, equip m ent earth ing, etc.

For WT System Bidder shal l include complete electr ics including al l the equipment/services on

tu rnkey basis as per requirem ent i r respective of t he sam e is speci f ied in th e speci f icat ion or no t.

Separate set of sui table rat ed 6.6/ 0.433 kV transform ers, dedicated M CC for W T System

m achine, PLC, UPS w ith sealed m aintenance free batt er ies, VVVF dr ive con tro l system , junct ion

boxes, o ther equ ipm ent , e tc sha l l be inc luded fo r smoot h opera t ion o f w agon t ipp le r system .

A i r cond i t ion ing o f contro l room to be done wi th prov is ion o f sp l i t a i r cond i t ion o f su i tab le

capaci ty. For o ther LT dr ives and m echanism , Bidder shal l include d edicated M CCs consist ing o f

requ i red num ber and capacity o f o u tgo ing feeders.

For dry fog type dust suppression systems of transfer points in junct ion houses, Bidder shal l

inc lude a ded ica ted M CC in pu mp cum compressor hou se.

For miscel laneous and non-cr i t ical loads l ike power socket cabinets, venti lat ion, AC power

requ iremen t o f 6.6 kV sw itchboard / 4 15V PCC / tran sform er marshal l ing boxes, etc, Bidder shal l

include a d edicated PDB.

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For i l lum ination o f W T System (W agon Tippler , Apron feed er, Sizer) including conveyor s and

substat ion, dust suppression room and adjoin ing areas / sub areas, Bidder shal l consider a

dedicated LDB and suff ic ient num ber of SLDBs. SLDB shal l be t imer cont rol . Two num bers f lood

l igh t h igh mast to w ers sha l l be inc luded fo r i l lum inat ion o f WT Area w i th met a l H lide Lamp s.

I l lum ination o f street l ight and conveyor gallery shal l be with LED lamp s.A separate room shal l be provided adjacent to WT control room to house the Dust suppression

M CC, Pum ps, comp ressors etc f or t he DS System by t he Bidder. Bidder shal l furn ish the

com plete re quirem ent s including size, cable trenches/o pening, etc. The p ressur ized venti lat ion

shal l be pro vided by th e Bidder in th is Dust Supp ression Room .

For DC power/control supply, Bidder ’s scope shal l star t from DCDB to be instal led at WT

substa t ion by th e b idder .

The number of MCCs / DBs shal l be provided as per requirement and i t wi l l be subject to

approval of Purchaser / h is consul tant .

Fol low ing shal l a lso b e included in th e Bidder ’s scope:

•   Pressur ized venti lat ion system fo r th e sw itchgear cum M CC roo m

•   Pressur ized vent i lat ion system for th e Dust Supp ression M CC room

•   Air -cond i t ion ing o f ba t te ry and bat te ry charger room

•   Exhaust fan in th e t ransform er room s.

The bidder shal l supply the PLC for safe operat ion of WT System. Necessary integrat ion with

exist in g PLC of n ew coal yard w i l l be scope o f t ender. Design and instal lat ion of e lectr ics shal l

ensure op era t ion o f comple te in tegra ted e lect r ics o f th e var ious dr ives/ m echan ism w i thout any

constra in t dur ing m ain tenance.

Bidder shall a lso con sider suff ic ient num bers of local auxil iary PDBs to cater m iscel laneous loads

of WT System. These PDBs shall be located at various places and exact locations shall be

f inal ized du r ing deta i led engineer ing.

HT Power cables and LT power/control cables shal l be la id in d i f ferent cable trays. LT power

cables and LT contr ol cables shal l a lso b e la id in d i f feren t trays, how ever, i f n ecessity ar ises due

to space constraints or lesser num ber of cables, LT pow er cables and LT cont rol cables can b e

put on t he same tr ays keeping suff ic ient gap bet w een th em . 24V DC cables, if requ ired, shal l be

la id ent i re ly in d i f fer ent ded icated t rays.

Cable trays in single t ier o r in m ult i t ier shal l be instal led in vert ical arrangement everyw here t o

avert coal accum ulat ion and space reduction. Cable trays shal l be suppl ied by t he b idd er.

Pow er o f any o th er vo ltage (except 4 15 V AC o r 220 V DC), e.g. 24 V DC o r 110 V DC, et c, shall be

arranged by Bidder h imself by provid ing sui table systems. 24V DC supply shal l be through

screened cable to be supp l ied b y the Bidder.

Fol low ing HT cabl ing shal l a lso b e includ ed by t he Bidder apart f rom the abov e:

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1.  ACSR conducto r fo r O/ H tr ansmission o f 33kv l ine.

2 .  Cabl ing required for re inforcement of incoming cabl ing to exist ing 6.6 kV WT System

swi tchboard .

3 .  Cabl ing fro m exist in g 6.6 kV W T SYSTEM sw itchboard to prop osed 6.6 kV switch b oard.

Standard po w er and con tro l cables (Trai l ing Cables) of req uired sizes in adequ ate qu antum shal l

be suppl ied and terminated by the Bidder. Hence, complete HT & LT tra i l ing cables for Wagon

Tippler , etc shal l be supp l ied and la id by th e bidder.

Cables used fo r 24 V DC supp ly for PLC system shal l be la id separately fr om 230 V AC cont rol


All cables Power cable, Control Cable, Trail ing Cable, instrumentation cables, signal cables,

screened cables, special cables, f ibre opt ic cables shal l be supp l ied, la id and term inated b y t he

Bidder as per actual si te requ irem ent.

Cabl ing shal l include laying and term ination a t b ot h end s, cable t rays and cable accessor ies for

th e cables to b e la id by th e Bidd er.

Bidder shal l consider a l l required cables for cable engineer ing, preparat ion of cable schedule,

terminal p lans, cable support structure layout, cable layout drawings, etc. Al l cable trays,

accessories, termination kits, glands, lugs, clamps including clamps, etc shall be included in the

scope for a l l the cables ( to be suppl ied by the Successful Bidder) interconnecting both side

equ ipment o r on e side equ ipment o f t he B idder ’s scope.

The Bidder shall a lso include in h is scope o f w ork t he vol tage drop calculat ion for t he HT mo to rs

of capacity con sidered by h im fo r th eir safe star t ing.

Al l HT and LT dr ives shal l be cont rol led and m on itored at exist ing WT SYSTEM contro l room from

the existing PLC. Bidder shall include PLC and all the interfacing/ interconnecting cabling and

cable trays. Cables oth er than standard po w er and contr ol cables, i f required f or th is int er facing,

shal l be suppl ied and la id by the Bidder. Copper power cables, i f required by the bidder, shal l

a lso be unde r scope of supply and laying of t he bidd er. Am pere m eters for a l l conveyor bel ts are

to b e insta l led a t the contro l room fo r mon i to r ing the cur rent o f each dr ive .

Bidder shal l consider PLC based on nu m ber and t ype of Input s / Out put s ( I/ Os) required fo r W T

system for smoot h and t rou b le f ree opera t ion o f var ious dr ives / m echan ism f rom the ex ist ing

W T SYSTEM contr ol ro om . Suff ic ient num ber of I /Os in PLC extension shal l be co nsidered as per

actual requirem ent. Exact num ber and t ype of I / Os shal l be decided dur ing detai led engineer ing

based on approv ed schem es.

Bidder shal l a lso consider suff ic ient number of I /Os in PLC for control and monitor ing of

Purchaser ’s e lectr ical pow er distr ibut ion equ ipm ent l ike 6.6 kV sw itchboard, 415 V PCC, 220 V

DC system , etc to be in stalled at W T SYSTEM sub station .

New PLC of W T shal l be int er faced w ith exist ing PLC of Coal Handl ing Plant # 2 for o perat ion of

BC – 115 and BC – 103.

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The eart h ing system shal l be pro vided fo r com plete W T SYSTEM plant. The new earth ing system

shal l be connected t o t he exist ing earth ing system.

Bidder shal l also consider earth ing of fo l low ing equipmen t:  33kv substa t ion equ ipment s.

  6.6kV WT switchb oard at W T SYSTEM substat io n in sw itchgear cum M CC room

  W T LT distr ibut ion tr ansform ers – Neut ral as w el l as bod y earth ing

  415 W T SYSTEM PCC at W T SYSTEM substat ion in sw itch gear cum M CC room

  Contro l pane l fo r pow er d ist r ibu t ion equ ipm ent a t ex ist ing W T contro l room

  LT busduct s

  Charger panels, DCDB, etc at W T substat ion in switchgear cum M CC roo m

Bidder shal l consider earth ing r ing mains at each electr ical premise and connect the electr ical

equ ipment wi th the r ings. The ear th ing r ing mains sha l l be connected wi th underground

ear th ing mats to b e prov ided by the Purchaser made o f 2x40m m d ia M S rod. Adequate num ber

of r isers shal l be made avai lable to the Bidder for connection with h is earth ing r ing main. For

t ransformer neutra l ear th ing , b idder sha ll cons ider ded ica ted ear th ing p i ts (m in imum tw o p i ts

per t ransform er) .

Lightn ing prot ect ion shal l be pro vided by t he bidder f or com plete W T SYSTEM including ta l l

insta l lat ions covered under the bat te ry l imi t .

Bidder shal l a lso include complete i l lumination of the premises under the battery l imi t and al lth e above electr ical pr em ises coming at W T SYSTEM substat ion and adjo in ing areas.

Air-condi t ioning, vent i lat ion and exhaust fan s for var ious room s / pr em ises of W T SYSTEM along

w ith t heir com plete electr ics shal l be under scop e of the Bidder. The batt ery and batt ery charger

room shal l be air -condi t ioned. Switchgear cum MCC room of WT substat ion shal l have

pressur ized venti lat ion. Transformer rooms of the WT substat ion shal l have exhaust fans.

Bat te ry and bat te ry charger room of the WT substa t ion shal l be a i r - cond i t ioned.

A l l in te rconnect ion fo r p ow er , contro l and inst rum enta t ion / signa l amongst equ ipment supp l ied

by the Bidder shal l be under Bidder 's scope of work. Simi lar interconnections including power,cont rol and signal betw een Purchaser 's equipm ent and Bidder 's equipm ent shal l be do ne by th e

Bidder . Al l the cable ter m ination s at b oth ends, cable trays and cable accessor ies shal l be un der

Bidder's scope.

2.5 Electrical system de sign criter ia

a)  Genera l

The design, manufacture, assembly and test ing as wel l as performance of the equipment shal l

confo rm to th e re levant IS : speci f icat ions ( latest revision) and o th er re levant standard s. In case

the Bidder is not in a posi t ion to comply fu l ly wi th certa in IS speci f icat ions, or in respect of

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certa in i tems for which there are no IS speci f icat ions, the Bidder may base his proposals on

IEC/BS/VDE/DIN recommendations or other reputed national or international standards subject

to the approval of the Purchaser. Al l equipment suppl ied and al l work done including system

design and detai led engineer ing shal l a lso comply wi th the statutory requirements of the

Government o f Ind ia and t he Government o f Or issa .

b)  Climat ic Cond it ions

Electr ical Equ ipm ent select ion and derat ing shal l generally be based on am bient tem peratu re of

50 oC. The equipm ent off ered shal l be sui table for smo ot h, eff ic ient and t roub le free service in

th e clim ate prevai l ing at Angul.

c)  Stan dard Vo ltage levels

Follow ing pow er ut i lizat ion stan dard vo ltage levels sha ll be ado pted for various system s:

1. Stat ion supply 6.6 kV, 3 phase, 3 w ire, un earthed system

6.6 kV, 3 phase, 3 w ire, unearth ed system2. A.C. dr ive m ot ors

415 V, 3 ph ase, 4 w ire, sol id ly earth ed

3. Pow er supply to PLC exten sion 240 V, 1 ph ase, 2 w ire, 50 Hz, A.C. (fro m UPS)

4. DC cont rol supp ly 220 V, 2 w ire, un earthed

5. Plant i l lum ination 240 V, 1 ph ase, 2 w ire, 50 Hz, A.C.

415 V, 3 ph ase, 50 Hz, A.C. out lets6 .

W eld ing socket / po wer

receptacles 240 V, 1 ph ase, 2 w ire, 50 Hz, A.C. outlet s

7 .Special socket out lets for

por t ab le lamps

24 V, 1 pha se, 2 w ire, 50 Hz, A.C. th rough sui table

t ransformers

8. Sockets for e lectr ical to ols, etc 240 V, 1 ph ase, 2 w ire, 50 Hz, w i th one point earth ed

d)  Permissible variat ions

The system / un i t / p lan t / equ ipment sha l l be des igned su i tab ly fo r fo l lowing var ia t ion in

vol tage and fr equency;

e)  Sym m etrical short circuit rat ings

Voltage Frequency

Perm issib le var ia t ion w i th ra ted per fo rm ance and contro l

effect iveness maintained

+/-10% +/-5%

Perm issib le var ia t ion fo r cont ro l and regu la t ion equ ipm ent w i th

ra ted per fo rm ance and contro l qua l i ty m ain ta ined

+/- 10 % +/-5%

Permissib le vol tage dip at HT sw itchgear bus dur ing star t ing of HT

m o t o r

- 15 % -

Permissib le vol tage dip at M CC bus dur ing star t ing of LT mo to rs - 15 % -

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The short c i rcui t rat ings of a l l the equipm ent l ike M CCs, mo tor s, PDBs / LDBs, cables, pow er

socket & l ight ing cabinets, etc shall be selected keeping in v iew t he fau l t level capaci t ies of the

Purchaser ’s e lectr ical equipm ent .

The thre e phase symm etr ical short c i rcui t rat ing at 6 .6 kV level shal l be 43.7kA. The th ree phase

sym m etr ical shor t c i rcui t rat ing at 415 V level shal l be 50kA.

The rat ed short c i rcui t w i thstand du rat ion fo r 6.6 kV shal l be 3 sec, wh ereas for 415 V system , i t

shall be 1.0 sec.

f )  Criteria for select ion of volta ge levels for drive m oto rs

AC squirre l cage induction motors above 160 kW shal l be fed at 6.6 kV from Purchaser ’s

sw i tchboard . M oto rs o f 75 kW and above sha l l be fed f rom M CC through a i r c ircu i t b reakersw i th num er ic type compr ehensive mo tor p ro tect ion re lays. M otor s be low 75 kW sha l l be fed

from M CC through M CCB/M PCB wi th pow er contactor and over load re lay.

g)   System Earth ing

6.6kv system is uneart hed 415v system is sol id ly earth ed.


M inim um num ber o f spare feeders in each of th e M CC / PDB / LDB / SLDB shal l be 10% subject

to m in imum one no. o f each t ype and ra t ing in each sect ion . The ra t ing and t ype o f spare feeder

shal l be de cided dur ing detai led engineer ing stage.

Sizes and requ irement of var ious pow er and contro l cables shal l be decided and int imat ed to the

Purchaser w e l l in advance to su i t t he app roved scheme/ to ach ieve scheme requ i rement .

Space heater power supply to the motors shal l be fed from the MCC through same cubicle or

through separate dedicated cubicles through 415/240 V transformers. Space heaters shal l be

in ter locked w i th m oto r m ain pow er supp ly . Bidder to subm i t a system w ise dr ive l i st ind ica t ing

requ ired process inter locks, perm issive condi t ions etc. w i th p laces and m ode of con trol , contr ol

system phi losophy with provision of var ious control , indicat ion, measur ing devices at var ious

places. The Purchaser shal l appro ve th is based on above ap proved phi losophy and Bidder shal l

have to p rov ide a ll equ ipment / mat er ials and prepare a contro l schem e/ log ic d iagram wh ich

shal l be ut i l ized for designing the motor feeders at 6.6 kV switchboard and 415 V MCC at

Bidder ’s end.

Above-mentioned control phi losophy and inter locking logic shal l be prepared as per the

techno log ica l requ i rement .

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Suitable electr ics for a l l the mater ia l handl ing equipment l ike hoist, etc shal l be provided for

handl ing the var iou s dr ives and m echanism .

W arning hoo ter shal l be o f bru shless typ e Siren and AC single phase.

Al l actuato rs shal l be of geared m oto rs.

Com ple te 24 V system, w herever requ i red , sha l l be prov ided by the b idder .

24 V and 230 V AC shal l be taken thr ough separate cables. Screened cables shal l be supp l ied and

used fo r 24 V pow er supp ly .

Al l the ind icat ion lamp s shal l be LED based w ith LVGP (Low Voltage Glow Prot ect ion) up to 100


A l l the ho is t contro l pane l sha l l be located a t w orkab le he igh t and p la t fo rm shal l be prov ided fo r

each ho ist a t one po in t fo r m ain tenance purpose.

One number Ammeter Contro l Pane l sha l l a lso be prov ided in ex is t ing WT contro l room for

m on itor ing of cu rrent s of W agon Tippler , Apron feeder, Sizer and Conveyors:


The Bidder shal l stu dy th e speci f icat ion and satisfy h imself th oro ughly regarding the w orkabi l i ty

of th e plant , equipm ent and system s off ered and also take fu l l respon sibi l ity fo r th e guarant eed

opera t ion and p er fo rmance o f t he sam e as we l l as fo r t he i r smooth , sa fe and re l iab le wo rk ing .

Al l equipment shal l be guaranteed for workmanship, mater ia ls design and satisfactory

per fo rmance to the parameters in accordance wi th the spec i f ica t ion document and re levant

clauses of the General Condit ions of Contract. The guarantee for performance shal l cover

individual i tems and systems for their rat ings / outputs. Bidder shal l a lso guarantee the

integrated o perat ion o f a l l th e systems and equipm ent covered in h is scope as a wh ole including

inter faces required t o be establ ished w ith o th er re lated system s and equ ipm ent . The Successful

B idder sha ll conduct per fo rmance / acceptance tests on each o f t he m ajor i tem s o f equ ipment

supp l ied to dem onstra te tha t the equ ipment and system supp l ied are capab le o f ach iev ing the

perfo rm ance parameter s speci f ied. The to tal system perfo rm ance shal l a lso b e guarant eed and

demonstrated. Should the tests speci f ied show that the plant has fa i led to achieve the

guaranteed parameters, the suppl ier shal l carry out necessary modif icat ions or part

rep lacements to ach ieve the guaranteed paramet ers and fo r successfu l dem onstra t ion t he t ests

shal l be repeated, wi thout any cost impl icat ions to Purchaser. Loading of the var ious systems

and th e i r per fo rmance sha l l be demon stra ted t o th e maximum possib le extent .



The control , monitor ing, inter locking, annunciat ion and meter ing funct ions of var ious

dr ives/m echanism shal l be perfo rm ed th rou gh PLC at W T SYSTEM contro l room . Al l the dr ives

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shal l a lso be operated from local control stat ions for emergency stop as wel l as for decoupled

t r i al r un o f m o to rs.

Fol lowing inter locks / a larm, etc shal l be provided for var ious dr ives/mechanism of cool ing

w ater system :

•  W hen conv eyor t r ips, Sizer w i l l t r ips.

•  Wh en s izer w i ll t r ip , Apron feeder w i ll t r ip .

•  Wh en apron feeder t r ips, Wagon t ipp le r w i l l t r ip .

•  Wh en any o f the runn ing dr ive t r ips , the s tandby dr ive sha ll sta r t au tom at ical ly .

•  When any of the running conveyor tr ips, the preceding/succeeding conveyor shal l tr ip

automatical ly.

•  A conveyor shal l take star t on ly when i t ’s precedin g conveyor star t s

•  Auto-Tr ipping of conveyor dr ives through var ious mechanism l ike pul l chord, bel t sway

switch, etc

The above inter locks/alarms and control phi losophy are minimum and indicat ive. The detai led

requ iremen ts for th e above shal l be f inal ized dur ing detai led engineer ing.

Bidder shal l furnish detai ls of control , monitor ing, inter locking, protect ion, annunciat ion and

meter ing system for a l l the HT dr ives for designing the Purchaser ’s equipment l ike 6.6 kV

switchgears. Simi lar ly, control , monitor ing, inter locking, protect ion, annunciat ion and meter ing

system for a l l the LT dr ives duly approved by the Purchaser shal l be ut i l ized by the Bidder indesigning th e M CCs.

B idder sha l l use s ta te o f a r t techno logy wh i le fu l f i l l ing the funct iona l requ i rement o f a l l the

equ ipment fo r smoo th and t roub le f ree opera t ion th rou gh PLC.

Var ious transducers (4-20 mA range) as per requirement shal l be provided to faci l i tate control

and monitor ing from PLC. Required transducers and wir ings to hook up al l analog and dig i ta l

inpu ts / ou tpu ts to / fro m PLC shal l be included in th e scope.

Inter lo cking arrangem ent shal l a lso be f urnished to take care of a l l the app roved logic schem es.

Bidder shal l provide necessary w ir ing, cont rol and requ ired i tem s to achieve th e appr oved logic /scheme. Select ing local / remote switch of local control stat ion in local posi t ion shal l carry out

loca l mo de opera t ion o f t he dr ives fo r test / t r ia l e tc . Perm issive cond i t ions fo r sta r t and t r ipp ing

of var ious dr ives shall be p rovided as per app roved lo gic d iagram s.

A ded ica ted hardw i red contro l pane l / desk shal l also b e prov ided by the b idder a t W T contr o l

room to contro l and m oni to r e lect r ica l power d is t r ibu t ion system .


Prot ect ions fo r t he d i f fe rent e lect r ica l equ ipment a re en l is ted be low :

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Prot ect ion o f HT m oto r and LT mot or (75 kW and above)

Comprehensive numer ic motor p ro tect ion sha l l be prov ided in the 6 .6 kV swi tchboard fo r HT

m otor s and in the 415 V M CC for LT mot or o f 75 kW and above.

Laying of cont rol and po w er cables including supp ly and laying of signal cables from m oto rs to

6.6 kV sw itchboard / 415 V M CC shal l be in th e scope of Bidder .

B idder sha l l inc lude w ind ing t emp era ture m oni to r ing / scann ing as we l l as bear ing t emp era ture

indicators for HT mo tors in PLC for m onit or ing and contro l .

Com prehensive num er ic m otor p ro tect ion inc lud ing but no t l im i ted t o th e fo l low ing:

•   Instantaneous over current protect ion

•  Dif fe rent ia l p ro tect ion ( fo r ra t ing above 1000 kW )

•   Ins tan taneous t ime over cur ren t p ro tect ion in two phases and def in i te t ime de layed over

cur rent a la rm o n th e th i rd phase

•   Negative phase sequence prot ect ion

•   Therm al over load t aking -ve and +ve phase sequence int o accoun t

•   Earth faul t

•   Locked ro to r p ro t ect ion

•   Wind ing tem p m oni to r ing and a la rm for ra t ing beyond 1000 kW

•   Under vo l tage pro tect ion

M icroprocessor based num eric mo tor p rot ect ion re lay shal l a lso have fo l lowing faci li t ies:

•   Com mu nica t ion fac i li ty w i th o pen pro toco l l ike IEC/ M odbus.

•   Relay shou ld stor e last f i ve fau l t records (m in im um ) w i th da te and t im e stam ping.

•   Relay shou ld have no. o f s ta rt m enu fo r sta r t inh ib i t ion .

•   Relay shou ld have faci l ity f or d isplaying th ree phase and n eutr al curr ent

•   Relay shou ld have heavy duty t r ipp ing contact w h ich wi l l be used fo r b reaker t r ipp ing

•   Battery backup faci l it ies

The M oto r Protect ion Relays shall a lso have th e fo l low ing addi t ional featur es:

•  Fault r ecording faci l i ty

•  Password p rot ect ion

•  Loca l/ remo te comm unicat ion fac il ity w i th open pro t oco l

•  M in imum 4 nos. BI and 4 nos. BO

Bidder shal l furnish complet e character ist ic data and curves of HT mo to rs to faci li tate t he

Purchaser for prop er re lay sett ings at 6.6 kV switchb oard end .

Protect ion of LT m otor ( less than 75 kW )

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M oto rs be low 75 kW sha l l be fed f rom M CC throu gh M CCB wi th pow er contactor and over load


M oto rs o f 5 kW and above but b e low 75 kW , sha l l have fed th rou gh M CCBs (fo r shor t c i rcu i t

p ro t ect ion), num er ic moto r p ro t ect ion re lay l i ke M PR-300 or equ iva len t ( fo r over load and o th erm otor p ro tect ion) and pow er contactors .

For m ot or b elow 5 kW , M PCBs smay be considerd in p lace of M CCBs.

Single phasing prot ect ion shal l a lso b e provided in th e M CC m odu les.


Fol low ing met er ing shal l be prov ided in var ious M CC/DBs;

4 1 5 V M CC












Construct ional Featu res

Ful ly drawout type with modules having service, test and isolated posi t ions. Floor mounting,

free standing w ith base channel 50 m m high for f ix ing on th e inserts on th e f loor . M CC shal l be

single front , tota l ly enclosed, dust and verm in proo f.

Al l th e m odu le of th e M CCs shal l be spacious to faci li tat e maint enance of equipm ent inside the

m odu le. Pol lut ion d egree appl icable shal l be po l lut ion degree 4 as per IS-13947 (Pt- I) , 1993.

Incom er and bus coupler pane ls

M CC incom ers and bu s coup lers shal l have Air c i rcui t breakers. Incom ers and bu s couplers shal l

be ra ted fo r a t least 125% of maximum demand t ak ing in to account the spare feeders and shal l

be sui table for t he specif ied faul t level .

Incomers and bus coupler shal l be electr ical ly inter locked to prevent paral le l operat ion.

However, a defin i te delay defeat Inter lock switch shal l be provided to faci l i tate paral le l

opera t ion . Auto changeover fac i li ty sha ll a lso b e prov ided bet w een the tw o incomers.

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Closing and tr ipping of ACB shal l be by closing coi l (operat ing range 85% to 110% of rated

vol tage) and t r ipping by t r ip coi l (operat ing range 70% to 110% of rated vo l tage) respectively.

Bui l t- in d ir ect act ing type m icroprocessor based num erical re leases for sho rt c i rcui t , over curren t

and earth faul t shal l be pro vided.

Auto changeover shal l be done through under vol tage relays and check synchronizat ion re lay

w ith t im e delay. Al l th e re lays shal l be m icroprocessor ba sed num erical re lays.

M oto r p ro tect ion m oulded case c i rcu i t b reaker (M CCB)

The character ist ic shal l match the motor duty appl icat ion. Rated ul t imate short c i rcui t breaking

capaci ty ( Icu) shal l be 50 k A. Ratings selected shall be at least 1 25% of the fu l l load current of the

motor. For smal l rat ing dr ives such as valves, Siemens 3UV13 type (or equivalent) or motor

pro tect ion circui t breaker (M PCB) shal l be used. Ut i l isat ion category shal l be A.

M agnet ic contactors

Pick up shal l be posi t ively at vol tage between 85% to 110% of rated value. For frequently

reversing dr ives, AC 3 rat ing selected shal l be 50% higher t han fu l l load curr ent o f t he m ot or at

the speci f ied duty cycle shal l be provided. For reversib le dr ives, mechanical ly as wel l as

electr ically int er locked cont actors shall be u sed.

Thermal over load re lay

Therm al over load r e lay sha l l be t r ip le po le , amb ient tem pera ture comp ensated, inverse t ime

lag, hand reset type, b im etal l ic w i th ad justable sett ing and bui l t in single phase protect ion. The

re lay sha ll be ab le t o w i thstand p rospect ive shor t c ircu i t -cur ren t w i thout damage or in ju r ious

heating t i l l the m ot or pro tect ion M CCB clears th e faul t . Tr ipping indicat ion and reset push

but t on op erab le f rom out s ide sha ll be prov ided.

Push Button s / Indicat ing Lam ps / Indicat ing instrume nts

Push but ton s shal l be spr ing ret urn, pu sh to actuate typ e and their con tacts shal l be sui table to

carry and break 240 V AC, 10 A and 220 V DC, 1 A. Indicating lamps shall be LED LVGP (Low

Voltage Glow Prot ect ion up t o 100V) type. Standard colou rs shal l be appl icable for pu sh but ton s

and for indicat ing lamps. Indicat ing instruments shal l be f lush mounting, square dia l wi th 900

scale wi th zero adjust ing device for external operat ion. Accuracy class shal l be 1.0 or better .

KW h m eter sha ll a lso be prov ided w i th incom ers.

M CC sha l l have run / sta r t , s top , t r ipped, and r eady to sta r t push bu t to n cum ind ica t ion lamp for

m otor feeders.

Current t ransformers

The thermal and dynamic stabi l i ty current for CTs and CT rat io shal l be as per requirement.

Pro tect ion and measur ing cur rent t ransformer sha l l be bar p r imary/ w indow type wi th 1Asecondary. Burden o f CTs shal l be as required b y t he associated m easur ing equ ipm ent.

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Potent ia l t ransformers

Pot ent ia l transform ers shal l be prov ided on in comers as wel l as on b uses and shal l be in same

circuit breaker cubicle. 415 V side of PTs shall have fuses. Accuracy class 1.0 shall be used. VAburd en shal l be selected based on m eters and relays connected w ith t he PT.

Control transformer

Control transformers shal l be dry type 415V/240V, pr imary taps at +2.5 %, +5 % and shal l be

m ount ed in d rawou t t ro l ley i f ou t go ing feeders are in d raw out execut ion . Cont ro l supp ly shal l

have supervision faci l i ty, a larm shal l be provided for non avai labi l i ty of any one of the control

supp ly. Aut om atic/m anual changeover faci l ity shal l a lso b e provided. Aut o-changeover shal l be

blocked i f pow er supp ly to r espective sect ion is not avai lable.

For capaci ty considerat ion of control transformers, each shal l be capable to meet 100 % load

including spare feeders and 10 % cushion for fu tur e and 15 VA for each mo dule fo r rem ot e aux.

re lays and indicat ion lam ps. Separate DC and AC contr ol (3 ph & neut ral) copp er busbars shal l

be considered for each M CC. From AC contro l bus, m ot or space heater supply shal l be tap ped

w i th su i tab le contro l and in ter lock ing ar rangem ent .

DC Cont rol sup ply

DC supp ly is required for e lectr ical ly cont rol led ACBs. For t w o sect ions, tw o DC bu ses shal l be

th ere. In bu s coupler panel , manual sw itch shal l be there for changeover of one supply to o ther

section. Non -avai labi l i ty of D C supp ly shal l be annunciated in M CC or n earby contr ol room .

In ternal Control W ir ing and external Terminat ions

Internal control wir ing shal l be by 660V grade PVC insulated, single core stranded copper

conduct or o f m inimu m cross sect ion 2.5 . for CTs and space heater ci rcui ts and 1.5 sq.m m

for ot her ci rcui ts. For CT secondary w ir ing, d isconnecting t ype term inal b locks (CAD t ype) shall

be considered.

For external terminations, DIN rai l mounting type bakel i te type terminal b locks shal l be used

complete wi th insulated barr iers, stud type terminals, washers, nuts and lock nuts andidenti f icat ion str ips. Pow er and contro l term inals segregated.

Ot her a ccessories

Fol low ing item s shal l be provided f or t he M CCs und er th e scope of th e Bidder:

Breaker l i f t in g/h andl ing tro l ley ( for ACBs) : 1 N o. per M CC Room

Breaker racking hand le (fo r ACBs) : 4 No s. per M CC Room

Panel key (if app licable) : 5 No s. per M CC Room

Select ion o f pow er compo nents & w i r ing fo r cont inuous dut y cage moto r d r ives is given b e low :

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3. Ut i l izat ion Category : A

4. Prot ect ion : Type `2 to th e contacto r


1. No . poles : 32. Rated service : 415 V + 10% vol tage

3. Cont rol c i rcui t : 240V +10% 1ph, 50Hz +5%

4. Ut i l isat ion category : AC23A for un i-d irect ion al m oto rs

5. Lim its of operat ion

i. Closing (pick-up ) : 85 % to 110%

i i. Dropout : Sha l l no t be h igher than 75%


1. Relay type : Nu m eric

2. Release type : M icropro cessor based.


1. Type : Am bient tem pera ture compensated b imeta l opera ted hand reset type (d i rect o r

C.T. operated)

2 . Hand reset t ing : To be prov ided a t the f ron t o f the pane l fea ture

3. Single phasing pro tect ion : Bui l t in



All cables, other than standard power and control cables, viz. HT/LT tra i l ing cables, signal ,

instrum entat ion, screened, f i re op tics, copper pow er cables and special purpose cables required

for appl icat ions concerned and for sat isfactory operat ion of the al l the HT/LT dr ives at coal

handling plant shall be in the scope of the Bidder. All power cables should be FRLS (Fire

Retardant low su lphur ) type.

Bidder shall include all the cable accessories in his scope of supply as well as installation as per

actua l requ i rement a t si te .

Trailing Cab les

All the t ra i l ing cables shal l be 4 core.

HT trail ing cables shall be 6.6 KV (UE) heavy duty power cable 4 core, flexible. The detailed

speci f icat ion for t he HT tra i l ing cables required shal l be furn ished b y th e Bidder a long w ith t he

tende r .

1.1 kV grade f lexib le tra i l ing cable shal l be of heavy duty type having t inned annealed high

conduct iv i ty f lexib le copper condu ctors, butyl ru bber o r ethy lene propylene (EPR) insulat ion and

CSP or PCP sheathing. The conductor shall conform to IS:8130 - 1984 and insulation and

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The stress grading mat er ia l shall be w rapped arou nd t he cable core, over lapping the edge of the

outer conduct ing layer . The tape layer sha l l fuse together to fo rm a compact rubber body

around the stress grading m ater ia l and cable core and t her eby exert an act ive pressure o n cable.

This system shal l be used f or stra ight t hrou gh jo int on ly.

Hea t Shrinkab le type system

The stress cont rol and grading w herever necessary shal l be by m eans of sem i-cond ucting heat

shr inkable tubing. Environmental seal ing between heat shr inkable mater ia l and cable surfaces

shal l be achieved by u sing hot m elted sealant s or adhesives.

W here such sealent s or adh esives shall be expo sed to h igh electrical stress, sam e shall be t rack

resistant t ype.

Pre-mo ulded Push On ty pe system

Prem ould ed refers to m ou lded Ethylene Prop ylene Diene mon om er rubber com pon ents. Seal ing

between the pre-moulded push on mater ia l and cable surface shal l be achieved by semi

conduct ing pad wh ich has co ld f low proper t ies .

Cable tra ys

All the cable t rays shal l be p refabr icated ho t d ip galvanised sheet steel trays.

Prefabr icated GI ladder type / perfo rated t ype cable racks/t rays shal l be used for laying of cables

in cable tr enches, cable spreader f loors, cable cel lers, thro ugh p ip ing and w hi le rou t ing cables

along technological str uctur es etc. The factory m ade system of cable tr ays shal l be comp lete in

all respects with all standard accessories l ike reducers, bends, tees, r isers etc. and shall be

sui tab le for bo l ted t ype assem bly at si te so as to avoid any w elding.

The GI ladder type factory fabr ica ted cab le t rays made f rom 2 .5 mm th ick ho t we lded s tee l

sheet s grade ‘o ’ shal l be p rovided as per IS : 2062. Hot d ip galvanizing of 86 m icron t h ick as per

IS-2629, IS-4759 and IS- 209. Trays shal l be of standard length of 3 M / 2 .5 M w ith m ax

deflect ion no t exceeding 1/ 400 of span wit h suff ic ient load bear ing capacity.

Sheet steel th ickness shal l be minim um 2.5 mm . Rung hal l be provided at every 250 m m . At o ne

meter interval two rungs shal l be provided side by side to faci l i tate clamping. Beside, Bidder

shal l a lso provide sui table pre-fabr icated bends of cable trays at a l l the bending points as per

actua l si te requ i rem ent .

Hor izontal tees and 900 bends shal l be provided for each size of cable trays as per actual

requ i rement a t si te .

Lugs/ connectors

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Cable te rm inat ion sha l l be m ade w i th a lumin ium / t inned copper cr imp ed type so lder less lugs o f

approved m ake fo r a l l a lum in ium conducto r and stud type t e rmina ls. The lugs sha l l be t inned

copper compression type.


Cable glands to be suppl ied shal l be nickel p lated brass double compression type. Glands for

classified hazardou s areas shall be cert if ied b y CM RS and ap pro ved b y CCE, Nagpur .

Cable glands fo r t erm inating PVC insulated arm our ed/ unarm our ed cables (as appl icable) shal l be

made of brass and shal l be of double compression type with necessary provision for armour

earth ing.

Cable clamp s

All cables shal l be clamped with GI (minimum size of 25x3mm) / Al (minimum size of 25x4)

clamps and single core cables shal l be clamped with trefo i l c lamps made of non-magnetic

mater ia ls.

Specif icat ions fo r m iscellane ous m ate rials

Cable identif icat ion

Cable tags shal l be of 2 mm thick, 20 mm wide aluminium strap of sui table length to contain

cable num ber as per cable schedu le.


Ferrules shal l be approved inter locked type & size to sui t core size mentioned and shal l be

emp loyed to d esignate the var ious cores o f cont ro l cab le by the te rm ina l num bers to w h ich the

cores are connected, for ease in identi f icat ion and maint enance.

Cable clamp s

All cables shal l be clamped with metal c lamps and single core cables shal l be clamped witht re fo i l c lamp s made o f a lum in ium.


Genera l

All mo to rs shal l general ly conf orm to IS 325 and CBIP pub l icat ion No. 140. M ot ors shal l run

cont inuously a t ra ted outpu t w i th + 5 % var ia t ion in f requency and + 10 % var ia t ion in vo l tage

and + 10 % com bined var iat ion of frequency and vol t age (absolut e sum ). M oto r shall not sta l l

due to mo m entary drop in vo l tage up t o 70 % o f ra ted va lue and sha l l run sat isfactor i l y fo r f i ve

m inutes a t a supp ly vo l tage o f 75 % o f ra ted va lue .

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The l imit ing value of vol tage at rated frequency under which motor wi l l successful ly star t and

accelerate to rated speed with load shal l be assumed to be a constant value of 80 % rated

vo l tage th roughout t he s tar t ing per iod .

A l l mot ors sha l l be supp l ied w i th fou ndat ion b o l ts ( if app l icab le), d ra in h o les w i th p lugs. M oto rssha l l be des igned fo r 5 0oC amb ient t empera ture .

M ot ors supp l ied shal l be com plete w i th requ ired doub le com pression cable glands, cr imp t ype

cable lugs and f i rst f i l l ing of lubr icat ion, nam e plate, etc. Li f t ing faci l ity t o b e provid ed for a l l HT

motors and big size LT motors. Guards shal l be provided to prevent accidental touch for

coupl ings and fo r free shaft end s shal l be pro vided.

Degree of p rot ect ion for m oto r and bear ings shal l be IP-55 for indoo r and IP55 w ith ra in canopy

and w eather p roof construct ion fo r ou tdoor . M oto r sha l l be su i tab le to w i thstand a t least t h ree

successive star ts f rom system co ld cond i t ion and tw o s tar ts f rom hot cond i t ion a t n orm al system

voltage and fr equency.

The dr ive mot or sha l l have at least 15 % marg in over the maximum pow er requ i rement o f the

dr iven equ ipm ent af ter consider ing all losses, de-rat ing du e to tem peratu re and specif ic si te and

operat ing condi t ions.

The m oto r m ay be sub jected to sudden app l ica t ion o f 150% ra ted vo l tage dur ing bus t ransfer,

due t o phase d i f fe rence betw een the incom ing vo l tage and m oto r res idua l vo l tage. 

M otor h andl ing faci li ty and canopy

Handl ing faci l i ty and space shal l be provided for a l l the HT and LT motors. Mono rai l shal l be

prov ided and sha l l be extended up to open main tenance space fo r each o f the HT motors .

Canop ies made o f GI sheet o f min imum th ickness o f 2 mm sha l l be prov ided to each o f the

HT/LT mot ors loca ted ou tdoor .

Al l motors, in general , including conveyor motors shal l be 4 pole construct ion, hence speed of

maximum 1500 rpm. However , motors fo r t rave l d r ives o f yard mach ines sha l l be o f 6 po le

construct ion , hence speed o f 1000 rpm .


Frame sizes shal l be as per IEC. Casing feet shal l be inte gral wi t h t he m oto r bo dy. For mo tor of

rat ing up t o 5 kW , ball bear ings shal l be used fo r bot h DE & NDE end. For rat ings above 5 kW the

DE end shal l be provided with bal l /ro l ler bear ing and NDE end shal l be provided with bal l

bear ing. Bear ings shal l be sui tab le for running of m oto r in e i ther d irect ion . M oto rs 110 kW and

above shal l be provided with bear ing temperature indicators. Explosion proof/ increased safety

design fo r explosion hazardou s areas as per r equirem ent .

Terminal bo x shal l be of sui table dim ension t o r eceive alum inium cables and shal l be ro tatab le

by 4x90o


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Cooling of motors shall be of TEFC (IC0141) design. Venti lation shall be effective irrespective of

d i rect ion o f ro ta t ion .

M ot ors shal l be dynam ically balanced. Vibrat ion intensi ty shall be l im i ted a s per IS 12075 (1987).

Cont inuous no ise leve l shou ld no t exceed 75 dBA a t a d is tance o f 1 .0 m f rom mo tor body.

Start ing current shal l be less than or equal to six t imes the rated current wi th IS to lerance.

M ot ors shal l have class ' F' insulat ion w ith tem peratu re l im i ted to class ‘B’ . Perm issib le

tem peratu re shal l be l imi t ed t o 120oC in case of class 'B' insulat ion and 130 oC in case o f class F

insulat ion as m easured by resistance m etho d. Class H insulat ion shal l be considered in speci f ic

cases. Limiting temperature shall also be l imited to 130 deg C in case of Class H insulation as

m easured by resistance m etho d.

Space heaters shal l be pro vided fo r a l l mo to rs rated above 30k W . Adequat e handl ing space shall

be prov ided fo r a l l the b ig LT mo tors .


Degree of protect ion for motor and bear ings shal l be IP-55 for indoor use and IP-55 with

rem ovab le ra in canopy fo r ou tdoo r use.

V ibrat ion m oni to r w i th contacts sha l l be prov ided a t t he DE end o f m oto r bear ing fo r m oto rs o f

rat ings 1000 kW and above. On l ine vibrat ion measurements shal l be provided for larger and

cr i t ica l m oto rs.

Al l m ot ors shal l be provided w ith Bear ing (DE & NDE) tem peratu re det ectors and 6 no s. stat or

wind ing tempera ture detectors , RTDs fo r mon i to r ing a la rm and t r ip cond i t ions. Tempera ture

shall be displayed on VDU's. RTD's shall be of PT100 typ e and suitab le for d igital scanne r or PLC

inpu t requ i rem en t .

Dig i ta l type bear ing tempera ture ind ica tor fo r a l l motors sha l l be prov ided fo r loca l

m easurem ent w i th ad justab le ala rm contacts .

Each term inal box shal l have faul t w i th stand capaci ty equal to at least rat ed sho rt c i rcui t level of

the system voltage for 0.25 sec and shall have pressure relief device. Terminal boxes shall be

suitab le for te rm inat ion o f FRLS, XLPE cables wit h cable end seals. Separat e te rm inal bo xes shall

be provid ed for space heaters, RTDs for w inding/ b ear ings tem peratu res, vibrat ion m onit ors etc.

A l l te rm ina l boxes sha l l be pro v ided w i th t w o ear th ing stud s fo r t e rm inat ion o f p ro t ect ive ear th

conduct or. Box covers shal l be provided w ith hand le to faci li tat e easy rem oval.

Low kW range machines m ay be o f TEFC ( IC0141) design. For h igher rat ing, typ e o f cool ing shal l

be CACA (IC0151). General accessories l ike flow switches, space heater, terminal boxes, drain

plug, dow el p ipe cable lugs, g lands clamp etc. shal l be pro vided.

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Vibrat ion in tensi ty shal l be limi t ed t o values as st ipu lated in t he IS. M ot or shal l be designed t o

w i thstand the v ib ra t ion produced by th e dr iven equ ipment . Cont inuous no ise leve l shou ld no t

exceed 75 dBA a t a d istance o f 1 .0 m f rom the m oto r body.

Electr ical design shal l be same as in case of lo w vol tage induction m oto rs except t he f o l low ing:

Al l HT motors shal l have class F insulat ion but wi th tota l permissib le temperature l imi ted to

1300C (as measured by resistance method). Space heaters to be provided for a l l HT motors.

Heaters to b e autom at ical ly OFF when the mo tor is sw i tched ON. Star t ing cur rent o f the d r ives

shal l be l imi t ed to six t im es of fu l l load current .

M oto rs o f ra t ing 1000 kW and above sha l l be prov ided w i th d i f fe rent ia l p ro tect ion . M atch ing CT

and cabl ing up t o switchgear shal l be provided by t he Bidd er.

M oto rs sha l l be capab le o f w i thstand ing locked ro tor cur ren t a t 110 % ra ted vo l tage fo r a t least

2.5 sec ( for motors having star ing t ime up to 20 sec) or 5 sec ( for motors having star ing t ime

m ore than 20 sec) longer up to than s tar t ing t ime und er ra ted load cond i t ion a t 80 % vo l tage. If

above cond i t ion is no t p ossib le then, centr i fuga l type speed swi tch t o be prov ided w h ich has to

be connected to the mo tor p ro tect ion re lay. Speed sw i tch sha l l be capab le to w i thstand 120 %

of the o verspeed in e i ther d i rect ion .

Insulat ion of motors shal l be designed conforming to IEC 34-15/ 1990. Gland plate for single

core cable shal l be non -magnetic typ e.

Al l HT motors shal l have individual dedicated handl ing and l i f t ing faci l i t ies preferably by

dedicated electr ic hoist.



PDB shal l be sui table for 4 15V, 3 phase, 4 w ire, 600A, 50 kA (short t im e rat ing fo r 1 sec) indo or

type .

Board sha ll be s ing le f ron t , meta l c lad , f ron t m atched, dust and vermin proof , d raw -out ( incom er

& bus coupler) / f ixed (outgoing), fu l ly compartmental ized and extensible on both sides, IP54

typ e enclosure.

Sha l l have iso la ted busbar chamber fo r m ain busbar a t the top , runn ing th roughout the length o f

th e board. Cham ber shal l have rem ovable cover.

Busbars shal l have same cro ss sect ion thro ughout th e length . Rating of the n eutr al busbar shal l

be 50% of the m ain bu sbar . Ear th bu s bar sha l l run in bo t to m chamb er th roughout the length o f

the pane l.

Shal l have M oulded case circui t breaker (M CCB) tr ip le pole, air break typ e w ith ind ependent

m anual quick make and q uick break type . M CCB shal l be capable of b reaking rated current at 0.3

pf at rat ed vol tage. M CCB shal l wi th stand th e faul t current envisaged for 415V system .

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General ly PDB wi l l have fo l low ing feeder arrangement . How ever, detai ls of f eeders e.g no . type

and capaci ty, etc shall be f inal ized du r ing det ai led engineer ing:

Incom er : ACB of 630A (or as per requirem ent)

Outgo ings : M CCBs o f 400/250/ 125A/63A/ 16A (or as per requ i rement)

Number and capaci ty of PDB given in the enclosed Single Line Diagram is minimum and

indicat ive. Bidder shal l pro vide as per actual load requ irem ent and sam e shal l be f inal ized du r ing

detai led engineer ing.


Aux. PDBs shal l be sui table fo r 415V, 3 ph ase, 4 w ire, 250A, 50 kA (sho rt t im e rat ing for 1 sec.)

indoor t ype. Board shal l be s ing le f ron t , m eta l c lad , f ron t m atched, dust and vermin p roof , non-

draw ou t, fu l ly com partm ental ized and extensible on bo th sides, IP54 typ e enclosure.

The other technical part iculars of aux. PDBs shal l be simi lar to PDB. The tentat ive feeder

arrangemen t shal l be as fo l low s. How ever, detai ls of f eeders e.g no. t ype and capaci ty, etc shal l

be f inal ized du r ing detai led engineer ing:

Incom er : M CCB of 250A (or as per requirem ent)

Outgo ings : M CCBs o f 125A/63A/ 16A (or as per requ i rement)


Technical featu res

•   Trip le pole air break, faul t make load break typ e.

•   Independent m anua l, qu ick make, qu ick b reak t ype

•   M echanical tr ip device

•   M echan ical “ ON”- “ OFF” ind ica tor

•   Suitable t o connect cables on incom ing and out going side.

•   Shal l have 3 NO and 3 N C aux. contact s.

•   Earthing switch shal l be provided on transformer side having rat ing same as that of main

swi tch .

•   Tota l ly enc losed, f loor mounted, ou tdoor k iosk type wi th IP-55 pro tect ion a long wi th a


•   Shall have pad locking facil i ty

•   Panel door shal l be mechanical ly inter locked so that isolator cannot be closed on open

posit ion o f door and door cannot be opened on c lose posi t ion o f iso lator .

•   Earthing switch shal l be inter locked with isolator b lades to prevent simultaneous closing of

b o t h .

•   Isolato r shal l be inter locked w ith Purchasers upstream b reaker.

Technical particulars

1. System vol tage : 6.6 kV

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design o f each transform er shall be such t hat t he r isk of accidenta l short -ci rcui t s du e to repti les

or vermin sha ll be obv ia ted .

The t ransform er shal l be of cast resin t ype. The tap changing arrangem ent shal l be of rem ovable

l ink typ e.

Each t ransformer sha l l be su i tab le fo r opera t ion a t fu l l ra ted power on a l l tapp ings wi thout

exceed ing the tem pera ture r ise o f 8 00C over th e ambient o f 50 oC. M inimu m class of Insulat ion

shall be F.

The t ransform ers sha l l be designed to be capab le o f w i thstand ing, w i thout in ju ry , the th ermal

and mechanical effects of short-ci rcui ts between phases or between phase and earth at the

termina ls o f any wind ing wi th fu l l vo l tage app l ied across the o ther wind ing . A l l t ransformers

sha l l be capab le o f w i thstand ing spec i f ied t h rough fau l t cur ren t fo r m in imum of 2 seconds as per

IS: 2 026 (Part -1).

The t ransform ers shal l be designed to supp ress harm on ic curr ents, especially the t h ird and f i f t h,

so as to e l iminat e disto r t io n in the w ave form and consequen t add i t ional insulat ion stress, noise

on communication system and undesirable ci rculat ing currents between the neutrals at

d i f fe rent t ransform er s ta t ions.

The Transformers shal l operate wi th minimum noise and vibrat ion. The cores, protect ive

hou sings and ot her structu ral parts shal l be prop er ly constructed and w indings prop er ly braced

so tha t the mechan ica l v ib ra t ions are kept to the min imum, thus reduc ing the no ise . To th is

effect, the laminations shal l a lso be bonded together wi th appropr iate resin. The core-coi l

assembly shal l a lso be f ixed in such a manner that no shi f t ing or deformations occur dur ing

sh ipm ent o r insta l la t ion .

Each transformer shal l be designed for minimum no- load and load losses with in the economic

l imi t .

Al l e lectr ical connections and contacts shal l be of ample sect ion for carrying the rated current

w itho ut excessive heating.

Al l mechanism shal l be of sta in less steel , brass, gunm etal o r ot her sui table m ater ia l to prevent

st ick ing due t o rust o r cor rect ion . If any t empo rary f i t t ing is f ixed to the p ro tect ive hous ing o f

the transformer for transport ing / handl ing purpose, these shal l be identical as wel l as

instruct ions and i l lustrated drawings shal l be furnished to faci l i tate their removal at s i te after

erect ion .

4.7.2 Core

The f ramew ork, c lamping ar rangem ent and general s t ructure o f the cores o f each t r ansform er

shal l be of robust construct ion and shal l be capable of wi thstanding any shock to which they

may be subjected dur ing transport, instal lat ion and operat ion. The assembled core shal l be

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securely clamp ed on t he l imb s and t he yoke to bu i ld up a r ig id structu re. The clamping pressure

sha l l be un i fo rm over th e w ho le o f t he core and so ad justed as to m in imize no ise and v ib ra t ion

in the core wh en the t ransformer is in op era t ion . The f ram ewo rk and th e core bo l ts sha l l be

ef fect ive ly insu la ted f rom the core so as to reduce the edd y-cur rents to t he m in im um .

The magnetic ci rcui t shal l be bui l t of h igh qual i ty, low loss, non-ageing. Cold ro l led, grain

or ient ed, sil icon steel lam ination s (CRGO Prim e Grade) having excellent m agnetic prop ert ies and

special ly sui table as core m ater ia l . Lam ination s shal l be insulated f rom each ot her w i th m ater ia l

having high int er- lamination insulat ion resistance and ru st inhib i t ing prop erty and also capable

of w i thstand ing str ess and m echanical v ibrat ion.

Necessary cool ing ducts shal l be provided for heat d issipat ion from the core so that the

ant ic ipa ted maximum hot spot tempera ture in the core sha l l no t be in ju r ious to any mater ia l

used in t he core assem bly.

The core-clamping frame shal l be provided with l i f t ing eyes having ample strength to l i f t the

comple te core and w ind ing assemb ly .

Sui tab le provision shal l be m ade in the d ry type t ransform ers for effect ive core earth ing.

4 .7 .3 W ind ing

The coi ls used for transformer winding shal l be made of insulated, continuous and smooth

electro lyt ic copper conductors of h igh conductiv i ty and of 99.9% pur i ty. Simi lar coi ls shal l be

connected b y accessible jo in ts brazed o r w elded and f in ished smoo th. No corona d ischarge shal l

resul t on t he w inding dur ing induced vo l tage test as speci f ied in appl icable standard.

The insulat ing mater ia ls for dry type transformers shal l be of type not infer ior to Class “F”. Al l

insulat ing mater ia ls shal l be of p roven natu re and shal l be sui table fo r t he sui table f or t he l im i ts

indicated in th e appl icable standard s as w el l as th e maxim um po ssible w ind ing temp eratur e and

sha l l no t d e ter io ra te wh en th e t ransformer is opera ted cont inuously a t i ts spec i f ied ra t ing a t t he

specif ied amb ient tem pera ture .

The in ter- t urn and inter -coi l insulat ion shall be so designed that th e die lectr ic str ess is uni fo rm ly

d ist r ibu t ed th roughout the w ind ing under a ll opera t ing cond i t ions.

The w indings shal l be dry cast resin typ e.

The transformer windings shal l be designed for basic Impulse insulat ion level not lower than

th ose speci f ied above.

4.7.4 Protect ive Housing for Dry typ e Transform er

Dry type t ransformer sha l l be prov ided wi th su i tab le pro tect ive sheet s tee l hous ing , w i th

minimum IP 23 degree of protect ion for the enclosure. The housing shal l have venti lat ion

louvers provided w ith w ire m esh screens and shal l be suppl ied w ith sui table l i f t ing lugs. Safety

l imi t swi tches sha l l be prov ided and wi red in such a way tha t the incoming supp ly may be

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d isconnected wh enever any one o f the s ides o f the enc losures are opened w i th the t r ansform er

in energized condi t ion.

Suff ic ient precaution s shal l be t aken so th at d oor s are closed f u l ly. Door locks shal l be p rovided

and keys shal l be u niversal typ e.

4.7. 5 Of f-Circuit Links

The off-ci rcui t tapping l inks shal l be provided on the HV side with appropr iate register p late to

show th e l ink location. The l inks shal l be pro vided w ith a separate do or f or access. The do or shal l

be pro v ided w i th appropr ia te sa fe ly lim i t sw i tches wh ich w i l l t r ip t he t ransform er HV / LV s ides

in open cond i t ion .

4.7.6 Cooling

The cool ing system for d ry typ e transform ers shal l have Air-Natural (AN) cool ing.

4.7.7 Ne utral Bushing Current Transform ers

CTs for b ack up earth fau l t (51N) as w el l as fo r restr icted earth faul t (64) shal l be prov ided on the

neutra l end.

Neutral bushing CT shal l be removable at si te wi thout opening transformer tank cover/act ivepar t . Secondary leads o f 4 sq .mm sha l l be brought to a weatherproof te rmina l box and f rom

there t o th e marshal ling box.

Neut ral bushing CTs of sui table rat io, c lass and adequate bur den shal l be pro vided by t he Bidder

to ca ter to the requ i rement o f a l l s tandard pro tect ion assoc ia ted wi th the t ransformer o f th is

capacit y. CTs for REF shall b e PS class. 

4.7.8 M arshall ing Box

Enclosure mounted marsha l l ing box to be supp l ied wi th a l l contro ls ins t ruments, p ro tect ion ,

accessor ies & f i t t in g as required fo r t he transform er and i t s associated anci l lar ies. The box shal lbe made o f 2 m m sheet s tee l w i th IP 54 degree o f p ro t ect ion .

Sheet steel marshal l ing box of dust-proof design shal l be provided to accommodate

temperature measurement as wel l as control system, as may be necessary. The box shal l be

m oun ted on t he transform er enclosure and shal l be pro vided w ith inte rnal light ing, space heater

and th ermosta t w i th t he i r contro ls accessib le f ro m out side .

The box shal l be provided with sui table hinged steel doors at the front and al l equipment shal l

be so placed as to accessible from th e fron t. Provision shal l be m ade for pad locking the door s.

Sui tab le glazed w indow s shal l be provided at appro pr iate po sit ion s to g ive an unr estr icted viewof th e tempera ture ind icators e tc , w i thout open ing the door .

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Al l in i t ia t ing “ contacts” o f sha ll be w i red up t o t he te rm ina l b lock in the bo x. Al l cont ro l w i r ing

shal l be w ith 1 .1kV grade stranded PVC insulated arm our ed copper cable of 2.5 . Term inal

blocks shall have 20 % spar e capacity.

The externa l connect ions betw een th e apparatus on the t ransform er and th e m arsha l ling boxshal l be don e w ith sui table heat r esist ing copp er conduct or cables of co re size no t less th an 2.5

sq. mm. The cables required to connect the marshal l ing box and transformer accessor ies shal l

be adequately protected against mechanical damage. There shal l be no jo ints or tappings

betw een two te rm inat ions o f any cab le . Not m ore than tw o te rm inat ions sha l l be made a t any

one terminal . Al l terminations at var ious devices and terminal b locks shal l be provided with

plast ic ferru les having engraved numbers. Al l terminals and l inks shal l be so arranged as to

faci l i tate easy checking and test ing of re lays, instruments etc. Provision shal l be made for

term ination o f pow er cables as w el l as mult i -core cont rol cables in th e marshal l ing box.

The control c i rcui t terminal b locks provided for external cable connections shal l be provided

with screw type terminals and shal l be complete wi th terminal screws, l inks, cable carr ies etc,

Each t erm inal b lock shal l have 20% spare t erm inals and al l w ir ing shall be such t hat i t is easi ly

identi f iable and accessible fo r m aintenance.

Al l devices, wires and terminal b locks with in the marshal l ing box shal l be clear ly identi f ied by

sym bo ls correspon ding to t hose used on relevant schem atic or w ir ing diagrams.

En closure class o f m arshall ing bo x shall be IP-55.

Terminal Arrangem ent H V/LV term inals shall be sui table for cables considered.

4.7.9 Transformer Fit t ings & accessories

Each t ransform er shal l be f i t t ed w ith a l l stand ard and special f i t t ings and accessor ies and shal l

inc lude but no t be l im i ted to t he fo l lowing:

•   Inspection covers.

•   Off ci rcui t l inks in th e pr im ary for vo l tage var iat ions.

•   Rating, d iagram and tap connection p lates.

•   Term ina l mark ing p la te

•   Two nos. ear th ing te rm ina ls wi th lugs.

•   Wind ing tempera ture detectors wi th microprocessor based Tempera ture scanners wi th

d ig i ta l read out and requ is i te se t o f remote s igna l ing contact fo r a la rming/ t r ipp ing

opera t ion .

•   Under carr iage with b i-d irect ional ro l lers w i th locking and bol t ing devices.

•   M arshal l ing box com plete w i th a l l instru m ent s, accessor ies and f i t t in gs as required fo r th e

t ransformer .

•   Off load t ap changers w i th posi t ion indicator s and pad locking faci liy

•   Neut ral bushing CTs w ith t erm inal arrangem ent

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•   HV cab le box w i th d isconnect ing chamb er and suppo r t ing ar rangement

•   LV side f langes sui table to receive busducts

•   Jacking pads

•   Haulage lugs

•   Flat base, foundat ion b ol ts and clamp s and oth er accessor ies as required

4.7.10 Det ails of Fit t ings

Requisi te number of Resistance type temperature detectors shal l beprovided with sol id state

type temperature signal iser for dry type transformer. The temperature signal iser shal l be

prov ided wi th two se ts o f contacts , one fo r a la rm and the o ther fo r c i rcu i t -b reaker t r ip . The

signal iser shal l be provided with d ig i ta l read out for the temperature being measured and for

the zone where the cur rent m easurem ent .

Two nos. earth ing terminals of adequate mechanical and electr ical capaci ty shal l be provided.

Separate earth ing terminals shal l a lso be provided on the enclosure, marshal ing box and

terminal boxes.

Rating and diagram plat es shal l be pro vided as per adopt ed standards for each transform er.

Li f t ing lugs and haul ing holes as required shal l be provided f or t he t ransform er as w el l as for t he


Sui t able under -carr iage f i t ted w ith f lat ro l lers shal l be p rovided. The rol lers shal l have adequate

mechanical strength and shal l be so designed that the transformer shal l ro l l wi thout undue

effor t after i t has remained immobi le for a long per iod. The edges of ro l lers shal l be duly

rounded o f f to p ermi t sk idd ing o f t ransform er on f la t sur face.

4.7 .11   Technical Part iculars of H T Transformers (33KV/ 6.6KV)

1.0 General

1 .1 M ake : Reputed M ake

1.2 Type : Two w ind ing

1.3 Service : Out doo r

1 .4 Duty : Cont inuous1.5 Degree of Prot ect ion : IP:55

1.6 Refer ence Stand ard : IS/ IEC Equ iv

2.0 Rating

2.1 Rated outpu t : 5M VA

2.2 Quant i ty : 1 no

2.3 Type of cool ing : ONAN

2.4 Rated vol tage Vol t :

H. V. : 33kv

L. V. : 6.6k v

2.5 No. of phases : 3

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2.6 Rated Frequen cy Hz : 50

2.7 Vector group reference : Dyn11

2.8 Connection

H. V. : Delt a

L. V. : St ar

LVn : Grounded th rou gh NGR

2.9 Insulat ion

H. V. : Uni fo rm

L. V. : Unif or m

2.10 Insulat ion level kVp/ kV

H. V. : 75/ 28

L. V. : 40/ 10

3.0 Tempera ture :

3 .1 Reference ambient tem p. : 50


C3.2 Temp. r ise over reference amb ient

a) Top Oi l m easured by : 500C Thermom eter

b) In w ind ing by : 550C Resistan ce

4.0 Tappings

4.1 Type : Off circuit Tap Chan ger (OCTC)

4.2 Taps : ±10% in steps of 2.5%

4.3 Taps pro vided on HV w inding : Yes

5.0 M ethod o f ear th ing : Neutra l Ground ing Resistor

6.0 Neut ral ground ing Resistor

6.1 Rated current : Less th an 100A for 10 seconds6.2 Appl icat ion : Ground ing th rough Resistor

6.3 Service : Out doo r

6.4 Resisto r m ater ia l & connection : Punched stain less steel gr id e lemen t type

6.5 M aximu m a l low ab le tem pera ture r ise

over ambient 50 0C

: As per Stan dards

6.6 Enclosure degree of pro tect ion : IP - 55

7.0 System Fault Level

7.1 H. V. : 40kA

7.2 L. V. : 40kA

8.0 Condu ctor m ater ia l : Electro lyt ic grade copper

9 .0 Creepage d istance mm / KV : 3 lmm / kV

10.0 Terminal connection s

10.1 H. V. : Segregated phase bu s duct/ Cable

10.2 L. V. : Segregated phase bu s duct / Cable

11.0 M arshal l ing box Degree of pro tect ion : IP:55

Pow er frequ ency to w i thstand vol tage of 6.6 KV system should b e 28KV.Imp ulse test vo l tage

shou ld be 75 Kv for system vol tage of 6.6 KV.

4.7 .12   Technical Part iculars of Dry type tran sform ers (LT)

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•   Ram p rate : Linear accelerat ion and decelerat ion ad justable indep endent ly.

Power com p onent s

The m ain pow er comp onents o f t he VVVF equ ipment sha l l have th e fo l lowing incoming AC side :

•   M atch ing inpu t p ow er t r ansfo rmer / r eac to r

•   AC l ine surge supp ression net w ork.

•   ACB/ M CCB

•   Line contactor s

Converter – Inverter Equipm ent

•   Thyr isto r converter b r idge for AC/ DC

•   DC link c i rcu it w i th reactor /capaci to r•   Inver te r b r idge fo r DC/ AC

•   PLC to t ake care of in ter locking and sequencing etc.

•   M imic pane l where d r ive is HT

Loa d side

•   Fi l te r ne tw ork

•   Step -up tran sform er, as requ ired

•   Iso la tor and over - load re lay fo r each m oto r .

By-pass Arrangem ent

•   By-pass arrangement shal l be provided to operate the motor in case of fa i lure in

f requency conver te r .

Thyristor convert er

•   M in imum ra t ings o f t hyr isto r ce l ls

•   PIV rat ing : 2.5 t im es th e peak value of l ine vol tage

•   dv/ d t ra t ing : 200V/m icrosecond fo r vo l tage contro l and

1000V/m icrosecond fo r inver te r cont ro l .

•   d i / d t ra t ing : 100A/ m icrosecond.

Protect ive fea tures

•   AC l ine surge supp ression net w ork

•   Under vo l tage in supp ly ne two rk

•   Phase sequence pro t ect ion and m oni to r ing

•   RC snubb er net w ork across each th yr isto r cel l

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•   Thyr isto r fu se fa i lure

•   Under vol tage in Dc l ine

•   Over vol tage in Dc l ine

•   Over speed mon i to r

•   Over load

•   Eart h f aul t

•   Instantaneous over curren t

•   Transformer faul t

•   Cool ing fan fa i lu re – Sta l l mon i to r f o r m oto r A larms

Above condi t ion shal l be annunciated. Fol lowing warning signals shal l a lso be provided as

min imum in add i t ion t o above .

•  M oto r fau l t (w ind ing / bear ing tem pera ture , v ib ra t ion) as app l icab le

•  Loss of fr equency comm and

•  M eters, Sw itches, Lamp s

Fol low ing sha l l be prov ided as m in im um m eters:

•  Input vo l t m eter and am m eter w i th se lector sw i tches

•  Outpu t vo l tm eter and amm eter w i th se lector swi tches.

•  Outpu t f requency met er

•  Selector swit ches, pushbut ton s, and lam ps as required.

•  kW m eter fo r d r ive ra t ings above 200 kW Regu la t ion and contro ls

Cont rol facil i t ies shal l includ e fo l low ing but not l imi te d to :

•  Reference speed setter

•  Ramp genera tor

•  Speed feed b ack

•  Curren t feed back

•  Trigger modu le

•  Pulse tran sform ers

•  Logic contr ol mo dule

•  Sequence mod ule

•  Zero speed/ over speed mo nito r as appl icable

•  V/ f con t ro l

•  Current l im i te r

•  Coun ter curr ent / r egenerat ive braking uni t as appl icable

•  active electronic com pon ent s used shall be of industr ia l grade herm etical ly sealed

•  Regulated pow er supp ly for r eference sett ing:

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Voltage var ia t ion of (+/ - ) 0 .1 % with a n input var ia t ion of +10% - 15%

Steady state regulat ion of (+/-)0.25% guaranteed against 100 to 200 % load disturbance and +

3%, -6% inpu t supply frequ ency var iat ion .•  Faci l ity t o accept speed re ference f rom compu ter / p rogram mable contro l le r

Construct ion featu res

  Floor m ounted, f ree s tand ing

  Dust and vermin proo f

  Sheet steel clad

  M in imu m 2 .5 m m th i ck fo r pane ls.

  M in imu m 2.0 m m t h ick fo r doors and side covers.

  Sui tab le to w i thstand v ib ra t ions to be encountered in s tee l p lan t app l ica t ion .

  Cubicles with i l lumination lamps, door switches, space heaters and adequate sockets

for solder ing.

  All con tro l b locks plug –in- type w ith n ecessary t est sockets.

  Units shal l be sel f conta ined and serviceable.

Enclosure and Ven tilat ion

•   Enclosure conform ing to IP-52 or m ore w i th w eather p roo f enc losures

•   Units shal l be provided with cool ing fans and louvers at the bottom sides. Al l louvers shal l

have f ine m esh beh ind th em.

•   Vent i la t ion th rough ind iv idua l vent i la t ion ducts , f rom bot t om not acceptab le .


Relay panels (RP) housing aux. contacto rs, t imers, re lays, etc. shall be p rovided for equipm ent

cont rol , sequen tia l cont rol , m onit or ing, safety a larm signals, annunciat ion signals, inter locking of

dr ives ,signal exchange, inter face with future system etc. shal l be provided. Construct ional

featu res of R.P. shall be simi lar t o M CC. At least 2 0 % spare auxi liary cont actors, t im ers & relays

shal l be pro vided in th e re lay panel who se contacts and coi ls shal l be w ired up t o t erm inals.20 %

spare terminals shal l a lso be provided. 10 % of auxi l iary contactors, t imer and relays shal l be

prov ided as spares wh ich w i l l be w i red upto te rm ina ls.


Pow er supply system

Input power supply shal l be fed through UPS system. However, PLC shal l be capable of

w i thstand ing power supp ly f rom e lect r ical feeder .

Built - in pow er sup ply units

• Sui tab le for t he pow er supp ly system as speci f ied above.

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• Independent un i ts fo r th e fo l low ing:

• CPU and associated electron ic uni ts

i)   sensing the status of inpu t d evices

ii )  dr iv ing output s if ou tput s are re lays

iii)  Insulat ion level 2.5 kV for 1 m inute.• Prot ect ion against surge prot ect ion & shor t c i rcui t

• Elect ron ic over cur ren t p ro tect ion w i th feedback fea ture .

Central processor unit

• M odular and p lug-in type

• 32 b i t m icroprocessor based

• Scan t ime 2 m sec per one K Wo rds o f inst ruct ions or be t t e r

• Prov ision to la tch d esi red outpu ts .

• The processor shall have in-bu i lt p rovision fo r examining input cond i t ions, comp are, comp ut e,

logical , conversion fro m / t o BCD, bi t m anipulat ion, b lock mem ory m anipulat ion , d iagnostic,

shi f t , sequen cing, cond i t ional jum ping, subrou tine instruct io ns.

• In-bui l t PID instruct ion shal l be preferred over separate PID hardw are M odu le.

• T im er & counter m odu les sha l l be prov ided w herever requ ired .

M e m o r y u ni ts

M odular and p lug- in t ype

• W ord length 32 b i t as per CPU

• Expandab le in b locks o f 4K Wo rds

• M in im um si ze 16K Words

• EPROM / RAM w i th ba t t e ry back-up

• Back-up batt ery shal l be as fo l low s:

i)   Rechargeable Ni-Cd batter ies wi th necessary charging circui t , L i th ium or any other

intern ational ly accept able typ e.

ii )  Ab le to re ta in m emory fo r a m in imum o f 1 yea r w i th n o pow er app l ied to the con t ro ll e r.

Input units

• High density (32/ 16 Channels) , m odu lar and plug- in type

• Insu la t ion leve l o f 1 .5 kV

• Input in t e r rogat ion vo l tage 24V DC

• Discrete input un i ts shall have th e fo l low ing:

i)   Fi l ter to t ake care of cont act bounce

ii )  Opto- iso la t ion to iso la te the input dev ice f rom the contro l ler

iii)  LED status indicat ion iv) BCD input uni t s sui tab le for f our d ig it inp ut

• Analog input un i ts shal l be as fo l low s:

i)   Sui tab le fo r 4 -20 mA / 0 -10V / +/ -10V inputs

ii )  W ith n ecessary A /D conver ter

• Pulse/ frequ ency input m odu le shal l have range up to 50 kHz. For very high frequ ency

appl icat ion s, th e range shal l be up to 1 M Hz.

Out put un i t s

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• High Densi ty (32/ 16 Channel), mo dular and p lug- in t ype

• Discrete out put un i ts shall be as fo l low s:

i ) Opt o- isolat ed outp ut s w i th insulat ion level of 1.5 kV

ii) Rate d f or 2 4V DC, 2A

• Pow er devices l ike conta ctor o r odd vo l tage actuat ing device shal l be actu ated t hro ugh relays• LED status indicat ion

• BCD out put uni ts shal l be as fo l low s:

i)   Sui tab le fo r four d ig it ou tput

ii )  Rated to dr ive seven segm ent LED displays

iii) W ith insu la t ion leve l o f 1 .5 kV

• Ana log outpu ts sha l l be as fo l low s

i)   Suitable for 4-20mA/ 0-10V/ +/-10V outputs capable of dr iv ing Digi ta l / Analog Panel

M e t e r s

ii )  W ith n ecessary D/ A conver ters

iii)  W ith insu la t ion leve l o f 1 .5 kV

iv )  Any special requirement to control f ie ld devices shal l be met by using separate

in ter face modu les

PC based program m ing unit :

• PC used for Programming Terminal shal l be commercia l grade and latest avai lable in the

Sui tab le fo r deve lop ing programs in ladder d iagram/ b lock d iagram or sta tem ent fo rm

• W i th fac il i ty fo r load ing the program f rom f loppy

• The te rmina l sha l l be capab le o f d eve lop ing m ul t ip le program s o f f l ine wi thout connect ing to

the p rogram mable contro l le r .

Self d iagnostic featu res

• Pari ty erro rs, cycle error s and u nder vol tage

• Fa i lu re in centra l p rocessor un i t , m em ory and pow er supp ly .

• Ind ica t ion o f type o f fa i lu re

• Auto ma tic turnin g OFF of a l l ou tpu ts or op t ional ly hold ing of a ll outp ut s in their last stat e on

fa i lu re de tect ion .

Addit ional features

• Fu l ly p re-programm ed

• Connect ion o f f ie ld dev ices wi th input un i ts th rough o rd inary mul t i -core copper cont ro l cab les

of 1 .5 sq . m m size , up to a length o f 500 m .

• Connect i on o f r emo te i npu t / ou tpu t un i t s to p rog ramm ab le con t ro l le r th rough remo te I / O

unit s, w herever substant ia l saving in cabl ing is envisaged.

• Ser ia l inter face, RS232C and bet ter shall be p rovided

• High speed com m unication am ong PLC and ope rator con soles/ d isplay uni ts shal l be pro vided

throu gh e thernet

• La test appropr ia te m ode l o f HP Ink je t Pr in ter to get h ard copy o f the program du mp / da ta

logging / a larm logging / event logging / data trending etc. [Pr inter covered also under

“ Programm ing Un i t ” . On ly o ne pr in t er shal l be supp l ied . ]

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Special featu res

• Sw i tch to d isab le a ll ou tpu ts o f the contro l ler du r ing star t -up / debugg ing

• Fuse fa i lu re ind icat ion fo r ou tpu ts M ount ed spares

• M in o f 30 % o f I /O m odu les used o f each input & outpu t type (wi th a t least one m odu le o f each

typ e) shal l be offer ed as unu sed spare for each I/O rack. M inim um of 30% I/O rack slots shal lbe kept reserved fo r fu tu re expansion .

• 30 % spare m emo ry capaci ty shal l be pro vided

Construct ional featu res

• Unit ised construct ion

• Floor mo unted , f ree stand ing and indoor t ype

• Bo t to m cab le en t r y

• Sheet steel c lad

• Dust and ve rm in p roo f

• Sui tab le to w i thstand vibrat io ns as per appl icat ion

• A l l m odu les p lug-in type


• Conf orm ing to IP-42 class

• Conf orm ing to IP-54 class for rem ot e I /O cub icles located in shop s/ bays.

M iscel laneous

• Programmable control lers, even i f housed in a ir -condi t ioned enclosure, shal l be sui table for

normal industr ia l env i ronment and ambient tempera ture upto 50 0C. A sui tab le fan w ith in let

a ir f i l ter shal l be p rovided at th e top of each PLC panel for p rop er a ir c irculat ion .

  Dual redundant processor shal l be envisaged. Redundancy shal l be provided in such a way

that in case of fa i lure of the main processor, the standby shal l takeover automatical ly. The

changeover shal l be bump less and the system shal l be fa i l proof. Redundancy shal l be

pro vided for com plete pr ocessor system including CPU, M em ory, Pow er supp ly and

Com mun ica t ion sub system .

  Fai lure of a single processor shal l not affect t he system.

  In case of fa i lure of com plete p rocessor system , outpu ts shal l take fa i l safe state aut om atical ly.

  I t shal l be po ssible to generate th e f i rst ou t a larm con tact b y the PLC in case wh ere a group of

param eters are l ikely to t r ip a system .  The com m unication subsystem bet w een PLC processor and I/ O sub system shal l be dual

redundant .

  The comm unication subsystem bet w een pro cessor subsystem and PLC console shal l be dual

redundant , cons ist ing o f tw o separate com mun ica t ion in te r faces and tw o bu ses, each one

conf igured in redundant m ode.

  No h ardw ired alarm system is requ ired. Al l th e alarms are to b e displayed in OW S of PLC w ith

m ul t i ton e buzzer and w i th a la rm h isto ry p rov ision .

  The so f tw are prov ided a t the t ime o f supp ly shou ld b e o f la test vers ion .

  Necessary l icense to b e provided along with th e soft wa re.

  The OS (Operator Stat ion) desk and operator chair to b e supp l ied by the bidder.

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Genera l System Descript ion

The required kVA, 50 Hz, single phase UPS system shal l provide continuously operat ingunin terrup ted p ow er supply to cr i t ical AC loads such PLC, instrum entat ion, etc.

The capaci ty of UPS shal l be sui table t o feed po w er requirem ent of the PLC wh ich shal l cont rol

and m oni to r a l l the dr ives/ m echan ism o f p roposed add i t iona l coa l hand l ing system .

The UPS system shal l include but n ot n ecessar i ly lim i ted t o t he fo l low ing equip m ent :

•   One 100% ra ted bat te ry bank

•   One set of Float Charger (FC) and o ne set o f Float cum Boost Charger (FCBC) comp lete w i th

associated incoming AC sw itchgear.

•   Two nos. 100% capaci ty invert er banks.

•   One no . DC switchgear, connecting above and also inverter b anks stated above

•   One no. 3 phase to 1 phase transformer and associated AC switchgear, 230V, 1 phase

vol tage stabi l izer and backup source stat ic swit ch.

•   One no. 24 0 V UPS ACDB

•   One no. four w ay manual bypass sw itch

•   Stat ic switches

•   All inte r connecting cables/w ir ing w ith conn ection accessor ies and ot her required i tem s tom ake the system com ple te .

M ode o f Opera t ion

N o r m a l M o d e

During the normal operat ion the UPS shal l be used to provide power to the cr i t ical loads. The

pr imary AC source shal l be used to supply power to the rect i f ier charger. Two (2) no. chargers

shal l feed regulated DC po w er to t heir individual inverter ban ks and simult aneously f loat charge

th e backup batt er ies.

Em ergency M ode

Upon fa ilu re o f p r imary AC source supp ly ing th ree phase pow er to the bat te ry chargers, the

input po w er to the inver te rs sha l l be supp l ied f rom the back up bat t e r ies. W hen th e AC pow er is

restor ed, input pow er fo r the inver te r and pow er fo r recharging the bat te ry sha ll au tom at ical ly

be suppl ied from the rect i f ier charger. The batter ies shal l supply the inverter whenever the

chargers are unable to supply the sudden load demand or their response to the load change iss low.

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The ou tpu t o f th e UPS shall feed al l the essent ia l loads thro ugh th e ACDB. The connection f rom

th e UPS to ACDB shal l be t hrou gh a switch and fast act ing sem icond ucto r fu ses, tr ip fuses and

micro switch with a larm contacts. The feeders shal l be designed by the bidder to sui t the load

requ i rements.

Battery Charger

Two (2) nos. each of 100% capaci ty, battery chargers shal l be provided for each UPS system.

These chargers shal l be of stat ic type and shal l be provided with sui table transformer and fu l l

w ave, SCR type rect i f iers. Chargers shal l share auto m atically t he load d ur ing paral le l op erat ion

of th e inver te r system and sha l l ma in ta in ou t put vo l tage w i th in p lus or m inus one percent o f th e

nom ina l va lue f rom no load to fu l l load.

Sui tab le r ipple f i l ter ing circui ts shal l be provided to give a sm oo th DC outpu t. The r ipple cont ent

shal l be l imi t ed t o less th an +5% on resist ive load.

The rect i f ier charger shall have f loat, equal ising and b oost charging faci li ty as w el l as furn ish the

inverter input current. In the `Boost ' mode, the ‘boost ' chargers shal l recharge the completely

discharged batt ery to fu l l capaci ty in e ight (8) hou rs.

In charger system, al l the standard protect ion, meter ing and stat ic annunciat ion shal l be

prov ided.

Stat ic Inverte rs

The tw o (2) nos. 100% capacity, ( IGBT) required kVA inverter s shal l be stat ic t ype consist in g of

SCR type inverter , stat ic f i l ters, integrated control modules including necessary osci l lators,

vol tage regulators, current l imi t ing and surge suppression networks. In addi t ion, the inverters

shal l have features of soft star t , wave shaping, transient recovery etc. Any other equipment

requ i red fo r norm al opera t ion o f the inver te r sha l l be inc luded i r respect ive o f w hether spec if ied

o r n o t .

The ou tpu t fro m the in verter shal l be 240V AC, sine w ave 1 phase. The outp ut of t he UPS shall

be distr ibut ed to the essentia l loads through th e AC sw itchgear. The connect ion from the UPS to

the AC switchgear shal l be through a switch and a quick act ing fuse. The feeders shal l be

designed by the b idder t o su i t th e load requ i rem ents.

Stat ic Transfer Switches

The stat ic transfer switches shal l use SCRs and other stat ic devices, for automatic transfer of

load from the Normal source to the Al ternate source. The continuous capaci ty of each stat ic

sw i tch sha l l be equa l to the fu l l load capaci ty o f one inver te r . M aximu m t ransfer t ime inc lud ing

sensing shal l not be more than 1/4 cycle. The transi t ion shal l be "make before break" in both

direct ions. The stat ic sw itch shal l be provided w ith fuses in bot h `norm al ' and `al ternat e ' pow er

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sour ce. Provision fo r annunciat ion o f fa i lure of fu se or fa i lure of a l ternate source shal l be made.

The switch shal l be provided with surge suppression networks and shal l a lso be rated to

withstand transient vol tages upto 150% of rated vol tage. The short t ime rat ing of the switch

sha l l be 150% of the ra ted fu l l load cur rent fo r tw o (2) minut es.

Three p hase/ single pha se Transforme r and vo ltage stab ilizer

The transformer connection shal l preferably be of Le Blanc type with del ta connected winding

on the three phase side or of open del ta connection type. Other a l ternatives shal l a lso be

considered, provided the connection has minimum unbalance on the pr imary side. The

transformer shal l be encapsulated in Class B insulat ion. The transformer shal l be adequately

rated f or t he dut y involved. The actual value may be sl ight ly increased t o take care of any losses

in t he stat ic vol tage stab i l iser.

The vol tage stabi liser shal l emp loy si licon sol id state ci rcui tr y and shal l m aintain t he speci f ied

outp ut vo l tage fo r 0 to 100% load, wi th m aximum input vo l tage var ia t ion as spec if ied.

M anual Bypass

Sw itch The m anual bypass switch shal l be a four (4) posi t ion switch. I t shal l be used t o isolate a

sta t ic swi tch f rom i ts load and a l te rnate power supp ly and to take i t ou t o f serv ice wi thout

power in te r rup t ion to the load. I t sha l l be ‘make before break ’ type contacts , so tha t power

supp ly to th e loads is cont inuous dur ing switch o perat io ns. I t shal l be capable of carrying rated

cont inuous fu l l load inver te r cur ren t .

Fault Diagonistic Unit

Unit Faul t d iagonist ic uni t shal l be provid ed to sup ervise UPS operat ion. Faci li ty to take p r int o ut

and record ing o f im por t an t param eters sha l l be prov ided. A l l the a la rms sha l l be in te r faced w i th


Bat tery

DC bat tery shal l be VRLA, sealed m aintenan ce free type. Battery capacity shou ld be 500Am p Hr

w ith f loat charger of 110 Am ps. Float cum boo st charger should be 110Am ps also. Battery shal l

be located in t he bat t e ry room . Bat te ry shal l be su i tab le to m ain ta in t he pow er supp ly fo r a t

least 60 m inutes (ba t te ry b ack t im e) in t he event o f m ains fa i lu re .

Necessary d is t r ibu t ion board fo r d ist r ibu t ion o f po w er f rom UPS outpu t t o ind iv idua l consumers.

Perm issib le var iat ions for m ains pow er supp ly system shall be as fo l low s:

Vol tage : + 10 % , -15 %

Frequency : As per IS

Harmonic d isto r t ion : < 5%

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Outpu t o f the un in t er rup tab le pow er supp ly system w hi le de l iver ing a load o f i ts ra ted capaci ty

(P.F of load shal l not effect i ts ou tpu t) shal l have fo l lowing var iat ions;

Vol tage regulat ion :1% (For 0-100% load)

Frequency : (+/-) 0.5% (For 0-100% load)

Eff ic iency :Above 80%100% to 0% and 0% to 100% load : Vol t d ip +10%

Enclosure an d ven tilat ion

Enclosure confo rm ing to IP-41 class. Uni ts shal l be pro vided w ith coo l ing fans and lou vers at t he

bot to m sides. Ind ividual venti lat ion du cts for each uni t shal l be pro vided.

Distribut ion Board

The DB shal l have tw o b uses, main and standby and shal l be prot ected by semicondu ctor f uses

with fuse monitor ing device, bus heal thy lamps, vol tmeters and ammeters. Each load shal l befed by t w o ind ependent feeders. Isolat ing and buscoupl ing sw itches shal l be prov ided.

The enclosure sheet steel th ickness shal l be 2.0 mm . with cold ro l led sheets and 2.5 m m for ho t

ro l led sheet s and enclosure class prot ect ion shal l be IP-54.


1. Appl icat ion : Un inter rupt ib le Pow er supp ly for PLC and oth er essentia l loads

2. Capacity : 200 % of PLC load

3. Degree of pro tect ion : IP 54

4. Cable entr y : Bott om

5. Input Supp ly Vol tage : 415V+/ - 10%, 3 phase 4 w ire, 50 Hz +/ - 5%

Bat ter ies

1. Type : VRLA, SM F

2. App lication : UPS System

3. Numb er of cells in each bank in ser ies : As per requ irement

4 . Ambient tem pera ture : M in . temp . :5 .0 deg.C M ax.tem p. :50 deg. C

5. D.C. nom inal system vol tage : Sui table to inverter system

6. Ampere hour capaci ty : B idder to fu rn ish a long w i th calcu la t ions7. Charging m etho d prop osed : . Float and bo ost

8 . Em ergency load dura t ion : 60 M inutes (ba t te ry back up t ime)

9 . Cont inuous load/ dura t ion : As per requ i rement

Battery chargers

1. Num b er req uired : 2 nos. (1 FC + 1 FCBC)

2. Type : Stat ic

3 . M ethod o f charging : F loa t and boost charge type

4. DC system vol tage : To sui t th e system

5. Auto m atic vol tage regulator requ ired(AVR) : Yes6. Regulat ion w ith AVR : +/ -1%

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7. Perm issib le harmon ics at rat ed continuou s load : +/ -2%

8. D.C. load requirem ent

a) M om entary : As per requ i rement b ) Em ergency : As per requ i rement

c) Con tinuo us : As per requ irement

9 . M aximu m t im e fo r boost charg ing : 8 Hours


1. Type : Sta tic

2. Sui t able for paral lel ope r : sui table for paral le l operat ion

3. Service : Indoo r

4. Out put rat ing : As requ ired

5. Out put Vol tage : 240 V A.C.

6. Phase : Single ph ase

7. Frequency : 50 Hz

8. Tota l harmon ic content : 5% RM S maximum not m ore than 3% d istor t ion in

any single harmo nic.

9. Duty : Continuo us.

10. Over load capaci ty : 125% for 15 m inut e at 0.8 p.f

11. Eff ic iency : No t less th an 80% at rat ed load

12. Cool ing : Nat ural a i r cooled

13. Synchronizat ion w ith sou rce : Yes

Static transfer switch

1. Capacity Cont inuous : M ake and carry F.L. curren t of inverter at 0.8 p.f .

2 . Type : M ake before break

3. Volt age : 240 V, single ph ase

4. Frequency : 50 Hz

5. Transfer t im e : 1 / 4 cyc le maximum

M anual bypa ss sw itch

1. Capacity Cont inuou s : M ake and carry F.L. curren t of inverters at 0.8 p.f .

2 . Type : M ake before break.

3. No. of posi t ions : 4

4 . Shor t t ime ra t ing : Shor t t ime ra t ing o f the inver te r fo r 1Sec & 150% of fu l l load

cur rent fo r 2 m inutes.

5. Transfer : M anual.


The resistors offered shal l be arduous duty, industr ia l appl icat ion, shock and vibrat ion proof,

unbreakab le , r ig id and rust p roof punched chromium stee l a l loy gr id and conforming to the

requirements st ipulated in IPSS 1-10-002-82 "Speci f icat ion for resistance boxes for power

circui ts" w i th latest am endm ents. Cast i ron resisto rs shal l not b e acceptable.

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The resisto rs shal l be assem bled on high qual i ty asbesto s or m ica insulated high ten si le steel t ie

rods and separated from one another by mica or asbestos washers in required numbers and

r ig id ly supported to e l iminate vibrat ion, breakage, d isplacement or deformation. Tappings shal l

be pro vided w ith every resistance elemen t indicat ing resistance value to enable adjustm ent s, if

requ ired. Individual gr ids shal l be TIG welded at t he junct ions and term inal taps shal l be w eldedto gr ids, ensur ing a consisten t curr ent pat h.

The gr ids shal l be assem bled o n h eavy steel fr am es wh ich shal l be sui tably stacked, hou sed and

mounted in minimum 2.5 mm CRCA sheet steel enclosed cubicles wi th louvers along with wire

m esh t o ensure good vent i lat ion and m oun ted o n a base fram e of ISM C 125 . The panel of

res is to r un i ts sha l l be f ree s tand ing, f loor mount ing type and prov ided wi th two numbers o f

ground ing pads, tapped ho les and bo l ts su i tab le fo r connect ion o f g round ing conductor o f 50x6

m m G.I f lat. Enclosure shal l be in single front execut ion.

Individual banks shal l be mo unt ed on b racket w elded to t he fram e, as such individual bank can

be wi thdrawn out f rom enc losure wi thout d is tu rb ing o ther banks. A l l res is to r banks sha l l be

pro vided wit h adequat e li f t ing faci l ity fo r handl ing dur ing instal lat ion and o ver haul ing.

The t erm inals shal l be brought out in th e separate term inal box ( IP-55) on one side and m arked

w ith m etal l ic tags for ext ernal connection w ith AYFY cables.

The current carrying capaci ty of the resisto r shall be so selected that th e tem peratu re shal l not

exceed 370 d eg. C.


The scope includes com plete p lant i l lum ination system t o achieve required i l lum ination levels as

per IS or as per CBIP guidel ines. The scope shal l cover th e fo l low ing i l lum ination system s:

•   No rmal AC l ight ing

•   DC Em ergency l ight ing. M aintenance l ight ing

•   Per iphera l, road/ st ree t and area l igh t ing w i th in ba t t e ry l imi t

I l lum ination shal l be p rovided in a l l the fo l low ing prem ises:

1.  Sw i tchgear roo m at W T substa t ion

2.  Battery r oom at W T substa t ion

3.  Transform er rooms

4.  A/C & vent i la t ion Room

5.  Peripher ies of bu i ld ings

6.  Coal conveyo r galleries

7.  Dust suppression M CC room

8.  Junct ion hou ses and tran sfer tow ers

9.  W agon Tippler System

10 .  Con t ro l r oom o f W T

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Sufficient numbers of LDBs, SLDBs, l ighting poles, 415/240 V switch socket outlets, ceil ing fans

w ith r egulato rs, earth ing pi t s, M CB cont rol led socket ou t let , junct ion bo xes, etc shal l be

considered und er scope o f the B idder as per actua l requ i rement .

DC emergency l ights shall be fed from separate DCELDB. Similarly, power receptacles shall befed fro m ded icated Receptacles DB. DCELDB at W T SYSTEM substat ion shall be f ed f rom

Purchaser’s DCDB. Receptac le DB shall be fed fro m Bidd er’s PDBs/au x. PDBs.

Sufficient numbers of DCELDBs and Receptacles DBs shall be considered by the Bidder as per

requ i remen t .


415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 600A, 50 kA (shor t t im e rat ing for 1 sec.) indoor type .

Board shal l be single front, metal c lad, front matched, free standing, f loor mounted, dust and

vermin proof, non-draw-out, fu l ly compartmental ized and extensible on both sides, IP54 type

enclosure. Incom ers shal l be draw out typ e. LDBs shal l have a ser ies of panels of un i form height

placed side by side having front access for operat ion as wel l as cabl ing and access for

m aintenance of busbars. LDBs shal l have tw o incom ers and o ne bu s coup ler.

Separate bu sbar compar t m ents prov ided on t he to p sha ll have bo l ted covers in t he f ron t and

rear. The main busbars shal l have continuous current rat ing as required. The rat ing of the

neutral busbar shal l be 50 % of the phase busbars. The busbars shal l be of a luminum al loy

conforming to IS 5082. The busbar sizes shal l be so selected that wi th the passage of rated

cur rent , the tempera ture r ise over 500C ambient does not exceed 400C as measured by

the rmomete r .

Each cubicle shal l have segregated feeder compartments arranged in t ier formation with each

compar tm ent hous ing one feeder c i rcu i t w i th lockab le h inged door hav ing neoprene gasket a l l

around . M odu lar con str uct ion shal l be adopt ed to cater fo r d i f ferent sizes of feeders. The

cubicles shal l have com m on h or izontal busbar chamb er at th e top and vert ical r isers at t he back.

The cab le compar tment sha l l be prov ided on the s ide wi th cab le en try a r rangement f rom

bot t om . The bu sbar and cab le com par tm ents sha l l be prov ided w i th bo l ted cover p la tes. The

rear cover shal l be easi ly rem ovable typ e construct ion .

The LDBs shal l conform to IS 8623 fo r factor y bui l t assembl ies, IS 13947 f or general requ irem ent

of sw itchgear and IS 5578 & IS 11353 – Guide for m aking and iden ti f icat ion of conducto rs and

apparatus term inals.

The LDBs shal l be fabr icated f rom CRCA sheets w i th 2 m m th ickness for a l l me m bers except th e

doo rs of the m odu les, the rear covers, th e covers of cable cham ber s and busbar chamb ers which

m ay be o f 1 .6 m m w i th adequate s t i f feners to pr event buck ling . Non- load bear ing par t i t ion wa l ls

m ay be o f 1 .6 mm th ick sheet s tee l.

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The cubicles shall be m ade up o f bo l ted sheet steel m emb ers and side panels of p ressed sheet

steel w i th n eopr ene gasket at a l l jo in ts and open ings including doo rs.

Bus bars shal l have sam e cross-sect ion t hrou ghout the length. Rating of th e neut ral bus bar shal l

be 50% of th e main bus bar . Ear th bus bar sha l l run in bo t t om cham ber th roughout t he length o fthe pane l.

The LDBs shal l have necessary pro vision at e i ther end fo r fu tur e extension by b ol t in g add i t ional

sect ion.

The busbar shal l be supported with h igh qual i ty non-hygroscopic, insulat ing, sel f ext inguishing

and f i re retardant insulat ing mater ia l , of adequate mechanical strength so as to wi thstand,

without damage, effects of avai lable short-ci rcui t current. The busbars shal l a lso be proper ly

spaced of facil i tate t aking vert ical connection s to individual uni t s. The connect ions to individual

uni ts shal l be taken by taped busbars. The busbars shal l be of uni form cross-sect ion and the

main busbars shal l run throughout the length of the board. Simi lar ly vert ical droppers shal l

extend fo r the fu l l he igh t o f the pane l except the bot tom chamber . The connect ion between

busbars o f d i f fe rent m eta ls as w e l l as the ir connect ion w i th t he t e rm ina ls o f the equ ipm ent shal l

be m ade in such a way to prevent corrosion and local heating.

Liberal space shal l be provided fo r cabl ing and t o accom m odate any convent ional typ e of cable

glands for PVC insulated and PVC sheathed ar mo ured alum inum conducto r cables.

The cables compartment shal l have provision for clamping of cables inside compartment on

perfo rated sheet steel sect ion s.

The LDB shal l have fo l low ing met ers in each of th e tw o incom ing feeders:

•  One no. d ig i ta l type vol t m eter w i th accuracy class of 1.0

•  One no. d ig i ta l type am m eter w i th accuracy class of 1.0

•  One no . d ig i ta l energy met ers wi th accuracy class of 1.0

Suit able CTs w ith accuracy class of 1 .0 shal l be prov ided in th e incom er m odu les for th e above

meter ing .

M oulde d Case Circuit Breakers

LDBs shal l have moulded case circui t breaker tr ip le pole, a ir break type with independent

m anual quick make and q uick break type . M CCB shal l be capable of b reaking rated current at 0.3

pf at r ated vol t age. M CCB shal l wi th stand the fau l t current envisaged for 415V system and shal l

be cur rent l im i t ing type. A l l ou tgo ing feeders shal l have ear th fau l t p ro tect ion .

The M CCBs shal l be sui table fo r panel m oun ting and shal l be f ixed t ype. Al l l ive part s shal l be

enclosed in m oulded case and a l l con tacts shall be si lver p lated. The br eakers shal l be t r ip- free

and w i th qu ick make & break opera t ing m echan ism . The M CCBs sha l l be prov ided w i th amb ient

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temperature compensated bi-metal over load releases and a magnetic short-ci rcui t re lease with

inverse t im e character ist ic. Releases shal l be ei ther stat ic or m icroprocessor based.

The opera t ing hand le sha l l be inc luded w i th m odu le door such tha t the doo r can be opened on ly

w i th t he breaker in the “ OFF” pos it ion . The M CCB hand le a f te r th e breaker t r ipped due t o a fau l tshal l occupy an intermediate posi t ion. The breaker shal l be capable of interrupting a fu l l faul t

current co rrespon ding to th e faul t level speci f ied.

M CCBs shal l have a breaking capaci ty o f 50 kA at 4 15V. Curr ent l imi t in g M CCBs are n ot

pe rm i t ted .

The LDB shall be con sisting of f ol low ing feeder s:

Incom er : 2 Nos. each of 600 A M CCB

Bus coupler : 1 No. of 600 A M CCB

Out going : 125 A M CCB – 6 Nos.

63 A M CCB – 10 Nos.


415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 125/63A (as appl icable) , indoor/outdoor type (as appl icable) general ly

confo rm ing to IS 13947 and IS 8623 as appl icable.

The SLDB shal l comp rise of on e num ber o f incom ing TPN M CCB, th ree no s. of DP M CBs, and

requ isite n um be r of ou tgo ing SPN M CBs (as sp ecified) and adequ at ely rate d bu s bars. The SLDBs

shal l a lso have t im er, contacto rs, A/ M sw itch, etc as per requirem ent. The enclosure class of

SLDB shall b e IP 54. The te rm inals of M CCB shall be fu l ly shro ud ed. The bo ards shall b e of

indu str ia l , tot a l ly enclosed dust-proo f, w al l mou nt ed, sheet steel cubicle design. The th ickness of

the sheet steel shal l be 2 mm. The boards shal l have welded back and sides and gasketted

h inged door a t the f ron t w i th door hand le and su i tab le lock ing dev ices. For boards wi th

incoming isolat ing switch the access to the operat ing handle shal l be from the front of the

cubicle wi thout opening the front door. Operat ing knobs of outgoing MCBs shal l be accessible

only after opening the front door of the cubicle. Protect ive insulated cover p late shal l be

provided inside the cubicle to shroud al l the l ive parts wi th only the operat ing knobs of the

M CBs prot rudin g outside the cover p late . The board s shal l a lso be d ust-proof in doo r-open

posi t ion . Adequate space sha l l be prov ided wi th in the boards to fac i l i ta te te rminat ion o f

incoming and outgoing cables. The boards shal l be factory wired and assembled. Where

speci f ical ly cal led for , the boards shal l be of special weather-proof design sui table for outdoor

instal lat ion.

The miniature ci rcui t-breakers (MCBs) shal l be heat resistant p last ic moulded type general ly

designed, m anufactur ed and tested as per IS 8828. Un less speci f ied ot herw ise al l M CBs shal l be

prov ided w i th qu ick break t r ip f ree mechan ism and d i rect act ing thermal over load and sho r t -

ci rcui t t r ip e lem ents. The sho rt-ci rcui t b reaking capaci ty o f th e M CBs shal l not less than 9 kA at

0.8 pow er factor . Single-phase M CBs wh ich are n ot p rovided w ith bui l t- in phase barr iers, and

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mounted ad jacent to each o ther and connected to d i f fe rent phases, sha l l be prov ided wi th

adequat e insulated ph ase barr iers, shall be selected fr om standard current rat ing.

The TPN busbars shal l have continuous current rat ing as required. The busbars shal l be of

copper and sizes shal l be so selected that wi th the passage of rated current, the temperaturer ise over 500C am bient d oes not exceed 400C as m easured b y therm om eter. The m inimum size

of busbars shal l be 25 x 3 mm. The busbars shal l be proper ly supported with h igh qual i ty non-

hygroscopic, sel f ext inguishing and f i re retardant insulat ing mater ia l of adequate mechanical

strength so as to wi thstand, wi thout damage, effects of avai lable short c i rcui t current. The

busbars shal l a lso be prop er ly spaced to faci li t ies moun ting of M CBs and t aking connections to

individual uni t s.

Detachable cover p late shal l be provided at top and bottom for cable glands sui table for PVC

insu la ted , PVC sheathed arm oured a lum inum conductor cab les or fo r d i rect en try o f condu i t .

Cable terminals shal l be sui table for a luminum conductor cables and so arranged to enable

connect ing o f each c ircu i t w i thout d istu rb ing any o ther c i rcu i ts.

Identi f icat ion labels, inscr ipt ion plates, danger boards, etc shal l a lso be provided as per

requ iremen t. Eart h ing arrangemen t and danger p lates shal l be as speci f ied.

SLDBs shal l have auto m atic group switch ing arrangemen t fo r wh ich t imer o f robu st construct ion

and sui tab le con tactor s shal l be provided in each bo ard. Bypass arrangemen t of t im er in form of

auto / manu al sw itch shal l a lso b e provid ed in th e SLDBs. The cont rol ler shal l sense th e out doo r

l ight and shal l sw itch “ ON” th rough auxi liar ies contact s w hen t he sunl ight fa l ls bel low a present

value. I t shall rem ain in th is posi t ion t i l l daw n w hen i t shal l switch “ OFF” wh en th e sun l ight

rem ains a preset level .

Sui tab ly engraved identi f icat ion labels and inscr ipt ion plates shal l be pr ovided for each circui t .

The same shal l a lso be p rovided fo r th e boards.

One cont inuous G.I eart h bu s shal l be provided in the bo tt om part o f SLDB along the f u l l length

of th e board w i th tw o bo l ted type ear th ing te rm ina ls to com ply wi th th e requ i rem ents o f Ind ian

Electr ic i ty Rules. Prop er danger p lates shal l a lso be p rovided on each board .

Each SLDB shal l be provided with padlocking faci l i ty wi th suff ic ient number of keys. The

fol low ing typ es of SLDBs shal l be p rovided:

SLDB, Type A (To b e used fo r 2x40 W FTL l ight fi t t in gs)

Incom er : M CCB, 4 POLE, 63 A : 1 No .

Out going : M CB, DP (63 A) : 3 Nos.

Out going : M CB, SPN (10 A) : 10 No s./ Phase (Total 30 Nos.)

SLDB, Type B (To b e used fo r 250 W HPSV/ M H l ight f i t t ings inside th e bui ld ing)

Incom er : M CCB, 4 POLE, 63 A : 1 No .

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Out going : M CB, DP (63 A) : 3 Nos.

Out going : M CB, SPN (16 A) : 6 No s. per pha se (Total 18 Nos.)

SLDB, Type C (To be used fo r 250W / 150W / 70 W HPSV/ M H l ight f i t t ings out side bu i ld ing)

Incom er : M CCB, 4 POLE, 63 A : 1 No .

Out going : M CB, DP (63 A) : 3 Nos.

Out going : M CB, SPN (20 A) : 5 No s. per pha se (Total 15 Nos.)

SLDB, Type D (To b e used for 250 W HPSV/ M H street l igh t f i t t in gs)

Incom er : M CCB, 4 POLE, 125 A : 1 No .

Out going : M CB, TPN (63 A) : 8 No s.

Suff ic ient num ber o f SLDBs of d i f feren t t ypes (A, B, C and D) shal l be used as per requirem ent o f

di f feren t areas and sub-areas of t he coal handl ing plant. Exact qu ant i ty o f SLDBs of var iou s types

shal l be f inal ized du r ing detai led en gineer ing. Bidder shal l consider as per r equirem ent subject

to m in imu m one num ber o f each type o f SLDB.


Receptacles DB shal l be sui t able for 415V, 3 phase, 4 w ire, 125 A, indoor typ e.

Board shal l be single front, metal c lad, front matched, dust and vermin proof, draw-out, fu l ly

com part m ental ised and extensible on b oth sides, IP54 ty pe enclosure.

Sha l l have iso la ted busbar chamber fo r m ain bu sbar a t t he t op , runn ing th rou gh ou t t he length

of t he board . Cham ber shal l have remo vable cover.

Busbars shal l have same cross sect ion t hro ugh ou t t he length . Rating of th e neut ral busbar shall

be 50% of th e main busbar . Ear th bu s bar sha l l run in bo t to m chamb er th rou ghout t he length o f

the pane l.

Shal l have M oulded case circui t breaker (M CCB) tr ip le pole, air break typ e w ith ind ependent

m anual quick make and q uick break type . M CCB shal l be capable of b reaking rated current at 0.3pf at rat ed vol tage. M CCB shal l wi th stand th e faul t current envisaged for 415V system .

General ly a l l boards w i l l have fo l low ing feeder arrangement .

Incom er : M CCB TPN of 125A : 1 Nos.

Out goings : M CCB TPN of 32 A : 10 Nos.

22 0V D C Em erge ncy LDB (DCELDB)

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steel enclosure sui table for terminating aluminum conductor cables ei ther d irect ly by means of

cable gland or through conduits. The current rat ing for the socket out lets shal l be 20 A.

W herever cal led fo r HRC fuses shal l be incorporat ed in the socket ou t let b ox.

Inscr ipt ion p late shal l be pro vided indicat ing the vol tage rat ing and feeder iden ti f icat ions for th esw i tch socket ou t le t .

M CB Controlled Socket Out let

The M CB cont rol led socket ou t let shal l be sim i lar to th e above sw itch socket ou t let and p rovided

with industr ia l type socket out let wi th cover sui table for 240V, 20A single phase AC and

cont rol led thro ugh single pole 20A M CB.

Ceiling Fans and Regu lato rs

Ceil ing fans regulators shall be designed, manufactured and tested as per IS:374. The fans shall

have total ly enclosed, capaci tor star t and run motors, sui table for operat ion on 240V, single

phase, 50 Hz AC system . The electronic t ype regulator shal l have ‘ON’ – ‘OFF’ posit io n n ext t o

th e low est speed cont act, shal l be pro vided w ith n ecessary harm onic f i l ters and shal l be sui table

for op era t ion a t 500C amb ient t em pera ture .

Dow n rod s required fo r installat ion o f ceil ing fans shal l be includ ed by th e Bidder .

Lighting Poles

Steel tubular road l ight ing poles with single outreach shal l be of swaged and welded

construct ion confo rming to IS:2713-1969 w i th la test amendm ents.

The out er sur face o f po le above foundat ion sha ll be pa in ted w i th t w o coats o f red ox ide z inc

chromate pr imer pa in t as per IS:2713 and f in ished w i th t wo coats o f syn thet ic enamel pa in t o f

approved shal l not be less than 100 m icrons.

The outer sur face o f the po le embedded in concre te foundat ion as we l l as the ent i re inner

surface shal l be paint ed w ith t w o coats tar based general typ e black paint.

The po les sha l l be prov ided comp le te w i th f i xing ar rangem ent fo r loop- in and loop out box and

l ight ing f i t t ings. The Bidder shal l submit a drawing indicat ing the general arrangement and the

f inal design and arrangem ent shal l be subject to purchaser ’s approval .

The 415 loop- in loop-out box shal l be weather-proof, dust t ight, sheet steel enclosure sui table

for outdoor instal lat ion. The box shal l have hinged front wi th front locking device. 3 Nos. open

type terminals for taking looping connection of 4C x 16 Al conductors. Conductor power

cables and 21C x 2.5 PVC copper wir ing cable through rewirable fuse cutout to the

control gear. The box shal l be suppl ied complete wi th 63A terminal b lock, 5A rewirable fuses

cutou ts, brass / a lum inum al loy cable gland, clam ps, lugs, earth ing t erm inals, danger p lates and

other requ i red hardwares.

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Stre et l ight ing po le shal l have a single outreach sui table to hold the street l ight ing f i t t ing. Flood

l ight ing pole shal l have a cross bar on top of the pole and shal l be sui table for f ix ing the f lood

l igh t f i t t ing .

Earth ing provision o f l ight ing poles

2 Nos. 8 SWG GI wire shal l run throughout a long with street l ight poles in loop in loop out

arrangemen t. One num ber of earth p i t shall be prov ided fo r every 5 nos. of l ight ing poles. Each

earth pi t shal l be consist ing of 40 NB GI p ipe of 3 mtr length, funnel , sal t , charcoal , cast i ron

cover, c lamps, etc.

Jun ction Box

The 415/ 240V, TPN junct ion b oxes shal l be of fabr icated from 2m m thick sheet steel sui table fo r

m ount ing on wa l l / co lumn . The bo x sha l l have su i tab le prov ision fo r en t ry and te rm inat ion o f

aluminum conductor, PVC insulated cable suppl ied complete wi th terminal b locks, earth ing

term ina l, w i re suppor t e tc . The bo x sha l l be pa in ted w i th an t i -cor ros ive pr imer bo th inside and

outs ide and fu rn ish w i th t wo coats o f approved co lour pa in t . The junct ion bo xes used outdo ors

shal l be w ith sui table canopy arrangement . The jun ct ion bo xes shal l be sui tab le for term inating

one (1) incoming cable and tw o ou tgoing cables.

Lighting Fitt ings

High M ast l ight f i t t ings shal l be w ith M etal Hal ide (M H) lamps).Al l over f i t t ings shall be w ith LED


Al l l ight in g f i t t ings and accessor ies shal l be m anufactur ed fro m best qual i ty m ater ia ls and shal l

be comp leted in a l l respect ready for instal lat ion at si te.

Un less o therw ise s ta ted l igh t ing f i t t ings sha l l have prov ision fo r 25 m m / 19 m m d ia condu i t (as

appl icable) entry fo r low -bay f i t t ings. M edium bay f i t t ings shal l have eyebol t suspension

ar rangement .

Terminals off a l l f i t t ings shal l be sui table for connecting 2.5 sq mm f lexib le, copper conductor,

PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cable for low-bay f i t t ings and 2.5 sq mm f lexib le copper

conduct or cable for h igh bay f i t t ings.

Al l the LED f i t t ings and MH f i t t ings shal l be non- integral type. Control gear boxes shal l be

m ount ed at m an he igh t f o r ease o f main tenance.

High ma st f it t ings (Non -integral type) : 2 nos

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Non- in tegra l type asymm etr ica l beam f lood l igh t f i t t ings w i th 2x400W M H lam ps comp le te wi th

cont rol gear, accessor ies, etc sui table for in stallat ion o n 30 M high l ight ing mast as per techn ical

speci f icat ion (Bajaj BGENF 22 or equ ivalent w i th M H lamps) shal l be mo unt ed on t he lant ern

carr iage of each of th e high l ight ing mast.


Al l lamps sha l l be o f h igh lumen ou tput and w i th long l i fe .

Incandescent Lam p

All general service incandescent lamps shall be gas fi l led, clear finished and coiled coil type

where possible. Incandescent lamp cap shal l be of screwed type having GES/ES thread

depend ing on th e sizes o f th e lamp.

Fluorescent Lamp

All f luorescent lamp s shal l be o f day- l ight ty pe un less other w ise speci f ied and shal l be sui table

for su i tab le fo r swi tch-star t w i th b i -p in t ype cap.

Sodium vapour lamps shal l be sui table for universal burning posi t ion. The el l ipt ical outer bulb

shal l be coated inside t he d i f fusing pow der and shal l have good colour appearance. The sodium

vapour lamp sha l l be o f screw ed type E40/ E27 base depend ing upon the wat tage o f th e lamp.


The bal last shal l be of e lectronic type and wel l tr ied out design to g ive trouble- free operat ions

w ith lo ng service l i fe having provisions for sui table tappings in step s.


Capaci to r sha l l cons is t o f e lement wound f rom layers o f h igher pur i ty a luminum fo i l and

capaci tor pap er contained in a lum inum cyl indr ical can. The capaci tor shal l be vacuum dr ied and

impregnated. The can shal l be hermetical ly sealed and terminals provided over porcelain

insulat ions. The capaci tor shal l confo rm to IS 1569.

Lam p Holder

The lamp holders shal l have spr ing loaded contacts for posi t ive contact wi th p ins so as to

prevent th e lamp f rom be ing ext ingu ished du e to v ib ra t ion . The ho lder sha l l be such t ha t t he

lamps can be rem oved easily wh enever required fo r cleaning or replacem ent pu rposes.

For f luorescent lamp, b i-p in lamp holder shal l be provided. The holder of incandescent lamps

upt o 200 W shal l be of ES type.

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The star ter holders shal l be of wel l tr ied-out design and of robust construct ion with provisions

for easy insert ion and rem oval of th e star ter ensur ing correct con tacts by m eans of stron g spr ing

act ion .

Push b utt on for group sw itching of l ights

The push but tons (one no. ON and one no. OFF) sha l l be mounted on cast i ron box wi th

2NO+2NC contacts and term inal b lock.

Cond uits and Condu it Fit t ings

Surface conduit instal lat ion shal l be carr ied out using hot d ip / e lectro galvanised r ig id steel

seamed by welding, screwed type, designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with IS

9537. The various conduit accessories l ike couplers, bends, elbows, reducers, saddles, clamps,

lock nuts, junct ion boxes etc. shal l conform to IS 3837 shal l be suppl ied and erected as per

requ i rement a long wi th the condu i ts.

Point w iring m aterials and Accessories

The point wir ing mater ia ls and accessor ies for l ight ing for instal lat ion, fan points, sockets etc.

where speci f ied shal l include wir ing cables, condui ts and conduit f i t t ings, wir ing accessor ies

inclusive of switches, sockets, fan regulato rs, sw itch bo xes, junct ion bo xes etc.

Point w iring

The w ir ing cables used in po int w ir ing instal lat ion shal l be 1100 vol ts grade PVC insulated single

core f lexib le stranded cop per condu ctor t ype confi rm ing to IS:694. The size of cond ucto rs to b e

adopted shal l be 2.5 for l ight ing, fan and 5/15A socket out let c i rcui t and 2.5 for

15A socket po w er ci rcui ts.

W iring Accessories

The various electrical wiring accessories viz. Switch boxes, switches and sockets shall confrom to

IS 5133, IS 3854 and IS respectively. The switch boxes shall preferably be of passed sheet steel

cadmium coated and pass iva ted or ga lvan ised wi th knockouts a t the top and the bot tom for

condu it ent ry. The surface m oun ted t ype bo xes shal l have necessary provisions for m oun ting on

the wal l . Earth ing terminals shal l be provided in the box. Junction boxes provided at

intermediate points shal l a lso be identical in construct ion to the switch boxes. The switch and

 junct io n b o xe s shal l b e o f st an d ar d d im en sions w it h ad eq u at e w ir in g spac e. Th e sw it ch es an d

sockets shal l be m ade of super io r qual i ty en gineer ing plast ic w i th excel lent d ie lectr ic pro pert ies.

The sw itches shal l be of p iano key design and shal l have adequately rat ed switch contacts. The

sw itch contacts shal l be si lver t ipped electro lyt ic grade copper. The sw itch plate fo rm ing part of

the sw i tch b ox cover sha l l be made o f p last ic mater ia l and sha l l be made w i th num ber o f s lo ts in

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w hich th e switches and sockets shal l be assem bled. The sockets shal l be of thr ee pin d esign w ith

phase neutral and earth condu cts.


All e lectr ical equipment shal l be effect ively earthed as to meet the requirements to Indian

Electr ic i ty Rules and IS:3043. Earth ing conductors for individual equipment shal l be of e i ther

galvanised m i ld steel f lat o r strand ed/ sol id G.I. wire as speci f ied.

Earth p its for street / area l ight ing poles

The earth pi t s shal l be consist ing o f 40 N B GI p ipe of 3 m tr length, funn el , sal t , charcoal , cast i ron

cover , clam p s, etc . The Bidd er shall includ e all civi l wo rk as per requ irem ent . All accessor ies shall

be inc luded as per requ i rement .


Genera l

a.   High mast tower for f loor l ight ing shal l be factory fabr icated mi ld steel p lates welded,

polygon sect ion, hot d ip galvanized and p rovided in standard length s.

b .  The structu re shal l be 30 m eter h igh, w el l tr ied , pro ven design to w i thstand high w ind speed

o f 180KM / h r .

c. The mast sha l l have a movab le lan tern car r iage tower f rom the top o f tower to bo t tom and

vice-verse wi th t he he lp o f a moto r ised w inch ar rangem ent (wi th m oto r o f m in imu m 2 .2 kW

capaci ty) and shal l be pro vided w ith sui table gears, pul leys and ropes. The reel ing of ropes

sha l l be such th a t t o p revent t w ist ing & tang ling . M eans sha l l be prov ided fo r no rm al

opera t ion o f the w inch in case o f fa i lu re / no n ava ilab i l ity o f pow er to the m oto rs. Safe ty o f

lantern carr iage in case of b reakage of t he rop e shal l be ensured by arrest ing free fa l l of th e

lantern carr iage to th e ground by p rovid ing Safety locking arrangem ents.

d .  All the carr iage components shal l be galvanised and mounted inside the tower. The tower

sha l l be prov ided wi th a su i tab le man entry door a t the bot tom sect ion to fac i l i ta te

inspect ion and m ain tenance. The door sha l l be weather p roof and prov ided w i th sa fe ty lock

to prevent unaut hor ised access.

e.   The lantern carr iage shal l be symmetr ical , robust construct ion housing the luminaire and

cont rol gear boxes. The cables to t he lum inar ies shal l be run in side t he t ubes of t he lant ern

w i th jun ct ion boxes prov ided fo r b ranch o f f cab les.

f . Proper luminar ies carr iage r ing support arms shal l be provided for support ing the luminar ies’

carr iage r ing when t he latter is low ered for m aintenance of lum inar ies. Lant ern carr iage r ing

should be in channel tu be and w ith concealed w ir ing th e carr iage shou ld be essent ia lly have

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The wal l th ickness of each sect ion shal l be designed to wi thstand the loads to which the high

m ast sha l l be sub jected to , bu t shal l no t be less than 8 mm for base sect ion and 6 m m f or o t her

sect ions and m in imu m base d ia sha l l no t be less than 530 m m .

Connection between the var ious sect ions, shal l be achieved by te lescopic sl ip jo ints, theover lapping length being at least 1600mm sl ip jo int assembly shal l be perform at si te. Shaft

sect ion shal l not be jo ined by circum ferent ia l w eld or bol t in g at si te.

The base plate shall be free f rom laminat ion and shal l be single f lange construct ed w ith ho les j ig

dr i l led for anchor bo l ts passage. The bot to m of th e base m ast sect ion shall be secure ly welded

to the base p la te by comple te penetra t ion f i l le t we ld ing . The we lded connect ion o f the base

p la te to the m ast sect ion sha l l fu lly deve lop the st rength o f t he sect ion .

The b ase sect ion shal l be equipped w ith a h inged service door. The service doo r op ening shal l be

comple te wi th a c lose f i t t ing weatherproof and equ ipped wi th a vanda l res is tan t lock. The

service door shal l not be smal ler than 1400 mm x 300 mm the opening shal l be re inforced by a

th ick stee l door f rame.

Base plate of sui table dimensions and th ickness, d iameter, s ize and the placement of anchor

bol t s shal l be determ ined by calculat ions. Anchor bol ts shall be of deform ed steel

re infor cement bars having th e adequate character ist ics w .r . t . tensi le stren gth.

W eld ing o f t w o or m ore anchor ro ds o f shor te r lengths to ach ieve the des ign length sha ll no t be

permi t ted . No w e ld ing sha l l be a l low ed on th e anchor rod bod y.

Adequate earth ing and earth ing terminal shal l be provided with in the access door area of each

M ast. All h igh m ast shal l be ho t d ip galvanized, in accordance w ith IS 2629 / TR 7 Timer con trol

panel shal l be provided w ith over load and single phase prevento r. Timer cont rol panel shal l be

ou tdoo r t ype .

M otor capacity of the w inch

M oto r sha l l be o f ho is t du ty and o f adequate capacity w i th 15 % min imum marg in over

m echan ica l pow er requ i rement . M in im um capaci ty o f 2 .2 kW sha l l be considered .



Bidder shal l include comp lete earth ing of WT substat ion, M CC roo m s, W agon t ipp ler ,

apron feeder, s izer & conv eyor dr ives etc. The und erground earth ing m ats

also shal l be don e by the Bidder . Risers shall be avai lable at a l l th e prem ises for

in te rconnect ion o f own ear th ing network. However , B idder sha l l p rov ide comple te separa te

ear th ing fo r t ransform er neutr a ls.

Bidder shal l include t he fo l low ing in each and every substat ion :

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1.  Eart hing r ing mains at W T substat ion and al l th e electr ical room s/p rem ises

2.  Equipm ent ear th ing

3.  Transform er neut ra l ear th ing prov id ing ded icated p i ts

Bidder shal l include com plete eart h ing mat er ia l including earth ing str ips, earth electrod es otheraccessor ies for treated earth pi ts, etc. and carry out earth ing r ing mains, earth pi ts,

inter connection s, equip m ent ear th ing, a l l associated civi l w ork s, etc at a l l the ub stat ions.

Al l th e connection s of eart h ing r ing mains w ith avai lable undergroun d earth ing gr id of respective

substat ion / prem ise shal l be under scope of t he Bidder .

Separate dedicated tr eated earth pi ts shal l be provided fo r tran sform er neut rals. Tw o nos. such

earth pi ts shal l be provided for each of the transformers. The treated earth pi ts shal l be

consist ing o f 3 m tr 65 NB GI p ipes, funne ls, c lamps, 3 mt r long 40 m m M S rod e lect rodes, M S

cover w i th l i f t ing lugs, associated civi l wo rks, etc.

Al l the equ ipm ent located in t he W T prem ises / sub-pr em ises e.g. 6.6 kV swit chboards, LT PCCs,

bu sdu cts, tran sform er b odie s, charger p anels, DCDBs, LDBs, SLDBs, recept acles, con tr ol pan els,

M CCs, etc shal l be conn ected by t he Bidder w i th earth ing r ing mains at least tw o d i f ferent

po in ts .

Electr on ic earthin g shall be considerd fo r PLC, etc

Bidder shal l a lso consider earth ing of fo l lowing equipment to be instal led by the Purchaser in

separate cont ract.

•   6.6kV W T sw i tchboard a t W T substa t ion in swi tchgear cum M CC room

•   W T distr ibu t ion t ransform ers (2 nos.) – Neut ral as w el l as bod y earth ing

•   415 W T SYSTEM PCC at W T SYSTEM substat ion in sw itch gear cum M CC room

•   Cont ro l pane l fo r pow er d ist r ibu t ion equ ipment a t ex is t ing W T cont ro l room

•   LT busdu cts (2 sets)

•   Charger panels, DCDB, etc at WT substat ion in sw itchgear cum M CC room

Bidder shal l consider earth ing r ing mains at each electr ical premise and connect the electr icalequ ipment wi th the r ings. The ear th ing r ing mains sha l l be connected wi th underground

earth ing m ats (consist ing of 2x40M M dia to be instal led by th e purchaser) . For t ransform er

neutral earth ing, b idder shal l consider dedicated earth ing pi ts (minimum two pi ts per

t ransformer) .

Bidder shal l include complete earth ing mater ia l including earth electrodes, r isers, GI earth ing

str ips, ot her accessor ies, etc. and carry out main earth gr id m at, earth ing r ing mains, earth p i ts,

r isers, interconnections, equipment earth ing, a l l associated civi l works, etc wi th in battery l imi t

o f the package. A l l the in te rconnect ions wi th o ther ear th ing systems o f the p lan t and wi th

exist in g system s shal l be und er scope o f t he Bidder .

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The Bidder shal l obtain the actu al soi l resist iv i ty of the plant a rea by carrying out soi l resist iv i ty

tests and design t he earth ing system accordingly.

Whi le designing the earth ing system, Bidder shal l note the fo l lowing faul t levels at 415 V bus

shall be 50 kA. Plant earthing system shall be designed such that overall earthing resistance isless than 1(One) Ohm w i thout in te rconnect ions.

The mater ia ls shal l be galvanized steel la id over the ground and mi ld steel bur ied inside the

ground/concre te .

Faul t c lear ing t ime for sizing of earth conduct ors and fo r calculat io ns of t he m aximum al low able

step and touch po tent ia l sha l l be taken 1 sec. M aximum a l low ab le temp era ture r ise fo r stee l

bo l ted jo in ts sha l l be taken as 3100C tak ing amb ient tem pera ture o f 50oC.

The eart h ing system shal l be general ly designed on th e basis of t he fo l low ing codes & stand ards:

•   IS 3043 Code of pract ices for safety and standards

•   IEEE 80 Guide f or safet y in AC substat ion gro un ding

•   Ind ian Electr icity Rules

Enti re system shal l be earthed so that the values of the step and contact potentia ls in case of

faul ts are kept w i th in safe perm issib le l im i ts.

Parts of a l l e lectr ical equ ipm ent and m achin ery not int ended t o be al ive shal l have tw o separate

and dist inct earth connectio ns each to confo rm to t he st ip ulat ion of t he Indian Electr ic i ty Rules.In case o f HT system , E/ F cur rent w i l l be m ade to f low th ro ugh copper screen t ape prov ided over

inner sheathing. Screen wi l l be connected to earth bus at both ends. In case of LT the TN-S

system wi l l be fo l lowed, i .e. neutral bus of the switchgear shal l be connected to switchgear

ear th bu s and th en to DBs sha l l be th rou gh armour ing o f cab le .

B idder sha l l submi t the layout d rawings o f ear th ing network wi th suppor ted ca lcu la t ions fo r

approval of purchares/con sul tant . Taking approval of Electr ical inspecto r/ CEA and p rovid ing al l

inputs to them l ike data / drawings are under scope o f t he B idder .

The mater ia ls shal l be galvanized steel la id over the ground and mi ld steel bur ied inside the

ground/concre te .

Earth ing of SLDBs, power receptacles, etc shal l be connected with respective source LDBs

thro ugh armour ing o f cab les.

Earth ing conductors run on wal ls/f loors/cable and equipment structures etc. shal l be supported

at su i tab le in te rva ls and pa in ted w i th b lack ox ide pa in t .

The arm our o f cables and al l condui t s for cables shal l a lso be conn ected to the eart h ing ma ins. A

cont inuous earth str ip shal l run in each side of cable channel and in cable duct s/t ray rout e.

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All jo ints in the branch connections except at earth ing electrode shal l be welded and painted

black. At road / rai l crossings earth ing str ips/ro ds shal l be la id th rough condu its/concret e ducts.

The arm our o f cables and al l condui t s for cables shal l a lso be conn ected to the eart h ing ma ins. A

cont inuous earth str ip shal l run in each side of cable trenches.

A l l jo in ts in t he run o f t he m ain ear th ing conductors wi l l be w e lded or b razed t ype. Connect ion

to equ ipment st ructure sha l l be bo l ted t ype. A ll w e lded jo in ts sha l l be pro tected f rom cor rosion

by app ly ing b i tum en pa in t .

Eart h ing system shal l be dist inct and separat e from the l ightn ing equipm ent eart h ing system .

Eart h ing Conducto rs and Instal lat ion Accessor ies for Equipm ent Eart h ing System

Al l e lectr ical equipment instal led by the successful Bidder as wel l as equipment instal led by

Purchaser shal l be effect ively earthed in conformity wi th re levant clauses of Indian Electr ic i ty

Rules (1956) and in accordance w ith IS: 3043 t o t he com plete sat isfact ion of t he Chief Electr ical

Inspector to Government of Or issa State. Al l non-current carrying metal l ic condui t parts of

var ious electr ical equipm ent as wel l as cable armo ur ing, m etal l ic condu i ts, GI p ipe, cable racks,

trays, brackets, support ing structure s etc. shal l be eff ect ively earth ed.

M ain ear th mat compr is ing 40 m m d ia M S rods and ear th e lect rodes and r iser up to + 1 .0 M level

sha l l be supp l ied and insta l led by t he ow nr . A l l o ther equ ipm ent t o com ple te th e ear th ing o f

equipment instal led by the Bidder shal l be in the scope of the Bidder. The Bidder shal l a lso

connect h is sub ear th mat to t he main ear th m at p rov ided by th e B idder .

Condu ctor size adopte d for earth ing r ing shal l in no case be less than that of the earth cont inui ty

conductors connected to i t . The s ize o f conductors used fo r overground sub ear th mat in

sw i tchgear room s/ contro l room s/ p lan t bu i ld ings/ a reas sha l l be 65 mm x 8 m m ga lvan ized m i ld

steel str ips. 50 mm x 6m m galvanized M S str ips wi l l be used for eart h bu ses inside t he bu i ld ings/

f loo rs/ p latform s etc. and also f or earth conducto rs la id a long cable trays. For bui ld ings having a

number of f loors, separate earth ing r ing shal l be establ ished in each f loor and shal l in turn be

connected t o th e Purchaser ’s earth m at.

Separate earthing system shall in no case have cross-sectional area less than 6 sq mm stranded

GI wire.

Size of earth conducto rs selected for system eart h ing and earth ing of var ious equipm ents shal l

be as fo l low s.

Galvanized Iron f lat conductor str ips shal l be used for neutral earth ing. The minimum size of

conduct ors for n eutra l earth ing of var ious tr ansformers shal l be as given below un less a higher

size is requ i red f rom the v iew po in t o f h igher ava i lab le fau lt cur ren t .

LV neut ra l o f 6 .6 /0 .433 kV, 1600 KVA t ransformers : 75m m x 10mm

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The m inimu m size of galvanized Iron f lats for eart h ing of var ious equipm ent shal l be as fo l low s:

Ring mains : 75m m x 10m m

6.6 kV sw i tchboards : 75m m x 10m m

LT PCCs/ board : 65m m x 8m mCon tro l Panels : 50m m x 6m m

LT Busducts : 50m m x 6m m

DC Dist r ibu t ion Board : 50m m x 6m m

LDB : 50m m x 6m m

SLDB : 25m m x 3m m

Push but ton sta t ion : 6 sq mm stranded

Transform er bod ies : 50m m x 6m m

Cable tray (running earth ing) : 50m m x 6m m


All bui ld ings and plant structures including switchgear bui ld ing and junct ion houses shal l be

pro tected against atm ospher ic f lash over and l ightn ing stro kes in such a mann er as to e l im inate

any danger to th e personnel emp loyed th erein. St ipu lat ion s of IS : 2309 - 1969 shal l be fo l low ed.

A 'Faraday Cage' made of hot galvanised str ip steel connected to al l bur ied pipes and steel

structures crossing this cage ring shall be laid around plant as earthing device. This shall be

separa te f rom the e lect r ical equ ipment ear th ing r ing main .

Design shall be as per th e standard l ike IS 2309 (latest revision ) and Indian Electricity Rules.

Al l l ightn ing arrestor earth leads of th e plant shal l be conn ected t o th is cage r ing.

A i r te rm inat ion netw ork shou ld cover a l l sa l ien t po in ts o f the s t ructure . A ll m eta l li c st ructu res,

ducts and the l i ke above the roo f o f the s t ructure sha l l be bonded to and fo rm par t o f the a i r

te rminat ion network. Ver t ica l a i r te rminat ion po in ts sha l l p ro ject a t least 30 cm above the

object on w hich i t is f ixed.

Down conductors sha l l fo l low the m ost d i rect pa th possib le be tw een a ir te rm inat ion and ear th

termination avoiding sharp bends. Down conductor shal l have a test ing point adjacent to the

earth electrode. Each conductor shal l have an independent earth termination. Al l earth

term inat ions sha l l be in t e rconnected.

Ear th ing e lect rodes and gr id fo r l igh tn ing pro tect ion w i l l be d is t inc t separate f rom the ear th ing

system for ear th ing o f e lect r ical equ ipment and a t n o p lace wi l l be connected t o o ther ear th ing




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Al l equ ipment sha l l be comple te wi th approved sa fe ty dev ices wherever po tent ia l hazard to

personnel exists and with provision for safe access of personnel to and around equipment for

operat ional and m aintenance fu nct ion s. The d esign shal l include al l reasonable pr ecaut ions and

pro visions for the safety o f operat in g and m aintenance personnel.

Special care shal l be taken t o m ake enclosed equ ipme nt p roo f against ent ry o f rats, l izard s and

ot her creeping repti les w hich m ay create electr ical short - c ircui ts inside l ive equipm ent .


M inor civi l wo rks associated w ith cabl ing, earth ing, condu i t instal lat ion , il lum ination system s,

l ight ing poles, for bur ied cables, for erect ion of equipm ent suppl ied by th e Bidder, found ation of

l ight ing masts/p oles, etc shall be included und er scope of b idder. Simi lar ly m inor civi l wo rks l ike

w idening of f loo r open ings / cable t renches, wal l opening for cables, m ino r chipping, etc shal l be

inc luded und er scope o f b idder .


Near all drives local control stations shall be provided. Local stations shall have Cast Aluminium

body, dust and vermin proof , and s t ructure mount ing . S ta t and s top push but tons sha l l be

m ount ed on f ron t h inged gasket ted and lockab le door . Local / rem ote se lector swi tches sha l l be

provided on local control stat ions. Stop push button shal l be lockable type. In addi t ion,

ammeters shal l be provided on local control stat ions for HT dr ives. Sui table knockouts wi th

glands shal l be provided on t he bot to m o r top co ver for cable entry. Terminals shal l be sui tab le

for 2 cor es of 2.5 conducto rs wi th 10 % spare term inals. Enclosure shal l be conform ing to

IP55 w i th prop er ra in canopy.


Bidder shal l includ e comp lete electr ics of dust suppression system s com ing in the scope w ith in

the battery l imi t . Bidder shal l provide complete electr ics including MCC, dr ives/mechanism,

associated cabl ing & their termination, local DBs, a l l power and control ccessor ies, a l l re lated

annun ciat ions, etc.


Bidder shal l include complete electr ics of a i r -condi t ioning system and venti lat ion system.

Com plete electr ics for th e fo l low ing shal l be included :

•  Venti lat ion system f or th e sw itchgear cum M CC room at W T SYSTEM sub stat ion

•  Exhaust fans for t he t w o num bers transform er room s at W T SYSTEM sub stat ion

•  Air-condi t ioning system for the battery and battery charger room at WT SYSTEM

substat ion

•  Venti lat ion system f or dust suppre ssion M CC room

•  Air-condi t ionin g system o f Venti lat ion system fo r Electr ics House/M CC room s ofstacker/recla imer

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The op erat ion o f th e W T SYSTEM plant shal l be m onit ored and con tro l led fr om the exist ing WT

contro l roo m s by m eans o f VDU opera tor in te r face on a m icroprocessor based p rogram mable

logic control ler (PLC). The system shal l be envisaged for the purpose of in i t ia l operat ion,

protect ion and inter lock, data acquisi t ion, close loop control , data archiving, etc for fu l lyautomatic operat ion. The system shal l be capable of monitor ing and displaying the status of

equipment, including the analog and dig i ta l s ignal d isplaying of status in the form of d iagram,

tren d bar chart, overview , logs, etc w i th t he help of CRT, keyboard, mo use and pr inters.

Necessary h ardwa re and soft w are l icense of the propo sed PLC shal l be p rovided

The pr efer red m ake of PLC shall be GE-FANUC mak e.


The bel t sway switch shal l be shal l be auto reset type and provided at both ends and at an

interval of 50 mtrs ( for conveyor length greater that 200 mtrs) on both sides of conveyors and

a lso b efore and a f te r be l t w e igh ing system on both sides. I t sha ll be o f au to reset type.

The bel t sway switch shal l be industr ia l heavy duty type housed in dust and vermin proof box

with degree of protect ion IP-54. The switch shal l be designed that conveyor does not come in

direct contact wi th the switches and mechanism shal l have strong rest spr ing to absorb high

impact o f loaded b e l t edge.

The sw itch elem ent shal l be sel f rest t ype and shal l have 2NO+2NC contacts each rated f or 10A,

240V AC. I t shal l be sui table for ambient temp. of 600C. Resett ing spr ing mechanism, bui l t in

terminal box, actuating ro l lers, ro l ler shafts, support ing frame, etc shal l be provided as per

requ iremen t. Belt sway swit ch shal l be J& N m ake.


Pul l chord sw itches shal l be auto r eset t ype indu str ia l heavy du ty enclosed in du st and verm in

proo f enclosure w ith d egree of p rote ct ion IP-65. They shal l be provided w ith fo l lowin g faci li t ies;

•   Sw itch elem ent s shal l be 2NO+2NC each rat ed fo r 10A, 240V AC.

•   Autom at ic lock ing ar rangement in the opera ted pos i t ion w i th m anua lly reset

•   Snap act ion t ype fo r pos it i ve op era t ion o f contacts

•   Num ber o f posi t ion shal l be 1-0-1

•   Separate compar tm ent fo r bu i lt in te rm ina l box

•   Suitable base plate Pul l rop e shal l be stranded galvanized steel w ire w i th at least 1 m m

th ick PVC cover and hav ing overal l d iameter o f 6m m to 7mm .

Pul l rope swi tch sha ll be p laced a t an in t e rva l o f 25 m tr o n bot h s ides o f conveyor w i th m in im umof on e pa i r fo r conveyor length less than 25 m tr .

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Suff ic ien t quant i ty o f GI ladder t ype factory fabr ica ted cab le t rays made f rom 2 .5 m m th ick ho t

w elded steel sheets grade ‘o ’ as per IS: 2062 shal l be pro vided. Hot d ip galvanizing of 85 m icron

th ick as per IS-2629, IS-4759 and IS- 209. Trays shal l be of standard length of 3 m w ith ma x

deflect ion no t exceeding 1/ 400 of span wit h suff ic ient load bear ing capacity.


Bidder shal l include erect ion of a l l the equipment under h is scope of supply. Erect ion of

equ ipment shal l have to be car r ied out as fo llows:

1 .  Procedure ment ioned in m anufacturer ’s manua l

2 .  Under t he expert supervision

3.  Sequence and plan of e rect ion as per t he guidance of Purchaser ’s Si te In charge or the ir

consul tant

4 .  During erect ion of suppl ier ’s equipment, exist ing equipment /system shal l not be

d is turbed.

5 .  Erection shal l be in accordance w ith app roved layout draw ing and installat ion d etai ls.

6 .  Cable laying shal l be as per appro ved cable layout draw ings and w ork shal l be carr ied ou t

in a neat manner .

Al l erect ion - instal lat ion accessor ies required fo r erect ion/ instal lat ion of equipm ent and h andl ing

equ ipment requ i red fo r hand l ing o f equ ipm ent f ro m store t o ins ta lla t ion si te a re inc luded in t he

scope o f w ork o f B idder as a w ho le .

B idder sha l l ensure tha t the work erect ion and erected equ ipment sha l l comply wi th a l l

s ta tu tory norms, regu la t ions and s tandards app l icab le to the works/equ ipment and any

add i t iona l work/ equ ipment requ i red , if any, sha l l be under scope o f t he B idder .

Necessary clearance from th e wal l shal l be main tained as per IS/ IE Rules from fron t/ rear/ s ide of

al l th e panels inside a room .

HT Power cables and LT power/control cables shal l be la id in d i f ferent cable trays. LT power

cables and LT contr ol cables shal l a lso b e la id in d i f feren t trays, how ever, i f n ecessity ar ises due

to space constraints or lesser num ber of cables, LT pow er cables and LT cont rol cables can b e

put on t he same tr ays keeping suff ic ient gap bet w een the m . 24V DC cables, i f required, shal l be

la id ent i re ly in d i f fer ent ded icated t rays.

Cable trays in single t ier o r in m ult i t ier shal l be instal led in vert ical arrangement everyw here t o

avert coal accumu lat ion and space reduction .


5.1 In spection

Extent of inspection

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The extent o f inspect ion & test ing by t he Purchaser sha l l vary f rom equ ipment to equ ipment as

per des ign requ i rements.

How ever , ind ica t ive extent o f inspect ion fo r e lect r ica l equ ipment is fu rn ished b e low:

Extent o f inspect ion to be car r ied ou t sha ll be f ina l ised w i th t he Cont ractor a f te r aw ard o f the

contract on the basis of scope of supply, technical speci f icat ion and approved GA drawings.

However, in case of simi lar bulk manufactured i tems, methods of sampl ing for inspection of

di f feren t lot s shall be governed by re levant Indian or int ernat ional standard s.

In case of cr i t ical com pon ent s, the Purchaser reserves th e r ight t o un dert ake 100% inspection.

Final inspection & test ing shal l be done as per th e fo l low ing:

•  Veri f icat ion o f test cert i f icates

•  Visua l , W orkm ansh ip & pa in t ing

•  Dimensional

•  W itnessing of r out ine/ acceptance/ typ e/ special tests as per re levant standards.

•  W itnessing of pr oto - type t ests, as appl icable

•  Veri f icat ion o f type test cert i f icates for ident ical equipm ent

•  Approved QAP

The inspection shal l be carr ied out on t he basis of QAP dul ly appro ved by Purchaser / con sul tan t.


All the electr ical equipment have been classi f ied in three categor ies for inspection and issuing

dispatch clearance by th e Purchaser/con sul tan t. The th ree categor ies are:


All the tests shal l be inspect ed by the Purchaser/Consul tan t. Dispat ch clearance shal l be given by

Purchaser/Consul tant after t he equipm ent is inspected and found as per requirem ent and as per

TS. Al l types tests cert i f icates shal l e sub m itted by th e Bidd er in t h is case.


Inspection shal l be carr ied ou t b y pr im e bidder and inspection w aiver cert i f icate shal l be issued

by Purchaser/ Consul tant based on typ e test cert i f icates and ro ut ine tests cert i f icates furnished

by the Bidder. Purchaser/ Consul tant shal l issue d ispatch clearance accord ingly.


Dispatch clearance shal l be given by Pr ime bidder wi thout any cert i f icates based on technical

da ta sheet fu rn ished b y th e B idder .

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5.2 Testing

Genera l

Test of a l l equipment shal l be conducted as per latest BIS. Wherever no such standard exists,

tests shall be a s per Int ernat ional Standard s l ike IEC/ DIN/ BS/ IEEL/JIS, etc.

Al l rout ine tests shal l be carr ied out at manufacturer 's works in presence of Purchaser or h is

representat ive.

The Bidder shal l submit type test cert i f icates (not more than 5 years old) for simi lar equipment

supp l ied by him elsew here. In case type t est cert i f icates for sim i lar equ ipm ent is not available,

the same shal l be conducted in presence of Purchaser or h is representat ive, wi thout any

f inancial im pl icat ions to Purchaser.

The Bidder shal l be responsible for sat isfactor i ly working of complete integrated system and

guaranteed per fo rm ance.

Site Tests an d Checks

Genera l





3. M CC A



6. UPS A










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Al l the equ ipments sha l l be tested a t s i te to know the i r cond i t ion and to prove su i tab i l i ty fo r

requ i red per fo rm ance.

The test ind icated in fo l low ing pages shal l be condu cted aft er instal lat ion . Al l too ls, accessor ies

and requ i red inst ruments sha l l have to be ar ranged by contractor . Any o ther test wh ich iscons idered necessary by the manufacturer o f the equ ipment , contractor o r ment ioned in

com m ission ing m anual has to b e conducted at si te.

In add i t ion t o t ests on ind ividua l equ ipm ent , som e tests/checks are to be conducted / observed

from overal l system point of v iew. Such checks are highl ighted under miscel laneous tests but

th ese shal l not b e l im i ted t o as indicated and shall be f inal ized w ith consul tat ion o f cl ient b efore

charging of t he system .

The contractor shal l be responsible for sat isfactory working of complete integrated system and

guaranteed per fo rm ance.

Al l checks and tests shal l be condu cted in the p resence of cl ient ’s representat ive and test r esul ts

shal l be subm itted in six copies to cl ient and o ne copy to Electr ical Inspecto r. Test resul ts shal l

be f i l led in p roper Per fo rm a.

After clearance from Electr ical Inspector system/ equipment shal l be charged in step by step

m e t h o d .

Based on the t est resul ts clear cut observation shal l be ind icated b y test ing engineer w i th r egard

to su i tab i li ty fo r charg ing o f t he equ ipm ent o r reasons fo r no t charg ing are to be b rought by th e

contractor .

Trial Run Test

After t he successfu l test o f each equ ipment as per standard test p rocedure the ent i re contro l

system shal l be put on t r ia l run t est on actua l s ite cond i t ions and opera t ion o f the system.

Accep ta nce Test

The acceptance test on the system shal l be carr ied out by the suppl ier as per mutual ly agreed

test procedures to establ ish sat isfactor i ly funct ioning of the system as a whole and each

equ ipment as par t o f the system .

Site Tests

The t ests to b e carr ied out o n th e equip m ent at p re-com m issioning stage shal l include fo l low ing

bu t no t l im i ted t o th e fo l low ing:


1 .  IR test b efore and aft er HV test.

2 .  HV test w i th 2 .5 kV m egger

3 .  Funct ional test for a l l feeders

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4.  Testing and cal ibrat ion of a l l m eters

5 .  Checking and cal ibrat ion of p rot ect ive re lays as per suppl ier 's com m issioning m anuals

6 .  Check opera t ion o f contactors f rom loca l and rem ote po in ts

7 .  Checking of int er lockings bet w een incom ers/bu s coupler and oth er feeders.

8 .  Test t o p rove inter changeabi l i ty of s im i lar parts9 .  Tests to prove cor rect opera t ion o f b reakers a t min imum and maximum speci f ied

contro l vo l tages

10 .  Checking of earth ing conn ection fo r neut ral-earth bu s, cable arm our, location o f E/ F CT

etc. as per th e scheme .

11 .  Check test, service and drawout posi t ion of a l l the breakers and operat ions of

m echanical f lag indicator and electr ical ind icat ion lamp s.

12 .  Check fun ct ion ing of var ious elect. schem es like auto changeover signal l ing et c.

13 .  Breaker : IR value checking with breaker ON. Phase to phase & phase to earth and

betw een phases in o f f po si t ion


1 .  IR test o f s ta to r and ro to r w ind ings.

2 .  Ensure th at checking/t est ing of associated sw itchboard , cables, re lays / m eter in ter locks

as ment ioned in re levant a re com ple ted.

3 .  Check t ightness of cable connection

4.  W ind ing resistance measurem ent o f sta tor and ro to r .

5 .  Checking cont inu i ty o f w ind ing .

6 .  Check t ightn ess of earth conne ctions.

7 .  Check space heaters and carryou t heat ing of w inding ( i f required)

8 .  Check direct ion of ro tat ion in d e-coup led cond i t ion dur ing kick star t

9 .  M easure no load cur rent fo r a l l phases.

10 .  M easurem ent o f t emp era ture o f body dur ing no load and load cond i t ions.

11 .  Check fo r t r ipp ing o f motor f rom loca l / remote swi tches and f rom

electr ical / technological protect ion.

12 .  Checking of vibrat ion

13 .  Checking of no ise level

14 .  Shaft vo l tage m easurem ent ( i f required)

15 .  Tan de l ta test, i f required

16 .  During load running, m easurem ent o f stat or and bear ing temp eratur es ( i f app l icable) for

every hal f an hou r interval t i l l satu rat ion com es.

17 .  Checking t ightness of fo undat ion bol ts

18 .  Check operat ion of speed switch ( i f ther e)

19 .  Check cont inu i ty o f t emp . de tectors.

20 .  Check al ignm ent , paral le l ing of shafts, level of lubr icat ing oi l etc. as per m anufactu rer 's

manua l

21 .  Check for po lar isat ion index of stato r w inding, R10/ R1 by m oto r ised m egger (The value

should no t b e less than 2.0). R60/ R10 absorp t ion co-eff icient shal l not be less than 1.5.


1.  IR test on each w ind ing to ground and betw een w ind ings.

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2.  Turn s rat io t est o n each tap

3.  Polar i ty and vecto r group t est

4.  M easurem ent of w inding resistance by Kelvin br idge

5.  IR, wir ing and operat ional tests on al l control devices in control cabinet, o i l level

indicator, wind ing and oi l tem p. indicators etc.6.  Checking o f ear th ing wr t t ransformer tank ( f lex ib le f rom top cover to tank) o ther

part s, neut rals.

7.  Testing of bu chholz re lay for a larm and t r ip condi t io ns.

8.  For bu shing CTs, tests appl icable shal l be as for current tran sform ers.

9.  Sett ing of o i l /winding temperature indicators, level gauge and checking of a larm/tr ip


10 .  Check insulato rs for cracks.

11 .  Checking for o i l leakage and ar rest ing of leakages ( i f th ere)

12 .  Checking of o perat ion of a l l valves.

13 .  Checking for o pen po sit ion of a l l the valves (except drain and f i l ter valves)

14 .  Fi l trat ion o f o i l by using l ine f i l ter , vacuum pum p, and heater set.

15 .  BDV test on o i l samp les f rom top and bo t tom .

16 .  Checking of o i l for acid i ty, w ater con tent tan del t a etc. as per IS 335.

17 .  M easurem ent o f m agnet ising cur rent and no load loss.

18 .  M easurem ent o f P I value .

19 .  Checking of si l ica gel breath er.

20 .  Checking of no ise level at no load and at fu l l load.

21 .  Checking of a ir c irculat ion condi t ions for indo or t ransform ers.

22 .  Condu cting m agnetic balance t est

23 .  Checking of oth er point s given in manu facturer 's comm issioning m anual.

24 .  Frequency response analysis for HT transform ers (at m anufactur er ’s wor ks)


1.  Visual check

2.  IR value by m egger

3 .  Curr ent l imi t t est

4 .  Ripp le test

5 .  Supp ly var iat ion

6.  Fun ctional t est

7 .  Capaci ty test w r t t ime


1 .  IR test b efo re and after HV test.

2 .  HV test w i th 2.5 kV m egger

3 .  Funct ional test for a l l feeders

4.  Testing and cal ibrat ion of a l l m eters

5 .  Checking and cal ibrat ion of over load relays and protect ive re lays as per suppl ier 's

comm issioning m anuals.

6 .  Check operat ion o f cont actor s f rom loca l and rem ote po in ts

7 .  Checking of int er lockings betw een income rs/bu s coupler and oth er feeders.

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8.  Test t o pro ve int erchangeabi l i ty of s imi lar part s

9 .  Tests to p rove cor rect opera t ion o f b reakers a t m in imum and maximum specif ied contr o l

vol tages

10 .  Checking of earth ing connection for neutral-earth bus, cable armour, location of E/F CT

etc. as per t he scheme.11 .  Check test, service and d rawo ut p osit io n of a l l the b reakers and operat ions of m echanical

f lag ind icator and electr ical indicat ion lamp s.

12 .  Check fun ct ion ing of var ious elect. schem es like aut ochangeover signall ing etc.

13 .  Breaker : IR value checking w ith br eaker ON. Phase to ph ase & phase to eart h and

betw een phases in o f f po si t ion


1.  Checking of cont inui ty/ phasing and IR values for a l l the cables before and after HV test.

2 .  Checking o f ear th cont inu i ty fo r a rmou r .

3 .  Check for m echanical prot ect ion of cables.

4 .  Check for identi f icat ion ( tag number system) distance placement of cable marker, cable

 jo in t et c. as p er t he cab le la yo u t d ra w in g.

5 .  Check earth ing of cable structu res.

6 .  Check clearances from l ight f i t t ings for cable struct ures

7.  Check prop er f ix ing of cable structu res.

8 .  Check fo r p roper d ra inage and r emova l o f w ater f rom cab le t renches


1.  Check t ightn ess of a l l earth conn ections

2.  Check earth ing of a l l metal l ic equipment, cable trays, busbar support ing structures, a l l

e lect. equ ipm ents, etc. as per th e requ iremen t of IE ru les and IS 3043

3.  M easurement o f ear th r esistance fo r each e lect rode.

4 .  M easurement o f to ta l ear th resistance.

5 .  M easurem ent o f earth loop resistance for E/F path of b iggest LT dr ive.


1.  Lux level measurem ent in each area/p rem ise

2.  Test f or b lack spot, i f any

3.  Check operat ion o f com plete l ight ing system


1 .  Checking of continu i ty of t he system

2.  Checking safe accessibi l i ty o f a l l o perat ing poin ts

3 .  Ensure avai labi l i ty o f f i rst a id bo x, rubber g love, etc.

4 .  Check fo r sa fe movement o f opera tors to pump house w.r . t . p roper i l luminat ion , l igh t ,

uncovered op enings, etc

5 .  Placem ent of shock treat m ent chart, danger boards, pro vision of board s indicat ing M an

on W ork, Do no t sw itch ON', 'Do n ot switch OFF', 'EARTHED' etc.

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6.  Check proper dressing of cables, mechanical protect ion of cables, p lacement of cable


7 .  Check seal ing of a l l cable openings including cond uit open ing wit h f i re resistan ce ma ter ia l

8 .  Check seal ing of a l l open ings at bo tt om of pan els

9.  Check prope r road crossing of cables/eart hing m ater ials.

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1 .0   GENERAL

1.1 The fo l low ing pro visions shal l supp lement th e condi t ion s already conta ined in the other

par ts o f t hese spec i f ica t ions and document s and sha l l govern tha t por t ion o f the w ork o f

th is contract w h ich is to be p er fo rm ed a t s ite . The erect ion requ i rements and p rocedures

not speci f ied in these documents shal l be in accordance with the recommendations of

the equ ipm ent m anufacturer , o r as mu tua l ly agreed to b e tw een the Em ployer and th e

Contractor p r io r to comm encement o f e rect ion wo rk.

1.2 The Cont ractor upon signing of the Cont ract shall , in addi t ion to a Project Coord inator,

nom inate anot her r espo nsible off icer as his representat ive at Si te sui tably designated f or

the p urpose o f overa ll responsib il ity and co-ord ina t ion o f the W orks to be per fo rm ed a t

Si te. Such a person shal l funct ion from the Si te off ice of the Contractor dur ing the

pendency o f Contract .


2.0 .1 In addi t ion to the local laws and regulat ions, the Contractor shal l a lso comply wi th the

M in imum Wages Act and the Paym ent o f W ages Act (bo th o f th e Governm ent o f Ind ia)

and the ru les made there under in respect o f i ts labour and the labour o f i ts sub-

contractors cur ren t ly employed on o r connected wi th the contract .

2.0.2 Al l registra t ion and statu tor y inspection fees, i f any, in respect of h is wo rk pursuant t o

th is Contract shal l be to the account of the Contractor. However, any registrat ion,

statutory inspection fees lawful ly payable under the provisions of the Indian Boi ler

Regu la t ions and any o ther s ta tu to ry law s and i ts amendm ents f rom t ime t o t ime du r ing

erect ion in respect o f the p lan t equ ipment u l t imate ly to be ow ned by t he Em ployer , sha l l

be to t he account of th e Em ployer. Shou ld any such inspection or registrat ion need to b e

re-arranged due to the faul t of the Contractor or h is Sub-Contractor, the addi t ional fees

for such inspect ion and/ or reg is t ra t ion sha l l be borne by t he Contractor .

2.1 Qu al if icat ion of W eld Procedures

Only qua l i f ied w elding procedu res as per ASM E Section IX shal l be u sed b y cont ractor at

si te. Procedure qual i f icat ion records along with WPS shal l be submitted to NALCO for

review. Welding procedure shal l indicate al l essentia l and non-essentia l parameters as

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per ASM E Section IX. M akes of w elding consum ables shal l be subject to emp loyer ’s

approval .


Sketches or d iagrams of the proposed routings of a l l p ip ing, not a lready indicated and

rout ed on t he shop drawings wh ich w ere rev iew ed by the Emp loyer , sha l l be subm i t ted

to the Employer for review, Employer 's acceptance of such si te rout ings shal l be

obt ained befor e th e pip ing is erected. Al l these si te run pip ing shal l be in stal led in such a

m anner as to pre sent an o rder ly and neat in stal lat ion. They shal l be located as to avo id

obstru ct ion o f access and passages. Valves, instrum ents or any o ther special i tem s shal l

be located convenient for operat ion by the operat ing personnel. Pipe runs shal l be

plum b or level except w here pi tch f or drainage is required. Pipe runs that ar e not paral le lto the bui ld ing structure, wal ls or column rows shal l be avoided. No miscel laneous pipe

sha l l be rou t ed and insta l led above or ad jacent to e lect r ica l equ ipm ent .


4 .1 Hangers, supports and anchors shal l be instal led as required to obtain a safe, re l iable

and complete pipe instal lat ion. Al l supports shal l be proper ly level led and anchored

w hen in stalled. The anchors shal l be so placed that ther m al expansion w i l l be absorbed

by bend s witho ut subject ing t he valves or equipm ent t o excessive stra ins.

4.2 The hanger assemb l ies shall no t be used for th e att achmen t of r igging to ho ist the pipe

into place. Other means shal l be used to securely hold the pipe in p lace t i l l the pipe

support is completely assembled and attached to the pipe and bui ld ing structures and

spr ing support is set to accommodate the pipe way. Al l temporary r igging shal l be

remo ved in such a way tha t the p ipe suppor t i s no t sub jected to any sudden load. A ll

p ip ing, having var iable spr ing t ype suppor ts, shal l be held securely in p lace by t emp orary

means dur ing the hydraul ic test of p ipe system. Constant support type spr ing hangers

used dur ing hydraul ic test shal l be pinned or b locked sol id dur ing the test. After

comple te insta l la t ion and insu la t ion o f the p ip ing and f i l ling o f the p ip ing w i th i ts norm al

operat ing medium, the pipe support spr ings shal l be adjusted to the cold posi t ions. I f

necessary, the spr ing suppo rt shal l be re-adjusted to the ho t po sit ion s after the l ine has

been p laced fo r serv ice a t i ts normal maximum opera t ing tempera ture cond i t ions.

Electr ic arc welding only shal l be used to weld al l p ipe supports to structural steel

m emb ers tha t fo rm par t o f t he bu i ld ing suppor t ing st ructure . The s t ructura l beams sha l l

not be heated m ore t han necessary dur ing w elding of suppo rts and such w elds shal l run

para lle l to the ax is o f t he span. A l l lugs or any o th er a t tachment s we lded to the p ip ing

shall be of t he sam e mat er ia l as th e pipe.

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The erect ion requ i rement s and pro cedures to b e fo l lowed du r ing the insta lla t ion o f the

equipment shal l be in accordance with the re levant Indian Electr ic i ty Rules & Codes,

Indian Boi ler Regulat ions, ASM E codes and accepted good pract ices, th e Em ployer 's

Draw ings and oth er appl icable Indian recognised codes and law s and regulat ion s of the

Government o f Ind ia.


6.1 In no circum stances w i l l th e Cont ractor int er fere with fuses and electr ical equipm ent

be long ing to the o t her Contractor o r Emp loyer .

6.2 Before the Con tracto r connects any electr ical appl iances to any plug or socket belonging

to the o ther Cont ractor o r Employer , he sha l l:

a )  Satisfy the Em ployer t hat t he appl iance is in good w orking condi t ion ;

b )  In fo rm the Emp loyer o f the m aximu m cur rent ra t ing , vo l tage and phases o f t he


c)  Obta in perm ission o f the Employer de ta i l ing th e socket to wh ich the app l iances

m ay be connected.

6 .3 No repa ir wo rk sha l l be car r ied out on any l i ve equ ipm ent . The equ ipment mu st bedeclared safe by the Employer and a permit to work issued before any work is carr ied

o u t .

6.4 The Cont ractor shal l em ploy the necessary num ber of qual i f ied, fu l l t im e electr ic ians to

m aintain his tem porary electr ical instal lat ion.


No m ater ia l b rought to t he Si te sha l l be remo ved f rom t he Si te by the Cont ractor and /or

h is Sub-Contractors wi thou t t he pr io r w r i t ten approva l o f the Em ployer .


The prov isions of the clause ent i t led Inspect ion, Testing and Inspection Cert i f icates given

in General Techn ical Requirem ent, shal l a lso be appl icable to t he erect ion po rt ion o f t he

W ork s. The Em ployer shall have the r ight t o re- inspect any equipm ent t hou gh previously

inspected and approved by h im a t t he Cont ractor ’s works, be fore and a f te r th e same are

erected at Si te. I f by the above inspection, the Employer re jects any equipment, the

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Contractor shal l make good for such reject ions ei ther by replacement or modif icat ion/

repairs as m ay be necessary to th e sat isfact ion of the Emp loyer. Such replacemen ts w i l l

a lso inc lude the rep lacements or re -execut ion o f such o f those works o f o therContractors and/or agencies, wh ich might have got damaged or a f fected by the

rep lacement s or re -wo rk done to the Contractor ’s work.


9.1 Sui table access to si te and perm ission to w ork at the Si te shal l be accorded to th e

Contractor by t he Employer in reasonab le t im e.

9 .2 In the execut ion o f the Works, no person o ther than the Contractor o r h is du ly appo in ted

representa t ive , Sub-Cont ractor and w orkm en, sha l l be a l low ed to do wo rk on the Si te ,except by th e special perm ission, in w r i t ing by t he Emp loyer or h is repr esentat ive.


The Contractor shal l establ ish a Off ice at the Si te and keep posted an author ized

representa t ive fo r th e purpose o f the Contract . Any wr i t ten order o r inst ruct ion o f the

Employer or h is duly author ised representat ive, shal l be communicated to the said

author ised resident representat ive of the Contractor and the same shal l be deemed to

have been com m unicated t o th e Con tracto r at h is legal address.


11.1 The Contractor shal l co-operate wi th a l l other Contractors or tradesmen of the

Employer , who may be per fo rming o ther works on beha l f o f the Employer and the

w orkm en who m ay be emp loyed by th e Emp loyer and do ing work in the v ic in i ty o f th e

works under the Contract. The Contractor shal l a lso arrange to perform his work as to

min imise , to the maximum extent poss ib le , in te r fe rence wi th the work o f o ther

Contracts and the i r workmen. Any in ju ry or damage tha t may be susta ined by the

employees o f the o ther Contractors and the Employer , due to the Contractor ’s work

sha l l p rompt ly be made good a t h is own expense. The Employer sha l l de termine the

reso lu t ion o f any d i f fe rence or conf l i ct tha t m ay ar ise betw een the Contractor and o ther

Contractors or be tw een the Cont ractor and th e wo rkmen o f the Em ployer in regard t o

the i r w ork. If t he w ork o f th e Cont ractor is de layed because o f t he any acts o f o m ission

of another Contractor, the Contractor shal l have no cla im against the Employer on that

account o ther than an extens ion o f t ime fo r com ple t ing h is works. Emp loyer sha l l have

ful l access to visit t he con tracto r ’s si te at an y t im e for inspection and survei l lance checks.

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11.2 The Emp loyer sha l l be not i f ied prom pt ly by the Contr actor o f any defects in th e o ther

Contractor ’s works that could affect the Contractor ’s Works. The Employer shal l

determine the correct ive measures i f any, required to rect i fy th is si tuat ion afterinspection of the works and such decisions by the Employer shal l be binding on the

Contractor .


The Cont ractor shal l adhere t o th e discip l inary procedure set by t he Emp loyer in respect

o f h is emp loyees and w orkm en a t Si te . The Em ployer sha l l be a t l iber ty to ob ject to the

presence o f any representa t ive or employee o f the Contractor a t the S i te , i f in the

opinion of the Employer such employee has mis-conducted himself or is incompetent,

negl igent or otherwise undesirable then the Contractor shal l remove such a personob jected to and prov ide in h is p lace a compet ent rep lacement .


13.1 The Cont ractor shal l keep t he Em ployer info rm ed in advance regarding his f ie ld act iv i ty

plans and schedu les for carrying out each part of t he w ork s. Any review of such plan or

schedu le or m ethod o f w ork by t he Em ployer sha l l no t re l ieve the Contr actor o f any o f

his respo nsibi l i t ies tow ards the f ie ld act iv i t ies. Such reviews shal l a lso n ot be considered

as an assum pt ion of any r isk or l iabi l i ty b y the Emp loyer or any o f h is representa t ives and

no c la im o f t he Cont ractor w i l l be ent er ta ined b ecause o f the fa i lu re o r ine f f iciency o fany such plan or schedule or method of work reviewed. The Contractor shal l be sole ly

responsible for the safety, adequacy and eff ic iency of p lant and equipment and his

erect ion m ethods.

13.2 The Cont ractor shal l have the com plete responsibi l i ty for th e condi t ion s of the W ork-

Si te including the safety of a l l persons emplo yed by him or h is Sub-Con tracto r and al l the

proper t ies under h is custody dur ing the per fo rm ance o f the w ork. Th is requ i rement sha l l

app ly cont inuously t i ll the comple t ion o f the Contr act and sha ll no t be l imi ted to norm al

work ing hours. The construct ion rev iew by the Employer is no t in tended to inc lude

review of Contracto r ’s safety m easures in, on o r near th e Wo rk- Si te, and t heir adequacy

or o therw ise .


14.1 The Contractor shal l furnish three (3) pr ints each to the Employer of progress

pho tographs of t he w ork don e at Site. Pho tographs shal l be taken as and w hen indicated

by the Employer or h is representat ive. Photographs shal l be adequate in size and

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number to indicate var ious stages of erect ion. Each photograph shal l contain the date,

the nam e o f the Cont ractor and the t i t le o f th e photograph.

14.2 The above photo graph s shal l accompany th e m ont hly pro gress report d etai l ing out th e

progress achieved on al l erect ion act iv i t ies as compared to the schedules. The report

shal l a lso indicate the reasons for the var iance between the scheduled and actual

pro gress and t he act ion p roposed for correct ive m easures, w herever n ecessary.

14.3 The Cont ractor shall subm it th e progress of w ork in video cassettes (2 copies) quarter ly

highl ight ing the p rogress and constraint s at s ite.


15.1 The Cont ractor sha l l submi t to the Emp loyer , on th e f i rst day o f every mo nth , a man

hour schedu le fo r the month , de ta i l ing the man hours schedu led fo r the month , sk i l l -

w ise and area-w ise.

15.2 The Cont ractor shal l a lso sub m it to the Emp loyer on the f i rst day of every mon th, a m an

pow er repor t o f the prev ious mo nth det a i ling the num ber o f persons schedu led to have

been employed and actual ly employed, ski l l - wise and the areas of employment of such

labour .


The Cont ractor shal l have tot al respon sibi l i ty fo r pro tect in g his wo rks t i l l i t is f inal ly taken

over by the Employer . No c la im wi l l be enter ta ined by the Employer o r the

representa t ive o f t he Emp loyer fo r any damage or loss to the Contractor ’s wo rks and th e

Contractor shal l be responsible for complete restorat ion of the damaged works to

or ig inal condi t ions to comply wi th the speci f icat ion and drawings. Should any such

damage to the Contractor ’s Works occur because o f o ther par ty no t be ing under h is

supervision or control , the Contractor shal l make his cla im direct ly wi th the party

concerned. I f d isagreement o r conf l ic t o r d ispute deve lops betw een th e Contr actor and

the o ther par ty o r par t ies concerned regard ing the responsib i l i ty fo r damage to the

Cont ractor ’s W orks the same shal l be resolved as per the p rovisions of the as speci f ied at

c lause no 11 o f th is chapter en t i t led “Co-opera t ion wi th o ther Contractors . ” The

Contractor shal l not cause any delay in the repair of such damaged Works because of

any delay in the resolut ion of such disputes. The Contractor shal l proceed to repair the

Work immediately and no cause thereof wi l l be assigned pending resolut ion of such



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In add i t ion to a l l loca l law s and regu la t ions per ta in ing to t he emp loyment o f labour to b e

compl ied with by the Contractor pursuant to GCC, the Contractor wi l l be expected to

employ on the work only h is regular ski l led employees with exper ience of the part icularw ork. No f emale labour sha l l be emp loyed a f te r darkness. No p erson b e low the age o f

eighteen years shal l be emp loyed.

Al l travel l ing expenses including provisions of a l l necessary transport to and from Site,

lodging al lowances and other payments to the Contractor ’s employees shal l be the sole

responsibi li ty of th e Cont ractor.

The hours of w ork on the Site shal l be decided by t he Em ployer and t he Cont ractor shal l

adhere to i t . W ork ing hours wi ll norm al ly be e igh t (8 ) hours per day – M onday th rough

Saturday. Contractor ’s emp loyees shal l wear iden ti f icat ion badges wh i le on w ork at Site.

In case the Employer becomes l iable to pay any wages or dues to the labour or any

Government agency under any o f the prov isions o f the M in imum Wages Act , Wo rkm en

Compensation Act, Contact Labour Regulat ion Abol i t ion Act or any other law due to act

of om ission by t he Con tracto r, the Emp loyer m ay make such paym ents and shall recover

the same f rom the Contractor ’s paym ents.


18.1 Space

The Contractor shal l advise the Employer wi th in th i r ty (30) days from the date ofacceptance o f the Not i f i ca t ion o f Award about h is exact requ i rement o f space fo r h is

off ice, storage area, pre-assembly and fabr icat ion areas, labour and staff colony area,

etc. The above r equirem ent shal l be review ed by th e Emp loyer and space as decided by

Emp loyer wi l l be a l lo t t ed to the Contractor fo r construct ion o f h is tempo rary st ructu res/

faci li t ies l ike of f ice, sto rage sheds, pre-assembly and f abr icat ion ar eas, labour and staff

colony, t o i lets, etc. for Cont ractor 's as wel l as his Sub-Cont ractor ’s u se.

18.2 Electricity

The Contractor sha l l submi t to the Employer wi th in th i r ty (30) days f rom the date o f

acceptance of the Noti f icat ion of Award, h is e lectr ical power requirements, i f any, to

al low the planning of the same by the Employer. The Contractor shal l be provided with

f ree supp ly o f e lect r ic ity fo r t he purpo ses o f t he Contract , on ly a t t w o locat ions in th e

Employer ’s Si te and at 415V vol tage level . The Contractor shal l make his own fur ther

d ist r ibu t ion ar rangement . A ll tem porary w i r ing mu st comply w i th loca l regu la t ions and

wi l l be subject to Employer ’s inspection and approval before connection to supply. The

free supp ly o f power wi l l no t be prov ided fo r the use in the labour and s ta f f co lony.

Power supply for labour and staff colony shal l be provided at one point and the

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Cont ractor shal l be charged at rates prevalent at t he si te. I l lum ination o f wagon t ipp ler

and t he conveyor area sha l l be th e scope o f t he t enderer .

1 8 . 3 W a t e rContractor shal l make al l arrangements himself for the supply of construct ion water as

w el l as po tab le wat er fo r labour and o ther personne l a t the w orks ite / co lony.

18.4 Communicat ion

The Employer wi l l extend the te lephone faci l i t ies, i f avai lable at Si te, for purposes of

Cont ract. The Cont ractor shal l be charged at actuals for such faci l it ies.


19.1 Cont ractor's site off ice Estab lishm ent

The Contractor shal l establ ish a si te off ice at the si te and keep posted an author ized

representa t ive fo r the pu rpose o f th e contract , pursuant to GCC.

19 .2 Too ls, ta ckles an d scaffold ings

The Contractor shal l provide al l the construct ion equipments, tools, tackles and

scaffo ld ings required for pre-assembly, instal lat ion, test ing, commissioning and

conducting Guarantee tests of the equipments covered under the Contract. He shal l

submi t a l i s t o f a l l such mater ia ls to the Employer be fore the commencement o f

preassemb ly at Si te. These too ls and tackles shal l not b e rem oved from th e Si te w i tho utthe wr i t ten permission of the Employer. The Contractor shal l arrange Dozer, Hydra,

Cranes, Trailer , etc. for t he p urpo se of fabr icat ion, erect ion and com m issioning.

19.3 Testing Equipme nt and Facilit ies:

The contracto r shal l provide th e necessary t est in g, equ ipm ent and faci li t ies.

19.4 Site labo rato ry for civil w orks:

Contractor sha ll p rov ide and main ta in a s i te labora tory fo r the test ing o f construct ion

m ater ial under the d i rect ion and genera l superv ision o f emp loyer .

19.5 First-aid

19.5.1 The Cont racto r shall pro vide n ecessary first-aid f acil i t ies fo r al l h is emp loyees,

representa t ives and workmen work ing a t the S i te . Enough number o f Contractor ’s

personnel shal l be t ra ined in adm inister ing f i rst-a id.

19.5.2 The Em ployer w i l l provide th e Con tracto r, in case of an y em ergency, the services of an

ambu lance fo r t ranspor ta t ion to the n earest ho sp i ta l .

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19.6 Cleanliness

19.6.1 The Contracto r shall be responsible for keeping the ent i re area al lott ed t o h im clean and

free fro m rubb ish, debr is etc. dur ing th e per iod of Cont ract. The Con tracto r shall emp loyenou gh num ber of special personnel to t ho roughly clean his w ork-area at least once in a

day. Al l such rubbish and scrap mater ia l shal l be stacked or d isposed in a place to be

ident i f ied by th e Emp loyer. M ater ia ls and stores shal l be so arranged to p erm it easy

c lean ing o f the area. In a reas where equ ipmen t m ight d r ip o i l and cause damage to the

f loor surface, a sui table protect ive cover of a f lame resistant, o i l proof sheet shal l be

prov ided to p ro tect the f loor f ro m such damage.

19.6.2 Simi lar ly the labour colony, the off ices and the residentia l areas of the Contractor ’s

emp loyees and w orkm en shal l be kept c lean and neat to the ent i re sa t isfact ion o f the

Employer. Proper sani tary arrangements shal l be provided by the Contractor, in the

w ork -areas, off ice and resident ia l areas of the Contracto r.


All the Works shal l be performed to the l ines, grades and elevations indicated on the

drawings. The Contractor shal l be responsible to locate and layout the Works. Basic

hor izont al and vert ical con trol po ints w i ll be establ ished and m arked by the Employer at

Si te at sui table points. These points shal l be used as datum for the works under the

Contract . The Contractor sha l l in fo rm the Employer we l l in advance o f the t imes and

p laces a t w h ich h e wishes to d o w ork in th e area a llo t ted to h im so tha t su i tab le da tum

points may be establ ished and checked by the Employer to enable the Contractor toproceed wi th h is w orks. Any w ork done w i thout be ing proper ly loca ted m ay be removed

and/ or d ismant led by t he Emp loyer a t Cont ractor ’s expense.


21.1 The work procedu res that are to be used dur ing the erect ion shal l be tho se which

minimise f i re hazards to the extent pract icable. Combustib le mater ia ls, combustib le

w aste and rubbish shal l be col lected and r emo ved from th e Si te at least once each day.

Fuels, o i ls and volat i le or f lammable mater ia ls shal l be stored away from the

construct ion and equipment and mater ia ls storage areas in safe containers. Untreated

canvas, paper, p last ic or ot her f lamm able f lexib le mat er ia ls shal l not at a l l b e used at Si te

for any o ther pu rpose unless ot herw ise speci f ied. If any such m ater ia ls are received w ith

the equ ipment a t the S i te , the same sha l l be removed and rep laced wi th acceptab le

m ater ial be fore m oving in to t he construct ion or s to rage area.

21.2 Simi lar ly corrugated paper fabr icated cartons etc. wi l l not be permitted in the

construct ion area eith er for storage or for hand l ing of mat er ia ls. Al l such m ater ia ls used

sha l l be o f wat er p roof and f lame resistan t type. A l l the o ther mat er ials such as w ork ing

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drawings, p lans etc. which are combustib le but are essentia l for the works to be

executed shal l be protected against combustion resul t ing from welding sparks, cutt ing

f lam es and o ther sim i lar f i re sources.

21.3 Al l the Contractor ’s super visory personnel and suff ic ient num ber of w orker s shal l be

tra ined for f i re- f ight ing and shal l be assigned speci f ic f i re protect ion duties. Enough of

such tra ined personnel must be avai lable at the Si te dur ing the enti re per iod of the


21 .4 The Cont ractor sha ll p rov ide enough f i re p ro t ect ion equ ipm ent o f t he types and num ber

for th e w arehouses, off ice, tem por ary structur es, labour colony ar ea etc. Access to such

f i re pro t ect ion equ ipment , sha l l be easy and kept open a t a l l t im e.


The Contractor shal l have total responsibi l i ty for a l l equipment and mater ia ls in h is

custody stores, loose, semi-assembled and/or erected by him at Si te. The Contractor

shal l make sui table secur i ty arrangements including employment of secur i ty personnel

to ensure t he pro t ect ion o f a l l mater ia ls, equ ipment and w orks f rom the f t , f i re, p i lfe rage

and any ot her dam ages and loss. All mat er ia ls of t he Cont ractor shal l ent er and leave the

Employer S i te on ly wi th the wr i t ten permiss ion o f the Employer in the prescr ibed

manner .


The Em ployer w i l l mark-ou t t he bou ndary l imi ts of access roads, parking spaces, sto rage

and construct ion areas for th e Cont ractor and t he Cont ractor and h is person nel shal l not

trespass the areas into other areas of the plant. In case of a need for the Contactor ’s

personne l to wo rk in the areas beyond tha t m arked out fo r h im, th e same sha ll be done

on ly wi th t he w r i t ten perm iss ion o f t he Emp loyer .


In case where the per fo rmance o f the erect ion work by the Contractor a f fects the

operat ion of the system faci l i t ies of the Employer, such erect ion work of the Contractor

sha l l be schedu led to be per fo rm ed on ly in th e manner s t ipu la ted by t he Emp loyer and

the same shal l be acceptable at a l l t imes to the Contractor. The Employer may impose

such re str ict io ns on t he faci l it ies pro vided t o t he Contracto r such as electr ic i ty, etc. as he

m ay th ink f i t in th e in te rest o f t he Emp loyer and the Contractor sha l l st r ic t ly adhere to

such restr ict ions and co-operate wi th the Employer. I t wi l l be the responsibi l i ty of the

Contractor to p rov ide a l l necessary temporary inst rumenta t ion and o ther measur ing

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devices requ i red dur ing s tar t -up and opera t ion o f the equ ipment systems wh ich are

erected b y him . The Contracto r shall a lso be respon sible fo r f lushing and in i t ia l f i l l ing of

al l the oi l and lub r icants required fo r th e equipm ent fu rnished and instal led by him , so asto make such equipment ready for operat ion. The Contractor shal l be responsible for

supplying such f lushing oi l and ot her lub r icants.



The Contractor upon complet ion of instal lat ion of equipments and systems, shal l

conduct pre-commissioning and commissioning act iv i t ies, to make the

equipment/systems ready for safe, re l iable and eff ic ient operat ion on sustained basis.Al l pre-com m issioning/ com m issioning act iv i t ies considered essent ia l for such readiness

of the equ ipment /systems inc lud ing those mutua l ly agreed and inc luded in the

Contractor ’s qual i ty assurance programme as wel l as those indicated in clauses

elsew here in th e technical specif icat ions shall be perfo rm ed by th e cont ractor.

(b) The pre-com m issioning and com m issioning act iv i t ies including Guarant ee tests, checks

and t r ia l opera t ions o f t he equ ipm ent / system s fu rn ished and insta l led by the cont ractor

shall be t he re spon sibi l i ty o f t he Contractor as det ai led in re levant clauses in Technical

Speci f icat ion. The Contractor shal l provide, in addi t ion, test instruments, cal ibrat ing

devices etc. and labour r equired fo r successful perform ance of t hese op erat ions. If i t isan t ic ipa ted tha t the above test may pro long fo r a long t ime, the Contractor ’s workm en

requ ired for t he above test shal l a lways be pr esent at si te du r ing such operat ions.

(c) The fo l low ing act iv i t ies shal l be carr ied out by the cont ractor, pr ior to schedu le date of

comm iss ion ing o f t he equ ipm ent / systems insta l led by h im.

( i ) The cont ractor shal l fu rnish the organizat ion chart o f h is operat ion and

commiss ion ing eng ineers fo r the acceptance o f employer . Adequate number o f

operat ion and commissioning engineers shal l be deployed by the contractor to

e f fect ively meet the requ i rement o f r ound the c lock opera t ion in sh i f ts a lso , t i l l the

p lan t is taken over by the em ployer .

( i i) The cont ractor shal l subm it the bio-data cont ain ing the detai ls of exper ience of h is

opera t ion and comm ission ing eng ineers fo r the acceptance o f employer .

( i i i ) The contractor shal l furnish the deployment schedule of h is operat ion and

com m issioning engineers for th e acceptance of th e em ployer.

( iv) Apart from above, contractor shal l ensure deployment of suff ic ient   ski l led/semi-

ski l led/ un ski l led m anpow er dur ing pre-com m issioning and comm issioning act iv it ies.

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(b )  Cont ractor sha ll carry ou t the checks/ t ests a t s i te to dem onstra te to the Employer

tha t each o f the equ ipm ent o f the supp l ied comp l ies wi th requ i rements st ipu la ted and is

instal led in accordance w ith requ irement s specif ied.

(c )  Before th e p lan t is pu t in t o in i t ia l operat ion the Contractor sha l l be requ i red t o

conduct test to dem onstra te to th e Emp loyer tha t each i tem o f the p lan t is capab le o f

cor rect ly per fo rming the funct ions fo r wh ich i t was spec i f ied and i ts per fo rmance,

param eters etc. are as per t he specif ied/ approved values. These tests may be cond ucted

concur rent ly w i th tho se requ i red un der com m ission ing sequence.

(d )  Other tests shal l be conducted, i f required by the Employer, to establ ish that the

p lant equ ipm ent a re in accordance w i th r equ i rements o f the spec if ica t ions.

(e )  The Contractor shal l conduct a l l the commissioning tests and undertake

commissioning act iv i t ies perta in ing to a l l other auxi l iar ies and equipments including al l

e lect r ica l equ ipm ent / system s not spec if ical ly b rou ght ou t abo ve but a re w i th in th e scope

of work and faci l i t ies being suppl ied and instal led by the Contractor and fo l low the

guidel ines indicated above or e lsew here in th ese t echnical speci f icat ion s(Section- VI)

(f )  In i t ia l Operat ion

Upon complet ion of system checking/Tests as above and as a part of commissioning of

faci l i t ies, complete plant/ faci l i t ies shal l be put into in i t ia l operat ion as st ipulated inGeneral Technical Requirem ent s.


(a) Al l th e equipm ents furnished under th e Con tract and arr iv ing at Si te shal l be

prom pt ly rece ived, un loaded and t ranspor ted and s tored by the Contractor .

(b) Cont ractor shal l be responsible for examining all th e shipm ent and not i fy the

Employer immediately of any damage, shortage, d iscrepancy etc. for the purpose of

Employer 's information only. The Contractor shal l submit to the Employer every week a

repo rt d etai l ing al l the receipts dur ing the w eek. However, th e Con tracto r shall be sole ly

responsible for any shortages or damage in transi t , handl ing and / or in storage and

erect ion o f the equ ipment a t S i te . Any demurrage, whar fage and o ther such charges

claim ed by the tr anspo rters, ra ilways etc. shal l be to the account o f th e Cont ractor.

(c) The Cont ractor shal l m aintain an accurat e and exhaustive record detai l ing out the

l ist o f a l l equ ipm ent rece ived by h im fo r t he purpo se o f e rect ion and keep such r ecord

avai lable for th e inspection o f the Employer.

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(d ) A l l equ ipm ent sha ll be hand led w i th care to p revent any damage. No bare wi re

ropes, sl ings, e tc . sha l l be used fo r un load ing and/ or hand l ing o f the equ ipment w i thoutthe spec if ic wr i t t en p erm ission o f the Employer . The equ ipm ent sto r ed sha ll be p roper ly

pro t ected to prevent damage to the equ ipm ent . The equ ipment f rom the s tore sha l l be

moved to the actua l loca t ion a t the appropr ia te t ime so as to avo id damage o f such

equ ipment a t Si te .

(e) Al l e lectr ical panels, con trols gear, mo to rs and such other devices shal l be proper ly

dr ied b y heating befo re th ey are instal led and energised. M ot or bear ings, sl ip r ings,

commutators and other exposed parts shal l be protected against moisture ingress and

corrosion dur ing storage and per iodical ly inspected. Heavy rotat ing parts in assembled

cond i t ions sha l l be per iod ical ly ro ta ted to prevent cor ro sion du e t o pro longed s torage.

( f) The Cont ractor shal l ensure tha t a l l th e packing m ater ia ls and protect ion devices

used fo r the var ious equ ipments dur ing t rans i t and s torage are removed before the

equ ipment a re insta l led .

(g) The consum ables and oth er supp l ies l ikely to det er iorate due to storage must be

thorough ly pro tected and s tored in a su i tab le manner to prevent damage or

deter io ra t ion in qua l ity by s torage.

(h) A l l the m ater ia ls s to red in th e open or dusty locat ion m ust be covered w i th su i tab lew eatherproof and f lameproof cover ing m ater ia l wh erever app l icab le .

( i ) I f th e mat er ia ls belonging to th e Con tracto r are sto red in areas oth er than tho se

earmarked fo r h im, the Employer wi l l have the r igh t to ge t i t moved to the area

earmarked fo r the Cont ractor a t t he Cont ractor ’s cost .

( j ) The Con tracto r shal l be respon sible for making sui table indoo r stor age facil i t ies to

store al l equipm ent w hich require indoor storage. Norma l ly, a l l the electr ical equip m ent s

such as motors, control gear, exci ters and consumables l ike electrodes, lubr icants etc.

shal l be stored in the closed storage space . The Employer, in addi t ion, may direct the

Contractor to move cer ta in o ther mater ia ls , wh ich in h is op in ion wi l l requ i re indoor

storage, to indo or sto rage areas w hich the Con tracto r shal l str ict ly com ply wi t h.


(a) The f ie ld act iv it ies of th e Con tracto rs w orking at Si te, wi l l be coordinat ed by the

Em ployer and the Emp loyer decision shal l be f inal in resolving any disput es or con fl icts

between the Contractor and o ther Contractors and t radesmen o f the Employer

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regarding schedul ing and co- ordination of w ork. Such d ecision by the Emp loyer shall not

be a cause fo r ext ra compensat ion or extens ion o f t ime fo r th e Cont ractor .

(b) The Emp loyer shal l hold w eekly m eetings of a l l th e Cont ractors wor king at Si te, at a

t ime and place to be designated by the Employer. The Contractor shal l attend such

meetings and take notes of d iscussions dur ing the meeting and the decisions of the

Em ployer and shal l str ict ly adhere to th ose decisions in perfor m ing his W orks. In addi t io n

to the above weekly meet ing , the Employer may ca l l fo r o ther meet ing e i ther wi th

individual Contractors or wi th selected number of Contractors and in such a case the

Cont ractor i f cal led, w i l l a lso att end such m eetings.

(c) Tim e is th e essence of the Contract and th e Cont ractor shall be respon sible for

performance of h is works in accordance with the speci f ied construct ion schedule. I f atany t ime, t he Contracto r is fa l ling behind the schedu le, he shal l take necessary act ion t o

make good fo r such de lays by increas ing h is work fo rce or by work ing over t ime or

o therwise acce lera te the progress o f the work to comply wi th the schedu le and sha l l

communicate such act ions in wr i t ing to the Employer, sat isfying that h is act ion wi l l

compensate for the delay. The Contractor shal l not be al lowed any extra compensation

for such act ion.

(d) The Em ployer shall how ever not be respon sible for provision of addi t ion al labour

and/or mater ia ls o r supp ly or any o ther serv ices to the Contractor except fo r the

coord ina t ion w ork w i th o ther Contr actors , i f necessary.


The Contractor shal l maintain at h is Si te Off ice up-to- date copies of a l l drawings,

speci f icat ions and other Contract Documents and any other supplementary data

complete wi th a l l the latest revisions thereto. The Contractor shal l a lso maintain in

add i t ion the cont inuous record o f a l l changes to the above Contract Documents,

drawings, speci f icat ions, supplementary data, etc. effected at the f ie ld and on

com plet ion o f h is tota l assignm ent u nder t he Con tract shal l incorpo rate al l such changes

on the drawings and other Engineer ing data to indicate as instal led condi t ions of the

equipment furnished and erected under the Contract. Such drawings and Engineer ing

data sha ll be subm i t ted t o t he Em ployer in requ isi te num ber o f cop ies.


(a) The Cont ractor shal l br ing to Si te a l l equ ipm ent, com pon ent s, part s, m ater ia ls,

inc lud ing construct ion equ ipment , too ls and tack les fo r the pu rpose o f the Wo rks under

in t im at ion to the Employer . A ll such goods sha l l, f rom the t ime o f th e i r be ing brought

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vest in t he Emp loyer , bu t may be used fo r th e purpose o f th e W orks on ly and sha ll no t

on any account be removed or taken away by the Contractor wi thout the wr i t ten

permission of the Employer. The Contractor shal l nevertheless be sole ly l iable andresponsib le fo r any loss or destruct ion t hereof and dam age th ere to .

(b) The Em ployer shal l have a lien on such goods for any sum or sum s which may at any

t im e be due or o w ing to h im b y the Contractor , under , in respect o f o r by reasons o f th e

Contract. After g iving a f i f teen (15) days notice in wr i t ing of h is intention to do so, the

Em ployer shal l be at l iber ty t o sel l and dispo se off any such goods, in such m anner as he

sha l l th ink f i t inc lud ing pub l ic auct ion or p r iva te t rea ty and t o app ly the proceeds in or

to wa rds the sat isfact ion o f such sum or sum s due as aforesaid.

(c) A f te r the comple t ion o f the Wo rks, the Contractor sha l l remo ve f rom th e Si te underthe d i rect ion o f the Employer the mat er ia ls such as construct ion equ ipment , e rect ion

tools and tackles, scaffo ld ing etc. wi th the wr i t ten permission of the Employer. I f the

Cont ractor fa i ls to remo ve such m ater ia ls, wi th in f i f teen (15) days of issue of a not ice by

the Employer to do so then the Employer shal l have the l iberty to d ispose off such

mater ia ls as detai led under as speci f ied at clause no 31 (b) above and credi t the

proceeds there to to the account o f t he Contr actor .


(a) The Cont ractor shal l be respon sible for any damage resul t ing from his operat ions.He shal l a lso be responsible for protect ion of a l l persons including members of publ ic

and employees o f the Employer and the employees o f o ther Contractors and Sub-

Contractors and al l publ ic and pr ivate property including structures, bui ld ing, other

p lan ts and equ ipment s and u t i l it ies ei ther above or b e low t he ground.

(b) The Cont ractor w i l l ensure provision of n ecessary safety equipm ent such as barr iers,

sign - boards, warn ing l ight s and alarms, etc. to p rovide adequate pro tect ion to p ersons

and property. The Contractor shal l be responsible to g ive reasonable notice to the

Employer and the Employers o f pub l ic o r p r iva te proper ty and u t i l i t ies when such

proper ty and u t i l i t ies are l i ke ly to ge t d amaged o r in ju red dur ing the p er fo rmance o f h is

Works and shal l make al l necessary arrangements wi th such Employers, re lated to

remo va l and/ or rep lacement o r p ro tect ion o f such prop er ty and u t i l it ies .


All exposed metal parts of the equipment including pip ings, structure ra i l ings, etc.

w herever appl icable, after instal lat ion unless oth erw ise surf ace protect ed, shal l be f i rst

pa in ted w i th a t least t w o coats o f su i tab le pr imer w h ich m atches the shop pr im er pa in t

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used, after th roughly cleaning al l such part s of a l l d i r t , rust, scales, greases, o i ls and o ther

foreign mater ia ls by wire brushing, scraping or sand blast ing and the same being

inspected and approved by the Employer for paint ing. Afterwards, the above parts shal lbe f in ished painted with three coats of a l lowed resin machinery enamel paints. The

minimum thickness of paint f i lm shal l not be less than 100 microns. The qual i ty of the

f in ish paint shal l be as per the standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) or

equ iva len t and t o be o f th e co lour as approved by t he Emp loyer .


34.1 In addi t ion to th e condi t ion s covered under the Clause enti t led “ Insurance” in Section

General Condit ions of Contract (GCC), the fo l lowing provisions wi l l a lso apply to the

por t ion o f works to be done beyond the Contractor ’s own or h is Sub-Contractor ’sm anufactur ing W orks.

34.2 W orkme n’s Com pensat ion Insurance

This insurance shal l protect the Contractor against a l l c la ims appl icable under the

W orkm en’s Com pensation Act, 1948 (Governm ent of Ind ia). This pol icy shal l a lso cover

the Contractor against cla ims for in jury, d isabi l i ty d isease or death of h is or h is Sub-

Contractor ’s employees, wh ich fo r any reason are not covered under the Workmen’s

Com pensation Act, 1948. The l iabi l i t ies shal l not be less than the f o l low ing:

W orkm en's Com pensation - As per Statu to ry ProvisionsEm ployee's L iabi l i ty - As p er Statuto ry Provisions

Property Damage: Rs.100,000 for each occurr ence

34.3 Com preh ensive Genera l Liabil ity Insuran ce

34.3.1 The insurance shal l protect the Contractor against a l l c la ims ar is ing from in jur ies,

d isab i li t ies, d isease or death o f m embers o f pu b l ic o r damage to proper ty o f o th ers, due

to any act or omission on the part of the Contractor, h is agents, h is employees, h is

representat ives and Sub-Contractors or from r iots, str ikes and civi l commotion. This

insurance shal l a lso cover a l l the l iabi l i t ies of the Contractor ar is ing out of the Clause

ent i t led “ Defence of Sui ts” in Section General Cond it ion s of Con tract (GCC).

34.3.2 The hazards to be covered w i ll perta in t o a l l th e W orks and areas where th e Cont ractor,

h is Sub-Cont ractors, h is agents and h is emp loyees have to p erform w ork pu rsuant to the


34.4 The above are only i llustrat ive l ist o f insurance covers nor m al ly required and i t w i l l be

th e responsibi l i ty of th e Con tracto r to m aintain al l necessary insurance coverage to th e

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extent both in t ime and amount to take care of a l l h is l iabi l i t ies ei ther d irect or indirect,

in pursuance of the Cont ract.


The Contractor shal l confine al l h is f ie ld operat ions to those works which can be

per formed wi thout sub ject ing the equ ipment and mater ia ls to adverse e f fects dur ing

inc lement w eather cond i t ions, l ike m onsoon, s to rm s, e tc . and d ur ing o ther un favourab le

construct ion condi t ions. No f ie ld act iv i t ies shal l be performed by the Contractor under

condi t ions wh ich m ight ad versely affect t he qual i ty and eff ic iency thereof, un less special

precautions or measures are taken by the Contractor in a proper and satisfactory

m anner in the per fo rm ance o f such W orks and w i th th e concur rence o f the Employer .

Such unfavourable construct ion condi t ions wi l l in no way rel ieve the Contractor of h isresponsib i l ity t o p er fo rm the Wo rks as per t he schedu le .


The Contractor shall ensure that any finds such as relic, antiquity, coins, fossils, etc.

w h ich he may com e across dur ing the course o f per fo rm ance o f h is Wo rks e ither d ur ing

excavation or e lsewhere, are proper ly protected and handed over to the Employer.

Simi lar ly th e Con tracto r shall ensure that th e bench m arks, reference po ints, etc., wh ich

are marked e i ther w i th th e he lp o f Emp loyer o r by the Employer sha l l no t be d istu rbed in

any way dur ing the per fo rmance o f h is Works. I f , any work is to be pre formed wh ichdisturb such reference, the sam e shal l be don e only after t hese are transferred t o ot her

sui table locations under the direct ion of the Employer. The Contractor shal l provide al l

necessary m ater ia ls and assistance fo r such r elocation o f re ference poin ts etc.


37.1 The Con tracto r shal l ensure proper safety of a ll th e wo rkm en, mater ia ls, p lant and

equ ipments be long ing to h im or to Employer o r to o thers , work ing a t the S i te . The

Contractor shal l a lso be responsible for provision of a l l safety notices and safety

equ ipment requ i red both by th e re levant leg is la t ion and t he Emp loyer as he m ay deem


37.2 Al l equipment used in construct ion and erect ion by Contractor shal l meet

Indian/International Standards and where such standards do not exist, the Contractor

shal l ensure these to be absolutely safe. Al l equipments shal l be str ict ly operated and

m ain ta ined by t he Contractor in accordance w i th m anufacturer ’s opera t ion M anua l and

safet y instruct ion s and as per Guidel ines/Rules of Em ployer in t h is regard.

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37.3 Per iodical Examinatio ns and al l tests for a l l l i f t ing/ ho ist ing equipm ent & tackles shal l be

carr ied-out in accordance with the re levant provisions of Factor ies Act 1948, Indian

Electr ic ity Act 1910 and associated Law s/Rules in fo rce from t im e to t im e. A register ofsuch examinat ions and tests sha l l be prop er ly main ta ined by t he Contractor and w i ll be

prompt ly p roduced as and when des i red by Employer o r by the person author ised by

h i m .

37.4 The Cont ractor shall pro vide sui tab le safety equipme nt of p rescr ibed standard t o a l l

emp loyees and w orkm en accord ing to the need, as may be d i rected by Employer wh o

wi l l a lso have r ight to examine these safety equipments to determine their sui tabi l i ty,

re l iabi l ity, acceptabi l i ty and adaptabi l i ty.

37.5 The Cont ractor shall pro vide safe wo rking condi t ion s to a l l w orkm en and emp loyees atthe Site including safe means of access, rai l ings, stairs, ladders, scaffoldings etc. The

scaffo ld ings shal l be erected under the control and supervision of an exper ienced and

com peten t p erson. For erect ion, good and standa rd qual i ty of m ater ia l only shal l be used

by th e Cont ractor .

37.6 The Cont ractor shal l not inter fere or d isturb electr ic fuses, wir ing and oth er e lectr ical

equ ipment be long ing to the Employer o r o ther Contractors under any c i rcumstances,

w hat soever, unless expressly perm itted in w r i t ing by th e Em ployer to handle such fuses,

w i r ing or e lect r ica l equ ipment .

37 .7 No e lect r ic cab le in use by the Contractor /Employer wi l l be d istu rb ed w i thout p r io r

perm ission . No w e ight o f any d escr ip t ion w i l l be im posed on any cab le and no ladder or

simi la r equ ipment w i ll rest against o r a t t ached t o i t .

37.8 The Cont ractors shal l emp loy necessary num ber of q ual i f ied, fu l l t im e Electr ic ians/

Electr ical Sup ervisors t o ma intain h is tem porary electr ical instal lat ions.

37.9 In case any accident occurs dur ing the constru ct ion/ erect ion o r oth er associated

act iv i t ies under taken by the Contractor thereby caus ing any minor o r major o r fa ta l

in jury to h is employees due to any reason, whatsoever, i t shal l be the responsibi l i ty of

the Contractor to p ro mp t ly in fo rm the sam e to th e Emp loyer in p rescr ibed fo rm and a lso

to al l the autho r i t ies envisaged und er the app l icable law s.

37.10 The Em ployer shal l have th e r ight at h is sole discret ion to stop th e wo rk, if in h is opinion

th e wo rk is being carr ied out in such a way that i t m ay cause accident s and endanger th e

safet y of th e persons and /o r prop erty, and/ or equ ipmen ts. In such cases, the Contractor

shall be inform ed in w r i t ing about the nat ure of hazards and possible in jur y/ accident and

he sha l l comply to remove shor tcomings prompt ly . The Contractor a f te r s topp ing the

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speci f ic work can, i f fe l t necessary appeal against the order of stoppage of work to the

Emp loyer wi th in 3 days o f such stoppage o f w ork and d ec is ion o f t he Employer in th is

respect shal l be conclusive and binding on t he Contractor.

37 .11 The Contractor sha l l no t be ent i t led fo r any damages/ compensat ion fo r s toppage o f

w ork du e to sa fe ty reasons as prov ided above and the per iod o f such stoppage o f wo rk

w i ll no t be taken as an extens ion o f t ime fo r comp le t ion o f t he fac il it ies.


38.1 The surfaces of foun dation s shal l be dressed to br ing th e to p surface of th e foundat ions

to the requ i red leve l , p r io r to p lacement o f equ ipment /equ ipment bases on the

foundat ions.

38.2 Al l th e equipm ent / eq uipm ent bases, shal l be grout ed and f in ished as per th ese

specif icat ions un less o therw ise recomm ended by the equ ipment manu facturer .

38.3 The concrete foun dation surfaces shal l be prop er ly prepar ed by chippin g, gr inding as

requ i red to br ing the top o f such foundat ion to the requ i red leve l , to p rov ide the

necessary roughn ess for bon dage and to assure eno ugh bear ing strength .

38.4 Grout

The grout shal l be high strength grout having a minimum character ist ic compressivestrength o f 60 N/ m m 2 at 28 days. The grout shal l be chlor id e - free, cem ent based, free

f lowing, non- metal l ic grout. The Grout shal l have good f lowabi l i ty even at very low

water/ grout powder rat io. The Grout shal l have character ist ics of control led expansion

to b e able to occupy i ts or ig inal volume t o f i l l the voids and to com pensate for shr inkage.

Grout shal l be of pre-mix var iety so that only water needs to be added before use. The

mix ing o f the Grout sha l l conform to the recommendat ions o f the manufacturer o f the

Grout .

38.5 Finishing of the Edges of the Grout

The poured grout shou ld be a l lowed to stand und isturb ed unt i l it i s w e l l se t . Imm edia te ly

thereaf te r , the dam sha l l be rem oved and grout w h ich extends beyond the edges o f t he

structu ral or equipm ent base plates shal l be cut of f , f lushed and re m oved. The edges of

the grout sha l l then b e po in ted and f in ished w i th 1 :2 cement m or tar p ressed f i rm ly to

bond w i th the body o f the g rou t and smoo thened w i th a too l to p resen t a smoo th

vert ical surface. The w ork shal l be don e in a clean and scienti f ic m anner and the adjacent

f loo r spaces, exposed edges of th e found ations, and structural steel and equipm ent b ase

plates shal l be tho rou ghly cleaned of any spi l lage of the grou t.

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After the grout is set and cured, the Contractor shal l check and ver i fy the al ignment of

equipments, a l ignment of shafts of rotat ing machinery, the slopes of a l l bear ing

pedestals, center ing of rotors wi th respect to their seal ing bores, coupl ings, etc. as

appl icable and the l ike i tems to ensure that no displacement had taken place dur ing

grouting. The values recorded pr ior to grouting shal l be used dur ing such post grouting

check- up and ver i f icat ions. Such pre and post grout records of a l ignm ent d etai ls shal l be

m ain ta ined by the Contractor in a m anner acceptab le to the Employer .


Al l the shaf ts o f ro ta t ing equ ipm ent sha ll be proper ly a l igned to those o f th e mat ch ing

equipments to as perfect an accuracy as pract icable. The equipment shal l be free from

excessive vibrat ion so as to avo id overheating of b ear ings or o th er condi t ions which m ay

tend to shor ten the l i fe o f the equ ipment . The v ib ra t ion leve l o f ro ta t ing equ ipments

measured at bear ing housing shal l not exceed for ty (40) microns and shal l conform to

VDI 2056.Al l bear ings, shafts and other rotat ing parts shal l be thoroughly cleaned and

sui tably lubr icated bef ore star t ing.


Al l the m oto rs and o ther equ ipm ent sha ll be su i tab ly dow eled a f te r a l ignment o f shaf ts

w i th tapered m ach ined dow els as per th e d i rect ion o f t he Emp loyer .


After complet ion of wir ing, cabl ing furnished under separate speci f icat ion and la id and

term inated by th e Emp loyer , the Contractor sha l l check out the opera t ion o f a l l contro l

systems for the equipment furnished and instal led under these speci f icat ions and



42.1 I t wi l l be th e responsibi l i ty of the Contractor t o provide al l com m issioning spares

including consumable spares required for in i t ia l operat ion t i l l the Complet ion of

Facil i t ies. The Cont ractor shall fu rnish a l ist of a l l com m issionin g spares w ith in 60 days

from the d ate o f No t i f i ca t ion o f Award and such l i st sha l l be rev iew ed by th e Emp loyer

and mutua l ly agreed to . However . such rev iew and agreement wi l l no t abso lve the

Contractor of h is responsibi l i t ies to supply a l l commissioning spares so that in i t ia l

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operat ion do n ot suff er for w ant o f com m issioning spares. Al l comm issioning spares shal l

be deemed t o be inc luded in the scope o f t he Contract a t no ext ra cost to t he Emp loyer .

42.2 These spare wi l l be received and sto red by the Cont ractor at least 3 m ont hs pr io r to the

schedu le date o f commencement o f in i t ia l opera t ion o f the respect ive equ ipment and

uti l ised as and when required. The unuti l ised spares and replaced parts, i f any, at the

end o f successfu l comp le t ion o f guarantee tests sha l l be t he p roper ty o f the Contractor

and he w i ll be a l low ed to take these par ts back at h is ow n cost w i th t he perm ission o f

Employer. Employer wi l l be informed of the l ist of commissioning spares brought to si te

by th e contractor be fore br ing ing the same to t he s ite .


43.1 Al l cables shal l be suppo rted b y conduit s or cable tray run in a ir or in cable channels.

These shal l be instal led in exposed run s paral le l or perp endicular to d om inant surfaces

wi th r igh t ang le tu rn made o f symmetr ica l bends or f i t t ings. When cab les are run on

cab le t rays, they sha ll be c lamped a t a m in imum in tervals o f 2000mm or o therw ise as

d i rected by th e Emp loyer .

43.2 Each cable, w het her pow er or cont rol , shal l be provided w ith a m etal l ic or p last ic tag of

an approved type, bear ing a cable reference number indicated in the cable and conduit

l ist (p repared by the Contractor ) , a t every 5 m eter run o r par t th ereof and a t bo th ends

of t he cable adjacent t o th e term inat ions. Cable rout ing is to b e done in such a w ay thatcables are accessible fo r any m aintenance and for easy ident i f icat ion.

43.3 Sharp bend ing and kinking of cables shall be avoided. The m inimu m radi i fo r PVC

insul ted cables 1100 V grade shal l be 15 D w here D is the overal l d iam eter o f th e cable.

Instal lat ion of other cables l ike high vol tage, coaxial , screened, compensating, mineral

insulated shal l be in accordance wit h th e cable manuf acturer ’s recom m endations.

43.4 In each cab le run some extra length sha ll be kept a t a su i tab le po in t to enab le one or tw o

stra igh t th r ough jo in ts to be m ade, shou ld t he cab le deve lop fau l t a t a la te r da te .

43.5 Cont rol cable term ination s shal l be m ade in accordance w ith w ir ing diagrams, using

ident i fy ing codes subject t o th e Em ployer ’s approval . M ult icore contro l cable jackets

shal l be removed as required to tra in and terminate the conductors. The cable jacket

shal l be left on the cable, as far as possib le, to the point of the f i rst conductor branch.

The insulated conductors from which the jacket is removed shal l be neatly twined in

bundles and terminated. The bundles shal l be f i rmly but not t ight ly t ied ut i l iz ing plast ic

or ny lon t ies or speci f ical ly treat ed fungus prot ected cord m ade for th is pu rpose. Cont rol

cable condu cto r insulat ion shal l be securely and evenly cut.

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and t o prov ide sui tab le packaging to perm it safe handl ing dur ing transit and at th e job


(i ) Electr ical equipment, control and instrumentat ion shal l be protected against moistureand water damage. Al l external gasket surfaces and f lange faces, coupl ings, motor

pump shafts, bear ing and l ike i tems shal l be thoroughly cleaned and coated with rust

prevent ive compound as spec if ied above and pro tected w i th su i tab le woo d, met a l o r

o th er substant ia l type cover ing to ensure th e i r fu l l p ro tect ion .

(j ) Equipment having anti fr ict ion or sleeve bear ings shal l be protected by weather t ight


(k )  Coated surfaces shal l be pro tected against im pact, abrasion, d iscolourat ion and ot her

dam age. Surf aces w hich are dam aged shal l be repaired.

(l ) All exposed threaded parts shal l be greased and protected with metal l ic or other

substantia l type protectors. Al l female threaded openings shal l be closed with forgedsteel p lugs. A ll p ip ings, tub ing , and condu i t equ ipm ent and o th er equ ipm ent open ings

shal l be sealed with metal l ic or other rough usage covers and tapped to seal the

in ter io r o f t he equ ipment p ip ing, tub ing , o r condu i t .

(m ) Prov isions sha l l be m ade to ensure tha t wat er does not en t er any equ ipment dur ing

sh ipm ent o r in s to rage a t th e p lan t si te .

(n )  Returnable containers and special shipping devices shal l be returned by the

m anufactur er 's f ie ld represent at ive at the Contractor 's expense.

(o )  W hi le packag ing th e mat er ial , care sha l l be t aken f o r th e l imi ta t ion f rom the po in t o f

view of availabi l ity o f ra i lw ay w agon sizes in Ind ia.

44.3 Equipme nt Insta l la t ion

(a.)  Genera l Requiremen ts

The Contractor shal l furnish al l construct ion mater ia ls, tools and equipment and shal l

per fo rm a l l work requ i red fo r comple te insta l la t ion o f a l l contro l and inst rument

equipment furnished under th is speci f icat ion. Contractor shal l prepare detai led

instal lat ion drawings for each equipment furnished under th is speci f icat ion for

Em ployer 's approval . Instal lat ion o f a l l equip men t/ system s furn ished by t h is speci f icat ion

shall be as per Emp loyer 's approval . Erect ion pro cedures not specif ied herein shal l be in

accordance wi th the recommendat ions o f the equ ipment manufacturers . The

procedures shal l be acceptable to the Employer. The Contractor shal l coordinate his

w ork w i th o th er supp l ie rs w here th e i r ins t ruments and dev ices are to be insta l led under


(b.)  Insta l la t ion M ater ia ls

All mater ia ls required for instal lat ion, test ing and commissioning of the equipment shal l

be fu rn ished by t he Cont ractor .

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(c.)  Regulatory Requireme nts

All instal lat ion pr ocedures shal l confi r m w ith t he accepted good engineer ing pract ice andw ith al l appl icable govern m ental laws, regulat ion s and codes.

(d.)  Cleaning

All equipment shal l be cleaned of a l l sand, d ir t and other foreign mater ia ls immediately

a f te r rem ova l f rom storage and before th e equ ipment is b rou ght to insta l la t ion s ite .

(e.)  Equipment Assembly

Equipment instal led under these speci f icat ions shal l be assembled i f shipped

unassembled. The equipment shal l be dismantled and reassembled as required to

perfo rm the instal lat ion and com m i ssioning w ork d escr ibed in t hese speci f icat ions.

(f.)   Defects

All defects in erect ion shal l be corrected to the sat isfact ion of the Employer and the

Project M anager. The dismant l ing and reassem bly of Con tracto r furnished equipm ent t o

rem ove defect ive parts, replace parts, or m ake adjustm ents shall be included as a part o f

the wo rk under t hese spec if ica t ions. The rem ova l o f contro l and inst rum ent equ ipment

in order to a l low bench cal ibrat ion, i f required, and the re- instal lat ion of the said

equ ipment a f te r ca l ib ra t ion sha l l a lso be inc luded as a par t o f the work under these



Any dev ia t ion to the contract and employer approved documents sha l l be proper ly

recorded in the format prescr ibed by NALCO. Al the deviat ions shal l be bought to the

know ledge of em ployer ’s represent at ive for sui table disposit ion ing.


The contracto r shal l record resul ts of NDTs carr ied out at si te in th e form at acceptable to

emp loyer . Al l the rad iographs & i ts repor t du ly s igned & cor re la ted t o t he job sha ll be

handed over to t he em ployer . Sensit iv i ty o f a l l the t est equ ipment sha l l be com pat ib le to

the job & acceptance norm s agreed.


Cont ractor shal l pro vide the t est in g equipm ent and faci l it ies necessary to carry out tests

& inspections.

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1.1 This specif icat ion covers the m ater ia ls, too ls, faci li t ies and qual i ty requirem ent fo r surface

preparat ion and paint ing of steel structures, equipment, p ip ing including supports, hangers, gas

and air du cts including hangers, chutes etc.

The te rm "pa in t ing" re fer red here in covers rust p revent ive , p revent ive and decora t ive coat ing

a long wi th sur face pro tect ion .

1.2 Surf aces in d irect bond ed cont act wi t h con crete, a lum inium , asbestos, brass; bro nze, galvanized

steel , sta in less steel , cast i ro n and o ther corrosion resistant a l loys, rubber/ synthet ic polymer s are

not required to be painted unless speci f ied except for aesthetic purposes or for identi f icat ion

bands. Except for such surfaces, paint ing and surface preparat ion shal l be pro vided to pro tect a l l

surfaces that shall be subjected t o atm ospher ic act ion and exposed to cor rosive m edium .

Al l machined mating surfaces (eg. f langes) shal l be proper ly cleaned, greased and protectedbefore d ispatch .

1.3 The com plete paint system for any i tem includes th e fo l low ing act iv i t ies:

i)  Prop er surface preparat ion

ii )  Appl ica t ion o f p r im er coats

iii)  Appl ica t ion o f in te rmedia te coats

iv )  Appl icat ion of f in ished coats

Al l the above coats shal l be of qual i ty paint products and of approved make as st ipulated in th is

speci f icat ion. The work shal l a lso include supply of a l l paint mater ia ls as per speci f icat ion

descr ibed herein and of app roved qual i ty.


2.1 Surf ace preparat ion being a pre requisi te for any paint appl icat ion, shal l be such as to clean th e

sur face thorough ly o f any mater ia ls wh ich wi l l be conducive to premature fa i lu re o f the pa in t


2.2 All surfaces shall be cleaned of loose substances and for eign mat erials, such as dirt , ru st, scale, oi l ,

grease, welding f lux, etc. ir respective of w heth er t he sam e has been spel t ou t in t he standards in

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order that the pr ime coat is r ig id ly anchored to the virg in metal surface. The surface preparat ion

shal l conform to p ictor ia l represent at ion of surface qual i ty grade of DIN 55928 (Part 4) or BS 4232

or IS 1477 - 1971 ( Part I ) . Any grease, o i l , dust or foreign m att er depo si ted o n t he surface after

prepara t ion sha l l be removed and care taken tha t the sur face is no t contaminated wi th ac ids,alkalis mo istur e or oth er corro sive chem icals. The pr im e coat shal l be app l ied as soon as possible

a f te r t he sur face p repara t ion is comple ted.

2.3 The accept able surf ace preparat ion qual i ty / grades are descr ibed under each paint ing system .

The procedures covered are solvent cleaning, hand tool c leaning, power tool c leaning and blast


2.4 Solvent cleaning

The surface shal l be cleaned by wiping, immersion, spraying or vapor contact ing of a sui tablesolvent o r w ashing wit h an em ulsion o r a lkaline solu t ion to rem ove oi l , grease, d ir t , o ld paint , etc.

Solvent cleaning shal l not remove rust, scales, mi l l scales or weld f lux. Therefore, before

appl icat ion of paint, solvent cleaning shal l be fo l lowed by other cleaning procedures as stated


2.5 Hand tool cleaning

The surface shal l be cleaned by vigorous w ire brushing done m anual ly to St-2 qual i ty. This meth od

effect ively remo ves loosely adherent m ater ia ls, bu t w ould no t affect residues of ru st or m i l l scales

that a re in tact and f i rm ly adherent .

2.6 Power tool c leaning

Electr ic or pn eum atic t ools shal l c lean t he surface t o St - 3 qual i ty. The t ools shall be u sed careful ly

to prevent excessive roughing of surface and formation of r idges and burns. This method wi l l

remove loosely adherent mater ia ls but would not affect residues of rust or mi l l scales that are

f i rmly adherent .

2.7 Blast clea ning

The surface shal l be cleaned by imp ingement of abrasive mat er ia ls, such as graded sand at h igh

veloci ty created by clean and d ry comp ressed air b last. This m etho d w i l l rem ove loosely adher ent

m ater ia ls as w el l as adheren t scales and m i l l scales. Pr ior to appl icat ion of b last, heavy d eposi t of

o i l and grease are rem oved by solvent cleaning and excessive surface scales are rem oved b y hand

to ols or pow er too l c leaning. The surface shal l be cleaned to Sa - 2 1/ 2 qual i ty i .e. 95 % of surf ace

area is free f rom al l rust, m i l l scales and visib le residues, foreign m ater ia ls, etc. The blast cleaning

is no t recom m ended fo r sheet m eta l w ork.


Prim er paint s shal l be appl ied on ly on d ry and clean surfaces.

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3.1 Pr im er paint P1 - (Pheno l ic - Alkyd based)

A single pack air drying phenol ic modif ied alkyd composi t ion with zinc phosphate as a

p r imer pa in t .A i r d ry ing t ime - About 60 m inutes ( touch dry)

-Overn igh t (hard dry)

Dry f i lm th ickness - 40 m icrons (min)

(DFT / Coat )

3.2 Pr im er paint P2 - (Epoxy based)

A two pack air drying Epoxy polyamide with zinc dust of at least 92 % zinc dust on the

dry f i lm .

Epoxy content (% w t . ) - 8 to 10

Ai r d ry ing t ime - 10 m inutes ( touch dry)- 2 hou rs (hard dry)

DFT / coat - 40 m icrons (min)

3.3 Prim er pain t P3 - (Et hyl zinc sil icate, EZS, based)

A tw o pack heavy dut y zinc dust r ich si licate pr im er wh ich prot ects the surface wit h just

a single coat .

Tot al sol ids ( % w t ) - 84 +/ - 2

Density ( g / cc ) - 3.07 +/ - 0.05

Ai r d ry ing t ime - To top coat 16 hours

DFT / coat - 60 m icrons


These paints shal l be appl ied over p r im er coats as an inter m ediate layer to p rovide w eatherpr oof

seal of pr im er coats.

4.1 Inte rme diate Paint I-1 (Pheno lic alkyd based)

A single pack high bu i ld pheno l ic based p aint o f synthetic m icaceous i ron o xide.

A i r d ry ing t ime -4 to 6 hours ( touch dry)

-2 days (hard d ry)

DFT / coat -75 m icrons (m in)

Tempe rature r esistance -upt o 100 d eg C dry h eat

Com patib le w i th -Pr im er P1

4.2 Interm ediate Paint I-2

A tw o-pack a i r d ry ing h igh bu i ld epoxy resin based pa in t w i th M IO.

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Air d ry ing t im e - 6 to 8 hours ( touch dry)

- 7 days ( fu l l cure)

DFT / coat - 100 m icrons

Com pat ib le w i th - Primer P2


Finish paint coats shal l be appl ied over pr im er coats and in term ediate coats afte r prop er cleaning

and touch up o f p r imed coats.

5.1 Finish Pain t F1

A single pack air drying high gloss phenol ic a lkyd modif ied synthetic enamel paint sui tably

p igmented.A i r d ry ing t ime -3 to 4 hours ( touch dry) -24 hours (hard dry)

DFT / coat - 25 m icrons (min)

Com pat ib le wi th

Interm ediate I1 - Pr im er P1

Colou r - gen erally all shades

5.2 Finish Pain t F2

A tw o pack a ir d ry ing epoxy po lyamide enamel su i tab ly p igmented.

A i r d ry ing t ime - 2 to 3 hours ( touch dry)

- 7 days ( fu l l cure)

DFT / coat - 40 m icrons (min)

Com pat ib le wi th

Interm ediate I2 - Pr im er P2

Colou r - gener ally all shades

5.3 Finish Pain t F3

A single pack heat r esistan t si licon resin based paint w i th leaf ing Alum inium pow der.

A i r d ry ing t ime - 3 to 4 hours ( touch dry) /24 hrs (hard dry)

DFT / coat - 20 m icrons (min)

Com pat ib le w i th - no pr imer pa in t except P3

(shal l be app l ied on blast cleaned steel surface)

Co lour - smoot h a lumin ium


6.1 Pa in t sha ll be app l ied in accordance w i th pa in t m anufacturer 's recom m endat ions. M anufactur e o f

paints, mixing of paints, etc. shal l be as per the IS codes of pract ice. The work shal l general ly

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7.1 For a com plete paint ing scheme of any i tem being paint ed, a l l typ es of paints are to be procured

from the same m anufactur er as approved by t he Purchaser .

7.2 Legend

SP - Su rface prep aratio n qualit y

2P1 - Two (2) coats of pr im er paint typ e P1

1I1 - One ( 1 ) coat o f in te rm ediate pa in t type

I1 2F1 - Tw o ( 2 ) coats of f in ish p aint t ype F1

DFT - Dry f i lm th ickness

Type o f paint pro du cts l ike P1, P2, P3, I1, I2, F1, F2 and F3 have b een specified un der sl. n os.03, 04

and 05 of th is speci f icat ion.

7 .3 The pa in t ing scheme to be fo l low ed fo r var ious equ ipment / s t ructures is b r ie f ly g iven be low fo r

guidance to t he Tenderer.

Paint ing schem eSl. No . De scription

At shop At siteDFT Total

SP - St 3

1. Steel structu re 2P1+1I1 2F1 205

2 .SP - Sa 2 1 / 2 (o r St 3)

M echanical

equ ipmen t ( temp .

not over 80 deg C)

Both stat ic and

ro ta ry equ ipmen t

fo r i ndoo r o r

ou tdoo r du ty


or 2P2+1I22F1 & 2F2

20 5


3 .

Equ ipmen t w i th

hot surfaces

( temp. 200 deg C

and above)

SP- Sa 2 1/ 2

P3 2F3 100

8.0 Colour code

For p aint ing certa in standard colour as l isted below , shal l be used b y the b idder.

8.1 For electrical equ ipm ent



11 kV, AC m achine Light grey 631

3.3 kV, AC m achine Post off ice red 538

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400 V, AC m achine Br i ll iant green 221

460 V, DC m achine Azure blue 104

250 V, DC m achine Orienta l b lue 174

230 V, AC equipm ent L ight orange 557110 V, AC equipm ent Canary yel low 309

Al l indo or cont rol and switchgear panels Grey 697

Al l ou tdoor t ransformers, swi tchgear , contro l

pane l e tc .

Dark admira l ty

grey63 2

Instrum entat ion panels Opal ine green 275

Telecom m unication panels Sm oke grey 692

8.2 For m echanica l equipm ent

- Indo or and out doo r m echanical equipm ent excepting cranes : Grey.

8.3 For pipes, ducts, conduits and oth ers

Service Colo ur Shade as IS:5

River wat er (un trea ted)Base - Sea gr een

Band - Wh i te



Cool ing Wat erBase - Sea gr een

Band - French b lue



Boi ler feed wa ter Base - Sea green 217

Condensate Base - Sea gr eenBand - L ight bro wn


Dr ink ing w ater

Base - Sea gr een

First band - French blue Second

band - Signal red




Industr ia l w aterBase - Sea gr een

Band - L ight o range



Hydrau lic pow er waterBase - Sea gr een

Band - Black



Com pr essed air Base - Sky blu e 101

Inst ru ment a i r Base - Sky b lueBand - L ight bro wn


VacuumBase - Sky b lue

Band - Black



Steam b e low 3 .5 kg / cm2 (g)

Base - Silver grey if Bitu lac or Al-


Band - Br i l liant green



3.5-20 kg/ cm2 (g)

Base - Silver grey if Bitu lac or Al-


Band - French b lue



21-40 kg/ cm 2 (g) Base - Al- jacket -

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Band - Dark vio let 796

Above 40 kg /cm 2 (g)Base - Al-jacket

Band - Signal red



Dra inage Base - Black -

Lubr icat ing o i lBase - L ight b row n

Band - Light gr ey



Hydraul ic o i lBase- Light bro w n

Band - Dark violet



Transformer o i lBase - L ight b row n

Band - L ight o range



Fuel o i lBase - L ight b row n

Band - Signal red



Coke oven / coal gas/o the r fuel gases

Base - Canar y yello w

Band - Signal re d



Freon (chlorof luore der ivat ive of

m ethane and e thane)

Base - Canar y yello w

Band - Light gr ey



ArgonBase - Canary yellow

Band - French b lue



AcetyleneBase - Canar y yello w

Band - Dark violet



LP gas

Base - Canar y yello w

First b and - Signal red

Second b and - Traff ic green



267Ni t rogen

Base - Canar y yello w

Band - Black



OxygenBase - Canar y yello w

Band - Wh i te



Regenerated a cid (d i lute) (1)Base - Dark vio let

Band - L ight b row n



Hydroch lor ic acid (conc.) (1)

Band - Dark violet

First b and - L ight bro wn Second

band - L igh t b row n




Spent l iqu orBase - Dark vio letFirst b and - Light bro wn

Second band - Light brow n



W ash l iquorBase - Dark vio let

Band - Light gr ey



Di lute acid ic l iquor

Base - Dark vio let

First band - Light grey

Second b and - Br i l l iant green




Hydrof luor ic acid (conc.) (1)Base - Dark vio let

Band - Silver gre y



Acidic slur ries Base - Dark violet 796

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Band - W hi te -

AlkalisBase - Dark vio let

Band - Deep bu f f



Non-acidic slurries Base - Sea gr eenBand - Wh i te


Fire fight ing syst em Base - Signal red 537

Rain w ater dow n p ipesBase - Sea gr een

Band - Sky b lue



Duct wo rk Base - A lum in ium -

Lighting conduit sBase - Black

Band- Yellow



Inst ru ment condu i tsBase - Black

Band - Red



Pow er cond uit s Base - Black –

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Annexure-I I  



1.0   Belt Conve yor

2 .0   Actuato r operated f lap gate


1. Plum m er box 1 set.

2. Self al igning ball b earing 1 set .

3. Gaskets 1 set .

4. Lim it Sw itch 1 set.

5. Sealing 1 set.

6. Oil Seal 1 set.

3.0 Side Arm Charger


1. Gear box spares (complete gear box assy., oi l seal and

bear ing) 

1 set.

2. Carr iage w heels a) Bearings b) Oil Seals c) Plum m er

b lock d) Car r iage whee l f i t ted wi th shaf t (w i thout

Plum m er Block)

a)1 set. b) 2 sets

c) 1 set d ) 1set

3. Coup l ing 1 set.

4. Travel w heel assemb ly 1 No.

5. Bearing 1 set.




-Driving Pulley

-Non-Driving Pulley

1 no . of each size & typ e.

2. Id lers 1 no . of each size & typ e

3. Input shaft assemb ly (only p in ion & input shaft ) 1 no . each typ e

4. 1st Reduction Gear 1 no . each typ e

5. Oil seal 2 no s. each typ e

6. Coup l ing 1 no . each typ e

7. Hold back 1 no . each typ e


Safe ty d evices

-   Pul l chord swit ches

-   Belt sway swit ches

-   Zero speed switch es

5% of to ta l quant i ty

5% of to ta l quant i ty

5% of to ta l quant i ty

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6. M ot or including sl ip r ing m ot or, Bear ings and Oi l seal 1 set.each of

typ e and size

7. Brakes com plete assemb ly w i th l in ing and spr ings 1 set.

8. Coup l ings w ith com plete assem bly, p ins, bushes, andn u t s

1 set.

9. Hydraul ic pow er Pack w ith a l l accessor ies 1 set.

3.0   W agon Tippler a nd Accessories


N O .


1 . Speed Redu cers (a)com plet e gear bo x assy., (b)oil seal and

(c) bearing) 

a)1 set. b ) 4 sets

c) 2 set of each type and

ra t ing

2. M oto r a ) M oto r inc lud ing sl ip r ing mo tor , b )Bear ings c) Oi l


a)1 set. b ) 1 sets

c) 1 set of each type and

ra t ing

3. Brakes a) Com plete assem bly b) L in ings and spr ings 1 set. of each typ e and rat ing

4. Coup l ings w ith com plete assem bly, p ins, bushes, and nut s 1 set. each type and

rat ing/sise

5. a) Thyr isto r / VVVF cards/ M odu les

b) Relays

a) 1 No. of each type. B) 2

No. o f each type and ra t ing

6 (a) Hydraul ic Pum p w ith electr ic mo tor, coupl ing, valves(moun ted on pum p) e tc :(b ) Hydrau l ic M otor

(c) Valves(d) O .P. Coo lers

(e) Fi l ter Elem ent s

(f)Pressur e Sw itch

(g)Tem peratu re Sw itch  

1 Set o f each t ype and size

1 No. o f each typ e and size

1 No. o f each typ e and size1 No.

10 Nos. of each type

1 No. o f each type

1 No. o f each type  

7 Bearings (not cover ed separate ly) 1 Set of each

typ e and size

8 Lim it Sw itches 2 Nos. of each typ e.

9 Cyl inder M an i fo ld b lock w i th a l l va lves mou nted on i t 1 Set10 Hydraul ic cyl inder w i th p iston 1 Set of each type and size

11 Seals of hydrau l ic cyl inder and pum ps etc. 2 Sets of each typ e

12 Hydr aulic ho ses 2 sets

13 Gear box to ta l 1 set

14 Gear f lexib le coupl ing 1set

15 Rod end bear ings w i th hous ing 1 se t fo r a l l four c lamps

16 Pressure Switches, Common manifo ld b lock complete wi th

al l valves m oun ted on i t , M ain Pivot b ear ing,

1 no . each

17 Pin ion suppo r t & bear ing 1 No each type

18 Pinion 2 nos

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19 Latch (Pinion & rack segm ent locking device) 1 No.

20 Chain & Spro cket 1 set

5.0 Apron Feeder


1 . Head Pul ley com plete w i th shaft 1 No.

2 . Tail pu l ley comp lete w i th shaft 1 No.

3 . Dr ive Mo to r   1 No . of each type and size  

4 . Gear Box  1 No. of each type and size & direct ion . 

5 . Complete internals of gear box

inc lud ing input and ou tput shaf ts 

1 No . of each type and size  

6 . Reduction gears  1 Set o f each t ype and size 

7 . Flu id coup l ing, f lexib le coupl ing et c.  1 Set o f each t ype and size 

8 . Tract ion ro l lers  20% of popu la t ion  

9 . Carrying idlers  20% of popu la t ion  

10 . Retu rn Rol lers  20% of popu la t ion  

11 . Spro cket segm ents  2 Sets of each typ e and size 

12 . Link Chain 20% of each typ e and size

Pans (fl ight s) 10%

14 Hydraul ic cyl inder 1 set of each typ e and size

15 Seal kit of hyd raulic cylinder s 1 set

16 Plum m er blocks 1 No. of each type and size  17 Bearings 1 Set of each typ e and size

6.0 Tw in Shaft Sizer


1. Gear Coup l ing Assem bly 1 No.

2. Flu id Coup l ing 1 No.

3. Fixed Bearing Assem bly 1 No.

4. Floating Bearing Assem bly 1 No.

5. Input Shaft Assemb ly 1 No.

6. Out put Shaft Assemb ly 1 No.

7.0 Electric Ho ist


1. Ball bear ing 1 set.

2. Needle bear ing w ith inner race 1 set.

3. Bush bear ing 1 set.

4. Rope t ight ener 1 set.

5. Rop e guide 1 set.6. Rop e sheave 1 set.

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7. Thru st bear ing 1 set.

8. Rol ler bear ing w ith inner race 1 set.

9. Brake l ining 1 set.

10. Lim it switch com plete 1 set.11. Rot or p in ion 1 set.

8.0 M anual Hoist


1. Grooved sheave 2 sets

2. Pinion 1 set

3. Bearing 1 set

4. Shaf t pin 1 set




1. Busbar supp ort insulato rs 10 Nos. of each type / M CC

2. Cur rent t ransformers 1No. o f each type & ra t ing / M CC

3. Potent ia l t ransformers 415/110V 1 No. / M CC

4. M ale contact of ACB (main and aux.) 1 set / M CC

5. Female contact of ACB (main and aux.) 1 set / M CC6. Limit switch of ACB 3 Nos. / M CC

7. Spr ing charging m oto r of ACB 3 Nos. / M CC

8. Closing coil of ACB 2 Nos. / M CC

9. Tr ipping coi l of ACB 2 Nos. / M CC

10. Breaker contr ol sw itch 2 Nos. / M CC

11. Relays 1No. of each type/ M CC

12. Auxi l iary re lay 2 Nos. of each typ e / M CC

13. Ind icating Lamp assem bly (LED LVGP

type )

10 Nos. of each type & colour

 / M CC

14. Phase sequence met er 2 Nos.


1. Bear ing (dr ive end) 1 No. of each type

2. Bear ing (Non-dr ive end) 1 No. of each type

3. End shield (DE and NDE) 1 set o f each typ e

4. Cool ing fan of m ot ors 1 No. of each type

5. Fan cover 1 No. of each type

6. Bear ing pu l ler 1 Nos. of each type

7. Grease gun 2 No s.

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1. Bus bar supp ort insulato rs 3 Nos. of each type / DB2. M CCB 2 Nos. of each rat ing/ DB

3. M CB 2 Nos. of each rat ing/ DB

4. Breaker contr ol sw itch 2 Nos. / DB

5. Cont ro l swi tch 2 Nos. o f each type/ DB


1. HV bu sh ing (1 set = 3 no s.) 1 set

2. LV bu shing (1 set = 3 no s.) 1 set

3. Temp. scanner 1 no.

4. Neut ral bushing CT 1 no. of each typ e/ rat io


1. Thyr isto r fuse 1 no. of each rat ing

2. Electron ic logic card 1 no. of each typ e


1. Amm eter 1 No. o f each range

2. Indicator Lamp Assemb ly 5 sets

3 . Cont ro l swi tch 1 no. o f each type

4. Push but ton 1 no. o f each type


1. Lam ps 4 Nos. of each type

2. Fi t t in gs 2 Sets of each type

3. Cont rol gear comp lete 2 Sets of each type4. T im er 1 No.



Air W ashing typ e Venti lat ion System s.

Cent rifu gal Fans & Filter s V -Belt



Conn ection Fi l ter e lemen t

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

20% of requ i rement

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W ater Pum p Impel le r

Coupl ing


Gland Packing

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

2 sets of each typ eNo zzles No zzles 10% of requirem ent

Valves Valves 1 set of each typ e

Exhaust Fans Bearings 1 set o f each t ype

Dry Fog & Plain W ater Spr in kl ing type Dust Supp ression System s

W ater Pum p Impel le r

Coupl ing


Gland Packing

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

2 sets of each typ e

Nozzles Nozzles

No zzle t ips

10% of requ i rement 20%

of requ i rem ent

Spr in klers No zzles 10% of requirem ent

Soleno id Valves Soleno id Valves 10% of requirem ent

Pressur e gauges Pressu re Gauges 1 set o f each t ype

Sensors and Instru m ents Sensors & Instru m ents 1 set of each typ e

Valves Valves 1 set of each typ e

Pressure Regulating Units


PRU 1 set of each typ e

Flow Activat ion Stat ion


FAS 1 set of each typ e

Compressor Bearings

Cou plings / V Belts



Gaskets / O Rings

Valves / Safet y valves

Pisto n r ings

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

1 set o f each t ype

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Annexure- II I  


1.0   Check List for Bid submission

1. Al l draw ings and docum ent s du ly signed as per TS subm itted

a long wi th B id

- Yes/ N o

2. Clause w ise l ist of deviat ion s from TS furn ished - Yes/ No

3. Tim e bar chart and level of PERT netw ork furn ished as per

the TS

- Yes/ N o

4. Separate pr ice bid subm itte d - Yes/ No

5. Necessary par ticular s to establish th e possession of

techn ical know -how and faci l it ies available furnished as per


- Yes/ N o

6. Reference l ist for supp ly of sim i lar equipm ent a long w ith

users’ cert i f icate fu rnished as per the TS

- Yes/ N o

7. W ri te up of test ing faci li t ies avai lable at w orks furn ished as

per t he TS

- Yes/ N o

8. Br ief scope of col labo rat ion for col laborat ion agreem ent

furn ished as per th e TS

- Yes/ N o

9. Clause w ise l ist of deviat ion s / exclusions furn ished as per

the TS

- Yes/ N o

10. Delivery sched ule ind icated as per TS - Yes/ No

11. Bought out i tem s confo rm s to TS - Yes/ No

12. Location and size of M CC & contr ol roo m indicated - Yes/ No

13. List o f to ols fur nished as per TS - Yes/ No

14. List o f com m ission ing spares furn ished as per TS - Yes/ No

15. L ist of spares for tw o years operat ion along w ith item w ise

pr ice fu rnished as per TS

- Yes/ N o

16. L ist of insurance spares w ith pr ice furn ished as per TS - Yes/ No

17 Erection plan s fur nished as per TS - Yes/ No

2.0 Questionnaire

The Bidder shal l f i l l in th is que stionn aire and subm it in hard as w el l as a soft copy w ith their Bid.

This data shal l form a part of t he cont ract w i th successful Bidder.

2.1 Genera l

1. Nam e and address of th e Bidd er

2. Previous exper ience of the Bidder

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3. List of simi lar equipm ent suppl ied

4. W heth er the Bidder has any technical

co l labora t ion wi th any o ther company /

o rgan iza t ion fo r h is equ ipment5. I f answer to que stion 4.0 is yes, furn ish the

fol low ing detai ls.

a) Nam e and address of t he col laborator

b) Nature o f the co l labora t ion in de ta i l

c) Previous exper ience of th e col labo rato r

6. List of draw ings l i teratur es enclosed w ith the

o f fe r

7 Is i t the B idder 's in ten t ion , i f awarded the

contract, to comply fu l ly in a l l respects wi th

owner ’s speci f icat ions cover ing the work? If not,

he shal l stat e speci f ic except ion in detai ls




Design ed capacity

Guaranteed capaci ty

M a k e :


Angle of t ipp ing:

Dr ive:

Tippler d r ive:

Side arm charger:


Clamping:W t . o f the mach ine

Tippl ing t im e cycle:

Rail Gauge:

Drive Rack Assemb ly

Spherical rol ler bearing SKF NO.24168





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Tippler Bal last-25T at each end frame Made

from concre te w i th s tee l scrapDRIVE PINIO N


Face w idth

No.o f tee th

Pressur e a ngle

Ma te r i a l







Oi l pum p p ropor t iona l contro l o f capacity

Tank capacity

Elect r ic mot or fo r W T main dr ive

Elect r ic mot or fo r W T clamp




M o d e l



Deta ils o f M oto r

Pressure (M ax)

Torque theor i t ical

Pow er theor i t i ca l (M ax)

Speed (M ax)








W i d t h


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M a k e :


Pan wid th :


M o t o r



Conv.BeltBel t w id t h

Belt lengt h



M ain Dimensions

Tot al length

Tota l w id th

Tot al Height

Estimated Mass

Chamber Dimensions

Tot al length

Tota l w id th

Tot al Height

Frame Dim ensions

Tot al Height

Shaft Conf igurat ionsNo . Teeth / Segm ent

No . Segment / Shaft

Roll Lengt h

Roll Speed

Bearing Type

Bearing Lubrication

Gear Box


Outpu t Torque

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M ax Peak over load Torqu e

Transmission Ratio

No . of Stages

Lubr icat ion TypeCalculated l ife t ime

Approx. M ass

Recom m ended Insta l led pow er

Est im ated Absorbed pow er



M a k e

Quant i ty requ i red

Carrying capacity / stre ngth

W eighing capacity


Platfo rm size

M o u n t i n g


Taring facil i tyAu to ta re


Cycle o f w e ighm ent

Du ty

Pow er supp ly required

Opera t ing tem p.range

Platfo rm size

M ater ia l o f construct ion

Load cell

Load c ell capacity



Characterstic Specification

M a k e


No .of loadcel ls

Capacity o f each loadcellRated outp ut

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Com bined er ror

Repeatabi l i ty

CREEP ON LOAD (30m in)

Zero balance vol tageInput resistance

Out put r esistance

Compensated temp.range

Opera t ing tem p.range

Temp.eff ect on span

Temp.e f fect on t a re

Exci tat ion vol tage

Safe o verload

Ul t imate o ver load

Insulation resistance

Protect ion





M ode l no .

TypePow er supp ly

Opera t ing tem pera ture



Non - l inear i ty

Repeatabi l i ty

Exci taton t o tran sducer



Ou tpu t

Programm able param eters

Casing dim ension


Type of side ar m charger (sac)

Sac pu ll ing capacity

SAC to tal tra vel

M ax.wagon size that sac can hand le

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Type of luff ing system for sac

Track gauge

Opera t ing speed o f sac in m / s

Forw ard w i th s ingle w agonReturn

Type of po w er supp ly system f or sac

Suppor t ro l le r whee l

Guide rol ler w heel

Feston support post

Electr ic mot or fo r sac




Face w idth

No.o f tee th

Pressur e a ngle

Ma te r i a l


Tota l no s


Pressur e a ngle

Teeth per rack



Oi l pum p p ropor t iona l contro l o f capacity

Tank capacity

Electr ic mot or fo r SAC


HYD.M OTOR D ETAILS FOR SAC r doub le d isp lacement type

M o t o r m o d e l:


Deta ils o f M oto r

Pressure (M ax)

Torque theor i t ical


Speed (M ax)





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Type of side ar m charger (sac)

M ax.rake (Train) size th at Indexer can handle

Type of luf f ing system for Indexer

Track gauge

No.o f w agon h and led by Indexer

Opera t ing speed o f Indexer in m / s

Forw ard wi th rake


Type o f pow er supp ly system for Indexer

Fixed suppo rt ro l ler w heelGuide rol ler w heel

Spru ng support ro l ler assemb ly

Feston support post

Indexer no rmal t rave l



Face w idth

No.o f tee th

Pressur e a ngle

Ma te r i a l


Tota l no s


Pressur e a ngle

Teeth per rack

Ma te r i a l



Oi l pum p p ropor t iona l contro l o f capacityElectr ic m ot or for Indexer

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HYD.M OTOR D ETAILS FOR IND EXER r doub le d isp lacement type

M o t o r m o d e l:Displacement:

Deta ils o f M oto r

W t

Pressure (M ax)

Torque theor i t ical

Pow er theor i t i ca l (M ax)

Speed (M ax)










Sl. No DescriptionBelt Conveyor System

1 Conveyor capacity, M t / h

a) Rated (guarant eed)

b) De sign

2 Bel t w id th , m m

3 Belt speed, m / sec

4 Length, cent re to cent re , m

5 Lift , m

6 M ax. angle of incl inat ion, degree

7 Radius of curvatur e for :

a) Con cave

b) Conv ex

8 Detai ls of take-up

i) Type of t ake-up

a) For Boom conveyor o f stacker / recla imer

b) For In term ediate Conveyor o f stacker

c) For a l l o th er conveyors

9 Belt ing

i) Type of f abric

i i ) Cove r grade

i i i ) Cover th ickne ss, m m- Face cover, m m

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- Back cover, m m

iv) No. of pl ies

v) Troughing angle

vi) Factor o f safetyvi i ) Norm al work ing t ension

vi i i ) Type of belt jo int

10 i ) Id ler typ e:

a) Carry ing (except in case of reversible conveyo r)

b) Retu rn

c) At load ing po in t

i i) Idler Spacing

a) Carrying

b) Retu rn

c) At load ing po in t

d) Self aligning (carry ing side)

e) Self al igning (retu rn side)

11 Pulleys :

i ) Min im um shel l th ickness

i i ) End disc thickness

i i i ) Shaft d ef lect ion at h ub

iv) Lagging th ickness

v) Lagging

vi) Pul ley M aterial (For ILM S conveyo r)

vi i ) Shaft m aterial

12 Drive Pul leysi) Lagging

i i ) Diamond pat tern groove

i i i) M in im um angle o f wrap

iv ) Maxm. ou t o f roundness

13 Rubb er for pu l ley lagging

i) Type

i i ) Sho re Hard ness

ii i) Elongation

iv) Stren gth

v) Ab rasion loss

vi) Specific gravity

vi i ) Adhesion Str ength

14 Emergency Stop Sw itch & Belt Sway Sw itch System

i) Spacing (Em ergency stop )

ii) Spacin g (Belt Sw ay Sw itch )

i i i) Degree of pro t ect ion

15 Zero Speed Sw itch

i) Type

i i ) M ount ing locat ion

16 Conv eyor Gallery

a) Walkways w id thb) Side w indo w s in staggered fashion

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i) Spacing (c/ c)

ii) Size

17 Deck p la tes

a) Mate r ialb) Thickness, m m

18 Seal plates

a) Mate r ial

b) Thickness

19 Ston e picking arrangem ent

20 Chut e Jamm ing Detecto r

(a) Type

(b) Degree of Prot ect ion

21 Redu ction gears

a) Typ e

b) Size

22 Fluid Coup l ings

a) Typ e

b) Rating, kW

23 Brakes

a) Typ e

b) Ratin g

c) Prote ct ion

24 Flexible coupl ings

a) Typ e

b) Ratin g25 Dr ive m o to rs

a) Typ e

b) Make

c) Insulat ion class

d) M otor nam eplate ra t ing, kW at 500 C ambient

e) Protect ion Class



N o


1 Chut es & hopp ers const ru ct ion

2 M in imum va l ley ang le ( f rom the hor izont a l ), degree

3 M ater ia l & Pla te th ickness

a) Sl iding zones and adjacent sides

b) Non st r ik ing/ non slid ing zones

c) Chu te w ith val ley angle 80° and abov e

d) In the zone of magnet ic f ield o f ILM S

e) In t he zone of f lap gates

f) Discharge Hoods over h ead pul leys

g) Location o f Inspection do or/ seal ing4 Skirt board

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a) Plat e th ickness, mm

b) Length o f each skir t b oard, m

c) Height , m m

d) Wid th , mme) Top cover plate t hickness , mm


Sl. No Description

1 . Make

2. Dimensions

3. M ater ia l o f const ruct ion o f the gate

4. Liner plat e specif icat ion

5. M ethod of f ix ing o f l iner p la tes

6. Type and make of dr ive and ra t ing

7. Capaci ty and designat ion o f the equipment

8. Tota l w eight and weight o f ind iv idua l par ts

9. Type of actuator and th rust in kg o f each actuator

10. St roke in mm of each actuator

11. Ve loci ty mm per o f each actuator

12. M oto r : Type, ra t ing, pow er supply, c lass o f dut y, insu la t ion,

make numb er o f s ta r t s/ hou rs

13. M ake, ra t ings, type o f l im i t sw i tches

14 Ef for t requ i red for m anual operator , kgf

15. Type of l imi t swi tches


Sl. No Description

1. Location

2. Capacity

3. Duty classi f icat ion as per IS:3938-1983

4. Tota l w eight o f ho ist includ ing e lect r ica l equ ipm ent

5. M ake of ho ist b lock

6. Speeds w ith safe w ork ing load7. Li f t ing height

a) Above f loor leve l

b) Be low f loor leve l

8 . W ire ropes

a) Type o f construct ion

b) Size

c) Number o f fa l ls

d) Factor o f safety

9. Rope dru m

a) M ater ials

b) Diamet er

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10. Drives

a) Type & m ater ia l o f gear box

b) Gear & p in ion

c) M ater ia l & hardness1 1 . M o t o r s

a ) Type & numb er

b) Kw ra t ing

c) Synchro nou s speed

d) Class of insulat ion

e) Pu l l out t orque

f) Fram e size

12. Brakes

a) Typ e

b) size

c) Torque ra t ing

13. Type & deta i ls o f l imi t sw i tches

14. Type of coupl ings

15. Type of bear ings

16. Li f t ing hoo k

a) Typ e

b) Mater ia l

17. Type & deta i ls o f cont ro l

18. Trol ley Speed w ith safe wo rking load

19. Wheels

a) Num bersb) Diamet er

c) M ater ia l & hardness

d) M ax. w heel load

e) Whe el base

20. Drive

a) Type & m ater ia l o f gear box

b) Gears & p in ions

c) M ater ia l & hardness

d) Kw ra t ing

e) Synchr onou s speed

f) Class of in sulat ion

g) Pu l l out t orque

h) Fram e size

21 Brakes

a) Typ e

b) Size

c) Torque ra t ing

22. Type & deta i ls o f l imi t sw i tches

23. Type of coupl ing

24. Type of bear ings

25. Type & deta i ls o f cont ro ls26. Clearance diagram indicat ing th e basic dim ensions

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27. Type & lubr icat ion provided

28. Type & size of cables

29. Locat ion & contro l deta i ls o f ho ist b lock pow er feed ing

30. Any o th er in form at ion


Sl. No . Descript ion

(a) During part icipat ion in techn ical Bid:

1.0 G.A. Dra w ing. VENDER TO CONFIRM

2.0 W heel Load Diagram (Wh eel Distan ce & W heel Load).

3.0 Sket ches show ing ful l det ai ls of cranes w ith dim ension s/ end

clearances (between centre of LT rai ls to column face of bui lding),

overhead clearance from LT rai ls, hook approach l imits, l i f t height,Detai ls of Web thickness baff le plates, St i f feners ,of Girder sect ion ,

End carriage (Boggies) Tro lley Section et c.

4 .0 Vendo r to subm i t appropr ia te Q.A. Plan.

(b) Af ter Receip t o f Order :

1.0 Calculat ion for Box Girder, End Carriage stru ctural plates/ W eb /

St i f fener plate, Wheel Load calculat ion & Calculat ion for select ion of

Diam eter o f Wh eel, M oto r , Gearbox and Brake etc. 3 - sets o f

fol low ings do cum ents l ike G. A Draw ings, Stru ctural draw ings l ike End-

carr iage, Box Girder, Assembly Drawings/ Sub- assembly Drawings,

Gear Box Drawings (specially of Typical Gears having Helix Angle,

Pressure A ngles, M odu les etc.) ,Bracket/ Curr ent Col lect or System ,

Hook Block, LT & CT wheel, M ain Hook assem bly LT m achinery,

Hoist ing machinery, Electr ical Drawings comprising Power , Control

Circui ts , Electronic Circui try diagram for RRC etc. No fabricat ion /

purchase of BO. Item s should be taken up b efore th e approva l o f the


(c) Wi th the supply o f crane:

1.0 Operat ing m anuals of Crane - 3 Sets.

2.0 Detai led M aintenan ce m anual of Crane. Spares- part l ist / concerned

draw ing of t he spares -3 Sets.

3 .0 M aintenance, In ter face & comm ission ing m anuals for Contro l ler &dr ives - 2 Sets a long w i th d r ive parameter isat ion sof t ware.

4 .0 Cata logues, O& M Manuals o f a l l bought out i tem s includ ing draw ings,

wherever appl icable.

5.0 Detai led specif icat io n of al l rub ber i tem s l ike Oi l- Seals / O- Rings etc.

6.0 One Soft copy for th e above requisi tes shal l also be suppl ied in CD.


Sl. No Descript ion

1 . Name o f the manu factu re r , t ype & mod e l no

2. Num bers o f fered & the i r locat ion

3. Safe wo rking load for each ho ist ( in to nes)

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4. Dut y class as pe r IS:3832 -1983

5 . Head room , mm

6. Li f t , m m

7. M in imum rad ius o f curvature o f wh ich th is ho ist cannego t ia te (mm )

8. W eight o f each ho ist

9. Specif icat ion of each chain

10 Tools & tackles included in offer

11. Com m issioning spares & 2 years

12. Operat ing spares included in off er

13. Any o th er in form at ion


Drawings / Data a long w i th t he B id

1 )  Schem atic drawings show ing f low of m ater ia ls.

2 )  Layout drawings of Addi t ional Coal Storage and Handl ing System showing clear ly the Major

Equipment, Junction Houses, Conveyor Galleries, Approach Road, Rail Track for Yard Equipment,

Yard D rainage Schem e etc.

3 )  General Arrangement Drawing of Addi t ional Coal Storage and Handl ing System showing clear ly

th e M ajor Equ ipm ent, Junct ion Hou ses, Conveyo r Gal ler ies, Bel t Conveyor w i th d r ive, ta i l and t ake

up ar rangement , h o ist ing & hand l ing fac i li t ies env isaged fo r m ain tenance o f equ ipment .

4 )  Cross Section of Add i t ional Coal Storage Yard show ing the coal stock p i le, yard equ ipm ent, t rack

rai l for stacker and recla imer, yard d rainage system etc.

5 )  General Arrangemen t o f M ajor Equipm ent show ing plan, e levation, cross sect ion s along wit h

m ount ing deta ils, w i th broad d imensions and t echn ica l param eters .

6 )  Basic calculat ion substant iat ing select ion o f a l l m ajor equ ipm ent, m oto rs, gear boxes, coupl ings,

brakes etc.

7 )  Equipment wise List of commissioning spares and consumables with i tem wise descr ipt ion and

quant i ty inc luded in th e main o f fe r .

8 )  Equipment wise l ist of 2 years operat ional spares (un-pr iced). The l ist shal l indicate descr ipt ion

and quant i ty fo r each item .

9 )  List of special too ls and t ackles

10)  Detai ls / draw ings for Civi l & Str uctu ral Engineer ing wo rks.

11)  Single l ine diagram of po wer d istr ibu t ion system .

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12)  Electr ical schem atic d iagram s

13)  Cable specification s, cables sch edule and cable layou t draw ings.

14)  Any o ther st ructura l / m echan ical / e lect r ical e tc . d raw ings / da ta m ent ioned e lsewh ere in the

techn ical specif icat ion as w el l as con sidered necessary by the Purchaser/ Consul tant s.

15)  List o f exclusion, i f any from Bidder ’s Scope of W ork.

16)  List o f d eviat ions from technical speci f icat ion .



Drawings / Data / Document s a long w i th th e B id

1.  Deta i led scope o f work wi th genera l descr ip t ion o f the system & equ ipment o f fe red

speci fying the important features and detai led design cr i ter ia and design phi losophy

including fu l l deta i ls of refer ence data, assum pt ions, etc.

2 .  Descr ipt ion to be accompanied by single l ine diagrams and equipment layout to enableow ner to have proper apprec ia t ion o f equ ipm ent o f fe red and i ts op era t ion .

3 .  Bil l of Quanti t ies (un -pr iced) in speci f ied format, wi th d ivis ion l ist of suppl ies from foreign

and indigenous sources.

4 .  List of specif ic exclusions, if an y, from Bidder ’s Scope of W ork.

5 .  List of deviat ion s from technical speci f icat ions,

6 .  Equipment wise List of commissioning spares and consumables with i tem wise descr ipt ionand quant i ty inc luded in t he main o f f e r .

7 .  List o f 2 years operat ion spares, equipm ent w ise (un-pr iced). The l ist shal l indicate

descr ip t ion and quant i ty fo r each i tem .

8 .  List of special too ls and t ackles

9.  W ork Schedu le wi t h bar chart indicat ing al l act iv i t ies for e lectr ics.

10 .  Phase-wise con str uct ion po wer requ iremen ts for erect ion / t est in g act iv i t ies.

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11 .  Questionnaire a s asked, du ly f i l led- in.

12 .  Reference l ist o f s imi lar job s carr ied ou t

13 .  Dim ensiona l de ta ils & w e ights o f each equ ipm ent o f fe red ( ten ta t ive)

Technical Data to be submit ted w ith the Bid.

1.  Nam e and capaci ty o f M CC considered

2.  List of LT dr ives of e ach M CC along w ith single l ine diagrams


Connected load and M aximu m dem and o f each sect ion o f 6 .6 kV sw i tchboard / 415 V PCC

4.  Connected load and M aximu m dem and o f each sect ion o f M CC.

5.  List of motors wi th rat ings ( working+ standby) 6. L ist of performance tests proposed by the

tenderer to demonstra te the guaranteed parameters fo r the e lect r ica l equ ipments. 7 .

Speci f ic energy consumption, maximum demand and annual energy consumption. 8. Type

test cert i f icates for major categor ies of equipment, issued by independent test ing author i ty.

9. Technical catalogues of m ajor equipm ent o ffered. 10. Services to b e provid ed by ow ner at

batt ery l im i t w i th speci f icat ion 11. Single Line Diagram o f each M CC/ DB 12. Capaci ty of U PS

for stacker & recla imer 13. Capacity of PLC for stacker & recla im er 14. Size o f HT/ LT tra i l ing

cables considered 1 5. Rating of 6.6 kV on load isolators considered



The in form at ion / da ta asked under t h is sect ion sha l l be fu rn ished by the t enderer a long w i th the

of fe r . In the event o f the cont ract b e ing awarded , th e data / techn ica l par t icu la rs fu rn ished h ere

under and accepted b y the ow ner sha l l be deem ed to fo r m a par t o f t he contract .

Design Considerat ions :

1. List of Dr ives/ M echanism w ith kW Rating :

2. Aux. Pow er Consum pt ion :

Spares and t ools & tackles

1 .List of com m issioning spares : L ist to be sub m itted

2. List of m andato ry spares : L ist to be sub m itted

3. List of special too ls and tackles : L ist to be sub m itted

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Sum m ary Of Technical Param eters Of M ajor Electrical Equipm ent


N o .

Equ ipment

Descr ipt ion& Q t y

M a k e & t y p e

 / Coun t r y o fmanufacture



Dimension Rating as

per designcond i t ion o f



Tech Data


1. M ake, type & app l icab le s tandard

2. Furn ish fo l low ing for a l l dr ives

Rated Paramet ersWork ing

 / Stan db ySl. No App lication

kW Voltage Speed Enclosure Qty


1. M ake, Type & Appl icable Standard :

2. Rated Vol tage, current & Frequen cy :

3. Sho rt t im e rat in g :

4. Bus bar mat er ia l & typ e of sleeving :

5. Prot ection class :

Com ponents o f M CC M ake & Type

1 Air Circuit Breaker :

2. M CCB :

3. AC Con tact or :

4. DC Cont ractor :

5. Therm al Relay :

6. Con tro l Devices :

7 . M eters :

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of Vo l t ,A m p s


Front/Doub le


No. o f

bu ssections


load persection

M a x .

load persection

No. o f


Overal l

d imensions


1 . Make

2. Type

3. Draw out type w i th bu i l t in test fac il ity

4. Relay det ails


1 . Make

2. Type

3. Reference standard

4. Size


1. M ake, type & app l icab le s tandard

2. Ratio & accuracy class: m eter ing/ pro tect ion

3. Rated vo l tage – shor t t im e ra t ing


1. Type

2. Pr im ary/ secondary vol tage rat io

3 . M e thod o f connect i on4. Rated vol tage facto r

5. Class of insulat ion


1. M ake, Type & Appl icable Standard

2. Rated Vol tage, current & Frequency

3. Shor t t im e ra t ing

4. Bus bar ma ter ia l & type of sleeving

5. Protect ion class

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Com ponent s of DB

1. Breaker2. M CCB/M CB

3. AC Con tact or

4. Therm al Relay

5. Control Devices

6 . Me te rs



N o




o f

Vo l t ,

A m p s


Front /

Doub le


No.o f

bu s



load per


M a x .


p er


No . o f


Overal l

d imensions

TRANSDUCER (For each type)

1 . Make

2. Outpu t range

3. Accuracy

4. M aximu m burden on CT/PT

5. Nom ina l input / ra ted I /V

6. Over load capaci ty w i tho ut loss in accuracy


1.  Wh ether l igh tn ing conductors have beenenvisaged for the l ightn ing prot ect ion : Places to be indicated

2.  Angle o f p ro t ect ion :

3 .  W het her bu i ld ing is a lso pro tected : Yes/No

4. Num ber o f e lect rodes prov ided :

5. Eart hing resistan ce value :

6. Size of dow n conducto rs :


1.  M ater ia l and s ize o f ear th s t r ip fo r t he

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variou s places :

2. Size of main out er str ip :

3. Galvanising cont ent on GI str ip :

4. Value of earth ing resistance(propo sed to be achieved) :

5. Type & size of e lectrodes :

6. Construct ion of earth ing m at, etc as per TS : Included


1. M ake o f the system :

2. Capacity in kVA :

3 . Bat t e ry back up t ime :

4 . M ake & type o f ba t te r y :5 . Numb er o f cel ls per ba t te ry :

6. Overal l d im ension(L x B x H) m m of batt ery :

7. Venti lat ion requ iremen ts :

8. M ake, Rating & type of charger :

9 . M ake, Rat ing & type o f rect i f ie r t ransformer :

10 . M ake & cur rent ra t ing o f SCR & Diode :

11 . M ake & ra t ing o f inver te r :

12 . M ake & type o f s ta t ic t ransfer sw i tch :

13 . M ake & ra t ing o f manua l bypass sw i tch :


1. Name o f manufacturer :

2 . Serv ice-whether indoor or ou tdoo r :

3. Type of cool ing :

4. Ratin g

a. Rat ed KVA :

b. Rated current , amp (rm s), HV/LV :

c. Rated vo ltage, kV (HV/ LV) :

5. Tem peratu re r ise above 500C ambient

a . In o i l by therm om eter , 0C :

b. In w inding by resistance, 0C :

c . Hot spot tem pera ture in w ind ing l im i ted to , 0C :

6. Insulation class :

7. Vector group :

8. Type of tap changer w i th capaci ty/ step s/range :

9. Tapping pro vided on HV side? : Yes/No

10 . Losses

a. No- load loss at rated vol tage and frequen cy :

b. Load loss at rated load :

c. Coo ler loss :

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11. Impedance a t ra ted cur rent f requency :

12. Reactance at rated current and frequ ency, % :

13. Eff ic iency at 0.80 p.f lag % at 100%/7 5%/50 % load :

14. Load/ p.f . at wh ich max. eff ic iency occurs, % fu l l load :15 . M axim um ef f iciency, % :

16 . M in imum c learances in m m HV LV

a. Betw een phases :

b . Between phase and ground :

17 . Wi thstand t im e w i thout in ju ry fo r 3 ph shor t c ircu i t , sec :

18. Insulat ion str ength

a. one m inut e pow er f requency test KV rm s :

b. Imp ulse w ithstand vol tage, KV :

19. Tap changer provided w ith

i . Tap posi t ion indicators ? : Yes/Noi i . Operat ion count er ? : Yes/No

ii i . Padlocking pro visions ? : Yes/ No

20. Detai ls of t ank

i . M ater ia l :

i i . M axim um in terna l w i thstand pressure o f t ank kg /cm2:

21. Enclosure detai ls ( for d ry type t ransform er)

i . M ater ia l :

ii. Thickn ess :

i i i . Degree of pro tect ion :

22. Detai ls of core m ater ia l :

23. Insulat ion mat er ia l :

24. Det ails of bu shin gs HV LV LV- Neu tra l

a . M ake :

b. Type :

c. Vo lta ge class, KV :

25. Insulat ing o i l

a. Appro x volum e of o i l , l i ter :

b. W heth er f i rst f i l l ing of o i l wi t h 10% excess included ? :

c. Oi l confo rm s to IS:335 ? :

26. M arshall ing Box

a. Weatherproof , su i tab le fo r ou t door fo r o i l f il led t ype ? : Yes/No

b. Degree o f p ro t ect ion :

27. Each transform er w i th f i t t ings andaccessor ies : Yes/No

28. Approxima te overal l d imen sions, (LxBxH) m m :

29. Appro ximate w eight s, Kg :

a. Co re and coil :

b. Tank and f i t t ings :

c. Oil :

d . To ta l w e ight :

30. List of special main tenan ce too ls and accesso ries : Fu rnished

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Neu tral CT of transform ers ( for each type)

1. M ake, typ e & appl icable standard :

2. Ratio & accuracy class: m eter ing/ pro tect ion :3. Rated vol tage – sho rt t im e rat in g :



1 . M ake :

2 . M ater ia l o f construct ion :

3. Cross sect ion of mast in polygon (No. of sides) :

4 . Th ickness in m m (bot to m / m idd le / t op sect ions) :

5. Length of individual sect ions (mm ) :

6. Base dia & top diam eter (OAF) :7. Type of jo int s :

8. Length o f over lap ( jo int at s i te m ast Section in m m ):

9. Thickness of galvanizat ion (minim um ) :

10. Size of opening doo r at base (mm ) :

11 . Type o f locking ar rangement & door construct ion :

12. W eights in kgs of 30 m trs h igh m ast :

13. Dynam ic loading as prevai l ing actual at si te :

14. M aximum w ind pressure (Basic w ind speed) :

15 . M axim um gust speed t im e :

16 . Factor o f sa fe ty fo r w ind load :

17. Factor of safety for oth er loads :

Lantern Carriage

1. Diamet er of carr iage r ing (mm ) :

2. Load carryin g capacity :

3. Total w eights of assemb ly w i th f i t t ings :

4 . Num ber o f f i t t ings :

W inch

1 . M ake o f w inch , number o f d rum s pe r w inch :

2. Capacity :

3. Operat ing speed :

4 . M e thod o f ope rat i on :

5. Tested load per drum (kg) :

W ire R ope

1. Grade :

2 . Num ber o f ropes/ th ickness :

3. Constru ct ion :

4. Breaking load capacity :

5. Facto r safety :

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1. Type :

2 . M ake :3. Current carrying capaci ty :

4. Cable size :

Pow er Supply arrangem ent

1.  Input supp ly :

2 .  KW ra t ing o f mo tor :

3 .  Speed o f mo tor :

4 .  Reversib le / Non reversib le :

5 .  Remo te contro l swi tch type :

6 .  Lif t in g capaci ty of to rque Lim iter :

5.0 Ven tilat ion, Air Cond it ioning and Dust Suppression System .

5.1 Bidder s shal l furn ish al l info rm ation as st ipulated in re levant chapter. Bidders shal l a lso

furn ish the fo l low ing in fo rm at ion :

a)   Process f low, process instrumentat ion and control d iagram and water and compressed

air balance d iagrams.

b )  Dimensioned general arrangement and relevant cross sect ional drawings of the pump

hou se, comp ressed air stat ion etc. wi t h speci f icat ion and b i l l of m ater ia l .

c)  Dimensioned genera l a r rangement d raw ings o f a l l equ ipm ent .

d )  All re levant basic design calculat ions suppo rt ing the select ion of equ ipm ent, location o f

valves, specials and suppor ts a long w ith fo rces and m om ents of f ixed supp ort .

5.2 Ducting including Supply Air Dif fusers w ith Volum e Control Dam pers

a)   Duct : M ater ia l, th ickness & q uant i ty

b )  Damp er: m ater ia l , th ickness, size, quant i ty

c)  Supp ly Air Di f fu ser: m ater ia l , th ickness, size, quan ti ty

5.3 Ven tilat ion System s

a)   Type of vent i lat ion system

b )  Capaci ty of each ven ti lat ion system

c)  M ake o f equ ipmen t

d )  Design heat load fo r each prem ise

e)   Indoor c l imat ic cond i t ion to b e main ta ined

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f )  Power r equ i rem ent o f each system

g)  Air change/h r

h )  Any specific design consideration

i)   Noise level a t 1 m d istance f rom the vent i lat ion equ ipm ent j )  No ise level at served prem ises

5.4 Cent rifugal Fan

a)   M a ke & M o d e l N o

b )  Quant i ty , no .

c)  Type of b lade

d )  Capaci ty, m 3/ h

e)   Tota l p ressure , mm W C

f) Speed , rpm

g)  Shaft p ow er, KWh )  Tot al Efficien cy, %

i)  M oto r ra t ing , KW / po le

 j ) Fan Character istic Curve

k)   Impe l le r D iameter , m m

l)  Veloc i ty a t in le t & ou t le t o f fan , m/ sec m

m ) Weigh t o f fan and m o to r , kg

n )  Coup l ing detai ls

o )  Vibra t ion iso la tor t ype & quant i ty

p )  Thickness o f scro ll, blad e, Back plate, shaft m m

q )  No ise level at 1 m d istance

r) Overall size

s)Dr ive M oto r rat ing suggested

5.5 Fan Dr ive M otor Deta i ls

a)   Type & m ake

b )  Voltage, phase & fr equency

c)  Rated pow er

d )  Speed

e)   Star t ing / pu l l ou t t o rque

f ) Line curr ent

g)  Start ing current

h )  Overal l eff ic iency

i)  Class o f in sulat ion

 j ) Type of enclosure

k)   Any o ther in fo rm at ion

5.6 Exhau st fan

a)   M a ke & M o d el

b )  Capaci ty in m 3/h .

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5.9 Cent rifugal Pum p ( indicate separa tely for ventilat ion and dust supp ression)

a)   M ake and mode l no .

b )  Type o f pum pc)  Capaci ty in m 3/h r .

d )  Tota l h ead in m WC.

e)   Quant i ty

f )  M ater ia l o f construct ion

g)  Shaft

h )  Impeller Casing

i)   Pum p speed ( rpm )

 j )  Shaf t p ow er

k)   Drive detai ls

a.   M o t o r m a keb .  M o t o r KW

c.  Insulatio n class

d .  Frame size

l)   Bear ing type & make

m )  Type of coupl ing

n )  Vibrat ion level

o )  Noise leve l a t 1 m d istance f rom pum p set

5.10 Dry Fog & Plain W ater Sprinkling type Du st Supp ression System s

a)   Technical detai ls and quanti ty of main equipment including Nozzles, PRU, FAS and

Inst rum enta t ion fo r Auto Opera t ion .

b )  Technical det ai ls and quan ti ty o f auxi l iary equ ipm ent including air comp ressors, pu mp s, etc.

c)  Technical det ai ls of c i rcular swivel ing spr inklers

d )  Compressed air & water requirement, capaci ty of compressor, a i r receiver, capaci ty of water

pump un i t e tc .

e)   Tota l power consumpt ion . Capaci ty o f each m otor fo r pu mp and comp ressor .

f ) Detai ls of a i r & w ater p ipel ines wit h sizes and qu anti t ies.

g)  Detai ls of valves and f i t t ings

h )  Detai ls of solenoid valves, sensors, pressure gauges and o ther instrum ent s.

i)  Detai ls of t anks

 j ) Deta ils o f hood / ski r t bo ards modi f icat ion

k)   Size of com pressor cum pum p hou se.

l)  Size of only pu m p ho use (In case comp ressed air is not provid ed)

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5.11 Split Air – Cond it ioner

a)   M a ke & M o d el

b )  Quant i tyc)  Capaci ty in TR (Nom inal / Actual

d )  A ir Flow m3 / h

e)   Flow d i rect ion and vo lume cont ro l g r i ll

f )  M ater ia l o f construct ion

g)  Com pre ssor typ e

h )  Dr ive deta ils and t o ta l pow er consum pt ion

i)   Overal l d imensions

 j )  Refr igerant typ e

k)   Filter efficiency

l)   W eigh t o f un i tm )  Noise level at 1m distance in dB(A)

n )  Fixing d etails.

o )  Vibrat ion level.

p )  Accesso ries includ ed

6.0 Draw ings/ docum ent s for Fire Protect ion System

Drawings/ document s to be fu rn ished w i th o f fe r

The tend erer sha l l subm i t the o f fe r a long w i th th e fo l low ing drawings / docum ents.

a)  Scope o f work wi th genera l descr ip t ion o f the system and equ ipment o f fe red spec i fy ing the

impo r tan t featur es. The t enderer has to g ive a conf i rm at ion w i th respect to t he scope o f w ork as

detai led in th is speci f icat ion excepting for the deviat ions, i f any, to be l isted in the schedule of

deviat ion. The descr ipt ion to be accompanied by single l ine diagrams, and equipment layout to

enab le the Purchaser to have a proper apprec ia t ion o f the equ ipment o f fe red and i ts opera t ion .

b )  Speci f ic exclusions, i f any, from scope o f w ork .

c)  Block Scheme diagram for a l l f i re protect ion system along with tentat ive BOQ for major

equ ipments.

d )  Specif ica t ion o f equ ipm ent a long w i th t he i r makes/ ca ta logues and m ater ia l o f construct ion .

e)  Reference l ist of job executed fo r each type of system .

f )  List of m andato ry spares as per requ irement for 2 years operat ion and m aintenance.

g)   List of special too ls and t ackles.

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h )  Amp . hour capaci ty o f DC bat te ry requ i red fo r M FAP.

i)   W ri te up w i th contro l schemat ic on work ing o f a l l f i re p ro tect ion system s.

 j )  Detecto r type and Catalogues

k )  Lin ear heat sensing cable d etails

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Format - 1


1. Nam e and Address of Bidder .

2. Telegraphic Add ress of Bidder

3 . Name and des ignat ion o f the person to who m a l l

references shal l be made to expedi te technical


4. Place of M anufactur er

5. Propo sal No . & Date

6. Current Registrat ion No. w i th D.G.S. & D

7. W he the r all serv ice facil i t ies available?

8. W heth er necessary spare part s avai lable?

9. Has tend erer paid Earnest M oney Deposi t?

10. Is o f fe r va l id fo r four (4 ) mo nths f rom Pr ice b id open ing?

11. Has bidd er quo ted F.O.R site pr ices?

12. Is pr ice break up given in Pr ice Bid?

13. Are pr ices quo ted FIRM ? (Pr ice shou ld be f i rm .)

14 Is the tenderer agreeab le to the te rms o f payment? I f

no t , has te rms o f payment acceptab le to h im beenindicated?

15. Does the tenderer agree to the de l ivery per iods


16. Are th e del ivery per iod s guaranteed under penal ty


17. Is th e ten derer agreeable to pay 10% Secur i ty Deposi t?

18. Are al l schedules for technical part iculars and pr ices

f i l led in?

19. Has tende rer brou ght ou t a l l deviat ions in schedule of

deviat ions?20. W arranty per iod f rom takeover o f p lan t / equ ipm ent .

21. Are equipm ent guarant eed as per var ious guaranteed

clauses of t ender do cum ents?

SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COMPANY ____________________ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Format - 2




Purchaser &



PO No. and


Per iod &

Year of

Comple t ion

Detai ls

o f w o r k


o f p lan t

Total cost of

w o rk done by

b idder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

NOTE: Bidder m ay also f urn ish t he abo ve detai ls for o ngoing assignm ents.

SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COM PANY _____________ _______ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Form at - 3

3.0 Form at fo r dev ia t ions f rom Tender Document

Sl. No Clause No Tender er’s

Deviat ions

Amount o f var ia t ion

(+/- ) to re ta in the

tender cond i t ions

Reason for

Deviat ion

The B idder hereby cer t i f ies tha t the above ment ioned are the on ly dev ia t ions f rom the tender


SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COM PANY _____________ _______ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Form at - 4





Sl. No Descript ion Price

1 2 3

SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COMPANY ____________________ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Form at - 5

5.0 Form at fo r Shutd ow n Requ i rement

Sl . No Descr ipt ion Durat ion of



Number o f

shu tdowns



1 2 3 4 5


However , B idder agrees to car ry ou t the work as and when shutdown wi l l be made ava i lab le by the

purchaser fo r even lesser dura t ion , match ing wi th to t a l hour s o f shutd ow n.

SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COMPANY ____________________ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Form at - 6


Test as per the speci f icat ion and IS shal l be performed. Detai led l ist of tests including resul ts of proto

typ e t ests shal l be indicated in th is schedule.

SIGNATURE ____________ ______________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ____________ _ 

COM PANY _____________ _____________ 

DATE _________ _____________ ____ 


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Form at – 7


Sl . No. Am endment No/ Sheet No Let te r Ref . No. & Date


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Form at - 8


Sl. No . Draw ings Title

1 2 3

SIGNATURE ___________________ 

DESIGNATION _____________ ______ 

COMPANY ____________________ 

DATE _________ ___________ 


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Components schedule given below are for information to Bidders for standardizat ion and

inter changeabi l i ty w i th exist ing Coal Handl ing Plant only. Bidd ers m ust ta ke a no te of t hese com pon ent s

detai ls w hi le select ing a new supp ly to cont rol th e inventory level .

A)  Conve yor Pulley Sched ule

Pulley Type Pulley


( m m )


w i d t h

( m m )



( m m )

Bear ing


( m m )



( m m )




( m m )

630 1150 125 115 1690 1550

630 1150 150 140 2095 1650

630 1150 165 150 2100 1650




800 1150 175 160 2120 1650

400 1150 90 75 1760 1650

400 1150 100 90 1760 1650

Non Dr ive


500 1150 115 100 1770 1650


Bearing & Plum m er Block Schedule.

Plum m er Block ScheduleShaft d iam eter (mm ) Bear ing size

Drive Pulleys No n Drive Pulley

65 22215K 1 – 1328 - AL 1 – 1328 - AL

75 22217K 1 – 149 - AL 1 – 149 - AL

90 22220K M – 1034 - BL M – 1034 - BL

100 22222K M – 1033 - CL M – 1033 - CF

115 22226K M – 1035 - AL M – 1036 - AF

125 22228K M – 1036 - BL M – 1036 - BL

140 22232K M – 1035 - CL M – 1036 - CF150 22234K 1 – 829 - AL 1 – 1330 – AF

160 22236K 1 – 1487 - L 1 – 1488 - F

C)  Gear Box Sched ule.

Gear bo x size Reduc tion Ratio

SZN-200 16 : 1

SZN-225 16 : 1

SZN-250 16 : 1

SZN-280 20 : 1

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SZN-3 20 20 : 1

SZN-250 16 : 1

KDA-200 125:1

D )  Fluid Coup ling Schedu le

Fluid coup ling size Baffle Ratio

FCU-16.25 1.5B

FCU-17.75 1.5B

FCU-23 1.5B

FCU-41 1.5B

E)  Idler Sched ule

The id lers are drop in slot t ype.

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In case the Tenderer / Contractor in tends to subst i tu te any par t icu la r make o f equ ipment /

components / mater ia ls by the i r / h is own make o ther than tha t l i s ted in th is document , the

Tenderer shal l c lear ly br ing out the same in h is tender a long with just i f icat ion and indicate the

m akes o f fe red by h im . It w i l l be prerogat ive o f the Purchaser to accept o r re ject t he tend erer ’s

ow n m akes so o f fe red.



1. 415 V M CC/ (Drawou t

t ype )

1. ABB

2. GE Pow er Con tro l Ltd

3. L& T4. Siem en Ltd

5. Schneid er Eectr ic India Pvt.Ltd

2. 415 V PDB/ DB (Fixed typ e) 1. Con tro l & Sw itchgear Co. Noida

2. GE Pow er Con tro l Ltd

3. L& T4. M .K.Engineers & Contr ols

5. Schneid er Eectr ic India Pvt.Ltd


3. HV M oto rs 1 . A lstor m

2. BHEL3. Crom pt on Greaves Ltd

4. ABB


4. . LV M oto rs 1 . A lstor m

2. Asea Brow n Boveri Ltd, Faridabad3. Bharat Bi j lee

4. Kir loskar Electr ic Co.Ltd , Banbalor e & Hub l i

5. Siemen s

6. CGL5. Local Con tro l Stat io ns

(Weather Proof )

1. Bhart iya Industr ies

2. Baliga Light ing Eqpt (p)Ltd3. Ex-prot ecta

4. Electr ical Equp t.Corpo rat ion5. Flexpro Electricals Pvt.Ltd

6. Prom pt Engineer ing W orks

6. Bim etal Relays 1. ABB,Bangalore2. Bhart iha Industr ies

3. L& T

4. Siemen s5. Schneid er Eectr ic India Pvt.Ltd

7. Con tacto rs 1. ABB,Bangalore

2. Bhart iha Industr ies3. Con tro l & Switchgears Con tacto rs Ltd .

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4. GE Pow er Con tro l India Ltd

5. L& T6. Siem ens Ltd

7. Schneid er Electr ic India Pvt.Ltd

8 Con tro l Sw itches/Selecto rSwitches

1. Alstom Ltd2. Havells India3. Hot l ine Swi t chgear & Cont ro ls4. Kaycee Industr ies

5. L& T

6. Reliable Electron ic Com pon ents Pvt. Ltd7. Siem ens Ltd

8. Sw itron Devices

9. Fu se Sw itch 1. ABB Ltd, Bangalore2. Con tro l & Sw itchgears Co Ltd

3. Havells India

4. Indo Asian Fuse Gear

5. L& T6. Siem ens Ltd7. Standard Electricals

8. Alstom

9. Schneid er Electr ic India Pvt.Ltd

10 Tim ers 1. Bhart iha Industr ies

2. Con cord Cont rols

3. Electr on ic Auto m ation Pvt Ltd4. L& T

5. Siem ens Ltd

6. Schneid er Electric Ind ia Pvt .Lt d

11 Fuse 1. GE Pow er Con tro ls

2. Indo Asian Fuse Gear

3. L& T4. Siem ens Ltd

5. Ferraz6. Bussm an

12 ELCBs 1. Dat ar Sw itch gear Pvt Ltd

2. Indo Asian Fuse Gear3. Legrand India

4. ABB5. Siemen s6. Schneid er Electric Ind ia Pvt .Lt d

7. GE

13. M CBs 1. Datar Sw itchgear Pvt Ltd

2. Havells India3. Indo Asian Fuse Gear4. Ind ian Current Cont ro l

5. Legrand India6. Standard Electricals7. ABB

8. Siemen s

9. GE10.L&T

14 M CCBs 1. GE Pow er Con tro ls2. L& T

3. Schneid er Electric Ind ia Pvt .Lt d4. Siemen s5. ABB

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15 M eters 1 . Autom at ic Elect r ic

2 . M eco Inst rum ents Pvt Ltd3. Nippen Electr ical Instru m ents Co

4. Risabh Instrum ents Pvt.Ltd

5. Industr ial M eters(P) Ltd16 Push But ton s & Ind icat ing

Lamp1. Bhart iha Industr ies2. Con cord Cont rols3. Con tro l & Sw itchgears Co Ltd

4. Hot l ine Swi tchgears & Contro ls

5. L& T6. Precif ine Product s Pvt . Ltd

7. Siemen s

8. Shr i Tulsi Sw itch gears9. Teknick Contr ols

10. Schne ider Electric Ind ia Pvt .Ltd

11. Binoy Op to Electr ics,Kolkata

17 Light in g & Pow er panels 1. Con tro l & Sw itchgears Co Ltd2. Havells India3. Indo Asian Fuse Gear

4. Legrand India

5. Standard Electricals

18 Light ing Fixtu res 1. Bajaj Electri cals

2. Com ptr on Greaves 3 . Phi l ip India

19 Term inal Blocks 1. Essen

2. Connect w el l

3. Elm ex

20 Sw itch socket ou t let s 1. ALSTOM

2. CGL

3 . B & C4 . ESSEN

21 Transdu cer 1. ABB

2. M ECO

22 LT Transform er 1.CGL










25 Con tro l Desk 1. SIEM ENS


3. L& T4. ABB

27 VVVF Drive 1. ALSTOM


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4. L& T





29. 6.6 K V Isolato r 1. PANICKER



30 Trail ing Cables 1. KEI



31 HT Sw itch gear 1. BHEL2 Siemens

3. ABB32 HT Transform er 1 .  BHEL

2   Siemens

3   TELK

4   A BB5   AREVEA


Vent i lation syste m - EFE, C. Doct o r, Volt as

Du st Sup pr ession System - TPS, Kaveri, F. Har ley

Air Condit ion ing system - Blue Star , Volt as, Carr ier

N o t e :

1.  M akes indicated above shal l a lso be read w ith pref erred m akes as l isted elsew here in th is

speci f icat ion.

2 .  For m ake of any i tem , not app ear ing in t he above l ist , specif ic appro val shal l be taken by th e

bidd ers fro m Purchaser.

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Annexure-VI I  



1. M anual ly operat ed Hydraul ic Jack

i ) 50T X 150 m m stroke

2 Nos

2. Bastard (Ro ugh Cut ) Files 250 m m size

i)   Flat

ii )  Round

ii i)  Half Rou nd

iv )  Triangular

1 No .

1 No .

1 No .

1 No

3. Fine Cu t Files 250 m m size

i)   Flat

ii )  Round

ii i)  Half Rou nd

iv )  Triangular

1 No .

1 No .

1 No .

1 No

4. Adjustable Out side M icrom eter Interchangeable Anvi l Type

i)   0-150 m m

ii )  150 – 600 mm 1 No .

1 No

5. Inside M icrom eter

i ) 50 – 150 m m 1 No

6. Vem ier Caliper s –

i)   0-150 m m size

ii )  0 – 300 m m size

1 No .

1 No

7. Feeler Gauge

i)   10 mm thk. 6 inch

ii )  10 mm thk. 12 inch

1 No .

1 No

8. Spr it Level

i ) 150 mm 2 No

9. Torque Wr ench w i th socket

75 – 150 kg.m 1 set10. Stand ard Ring spann ers

(Up to 32 mm ) 1 se t

11 Stand ard D.E. spanne rs

(Up to 32 mm ) 1 se t

12. Adjustable spanners

(Upto 50 mm each se t o f 3 Nos.) 1 set

13. Socket Head Spann ers

(Box Spanner s 10 to 32 mm ) 2 set

14 Sledge Hamm ers

i)   5 kg. 2 Nos.

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ii )  10 kg 2 Nos

15. Nylo n Faced Ham m ers (4 Sizes) 1 set

16. 4 ” d ia por tab le m otor opera ted gr ind ing m /c w i th f lex ib le

gr inder

2 Nos

17 Bal l Pein Hamm ers in d i f feren t sizes. 6 Nos

18. Dial Gauge 0-10 m m LC-0.01 m m w ith m ag.


2 Nos

19. Steel Tap es

i)   3 m Size

ii )  6 m Size

1 No .

1 No

20 Ste el Scales

i)   0.3 m Size

ii )  0.5 m Size

1 No .

1 No

21. Intern al Cal ipers

i)   150 m m Size

ii )  300 m m Size

1 No .

1 No

22. Ext ernal Calipers

i)   150 m m Size

ii )  300 m m Size

1 No .

1 No

23 Hand ope rated Hacksaw Fram e w ith 1 Doz. Blades (12” ) 1 Set

24 Tr i -square (6” x 12” ) 2 Nos

25. Screw Operat ed Coup l ing and Bear ing Pul ler – 300 m m Size 2 Nos

26. Grease Gun w i th hose & adopter (M anua l ) 2 Nos27 Bucket Grease Gun (M anual) 1 No

28. Se l f suppor t ing , extendab le a luminum ladder w i th maximum

height o f 6m

2 Nos

29 Hydraul ic f lange pu l ler of reput ed m ake 2 Sets

30. P ipe W renches – 6” & 12” 4 Nos

31 Digi ta l Tachom eter (0 – 3000 rpm ) 2 Nos

32 Screw Drivers

i)   150 m m Size

ii )  300 m m Size

2 No s.

2 Nos

33 Sl ing w ith Eye Bol t and D-Shackle of 2,3,5 & 10 ton nes 2 Sets34. Plum Bobs 2 Nos

35. Al l typ es of Pl iers of d i f feren t size of repu ted make to sui t

the eqp t .

i)   Cut t ing pl iers

ii )  Internal Circl ip

i i i)  Exter nal Circl ip

2 No s.

2 No s.

2 Nos

36. Ad justable Pliers 2 No s

37 M arking Punch es 2 Sets

38 Scriber s 4 No s

39 Insulat ion resistance Tester (M egger)

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