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    Ar-Agnh e e l l o w s h i p





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    A hack of John Harper's Agn,by Jrnimo and translated into english with the help of Korgelen. In the context of the Vieux Pots NouvellesSoupes 2013contest, this hack aims to revisit the Middle-Earth Roleplaying Game published in 1986 by ICE.

    For more information on the design of this hack, please report to the articles with the tag Ar-Agnon my blog.

    The text of this game is published under the Creative Commons license.You are free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the following terms:

    AttributionYou must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonablemanner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

    Non CommercialYou may not use the material for commercial purposes.

    No Derivatives

    If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

    For more informations, go to :

    Interior arts are the exclusive property of John Howe, Michael Kaluta and Denis Loubert.

    The cover has been created using a picture from the movie The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring owned with all rightsreserved by New Line Cinema and the logo from the Collectible Card Game Middle-Earth: the Wizards edited by ICE.

    The One Ring, Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks orregistered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises.

    This document has been made using Microso Publisher with the Calibri andRingbearer fonts.
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    ut of doubt out of dark to the days rising he rode singing in the sun sword

    unsheathing. Hope he rekindled and in hope ended; over death over dread over

    doom lifted out of loss out of life unto long glory.

    - Song of Thoden Thengels son


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    IntroductionAr-Agn is a hack for John Harpers roleplaying game Agn that let you play Middle-EarthHeroes instead of mythic Greek Heroes. This is not a complete game. When writing it I have

    assumed that you are familiar with the base rules of Agn, so if this seems intriguing but youdont know whats going on, give the original game a read through, its great. This is mostly acosmetic adaptation, as the rules are so tight and balanced that I didnt want to muck themup. As such, Im only going to describe the changes; anything not mentioned works exactly thesame as normal. I will however introduce some leads to bring this game towards a Sit & Playexperience.

    What youll need to play:

    A copy of Agn by John Harper,

    This hack and the Heroes, Minions, NPCs, Legend and High Deeds sheets,

    All the stuff youd need to play Agn: four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided andtwelve-sided dice and enough pens for all players (Antagonist included, renamed hereDark Lord).

    What else?

    The reference sheets included with this hack,

    Some tokens to represent Heroes, NPCs, Monsters etc. on the range track (if you stillhave the cardboard figurines of MERP, time to bring them out!),

    A range track of your choosing,

    A detailed map of Middle-Earth,

    Snacks and drinks, Lembas and Miruvor are enrely oponal!

    The Company of the Ring shall be Nine; andthe Nine Walkers shall be set against the

    Nine Riders that are evil. With you and yourfaithful servant, Gandalf will go; for thisshall be his great task, and maybe the endof his labour. For the rest, they shallrepresent the other Free Peoples of theworld: Elves, Dwarves and Men. Legolasshall be for the Elves; and Gimli son of Glinfor the Dwarves. They are willing to go atleast to the passes of the Mountains, andmaybe beyond. For men you shall have

    Aragorn son of Arathorn, for the Ring ofIsildur concerns him closely. -Elrond


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    Historical periodWith the rise of Sauron in the Third Age, Darkness once again threatened to enslave all ofMiddle-Earth. Manw chose indirect means to combat this threat. Selecting trusted Maiar from

    the order of the Wise the Istari the Vala King hoped to send emissaries to Endor, who mightunite the Free Peoples and spur them to overthrow the Lord of the Rings. Thus, five Maiar setout to combat the greatest of their brethren, the fallen Sauron. Disguised as old men, theyentered Middle-Earth around T.A. 1000.

    The five Istari chosen for the embassy to Middle-Earth had one goal: to fight Sauron and hisShadow. Since Sauron was a Maia, then, the Valar felt justified in contesting his might.Nonetheless they instructed the Wise to work as subtly as possible. The Istaris goal was tounite and work with the Free Peoples, to provide support and counsel, not to dominate them.The Maiar required restraint and precluded the tools of force and fear. Power could only be

    used when absolutely necessary.

    The rst step, before creang the Heroes, consists in seng the game period. According to thechosen period, and the regions considered, some races will be more logically available thanothers. Some periods presented hereaer are set before the Great Plague (T.A. 1640) andshould take into account few changes with regard to what is tradionally described in MERPmodules published by ICE. Whatever the chosen period is, the themes of an Ar-Agn campaignmust resolve around the necessity to keep hope even in the darkest mes and for those whowant to remain free to be able to forget their dierences (and hoslies) to unite against those

    who want to dominate them by strength, fear, discord and trickery. These themes are thecounterpart of the dierent aspects supported by the game system of Ar-Agn: to facechallenges with bravery and sagacity; to test loyalty towards oaths given. These are the mainvirtues that a campaign must put to the test.


    And so I have been sent at last by Dinto warn Bilbo that he is sought by the

    Enemy, and to learn, if may be, why hedesires this ring, this least of rings. Alsowe crave the advice of Elrond. For theShadow grows and draws nearer. Wediscover that messengers have comealso to King Brand in Dale, and that he isafraid. We fear that he may yield.Already war is gathering on his easternborders. If we make no answer, theEnemy may move Men of his rule to

    assail King Brand, and Din also.-Glin

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    Heroes creationBefore starting to create the Heroes, it may be worth it to answerthose questions:

    Where do the Heroes come from?

    Do they belong to the same Free People?

    Do they know each other since a long time or are they goingto meet at the beginning of the game?

    How are they directly concerned by the main goal of thiscampaign?

    The first things you will create are your Heros Name and Race. InJ.R.R. Tolkiens universe, Names are very important. Heroes believe

    that their deeds will be remembered down through the Ages, so itsimportant that your Name is strong. There is a list of Names for thevarious Races playable for this hack in the appendix.

    Your Name is in two parts: your personal Name and your Lineage.Your personal Name is what others call you. It is a simple first namelike Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Eowyn or Frodo. Your Lineage is thename of your significant parent.

    Aragorn son of Arathorn

    Gimli son of Glin

    Legolas son of Thranduil

    owyn daughter of omund

    Frodo son of Drogo

    Your Race has a rating, in the form of a die-size. Men and HobbitsHeroes have a d6 Race die. Dwarven Heroes or those with a part of

    elven blood (Dnedain, Half-Elves), have a d8 Race die and a Fate of8. Finally, pure elven blood Heroes, restricted here for Sindar and

    Silvan, although the latter ones dont often meddle in affairs outsidetheir domains, have a d10 Race die and a Fate of 10. Noldor are notallowed as they are growing scarce in Middle-Earth during the T.A.

    Each Hero is special in some way marked by his Race andeducation. Each Race provides different bonuses to your characterduring play. You will be able to choose the Race of your Hero and

    the linked bonuses in the lists on next page.

    Finally, according to the highest two abilities you will have chosenfor your Hero (any +2 racial bonus in an ability breaks the tiebetween two abilities at a same level), you will get a Traitdenomination (you are free to create new ones). This Trait adds upto yours Heros Race forming a Racial Trait, and completes his Nameand Lineage.

    Aragorn son of Arathorn, Dnadan Ranger

    Gimli son of Glin, Dwarven Warrior

    Legolas son of Thranduil, Sinda Bowman

    owyn daughter of omund, Rohir Rider

    Frodo son of Drogo, Hobbit Scout


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    Men of Westernesse (Dnedain)+2 in two abilities chosen between:Wise or Brave, Leadership or Campre, Loremaster, Healing or Strider, Hunter, Protecon or Melee or Projecle

    Sindar \ Silvan Elves+2 to posioning roll when ghng outside

    +1 Range for projecle weapons

    Healing\ Hunter: Herbalist\ Loremaster: Healer

    Strider\ Leadership: Guide\ Loremaster: Cartographer

    \ Subterfuge: Scout\ Brave: Pathfinder

    Pole-Arm\ Leadership: Lancer\ Mighty: Warrior

    Leadership\ Healing: Thaumaturgist

    \ Wise: Diplomat

    \ Brave: Captain

    Athlete\ Strider: Boatman

    \ Pole-Arm: Lumberman

    \ Nimble: Acrobat

    Melee\ Leadership: Rider

    \ Mighty: Warrior

    Subterfuge\ Wise: Spy\ Nimble: Burglar

    Hunter\ Strider: Ranger\ Leadership: Trainer

    \ Loremaster: Tracker\ Subterfuge: Trapper

    Projectile\ Hunter: Hunter\ Nimble: Bowman

    Campfire\ Strider: Bard\ Loremaster: Storyteller\ Mighty: Reveler

    Loremaster\ Melee: Blacksmith

    \ Wise: Seer\ Mighty: Builder

    Protection\ Leadership: Knight\ Campre: Guard



    Hobbits (Halings)

    +2 in two abilities chosen between:Nimble or Wise, Campre or Subterfuge, Strider or Hunter, Loremaster, Projecle

    Beornids+2 in two abilities chosen between:

    Mighty or Brave, Leadership or Athlete, Hunter, Pole-Arm or Melee

    othraim \ othod \ Rohirrim+2 in two abilities chosen between:Nimble or Brave, Leadership, Strider, Pole-Arm or Projecle

    DwarvesIgnore positioning malus due to wearing armor+2 to posioning roll when ghng inside in dim or dark condions

    Woodmen+2 in two abilies chosen between:

    Nimble or Mighty, Athlete, Strider, Pole-Arm or Projecle

    Bardids+2 in two abilies chosen between:

    Nimble or Brave, Leadership, Loremaster, Melee or Projecle


    +2 to posioning roll when ghng outside

    +2 in any one ability

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    Your abilities represent your Heros level of excellence in various activities. There are 16abilities, divided into four groups of four.

    Virtues:Wise, Nimble, Mighty, BraveArts:Healing, Subterfuge, Campfire, LeadershipLicenses:Athlete, Strider, Hunter, Loremaster

    Arms:Projectile, Protection, Pole-Arm, Melee

    Abilities are defined in details on the next page.

    Creation rules for your Heros abilities are the same as those defined in Agn on page 22.


    Next, youll choose the primary Vala from which your Hero draws his or her favor. A list ofValar is provided on the next two pages. Each Vala is associated with 3 key abilities. Writedown these abilities after you choose your Vala. Youll use these abilities when you paytribute to your Vala, so its generally a good idea to choose a Vala associated with one ofyour best abilities. Write your favored Vala, his or her Emissaries and the key abilities in thespace on your Hero sheet.

    Divine Favor is replaced by Valars favor. You start play with 7 boxes of Valars favor. Put anx mark in the remaining boxes. During play, you may check off boxes of Valars favor inorder to activate special actions in the game.

    Among those acons, divine weapon is replaced by blessed weapon with the sameeect: the Valar bless your weapon, so it can harm enemies who are invulnerable.

    Behind that there was something else atwork, beyond any design of the Ring-maker.I can put it no plainer than by saying thatBilbo was meant to nd the Ring, and not byits maker. In which case you also weremeant to have it. And that may be anencouraging thought. -Gandalf


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    Wise:covers everything related to perspicacity, intuition and clairvoyance of the character.Nimble:covers everything related to agility, reflexes and mobility of the character.Mighty:covers everything related to strength, stamina and toughness of the character.Brave:covers everything related to moral strength, spirit, courage and aura that emanates from the character.


    Healing:covers everything related to theoretical and practical knowledge of the character in the field of medical care.Subterfuge: covers everything related to hiding, disguise and illusion skills, actually anything that allows obtaining something in a kind ofsubsidiary way.Campfire: covers everything related to activities performed around a campfire: maintaining it, cooking, smoking a pipe, storytelling, makingmusic, singing, drinking, standing guard...Leadership:covers everything related to leader abilities, persuasion, intimidation and mount riding.


    Athlete:covers everything related to physical activities like climbing, swimming, running, lifting or moving heavy items...Strider: covers everything related to long journeys on different grounds, orientation, weather knowledge, survival technics in differentclimates...Hunter:covers everything related to animal tracking, animal empathy, hunting technics...Loremaster:covers everything related to knowledge and lore, puzzle-solving, languages, runes, traditions and legends...


    Projectile:covers everything related to projectile weapons (bows) or thrown weapons (javelin, dagger...)Protection:covers everything related to protective equipment (helmet, shield, armor...)Pole-Arm:covers everything related to weapons with long handles (halberd, spear, battle axe...)Melee:covers everything related to weapons used in melee with one or two hands (sword, dagger, hammer, mace, ail...)


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    manw (slimo)King of the Valar, Lord of the Breath of Arda, Master of the Air and Weather.His breath governs the winds, his vision clears the mists, and his anger spawnsthe storms.

    Symbols : eagle, scepter

    Abilities:Leadership, Wise, StriderEmissaries: Gandalf, Gwaihir

    aul (mahal)Maker of Dwarves, Master of Earth and Crafts,Maker of Mountains, the Smith.His nature is sometimes considered astransgressive. He finds fulfillment in arts.

    Symbols: hammer, mountainsAbilities: Mighty, Loremaster, MeleeEmissaries: Saruman, Dwarven Kings

    yavanna (kementri)Queen of the Earth, Keeper of Plants, theNourisher, Giver of Fruits.

    Beautiful figure whose aura glows like fruit inthe sun, her sanctification assures plenty.

    Symbols: tree, ear of wheatAbilities: Nimble, Healing, LoremasterEmissaries: Radagast, Treebeard

    orom (aldaron)Master of the Wilds, the Hunter, Tamer ofBeasts, Forest Lord.

    With a fiery temper, his wrath is as quick as hispassion to pursue a prey.

    Symbols: horn, horseAbilities: Strider, Hunter, ProjectileEmissaries: Alatar, Glorndel

    irmo (lrien)Master of Dreams and Desires, Lord of Visions.Generous and concerned with the happiness ofothers, he oversees the wishes and hopes of allspirits.

    Symbols: mirror, moonAbilities: Nimble, Subterfuge, ProtectionEmissaries: Galadriel, Celeborn


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    varda (elbereth gilthoniel)Queen of the Valar, Lady of the Stars, Spirit of Light.Wise and stunningly beautiful, she is as bright as the lightshe embodies.

    Symbols:stars, snow

    Abilities:Wise, Brave, ProjectileEmissaries:Galadriel, Gandalf

    mandos (namo)The Ordainer, Lord of Fate, Master of Spirits,Lord of the Halls of Awaiting, the Judge.Arbiter of doom and caretaker of souls in theafter-life, he presides over the passing of spirits.

    Symbols:grave, swordAbilities:Campfire, Subterfuge, LeadershipEmissaries:Pallando, Crdan

    ulmoOcean Lord, Master of Waters, King of theSea, Spirit of the Veins of the Earth.With a form of elusive qualities that befithis nature, his voice is as deep as the sea.

    Symbols:trident, chainmailAbilities:Athlete, Hunter, Pole-ArmEmissaries:Crdan (Galdor), Amroth

    estMistress of Peace and Rest, the Healer, Mistressof the Fountains of Renewal.

    Placid, concerned with the rest and renewal ofbody and soul, she is a caretaker of the living.

    Symbols:fountain, caduceusAbilities:Healing, Campfire, ProtectionEmissaries:Elrond (Erestor), Nimrodel

    tulkas (astaldo)The Valiant, the Strong, Champion of Valar.Without anger or fear, he fights as if he was at

    play, laughing at obstacles. He is a fast friendand always honors a bond of friendship.

    Symbols:bear, honeyAbilities:Brave, Mighty, AthleteEmissaries:Tom Bombadil, Beorn


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    Choose weapons for your Hero. Your Hero can carry one projecle weapon and three contact weapons (melee, pole-arm or protecon). Maximum means the maximum number of weapons of that type that you can carry.

    Type Name Range Die Special Maximum



    Short bow 4-5

    1d8+1Put the bow die in your right hand. If you use a bow, you cannot have any weapon

    dice in your left hand.

    1Composite bow 5-6

    Long bow 6-7

    Javelin 2-4 1d6+1The javelin is useful at many different distances, making it very versatile. The

    javelin die can be used in either hand.1

    Hatchet 2 2d6 The hatchet dice can be used in either hand. 2

    Dagger 2-3 1d6 The dagger die can be used in either hand. 2






    You hold your hatchet in one hand; can be used as a projectile weapon. Put the

    2d6 in the hand that holds the hatchet. One of your hatchet dice may be movedto your other hand. You may decide to combine or split your hatchet dice at any

    time before your roll.


    Axe 1


    (1 hand)You hold your axe in one hand or both hands. Put the die in the hand that holds

    the axe. One of your axe dice may be moved to your other hand. You may decide

    to combine or split your axe dice at any time before your roll.

    11d8 1d6

    (2 hands)

    Battle axe,




    Hold in both hands. Put the 2d8 in the right hand or one of the d8 may be moved

    to your other hand. You must decide to combine or split your dice before the

    exchange starts. You may use a buckler at the same time if you wear armor.


    Halberd 2 2d8

    Spear 2 1d8 1d6

    You hold your spear in both hands. Put the d8 in one hand and the d6 in the

    other. You may swap the positions of the dice at any time before you roll. You

    may use a shield at the same time but not a tower shield.


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    Type Name Range Die Special Maximum


    Dagger 1 1d6 No penalty on left hand attack; can be used as projectile weapon. 2

    Short sword,Sabre

    1 2d6

    Hold in one hand. Put the 2d6 in the hand that holds the sword. One of yoursword dice may be moved to your other hand. You may decide to combine orsplit your sword dice at any time before your roll.


    Large sword,Scimitar



    (1 hand)You hold your sword in one hand or both hands. Put the die in the hand thatholds the sword. One of your sword dice may be moved to your other hand. Youmay decide to combine or split your sword dice at any time before your roll.

    11d8 1d6

    (2 hands)

    Long sword 1-2 2d8Hold in both hands. Put the 2d8 in the right hand or one of the d8 may be movedto your other hand. You must decide to combine or split your dice before theexchange starts. You may use a buckler at the same time if you wear armor.


    Hammer, Mace,Bludgeon, Club1


    (1 hand)

    Hold in one hand or both hands. Put the die in the hand that holds the weapon,

    no die can be put in defense. Melee vs. Mighty to stun (same effect as the holdpower). You perform this special maneuver instead of attacking.


    (2 hands)

    Morning-star 1 2d6Hold in one hand. Put the die in the hand that holds the weapon, no die can beput in defense. Melee vs. Mighty to disarm. You perform this special maneuverinstead of attacking.


    Flail 1 2d8Hold in both hands. Put the die in the hand that holds the weapon, no die can beput in defense. Melee vs. Mighty to disarm. You perform this special maneuver

    instead of attacking. You may use a buckler at the same time if you wear armor.



    Buckler - 1d6You can use this shield with two-hand weapons, but it should be fixed on armor.-1 penalty to all Melee / Pole-Arm rolls.


    Kite shield - 1d8 - 1

    Tower shield - 1d10 -1 penalty to all Melee rolls. 1

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    The weapons described in previous tables are those that your Hero carries while onadventures. Weapons that are lost or destroyed can be replaced during halts in havens,taken from fallen enemies or discovered during adventures.

    It is recommended to use a die of different color for the shield die because if your Heroavoids an attack thanks to the value obtained with this dice, your shield die will suffer

    some handicap and will be reduced by one rank (until you have the opportunity to repairit, as for your armor).

    Your Hero may also wear armor. You may choose to wear no armor or a single type ofarmor, with or without a helmet. The die size for your armor depends on the type ofarmor youre wearing. Make a note of this armor type in the space provided on your Herosheet. Mark the die size of your armor in the space dedicated on your Hero sheet.

    There are 3 different types of armor. Each armor protects your Hero from damage, but

    also affects your ability rolls.

    The leather armor doesnt require wearing any protection cloth underneath:

    Leather (-1 to Athlete rolls) : d4

    Leather with helmet (-1 to Athlete rolls and Projecle aack rolls) : d6

    The chainmail armor requires wearing a stuffed cloth underneath, equivalent to the leather armor for minuses:

    Chainmail(-1 to Athlete / positioning rolls) : d6

    Chainmail with helmet (-1 to Athlete / positioning rolls and Projectile attack rolls) : d8

    The plates armor strengthens the chainmail by metal plates, these different protections are mainly placed on torso, arms and legs. Theminuses of these different protections are added:

    Plates (-1 to Athlete / positioning rolls and -1 to Melee and Pole-Arm attack rolls) : d8

    Plates with helmet (-1 to Athlete / posioning rolls and -1 to Melee, Pole-Arm and Projecle aack rolls) : d10


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    Achievements Oaths

    By taking an oath, a Hero commits his own Fate, through the power of the spoken word andthe language bearing enchantment. For the one who speaks an oath, giving his word is liketying a knot on the string of his own Fate. The Hero who takes an oath ties his Fate to the

    subject of his loyalty, weather it is an oath of allegiance to his lord or king, to his family orclan, or an oath of eternal love binding two sister-souls, or an oath of brotherhood unitingthe members of a fellowship. A loyalty oath can be mutual between several Heroes.

    In gaming terms, this bond means that if the Hero who took an oath decides to break it, hewill compromise his own Fate. If the subject of the oath is another Hero, the one who tookthe oath can call to his own Fate to save him. The hero can receive Fate points only if he has0 Fate left. This spending shall be justified in dramatic terms, materialized by an act or asymbolic statement. Breaking an oath towards a Hero releases all the other Heroes fromany oath towards the Hero at fault as soon as they learn about this breaking.


    The special ability called Hubris is replaced by Fates Decree and costs 1 Fate. It is per seunnatural to go against his Fate, as it is to try and increase his own power beyond what hasbeen rightfully given this only hastens the heros doom.

    To Call a Sign of Fate allows the Hero to retrieve all his Valars Favour for 1 Fate. This can

    be very useful when you run out of it in the middle of a ght-just when you needed it the

    most. Your Hero simply deals a quick pact with his Vala and in return for an immediate help,the Hero gives part of his Fate.

    You swore a promise by what you call thePrecious. Remember that! It will hold you toit; but it will seek a way to twist it to your

    own undoing. In the last need, Smagol, Ishould put on the Precious; and thePrecious mastered you long ago. If I,wearing it, were to command you, youwould obey, even if it were to leap from aprecipice or to cast yourself into the re.And such would be my command.


    Now is the hour come, Riders of the Mark,sons of Eorl! Foes and re are before you,and your homes far behind. Yet, though yought upon an alien eld, the glory that youreap there shall be your own for ever. Oathsye have taken: now full them all, to lordand land and league of friendship!


    Black arrow! I have saved you to the last.

    You have never failed me and always I haverecovered you. I had you from my fatherand he from of old. If ever you came fromthe forges of the true king under theMountain, go now and speed well!

    -Bard the Bowman


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    Where now are the Dnedain,Elessar, Elessar? Why do thykinsfolk wander afar? Near is thehour when the Lost should comeforth, and the Grey Company ride

    from the North.-Galadriel

    West, west away, the round sun isfalling. Grey ship, grey ship, do youhear them calling, the voices of mypeople that have gone before me? Iwill leave, I will leave the woodsthat bore me; for our days areending and our years failing.


    For the Arkenstone of my father isworth more than a river of gold initself, and to me it is beyond price.That stone of all the treasure I nameunto myself, and I will be avengedon anyone who nds it andwithholds it. -Thorin

    And he turned his back on hisadventure. The Tookish part wasgeng very red, and the Bagginswas daily geng stronger. I wishnow only to be in my ownarmchair! he said. -Bilbo


    The Fate of human Heroes is profoundly linked to their mortality, their legacy, but also to the future:to defend, protect, vanquish, conquer, restore, build -are all ways for a human Hero to leave his markon the present and add his stone to the future of the world.


    In the Third Age, Elves have turned to preserving their legacy, fortifying or restoring nature, or thepreparation for their departure for Valinor and the watchful observation of the Enemys doings. Toother peoples, Elves usually appear as fatalist, melancholic, or on the contrary strangely unconcerned.An elven Hero belongs to the minority of Elves who still have a role to play, but all the Elves know verywell that the world now belongs to mortals. This Fate leads them to slowly retire from the world,waiting the day of their departure for the shores of Valinor. This call cannot be ignored by an Elf havingno more Fate left.


    The Fate of a dwarven Hero can only be conceived through the link that binds him to his ancestors. Inthe Third Age, the ancestors of a dwarven Hero expect from him to defend their honour and theirmemory, avenge them from an ancient offense, to recover or restore what has been taken by theirenemies or the passing of time, to protect part of the legacy of an ancestor, be it a treasure, anancestral relic (such as the Arkenstone), a threatened realm or stronghold.


    Hobbits are generally content with their lot, that is lling the earth and living within the boundaries oftheir land without caring about the outside world. Their greatest ambion is a well-lled belly, a pint ofale and a pipe to smoke; but some Hobbits somemes feel the call of adventure, whether because ofan adventurous ancestor or too good a chance to go and check if the tales of Elves, Trolls and Dragonsare true. What is really at stake for a hobbit Hero is to know if he will safely come home at the end ofhis adventure, to get back to his peaceful life with new tales to record and tell.


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    Quest creationThe Heroes will explore many adventure sites while in service to the Valar by the mean oftheir Emissaries. The Dark Lord creates each adventure site ahead of time, using theprocedure in the running the game section page 75.

    Each adventure site will contain several quests that the Emissaries will command theHeroes to complete. The Heroes will travel around and deal with various problems andperils to complete the quests before leaving for the next adventure site. To create anadventure site, rst you will roll a few things randomly from lists (or choose what youwant), then using these informaons, youll populate your adventure site with quests, alliesand opponents for the Heroes.

    Roll 1d10 on the list below to determine the generalappearance and terrain of the adventure site (or choose one):

    1 -Tall, snow-capped mountains2 Huge and ancient forest3 Sheer cliffs, sea caves and jagged reefs4 Swamps and low-hills5 Rugged and tree covered hills6 Lush green grasslands7 Volcanic mountains and burning deserts

    8 Scrub-brush plains and dusty plateaus

    9 Networks of underground caves10 Rocky foothills and ravines

    Each adventure site will have at least one community. For eachcommunity roll 1d10 or choose from the list below:

    1 -Isolated natural haven under watchful guard2 Settlement under a hill or mountain3 Majestic city with walls said impregnable4 Prosperous trading port5 Tree-dwelling and forest village6 Fortified hamlet with mixed cultures7 Tower and fortress of ancient times

    8 Warrior tribes on horses, nomadic or settled

    9 Small fishing and/or hunting community10 Savage mountain clans

    In that dream I thought the eastern skygrew dark and there was a growing thunder,but in the west a pale light lingered and out

    of it I heard a voice, remote but clear,crying; seek for the sword that was broken:in Imladris it dwells; there shall be counselstaken stronger than Morgul-spells. Thereshall be shown a token that Doom is near athand, for Isildurs Bane shall waken, and theHaling forth shall stands. -Boromir


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    Whats going on when the Heroes arrive? You might have one elementfor the adventure site, or one for each community. Roll 1d10 or choosefrom the list below:

    1 -Seasonal celebrations or festivals2 Wedding celebration

    3 Funeral for a great Hero or King

    4 Preparations for war or expedition5 Under the growing influence of the Shadow6 Occupied or besieged7 Recovering from natural disaster or plague8 Diplomatic agreements between warring groups9 -Competitions or athletic games

    10 -Construcon of a monument or building

    Three Valar have an interest in this adventure site. Roll 1d10three mes on the list below to determine which Valar andEmissaries are involved, or simply choose three:

    1 -Manw (Gandalf / Gwaihir)2 -Varda (Galadriel / Gandalf)


    Aul (Saruman / Dwarven Kings)

    4 -Yavanna (Radagast / Treebeard)5 -Orom (Alatar / Glorfindel)6 -Tulkas (Tom Bombadil / Beorn)7 -Est (Elrond (Erestor)/ Nimrodel)8 -Ulmo (Crdan (Galdor) / Amroth)9 -Mandos (Pallando / Crdan)

    10 -Irmo (Galadriel / Celeborn)

    Now decide what each Vala wants the Heroes to do. For each of the three Valar, roll 1d10 on the list below, or choose:

    1 -Destroy (something or someone must be broken, torn down, defeated)2 -Restore (something must be fixed, made whole again or someone healed, restored)3 -Steal (something must be stolen or someone abducted)4 -Defend (a life, a site or an object must be spared, protected, guarded or secured)5 -Seek (something or someone that was lost must be found or looked after)6 -Hide (something or someone must be hidden away from mortal and/or immortal eyes)7 -Release (something or someone must be set free or liberated)8 -Confine (something or someone must be locked away, imprisoned or confined)

    9-Incite (a conflict must be created or maintained)

    10 -Calm (a conict must be ended or contained)

    Now youll create a handful of interesng things to add to your adventure site. Usually, three to six things is about right.


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    Arfacts are items of power or signicance. The descriponsbelow are vague; youll ll in the details for each arfactlater.

    1-Enchanted drinks

    2 Legendary / Mithril armors and weapons3 Rings or amulets4 Crowns / Scepters5 -Ancient scrolls / Tomes6 Orbs and objects of vision7 -Gems / Precious stones8 Musical instruments9 Elven clothes or equipment

    10 Enchanted foods / Healing herbs

    Roll 1d10 for each list below, or choose what you want. Usually, I roll a few things randomly, and then choose a few more that seem to t tothe feel of the adventure site (like Giant Spiders for an ancient forest).

    Humanoids, usually enemies, are other communies that theHeroes will encounter outside the Free Peoples. They have usuallyexoc quality or appearance.

    1 -Corsairs2 Warg Riders3 Easterlings (Wainriders, Balchoth)4 Hillmen

    5-Southmen (Haradrim, Southrons)

    6 -Orcs / Uruk-Hai / Half-Orcs7 Wildmen / Woses8 Black Nmenoreans9 -Assassins / Rogues

    10 -Variags

    Monsters exist fully outside the world of the Free Peoples, and areusually feared but some may be loved by Valar. Some Monsters aresingular creatures, while others live in groups.

    1 -Dragons / Drakes2 -Trolls / Olog-Hai / Half-Trolls3 -Pkel Creatures / Silent Watchers4 Fell Beasts

    5-Ents / Huorns

    6 -Giants7 -Vampires / Wights / Nazgl8 -Wargs / Werewolves9 Krakens

    10 -Balrogs / Minor Demons

    A Beast is a great and powerful version of a normal animal. They areusually much larger than a normal creature of their type, and havesomemes extraordinary powers and almost human intelligence.

    1-Oliphaunts / Mmakil

    2 -White, Grey or War Wolves3 -Great Eagles4 Giant Spiders5 Mordor Flies / Neeker-Breekers / Dumbeldors6 -Crebain / Crowes / Thrushes / Bats7 -Ponies / Elven or Mordor Horses / Mearas8 -Mastiffs / Hounds9 -Black, White or Cave Bears

    10-Kine of Araw / Losrandir


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    Creating NPCs

    There are three types of Non-Playing Characters: Beasts, Humanoids and Monsters. Beside theirappearance and general characteristics, the three types each have a different special immunity.

    Beasts are immune to human trickery. They cant be fooled with lies, disguises, riddles, orcomplex schemes. Subterfuge has no eect on them. Beasts have d4 Licenses abilies andcant raise them.

    Humanoids have no immunities and no ability caps.

    Monsters are immune to mortal weapons. A Monster can only be harmed by elven /nmenorean weapons or special attacks (or by using the Valars favor to make a normalweapon becoming blessed). Each Monster has its own unique way it can be harmed. Monstersstart with d4 Wise, d4 Leadership, d4 Healing, and d4 Campfire, only one of which can ever beraised (you pick which one).

    A few Beasts, Humanoids and Monsters are briey described in the next pages as well as the list oftheir powers and possible limitaons.


    There are orcs, very many ofthem. And some are large andevil: black Uruks of Mordor. For

    the moment they are hangingback, but there is somethingelse there. A great cave-troll, Ithink, or more than one.


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    BeastsMmakil have been trained as war beasts by the Haradrim andother Southerner, even if they are very hard to control. Any horsepassing close to a Mmakil must resist fear. Because of the natural

    hardness of their skin and their war trapping, they have an excellentarmor.Powers: fear, defense, natural weapons.

    The Great Eaglesare the manifestation of Manws spirit; they builttheir eyries on the crests of the highest northern mountains inorder to keep a watchful eye on Middle-Earth and report to himwhat they see or hear. Imperious, authoritarian, immensely wiseand intelligent, they do not often intervene in the course of theWorld.

    The Giant Spiders met in the old forests of Middle-Earth areintelligent and able to speak. They act in large number, have astunning poison and can weave their web very quickly.Powers: poison, hold, defense.

    The Neekerbreekersare noisy insects, giant cousins of mosquitos,living in swamp areas in the lands of the north of Endor. Their namecomes from the unceasing noise they make at night.

    The Flies of Mordor are greyish insects marked with a red eye-

    shaped blotch and look more like horseflies.Dumbeldors, menoned in hobbit poems, are wasps of 3 to 4 kgwith a poisoned sng (power: poison).

    The Crebain, a kind of large black crows, used to live in the forest ofFangorn and the land of Dun. They move in large flights to increasetheir chance to locate their target.The Ravensare the renowned messengers of the Vala Mandos, andthus associated to Destiny and Prescience. The ravens from Ereborbefriended the dwarves of Durins folk and informed them.

    The Thrushesare long-time friends of Men and Elves in Erebor, as

    they can learn their language. Radagast has made them his mainmessengers and scouts.

    The Mearas,more intelligent, fast and robust than other horses, arevenerated by the Rohirrim. Like the Mearas, Elven Horses, descenddirectly from Nahar, Oroms steed, but they prefer to live inwooden areas than in great plains. They all show bravery even whenconfronted to supernatural terrors.

    Houndswere used by the noble Men of old to hunt the Wolves, theWargs and even with regard to Huan, hunting dog of Orom,Werewolves.

    The Kine of Araw, largest of Middle-earths bovids, as it is believed,are the gift of the Vala Orom. The beasts are found on the shoresof the Sea of Rhn and on the plains east and south of Mirkwood.Easterlings tribes are the only people to have domesticated thesecreatures and employed them to pull the Great Wains of their

    chiefs. Their long gray horns are used as trumpets and drinkinghorns, as well as to cut into section for great compound bows.Losrandir are hardy and gregarious deer, with many colors fromwhite to jet black.


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    Orcs join and cooperate in substantial groups only when led byoverwhelmingly strong individuals. Their smiths rival those of theDwarves and Elves. Orcs are also fine healers, despite their lack ofconcern for scarring. Orcs have a tremendous endurance; can travelfor two days without rest and run for up to twelve hours withoutstopping. In darkness Orcs can see like Elves. Natural sunlight and

    deep running water put them at a disadvantage and in artificialdaylight their activity is also reduced (-3 to all rolls in bright exterior,-1 to all rolls in bright interior).The Uruk-Hai, a new race of Orcs capable of independent andintelligent actions, were produced by Sauron after centuries ofwork. Their existence remained guarded until they were unleashedin full scale battle formations in T.A. 2475. Despite their preferencefor darkness, they operate freely in daylight.Half-Orcs, born of Man and Orc, are employed by Saruman asagents, spies, lieutenants and special guards. Particularly effective inEriador, for having Dunlending blood, they are capable of blendinginto their societies.Powers: ambush, poison, defense, +2 to positioning roll in dim ordark conditions.

    Wosesare wild woodmen, renowned for their stone sculpture andplant-lore.Racial bonus: +2 in any two abilities between: Wise, Hunter, Mighty,Athlete, +2 to positioning roll in dark exterior.

    Hillmen(Dunlendings) live in the hills and highlands west of theAnduin valley or mountain vales.Racial bonus: +2 in any two abilies between: Mighty, Athlete,Hunter.

    HumanoidsCorsairsare descendants of the Dnedain who fled from Gondor tosettle in Umbar in the wake of the Kin-Strife. Black Nmenoreans,settled in colonies around the Havens of Umbar, are descended

    from the Unfaithful, who had broken with the Valar.

    Racial bonus: cf. Men of Westernesse (Dnedain).

    Easterlings (Wainriders, Balchoth) are nomadic peoples who live inthe area to the east of the Sea of Rhn, always in search of territoryand wealth.Variagsare brutal and semi-nomadic, living in the region of Khand, asemi-arid plateau which lies southeast of Mordor.Southmen (Haradrim, Southrons)occupy the great arid and semi-arid lands south of Harondor and Mordor.Racial bonus: +2 in any two abilies between: Mighty, Nimble,Strider, Leadership.


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    MonstersTrolls are as tough and stupid as the stone from which they weremade and revert to the stone of their substance when exposed tothe light of day. Trolls live in caves and ruins, usually on the edge of

    civilized lands, and hoard bright trinkets they might acquire. Nosociety stirs them, since they unite only when compelled to by somegreater force. Huge and immensely strong, with thick bodies andlimbs, many have overlapping scales. Trolls do not understand fear.Their vision is the same as that of Orcs.The Olog-Hai are called Black Trolls, for they have scaly hides, asblack as their blood. Most carry shields and war hammers, althoughthey are adept at using almost any weapon. They can operate freelyin daylight and are relatively quick.Half-Trolls are the product of a union of Olog-Hai and Variag Men.They are smaller, more agile and quicker, vaguely resemble Men,and are as intelligent as them.Powers: +1 Range to contact weapons, defense, +2 to positioningroll in dim or dark conditions.

    Giants are reputed to guard the passes in Rhovanion. They attackusually with their club, but are also capable of crushing peopleunder their huge feet and throwing any large object that is at hand.Powers: +1 Range to contact weapons, defense.

    Fell Beasts make their homes in high caves or on shelves beneathoverhangs of rock. They have a formidable physical armor, clawsand fangs. Fell Beasts have excellent night sight and can glidesoundlessly allowing them to attack with complete surprise at night.They often hunt in pairs. Large Fell Beasts are frequently used asmount by Nazgl and Olog-Hai warlords.

    Powers: natural weapons, defense, swift, ambush, +2 to positioningroll in dim or dark conditions.

    Ents are the shepherds of the forest and usually resemble onespecific variety of trees. They do not act rashly except whenincredibly angry. All those who see an enraged Ent must roll to resistfear. Their limbs are extremely hard and can rend stone and steelwhen they are roused. An Ent may use any object at hand as athrown projectile. The skin of an Ent is extremely tough, beingresistant to all but strong axe blows. Huorns are the missing linkbetween trees and Ents. In most cases they will obey the will of anyEnt and will fight at their side.Powers: defense, fear, armor-piercing, hold, re-position.

    Pkel Creatures, mostly creaons of the Dradan culture (Woses),are animated stone monsters magically inslled with enchantedspirits, as tough as the stone from which they are made. They areusually used as watchers, but can become inacve if they areshaered in pieces or if their features are washed away by bad

    weather. Sauron also produced some of those creatures like theSilent Watchersof the Cirith Ungol tower (powers: fear, hold).


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    Balrogs are both flame and shadow, huge and very cunning. Their most feared physicalweapon is the flaming whip, which can reach out to 20 feet and ignore shields, but theirother hand often holds a sword or mace. Balrogs are imbued with an imposing presence.Anyone coming in contact with the body of the Balrog out of water will take burningwounds. Powers: defense, extra-damage (fire + huge physical strength), hold (whip), fieryform, fear.

    Dragonsare cunning and cruel creatures, who can dream and even prophecy. All of thempossess excellent senses of all sorts. Some slither like snakes, others walk, while the mostelaborate can fly. Dragons are covered on entire length with tough and shiny scales. Theyhave an awesome presence that terrorizes onlookers. They can attack multiple targets, onewith each limb available, plus the mouth and tail. Some Dragons have a destructive breath.They do have genuine weaknesses: they tend to grow vain and complacent if unchallenged,giving themselves away in riddling talks. Additionally, each seems to have an Achilles heel, asoft spot where its armor can be easily pierced.Powers: natural weapons, offense/defense, multi-strike, extra-damage, fear, re-position.

    Krakens, huge watchers of areas of salt or fresh water, can attack up to three targets withtheir many arms. Once entangled, the victim loses the use of his shield.Powers: hold, multi-strike, defense, natural weapons.

    Wargs are wolves greater than normal. Malicious but intelligent, these beasts are largeenough to serve as mount for tribes of Orcs they are allied with.Powers: ambush, fear, natural weapons.

    Werewolves were the servants of Sauron during the Wars of Beleriand in the First Age.They force opponents to resist their terrible presence. If they are slain, their spirit istemporarily removed from the physical plain and will return to seek out its slayer.Powers: fear, resurrecon, transform, natural weapons.


    Its streaming mane kindled, and blazedbehind it. In its right hand was a blade like astabbing tongue of fire; in its left it helds awhip of many thongs.

    My armour is like tenfold shields, my teethare swords, my claws spears, the shock ofmy tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane,and my breath death! -Smaug

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    Nazglare afraid of deep and running water, fire and holy Elvish names such as Elbereth.They are virtually blind, but possess an amazing sense of smell and can enlist the help ofother creatures (such as specially trained horses). Their power is lessened during the day.Nazgl wear large dark cloaks, hauberks and helms, and use mundane weapons such as longswords and poisoned daggers. Anyone coming in sight of a Nazgl is affected with uneaseand terror, and anyone foolish enough to face them must resist fear or freeze in combat.

    Anyone at close contact or hit by a Nazgl, receive a wound due to Black Breath (Mighty vs.Subterfuge + Nazgls Name Die +1d8). Then the victim receives automatically one woundby day until he is cured of this evil spell (opposition = Black Breaths attack). Most weaponsthat come in contact with a Nazgl will wither and vanish. No weapon, except those ofWesternesse or Elvish make will harm the Nazgl even if they do hit.Powers: fear, resurrection, fiery form (vs. weapons), poison, transform (Black Breath), hold,darkness (can lower by one rank the visibility of the location of the battle), -2 to all rolls inbright exterior.

    Wights appear as shadowy tattered forms of Lords of Men with cold cruel eyes. Wights

    inhabit the old graves of Dnedain and their power relates directly to the power of the lordburied. Wights are extremely hard to kill. They have the same weapon dissolution effect asNazgl. Anyone touched by the Wight, or hit by its weapon, is affected like the NazglsBlack Breath. The only way to permanently kill a Wight is to kill it physically, open the graveit inhabits, and spread the graves contents out for all passersby to take and thus scatter. Ifthis is not done, the grave will quickly be re-inhabited by another similar Wight.Powers: fiery form (vs. weapons), fear, transform (Black Breath).

    Vampires are ancient beasts from the pits of Morgoth. Many of his and Saurons chief

    servants and messengers took the form of Vampires. All Vampires can fly. They are armedboth with weapons and powerful talons on their leading wing edges. They are spirits andaffect weapons much like Nazgl.Powers: ery form (vs. weapons), life-drain, transform, gaze, swi.


    But no living man am I! You look upon awoman. owyn I am, omunds daughter.You stand between me and my lord andkin. Begone, if you be not deathless! Forliving or dark undead, I will smite you, ifyou touch him. -owyn

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    Sit & PlayThe idea is to be able to play as soon as the Heroes creation is done and to involve all playersin the Quest Creation. It means transforming the Quest preparation usually reserved to theGame Master into a real sequence of play. Another interest is to be able to confront the

    different visions of Middle-Earth of the players right from the start of the session, thus

    identifying and clarifying the canonic elements of this universe. In terms of actual play, itmeans to reproduce the scene of the Council of Elrond during which the mission toaccomplish is decided in order to defeat the power of darkness and in this way to contributeto the future victory of the Free Peoples against the Enemy.

    With the help of the lists for the Quests Creation, missions could be defined such as:

    Hunting Monsters, Beasts or Humanoids,

    Mediating disputes,

    Reclaiming lost lands,

    Rescuing the lost,

    Safeguarding travelers,

    Delivering news,

    Investigating the strange,

    Patrolling a region,

    Seeking an object.

    This game phase should answer to these questions:

    When is the adventure taking place? In which period of the T.A. ? In which season?

    What is the goal of the mission? In whos interest?

    Where to go to accomplish it? What are the steps of the journey?

    Whos going for this mission? Who will make the oath to accomplish it? Who will behis/her companions? Which helping oaths will they make between each other?


    I have been so taken up with the thoughtsof leaving Bag End, and of saying farewell,that I never even considered the direction:

    for where am I to go? And by what shall Isteer? What is to be my quest? Bilbo wentto find a treasure, there and back again; butI go to lose one, and not return, as far as Ican see. -Frodo

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    Council Phases

    1) IntroductionEach PC / NPC introduces himself, and declares what has brought him here: dream, vision, sentby an Emissary or Leader to seek help or counsel (draw randomly or choose on the lists for theQuests Creation). If some PCs have commonly realized exploits in the past or during their

    journey to reach the Council, follow the corresponding procedure on page 28 of Agn.

    2) Goals identificationThe Game Master gives the primary objective (counter Saurons will).Players argue through their characters about the best way to accomplish this objective, thedifferent tests below allow to establish and decide what Elrond (or any other Emissary) retain asbeing the wisest / rightest method to succeed on this mission.Leadership test: the winner defines a secondary objective (min 3) responding to the primaryone (corresponding to a number of strife points = number of Heroes x 5).The secondary objectives could be to search for advantages: a map, a tome, people who have

    already been there, tales and legends on this topic...

    Strider test: the winner sets a stage of the journey to reach the secondary objective.Wise test: the winner defines which type of test (and the ability linked) is plausible relatively tothe danger that can be met in the regions crossed (maximum level of the test = race die of theHero). Examples :

    Loremaster test: which hostile factions (Humanoids) live in these lands?

    Campfire test: which Monsters haunt these regions according to tales and legends?

    Hunter test: which Beasts hunt on these lands?

    3)Fellowship Creation

    The Heroes display their virtues and renown to show that they are worthy and capable ofcompleting this Quest.Brave test: the winner makes an oath towards the primary objective of the Quest.Each other Hero makes an oath towards the Fellowship formed in this way.


    At last with an effort he spoke, andwondered to hear his own words, as ifsome other will was using his small voice:I will take the Ring, though I do not knowthe way. -Frodo

    A few tips for the Game Master:

    Dont give to the Heroes anobjective already established bythe writings of Tolkien,

    Every elements introduced by theplayers are exact, the Game

    Master role is to addcomplications and challenge theHeroes objectives,

    Whatever the PCs propose, anNPC will take an opposite side,

    The obstacles on the Heroesjourney are to be chosenamongst weather, environment,Beasts, Humanoids and Monsters,

    Environment and weather are tobe considered wholly ascharacters, as the cruelest andhorrible enemies. Play them witha cunning intelligence, like theyhave a personal grief against theHeroes.

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    Adalgrim \ Adelard \ Andwise \ Anson \ Balbo \ Balgo \ Banco \ Bandobras \ Banto \ Belbo

    Berilac \ Bilbo \ Bingo \ Blanco \ Bodo \ Bowman \ Brac \ Bucca \ Bungo \ Caradoc \ CarlCob \ Cotman \ Coar \ Dindonas \ Dob \ Doderic \ Dodinas \ Drodo \ Drogo \ Dudo

    Erling \ Falco \ Faldo \ Fastolph \ Fastred \ Felco \ Ferdibrand \ Ferdinand \ FerumbrasFilibert \ Flambard \ Folco \ Fornbras \ Fosco \ Fredegar \ Frodo \ Geronus \ Gorbadoc

    Gorbulas \ Gorhendad \ Gormadoc \ Grio \ Gundabald \ Halfast \ Halfred \ HamfastHamson \ Harding \ Hending \ Hildibran \ Hildifons \ Hildigard \ Hildigrim \ Hob \ HobsonHolfoot \ Holman \ Hugo \ Ilberic \ Isembard \ Isembold \ Isengar \ Isemgrim \ Isumbras

    Lando \ Largo \ Lindo \ Londo \ Longo \ Lotho \ Madoc \ Marcho \ Marmadas

    Marmadoc \ Marroc \ Meriadoc \ Merimac \ Merimas \ Milo \ Minto \ Moro

    Mosco \ Mungo \ Nob \ Obo \ Odo \ Odovacar \ Olo \ Orgolas \ Otho \ PaladinPerco \ Peregrin \ Pingo \ Pob \ Polo \ Ponto \ Porto \ Punto \ Posco \ ReginardRendigar \ Robin \ Rolo \ Rorimac \ Rudigar \ Rufus \ Sadoc \ Samwise \ Sancho

    Saradas \ Saradoc \ Seredic \ Sigismond \ Tobold \ Togo \ Tolma \ Tolman \ WilcomeWilibald \ Will \ Wiseman

    (Female)Adaldrida \ Adamanta \ Amaranth \ Amber \ Angelica \ Asphodel \ Belba \ Bell

    Belladonna \ Berylla \ Buercup \ Camellia \ Celandine \ Chica \ ChrysoprasiaColumbine \ Coral \ Daisy \ Diamond \ Donnamira \ Dora \ Eglanne \ Elanor

    Esmerelda \ Garnet \ Gilly \ Goldilocks \ Hanna \ Hilda \ Holly \ Hyacinth \ Iris \ Ivy

    Laurel \ Lavender \ Lilac \ Lily \ Linda \ Lobelia \ Malva \ Marigold \ Marjoram \ MayMelilot \ Menegilda \ Mentha \ Mimosa \ Mirabella Myrtle \ Opal \ Pansy \ Pearl

    Peony \ Peridot \ Pervinca \ Pimpernel \ Poppy \ Primrose \ Primula \ Prisca \ RosaRosamunda \ Rose \ Rowan \ Ruby \ Saron \ Salvia \ Tansy \ Tanta \ Valerian


    And though your people have hadlile fame in the legends of the great,they will now have more renown thanany wide realms that are no more.


    Here do I swear fealty and service toGondor, and to the Lord and Steward

    of the realm, to speak and to be silent,to do and to let be, to come and to go,in need or plenty, in peace or war, inliving or dying, from this hourhenceforth, unl my lord release me,or death take me, or the world end. Sosay I, Peregrin son of Paladin of theShire of the Halings. -Pippin

    May I lay the sword of Meriadoc ofthe Shire on your lap, Thoden King?Receive my service, if you will!


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    (Male)Acbald \ Acbeorn \ Acgr \ Acgrim \ ActreoAldgrim \ Aldraeg \ Aldtreo \ Baldac \ BaracBarald \ Barfara \ Bargr \ Bargrim \ BarhelmBarhere \ Barhyrde \ Barmd \ BarmundBarwine \ Bearugrim \ Brermd \ Grimbar

    Heorot \ Iwald \ Iwgr \ Iwtreo \ Raegac

    Raegwine \ Sceotan \ Treomd \ Treowine

    (Female)Acwyn \ Barhild \ Barwyn \ Bearuwyn \ BrerwynRaegwyn \ Treowyn


    (Male)Alwis \ Asabiarn \ Bard \ Biarn \ Bondi \ BoothBrand \ Brander \ Dag \ Delling \ Einar \ EricErland \ Farman \ Gus \ Gustaw \ Hakon \ HallamHalstein \ Halward \ Hamar \ Harald \ Holgeir

    Ingemar \ Ingar Iwar \ Kell \ Knut \ Lif \ Lunt

    Odell \ Olaf \ Ranulf \ Ric \ Roald \ Rutland \ SigurdSkip \ Sg \ Storr \ Sutherland \ Swain \ TateThor \ Thorald Thorburn \ Tor \ Tore \ Torwald

    (Female)Asta \ Astrid \ Brenda \ Dagmar \ Dagna \ EricaGerda \ Gudrun \ Gunnhild \ Helga \ Hulda \ IngaIngaberg \ Ingaborg \ Inge \ Inger Ingrid \ KeldaLiw \ Raghild \ Ronalda \ Run \ Signy\ Sigrid \ Sigrun

    Solweig \ Thora \ Thorberta \ Thordis \ Walda

    Eothraim \ Eotheod \ Rohirrim

    (Male)Aldor \ Baldor \ Baldred \ Bregdan \ Brego \ Brya \ Ceorl \ DorDorbrand \ Dorgar \ Dorhelm \ Dormund \ Dorthain \ DorwineDernfara \ Derngar \ Dernhelm \ Dernwine \ Dnhere \ ElelmElfwine \ adig \ admd \ oblod \ ogar \ ohere \ oheort

    omer \ omd \ omund \ orl \ oman \ orcanstan \ ored

    othain \ owine \ Erkenbrand \ Fasthelm \ Fastred \ Fengel \ FolcaFolcred \ Folcwine \ Fram \ Fra \ Fralf \ Frawine \ Freca \ FrumgarFulgar \ Fulgrim \ Fulor \ Fulthain \ Glmd \ Gamling \ Grbald \ GrulfGrwine \ Globeam \ Glomer \ Glomund \ Glothain \ GlowineGoldwine \ Gram \ Grma \ Grimbold \ Guthbrand \ Guthlf \ GuthmerGuthmund \ Guthred\ Haleth \ Hma \ Helm\ Hostor \ HerefaraHerubrand \ Herumer \ Herumund \ Heruthain \ Heruwine \ HoldredHoldwine\ Horn \ Lod \ Lofa \ Lofara \ Lofred \ Lofwine \ Lonere

    Thengel \ Thoden \ Thodred \ Walda \ Wdfara \ Wulf(Female)

    Dorhild \ Dorwyn \ Dernhild \ Dernwyn \ Elild \ Elfwyn \ ohildowyn \ Glowyn \ Guthwyn \ Holdwyn \ Heruwyn \ Hild \ LofwyThodwyn


    (Male)Anar \ Balin \ Beli \ Bifur \ Blin \ Bofur \ Bombur \ Borin \ BurinDin \ Dori \ Durin \ Dwalin \ Farin \ Fli \ Fli \ Frr \ Frerin

    Frr \ Fundin \ Gimli \ Ginar \ Glin \ Grin \ Grr \ Hanar \ KliLfar \ Lni \ Narvi \ Nin \ Nli \ Nr \ Ni \ Nori \ in \ nar

    ri \ Pri \ Regin \ Thorin \ Thrin \ Thrr \ Vidar

    (Female)Ds \ Hn \ Kna \ Mr


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    Aegnor \ Aerandir \ Alphanor \ Amras \ Anglas \ AngrodAnnael \ Aredhel \ Arminas \ Beleg \ Beleganor \ BeleghirBelegon \ Belegorn \ Calanaglar \ Calangil \ CalanhirCalanlas \ Calanlr \ Calanon \ Calanros \ Caranlas

    Caranmr \ Caranthir \ Carmagor \ Carmenel \ CelebithilCeleborn \ Celebrimdor \ Celebrond \ Celegorm \ Crdan

    Cthalion \ Daeron \ Dagorhir \ Durandir \ EdrahilElenr \ Elernil \ Elladan \ Elrohir \ Elrond \ ElrosElthoniel \ El \ Ereinion \ Erestor \ Estelmr \ EstelonFanor \ Fincalan \ Fingalanor \ Fingalithil \ Fingon \ FinrodFirithlr \ Firithros \ Fuinlr \ Galdagor \ Galdor \ GalionGalithil \ Galmr \ Gelmi \ Gil-galad \ Glincalen \ GlorcalanGlorestel \ Glorndel \ Guilin \ Gwindor \ Haldir \ HirimladHthlas \ Ithilas \ Ithilorn \ Ithiluin \ Lascalan \ LegolasLinaith \ Lincalan \ Lindir \ Linhir \ Lrestel \ Lrthoron

    Mablung \ Maedhros \ Maeglin \ Maglor \ MalanorMalcalan \ Menelr \ Nauros \ Orgalad \ OrodrethOrophin \ Orthalion \ Pelethanor \ Pelethorn \ Saeros

    (Female)Arwen \ Berthiel \ Calanmr \ Caranloth \ Carwen \ CeleberethCelebran \ Celebrindal \ Elbereth \ Eltathar \ Elwen \ ElwingFimlas \ Finduilas \ Fingalanor \ Fingalithil \ Galadriel \ Hithriel \ IdrilIthilbereth \ Ithiloth \ Linwen \ Lrbereth \ Lrloth \ Lrwen

    Lothbereth \ Lothmr \ Lothwen \ Luinloth \ Luinmr \ LthienMalbereth \ Meneloth \ Mrithil \ Mrwen \ Narloth \ Nauriel

    Nimloth \ Nimrodel \ Orbereth



    Adrahil \ Alpharan \ Amlaith \ Anborn \ Angbor \ AradorAraglar \ Araglas \ Aragorn \ Aragost \ Arahad \ ArahaelAralas \ Aranarth \ Arannel \ Aranor \ Aranuir \ AraphantAraphor \ Arassuil \ Arathorn \ Araval \ Aravir \ Aravorn

    Arestel \ Argeleb \ Argonui \ Arvedui \ Arvegil \ ArvelegBaranor \ Belecthor \ Beleg \ Beleganor \ Belegon \ Beleghir

    Belegorn \ Beregond \ Beren \ Bergil \ Boromir \ CalanaglarCalanhir \ Celepharn \ Cirion \ Dagorhir \ DamrodDenethor \ Derun \ Dervorin \ Drhael \ Duilin \ DuinhirEcthelion \ Egalmoth \ Eldacar \ Eradan \ Faramir \ FindegilFinduilas \ Forlong \ Golasgil \ Halbarad \ Hallas \ HirgonHirluin \ Hrin \ Ingold \ Iorlas \ Mablung \ MalbethMalvegil \ Orodreth \ Orthalion \ Pelethanor \ ThorondirThorongil \ Turgon


    Arbereth \ Calanmr \ Caranloth \ Gilraen \ Ioreth \ IthilothIvorwen \ Lrloth \ Lothbereth \ Lothriel \ Lothwen \ LuinlothLuinmr \ Meneloth \ Mrithil \ Mrwen \ Morwen \ NarlothOrbereth


    Bern \ Beran \ Beranald \ Beranbold \ Berangr \ BerangrimBeranhame \ Beranhelm \ Beranhere \ Beranmd \ Beranmund

    Beranor \ Beranwine \ Grim \ Grimald \ Grimbeorn \ Grimbold

    Grimfast \ Grimgr \ Grimhelm \ Grimhere \ Grimwine

    (Female)Beornhild \ Beornwyn \ Beranhild \ Beranwyn \ GrimfaraGrimhild \ Grimwyn


  • 8/21/2019 Ar Agon Altfont


    After the flooding of Nmenor as a consequence to the wild ambition of Ar-Pharazn, andthe defeat of Sauron during the War of the Last Alliance, the Valar have decided to cut

    short any direct intervention in Middle-Earth.

    A millennium has already passed in this Third Age, and the first signs of the return of athreatening shadow dawn in various places of Middle-Earth. Its at this precise momentthat five Emissaries go ashore at the Grey Havens with the mission to unite the FreePeoples against this new threat. They will form, with the last of the High Elves blessedfrom the Aman Kingdom, the White Council, aiming to unite Heroes from the Free

    Peoples and inspire them the courage to fight against the shadows.

    Its up to you to form a Fellowship of Heroes under the aegisof the White Council, at the table of which, with the

    Emissaries of the Free Peoples, you will decide of the bestway to confront the threat of the dark forces.