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TUGAS PEMROGRAMAN KOMPUTER (TEKUK KOLOM) Di kerjakan oleh Wanda Nugraha I0109104 Alfi Noor Rokhman I0110012 Hanif Yuniarta I0110051 Nadiya Ramadhani Putri I0110082

tekuk kolom - puput

Oct 14, 2014



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Page 1: tekuk kolom - puput




Di kerjakan oleh

Wanda Nugraha I0109104

Alfi Noor Rokhman I0110012

Hanif Yuniarta I0110051

Nadiya Ramadhani Putri I0110082





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1. Algoritma Program Tekuk Kolom

a. Algoritma cara hitung langsung

1. Memulai

Menjalankan program

2. Memilih perletakan

Membaca data pilihan yang telah dimasukkan:

2.1 sendi - sendi

2.2 sendi – jepit

2.3 jepit – jepit

2.4 jepit - bebas

3. Memilih penampang

3.1 penampang T

3.2 penampang L

4. Memilih jenis bahan penampang

4.1 bahan baja = 120000 mpa

4.2 bahan alumunium = 200000 mpa

4.3 bahan beton = 20000 mpa

4.4 bahan lainnya (memasukan data sendiri)

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5. Memilih panjang batang


6. Memasukan nilai dimensi a,b,c,d (milimeter)

a b

c a


d c d

7. Tampilkan hasil perhitungan

7.1 Ix kanan-kiri

7.2 Iy atas – bawah

7.3 Pmax

7.4 P diperbolehkan

8. Selesai

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p p p p

Pkritis= π2. E . IL2 Pkritis= π2. E . I

0,5 L2 Pkritis= π2. E . I0.699 L2 Pkritis

π2 . E . I2 L2

Sendi-Sendi Jepit-Jepit Jepit-Sendi Jepit-Bebas

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Input : Memilih perltakan ; bentuk penampang ( L , T ) ; jenis penampang (baja,alumunium,beton,dll) ; panjang bentang batang ; dan memasukan nilai

Pilih 1 perletakan dari 4 perletakan

Sendi-sendi jepit-jepit Sendi-jepit jepit-bebas

Tampilkan hasil Perhitungan

Pilih bentuk penampang

Pilih Jenis penampang (alumunium,baja,beton,dll

Masukan panjang bentang

Masukan Nilai dimensi (a,b,c)


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Program Selamat datang :


Perletakan sendi - sendi

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Perletakan jepit-jepit

Perletakan sendi - jepit

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Perletakan Jepit - bebas

Materi Program tekuk kolom

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Form selamat datang

Private Sub Command1_Click() Form1.Show frmSelamatDatang.HideEnd Sub

Form materi

Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me Form1.ShowEnd Sub

Form pemilihan

Private Sub cmnJepit2_Click() frmJepit2.Show

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End Sub

Private Sub cmnJepitBebas_Click()frmJepitBebas.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnSendi2_Click() frmSendi2.Show End Sub

Private Sub cmnSendiJepit_Click() frmSendiJepit.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() frmHasil.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditFont_Click() With dlgCommon.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts.ShowFontcmnSendi2.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnSendi2.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnSendi2.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnSendi2.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnJepit2.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnJepit2.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnJepit2.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnJepit2.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnSendiJepit.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnSendiJepit.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnSendiJepit.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnSendiJepit.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnJepitBebas.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnJepitBebas.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnJepitBebas.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnJepitBebas.Font.Size = .FontSizeCommand1.Font.Name = .FontNameCommand1.Font.Bold = .FontBoldCommand1.Font.Italic = .FontItalicCommand1.Font.Size = .FontSizelblJudul.Font.Name = .FontNamelblJudul.Font.Bold = .FontBoldlblJudul.Font.Italic = .FontItalicEnd WithEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuEdtWarnaFrame_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowColor Frame1.BackColor = .Color End WithEnd Sub

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Private Sub mnuEdtWarnaFont_Click() With dlgCommon.ShowColorcmnSendi2.BackColor = .ColorcmnJepit2.BackColor = .ColorcmnSendiJepit.BackColor = .ColorcmnJepitBebas.BackColor = .ColorCommand1.BackColor = .ColorlblJudul.ForeColor = .Color

End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuEdtWarnaImage_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowColor Picture1.BackColor = .Color Shape2.FillColor = .Color End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click() keluar = MsgBox("Are y0u Sure to eXit fr0m thiS pR0graM?", vbYesNo, "Exit") If keluar = vbYes Then frmSelamatDatang.Hide Form1.Hide Unload Me Else Form1.Show End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowSave End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpAbout_Click() frmAbout.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpLisensi_Click() Form2.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpMateri_Click() Materi.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknJepit2_Click() frmJepit2.Show

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Form1.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknJepitB_Click() frmJepitBebas.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSendi2.Hide End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknSendi2_Click() frmSendi2.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSelamatDatang.Hide End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknSendiJepit_Click() frmSendiJepit.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSendi2.HideEnd Sub

Form lisensi

Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me Form1.ShowEnd Sub

Form about

Private Sub Command1_Click() frmAbout.HideEnd Sub

Form jepit – jepit

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L")

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End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text)

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b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((0.5 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas

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i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((0.5 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update

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txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change()

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txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True

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If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form jepit – bebas

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L") End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False

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txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan

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i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((2 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((2 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = ""

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txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmJepitBebas.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False

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Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next

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If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form sendi – sendi

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L")

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End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True frmData.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single

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L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((1 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2

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i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((1 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text

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Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmSendi2.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change()

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txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

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Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form sendi – jepit

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L") End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False

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txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2

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i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2)) If i6 > i9 Then i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i9) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax Else i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i6) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) End If i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3)) If i6 > i9 Then i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i9) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax Else i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i6) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) End If i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6)

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txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False

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optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmSendiJepit.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If

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Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else

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MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub